



家用和类似电动工具的安全要求PART 2-79高压清洗机的特定要求目录简介(略)1.适用范围2.参考标准3.定义4.一般要求5.测试的一般条件6.分类7.标识和说明8.防止与带电零件的接触9.启动和操作10.输出功率和电流11.温升12.略13.操作温度时的泄露电流和耐电压强度14.瞬时的超压15.防潮性16.泄露电流和耐电压强度17.变压器的过载保护和相关电路18.耐久性19.不正常操作20.稳定性和机械危险21.机械强度22.结构23.内部布线24.组件25.电源连接和外部电线26.外部导线的接线端子27.接地28.螺丝和连接件29.爬电距离和电气间隙30.高温防火31.防锈32.放射性附录文献图101 警告标志图102冲击测试图103 扶手的反作用力高压清洗机的特定要求1.适用范围第一部分的本章由以下更替:本标准针对压强为2.5mPa-25mPa,功率≤10KW的高压清洗机,单相工具额定电压≤250V,其它工具480V。




)3.101 无负载值:当泵浦压强超过预定值,多出的流量返回进水系统时,操作的压强值。


3.102 安全值:当泵浦压强超过预定值,多出的流量返回进水系统时,操作的压强值。

3.103 额定压强:生产商为高压清洗机设定的最大压强值。

3.104 允许的额定压强:在高压清洗机不受冲击的前提下,生产商对其规定的压强限值。

3.105 额定流量:生产商对高压清洗机喷嘴规定的在额定压强下的流量。

























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高压 清洗机 的 国际水平标 志
陈正文 薛胜雄 王永 强 朱华清
( 合肥通用机械研究院 , 安徽合肥 203 ) 301
odroet dtew t e t ho g i d epo enw m nf tr . h rc ae t e r x n a rj n l yv w a xl t e aua ue T i atl hv r et e h e te c o e n it h c s s ie he
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高压清洗机新标准 EN 60335-2-079 - 0812 _E

高压清洗机新标准 EN 60335-2-079 - 0812 _E

D ra f tf or vo t eFINAL DRAFT EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 60335-2-79 NORME EUROPÉENNE FprACEUROPÄISCHE NORMDecember 2008CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische NormungCentral Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels© 2008 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.Project: 22138 Ref. No. EN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008 EICS 97.080English versionHousehold and similar electrical appliances -Safety -Part 2-79: Particular requirements for high pressure cleanersand steam cleanersAppareils électrodomestiqueset analogues - Sécurité -Partie 2-79: Règles particulières pour les appareils de nettoyage à haute pression et les appareils de nettoyage à vapeur Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche Zwecke - Teil 2-79: Besondere Anforderungen für Hochdruckreiniger und DampfreinigerThis draft amendment FprAC, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 60335-2-79:2004; it is submitted to CENELEC members for Unique Acceptance Procedure. Deadline for CENELEC: 2009-05-08.It has been drawn up by CLC/TC 61.If this draft becomes an amendment, CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this amendment the status of a national standard without any alteration.This draft amendment was established by CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.D ra f tf or vo t eEN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008 – 2 –ForewordIn the light of the necessity to adapt EN 60335-2-79 with regard to the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, the present draft was prepared by CENELEC TC61/WG6/J in co-operation with the MD Consultant, taking also into account the results of CENELEC TC61/WG6 work on EN 60335-1. The approach to amend EN 60335-2-79:2004 aiming toward listing the standard under the MD was discussed and approved during the Kista meeting of CENELEC TC61 in June 2008 (see CLC/TC 61/SEC/1649), when it was decided to submit a draft for an amendment to the Unique Acceptance Procedure.In this document, the text of the draft amendment FprAC is written in blue. The National Committees are invited to vote on this blue text only.If voted positively, the present document as a whole will be approved as a new edition of EN 60335-2-79 with the common modifications identified by a vertical line in the left margin.The following dates are proposed:–latest date by which the existence of the amendment has to be announced at national level(doa)dor + 3 months –latest date by which the amendment has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement(dop)2009-12-29 (same as dow)–latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn(dow)2009-12-29 ** A dow of 2009-12-29 is proposed so as this European Standard applies at the same time as the time of application of the new Machinery Directive. There are no special national conditions causing a deviation from this amendment.There are no national deviations from this amendment.WG6/J Convenor’s note:Several meetings between the MD Consultant and CENELEC TC 61/WG6/J between March 2008 and November 2008 resolved all concerns of the MD Consultant and should lead to a positive assessment against the Machinery 2006/42/EC during the UAP.____________D ra f tf or vo t e– 3 – EN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008Text of FprAC to EN 60335-2-79:2004The text of draft amendment FprAC is the blue text in this file. After the vote, this text will be approved and published as a new edition of EN 60335-2-79 (IEC 60335-2-79:2002 + A1:2004 + A2:2007, modified).1 ScopeThis clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following.This European Standard deals with the safety of high pressure cleaners without traction drive, intended for household and commercial indoor or outdoor use, having a rated pressure not less than 2,5 MPa and not exceeding 35 MPa.It also applies to steam cleaners and those parts of hot water high pressure cleaners incorporating a steam stage which have a capacity not exceeding 100 l, a rated pressure not exceeding 2,5 MPa and a product of capacity and rated pressure not exceeding 5 MPa·l. The following power systems of the drive for the high pressure pump are covered: –mains powered motors up to a rated voltage of 250 V for single-phase machines and 480 V for other machines,– battery powered motors, – internal combustion engines, –hydraulic or pneumatic motors.This part 2 applies in conjunction with EN 60335-1:2002 and its amendments, which is referred to in this text as “Part 1”. This part 2 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of Part 1 as indicated in the text. This standard does not apply to – high pressure water jet machines as covered by EN 1829-1;– steam cleaners intended for domestic use as covered by IEC 60335-2-54; – machines designed to be part of a production process;– machines designed for use in vehicles or on board of ships or aircraft;– machines designed for use in corrosive or explosive environments (dust, vapour or gas); – cleaners designed for medical application;– hand-held motor-operated electric tools as covered by IEC 60745 (series); – transportable motor-operated electric tools as covered by IEC 61029 (series); –machines for application of coating;NOTE Z101 EN 1953 gives requirements for atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials. EN 12621 gives requirements for machinery for the supply and circulation of coating and/or auxiliary materials under pressure– agricultural sprayers; NOTE Z102 EN 907 gives requirements for sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors for agricultural and forestrypurposes–non-liquid, solid abrasive cleaners.NOTE Z103 Attention is drawn to the fact that in many countries additional requirements on the safe use of the equipment covered may be specified by the national health authorities, the national authorities responsible for the protection of labour, the national water supply authorities and similar authorities.D ra f tf or vo t eEN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008 – 4 –2 Normative referencesThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows. Addition:IEC 60335-2-54, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-54: Particular requirements for surface cleaning appliances for household use employing liquids or steamIEC 60364-1, Electrical installations of buildings – Part 1: Fundamental principles, assessment of general characteristics, definitionsIEC 60745 series, Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - SafetyIEC 61029 series, Safety of transportable motor-operated electric toolsIEC 61558-2-3, Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar – Part 2-3: Particular requirements for ignition transformers for gas and oil burnersIEC 61770, Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose setsISO 3743-1, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering method for small, movable sources in reverberant fields - Part 1: Comparison method for hard-walled test roomsISO 3744, Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Engineering method for an essentially free field over a reflecting planeISO 4871, Acoustics - Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and equipmentISO 5349-1, Mechanical vibration – Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 1: General requirementsISO 12100-2, Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design - Part 2: Technical principlesEN 1829-1, High pressure water jet machines — Safety requirements — Part 1: Machines *)3 DefinitionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.3.1.9 Replacement: normal operationconditions under which the machine is operated in normal use.———————*) At draft stage.D ra f tf or vo t e– 5 – EN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008It denotes the operation at rated flow and rated pressure with the appropriate nozzle and hose line fitted, all strainers and filters in a clean operating condition and the unloader valve set to the rated pressure . The water heater , if fitted, is operated at maximum power. Electric motor driven machines are supplied at rated voltage .Power outlets for accessories are loaded with a resistive load in accordance with the marking. The burner is operated at rated power. Machines designed for operation at more than one rated power setting are additionally tested at the most disadvantageous power.On machines designed for use with a flue pipe, a section of flue pipe is attached to the machine. Flue gas determinations are taken in this flue pipe.The draught is adjusted as recommended in the instructions3.101unloader valvepressure operated device which, when the pump pressure exceeds a preset value, releases the pressure and leads the excess fluid into the inlet system. In addition it bypasses the total pump flow at reduced pressure when its outlet flow is cut off3.102safety valvepressure operated device which, when the pump or steam cleaner pressure exceeds a preset value, releases the pressure and which may return the excess fluid or steam either to the inlet system or into the atmosphere3.103rated pressuremaximum working pressure at the pressure generator during normal operation3.104allowable pressuremaximum pressure up to which a machine and/or parts of the machine may be subjected without impairing its safety3.105rated flowmaximum flow at rated pressure at the nozzle during normal operation3.106water heaterdevice for heating the cleaning agent by means of electricity, gas, liquid fuel or heat exchange 3.107cleaning agentwater with or without the addition of gaseous, soluble or miscible detergent or solid abrasive 3.108pressure switchdevice which, in response to varying fluid pressure, provides a controlling function at a pre-set value 3.109flow switchdevice which, in response to a varying rate of fluid flow, provides a controlling function at a pre-set valueD ra f tf or vo t eEN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008 – 6 –3.110flame safety controlcontrol device that responds directly to flame properties sensing the presence of flame and, in event of ignition failure or unintentional flame extinguishment, causes safety shut downNOTE Flame safety controls are also known as flame failure devices.3.111trigger gunhand-held spraying device where the flow of the cleaning agent is regulated by an integrated manually operated control device3.112continuous ignitionignition of an oil or gas fired burner that is continuously maintained throughout the time the burner is operational , whether the burner is firing or not3.113rated temperaturemaximum temperature of the cleaning agent during normal operation 3.114pencil jet nozzlenozzle that gives a concentrated, parallel water jetNOTEPencil jet nozzles are also known as needle jet nozzles, solid jet nozzles or 0 degree jet nozzles3.115water jetterpipe-cleaning device, connected to and controlled by a trigger gun, consisting of a high-pressure hose and a cleaning head with nozzles3.116motorized cleaning headhand-held or hand-guided cleaning device connected to the machine, with an integrated electrical motorNOTEThe permanently attached main cleaning head is not regarded as a motorized cleaning head3.117low pressure accessorydevice, connected to and controlled by a trigger gun , with large nozzle openings generating a pressure below rated pressureNOTE Typical examples of low pressure accessories are washing brushes, foam nozzles, washing sponges.3.118hand-guided machinemachine that needs to be moved on the floor 3.Z101maximum flow ratehighest possible flow at the nozzleNOTE Typically, the maximum flow rate occurs at working pressures lower than rated pressure and with a nozzle designed for spraying of cleaning agents .3.Z102 hose lineassembly of high pressure hoses mounted with appropriate fittingsD ra f tf or vo t e– 7 – EN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:20083.Z103 guardpart of the machine specifically designed to provide protection by means of a physical barrier 3.Z104 operatorperson installing, operating, adjusting, maintaining, cleaning or moving the machine3.Z105test solutiona solution which consists of 20 g of NaCl and 1 ml of a solution of 28 % by mass of dodecyl sodium sulphate in each 8 l of waterNOTE The chemical designation of dodecyl sodium sulphate is C 12H 25NaSO 4.3.Z106 riskprobability of being exposed to an injury or damage to health3.Z107commercial useintended use of machines covered by this standard in a professional wayFor the purpose of this standard commercial use may be read as not intended for domestic use4 General requirementThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Replace the first paragraph by the following:Machines shall be constructed so that they function safely so as to cause no danger to persons or surroundings during normal use, even in the event of carelessness, and during installation, adjusting, maintenance, cleaning, repairing or transportation. Addition:For the purpose of this standard, the term ‘appliance’ as used in Part 1 is to be read as ‘machine’.5 General conditions for the testsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.Addition :5.Z101 The test solution is stored in a cool atmosphere and used within seven days after its preparation.5.Z102 Protective devices and safety valves shall remain fully functional but not trip under normal operation .D ra f tf or vo t eEN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008 – 8 –6 ClassificationThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows. 6.1 Replacement:Machines shall be one of the following classes with respect to the protection against contact with live parts :– class I, – class II, or –class III .However, hand-held appliances and hand-held parts of steam cleaners and high pressure cleaners shall be class II or class III.Compliance is checked by inspection and by the relevant tests. 6.2 Replacement:The machines shall have a degree of protection against harmful ingress of water according to Table 101:Table 101 – Degree of protection against harmful ingress of waterProtection class (electric shock)Protection degree(IEC 60529)Steam cleanersfor indoor use onlyI – IIIPX4III IPX3for outdoor useI-II-III IPX5 Hand-held partsII IPX7 III IPX3 High pressure cleanersHand-held appliancesII-III IPX7Other types of machines I-II-IIIIPX5Hand-held partsII-III IPX7However, fixed appliances that are specified for installation in a separate room, where they will not be subject to spillage or splashing of water, shall be at least IPX0. Compliance is checked by inspection and by the relevant tests.7 Marking and instructionsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows. 7.1 Replace the 4thdashed item as follows:–the business name and full address of the manufacturer and, if applicable, his authorised representative;D ra f tf or vo t e– 9 – EN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008Addition :Machines shall be marked in addition with the following: – serial number, if any; – designation of the machine; – designation of series or type;– the year of construction, that is the year in which the manufacturing process is completed; – rated pressure in Pascal; – allowable pressure in Pascal; – rated flow in litre per minute;–maximum flow rate in litre per minute, if necessary. The number of flow rate markings is limited to two;– maximum rated temperature where this is above 50 ºC; –maximum power of the water heater in kW, if applicable (for electric heaters the input power, for gas-fired or oil-fired heaters the output power).Machines equipped with wheels shall be marked with the mass of the most usual configuration in kg.A yellow label with black lines showing the substance of the warning symbols in accordance with Figure 101 shall be permanently fixed to the machine.Machines shall be marked in addition with the following, if applicable: – When the surface of a flue or duct for exhaust gases from the heater exceeds a temperature rise of 60 K, a warning notice shall be fitted near to the hot surface statingWARNINGHot. Do not touch.This wording may be replaced by symbol IEC 60417-5041. The height of the lettering shall be not less than 4 mm.– Steam cleaners shall be marked with symbol IEC 60417-5597.– Machines not intended to be connected to the potable water mains shall be marked with the symbol according to Figure 104, coloured as shown or in monochrome colour.–Machines that are designed to be used indoors and are powered by internal combustion engines, except LPG-powered engines, shall be marked with the symbol according to Figure 105.Compliance is checked by inspection.7.1.Z101 All high pressure hoses shall be marked with the following:– allowable pressure in Pascal or bar; – maximum temperature in degrees Celsius;–business name of the manufacturer of the hose and the date of production. These data may be coded.Compliance is checked by inspection.D ra f tf or vo t eEN 60335-2-79:2004/FprAC:2008 – 10 –7.1.Z102 All high pressure accessories (e.g. trigger gun , spray lance) shall be marked with the following: – allowable pressure in Pascal or bar; –maximum temperature in degrees Celsius.Compliance is checked by inspection.7.1.Z103 Motorized cleaning heads shall be marked with their model or type reference. Compliance is checked by inspection.7.1.Z104 Power outlets for accessories shall be marked with the maximum load in watts on the power outlet or close to it.Compliance is checked by inspection. 7.6 Addition :[symbol IEC 60417-5597]steam7.12 Addition:The front cover of the instructions shall include the substance of the following warning:WARNING Read the instructions before using the machine.This wording may be replaced by symbols 0434 and either 1641 or 0790 of ISO 7000.The words “Original instructions” shall appear on the language version(s) verified by the manufacturer.The instructions shall contain at least the following: – the business name and full address of the manufacturer and, if applicable, his authorised representative;– designation of series or type of the machine as marked on the machine itself, except for the serial number;– the general description of the machine;– the intended use of the machine and the auxiliary equipment as covered by the scope of this standard;–the meaning of the symbols used on the machine and in the instructions;– drawings, diagrams, descriptions and explanations necessary for the safe use, maintenance and repair of the machine and for checking its correct functioning;– technical data including the markings on the machine and the maximum inlet water pressure in Pascal;– information regarding putting into service, safe operation, handling, transportation, andstorage of the machine taking into account its weight;–instructions to enable adjustment and maintenance to be carried out safely, including the protective measures that should be taken during these operations;D ra f t f o r v o t e – the conditions in which the machine meets the requirement of stability during use,transportation, assembly, dismantling when out of service, testing or foreseeable breakdowns;– the operating method to be followed in the event of accident (e.g. contact with detergents:rinse with an abundance of clean water) or breakdown to prevent unsafe situations.The instructions shall indicate the type and frequency of inspections and maintenance required for safe operation including the preventive maintenance measures. They shall, if applicable, give the specifications of the spare parts if they affect the health and safety of the operator .In addition, the instructions shall give the following information, if applicable:– information about appropriate Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE) for high pressurecleaners in operation e. g. safety boots, safety gloves, safety helmets with visors, hearing protection etc. which shall be worn while operating the equipment;– instructions for water jetters shall be given, such as “Insert hose to red mark before turningon the machine”;–adequate information about the connection with the water mains, including the maximum inlet pressure, if not given on the rating plate; –adequate information about the nozzles to be used, the danger of the kickback force and the sudden torque on the spray assembly when opening the trigger gun ; – the kickback forces if they exceed 20 N;– the functioning of the safety devices, e.g. safety valves, flow switches, pressureswitches ;–for battery operated machines, the precautions to be taken for safe charging; –information regarding safe disposal of batteries;– for mains operated machines the substance of the following:The electric supply connection shall be made by a qualified electrician and comply with IEC 60364-1. It is recommended that the electric supply to this machine should include either a residual current device that will interrupt the supply if the leakage current to earth exceeds 30 mA for 30 ms or a device that will prove the earth circuit.– For oil fired machines without a flame safety control , the substance of the following:This machine must be attended during operation. – For fixed appliances intended to be used in a dry independent room, and for steamcleaners intended for indoor use only, the substance of the following:Do not splash or wash down.For machines intended to be connected to the potable water mains, the instructions shall give the following information, if applicable:–adequate information for the correct connection to the potable water mains; –necessary length and quality of the water supply hose; – necessary measures for conversion of the connection from supply from the potable watermains to supply from other water sources. For machines not intended to be connected to the potable water mains, the instructions shall give the following information, if applicable: –adequate information for the correct connection to the water supply; –adequate information about suction operation; –necessary length and quality of the water supply hose; – necessary measures for conversion of the connection from supply from other water sourcesto supply from the potable water mains.D ra f t f o r v o t e 7.12.Z101 The instructions shall include information on airborne noise emission as indicated in ZAA. The instructions shall give the following information:– the vibration total value to which the hand-arm system is subjected, measured in accordancewith ISO 5349-1 for arm vibrations, the machine being supplied at rated voltage or at the maximum rated voltage for machines with a range of voltages, if it exceeds 2,5 m/s². Where this value does not exceed 2,5 m/s², this shall be mentioned;–the uncertainty surrounding this value. These values shall be either those actually measured for the machine in question or those established on the basis of measurements taken for a technically comparable machine which is representative of the machine being produced.Regarding operating conditions during measurement and the methods used for measurement, the reference of the harmonised standard applied (EN 60335-2-79) must be specified7.12.Z103 The instructions shall include warnings concerning ways in which the machine shall not be used that experience has shown might occur. At least, it shall include the substance of the following warnings, if applicable.– WARNING This machine has been designed for use with the cleaning agent supplied orrecommended by the manufacturer. The use of other cleaning agents orchemicals may adversely affect the safety of the machine.– WARNING High pressure jets can be dangerous if subject to misuse. The jet must not be directed at persons, live electrical equipment or the machine itself. –WARNING Do not use the machine within range of persons unless they wear protective clothing. –WARNING Do not direct the jet against yourself or others in order to clean clothes or foot-wear. –WARNING Risk of Explosion – Do not spray flammable liquids. –WARNING High pressure cleaners shall not be used by children or untrained personnel. – WARNING High pressure hoses, fittings and couplings are important for the safety of themachine. Use only hoses, fittings and couplings recommended by themanufacturer.– WARNING To ensure machine safety, use only original spare parts from the manufactureror approved by the manufacturer.–WARNING Water that has flown through backflow preventers is considered to be non-potable. – A warning that the machine shall be disconnected from its power source during cleaning or maintenance and when replacing parts or converting the machine to another function: •for mains operated machines by removing the plug from the socket-outlet; •for battery operated machines by safely disconnecting at least the non-earthed pole of the battery or by an equivalent method (disconnecting device); • for internal combustion engine powered machines by removing the ignition key and by disconnecting the battery.– WARNING Do not use the machine if a supply cord or important parts of the machine aredamaged, e.g. safety devices, high pressure hoses, trigger gun.D r a f t f o r v o t e – WARNING If an extension cord is used, the plug and socket must be of watertightconstruction.– WARNING Inadequate extension cords can be dangerous.– WARNING Do not use combustion engine powered machines indoors unless adequateventilation is assessed by national labour authorities.– WARNING Ensure that any exhaust emissions are not in the vicinity of air intakes.– WARNING For gas or oil-heated machines it is important to provide adequate ventilationand make sure that the flue gases are properly discharged.Instructions for machines where gas or liquid fuel are used shall also include the specification of the correct fuel and the substance of the following:– WARNING Incorrect fuels shall not be used as they may prove hazardous.Instructions for machines having a current-carrying hose for dry suction, operating at other than safety extra-low voltage , shall also include the substance of the following: – WARNING This hose contains electrical connections: do not use it to collect water and donot immerse in water for cleaning.8 Protection against access to live partsThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.8.1 Addition:Water and water-borne cleaning agents are considered conductive.[addition to 8.1.4 deleted]9 Starting of motor-operated appliancesThis clause of Part 1 is not applicable except as follows.It shall only be possible to start the machine by intended actuation of a control device provided for the purpose. The same requirement applies when restarting the machine after a stoppage, whatever the cause.Compliance is checked by inspection and by test.10 Power input and currentThis clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows. [addition to 10.1 deleted]。
















( 合肥 通用 机械 研究 院 , 安徽 合肥 203 ) 30 1

要 : 多年来, 国高压清洗机从产量、 十 我 参数 范围、 术水平和运行 可靠性能方面都有 了非 技
常大的变化 , 为了全面反映这一 变化, 促进行业技术进 步, B T2 15— 0 0 高压清洗机》 G / 6 3 2 1 ( 颁
me t ;e tme h d n s ts t o
1 引言
G / 63 -2 1 ( 压 清 洗 机 》国 家 标 准 在 B T2 15 00( 高
的化工换热器 的清洗到船舶 、 货车 的除锈清洗 , 这都 体现了水射流技术 的迅速发展 , 也代表着 未来 高压
清洗 机 技术 的发 展方 向 。
求 , 验证 其满 足各 项要 求 的试 验 方法 。所 以 , 能 及 性 要 求是 否合 理 直接 影 响到此 项标 准 的适用 性 。
文章编 号 :6 1— 9 9 2 1 )7— 0 1— 3 17 80 ( 0 1 0 0 0 0
清ani orl 洗世界 Cl e ng W d
第 2 卷第 7 7 期 2 1 7 01 年 月
《 高压清 洗 机》 国家标 准 的解 读
韩彩 红 , 薛胜 雄 , 陈正 文
清 洗 世 界
第 7期
机 , 压 力扩 充到 30 a 功率 增加 到 50 W , 功 把 0 MP , 0k 大
3 1 性 能要 求 .
率机组 的应用从设想变成了现实 。基本参数在制定
时遵 照 的原 则是 涵 盖 国 内外 全 部 产 品 , 生 产 商 和 使
作为产品标 准的主要 内容 : 规定其应满足 的要
Ke r s: n to l sa d r s; ih r s u e l a ng u t b sc pa a tr; n i e rng r q r — y wo d aina t n a d h g p e s r ce ni ni; a i r mee e g n e i e uie

UL1776 高压清洗机标准

UL1776 高压清洗机标准

UL 1776ISBN 1-55989-934-4高压清洗机美国UL安全检测实验室公司(Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)(UL)伊利诺伊州60062-2096诺斯布罗克市普芬斯腾路333号UL安全标准用于高压清洗机,UL 1776第二版,日期1995年12月27日修订:本标准含有直至1997年6月19日(包括1997年6月19日)作出的修改。




这份在UL的Northbrook Office的标准的主体是一份正式文件,是关系到一项UL服务,以及一种产品和该产品或服务是否符合要求的正式文件。













高压清洗机UL1776(doc 150)

高压清洗机UL1776(doc 150)

高压清洗机UL1776(doc 150)部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范文,仅供参考,可下载自行编辑UL 1776ISBN 1-55989-934-4 高压清洗机美国UL安全检测实验室公司(Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)(UL)伊利诺伊州60062-2096诺斯布罗克市普芬斯腾路333号UL安全标准用于高压清洗机,UL 1776第二版,日期1995年12月27日修订:本标准含有直至1997年6月19日(包括1997年6月19日)作出的修改。




这份在UL的Northbrook Office的标准的主体是一份正式文件,是关系到一项UL服务,以及一种产品和该产品或服务是否符合要求的正式文件。





































《果蔬净化清洗机》标准概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述果蔬净化清洗机是一种应用于果蔬清洗行业的设备,旨在通过高效的清洗技术,提供安全、卫生的果蔬产品给消费者。



1.2 文章结构本文将围绕“果蔬净化清洗机”的标准概述进行详细阐述及解释说明。





1.3 目的本文旨在深入介绍果蔬净化清洗机的标准概述,并对其进行解释说明,以便普及相关知识并提供指导。



以上是“1. 引言”部分内容的详细清晰撰写。

2. 标准概述2.1 果蔬净化清洗机的定义果蔬净化清洗机是一种用于清洗、净化和消毒水果和蔬菜的设备。


2.2 标准的重要性制定果蔬净化清洗机标准具有重要意义。



2.3 发展历程和应用范围果蔬净化清洗机标准的发展历程可以追溯到对食品安全意识日益增强之后。






二、主要技术参数(1)工作压力:5-15MPa(2)额定电压:380V(3)连接负载: 15KW(4)水流量:300-800L/h(5)最高热水温度:90℃(6)尺寸: 1500×700×1000(7)电源插头:工业航空插头(8)噪音≦70分贝(9)振动频率:20KHZ-80KHZ三、技术要求1.设备为手推移动式热水高压清洗机。


3.具备感温式过载保险装置,具备过热保护,带有漏电保护功能,防水等级不低于 IPX5 标准。































1. 清洗机的技术参数:包括工作压力、流量、功率、轴功率等。


2. 清洗液的要求:清洗机使用的清洗液通常是水或特定的清洗溶剂。


3. 清洗效果的评估:清洗机的清洗效果需要符合一定的标准。


4. 安全要求:清洗机的设计和制造必须符合相关的安全标准,确保操作人员的安全。


5. 节能要求:清洗机的设计应尽可能降低能源消耗,提高清洗效率,减少对环境的影响。

6. 设备维护和保养:清洗机需要定期进行维护和保养,以确保其正常工作。







































UL 1776-1997 中文版 高压清洗机

UL 1776-1997 中文版 高压清洗机

UL 1776ISBN 1-55989-934-4高 压 清 洗 机美国UL安全检测实验室公司(Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)(UL)伊利诺伊州60062-2096诺斯布罗克市普芬斯腾路333号UL安全标准用于高压清洗机,UL 1776第二版,日期1995年12月27日修订:本标准含有直至1997年6月19日(包括1997年6月19日)作出的修改。




这份在UL的Northbrook Office的标准的主体是一份正式文件,是关系到一项UL服务,以及一种产品和该产品或服务是否符合要求的正式文件。




































































⼆、⾼压清洗机安全操作注意事项:1. 使⽤⾼压清洗机前,必须穿戴好防护⽤品(含护⽬镜)。

2. 严禁将清洗喷枪指向⼈、动物、电器设备、精密机械。

3. 严禁使⽤⾼压清洗机进⾏冲洗⾐物、鞋、交通⼯具等与⼯作内容⽆关的操作。

4. ⾼压清洗机严禁离⼈使⽤,避免设备处于⽆⼈监控状态。

5. 严禁将清洗喷枪指向有害物质,避免有害物质飞溅伤⼈。

6. 严禁在⾼压清洗机⼯作时移动⾼压清洗机,移动⾼压清洗机时必须在主电源断电后或控制⾯板主开关切换到“停”的位置后进⾏。

7. 使⽤⾼压清洗机时必须确保地⾯⼲燥、平坦,防⽌不正确的移动、⾼压清洗机翻倒以及⾼压清洗机漏电伤⼈,同时必须确保旋转轮闸已被刹住。

8. 使⽤⾼压清洗机时双⼿必须紧握⾼压清洗枪,防⽌扣动清洗喷枪扣机和冲洗时,⾼压反冲⼒导致的清洗喷枪脱⼿或清洗喷枪失控等不安全情况的发⽣。

9. ⾼压清洗机停⽌使⽤时,控制⾯板主开关切必须切换到“停”的位置并且断开主电源。

10. ⾼压清洗机的清洁及维护⼯作必须在⾼压清洗机完全冷却,并且断开主电源后进⾏。







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