关键词:FDI 质量综述外商直接投资在开放型经济体的发展进程中发挥着重要作用,利用外资是开放型经济体制的重要组成部分。
FDI质量是引进和利用FDI时对用资方要求的满足程度(朱晓菁、韩福荣,2007),FDI 质量应包含FDI的本身质量和东道国FDI的利用质量两个方面,两个方面存在一定的内在逻辑关联,且有相应的评价体系和“门槛”效应。
Buckley (2004)从FDI的项目规模、产业结构及关联和区域分布等方面考察了中国FDI利用质量,认为中国利用FDI的质量不高。
1. 对中国经济的影响中国对外直接投资为中国企业提供了更广阔的市场空间和资源获取途径,有利于提高中国企业的国际竞争力。
2. 对全球经济的影响中国对外直接投资不仅推动了中国经济的发展,也对全球经济产生了重要影响。
1. 发展模式、动因和效果关于中国对外直接投资的发展模式、动因和效果的研究较为广泛。
效 率 的本 土企业 , 提 高能 源 和资 源 的利 用 效率 , 并 从 而有 助于减 少东道 国污染 排放 。J 其次 , 国公 司更 _。 。 跨
成立 , 在 时 问和空 间上 可 能 受 到 一 些 结 构 条 件 变 其 化 的影 响 , 结果 可 能是 环 境 问题 随着 时 间 的 推 移 日渐 恶化 , 即使 收入 水平 一直 上 升 , 不会 发 生绝 对 也 意 义上 的改 善 。 这 就使 后 来 的研 究 存 在 两 种 截 然
的推动作用。弥补 了我国国内建设资金 的不足 , 逐
步成 为 我 国经济 增长 日益 重要 的 资本来 源 和产 出来
源。但不容忽视的是 , 随着我国经济的快速增长 , 环 境 质量 的下 降 与环 保 压力 的剧 增 , 中外 商直 接 投 其
资对 我 国环 境质 量 的影 响更 是 成 为 了焦 点话 题 , 引 起 了激烈 争论 : 续 不 断 的 大 量 引进 外 资到 底 是 改 持
按照这种观点 , 外商直接投资引致的经济增长
在 初 始 阶段 会 导 致 环境 污 染 加 重 的 问题 。例 如 , 在
工业化 的初期对于生产能力水平 的上升 , 与清洁 的 外商直接投资对环境的规模效应是指 当外商直
接投资时 , 东道 国流入 或增加投 资导 致该 国生产 规 在 模 扩大和经 济收入提 高的 同时 , 当地 自然 环境质 量 对 所造成 的各种影 响。通 常认 为 ,D 会促 进东 道 国经 FI
环境的指标 , 研究结果 : 水环境中硝酸盐含量以及一 些重金属 ( 诸如铅 、 砷 、 铬、 汞等) 与经济发展水平呈 倒 u形 曲线 , 条 曲线 常被 称 为 环境 库 兹 涅 茨 曲线 这 ( n i n e t u nt C re 简称 E C) [ E v o m n l ze uv , r aK s K 。1 _
赤松要(Kaname Akamatsu)在20世纪30年代提出了“雁行模式”(Flying-Geee Paradigm)。
我国利用外商直接投资大体上可以分为四个阶段,第一阶段:1979~1986年即萌芽起步阶段;第二阶段:1987~1991年即稳步发展阶段;第三阶段:1992~ 1995年即高速发展阶段;第四阶段:1996年至今即平稳发展阶段(李义福,2009)。
外商直接投资与环境质量关系研究综述田锦锦;辛晴【摘要】对国内外关于外商直接投资与环境质量相关的文献进行系统梳理,并从FDI对环境的规模效应、技术效应、结构效应和政策效应四个角度系统总结了FDI 对资金流入地区的环境影响;同时找出已有研究的相同点和存在的分歧,并提出了未来FDI与环境资源关系的研究还需要在模型设定和研究方法方面予以改进。
%Based on domestic and overseas literature of foreign direct investment and environmental quality,this paper summarizes the effect on environmental quality in capital loss region from the view of scale effect,technology effect,structure effect and policy effect.It points out the similarities and differences that have investigated and finally puts forward the research method of the relationship between foreign direct investment and environmental quality in the future.【期刊名称】《山东青年政治学院学报》【年(卷),期】2011(000)004【总页数】5页(P117-121)【关键词】外商直接投资;环境质量;效应【作者】田锦锦;辛晴【作者单位】山东财政学院,山东济南250014;山东财政学院,山东济南250014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F830.59改革开放以来,外商对我国的直接投资规模不断扩大。
本文档包括改专题的:外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and standard of living in NigeriaAkinmulegun, Sunday Ojo.Journal of Applied Finance and Banking (2012),2(3): 295-309. AbstractThe subject of interrelationship that exists between foreign direct investment (FDI) and standard of living has been an issue of both theoretical and empirical investigations. This study, thus examined the relationship between foreign direct investment and standard of living measured by per capita income (PCI) in Nigeria over 1986 - 2009 period using time series data. The study employed Vector Auto regression (V AR) model because of the fact that the variables are integrated of different orders in their Unit Root Tests.Test involving Impulse Response Analysis and Variance Decomposition reveal that the relationship between FDI and standard of living is insignificant. Thus, the past values of FDI could be used to predict the future behavior of standard of living in Nigeria only to a lesser extent.Thus, the policy implications underscore the need for institutional and macroeconomic policy framework that would redirect steps in making FDI to contribute positively to the standard of living in Nigeria by channeling the available FDI into industrial, productive sector of the economy.JEL classification numbers: F3, I3, D3, C3Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Standard of Living, Per Capital Income, Vector Autoregression Model(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)1 IntroductionForeign direct investment (FDI) can be defined as "investment made to acquire lasting interest in enterprises operating outside of the economy of the investor" (Mosima, 2003). Thus, it is not only a transfer of ownership from domestic to foreign residents but also a mechanism that makes it possible for foreign investors to exercisemanagement and control over host country's firms (Hill, 2004; Sandey, 2003). Accordingly,"when a corporation or an individual decides to move from its countrydomain; crossing international border(s) to establish a new production capacity in such a nation, and/or join a domestic enterprise or a host national to form a corporation, whether or not the corporation has formerly being in existence, in the course of a national establishing a new corporation/enterprise not existing in its country-domain; such that the control and management lies in the hands of the foreign national, such an investment is called foreign direct investment (FDI) and hitherto manifests as such" (Akinmulegun, 2011)Among others, Feldstein (2000) opined that profits generated by FDI contribute to corporate tax revenue in the host country. In addition, if the foreign affiliate decides to reinvest the proceeds into the domestic system, it will be an additional advantage to economic growth in the host nation with the attendant impact any structural change exerts on standard of living of individual citizenry. Although, the theoretical literature on this is clear and straightforward (Findlay, 1978; Romer, 1994), however, the evidence in empirical studies is still divided. This gap needs to be filled.This study therefore aims at examining the impact of FDI on the life standards of Nigerian citizens. Thus, the major hypothesis to be tested is; Ho: foreign direct investment in Nigeria has no significant relationship with the people's standard of living.2 Literature Review2.1 Conceptual LiteratureOne of the major dramatic changes in the world economy over the past three decades as evidence in the super flows of institutions is the surge in the FDI across national borders (Mimiko, 2010). This is so to the extent that scholars all over the ages have argued in favour of FDI as a catalyst for economic growth and living standards in the host nation. That, the wide externalities in respect of technology transfer, the development of human capital and enhancement of domestic productive capacities attested to the beneficial effects of FDI cannot be overemphasized (Bende-Nabende,2002; Feldstein, 2000; Chantal and Patrick, 2005; Alfaro and Charlton, 2007; Mottaleb, 2007; Ayanwale, 2007; Maertens and Swinnen, 2008). The growth effects of FDI and subsequent multiplier impact on living standards in the host country in terms of productivity gains, managerial skills and know-how in the domestic market, employee training, international networks and markets account for its preference as evident in the literature (Findlay, 1978; Caves, 1996; UNCTAD, 1999; Carkovic and Levine, 2002).However, it is sometimes feared whether FDI contributes to the broader aspect of growth and the distribution of income in the host economy. For growth potentials of FDI to manifest, the distribution and redistribution of income as a central factor in determining the impact of growth on living standards cannot be overemphasized. This presupposes a linkage between growth and poverty level of an economy. Thus empirical evidence on the relationship between growth and poverty has shown that higher growth is usually associated with reduction in poverty (Ravallion and Chen, 1997; Dollar and Kraay, 2002; Ravallion and Datt, 2002; Besley and Burgess, 2003; Kraay, 2006; Ashley, 2008). This further presupposes equitable living standard.2.2 Empirical LiteratureThat economic theory univocally predicts a positive and directional impact of FDI on standard of living is a subject of intensive examination as empirical evidence is mixed. There seems to be no doubt that there is a strong correlation between FDI and standard of living. This has been argued from the economic growth potentials of FDI (Hayami, 2001; Mottaleb, 2007; Crespo and Fontura, 2007).Measured in terms of domestic productivity, Adams (2004) found from his regression analysis that FDI is not harmful to sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Thus, contributing to the living standard of its citizenry. All these predict a greater positive impact of FDI on living standards of the host country.However, empirical evidence casts doubts on the relationship that exist between FDI and standard of living. This spurred the idea behind this research work at investigating the relationship using a dynamic approach as specified below.3 MethodologyThe methodological approach used in this study follows the works of Selvanathan and Selvanathan (2008) as captured in the growth model, which depicts a realistic relationship between two variables of output and capital stock as in Solow (1956) given as;Yit= α0+αi+μ i+βXit+εit (1)In line with the above theoretical framework therefore, this relationship between FDI and standard of living measured by PCI is presented in a simple model as follows: PCI=f(FDI) (2)wherePCI = per capita income (a measure of standard of living)FDI = foreign direct investmentThe apriori expectation is that;...To avoid spurious regression as suggested by Gujarati and Porter (2009), a stationary test (unit root test) will be conducted to determine the time series properties of the variables and to know whether a condition for long-run equilibrium relationship among them is met.Thus, it is required that variables in a model should be integrated of the same order to meet the condition for long-run equilibrium relationship known as cointegration.If this condition is not met, a better option for estimation as suggested by Gujarati and Porter (2009) and Greene (2003) is the Vector Autoregression (V AR). Hence, this study prefers the V AR model which is specified mathematically asYt=AtYt-1+...+ApTt-p+βtXtεt (3)where t Y is a k vector of endogenous variables (PCI and FDI), t X is a vector of exogenous variables. At ,....Ap and β are matrices of coefficient to be estimated and εt is a vector of innovation.The V AR is commonly used for forecasting system of interrelated time series and for analyzing the dynamic impact of random disturbances on the system of variables. It sidesteps the need for structural modeling by modeling every endogenous variable in the system as a function of the lagged values of all the endogenous variables in theThe V AR form of the model above is given as (4) (5)where β1j and β2j are matrices of coefficient to be estimated and β1t is a vector of innovation, j=1,2,...,k . This is the lag length of each variable. The choice of lag length for this study is made using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).Once the V AR is estimated, a further analysis in terms of Variance Decomposition and Impulse Response will be conducted. Impulse Response Analysis traces the effects of a shock to an endogenous variable on the variables in the V AR. By contrast, variance decomposition decomposes variation in an endogenous variable into the component shocks to the endogenous variable in the V AR. This gives information about the relative importance of each random innovation to the variables in the V AR.The study thus uses time series data on per capita income (PCI) and foreign direct investment (FDI) collected for 1986 ¡V 2009 period. Data were gathered notably through secondary sources. Results of both Impulse Response functions and Variance Decomposition are presented in the next section.4 Data Analysis4.1 Stationary Test of VariablesTable 1 above presents the results of the Philip Peron Unit root test. The table enables us to determine the time series properties of each variable, and know whether a condition for long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables is met.Note: The Null hypothesis is that the series is non-stationary or contains a unit root. Test statistics for PP are compared with stimulated critical values from Mckinnon, testing the hypothesis at both 5% and 10% significance levels.The lag length in PP test known as test bandwidth selection is based on Newey-West. All results are obtained from E-view 7.1 econometric package.The variables are made stationary at their first difference thereby integrated of order one, denoted as I(1). Hence, the result is a clear indication that the model does not meet the condition for cointegration since all variables are integrated of differentAs suggested by Gujarati and Porter (2009) and Greene (2003); a better alternative when variables in a model are not integrated of the same order is to resort to the V AR technique and all its attached system dynamics. Hence, the use of V AR by this study is justified.4.2 Vector Autoregression ResultsTo know how much endogenous the variables are, the summary regression statistics are presented in Table 2 below.Table 2 above shows the summary of regression statistics. The table presents the level of endogeneity of the variables in the model.The degree of endogeneity of each variable is found to be very high with the high R2 and adjusted R2 of the variables. This implies that the variables are affected by each other to a larger extent.As stated earlier, the main uses of the V AR are the impulse response analysis and the variance decomposition, which show the nature and direction of the relationship among the variables.The impulse response function and the variance decomposition tables are presented in Tables 3 and 4 below.Table 3 below represents the impulse response function. The impulse response function table traces the effect of a one standard deviation shock to one of the innovations on current and future values of the endogenous variables in the V AR model.Table 4 below presents the results of the variance decomposition. The result as presented decomposes variations in an endogenous variable into the component shocks to the endogenous variables in the V AR model.The result in Tables 3 and 4 represents the impulse response function results and the variance decomposition results. The interpretation of the results is straight forward. The question is that, what happened to PCI (a proxy for standard of living) if there is one standard deviation shock to FDI. The impulse response results in Table 3 show that a one standard deviation shock to FDI impacts significantly on living standard,measured by PCI. However, the impact is positively unstable. On the other hand, a better analysis of the magnitude and direction of impact between FDI and living standard is revealed by the results of the variance decomposition in Table 4 below. The table shows that initially 73.25 percent of variations in PCI were feedback effect, but reduces drastically to 8.44 percent and 9.41 percent in the 5th and 10th periods respectively.The impact of FDI on PCI was insignificant. Less than 1 percent in the first instance. However, in the variance decomposition of FDI, the results revealed that the contribution of FDI to variations in PCI (a measure of standard of living) was about 33.12 in the first period and diminishingly reduces to a low figure of 3.39 percent in the 10th period. This highly contradicts the apriori expectation of this studyThus, the major inference that can be drawn from the findings is that FDI impacts insignificantly on living standard in Nigeria.While the feedback effect on PCI (a measure of standard of living) reduces, the impact from other exogenous variables takes over except for the FDI. These other exogenous variables according to Akinmulegun (2011) include, Current Account Balance (CAB) and Index of openness (both proxies of globalization).5 Discussions, Conclusions and Policy RecommendationsThis study adopts a country specific-data in the analysis to allow for an indepth and elaborate investigation into the impact of FDI on standard of living as it relates to an individual nation-state. The variables are affected by each other from the results of the regression statistics tests, thus; they stand to explain changes in each other. Deduced from the findings is that FDI has insignificant impact on living standard in Nigeria with FDI accounting for less than 2 percent in the variations in PCI in the first instance, and less than 10 percent in the subsequent impact decomposition of FDI. This might not be unconnected with the small proportionate share by Nigeria from the slow proportion of FDI flows to sub- Saharan Africa and the appropriation of the little flows that accrued to Nigeria. When the investment of FDI into the domestic economy is majorly on white elephant projects that have no direct impact on what goes to the pockets of individual citizenry, one would not expect anything other than the resultsabove. Chantal and Patrick (2005) argued that the sector in which a country receives FDI affects the extent to which the country could realize its potential benefits. Furthermore, the results juxtapose the findings of Adams (2009); as the political environment in Nigeria over the years and the dilapidated infrastructural facilities serve as a bane to FDI growth-potential in the nation. Where over 80 percent of the FDI flows to Nigeria goes to oil sector alone, one will not expect the effect to be on the per capita income as the majority of the benefits are channel towards unproductive service sector, thus neglecting the industrial productive sectors.The findings of this study therefore leads us to accepting our Null hypothesis that FDI in Nigeria has no significant relationship with living standard. Thus, with the bi-directional relationship between FDI and PCI, the finding is consistent with theory and empirical literature. FDI is expected to have causal influence on standard of living, such that the past values of FDI should be able to help predict future values of PCI. This is in line with the previous findings (Adams, 2004; Fosu and Magnus, 2006) and therefore satisfies the objective of examining relationship between FDI and PCI of this study, however, the relationship is insignificant. This insignificant impact of FDI on PCI corroborates Ayadi (2009).The policy implication of this is that the past values of FDI can only predict the future values of PCI to a lesser extent.It is thus recommended that;i. Government should embark on policies that would attract more FDI to the dynamic products and sectors with high-income elasticities of demand.ii. FDI should be channeled to the production of secondary products, such that FDI be made to contribute positively to the living standard of Nigeria.iii. Government should redirect steps at making FDI (more importantly, Oil FDI) to contribute positively to the PCI through a well articulated policies that will develop non-oil sectors of the economy.Acknowledgements: I wish to acknowledge the contribution of the entire academic staffof Banking and Finance Department, Adekunle Ajasin University for the successful completion of this work. In addition, the comment of Professor J.A.Oloyede and Dr. T.M. Obamuyi is appreciated.二、文献综述作为技术溢出的外商直接投资文献综述摘要目前国内外学者主要是从外商直接投资和进口贸易两个方面研究技术溢出的效应。
外商直接投资研究随着全球化进程的不断加快,外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment,FDI)在国际经济中扮演着越来越重要的角色。
FDI外商直接投资文献综述及外文文献资料本文档包括改专题的:外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献A Snapshot of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with Recent Trends WorldwideJha, Hem Chandra; Ghosh, JagannathAbstractFDI indicates net inward flows of investment to achieve a long lasting management interest operating in a nation other than the nation of the investment. FDI may be of 2 types as inward FDI and outward FDI. Foreign direct investor might take place through creating a wholly owned subsidiary or company, engaging in an equity joint venture with another organization, or through merger/acquisition of an enterprise. Organizations are considering FDI as a way to be globalised. It ensures that companies are closer to their demanded consumer market. It assists in economic development of that nation where the investment is applied and has rescued several countries facing economic down turn. Inward FDI has good effect for job creation-employment for host countries with resource transfer. If a province has huge natural resources, it makes investors invest in that country. Its population plays a vital role for pulling FDI. Major determinants of FDI are size of the host country, future growth prospects of the economy, infrastructural facility, cheap labour force etc. Again if there is high per capita income of that nation or if the people have sound spending capabilities then it will pull high FDI. In 2010 and 2009, FDI was $1,122 billion and $1,114 billion respectively. World's largest receiver of FDI is US whose total figure of FDI has been $194 billion in 2010.25% of FDI in U.Scame in 2010 from France, Japan, UK, Canada, Switzerland, Netherlands etc. China is next largest recipient of FDI. It has reached $185 billion in 2010. India is destination for FDI after China. Telecomm, electronics, construction, automobile, and computer attract most inflows. Significant sources of FDI are Mauritius, Singapore, US and UK. FDI in Europe increased in this decade. Extent of European FDI projects in 2010 topped with 14% increase reaching 3,757 FDI project announcements. UK and France remain leaders in Europe in FDI context. Promotional effort to bring FDI is the trend of every nation. Many countries liberalise their standards/economic policies to pull FDI.Credits go to the expansion in IT, communication technologies and logistics. These allow production to be close to markets utilising advantage of the particular features of several locations. Many nations offer financial benefits like cash grants, tax concessions, and emphasise on modifying the skill parameter, infrastructure and form a platform to meet the demands and expectations.Keywords: FDI, investment, inflow, US, trend, growthIntroductionForeign Direct Investment or FDI indicates the net inward flows of investment to achieve a long lasting management interest operating in a nation other than the nation of the investor. It may be in the form of equity capital, long-term capital, and short-term capital etc. It consists participation in management, sharing of man power, joint-venture, transfer of technology and skills/expertise. FDI may be of two types as inward foreign direct investment and outward foreign direct investment. These two FDIs result in a net FDI inflow which may be positive or negative. These also determine "stock of foreigndirect investment", that is the cumulative number of FDIs for a given period. Foreign direct investment does not include investment through purchase of shares. FDI is considered as an example of international factor movements.Materials and MethodsFor the purpose of in depth study the contents have been taken from relevant books, articles, journals and websites. The method used is analytical and descriptive. Both primary as well as secondary sources of information have been taken.Results and DiscussionsTypes of FDI1. Horizontal FDI : It takes place when an organisation copies its home countrybased activities in a host country at the same value stage through Foreign direct investmenty.2. Vertical FDI: It happens when an organisation goes upstream or downstream in different value chains through FDI. It also takes place when companies execute valueadding activities gradually in a vertical fashion in a host country.Methods of FDI : The foreign direct investor might take place through the following methods:By creating a wholly owned subsidiary or companyEngaging in an equity joint venture with another investor organisation.Through merger or acquisition of an enterprise.Trends of FDI : Generally FDI is propagated at developing countries as companies from advanced economies invested in other markets. US captures most of the FDI inflows. While developed countries still are considered for the largest proportion of FDI inflows. According to data, the stock and flow of FDI has raised and it is going towards developing countries,especially in the emerging economies world wide.Also many companies and organizations are now considering FDI as a way to be globalised. FDIs permits corporations to avoid government pressure on local production and cope with measures by handling trade barriers. The move also ensures that companies are closer to their demanded consumer market, especially if companies establish locallybased sales offices.Benefits of FDI : The major advantage of foreign direct investment is that it assists in the economic development of that nation where the investment is applied. This logic is more applicable for developing countries. FDI has been one major external sources of finance for maximum nations that were developing economically. It is also true that foreign direct investment has rescued several countries when they encountered economic down turn. For example, during the 1997, Asia suffered from financial crisis. The foreign direct investment made in these countries during this duration was steady yet. But other forms of cash inflows suffered a lot. Same thing happened in Latin America in the 1980s and in Mexico in 1994-95.Inward FDI has the good effect for job creation and employment for host countries. It also results in higher wages. Other benefits of FDI are resource transfer, in terms of capital and technical knowledge. In this century, FDI is used as a strategy of new market entry for investors as well as an investment strategy. FDI growth has increased at a higher rate than the level of world trade. Globalization has made thehorizons extended and corporations now treat the whole world economy as their potential market. Also FDI renders reduced cost for investors, through the coordination advantagesand it is more true for integrated supply chains. The preference for a direct investment approach is a good means of strategic control, where the head authority keeps right for technological know-how and intellectual property to be kept in-house.Determinants of FDI : If a province has huge natural resources, then it always makes investors eager to invest their money in that country. For example, Saudi Arabia has attracted foreign companies to invest in that nation to grasp the precious oil resources at their disposal. For export based FDIs, the dimensions of the host country are vital because there are scopes for bigger economies of scale. In this context, the population of corresponding nation plays a vital role for pulling foreign direct investors to that nation. In this situation, the investors are attracted by the prospects of a huge customer base. One major determinant of FDI is the size of the economy of the host country as well as the future growth prospects of the economy of that nation where the investment is to be made. It is generally presumed that if the host country own a massive market, it can develop fast from an economic context. The investors would make most of the investments in prospective country.Another factor is infrastructural facility. Examples are the status of telecommunications, road ways and railways. This factor plays a vital role for attracting the foreign direct investors into a particular country. If the infrastructural facilities are well in a country then there is a notable amount of foreign direct investment. If a nation invites overseas investors and has access to the international markets then it receives higher amounts of foreign direct investment. Some countries have reset their economic policies to cope with the needs of the overseas investors. In this case, the investor companies maintaintransparency according to the legal platforms in that place. Outsider companies should understand the implications of their investment in a particular country and adopt perfect decisions. Cheap labour force is also a vital factor for pulling foreign direct investment. The boom of BPO culture and the revolution of I.T companies in India show that availability of cheaplabor force plays vital part for attracting global direct investment.Again if there is high per capita income of citizens of that nation or if the people of that country have sound spending capabilities then it will result the excellent performances for foreign direct investors. Current status of the citizens in a province is also a determinant in pulling direct investment from global base. Countries like China etc have taken an steps in increasing the quality of their citizens. China has laid down compulsion for every Chinese citizen to have minimum nine years of education. This step has enhanced the standards of the citizens in that nation.According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, there has not been significant growth of Global FDI in 2010. In 2010 and 2009, it was $1,122 billion and $1,114 billion respectively. The amount was below the average between 2005 & 2007. The following table shows US International Direct Investment Flows:FDI in the United States : World's largest receiver of FDI is United States. The total figure of FDI in this nation has been $194 billion in 2010. More than one fourth of FDI in U.S came in 2010 from eight countries named as France, Japan, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, and Netherlands. In United States, the stock of FDI in 2008 has beenthe equivalent of near 16 percent of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP). In the same way, we can feel the benefits of FDI in America also. After 2005, more than 4000 new projects and 630,000 new jobs have been incorporated by overseas companies. This has resulted investment of about $314 billion. Overseas companies generally have a tradition of paying higher wages than local enterprises. Overseas companies give an average annual compensation of $68,000 per employee. Exports have increased through the use of multinational distribution networks in United states. Foreign direct investment has resulted 12% of all manufacturing jobs in the US. Affiliating bodies of foreign enterprises spent over $34 billion on research and development in 2006. They also support many national projects. Inward FDI has resulted in this nation higher productivity through increased capital. This has brought high living standards.FDI in China : FDI in China has raised notably in the last decade. It has reached$ 185 bill ion in 2010. After U.S, China is the next largest recipient of FDI world wide. FDI had slowed down and became one-third in 2009 because of Global Financial Crisis butd in 2010, it again got its form.FDI in India : At the beginning, the FDI has been less than $1 billion in India in year 1990. In the contrary, at present India is the most important destination for FDI after China. Telecommunication, electronics, construction activities, automobile, and computer software/ hardware are the sectors which attract most inflows. The significant sources of FDI are Mauritius, Singapore, the US and the UK. FDI in 2010 was significantly decreased from both 2008 and 2009. Foreign direct investment in 2010 reduced to approx $34 billion havingdecrease rate about 60%. Again in 2011, FDI inflow became high of $7.78 billion up from $4.4 billion having increase of 77% than previous year.WalMart, world's largest retailer has caused India to decide to allow 51% FDI in multi-brand retail as an important step. But this decision is under suspension at present due to opposition from several political levels.FDI in Europe : Foreign direct investment in Europe have been subjected an increase in foreign direct investment inflows between 2003 and 2008. In this duration, FDI increased from $30 billion to $155 billion. Russia attracted most of thiese additional investment as its inflows rose from less than $8 billion in 2003 to $70 billion in 2008. The recession collapsed FDI inflows to the Europe region. In the Europe, FDI inflows have been 50% lower in 2009 in comparison to 2008. The real estate sector, which has pulled a quarter of all FDI inflows in Europe since 2008, accounted for much of the aggregate investment fall in the region during recession. The number of European FDI projects in 2010 topped, with a 14% increase, reaching 3,757 FDI project announcements. UK and France remain leaders in Europe in FDI context. But they are losing market share in comparison to countries such as Germany, Poland, Hungary etc. FDI in Europe have been centered on services, software industry and automotive sector. These sectors have been the top most sectors having maximum numbers of FDI projects and job creation. 33% of foreign investors plan to establish their business operations in Europe in 2011 and 2012.FDI and the developing world : FDI renders import of foreign investment. Additionally it offers transfer of skills, technology, adoption of better strategy and job opportunities. All the hostcountries are benefited from foreign investment. There are significant effects of foreign direct investment on local firms in development. Foreign investment increases local productivity growth rigorously. FDI is one of the major contributors of economic development fordeveloping countries.FDI Investment : Promotional effort to bring more and more FDI is the trend of every nation. Pulling foreign direct investment has become vital for surviving in race among developed and developing countries. This race is carried on too when these countries adopt economic integration in different levels. Many countries liberalise their standards to pull FDI in a competitive manner. Home countries appreciate FDI for raising standards and welfare in their nations.So many factors are there which reinforce foreign direct investment which is access to natural resources, markets, and low-cost labor, technology transfer, good market etc. Advancement of technology permits for the variety of production into more discrete stages and break national barriers due to emergence of globalisation. The significant credits go to the expansion in information technology, advancement in communication technologies and development in logistics. These allow production to be close to markets as well as utilising advantage of the particular features of several production locations. Different nations have laid down their respective policies for inviting more foreign investment. Many nations offer financial benefits like cash grants, tax concessions, and specific subsidies. Many countries at the same time emphasise on modifying the skill parameter, infrastructure and form a platform to meet the demands and expectations of overseas investors. Also some nations target to improve the business climate ofthose lands by altering the administrative hindrances. Some governments organise state agencies in order to assist investors. Simultaneously a lot of countries have come into international governing arrangements to raise the attraction of investors for more investment.ConclusionThere should exist a sound investment climate in a country because this willbring further economic growth. Reforms that will improve labor market flexibility, strengthen property rights, simplify business regulations, and increase firms' access to finance are vital. These can increase living standards of that country and reduce poverty in that country. Economic reform is required for creating an investment-oriented climate. Reform would be fruitful because investment climate depends on that. Thus long term benefits can be brought. In this context, cost is main criterian. In this aspect, political environment is a vital determiner. Through out the world, every nation is striving to mould the climate which is suitable for more investment. So the ultimate concept is that "Proper Investment Climate is the need of the Hour".二、文献综述外商直接投资与经济增长关系综述摘要近年来,外商直接投资和经济增长之间的关系已成为学者关注的研究焦点,国内外众多学者对两者之间的关系分别从理论和实证方面进行了论证和分析。
据联合国贸发会议2008 年9 月24 日出版的《2008 年世界投资报告》显示,2007 年,中国连续16年成为发展中国家吸收外国直接投资最多的国家,共吸收外资840 亿美元,创历史新高。
其次,对浙江省行业数据的计量结果显示,浙江省FD I技术外溢的主要渠道是示范- 模仿效应和联系效应,并且竞争效应和集聚效应对技术外溢也有较大的促进作用。
道国投资环境成正 比,与东道国的政策优惠水平成反 比,是一种 “ 环境偏好型”投资。这一结论也印证了 杨建龙 的假设是基本正确 的。 ( )外资优惠政策与东道 国之间的引资博弈 三 东道国之间的引资博弈也与外资优惠政策有着密 切关系 。东道 国的博弈手段就是对投资商实行各种优 惠政策 ,降低投资商的生产 和交易费用 ,提高外商投 资的收益率 。朱延福 (03 20 )在其文章 中假设有东道 国 A和东道国 B ,两国均有两种战略可供选择 :优惠 或不优惠,因而两者 之问可形成 四种 战略组合关 系。
收稿 日期 :2Q 一 4 0 05 o — 4
在引进外资初步发展的时代, 数量扩张型外商直 接投资政策的制定和实施是与我国当时的经济发展阶 段相适应的。但随着经济发展 ,中国的经济发展 阶段 出现了质的飞跃 ,由短缺经济时代逐渐向饱和甚 至过
外资政策是东道国影响外商投 资的主要手段之一。所 以研 究外资政 策对我 国利 用外资是有重要意义 的。但 国内对于外商投资政策的研 究还较为有 限,主要集中在外资政策的建议探讨及 关于外资政策有
效性的研 究。利用外资政策 中的博弈研 究。 关键词 :外资政策 ;外商直接投资;研 究综述
中圉分类号 :F 3号:1 1 4 X I06 7 16 0 0 —18 20 )0 —09 — 3 0
中 国外 商 直接 投 资政 策 研 究综 述
谢 光 亚 .濮 蕊
( . 北京工业大学 经济管理学院,北京 102 ) 0(2 Y 摘要:我国现在 已经成为最大的投资输入 国家,如何更好的利用外资 已经成 为我 国经济发展 的一个重 要方面。外资政策是 东道 国政府干预外资活动的 目标及其工具的统称。从 外资政策的定义就可以看出
40 国内外关于对外直接投资研究综述樊瑞莉(郑州大学旅游管理学院,河南郑州450001)摘 要:产能过剩问题已经影响到中国经济转型升级和可持续发展,目前国内外关于利用国际市场化解过剩产能方面的研究尚不够深入,能否通过对外直接投资化解过剩产能成为学界关注和研究的热点。
关键词:产能过剩;对外直接投资;制度中图分类号:F125.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-3283(2016)03-0040-02 [作者简介]樊瑞莉(1978-),女,汉族,河南新乡人,博士,讲师,研究方向:产业经济与公共政策。
赤松要(Kaname Akamatsu)在20世纪30年代提出了“雁行模式”(Flying-Geee Paradigm)。
我国利用外商直接投资大体上可以分为四个阶段,第一阶段:1979~1986年即萌芽起步阶段;第二阶段:1987~1991年即稳步发展阶段;第三阶段:1992~ 1995年即高速发展阶段;第四阶段:1996年至今即平稳发展阶段(李义福,2009)。
1 国外研究现状Wilfried Lütkenhorst(1988)分析了1970-1986年发展中国家外商直接投资资金的流动结果在1976年达到顶峰值总体呈现低高低态势,资金正在逐渐撤离发展中国家,同时全球化进程的外商直接投资工业向发展中国家流动的减少,他认为发展中国家已经到了危机的边缘,而资金则多数转向发展国家。
Deepak Sethi&William Q.Judge&Qian Sun(1998)分析了外商直接投资在中国31个省份的趋势并运用其框架方法得出外商直接投资在中国不同行业变化不同,最为突出的就是房地产业并认为外商直接投资地方的吸引力有可能最终成为早期缺乏吸引力。
STèPHANE DEES(2001)从外商直接投资对东道国经济增长出发,中国之所以能够成为最大受益者。
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关键词:FDI 质量综述外商直接投资在开放型经济体的发展进程中发挥着重要作用,利用外资是开放型经济体制的重要组成部分。
Buckley(2004)从FDI的项目规模、产业结构及关联和区域分布等方面考察了中国FDI 利用质量,认为中国利用FDI的质量不高。
Kumar和Buckley 对FDI质量评价体系中忽略或简化了FDI本身的引进质量因素,而更测重于对FDI在东道国的利用质量评价,这种评价FDI质量的结果必会有一定的偏差,对东道国进行招商引资时的可借鉴性较低。
1 国内学者关于FDI本身质量评价主要围绕FDI的规模、结构、区域分布及安全四项指标构建FDI的宏观评价体系和引进FDI的技术进步、企业经营效益两项指标构建FDI的微观优化指标体系与评价标准来评价FDI本身的质量(王巾英,2001)。
当然,产业政策也会反过来影响所引进的FDI 的质量,东道国长期对FDI的税收优惠政策会导致FDI项目平均规模下降,从而导致FDI质量下降,要想确保吸引FDI 的质量就必须要加强投资软环境的改善(傅元海,2007)。
但他们的研究视角和所选择的指标参数有所不同,在FDI的引进质量方面,傅元海补充了技术和管理知识含量、研发能力、出口倾向及FDI 的到位率,在FDI的利用质量方面,傅元海在前人研究的基础上更多地考虑了FDI的研发效应、外溢效应和开放效应;张振华则是以FDI的规模、结构、技术、管理水平、科研活动、利用方式及实际到位率考察FDI的引进质量,以资本效应、经济效应、技术进步效应、环境效应等八个方面考察FDI的利用质量,并论证了在信息不对称的前提下,对外资的优惠政策会降低FDI的引进质量。
然而,本土企业吸收FDI 的技术溢出存在哪些“前提条件”及这些“前提条件”可否定量测度等问题是学术界应该重点关注的问题。
李燕,韩伯棠,张庆普(2011)认为FDI在我国技术溢出上存在显著的技术差距“双门槛”效应,技术水平落后的地区对FDI的技术溢出吸收能力非常有限,当技术水平越过“低门槛”值时对FDI的技术溢出有较强的吸收,同时FDI 溢出边际随技术水平的提高而递减,当技术水平越过“高门槛”值后,FDI的技术溢出效用又不太明显(表明技术水平较高地区的自主创新能力较强),从而论证了FDI在东道国的技术溢出效应与地区技术差异间存在着显著的非线性关系,进而纠正了“单门槛”效应而产生的“线性技术溢出效应”的错觉。