
外研版三年级下册Module1 unit 2T:What’s this? Ss: It’s a catT:What colour? Ss: It’s black.T:We can say ... Ss: The cat is black.(展示复习颜色词汇并让学生表达某物是什么颜色的)T:Let’s play a game.(利用西沃白板课堂活动进行小组PK)Step3. PresentationT:How many colours can you see?Ss:Eight.(展示black、red、yellow、blue、green、orange、purple、pink,其中orange、purple、pink 为补充拓展学习单词)T:What colour do you like? S1:.......S2:......2、T:I like yellow chameleon and ducks,I have got a yellow schoolbag and I like eating bananas so my favourite colour is yellow.What’s your favourite colour?S:My favourite colour is...all.Step4. 绘本学习Watch cartoon for the first timeFollow the cartoon and readRole playStep5.ConsolidationUse your favourite colours to draw a picture and then introduce it to all.Step6. Summary.T:What did you learn this class?S1:....... S2:.......家庭作业设计No.1-Read text.No.2-Use your favourite colours to draw a picture and tell your parents.教学反思:。

外研三起三年级下册英语Module 1 Unit 2 教案教学内容:本节课主要学习外研三起三年级下册英语Module 1 Unit 2的内容,包括词汇、句型、日常用语及文化背景知识。
教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课单词和句子,并能运用所学句型描述家庭成员及职业。
2. 能力目标:学生能够在真实语境中运用英语进行简单的交流,提高英语听说能力。
3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱家庭、尊重他人的情感,增强跨文化交际意识。
教学难点:1. 学生能够正确发音本课单词,如:doctor, nurse, driver等。
2. 学生能够熟练运用句型“Who's this? He/She is my ”描述家庭成员及职业。
教具学具准备:1. 教师准备课件、录音机、磁带等教学设备。
2. 学生准备教材、练习本、彩笔等学习用品。
教学过程:1. 导入a. 教师与学生用英语进行日常交流,询问学生家庭成员及职业。
b. 学生展示课前准备的关于家庭成员的图片,与同学分享。
2. 新课展示a. 教师播放本课课件,引导学生学习词汇、句型。
b. 学生跟读单词、句子,模仿发音。
c. 教师通过游戏、角色扮演等形式,帮助学生巩固所学知识。
3. 实践活动a. 学生分组进行角色扮演,用所学句型描述家庭成员及职业。
b. 教师巡回指导,纠正发音错误,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。
b. 布置作业:抄写本课单词,用所学句型描述自己的家庭成员及职业。
板书设计:Module 1 Unit 2家庭成员及职业词汇:doctor, nurse, driver,句型:Who's this? He/She is my作业设计:1. 抄写本课单词,每个单词写5遍。
2. 用所学句型描述自己的家庭成员及职业,不少于5句话。
3. 预习下一课内容,提前了解背景知识。
最新外研版小学英语三年级下册Module1 Unit2 My favourite colour is yellow

Module1 Unit2 Myfavouritecolour is yellow.一、教学目标:1、学会26个英文字母,谈论自己最喜爱的物品。
2、全体学生能初步运用:My favourite…is…部分学生能初步运用:What’s your favourite…? Here you are.3、全体学生能理解和运用:colour, favourite4、能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。
她在询问了Sam最喜欢什么颜色后,把该颜色的彩纸发给了 Sam。
这篇课文很好地体现了”What’s your favourite…?”的语用功能:询问他人最喜欢什么物品,以便根据个人喜好分发物品。
四、教学过程Step 1: warm up1. Sing the ABC Song .2. Game.Look and do.教师让学生出示自己手中的字母卡,然后迅速按字母表的顺序排列。
Step2: Leading出示 rainbow图片, Then ask: What’s your favouritecolour?出示课题My favouritecolour is yellow.学习新词colourStep 3: New Concepts(1) Hold up some markers and choose one of them , Say: My favouritecolour is … write it on the blackboard. Have the students introduce t heir favouritecolour by using this structure. Choose three or four students , point to them, say: His\Her favouritecolour is…(2)播放活动1的动画(来自单机版网络教材), The students listen and guess the meaning of them.Then the students read them.(3)播放活动2的动画(来自单机版网络教材),学生边听边看,把不理解的词句画出来,如:Here you aye.教师板书并讲解。

【关键字】英语外研版三起小学英语三年级下册M1-3课文英汉翻译Module 1 Unit 1 It's the ABC song. 模块一第一单元字母歌。
Activity1 Listen, point and say. 活动1 听录音,指一指并说一说。
Thank you to my school. 感谢的学校!Thank you to my teachers! 感谢我的老师!Thank you to School TV! 感谢学校电视台!Activity2 Listen, point and find "a, b, c..." 活动2 听,指出与发现"a, b, c..."What's your favourite song, Ms Smart? 你最喜欢的歌是什么,斯玛特女士?It's the ABC song. 是字母歌。
A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O PQ R ST U VW X Y ZActivity3 Listen and say. Then sing. 活动3 听与说。
THE ABC SONG 字母歌A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O PQ R ST U VW X Y ZUnit 2 My favourite colour is yellow. 第二单元我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。
Activity1 Listen, point and say. 活动1:听录音,指一指并说一说What's that? 那是什么?It's my leg. 是我的腿。
What colour? 是什么颜色?Oh, it's red! 哦,是红色!Activity2 Listen and say. 活动2 听录音并说一说。
What's your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?My favourite colour is yellow. 我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。

英语三年级下册知识点归纳Module1- Module2一、重点单词1. 动物:monkey 猴子tiger 老虎 lion 狮子 an elephant 大象panda 熊猫 bear 熊(植物:tree 树)2. 形容词:big 大的 small 小的 fat 胖的 thin 瘦的 tall 高的short 矮的 favourite 特别喜爱的3.物品:toy玩具 car 小汽车 ship 轮船 doll洋娃娃 computer game电脑游戏love喜欢 every每个 letter字母 eraser橡皮擦二、重点句子1. What’syour favourite……?你最喜欢的……是什么?My favourite ……is……我最喜欢的……是……the ……它是……It’sI love every……我每个……都喜欢。
2.colour, colour问颜色; letter, letter问字母; toy ,toy问玩具song, song问歌曲。
3. What’s your/ his/ her favourite……?你/他/她最喜欢的……是什么?My/ His/ Her favourite ……is……你/他/她最喜欢的……是……your favourite song? 你最喜欢什么歌?It’st he ABC song. 是字母歌。
4. What’s5. What’s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?6. What’s your favourite letter? 你最喜欢什么字母?7. Here you are? 给你。
Thank you. 谢谢。
this/that? 这/那是什么?It’s……它是……8. (问单数) What’s9.(问复数)What are they? 它们是什么?它们是……。
They’re…….10. This monkey is small and thin. 这是一只又小又瘦的猴子。
三年级英语下册课件-Module 1 Unit2 My favourite colour is yellow31-外研版(三起)

Let’s match
Play the game. Look and do.
几位同学一组手持字母卡片站成一排,老师说“Go!”,同学们在老师 规定的时间内按照字母表顺序站好,在最短时间内完成任务的小组获胜。
Module 1
Unit 2 My favouriteead. 读一读出现的字母。
Let’s learn.
What colour is “Z”? It’s red.
colour 颜色
Listen and say. Then chant.
What’s your favourite colour? What’s your favourite colour?
I love every colour. I love every letter. Oh, it’s a yellow A. And it’s a green Z.
Doudou Shanshan Xiaoyong Xiaowei Lili
Fill, ask and answer.
--What’s your favourite colour? --My favourite colour is _y_el_l_o_w__.
Fill, ask and answer.

《英语》(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册M1教学设计《英语》(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册M2教学设计Module 2 教学设计家庭作业:1. 听录音,模仿跟读课文10分钟。
2.学唱歌曲The London Eye第三课时教学设计教材分析本模块是描述一座城市,一处景点或者是一件物品。
Unit 1 Amy向Lingling介绍了伦敦的泰晤士河、大本钟和伦敦眼。
Unit 2 的课文是Lingling通过读了伦敦的书之后,想去伦敦旅游。
课时教学目标语言知识目标:一、全体学生能运用:It’s very long. You’ll see Tower Bridge二、全体学生能理解:about, river, wide ,old, clock, wheel, round,you’ll=you will, tower, bridge, will三、全体学生能运用:about, river, old, clock部分学生能运用:wide ,old, clock,wheel, ro und, you’ll=you will,tower, bridge, will语言技能目标:一、全体学生能听懂会说:It is very long. You'll seeTower Bridge.二、全体学生能认读:about, river, wide ,old, clock部分学生能认读:wide ,old, clock,wheel, round, you’ll=you will,tower, bridge, will三、全体学生能拼写3-4个自选单词教学重点与难点重点:一、运用wide ,old, clock,wheel, round, tower, bridge 来描述一处景点或者一件物品二.用will 来描述自己或者他人的行为难点:用will 来描述自己或者他人的行为《英语》(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册M3教学设计(小学一起)三年级下册M4教学设计《英语》(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册M5教学设计《英语》(新标准)(小学一起)三年级下册M6 教学设计课时教学案学校:青岛沧口学校情感态度能体会到英语学习的乐趣任务展示并介绍自己设计的怪物板书Module 6 Unit 1 Here are his hands. head headsarm armshand handsleg leagsfoot feet教学任务学生活动教师活动设计意图I.激趣引学,循标感知II. 活动导学,自主建标一、活动热身1.听一遍说唱,学习新单词。
外研版三年级下册英语Module 1 Unit 2单元教案与反思

1.Ss watch Video 1 and get the main idea.
Ss answer the question: They are Panpan and the rabbit.
Ss answer the question: Wow, it’s red.
1.Ss review the 26 letters learnt in Unit 1.
2.Ss listen and answer T’s questions.
They are the letter N, E, W and S.
引导学生齐读本节课学习过的单词:colour、favourite和句型What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …
培养学生能运用句型“What’s your favourite s …”与他人交流彼此最喜爱的颜色。
What’s that?
It’s my leg.
What colour?
It’s red.”
T: “Now let’s role-play the dialogue. Who wants to be Panpan? Who wants to be the rabbit? ”

What colour?
Oh, it’s yellow
What colour?
Oh, it’s green
What colour?
Oh, it’s black
Listen and match
Read and match
1)What’s your favourite toy? 2)What’s your favourite song? 3)What’s your favourite colour? 4)What’s your favourite book?
A.It’s the ABC song. B.It’s my English book. C.It’s a doll. D.It’s green.
• • Interview (采访小构成员) • • ---What’s your favourite colour/food? • ---My favourite colour / food is… •
picture?(在第一幅图画中兔子旳腿是什么颜色?) 4.What colour is the rabbit’s leg in the second
picture? (在第二幅图画中兔子旳腿是什么颜色?)
What colour?
Oh, it’s red.
1.Who is doing the magic?(谁正在变魔术) A panda.(熊猫)
2.What animals can you see?(你能看到什么动物) A panda and a rabbit.(熊猫和兔子)
3.What colour is the rabbit’s leg in the first picture?(在第一幅图画中兔子旳腿是什么颜色?) White. 4.What colour is the rabbit’s leg in the second picture?(在第二幅图画中兔子旳腿是什么颜色

Module1 Unit 1 She’s very niceLook! The elephant is clever. Oh! And very naughty, too. Hello. These are my friends. This is Maomao. She’s very nice. She always helps people. But she’s a bit shy. This is Xiaoyong. He’s very clever. He can make e-cards. But he’s a bit quiet. I’ve got another friend. He’s very, very naughty. But we all like him. It’s me! Your friend Parrot. Unit 2 I’m going to help her.One and one? Two. Five and five? Ten. Ten and ten? Twenty. My name is Parrot. I’m helpful. This little girl can’t do her Maths. I’m going to help her. What’s ten plus eleven? What’s ten plus ten? Twenty. And one more? It’s twenty-one. Thank you, Parrot.Module2 Unit 1 It’s very long.This house is big, but that one is small. This tree is big, but that one is small. Look at this book. It’s about London. I’m from London. This river is very wide. And it’s very long. It’s the River Thames. This is Big Ben. It’s very tall. What is it? It’s a very old clock. And look at this big wheel. It’s very high. It’s the London Eye. Eye? Like my eyes? Yes. It’s like a big, round eye! Aah!This river is very wide. And it’s very long. This Is Big Ben. It’s very tall.Unit 2 You’ll see Tower Bridge.Hello, Kitty. Come to my house. You’ll see my new friend Little Six.I want to visit London. You’ll see Tower Bridge. It can open. And we’ll go on the London Eye. Of course we will. You’ll love London. In this park, you’ll see a wide river. It’s Green Park. This is my favourite park. In this park, you’ll see the tree.Module3 Unit 1 We’ll go to the zoo.What will you do? I’ll go to the zoo. What will you do? I’ll go to school. What will you do this weekend, Amy? We’ll go to the zoo. What will you see? We’ll see lions, tigers and pandas.Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. Will you go, too, Daming? No, I won’t. I’ll visit my grandpa in the countryside. He’s a farmer. I won’t see lions there. But I will see lots of pigs. We’ll see lions, tigers and pandas. Will Sam go, too? Yes, he will. Will you go, too, Daming? No, I won’t.Unit 2 Will we have breakfast at 7?Bob, come and have breakfast. I’m coming. Oh, no! It’s my breakfast. Mum, will we have breakfast at 7? No, we’ll have breakfast at 8. Will we have lunch at 12? No, we’ll have lunch at 1. Will we have dinner at 6? Yes, we’ll have dinner at 6. And we’ll have a tea party at 4.Will you visit your grandpa this weekend? Yes, I will. Will you ride your bike this weekend? No, I won’t.Module4 Unit 1 We’ll pick fruit.We’re fourteen. You’re four. We’re big. You’re small. This weekend, we’re going to a fruit farm. We’ll pick fruit. Great! Thanks, Mum. We’ll pick apples. But I don’t like apples.I do. What other fruit will we pick? Will we pick pears? Yes, we will. I’ll pick ten apples. I’ll pick fourteen. I’ll pick twelve pears. I’ll pick sixteen. I’ll pick eighteen. Let’s go now, Amy and Sam. Hooray! Will we pick pears? Yes, we will. I’ll pick ten apples. I’ll pick twelve pears.Unit 2 Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…Hello, Kitty! I’ve got twelve apples. Ha ha, now, you’ve got thirteen apples.Look at the peaches on these trees! Let’s count them! OK! One… thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one twenty-two… I’m afraid we can’t see all the peaches. No, we can’t. I feel tired now. Let’s go home! All right. Let’s go! How many pens? We’ll go to the fruit farm.Module5 Unit 1 Will you take your ball tomorrow?Are you going to Hong Kong this Saturday? No, I’m not. I’m going to Hong Kong this Sunday.No. you can’t. On Saturday, we’re going to have a picnic! Yes! That’s a good idea. Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? No, I won’t. Oh. Will you take your ball tomorrow? No, I won’t. Why not? Tomorrow is Friday. We’re going on Saturday! Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? No, I won’t. Will you take your ball tomorrow? No, I won’t.Unit 2 On Monday, I’ll go swimming.Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And we will have Saturday. We are on holiday next week. What will you do, Shanshan? On Monday, I’ll go swimming. On Tuesday, I’ll play with my friends. On Wednesday, I’ll go to the park. On Thursday, I’ll do my homework. On Friday, I’ll visit my grandma. On Saturday, I’ll help my mother. On Sunday, I’ll read my books.Module6 Unit 1 Here are his hands.One hand, two hands, clap, clap, clap. One foot, two feet, stamp, stamp, stamp. Hello,children, Today we are going to draw a picture on the computer. What shall we draw? Let’s draw a monster! Good idea. Let’s draw a monster on the computer. Now watch… Here is this head. And here is his body. Here are his arms. Six arms! Six arms! Here are his hands. Ten hands! Ten hands! Here are his leg and his foot. One leg! One foot! All right. Let’s have a look. The monster has got one head, ten hands, six arms, one leg, one foot and one body. Here are his arms. Here are his hands. Here is his leg. Here is his foot.Unit 2 There is a small monster.There is a nose on your face. There are two eyes on your face. There is a mouth on your face. They are all on your face. This is our poster. There is a small monster. And there are two big monsters. There are twenty-four hands. There are fifteen arms. There are six legs and six feet.Module7 Unit 1 Are there many children in your class?Are there any monkeys here? No, there aren’t. Amy, can I ask you a question? Of course you can. Are there many children in your class? Yes, there are forty-one. How many boys? There are twenty boys. So there are twenty-one girls. Yes. You are right. Are there many children in a class in the UK? No, there aren’t. There are about twenty. So we’re got more friends in China! Are there many children in your class? Yes, there are forty-one. Are there many children in a class in the UK? No, there aren’t. There are about twenty.Unit 2 How many apples are there in the box?How many monkeys are there? One, two, three… twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six. There are twenty-six. How many apples are there in the box? There are twenty-six. How many pears are there in the box? There are thirteen. No, there are thirty.Module8 Unit 1 He works hard.Kitty is lazy. I’m not lazy. No, you’re not lazy. You’re very lazy. It’s Parents’ Day today. We’re going to speak to your teacher. Great! Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isn’t. He works hard. He isn’t lazy. That’s good. And he’s a clever boy, too. His work is good. I’m happy with that. Thank you, Ms Smart. Daming, Ms Smart is very happy with you work. Oh, good! Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isn’t. His work is good. I’M happy with that. Thank you.Unit 2 She’s quite good at English.I like English. I like Maths. I like PE and Chinese. I like Science. I like Art. I will work really hard. We’re got Lingling’s report. What does it say? She’s very good at Maths. She’s quite good at English. She tries hard at Science. She runs fast in PE. She’s very good at Chinese. But she doesn’t work hard at Art.Module 9 Unit 1 They were very young.Oh look! It's beautiful! And it was also beautiful then. Who are they, Lingling? They are my grandparents. They were very young then! Yes. But they are very old now. Is that you, Lingling? Yes, it's me. How old were you? I was two. Your hair was very short then. Yes, now it's long. Aah. You were very cute! And I was naughty, too.Ha ha... They were very young then! Yes. But they are very old now. Your hair was very short then. Yes, now it's long.Unit 2 He was in Hong KongHello, Dad. I'm in London now. And I was in Beijing yesterday. Dear Lucy, In the holidays, Mum and Amy weren't in Beijing. They were in London with my grandparents. Dad wasn't in London. He was in Hong Kong. And me? I was in Beijing. I was with Daming at his home yesterday. It was fun! Love, Sam.Module 10 Unit 1 Were you on the second floor?Hello. Were you in Beijing yesterday? No, I wasn't. I was in London yesterday. I was in London, too. Were you? Hi! I'm worried. I can't find Daming! We were on the first floor. Was Daming there? No, he wasn't. Were you on the second floor? Yes, we were. And Daming was there! I remember! Thank you. I'll go to the second floor now. Daming, come here! I was very worried. Sorry, Mum. This CD is for you! Happy Mother's Day! Oh, thank you. Was Daming there? No, he wasn't. Were you on the second floor? Yes, we were. And Daming was there!Unit 2 It was there.Where's my fish? It was here yesterday. Where are the vegetables? I don't know. They were here last Sunday. Where is the fruit? It was there. And where is the milk? It was there, too. Oh! Where are they now? Let's go and find them!。

Module1- Module2一、重点单词 1. 动物:monkey 猴子tiger 老虎lion 狮子elephant 大象panda 熊猫2. 形容词:big 大的small 小的fat 胖的thin 瘦的tall 高的short 矮的favourite 最喜爱的二、重点句子 1. What’s your favourite song? 你最喜欢什么歌?It’s the ABC song. 是字母歌。
2. What’s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?It’s yellow. 是黄色。
3. Here you are? 给你。
Thank you. 谢谢。
4. What’s this? 这是什么?It’s an elephant. 它是一头大象。
5. What are they? 它们是什么?They’re monkeys. 它们是猴子。
6. This monkey is small and thin. 这只猴子又小又瘦。
7. That monkey is big and fat. 那只猴子又大又胖。
8. That man is tall and thin. 那个人又高又瘦。
9. My favourite colour is yellow。
Module3-Module4一、重点单词 1. 运动:football 足球basketball 篮球table tennis 乒乓球riding my bike 骑自行车morning exercises 早操swimming游泳skipping跳绳2. 食物:meat 肉rice 米饭fish 鱼noodles 面条milk 牛奶 3. 水果:apple 苹果pear 梨banana 香蕉orange 橘子 4. 家庭:dad 爸爸mum 妈妈father 父亲mother 母亲brother兄弟sister 姐妹二、重点句子 1. What do you like? 你喜欢什么?I like football. 我喜欢足球。
外研三下Module 1 Unit 2 课件

What colour are they/the grapes? They’re green.
拓展: 询问多个物品颜色的句型结构及答语: — What colour + are + 主语? — They’re+ 颜色单词.
What colour?
It’s red.
What colour?
They’re red.
“Here you are.”时,
你要礼貌地回一句: “Thank you./ Thanks.”
Listen and say. Then chant.
What’s your favourite colour? What’s your favourite letter?
I love every colour. I love every letter. Oh, it’s a yellow A. And it’s a green Z.
拓展: 询问双方都知道的物品颜色的句型结构及答语: — What colour? — It’s + 颜色单词./They’re + 颜色单词.
Listen and say.
What’s your favourite colour?
My favourite colour is yellow.
Here you are. Thank you.
1. 熟记本节课所学的单词、短语和句型,必 须会听、说、读、写。
2. 将Listen,point and say.朗读流利。
What’s your favourite colour?
It’s yellow.
What’s your favourite colour?

Hale Waihona Puke 2 Listen and say. 听录音并说一说。 My name's Parrot. 我叫鹦鹉. I'm helpful. 我对别人有帮助.
This little girl can't do her Maths. 这个小女孩 不会算术了.
I'm going to help her. 我去帮助她。
Unit 2 I'm going to help her 第2单元 我去帮助 她
1 Listen, point and say. 听录音,指一指并说一 说。
One and one? 1+1等于?
Two. 2。 Five and five? 5+5等于?
Ten. 10。 Ten and ten? 10+10等于?
What's ten plus eleven? 十加十一是多少? What's ten plus ten? 十加十是多少? Twenty. 二十。 And one more? 再加上一呢? It's twenty-one. 二十一。
Thank you,Parrot. 谢谢,鹦鹉。 4 Listen and say. Then chant. 听录音并说一说,
This little boy is nice. 这个小男孩很好。 And this little boy will cry. 这个小男孩要哭。
This little boy is naughty. 这个小男孩非常调皮。 And this little boy is shy. 这个小男孩很害羞。
This little boy is nice. 这个小男孩很好。 And this little boy will cry. 这个小男孩要哭。

A: Have you got......? B: Yes, I have. A: Have you got......? B: Yes, I have. A: What have you got? B: ...... A: What colour is it? B: ......
Have you got schoolthings? Yes ,l have.
a dog
I have got a dog. 有
a cat
I have got a cat.
a mouse
I don't like mouse.
a frog
I have got a frog.
a hamster
I am a hamster. I like eating.
主讲人:刘惠 学 校:南燕竹镇中心学校
1.能听懂,正确认读,规范书写单词 bird, fish, frog, mouse, cat, dog, hamster, rabbit 并理解单词的意思。 2.能学会唱歌谣 Have you got a pet?
Warming up
have got : 有 I have got: 我有
dog hamster
mouse rabbit
frog cat
Have you got a pet? Yes ,l have.
Have you got a pet? Yes ,l have.
What have you got ? A cat and a dogog
三年级英语下册课件-Module 1 Unit 1 (2)-外研版(三起)

1. Listen and repeat 2. Draw letter cards
每人做一套26字母卡片,字母卡大小为:长10厘米,宽8厘米。要 求大小写一起,根据自己的喜好涂上喜欢的颜色。
3. Letter turn turn turn
Module 1 Unit 1
It's the ABC song.
Sing songs(歌曲串烧)
Say and point(小老师 我来当) Sharp eyes(火眼金睛)
Sing and point (动动手指亮 亮喉咙)
Match game(对对碰)
Group work (团队PK赛)
favourite 最喜爱的 favourite teacher favourite animal
song 歌曲 song-s song It's my favourite song.
What's your favourite song? It’s the ABC song.
Thank you!
Listen ans circle (尖耳朵)
Listen and say, then sing(欢 乐唱唱唱)
Free talk
What's your favourite song? It's _____.