CCNA题库V104.2 补充新题 64Q(题库改版后新题目)
答案:D 注释:这个题目不是太严谨,应该加上子网掩码. A:224. 0. 0. 5 是多播地址 B: 127. 0.0. 0 保留作为测试使用 C:网络地址 26、 设置主接口由 up 转 down 后延迟 30 秒切换到备份接口,主 接口 由 down 转 up 后 60 秒钟切换回主接口的配置为()
答案:D 注释:255. 255. 255. 255 是全网广播,DHCP 客户端发送全网广播来 查 找 DHCP 服务器. 24、 下而有关 NAT 叙述正确的是() (A) NAT 是英文“地址转换”的缩写,又称地址翻译 (B) XAT 用来实现私有地址与公用网络地址之间的转换 (C) 当内部网络的主机访问外部网络的时候,一定不需要 NAT (D) 地址转换的提出为解决 IP 地址紧张的问题提供了一个有效途 径 答案:ABD 25、 以下属于正确的主机的 IP 地址的是()
(A) arp-a (B) traceroute (C) routeprint (D) displayiprouting-table
答案:D 23、 D0. 0. 0 (B) 10. 0. 0. 1 (0127. 0. 0. 1 (D)255. 255. 255. 255
192. 168. 1. 1
答案:D 注释:PC 的'默认网关要指向路由器的以太网口的 IP 地址. 28、 ISDNB 信道速率是()
(A) 16kbps (B) 64kbps
Cisco CCNA 认证考试最新真题
Cisco CCNA 认证考试最新真题体验1. The command frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast was entered on the router. Which of the following statements is true concerning this command?A.This command should be executed from the global configuration mode.B.The IP address is the local router port used to forward data.C.102 is the remote DLCI that will receive the information.D.The broadcast option allows packets, such as RIP updates, to be forwarded across the PVC2. While troubleshooting a network connectivity problem, a technician observes steady link lights on both the workstation NIC and the switch port to which the workstation is connected. However, when the ping command is issued from the workstation, the output message "Request timed out." is displayed. At which layer of the OSI model does the problem most likely exist?A.the session layerB.the network layerC.the data link layerD.the access layer3. In order to allow the establishment of a Telnet session with a router, which set of commands must be configured?A.router(config)# line console 0router(config-line)# enable password ciscoB.router(config)# line console 0router(config-line)# enable secret ciscorouter(config-line)# loginC.router(config)# line console 0router(config-line)# password ciscorouter(config-line)# loginD.router(config)# line vty 0router(config-line)# password cisco router(config-line)# login4. On point-to-point networks, OSPF hello packets are addressed to which address?A. What should be part of a comprehensive network security plan?A.Allow users to develop their own approach to network security.B.Physically secure network equipment from potential access by unauthorized individualsC.Encourage users to use personal information in their passwords to minimize the likelihood of passwords being forgottenD.Delay deployment of software patches and updates until their effect on end-user equipment is well known and widely reported6. During startup, the router displays the following error message:boot: cannot open "flash:" What will the router do next?A.Because of damaged flash memory, the router will fail the POST.B.It will attempt to locate the IOS from a TFTP server. If this fails, it will initiate the setup dialogC.It will attempt to locate the IOS from a TFTP server. If this fails, it will load a limited IOS from ROM.D.It will attempt to locate the configuration file from a TFTP server. If this fails, it will initiate the setup dialog7. At which OSI layer is a logical path created between two host systems?A.sessionB.transportworkD.physical8. A routing protocol is required that supports:1) routing update authentication2) an addressing scheme that conserves IP addresses3) multiple vendors4) a network with over 50 routersWhich routing protocol fulfills these requirements?A.RIPv1B.RIPv2C.EIGRPD.OSPF9. When a new trunk is configured on a 2950 switch, which VLANs by default are allowed over the trunk link? VLANsB.all VLANsC.only VLANs 1 - 6D.only the VLANs that are specified when creating the trunk10. Which protocol provides a method of sharing VLAN configuration information between switches?A.VTPB.STPC.ISLD.802.1QDBDCB CCDBA博主的更多文章>>CCNA第一学期《Final Examination》2009-02-27 08:58:47 标签:CCNA[推送到技术圈]1请参见图示。
其中前24位(3B)称为OUI(Organizationally Unique Idebtifier,组织唯一表示符),有IEEE分配给NIC制造商;余下的部分呢唯一地标识了NIC识别十进制数对应的二进制值和十六进制值。
CCNA认证试题一(附答案和解析)中文版一) 认证试题一(附答案和解析)中文版(一CCNA1 2019-09-30 15:49:59 阅读139 评论0 字号:大中小订阅1、目前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN 标准是基于()的以太网标准. (A) IEEE 802.1 (B) IEEE 802.2 (C) IEEE 802.3 (D) IEEE 802.5 答案:C 参考知识点:现有标准:IEEE 802.1 局域网协议高层IEEE 802.2 逻辑链路控制IEEE 802.3 以太网IEEE 802.4 令牌总线IEEE 802.5 令牌环IEEE 802.8 FDDI IEEE 802.11 无线局域网记住IEEE802.1-------IEEE802.5 的定义以太网是一种计算机局域网组网技术IEEE 制定的IEEE 802.3 标准给出了以太。
它很大程度上取代了其他局域网标准,如令牌环、FDDI 和ARCNET。
以太网的标准拓扑结构为总线型拓扑,但目前的快速以太网(100BASE-T、1000BASE-T 标准)为了最大程度的减少冲突,最大程度的提高网络速度和使用效率,使用交换机(Switch)来进行网络连接和组织,这样,以太网的拓扑结构就成了星型,但在逻辑上,以太网仍然使用总线型拓扑的C***A/CD 介质访问控制方法。
电气电子工程师协会或IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)是一个国际性的电子技术与信息科学工程师的协会。
建会于1963 年1 月1 日。
在150 多个国家中它拥有300 多个地方分会。
目前会员数是36 万。
专业上它有35 个专业学会和两个联合会。
IEEE 发表多种杂志,学报,书籍和每年组织300 多次专业会议。
CCNA认证试题一(附答案和解析)中文版(一)1、目前,我国应用最为广泛的LAN标准是基于()的以太网标准.(A) IEEE 802.1(B) IEEE 802.2(C) IEEE 802.3(D) IEEE 802.5答案:C参考知识点:现有标准:IEEE 802.1 局域网协议高层IEEE 802.2 逻辑链路控制IEEE 802.3 以太网IEEE 802.4 令牌总线IEEE 802.5 令牌环IEEE 802.8 FDDIIEEE 802.11 无线局域网记住IEEE802.1-------IEEE802.5的定义以太网是一种计算机局域网组网技术。
IEEE制定的IEEE 802.3标准给出了以太网的技术标准。
电气电子工程师协会或IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)是一个国际性的电子技术及信息科学工程师的协会。
下面列出:IEEE802.3以太网标准802.3--------- 10Base以太网标准802.3u-------- 100Base-T(快速以太网)802.3z-------- 1000Base-X(光纤吉比特以太网)802.3ab-------- 1000Base-T(双绞线吉比特以太网)2、对于这样一个地址,,下列说法正确的是: ()(A) 这是一个广播地址(B) 这是一个网络地址(C) 这是一个私有地址(D) 地址在192.168.19.0网段上(E) 地址在192.168.16.0网段上(F) 这是一个公有地址答案:CE注:IP地址中关键是看她的主机位,将子网掩码划为二进制,1对应上面的地址是网络位,0对应的地址是主机位192.168.19.255/20划为二进制为:11000000.10101000.00010011.1111111111111111.11111111.11110000.00000000主机位变成全0表示这个IP的网络地址主机槐涑扇?表示这个IP的广播地址RFC1918文件规定了保留作为局域网使用的私有地址: - prefix) - (1 72.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)3、Quidway系列路由器在执行数据包转发时,下列哪些项没有发生变化(假定没有使用地址转换技术)?()(A) 源端口号(B) 目的端口号(C) 源网络地址(D) 目的网络地址(E) 源MAC地址(F) 目的MAC地址答案:ABCD参考知识点:路由功能就是指选择一条从源网络到目的网络的路径,并进行数据包的转发。
培训大讲堂官方YY 频道:3660mCCNA题库考试代号: 640-802考试时间:英文110+30=140分钟通过分数: 825题库版本: V104.4鸿鹄论坛招募CCNA、CCNP答疑讲师答疑地点:鸿鹄官方YY频道3660鸿鹄大讲堂:bbs.hh010./thread-46172-1-1.htmlCCNA题库战报交流QQ群:144288127 (500人超级群)CCNA题库战报交流区: bbs.hh010./forum-261-1.html1000 G视频教程免费下载:bbs.hh010./forum-228-1.htmlCCNA(640-802)题库V104.4CCNA(640-802)题库V104.4(情人节版)CCNA 题库战报500人超级QQ群 144288127V104系列是官方的终结版本,以后不会再出V105 V106 V108等等CCNA 最新题库/最新战报发布区: bbs.hh010./forum-261-1.html下载官方正版题库、看最新考试战报,请随时关注鸿鹄论坛 bbs.hh010.CCNA考试报名1900,详情请联系鸿鹄全国区十七名客服 QQ 71202306========================================更新容:V104.1修正V104中错误题目,确定经典争议题目答案;V104.2增加拖图题并可完美模拟考试,VCE题库增加中文注释;V104.3针对思科CCNA考试变题,更新考试新增题目93Q,更新V104.2实验题;V104.4增加全文中文注释,汇总V104.3九次更新,删除部分旧题目,为目前最新官方正版题库;2011.8.1 增加每日新题,修订部分错误。
2012.2.14 情人节版增加5道新题,分别是519、520、521、522、523题修改176题、375题、443题、482题答案错误修改59题、88题、453题、107题、270题注释错误增加个别疑难拖图题注释,优化实验题=============================================QUESTION 1When you are logged into a switch, which prompt indicates that you are in privileged mode?(当您登录到交换机,哪种提示表明你在特权模式?)A. %B.C. >D. $E. #Answer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExplanation/Reference:特权模式就是#提示符QUESTION 2Which command shows system hardware and software version information?(哪些命令显示系统硬件和软件的版本信息?)A. show configurationB. show environmentC. show inventoryD. show platformE. show versionAnswer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExplanation/Reference:查看系统的软件和硬件信息使用的命令是show versionQUESTION 3Cisco Catalyst switches CAT1 and CAT2 have a connection between them using ports FA0/13. An 802. 1Q trunk is configured between the two switches. On CAT1, VLAN 10 is chosen as native, but on CAT2 the native VLAN is not specified.What will happen in this scenario?(思科 Catalyst 交换机 CAT1 和 CAT2 有它们之间的连接使用端口FA0/13。
ccna考试题库最新版CCNA(Cisco Certified Network Associate)认证是全球范围内最受欢迎的网络工程师认证之一,具备CCNA认证可以证明一个人在建立、规划、运行、安装和配置中等规模的局域网和广域网方面的专业知识。
第一部分:网络基础知识1. 什么是OSI七层模型?简要介绍每一层的功能。
2. TCP和UDP之间有哪些区别?请分别举例说明。
3. 什么是IP地址?IP地址的类型有哪些?请列举并简要介绍各自的特点。
4. 什么是子网掩码?为什么在网络中使用子网掩码?5. 简述常见的网络设备有哪些,以及各自的功能与作用。
第二部分:路由和交换技术1. 路由器和交换机之间有何区别?请进行比较并指出各自的优势和劣势。
2. 什么是VLAN?VLAN的作用及在网络中的应用场景是什么?3. OSPF和EIGRP是两种常见的路由协议,请比较它们的特点并举例说明。
4. 请解释静态路由和动态路由的概念以及在网络中的应用。
5. 交换机在网络中扮演什么角色?交换机的MAC地址表是如何工作的?第三部分:网络安全和管理1. 网络安全的重要性是什么?请列举几种常见的网络安全威胁并介绍应对策略。
2. 什么是ACL(访问控制列表)?ACL的作用是什么?请给出一个ACL的配置示例。
3. VPN是什么?VPN的工作原理及在企业网络中的应用。
4. SNMP是网络管理中常用的协议,它的作用是什么?请解释SNMP中的几个重要概念。
5. 如何保护无线网络的安全?请列举几种方法。
第四部分:WAN技术1. 什么是WAN?WAN的主要特点是什么?2. PPP协议和HDLC协议分别是什么?请比较它们的异同。
3. 什么是Frame Relay?Frame Relay的工作原理及在WAN中的应用。
4. 请解释T1和E1的概念,以及它们在传输速率和应用方面的差异。
●在 ISO 的 OSI 模型中,提供流量控制功能的层是__(1)__;提供建立、维护和拆除端到端连接的层是__(2)__。
为数据分组提供在网络中路由功能的是__(3)__;传输层提供__(4)__的数据传送;为网络层实体提供数据发送和接收功能和过程的是___(5)__ 。
(1):A.1、2、3 层(2):A.物理层(3):A.物理层(4):A.主机之间(5):A.物理层B.2、3、4 层B.数据链路层B.数据链路层B.网络之间B.数据链路层C.3、4、5 层C.会话层C.网络层C.数据链路之间C.网络层D.4、5、6 层D.传输层D.传输层D.物理键路之间D.传输层●TCP/IP是Internet 采用的协议标准,它是一个协议系列,由多个不同层次的协议共同组成,用于将各种计算机和设备组成实际的计算机网络。
TCP/IP 协议系统分成四个层次,分别是网络接口层、网络层、传输层与应用层。
__(32)__是与 IP 协议同层的协议,更确切的说是工作在 IP 协议之上,又不属于传输层的协议,可用于 Internet 上的路由器报告差错或提供有关意外情况的信息。
CCNA(640-802)题库V104.4(2012.11.11)Exam AQUESTION 1When you are logged into a switch, which prompt indicates that you are in privileged mode?A. %B. @C. >D. $E. #Answer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExplanation/Reference:当你登陆一台交换机的时候,登陆到特权模式时,怎么显示的?考点分析:登入交换机,进去用户模式是使用>作为提示符,进入特权模式是使用#号提示符.QUESTION 2Which command shows system hardware and software version information?A. show configurationB. show environmentC. show inventoryD. show platformE. show versionAnswer: ESection: Chapter 4: Introduction to Cisco IOSExplanation/Reference:那一条命令显示系统的硬件和软件版本信息?考点分析:这道题考的是show version这个基本的命令的作用。
show version此命令的作用能显示系统的硬件和软件版本信息。
QUESTION 3Cisco Catalyst switches CA T1 and CA T2 have a connection between them using ports FA0/13. An 802. 1Q trunk is configured between the two switches. On CA T1, VLAN 10 is chosen as native, but on CA T2 the native VLAN is not specified.What will happen in this scenario?A. 802.1Q giants frames could saturate the link.B. VLAN 10 on CA T1 and VLAN 1 on CA T2 will send untagged frames.C. A native VLAN mismatch error message will appear.D. VLAN 10 on CA T1 and VLAN 1 on CA T2 will send tagged frames.Answer: CSection: Chapter 10: VLANExplanation/Reference:交换机CA T1和CA T2通过F0/13端口连接,交换机之间封装是的802.1q,在VLAN10中本征VLAN被修改成了VLAN10,在CA T2上没有指定。
CCNA (640-802)题题V104.4Number: 640-802Passing Score: 825Time Limit: 120 min File Version: 104.4CCNA (640-802)题题V104.4(2012.10.24)CCNA 题题题题500人人人QQ 群 65330887CCNA 最最题题/最最题题 发发发: /forum-261-1.html下下官官官官题题、看最最看看题题,请请请请请 鸿鸿鸿鸿 CCNA 看看题考1900,详详请详详鸿鸿详详发详详考详详 QQ 712023090-712023106[详详全全] 题考报报CCNA 看看,送报报送送送送看送 /thread-153631-1-1.html========================================更最更更:V104.4增增详增增增请增,汇汇V104.3九九更最,删删删删删题删,为删为最最官官官官题题;2011.8.1 更最:增增增增最题,修修删删修修。
2012.2.14更最: 详人情官2012.4.9更最:增增6道道道题 524-529,增增1道道道题 561,修修322、435、439、505题题题,修修472题道题2012.10.24更最:增增12道道道题 530-541,更最删删请增=============================================b b s .hh 010.c omQUESTION 542moc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 543bbs.hh1.commoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 544bbs.hh1.comAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n DropExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 545b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbAnswer: bSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 546bbs.hh1.commoc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbAnswer: bSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 547bbs.hh1.commoc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:Section: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:bbs.hh1.comQUESTION 548moc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 549Refer to the exhibit. Complete the network diagram by dragging the correct device name or description to the correct location. Not all the names or descriptions will be used.b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 550b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 551b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 552b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 553Refer to the exhibit. PC_1 is sending packets to the FTP server. Consider the packets as they leave RouterA interface Fa0/0 towards RouterB. Drag the correct frame and packet address to their place in the table.b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n DropExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 554b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:b b s .hh 010.c omSection: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:QUESTION 555b b s .hh 010.c ommoc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:Section: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:bbs.hh1.comQUESTION 556moc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:Section: Drag n Drop Explanation/Reference:bbs.hh1.comQUESTION 557moc.1hh.sbbmoc.1hh.sbbAnswer:moc.1hh.sbbSection: Drag n DropExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 558moc.1hh.sbb。
QUESTION 1When you are logged into a switch, which prompt indicates that you are in privileged mode?A. %B. @C. >D. $E. #QUESTION 2Which command shows system hardware and software version information?A. show configurationB. show environmentC. show inventoryD. show platformE. show versionQUESTION 3Cisco Catalyst switches CAT1 and CAT2 have a connection between them using ports FA0/13. An 802. 1Qtrunk is configured between the two switches. On CAT1, VLAN 10 is chosen as native, but on CAT2 thenative VLAN is not specified.What will happen in this scenario?A. 802.1Q giants frames could saturate the link.B. VLAN 10 on CAT1 and VLAN 1 on CAT2 will send untagged frames.C. A native VLAN mismatch error message will appear.D. VLAN 10 on CAT1 and VLAN 1 on CAT2 will send tagged frames.QUESTION 4Which command would correctly configure a serial port on a router with the last usable host address in the192.216.32.32/29 subnet?A. Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config-if)# ip address 5The network default gateway applying to a host by DHCP is Which option is the valid IPaddress of this host?A. 6Which two addresses can be assigned to a host with a subnet mask of (Choose two.)A. 7The network administrator has asked you to check the status of the workstation's IP stack by pinging theloopback address. Which address would you ping to perform this task?A. 8Workstation A has been assigned an IP address of Workstation B has been assigned an IPaddress of The two workstations are connected with a straight-through cable. Attempts toping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What two things can be done to allow communications betweenthe hosts? (Choose two.)A. Replace the straight-through cable with a crossover cable.B. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /25.C. Change the subnet mask of the hosts to /26.D. Change the address of Workstation A to Change the address of Workstation B to 9Your ISP has given you the address to assign to your router's interface. They have alsogiven you the default gateway address of After you have configured the address, the router isunable to ping any remote devices. What is preventing the router from pinging remote devices?A. The default gateway is not an address on this subnet.B. The default gateway is the broadcast address for this subnet.C. The IP address is the broadcast address for this subnet.D. The IP address is an invalid class D multicast address.QUESTION 10Which command is used to copy the configuration from RAM into NVRAM?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config: running-config:C. copy running config startup configD. copy startup config running configE. write terminalQUESTION 11Which command is used to load a configuration from a TFTP server and merge the configuration intoRAM?A. copy running-config: TFTP:B. copy TFTP: running-configC. copy TFTP: startup-configD. copy startup-config: TFTP:QUESTION 12A system administrator types the command to change the hostname of a router. Where on the Cisco IFS isthat change stored?A. NVRAMB. RAMC. FLASHD. ROME. PCMCIAQUESTION 13Which command is used to configure a default route?A. ip route ip route ip route ip route 14If IP routing is enabled, which two commands set the gateway of last resort to the default gateway?(Choose two.)A. ip default-gateway ip route ip default-network ip default-route ip route 15Which command would you configure globally on a Cisco router that would allow you to view directlyconnected Cisco devices?A. enable cdpB. cdp enableC. cdp runD. run cdpQUESTION 16Which command is used to see the path taken by packets across an IP network?A. show ip routeB. show routeC. tracerouteD. trace ip routeQUESTION 17Which command is used to debug a ping command?A. debug icmpB. debug ip icmpC. debug tcpD. debug packetQUESTION 18Which command displays CPU utilization?A. show protocolsB. show processC. show systemD. show versionQUESTION 19When configuring a serial interface on a router, what is the default encapsulation?A. atm-dxiB. frame-relayC. hdlcD. lapbE. pppQUESTION 20What must be set correctly when configuring a serial interface so that higher-level protocols calculate thebest route?A. bandwidthB. delayC. loadD. reliabilityQUESTION 21A company implements video conferencing over IP on their Ethernet LAN. The users notice that thenetwork slows down, and the video either stutters or fails completely. What is the most likely reason forthis?A. minimum cell rate (MCR)B. quality of service (QoS)C. modulationD. packet switching exchange (PSE)E. reliable transport protocol (RTP)QUESTION 22Which layer in the OSI reference model is responsible for determining the availability of the receivingprogram and checking to see if enough resources exist for that communication?A. transportB. networkC. presentationD. sessionE. applicationQUESTION 23Data transfer is slow between the source and destination. The quality of service requested by the transportlayer in the OSI reference model is not being maintained. To fix this issue, at which layer should thetroubleshooting process begin?A. presentationB. sessionC. transportD. networkE. physicalQUESTION 24Which protocols are found in the network layer of the OSI reference model and are responsible for pathdetermination and traffic switching?A. LANB. routingC. WAND. networkQUESTION 25Which command reveals the last method used to powercycle a router?A. show reloadB. show bootC. show running-configD. show versionQUESTION 26Which three options are valid WAN connectivity methods? (Choose three.)A. PPPB. WAPC. HDLCD. MPLSE. L2TPv3CCNA考试报名1700元7F. ATMQUESTION 27Refer to the exhibit. Which WAN protocol is being used?A. ATMB. HDLCC. Frame RelayD. PPPQUESTION 28What is the difference between a CSU/DSU and a modem?A. A CSU/DSU converts analog signals from a router to a leased line; a modem converts analog signalsfrom a router to a leased line.B. A CSU/DSU converts analog signals from a router to a phone line; a modem converts digital signalsfrom a router to a leased line.C. A CSU/DSU converts digital signals from a router to a phone line; a modem converts analog signalsfrom a router to a phone line.D. A CSU/DSU converts digital signals from a router to a leased line; a modem converts digital signalsfrom a router to a phone line.QUESTION 29A network administrator must configure 200 switch ports to accept traffic from only the currently attachedCCNA考试报名1700元8host devices. What would be the most efficient way to configure MAC-level security on all these ports?A. Visually verify the MAC addresses and then telnet to the switches to enter the switchport-port securitymac-address command.B. Have end users e-mail their MAC addresses. Telnet to the switch to enter the switchport-port securitymac-address command.C. Use the switchport port-security MAC address sticky command on all the switch ports that have enddevices connected to them.D. Use show mac-address-table to determine the addresses that are associated with each portand thenenter the commands on each switch for MAC address port-security.QUESTION 30When troubleshooting a Frame Relay connection, what is the first step when performing a loopback test?A. Set the encapsulation of the interface to HDLC.B. Place the CSU/DSU in local-loop mode.C. Enable local-loop mode on the DCE Frame Relay router.D. Verify that the encapsulation is set to Frame Relay.What occurs on a Frame Relay network when the CIR is exceeded?A. All TCP traffic is marked discard eligible.B. All UDP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sent.C. All TCP traffic is marked discard eligible and a BECN is sent.D. All traffic exceeding the CIR is marked discard eligible.QUESTION 32What are two characteristics of Frame Relay point-to-point subinterfaces? (Choose two.)A. They create split-horizon issues.B. They require a unique subnet within a routing domain.C. They emulate leased lines.D. They are ideal for full-mesh topologies.E. They require the use of NBMA options when using OSPF.QUESTION 33Refer to the exhibit. Addresses within the range are not being translated to the 1.128.0/16range. Which command shows if are allowed inside addresses?A. debug ip natB. show access-listC. show ip nat translationD. show ip nat statisticsQUESTION 34A wireless client cannot connect to an 802.11b/g BSS with a b/g wireless card. The client section of theaccess point does not list any active WLAN clients. What is a possible reason for this?A. The incorrect channel is configured on the client.B. The client's IP address is on the wrong subnet.C. The client has an incorrect pre-shared key.D. The SSID is configured incorrectly on the client.QUESTION 35Which two features did WPAv1 add to address the inherent weaknesses found in WEP? (Choose two.)CCNA考试报名1700元10艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edify艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edifyA. a stronger encryption algorithmB. key mixing using temporal keysC. shared key authenticationD. a shorter initialization vectorE. per frame sequence countersQUESTION 36Which two wireless encryption methods are based on the RC4 encryption algorithm? (Choose two.)A. WEPB. CCKMC. AESD. TKIPE. CCMPQUESTION 37What are two characteristics of RIPv2? (Choose two.)A. classful routing protocolB. variable-length subnet masksC. broadcast addressingD. manual route summarizationE. uses SPF algorithm to compute pathQUESTION 38Which two Ethernet fiber-optic modes support distances of greater than 550 meters?A. 1000BASE-CXCCNA考试报名1700元11艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edify艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edify艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edifyB. 100BASE-FXC. 1000BASE-LXD. 1000BASE-SXE. 1000BASE-ZXQUESTION 39What two things will a router do when running a distance vector routing protocol? (Choose two.)A. Send periodic updates regardless of topology changes.B. Send entire routing table to all routers in the routing domain.C. Use the shortest-path algorithm to the determine best path.D. Update the routing table based on updates from their neighbors.E. Maintain the topology of the entire network in its database.QUESTION 40Refer to the exhibit. According to the routing table, where will the router send a packet destined for10.1.5.65?A. 41Which command shows if an access list is assigned to an interface?A. show ip interface [interface] access-listsB. show ip access-lists interface [interface]C. show ip interface [interface]D. show ip access-lists [interface]QUESTION 42Refer to the exhibit. Which rule does the DHCP server use when there is an IP address conflict?A. The address is removed from the pool until the conflict is resolved.B. The address remains in the pool until the conflict is resolved.C. Only the IP detected by Gratuitous ARP is removed from the pool.D. Only the IP detected by Ping is removed from the pool.E. The IP will be shown, even after the conflict is resolved.QUESTION 43Refer to the exhibit. You are connected to the router as user Mike. Which command allows you to seeoutput from the OSPF debug command?A. terminal monitorB. show debuggingC. show sessionsD. show ip ospf interfaceQUESTION 44Refer to the exhibit. If number 2 is selected from the setup script, what happens when the user runs setupfrom a privileged prompt?A. Setup is additive and any changes will be added to the config script.B. Setup effectively starts the configuration over as if the router was booted for the first time.C. Setup will not run if an enable secret password exists on the router.D. Setup will not run, because it is only viable when no configuration exists on the router. QUESTION 45Refer to the exhibit. Which (config-router) command will allow the network represented on the interface tobe advertised by RIP?A. redistribute ethernet0B. network ethernet0CCNA考试报名1700元14艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edify艾迪飞论坛http://bbs.edifyC. redistribute network 46Refer to the exhibit. What information can be gathered from the output?A. One router is running RIPv1.B. RIP neighbor is The network contains a loop.D. Network is reachable.QUESTION 47Refer to the exhibit. What type of connection would be supported by the cable diagram shown?A. PC to routerB. PC to switchC. server to routerD. router to routerQUESTION 48Refer to the exhibit. What type of connection would be supported by the cable diagram shown?A. PC to routerB. PC to switchC. server to switchD. switch to routerQUESTION 49Which two statements describe the Cisco implementation of VLANs? (Choose two.)A. VLAN 1 is the default Ethernet VLAN.B. CDP advertisements are only sent on VLAN 1002.C. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1005.D. By default, the switch IP address is in VLAN 1005.E. VLAN 1002 through 1005 are automatically created and cannot be deleted.QUESTION 50Refer to the exhibit. What can be determined about the router from the console output?A. No configuration file was found in NVRAM.B. No configuration file was found in flash.C. No configuration file was found in the PCMCIA card.D. Configuration file is normal and will load in 15 seconds.QUESTION 52Refer to the exhibit. Which command would allow the translations to be created on the router?A. ip nat pool mynats prefix-length 19B. ip nat outside mynats prefix-length 19C. ip nat pool mynats prefix-length 18D. ip nat outside mynats prefix-length 18QUESTION 53Refer to the exhibit. An administrator pings the default gateway at and sees the output asshown. At which OSI layer is the problem?A. data link layerB. application layerC. access layerD. session layerE. network layerQUESTION 54Refer to the exhibit. Which value will be configured for Default Gateway of the Local Area Connection?A. 55Refer to the exhibit. The user at Workstation B reports that Server A cannot be reached. What is preventing Workstation B from reaching Server A?A. The IP address for Server A is a broadcast address.B. The IP address for Workstation B is a subnet address.C. The gateway for Workstation B is not on the same subnet.D. The gateway for Server A is not on the same subnet.QUESTION 56Refer to the exhibit. What does the (*) represent in the output?A. Packet is destined for a local interface to the router.B. Packet was translated, but no response was received from the distant device.C. Packet was not translated, because no additional ports are available.D. Packet was translated and fast switched to the destination.QUESTION 57Refer to the exhibit. What command sequence will enable PAT from the inside to outside network?A. (config) ip nat pool isp-net netmask overloadB. (config-if) ip nat outside overloadC. (config) ip nat inside source list 1 interface ethernet1 overloadD. (config-if) ip nat inside overloadQUESTION 58Refer to the exhibit. What will happen to HTTP traffic coming from the Internet that is destined for172.16.12.10 if the traffic is processed by this ACL?A. Traffic will be dropped per line 30 of the ACL.B. Traffic will be accepted per line 40 of the ACL.C. Traffic will be dropped, because of the implicit deny all at the end of the ACL.D. Traffic will be accepted, because the source address is not covered by the ACL.QUESTION 59Refer to the exhibit. Which statement describes the effect that the Router1 configuration has on devices inthe subnet when they try to connect to SVR-A using Telnet or SSH?A. Devices will not be able to use Telnet or SSH.B. Devices will be able to use SSH, but not Telnet.C. Devices will be able to use Telnet, but not SSH.D. Devices will be able to use Telnet and SSH.QUESTION 60What are three advantages of VLANs? (Choose three.)A. VLANs establish broadcast domains in switched networks.B. VLANs utilize packet filtering to enhance network security.C. VLANs provide a method of conserving IP addresses in large networks.D. VLANs provide a low-latency internetworking alternative to routed networks.E. VLANs allow access to network services based on department, not physical location.F. VLANs can greatly simplify adding, moving, or changing hosts on the network.QUESTION 61An administrator would like to configure a switch over a virtual terminal connection from locations outsideof the local LAN. Which of the following are required in order for the switch to be configured from a remotelocation? (Choose two.)A. The switch must be configured with an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.B. The switch must be connected to a router over a VLAN trunk.C. The switch must be reachable through a port connected to its management VLAN.D. The switch console port must be connected to the Ethernet LAN.E. The switch management VLAN must be created and have a membership of at least one switch port.F. The switch must be fully configured as an SNMP agent.QUESTION 62Which of the following host addresses are members of networks that can be routed across the publicInternet? (Choose three.)A. 63Given a subnet mask of, which of the following addresses can be assigned to networkhosts? (Choose three.)A. 64Which of the following are benefits of VLANs? (Choose three.)A. They increase the size of collision domains.B. They allow logical grouping of users by function.C. They can enhance network security.D. They increase the size of broadcast domains while decreasing the number of collision domains.E. They increase the number of broadcast domains while decreasing the size of the broadcast domains.F. They simplify switch administration.Which router IOS commands can be used to troubleshoot LAN connectivity problems? (Choose three.)A. pingB. tracertC. ipconfigD. show ip routeE. winipcfgF. show interfacesQUESTION 67。
QUESTION 401Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN? (Choose three.)A. A CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loopB. A modem terminates a digital local loopC. A CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loopD. A modem terminates an analog local loopE. A router is commonly considered a DTE deviceF. A router is commonly considered a DCE deviceQUESTION 402How should a router that is being used in a Frame Relay network be configured to avoid split horizon issuesfrom preventing routing updates?A. Configure a separate sub-interface for each PVC with a unique DLCI and subnet assigned to the sub-interfaceB. Configure each Frame Relay circuit as a point-to-point line to support multicast and broadcast trafficC. Configure many sub-interfaces on the same subnetD. Configure a single sub-interface to establish multiple PVC connections to multiple remoteInterfacesQUESTION 403The Frame Relay network in the diagram is not functioning properly. What is the cause of the problem?A. The Gallant router has the wrong LMI type configuredB. Inverse ARP is providing the wrong PVC information to the Gallant routerC. The S3 interface of the Steele router has been configured with the frame-relay encapsulationietfcommandD. The frame-relay map statement in the Attalla router for the PVC to Steele is not correctE. The IP address on the serial interface of the Attalla router is configured incorrectlyQUESTION 404As a CCNA candidate, you must have a firm understanding of the IPv6 address structure. Refer to IPv6address, could you tell me how many bits are included in each filed?A. 24B. 4C. 3D. 16QUESTION 405Refer to the exhibit. How many broadcast domains exist in the exhibited topology?B. twoC. threeD. fourE. fiveF. sixQUESTION 406Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator has created a new VLAN on Switch1 and added host C and host D. The administrator has properly configured switch interfaces FastEthernet0/13 through FastEthernet0/24 to bemembers of the new VLAN. However, after the network administrator completed the configuration, host Acould communicate with host B, but host A could not communicate with host C or host D. Which commands are required to resolve this problem?A. Router(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1.3Router(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q 3Router(config-if)# ip address Router(config)# router ripRouter(config-router)# network network network Switch1# vlan databaseSwitch1(vlan)# vtp v2-modeSwitch1(vlan)# vtp domain ciscoSwitch1(vlan)# vtp serverD. Switch1(config)# interface fastethernet 0/1Switch1(config-if)# switchport mode trunkSwitch1(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation islQUESTION 407On a network of one department, there are four PCs connected to a switch, as shown in the followingfigure:After the Switch1 restarts. Host A ( the host on the left ) sends the first frame to Host C (the hoston theright). What the first thing should the switch do?A. Switch1 will add to the switching table.B. Switch1 will add to the switching table.C. Switch1 will add 000A.8A47.E612 to the switching table.D. None of the aboveQUESTION 408Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator is in a campus building distant from Building B. WANRouteris hosting a newly installed WAN link on interface S0/0. The new link is not functioning and the administrator needs to determine if the correct cable has been attached to the S0/0 interface. How can theadministrator accurately verify the correct cable type on S0/0 in the most efficient manner?nA. Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show interfaces S0/0B. Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show processes S0/0C. Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show running-configurationD. Telnet to WANRouter and execute the command show controller S0/0E. Physically examine the cable between WANRouter S0/0 and the DCE.F. Establish a console session on WANRouter and execute the command show interfaces S0/0QUESTION 409While troubleshooting a connectivity issue from a PC you obtain the following information: Local PC IP address: Gateway: Sever: then conduct the following tests from the local PC:Ping – SuccessfulPing – SuccessfulPing – UnsuccessfulPing – UnsuccessfulWhat is the underlying cause of this problem?A. A remote physical layer problem exists.B. The host NIC is not functioning.C. TCP/IP has not been correctly installed on the host.D. A local physical layer problem exists.QUESTION 410A network administrator is troubleshooting the OSPF c onfiguration of routers R1 and R2. The routerscannot establish an adjacency relationship on their common Ethernet link. The graphic shows the output ofthe show ip ospf interface e0 command for routers R1 and R2. Based on the information in the graphic,what is the cause of this problem?A. The OSPF area is not configured properly.B. The priority on R1 should be set higher.C. The cost on R1 should be set higher.D. The hello and dead timers are not configured properly.E. A backup designated router needs to be added to the network.F. The OSPF process ID numbers must match.QUESTION 411This graphic shows the results of an attempt to open a Telnet connection to router ACCESS1 from routerRemote27. Which of the following command sequences will correct this problem?A. ACCESS1(config)# line console 0ACCESS1(config-line)# password ciscoB. Remote27(config)# line console 0Remote27(config-line)# loginRemote27(config-line)# password ciscoC. ACCESS1(config)# line vty 0 4ACCESS1(config-line)# loginACCESS1(config-line)# password ciscoD. Remote27(config)# line vty 0 4Remote27(config-line)# loginRemote27(config-line)# password ciscoE. ACCESS1(config)# enable password ciscoF. Remote27(config)# enable password ciscoQUESTION 412When upgrading the IOS image, the network administrator receives the exhibited error message. Whatcould be the cause of this error?A. The new IOS image is too large for the router flash memory.B. The TFTP server is unreachable from the router.C. The new IOS image is not correct for this router platform.D. The IOS image on the TFTP server is corrupt.E. There is not enough disk space on the TFTP server for the IOS image.QUESTION 413CCNA考试报名1700元180艾迪飞论坛Which statement is true?A. An IPv6 address is 64 b long and is represented as hexadecimal characters.B. An IPv6 address is 32 b long and is represented as decimal digits.C. An IPv6 address is 128 b long and is represented as decimal digits.D. An IPv6 address is 128 b long and is represented as hexadecimal characters.QUESTION 414Which command sets and automatically encrypts the privileged enable mode password?A. enbale password c1scoB. secret enable c1scoC. password enable c1scoD. enable secret c1scoQUESTION 415In which circumstance are multiple copies of the same unicast frame likely to be transmitted in a switchedLAN?A. after broken links are re-establishedB. in an improperly implemented redundant topologyC. when upper-layer protocols require high reliabilityD. during high traffic periodsE. when a dual ring topology is in useQUESTION 416Refer to the exhibit.Which is the most efficient summarization that R1 can use to advertise its networks toR2?A. 417Refer to the exhibit.Based on the exhibited routing table,how will packets from a host within the LAN be forwarded to The router will forward packets from R3 to R2 to R1B. The router will forward packets from R3 to R1C. The router will forward packets from R3 to R1 to R2D. The router will forward packets from R3 to R2 to R1 AND from R3 to R1QUESTION 418Which layer 2 protocol encapsulation type supports synchronous and asynchronous circuis andhas built-insecurity mechanisms?A. Frame RelayB. HDLCC. x.25D. PPPQUESTION 419Which command can be used to verify the DLCI destination address in a Frame Relay static configuration?A. show frame-relay end-to-endB. show frame-relay mapC. show frame-relay lmiCCNA考试报名1700元183艾迪飞论坛D. show frame-relay pvcQUESTION 420Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator requires easy configuration options and minimal routingprotocol traffic.Which two options provide adequate routing table information for traffic that passes betweenthe two routers and satisfy the requests of the network administrator?(choose two)A. a dynamic routing procotol on InternetRouter to advertise summarized routers to CentralRouter.B. a dynamic routing procotol on CentralRouter to advertise summarized routers to InternetRouter.C. a static route on InternetRouter to direct traffic that is destined for to CentralRouter.D. a dynamic routing procotol on InternetRouter to advertise all routes to CentralRouer.E. a dynamic routing procotol on CentralRouer to advertise all routes to InternetRouterF. a static,default route on CentralRouter that directs traffic to InternetRouter.QUESTION 422Refer to the exibit. Three cisco 2950 switches are set to their default priority settings.During the spanning-tree process,which switch will be elected as the root bridge?A. Switch3B. Switch4C. Switch2D. Switch1QUESTION 423Which three elements must be used when you configure a router interface for vlan trunking?(choose three)A. one IP network or subnetwork for each subinterfaceB. subinterface numbering that matches vlan tagesC. subinterface encapsulation identifiers that match vlan tagsD. a management domain for each subinterfaceE. one physical interface for each subinterfaceF. one subinterface per vlanQUESTION 424A receiving host computes the checksum on a frame and determines that the frame is damaged.Theframe is then discarded.At which OSI layer did this happen?CCNA考试报名1700元185艾迪飞论坛A. sessionB. networkC. physicalD. data linkE. transportQUESTION 425A router receives information about network from multiple sources.What will the routerconsider the most reliable information about the path to that network?A. an OSPF update for network a static router to network a static router to network with a local serial interface configured as the next hopD. a RIP update for network a directly connected interface with an address of a default route with a next hop address of 426Which two statements describe the advantages to the use of RIP over the use of OSPF?(choose two)A. RIP requires less time to convergeB. RIP uses less bandwidthC. RIP is less complex to configureD. RIP demands fewer router resourcesE. RIP has a more accurate metricQUESTION 427Which statement about vlan operation on cisco catalyst switches is true?A. when a packet is received from an 802.1Q trunk,the vlan id can be determined from the source MACaddress table.B. unkown unicast frames are retransmitted only to the ports that belong to the same vlanC. ports between switches should be configured in access mode so that vlans can span across the portsD. broadcast and multicast frames are retransmitted to ports that are configured on different vlan.QUESTION 428Which commands are required to properly configure a router to properly configure a router torun OSPFand to add network to OSPF area 0?(choose two)A. Router(config)#router ospf 1B. Router(config)#router ospf 0C. Router(config)#router ospf area 0D. Router(config-router)#network area 0E. Router(config-router)#network 0F. Router(config-router)#network area 0QUESTION 429The enable secret command is used to secure access to which CLI mode?A. user EXEC modeB. global configuration modeC. privileged EXEC modeD. auxiliary setup modeQUESTION 430Refer to the exhibit.Explain how the routes in the table are being affected by the status changeon interfaceEthernet0.A. The router is poisoning the routes and multicasting the new path costs via interface Ethernet1.B. The router is receiving updates about unreachable networks from router that are connected to interfaceEthernet1.C. The router is poisoning the routes and broadcasting the new path costs via interface Ethernet1.D. The router is requesting updates for these networks from routers that are connected to interfaceEtherne1.QUESTION 431In which integration method is an IPV6 packet encapsulated within an IPV4 protocol?A. proxy.B. dual-stackC. tunnelingD. dot1qQUESTION 432Which two commands can be used to verify a trunk link configurationt status on a given cisco switch?(choose two)A. show interfaces interfaceB. show interfaces interface trunkC. show interfaces interface switchportD. show ip interface briefE. show interfaces vlanQUESTION 433Assuming the default switch configuration,which approach should you use to configure the extended vlanrange(1006 through 4094) on a cisco catalyst 3750 series switch?A. Configure the switch to be in VTP client mode.B. Configure the switch to be in VTP domaint mode.C. Configure the switch to be in VTP transparent mode.D. Configure the switch to be in VTPv2.QUESTION 434CCNA考试报名1700元鸿鹄论坛: 188艾迪飞论坛You are working in a data center environment and are assigned the address range areasked to develop an IP addressing plan to allow the maximum number of subnets with as many as 30 hostseach.Which IP address range meets these requirements?A. 435Which three statements accurately describe layer 2 Ethernet switches?(choose three)A. Microsegmentation decreases the number of collisions on the network.B. if a switch receives a frame for an unkown destination,it uses ARP to resolve the address.C. Spanning Tree Protocol allows switches to automatically share vlan information.D. In a properly functioning network with redundant switched paths,each switched aegment will contain oneroot bridge with all its ports in the forwarding state.All other switches in that broadcast domainwill haveonly one root port.E. Establishing vlans increases the number of broadcast domains.F. Switches that are configured with vlans make forwarding decisions based on both layer 2 and layer 3address information.QUESTION 436Refer to the exhibit.The Lakside Company has the internetwork in the exhibit.The administrator would liketo reduce the size of routing table on the Central router.Which partial routing table entry in the Central routerepresents a route summary that represents the vlans in Phoenix but no additional subnets?A. is subnetted,1 subnetsD[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1B. is subnetted,1 subnetsD[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1C. is subnetted,1 subnetsD[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1D. is subnetted,1 subnetsD[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1E. is subnetted,1 subnetsD[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1F. is subnetted,1 subnetsD[90/20514560] via,6w0d,serial0/1QUESTION 437Refer to the exhibit.Which two devices can be used to complete the connection between the WAN router atthe customer site and the service provider?A. modemB. Frame Relay switchC. CSU/DSUD. WAN switchE. ISDN TAF. ATM switchQUESTION 438Which PPP subprotocol negotiates authentication options?A. NCPB. LCPC. ISDND. DLCIE. SLIPQUESTION 439Which two data link layers are supported by cisco ios software for IPv6?(choose two)A. PPPB. FDDIC. Frame Relay PVCD. NBMAE. Frame Relay SVCQUESTION 440Which term describes a spanning-tree network that has all switch ports in either the blocking or forwardingstate?A. redundantB. spannedC. provisionedD. convergedQUESTION 441Which two of these are characteristics of the 802.1Q protocol?(choose two)A. it is a layer 2 messaging protocol which maintains vlan configurations across network.B. it includes an 8-bit field which specifies the priority of a frame.C. it is used exclusively for tagging vlan frames and dose not address network reconvergence followingswitched network topology changes.D. it modifies the 802.3 frame header,and thus requires that the FCS be recomputed.CCNA考试报名1700元191艾迪飞论坛E. it is a trunking protocol capable of carring untagged frames.QUESTION 442Refer to the exhibit.Which two statements are true of the interfaces on switch1?(choose two)A. A hub is connected directly to FastEthernet0/ 5B. FastEthernet0/1 is configured as a trunk link.C. FastEthernet0/5 has statically assigned mac addressD. Interface FastEthernet0/2 has been disable.E. Multiple devices are connected directly to FastEthernet0/1.F. FastEthernet0/1 is connected to a host with multiple network interface cards.QUESTION 443Which two statements apply to dynamic access lists?(choose two)A. they offer simpler management in large internetworks.B. you can control logging messages.C. they allow packets to be filtered based on upper-layer session information.D. you can set a time-based security policy.CCNA考试报名1700元192艾迪飞论坛E. they provide a level of security against spoofing.F. they are used to authenticate individual users.QUESTION 444A network engineer wants to allow a temporary entry for a remote user with a specific usenameandpassword so that the user can access the entire network over the internet.which ACL can be used?A. reflexiveB. extendedC. standardD. dynamicQUESTION 445Which parameter or parameters are used to calculate OSPF cost in cisco routers?A. Bandwidth,Delay,and MTUB. BandwidthC. Bandwidth and MTUD. Bandwidth , MTU,Reliability,Delay,and LoadQUESTION 446which command is used to enable CHAP authentication whit PAP as the fallback method on a serialinterface?A. (config-if)#authentication ppp chap fallback pppB. (config-if)#authentication ppp chap papC. (config-if)#ppp authentication chap papD. (config-if)#ppp authentication chap fallback pppQUESTION 447assuming the default switch configuration which vlan range can be added modified and removedon a ciscoswitch?A. 2 through 1001B. 1 through 1001C. 1 through 1002D. 2 through 1005QUESTION 448which address range efficiently summarizes the routing table of the addresses for router main?A. 449What is the most likely reason for the dispartly between the actual network numbers at the branches andthe routes in the routing table on Gateway-Router?A. Branch-Router2 is configured to send both RIPv1 and RIPv2 updates.B. Gateway-Router is configured to only receive RIPv2 updates.C. Gateway-router is configured to receive only RIPv1 updates.D. Branch-Router1 is configured to only send RIPv1 updatesQUESTION 450A network administrator needs to configure port security on a switch.which two statements are true?(choosetwo)A. The network administrator can apply port security to dynamic access portsB. The network administrator can configure static secure or sticky secure mac addresses in the voice vlan.C. The sticky learning feature allows the addition of dynamically learned addresses to the running configuration.D. The network administrator can apply port security to EtherChannels.E. When dynamic mac address learning is enabled on an interface,the switch can learn new addresses,upto the maximum defined.QUESTION 451The network technician is planning to use the subent mask on the network.which threevalid IP addresses can the technician use for the hosts?(choose three)A.考试报名1700元195艾迪飞论坛E. 452Which command helps a network administrator to manage memory by displaying flash memoryandNVRAM utilization?A. show secureB. show file systemsC. show flashD. show versionQUESTION 453Which IEEE standard protocol is initiated as a result of successful DTP completion in a switch over FastEthernet?A. 802.3adB. 802.1wC. 802.1QD. 802.1dQUESTION 454Which command enhances the 802.1D convergence time on ports that are connected to hosts?A. spanning-tree backbonefastB. spanning-tree uplinkfastC. spanning-tree portfastD. spanning-tree cost512QUESTION 455Which two statements are characteristics of a distance vector routing protocol?(choose two)A. RIP is an example of distance vector routing protocols.B. Updates are periodic and include the entire routing table.C. Routing updates are sent only after topology changesD. The protocol can be useful in hub-and-spoke and hierarchical networks.CCNA考试报名1700元196艾迪飞论坛艾迪飞论坛E. Convergence is usually faster than with link state protocolsF. Each router has its own view of the topologyQUESTION 456Which of the following protocols uses both TCP and UDP ports?A. SMTPB. TelnetC. FTPD. DNSQUESTION 458Refer to the exhibit.A new subnet with 60 hosts has been added to the network.Which subnet addressshould this network use to provide enough usable addresses while wasting the fewest addresses?A. 459Refer to the exhibit.Why are two OSPF designated routers identified on Core-Router?A. Core-Router is connected more than one multi-access networkB. The router at is a secondary DR in case the primary fails.C. Two router IDs have the same OSPF priority and are therefore tied for DR electionD. The DR ecection is still underway and there are two contenders for the role.QUESTION 460It has become necessary to configure an existing serial interface to accept a second Frame Relay virtualcircuit.Which of the following processes are required to accomplish this task?(choose three)A. configure static frame relay map entries for each subinterface network.B. remove the ip address from the physical interfaceC. create the virtual interfaces with the interface commandD. configure each subinterface with its own IP addressE. disable split horizon to prevent routing loops between the subinterface networksF. encapsulate the physical interface with multipoint PPPQUESTION 461Refer to the puter 1 is consoles into switch A.Telnet connections and pings run from thecommand prompt on switch A fail.Which of the following could cause this problem?A. switch A dose not have a cdp entry for switch B or router JAXB. switch A dose not have an IP addressC. port 1 on switch A should be an access port rather than a trunk portD. switch A is not directly connected to router JAXE. switch A does not have a default gateway assignedQUESTION 462Refer to the exhibit.What is the result of setting the no login command?A. The is a virtually limitless supply of IP addressesB. Telnet access requires a new password at first loginC. Telnet access requires a passwordD. Telnet access is deniedQUESTION 463Which IPv6 address is valid?A. 2031:0:130F::9C0:876A:130BB. 2001:0DB8:0000:130F:0000:0000:08GC:140BC. 2001:0DB8:0:130H::87C:140BD. 2031::130F::9C0:876A:130BQUESTION 464Refer to the exhibit.Which three variables(router,protocol port,and router ACL direction)apply to anextended ACL that will prevent student 01 from securely browsing the internet?A. OUTB. Router 3C. HTTTPD. INE. Router 1QUESTION 465What are two characteristics of a switch that is configured as a VTP client?(choose two)A. if a switch that is configured to operate in client mode cannot access a VTP server,then the switchreverts to transparent mode.CCNA(640-802)题库V104.4CCNA考试报名1700元200艾迪飞论坛B. The local vlan configuration is updated only when an update that has a higher configuration revisionnumber is received.C. Vtp advertisements are not forwarded to neighboring switches that are configured in vtp transparentmode.D. When switches in vtp client mode are rebooted,they send a vtp advertisement request to thevtpservers.E. Vtp client is the default vtp modeF. On switches that are configured to operate in client mode ,vlans can be created,deleted,or renamedLocallyQUESTION 466What two statistics appear in show frame-relay map output?(choose two)A. The number of FECN packets that are received by the routerB. The number of BECN packets that are received by the router.C. The ip address of the local routerD. The value of the local DLCIE. The status of the PVC that is configured on the routerQUESTION 467Which command can you use to determine the cisco ios feature set on a cisco router?A. show versionB. dir flash:|include iosC. show environmentD. show diagE. show inventoryQUESTION 468What are three benefits of implementing vlans?(choose three)A. A more efficient use of bandwidth can be achieved allowing many physical groups to use the samenetwork infrastructureB. Broadcast storms can be mitigated by decreasing the number of broadcast domains,thus increasingtheir size.C. A higher level of network security can be reached by separating sensitive data traffic from other networktraffic.D. Port-based vlans increase switch-port use efficient,thanks to 802.1Q trunksE. A more efficient use of bandwidth can be achieved allowing many logical networks to use the samenetwork infrastructure.F. Broadcast storms can be mitigated by increasing the number of broadcast domains,thus reducing theirsize.G. VLANs make it easier for IT staff to configure new logical groups,because the vlans all belongto thesame broadcast domain.QUESTION 469In the implementation of VLSM techniques on a network using a single Class C IP address,which subnetmask is the most efficient for point-to-point serial links?A. 470A switch has been configured with two vlans and is connected to a router with a trunk for inter-vlan routing.OSPF has been configured on the router,as the routing protocol for the network.Which statement about thisnetwork is true?A. For the two vlans to communicate,a network statement for the trunk interface needs to beadded to theOSPF configuration.B. For the two vlans to communicate,a network statement for each subinterface needs to be added to theOSPF configuration.C. Direct inter-vlan communication does not require OSPF.D. OSPF cannot be used if router-on-a-stick is configured on the router.QUESTION 471Which command enables IPv6 forwarding on a cisco router?A. ipv6 hostCCNA考试报名1700元202B. ipv6 unicast-routingC. ipv6 localD. ipv6 neighborQUESTION 472Router A is unable to reach Router B.Both routers are running ios version 12.0.After reviewing the command output and graphic,what is the most likely cause of the problem?(此题暂时没图)A. incorrect bandwidth configurationB. incorrect LMI configurationC. incorrect map statementD. incorrect IP addressQUESTION 473A cisco router is booting and has just completed the POST process.It is now ready to find and load anIOSimage.what function does the router perform next?A. It checks the configuration registerB. It attempts to boot from a TFTP serverC. It loads the first image file in flash memoryD. It inspects the configuration file in NVRAM for boot instructions。
C C N A考试题(总9页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除第一部分:选择题1:提供可靠数据传输、流控的是OSI的第几层()A、表示层B、网络层C、传输层D、会话层E、链路层2:子网掩码产生在那一层()A、表示层B、网络层C、传输层D、会话层3:当路由器接收的IP报文的目的地址不是本路由器的接口IP地址,并且在路由表中未找到匹配的路由项,采取的策略是()A、丢掉该分组B、将该分组分片C、转发该分组D、以上答案均不对4:当一台主机从一个网络移到另一个网络时,以下说法正确的是()A、必须改变它的IP地址和MAC地址B、必须改变它的IP地址,但不需改动MAC地址C、必须改变它的MAC地址,但不需改动IP地址D、MAC地址、IP地址都不需改动5:ISO提出OSI的关键是()A、系统互联B、提高网络速度C、为计算机制定标准D、经济利益6:OSI参考模型按顺序有哪些层()A、应用层、传输层、网络层、物理层B、应用层、表示层、会话层、网络层、传输层、数据链路层、物理层C、应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层D、应用层、会话层、传输层、物理层7:LAN的拓扑形式一般以()为主。
ccna考试题及答案1. 以下哪项是网络层的功能?A. 路由选择B. 错误检测C. 流量控制D. 封装数据包答案:A2. 在OSI模型中,哪一层负责在网络中传输数据?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 会话层D. 网络层答案:D3. 以下哪个协议是用于在IP网络中发现网络设备的?A. ARPB. RARPC. ICMPD. OSPF答案:A4. 在TCP/IP模型中,哪一层与OSI模型的传输层相对应?A. 应用层B. 互联网层C. 网络接口层D. 传输层答案:D5. 以下哪个地址是一个有效的IPv4地址?A. 172.16.300.1答案:B6. 在配置路由器时,以下哪个命令用于进入全局配置模式?A. enableB. configure terminalC. privileged execD. user exec答案:B7. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上显示当前配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show configD. show current-config答案:A8. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于保存当前的配置到启动配置文件?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config running-configC. save running-configD. save startup-config答案:A9. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看所有接口的状态?A. show interfacesB. show ip interface briefC. show interface statusD. show running-config interface答案:B10. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于关闭接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:A11. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上启用接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:B12. 在配置静态路由时,以下哪个命令用于指定下一跳地址?B. ip static-routeC. route ipD. static-route ip答案:A13. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上清除ARP表?A. clear arp-cacheB. clear arpC. clear arp tableD. clear ip arp答案:D14. 在配置动态路由协议时,以下哪个命令用于在接口上启用RIP?A. ip rip enableB. ip rip receiveD. network rip答案:C15. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看RIP路由表?A. show ip ripB. show ip route ripC. show ripD. show ip protocols答案:B16. 在配置EIGRP时,以下哪个命令用于指定自动汇总?A. metric weightsB. auto-summaryC. network auto-summaryD. no auto-summary答案:B17. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. show ip eigrp neighborsB. show eigrp neighborsC. show ip eigrpD. show eigrp interfaces答案:A18. 在配置OSPF时,以下哪个命令用于指定路由器ID?A. router-idB. router ospfC. networkD. area答案:A19. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看OSPF路由表?A. show ip ospfB. show ip ospf databaseC. show ospfD. show ip route ospf答案:D20. 在配置VLAN时,以下哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. configure terminalC. vlan [vlan-id]D. new-vlan答案:C21. 以下哪个命令用于将接口分配给VLAN?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:C22. 在配置交换机时,以下哪个命令用于将接口设置为Trunk 模式?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:B23. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN配置?A. show vlanB. show vlan briefC. show vlan detailD. show vlan all答案:B24. 在配置VTP时,以下哪个命令用于将交换机设置为VTP服务器模式?A. vtp mode serverB. vtp mode clientC. vtp mode transparentD. vtp mode off答案:A25. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VTP状态?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A26. 在配置STP时,以下哪个命令用于设置根桥?A. spanning-tree root primaryB. spanning-tree root secondaryC. spanning-tree root primary [priority]D. spanning-tree root secondary [priority]答案:C27. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看STP状态?A. show spanning-treeB. show spanning-tree detailC. show spanning-tree summaryD. show spanning-tree interface答案:A28. 在配置VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) 时,以下哪个命令用于设置VTP域名?A. vtp domain [domain-name]B. vtp password [password]C. vtp mode [mode]D. vtp version [version]答案:A29. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看当前的VTP版本?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A30. 在配置端口安全时,以下哪个命令用于限制接口上可以学习到的最大MAC地址数量?A. switchport port-security maximum [mac-count]B. port-security maximum [mac-count]C. switchport port-security violation restrictD. port-security violation shutdown答案:A这些题目和答案仅供学习和参考之用,实际的CCNA考试内容和形式可能会有所不同。
CCNA TK最近更新64道题备注:题库为2011年4.6日新增选择题,其他考题从原题库中抽取预祝各位考生顺利通过1.Which of the following are true regarding the debug output shown in thegraphic?(choose two)Rtr#debug ip ripRip protocol debugging is onRtrA#1d0h5RIP sending v1update to FastEthernet0FastEthernet0/0(/0(/0( build update entries1d0h5network 11d0h5network 21d0h5RIP.S ending v1update to Serial0/0( build update entries1d0h5network 1RtrA#1d0h5RIP received v1update from Serial0/01d0h5192.168.1.0in 1hops1d0h5192.168.168.0in 16hops(inaccessible)A.This router was configured with he commands:RtraA(config)#router ripRtraA(config-router)#version 2RtraA(config-router)#network ripRtraA(config-router)#version 2RtraA(config-router)#network be displayed in the routing be displayed in the routing table.E.RtraA(config)#router ripRtraA(config-router)#version 2RtraA(config-router)#network was disabled on this routeAnswer:BD2.Refer to the exhibit What is the effect of the configuration that is shown?line vty 04password 78990752180500logintransport in put sshA it tells the router or switch to try establish an SSH connection first and if that fail to use telnetB it configures a cisco network device to use the SSH protocol on in coming communications via the virtual terminal portsC it allows seven failed login attempts before the VTY lines are temporarily shutdownD it configures the virtual terminal lines with the password 0307521080500F it configures SSH globally for all loginsused??3in which solution is a router ACL usedA protecting a server frome unauthorized accessB controlling path selection,based on the route metricC reducing router CPU utilizationD filtering packets that are passing through a routerAnswer:D4VLAN is not yet configures on your switch.What happens if you set the switchport access vlan3command interface configuration mode?A The command is accepted and respective VLAN is added to vlan datB The command ip rejectedC The command is accepted and you mast configure the VLAN manuallyD The port turns amberAnswer:C5Refer to the exhibit,in the Frame Relay network,which ip address would be assigned to the interfaces with point-to-point PVCs?Answer:D 67Answer:D8Answer:C9Which command can be used from a PC to verfy the connectivitybetween host that connect throyA tracert addressB ping addressC arp addressD traceroute addressAnswer A10The EIGRP configuration on the Glencoe uses a single network statement.From the output\shown in the graph would advertise these networks in EIGRPGlencoe#show ip protocol478””Routing Protocol is“eigrp478--output-----Redistributing:eigrp478Automatic network summatization ip not in effectMaximum path:4Routing for Networks: Information Sources:Gateway Distance Last U p date.168.1299001:01:59172.26172.26.168.129Distance:internal90external170A:network172.26.168.0area478B:network172.26.0.0C:network172.26.168.1280.0.0.127D:network172.26.168.128area478Answer B11The network administrator is asked to configure113point-to-point links.Which IP addressing scheme best defines the address range and subnet mask that the requiremend and waste the fewest subnet and host address?A10.10.0.0/18subnetted with mask255.255.255.252B10.10.0.0/25subnetted with mask255.255.255.252C10.10.0.0/24subnetted with mask255.255.255.252D10.10.0.0/23subnetted with mask255.255.255.252E10.10.0.0/18subnetted with mask255.255.255.252Answer:D12Answer:D13Answer:D14Answer:D15Answer:D\16Answer:D17Whtich ipV6routing protocol uses multicast group FF02::9to send updates?A.RIPngB.OSPFv3C.staticD.IS-IS for IPv6Answer:A18What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?A.16B.2C.unlimitedD.419What is the purpose of the inverse ARP? map a known DLCI to an IP map a known IP address to a MAC map known SPID to a map a known DLCI to a MAC map a known IP address to a map a known MAC address to an IP addressAnswer:A20Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successosuccessor rA.a primary route,stored in the routing tableB.a backup route,stored in the routing tableC.a backup route,stored in the topology tableD.a primary route,stored in the topology tableAnswer:C21How dose a DHCP server dynamically assign IP address to host?A.Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determinethe length of the agreement.B.Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time.At the end of period,a newquest for an address must be made,and another address is then assigned.C.Addresses are leased to host.A host will usually keep the same address by periodically contacting the DHCP sever to renew the lease.D.Addresses are permanently assigned so that the host uses the same address at all times. Answer:CHow many broadcast domains are shown in the graphic assuming only the default vlan is 2222Howconfigured on the switches?A.oneB.sixC.twelveD.twoAnswer:A23Refer to the exhibit.A network engineer is troubleshooting an internet connectivity problem on thecomputer.What is causing the problem?A.wrong DNS serverB.wrong default gatewayC.incorrect IP addressD.incorrect subnet maskAnswer:C24What Frame Relay mechanism is used to build the map illustrated in the accompanying graphic?A.inverse multiplexingB.LMI mapingC.Inverse ARPD.ARPE.Proxy ProxyARPARP Answer:C25,Refer to the exhibit.The speed of all serial links is E1and the speed of the all Ethernet links is 100Mb/s.Astatic route will be established on the Manchester router to the direct traffic toward theinternet over themost direct path available.What config configurationuration on the Manchester router will establish a router toward the internet for traffic that originates from workstation on the Manchester LAN?A.ip route route route route route route to the exhibit.A technician has installed SwithchB and needs to configure it for remote access from the management workstation connected SwitchA Which set of commands is required to accomplish this task?A.SwitchB(config)#interface FastEthernet0/1SwitchB(config)#ip address192.168.8.252255.255.255.0SwitchB(config)#no shutdownB.SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway192.168.8.254SwitchB(config)#interface vlan1SwitchB(config)#ip address192.168.8.252255.255.255.0SwitchB(config)#no shutdownC.SwitchB(config)#interface vlan1SwitchB(config)#ip address192.168.8.252255.255.255.0SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway192.168.8.254255.255.255.0SwitchB(config)#no shutdownD.SwitchB(config)#ip default-network192.168.8.254SwitchB(config)#interface vlan1SwitchB(config)#ip address192.168.8.252255.255.255.0SwitchB(config)#no shutdownAnswer:BWhat is the effect of using the service password-encryption command?27.27.WhatA.nly passwords configured after the command has been entered will be encrypted.B.Only the enable password will be encrypted.C.Only the enable secret password will be encryptedD.It will encrypt the secret password and remove the enable secret password from the configuration.E.It will encrypt all current and future passwords.Answer:E2828..Refer to the exhibit.How many broadcast domains are configured on switch2?S witch#show vlan briefVLAN Name status ports1default active10VLAN0010active11VLAN0011active20VlAN0020activeA.5B.20C.4D.1Answer:C29A router has two FastEthernet interfaces and needs to connect to four vlans in the local network.How can you accomplish this task,using the fewest physical interfaces and without decreasing network performance?A.Add two more FastEthernet interfaces.B.Add a second router to handle the vlan traffic.e a hub to connect the four vlans with a FastEthernet interface on router.D.Implement a router-on-a-stick configuration.Answer:D30Which statement is true,as relates to classful or classless routing?A.RIPV1and OSPF are classless routing protocols.B.Classful routing protocols send the subnet mask in routing updates.C.C.AutomaticAutomatic summarization at classful boundaries can cause problems on disc……disc…………D.EIGRP and OSPF are classful routing protocols and summarize routes by defdef……Answer:C31What are three features of the IPv6protocol?(choose three)A complicated headerB plug-and-playC no broadcastsD checksumsE optional IP secF autocomfigurationAnswer BCF32what value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root on each nonroot switch in a spanning-tree topology?A lowest port MAC addressB port priority number and M AC addressC VTP revision numberD highest port priority numberF path costAnswer EEIGRP??33.Refer to the exhibit,which address and mask combination a summary of the routes learned by EIGRP Gateway of last resort is not set.Serial0/1D192.168.25.20[90/2681856]via192.168.15.500:00:1000:00:10.Serial0/1.Serial0/100:00:50.Serial0/1D192.168.25.16[90/1823638]via192.168.15.500:00:50.Serial0/100:05:23.Serial0/1D192.168.25.24[90/3837233]via192.168.15.500:05:23.Serial0/1D192.168.25.28[90/2681856]via192.168.15.500:06:4500:06:45.Serial0/1.Serial0/1connected.SerialC192.168.15.4/30is directly connected.FastEthernet0/0connected.FastEthernet0/0C192.168.2.0/24is directly connectedA192.168.25.0255.255.255.240B192.168.25.16255.255.255.252C192.168.25.0255.255.255.252D192.168.25.28255.255.255.240E192.168.25.16255.255.255.240F192.168.25.28255.255.255.240Answer E34What are two benefits of using NAT?(choose two)A NAT protects network security because private network are not advertisedB NAT accelerates the routing process because no modifications ate made on the packetsC Dynamic NAT facilitates connections from the outside of the networkD NAT facilitates end-to-end communication when IPsec enableE NAT eliminates the need to re-address all host that requite extemal accessF NAT conserves addresses through host MAC-level multiplexingAnswer AE35A switch is configured as a vtp sever with a domain name of CCNA.Which cisco ios privileged mode command followed by a reload of the switch,will reset the VTP management domain name of the switch to a NULL value?A#vtp domain unsetB#delete vlan dateC#no vtp domainD#VTP domain nullAnswer B36Assuming default setting,how can you erase the VTP database of VLAN on a CISCO IOS switch running in VTP server mode?A Enable VTP pruningB Form privileged mode,erase the startup configuration file,then reloadC Form privileged mode,erase the vlan date file,then reloadD Cycle the switch power.Answer C34Which two statements about static NAT translation are true?(choose two)A They ate always present in the ANT tableB They allow connection to be initiated from the outside .C They can be configured to be initiated lin line e ,to allow two or more connection to be initiated from the outside .D They require no inside or outside interface marking because addresses are s tatically defined defined..Answer :AB37.if a Ethernet port on a router was assigned an IP address of .what is the maximum number of hosts allowed on this subnet ?A 4094B 1023C 8190D 2046E 4096Answer A38Answer C39Refer to the exhibit ,The network administrator normally a telnet session with the switch host A However,host A is unavailableThe administrator administrator’’s attempt to the switch form host B fails .but pings to the other two hosts ate successful successful.what.what is the issue?Switch #show ip interface briefInterface ip-address OK?Method StatusProtocol Vlan1172.19.1.250YES manual up up FastEtherne0/1unassigned YES unset up up FastEtherne0/1unassigned YES unset up up FastEtherne0/1unassignedYES unset up up FastEtherne0/1unassigned YESunsetupupO ut put omittedAnswer B40Answer AF4142.Refer to the exhibit,The serial0/0interface of the Tampa router connect to Oriando router.Which two statement are true about the connection between these two routers?(choose two)H ostname Tampa!U sername Orlando password0cisco!I nterface FastEthernet0/0ip address192.168.1.1255.255.255.0!I nter face s0/0I p address10.0.1.1255.255.255.0Encapentition PPP!R outer eigrp10Network10.0.0.0Network192.168.1.0N o auto-summaryAnswer BC.Refer to the exhibie,Router1was just successfully rebooted,identify the current OSPF router ID fot Router1. 4444.ReferRouter#show ip interface briefI nterface IP-Address OK?Method StatusEthernet0190.172.32.10YES NVRAN upLoopback0208,149.23.162YES NVRAN upLoopback0208.149.23.194YES NVRAN upS erial0220.173.149.10YES NVRAN upS erial1unassigned YES NVRAE administertAnswer A45Answer C46Answer ABF 47Answer ACF 48S1#show interface trunkP ort M o de encapsulation states Native vlanFa0/1on802.1q trunking1P rot Vlan allowed on trunkFa0/11-1005Port Vlans allowed an active in managernent domain Fa0/1 1.2S2#show interface trunkP ort M o de encapsulation states Native vlanFa0/1on802.1q trunking2P rot Vlan allowed on trunkFa0/11-1005Port Vlans allowed an active in managernent domain Fa0/1 1.2Answer C补充新题QUESTION1Which command can be a router to verify the layer3path to a host?A.traceroute addressB.tracert addressC.ssh addressD.telnet addressAnswer:AQUESTION2Which dose theframe-relay interface-dlci command configure?A.remote DLCI on the main interfaceB.local DLCI on the main interfaceC.local DLCI on the subinterfaceD.remote DLCI on the subinterfaceAnswer:CQUESTION3What is the OSPF default frequency,in seconds,at which a cisco router sends hello packets on a multi-access network?A.10B.40C.30D.20Answer:A AAnswer:QUESTION4Refer to the exhibt.Host A has tested connectivity to a remote network.What is the default gateway for hostA?PC>Tract10.16.176.23Tracing route to1016.176.23over a maximum of30hops:131ms31ms32ms172.16.182.1263ms62ms62ms192.168.1.6392ms93ms34ms192.16.176.234125ms110ms125ms10.16.176.23Trace completeA. AAnswer:QUESTION5Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwise configured for these vty line protocols?A.transport type allB.transport output allC.transport preferred allD.transport input allAnswer:DQUESTION6Which command shows your active Telnet connections? cdp queueAnswer:A AAnswer:QUESTION7Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)A.blockingB.learningC.disabledD.forwardingE.listeningADAnswer:Answer:ADQUESTION8There are no boot system commands in a router configuration in NVRAM.What is the fallback sequence that router will use to find an ios during reload?A.Flash,TFTP server,ROMB.Flash,NVRAM,ROMC.ROM,NVRAM,TFTP serverD.NVRAM,TFTP server,ROME.TFTP server,Flash,NVRAMAnswer:A AAnswer:QUESTION9Refer to the graphic.A host is connected to switch port Fa0/3with a crossover cable.The host and switch havehave¡¡-as shown.However,the port indicator on switch port Fa0/3is not on,and the host can.what is the problem?given.what notcommunicate withwith¡¡-to vlan2on the same switch.Based on the information givenA.The switch has been assigned an incorrect subnet mask.B.Switch port FA0/3is not configured as a trunk portC.Switch port FA0/3has been blocked by STPD.The switch and the hosts must be in the same subnetE.The cable is the wrong typeAnswer:EQUESTION10Refer to the exhibit.Which user-mode password has just been set?Router#config tRouter(config)#line vty04Router(config-line)#password ciscoRouter(config-line)#loginA.TelnetB.AuxiliaryC.SSHD.ConsoleAnswer:A AAnswer:QUESTION12Which command enables RSTP on a switch?A.spanning-tree mode rapid-pvstB.spanning-tree uplinkfastC.spanning-tree backbonefastD.spanning-tree mode mstAnswer:A AAnswer:QUESTION13Which two are features of IPv6?(choose two)A.multicastB.broadcastC.allcastD.podcastE.anycastAEAnswer:Answer:AEQUESTION14Which statement about access lists that are applied to an interface is true?different¡¡ can apply multiple access lists with the same protocol or in can config one access list,per direction,per can place as many access lists as you want on any can apply ony one access list on any interfaceAnswer:DQUESTION15ACL?Which item represents the standard IP IPACL?A.access-list50deny192. ip any anyC.access-list2500deny tcp any host192.168.1.1eq22D.access-list101deny tcp any host192.168.1.1Answer:A AAnswer:QUESTION16What is one benefit of PVST+?A.PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkoptimiz¡¡-B.PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimizC.PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.D.PVST+supports Layer3load balancing without loops.Answer:C考试最新情况CCNA题库从4.6日更新,选择题趋于稳定。
1) What were the two challenges of creating a network model (Select two) (创建网络模型所遇到的两个挑战是什么(选择2个) )?A. interconnectivityB. interactionC. internetworkingD. interoperabilityA,D。
2) The Advanced Research Projects Agency created what network(高级研究计划局( A R PA )创建了什么网络)?A. EthernetB. FDDIC. ARPANETD. Token RingC。
A R PA N E T由D A R PA项目创建。
3) What does OSI stand for (OSI代表什么)?A. Organization for Standards InstituteB. Organization for Internet StandardsC. Open Standards InstituteD. Open Systems InterconnectionD。
O S I代表开放系统互连。
4) What are the layers of the OSI reference model, in order (OSI参考模型有哪些层,按顺序回答)?A. application, transport, network, physicalB. application, presentation, session, network, transport, data link, physicalC. application, presentation, session, transport, network, data link, physicalD. application, session, transport, physical5) What is the term for wrapping a data unit with a header and passing it to the next protocol(用报头包装一个数据信元并传递到下一个协议,代表这个过程的术语是什么)?A. WindowingB. EncapsulationC. WrappingD. Heading6) Which of the following is not defined at the physical layer of the OSI reference model (在O S I参考模型的物理层中没有定义下面的哪一个)?A. hardware addressesB. bitstream transmissionC. voltage levelsD. physical interface7) Which standards institute created the 802 series of physical/data link layer standards (哪个标准协会创建了物理/数据链路层标准的8 0 2系列)?A. ANSIB. DIXC. ITU-TD. IEEE8) Who created Ethernet (谁创建了E t h e r n e t )?A. ANSIB. DIXC. ITU-TD. IEEE9) What is the function of CSMA/CD (CSMA/CD的功能是什么)?A. It passes a token around a star topologyB. Nodes access the network and retransmit if they detect a collisionC. Nodes connect to a dual ring of fiber-optics and use a token-passing schemeD. Nodes break the frames into tiny cells and forward them through a cell-switching network.10) What is a backoff algorithm? (什么是补偿算法)?A. It is the fault tolerance calculation for FDDIB. It is a routing calculation for determining the best routeC. It is the notification that a serious error has occurred on the networkD. It is the duration calculation to delay retransmission after a collision, beforeretransmitting in Ethernet.11) IBM’s Token Ring specification is nearly identical and compatible with IEEE’s 802.5specification( IBM的令牌环网规范几乎和I E E E的8 0 2 . 5规范一样而且兼容)。
c c n a考试题库(总34页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除QUESTION 37What are two characteristics of RIPv2 (Choose two.)A. classful routing protocolB. variable-length subnet masksC. broadcast addressingD. manual route summarizationE. uses SPF algorithm to compute path Answer: BDExplanation/Reference:A:有类路由协议,错误B:可变长度子网掩码,正确C:采用广播地址更新,错误D:手动路由汇总,正确E:使用spf算法计算路径,错误。
QUESTION 38Which two Ethernet fiber-optic modes support distances of greater than 550 meters?A.1000BASE-CXB. 100BASE-FXC. 1000BASE-LXD. 1000BASE-SXE. 1000BASE-ZXAnswer: CEExplanation/Reference:A:最长距离25米B:最长距离100米C:最长距离3000米D:最长距离550米E:最长距离70千米QUESTION 39What two things will a router do when running a distance vector routing protocol(Choose two.)A. Send periodic updates regardless oftopology changes.B. Send entire routing table to all routers in the routing domain.C. Use the shortest-path algorithm to the determine best path.D. Update the routing table based on updates from their neighbors.E. Maintain the topology of the entire network in its database.Answer: ADExplanation/Reference:考点:考查距离矢量路由协议特性A:周期性更新,正确B:发送整个路由表到整个路由域,错误,只发送给邻居C:使用SPF算法,错误D:依靠邻居发送更新来更新路由表,正确E:在数据库中维护整个网络的拓扑。
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CCNA题库战报交流群:82327397欢迎备考CCNA的朋友加入,一起讨论交流,通过CCNA考试!CCNA最新题库/最新战报发布区:/forum-261-1.htmlCCNA考试代号:640-802考试时间:中文110分钟英文110+30=140分钟通过分数:825题库版本:V104.2Exam AQUESTION 1Which two commands correctly verify whether port security has been configured on port FastEthernet 0/12on a switch?(choose two)A.SW1#show swithport port-security interface FastEthernet 0/12B.SW1# show swithport port-secure interface FastEthernet 0/12C.SW1# show port-secure interface FastEthernet 0/12D.SW1#show running-configAnswer: CDQUESTION 2Which component of VPN technology ensures that data can be read only by its intended recipient? integrity B.encryption C.key exchange D.authenticationAnswer: DQUESTION 3Refer to the exhibit.What is the effect of the configuration that is shown?A.It tells the router or switch to try establish an SSH connection first and if that fail to use telnet.B.Itconfigures a cisco network device to use the SSH protocol on incoming communications via the virtualterminal ports.C.It allows seven failed login attempts before the VTY lines are temporarily shutdown.D.It configures the virtual terminal lines with the password 030752180500.E.It configures SSH globally for all logins.Answer: BQUESTION 4Which IPV6 routing protocol uses multicast group FFO2::8 to send updates?A.RIPng B.OSPFv3C.IS-IS for IPv6D.staticAnswer: Cb b s .h h mWhich of the following are true regarding the debug output shown in the graphic?(choose two)A.This router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#version 2RtrA(config-router)#network router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#network will be displayed in the routing will be displayed in the routing table.E.This router was configured with the commands:RtrA(config)#router ripRtrA(config-router)#network was disabled on this router.Answer: BCQUESTION 6The network administrator is asked to configure 113 point-to-point links.Which IP addressing scheme best defines the address range and subnet mask that meet the requirement and waste the fewest subnet and host addresses?A. subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask subnetted with mask Db b s .h h mVLAN 3 is not yet configured on your switch.What happens if you set the switchport access vlan 3commmand interface configuration mode?A.The command is accepted and the respective VLAN is added to vlan dat.B.The command is rejected.C.The command is accepted and you must configure the VLAN manually.D.The port turns amber.Answer: AQUESTION 8Which parameter can be tuned to affect the selection of a static route as a backup.when a dynamic protocol is also being used? bandwidth B.hop count costD.administrative delayAnswer: DQUESTION 9Refer to the exhibit. In the Frame Relay network, which ip address would be assigned to the interfaces with point-to-poin PVCs?A.DLCI 16: 17: 99: 28: b s .h h mB.DLCI 16: 17: 99: 28: 16: 17: 99: 28: 16: 17: 99: 28: BQUESTION 10Why will a switch never learn a broadcast address?A.Broadcast frames are never sent to swiches.B.Broadcast addresses use an incorrect format for the switching table.C. A broadcast address will never be the source address of a frame.D.Broadcasts only use network layer addressing.E.A broadcast frame is never forwarded by a switch.Answer: CQUESTION 11Wich command can you use to manually assign a static IPV6 address to a muter interface?A.ipv6 address PREFIX_1::1/64B.ipv6 autoconfig 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64C.ipv6 autoconfigD.ipv6 address 2001:db8:2222:7272::72/64Answer: DQUESTION 12The EIGRP configuration in the Glencoe router uses a single network statement.From the output shown in the graph would advertise these networks in EIGRP?b b s .h h mwork area 478work area 478Answer: BQUESTION 13Which IPsec security protocol should be used when confidentiality is required?A.AH B.MD5C.PSK D.ESPAnswer: DQUESTION 14What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a…(此处文字不清楚).?A.It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.B.It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.C.It creates a VLAN 999 interface.D.It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unkown tagged traffic.Answer: DQUESTION 15Which command can be used from a PC to verfy the connectivity between host that connect thro…(字体不清)…?A.tracert address address C.arp addressD.traceroute addressAnswer: AQUESTION 16In which solution is a router ACL used?A.protecting a server frome unauthorized accesB.controlling path selection,based on the route metricC.reducing router CPU utilizationD.filterring packets that are passing through a routerAnswer: DQUESTION 17Which statement is true, as relates to classful or classless routing?b b s .h h mA.RIPV1 and OSPF are classless routing protocols.B.Classful routing protocols send the subnet mask in routing updates.C.Automatic summarization at classful boundaries can cause problems on disc……D.EIGRP and OSPF are classful routing protocols and summarize routes by def……Answer: CQUESTION 18A router has two FastEthernet interfaces and needs to connect to four vlans in the local network.How can you accomplish this task,using the fewest physical interfaces and without decreasing network performance?A.Add two more FastEthernet interfaces.B.Add a second router to handle the vlan traffic.e a hub to connect the four vlans with a FastEthernet interface on router.D.Implement a router-on-a-stick configuration.Answer: DQUESTION 19Refer to the exhibit.How many broadcast domains are configured on switch2?A.5B.20C.4D.1Answer: CQUESTION 20What is the effect of using the service password-encryption command?A.nly passwords configured after the command has been entered will be encrypted.B.Only the enable password will be encrypted.C.Only the enable secret password will be encryptedD.It will encrypt the secret password and remove the enable secret password from the configuration.E.It will encrypt all current and future passwords.Answer: Eb b s .h h mQUESTION 21Refer to the exhibit.A technician has installed SwithchB and needs to configure it for remote access from the management workstation connected SwitchA Which set of commands is required to accomplish this task?A.SwitchB(config)#interface FastEthernet 0/1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownB.SwitchB(config)#ip default-gateway vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdown C.SwitchB(config)#interface vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address default-gateway shutdownD.SwitchB(config)#ip default-network vlan 1SwitchB(config)#ip address shutdownAnswer: BQUESTION 22Refer to the exhibit.The speed of all serial links is E1 and the speed of the all Ethernet links is 100Mb/s.A static route will be established on the Manchester router to the direct traffic toward the internet over the most direct path available.What configuration on the Manchester router will establish a router toward the internet for traffic that originates from workstation on the Manchester LAN?b b s .h h mA.ip route route route route route route FQUESTION 23What Frame Relay mechanism is used to build the map illustrated in the accompanying graphic?A.inverse multiplexingB.LMI mapingC.Inverse ARPD.ARPE.Proxy ARPAnswer: CQUESTION 24Refer to the exhibit.A network engineer is troubleshooting an internet connectivity problem on the computer.What is causing the problem?b b s .h h mA.wrong DNS serverB.wrong default gatewayC.incorrect IP addressD.incorrect subnet maskAnswer: CQUESTION 25How many broadcast domains are shown in the graphic assuming only the default vlan is configured on the switches?b b s .h h mA.oneB.sixC.twelveD.twoAnswer: AQUESTION 26How dose a DHCP server dynamically assign IP address to host?A.Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length ofthe agreement.B.Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time.At the end of period,a newquest for an address mustbe made ,and another address is then assigned.C.Addresses are leased to host.A host will usually keep the same address by periodically contacting theDHCP sever to renew the lease.D.Addresses are permanently assigned so that the host uses the same address at all times.Answer: CQUESTION 27Which type of EIGRP route entry describes a feasible successor?A. a primary route,stored in the routing table B. a backup route,stored in the routing table C. a backup route,stored in the topology table D.a primary route,stored in the topology tableAnswer: CQUESTION 28What is the purpose of the inverse ARP? map a known DLCI to an IP map a known IP address to a MAC map known SPID to a map a known DLCI to a MAC map a known IP address to a map a known MAC address to an IP addressAnswer: AQUESTION 29What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?A.16B.2C.unlimitedD.4Answer: Db b s .h h mQUESTION 30Which IPV6 routing protocol uses multicast group FF02::9 to send updates?A.RIPng B.OSPFv3C.staticD.IS-IS for IPv6Answer: AQUESTION 31What are two benefits of using NAT?(choose two)A.NAT protects network security because private networks are not advertised.B.NAT accelerates the routing process because no modifications are made on the packets.C.Dynamic NAT facilitates connections from the outside of the network.D.NAT facilitates end-to-end communication when IPsec is enable.E.NAT eliminates the need to re-address all host that require extemal access.F.NAT conserves addresses through host MAC-level multiplexing.Answer: AEQUESTION 32Which three statements about RSTP are true?(choose three)A.RSTP significantly reduces topology reconverging time after a link failure.B.RSTP expends the STP port roles by adding the alternate and backup roles.C.RSTP port atates are blocking,discarding,learing,or forwarding.D.RSTP also uses the STP proprsal-agreement sequence.E.RSTP use the same timer-baseed process as STP on point-to-point links.F.RSTP provides a faster transition to the forwarding state on point-to-point links than STP does.Answer: ABFQUESTION 33Refer to the exhibit.The serial0/0 interface of the Tampa router connects the Oriando router.Which two statements are true about the connection between these two routers?(choose two)b b s .h h mA.The only device with which the Tampa router will negotiate a data link is the Orlando router.B.The link is addressed on the *zero*subnet network.C.The link uses a three-way handshake for authentication.D.The link uses a two-way handshake for authentication.E.Data exchanges between the Oriando and Tampa routers are encrypted.Answer: BCQUESTION 34A switch is configured as a vtp sever with a domain name of CCNA.Which cisco ios privileged modecommand,followed by a reload of the swith,will reset the VTP management domain name of the switch to a NULL value?A.#vtp domain unset B.#delete vlan.dat C.#no vtp domain D.#vtp domain nullAnswer: BQUESTION 35If an Ethernet port on a router was assigned an IP address of,what is the maximum number of hosts allowed on this subnet?A.4094B.1024C.8190D.2046b b s .h h mE.4096Answer: AQUESTION 36Which two statements about static NAT translations are true?(choose two)A.They are always present in the NAT table.B.They allow connection to be initiated from the outside.C.They can be configured with access lists, to allow two or more connections to be initiated from theoutside.D.They require no inside or outside interface markings because addresses are statically defined.Answer: ABQUESTION 37Which of these represents an IPv6 link-local address?A.FE08::280e:611:a:f14f:3d69B.FE81::280f:512b:e14f:3d69C.FE80::380e:611a:e14f:3d69D.FEFE:0345:5f1b::e14d:3d69Answer: CQUESTION 38What are three features of the IPV6 protocol?(choose three)plicated header B.plug-and-play broadcasts D.checksums E.optional IPsec F.autoconfigurationAnswer: BCFQUESTION 39Assuming default setting,how can you erase the VTP database of VLANs on a CISCO IOS switch running in VTP server mode?A.Enable VTP pruningB.From privileged mode ,erase the startup configuration file,then reload.C.From privileged mode ,erase the vlan date file, then reload.D.Cycle the switch power.Answer: CQUESTION 40Refer to the exhibit.which address and mask combination a summary of the routes learned by EIGRP?b b s .h h mA. EQUESTION 41Refer to the exhibit A frame on vlan 1on switch s1 is sent to switch s2 when the frame is received on vlan 2,what causes this behavior?A.trunk mode mismatchesb b s .h h mB.vlans that do not correspond to a unique IP subnetC.native vlan mismatchesD.allowing only vlan 2 on the destination.Answer: CQUESTION 42Refer to the exhibit.The network administrator normally establishes a telnet session with the switch from host A.However,host A is unavailable.The administrator ′s attempt to the switch from host B fails,but pings to the other two hosts are successful.what is the issue?A.Host B and the switch need to be in the same subnet.B.The switch needs and appropriate default gateway assigned.C.The switch interface connected to the router is down.D.Host B need to be assigned an IP address in vlan 1.Answer: BQUESTION 43What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in a spanning-tree topology?A.lowest port MAC addressB.port priority number and MAC address.C.VTP revision numberD.highest port priority number.E.path costAnswer: EQUESTION 44Refer to the exhibit.Router 1 was just successfully rebooted.identify the current OSPF router ID for Router 1.b b s .h h mA. AQUESTION 45Why do large OSPF networks use a hierarchical design?(choose three) confine network instability to single areas of the reduce the complexity of router configuration speed up lower costs by replacing routers with distribution layer decrease latency by increasing reduce routing overheadAnswer: ACFQUESTION 46A network administrator receives an error message while tring to configure the Ethernet interface of a router with IP address statement explains the reason for this issue?A.The address is a broadcast address B.The Ehernet interface is faultyC.VLSM-capable routing protocols must be enable first on the router.D.This address is a network address.Answer: DQUESTION 47Which two are advantages of static routing when compared to dynamic routing?(choose two)A.Security increases because only the network administrator may change the routing tables.B.Configuration complexity decreases as network size increases.C.Routing updates are automatically sent to neighbors.D.Route summarization iscompued automatically by the router.E.Routing traffic load is reduced when used in stub network linksF.An efficient algorithm is used to build routing tables,using automatic updates.G.Routing tables adapt automatically to topology changes.b b s .h h mAnswer: AEQUESTION 48A company has a small network,consisting of a single switch and a single router.The switch has been configured with two vlans,and route-on-a-stick is being configured on the router for inter-vlan routing.A trunk is configured to connect the switch to the router.What is the minimum number of router subinterfaces that are required for all the vlans to communicate? B.three C.two D.zeroAnswer: CQUESTION 49Which command can be a router to verify the layer 3 path to a host?A.traceroute address B.tracert address C.ssh address D.telnet addressAnswer: AQUESTION 50Which dose the frame-relay interface-dlc i command configure?A.remote DLCI on the main interface B.local DLCI on the main interface C.local DLCI on the subinterface D.remote DLCI on the subinterfaceAnswer: CQUESTION 51What is the OSPF default frequency,in seconds,at which a cisco router sends hello packets on a multi-access network?A.10B.40C.30D.20Answer: AQUESTION 52Refer to the exhibt.Host A has tested connectivity to a remote network.What is the default gateway for host A?b b s .h h mA. AQUESTION 53Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwise configured for these vty line protocols?A.transport type allB.transport output allC.transport preferred allD.transport input allAnswer: DQUESTION 54Which command shows your active Telnet connections? cdp queueAnswer: AQUESTION 55Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)A.blocking B.learning C.disabled D.forwarding E.listeningAnswer: ADb b s .h h mQUESTION 56There are no boot system commands in a router configuration in NVRAM.What is the fallback sequence that router will use to find an ios during reload?A.Flash,TFTP server,ROM B.Flash,NVRAM,ROMC.ROM,NVRAM,TFTP serverD.NVRAM,TFTP server,ROME.TFTP server,Flash,NVRAMAnswer: A QUESTION 57Refer to the graphic.A host is connected to switch port Fa0/3 with a crossover cable.The host and switch have…as shown.However,the port indicator on switch port Fa0/3 is not on,and the host can notcommunicate with…to vlan 2 on the same switch.Based on the information given.what is the problem?A.The switch has been assigned an incorrect subnet mask.B.Switch port FA0/3 is not configured as a trunk port C.Switch port FA0/3 has been blocked by STPD.The switch and the hosts must be in the same subnetE.The cable is the wrong typeAnswer: E QUESTION 58Refer to the exhibit.Which user-mode password has just been set?A.Telnet B.Auxiliary C.SSH D.Consoleb b s .h h mAnswer: AQUESTION 59DNS servers provide what service?A.they run a spell check on host names to ensure accurate routingB.they map individual hosts to their specific IP addressC.they convert domain names into IP addressD.Given an IP address,they determine the name of the host that is…Answer: CQUESTION 60Which command enables RSTP on a switch?A.spanning-tree mode rapid-pvstB.spanning-tree uplinkfastC.spanning-tree backbonefastD.spanning-tree mode mst Answer: A QUESTION 61Which two are features of IPv6?(choose two)A.multicast B.broadcast C.allcastD.podcastE.anycast Answer: AE QUESTION 62Which statement about access lists that are applied to an interface is true? can apply multiple access lists with the same protocol or in different… can config one access list,per direction,per layer 3 can place as many access lists as you want on any can apply ony one access list on any interfaceAnswer: DQUESTION 63Which item represents the standard IP ACL?A.access-list 50 deny 110 permit ip any anyC.access-list 2500 deny tcp any host eq 22D.access-list 101 deny tcp any host o mAnswer: AQUESTION 64What is one benefit of PVST+?A.PVST+reduces the CPU cycles for all the switches in the networkB.PVST+automatically selects the root bridge location,to provide optimiz…C.PVST+allow the root switch location to be optimized per vlan.D.PVST+supports Layer 3 load balancing without loops.Answer: Cmoc.1hh.sbb。