六年级伴你学语文答案【篇一:小学语文《伴你学》参考答案(苏教版六下)】class=txt>第一单元1 长江之歌【我尝试】(2)形容词,形容气势盛大,广大无边。
【我拓展】8.(1)不尽长江滚滚来(2)唯见长江天际流(3)碧水东流至此回(4)两岸猿声啼不住(5)惊涛裂岸卷起千堆雪2 三亚落日【我尝试】2.(1)美妙绝伦(2)赤朱丹彤(3)硕大无朋(4)玉屑银末(5)悄然无声3.第1 自然段是第一部分:开门见山,点明“在三亚看落日真有诗意”;第2自然段是第二部分:介绍三亚洋溢着热带风情的自然风光;第3、4自然段是第三部分:生动地描写了落日美景;第5自然段是第四部分:照应开头,总括“这就是三亚的落日”。
第一单元(1-4课)1 我们爱你啊,中国【我尝试】1.jǐ shuòzhuānɡ chún táo tuò2.裹盎飘渺澜工俊(1)春意盎然(2)波澜壮阔(3)银装素裹(4)天工巧夺(5)清奇俊秀3.这首诗以饱含激情的笔墨赞美了祖国的美丽富饶以及悠久的、光辉的成就。
2 郑成功【我尝试】1.liào bà yì lián qià lí shòu bì2.(1)慷慨激昂(2)横行霸道(3)惊恐万状(4)载歌载舞(5)喜出望外(6)负隅顽抗载歌载舞喜出望外负隅顽抗横行霸道慷慨激昂惊恐万状3.课文介绍了郑成功收复台湾,建设台湾的史实。
【我挑战】6.残酷必胜融洽庞大密集关系7.(1)冒驾冲围(2)画去:zhénɡ chénɡ(3)险要地势或某种条件。
苏教版小学六年级上数学伴你学答案第一篇:苏教版小学六年级上数学伴你学答案苏教版小学六年级上数学伴你学答案第1单元长方体和正方体第1课时1.(1)6 12 8(2)对应平行(3)722.32 32 40 20 203.12平方厘米0.36平方米 4.8厘米 5.198厘米第2课时1.(1)略(2)5 4 32.正方体 2 2 2 8 长方体 2 2 3 12 长方体 4 2 3 243.略第3课时1.(1)10 cm 2cm 20 cm2 10 cm 3 cm 30cm2 3 cm(2)16 cm2 48 cm2(4×4+4×12+4×12)×2=224 cm22.96平方分米 122平方厘米3.288平方厘米4.88平方分米5.96平方厘米第4课时1.224平方分米2.16平方分米3.够4.1420平方米5.48平方厘米6.85.5平方米第5课时1.略2.略3.天鹅麻雀4.(1)汽油油箱(2)牛奶杯子(3)沙子沙坑5.24 27 136.① ② ③7.略第6课时1.(1)立方米立方分米立方厘米升毫升 1立方米(2)厘米立方厘米立方米平方米2.7 10 143.(1)√(2)×(3)√(4)×(5)×(6)×(7)×(8)√ 4.(1)①(2)②(3)②5.略第7课时 1.8 4 16 2.4 3 1 12 4 2 2 16 3 2 3 18 长宽高长×宽×高3.400立方分米125立方厘米 4.64立方分米7.8千克 cm 6 cm2 2 112 cm 5.三合土:960立方米混凝土:720立方米第8课时1.48 192 5 35 16 64 272.(1)③(2)②(3)③3.4.8立方米4.1.5米5.96立方厘米6.5平方厘米第9课时1.(1)342.5(2)47003.8 40 0.075(3)6400 5.7 2.05 120 3840 3.84 3.(1)√(2)×(3)×(4)√(5)×4.0.048立方米 48立方分米5.2.5分米6.4盒第10课时1.(1)0.06 4.5 3500 2470 7000 3.8 38002.(1)√(2)×(3)×(4)×3.(1)②(2)②4.40厘米5.184平方分米128立方分米6.1500立方厘米第11课时1.略2.180000 7900 7.9 5.16 3600 36003.54平方分米 27立方分米4.3000立方米 1840平方米5.5立方分米6.①④⑤⑥⑦⑧ 第12课时1.8 384 5122.53.512 2564.800 3005.81厘米6.18立方分米7.176厘米 2880立方厘米 8.20厘米第13课时1.36 24 1442.略3.8厘米4.4728平方厘米 17280立方厘米5.502平方厘米6.384平方分米518立方分米第14课时1.9 3 2.(1)8 6(2)192 3.(1)252(2)258平方厘米(3)120个 4.104平方分米 60升5.(1)1平方米(2)4立方米(3)8.25平方米第15课时1.略2.80块3.略4.第二种摆法表面积最小。
小学六年级上数学伴你学参考答案第1单元长方体和正方体-小木资源社区第1课时1. (1)6 12 8 (2)对应平行(3)722. 32 32 40 20 203. 12平方厘米0.36平方米4. 8厘米5. 198 厘米第2课时1. (1)略(2)5 4 32.正方体 2 2 2 8长方体 2 2 3 12长方体 4 2 3 243.略第3课时1. (1)10 cm 2cm20 cm 2 10 cm 3 cm 30cm 2 3 cm 2 cm 6 cm 2 112 cm 2(2)16 cm 2 48 cm2 (4 >4 +4X12 + 4X12) X2= 224 cm 22. 96平方分米122平方厘米3. 288平方厘米4. 88平方分米5. 96平方厘米第4课时1.224平方分米2. 16平方分米3. 够4. 1420平方米5. 48平方厘米6. 85.5平方米第5课时1. 略2.略3.天鹅麻雀4. (1)汽油油箱(2)牛奶杯子⑶沙子沙坑5. 24 27 136. ①②③7.略第6课时1. (1)立方米立方分米立方厘米升毫升1立方米(2)厘米立方厘米立方米平方米2. 7 10 143. (1) v(2) X (3) V(4) X (5) X (6) X (7) X (8) V4. (1)①(2)②(3)②5. 略第7课时1. 8 4 162. 4 3 1 124 2 2 163 2 3 18长宽高长x宽滴3.400立方分米125立方厘米4. 64立方分米7.8千克5. 三合土:960立方米混凝土:720立方米第8课时1.48 192 5 35 16 64 272. ⑴③⑵②(3)③3. 4.8立方米 4. 1.5米5. 96立方厘米6. 5平方厘米第9课时1. (1)342.5 (2)47003.8 40 0.075 (3)6400 5.7 2.05 120 38403.843. (1) V(2) X (3) X (4) V(5) X4. 0.048立方米48立方分米5. 2.5分米6. 4盒第10课时1. (1)0.06 4.5 3500 2470 7000 3.8 38002. (1) V(2) X (3) X (4) X3. (1)②(2)②4. 40厘米5. 184平方分米128立方分米6. 1500立方厘米第11课时1. 略2. 180000 7900 7.9 5.16 3600 36003. 54平方分米27立方分米4. 3000立方米1840平方米5. 5立方分米6. ①④⑤⑥⑦⑧第12课时1. 8 384 5122. 53. 512 2564. 800 3005. 81厘米6. 18立方分米7. 176厘米2880立方厘米8. 20厘米第13课时1. 36 24 1442. 略3. 8厘米4. 4728平方厘米17280立方厘米5. 502平方厘米6. 384平方分米518立方分米第14课时1. 9 32. (1)8 6 (2)1923. (1)252 (2)258 平方厘米(3)120 个4. 104平方分米60升5. (1)1平方米(2)4立方米(3)8.25平方米第15课时1. 略2. 80块3.略4. 第二种摆法表面积最小。
Jǐmìshuòcí屋(脊) 哈(密)瓜(硕)果陶(瓷)Tuòàng rán zhuāng guǒ开(拓) 春意(盎) (然) 银(装) 素(裹)二、照例子,在括号里填写合适的词语。
小学语文《伴你学》答案(苏教版六上)第一单元(1-4课)1 我们爱你啊,中国【我尝试】1.jǐ shuò zhuānɡ chún táo tuò2.裹盎飘渺澜工俊(1)春意盎然(2)波澜壮阔(3)银装素裹(4)天工巧夺(5)清奇俊秀3.这首诗以饱含激情的笔墨赞美了祖国的美丽富饶以及悠久的、光辉的成就。
2 郑成功【我尝试】1.liào bà yì lián qià lí shòu bì2.(1)慷慨激昂(2)横行霸道(3)惊恐万状(4)载歌载舞(5)喜出望外(6)负隅顽抗载歌载舞喜出望外负隅顽抗横行霸道慷慨激昂惊恐万状3.课文介绍了郑成功收复台湾,建设台湾的史实。
【我挑战】6.残酷必胜融洽庞大密集关系7.(1)冒驾冲围(2)画去:zhénɡ chénɡ(3)险要地势或某种条件。
第 1 单元 长方体和正方体
第 1 课时 1. (1)6 12 8 (2)对应 平行 (3)72 2. 32 32 40 20 20 3. 12 平方厘米 0.36 平方米 4. 8 厘米 5. 198 厘米 第 2 课时 1. (1)略 (2)5 4 3 2. 正方体 2 2 2 8
大量名纳%义税以对人上万外游以元经纳离大挂,营税于家靠2,人征0查共经1并单管5着 询同营年向位范这 分探为1报被2-围一 析87讨主告挂流月户之系 、。, 靠域实,外列 下 挂 人综现小。问 户 靠交上合税规原以题 调一人通缴治款模则X对 查、(道运管X理2企.X走.2.县X车护输理6实业X等 体1X访万0为辆县岸业费施2(县级 布师合的元2全例所对工是。户方三交: 置专治方;部,有交是程国 ,案)通X与业理法我为截人通X学.民 客设监运、措.论的.。县准道至)输9校经1运计测输教施文(任、一并交考路2,运实济3范业育设0五务纳、对通户工证作对1将业现的围税以计5)目税高调业,种号者年国车税社传与收及.林标.人提校查主货:.6内辆收会统7月时征为研草与户出行的要运X(培的登政功行底段管衡究X措规数教了政情以运一训一记策时能业,.基量。.施模题增学现管况自输).单念些在执间的,1共本一高设.目加在理进1主4设位.也高被.行(:浅前实6有情所校6计:,户标一的行经计:在校(挂情四X谈提施登况高在.以但。活些基一营原.X发的一.靠况)新。营记 校实9X摘X远据把动高本般和则生行四)人和监鉴形自改的X 是现要低统思,校概性挂.针着政、治.(X征测定式2增.交X否教:1于7计想配行念分靠河、巨管水理货X管世(内单级下后通治具学小地,和合政析经为县政大理土任运情纪二容位领高,一输理备和流税2行高管内,营例共策的具保务企况以)0方:导校如、运论竞科域1移教动校理容提为浅有,变有持.业4开后总法X.安行何强业学争研.年综交育统的 出主谈交6X这提化一监)展,体与排政加化纳(习力两交日…前活一学弊 加,小通两高,定测名了随布频,各管强理税二,的项通期…移动到生端国强我流运个政大的.下专着局.次扎项理交论人).帮全一重运:县交、全更,外税分域输1中治学借,题社.实任的通能0X治.助面个要输X.交的两军好并知收局综企(心敏校鉴以X8调1会工务创运X力理下武重职6(企1通户项和地在名征管合业一任锐园意-被研的履作新输2提目,装要能目三业运数重公完以教管理,治04)务性的义挂以。飞作 职,同路业19高标在自指是 )现输,4大安成上育工户企理监,和陈。靠X调速、为 。严时径的,.我全己标建 帮工税.行教现基学作,X业实.测内鉴旧 人研发…一 我格, 税6始队的。立县录助程款业政育役学础家的(其9施目抓别的 主展…名 大按不 收0终官头本在X一工措3税治等部目之乌建三中方的、管能行关7要X,中消 量照断摘管坚兵脑论行、3作施收上一队标申议)案.河实理力政键.采我队建防 阅部提要理.持的,文政项实设征的系政。,斯1建般设为践、。管词取国政0设监 读队高 ?讲学共提,管目践计管(坚列治新着基与设计例执外在理:数高治、督 和的自 笔话习同高对理区 .情二任定工形重提规.浅法树改模高.据校指坚执 学条身随者精者努党高的8概姓 况)期性作式阐出模谈为形革式校(的导持法 习令政着带神强力性校基况名通调情监以和。会下述学.小民象强已行四.教员.全干 了条治社,下修行础.:过研况6测来思下议,了校.节、,警经政).三育2面部 公例觉会3加积学,养政之X任)0,想面上高要看二。坚扎和很管河1、事X协, 安和悟的工极习我,管上职6障我上是来校有,、身持实两难理年总业现调只 部各,不环参者以进理,以四通的我,行三养小份严开学管;述也将可有 1项自断节加胜对一的也畜来1个过纯任深政要殖流证格展一理创职9在本持自规觉发看讲的工步基就牧的、方认洁职刻管素成域号执、做好新报发人续身章学展,党观作坚本说业学1个面真性以领理,本综:法部两当路告2生任发业制习和产性念高定概行习0指看学。来会的即高X的队项今径、…期展务度政进 3品、,度理念政值锻X标,习 的质创行8,重正快;规1…以、知管治步0 加守把负想进管2的炼之仍党 主总量新政0人要规大节举1模来2建构识理,工党加责信行理号1和头一然的二要书路管自才意化教奏措8的设建水和论人粗规强的念简令.工,6;存十、工记高径理任技义建育的 、%履全社平约,们放、学精,单以作…同全在八强作系低和中术,设中校 。产职们省会过束认的,严习神进概及实肉比县困大化,列举队不坚、的园 业情养肉主硬部真生我缺党,一述新.践牛增牛难、学特讲已3指足持精所师 化况吨育牛义,队贯活知乏纪强团…,发,产长期存和全习向话经导。执细学生虽为述,之养和才彻方识品反化结…布我业3曾栏问军,各精成员 的法化、日然方0职占恩殖谐能紧执式、牌腐素和实尽.情经6题和提位神以开5各为管所常X向如6全发的基社适紧行和4教带倡质施职况5X教,公高领%来发位民理得,4下县期言:地会应围党观的给动廉作领尽,5调过主安自导通,区老、工推头:肉以,一县的当绕肉我;教为中《责达查的我要现身汇过在消师服作所动, 类来为是的深前灭路牛做从育长队建的到与问的表役知报政支防,务获肉同 产关我父目刻消火线养人市等期支筑完了思候老现部识如队大我人三,牛比一量心们母标内防救、殖尊的场活坚部设成省考和师在队储下代的民严生增个、的支上,涵工援方呈敬道环动持一计了级 崇,:政备大表心的三产长无加1持了父把,作和现的理节,班防上肉 3生高脑从治和 队市中思实持3愧.强我生母发更的执5出各,看使一人火4牛观的海养工 党长%务委充想专.续于政市动给展加需勤3蓬位让,我项务规基,%、敬中殖作委述近的、满得题发党治真教的了肉清要训勃老我市深工实范;地出价意浮环会能的职年思市感到展、学育一我牛醒,练的师在受场刻作求》肉县栏值!现节议力领述来想人慨进。无习事课们产地才发,实益范认来真G牛“肉,观向出看精 导廉,大一 …,B党业生认能展同际无围识抓出要牛提,今他神 报5X学端、思步 …坚纪发听命作识更0势志工穷较到。栏X求产高坚天们发和任0告一正市绪提积一市定政展后和为到好1县头们作。窄加我3肉值自持受熟展习期 做思政又高4极、2正纪的很血调强立,:中人强深9牛0达身人到悉方近以专想府回,2参发1 确条社受肉结化足但 0更的营党知6存2终的民表式平来头题作、到增年加展.的规会启之构服丰 6是加一销的栏以思利彰面落总,亿,教风市了强庆消各现政,各发躯、务富 从在一明生模执1高想益的孔后书元同育,政自了祝防项状0治始界、;转意的述养这、确最式政万标觉第“和,记比。提协己教中政 方终人深一识饲职殖美不方难陈能头准悟一十表科占增在升,的师队治 向坚士受是式草人、好断向忘旧力和严和;佳情技系长学思向童节副教2 持表教老、资:加的,、;0能格道保”,含列1习想辛年大中育 为示育师促源(0工金强更最从5繁基要德持教正量.年中境勤和会9队理人衷。,增和、秋学加需保%母本求水思师是较末,界工学上长论民心今老收悠;市九习自要障牛自准想和这低,以作生的2学服的天师久牛场月,觉感环03己。道中些;全学切在时1万讲习务感参给着的肉和,努地念6,通德小扶从年县以实教代头话,的谢加了力养产保我力按的踏过的学我度能致做育,”认宗!全我点 殖量们提照是实学纯名一述繁用到战想中真旨 市们,传5欢高科养工习洁师路1职母为线起的完。 庆知以让3统聚自学育3作,性、成报牛主民的了两成进刚祝识标教,一身发之,政名长告达,、广小各一才教和准师提堂素展恩较治正校的 到将务大学类步,师灵化成出,质观好觉确长老 理实教、学加X节魂、为了共 的而地悟对表师今X论、师中习强大。X同 ��
第一单元(1-4课)1 让我们荡起双桨【我尝试】1. dào yìng qiáng jiǎng sǎ shuǎng zhōu2.倒映指物象倒过来映现在水中。
3. 一二三【我挑战】6.推开波浪轻轻飘荡愉快倒映伙伴悄悄环绕安排双桨白塔7.双桨奖状悄悄树梢愉快比喻四周木舟8.(1)悄悄凉爽凉快轻轻(2)倒映倒影9.(1)美丽的白塔绿树红墙凉爽的风飘荡蓝色小塔大树围墙天空(2)少先队员【我拓展】10.(2)海面倒映着美丽的白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙。
2 学会查“无字词典”【我尝试】1.(1)jià liè jǐn àn bèng(2)烈日当空:炎热的太阳挂在天空中,炙烤着大地。
苏教版小学六年级上英语伴你学答案Unit 1The king’s new clothesStory time我尝试1. 略2. D B F C G E A3. B C A D我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) No, they weren’t.(2) No, they couldn’t.(3) No.(4) No, he wasn’t.我运用1. 略2. was, liked, visited, for, showed, clever, foolish3. (1) walked through, were, looked, shouted(2) laughed, wearing脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试略我交流1. (1) B (2) A (3) C (4) B2. laughed, pointed, was, liked, shouted, were, lived, showed, looked, walked我运用1. (1) Long long ago, there was a king.(2) The king liked the new clothes.(3) Two men visited the king.(4) Clever people can see them, foolish people can’t see them.2. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4)×脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) B我运用1. (1) make, for(2) at(3) wearing(4) fit, well2. (1) make, clothes(2) fit, fit well脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. America / . / USA;Scotland我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2) × (3)√ (4) × (5)√ (6)√2. (1) C (2) B (3) D (4) A3. (1) jeans (2) kilt (3) got脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. C A B D F G E我交流1. (1) Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. They are telling a story.(2) Bobby.(3) Yes, they do.2. (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) F3. (1) B (2) A (3) B (4) A (5) B我运用1. 略2. playing a game, story, one sentence, starts3. (1) He is thinking hard.(2) Billy says a sentence too.(3) The boy lived in a little house.(4) We have to start the story again.(5) There was a house on the mountain.脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) B (2) A (3) B (4) B我运用walked through, were, looked, shouted脱口秀略Unit 1单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A B B B C二、1~5 C A B B B三、1. Clever, foolish2. playing a game, story3. pointed, shouted, wearing4. starts笔试部分一、1~6√√××√√二、1. Long long ago2. try on3. walked through 4. pointed at5. telling a story6. 说一个句子7. 努力地思考8. 照顾9. 变成10. 许多人三、1. laughed 2. pointed 3. liked 4. said 5. got 6. showed7. told8. walked9. was10. were11. came12. Had四、1~5 B A B B B 6~10 C A B A B五、1. He is thinking hard.2. Each student says a . The boy liked new clothes.4. Two men visited the . They have to start the story again.6. There were a lot of people in the street.六、1~5 F T F T FUnit 2What a day!Story time我尝试1. 略2. B C E A F D3. B A E C F D我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F2. (1) It was sunny in the morning.(2) They flew kites high in the sky.(3) They brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.(4) Some ants.我运用1. 略2. (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D3. sunny, show, became windy, cloudy, brought, drinks, afternoon, rained脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. windy sunny rainy cloudy我交流1. was, saw, flew, went, brought, could, took, became2. (1) were(2) wearing, any(3) saw, flew我运用1. 略2. (1) It was cloudy in the morning.(2) He brought some bread and honey.(3) We saw many interesting parrots.脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略2. C E B A D我交流1. 略2. (1) sunny(2) rainy(3) flying high(4) drinks(5) makes clothes我运用1. 略2. (1) saw(2) became, windy, cloudy(3) went, bike(4) wearing脱口秀略Sound time & Song time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4)× (5)× (6)√2. (1) The New Year is nearly here.(2) Little Johnny wants to play.(3) I played basketball in the playground.脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1. 略2. 略3. B A E F C D我交流1. (1) In the park. (2) Bobby can’t find his new kite.(3) No, it wasn’t.(4) Sam.2. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T我运用1. 略2. (1) flew(2) wasn’t windy(3) what happened(4) drinks3. meets, sad, lost, know, flew, windy, climbed up, hill, high,hold on, away, found4. (1) Sam meets Bobby in the park.(2) What’s the matter?(3) It was not windy in the park.(4) It flew too high and we couldn’t hold onto it.(5) I found it near the hill.脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. windy, sunny, drinks, cloudy, rainy我交流略我运用1. swimming, went swimming2. Did, have, didn’t3. windy, flew, drinks4. watch脱口秀略Unit 2单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A C A C D6~10 A B A C B二、1~4 B C C A三、4 2 1 3 5四、1~5 A B A B A五、1. laughing 2. starts 3. is, windy 4. drink 5. wearing笔试部分一、1~4 √××√二、1. are swimming 2. was 3. were 4. pointed at, laughed5. is living6. rainy7. brought三、1~6 B C A B B C四、1. did, meet 2. clouds 3. was raining 4. sunny, went to the park5. 做得好6. 抓住7. what happened 丢了我的风筝五、1. The two men showed the king his new clothes.2. The weather became windy and cloudy.3. Why do you have it?4. I found the kite near the hill.5. They saw ants and bees on their lunch.六、1~5 F T T T TUnit 3Holiday funStory time我尝试略我交流1. (1) C (2) A (3) F (4) B (5) G (6) D2. (1) F (2) T (3) T (4) T (5) F3. (1) went(2) Yes, did(3) picked, went(4)Yes, did(5) Because he wanted to give Liu Tao the fish.我运用1. 略2. (1) Where did you go for the holiday?(2) I went to Shanghai and visited my uncle.(3) Did you catch any fish? No, I didn’ t.(4) Our family picked apples on a farm near star lake.(5) I called you, but you weren’t at hom e.3. (1) A (2) A 脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. Tian’anmen Square, palace Museum, Summer Palace我交流1. 略2. caught, called, wanted, got, did, visited, ate, went3. 略我运用1. go fishing, the Great wall, our family, visit Beijing, pick oranges,打电话给我,很开心,给我鱼2. (1) How was your National Day holiday?(2) Mike caught a big fish on the farm.脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. was, holiday, was, did, go, went, did, do, visit, Great wall我运用1. for, holiday 2. were 3. visited 4. why脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) B我交流1. 略2. C, ABD, E我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)×2. (1) wasn’t(2) holidays(3) Did, swimming(4) ate(5) lives, likes脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. (1) E (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) D (6) G (7) I (8) H我交流1. (1) B (2) A2. (1) went, park(2) No, didn’t(3) Yes, was(4) No, wasn’t我运用1. 略2. late, park, Tshirt, shorts, wear, wore, bottles, went, first, were, rain, bad3. (1) What did you do this afternoon, Bobby?(2) Tina is excited about the fashion show.(3) Did Sam wear paper shorts too?(4) There are three main school holidays in the UK.4. (1) for(2) catch, caught(3) wore脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) F我运用1. do, went, Museum, did, saw, watched, Did, Yes, I脱口秀略Unit 3单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A C B B A6~8 B C A二、3 4 5 1 2三、1~5 F T T F F四、1~5 A B B B C五、1. Great wall 2. went well 3. holiday 4. wore, bottles笔试部分一、1~5 A B A A B二、1. National Day 2. at first 3. go to, went to 4. caught a big fish5. three school holidays6. 参观故宫博物院,很多有趣的事物7. 大雨8. 回到学校/返校三、1~5 B A C C A6~10 B C A A C四、1. I saw a lot of interesting things in Beijing.2. Mike went to the Bund for the summer holiday.3. Was it great fun?4. What did you wear, Bobby?五、1~5 F D E C A六、was, holiday, was, did, go, went, did, do, visited, Bund七、1~3T F T 4. last summer 5. Yes, he did.Unit 4Then and nowStory time我尝试1. 略2. 那时,广播,电子书,电话,新闻,办公室,以前,报纸3. 略我交流1. Mike, Mr Brown, Mike’s grandpa, Mrs Brown2. A C D E3. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) T我运用1. 略2. an ebook, a newspaper, a radio, a telephone, a TV, a mobile phone3. used, has, listened, read, reads and watches, reads, made, has, bought, does脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. could-can, wrote-write, bought—buy, listened—listen2. 略我交流1. 略2. (1) writing(2) went(3) read(4) listens(5) showed我运用1. 略2. (1) C (2) B (3) C (4) D脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1~2. 略3. couldn’t, wrote, brought, made, ate, caught, took, saw, flew我交流略我运用1. (1) at his office(2) five years ago,颐和园(3) one year ago, 手机(4) 全世界(5) reads newspaper, likes reading2. (1) Three years ago, they could not read ebooks.(2) We have efriends from all over the world.(3) Mike wrote an email to me last Tuesday. 脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流1~2. 略3. could, did, went, became, were, was, lived, got, shouted我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)× (5)√ (6)×2. was, went, listened to, radio, is, goes, reads, has3. (1) E (2) D (3) A (4) C (5) F脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. E F C A D我交流1. 略2. (1) C (2) C (3) A3. (1) No, they don’t.(2) He is looking out of the window(3) Yes, he can(4) No, he didn’t.我运用1. 略2. (1) Eight days ago(2) 和任何地方的人通话(3) read news(4) 结交一位美国朋友(5) yesterday morning3. (1) please make a sentence with“ Monday ”, Mike.(2) Twenty years ago, she bought thing from shops.(3) Su Hai watched a funny film yesterday.(4) Did you surf the Internet five days ago?4. was, English, looking out, wednesday, with, ate, yesterday脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) D (2) A (3) D (4) C (5) D我运用1. 略2. (1) didn’t(2) with(3) does, does(4) used, have(5) did脱口秀略Unit 4 单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 B A C B A6~8 B C A二、1~6×√×××√三、1~5 A C C A B四、1. What day, Thursday 2. reads news, newspapers 3. yesterday 4. with笔试部分一、1~5 A C B C B二、1. reading newspaper 2. yesterday afternoon 3. seven years ago 4. in her office5. 看房子外面6. 生气,愤怒三、1~5 B B D D B6~10 A A C A A四、1. He could not call people on mobile phones four years ago.2. Nancy did shopping with her parents yesterday evening.3. Were they on holiday last week?4. Can you make a new sentence with the new word?五、1. It’s …2. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’. I was … years . I went to bed at … o’clock.5. Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.六、are, am writing, Did, write, didn’t, wrote七、1~4 F T F F 5. They lived in Shanghai. 6. Yes, he does.Project 1 A holiday albumProject 1 (A, B)我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)× (2)× (3)√ (4)×2. (1) B (2) C (3) A (4) B (5) A3. (1) How was your holiday, Mike?(2) The weather was windy and cloudy.(3) A little boy pointed at the king and laughed.(4)We saw some ants on the bread and honey.(5) Thirty years ago, they listened to the radio for news.脱口秀略Project 1 (C, D)我尝试1. 略2. laughed, liked, were, saw, brought, became, took, flew我交流1~2. 略3. B D A E G我运用1. (1)× (2)× (3)√ (4)× (5)√ (6)√2. (1) excited(2) was, is(3) watching(4) cloudy, clouds(5) at, in3. (1) windy, do, flew kite, thing(2) went to, saw, went to, saw, were脱口秀略期中学业水平检测口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A B C A D二、4 2 5 3 1三、1~5 B A B B B四、1. laughed, wearing 2. became cloudy, windy 3. the holiday 4. went, Great Wall 笔试部分一、1~6 ×××√√×二、1. 一个生日会 2. 正在向窗外看 3. 环顾四周 4. 等待 5. reads ebooks6. At first7. met三、1. was 2. to buy 3. are making 4. supper 5. At twelve 6. were7. Monday8. sunny9. swimming10. excited四、1~5 B D A B A6~10 A B D B C五、1. The two men showed the king his new clothes.2. Miss Fox and her students are playing a . The children went to the park by bike.4. —What happened?—I lost my new . Sam wants to know why.六、1. newspapers, news, surf on the2. Where, holiday, went, How, sunny七、1~5 F T F T F6. They are talking about their National Day . No, he didn’t.Unit 5SignsStory time我尝试1. 略2. D A E B C3. C A D B F E我交流1. C D B A2. (1) It means the floor is wet.(2) It means you can’t litter here.(3) No, we can’t.(4) No, we can’t.我运用1. 略2. shopping centre, floor, wet, juice, litter, eat, drink, smoking, smoke3. (1) sign, does, mean, means, floor, wet(2) does, mean, can’t, litter脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试略我交流1. (1) B (2) C (3) A2. 请勿吸烟,请勿乱扔垃圾,请勿停车,请勿饮食我运用1. It means the floor is wet What does it mean2. does, mean, take photos脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1. 略2. C B A我交流(1) eat or drink (2) pick flowers (3) The floor is wet (4) litter我运用1. (1) B (2) C (3) D (4) A2. (1) mean, park(2) sign, floor, careful(3) shopping centre脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. UK, US我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2)√ (3)√ (4)× (5)×(6)√2. underground, subway, do, does, means, park, smoking3. People call the metro “ underground ”.Because today is my birthday.脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. D A E B C我交流1. (1) They are in the forest.(2) He feels tired and hungry.(3) He is looking for his bananas.(4) It means they can’t eat bananas in the forest.2. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T我运用1. 略2. on an, forest, lunch, tired, hungry, bananas, gives, sign, mean, eat, monkeys, around3. (1) It is time for lunch.(2) Bobby feels tired and hungry.(3) It means we can’t eat bananas here.(4) They are on an outing in the forest.(5) They see a lot of monkeys around them.4. feel, eat, does, means, litter脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1. (1) T(2) T(3) F(4) F2. A D B C我运用doing, reading, sign, does, means, can’t smoke脱口秀略Unit 5 单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 B A A A C二、1~5 A B A A A三、1. sign mean, means, can’t eat, drink2. shopping centre3. careful4. a lot of, around5. No parking笔试部分一、1~6√√×√××二、1. shopping centre 2. Be careful 3. around them4. No parking5. go in6. 在饭店里7. 在森林里8. 一次远足9. 继续走10. 请勿乱扔垃圾三、1~5 B A A B B6~10 C C A B A四、1~6 D F B E C A七、1. What does this sign mean?2. The sign means you can’t smoke here.3. You can’t take your juice into the shop.4. They are eating some noodles in the . The sign means the floor is wet.八、1. sign, does, mean, means, eat, drink2. are, reading, smoking, smoke九、1~6 F F T F T TUnit 6Keep our city cleanStory time我尝试1~2略3. (1) G(2) A(3) B(4) D(5) C(6) F(7) H(8) E我交流1. (1) B (2) A B C (3) A B D E F2. (1) T(2) F(3) T(4) T(5) F3. clean, dirty, messy, dirty, dead, take, bus, move, away, from, put, bin, trees我运用1. 略2. make, dirty, clean, walk, keep, clean, plant, water3. (1) We can take the metro to school.(2) Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.(3) We can move factories away from the city.(4) What can we do to keep our streets clean?脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试略我交流1~2略3. Smoke, dirty, put, bin, take the metro, plant more trees我运用1. (1) T(2) T(3) F(4) F2. makes, factories, is, to keep脱口秀略Fun time我尝试略我交流1~2略3. (1) B(2) A(3) C (4) C我运用1. √×√×2. (1) What can we do to keep our school clean?(2) You can put the rubbish in the bin.(3) Smoke from cars make the air dirty.(4) We can clean the desks and chairs.3. 图1—We can clean the desks. 图2—We can put the rubbish in the bin.图3—We can plant more trees. 图4—We can sweep the floor.脱口秀略Sound time & Song time我尝试略我交流1. on, in, keep, put, in2~3. 略我运用1. √×√√2. (1) can, put, on, land, can’t(2) sweep the floor(3) smoke, make, dirty(4) walk to(5) move, books, from, study3. (1) B(2) C(3) A(4) F(5) E(6) D脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) They are walking home after school.(2) He throws a banana skin on the ground.3. Billy, to hospital, put the rubbish in the bin.我运用1. 略2. living, museums, clean, skin, should3. 2 6 1 3 5 4脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. (1) 使床变脏 (2) 使地面变脏 (3) 保持干净 (4) 使房间变脏乱我交流1. 略2. What, room, put the rubbish in the . 略我运用1. (1) rubbish away (2) eating (3) sweep, keep (4) slips2. 拾起,步行回家,使地面变脏,把垃圾投入垃圾箱3. 略脱口秀略Unit 6单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A A B A C6~10 B B A B B二、1~5 A B B C A三、1. dirty, isn’t, clean 2. museums, city3. keep, clean, sweep 4. put, make笔试部分一、1~4×√×√二、1~5 C B A B B三、1. makes, dirty 2. keep the air clean, plant trees3. take a bus4. in the bin5. living in the city6. the banana skin7. walk to, museum四、1~6 B B C B C A五、1~6 C A G B F E六、1. We can plant more flowers and trees.2. I can move some rubbish away from my house.3. Do you take the metro to school?4. Mike throws a banana skin on the ground.5. Our classroom is clean and beautiful.七、clean, isn’t, makes, dirty, Smoke, keep, clean, walk, put, plant八、1. No, it isn’. No, I can’. We can put the rubbish in the bin.九、1. It is . There is rubbish in the . Rubbish.4. We should put the rubbish in the bin and plant more trees and flowers.Unit 7Protect the EarthStory time我尝试1~2略3. (1) B(2) F(3) A(4) G(5) E(6) D(7) H(8) C我交流1. (1) B D E (2) G 2. (1) B(2) C(3) A(4) B3. 略我运用1. (1) water, not much water, reuse, save(2) coal, oil, drive, a lot of(3) tables, chairs, other things(4) bags, bottles too much, bad2. (1) Most of our energy comes from coal and oil.(2) Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.(3) We should not drive so much because cars use a lot of energy.3. (1) use, too much, bad, paper bags, glass bottles(2) useful, not much, should not, reuse, save(3) dirty, messy, a lot of, can’t脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1~2. 略3. 许多其它的东西,开车太多,太多的塑料袋,砍太多的树我交流1. 略2.(1) use (2) make (3) many我运用1. (1) B(2) B(3) A2. (1) use, drink water, (2) should put, in脱口秀略Fun time我尝试1~2. 略3. paper, Earth, oil我交流1~2. 略我运用1. (1) down (2) for (3) to (4) from2. (1)waste, save, reuse (2) paper, box (3) much (4) drive, oil脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1~2. 略3. go to school, in the class room, everyday afternoon, 玩的开心,地球日,世界环境日我交流略我运用1. √√√√√√× 2. (1) A(2) B脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. (1) D(2) E(3) A(4) F(5) B(6) C我交流1. 2 3 4 12. (1) They are doing a project. (2) Sam(3) Bobby and Billy. (4) Yes, he does3. (1) A(2) C(3) B(4) C(5) A4. 略我运用1. doing, project, making, Earth, draw, Earth, green, blue, brown, trees, flowers, draw, bananas, on, rubbish bin, ready, put, school gate2. (1) C(2) A(3) B(4) C3. A C D B脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. 在饭店里,砍伐许多树木,使用太多塑料,in the garden我交流略我运用1. ××√√××2. (1) You should not put the rubbish on the ground.(2) All students should know this.(3) I know how to protect the Earth.(4) The world Environment Day is on the fifth of June. 脱口秀略Unit 7单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 C B B A C二、2 1 4 3三、1~4 C B B A四、1. much 2. drives, every, uses, oil3. collecting paper 4. glass bottle笔试部分一、1~6√√√××√二、1. eat or drink 2. too much3. use wood4. messy and dirty三、1. too much water 2. 在校门口 3. is from oil4. 砍伐太多树木,使空气清静5. drive6. use, plastic, glass7. collected四、1~5 C B B D A6~10 C B D B B五、1~6 C F B A D E六、1. We should love and protect our . We have fun in the playground.3. Helen reuses a plastic bottle to make a . Cars use much energy.5. Let me draw some stars on the blackboard.七、1. are, doing, using, cook food, have, here2. go shopping, how, drive a car, use, much, oil, on, shouldn’t, plastic, bad八、1~6 F T F T F F7. It mea ns people shouldn’ t take photos in the temple.8. She put some of the rubbish in the rubbish bin.Unit 8Chinese New YearStory time我尝试1. 略2. (1) D(2) F(3) C(4) A(5) H(7) B(8) G(9) E3. (1) A(2) A(3) B我交流1~2. 略3. some new clothes, food, some cakes, tangyuan, have dinner, some flowers, red packets, a lion dance, fireworks4. (1) She is going to buy some new clothes and food. In the evening, she is going to make some cakes and tangyuan.(2) She is going to have dinner with her relatives and buy some flowers.(3) She is going to get red packets and watch a lion dance.5~6. 略我运用1. (1) T(2) T(3) F(4) F(5) T2. 略3. Chinese New Year, excited, new clothes, make some cakes, tangyuan, have dinner, red packets, watch fireworks脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. a lion dance, buy flowers, buy new clothes, dinner, tangyuan2. 略我交流1. 略2. we are, She is, They are, He is3~4. 略我运用1. firecrackers,舞狮,fireworks,除夕夜,red packets,吃晚饭2. (1) What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve?(2) It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week.(3) My family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food.3. (1) is, buy some flowers(2) is, He is(3) are, They are, watch a lion dance(4) are, we are, watch fireworks4. 略脱口秀略Fun time & Sound time我尝试略我交流略我运用1. MidAutumn Festival, Halloween, Chinese New Year, Christmas2. 略3. (1)√ (2)×(3)√ (4)√4. (1)吃大餐 (2)买一棵圣诞树 (3)赏月 (4)吃月饼 (5)举办生日派对 (6)春节5. Christmas, excited, Christmas tree, beautiful stars, presents6. (1) C(2) B(3) B(4) A(5) C7. (1) B(2) D(3) B(4) B(5) B脱口秀略Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) C(2) B(3) D(4) A我交流1. A B D2. (1) Christmas (2) Chinese New Year (3) very important我运用1. the most important, festival, Spring Festival, Thanksgiving, the US2. (1) C(2) B(3) D(4) A(5) C脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1. 略2. (1) G(2) H(3) D(4) E(5) F我交流1. When: Chinese New Year’s EveWhere: HomeWho: Bobby, Tina, Bobby’s mum2. (1) She is cooking dumplings in the kitchen.(2) Red packets(3) They are talking about their plans for Chinese New Year’s Day.(4) They are going to see Aunt Alice in the morning and watch fireworks in the evening.5~6. 略我运用1. Chinese New Year’s Eve, cooking dumplings, red packets, talking about, watching fireworks2. red packet, rich, see, fireworks, Hooray, cake脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试略我交流1~2. 略3. (1) A(2) B(3) A(4) A我运用略脱口秀略Unit 8单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A A A B C二、1~5 C A C A A三、1. cooking dumplings 2. red packets 3. watch fireworks4. buy, new clothes5. Christmas笔试部分一、1~4××√×二、1. buy some flowers 2. Chinese New Year 3. watch a lion dance 4. watch fireworks 5. 放鞭炮 6. 最重要的7. 玩得很开心8. eating dumplings三、1~5 B A B B C6~10 A B B C A四、1~5 D A C E B F五、1. What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve2. It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week3. My family and I are going to buy new clothes and food.4. Bobby and Tina are watching fireworks.六、Christmas, Christmas, most, festival, are, Christmas tree, attend a party, party, had七、1~4 D B C DProject 2 Reuse & recycleProject 2(A, B)我尝试1. 略2. 纸花,保护地球,经常驾车,用……做……,循环利用盒子,一张漂亮的海报3~4. 略我交流略我运用1. No eating or drinking, No smoking, Danger!, Wet floor2. (1) A(2) A(3) A(4) B(5) C3. (1) dirty, messy, sweep, clean(2) dirty, move, factories4. (1) What can we do to keep our school clean?(2) We can took a bus to the park.(3) Where did you go for the holiday?(4) In many places, there is not much water.脱口秀略Project 2(C,D,E)我尝试1~2. 略3. (1) B (2) E (3) D (4) A (5) C我交流1. √√√××√2. (1) C(2) A(3) A我运用1. comes from, too much, living in, looking for, walk to2. eat and drink, cut down trees, use too many plastic bags, throw rubbish3. (1) B(2) A(3) D(4) E(5) C4. (1) The two men showed the King his new clothes.(2) The weather become cloudy and windy.(3) You can’t eat or drink here.(4) Rubbish makes the streets dirty and messy.(5) We should not cut down trees.5. (1) smoke (2) outing (3) clean (4) useful (5) protect6. (1) should not (2) keep (3) on (4) do (5) are eating脱口秀略期末学业水平检测口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A B A C C6~10 A A C B B二、1~5 A B B C B三、1. windy, cloudy, flew 2. picked 3. bought 4. plastic, are, Earth5. restaurant, health笔试部分一、1~5××√√√ 6~10√××√×二、1. Chinese New Year 2. red packets 3. lion dance 4. flew, kites5. smoking三、1~5 B A C B A 6~10 B B A A A四、1~5 D B E A J6~10G H C I F五、1. I went to the park with my friends last weekend.2. We should not shout in the library.3. What does this sign mean?4. Did you catch any fish?5. He brought some bread and honey.六、1. factory, dirty 2. pointed, laughed, wearing 3. flew, windy4. museum, interesting5. on the Internet七、1. are, Chinese New Year’s Day, are, lion dance2. watch fireworks八、1~5 F T T F F。
【我尝试】1.jǐshuò zhuānɡchún táo tuò2.裹盎飘渺澜工俊(1)春意盎然(2)波澜壮阔(3)银装素裹(4)天工巧夺(5)清奇俊秀3.这首诗以饱含激情的笔墨赞美了祖国的美丽富饶以及悠久的、光辉的成就。
2 郑成功【我尝试】1.liào bà yì lián qià lí shòu bì2.(1)慷慨激昂(2)横行霸道(3)惊恐万状(4)载歌载舞(5)喜出望外(6)负隅顽抗载歌载舞喜出望外负隅顽抗横行霸道慷慨激昂惊恐万状3.课文介绍了郑成功收复台湾,建设台湾的史实。
苏教版小学六年级上英语伴你学答案苏教版小学六年级上英语伴你学答案Unit 1 The king’s new clothesStory time我尝试1. 略2. D B F C G E A3. B C A D 我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) No, they weren’t.(2) No, they couldn’t.(3) No.(4) No, he wasn’t. 我运用1. 略2. was, liked, visited, for, showed, clever, foolish3. (1) walked through, were, looked, shouted(2) laughed, wearing 脱口秀略Grammar time 我尝试略我交流1. (1) B (2) A (3) C (4) B2. laughed, pointed, was, liked, shouted, were, lived, showed, looked, walked 我运用1. (1) Long long ago, there was a king.(2) The king liked the new clothes.(3) Two men visited the king.(4) Clever people can see them, foolish people can’t see them. 2. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4)×脱口秀略 Fun time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) B我运用1. (1) make, for(2) at(3) wearing(4) fit, well 2. (1) make, clothes(2) fit, fit well 脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. America / / USA;Scotland 我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2) × (3)√ (4) × (5)√ (6)√2. (1) C (2) B (3) D (4) A3. (1) jeans (2) kilt(3) got 脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. C A B D F G E 我交流1. (1) Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. They are telling a story. (2) Bobby.(3) Yes, they do.2. (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) F3. (1) B (2) A (3)B (4) A (5) B 我运用1. 略2. playing a game, story, one sentence, starts3. (1) He is thinking hard.(2) Billy says a sentence too.(3) The boy lived in a little house.(4) We have to start the story again. (5) There was a house on the mountain. 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time1我尝试略我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) B (2) A (3) B (4) B 我运用walked through, were, looked, shouted 脱口秀略Unit 1单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A B B B C二、1~5 C A B B B三、1. Clever, foolish2. playing a game, story3. pointed, shouted, wearing 4. starts笔试部分一、1~6√√××√√二、1. Long long ago2. try on3. walked through 4. pointed at5. telling a story6. 说一个句子7. 努力地思考8. 照顾 9. 变成10. 许多人三、1. laughed 2. pointed 3. liked 4. said 5. got6. showed7. told8. walked9. was 10. were 11. came12. Had四、1~5 B A B B B 6~10 C A B A B五、1. He is thinking hard. 2. Each student says a The boy liked new clothes.4. Two men visited the They have to start the story again. 6. There were a lot of people in the street. 六、1~5 F T F T FUnit 2 What a day!Story time我尝试1. 略2. B C E A F D3. B A E C F D 我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F2. (1) It was sunny in the morning.(2) They flew kites high in the sky.(3) They brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. (4) Some ants.我运用1. 略2. (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D3. sunny, show, became windy, cloudy, brought, drinks, afternoon, rained 脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. windy sunny rainy cloudy我交流1. was, saw, flew, went, brought, could, took, became 2. (1) were (2) wearing, any (3) saw, flew 我运用1. 略2. (1) It was cloudy in the morning.(2) He brought some bread and honey. (3) We saw many interesting parrots. 脱口秀略 Fun time我尝试1. 略2. C E B A D 我交流1. 略2. (1) sunny (2) rainy (3) flying high (4) drinks (5) makes clothes 我运用1. 略2. (1) saw (2) became, windy, cloudy (3) went, bike (4) wearing 脱口秀略2Sound time & Song time 我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4)× (5)× (6)√2. (1) The New Year is nearly here.(2) Little Johnny wants to play. (3) I played basketball in the playground. 脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1. 略2. 略3. B A E F C D 我交流1. (1) In the park. (2) Bobby can’t find his new kite. (3) No, it wasn’t.(4) Sam.2. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T 我运用1. 略2. (1) flew (2) wasn’t windy (3) what happened (4) drinks3. meets, sad, lost, know, flew, windy, climbed up, hill, high, hold on, away, found4. (1) Sam meets Bobby in the park.(2) What’s the matter? (3) It was not windy in the park.(4) It flew too high and we couldn’t hold onto it.(5) I found it near the hill. 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. windy, sunny, drinks, cloudy, rainy 我交流略我运用1. swimming, went swimming2. Did, have, didn’t 3. windy, flew, drinks4. watch 脱口秀略Unit 2单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A C A C D 6~10 A B A C B 二、1~4 B C C A三、4 2 1 3 5四、1~5 A B A B A五、1. laughing 2. starts 3. is, windy 4. drink 5. wearing 笔试部分一、1~4 √××√二、1. are swimming 2. was 3. were 4. pointed at, laughed 5. is living 6. rainy 7. brought 三、1~6 BC A B B C四、1. did, meet 2. clouds 3. was raining 4. sunny, went to the park 5. 做得好 6. 抓住 7. what happened 丢了我的风筝五、1. The two men showed the king his new clothes. 2. The weather became windy and cloudy.3. Why do you have it?4. I found the kite near the hill.5. They saw ants and bees on their lunch.3六、1~5 F T T T TUnit 3 Holiday funStory time 我尝试略我交流1. (1) C (2) A (3) F (4) B (5) G (6) D 2. (1) F (2) T (3) T (4) T (5) F3. (1) went (2) Yes, did (3) picked, went(4)Yes, did (5) Because he wanted to give Liu Tao the fish. 我运用1. 略2. (1) Where did you go for the holiday?(2) I went to Shanghai and visited my uncle. (3) Did you catch any fish? No, I didn’ t.(4) Our family picked apples on a farm near star lake. (5) I called you, but you weren’t at home. 3.(1) A (2) A 脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试1. 略2. Tian’anmen Square, palace Museum, Summer Palace我交流1. 略2. caught, called, wanted, got, did, visited, ate, went 3. 略我运用1. go fishing, the Great wall, our family, visit Beijing, pick oranges, 打电话给我,很开心,给我鱼2. (1) How was your National Day holiday?(2) Mike caught a big fish on the farm. 脱口秀略 Fun time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. was, holiday, was, did, go, went, did, do, visit, Great wall 我运用1. for, holiday 2. were3. visited4. why 脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) B 我交流1. 略2. C, ABD, E 我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)×2. (1) wasn’t (2) holidays (3) Did, swimming (4) ate (5) lives, likes 脱口秀略Cartoon time 我尝试1~2. 略3. (1) E (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) D (6) G (7)I (8) H 我交流1. (1) B (2) A2. (1) went, park (2) No, didn’t (3) Yes, was (4) No, wasn’t 我运用1. 略2. late, park, Tshirt, shorts, wear, wore, bottles, went, first, were, rain, bad43. (1) What did you do this afternoon, Bobby?(2) Tina is excited about the fashion show. (3) Did Sam wear paper shorts too?(4) There are three main school holidays in the UK.4. (1) for (2) catch, caught (3) wore 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) F我运用1. do, went, Museum, did, saw, watched, Did, Yes, I 脱口秀略Unit 3单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A C B B A 6~8 B C A二、3 4 5 1 2 三、1~5 F T T F F四、1~5 A B B B C五、1. Great wall 2. went well 3. holiday 4. wore, bottles 笔试部分一、1~5 A B A A B二、1. National Day 2. at first 3. go to, went to4. caught a big fish5. three school holidays6. 参观故宫博物院,很多有趣的事物7. 大雨8. 回到学校/返校三、1~5 B A C C A 6~10 B C A A C 四、1. I sawa lot of interesting things in Beijing. 2. Mike went to the Bund for the summer holiday. 3. Was it great fun?4. What did you wear, Bobby? 五、1~5 F D E C A六、was, holiday, was, did, go, went, did, do, visited, Bund 七、1~3 T F T 4. last summer 5. Yes, he did.Unit 4 Then and nowStory time 我尝试1. 略2. 那时,广播,电子书,电话,新闻,办公室,以前,报纸3. 略我交流1. Mike, Mr Brown, Mike’s grandpa, Mrs Brown2. AC D E 3. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) T 我运用1. 略2. an ebook, a newspaper, a radio, a telephone, a TV, a mobile phone3. used, has, listened, read, reads and watches, reads, made, has, bought, does 脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. could-can, wrote-write, bought—buy, listened—listen 2. 略我交流1. 略2. (1) writing (2) went (3) read (4) listens (5) showed 我运用1. 略2. (1) C (2) B (3) C(4) D5苏教版小学六年级上英语伴你学答案Unit 1 The king’s new clothesStory time我尝试1. 略2. D B F C G E A3. B C A D 我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) No, they weren’t.(2) No, they couldn’t.(3) No.(4) No, he wasn’t. 我运用1. 略2. was, liked, visited, for, showed, clever, foolish3. (1) walked through, were, looked, shouted(2) laughed, wearing 脱口秀略Grammar time 我尝试略我交流1. (1) B (2) A (3) C (4) B2. laughed, pointed, was, liked, shouted, were, lived, showed, looked, walked 我运用1. (1) Long long ago, there was a king.(2) The king liked the new clothes.(3) Two men visited the king.(4) Clever people can see them, foolish people can’t see them. 2. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4)×脱口秀略 Fun time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) B我运用1. (1) make, for(2) at(3) wearing(4) fit, well 2. (1) make, clothes(2) fit, fit well 脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. America / / USA;Scotland 我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2) × (3)√ (4) × (5)√ (6)√2. (1) C (2) B (3) D (4) A3. (1) jeans (2) kilt(3) got 脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1~2. 略3. C A B D F G E 我交流1. (1) Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. They are telling a story. (2) Bobby.(3) Yes, they do.2. (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) F3. (1) B (2) A (3)B (4) A (5) B 我运用1. 略2. playing a game, story, one sentence, starts3. (1) He is thinking hard.(2) Billy says a sentence too.(3) The boy lived in a little house.(4) We have to start the story again. (5) There was a house on the mountain. 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time1我尝试略我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F2. (1) B (2)A (3)B (4) B 我运用walked through, were, looked, shouted 脱口秀略Unit 1单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A B B B C二、1~5 C A B B B三、1. Clever, foolish2. playing a game, story3. pointed, shouted, wearing 4. starts笔试部分一、1~6√√××√√二、1. Long long ago2. try on3. walked through 4. pointed at5. telling a story6.说一个句子7. 努力地思考8. 照顾 9. 变成10. 许多人三、1. laughed 2. pointed 3. liked 4. said 5. got6. showed7. told8. walked9. was 10. were 11. came12. Had四、1~5 B A B B B 6~10 C A B A B五、1. He is thinking hard. 2. Each student says a The boy liked new clothes.4. Two men visited the They have to start the story again. 6. There were a lot of people in the street. 六、1~5 F T F T FUnit 2 What a day!Story time我尝试1. 略2. B C E A F D3. B A E C F D 我交流1. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) F2. (1) It was sunny in the morning.(2) They flew kites high in the sky.(3) They brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. (4) Some ants.我运用1. 略2. (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D3. sunny, show, became windy, cloudy, brought, drinks, afternoon, rained 脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. 略2. windy sunny rainy cloudy我交流1. was, saw, flew, went, brought, could, took, became 2. (1) were (2) wearing, any (3) saw, flew 我运用1. 略2. (1) It was cloudy in the morning.(2) He brought some bread and honey. (3) We saw many interesting parrots. 脱口秀略 Fun time我尝试1. 略2. C E B A D 我交流1. 略2. (1) sunny (2) rainy (3) flying high (4) drinks (5) makes clothes 我运用1. 略2. (1) saw (2) became, windy, cloudy (3) went, bike (4) wearing 脱口秀略2Sound time & Song time 我尝试略我交流略我运用1. (1)√ (2)√ (3)× (4)× (5)× (6)√2. (1) The New Year is nearly here.(2) Little Johnny wants to play. (3) I played basketball in the playground. 脱口秀略Cartoon time我尝试1. 略2. 略3. B A E F C D 我交流1. (1) In the park. (2) Bobby can’t find his new kite. (3) No, it wasn’t.(4) Sam.2. (1) T (2) F (3) T (4) T 我运用1. 略2. (1) flew (2) wasn’t windy (3) what happened (4) drinks3. meets, sad, lost, know, flew, windy, climbed up, hill, high, hold on, away, found4. (1) Sam meets Bobby in the park.(2) What’s the matter? (3) It was not windy in the park.(4) It flew too high and we couldn’t hold onto it.(5) I found it near the hill. 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time我尝试1. 略2. windy, sunny, drinks, cloudy, rainy 我交流略我运用1. swimming, went swimming2. Did, have, didn’t 3. windy, flew, drinks4. watch 脱口秀略Unit 2单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A C A C D 6~10 A B A C B 二、1~4 B C C A三、4 2 1 3 5四、1~5 A B A B A五、1. laughing 2. starts 3. is, windy 4. drink 5. wearing 笔试部分一、1~4 √××√二、1. are swimming 2. was 3. were 4. pointed at, laughed 5. is living 6. rainy 7. brought 三、1~6 BC A B B C四、1. did, meet 2. clouds 3. was raining 4. sunny,went to the park 5. 做得好 6. 抓住 7. what happened 丢了我的风筝五、1. The two men showed the king his new clothes. 2. The weather became windy and cloudy.3. Why do you have it?4. I found the kite near the hill.5. They saw ants and bees on their lunch.3六、1~5 F T T T TUnit 3 Holiday funStory time 我尝试略我交流1. (1) C (2) A (3) F (4) B (5) G (6) D2. (1) F (2) T (3) T (4) T (5) F3. (1) went (2) Yes, did (3) picked, went(4)Yes, did (5) Because he wanted to give Liu Tao the fish. 我运用1. 略2. (1) Where did you go for the holiday?(2) I went to Shanghai and visited my uncle. (3) Did you catch any fish? No, I didn’ t.(4) Our family picked apples on a farm near star lake. (5) I called you, but you weren’t at home. 3.(1) A (2) A 脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试1. 略2. Tian’anmen Square, palace Museum, Summer Palace我交流1. 略2. caught, called, wanted, got, did,visited, ate, went 3. 略我运用1. go fishing, the Great wall, our family, visit Beijing, pick oranges, 打电话给我,很开心,给我鱼2. (1) How was your National Day holiday?(2) Mike caught a big fish on the farm. 脱口秀略 Fun time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. was, holiday, was, did, go, went, did, do, visit, Great wall 我运用1. for, holiday 2. were3. visited4. why 脱口秀略Sound time & Culture time我尝试1. 略2. (1) D (2) C (3) A (4) B 我交流1. 略2. C, ABD, E 我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)×2. (1) wasn’t (2) holidays (3) Did, swimming (4) ate (5) lives, likes 脱口秀略Cartoon time 我尝试1~2. 略3. (1) E (2) A (3) B (4) C (5) D (6) G (7)I (8) H 我交流1. (1) B (2) A2. (1) went, park (2) No, didn’t (3) Yes, was (4) No, wasn’t 我运用1. 略2. late, park, Tshirt, shorts, wear, wore, bottles, went, first, were, rain, bad43. (1) What did you do this afternoon, Bobby?(2) Tina is excited about the fashion show. (3) Did Sam wear paper shorts too?(4) There are three main school holidays in the UK.4. (1) for (2) catch, caught (3) wore 脱口秀略Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1) F (2) F (3) T (4) F我运用1. do, went, Museum, did, saw, watched, Did, Yes, I 脱口秀略Unit 3单元测试卷口语部分略听力部分一、1~5 A C B B A 6~8 B C A二、3 4 5 1 2 三、1~5 F T T F F四、1~5 A B B B C五、1. Great wall 2. went well 3. holiday 4. wore, bottles 笔试部分一、1~5 A B A A B二、1. National Day 2. at first 3. go to, went to4. caught a big fish5. three school holidays6. 参观故宫博物院,很多有趣的事物7. 大雨8. 回到学校/返校三、1~5 B A C C A 6~10 B C A A C 四、1. I sawa lot of interesting things in Beijing. 2. Mike wentto the Bund for the summer holiday. 3. Was it great fun?4. What did you wear, Bobby? 五、1~5 F D E C A六、was, holiday, was, did, go, went, did, do, visited, Bund 七、1~3 T F T 4. last summer 5. Yes, he did.Unit 4 Then and nowStory time 我尝试1. 略2. 那时,广播,电子书,电话,新闻,办公室,以前,报纸3. 略我交流1. Mike, Mr Brown, Mike’s grandpa, Mrs Brown2. AC D E 3. (1) F (2) T (3) F (4) T (5) T 我运用1. 略2. an ebook, a newspaper, a radio, a telephone, a TV, a mobile phone3. used, has, listened, read, reads and watches, reads, made, has, bought, does 脱口秀略Grammar time我尝试1. could-can, wrote-write, bought—buy, listened—listen 2. 略我交流1. 略2. (1) writing (2) went (3) read (4) listens (5) showed 我运用1. 略2. (1) C (2) B (3) C(4) D5。
数学伴你学六年级上册答案【篇一:2017学年苏教版小学数学六年级数学上册第一学期伴你学参考答案】方体和正方体第1课时1. (1)6 12 8 (2)对应平行 (3)722. 32 32 40 20 203. 12平方厘米 0.36平方米4. 8厘米5. 198厘米第2课时1. (1)略 (2)5 4 32. 正方体 2 2 2 8长方体 2 2 3 12长方体 4 2 3 243. 略第3课时1. (1)10 cm 2cm 20 cm2 10 cm 3 cm 30cm2 3 cm 6 cm2 112 cm22. 96平方分米 122平方厘米3. 288平方厘米4. 88平方分米5. 96平方厘米第4课时1. 224平方分米 2 cm2. 16平方分米3. 够4. 1420平方米5. 48平方厘米6. 85.5平方米第5课时1. 略2. 略3. 天鹅麻雀4. (1)汽油油箱 (2)牛奶杯子 (3)沙子沙坑5. 24 27 136. ①②③7. 略第6课时1. (1)立方米立方分米立方厘米升毫升 1立方米(2)厘米立方厘米立方米平方米2. 7 10 144. (1)①(2)② (3)②5. 略第7课时1. 8 4 162. 4 3 1 124 2 2 163 2 3 183.400立方分米 125立方厘米【篇二:苏教版小学六年级语文上册《伴你学》答案最新】中国【我尝试】2.裹盎飘渺澜工俊(1)春意盎然(2)波澜壮阔(3)银装素裹(4)天工巧夺(5)清奇俊秀3.这首诗以饱含激情的笔墨赞美了祖国的美丽富饶以及悠久的、光辉的成就。
第1单元扇形统计图第1页1. (1) 8% (2) 4800×22%=1056(套)2. (1)儿童画报(2)4000×33%=1320(本)3. (1)60÷(1-30%-25%-15%-10%)=300(人)(2)300×(25%-10%)=45(人)第2页1. (1)湖面路面(2)21 (3)湖面510 山丘252 路面102 其他3362. (1)320÷20%=1600(只) (2)320÷20%×70%=1120(只)3. (1)1 电信一(2)2 电信二(3)3 电信一(4)略第3页1.成绩优良及格不及格人数1220162(1)良不及格(2)略2. (1)225 (2) 423. (1)4÷10%×65%=26(人)(2)4÷10%×25%=10(人) 26-10=16(人)4.略自主检测(一)一、1. 条形折线扇形2. 扇形折线3. 扇形4. (1)7(2)羊毛棉(3)17(4)240 325. 扇形条形折线二、表示你一学期数学成绩的变化情况——折线统计图表示你所在学校各年级的人数情况——条形统计图表示你所在班级的男、女生人数占全班人数的百分比情况——扇形统计图三、1. (1)1-28%-15%-25%=32%(2)20÷(25%-15%)=200(人)(3)200×(1-15%-25%)=120(人)2.(1)扇形聪聪家十月份用于食品的支出最多(2)食品1600×36%=576(元)服装1600×10%=160(元)其他1600×8%=128(元)文化1600×20%=320(元)水电气1600×10%=160(元)赡养老人1600×16%=256(元)3.1800 900 450 13504500÷1350=10/3≈4(个)他需要四个月的存款才能买到第2单元圆柱和圆锥第6页1.(1)大小相同圆(2)1 曲(3)高无数2. ①③3. 略4.②④(厘米)×6=39(厘米)这个箱子的长是26厘米,宽是39厘米,高至少是11厘米第7页1.(1)母线底面周长高(2)底面周长×高(3)侧面积底面积(4)5厘米厘米5厘米2. (1)25平方厘米(2)314平方厘米3. 平方分米平方分米4. ×2×15×10=942(平方分米)5. ×10×8=(平方厘米)第8页1. 略2. ×8×10+×(8÷2)=(平方厘米)3. 2××3=(平方厘米)56.52平方厘米=平方分米4. ×1×=(平方米)5. ×8×3+×(8÷2)=(平方米)×20=2512(千克)第9页1. (1)750(2)(3)(4)2. ÷÷2=3(分米)×3×2+×7×2=≈320(平方分米)3. ×1×8)×4×=(千克)4. ×(6÷2)+×6×10÷2+10×6=(平方厘米)5.(1)两个零件并排摆放包装盒的长是2×20=40厘米,宽是20厘米,高是15厘米(40×20+40×15+20×15)×2=(800+600+300)×2=1700×2=3400(平方厘米)(2)两个零件并排竖着放,长是20厘米,宽是20厘米,高是15×2=30厘米(20×30×2+20×20)×2=(1200+400)×2=3200(平方厘米)3400>3200所以做这样的包装盒至少需要硬纸板3200平方厘米第10页1. (1)50立方分米(2)3000 3(3)22. ×(8÷2)×15=(立方厘米)×5×3=(立方厘米)3. ×(8÷2)×14=(立方厘米)=毫升4. ×(6÷2)×6=(立方分米)5. ×(1÷2)×50=(立方分米)截下的这段体积没有40立方分米第11页1. ×(÷2)×=(立方分米)=升2. ×2×5=(立方厘米)×5×2=157(立方厘米)3. ×(6÷2)×15=(立方厘米)=毫升<500,不能装下500毫升水4. ×5×80×=48984(克)5. ×3×12=(立方厘米)=毫升1000÷≈3(杯)6. 一个小玻璃球的体积是3立方厘米,一个大玻璃球的体积是14立方厘米第12页1. (1)B (2)D (3)B2. ×6×5=(立方厘米)3. (1)×1=(平方米)(2)×1×3=(立方米)4. 4×3×5÷6=10(平方分米)5. ÷(3+1)×1=(立方米)第13页1. (1) 32500 1 500(2)10(3)2. ×4×6÷8÷8=(分米)3. ×10×(15-12)×=(克)4. 15×6×15-×5×6=879(立方厘米)5. ①80÷÷2≈(厘米)××50≈(立方厘米)②50÷÷2≈(厘米)××80≈(立方厘米)这个圆筒的容积最大是立方厘米第14页1. (1) ×(2) √(3) ×2. 立方厘米立方厘米3. (1)×4×(1/3)=2(立方厘米)(2)×3×5×(1/3)=(立方厘米)4. ×4×6×(1/3)=(立方厘米)5. (1)由题意得,圆锥的底面直径为8米,则底面半径为4米×4××(1/3)×=(吨)(2)×4××(1/3)÷6÷=(米)第15页1. (1) ×(2) ×(3) √(4) √2. ×(4÷2)×6×(1/3)=(立方分米)3. 8×8×8-×(8÷2)×8×(1/3)=(立方分米)4. 长方体铅锭的体积30×12×10=3600(立方厘米)圆锥的体积×(8÷2)×12×(1/3)=(立方厘米)3600÷≈17(个)5. ×5×9×(1/3)=(立方厘米)6. 180÷10×3=54(厘米)=分米第16页1. (1)3倍1/3(2)4(3)3(4)2/3 2倍2. 15××(1/3)=9(立方米)3. ÷÷2=3(米)×3×2+×3××(1/3)=(立方米)4. ÷÷2=4(米)8÷2=4(米)[×4×3×(1/3)]÷×4)=1(米)5. 以3厘米的直角边为轴旋转一周得到的圆锥体积大一些×3×5×(1/3)=(立方厘米)×5×3×(1/3)=(立方厘米)第17页1. (1)C (2)A (3)A (4)ABC2. 16÷2=8(厘米)×8×3=(立方厘米)3. (1)×20+×20×2×25=4396(平方米)(2)×20×25=31400(立方米)第19页1. (1)C (2)B2. ×(6÷2)×12=(立方厘米)=毫升<350,不合理3. 黄色部分体积:×4×3×(1/3)=(立方厘米)红色部分体积:×4×3-×4×3×(1/3)=(立方厘米)4. 96÷4=24(厘米)长:24×[5÷(5+4+3)]=10(厘米)宽:24×[4÷(5+4+3)]=8(厘米)高:24×[3÷(5+4+3)]=6(厘米)当圆锥底面半径为4厘米,高为6厘米时体积最大×4×6×(1/3)=(立方厘米)5. ×3×2=(平方厘米)12×3×2=72(平方厘米)自主检测(二)一、1. 周长高底面积高2. 圆侧高13. 平方厘米平方厘米平方厘米立方厘米4.5. 59666.7.8. 1:189. 910. 9π78π+6090π二、1. √2. ×3. ×4. ×5. ×6. √7. √8. √三、1. C2. A3. C4. B5. C四、1.正方体的体积大正方体4×4×4=64(立方分米)圆柱体×2×4=(立方分米)2. ×(4÷2)×5+×(4÷2)×3×(1/3)=(立方分米)3. (1)图略,以3厘米的直角边为轴旋转的(2)×4×3×(1/3)=(立方厘米)五、1. ×(10÷2)×2=157(立方厘米)2. (1)×4×5+×(4÷2)=≈76(平方分米) (2)×(4÷2)×5×1=(千克)3. ×6×6÷2=45(升)4. ×1×15=(米)×1×15×12=(平方米)5. 底面半径÷÷2=(分米)××5=(立方分米)=升不能装下100升的水6. 底面半径÷÷2=2(米)×2×2×(1/3)÷5÷2=(米)7. ×(8÷2)×14=(立方厘米)= mL 703.36>500,能装下这盒果汁8. (1)×(6÷2)=(平方厘米)(2)×6×5=(平方厘米)(3)×15=(立方厘米)=毫升第3单元解决问题的策略第24页1. 8升2. (1) 3/5 2/3 3/2(2) 4/5 5/4 1/4(3) 2/3 1/2 1/33. 36÷(1-5/8)=96(本)96×(5/8)=60(本)4. 用去的一共占全长的1÷(1+1/3)=3/4全长14÷(3/4-2/5)=40(米)第25页1. (1)6 6(2)240 160(3)14 242. (1)29×2=58(条)92-58=34(条)兔子34÷2=17(只)鸡29-17=12(只)(2)29×4=116(条)116-92=24(条)鸡24÷2=12(只)兔子29-12=17(只)3. 小船:3×5-12=3(人) 3÷(3-2)=3(条)大船:5-3=2(条)4. 小钢珠:11×30-266=64(克) 64÷(11-7)=16(个)大钢珠:30-16=14(个)第26页1. (1)4 3 4/7 (2)5 8 3/82. 图略桌子价钱360÷(1+1/4)=288(元)椅子价钱360-288=72(元)3. 略4. 设六(1)班男生有x人,则女生有(42-x)人3x-(42-x)×1=54x=2442-x=18六(1)班男、女生各有24人、18人自主检测(三)一、1. 6 7 142. 150 增加1203. 3 7 4/7 3/44. (1)40 4 4(2)30 6 6二、1. 略2.设正面朝上x次,反面朝上(15-x)次10x-5(15-x)=60x=9正面朝上9次,反面朝上6次3. 皮球:330÷(3+8)=30(元)篮球:30×3=90(元)4. 图略(40-1-1)×(40-1-1)=1444(平方米)5. 桃树∶梨树∶苹果树=3∶5∶7180÷(7-5)=90(棵)桃树:90×3=270(棵)梨树:90×5=450(棵)苹果树:90×7=630(棵)6. 底面半径6÷2=3(厘米)底面积6×3×1/2×2=18(平方厘米)体积18×6=108(立方厘米)7. 设小长方形的宽为x,则长为2(2×+x+)=68x=4=10(2×10)×(4+10)=280(平方厘米)第4单元比例第29页1. 略2. 略3. (1) 1/2 (2)20 (3)100(4)2∶5(5)1∶51∶5254. 5∶43∶14∶95. 2 1 2第30页1. 5/12:2/3——5:810:15——1:3/2:——2/7:5/718:30——:1:3——:2. (1) (2/5)∶(1/4)=∶1(4)6∶10=9∶153. (1)20∶10=2 15∶=2 30∶15=2(2)20∶10=15∶(答案不唯一)4. (1)第一次60:5 第二次324:2760:5=324:27(2)路程60:324 耗油量5:2760:324=5:275. 3/8:3/10=5/6:2/33/8:5/6=3/10:2/33/10:3/8=2/3:5/65/6:3/8=2/3:3/105/6:2/3=3/8:3/103/10:2/3=3/8:5/62/3:5/6=3/10:3/82/3:3/10=5/6:3/8第31页1. (1)√(2)×(3)√(4)√2. (1)A (2)B (3)A (4)C3. 14/15 2 1/6 24. 3/4:5/9=27:203/4:27=5/9:205/9:3/4=20:275/9:20=3/4:2727:20=3/4:5/927:3/4=20:5/920:27=5/9:3/420:5/9=27:3/45. 由题意得,外项的积=内项的积=90另一个外项:90÷5=18另一个内项:90÷6=15第32页1. x=18 x=x=2. (1)x=32/3 (2)x=7/23. 5∶8=∶xx=44. 比例1∶5=2∶10交换两个内项的位置1∶2=5∶10,成立因为在一个比例式里,两内项之积等于两外项之积交换两个外项的位置10∶5=2∶1,成立任意交换两内项的位置或两外项的位置,原比例成立5. 60∶300=120∶xx=6006. 8∶12=10∶xx=15第33页1. 20 5 22. x=21 x=x=15/163. 25∶15=20∶xx=124. 10∶20=25∶xx=505. 设第一个比的后项是a12∶a=3∶8a=32设第二个比的前项是bb∶12=3∶8b=12∶32=∶126. 设这种规格国旗的宽是x厘米①3∶2=96∶xx=64②已知国旗的长是宽的倍,则=96x=64第34页1. (1) ×(2) √(3) √(4) √2. (1)B (2)B (3)C (4)C3. (1)3∶4=36∶48(2)36∶3=48∶44. 设小明卧室的实际的长和宽分别是x,y1∶100=5∶xx=5001∶100=3∶yy=300500×300=150000(平方厘米)第35页1. (1) 图上距离/实际距离400000 1/400000 400000(2)20 1 放大(3)80 0 80 160 2402. 6厘米∶1800千米=1∶3. 毫米∶9厘米=1∶204. 1∶6400005. 略第36页 1. x=x=56000 x=4/152. 图上距离是实际距离的五百万分之一——1∶5000000图上距离1厘米表示实际距离5000米——1∶500000实际距离是图上距离的5000倍——1∶50000 500 1000 1500 2000千米——1∶3. ÷(1/4000000)=(厘米)厘米=336千米4. 1956千米=0厘米0×(1/)=(厘米)5. 设乙、丙两城的实际距离是x千米4∶10=160∶xx=4006. 略第38页1. 略2. (1)1∶31∶9(2)9∶19∶181∶1(3)4倍3. 不对,面积是原来的16倍4. 略第39页1. (1)2 2 4(2)3 1 3 1 9 1(3)1 10000002. (1)D (2)B3. 略4. 略自主测试(四)一、1. 1,2,4,8,16 1∶2=8∶162. 3∶55∶83∶83. 7∶88∶94. 1∶350 700 1050 14005. 36. 9 67. 1288. 720二、1. √2. √3. ×4. ×5. ×三、1. C2. A3. B4. B5. C四、1. 2/3 4 15/8 1/2002. ∶2=3∶43/4∶1/5=15∶4∶=64∶253. x=96 x=49/40 x=12/5五、1. 略2. 略3. D,图略六、1. 18÷3×2=12(厘米)2. (1)20÷5×12=48(克)(2)2×[5/(20+5)]=(千克)3. 略4. ÷(1∶2000000)=7200000(厘米)=72千米72÷30=(小时)=2小时24分走完这段路程到达B地时时11时24分5. 长:(60÷2)×[3/(3+2)]=18(分米)宽:(60÷2)×[2/(3+2)]=12(分米)18×12=216(平方分米)6. 63÷3×(3+7)=210(页)7. 24×[3/(3+4+5)]=6(厘米)24×[4/(3+4+5)]=8(厘米)24×[5/(3+4+5)]=10(厘米)6÷(1∶300)=1800厘米=18米8÷(1∶300)=2400厘米=24米10÷(1∶300)=3000厘米=30米8. 10×200=2000(厘米)=20米6×200=1200(厘米)=12米20×12=240(平方米)9. 15÷(1∶6000000)×(1∶5000000)=18(厘米)第5单元确定位置第44页1.(1)45(2)西30(3)西602.(1)东35(2)西45 840(3)南西50 480(4)南东60 8403.(1)北东60 800(2)南西75 400(2)北西30 2004. 略第45页1. 略2. 略3. (1)小华家:北偏西40°方向300米处小清家:南偏东65°方向225米处(2)略4. (1)东30(2)略(3)略第46页1. 西 1 北西50 西南西55 学校北西302. (1)北东500 北西800(2)东600 北东45 5003. 略4. ×1000=500(米)第47页1. 略2. 北东300 东230 东30 310东200 北东520 北东3. 小明从家出发向东行千米到王村,再向北偏东45°的方向行1千米到李村,再向南偏东50°的方向行千米到赵村,最后向北偏东70°的方向行千米到达外婆家自主检测(五)一、1.(1)500(2)西600(3)东800(4)西3002. (1)北偏西16(2)北偏东83.(1)北北西(2)西35 西(3)南北西70(4)西北二、1.(1)海盗船在百货亭的北偏西60°方向过山车在百货亭的南偏东35°方向(2)略2. (1)北西(2)3∶400000(3)略3. 略4. 略5. 略期中达标测评(一)一、1. x=1/3 x=7/30 x=1/22. 100 370 3/4二、1. 2:4=12:242. 5 73. 1:400004. 1:20000005. %6. 17. 368. 东北东三、1. C2. B3. A4. A6. A四、1. ×2. √3. ×4. ×5. √6. ×7. ×五、1. (1)北东45(2)略2. 略3. ×(÷÷2)×4=(立方厘米)六、1. 略2. 图略,面积的比是半径的比的平方七、1. 50÷(2+3)=10(人)女生:10×3=30(人)男生:10×2=20(人)2. ×(2÷2)×5×60×8=7536(立方厘米)=升<10,不能将面盆放满水3. ×(40÷2)××(1/3)=628(立方米)628÷10÷=628(米)4. 40×9÷4=90(千米/时)90×[5/(5+4)]=50(千米/时)5. (1)长:7×6=42(厘米)宽:7×4=28(厘米)高:12×1=12(厘米)(2)42×28×12=14112(立方厘米)(3)2×(42×28+42×12+28×12)+2000=6032(平方厘米)6. (1)9÷15%=60(公顷)(2)西红柿:60×55%=33(公顷)黄瓜:60×30%=18(公顷)期中达标测评(二)一、1. 3 182. 3 83. 15 12 904. 405. 96.7.8. 5 49. 20 2:8=5:2010. 4 5二、1. ×2. √3. ×4. ×5. ×6. √7. √8. ×三、1. C2. D3. C4. A5. C6. A7. B四、1.10 1 2/91/12 5/2 5 1/12 9/7 2.x=21/4 x=15/2 x=1/16 3.=(2/3)×(4/15+11/15)=2/3=(5/8)×(7/3+1/4)=5/4=××=五、略六、1. (1)240千米=厘米3∶=1∶8000000(2)960÷(240÷3)=12(厘米)2.(1)×4×4=(平方分米)(2)×(4÷2)×2+=(平方分米)(3)×(4÷2)×4×=40(千克)3. ×(8÷2)×(6-5)=(立方厘米)4. 135÷(3/4)-135=45(页)5. 10支每盒的:(16×15-165)÷(15-10)=15(盒) 15支每盒的:16-15=1(盒)6. (1)615÷15%=4100(只)鸡:4100×65%=2665(只)鸭:4100×20%=820(只)(2) [(20%-15%)÷20%]×100%=25%(3)饲养场养的鸡最多,鹅最少期中达标测评(三)一、1. 4/9 9 1/12 13/5 9/5 92. x=1/5 x=1/60 x=43. =60×2/5+60×3/4-60×1/2=39=1-(1/6+1/6)=2/3=(11/10)×(5/8+3/8)=11/10二、1. 3 7 3/42. 4 3143. 2:3=8:124.5.6. 2107. 1/8 3/8三、1. B2. B3. C4. A5. B6. C四、略五、1. 300÷(1/2-40%)=3000(米)2. ×6×8×(1/3)=(立方厘米)3. ××10×=(平方米)4. ×4+×4×2×6≈201(平方分米)×4×6=(立方分米)=升可以装千克的水第62页第65页1.(1)每天看的页数,需要的天数每天看的天数越多,需要的天数越少(2)成反比例,这本故事书的总页数一定(3)2:32. (1)成正比例(2)不成比例(3)成反比例(4)不成比例3.(1)略(2)成比例,每小时加工的个数(30个)一定(3)105 195第66页1. 滴数时间底面积高2. (1)略(2)在一条直线上成正比例,每天的喷水量(18万立方米)一定(3)63 63. 12×80=960(千米)960÷4×[5÷(7+5)]=100(千米/时)4. 实际长8×20000=160000(厘米)=千米实际宽5×20000=100000(厘米)=1千米实际面积×1=(平方千米)(2)×360÷=288(块)(3)×360÷500=(平方米)2. (1)成正比例,每个月加工的零件数(2万个)一定(2)少用5个月(3)每个月加工零件2万个,半个月加工零件1万个3.(1)路程和时间成比例,成正比例(2)5 180第7单元总复习第70页1. (1)0 65480万7(2) 4(3) 7/10(4) 30057(5)-9 -72. (1) ×(2) √(3) ×(4) √3. (1) B (2) C (3) C (4) B4. 南京27℃第71页1. (1) 二十点零五四(2)(3)三亿八千四百四十万38440万(4)y x(5)0 92. (1)×(2)√(3)√(4)√(5)√3. (1)C (2)A (3)C (4)B4. 甲:÷(10-1)=乙:×10=2第72页1. (1)1,2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30,60 2,3,5 4,6,10,12,15,20,30,60 1(2)(3) 顺时针旋转90°(4) a-2 a+2 20(5) 4 3 22. (1) √(2) ×(3) ×(4) ×(5) ×3. (1)C (2)B (3)C (4)A4. (40-8-14)÷2=9(年)第73页1. (1) 15 24 3 8(2) 1/10 1/5(3) 9/9 8/9(4) 60 40(5)(6) 256 642. (1) √(2) √(3) ×(4) √(5) √3. (1)A (2)C (3)C4. (1+60%)×(1-60%)=64%现在的价格比进价低,是64%第75页1. (1) ①千克克吨②千克吨③分钟小时④秒分钟(2) 2 6 24 70 15(3) 7 4 92 365 366(4) 下 6 14 8 3(5) 702. 150÷30=5(天) 到16日能正好播完3. 12:00-8:30=3小时30分钟17:30-14:30=3小时3小时30分钟+3小时=6小时30分钟4. 8×1000÷50=160(袋) 160÷40=4(辆)第76页1. 2426 1803 5503/5 1/5 5/12 4/710 2/3 1 9/162. 8741303. 450×(2/3)=300(页)450-300=150(页)4. 750-750÷(1+25%)=150(千瓦时)5. 7第77页1. 8042. (1)298+112=410(元) 410>400,不够(2)800×(1-=160(元) 800×=640(元)3. 1600×45%=720(千克)360÷45%=800(千克)4. 50÷(8×6)=25/2430÷(6×4)=30/2425/24<30/24,胜利小学三(1)班教室挤一些第78页1. =(+)+(+)=11=×(99+1)=420=24×3/8+24×5/6=29=5/11×(7/9+2/9)=5/112. x=x=200 x=36/35 x=3. -×10)÷13=(元)4. 2/3÷(1/15+1/12)=40/95. 进价120÷(1+20%)=100(元)120÷(1-20%)=150(元)100+150>120+120,商店卖出这两件衣服后亏损第79页1. 360 40 700090 1/20 2/35 152. =×4×=15=×8×4×25=100=7/3×(7/9+2/9)=7/33. (1)65×20=1300(米) 150×10=1500(米) (2)(65+150)×10=2150(米)4. (1)(40+50)×+45=360(千米)(2)(40+50)×-45=360(千米)1. 57 251/62. =-(+)==÷==9/36÷(3/4+1/4-7/16)=4/93. (2100-240×5)÷3=300(米)4. (94+16)÷2÷(1/7)=385(千米)5. 方案一120×5×=480(元)方案二120×6×=540(元)选择方案一,总租金是480元第81页1. 225÷3×17+225=1500(米)2. (334-100)÷-28=24(千米)3. 48×[5/(3+5)]=30(人)4. 20-27×20÷30=2(天)5. 100÷(1/2-3/8)=800(米)6. 设小明今年x岁,则妈妈今年4x岁(x+8):(4x+8)=2:5x=8小明今年8岁,妈妈今年32岁2. 设二车间有x人(2/3)x+x+x+40=1000x=360一车间360×2/3=240(人)三车间360+40=400(人)3. 设原来每捆树苗有x棵(1-1/2)x+(1-1/3)x+(x-30)=2xx=1804. 男生:(2640-240×10)÷(280-240)=6(套)女生:10-6=4(套)5. 80÷[1/2-(1-4/7)]=1120(米)第84页1.(1)10×+(12-10)×=20(元)(2)[-10×-(15-10)×]÷3=(吨)10+5+=(吨)2. (1)12 16 20 24(2)(10+2)-10=44(块)(3)(a+2)-a=4a+4(块)3. 20÷(5/7-60%)=175(人)175×5/7=125(人)第85页1.(1)(m-3)/2(2)m+4 3m+6 m+2(3)-a 7-a2. x=x=110 x=x=3. (1)D (2)B (3)A4. 弟弟(35-3)÷2=16(岁)哥哥35-16=19(岁)5. (200-20)÷3=60(克)1.a2060b681402.(1)x-7 x+1(2)5y y(3)233. 2m+1 (n-1)/24. 48÷4÷(1+1/3)=9(厘米)5. 这根钢管全长多于6+6=12米,则全长是:(6+6)÷(1-1/3)=12÷2/3=18(米)如果这根钢管全长少于6+6=12米,则全长是:(6+6)÷(1+1/3)=12÷4/3=9(米)钢管的全长是18米或9米第88页1.(1)20:3 150(2)1:4 1:16(3)1:2=10:20 1:10=2:20(4)4:52. x=9 x=1 x=4/153. 氢气:×[1÷(1+8)]=(千克)氧气:×8=(千克)4. 30÷[3/(3+5)-1/(1+5)]=144(页)5.(1)1:40000(2)略(3)略第89页1. (1)4∶7(2)16 1 (3)3 17 (4)402. 4 1 3 5 12 53.(1)正(2)10/3 2104. (240+12)÷(1+1+2/5)-12=93(吨)5. 360 40第90页1. (1)7 8 7 15(2)72(4)30 25(5)不成比例2. (1) √(2) √(3) √(4) √(5) √3. 略4. 5÷[4/(4+5)-1/3]×4/(4+5)=20(人)第91页1. (1)1 6 3(2)2 1(3)2 1(4)302. (1)C (2)B (3)A3. 直角304. 略5. 略第92页1. (1) 45 90(2) 无数 1(3) 24(4) 40 100 钝角等腰(5) 射线角两边叉开的大小角两边的长短2. (1)B (2)B (3)C3. (1) ×(2) ×(3) ×(4) √4. 略5. 180 360 540 720 1440第93页1. (1) 圆长方形(2) 21 15 315(3) 43分米(4) 10 21(5)(6) 等边60(7) 正方(8) 802. (1) ×(2) √(3) √(4) √(5) √(6) √3. 12÷(5-3)=6(厘米)长:6×5=30(厘米)宽:6×3=18(厘米)面积:30×18=540(平方厘米)4. 略第94页1. (1) √(2) ×(3) √(4) ×2. ×(12÷2+2)-×(12÷2)=(平方米)3. 公顷=2500平方米2500×2÷125=40(米)4. 120÷30=470÷30≈24×2=8(块)×(30÷2)×8=5652(平方厘米)5. 略6. 8×4+×8+20=(厘米)第95页1. (1)正方体立方体正方形相等相等(2)18 12 6(3)圆顶点底面圆 1 无数(4)602. (1)C (2)B (3)A (4)A B3. 略4. 长方体用的纸少第96页1. (1)12 8 6(2)60(3)4厘米6厘米4厘米3厘米2. 略3. (18-12)÷12×360=180(毫升)4. ①以12厘米为底面直径,8厘米为高×(12÷2)×8=(立方厘米)②以8厘米为底面直径,12厘米为高×(8÷2)×12=(立方厘米)③以8厘米为底面直径,16厘米为高×(8÷2)×16=(立方厘米)则这个圆柱的半径是6厘米,高是8厘米5. 长6×4=24(厘米)宽6×3=18(厘米)高10厘米每行放4罐,每列放3罐第97页1.(1)1:(2)1 1 6 1(3)毫升升(4)2/3 2倍18立方分米2. 160×10×4=6400(平方厘米)6400×8=51200(平方厘米)3. ×3×2×2+×3=(平方米)×3×2=(立方米)=56520立方分米=56520升4. 6×6×6×3÷24=27(分米)5. 8×6+2×(6×3+8×3)-=(平方米)×=(千克)第98页1. (1)20平方分米(2)54(3)立方厘米(4)45平方分米(5)36 1082. 100×80×÷5=1920(分钟)3. 包装盒的长×2×3=15(厘米)宽×2×2=10(厘米)高5厘米(15×10+15×5+10×5)×2=550(平方厘米)4. AB=2厘米AD=2+2+2=6(厘米)直径AB的圆面积是直径AD的圆面积的(2÷6)=1/9 5. ×(30÷-)=(立方分米)=千克第99页1. 24÷2×(2×10)=240(立方分米)2. 8×=28(平方分米) 28×=(立方米)3. ×(2÷2)×5=(立方分米)2×2×5-=(立方分米)4. ×(8÷2÷100)×8×60×4=(立方米)<20立方米这个水泵4分钟不能把一个容积为20立方米的水池放满5. ×(÷2)×+2×2×=(立方米)6. 2×4=8(厘米)(10×7+10×8+7×8)×2=412(平方厘米)第100页1. (1)55(2)80 65(3)(4)52. 略3. (1)8分米=米60×(2/3)×60×=1920(立方米)(2)60×40+[60×+60×(2/3)×]×2=2560(平方米)4. 盒子的宽20-5×2=10(厘米)盒子的高5厘米盒子的长1200÷10÷5=24(厘米)(24+2×5)×20=680(平方厘米)第101页1. (1) √ (2) ×(3) √(4) √(5) √2. ×3×4×1/3=(立方厘米)3. ××24=96(千克)4. 15×4×1/3÷8÷=50(米)5. 40×40÷2=800(平方厘米) 800×120=96000(立方厘米)第102页1. 略2. 略3. 略4. (1)略(2)略(3)下 5 顺90 (4)略5. (1)略(2)略(3)①略②1:31:9 ③2:12:1 4:1第103页1. A(3,3)B(2,1)C(7,,2)等腰梯形2. (1)西西北西(2)北东北东3. 4 1∶150004. 略第104页1. 略2. (1)北200 (2)(9,3) (1,8) (5,5) (2,4) (12,7) (3)略3. 略第106页1. (1)略(2)(1330-1090)÷1090×100%=%(3)(1580-1250)÷1250×100%=% 2. 70÷(70+90+30+10)×100%=35% 90÷(70+90+30+10)×100%=45%30÷(70+90+30+10)×100%=15%10÷(70+90+30+10)×100%=5%3. 9600÷(45%-25%)=48000(册)1. (1)51 (2)80~89 60以下(3)100分96%2. (1)240 140 (2)720 4203.(1)小强(2)快慢慢快(3)小刚 3 小强1004.(1)二(2)(3)100(4)一月超额60台四月超额100台五月超额200台六月超额50台第112页1.(1) 1/20000 20000(2)1∶300000 3(3)1∶40000002. 略3. 略4. 略期末达标测评(一)一、1. 五亿八千八百六十四万零九百万2. 24:13.4.5. 1/4 246. 31 四207. 238. 1/129. 2010. 24二、1. √2. ×3. ×4. ×5. ×6. 2 2/5米可以写成米三、1. C2. A3. B4. A5. A6. A四、1. 1 5 200 1 1/2 142. x=6/7 x=24/25 x=9/253. 11/13 1/4 17/18五、20 5 75 10六、略七、1. ÷×4=80(厘米)2. (++++++)÷7=2(万元)3. (360-240)÷240四月份比五月份减少百分之几240÷30%240×11/34. (1)8(a+b)(2)3000÷(85+65)=20(天)5. ×6×12=(平方厘米)=平方分米×100=(平方分米)6. 不够30+6=36(名)36<40,不可以享受团体票优惠30×36=1080(元)1080>1000,不够期末达标测评(二)一、1. 万5081万2. 63. 24 204.5. 37a 3a6. 47. 4 508. 7859. 10510. 直角11. 正55012. 3:4 9:16二、1. √2. ×3. √4. ×5. ×6. √7. ×8. ×三、1. D2. B3. C4. B5. A6. B7. C8. B四、1. 1/12 1/56 2/3 3 7 25/4 730 202. 5/11 40/9 1113. x=1/2 x=3/4 x=8/5五、略六、1. 320×(25%+20%)=144(本)320×(45%-25%)=64(本)2. 小框114÷(5÷1/3+4)=6(个)大框6÷1/3=18(个)3. (1)2(2)6(3)84. 5+200×+8×60÷6×=(元)5. (1)50×20=1000(平方米)(2)(50+20)×2=140(米)(3)50×20×-=2000(立方米)。
苏语六上《伴你学》答案小学语文《伴你学》参考答案(苏教版六上)第一单元(1-4课)1 我们爱你啊,中国【我尝试】1.jǐ shuò zhuānɡ chún táo tuò2.裹盎飘渺澜工俊(1)春意盎然(2)波澜壮阔(3)银装素裹(4)天工巧夺(5)清奇俊秀3.这首诗以饱含激情的笔墨赞美了祖国的美丽富饶以及悠久的、光辉的成就。
2 郑成功【我尝试】1.liào bà yì lián qià lí shòu bì2.(1)慷慨激昂(2)横行霸道(3)惊恐万状(4)载歌载舞(5)喜出望外(6)负隅顽抗载歌载舞喜出望外负隅顽抗横行霸道慷慨激昂惊恐万状3.课文介绍了郑成功收复台湾,建设台湾的史实。
【我挑战】6.残酷必胜融洽庞大密集关系7.(1)冒驾冲围(2)画去:zhénɡ chénɡ(3)险要地势或某种条件。