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Part 1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending

I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。

1. We’ve lived in this city all of our lives and have no d________ to move.

2. The whole community felt great s________ for the family’s bad luck.

3. David really has a thick skin! He said such a________ and unreasonable words after his mistake.

4. How to solve this problem is only my a________; please don’t try to persuade me anymore.

5. We d________ that these decisions shall not be put into practice.

6. Almost all black people have a great voice; I really e________ them.

7. Can you guess how long the longest ________ (手指甲) in the world is?

8. You are late again. Your ________ (奖金) will be reduced by fifty percent.

9. Nobody dares to tell Richard that his painting is really ________ (糟糕的).

10. It’s good to go on a diet if you’re ________ (超重的).

11. Julia can’t tell which pearl ________ (项链) is fake on the table.

12. Carl is a wonderful dancer, whose moves are so ________ (优雅的).

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Charlie smiled with ________ (satisfy) when I answered his question.

2. The old couple have heart disease, so do not make them ________ (alarm).

3. When Maggie wasn’t with the animals, she spent hours playing with her ________ (favour) toy.

4. The minister was ________ (accompany) by his secretary to the hospital.

5. Shirley was behind the ________ (count) serving everybody with a big smile.

III. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。

test out, ring up, turn around, leave ... alone

1. Lisa just ____________ to tell Max that she would not be back for lunch.

2. Laura slowed down her pace, but didn’t ____________ or even look back.

3. When he is in a bad mood, you’d better ________ him ________.

4. Isabella wanted to ____________ the television set before she bought it.

IV. 同义句转换。

1. The headmaster desires that Albert should visit him next week.

The headmaster desires Albert ________ ________ him next week.

2. Francis succeeded in making up for the lost time.

Francis ________ ________ make up for the lost time.

3. Jack didn’t go to school because of a headache.

A headache ________ Jack ________ going to school.

V. 根据所给提示将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 我回来和他们一起生活,更确切地说,是和他们呆在一起。(or rather)

2. 劳驾, 我在打电话, 把收音机的声音调小点好吗? (favour)

3. 她细看他的脸,寻思他在想什么。(scan)

Part 2 Learning about Language

I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。

1. David was a loyal German who had a deep a________ for his country.

2. Check the letter’s address twice before putting it in the m________.

3. She picked up the r________ and dialled his number.

4. Clare is planning to celebrate the ________ (盛大的) opening with a huge party.

5. With IT developing rapidly, new ________ (数字的) products come out one after another.

6. The document clearly ________ (说明) what is being planned.

II. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空。

set aside, in all, be known as

1. —How many people did you invite to your party?
