《魔戒》英语介绍 PPT


魔戒 英文 ppt

魔戒 英文 ppt

Race: Orcs
Characteristics: Boeotian timid borrowing power to do evil
愚笨的 胆小的 狐假虎威 正义的
Adventure Experience: created by Saruman help Saruman to fight just army
Minas Tirith 米那斯提利斯
The lair of Suaron and his Army
Here lies an active volcano Suaron and his army lost the power Disappeared in a big earthquack with their dark lair
Galadriel凯兰崔儿 罗斯洛立安领主夫人
Race: Maiar The White Wizard Characteristics: wicked Snob Cynical sold his soul to Sauron
Adventure Experience: Once defeated Sauron with Galadriel Then allied with Sauron To get more power, he created Orcs to fight for him
Lead 主角 objective目的
Introduction of the story
A magic ring Middle Earth A small Hobbit Destroy the ring
The ring Most powerful weapon in Middle Earth Created by Sauron Sauron was the only holder of the ring The ring can enchanted the holder of it ,and made them indulge in power .


A city of Elves' Located in a valley Surounded by trees
and flowers. An imaginary world
A meeting is held
The capital city of the whole human country Prepared to fight against the Dark Army Gondor won the battle
Hobbiton Weathertop
Mordor Gondor
The hometown of Frodo Hardly anyone knows about Always the quiet and peaceful paradise
Reach the agreement
The lair of Suaron and his Army Here lies an active volcano
Suaron and his army lost the power Disappeared in a big earthquack with their dark lair
lead the human to defeat Sauron successfully
Story Review
1、Justice will prevail over evilness 2、Team work is better than product of each 3、Aways hold to your conviction 4、Even an ordinary person can change the world



Daughter of Steven Tyler of the band Aerosmith and Bebe Buell, former model (and Playboy Playmate of the Month) and stalwart of the backstage rock scene of the 1970s, Liv grew up thinking that rock star Todd Rundgren was her father. But as she was growing up Tyler began dropping by to visit, and Liv noticed that his daughter Mia looked enough like her to be her twin. She confronted her mother, and was told the truth; by the time she was 12, she had taken her father's name. At 14, she and her mother left Portland, Maine, for New York, where she got her start as a model. A year was enough of the modeling grind, and she decided to become an actress.
This documentary treats movie, special effect and fantasy fans to a behnd-the-scenes look at the making of The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson's blockbuster threefilm adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic work of fiction about the battle to save Middle Earth from the power of Sauron, and the quest that must be undertaken by a single small hobbit. Includes interviews with director Jackson, stars Ian McKellen and Elijah Wood, and the rest of the cast and crew who share some of the experiences they had in making the film, as well as discuss the massive effort that went into making the myths and monsters of Middle Earth a reality .



Thank you.
Race: Hobbit
Characteristics: short and small;mild nature effeminate
Adventure Experience: Against the dark army Take the ring to Mordor to destroy it
Race: Human
Characteristics: brave royal and tough unbending spirit
Adventure Experience: He should have been the king of human but he was declared an undesirable one and deport. After the battle of Minas Tirith ,he won people‘s honor in the White city
➢A city of Elves' ➢Located in a valley ➢Surounded by trees
and flowers. ➢An imaginary world
➢A meeting is held
➢The capital city of the whole human country ➢Prepared to fight against the Dark Army ➢Gondor won the battle
➢Reach the agreement
➢The lair of Suaron and his Army ➢Here lies an active volcano



精 灵 (

为了与邪恶抗战 以保卫和平,5 位巫师被派往中 土世界,他们虽 然长相如年老的 人类,但他们却 非常的强壮。他 们法力无边,使 用法棒来施展法 力。每位巫师穿 着不同颜色的法 袍以代表不同的 级别。白色为最 高级别,灰色次 之。有正有2邪4 。
博罗米尔(Boromir): 刚铎摄政王迪耐瑟长子,死于强兽人箭 下。
比尔博·巴金斯 (Bilbo Baggins)
曾是魔戒持有者、留下魔 戒给佛罗多继承。探险家、 诗人、作家。
咕噜姆(Gollum):曾是霍比特人的一名平民,曾是魔戒持有者。捡 到魔戒被其力量吸引而堕落,对人充满不信任。之后魔戒被比尔博 带走,因此在后来找上了佛罗多的魔戒远征队旅程,并一路俟机想 抢回认为是属于他的魔戒。(其眼红面对魔戒的台词“my precious!(我 的宝贝!)”也变成名句)
林谷的精灵公主 暮星,埃尔隆德 之女,后来嫁给 阿拉贡,放弃了 精灵的永生,成 为人类。

魔戒 英文 ppt

魔戒 英文 ppt

The ring Most powerful weapon
in Middle Earth Created by Sauron
Sauron was the only holder of the ring
The ring can enchanted the holder of it ,and made them indulge in power .
dead once,then became the White Wizard can confront Saruman
lead the human to defeat Sauron successfully
Race: Elves
Characteristics: Smart beautiful careful helpful good partner
help Aragorn beat Sauron
易怒的 忠诚的 勇士
狡猾的 人格分裂
Race: Hobbit
Characteristics: Tricky Split personality
Adventure Experience: the old holder of the ring
lead Frodo the way to Mordor by purpose
Enchant蛊惑 indulge沉迷
It was made from lava in Mount Doom
And only the lava in Mount Doom can destroy the ring
Sauron dead once,but he poured his soul into the ring. So he can relive.



which was encouraged by
his parents. They would all
bring him to plays, those
by William Shakespeare, in
Daughter of Steven Tyler of the
Born in New York to a Danish
father and an American mother,
Mortensen spent the early part
of his childhood in Manhattan.
His family traveled a great
deer and painter.
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.



简单剧情: • 在古老的中世纪,弗罗多在忠实的伙伴山 姆、梅利和皮聘的陪伴下,踏上了毁灭魔 戒的征程。途中在游侠阿拉贡、人类战士 博罗米尔、精灵女王以及精灵莱古拉斯、 矮人金利和巫师甘道夫等正义力量的保护 和帮助,弗罗多他们的魔戒远征队才一次 次地化险为夷。
• 电影大致依循小说的主线故事,但也加入了一些 新元素及一些偏离原著的情节。尽管关于魔戒的 故事仅是中土神话的一小部分,且影片较大幅度 简化了原著剧情,但影片仍还原了磅礴而史诗的 中土世界。 • 影片拍摄共耗时七年,影片长度12小时6分钟。 • 影片共获国际奖项351项,提名635项(IMDB统 计),包括11项奥斯卡金像奖,同时《指环王: 王者归来》也与《宾虚》及《泰坦尼克号》并列 成为了奥斯卡影史上获奖最多的影片。
•甘道夫说服佛罗多将 魔戒护送到精灵王国, 佛罗多在好朋友山姆、 皮平和梅利的陪同下, 历经艰难,终于到达 了精灵王国。
• 然而精灵族不愿意保管这个邪恶的至尊魔戒,中土 各国代表开会讨论,达成意见,准备将至尊魔戒送 到末日山脉的烈焰中彻底销毁,佛罗多挺身而出接 受了这个任务。 • 这次,陪伴他的除了三个好朋友,还有甘道夫、阿 拉贡、精灵莱戈拉斯、人类博罗米尔、矮人金利。
• 《魔戒》在Waterstones书店和第四频道合办的票 选活动中被选为20世纪之书,被亚马逊书店票选 为两千年以来最重要的书。已被翻译成超过60种 语言(《霍比特人》也已被翻译成超过64种语 言),也衍生出艺术插图、音乐、电影、电视、 广播剧和电玩游戏等不同作品。
• 又名《指环王:魔戒现身 》 • 比尔博在他111岁的生日宴会上决定把魔戒留给 侄子佛罗多。灰袍巫师甘道夫知道至尊魔戒的 秘密,而此时黑暗魔君索伦索伦正准备以大军 夺取魔戒,并且征服全世界。



photographer and painter.
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.
years living in Venezuela,
Argentina and Denmark. He
began acting in New York,
studying with Warren
Robertson. He appeared in
several plays and movies, and
the coal mining town of
Wigan. It was in this small
town that young Ian rode



Elijah Jordan Wood was born on January 28, 1981, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Warren and Debbie Wood. He has an older brother Zack and a younger sister Hannah Wood. Elijah owns two dogs, Rascal and Levonne. At an early age Elijah showed a knack for entertaining and wowing audiences, and his mother decided to take him to Los Angeles for an Annual International Modeling and Talent Association convention.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Born in New York to a Danish father and an American mother, Mortensen spent the early part of his childhood in Manhattan. His family traveled a great deal and he spent several years living in Venezuela, Argentina and Denmark. He began acting in New York, studying with Warren Robertson. He appeared in several plays and movies, and eventually moved to Los Angeles, where his performance in "Bent" at the Coast Playhouse earned him a Drama-logue Critic's Award. Mortensen is also an accomplished poet, photographer and painter.



魔戒又称指环王(The Lord of the Rings),是英国作家约翰·罗纳德·鲁埃尔·托尔金的史诗奇幻小说,最初在1954年至1955年之间出版,是托尔金早期作品《霍比特人》(The Hobbit)的续作,在内容的深度和广度上都得到了扩展,目前已被翻译成38种语言。


《魔戒》(The Lord Of The Rings又译《指环王》)是英国作家约翰•罗纳德•鲁埃尔•托尔金的史诗奇幻小说,是现代正统奇幻文学小说的开山鼻祖,也引发了龙与地下城类型(Dungeons&Dragons)游戏和文学的兴盛。







Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli discover Merry and Pippin's trail.
The trio are confronted by Gandalf, reborn as Gandalf the White.
Faramir has the Hobbits taken to the war-torn Osgiliath, where they are attacked by Orcs led by a Nazgûl. The Nazgûl is defeated and flees.
Faramir, understanding the danger of the Ring, frees the Hobbits and sends them on their journey, joined by Gollum.
At that same moment, Gollum vows to reclaim the Ring by having "her" kill Frodo and Sam.
In Rohan Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli pursue the Uruk-hai who have taken Merry and Pippin prisoner.
Meanwhile Théoden's nephew Éomer whose army later ambush and kill the Uruk-hai holding Merry and Pippin.
Frodo and Samwise continue their journey to Mordor to destroy the One Ring .



魔戒Ⅲ The return of the king
King Theoden is too proud to send his men to help without being asked, so Gandalf and Pippin ride to Minas Tirith to see that this request is sent. They meet opposition there from Denethor, steward of the city and father of Faramir and the late Boromir. Denethor's family has acted as temporary guardians of Gondor for centuries until a member of the true line of kings returns. This member is none other than Aragorn, who must overcome his own self-doubt before he can take on the role he was destined to fulfill.
The lord of the
Welcome to see !
The lord of the rings
The brief introduction of plot The characters Classic Lines impression of view
Introduction of plot
魔戒Ⅰ The Fellowship of the Ring
An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small Hobbit named Frodo. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must make an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it! However he does not go alone. He is joined by Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Aragorn, Boromir and his three Hobbit friends Merry, Pippin and Samwise. Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and danger at every corner the Fellowship of the Ring must go. Their quest to destroy the One Ring is the only hope for the end of the Dark Lords reign!


就算你太年轻,不明白为什么,但是 我想我明白了,佛罗多先生。我现在明 白了。这些故事里的主角有很多机会放 弃,但是他们并没有。他们决定勇往直 前,因为他们抱着一种信念。
山姆:这世上一定存在着美好的东西, 佛罗多先生,值得我们奋战到底。
故事讲述主角哈比人佛罗多巴金斯从他的堂 伯比尔博手上得到魔戒,比尔博的好朋友巫
《 魔 戒 现 身
魔 戒 三 部 曲
爱隆召集了各方的代表加入爱隆会议,并商 、
讨如何处理魔戒,并告知所有人,若魔戒重 《
回魔王索伦手中,中土(中洲)将会灭亡。 双
最后由刚铎的亚拉冈、幽暗密林)的莱戈拉 塔
斯、巫师甘道夫、莫利亚的金雳、刚铎的波 奇
罗莫、夏尔的霍比特人佛罗多、山姆、皮聘 及梅利,组成《魔戒远征队》。目的是将魔 戒带到黑暗的魔多内,索伦制造魔戒的地 方—末日火山,将其消灭。兵 》 、 《 王 Nhomakorabea者

努曼诺尔人、刚铎国系嫡 系传人,埃西铎第三十九 代嫡亲子孙,小时候(2 岁时)父亲(亚拉松)被敌 人杀害,被母亲带到瑞文 戴尔请求精灵王爱隆的庇 护,并被取名为爱斯泰尔 (Estel),辛达林语中 希望的意思。20岁时爱上 精灵公主亚玟。魔多瓦解 后,成为刚铎和亚尔诺国 王并同时迎娶亚玟。
战中赴法参战,后因病回国。曾在里兹 大学、牛津大学任教,1959年退休。托 尔金的著作不多,1937年出版《霍比特 人》,其后又耗时16年完成了魔幻小说 巨著《魔戒三部曲》,获得极大的成功。 1973年9月托尔金去世,与妻子合葬在牛 津北郊的一个公墓里。



Orlando Bloom was in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.
Born in New York to a Danish father and an American mother, Mortensen spent the early part of his childhood in Manhattan. His family traveled a great deal and he spent several years living in Venezuela, Argentina and Denmark. He began acting in New York, studying with Warren Robertson. He appeared in several plays and movies, and eventually moved to Los Angeles, where his performance in "Bent" at the Coast Playhouse earned him a Drama-logue Critic's Award. Mortensen is also an accomplished poet, photographer and painter.



The Lord Of The RingsOne of the most famous fantasy stories of the twentieth century is the trilogy THE Lord Of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien. All three parts ofthe story have been made into very successful films. The story takes place in a world called Middle Earth. Humans are only one of the creatures who exist at this time. There are also elves, tall beautiful creatures who have magical powers and never die. There are hobbits, who are like small humans and live in holes in hills. There are also dwarves, who are similar to small, ugly men and live deep in the mountains.其中最著名的幻想故事二十世纪的三部曲《指环王》由jrR托尔金。







In The Lord Of The Rings, a wicked wizard called Sauron, who has great magical powers, has created nine rings. Any creature who possesses one of these rings has great power. But Sauron has created one ring-the Ring-that can control all of these rings. The person who has this ring controls the whole of Middle Earth.在《魔戒》,一个邪恶的巫师叫索隆,谁有伟大的神奇的力量,创造了九个戒指。



Main characters
Main characters
Aragorn, descendant of Isildur and rightful heir to the thrones of Arnor and Gondor.
Main characters
Legolas, an elf prince, who aids Frodo and the Fellowship. Son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood and friend of the dwarf Gimli.
Main characters
Gimli, son of Glóin, a dwarf included in the Fellowship.
Treebeard, an Ent(树人), who rescues Meriadoc and Pippin from orcs and who helps to turn the tide (扭转局势)of battle.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, CBE(英帝国二等勋位爵士) (3 January 1892 – 2 September 1973)was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic high fantasy (主流奇幻)works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. Tolkien was Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University from 1925 to 1945 and Merton Professor of English Language and Literature there from 1945 to 1959.He was a close friend of C. S. Lewis—they were both members of the informal literary discussion group known as the Inklings(一群对文学报有共同爱好的朋友聚 会). Tolkien was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth II os
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Elijah Jordan Wood was born on January 28, 1981, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Warren and Debbie Wood. He has an older brother Zack and a younger sister Hannah Wood. Elijah owns two dogs, Rascal and Levonne. At an early age Elijah showed a knack for entertaining and wowing audiences, and his mother decided to take him to Los Angeles for an Annual International Modeling and Talent Association convention.
the coal mining town of
Wigan. It was in this small
town that young Ian rode
out World War II. He soon
developed a fascination
with acting and the theater,
she was growing up Tyler began
dropping by to visit, and Liv noticed
that his daughter Mia looked
enough like her to be her twin. She
confronted her mother, and was
told the truth; by the time she was
12, she had taken her father's
name. At 14, she and her mother
left Portland, Maine, for New York,
where she got her start as a model.
Born in New York to a Danish
father and an American mother,
Mortensen spent the early part
of his childhood in Manhattan.
His family traveled a great
deal and he spent several
former model (and Playboy
Playmate of the Month) and
stalwart of the backstage rock
scene of the 1970s, Liv grew up
thinking that rock star Todd
Rundgren was her father. But as
On May 25th, 1939, in the
town of Burnley in northern
England, Ian Murray
McKellen was born. His
parents, Denis and
Margery, soon moved with
Ian and his sister Jean to
photographer and painter.
Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.
years living in Venezuela,
Argentina and Denmark. He
began acting in New York,
studying with Warren
Robertson. He appeared in
several plays and movies, and
eventually moved to Los
Angeles, where his
performanceቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱin "Bent" at the
Coast Playhouse earned him a
Drama-logue Critic's Award.
Mortensen is also an
accomplished poet,
A year was enough of the modeling
grind, and she decided to become
an actress.
which was encouraged by
his parents. They would all
bring him to plays, those
by William Shakespeare, in
Daughter of Steven Tyler of the
band Aerosmith and Bebe Buell,
This documentary treats movie, special effect and fantasy fans to a behnd-the-scenes look at the making of The Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson's blockbuster threefilm adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic work of fiction about the battle to save Middle Earth from the power of Sauron, and the quest that must be undertaken by a single small hobbit. Includes interviews with director Jackson, stars Ian McKellen and Elijah Wood, and the rest of the cast and crew who share some of the experiences they had in making the film, as well as discuss the massive effort that went into making the myths and monsters of Middle Earth a reality.