高中词汇专题复习Book7 Unit1答案

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高中词汇专题复习 Book7 Unit1

1.The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working. 工伤赔偿方案要考虑实际残疾情况以及残疾是否会影响其工作能力。

2. There are two main problems which afflict people with hearing impairments.


3. He was by his own account an ambitious workaholic.


4. The passages for dictation will not be supplied on cassette.


5. The marketplace was jammed with a noisy crowd of buyers and sellers. 集市上熙熙攘攘挤满了买卖东西的人。

6. They were an extremely happy couple, ideally suited.


7. Graduate status is the minimum requirement for entry to the teaching profession.


8. Those who are most benefited are often the first to complain.

得益最大的人,往往先发牢骚. 9. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.

当公牛接近了他时, 他笨拙地向一旁一闪,把公牛让了过去.

10. Successful businesses are highly adaptable to economic change.


11. A military court sentenced him to death in his absence. 一所军事法庭在他缺席的情况下判处他死刑。

12. A dog that barks constantly can be a source of annoyance to the neighbors.


13. What's impressed me has been his considerable firmness of purpose.


14. Therefore, it is necessary to form a good psychological environment and management in a sports team.

因此, 怎样形成一个运动队内部的良好心理环境,是运动队管理者更需认真研究的问题.

15. Talking and relating to another is a source of tremendous fulfillment. 交谈与联系是让她们感到满足的巨大源泉之一.

16. Some people seemed to believe that with the abolition of the emperor, China had become a democratic country and that henceforth everything would take its proper course. 有人以为没有皇帝, 中国就算是民主国家,百事大吉,天下太平了.

17. All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation.


18. They called on the authorities to make slavery a punishable offence.


19. His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favorable impression on his dining companions.


20. They are appealing to the world community to come to Jordan's assistance.


21. I send you my warmest congratulations on your success. 我对你的成功致以最热烈的祝贺.

22. I have determined on [ upon ] going to the countryside after graduation. 我已决定毕业后到农村去.

23. Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.


24. Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. 药物不应放在容易被小孩拿到的地方.

25. A good toolbox is a handy thing to have in any house. 任何一个家庭都应备有一个好的工具箱以便随时使用。

26. We hope today's offer will meet with your approval too. 我们希望今天的提议也能够得到您的首肯。

27.To give money to beggars sometimes amounts to encouraging begging.

给乞丐钱,有时就等于鼓励行乞. 2.请根据句意,用本单元的短语填空。

1.A common saying goes, " Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem. " In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.

俗话说: “ 眉头一皱,计上心来 ”. 就是说多想出智慧. 2. After graduation from college, I gradually adapted myself to living on my own.


3. It would be wiser to cut out all alcohol during pregnancy. 在怀孕期间最好滴酒不沾。

4. They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired.


5. But all in all, I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

但是,总的说来, 我认为其优势大于劣势.

6. After breakfast the next morning they sat around for an hour discussing political affairs. 第二天早饭后,他们闲坐着聊了一个小时政治话题。

7. As well as eating five course meals, they drank seven bottles of wine. 除吃了五道菜外,他们还喝了七瓶酒。

8. Acting is definitely a young person's profession in many ways. 从许多方面来说,表演无疑是吃青春饭的行当。

9. He is a faintly comical figure who fears being made fun of. 他是个害怕被别人取笑的有点儿滑稽的人物.

10. Never mind what others said; we want your opinion.

不要管别人是怎么说的, 我们要的是你的意见.

11. All the best in your Entrance Examination! 祝你升学考试一切顺利!

12. A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later.

