专业英语综合教程_unit 1_WE’VE BEEN HIT


综合教程2(第2版)何兆熊 U1课文精解

综合教程2(第2版)何兆熊 U1课文精解

“We’ve Been Hit!”Adam Mayblum used to enjoy watching as storms lashed the windows of his office:过去很享受看着暴风雨敲打他办公室的场景You think that’s power? Mayblum would scoff. I’m on the 87th floor of the World Trade Center. That’s power.你认为这就是力量?可能会讥笑。




Although they were 1,040 feet in the sky, The WTC was quite steady.虽然它是在距离地面1040英尺的高空,但是在世贸大厦中心还是相当稳固的When Mayblum felt a devastating rumble on that September morning, he glanced at the drawstrings. They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction.在那个九月的早上,当感到毁灭性的隆隆声时,他瞥了一眼拉绳。

它们剧烈地摆动到3英尺的任何方向Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into an extraordinary purgatory that morning.那个早晨,有数以千计的人将被卷入一场惊心动魄的灾难,也是其中一员While as many as 25,000 would find their way to safety, 5,000 would not.尽管多达25000人找到了他们安全逃生的方式,但另外的5000人人却没有逃脱得了这场灾难。

Unit 1 We've Been Hit

Unit 1 We've Been Hit

Unit 1 We‟ve Been Hit
Background information
What do you know about “terrorism”? Characteristics, intention, typical terrorist attack…
Read the following information on terrorism and share with your partner your understanding of “terrorism”.
Unit 1 We‟ve Been Hit
A United Nations Secretary General report has defined terrorism as any act "intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organization to do or abstain from doing any act”
Unit 1 We‟ve Been Hit
Teaching objectives Master some new words in this unit; Master the usage of used to, would Learn to narrate a story in chronological order; ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้et to know something about terrorism.

Unit 1 We have been hit

Unit 1 We have been hit

sh: to hit violently or suddenlyThe willow branches lashed against the windows.The waves lashed against the rocks. Vi.The waves lashed the shore.The sleet(雨夹雪) lashed the roof. Vt.[Synonyms]whip, beat2.scoff: to laugh at or speak about a person or idea in a way which shows that you think theyare stupid or ridiculousThe critics scoffed at his paintings.I came to the meeting to scoff but the speaker persuaded me.mock: to laugh at someone, often by copying them in an amusing but unkind wayThey were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.[Synonyms] smile, beam, grin, smirk, chuckle, guffaw, snicker, giggle, chortle, sneer, titter, mock Note: Invite the students to perform he different kinds of “laugh”.推荐微信,中国日报网双语新闻:各种笑的英文表达3.sway: to move or swing from side to side.The trees swayed gently in the wind.(fig.) He swayed between hopes and fears.[Synonyms] swing, wave4.illusion:1)an idea or belief which is not trueHe had/cherished no illusions about his talents as a singer. 对…..不存幻想2)something that is not really what it seems to beA large mirror in the room can create the illusion of space. 幻觉、错觉[Derivation] illusive, illusory[c.f.] delusion[collocation] be under an illusionI was under the illusion that he was honest until he was caught stealing some money.Para 2-55.devastating: completely destructive.The US launched its most devastating attack of the entire war.[Derivation] devastate[Synonyms] devastate/damage/destroy/destruct/ruin/hurt6.rumble1) vt .& vi. to make a continuous low soundMy stomach is rumbling —I haven’t eaten all day.饿得咕咕叫2) n. a deep, long, rolling soundWe could hear the rumble of distant thunder.7.careen vi. (AmE) to go forward quickly while moving from one side to anotherThe driver lost control of his car when the brakes failed, and it went careening down the hill. As the bus careened down the hill, the passengers were thrown roughly from side to side. [Synonyms] lurch; tiltHe tilted his chair backward and put his feet up on the desk.[compare] career8.cast:1) [v.] to throwDid you cast the fishing lure?Cast dice2) [v.] send forthThe candles cast a soft light.The witch cast a spell on the Sleeping Beauty.His refusal cast doubts on the success of the project.c.f. Throw, hurl, fling3) [n.] The cast was pretty strong. 演员阵容强大The Student Union will have a new cast of leaders.领导班子9.glance1)a brief and cursory lookHe gave the paper a glance before breakfast.2)Look quickly and briefly atI saw them glance at each other as if they knew something I didn’t know.[Synonyms] glare, stare, gaze, gape, glimpse10.purgatory: a place or condition of great suffering炼狱Angela has a very thin sharp voice; it’s purgatory to have to listen to her sing.活受罪[Derivation] purgatorial adj.[Synonyms] torture, plague11.find one’s way to:to succeed in reachingAt last, they found their way to safety.[Synonyms]way; route; courseWay is the least specific.Show me the way home.Route refers to a planned, well-established, or regularly traveled way.Is the school on a bus route?.Course suggests the path or channel taken by something, such as a river or a satellite, that moves.e.g. The ship was blown off course.12.ultimate adj. most extreme or important, either the original or final, or the best or worstMy ultimate goal in life is to be my own boss.13.moral adj. relating to the standards of good or bad behavior, fairness, honesty, etc. inwhich people believe, rather than lawsIt’s her moral obligation to tell the police what she knows.He thinks i t is not part of a novelist’s job to mak e a moral judgment.Derivation: morally adv. morality n.Antonym: immoral[Synonyms] moral; ethical; virtuous; righteousMoral applies to personal character and behavior, especially sexual conduct, measured against prevailing standards of rectitude.e.g. She was the only politician to condemn the proposed law on moral grounds (= for moralreasons).Ethical stresses conformity with idealistic standards of right and wrong, as those applicable to the practices of lawyers and doctors.e.g. We are a moral, ethical people and therefore we do not approve of their activities.Virtuous implies moral excellence and loftiness of character; in a narrower sense it refers to sexual chastity.e.g. He described them as a virtuous and hard-working people.Righteous emphasizes moral uprightness and especially the absence of guilt or sin; when it is applied to actions, reactions, or impulses, it often implies justifiable outrage.e.g. He was regarded as a righteous and holy man.14.dilemma: a situation in which one has to make a difficult choice.This is the industrialist’s dilemma: invest, and risk going bankrupt, or not invest and risk losing your share of the market.The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.[Synonyms] quandary, predicamentPara 6-915.Soak v. Remain in or be completely covered by liquid especially to be completely soft. soaked adj. extremely wetI’m going to have to take these clothes off —I’m soaked to the skin![synonyms] wet; damp; humidWet means soaked in liquid.Damp means slightly wet: damp air, a damp clothHumid refers to an unpleasantly high degree of moisture in the atmosphere:humid air, humid weather16.off and on (on and off): in an intermittent mannerI’ve had toothache on and off for a couple of month s.cf. on and on不停地talk on and on17.reassuring: make someone feel less worried or frightened.It’s reassuring to know that the children are being looked after.She gave a a reassuring smile before I went on the stage.[Derivation] reassure; reassurance; ensure; insure; rest assured[Antonyms] Threatening, discouraging18.wade: to walk through (water)He had to wade across a stream to go to school..Wade in/into interrupt or go into forcefully in an argument[comparison] paddle19.pandemonium n.a situation in which there is a lot of noise and confusion because peopleare excited, angry or frightenedPandemonium reigned in the hall as the unbelievable election results were read out. [Synonyms] disorder/ chaos/ confusion20.panic[n./v.]: to be suddenly frightened by something.When the plane gets into difficulty in the sky, it is essential that the pilot should not panic.The audience panicked at the sound of explosion.I got into a panic when I couldn’t find my USB stick.Panicky adj.Panic-stricken: adj.A few seconds after the explosion the street was full of panic-stricken people, fleeing in alldirections.V. & n.[Synonyms] dread, fear, terrorPara 10-1421.descent n.1) the act or process of going downThe spectators watched the descent of the balloon.2) hereditary derivationa person of African descent[Derivation]descend v.[Antonyms] ascent[synonyms] decline, subsidence -subside22.boltShe bolted the door.He bolted off to catch the train.Make a bolt for the door. (run towards)23. confusion: Being mixed up in the mind (思想上混乱、混淆)To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours.[synonyms]disorder, chaosDisorder a situation in which things or people are not in the correct position, place, or order, so that they are unable to control or organizeThe house was in disorder because of the young children.Chaos: a state of complete disorder and confusionThe country was in chaos following the president’s assassination.[Derivation] confuse, confused,confusing24. make it: to reach or gain sth.If I don’t make it by half past ten, assume I’m not coming.如果我十点半没到,就是没来了。



Key to Unit 1Page 7Ex.11.burning2.something, a situation or a circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location inthe building3.in an intermittent manner4.help you5.Things are satisfactory up to this pointII.1.scoffed2.dilemma3.collapsed4.pandemonium5.reassuring6.rumble7.glancing at8.meet up withpage 8III.1.panicky2.descends / descended3.enjoyable4.expectation5.morality6.persuasion7.strong8.energeticIV1. A2. D3. C4. B5. D6. C7. A8. DPage 9V1.amoral, nonmoral2.disappear3.wildly4.uncover, disclose, reveal5.dissuade6.happily, joyfully, joyously7.ordinary, common8.small, thin, slenderVI1.helpful/helpless2.childish/ childlike / childless3.active4.persistent5.revolutionary6.successful7.womanlydylikepage 101.would2.woulded to, would4. used toed to6. used to7.would8.would9. used to10. would, would, wouldIIed to travel2.was not used to accepting3.was not used to receivinged to thinked to livinged to say7.didn’t use to eat8.am not used to driving page 11III1.insistence2.habitual action3.probability4.willingness5.probability6.polite request7.improbability8.capability1.could, would, might, might, should, might2.could/would, should, could, might, could, would3.should, should, would, would, couldpage 12V.1. needn’t have carried2. needn’t have bought3. didn’t need to tell4. needn’t have had5. needn’t have stood6. didn’t need to hurry7. didn’t need to open8. didn’t need to take9. needn’t have washed10.didn’t need to workPage 13I.1.对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置---不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。

Unit 1 We've been hit 课文讲解课件

Unit 1 We've been hit 课文讲解课件
Mayblum had worked with Ramos off and on for 14 years.
Detailed reading
8 Sparks bit at Mayblum’s ankles as he raced for the stairs. He bolted down two flights before realizing that his trading partner, Hong Zhu, had been left behind. He went back upstairs, the whole area now filled with smoke and burning jet fuel. 9 There was no sign of Hong. Mayblum hurried down again and made it to the 78th floor, a transfer lobby where one set of elevators and stairs ended and another began. He saw a reassuring sight; Ramos had waded into the pandemonium to help panicked workers into a stairwell.
Sentence Appreciation
For some, it was a matter of geography — not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building. 对有些人来说,重要的是此时此刻他们躲 在的位置——不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重 要的是大楼的哪个角落。

最新2unit1 we27ve been hit答案综合教程二资料

最新2unit1 we27ve been hit答案综合教程二资料

Unit 1 W E’VE BEEN HIT!Key to the ExercisesText ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing.CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1-5 F F F T FIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown, all of a sudden, into acondition of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Mayblum was one of them.2. It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed theman’s hope of climbing down the remaining stairs, and thus took away his remaining energy.Structural analysis of the text1. The third part is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save Victor, a heavyset man.2. The last part describes the gathering of the survivors. It seems to reflect and suggest the answer to the ultimate dilemma: “Save yourself, or save another.”VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. burning2. something, a situation or circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location in the building3. in an intermittent manner4. help you5. things are satisfactory up to this point.II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. scoffed2. dilemma3. collapsed4. pandemonium5. reassuring6. rumble7. glancing at8. meet up withIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1.panicky2. descends/ descended3. enjoyable4. expectation5. morality6. persuasion7. strong8. energeticIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence.1-4 ADCB 5-8 DCADV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. amoral, nonmoral2. disappear3. wildly4. uncover, disclose, reveal5. dissuade6. happily, joyfully, joyously7. ordinary, common8. small, thin, slenderVI. Write in each space the adjective form of each given word.1. helpful/ helpless2. childish, childlike, childless3. active4. persistent5. revolutionary6. successful7. womanly8. ladylikeGrammarI. Complete the following sentences with would when appropriate. Use used to wheneverwould is not suitable.1. would2. would3. used to, would4. used to5. used to6. used to7. would8. would9. used to 10. would, would, wouldII. Fill in the blanks with used to (do) or be used to (doing).1. used to travel2. was not used to accepting3. was not used to receiving4. used tothink5. used to living6. used to say7. didn’t used to eat8. am not used todrivingIII. Explain the meaning of would in the following sentences.1. insistence2. habitual action3. probability4. willingness5. probability6. polite request7. improbability8. capabilityIV. Complete the following sentences using would, should, could or might.1. could, would, might, might, should , might2. could/would, should, could, might, could, would3. should, should, would, would, couldV. Complete the following sentences with needn’t have done or didn’t need to do.1. needn’t have carried2. needn’t have bought3. didn’t need to tell4. nee dn’t have had5. needn’t have stood6. didn’t need to hurry7. did n’t need to open8. didn’t need to take9. needn’t have washed 10. didn’t need to workTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置——不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。

2-Unit1 WE27VE BEEN HIT答案综合教程二

2-Unit1 WE27VE BEEN HIT答案综合教程二

Unit 1 W E’VE BEEN HIT!Key to the ExercisesText ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing.CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1-5 F F F T FIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown, all of a sudden, into acondition of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Mayblum was one of them.2. It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed theman’s hope of climbing down the remaining stairs, and thus took away his remaining energy.Structural analysis of the text1. The third part is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save Victor, a heavyset man.2. The last part describes the gathering of the survivors. It seems to reflect and suggest the answer to the ultimate dilemma: “Save yourself, or save another.”VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. burning2. something, a situation or circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location in the building3. in an intermittent manner4. help you5. things are satisfactory up to this point.II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. scoffed2. dilemma3. collapsed4. pandemonium5. reassuring6. rumble7. glancing at8. meet up withIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1.panicky2. descends/ descended3. enjoyable4. expectation5. morality6. persuasion7. strong8. energeticIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence.1-4 ADCB 5-8 DCADV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. amoral, nonmoral2. disappear3. wildly4. uncover, disclose, reveal5. dissuade6. happily, joyfully, joyously7. ordinary, common8. small, thin, slenderVI. Write in each space the adjective form of each given word.1. helpful/ helpless2. childish, childlike, childless3. active4. persistent5. revolutionary6. successful7. womanly8. ladylikeGrammarI. Complete the following sentences with would when appropriate. Use used to wheneverwould is not suitable.1. would2. would3. used to, would4. used to5. used to6. used to7. would8. would9. used to 10. would, would, wouldII. Fill in the blanks with used to (do) or be used to (doing).1. used to travel2. was not used to accepting3. was not used to receiving4. used tothink5. used to living6. used to say7. didn’t used to eat8. am not used todrivingIII. Explain the meaning of would in the following sentences.1. insistence2. habitual action3. probability4. willingness5. probability6. polite request7. improbability8. capabilityIV. Complete the following sentences using would, should, could or might.1. could, would, might, might, should , might2. could/would, should, could, might, could, would3. should, should, would, would, couldV. Complete the following sentences with needn’t have done or didn’t need to do.1. needn’t have carried2. needn’t have bought3. didn’t need to tell4. needn’t have had5. needn’t have stood6. didn’t need to hurry7. did n’t need to open8. didn’t need to take9. needn’t have washed 10. didn’t need to workTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置——不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。



◆Unit 1 We’ve Been Hit✧Mayblum would be one of thousands cast intoan extraordinary purgatory that morning.On that morning, thousands of people in theWTC were thrown all of a sudden, into acondition of extremely terrible suffering thatmorning, Mayblum was one of them.✧The rumbles of the collapsing tower next doorseemed to sap the heavyset man of his last gaspof energy.It seemed that the tremendous sound of thecollapse of the south tower destroyed the man’shope of climbing down the remaining stairs,thus took away his remaining energy.✧In flames -burning .✧ A matter of geography - a situation that wasdepended on one’s location .✧Off and on-in an intermittent manner / nothappening continuously or regularly .✧Give you a hand - help you✧So far , so good - things are satisfactory upto this point✧Scoff at✧In a dilemma as to whether to marry Paul✧Overcome by the heat and collapsed into thenearest chair✧ A sheer pandemonium in the dance hall✧Lay a reassuring hand on Steven’s arm✧An echoing rumble✧Meet up with◆Unit 2 The Virtues of Growing Older✧And women, I’m embarrassed to admit , evenmore than men, have always seemed to be atthe mercy of fashion.I’m embarrassed to admit that womenare less capable than men of resisting totemptation of fashion.✧It means trying on new selves by taking up withdifferent crowds.It means that you make friends with different(in order) to find a new identity for yourself.✧I no longer blame my parents for my everypersonality quirk or keep a running score ofeverything they did wrong raising me.I no longer constantly remind myself of all thewrong thing my parents did in the process ofraising me.✧Hold out✧Be apt to - be likely to✧Fall apart -break up✧In general - as a while✧At the mercy of - completely controlled by ✧No wonder - not surprising✧ A way to delay the aging process✧Feverishly he set to work✧ A facade of honesty✧Be confronted with✧Chair a meeting✧On the premise that✧Sb. be proved guilty✧Dread doing sth.✧Resent sb. doing✧Automatically✧Await of bid <等待决标>/be awaiting adecision◆Unit 3 My Stroke of Luck✧But that took some doing on my part too.take some doing = to be hard workon one’s part = on the part of sbBut I also made some effort to change myself .✧…which hasn’t always been easy, given that I’msometimes an actor wrapped up in his ego.Because sometimes I’m too proud of myself asan actor.✧Tie the knot = get married✧Given that = because✧Then and there = without any delay✧In the midst of = when✧Set … apart = distingwish✧We were totally wrapped in ourselves and losttouch with a lot of friends.✧A sudden shock could be fatal to anyone with adelicate heart condition.✧Be fluent with✧Undergo a profound change✧Stretch out in her favorite armchair✧State pensions are financed by the contributionof those still at work.✧Unforeseeable consequencesThis is a basic skill in today’s world wheredifferent cultures interact.✧Millions of people are discovering how to bridgecultures.Lots of people are finding ways to get rid ofcultural differences/interrelate different cultures.✧Provided = as long as/if✧Need never be out of touch = can never fail tobe reached✧Regardless of whether … = no matter whether…✧Overlook at one’s peril = fail to notice at greatriskdepended on his painful effort to climb these 14 steps.✧In the next few frozen seconds the shame andhorror of that moment penetrated and I wassick with an intensity I had never felt before.In the next seconds I was filled with such shame and horror that I was speechless and unable to move. I had never been so sick about what Ihad done before.✧A slowly progressive disease = a disease thatgradually became more and more serious✧With the aid of = with the help of✧Peer at = look very carefully and hard at✧Be all set = be ready, be prepared✧Indifference to = not caring about✧Tilt✧Lead up to✧Hold on to✧Care for✧Be inclined to✧Make a living✧Follow one’s example✧Golding’s novel is to a degree experimental instyle◆Unit 6 The Diary of The Unknown Soldier✧While that might not provide much to help themcope with their loss, it will make the childrenfeel like their fathers make a difference.Although my stories about their fathers’ deathcould not relieve their pain, they would enablethe children to realize the extraordinarysignificance of their fathers’ contribution.✧A saying I once heard strikes a painful note inmy head, “Even one war is too many.”I suddenly recalled a saying I once heard whichmakes me very painful, “Even one war is toomany.”✧No more than = only✧Strike a painful note in my head = makes mefeel very painful✧More blood has been shed = more people havebeen injured or killed✧Word has it that = it is said that✧With an air of = appearing full of/ seeming tohave✧Several people shouted at the chairman;feelings were running high.✧Tucked the children up in bed✧The building is regularly inspected by a fire-safety officer.✧Taken precautions✧Sally announced with an air of finality✧Appeal to his adventurous spirit✧He raced back towards the forest with theenraged dogs at his heel.✧I hadn’t rehearsed it properly and I panicked,stepping onto the stage.◆Unit 7 Letter to a B Student✧To lose, to fail, to go under, to go broke — theseare deadly sins in a world where prosperity inthe present is seen as a sure sign of salvation in the future.Being unsuccessful in one’s life and career and financially disadvantaged is regarded asshameful or even sinful, because in this worldpeople tend to think that only those who aresuccessful now can be saved from evil in thefuture.✧I’m certain that nothing I can say will removethat feeling of disappointment, particularly in a climate where grades determine eligibility forgraduate school and special program.✧It is important to recognize that human beings,despite differences in class and educationallabeling, are fundamentally hewn from the samematerial and knit together by common bonds of fear and joy, suffering and achievement. Warfare, sickness, disasters public and private - these are the larger coordinates of life. Although they differ in their class status and educational background, human beings are essentially the same. First of all, they are biologically speaking constructed in the same way; and then, they all share the feelings of fear and joy and also the common experience of suffering and achieving. This commonality has bound them together. All of them will regard wars, disease, and disasters, both public and private as unfortunate big events in their lifetime.✧Essence = most important part✧Deadly sins = sins leading to damnation✧Misleading = make sb. think or act wrongly ✧Conventional tasks = traditionally required ofstudents✧In short supply = far from enough✧Define an extrovert personality✧Leave out the sentences that are irrelevant tothe thesis✧Correspond to the descriptions✧Every semester he flunked at least twocourses✧Carnegie considered that the distribution ofwealth for the benefit of society must never be in the form of free charity but rather mustbe as a support to the community’sresponsibility for its own people.✧Make a point of✧Be apt to✧Some of us had to eat beef noodles as therewas not enough chicken rice to go round.。

最新unit 1 “we’ve been hit”课文翻译综合教程二资料

最新unit 1 “we’ve been hit”课文翻译综合教程二资料

Unit 1 “We’ve Been Hit!”With the building in flames, one man needed help. Another man refused to leave him.Adam Mayblum used to enjoy watching as storms lashed the windows of his office: You think that’s power? Mayblum would scoff. I’m on the 87th fl oor of the World Trade Center. That’s power. The drawstrings on his window shades would appear to sway slightly, but it was an illusion. Although they were 1,040 feet in the sky, The WTC was quite steady.When Mayblum felt a devastating rumble on that September morning, he glanced at the drawstrings. They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction.Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into an extraordinary purgatory that morning1. While as many as 25,000 would find their way to safety, 5,000 would not.For some, it was a matter of geography2 — not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building.For some, the choices were as basic as which staircase to use. Others faced the ultimate moral dilemma: Save yourself, or save another.The confusion inside Adam Mayblum’s office at May Davis, a financial services firm, lasted just seconds. He knew he needed to get out.He ripped his T-shirt into pieces, soaked the pieces in water and gave them to colleagues to cover their faces. Among them: Harry Ramos, head trader at May Davis. Mayblum had worked with Ramos off and on for 14 years.3Sparks bit at Mayblum’s ankles as he raced for the stairs. He bolted down two flights before realizing that his trading partner, Hong Zhu, had been left behind. He went back upstairs, the whole area now filled with smoke and burning jet fuel.There was no sign of Hong. Mayblum hurried down again and made it to the 78th floor, a transfer lobby where one set of elevators and stairs ended and another began. He saw a reassuring sight; Ramos had waded into the pandemonium to help panicked workers into a stairwell.Mayblum continued his descent, the muscles in his calves contracting in spasms. On the 53rd floo r, he came across a heavyset man whose legs just wouldn’t move anymore.4“Do you want to come, or do you want us to send help?” Mayblum shouted.The man asked him to send help. Adam said he would.In the noise, smoke and sparks, Mayblum didn’t realize that his friend Hong Zhu was behind him in the stairwell the whole time. When Hong got to the 53rd floor, he came across Harry Ramos. Ramos had stooped to help the heavyset man Mayblum had seen earlier. “I’ll give you a hand,” Hong said.Together, Ramos and Hong helped the man down one more flight to an elevator.“Don’t take it,” a Port Authority official screamed.Hong and Ramos tried to send a magazine down in the elevator to test its safety. But when they pressed the “down” button, the doors wouldn’t close. So Hong decided that he would be the guinea pig instead.5He stepped inside, and the doors shut behind him.Hong took the elevator down to the 44th floor, the next transfer lobby. So far, so good. He pressed “52,” went back up and collected Ramos and the heavyset man.On 44 Hong and Ramos helped the man toward the last bank of elevators that would take them all the way down.Hong pressed the “down” button again. Nothing. They would have to take the stairs.Ramos a nd Hong tried to support the man. “One step at a time,” Hong said.They had been trying to get out for an hour and five minutes. They were on 36 when they felt the South Tower collapse.“We really have to move,” Hong said.The rumbles of the collapsing tower next door seemed to sap the heavyset man of his last gasps of energy. “I can’t do it anymore,” he said, sitting down.Hong and Ramos tried to persuade him to continue. “You don’t have to move your legs!” Hong shouted. “Just move your butt. Let’s go!” But the man couldn’t go on.A fireman ran up to them. Hong expected that he would join in to get the heavy man to move. Instead, the fireman turned to Hong.“Who are you, screaming at him to get out?” the fireman shouted. “You get out!”Hong looked at Ramos, who was still standing with the heavyset man.“I’m coming down with you,” Ramos told the man. “I’m not going to leave.”“I left,” Hong says sorrowfully. “Alone.”The next day, Adam Mayblum sent an e-mail describing his experience to friends and relatives, who sent it to still others. The e-mail was read by someone in San Francisco who knew a woman in New York named Rebecca. Her husband, Victor, a heavyset man, was missing.On Saturday, September 15, May Davis’s chairman had a gathering at his New Jersey home. Adam Mayblum was there. So was Hong Zhu. Rebecca was also there, learning how her husband, Victor, had been comforted in his last moments, how Harry Ramos had refused to leave him behind.Ramos’s wife, M icky, was there too. She kept asking Mayblum and Hong where her husband was, convinced that somehow, Harry —the only May Davis employee stillmissing — was alive.Piece by piece, she developed a picture of his escape: Harry was on 87 when the plane hit. He stopped to help on 78. He met up with Hong on 53. But as hard as she tried, as many questions as she asked, the picture began to fade on the 36th floor.6“我们被撞了”亚当·梅布拉姆过去很享受看着暴风雨敲打他办公室窗户的场景:你认为这就是力量吗?梅布拉姆可能会讥笑。

Unit 1 We've Been Hit! Words and Expressions综合教程二【

Unit 1 We've Been Hit! Words and Expressions综合教程二【

Unit 1 “We’ve Been Hit!”Words and Expressions1. lash vt. hit violently or suddenlye.g。

The farmer lashed the mules with a stick.The waves lashed the shore.Collocation:lash out (at / against sb。

/ sth。

) make a sudden violent attack with blows or words Synonym:whip,beat2. scoff vi。

laugh (at)e。


All the students scoffed at the poor boy's clothes。

The disabled people are often scoffed。

Derivation:scoffer n。

Synonym:jeer, mock3. sway vi。

move or swing from side to sidee。


He swayed slightly,as if about to fall.他身子一歪,像要倒下.Synonym:swing,wave4. illusion n. sth。

that deceives a person by seeming to be reale。

g. The mirrors all round the walls give an illusion of greater space。

I have no illusions about my ability.我对自己的能力如何颇有自知之明。

Derivation:illusive a。

illusively ad。

Collocation:be under the illusion that believe wronglye.g。

2-Unit1 WE'VE BEEN HIT答案综合教程二

2-Unit1 WE'VE BEEN HIT答案综合教程二

Unit 1 W E’VE BEEN HIT!Key to the ExercisesText prehensionI、Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing、CII、Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false、1-5 F F F T FIV、Explain in your own words the following sentences、1、On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown, all of a sudden, into acondition of terrible suffering and uncertainty、Mayblum was one of them、2、It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed theman’s hope of climbing down the remaining stairs, and thus took away his remaining energy、Structural analysis of the text1、The third part is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save Victor, a heavyset man、2、The last part describes the gathering of the survivors、It seems to reflect and suggest the answer to the ultimate dilemma: “Save yourself, or save another、”VocabularyI、Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words、1、burning2、something, a situation or circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location in the building3、in an intermittent manner4、help you5、things are satisfactory up to this point、II、Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form、1、scoffed2、dilemma3、collapsed4、pandemonium5、reassuring6、rumble7、glancing at8、meet up withIII、Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words、1、panicky2、descends/ descended3、enjoyable4、expectation5、morality6、persuasion7、strong8、energeticIV、Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence、1-4 ADCB 5-8 DCADV、Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used、1、amoral, nonmoral2、disappear3、wildly4、uncover, disclose, reveal5、dissuade6、happily, joyfully, joyously7、ordinary, mon8、small, thin, slenderVI、Write in each space the adjective form of each given word、1、helpful/ helpless2、childish, childlike, childless3、active4、persistent5、revolutionary6、successful7、womanly8、ladylikeGrammarI、plete the following sentences with would when appropriate、Use used to wheneverwould is not suitable、1、would2、would3、used to, would4、used to5、used to6、used to7、would8、would9、used to 10、would, would, would II、Fill in the blanks with used to (do) or be used to (doing)、1、used to travel2、was not used to accepting3、was not used to receiving4、usedto think5、used to living6、used to say7、didn’t used to eat8、am not usedto drivingIII、Explain the meaning of would in the following sentences、1、insistence2、habitual action3、probability4、willingness5、probability6、polite request7、improbability8、capabilityIV、plete the following sentences using would, should, could or might、1、could, would, might, might, should , might2、could/would, should, could, might, could, would3、should, should, would, would, couldV、plete the following sentences with needn’t have done or didn’t need to do、1、needn’t have carried2、needn’t have bought3、didn’t need to tell4、needn’t have had5、needn’t have stood6、didn’t need to hurry7、did n’t need to open8、didn’t need to take9、needn’t have washed 10、didn’t need to workTranslationI、Translate the following sentences into Chinese、1、对有些人来说,生死攸关得就是此时此刻她们所在得位置——不仅就是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要得就是大楼得哪个角落。



Unit 1 W E’VE BEEN HIT!Key to the ExercisesText ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing.CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1-5 F F F T FIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown, all of a sudden, into acondition of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Mayblum was one of them.2. It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed theman’s hope of climbing down the remaining stairs, and thus took away his remaining energy.Structural analysis of the text1. The third part is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save Victor, a heavyset man.2. The last part describes the gathering of the survivors. It seems to reflect and suggest the answer to the ultimate dilemma: “Save yourself, or save another.”VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. burning2. something, a situation or circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location in the building3. in an intermittent manner4. help you5. things are satisfactory up to this point.II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. scoffed2. dilemma3. collapsed4. pandemonium5. reassuring6. rumble7. glancing at8. meet up withIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1.panicky2. descends/ descended3. enjoyable4. expectation5. morality6. persuasion7. strong8. energeticIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence.1-4 ADCB 5-8 DCADV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. amoral, nonmoral2. disappear3. wildly4. uncover, disclose, reveal5. dissuade6. happily, joyfully, joyously7. ordinary, common8. small, thin, slenderVI. Write in each space the adjective form of each given word.1. helpful/ helpless2. childish, childlike, childless3. active4. persistent5. revolutionary6. successful7. womanly8. ladylikeGrammarI. Complete the following sentences with would when appropriate. Use used to wheneverwould is not suitable.1. would2. would3. used to, would4. used to5. used to6. used to7. would8. would9. used to 10. would, would, wouldII. Fill in the blanks with used to (do) or be used to (doing).1. used to travel2. was not used to accepting3. was not used to receiving4. used tothink5. used to living6. used to say7. didn’t used to eat8. am not used todrivingIII. Explain the meaning of would in the following sentences.1. insistence2. habitual action3. probability4. willingness5. probability6. polite request7. improbability8. capabilityIV. Complete the following sentences using would, should, could or might.1. could, would, might, might, should , might2. could/would, should, could, might, could, would3. should, should, would, would, couldV. Complete the following sentences with needn’t have done or didn’t need to do.1. needn’t have carried2. needn’t have bought3. didn’t need to tell4. nee dn’t have had5. needn’t have stood6. didn’t need to hurry7. did n’t need to open8. didn’t need to take9. needn’t have washed 10. didn’t need to workTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 对有些人来说,生死攸关的是此时此刻他们所在的位置——不仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的是大楼的哪个角落。



Unit 1 “We've Been Hit!”With the building in flames, one man needed help. Another man refused to leave him.Adam Mayblum used to enjoy watching as storms lashed the windows of his office: You think that's power? Mayblum would scoff. I'm on the 87th floor of the World Trade Center. That's power. The drawstrings on his window shades would appear to sway slightly, but it was an illusion. Although they were 1,040 feet in the sky, The WTC wasquite steady.When Mayblum felt a devastating rumble on that September morning, he glanced at the drawstrings. They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction.Mayblum would be one of thousands cast into an extraordinary purgatory that morning1. While as many as 25,000 would find their way to safety, 5,000 would not.For some, it was a matter of geography2 —not just which tower they worked in or on which floor, but in which corner of the building.For some, the choices were as basic as which staircase to use. Others faced the ultimate moral dilemma: Save yourself, or save another.The confusion inside Adam Mayblum's office at May Davis, a financial services firm, lasted just seconds. He knew he needed to get out.He ripped his T-shirt into pieces, soaked the pieces in water and gave them to colleagues to cover their faces. Among them: Harry Ramos, head trader at May Davis. Mayblum had worked with Ramos off and on for 14 years.3Sparks bit at Mayblum's ankles as he raced for the stairs. He bolted down two flights before realizing that his trading partner, Hong Zhu, had been left behind. He went back upstairs, the whole area now filled with smoke and burning jet fuel.There was no sign of Hong. Mayblum hurried down again and made it to the 78th floor, a transfer lobby where one set of elevators and stairs ended and another began. He saw a reassuring sight; Ramos had waded into the pandemonium to help panicked workers into a stairwell.Mayblum continued his descent, the muscles in his calves contracting in spasms. On the 53rd floor, he came across a heavyset man whose legs just wouldn't move anymore.4 “Do you want to come, or do you want us to send help?”Mayblum shouted.The man asked him to send help. Adam said he would.In the noise, smoke and sparks, Mayblum didn't realize that his friend Hong Zhu was behind him in the stairwell the whole time. When Hong got to the 53rd floor, he came across Harry Ramos. Ramos had stooped to help the heavyset man Mayblum had seen earlier. “I'll give you a hand,”Hong said.Together, Ramos and Hong helped the man down one more flight to an elevator.“Don't take it,”a Port Authority official screamed.Hong and Ramos tried to send a magazine down in the elevator to test its safety. But when they pressed the “down”button, the doors wouldn't close. So Hong decided that he would be the guinea pig instead.5He stepped inside, and the doors shut behind him.Hong took the elevator down to the 44th floor, the next transfer lobby. So far, sogood. He pressed “52,”went back up and collected Ramos and the heavyset man.On 44 Hong and Ramos helped the man toward the last bank of elevators that would take them all the way down.Hong pressed the “down”button again. Nothing. They would have to take the stairs.Ramos and Hong tried to support the man. “One step at a time,”Hong said.They had been trying to get out for an hour and five minutes. They were on 36 whenthey felt the South Tower collapse.“We really have to move,”Hong said.The rumbles of the collapsing tower next door seemed to sap the heavyset man of hislast gasps of energy. “I can't do it anymore,”he said, sitting down.Hong and Ramos tried to persuade him to continue. “You don't have to move yourlegs!”Hong shouted. “Just move your butt. Let's go!”But the man couldn't go on.A fireman ran up to them. Hong expected that he would join in to get the heavy manto move. Instead, the fireman turned to Hong.“Who are you, screaming at him to get out?”the fireman shouted. “You get out!”Hong looked at Ramos, who was still standing with the heavyset man.“I'm coming down with you,”Ramos told the man. “I'm not going to leave.”“I left,”Hong says sorrowfully. “Alone.”The next day, Adam Mayblum sent an e-mail describing his experience to friends and relatives, who sent it to still others. The e-mail was read by someone in San Franciscowho knew a woman in New York named Rebecca. Her husband, Victor, a heavyset man,was missing.On Saturday, September 15, May Davis's chairman had a gathering at his New Jersey home. Adam Mayblum was there. So was Hong Zhu. Rebecca was also there, learninghow her husband, Victor, had been comforted in his last moments, how Harry Ramos had refused to leave him behind.Ramos's wife, Micky, was there too. She kept asking Mayblum and Hong where herstillemployee Davis May only the —Harry somehow, that convinced was, husbandmissing —was alive.Piece by piece, she developed a picture of his escape: Harry was on 87 when theplane hit. He stopped to help on 78. He met up with Hong on 53. But as hard as she tried,as many questions as she asked, the picture began to fade on the 36th floor.6“我们被撞了”亚当·梅布拉姆过去很享受看着暴风雨敲打他办公室窗户的场景:你认为这就是力量吗?梅布拉姆可能会讥笑。



Unit 1 “We’ve Been Hit!”Teaching Objectives1) To help the students to get to know the background of attack;2) To help the students know more about the courage and compassion of man;3) To help students to learn to analyze the text;4) To help the students to learn the language in this text;5) To help students to develop oral English ability and communication competence.Teaching Procedures1) lead-in activities2) cultural background3) Text analysis4) structural analysis5) language study6) ExercisesLead-in activities1)Tell what you know about the attack.2)Describe a disaster you have experienced or have heard ofand how people reacted to it.3)Do you fear death What do you think of this inevitable fatefor everyoneCultural information1. Presiden t Bush’s address to the nationGood evening. Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing have filled us withdisbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong.A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil — the very worst of human nature — and we responded with the best of America. With the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government’s emergency response plans. Our military is powerful, and it’s prepared. Our emergency teams are working in New York City and Washington . to help with local rescue efforts. Our first priority is to get help to those who have been injured, and to take every precaution to protect ourcitizens at home and around the world from further attacks. The functions of our government continue without interruption. Federal agencies in Washington which had to be evacuated today are reopening for essential personnel tonight and will be openfor business tomorrow. Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well.The search is underway for those who were behind these evil acts. I have directed the full resources of our intelligence and law enforcement communities to find those responsible andto bring them to justice. We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.I appreciate so very much the members of Congress who have joined me in strongly condemning these attacks. And on behalfof the American people, I thank the many world leaders who have called to offer their condolences and assistance. America and our friends and allies join with all those who want peace and security in the world, and we stand together to win the war against terrorism.Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve,for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a Power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23:“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.”This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.Thank you. Good night. And God bless America!2. September 11 attacksThe September 11 attacks (often referred to as September 11th or 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and manyothers working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There were no survivors from any of the flights.The death toll of the attacks was 2,995, including the 19 hijackers. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 70 countries. In addition, there is at least one secondary death — one person was ruled by a medical examiner to have died from lung disease due to exposure to dust from the World Trade Center’s collapse.Text I“We’ve Been Hit!”Global ReadingI. Main ideaThe text describes a particular episode in the disaster that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York, in praise of the courage and compassion of man. It presents three people in the attack, who demonstrated great valor trying to save those who were in danger and needed help.II. Structural analysis1. Divide the text into parts by completing the table.2. What is the function of the last partIt is a most touching scene. It seems to suggest that the author has, from what is described above, reached the conclusion about the ultimate moral dilemma: “Save yourself, or save another.”Detailed ReadingParagraph 1Questions1. How much do you know about the World Trade CenterThe World Trade Center was more than its signature twin towers: it was a complex of 7 buildings on 16 acres, constructed and operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The towers rose at the heart of the complex,each climbing more than 100 feet higher than the silver mast of the Empire State Building. The World Trade Center was hit by hijacked planes on September 11, 2001.2. What images are used to emphasize the steadiness of the WTC Storms and drawstrings.Paragraphs 2-5Questions1. Can you paraphrase the sentence “They were careening wildly, three feet in either direction.” in Paragraph 2 (Paragraph 2)They were swaying up to three feet from side to side, likea ship in a great storm.2. What is the implication of the parallel sentences in Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 (Paragraph 5)These sentences are used to emphasize the fact that the people in the building were in great danger and whether they would survive depended very much on where they happened to be when the building was struck and which staircase theywould use to get out.Paragraphs 6-9Questions1. Is there any evidence of people’s concern for others (Paragraph 9)Yes, Mayblum shared his ripped T-shirt with his colleagues, Mayblum went back to look for his trading partner, and Ramos helped panicked workers into a stairwell.2. What does “Ramos had waded into the pandemonium” mean (Paragraph 9)It means that he “had walked into the wild chaos with great determination.”Paragraphs 10-14These paragraphs depict the scene of Mayblum's encounter with the heavyset man on the 53rd floor where Ramos and Hong offered timely help.Paragraphs 15-22Questions1. How do you understand the sentence “So far, so good” in (Paragraph 18)Things are satisfactory up to this point.2. How did they manage to get down from the 53rd floor to the 36th floor (Paragraph 22)They first got down to the 44th floor in the elevator which, fortunately, was still working. Then Ramos and Hong helped the man down to the 36th floor, which took them an hour and five minutes.Paragraphs 23-30Questions1. What does “Who are you, screaming at him to get out” inPara. 27 mean (Paragraph 27)Who do you think you are You have no right to shout athim and order him to get out.2. Why did the fireman shout at Hong What did he possibly do after Hong left (Paragraph 30)Possibly because he wanted to save at least one more person. After Hong left, he probably joined Ramos in helping the heavyset man.Paragraphs 31-34Questions1) Where did the heavyset man live (Paragraph 31)In New York.2) What is the significance of the last paragraph And what is its relation to the subtitle of the text “With the building in flames, one man needed help. Another man refused to leave him” (Paragraph 34)The last paragraph is a condensed account of Ramos’s heroic deed. It echoes the subtitle with a very moving picture.Notice the word “fade,” which literally means “become unclear,”suggesting that Harry Ramos’s wife was unable toaccept the truth about her husband’s death.Text IIRethinking SkyscrapersJerkily WatsonLead-in QuestionsWhat do you think of the skyscrapers shooting up in the city with the urban developmentMain ideaPara 1: thesis statementPara2-3: The loss of lives caused by 9/11attacksPara4-7: Investigation of causes and the process of the collapse of the WTCPara 8-15: People’s reactions to the collapse of the WTC and Proposals for rebuildingPara 16-18: People’s worries abou t other tall buildingsPara 19-24: a brief history of skyscrapers.Para 25-27: A prediction about the future of skyscrapers: people’s feelings may limit the size of skyscrapers in the future, since many of them worry about the safety of such buildings.Notes1. …the buildings held up well. (Paragraph 4) …the buildings stayed in a reasonably good condition after it was struck.2. …the towers imploded and fell down in their own space. (Paragraph 6) … the towers burst inward instead of outward and fell down in their own space.3. the Empire State Building (Paragraph 16) The Empire State Building is a 102-storey Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. It stood as the world’s tallest building for more than 40 years, from its completion in 1931 until construction of the WorldTrade Center’s North Tower was completed in 1972. The Empire State Building was named by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.4. the Sears Tower (Paragraph 21) Standing at 1,450 feet and 110 storeys high, Sears Tower is the tallest building in North America. Offering more than million square feet of office and retail space, Sears Tower is the business location in Chicago.5. Petronas Towers (Paragraph 21) Kuala Lumpur, being the capital of Malaysia, is full of high-rise buildings and skyscrapers. Petronas Towers, the tallest in the world with the height of 1,438 ft, are located there.6. Donald Trump (Paragraph 22) He was born in 1946 and is a billionaire real estate developer that has massed a fortune through owning key New York properties . Trump Towers) and Atlantic City casinos. Donald Trump took over his father’s New York real estate business and by the 1970s had fashioned himself a deal-maker in Manhattan.7. an International Financial Centre for Shanghai (Paragraph 23) It refers to the skyscraper officially known as theShanghai World Financial Centre, abbreviated as SWFC. It is a 101-storey supertall skyscraper with multiple functions, located in the Lujiazui Financial District, Shanghai, China. Its foundation stone was laid on August 27, 1997. Because of fund shortage caused by the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s, its construction was delayed, and was not completed until September 14, 2007, on which day the skyscraper was topped out at 492 meters. It is currently the world’s third tallest completed building by roof. On August 28, 2008, the SWFC officially opened for business. On August 30 the Observation Deck opened with a view from 3 levels. The highest view is at 474 meters above sea level.Questions for discussion1. What was special about the World Trade Center in New York2. What makes Americans feel uneasy about extremely tall buildings3. What do some experts think of skyscrapers now What’s your idea about skyscrapers4. How many ways of restoring the World Trade Centre arementioned in the passage Which of them do you think is the best one WhyKey:1. The World Trade Centre, a symbol of New York, was the tallest building in the city with more than 100 levels. Its sturdy structure was shown by the fact that it remained standing for a fairly long time after it was hit in the September 11 attacks. Besides, when it did fall down, it collapsed within its own space.2. The September 11 attacks make them worry about the safety of extremely tall buildings.3. Some think skyscrapers are only a waste of space; others do not think skyscrapers are a must any more, as modern technology enables employees to communicate easily without having to work in their headquarters in skyscrapers.4. Four ways of restoring the World Trade Center are mentioned in the text: 1. putting up a memorial called Towers of Light;2. rebuilding the Centre, but it’s unclear what the new one will be like;3. creating four shorter buildings of about 50levels with a memorial to victims of the attack in a park between these buildings; 4. rebuilding the World Trade Center as it was. On the other hand, however, some city planners believe that such tall structures should not be replaced at all. Instead, some experts advise copying other New York buildings that are not as tall. Personally I think the last alternative, . not replacing such skyscrapers at all, is the best choice, not only because it seems to be safer, but also because we are closer to our Mother Earth when we live and work in lower buildings.Memorable QuotesRead the following quotes and find out the meaning of life implicated by them.1. But whether on the scaffold highOr in the battle’s van,The fittest place where man can dieIs where he dies for man!— Michael J. BarryMichael Joseph Barry (1817 –1889) was an Irish poet, author, and political figure.Paraphrase: The most suitable way for man to die is to die for the mankind no matter he is sentenced to death on the scaffold or dies in the battlefield.2. O suffering, sad humanity!O ye afflicted ones, who lieSteeped to the lips in misery,Longing, yet afraid to die,Patient, thou sorely tried!— Henry Wadsworth LongfellowHenry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882) was an American educator and poet. This quotation is taken from his “The Goblet of Life” which is about how to live our life to the fullest.Paraphrase: Humanity has undergone sad suffering, and deep ingreat pain are you who long for the future, but are afraid to die. Although you are painfully tested, be patient with life.。

专业英语综合教程_unit 1_WE’VE BEEN HIT

专业英语综合教程_unit 1_WE’VE BEEN HIT
Unit 1 “WE’VE BEEN HIT!”
Pre-reading Activities
Global Reading Detailed Reading
Consolidation of Activities
In quiet moments of remembrance, some of you have shared with Michelle and me the beauty of their lives, the anguish of your loss and the pain of these past ten years.
It describes the initial reaction of people inside the WTC when the building was hit.
It is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save a heavyset man by their joint efforts.
3 You’ve learned to (live and laugh and love again). Your courage, your (resilience) has been an inspiration to my family, and an inspiration to the American people. Through you, we’ve been reminded that, as a people, we don’t simply ( ), we can (emerge) stronger than before. You’ve learned to live and laugh and love again. Your courage, your resilience has been an inspiration to my family, and an inspiration to the American people. Through you, we’ve been reminded that, as a people, we don’t simply endure, we can emerge stronger than before.

综合教程 2 underlined parts

综合教程 2 underlined parts

综合教程 2第一课:We’ve been hitExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1.=burning2.=something, a situation or a circumstance, that is dependent on one’s location in the building3.=in an intermittent manner4.help you5.=things are satisfactory up to this point第二课:The Virtue of Growing OlderExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1.=are likely to2. =break up/disintegrate3. =as a whole4. =powerless against/completely controlled by5. =not surprising/only too natural第三课:My Stroke of LuckExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1. =get married2. =if one takes into account that3. = at that time and place, esp. without any delay4. =when5. =distinguishes第四课:Cultural EncountersExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1. =as long as2. =no matter3. fail to notice at great risk4. =may be described by these words to varying degrees5. =were directly confronted with the problem that something in one language cannot be rendered into another第五课:Fourteen StepsExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1. =a disease that gradually became more and more serious2. =with the help of3. = looking very carefully and hard at4. =are ready5. =not caring about第六课:The Diary of the Unknown SoldierExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1. =only2. =makes me feel painful3. =further casualties have been caused4. =it is said that…5. =appearing full of, radiating第七课:Letter to a B StudentExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1.= inner nature; indispensable quality; the most important part2. =sins leading to damnation3. = making you think or act wrongly4. =tasks traditionally required of students5. =far from enough第八课:Focus on Global WarmingExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1. =except, apart from2. =essentially, basically3. =whenever it is possible4. =over a long period5. =different, replacement第九课:What is Happiness?Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1. =not typical of the attitudes, ways of life, etc., that are approved of or considered normal in the US2. =the activities or attitudes of people who think that making a profit is more important than anything else; emphasis on the maximizing of profit3. = it is also true that4. = aspect5. =essentially第十课:The Jeaning of AmericaExplain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words:1.= spread2. do not indicate differences/do not distinguish people according to their social status3. =make just enough money to survive4. eagerly seized the opportunity5. =and people of the same kind。

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•On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m., WTC One, the north tower, was hit by a hijacked 767 commercial jet plane, loaded with fuel for a transcontinental flight. •WTC Two, the south tower, was hit by a similar hijacked jet at 9:03 am. Both suffered a complete structural collapse.
1 Tell your partner what you know about WTC and the 9.11 attack.
by Wesley Shu, text by D. Besanko et al.
Height: 1,368 and 1,362 feet (417 and 415 meters) The World Trade Center is more than its signature twin towers: it is a complex of seven buildings. The towers rise at the heart of the complex.
In quiet moments of remembrance, some of you have shared with Michelle and me the beauty of their lives, the anguish of your loss and the pain of these past ten years.
Structural Analysis
Paragraph(s ) 31-34 Main idea It describes the gathering of some of the survivors and the victims’ wives.
Applying thevideo Fiveand Forces 2 Watch the fill in the
blanks with the words you’ve heard.
President Obama's Message to 9/11 Families
by Wesley Shu, text by D. Besanko et al.
•In their name, we’ll never waver in our efforts to prevent another attack on our shores and to spare other families the heartbreak you have known. In their name, we’ll continue to deliver justice to those who took the people you loved most in the world. And in their name, we will come together, in spirit of national service, to honor your loved ones, as one American family. In their name, we’ll never waver in our efforts to prevent another attack on our shores and to spare other families the heartbreak you have known. In their name, we’ll continue to deliver justice to those who took the people you loved most in the world. And in their name, we will come together, in spirit of national service, to honor your loved ones, as one American family.
1 In quiet moments of remembrance, some of you have shared with Michelle and me the ( beauty of their lives), the (anguish) of your loss and the (pain of these past ten years).
Main Idea
The text describes a particular episode in the disaster that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New _______________ York, in praise of the courage and compassion of man. ___________________________________ It presents three ______ people in the attack, who demonstrated great valor trying to _______________________ save those who were in danger and needed help . ______________________________
Structural Analysis
1. Divide the text into parts by completing the table. Paragraphs 1 2-9 10-30 Main idea It tells of people’s perception of the WTC.
It describes the initial reaction of people inside the WTC when the building was hit.
It is mainly about how the three men (Mayblum, Ramos and Hong) endeavored to save a heavyset man by their joint efforts.
3 You’ve learned to (live and laugh and love again). Your courage, your (resilience) has been an inspiration to my family, and an inspiration to the American people. Through you, we’ve been reminded that, as a people, we don’t simply ( ), we can (emerge) stronger than before. You’ve learned to live and laugh and love again. Your courage, your resilience has been an inspiration to my family, and an inspiration to the American people. Through you, we’ve been reminded that, as a people, we don’t simply endure, we can emerge stronger than before.
Unit 1 “WE’VE BEEN HIT!”
Pre-reading Activities
Global Reading Divities
Further Enhancement
Pre-reading Activities