A Brief History of HRM
Personnel departments were created to deal with: Drastic changes in technology Organizational growth The rise of unions Government intervention Employee-management conflict
Copyright © 2019 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1
Introduction to Human Resource Management
and the Environment
Concerns about productivity Organizational downsizing and redesign
Increasingly diverse workforce Competitive need to use all organizational resources
A Brief History of HRM
The Hawthorne studies (1924 to 1933): Determine the effect of illumination on workers and output Pointed out the importance of social interaction on output and satisfaction
HR strategy
Control HR Strategy ─ Clear job descriptions ─ Detailed work planning ─ Emphasis on technical skills ─ Job-specific training ─ Job-based pay ─ Performance evaluations for control
▪ Significant resources on training ▪ Offering free or low cost healthcare, providing on-site athletic facilities,
cafeteria ▪ Giving employee stock options ▪ Practicing open-book management ▪ Recognizing excellent performance
Industrial Revolution ─ Changed the nature of work ─ Large numbers of people to work together
The personnel administration movement ─ By the late 1800s and early last century ─ The personnel profession (e.g., welfare secretary) began to emerge ─ Basic personnel management functions, such as employee selection, training and compensation and benefits.
iso人力资源管理体系ISO(International Organization for Standardization)是国际标准化组织的缩写,它是一个独立的、非政府组织,旨在制定国际标准以促进各行业的发展与合作。
一、ISO人力资源管理体系简介ISO人力资源管理体系(ISO 30405:2016)是由国际标准化组织制定的一项标准,旨在帮助组织建立和维护有效的人力资源管理体系,以实现组织的战略目标。
二、ISO人力资源管理体系的好处1. 提高组织绩效:通过建立ISO人力资源管理体系,组织能够更好地管理和开发人力资源,从而提高员工绩效,进而促进组织整体绩效的提升。
2. 规范人力资源管理流程:ISO人力资源管理体系规定了一系列的流程和程序,包括岗位需求分析、招聘流程、培训计划、绩效考核等,帮助组织建立标准化的人力资源管理流程,提高管理效率。
3. 优化招聘过程:ISO人力资源管理体系要求组织进行岗位需求分析、招聘流程规范等,帮助组织更准确地确定岗位要求,提高招聘的准确性和效率。
4. 提高员工满意度:ISO人力资源管理体系关注员工福利、平等机会和职业发展等方面的要求,有助于提高员工的满意度,增强员工与组织的归属感。
5. 增强组织竞争力:通过建立ISO人力资源管理体系,组织能够有效吸引和留住人才,提高员工的绩效和能力,从而增强组织的竞争力。
三、建立ISO人力资源管理体系的步骤1. 确定组织需求:组织需要明确自身的战略目标和人力资源需求,以确定建立ISO人力资源管理体系的目标和范围。
2. 制定人力资源管理政策:组织需要制定一份针对人力资源管理的政策,明确组织对人力资源的管理原则和目标。
3. 规划和分析岗位需求:组织需要进行岗位需求分析,确定岗位职责和要求,并进行工作流程设计和确定员工的培训需求。
人力资源管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文献Human resource management systems (HRMS) have e essential tools for businesses of all sizes。
including small offices with just 20 XXX using HRMS。
firms can improve their efficiency and ce the time and money XXX。
XXX difficult economic times。
XXX of their business。
including human resources.HRIS are packages are designed to address HR needs。
including planning。
employee n access。
XXX the company's current and future HR needs。
businesses can determine which HRMS features will be most useful for their specific needs。
For example。
HRMS can help with recruitment。
performance management。
XXX.Once the planning stage is complete。
businesses XXX This includes automating tasks such as employee data management。
benefits n。
XXX employees。
providing them with access toimportant n such as company policies。
人力资源管理的英语英文回答:Human resource management (HRM) is the process of managing people in an organization to achieve its goals. It involves a wide range of activities, including:Recruitment and selection: Identifying and hiring the best candidates for open positions.Compensation and benefits: Determining and managing employees' pay and benefits.Training and development: Providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs effectively.Performance management: Assessing and evaluating employees' performance.Employee relations: Managing relationships between employees and the organization.HRM is an essential function in any organization. It helps to ensure that the organization has the right people in place to achieve its goals, and that those people are motivated and engaged.中文回答:人力资源管理是为达到组织目标而管理组织中员工的过程。
Job Description 职务说明书
A written statement of what the job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done.
Job Specification 职务规范
A written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully.
Human Resource Planning; Recruitment/ Decruitment; Selection; Orientation; Training
• Contrast job analysis, job description, and job specification.
• Discuss the major sources of potential job candidates.
• Describe career development for today’s employees.
Current Issues in Human Resource Management
The Importance of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Necessary part of the organizing function of management Selecting, training, and evaluating the work force
人力资源管理六大模块英文版1. RecruitmentRecruitment plays a crucial role in human resource management. It involves sourcing and hiring qualified candidates for various job positions within an organization. The recruitment process typically includes job posting, screening resumes, conducting interviews, and selecting the most suitable candidates. This module is essential for ensuring that the organization has a skilled and competent workforce.2. Training and DevelopmentTraining and development is another critical module in human resource management. It focuses on enhancing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees through various training programs and initiatives. This module helps in improving employee performance, fostering employee growth, and increasing overall productivity. It may include on-the-job training, workshops, seminars, and employee development plans.3. Performance ManagementPerformance management is a module that focuses on evaluating and managing employee performance. It involves setting performance goals, conducting regular performance reviews, providing feedback, and addressing any performance-related issues. This module helps in aligning employee performance with organizational goals and identifying areas for improvement. It may also include performance appraisal systems and performance-based rewards.4. Compensation and BenefitsCompensation and benefits module deals with employee compensation and rewards. It involves determining salary structures, designing employee benefits packages, and administering various compensation programs. This module ensures that employees receive fair and competitive compensation and incentives for their work. It may include salary negotiations, bonus programs, health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits.5. Employee RelationsEmployee relations module focuses on maintaining positive relationships between employees and the organization. It involves addressing employee grievances, managing conflicts, and promoting a positive and inclusive work environment. This module helps in fostering employee morale, job satisfaction, andoverall employee engagement. It may include employee assistance programs, conflict resolution procedures, and employee engagement initiatives.6. HR AnalyticsHR analytics module utilizes data and analytics to make informed decisions and strategies in human resource management. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting HR data to gain valuable insights into workforce trends, employee performance, and organizational effectiveness. This module helps in making data-driven decisions regarding recruitment, training, performance management, and employee development. It may include data tracking systems, HR metrics, and predictive analytics.The integration of these six modules - Recruitment, Training and Development, Performance Management, Compensation and Benefits, Employee Relations, and HR Analytics - contributes to effective human resource management. Each module plays a vital role in attracting, developing, and retaining the right talent, ensuring employee satisfaction, and achieving organizational goals.Note: Markdown文本格式是一种简单的标记语言,你可以将以上内容复制到Markdown编辑器中,然后将其保存为Markdown格式的文件。
professional education, career pathing, multiple careers
team, $, opportunities Rectifying poor performance - redesign,
reeducate, replace Contract vs Awards
Employee Development & Work Environment
Training & development - design, implement, evaluate
– Goals & values – Strategy – Culture – Technology – Structure – Size
– Economy – Demographics – Social values – Law – National / international
HR stressors
Poor communications Ineffective/lack of
planning Insufficient resources Goal conflict Increased workloads
Organisational change Poor teamwork
Байду номын сангаас
Information technology is a key strategic tool in utilising HR to greatest impact
本书由美国加利福尼亚州大学长滩分校的Gary Dessler教授编写,是世界范围内广为使用的人力资源管理教材之一。
Effects of Downsizing
Studies show that firms that announce a downsizing campaign show worse, rather than better financial performance. Reasons include:
© 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapterຫໍສະໝຸດ 5Part Two: Acquisition and Preparation of Human Resources
Chapter 5 - Human Resource Planning and Recruitment Chapter 6 - Selection and Placement Chapter 7 - Training
McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2006 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Employing Temporary Workers
Hiring temporary workers helps eliminate a labor shortage. Temporary employment affords firms the flexibility needed to operate efficiently in the face of swings in demand. Other advantages include:
人力资源管理体系(英文版)An HR AuditDepartment Organization QuestionnaireThe Human Resources Department is structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish organizational objectives.1.Is there one department or function within theorganization that is responsible and accountablefor planning, establishing, overseeing andcoordinating all human resource policies, systems and services for all 11 major categories?2.Does the senior-level human resources managerreport to the same level position as all othermajor staff and line departments within theorganization?3.Does the senior human resources managerparticipate in addressing the organization’sstrategic, tactical and policy issues?4.Does the senior human resources manager integrateall HR activities with the organization’sstrategic business plan.5.Does the Human Resources department demonstrate aclear understanding of organizational and customer needs?6.Are HR services and functions aligned andprioritized to organizational and customer needs?7.Has a department mission statement been developedexplaining its purpose within the organization?Has this mission statement been communicated to all management personnel?Has this mission statement been communicated to other customers throughout the organization?If so, to whom?How?8.Does the Human Resources department take a lead instriving for a more empowered and participativework force (productivity improvement, costreduction, quality improvement and improvedquality of work life programs?)3 / 1039.Has a Human Resources department organizationchart been published and distributed?If so, to whom?Does the organization chart clearly define functional responsibilities and whom customers can contact for service?10.Are job descriptions established for all HRpersonnel stating major job objectives,responsibilities and accountabilities?11.Do all HR personnel understand theirrespective roles and relationships to others inthe department?12.Are department personnel cross-trained toperform duties outside their major areas ofresponsibility?13.Do they work on team and department taskforce projects?14.Are departmental personnel professionally andtechnically competent?15.Do they serve as internal consultants tomanagement as well as counselors to employees?16.Does the department staff work well as a team?17.Are they readily accessible to all customers?18.Are department personnel provided adequatetraining and professional development to meetorganizational challenges and demands?19.Is involvement in professional and technicalgroups encouraged?Does the department subscribe to major technical and professional journals?5 / 10320.Is there a credible performance appraisal inplace clearly stating mutually established goalsand objectives for department personnel?21.Are human resources staff compensatedaccording to market standards?Are they compensated based on comparable positions within the organization?22.Does department staff effectively balanceorganizational with employee needs and act as anintermediate for both?23.Is the Human Resources department results-oriented (i.e., measuring cost-effectiveness andthe bottom line results of human resourcesprograms)?If so, is it attentive to the bottom line and does it demonstrate a business orientation?24.What is the span of control of the topposition within the departments (i.e., how manyand which positions report to it)?Are supervisors or managers reporting to other mid-level managers?How many employees are in the Human Resources department?What is the ratio of HR department staff to all employees served?How does this compare to the staffing levels of other comparable organizations offering similar services?25.Are HR needs and programs accounted for inthe organization’s budgeting process?7 / 10326.Does the organization make plans for ensuringthat HR’s f uture needs are met?27.On a scale of one to seven (seven being thehighest and four being adequate), how would theHuman Resources team rate the overalleffectiveness and structure of your HumanResources department?28.On the same one-to-seven scale, how do youthink other department heads would rate theoverall effectiveness and structure of the HRdepartment?On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think the employees would rate the overall effectiveness and structure of the HR department?Explanation of Department Organization Questionnaire For each of the 11 categories, the Self-Auditquestions are designed to rate how well the HR department achieves the purpose of the category definition stated at the topof the questionnaire: Is the HR department structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish the organization’s objectives?Questions one through nine explore how department leaders achieve organization objectives, are part of management’s strategic planning effort and assist in making decisions that affect bottom-line results. These questions both help ensure that HR’s efforts are in accord with customer needs and suggest ways HR teams can take the lead in helping customersget the most out of the organization’s human resources.9 / 103Questions 10 through 26 address communicating department functions and services to all customers, staff objectives and internal relationships, staf f’s dual role as internal consultants to management and counselors to employees, staff competence and flexibility, cross-training, balancing employee needs with business needs and a bottom-line results orientation.The components of question 24 also relate to staff size, structure and span of control. Industry-specific standards for staff size are available from a variety of professional publications, such as the Saratoga Institute’s "HR Effectiveness Survey" and national and regional statistics compiled by the Bureau of National Affairs (BNA). Any surveys that relatespecifically to your type of organization will makethat benchmark more credible.Questions 25 and 26 address resources and planning to ensure the delivery of required services.Human Resources Planning/Organizational DevelopmentQuestionnaireThe process of identifying and providing ways to fulfill the organization’s developmental and human resource needs.1.Is there one position accountable for reviewingthe organization’s human resources requ irements?2.How is this review carried out?Formally/informally? (please describe)11 / 1033.How often is this analysis updated (e.g., yearly,every two years, three years or more)?4.Do your projected needs include the followingconsiderations?Availability of outside workforce demographics (age, sex, minority classification, education, skills level, occupations, etc.) Anticipated changed in your organizations technology, processes, products/services and markets.Personnel needs these changes will require (e.g. new skills, education, knowledge and abilities).5.Which sources outside the organization providethese demographics?6.What sources within the organization provided thisinformation?7.To whom are these projections communicated?。
人才管理制度英文缩写IntroductionTalent Management System (TMS) is a strategic approach to managing the talent within an organization. It encompasses all the activities involved in attracting, developing, retaining, and deploying the right people to meet the organization's objectives. TMS is essential for the long-term success of any organization as it ensures that the right people are in the right roles, with the right skills and capabilities to drive business growth and innovation.Components of TMSTMS comprises several key components that work together to create a holistic talent management strategy:1. Talent Acquisition: This component focuses on attracting and recruiting top talent to the organization. It includes defining job roles, sourcing candidates, conducting interviews, and making job offers. An effective talent acquisition strategy is essential for building a strong talent pipeline and ensuring a steady supply of skilled employees.2. Talent Development: Talent development is all about investing in the skills and capabilities of employees to help them reach their full potential. This component includes training programs, mentorship opportunities, career development plans, and performance feedback. By investing in talent development, organizations can nurture their employees' talents and help them grow within the organization.3. Performance Management: Performance management involves setting clear goals and expectations for employees, providing regular feedback on their performance, and evaluating their progress. This component also includes performance reviews, goal setting, and recognition programs. By managing performance effectively, organizations can identify top performers, address performance issues, and align individual goals with organizational objectives.4. Succession Planning: Succession planning is about identifying and developing future leaders within the organization. It involves identifying high-potential employees, creating development plans for them, and ensuring a smooth transition when key roles become vacant. Succession planning is crucial for ensuring continuity and stability within the organization.5. Employee Engagement: Employee engagement focuses on creating a positive work environment where employees feel motivated, valued, and committed to their work. This component includes employee surveys, feedback mechanisms, team-building activities, and recognition programs. Engaged employees are more productive, creative, and loyal, leading to higher levels of performance and retention.Benefits of TMSImplementing a Talent Management System offers several benefits to organizations:1. Improved Employee Retention: TMS helps organizations identify and retain top talent by providing opportunities for growth, development, and recognition. Employees are more likely to stay with an organization that invests in their career development and values their contributions.2. Higher Employee Productivity: By aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, TMS helps employees understand their roles and responsibilities, leading to increased motivation and productivity. Engaged employees are more committed to their work and strive to achieve their best.3. Enhanced Organizational Performance: TMS ensures that the right people are in the right roles, with the right skills and capabilities to drive business growth and innovation. By effectively managing talent, organizations can achieve their strategic objectives and stay ahead of the competition.4. Increased Innovation: TMS promotes a culture of continuous learning and development, encouraging employees to think creatively and experiment with new ideas. Innovation is essential for organizations to stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.5. Stronger Employer Brand: A well-implemented Talent Management System can enhance an organization's reputation as an employer of choice. By attracting and retaining top talent, organizations can build a strong employer brand and attract high-quality candidates.Challenges of TMSDespite its many benefits, implementing a Talent Management System also comes with its own set of challenges:1. Resistance to Change: Implementing TMS requires a cultural shift within the organization, which can be met with resistance from employees and managers. It is essential to communicate the benefits of TMS and involve stakeholders in the process to overcome resistance.2. Data Management: TMS relies on accurate and up-to-date data to make informed talent management decisions. Organizations may face challenges in collecting, analyzing, and managing data effectively for talent management purposes.3. Resource Constraints: Developing and implementing a comprehensive Talent Management System requires time, effort, and resources. Small and medium-sized organizations may struggle to invest in TMS due to limited resources.4. Scalability: TMS needs to be scalable to accommodate the organization's changing needs and growth. Organizations need to design flexible talent management processes that can adapt to evolving business requirements.5. Measuring Impact: It can be challenging to measure the impact of TMS on organizational performance, employee engagement, and other key indicators. Organizations need to establish clear metrics and KPIs to monitor the effectiveness of their talent management initiatives.ConclusionTalent Management System (TMS) is a critical component of any organization's HR strategy. By effectively managing talent, organizations can attract, develop, retain, and deploy the right people to achieve their business goals. TMS offers numerous benefits, including improved employee retention, higher productivity, enhanced organizational performance, increased innovation, and a stronger employer brand. However, implementing TMS also comes with its challenges, such as resistance to change, data management, resource constraints, scalability, and measuring impact. Overall, organizations that invest in TMS are better positioned to succeed in today's competitive business environment.。
人力资源管理课程英文版IntroductionHuman resource management (HRM) refers to the management of human capital, which is the most important asset of any organization. HRM is a critical function that involves the recruitment, selection, training, development, retention, and management of personnel. HRM has become increasingly important in today's business environment as the competitiveness of organizations is heavily dependent on the quality and effectiveness of their workforce. This article discusses an HRM course offered in colleges and universities, which is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage and develop human resources effectively.Course ObjectivesThe course aims to equip students with the following skills and knowledge:1. An understanding of the importance of HRM in organizational performance and success.2. Knowledge of the global trends and perspectives in HRM practice.3. Skills in the contemporary tools and techniques of HRM such as recruitment, selection, training, development, performance management, and employee relations.4. An appreciation of the legal and ethical issues in HRM practice, including employment law, equal opportunity, and diversity management.5. The ability to analyze, evaluate, and devise effective HRM strategies and policies that align with organizational objectives and culture.Course OutlineThe course is typically structured into various modules that cover the following topics:Module 1: Introduction to HRMThis module introduces students to the concept of HRM and its significance in organizational performance. Students will learn about the evolution of HRM, the current global trends and perspectives in HRM, and the roles and responsibilities of HRM professionals.Module 2: HRM Planning and StaffingThis module covers the process of HR planning, job analysis, recruitment, and selection. Students will learn how to design effective recruitment strategies, develop job descriptions, conduct interviews, and assess candidates.Module 3: Training and DevelopmentThis module focuses on the importance of employee training and development in enhancing the skills, knowledge, and competencies of the workforce. Students will learn how to design and deliver effective training programs, assess training needs, and evaluate training outcomes.Module 4: Performance ManagementThis module covers the process of performance management, including setting performance goals, providing feedback, and assessing performance. Students will learn how to design effective performance management systems, conduct performance appraisals, and manage performance-related issues.Module 5: Employee Relations and CommunicationThis module focuses on the importance of effective communication and employee relations in achieving organizational objectives. Students will learn how to develop employee engagement strategies, manage conflicts, and promote industrial relations.Module 6: Legal and Ethical Issues in HRMThis module covers the legal and ethical aspects of HRM practice, including employment law, equal opportunity, diversity management, and ethical conduct.Module 7: HRM Metrics and AnalyticsThis module focuses on the use of metrics and analytics in HRM practice to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of HRM strategies and policies. Students will learn how to use HR metrics and analytics, conduct data analysis, and make informed decisions based on data.ConclusionThe HRM course is an essential program that equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to manage and develop human resources effectively. The course covers a range of topics, including HR planning, staffing, training, development, performance management, employee relations, legal and ethical issues, and HR metrics and analytics. Successful completion of the course prepares students for careers in HRM or related fields, where they can make valuable contributions to organizational success.。
(全面版)人力资源才能管理方案英文版Comprehensive Human Resources Talent Management PlanIn today's competitive business environment, it is essential to have a robust human resources talent management plan in place to attract, develop, and retain top talent. This comprehensive plan aims to outline strategies for identifying, nurturing, and retaining talent within the organization.Recruitment and SelectionThe first step in talent management is attracting the right candidates. This involves creating job descriptions that clearly outline the skills and qualifications required for each role, utilizing various recruitment channels to reach a diverse pool of candidates, and implementing a thorough selection process to ensure the best fit for the organization.Onboarding and TrainingOnce new employees are hired, it is crucial to provide them with a comprehensive onboarding process to ensure a smooth transition into the organization. This includes orientation sessions, training programs, and mentorship opportunities to help employees acclimate to their roles and the company culture.Performance ManagementRegular performance evaluations are essential for identifying employee strengths and areas for improvement. This plan includes setting clear performance goals, providing constructive feedback, and offering opportunities for professional development to help employees reach their full potential.Career DevelopmentInvesting in employee growth and development is key to retaining top talent. This plan includes creating individualized career development plans, offering training and educational opportunities, and providing mentorship and coaching to support employees in achieving their career goals.Succession PlanningSuccession planning is crucial for ensuring the long-term success of the organization. This plan involves identifying key positions within the organization, developing internal talent to fill these roles, and creating a pipeline of future leaders to ensure continuity and stability.Employee EngagementEngaged employees are more productive, creative, and loyal to the organization. This plan includes initiatives to boost employee engagement, such as recognition programs, team-building activities, and open communication channels to foster a positive work environment.Diversity and InclusionPromoting diversity and inclusion within the organization is essential for attracting top talent and fostering innovation. This plan includes implementing diversity initiatives, providing training on unconscious bias, and creating a culture of inclusivity where all employees feel valued and respected.By implementing this comprehensive human resources talent management plan, organizations can create a competitive advantage by attracting, developing, and retaining top talent to drive success and growth.。
全面人力资源管理体系英文单词Comprehensive Human Resource Management System.A comprehensive human resource management system (HRMS) is a suite of software applications that automates and integrates the core HR processes of an organization. These processes typically include:Recruitment and onboarding: The HRMS can help organizations attract and hire top talent by automating the job posting and application process, screening candidates, and conducting interviews. Once a candidate is hired, the HRMS can help with onboarding by providing them with the necessary information and resources.Performance management: The HRMS can help organizations track and evaluate employee performance. This can be done through regular performance reviews, feedback, and goal setting. The HRMS can also help with the development of performance improvement plans.Compensation and benefits: The HRMS can help organizations manage employee compensation and benefits. This can include setting salaries, bonuses, and stock options, as well as administering health insurance, retirement plans, and other benefits.Time and attendance: The HRMS can help organizations track employee time and attendance. This can be donethrough time clocks, biometric scanners, or mobile apps.The HRMS can also help with scheduling, overtime management, and leave requests.Training and development: The HRMS can help organizations manage employee training and development.This can include tracking training records, assigning training courses, and evaluating training effectiveness.Payroll: The HRMS can help organizations process payroll. This can include calculating taxes, deductions,and net pay, as well as issuing paychecks and direct deposits.In addition to these core processes, many HRMSs also offer a variety of other features, such as:Self-service portals: Self-service portals allow employees to access their HR information and make changes to their own records. This can include updating contact information, changing benefits, and viewing pay stubs.Mobile apps: Mobile apps allow employees to access their HR information and perform HR tasks on the go. This can be especially useful for employees who work remotely or who are frequently traveling.Reporting and analytics: Reporting and analytics tools allow organizations to track and analyze their HR data. This can help organizations identify trends, make better decisions, and improve their HR processes.A comprehensive HRMS can provide a number of benefits to organizations, including:Reduced costs: A HRMS can help organizations reduce costs by automating and streamlining HR processes. This can free up HR staff to focus on more strategic initiatives.Increased efficiency: A HRMS can help organizations increase efficiency by providing employees with self-service tools and by automating HR tasks. This can save time and improve productivity.Improved accuracy: A HRMS can help organizations improve accuracy by eliminating manual processes and by providing automated data validation. This can help to reduce errors and improve the quality of HR data.Enhanced compliance: A HRMS can help organizations enhance compliance by providing tools to track and manage employee records, and by providing alerts for upcoming deadlines. This can help organizations to avoid legal and financial penalties.Improved employee satisfaction: A HRMS can help organizations improve employee satisfaction by providingemployees with easy access to their HR information and by making it easier for them to perform HR tasks. This can lead to a more engaged and productive workforce.Overall, a comprehensive HRMS can be a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes. By automating and integrating HR processes, a HRMS can help organizations reduce costs, increase efficiency, improve accuracy, enhance compliance, and improve employee satisfaction.。
人力资源英文版雷蒙德第七版(考试重点名词解释)第一篇:人力资源英文版雷蒙德第七版 (考试重点名词解释) CHAPTER1Competitiveness: A company’s ability to maintain and gain market share in its industry.竞争:一个公司的能力和赢得市场份额保持在其产业升级换代。
and performance.人力资源管理(HRM):政策,做法和系统,影响员工的行为、态度、和性能。
Intellectual capital: Creativity, productivity, and service provided by employees.智力资本:创造力、生产力,以及为你服务的员工。
Learning organization: Employees are continually trying to learn new things.学习型组织员工不断努力学习新事物。
Psychological contract: Expectations of employee contributions and what the company will provide in return.员工心理契约:如果预期贡献,本公司将提供什么回报。
Balanced scorecard: A means of performance measurement that gives manager’s a chance to look at their company from the perspective of internal external customers, employees, and shareholders.平衡计分卡绩效评价:的一种方式,让经理的一个机会来看看他们的角度,从公司内部及外部的客户、员工、股东。
[英文版]人力资源管理概论-Compensating Employees8(ppt 89页)
The “New Pay”
Employers want to ensure that their compensation plans add value in terms of achieving the firm’s strategic goals
Insert Figure 7.5
Job Evaluation Methods
Point method - involves identifying several compensable factors, each having several degrees, and then assigning points based on the number of degrees, to come up with an actual number of points for each job
Some Important Compensation Laws
Equal Pay Act - employees of one sex may not be paid wages at a rate lower than that paid to employees of the opposite sex for doing roughly equivalent work
Discuss four basic factors determining pay rates Compare and contrast piecework and team or group incentive plans List and describe each of the basic benefits most employers might be expected to offer
HR Key Management
-- Comp / Ben Strategies
1. C&B Package align to the company long term strategy
Strategic Planing
Policy / Guideline Planing
1. Industry bench marking 2. Design compensation structure 3. Design benefit structure
1. Salary increemnt 2. Salary review 3. Salary administration
Compensation & Benefit
Organization Positioning
-- Comp. / Ben. Strategy
Four Types Behaviors Retention Goal C/B Focus
HR Key Management
-- HR Function
Strategic Planing
Policy / Guideline Planing
Staffing Performance Appraisal
Employee Compensation Development Benefit
Human Resources Management Model
HR Management Briefing
•Company Culture & Value System •HR Function & Role •HR Service Scope -- Staff Strategy -- Recruiting -- Compensation & Benefit Structure -- Training and People Development -- Performance Appraisal -- Employee Communication Matrix -- Manpower Strategy •Business Partner •Leadership Building
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An HR Audit•Department Organization QuestionnaireThe Human Resources Department is structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish organizational objectives.1.Is there one department or function within theorganization that is responsible and accountablefor planning, establishing, overseeing andcoordinating all human resource policies, systems and services for all 11 major categories?2.Does the senior-level human resources managerreport to the same level position as all othermajor staff and line departments within theorganization?3.Does the senior human resources managerparticipate in addressing the organization’sstrategic, tactical and policy issues?4.Does the senior human resources manager integrateall HR activities with the organization’sstrategic business plan.5.Does the Human Resources department demonstrate aclear understanding of organizational and customer needs?6.Are HR services and functions aligned andprioritized to organizational and customer needs?7.Has a department mission statement been developedexplaining its purpose within the organization?Has this mission statement been communicated to all management personnel?Has this mission statement been communicated to other customers throughout the organization?If so, to whom?How?8.Does the Human Resources department take a lead instriving for a more empowered and participativework force (productivity improvement, costreduction, quality improvement and improvedquality of work life programs?)3 / 1039.Has a Human Resources department organizationchart been published and distributed?If so, to whom?Does the organization chart clearly define functional responsibilities and whom customers can contact for service?10.Are job descriptions established for all HRpersonnel stating major job objectives,responsibilities and accountabilities?11.Do all HR personnel understand theirrespective roles and relationships to others inthe department?12.Are department personnel cross-trained toperform duties outside their major areas ofresponsibility?13.Do they work on team and department taskforce projects?14.Are departmental personnel professionally andtechnically competent?15.Do they serve as internal consultants tomanagement as well as counselors to employees?16.Does the department staff work well as a team?17.Are they readily accessible to all customers?18.Are department personnel provided adequatetraining and professional development to meetorganizational challenges and demands?19.Is involvement in professional and technicalgroups encouraged?Does the department subscribe to major technical and professional journals?5 / 10320.Is there a credible performance appraisal inplace clearly stating mutually established goalsand objectives for department personnel?21.Are human resources staff compensatedaccording to market standards?Are they compensated based on comparable positions within the organization?22.Does department staff effectively balanceorganizational with employee needs and act as anintermediate for both?23.Is the Human Resources department results-oriented (i.e., measuring cost-effectiveness andthe bottom line results of human resourcesprograms)?If so, is it attentive to the bottom line and does it demonstrate a business orientation?24.What is the span of control of the topposition within the departments (i.e., how manyand which positions report to it)?Are supervisors or managers reporting to other mid-level managers?How many employees are in the Human Resources department?What is the ratio of HR department staff to all employees served?How does this compare to the staffing levels of other comparable organizations offering similar services?25.Are HR needs and programs accounted for inthe organization’s budgeting process?7 / 10326.Does the organization make plans for ensuringthat HR’s future needs are met?27.On a scale of one to seven (seven being thehighest and four being adequate), how would theHuman Resources team rate the overalleffectiveness and structure of your HumanResources department?28.On the same one-to-seven scale, how do youthink other department heads would rate theoverall effectiveness and structure of the HRdepartment?On the same one-to-seven scale, how do you think the employees would rate the overall effectiveness and structure of the HR department?Explanation of Department Organization Questionnaire For each of the 11 categories, the Self-Auditquestions are designed to rate how well the HR department achieves the purpose of the category definition stated at the top of the questionnaire: Is the HR department structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish the organization’s objectives?Questions one through nine explore how department leaders achieve organization objectives, are part of management’s strategic planning effort and assist in making decisions that affect bottom-line results. These questions both help ensure that HR’s efforts are in accord with customer needs and suggest ways HR teams can take the lead in helping customersget the most out of the organization’s human resources.9 / 103Questions 10 through 26 address communicating department functions and services to all customers, staff objectives and internal relationships, staff’s dual role as internal consultants to management and counselors to employees, staff competence and flexibility, cross-training, balancing employee needs with business needs and a bottom-line results orientation.The components of question 24 also relate to staff size, structure and span of control. Industry-specific standards for staff size are available from a variety of professional publications, such as the Saratoga Institute’s "HR Effectiveness Survey" and national and regional statistics compiled by the Bureau of National Affairs (BNA). Any surveys that relatespecifically to your type of organization will makethat benchmark more credible.Questions 25 and 26 address resources and planning to ensure the delivery of required services.Human Resources Planning/Organizational Development QuestionnaireThe process of identifying and providing ways to fulfill the organization’s developmental and human resource needs.1.Is there one position accountable for reviewingthe organization’s human resources requirements?2.How is this review carried out?Formally/informally? (please describe)11 / 1033.How often is this analysis updated (e.g., yearly,every two years, three years or more)?4.Do your projected needs include the followingconsiderations?Availability of outside workforce demographics (age, sex, minority classification, education, skills level, occupations, etc.)Anticipated changed in your organizations technology, processes, products/services and markets.Personnel needs these changes will require (e.g. new skills, education, knowledge and abilities).5.Which sources outside the organization providethese demographics?6.What sources within the organization provided thisinformation?7.To whom are these projections communicated?。