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1.---Have you watched _______film the Life of Pi(少年派的奇幻漂流)?

---Yes, and I have never seen _______wonderful film like this.

A. the; the

B. a; the

C. a; /

D. the; a

2. Pony Ma, the Chairman of Tencent Company, has made much money ________ the Internet.

A. along

B. across

C. towards

D. through

3.The president ______ a medal to him ______ his special talent.

A. offered, to

B. presented, for

C. presented, with

D. gave, because

4. --- Jim knows little English. ---________ I failed the English exam again.

A. So am I.

B. So do I.

C. Neither am I.

D. Neither do I.

5.--- Sorry, I forgot to take money with me. Maybe I can’t buy the boo k you like.

--- Mum, you _______ worry about it. We can pay by Alipay (支付宝).

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. shouldn’t

6. ---It’s said that Light Rail Transport Line 1(轻轨1号)will be built in our city soon.

--- _______ exciting news it is. It will make our life more convenient.

A. What

B. What an

C. How

D. How

7. It’s silly ____him to make _____many mistakes in the exam.

A. of ; such

B. for ;such

C. of ;so

D. for ;so

8. --- I heard that Cao Wenxuan won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize (国际安徒生奖)this year.

--- Yes, he was the first Chinese writer ________ won the prize for children’s literature.

A. who

B. whom

C. that

D. which

9. After working for ten years, my cousin became the CEO of a company ____________.

A. in his forty

B. in his forties

C. at his forties

D. at his forty

10.There will be fewer and fewer giant pandas _______ we take action to protect them.

A. if

B. unless

C. after

D. until

11. ---Which of the twins would you choose to go with you?

---_______. Allen and Roy are strong boys. But I just need one of them to help.

A. Both

B. Either

C. None

D. Neither

12. ---Why did the car hit the boy? ---Because the driver_______ on the phone at that time.

A. was talking

B. talked

C. is talking

D. has talked

13. ---The exam _______ to be harder than we thought.

---You should practise more before the exam. Remember, practice makes perfect.

A.t urned out

B. found out

C. carried out

D. put out

14 — Can you tell me___________? —Sorry, I have no idea.

A. what’s wrong with her

B. why is she so sad

C. how long has she been like this

D. where did she go just now
