111地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic工程地质条件 engineering geological conditions地形地貌条件 geographic and geomorphic conditions地形 land form地貌 geomorphology, relief 微地貌 microrelief地貌单元 landform unit, geomorphic unit 坡度 grade 地形图 relief map 河谷 river valley 河道 river course河床 river bed (channel)冲沟 gully, gulley, erosion gully , stream (brook)河漫滩 floodplain(valley flat ) 阶地 terrace冲积平原 alluvial plain 三角洲 delta古河道 fossil river course, fossil stream channel冲积扇 alluvial fan 洪积扇 diluvial fan 坡积裙 talus apron 分水岭 divide 盆地 basin岩溶地貌 karst land feature, karst landform 溶洞 solution cave , karst cave 落水洞 sinkhole土洞 Karstic earth cave2地层岩性地层 geostrome (stratum, strata )岩性 lithologic character, rock property岩体 rock mass 岩层 bed stratum岩层 layer , rock stratum 母岩 matrix , parent rock 相变 facies change硬质岩 strong rock , film 软质岩 weak rock 硬质的 competent 软质的 incompetent 基岩 bedrock 岩组 petrofabric 覆盖层 overburden 交错层理 cross bedding层面 bedding plane 片理 schistosity 层理 bedding 板理(叶理) foliation 波痕 ripple-mark 泥痕 mud crack雨痕 raindrop imprints造岩矿物 rock —forming minerals 粘土矿物 clay mineral 高岭土 kaolinite蒙脱石 montmorillonite 伊利石 illite 云母 mica白云母 muscovite 黑云母 biotite 石英 quartz 长石 feldspar 正长石 orthoclase 斜长石 plagioclase辉石 pyroxene , picrite 角闪石 hornblende 方解石 calcite 构造 structure 结构 texture组构 fabric (tissue ) 矿物组成 mineral composition 结晶质 crystalline 非晶质 amorphous 产状 attitude 火成岩 igneous岩浆岩 magmatic rock 火山岩(熔岩)lava 火山 volcano侵入岩 intrusive(invade) rock 喷出岩 effusive rock 深成岩 plutonic rock 浅成岩 pypabysal rock 酸性岩 acid rock中性岩 inter-mediate rock 基性岩 basic rock 超基性岩 ultrabasic rock岩基 rock base (batholith) 岩脉(墙) dike岩株 rock stock 岩流 rock flow岩盖 rock laccolith (laccolite) 岩盆 rock lopolith 岩墙 rock dike 岩床 rock sill22岩脉 vein dyke 花岗岩 granite 斑岩 porphyry 玢岩 porphyrite 流纹岩 rhyolite 正长岩 syenite 粗面岩 trachyte 闪长岩 diorite 安山岩 andesite 辉长岩 gabbro 玄武岩 basalt 细晶岩 aplite 伟晶岩 pegmatite 煌斑岩 lamprophyre 辉绿岩 diabase 橄榄岩 dunite 黑曜岩 obsidian 浮岩 pumice火山角砾岩 vulcanic breccia火山集块岩 volcanic agglomerate 凝灰岩 tuff沉积岩 sedimentary rock 碎屑岩 clastic rock 粘土岩 clay rock粉砂质粘土岩 silty claystone 化学岩 chemical rock 生物岩 biolith砾岩 conglomerate 角砾岩 breccia 砂岩 sandstone石英砂岩 quartz sandstone 粉砂岩 siltstone钙质粉砂岩 calcareous siltstone 泥岩 mudstone 页岩 shale 盐岩 saline 石灰岩 limestone 白云岩 dolomite 泥灰岩 marl泥钙岩 argillo-calcareous 泥砂岩 argillo —arenaceous 砂质 arenaceous 泥质 argillaceous 硅质的 siliceous有机质 organic matter 粗粒 coarse grain 中粒 medium-grained 沉积物 sediment (deposit ) 漂石、顽石 boulder卵石 cobble 砾石 gravel 砂 sand 粉土 silt 粘土 clay 粘粒 clay grain 砂质粘土 sandy clay 粘质砂土 clayey sand 壤土、亚粘土 loam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土 sandy loam 浮土、表土 regolith (topsoil) 黄土 loess 红土 laterite 泥灰 peat 软泥 ooze淤泥 mire , oozed mud, sludge, warp clay冲积物(层) alluvion 冲积的 alluvial洪积物(层) proluvium, diluvium , diluvion 洪积的 diluvial 坡积物(层) deluvium 残积物(层) eluvium 残积的 eluvial 风积物(层) eolian deposits 湖积物(层) lake deposits 海积物(层) marine deposits冰川沉积物(层)glacier (drift )deposits崩积物(层) colluvial deposits , colluvium 残积粘土 residual clay变质岩 metamorphic rock 板岩 slate 千枚岩 phyllite 片岩 schist 片麻岩 gneiss 石英岩 quartzite 大理岩 marble 糜棱岩 mylonite 混合岩 migmatite 碎裂岩 cataclasite3地质构造地质构造 geologic structure 结构构造 structural texture 大地构造 geotectonic 构造运动 tectogenesis 造山运动 orogeny升降运动 vertical movement 水平运动 horizontal movement完整性perfection(integrity)起伏度waviness尺寸效应size effect围压效应confining pressure effect产状要素elements of attitude产状attitude, orientation走向strike倾向dip倾角dip angle,angle of dip褶皱fold褶曲fold单斜monocline向斜syncline背斜anticline穹隆dome挤压squeeze上盘upper section下盘bottom wall, footwall, lower wall断距separation相交intersect断层fault正断层normal fault逆断层reversed fault平移断层parallel fault层理bedding,stratification微层理light stratification地堑graben地垒horst,fault ridge断层泥gouge,pug,selvage,fault gouge擦痕stria,striation断裂fracture破碎带fracture zone节理joint节理组joint set裂隙fissure,crack微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic fissure 劈理cleavage原生裂隙original joint次生裂隙epigenetic joint张裂隙tension joint剪裂隙shear joint卸荷裂隙relief crack裂隙率fracture porosity结构类型structural pattern岩体结构rock mass structure岩块block mass结构体structural element块度blockness结构面structural plane软弱结构面weak plane临空面free face碎裂结构cataclastic texture板状结构platy structure薄板状lamellose块状的lumpy,massive层状的laminated巨厚层giant thick-laminated薄层状的finely laminated软弱夹层weak intercalated layer夹层inter bedding,intercalated bed, interlayer,intermediate layer夹泥层clayey intercalation夹泥inter-clay连通性connectivity切层insequent影响带affecting zone完整性integrity n.Integrate v. & a.degree of integrality破碎crumble胶结cement泥化argillization尖灭taper—out错动diastrophism错动层面faulted bedding plane断续的intermittent破碎crumble共轭节理conjugated joint散状loose透镜状的lens-shaped a.岩石碎片crag岩屑cuttings, debris薄膜membrane,film层理stratification高角度high dip angle缓倾角low dip angle反倾anti-dip互层interbed v。
地下水(Ground water)
1. 松散沉积物中的孔隙
2. 坚硬岩石中的裂隙
3. 可溶性岩石中的溶隙
强结合水 结合水 弱结合水 毛细水 液态水 重力水 非结合水固态水 气态水
2019/1/20 课件 18
潜水深埋带 潜水溢出带 潜水下沉带
•风化裂隙水 •成岩裂隙水 •构造裂隙水
•面状裂隙水 •层状裂隙水 •脉状裂隙水
2019/1/20 课件 20
布极不均匀, 动态变化强烈 ,流动迅速, 排泄集中。
长江一级阶地 土层厚30~50m
K随深度呈对数 增大
中游河漫滩沉积有上细(粉细砂、粘性 土)下粗(砂砾)的二元结构,上层构成 隔水层,下层为承压含水层。
下游滨海平原上为潜水,埋藏浅不利于 工程建设,下部多层承压含水层。
上层滞水(perch ground water )
包气带中聚集在局部隔水层之上的重 力水. 特征:接近地表,接受大气降水补给, 以蒸发形式或向隔水底板边缘排泄。动 态变化很不稳定。 工程意义:常始料不及涌入基坑。 供水意义不大。 在寒冷地区易引起道路冻胀和翻浆 . 2019/1/20 9 课件
Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Paleogene-Neogene Stratigraphic Reservoirs in Jiyang DepressionAbstractDuring Paleogene-Neogene period, multiple scale unconformities had been formed in Jiyang depression, which provided favorable conditions for stratigraphic reservoirs. In recent years, various Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression have been found, and proved reserves were rising significantly, which fully showed a great exploration potential for this kind of reservoirs. But the practice of exploration in recent years indicated that the unconformities carrier system and its ability of sealing, petroleum migration and its accumulation model, distribution of stratigraphic reservoirs are uncertain, which deeply restrict the exploration degree of stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression.Based on the analysis of a large number of exploration wells and seismic data for Typical reservoirs, the paper analyses unconformities construct and its effect to generation in the Paleogene—Neogene, and summarize the distribution pattern of stratigraphic reservoirs based on petroleum mechanism and accumulation model. Finally, a highly quantitative prediction modclof height of pools in stratigraphic reservoirs was established, the research results effectively guided the explorationPra- ctice of stratigraphic reservoir .There are four macro unconformity types of Paleogene—Neogene formation which including truncation-overlap, truncation·paral lel, parallel—overlap and paralel unconformity in Jiyang depression.Besides truncation-overlap unconformity lies in slopes of depression, and parallel unconformity developed inside of depression,another two types lie in local areas. Unconformity can be developed vertically three-layer structure which including unconformity roof rock, weathered clay layer and semi-weathered rock. It also Can be two—layer structure if without weathered clay layer.And part of semi—weather rock Can be form a hard shell accuse of its filling process during the laterstage.Geological characteristic of the structure layer of unconformity is different in lithology,mineralogy, element geochemistry and weather degree index. Based on optimal partition of sequential number and principal component analysis, logging quantification recognition method about unconformity structure layers were established, on which effective identification of unconformitystnlcture layers can bu achieved in the case of no rock core. The formation of various unconformity structure types isrelated to many factors such as, parent rock lithology, interval of deposition hiatus, palaeotopography,and preservation conditions, which aretogether to control spatial distributions of unconformity structure types .Macro styles and its vertical structure of unconformity can be effected as a blocking, reservoir, trap or carrier system.Blocking affection to fluid depends on weathered clay layer,hard shell of semi-weathered rock and mudstone. So petroleum migration and accumulation units is relatively independence above and belowunconformity if structure layers mentioned above existed. Reservoir affection is due to permeable rock, including roof sandstone .Semi-weathered sandstone, semi-weathered carbonate rock, semi—weathered igneous rock and semi-weathered metamorphic. Trap—controlling affection related to macro unconformity type and its juxtapose to permeability and impermeability rock above and below unconformity. It is easy to develop stratigraphy traps where the permeability and impermeability beds juxtapose in a truncation-overlap unconformity, where up permeability and down impermeability in parallel-overlap unconformity, and down permeability and up impermeability beds juxtapose in a truncation-parallel. Transporting affection is owing to lateral continuity of permeable rock of unconformity. In a terrestrial rift basin, petroleum migration in transverse or vertical short distance in local area, and is not conducive to petroleum long distance along unconformity, because interbedding pattern of mudstone and sandstone is dominated, and its physical property of mudstone improved poorly .Because of the long distance from resource to trap, migration and accumulation procese is very complicated.. Accumulation process of Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic traps can be summarized as following:allochthonous source rock , compound transportation , later period charging, buoyancy and pressure conversion driving for accumulation, and blocking by non-permeable layer of unconformity, Trap types and its distribution are controlled by unconformity structure styles. Petroleum distribution and its scale are controlled by generating ability of Source rock. Petroleum accumulation area is decided by positive tectonic units. If carrier systemexisted , oil column of stratigraphic reservoirs is effected by four mainfactors which including generation expulsion quantity,migrating distance, dip angle and capillary resistance of carrier layer. Based on the analysis of single factor, the prediction model of height of oil columu through multi—factor regressions was established . Based on the model , the paper defruited favorable areas, which reserves in these areas exceed 1.5 x 1 08t .Research results of the paper combined closely with exploration practice, and according to previous research results,31 exploration wells had been drilled, which of them 17 wells were successfully from 2006 to 2009. There is accumulation proved reserves Was up to 2362x104t. and predict reserves was to 3684x104t .Keywords:Paleogene; Neogene; unconformity stratigraphie reservoirs; Fomation mechanism; distribution pattern; Jiyang depression1. Preface1.1 Foundationnd and signifacance of the topic1.1.1 Theme originThe theme is from the Sinopcc project:Forming and distribution of Tertiarystratigraphic reservoir of Jiyang depression .Theme number:P06012,deadline:2006-20081.1.2 Foundation and baekground of the themeThe tectonic events frequently occurred in Jiyang depression in paleogene-Neogene.It was favour of forming stratigraphic reservoir because of existence of several kinds of unconformity . Based on statistical data , beneficial area reservoired oil is about 9500km2, and the remaining resource is about 16x 108t in stratigraphic reservoirs of paleogene-Neogene stratas.Since 1980s,many overlap and unconformity reservoirs have been founded , explored reserves Was apparently increased with deep exploring. By the end of 2006 , explored resource had been up to 3.7×108t which showed a large exploring potential.But , in fact , the research on stratigraphic reservoir is lack or Uttle , especially,Accumulation pattern and forecasting model of oil have not been studied systematically. For example , the successful ratio of exploration well testing which is the lowest in allkinds reservoirs Was only 35.7%about stratigraphie reservoir in paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression from2001-2005. The main loss reason for the overlap andunconformity reservoirs exploration is migration and trap of oil that is separently53.5%and 23.9%.Hereby , oil migration problem and trap validity are importantaspects for overlap and unconformity reservoir exploring.In short,it has three aspects as followed:(1)Shallow comprehension about conduction of ability of unconformity Research on unconformity in present indicated that it is not a simple surface three-dimension body which is important for migration of oil and gas.There has some deep knows about the basins in west China and the marine basins in China. The systematic theory is lack about structure characteristic which deeply affect accumulating oil and gas.(2)The remain uncertain migration and accumulation process of oil and gas about stratigraphic reservoir remain uncertain .Stratigraphic reservoir lay in edge of basin . So it is difficult to exactly hold accumulation regular of oil and gas because far distance traps and hydrocarbon resources make a complicated migration process.(3)Forecasting model of stratigraphic reservoir that could be used to guide explore is lack It is necessity to finely evaluate and explore stratigraphic reservoir along with degree of exploration. Mayor controlling factors remain uncertain in construction offorecasting model of stratigraphic reservoirs.1.1.3 Aim, sense and application value of themeThe study resolves the problem of statigraphic reservoir formation and distribution of Paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression. By analysis of uniformity structure, their affect on statigraphic reservoir formation will be identify; The accumulation model will be established through study on static geologic characteristic of statigraphic reservoir ; Forecast mode of oil extent will be achieved through research on oil extent and to predict oil quality.Research results Can not only be used to effectively guide statigraphic reservoirExploring, to raise drilling Success ratio, provide technical support for increasing oilproduction of the Sinopec, and also provide reference to statigraphic reservoir exploring of Bohai Bay area . Research will enormously deepen statigraphic reservoir accumulation regular and further enrich and improve subtle reservoir exploring theory .1.2 Research present at home and abroad1.2.1 Present research and development at home and abroadUnconformity reservoir is one of important exploring object since Levorsen proposed the concept of stratigraphic trap and then published paper on‘‘Stratigraphic oil field ” in 1 936.It turns into stratigraphic reservoir and lithology reservoir based on scholars deepenly research the Levorsen stratigraphic eservoir .Stratigraphic trap is formed as a result of the updip reservoir directly contigence with unconformity above. According to trap place, accurrence and barrier, stratigraphic oil pools is divided into overlap pool, unconformity barbered pool and ancient buried-hill pool .Unconformity reservoir research covers three main sections. One is unconformityand its effect on oil accumulating. The second section is developing paaem of stratigraphic trap. The third is mechanism of migrating and accumulating of oil and gas. Present studies mainly focus on the three sections above .(1)Unconformity and its effect on oil accumulationUnconformity is geology base and key element to form the overlap and unconformity barriered traps and relevant reservoir . In generally,research on overlap and unconformity barrier reservoirs is first unconformity research target.Oil geologists started to understand relationship between inconformity and oil and gas acumination in 1930s. Levorsen published the book of“geology of petroleumin'1954. The book entirely introduced definition and significance of unconformity and the relatiooships with oil accumulation .The research and application of unconformity were promoted by stratigraohy andrecent oil and gas accumulation theory,especially,thesequence stratigraohy pay a important role in predict of geological discontinuity .Pan zhongxiang[2’3]referred to unconformity importance for oil and gas accumulation in 1983. Unconformity is benefit to find petroleum because it is favour of oil and gas migration and accumulation. From 1990s, the research on unconformity and accumulation effect were also be done in Tarim basin, ordos basin, Bohai bay basin and Jungar basin, a important and innovation result were be achieved .Fuguang[4,5],Wu kongyou[l6,7]and Zhang jianlin[8]had noted that unconformity is not only a simple surface but also a special geology body, a migration and accumulation passageway of oil and gas. It is represent for tectonic movement, sea or lake suface change,and geologic alteration to earlier rocks.The inhomogeneity of alteration and later overlap make the a. rchitecture of unconformity. There ale three layers structure in a ideal unconformity: roof rock above unconformity, weathered clay horizon and semi-weathered rock.Unconformity formation is related to denudation time,climate, elevation, tectonic movement and lithology. Two layers structure layers were formed as the weathered clay horizon was lack. Liuhua[16], Suifenggui[17], etc. divided unconformity into four types sand/mud, sand/sand, mud/mud and mud/sand . According to lithologic deploy of unconformity. They refcred that the migrating and accumulating ability of unconformity are decided by lithologic deploy of unconformity .Panzhongxiang[2'3],Liuxiaohant[11],Zhangkeyin[12],Chenzhonghong[14],Hedengfa,Aihuaguo[19],Wuyajun[20],Chenjianping[22'23], Zhangjiguang[2l], John S[26]etc . had a deepresearch on unconformity and refered that unconformity has an apparent controllingeffect on oil and gas accumulation. In summery, five main aspects is included: charging reservoir, charging trap,charging migrating, charging accumulating anddestroying reservoir. Based on physical modeling of oil migration, Lv xiuzheng Bekele thought the oil migration is followed the rule “migration through thin bed”, namely, migration through prevailing passway, otherwise anywhere in a conformity .(2)Development regularity of stratigraphic trapsOverlapped and unconformity is premise of overlap and unconformity reservoirExiting. so, this kind reservoir developed based on overlapped and unconformity trap formation first.Chensizhong proposed four conditions for developing overlap and unconformity reservoirs in 1982 based on research on the characteristics of overlapped and unconformity reservoirs and its distribution patterns. First is that Multiple overlapped and unconformity reservoir formed as a result of Multiple unconformityies and overlaps.second is that oil avvumulation area is above and below unconformity nearby hydrocarbon source rock. Third is that Torque subsidence of dustpan depression cause wide rang of overlap and unconformity reservoir. Fourth is that favourable overlap and unconformity reservoir lies in anti-cycle litbofacies fold play. Tong xiao guang referred four main controlling factors in 1983. First is time, lithology, attitude and weathering degree of pre-Paleogene-Neogene base rocks. Second is structure of faulted depression and movement strength.Third is overlap distribution of overlap line and feature of overlap lay above unconformity. Fourth is distribution of unconformity surface, permeability of overburden rocks above unconformity. Hujianyi[1lreferred that unconformity is the base of forming overlap and unconformity barrier trap, but not all good trap exits bearby unconformity in 1 984 and 1 986. The basic condition of forming overlap and unconformity barrier trap are six elements:three lines and three surfaces. Three lines are lithologic wedging line, layer overlap line and intended zone contour line. Three surface are unconformity surface, adjacent rock surface of reservoir and fault surface. It exits kinds of trap types when six elementsarraies.People deeply know development regularity of overlap and unconformity trapwith sequence stratigraphy spring up. Zhangshanwen[31] refer that multi. type breakcontrol overlap and unconformity trap, base on researching sequence of Zhungaer basin, Bohaibay basin and Songliao basin in 2003. Lipilong[35-39] refer that tectonic and deposit control overlap and unconformity trap in 2003 and 2004. Tectonic movement cause basin up and down, formed large area exceed peel zone in edge of basin. It is benefit to form trap.Tectonic form nosing structures in basin. It is benefit to form traps, Deposit control reservoir and barrier layer forming. Yishiwei[42] propose that oil accumulation controlled three surface, lake extensive surface, unconformity surface and fault surface, according to Erlian basin, Jizhong depression overlap andinconformity reservoir characteristic. Overlap and unconformity reservoir distributionare controlled by truncation zone and overlap zone. Enriching is controlled by beneficial accumulating phase belt.(3)Oil and gas migration and accumulation mechanism of stratigraphic trapReservoir is resuk of oil and gas migrating and accumulating in long distance, due to stratigraphic trap far from hydracarbon source rock. It is controlled by migrating dynamic, passageway, path, distance and accumulation etc.Lipilong[35-39]refer that the most effective oil path is fault-sandfault-unconformity and fault-sand-unconformity compound transmit system for overlap and unconfortuity trap in 2003 and 2004.Lichunguang[44]refer that heavy crude is secondary gas/oil pool through unconformity path migrating and accumulating in unconformity accompany trap, based on researching feavy crude reservoir of Dongyingdepression in 1999. Zhangjiazhent and Wangyongshi[48]refer thatY'Lhezhuang reservoir mainly lie in 100m above old burial hill old layer reflect shaft in 2005. Capping formation and barrier formation control the accumulation of the area oil and gas. Better Capping formation and barrier formation, better oil accumulation Suifenggui[17]refers that it is key for stratigraphic trap accumulation that‘T-S’transmit system validity and ability consist of oil soures fault,sand and ubconformity in 2005 in Jiyang depression. Layer unconformity style affects the stratigraphy trap forming and oil and gas migration.Lvxiuxiang refer that migration in uncomformity is thin bed migration through oil migrating physical analog in 2000. Oil migrates along advantage path, but not unconformity surface.All in one, there are many researches and outcome about trap develop and oil/gas accumulation of land facies basin stratigraphy reservoir home and abroad. But trap forcast is difficult because stratigraphy lie in basin edge and changeable lithofacies.Accumulation regular known less than other type reservoir, especially how unconformity affect stratigraphic reservoir develop, accumulation process, model and distribution, because of long distance between trap and hydrocarbon ,complex migtation process.1.2.2 Developing tendencyOverlap and unconformity reservoir show more and more important position with development of un-anticlinal trap exploratory development and rising of degree of exploration of petroliferous basin.Survey showed that although large of reseach and probe,research of overlap and unconformity are limited at quality. But, the common understanding include following respects:(1)Evaluation of structure, carrier system and barrier abilityUnconformity is important to develop overlap and unconformitty barrier reservoir. Now research about unconformity focus on one angle. It is tendency that begins with contributing factor of unconformity, analysis structure, make definite forming characteristic, evaluate transmiting and barrier ability,analyze the relationship between unconformity and oil/gas reservoir. (2)Mayor controlling factors and developing regularity of overlap and unconformity reservoir.It is common understanding that key overlap and unconformity barrier trap formation in develop system in home and abroad. Based Oll many research, this type trap is controlled by reservoir, cap rock and crossrange barrier, especially their valid matching.However,there is not deep research on three elements on system and contributing because of exploration phase confinement.(3)Oil and gas migration mechanism and accumulation model of overlapped andstratigraphic reservoir.With long distance migration and accumulation, reservoir development relate toDynamic, fashion, path, distance, process, etc. Element. They limit the understandingabout oil migrating mechanism. It is tendency that based on quantification, combinating type dissect, establishing accumulating model, effectively guide unconformity reservoir exploration .1.3 Research content and technique route1.3.1 Research contentThe subject confh'm following three research contents in view of key problembased on research present and development tendency .(1)Characteristic and distribution ofunconformity architecturesBased on basin the evolution of basin structure and deposition, through structural geology and sedimentology, and combined lab analysis, geophysical interpretation and mathematical statistics, the geology characteristic of unconformity and mayor controlling factors were analysised to definite spatial distribution unconformity architectures .(2)Formation mechanism and accumulation model of stratigraphic reservoirBased on geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics ofstatic-characteristic of stratigraphy reservoir and by analysis migration and accumulation.Process, the migration path, accumulation stage and accumulation dynamic mechanism were analyzed to evaluate unconformity affect on oil/gas accumulation in geological history .Based on above research, sum up stratigraphy reservoir accumulating mechanism of Paleogene-Neogene, establish accumulating model through positive and negative respects research .(3)Distribution paRem and predict of favorable area of stratigraphy reservoirAccording to accumulation process and model, sum up distribution of stratigraphy reservoir. Based on mathematics statistics and geology analysis, make definite main element and quantification token parameter of oilness altitude, probe quantification forcast model of oilness altitude of stratigraphy reservoir starting from oil/gas migrating and accumulation process .Based on research findings above, it mainly focus on forecasting of stratigraphicreservoir nearby unconformities between Paleogene—Neogene and pre—Paleogene, and between Neogene and Paleogene .1.3.2 Technique routeUsing for reference from outcome of predecessors, based on type characteristic and distribution of unconformity of Jiyang depression, keep layer unique feature and accumulation process dissecting loss trap analyze as key, make geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics method, sum up accumulation process and model, sum up main element, establish quantification forcast model of trap oilness, evaluate benefit exploring area .Figl-1: Frame picture showing research technique route ofdistribution patternand formationof samigraphy reservoir in Paleogene and Neogene slratas in Jiyang depression济阳坳陷古近系一新近系地层油藏形成机制与分布规律摘要济阳坳陷古近系.新近系发育过程中,形成了多个规模不等的不整合,为地层油藏的发育提供了有利条件。
水文地质与工程地质专业英语水文地质术语Hydrogeologic terminology3 水文地质学原理3.1 水文地质学科分类3.1.1 水文地质学hydrogeology研究地下水的形成和分布、物理及化学性质、运动规律、开发利用和保护的科学。
3.1.2 水文地质学原理(普通水文地质学)principles of hydrogeology(general hydrogeology)研究水文地质学的基础理论和基本概念的学科。
3.1.3 地下水动力学groundwater dynamics研究地下水在岩土中运动规律的学科。
3.1.4 水文地球化学hydrogeochemistry研究地下水化学成分的形成和变化规律以及地下水地球化学作用的学科。
3.1.5 专门水文地质学applied hydrogeology为各种应用而进行的地下水调查、勘探、评价及开发利用的学科。 供水水文地质学water supply hydrogeology为各种目的供水,研究地下水的形成条件、赋存规律、勘查方法、水质、水量评价以及合理开发利用和管理的学科。 矿床水文地质学mine hydrogeology研究矿床水文地质学理论、勘探方法及开采中有关水文地质问题的学科。 土壤改良水文地质学reclamation hydrogeology研究土壤盐渍化及沼泽化等水文地质问题的学科。 环境水文地质学environmental hydrogeology研究自然环境中地下水与环境及人类活动的相互关系及其作用结果,并对地下水与环境进行保护、控制和改造的学科。 同位素水文地质学isotopic hydrogeology应用同位素方法解决水文地质问题的学科。
3.1.6 区域水文地质学regional hydrogeology研究地下水埋藏、分布、形成条件及含水层的区域性规律的学科。
Underground waterOf all the earth's water, 97% is found in the oceans, 2% in glaciers and only 1% on land. Of this 1% almost all (97%) is found beneath the surface and called sub-surface or underground water. Most of this water eventually finds its way back to the sea either by underground movement, or by rising into surface streams and lakes.These vast underground water deposits provide much needed moisture for dry areas and irrigated districts. Underground water acts in similar ways to surface water, also performing geomorphic work as an agent of gradation.Even though man has been aware of sub-surface water sinceearliest times, its nature, occurrence, movement and geomorphic significance have remained obscure. Recently, however, some answers have been found to the perplexing questions about underground water's relationship to the hydrological cycle.1.Source of Underground WaterSince the days of Vitruvius at the time of Christ, many theories have been presented to explain the large volume of water underneath the earth's surface. One theory was that only the sea could provide such large quantities, the water moving underground from coastal areas. Vitruvius was the first to recognize that precipitation provided the main source of sub-surface water, although his explanations of the mechanics involved were not very scientific. His theory, now firmly established, is termed the infiltration theory, and states that underground water is the result of water seeping downwards from the surface, either directly from precipatation or indirectly from streams and lakes. This form of water is termed meteoric. A very small proportion of the total volume of sub-surface water is derived from other sources. Connate water is that which is trapped in sedimentary beds during their time of formation. Juvenile water is water added to the crust bydiastrophic causes at a considerable depth, an example being volcanicwater.2 Distribution of Sub-surface WaterDuring precipitation water infiltrates into the ground. Under the influence of gravity, this water travels downwards through the minute pore spaces between the mitparticles until it reaches a layer of impervious bedrock, through which it cannot penetrate. The excess moisture draining downwards then fills up all the pore spaces between the soil particles, displacing the soil air. During times of excessive rainfall such saturated soil may be found throughout the soil profile, while during periods of drought it may be non-existent Normally the upper limit of saturated mil, termed the water table, is a meter or so below the surface, the height depending on soil characteristics and rainfall supply.According to the degree of water-occupied pore space, sub- surface moisture is divided into two zones: the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation.(a) Zone of AerationThis area extends from the surface down to the upper level 0f saturation-the water table. With respect to the occurrence and circulation of the water contained in it, this zone can be further divided into three belts: the soil water belt, theintermediate bell and the capillary fringe.(1) Soil Water Belt Assuming that the soil is dry, initial rainfall allows water to infiltrate, the amount of infiltration depending on the soil structure. Soils composed mainly of large particles, with large pore spaces between each particle, normally experience a more rapid rate of infiltration than do soils composed of minute particles. No matter what the soil is composed of some water is held on the mil particles as a surface film by molecular attraction, resisting gravitational movement downwards. The water held in this manner is referred to as hygroscopic water. Even though it is not affected by gravity it can be evaporated, though not normally taken up by plants.(2) Intermediate Belt This belt occurs during dry periodswhen the water table is at a considerable depth below the surface. It is similar to the soil water belt in that the water is held on the soil particles by molecular attraction, but differs in that the films of moisture are not available for transpiration or for evaporation back to the atmosphere. In humid areas, with a fairly reliable rainfall, this belt may be non-existent or very shallow. Through it, gravitational or vadose water drips downwards to the zone of saturation.(3) Capillary Fringe Immediately above the water table is a very shallow zone of water which has been drawn upwards from the ground-water reservoir below by capillary force. The depth of this zone depends entirely on soil texture, soils with minute pore spaces being able to attract more water from below than soils with large pore spaces. In the latter types of soil the molecular forces are notabie to span the gaps between soil particles. Thus, sandy ~ils seldom exhibit an extensive capillary fringe, merging from soil water through to the zone of saturation.(b) Zone of SaturationThe zone of saturation is the area of soil and rock whose pore spaces are completely filled with water, and which is entirely devoid of soil air. This zone is technically termed ground water even thoughthe term broadly includes water in the zone of aeration. The upper limit of the zone of saturation is the water table or phreatic surface. It is difficult to know how deep the ground-water zone extends.Although most ground water is found in the upper three km of the crust, pore spaces capable of water retention extend to a depth of 16 km. This appears to be the upper limit Of the zone o{ rock flowage where pressures are so great that they close any interstitial spaces.The upper level of the saturated zone can be completely plotted by digging wells at various places. Studies suggest two quite interesting points.(i) The water table level is highest under the highest parts of the surface, and lowest under the lowest parts of the surface. Hills and mountains have a higher-level phreatie surface than valleys andlakes. The reason for this is that water continually percolating through the zone of aeration lifts the water table, while seepage from the ground-water zone into creeks and lakes lowers the level.(2) The depth of the "Water table Deiow the land surface is greatest in upland areas where the water moves quite freely downhill under gravity. Close to streams, lakes, lakes and swamps tlne water table is close to, if not at, the surface, as water from the higher areas builds it up.译文:地球上的总水量中,95%在海洋,’2%在冰川中,只有1%在陆地上。
1. 基本概念地下水:Groundwater地下水位:Groundwater level地下水文循环:Groundwater hydrological cycle地下水补给:Groundwater recharge地下水排泄:Groundwater discharge地下水流:Groundwater flow地下水流向:Groundwater flow direction地下水流速:Groundwater velocity渗透率:Permeability孔隙度:Porosity水头:Hydraulic head2. 地下水质量地下水质量是指地下水中包含的化学物质、微生物和其他物质的种类和浓度。
以下是一些常用的地下水质量相关术语:水质:Water quality污染:Pollution污染物:Pollutant水体污染:Water body pollution水质标准:Water quality standard水质监测:Water quality monitoring水质评价:Water quality assessment水质污染控制:Water quality pollution control3. 地下水利用地下水是一种重要的水资源形式,广泛应用于饮用水、农业灌溉、工业生产等方面。
以下是一些常用的地下水利用相关术语:地下水开采:Groundwater exploitation地下水抽取:Groundwater pumping地下水利用:Groundwater utilization地下水补给量:Groundwater recharge rate地下水可持续利用:Sustainable groundwater utilization 地下水资源评价:Groundwater resource assessment地下水资源管理:Groundwater resource management4. 地下水工程地下水工程是指利用地下水资源进行的各种工程活动,包括地下水开采、地下水治理、地下水调控等。
Current research in urban hydrogeology –A reviewMario Schirmer a ,⇑,Sebastian Leschik b ,1,Andreas Musolff caEawag,Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology,Department Water Resources and Drinking Water,Ueberlandstr.133,8600Dübendorf,Switzerland bUFZ –Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research,Department of Groundwater Remediation,Permoserstr.15,04318Leipzig,Germany cUFZ –Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research,Department of Hydrogeology,Permoserstr.15,04318Leipzig,Germanya r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Available online 13July 2012Keywords:GroundwaterUrban hydrogeology PPCPContamination Monitoring Modellinga b s t r a c tUrban groundwater is a heritage at risk because urban land use practises puts enormous and highly com-plex pressure on this resource.In this article,we review urban groundwater studies in the context of urban water management,discuss advances in hydrogeological investigation,monitoring and modelling techniques for urban areas and highlight the challenges.We present how techniques on contaminant concentration measurements,water balancing and contaminant load estimation were applied and fur-ther developed for the special requirements in urban settings.To fully understand and quantify the com-plex urban water systems,we need to refine these methods and combine them with sophisticated modelling approaches.Only then we will be able to sustainably manage our water resources in and around our urban areas especially in light of growing cities and global climatic change.We believe that over the next few years much more effort will be devoted to research in urban hydrogeology.Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionUrbanisation is an emerging issue with ecological,economic and social implications.Currently half of the world’s and 70%of Europe’s population is living in urban areas.According to the Uni-ted Nations,by 2050these numbers are going to rise to 70%and 84%,respectively [1].In the year 2000urbanised areas made up 3.7%of Europe’s surface.Between the years 1990and 2000the an-nual land consumption by housing,services and recreation was 50,000ha which refers to half of the total land consumption (based on Corine land cover 1990and 2000for 23European countries,http://www.eea.europe.eu/).Of course,there are positive aspects of this development such as more efficient use of land resources and more effective public transport and centralised waste treat-ment,reducing per capita emissions of contaminants [2].Never-theless,urban land use leads to enormous pressure on the environment.Aside from drastic changes in the water balance,manifold and often diffuse and poorly regulated emissions have had a negative impact on the quality of air,soil and urban water resources [2].On one hand,this environmental stress is likely to in-crease with further urban growth at an unprecedented rate.On the other hand,the stress factors will change as urban areas undergo dramatic changes,like shrinking or large migration as seen in many cities in the former Eastern Bloc.Urban water usage as well as urban water quantity and quality problems are closely linked to the city’s development [3].The dif-ferent states of development can be seen in all major cities of the world [4].Over history,settlements often relied on groundwater from springs and shallow wells as a reliable source of clean potable water.With industrialisation and an accelerated urbanisation,water demand has increased.Due to the heavy abstraction,groundwater supplies beneath cities have been declining and as a consequence of unregulated waste management,groundwater quality has become more and more degraded [5].Cities have increasingly become importers of water from remote sources.Overexploitation of groundwater beneath urban areas,declining water levels,the resulting land subsidence and,for coastal cities,salt water intrusion,still are major concerns in many cities of the world [3,5,6].However,over recent decades,in the developed world,abstraction volumes have been reduced and groundwater levels are rising again.Consequently,pumping has to be increas-ingly employed to prevent flooding of underground structures [7].Maintaining the quality and quantity of urban water resources is recognised as a very complex task including different spatial and temporal scales.The key to understand the deterioration of ur-ban water resources is the knowledge of the tremendous impact of urbanisation on the entire water balance (Fig.1).The deterioration of the water balance can develop very differently in contrasting ur-ban areas and even within heterogeneous cities.Often,surface sealing in urban areas leads to an increase of surface runoff and thus to a reduction of water infiltrating into the subsoil.On the other hand,water is imported into the urban areas by water mains and transported after usage within the sewage system.Water can0309-1708/$-see front matter Ó2012Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.06.015⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+41587655382;fax:+41587655210.E-mail addresses:mario.schirmer@eawag.ch (M.Schirmer),andreas.musolff@ufz.de (A.Musolff).1New address:CDM Smith,Weißenfelser Str.65H,04229Leipzig,Germany.leak from these subsurface infrastructures as artificial groundwa-ter recharge,increasing the net recharge beneath urban areas[8]. Storm water runoff can also be transported in the sewage system as artificial interflow and mix with wastewater in combined sew-ers.When the water amount exceeds the capacity of the sewage system,this contaminated storm water can discharge into surface waters(combined sewer overflow,CSO).In urban settings streams as major receivers for groundwater as well as for treated and un-treated wastewater are often degraded by a multitude of stressors [9].This degradation is summarised as the‘‘urban stream syn-drome’’and comprises amongst others the‘‘flashier’’hydrograph with shorter lag times to peakflow,changed baseflow magnitude and impaired channel morphology.These effects most likely influ-ence the magnitude and quality of groundwater-surface water interactions.In general the manifold interactions of the different urban water compartments are complex in time and space and still leaves many questions open[10–14].The disturbance of the natural water balance is closely con-nected with deteriorating quality,since new pathways for contam-inants are introduced.Probably most challenging is the variety of chemicals from human and industrial activities released via differ-ent wastewater sources.We live in a‘‘chemical society’’with thou-sands of chemical compounds available in the products of our daily life[15].Due to the concentrated accumulation,and the transport and treatment of wastewater in urban areas,urban water re-sources are at particular risk.The waste-water-borne contami-nants are often present in waters in low concentrations ranging from pg LÀ1to ng LÀ1and are therefore termed‘‘micropollutants’’[16].Examples of micropollutants are pharmaceuticals and per-sonal care products(PPCP)and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)[17–19].These compounds are now frequently found in wastewater treatment plants and surface water bodies[20–23], and although in the last few years several research groups have begun to study these chemicals in urban groundwater(e.g., [17,24–29]),they are not usually the focus of groundwater investigations.Despite the fact that urban-source micropollutants are of con-cern,urban areas are also often associated with industrial activities which potentially introduce macro pollutants such as chlorinated solvents,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)and gasoline constituents.In addition,agricultural practises within cities and sewer leakages have contaminated urban aquifers with large amounts of nitrate and phosphate which are still of great concern (e.g.,[30]).The present and future tasks concerning the management of ur-ban water resources are not new.The urban population needs a reliable supply of clean drinking water on the one hand,and on the other hand,urban groundwater contamination and wastewater have to be treated and storm water has to be managed.This task has a substantial overlap with the concept of Integrated Urban Water Management(IUWM).In an IUWM approach water supply, drainage and the sewage systems are seen as parts of an integrated physical system[31].This approach is a logical consequence of the connection of the water compartments in the urban water balance. Nevertheless,groundwater is often not sufficiently integrated into IUWM concepts[32,33].This does not mean we only have to man-age the negative effects such as land subsidence,infiltration to the sewage system or building damage by high groundwater levels.Ur-ban groundwater is a heritage and deserves protection and sustain-able management in the same way as other water resources. Although being affected by urban land use and anthropogenic activity,a growing number of publications show the value and usability of urban groundwater resources as part of water re-sources management in urban areas(e.g.,[34]).Urban groundwater can be utilised for potable and non-potable water production(e.g.,[35]).Managed and cost-effective aquifer recharge and aquifer storage and recovery methods can be used to recycle storm water or treated sewage for non-potable and indi-rect potable reuse[36,37].Bankfiltration of surface water provides potable water for cities like Berlin(Germany)[38].Foster et al.[39] report the extensive and unregulated usage of shallow urban groundwater in many developing cities as a low-costalternative Simplified urban impact on the water balance.The red arrows represent waterflow which has been modified or newly introducedto the municipal water supply.Even if the groundwater is not used for water production,urban aquifers are a potential storage loca-tion for storm water,reducing surface runoff from sealed areas [40].Finally,urban groundwater is a valuable energy reservoir since subsurface temperatures are often higher below cities.This significant geothermal potential could be exploited by heat pump installations[41,42].Within the framework of a complex urban water balance,the management of urban groundwater has to be carried out very care-fully on a sound scientific basis.This includes urban water balanc-ing,the description of contaminant input,transport and fate and the integration into holistic modelling approaches.This review fo-cuses on the challenge to integrate the groundwater component into urban water management.More specifically,we will define the information needed to assess urban groundwater quality and quantity.Subsequently,we review the state-of-the-art of literature with a special focus on adapted methodologies for urban water balancing,the assessment of contaminant concentration distribu-tions in time and space and the estimation of contaminant loads and the implementation of holistic modelling approaches.Being an emerging issue in urban areas,we put special attention to the problem of micropollutants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products(PPCPs).On this basis,we discuss state and future re-search needs concerning urban hydrogeology.2.Special settings in urban hydrogeologyUrban hydrogeology research has to deal with a high complex-ity of waterflow and contaminant transport for different reasons. In many cases,urban areas developed in geologically interesting and often complex environments,this means close to rivers,hills and other features(e.g.salt water springs and hot springs)which make an investigation a challenge.In addition,urban land use comprises a spatial highly heterogeneous pattern of surface sealing and vegetation which affects groundwater recharge processes.Fi-nally,the subsurface infrastructure,such as the water supply sys-tem and the sewage system introduces both spatial and temporal variability of water and contaminantflow.Especially for micropol-lutants,the temporal variability of wastewaterflow and quality is of crucial importance.Wastewaterflow often peaks in the morning and evening hours of a day as a result of higher water usage at these times.The highly dynamic waterflow is,however,only one side of the coin,there are also rapidlyfluctuating concentra-tions of the chemicals that areflushed down the sewer system. Wastewater has a dynamic composition of different packages from numerous users in the sewage catchment[43].A significant proportion of wastewater is lost to the subsurface by sewer leakages(5–20%of the wastewater dry weatherflow;[44]).At the small scale,these can be thought of as point sources. But in the case of many leaks,as wefind,for example,in older sew-age systems,these should be defined as urban line sources[45].On the catchment scale,they can be seen as diffuse contaminant sources.In summary,the temporally and spatially variable inputs from different wastewater sources combined with the variable transport pathways result in highly variable concentrations and load patterns in all receiving waters within urban environments [46].To assess and quantify such a heterogeneous and dynamic ur-ban water system,sophisticated andflexible new investigation and monitoring strategies need to be developed.To date,monitor-ing strategies for groundwater at highly contaminated sites and river basins have mainly relied on conventional monitoring wells. Due to the above-and belowground urban infrastructure and the characteristics of urban pollution sources,hydrogeological investi-gation techniques developed for macropollutants cannot be easily applied in urban settings[11,12].In the following,we give an over-view on urban groundwater quantity and quality assessments and show the challenges which occur in thefield of urban hydrogeology.3.Assessment approaches and investigation,monitoring and modelling techniques in urban hydrogeology3.1.OverviewFor assessing urban groundwater quantity and quality,several types of information as well as evaluation approaches are required. The following sets the scene for the major issues being discussed in this review.3.1.1.Water balancing and waterflowThe knowledge on the amount of waterflowing into,within and from the groundwater is crucial for urban hydrogeological issues. Therefore,a profound understanding of groundwater recharge via different pathways is needed.Moreover,the groundwater travel time and the residence time in reactive zones are important parameters for the description of contaminant turnover on the lar-ger scale.3.1.2.Contaminant concentration distributions in time and spaceAdequate risk analysis of urban contaminants demands a pro-found knowledge of the concentration distributions in time and space.These data are needed to derive exposure scenarios for (eco)toxicological risk assessment.For the temporal scale,we pay special attention to toxicological acute effects[47],acting fast, i.e.within minutes,for example in the form of wastewater outflow which is characterised by toxic contaminant concentrations,bio-logically active substances,faecal germs or pathogenic bacteria. To investigate these acute influences,contaminant concentrations, as well as their frequency are of interest.This task spans adapted field methods on the one hand and a sound statistical analysis and presentation of the concentrations in time and space on the other hand.3.1.3.Contaminant loadsThe loads of contaminantsflowing into,within and out of an ur-ban groundwater body combine the information of waterflow and contaminant concentrations.Load determination within the groundwater allows the estimation of attenuation,e.g.when con-sideringflow through sequential control planes.Moreover,quanti-fying the contaminant load into and from groundwater allows the weighting of the relevance of different contaminant pathways.For toxicological assessments,contaminant loads are needed to under-stand cumulative effects on ecosystems.Cumulative effects result from gradual changes in the water bodies such as accumulation of nutrients and toxicants in,and release from,sediment and occur only after the cumulative changes rise above a critical threshold le-vel.Short-term changes and small time scales are not important for cumulative effects.The main interests here are the loads and sub-stancefluxes over long time spans.3.1.4.Implementation of holistic modelling approachesSince only part of the groundwater system can be measured, models of water and contaminantflow and transport are indis-pensable.The urban groundwater compartment interacts closely with the unsaturated zone,sewage systems and surface water. Depending on the task,groundwater models often have to be cou-pled to the other compartments.This can be done by loose cou-pling,where output of one model,e.g.a model of wastewater flow and exfiltration,is taken as input for the groundwater model.282M.Schirmer et al./Advances in Water Resources51(2013)280–291This task can become complex if different compartments are inter-acting and influencing each other in both directions.Here,fully coupled codes are needed.Such integral models allow for reduced error propagation and better uncertainty analyses but also bear the potential of over-parameterisation and non-uniqueness.We will briefly explain some assessments using modelling in this section and will return to integrated modelling approaches in the section ‘‘Integrated modelling techniques in urban hydrogeology’’.To summarise the developments of urban groundwater quan-tity and quality assessments,we will review important research projects over the last several years which investigated at least some of the above-mentioned problems of urban waterfluxes,con-taminant concentrations and their interactions.These can be sub-divided into qualitative and quantitative investigation methods. Qualitative methods are targeted tofind concentration patterns in groundwater to detect the urban influence(e.g., [23,25,26,30,48]).Quantitative methods aim at the calculation of waterfluxes and contaminant loads.For load quantification,qual-itative methods and water/mass balances have to be investigated together.Several groups studied certain aspects of urban ground-waterflow,as for example groundwater recharge beneath urban areas(e.g.,[7,8])or the interactions between sewer systems and groundwater(e.g.,[49,50]).More recent work targets integrative approaches to describe urban effects using macropollutants,such as PAHs,nitrate,phosphate and boron(e.g.,[33,51,52])or micro-pollutants,such as PPCPs(e.g.,[28,33,53]).In the following,we will analyse the methodologies used to assess urban water quality and quantity of several of these studies.3.2.Water balancing and waterflowThe water balance of urban areas is crucial when dealing with urban groundwater problems.Urban groundwater recharge is a complex and multi-faceted process,involving gains and losses from different water compartments.Often,a significant amount of water is imported into urban areas,becoming part of the city’s water balance and increases groundwater recharge as well as sur-face waterflow by untreated and treated wastewater releases [8,54].There is a large body of scientific literature dealing with water balances at different spatial and temporal scales.In general, the approaches can be divided into methods based on waterflux balancing,empirical GIS methods and holistic combined ap-proaches,for example,on the base of groundwater modelling and solute balancing.Moreover,a growing number of studies deal with the quantification of sewer leakages.3.2.1.Water balanceZhang and Kennedy[55]balanced waterflow within the city of Beijing,China,to estimate sustainable yield of the city’s aquifer. Half of the city’s water supply is provided by the aquifer and faced severely falling water levels in the last century.The water balance is based on municipal information on precipitation,water usage, leakages from mains and the sewage system and assumptions on evapotranspiration.Sustainable yield was estimated for the year 1990and2000and projected for2010and2015.Monte Carlo anal-ysis was used to account for the component uncertainties.Since 30–60%of the water budget is provided by wastewater sources, there are serious concerns on the quality of the groundwater resource.3.2.2.Empirical GIS methodsWessolek et al.[56]proposed empirical hydro-pedotransfer functions to estimate annual groundwater recharge from data on soil type,vegetation cover,precipitation and evapotranspiration. This approach explicitly defines transfer functions for urban land-use too.Here,surface sealing is taken into account and the authors proposed an infiltration coefficient for partly sealed surfaces(infil-tration through seam materials andfissures).Estimation accuracy of actual evapotranspiration and thus groundwater recharge in ur-ban areas is stated to be about±50mm aÀ1.Haase[57]estimated the water balance of the city of Leipzig, Germany,for four different land use configurations over the last 130years.Surface runoff,actual evapotranspiration and ground-water recharge were estimated on the basis of empirical methods; imported water was not taken into account.Although results are not validated with data on the groundwater surface or runoff development,the author could clearly show how urban sprawl leads to a modified water balance,with an increase of surface run-off.In combination with a decrease of evapotranspiration as a con-sequence of surface sealing,net groundwater recharge was only slightly decreased in the study period.Thomas and Tellam[14]proposed a sophisticated GIS based model of urban recharge and non-point source pollution and ap-plied it to the city of Birmingham,UK.The model is able to quantify spatially distributed runoff,interception and evapotranspiration. The authors stress the potential relevance of groundwater recharge from paved areas due to the lack of evapotranspiration in compar-ison with less sealed areas.Results of the recharge estimations are not validated with measurements.GIS-based empirical models spatially combine the parameters that control groundwater recharge in urban areas.The case studies of Haase[57]and Thomas and Tellam[14]are sophisticated in terms of the used parameter but lack the validation by the use of measurements.The proposed methodology of Wessolek et al.[56]for longer-term recharge estimation is promising due to the validation with several case studies.3.2.3.Holistic approachesYang et al.[58]combined a spread sheet model for groundwater recharge with a numerical MODFLOW groundwaterflow and transport model for the city of Nottingham,UK.Groundwater re-charge estimation took precipitation and leakages from water mains and the sewage system in13stress periods from1850–1995into account.Recharge and groundwaterflow was connected to the input and transport of chloride,sulphate and total nitrogen. Historical and more recent concentration measurements enabled a calibration of the recharge recharge did not change much over the study period(with wide confidence intervals)but contribution from the different sources shifted.Leakages from water mains were found to be the major current contributor to ur-ban recharge while6–13mm aÀ1is recharge by sewer leakages. Trowsdale and Lerner[59]studied the age distribution of ground-water with depth in the same aquifer in more detail.The basic hypothesis is that water characteristics at any point of the aquifer can be related back to the time and origin of recharge.In a simpli-fied approach a multi-tracer non-reactive transport model was ap-plied to groundwater quality data from a multi-level well.The results clearly show that today’s urban groundwater is degraded by a long history of changing land use and pollutant inputs.Mohrlok et al.[60]stated the need for physically-based models of recharge in urban areas but also stressed the strong influence of soil heterogeneity and non-linearity of processes.The authors pro-posed a combination of a water balance model especially for im-ported water with1D models for areal infiltration sources and 3D models for point source infiltration for unsaturated waterflow and solute transport.The authors applied this approach to the city of Rastatt,Germany.Soil types,soil layering and depth to ground-water were classified in GIS and a1D model of unsaturated water flow was applied.The3D-approach was found to be too computa-tional demanding and only applied for limited cases.This approach is capable to model groundwater recharge on a physical basis and provides travel time distributions through the unsaturated zone.M.Schirmer et al./Advances in Water Resources51(2013)280–291283Musolff et al.[27]balanced the annual waterflow of an urban drainage catchment within the city of Leipzig,Germany,on the ba-sis of loosely coupled models.Runoff to the sewage system and infiltrating groundwater were directly derived from measured catchment wastewater volumes.Sewer exfiltration was estimated on the basis of carbamazepine and bisphenol A concentrations in wastewater and groundwater.Areal groundwater recharge was modelled for classified soil profiles and different land use types using Hydrus1D.Daily groundwater recharge was used as input for a numerical3D groundwaterflow model.The derived annual water balance indicated the relevance of imported water:in addi-tion to the663mm aÀ1of precipitation,247mm aÀ1water was im-ported and returned as treated wastewater.The net groundwater recharge by the sewage system was negative–more water was infiltrated to the sewers than lost(depending on the position of the sewers with respect to the groundwater table).Although over-all surface sealing was high(25%fully sealed),only11%of the pre-cipitation discharges as storm water to the combined sewage system.Most likely,sealed surfaces are not always connected to the sewage system and,moreover,infiltration through cracks and joints is possible.Vazquez-Sune et al.[61]identified urban recharge sources for the city of Barcelona,Spain,by an end member mixing model. Using a large hydrochemical database for more than20years,eight different recharge sources could be distinguished on the basis of12 and8solute species.The authors showed that50%of the water in the aquifer originates from the water supply and sewage network. Storm water had a variable but locally major impact on the water resources.Jeppesen et al.[62]used a modified MODFLOW groundwater model to describe the urban water cycle of the city of Copenhagen, Denmark.While groundwater recharge is modelled by a1D root zone model.Water supply andflow in the combined sewage sys-tem is quantified on a grid base,interaction of groundwater and the sewage system is accounted for by the MODFLOW sewer pack-age.Calibration was done in a step-wise approach using time series of hydraulic heads with different focus(groundwater extraction, leakages from water supply)andfinally wastewater and stream-flow ing an extensive dataset on land use,climate and water extraction history,the authors came up with an urban water balance spanning the years1850–2003.The authors showed an in-crease of groundwater recharge in Copenhagen due to an increase in precipitation,balancing the urbanisation effects.Water main leakages made up half of the total recharge in the1950s and were reduced to3%by intensive pipe renovation.Variable methods are used to quantify urban waterflow includ-ing groundwater as well as wastewater.Bottom up approaches on the basis of water quality measurements(see[61])as well as top down approaches(see[58,60,62])and even mixed approaches (see[27])are known.In the same way as for the GIS-based re-charge calculations,parameter uncertainty remains a problem and validation of the results is only partly realised.Some of the studies stressed the shift of groundwater recharge sources in rela-tion to the city’s development although net recharge may not change too much[58,62].As a result there may not be a visual se-vere effect such as a reduction in surface water baseflow but a strong shift in the resulting groundwater quality.The temporal shifts in recharge sources are not taken into account in the pre-sented top down studies tracing back groundwater quality to re-charge sources by the use of mixing models[61,27].Both studies assume the present groundwater quality to be directly linked to present recharge source concentrations which may be justified for the presented shallow and young groundwater systems.The application and integration of groundwater models(see [27,58,62])shows that in general numerical models are imple-mented in the same way as in rural studies.The most important difference is the definition of the spatially and temporally variable upper boundary conditions.The reviewed studies show how to combine various data sources to derive the proper forcing of the models.3.2.4.Sewer leakagesSewer leakages are an important source of urban groundwater, especially affecting groundwater quality.Rutsch et al.[44]gave a thorough review of methods and results of sewer exfiltration esti-mation at different spatial scales.Different methods also lead to different units for the exfiltration rate:Larger scale assessments of-ten define leakages as a percent of the wastewater dry weather flow or as mm aÀ1.At the scale of single sewer lines,L dÀ1mÀ1of the sewer is used while single leaks are characterised by L dÀ1cmÀ2of the leak’s area.The authors propose a stepwise assessment of sewer leakages to groundwater.At the larger scale, the overall impact of leakages can be evaluated on the basis of groundwater modelling or measurements of the groundwater quality.On the smaller scale,direct measurements of leakages should be used.Rieckermann et al.[63,64]showed the potential of artificial tracer tests in the sewage system to quantify leakages with a sophisticated uncertainty assessment.Chisala and Lerner[65]reviewed recent literature on sewer leakage quantification.Indirect methods on the basis of water bal-ancing and solute balancing are suitable methods for larger scale assessments but suffer from a significant uncertainty.On the other hand,direct methods such as pressure testing and tracer tests are less uncertain but cannot be easily extrapolated to the entire sew-age system.The authors proposed a likely range of exfiltration of 0.01–0.1L sÀ1kmÀ1.Furthermore,the authors estimated spatially distributed sewer leakages for the city of Nottingham,UK,on the basis of total leakages of10mm aÀ1.The methods used relations between sewer density,sewer age and defects,as well as hydraulic heads between sewers and groundwater to distribute the total leakages over the city.Huge diversity of rates stresses both:meth-odological problems and variability of parameters and boundary conditions(e.g.state of the system,hydraulic gradients,conductiv-ity of the surroundings).3.3.Contaminant concentration distributions in time and space3.3.1.Finding target substances in urban groundwater contaminationAs we can imagine from the statements above,there is an over-whelming number of substances present in the urban water cycle at the macro-and micropollutant levels.Therefore,it would make sense to prioritise especially the variety of organic micropollutants for target substances to effectively monitor urban water resources. There are several concepts for this prioritization.Strauch et al.[66] and Schirmer et al.[67]focus on the use of indicator substances. These substances represent classes of chemicals with comparable physicochemical properties or comparable input pathways.Both studies make use of micropollutant indicators,such as carbamaze-pine and galaxolideÒ,but broaden the range by the use of inorganic wastewater indicators such as boron and the isotopic composition of nitrate.This allows for the use of indicator substances represent-ing inputs by specific pathways which may not be of urgent toxico-logical concern[68,69].Recently,persistent artificial sweeteners, such as acesulfame,were found to be a good chemical marker for wastewater inputs to urban groundwater and surface water[70–73].To quantitatively use such markers for the estimation of,for example,sewer leakages,the concentration variability in the source wastewater and the difficulty to determine representative concentrations have to be kept in mind[43,46].Another way to prioritise substances is based on a simple com-bination of criteria such as consumption,persistence,potential for bioaccumulation or toxicity for each substance.A good overview is284M.Schirmer et al./Advances in Water Resources51(2013)280–291。
Analytical solution for steady-state groundwater inflow into a drained circular tunnel in a semi-infinite aquifer: A revisitKyung-HoPark a,*,AdisornOwatsiriwong a,Joo-GongLee ba School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, , KlongLuang, Pathumthani 12120,Thailandb DODAM E&C Co.,Ltd., 3F. 799, Anyang-Megavalley, Gwanyang-Dong, Dongan-Gu, Anyang, Gyeonggi-Do,Republic of KoreaReceived 19 November 2006;received in revised form 13 February 2007;accepted 18 February 2007 Availableonline 6 April 2007AbstractThis study deals with the comparison of existing analytical solutions for the steady-state groundwater inflow into a drained circular tunnel in a semi-infinite aquifer. Two different boundary conditions (one for zero water pressure and the other for a constant total head) along the tunnel circumference, used in the existing solutions, are mentioned. Simple closed-form analytical solutions are re-derived within a common theoretical framework for two different boundary conditions by using the conformal mapping technique. The water inflow predictions are compared to investigate the difference among the solutions. The correct use of the boundary condition along the tunnel circumference in a shallow drained circular tunnel is emphasized. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords:Analytical solution; Tunnels; Groundwater flow; Semi-infinite aquifer1. IntroductionPrediction of the groundwater inflow into a tunnel is needed for the design of the tunnel drainage system and the estimation of the environmental impact of drainage. Recently, El Tani (2003) presented the analytical solution of the groundwater inflow based on Mobius transformation and Fourier series. By compiling the exact and approximate solutions by many researchers (Muscat, Goodmanet al., Karlsrud, Rat, Schleiss, Lei, and Lombardi), El Tani(2003) showed the big difference in the prediction of groundwater inflow by thesolutions. Kolymbas and Wagner (2007)also presented the analytical solution for the groundwater inflow, which is equally valid for deep and shallow tunnels and allows variable total head at the tunnel circumference and at the ground surface.While several analytical solutions for the groundwater inflow into a circular tunnel can be found in the literature,they cannot be easily compared with each other because of the use of di fferent notations, assumptions of boundary conditions, elevation reference datum,and solution methods.In this study, we shall revisit the closed-form analytical solution for the steady-state groundwater inflow into a drained circular tunnel in a semi -infinite aquifer with focus on two di fferent boundary conditions (one for zero water pressure and the other for a constant total head) along the tunnel circumference, used in the existing solutions. The solutions for two di fferent boundary conditions are re-derived within a common theoretical framework by using the conformal mapping technique. The di fference in the water inflow predictions among the approximate and exact solutions is re-compared to show the range of appli-cability of approximate solutions.2. Definition of the problemConsider a circular tunnel of radius r in a fully saturated,homogeneous,isotropic,and semi-infinite porous aquifer with a horizontal water table (Fig.1).The surrounding ground has the isotropic permeability k and a steady-state groundwater flow condition is assumed.tunnel in a semi-infinite aquifer.According to Darcy’s law and mass conservation, the two -dimensional steady-state groundwater flow around the tunnel is desc ribed by the following Laplace equation: 02222=∂∂+∂∂yx φφ (1) where φ=total head (or hydraulic head), being given by the sum of the pressure and elevation heads, orZ pW +=γφ (2)p =pressure, W γ=unit weight of water, Z =elevation head,which is the vertical distance of a given point above or below a datum plane. Here,the ground surface is used as the elevation reference datum to consider the case in which the water table is above the ground surface. Note that E1 Tani (2003) used the water level as the elevation reference datum,whereas Kolymbas and Wagner (2007) used the ground surface.In order to solve Eq. (1),two boundary conditions are needed:one at the ground surface and the other along the tunnel circumference.The boundary condition at the ground surface (y =0) is clearly expressed asH y ==)(0φ (3)In the case of a drained tunnel, however, two di fferent boundary conditions along the tunnel circumference can be found in the literature:(Fig.1)(1)Case 1:zero water pressure, and so total head=elevation head (El Tani,2003)y r =)(φ (4)(2)Case 2:constant total head, h a (Lei, 1999; Kolymbas and Wagner,2007)a r h =)(φ (5)It should be noted that the boundary condition of Eq.(5) assumes a constant total head, whereas Eq.(4) gives varying total head along the tunnel circumference. By considering these two di fferent boundary conditions along the tunnel circumference, two di fferent solutions for the steady-state groundwater rinflow into a drained circular tunnel are re -derived in the next.3.Analytical solutionsmappingThe ground surface and the tunnel circumference in the z-plane can be mapped conformally onto two circles of radius 1 and α,in the transformed ζ-plane by the analytic function (Fig.2) (VerruijtandBooker,2000)ζζζ-+-==11)(iA w z (6) where A = h(1-α2)/(1+α2 ), h is the tunnel depth and α is a parameter defined as212αα+=h r or )(122r h h r--=α (7) Then, Eq. (1) can be rewritten in terms of coordinate ξ-η02222=∂∂+∂∂ηφξφ (8) By considering the boundary conditions, the solution for the total head on a circle with radius ρ in the ζ-plane can be expressed as∑∞=-+++=14321cos )(ln C C n n n n C C θρρρφ (9)where C1, C2, C3 and C4 are constants to be determined from the boundary conditions at the ground surface and along the tunnel circumference.surface boundary conditionThe constant C1 can be obtained by considering the boundary condition at the ground surface with ρ =1 in the ζ-plane,3411431,cos )()1(C C H C H n C C C n -==→=++==∑∞=θρφ (10)Fig.2. Plane of conformal mapping.tunnel boundary conditionThe other constants can be obtained by considering two di fferent tunnel boundary conditions.(1)Case 1:zero water pressure.By considering ζ = aexp(ίθ)in the ζ-plane, the elevation head around the tunnel circumference can be expressed asθαααcos 21)1(22-+-=A y (11a) Or in the series form (Verruijt,1996))cos 21(1∑∞=+-=n n n A y θα (11b) And then applying the boundary condition of Eq. (4) gives12,ln )(cos 2cos )(ln )(223211321--=+-=→--=-++==∑∑∞=∞=-n nn n n n n A C H A C n A A n C C H αααθαθααααρφ (12) So,∑∞=----+-=1221cos )(12ln ln )(n n n n nn A H A H θρρααραφ (13) Note that Eq. (13) is the same form as Eq. (4.1) in El Tani(2003) for the case of H =0.(2) Case 2:constant total head, h a . Applying the boundary condition of Eq. (5) gives0,ln cos )(ln )(321322=-=→=-++==∑∞=-C H h C h n C C H a a n n n αθααααρφ (14) So,ραφln ln H 2H h a -+= (15) solution for gr oundwater inflowThe solution for the groundwater inflow, which is the volume of water per unit tunnel length,into a drained circular tunnel can be obtained for two di fferent cases as⎰-++=+-=∂∂=ππαπθρρφ202211)1ln()(2)(ln 2Q r h r h H A k H A k d k (16)⎰-++-=-=∂∂=ππαπθρρφ202222)1ln()(2)(ln 2rh r h H h k H h k d k Q a a (17)Note that Eq. (16) is the same solution as El Tani (2003) with H =0,whereas Eq. (17) is the same solution as Kolymbas and Wagner (2007). There is a clear di fference between Eqs. (16) and (17): A(=h (1-α2)/(1+ α2)) in Eq. (16) and h a in Eq.(17) due to the di fferent boundary conditions along the tunnel circumference.It is also noted that the solutions (16) and (17) are used for the case in which the water table is above the ground surface. If the groundwater table is below the ground surface,the groundwater level is used as the elevation reference datum.The solutions (16) and (17) should be used with H =0 and h = the groundwater depth (not tunnel depth).parison with approximate solutionsFrom the exact solution Eq. (17),the previous approximate solutions can be obtained with the assumption that the total head everywhere at the tunnel circumference is equal to the total head at (x = ± r, y = -h), i.e. h a =-h (Lei, 1999; El Tani, 2003).(1) Approximate solution by assuming h a = -h.By simply assuming h a = -h and H =0,Eq. (17) can be simplified as)1ln(2Q 22A1-+=r h r h hk π (18)Where subscript A means approximate solution. Eq. (18) was indicated as the solution by Rat, Schleiss, Leiin Table 1 of El Tani (2003).(2) Approximate solution in the case of h ﹥﹥r (deep tunnel)For h ﹥﹥r, we have h+h r h h 222≈-+, and hence Eq. (18) can be further simplified as )2ln(22rh h k Q A π= (19) Eq. (19) was indicated as the solution by Muskat, Goodman et al.in Table 1 of El Tani (2003).in water inflow predictionsIn order to investigate the di fference in water inflow predictions among the exact and approximate solutions and the range of applicability of approximate solutions, the relativeerror, previously shown in Fig. 3 of El Tani (2003), are obtained again from)(%100Q 11A11⨯-=Q Q δ or (%)100Q 11A22⨯-=Q Q δ δ1 and δ2 show the di fferences between Q 1 (Case 1) andQ A1, Q A2 (approximate solutions of Case 2) respectively. Here, H = 0 is used, and so this case is that the groundwater level is at/below the ground surface.Fig.3. Diffierence among solutions (E1 T ani,2003)From Fig. 3, δ1 and δ2 indicate that the approximate solutions, Q A1 and Q A2, overestimate the inflow rate by about 10–15% when r/h =0.5. Interestingly the overestimation by the approximate solution Q A1 increases drastically as r/h →1. This may because the term 0)1//ln(22→-+r h r h and ∞→1A Q as r/h →1. Thus, the approximate solution Q A2 seems to give better pre diction of groundwater inflow than Q A1.Since, the term 0)1/(122→+-αα)( as r/h →1, Q 1 gives stable results. If H ≠0, however the term )1//ln(22-+r h r h could cause instability of Q 1 as r/h →1.This e ffect is investigated in the next.of H in the underwater tunnelThe e ffect of H on the water inflow prediction in the underwater tunnel is investigated by using the approximate and exact solutions. Fig. 4 shows the results of water inflow with respect to r/h with di fferent b (=H/h). The inflow is obtained from Eq. (16) for Q 1 or Eq. (19) for Q A2 considering h a = -h and h ﹥﹥ r.)1()11(kh 2Q 22221-+++-=r h r h b ααπ or )2ln()1(22r h b kh Q A +=π The solid line represents the results for Q 1,whereas dotted line indicates the result for Q A2.It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the water inflow increases with increasing b. For b =0.5 and 1, the inflow rate by Q 1 increases greatly as r/h →1 ,as expected. The approximate solution Q A2 slightly overestimates the inflow rate for r/h ≤0.6, but the results are stable.Generally,for the tunnel with r/h ≤ 0.4 (h ≥ 2.5 r), the existing exact and approximate solutions can be used without considering the boundary condition along the tunnel circumference. For the tunnel with r/h >0.4, the exact solutions should be used with the correct consideration of the boundary condition along the tunnel circumference. The approximate solution Q A2 seems to give stable results in the case that the water table is above the ground surface.Fig.4. Water inflow predictions with different b.5.ConclusionsSimple closed-form analytical solutions for the steady-state groundwater inflow into a drained circular tunnel in a semi-infinite aquifer have been revisited by re-deriving the solutions within a common theoretical framework for two different boundary conditions (one for zero water pressure and the other for a constant total head) along the tunnel circumference.The approximate solutions can be used for the tunnel with r/h ≤ 0.4 (h ≥ 2.5r). Correctly estimating boundary condition along the tunnel circumference is shown to be important in a shallow drained circular tunnel. If the water table is above the ground surface, the approximate solution Q A2 seems to be better for practical use.AcknowledgementsThe first author thanks two scholars for their invaluable comment on the correctness of Eq. (9).References1 El Tani, M., 2003. Circular tunnel in a semi-infinite aquifer.Tunn.Undergr.Space Technol.18(1),49–55.2 Kolymbas,D.,Wagner,P.,2007.Groundwater ingress to tunnels–the exact analytical Technol.22(1),23–27.3 Lei,S.,1999.Ananalytical solution for steady flow into a tunnel. Ground Water37,23–26.4 Verruijt,A.,plex Variable Solutions of Elastic Tunneling Problems.Geotechnical Laboratory,Delft University of Technology.5 Verruijt,A.,Booker,J.R.,plex Variable Analysis of Mindlin’s Tunnel Problem. Development of Theoretical Geomechanics. Balkema,Sydney,pp.3–22.半无限含水层中圆形排水隧道稳定地下水流涌水量计算的解析法摘要本文研究半无限含水层中圆形排水隧道稳定地下水流涌水量计算现有的解析法对比。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地:river terrace面源:area source线源:line source点源:point source 非点源:non-point source groundwater 潜水groundwater artery 地下水干道groundwater barrier 地下水堡坝groundwater basin 地下水盆地groundwater capture 地下水袭夺groundwater cascade 地下水小瀑布groundwater cement 潜水泥groundwater dam 地下水坝groundwater discharge 地下水排泄groundwater divide 地下分水界groundwater flow 地下径流groundwater inventory 地下水总量目录groundwater level 地下水位groundwater mound 地下水土丘groundwater province 地下水区groundwater recession 地下水后退groundwater recession curve 地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir 地下水储集groundwater runoff 地下径流groundwater simulation 地下模拟groundwater spring 潜水泉groundwater table 地下水位group 群exploitable groundwater 地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone 地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码station code 站名station name流域名称basin name 水系名称hydrometric net code河流名称river name 施测项目码item code of obervation行政区划码administration division code水资源分区码code of water resources regionalization设站年份year of station establishment 设站月份month of station establishment撤站年份year of withdrawal of station 撤站月份month of withdrawal of station集水面积drainage area 流入何处flowing-to至河口距离distance to river mouth 基准基面名称name of fiducial datum领导机关leading agency (administration agency) 管理单位administration站址station location 东经longitude北纬latitude 测站等级grade of hydrometric station报汛等级grade of Flood-Reporting Station 备注note站点码station point code 站点名station point name测流方法observation method 控水目的purpose of control water project控水工程类型control water project type 控水工程代码code of control water project控水工程运行规则operation regulation of control water project推流参数parameter of discharge computation 引水点名Location name of pumping排水点名Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码code of lower bound station至下界站河段长length of reach to lower bound station高差基数base of difference in elevation流域水系码codes of hydrographic net of a basin区码code of zone 区名zone name区类zone type 水体总容量total capacity of water bodies 灌溉水田面积area of rice paddy irrigated 灌溉面积irrigation area城市人口urban population 工业总产值gross industrial output value 调查资料来源单位office recording investigation data水库和水闸控制面积drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice调查面积investigation area 量算地图比例尺scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级reliability rank of area data直接上级区名zone name of prime at first 调查报告编号investigation report number 地理包含关系geography contain relation 站点类别station point category相关站码correlative station code 关系标识relationship ID关系说明relationship illustration 主断面迁移号migration numbers of main cross section 断面名称cross section name 断面位置location of cross section变动年份changed Year 变动月份changed month变动日changed day 同系列标志series marker变动情况changed conditions 水尺名称gage name水尺型式gage type 水尺质料material of gage自记台类型type of stage recorder 水尺位置location of gage使用情况use condition 河段情况river reach circumstance图类型graph type 图标题graph title图graph MIME类型MIME type水准点编号benchmark number 水准点类型benchmark type变动日期date of Setup or change 采用基面名称adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum绝对基面名称name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式benchmark style 水准点位置benchmark location引据水准点编号number of benchmark from which elevation is measured变动原因cause of change 工程名称engineering name工程名称代码engineering name code 开始蓄水年份begin storing water year开始蓄水月份begining month of storing water 校核洪水位check flood stage校核库容check storage capacity of reservoir 设计洪水位design flood stage设计库容reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位normal high water level 正常库容Normal reservoir storage死水位dead pool level 死库容dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号spillway number 竣工年份completion year竣工月份completion month 溢洪道长度spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程elevation of spillway crest 溢洪道堰顶宽width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of spillway闸组号gate group number 孔型type of sluice or hole孔数count of sluice or hole 孔高sluice or hole height孔宽sluice or hole width设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel翼墙型式wing wall type 墩头型式type of pier head of sluice or tunnel 堰顶闸底形状shape of weir crest or sluice bed 工程地址location of engineering设计灌溉面积design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel控制面积control area 总库容total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel最大实引排水量maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage仪器口径mouth diameter of rain gauge 仪器精度precision of rain gauge记录模式recording mode 获值模式sensing mode绝对高程elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征character of location of evaporation-gauging仪器型式type of instrument(equipment) 附近地势nearby topography四周障碍物obstacles around station 起时间beginning time止时间end time起始日期beginning date 旬起始日期beginning date of a period of ten days 日期date 降水量precipitation降水量注解码remark code of precipitation 降水日数number of precipitation days降水日数注解码remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量maximum precipitation 最大降水量时段长maximum precipitation duration 最大日降水量maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily precipitation终霜日期date of frost disappearance 初霜日期date of frost appearance终雪日期date of snow disappearance 初雪日期date of snow appearance终冰日期date of ice disappearance 初冰日期date of ice appearance蒸发器型式type of evaporation equipment 水面蒸发量surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation观测高度observation height 气温air temperature气温注解码remark code air temperature 平均气温average air temperature平均气温注解码remark code of average air temperature最高气温注解码remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期date of maximum air temperature 最高气温maximum air temperature最低气温minimum air temperature最低气温注解码remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期date of minimum air temperature水汽压vapour pressure 水汽压注解码remark code of vapour pressure 平均水汽压average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差difference of vapour pressure 风速wind velocity水汽压力差注解码remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码remark code of average vapor pressure difference风速注解码remark code of wind velocity 平均风速average wind velocity平均风速注解码remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位stage in Sluice Upstream 闸上水位注解码remark code of upsluice stage 闸下水位down sluice stage 闸下水位注解码remark code of downsluice stage 坝上水位stage behind dam 坝上水位注解码remark code of the stage behind dam 水位stage 水位注解码remark code of stage平均水位average stage 平均水位注解码remark code of average stage最高水位maximum stage 最高水位注解码remark code of maximum stage 最高水位日期occurring date of maximum stage最低水位minimum stage 最低水位注解码remark code of date of minimum stage 最低水位日期date of minimum stage 保证率reliability of stage保证率水位reliability stage 流量discharge保证率水位注解码remark code of reliability stage平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge最大流量maximum discharge 平均流量average discharge最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge最大流量日期date of maximum discharge最小流量minimum discharge 最小流量日期date of minimum discharge最小流量注解码remark code of minimum discharge蓄水量Reservoir Storage 径流量runoff径流量注解码remark code of runoff 径流模数runoff modulus径流深runoff in depth 最大洪量maximum flood volume最大洪量时段长duration of maximum flood volume泥沙类型sediment type 含沙量sediment concentration平均含沙量average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率出现日期occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量sediment runoff 输沙量注解码remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数sediment runoff modulus 上限粒径upper limit particle size采样仪器型号model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数efficiency coefficient of sampling平均沙重百分数average percent of sediment weight中数粒径median particle diameter 平均粒径average particle diameter最大粒径maximum particle diameter 水温water temperature水温注解码remark code of water temperature平均水温注解码remark code of average water temperature最高水温maximum water temperature 平均水温average water temperature最高水温注解码remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期occurring date of maximum water temperature最低水温minimum water temperature 冰情注解码remark code of ice condition最低水温注解码remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期date of minimum water temperature河心冰厚ice thickness at river center 岸边冰厚Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深snow depth on ice 岸上气温air temperature on bank解冻日期date of ice break up 封冻日期ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in first half of year下半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in second half of year终止流冰日期end date of ice run 开始流冰日期beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center岸边最大冰厚Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度maximum length of ice floe 最大流冰块宽度maximum width of ice floe 最大流冰块冰速maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码remark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量日期occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量yearly total ice discharge 冬季总冰流量gross ice discharge in winter年总冰流量注解码remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量注解码remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量total of ice discharge 平均冰流量average ice discharge总冰流量注解码remark code of total of ice discharge 最大冰流量maximum ice discharge 最大冰流量注解码remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期date of maximum ice discharge潮别tidal type 潮位tidal level潮位注解码remark code of tidal level 潮差tidal range历时duration 潮流量tidal discharge潮量tidal volume 潮输沙率tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量tidal sediment runoff 平均高潮潮位average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码remark of average high tidal level stage最高高潮位Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range平均落潮潮差average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码remark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration逐时平均潮位hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差average tide range平均潮差注解码remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时average tidal duration平均历时注解码remark code of average tidal duration施测日期beginning date of measurement 测次号observation number垂线号numbers of typical verticals 起点距distance from initial point河底高程river bed elevation 河底高程注解码remark code of river bed elevation 测时水位stage during observation测时水位注解码remark code of stage during observation垂线方位vertical azimuth断面名称及位置cross section name and location 测次说明note引用施测日期date of quoted observation 引用测次号number of quoted observation 引用起始起点距beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距end distance from initial point岸别符号bank symbol 痕迹类型trace type点编号point code 点详细位置point detailed location点东经point east longitude 点北纬point north latitude点高程point elevation 点参数point parameter指认人及印象witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级reliability level of trace or flag估计误差范围estimation error range 调查日期investigation date起始年beginning year 起始月beginning month起始日beginning day 起始时beginning hour起始分beginning minute 终止年end year终止月end month 终止日end day终止时end hour 终止分end minute雨情描述description of rainfall information 重现期Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall承雨器雨前可靠等级reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow 水位可靠等级reliability level of stage 水流边界flow boundary推算流量方法method of discharge computation推算流量资料可靠等级reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级reliability level of discharge computation次水量water volume of one flood 水情描述description of hydrological information 流量施测号数number of discharge observation测流起时间beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间end time of flow measurement测流方法Method of flow measurement 基本水尺水位base gage stage流量注解码remark code of discharge 断面总面积total of cross section area断面过水面积wetted cross-section area 断面面积注解码remark code of cross section area 断面平均流速average flow velocity at a cross-section断面最大流速maximum flow velocity at a cross-section水面宽top width断面平均水深Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽ice bottom width 水浸冰冰底平均水深ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深ice bottom maximum depth水面比降surface slope 糙率roughness时段类别category of interval 水量类别category of water quantity水量water quantity 水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity 年实测水量占比percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of water quantity水量成果合理性等级fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量observed water storage 调查蓄水变量investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活还原水量observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water区内除涝排水量water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break溃坝还原水量restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching决口还原水量restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度balance level of exchange water between underground rivers跨区渗漏水量water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量observed restoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量capacity of spring 总进水量total inflow runoff总出水量total outflow runoff 降水总量precipitation蒸散发总量total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法sampling method断面平均含沙量average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section单样含沙量index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速average velocity of bed load推移带宽度width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point 单断沙码code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号begin observation number 终止施测号end observation number取样起时间beginning time of sampling 取样止时间end time of sampling沙重百分数sediment weight percent 最大颗粒重量sediment maximum particle weight 最大颗粒起点距distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle平均沉速mean settling velocity 施测水温water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法analysis method of particle side 注解码remark code沙量类别category of silt-quantity 沙量silt-quantity沙量测算方法estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water跨流域引水挟沙量silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion决口冲淤量degradation or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量total inflow silt-quantity 总出沙量total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间beginning time of observation测次止时间end time of observation 测验断面位置location of cross section冰流量ice discharge 冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge 断面平均疏密度average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽open water width断面平均冰花密度density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置location of cross section代表垂线平均流速average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement高潮潮位high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差flood tidal range 涨潮最大流速maximum velocity of flood tide 涨潮潮量flood tidal volume 涨潮潮量注解码remark code of flood tidal volume 涨潮潮流历时flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of flood tide落潮潮差ebb tide range 落潮潮量ebb tidal volume落潮最大流速maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量注解码remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时ebb tidal current duration 落潮平均流量average discharge of ebb tide 落潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of ebb tide净泄量net outflow volume 开闸时间opening gate time关闸时间closing gate time 开闸前稳定水位stable stage before sluicing 闸上最高水位Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位Stage in Sluice Downstream 水位差stage difference有效潮差effective tidal range 一潮总水量total water volume of single tide 一潮总水量注解码remark code of total water volume of single tide一潮历时duration of single tide一潮平均流量average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of single tide一潮最大流量maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge of single tide自变量名name of independent variable 自变量值value of independent variable调查报告标题investigation report title 调查项目investigation item调查年份investigation year 编写年份redaction year调查单位investigation office 主编单位Chief editorial unit调查报告内容investigation report contents 调查报告格式investigation report format 表标识table ID时间残缺记录编号number of time deformity record字段标识field identifier 取值value率定次序号serial number of rating 闸上水头head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码remark code of operation height of gate opening闸门开启孔数count of operation gate opening 闸门开启总宽total width of gate-openings 平均堰宽average width of weir闸孔过水面积area of wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量observed discharge实测流量注解码remark code of observed discharge流态flow regime流量计算公式编号formula number of discharge calculation流量系数discharge coefficient流量系数注解码remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式weir and sluice type 翼墙形式wing wall type平均引水角average driving angle 闸上河宽upsluice river width闸下河宽river width in sluice downstream 闸门型式weir gate type闸底高程elevation of sluice bottom 堰顶高程elevation of weir crest堰顶形状shape of weir crest 总孔数total number of gate openings单孔宽single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码remark code of gate opening width of weir gate平均孔宽average of gate opening width 总孔宽total width of gate opening闸门高度gate height 平均开度average gate opening height闸墩厚thickness of pier 机组号group number of machines站上水位upstation stage 站下水位downstation stage站上水头upstation head 开机功率electric power generated or consumed 开机台数count of machines in operation开机叶片角度vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径impeller diameter 实际转速practical speed of revolution出水阀过水面积wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号formula number of efficiency calculation效率值efficiency value 效率值注解码remark code of efficiency value 机型machine type 装机台数count of machine出水管路断面面积wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速rated speed of revolution 单机额定功率single rated power单机设计流量single design discharge 设计扬程design lift驼峰底高hump bottom elevation 起排水位begining pumping stage关系线类别relation curve category 线号curve number因变量名dependent variable定线数据起时间beginning time of the data for determining a relation curve定线数据止时间end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式curve parameter expression 关系图名chart name适用期起时间beginning time of application 适用期止时间end time of application定线点据总数amount of points for determining a relation curve定线方法method of determining a relation curve 系统误差systematic error随机不确定度random error 线上采样点编号curve sample point number 采样点自变量值curve sample point independent variable采样点因变量值curve sample point dependent variable计量单位unit name 记录定位标识record location identifier原值original value 改正值corrected value处理日期date of correction 处理情况说明correction explanation入库标识identifier of reservoir inflow 注解符号remark symbolASCII值numeric ASCII Code 注解符号类型remark symbol type注解含义meaning of remark 表号table number表中文名table name in Chinese 表英文名table name in English字段中文名field name in Chinese 字段英文名field name in English字段类型及长度field type and field length 空值属性attribute of "null"计量单位unit name 取值范围value range主键属性attribute of primary key 农历年lunar year农历月lunar month 农历日lunar day农历年名name of lunar year 农历月名name of lunar month农历日名name of lunar day 行政区划名administration division name。
外文资料The Ground-waterThe ources of water which supply water front below the earth's surface are called sub-surface sources or ground-water source.Groundwater storage is considerably in excess of all artificial and nature surface storage in the United States.Groundwater distribution may be generally categorize into zones of aeration and asterisked. The saturated zone ia one in which all the voids are filled with water under hydrostatic pressure.The aeration zone in whiche the interstices are filled partly with air and partly with waters, may be subdivided into three subsonic. The soil-water zone begins at the ground surface and extends downward through the major root zone of fire. Its total depth is variable and dependent on soil type and vegetation.The zone is unsaturated except during period of heavy infiltration.Threecategorise of water calssification may be encountered in this regional: hygroscopic water content, which is adsorbed from the air separation; capillary water rat, whiche is held by suifacetension;and gravitational waters, which is excess soil water draining through the soiled. The intermediate zone extends from the bottom of the soil-water zone to the top of the capillary fringe and may vary from nonexistence to several huntween the near-ground suiface region and the near-water-water table region through which infiltrating waters must passed. The capillary zone extends from the water table to a height determined by zone thickness ia a function of soil texture and may vary not ongly from region to region but also within a local area network.The water that can be drained from a soil by gravity is known as the specific yielding. It is expressed as the ratio of the volume of water that can be drained by gravity to the gross volume of the soil.Values of specific yield are dependent on soil particle size average, shape and distribution of pore, and degree of completion of the soiled. Average values of specific yield for alluvial aquifers range frome 10% to 20%.An aquifer is a water-bearing stratum or formation capble of transmitting water in quantities sufficient to permit development.Aquifers may be considered as falling into two categorise,confined and unconfined,depending on whether or not a water table or free within an aquifer is change whenever water is recharged to or discharged from an aquifer.Forsaturated,confinedaquifer,pressure changes produce only slight changs in storage volume.In this cases, the weight of the overburden is supposed partly by hydrostatic pressure and pattly by the soild material in the aquifer.When the hydrostatic pressure in a confined aquifer is reduced by pumping or other means,the load on the aquifer increase, causing its compressional, with theresult that some water is forced from its. Decreasing the hydrostatic pressure also causes a small expansione, which in turn produces an additional release of water.For confined aquifer, the water yield is expressed in terms of a storage coefficient Scarcely. This strong coefficient may be defined as the volume of water that an aquifer takes in or relleases per unit surface area of aquifer per unit change in head normal to the surface.In addition to water-bearing strata exhibiting satisfactory rates of yield,there are also non-water-bearing and impermeable strata.Anaquiclude is an impermeable stratum that may contain large quantities of water but whose transmission rates are ot high enough to permit effective development.Anaquifuge is a formation that is impermeable and devoid of waters.Any circumstance that alters the pressure imposed on underground water will also cause a variation in the groundwater level.Seasonalfactorshare, change in stream and river stages,evapotranspiration,atmospheric pressure change, windsor, ides, external load,various forms of withdrawal and recharge,and earthquakes all may produce fluctuations in the level of the water table or the piezometricsurface,depending on whether the aquifer is free or confined.It is important that the engineer concerned with the development and utilization of groundwater supplies be aware of these factors.He should also be able to evaluate their important relative to the operation of a specific groundwater basin.The rate of movement of water through the ground is of an entirely different magnitude than that through natural or artificial channels or canddits.Typical value range from 5 fr/day to a few feet per year.The collection of groundwater is accomplished primarily through the construction of wells or infiltration galleries.Numerous factors are involved in the numerical estimation of the performance of these collection works.Some cases are amenable to solution through the utilization of relatively simpie mathematical expectation.Other cases can be solved only through graphical analysis or the use of various kinds of models.A well system may be considered to be composed of three elements:the well structure,thepump,and the discharge piping.The well itself contains an open section through which flow enders and a casing through which the flow is transported to the groungsurface.The open section is usually a perforated casing or a slotted metal screen that permit the flow to enter and at the same time pervents collapse of the hole.Occasionally gravel is placed at the bottom the well casing aroung the screen.When a well is pumped,water is removed from the aquifer immediately adjacent to the screen.Flow then becomes established at locations some distance fromthe well in order to replenish this withdrawal.Owing to the resistance to flow offered by the soil,ahead loss is encountered and the piezometric surface adjacent to the well is depressed.This is known as the cone of depression.The cone of depression spreads until a condition of equilibrium is reached and steady-state conditions are established.Groundwater quantity is influenced considerably by the quality of the source.Changes in source waters or degraded quality of source source supplies may seriously impair the quality of the groundwater supply.Municipal and industrial wastes entering an aquifer are major sources of organic and inorganic rge-scale organic pollution of groundwater is infrequent,however,sincesignficant quantities of organic wastes usually cannot be easily introduced underground.The problem is quite different with inordinance are removed only with great difficulty.Inaddition,the effects of such pollution may continue for indefinite periods since dilution is slow and artificial flushing or treatment is generally impractical or too expensive.As the water passes through the soiled, a significant increase in the amounts of dissolved salt may occur.Theses salts are added by soluble products of soil weathering and of erosion by rainfall and flowing water.Locations downstream from heavily irrigation areas may find that the water they are receiving is too saline for satisfactory crop production.These saline contaminates are different to control because removal methods are receive methods are exceedingly expensive.A possible solution is to dilute with water of lower salt concentration(wastewater treatment plant effluent,for example)so that the average water produced by mixing will be suitable for use.Considerable care should be exercised to protect groundwater storage capacity from irreparable harm through the disposal of waste materials.The volumes of groundwater replaced annually through natural mechanisms are relatively small because of the slow rates of movement of groundwaters and the limited opportunity for surface waters to penetrate the earth's surface.To supplement this natural recharge process,a recent toward artificial recharge has been developing.In California,forexample,artificial recharge is presently a primary method of water conservation.Numerous methods are employed in artificial recharge operation.One of the most common plans is the utilization of holding basis.The usual practice is to impound the water in a series of reservoir arranged so that the overflow of one will enter the next,and so on.These artificial storage works are generally formed by the construction of dikes or levee.A second method is the modified streambed,which makes use of the natural water supply.The stream channel iswidened, leveled,scarified,or treated by a combination of methods to increase its recharge capability.Ditches and furrows are also used.The basic types of arrangement are the ground;the lateral type,in which water is diverted into a number of small furrows from the main canal or channel;and the tree-shaped or branching type,where water is deferred from the primary channel into successively smeller canalis and ditcher.Where slopes are relatively flat and uniform,floodiing provides an economical means of recharge.Normal practice is to spead the recharge water over the ground at relatively small depths so as not to disturb the soil or native vegetation.An additional method is the use of injection wells.Recharge rates are normally less than pimping rates for the same head condition,however,because of the clogging that is often encountered in the area adjacent to the well casing.Clogging may result from the entrapment of fine aquifer particle, from suspended material in the recharge water which is subsequently strained out and deposited in the vicinity of the well screen,from air binding,from chemical reactions between recharge and natural water,and from bacteria.For best result the recharge water should be clear,contain little or no sodium,and be chlorinated.地下水从地表下面提供水的水源叫做地下水。
专业英语姓名:专业:地质工程班级:学号:Engineering geological investigation of the hydrogeologicalPapers Category:Science Papers - Geology PapersPapers TAG:EngineAbstract: The hydro-geological survey and research in Engine ering has a very important position, this paper describes engineering geological evaluation of the content of hydro-geological exploration, soil hydraulic properties, groundwater hazards caused by issues such as geotechnical engineering.Keywords:: engineering investigation, hydrogeological, geotechnical, hazardousAn engineering geological investigation in the evaluation of the content of hydrogeologicalIn engineering exploration, evaluation of hydrogeological problems should primarily consider the following:1.1 The evaluation should focus on rock and soil and groundwater on the role and impact of buildings, predict possible geotechnical hazards, proposed control measures.1.2 Engine ering Investigation should also be closely based on the type of building foundation needs to identify issues related to hydrogeology, to provide the necessary hydrogeological data selection.1.3 from an engineering perspective, according to the role of groundwater and the impact of the project proposed under different conditions, the evaluation should be focused on geological problems, such as: buried in the ground water level on the basis of the following buildings in the water on the concrete and the corrosion of rebar in concrete. The selection of soft rock, weathered rock, residual soil, expansive soil and other rock and soil bearing layer as a basis for the construction site, should focus on the evaluation of the activities of the rock and soil water potential softening, disintegration, expansion and contraction, etc. effect. In therange of memory compression layer of foundation in loose saturated fine sand,silt on, should have potential erosion forecast, quicksand, the possibility of piping. When the basis of the lower confined aquifer exists, excavation should pressure water washed away after the pit floor to calculate and evaluate the possibility. excavation pit in the ground water level the following should be carried out infiltration and water-rich test, and evaluation of the artificial precipitation caused soil settlement, slope instability and thus the possibility of stability of surrounding buildings.2 soil hydraulic propertiesSoil hydraulic properties is the interaction between rock and groundwater who displayed a variety of nature. Soil hydraulic properties and physical properties of rock are rock: rock and soil hydraulic properties affects not only the strength and deformation of rock and some nature has a direct impact on the stability of the building. In the past the investigation of physical and mechanical properties of the soil test more emphasis on the geotechnical properties of the water management has been neglected, and therefore the evaluation of the geotechnical engineering geology is not comprehensive enough. geotechnical soil water and groundwater management is the nature of the nature of the interaction shown, first of all introduce the following form and occurrence of groundwater on soil hydraulic properties, and then a few of geotechnical important water management research and testing methods of the nature and brief.2.1 Occurrence in the form of groundwater: groundwater according to their occurrence in the rock can be divided into bound water, capillary water and gravity water three, which combined with water can be divided into strong and weak bound water bound water two.2.2 The major soil hydraulic properties and test methods: softening refers to the rock mass after immersion in water, characteristics of the mechanical strength decreases, the general said with the softening coefficient, which is to determine the rock resistance to weathering, resistance to flooding capacity indicators. There is easy in the rock layers to soften rocks, in the role of groundwater will often form soft interlayer. all kinds of causes of viscous upper mudstone, shale, argillaceous sandstone Dengjun widespread softening property. permeable, is water under gravity, ground to allow water through their own performance. loose rock particles became smaller, more uniform, its permeability will be weaker. hard rock fissures or karst more development, the stronger its permeability.permeable permeability coefficient of generally available, said upper body rock permeability coefficient of struck by pumping tests.disintegration, is soaking wet rocks, due to soil particles connections are weakened, damaged, open to soil collapse and disintegration properties. to the water, is fed by gravity from the pore water, soil, fracture properties of the water must flow freely to the degree that water. water level is several important aquifer hydrogeologic parameters also affect the venue sparse time. water level usually determined by laboratory. expansion and shrinkage, refers to rock After the volume of soil water increases, water loss volume was reduced after the characteristics of the sizing of rock is due to thickening of the particle surface adsorbed water absorbent, water loss due to thinning.3 geotechnical hazards caused by groundwaterGeotechnical hazards caused by groundwater, mainly due to changes in groundwater level and ground lift effect of the hydrodynamic pressure caused by two reasons.3.1 Groundwater level change caused by the geotechnical hazards. Groundwater level changes can be caused by natural factors or human factors, but for whatever reason, when the groundwater level changes up to a certain extent, will cause harm to the geotechnical engineering, groundwater level changes cause harm can be divided into three ways:3.1.1 The water level rise caused by the geotechnical hazards. Phreatic reasons for the increase are varied, the main aquifer affected by factors such as geological structure, lithology general occurrence, hydrological and meteorological factors such as rainfall, temperature, etc. and human factors such as irrigation, construction and other effects, it is sometimes combined result of several factors. As the water table rise may result in the geotechnical engineering: soil swamping, salinization, soil and groundwater enhanced corrosion of buildings. slopes, river rock and other rock and soil slippage, landslides and other geological phenomena bad. some of the rock and soil with special structural damage, lower intensity, softening. caused saturated fine sand and silt liquefaction, there quicksand, piping and so on. flooded underground cavern filled with water, basic floating, unstable buildings.3.1.2 caused by falling water tables, geotechnical hazards. groundwater bit more than the decrease is due to human factors, such as the concentration of a large number of extraction of groundwater. Deposits in the mining and upstream DamConstruction dewatering, construction of Reservoir s downstream intercept groundwater recharge and so on. Groundwater decline is too large, often induced to crack, ground subsidence, ground collapse and other geological disasters and the depletion of groundwater sources, water quality and other environmental degradation problem, on the rock mass, the stability of buildings and the living environment of human beings posing a great threat.3.1.3 Groundwater frequent movements of the Geotechnical Engine ering harm. Groundwater level change can cause uneven expansion of the expansion and contraction produce rock deformation, when the ground when the lift frequently. Not only on the expansion and contraction deformation of rocks back and forth, and will lead to expansion and contraction of soils and increasing rate, thus causing the building to crack formation, especially of light damage to the building. Groundwater zone change down the infiltration of groundwater, soil will layer of iron and aluminum components leaching, soil cement will result in loss of loose soil, water void ratio increases, the compression modulus, capacity reduction, the basis of geotechnical engineering options to deal with the trouble of bringing greater .3.2 The role of dynamic pressure caused by ground water geotechnical hazards. Groundwater in the natural state, relatively weak effect of hydrodynamic pressure, usually does not cause any harm, but in the human engineering activities in the dynamic equilibrium due to changes in natural groundwater conditions, the dynamic moving Water pressure, often lead to some serious geotechnical hazards, such as quicksand, piping, etc. FOUNDATION PIT. drift sand, piping, pit formation inrush conditions and control measures in the literature of engineering geology has been more detail not repeated here.4 ConclusionIn summary, the hydro-geological work in the building bearing layer selection, basic design, engineering and other aspects of geological disaster prevention plays an important role, along with the development of engineering investigations, the attention will be more widely and effectively do good hydrogeological investigation will raise the level of work plays a great role.工程地质勘察中水文地质研究论文类别:理学论文- 地质学论文摘要:水文地质研究在工程勘察中有着十分重要的地位,本文主要阐述工程地质勘查中水文地质评价内容,岩土水理性质,地下水引起的岩土工程危害等问题。
地质工程导论 单词
geology:地质astronomy:天文学geologist:地质学家astronomical geology:天文地质geotechnical site investigation:岩土工程现场勘察soil slope:土坡environmental site characterization:场地环境特征hydrogeology:水文地质学fossil fuel:矿物燃料geomechanics: 地质力学landslides:滑坡geological engineering:地质工程uranium:铀parlance说法,in ordinary parlance 一般来说,通常来说at [in] the outset 在开头时geothermal energy:地热能源groundwater:地下水underground aquifers:地下含水层hydroelectric dams:水力发电水坝natural hazards management:自然灾害管理interdisciplinary field:跨学科领域versatile:多功能的bachelor of science:理学士quarries:采石pipelines:管道,管线permafrost an d muskeg 永久冻土与青苔沼泽地rock mechanics:岩体力学engineering geology:工程地质soil mechanics:土力学sewage:污泥toxic chemicals:有毒的化学物质shorelines:海岸线tar: 沥青,柏油segregation :隔离elusive :难以琢磨的design and implementation of ground engineering structures:地质工程结构的设计和施工the mechanics of discontinua:非连续介质力学sustainable structures:可持续结构conceptual, physical and/or numerical:概念,物理和数值(模型)discrepancies:差异,不同之处ISSMFE : International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 国际土力学及基础工程协会International Association for Engineering Geology and the environment (IAEG). 国际工程地质与环境协会ISRM: International Society for Rock Mechanics. 国际岩石力学学会This model requires the specification of two general features, namely, composition and geological boundary conditions. 这个模型需要两个方面的特征说明:组成和地质边界条件。
水文地质与工程地质常见的专业英语词汇第一篇:水文地质与工程地质常见的专业英语词汇水文地质与工程地质常见的专业英语词汇(勘察报告类)水文地质类孔隙水:pore water裂隙水:crevice-water;fracture water 抽水试验:pumping test 压水试验:water pressure testHydraulic pressure test 注水试验:water injection test 渗透系数:coefficient of permeability 包气带:zone of aeration 上层滞水:perched water 潜水:phreatic water承压水:confined water 含水层:aquifer地下水侵蚀性:groundwater erosion降排水工程:dewatering and drainage engineering 多孔介质:porous medium水质标准:water quality standard地下水水质:quality of the groundwater 流域:valley, basin地下水 groundwater地下水流域groundwater catchment地下水条件;地下水情况groundwater condition地下水连通实验groundwater connectivity test地下水量枯竭groundwater depletion地下水流量;地下水溢流 groundwater discharge地下水分水岭groundwater divide地下水排水工程groundwater drainage works地下水流向groundwater flow direction地下水位 groundwater level 地下水监测 groundwater monitoring地下水污染 groundwater pollution岩土参数标准值:standard value ofgeotechnical parameter土工试验:soil engineering tests 现场检验:in-situ inspection 现场监测:in-situ monitoring工程地质测绘:engineering geological mapping 地基土:foundation soil岩土层:layer,stratum(复strata)地基承载力特征值:characteristic value ofsubgrade bearing 地基变形允许值:allowable subsoil deformation 地基处理:ground treatment 复合地基:composite foundation 承载力:bearing capacity 持力层:bearing stratum 桩:pile承台:pilecap钻孔灌注桩:drilled concreting piles 人工挖孔桩:hand-excavated hole piles(artificial hole piles)沉管灌注桩:driven cast-in-place pile 深层搅拌桩: deep mixing method预制桩:pretesting piles静压桩:static-driving pile(Jack Up Pile)高压旋喷灌注:high-pressure rotary grouting 桩基础:pile foundation桩—土—承台:pile-soil-pilecap动力触探:dynamic sounding标准贯入试验:SPT(standard penetration technique)土钉:soil Nailing地质灾害:geological hazards 管涌:piping泥石流:mud-rock flow滑坡:landslide指标:index(复indexes或indices)地下水水压测试 groundwater pressure measurement地裂缝:ground fissure 地下水体系groundwater regime地下水位groundwater table地下水位变动 groundwater table fluctuation工程地质类原位测试:in-situ tests 地震烈度:seismic intensity;earthquake intensity 岩土工程勘察报告:geotechnical investigation report 地震基本烈度:basic seismic intensity 不良地质作用:adverse geologic action 场地卓越周期:site predominant period建筑场地类型:site classification for construction 剪切波速:equivalent velocity of shear wave 静力触探:static cone penetration test剪切波速测试:measurement of sheer-wave velocity 液化:liquefaction阐述:is presented;statement;be discussed 阐明:expound 涉及:deal with揭示:discover;show;exhibit得出结论:draw a conclusion from;地震影响:earthquake effects(或):come to a conclusion 地下水对混凝土无侵蚀性:the groundwater has little 认为:firmly believe erosion to reinforced concrete 边坡:slope 锚固:anchoring 阶地:terrace 岩溶区:karst area 淤泥:sludge(muck)风化:weather 冲积:alluvial(.adj.)残积土:residual soil 填土:fill人工杂填土:artificial mixed fills 粉土:silt.粉砂:silty sand 细砂:fine sand 粗砂:coarse sand 砾石:gravel 卵石:cobble 漂石:block海相粘土:marine clay颗粒级配:grain size distribution 湿度:soil moisture 塑限:plastic limit 粘聚力:cohesion塑性指数:plasticity index物理力学指标:physical and mechanical indices 抗剪强度:shear strength岩石抗压强度:comprehensive strength of rock 地基加固:ground stabilization 土壤加固:soil stabilization 挡土墙:retaining wall 胀-缩:swell-shrink 敏感性:susceptibility 膨胀灵敏度:swell sensitivity 超固结土:overconsolidated clay翻译常用英语单词建议:suggest 值:value性质:properties, characteristics 厚度:thickness在论文最后:at the end of the thesis 断定:conclude that---数量:quantity确定:determine拟建:a structure planning to build证实:confirm 住宅楼:dwelling综合办公楼:composite office building 小区:district达到标准:come up to the standards 选择为:be chosen for 核实:make sure 统计:statistics(n)统计数字:statistical figure防治对策:prevention strategic measure 水量丰富:rich in water resources 组分:constituent结果:as a consequence 引起:give rise to地质类词汇岩浆岩:igneous rock变质岩:metamorphic rock 沉积岩:sedimentary 白云岩:dolomite白云质灰岩:dolomitic limestone 凝灰岩:tuff 安山岩:andesite 花岗岩:granite 玄武岩:basalt泥岩:mudstone硅质页岩:siliceous shale 板岩:slate(岩层)走向:strike(岩层)倾角:dip angle(岩层)产状:strike-dip(区域)地质构造:tectogenesistectonic movement 构造活动性:tectonic activity 张节理:tension joint 活断层:active fault 地裂缝:ground fissure 粘土矿物:clay mineral中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 14157—93水文地质术语 Hydrogeologic terminology路桥基勘察:墩:pier桥墩:reinforced concrete bridge piers 高速公路:express highway,expressway 国道:national way 路基:roadbed 路线:route路段:a section of a highway水文地质学 hydrogeology水文地质学原理(普通水文地质学)principles of hydrogeology(general hydrogeology)地下水动力学groundwater dynamics 水文地球化学 hydrogeochemistry专门水文地质学applied hydrogeology 供水水文地质学water supply hydrogeology 矿床水文地质学 mine hydrogeology 土壤改良水文地质学reclamation hydrogeology 环境水文地质学environmental hydrogeology 同位素水文地质学isotopic hydrogeology 区域水文地质学 regional hydrogeology 古水文地质学 pa1eohydrogeology 水循环 water cycle水圈 hydrosphere 岩石圈 lithosphere 包气带 aeration zone 毛细带 capillary zone 饱水带saturated zone地下水动力垂直分带dynamical vertical zoning of groundwater 大气降水atmospheric precipitation 地表水surface water 土壤水 soil water 空隙 void第二篇:工程地质以及水文地质GC工程地质学:是将地质学的原理运用于解决工程地基稳定性问题的一门学科。
水文学与水文地质学英文术语河流阶地:river terrace面源:area source线源:line source点源:point source非点源:non-point source groundwater潜水groundwater artery地下水干道groundwater barrier地下水堡坝groundwater basin地下水盆地groundwater capture地下水袭夺groundwater cascade地下水小瀑布groundwater cement潜水泥groundwater dam地下水坝groundwater discharge地下水排泄groundwater divide地下分水界groundwater flow地下径流groundwater inventory地下水总量目录groundwater level地下水位groundwater mound地下水土丘groundwater province地下水区groundwater recession地下水后退groundwater recession curve地下水后退曲线groundwater reservoir地下水储集groundwater runoff地下径流groundwater simulation地下模拟groundwater spring潜水泉groundwater table地下水位group群exploitable groundwater地下水可开采量groundwater depression cone地下水下降漏斗字段名英文名站码station code站名station name站别station category流域名称basin name水系名称hydrometric net code河流名称river name施测项目码item code of obervation行政区划码administration division code水资源分区码code of water resources regionalization 设站年份year of station establishment设站月份month of station establishment撤站年份year of withdrawal of station撤站月份month of withdrawal of station集水面积drainage area流入何处flowing-to至河口距离distance to river mouth基准基面名称name of fiducial datum领导机关leading agency(administration agency)管理单位administration站址station location东经longitude北纬latitude测站等级grade of hydrometric station报汛等级grade of Flood-Reporting Station备注note站点码station point code站点名station point name测流方法observation method控水目的purpose of control water project控水工程类型control water project type控水工程代码code of control water project控水工程运行规则operation regulation of control water project 推流参数parameter of discharge computation引水点名Location name of pumping排水点名Location name of surface drainage实际最大灌溉面积maximum area of practical irrigation上界站站码station code of upper boundary station至上界站河段长length of reach to upper bound station下界站站码code of lower bound station至下界站河段长length of reach to lower bound station高差基数base of difference in elevation流域水系码codes of hydrographic net of abasin调查资料来源单位office recording investigation data区码code of zone区名zone name区类zone type水体总容量total capacity of water bodies灌溉水田面积area of rice paddy irrigated灌溉面积irrigation area城市人口urban population工业总产值gross industrial output value水库和水闸控制面积drainage area of reservoir or weir or sluice 调查面积investigation area量算地图比例尺scale of measured map连通试验可靠等级reliability rank of connectivity pair test旁证资料可靠等级reliability level of data witness面积成果合理性等级reliability rank of area data直接上级区名zone name of prime at first调查报告编号investigation report number地理包含关系geography contain relation站点类别station point category年year相关站码correlative station code关系标识relationship ID关系说明relationship illustration主断面迁移号migration numbers of main cross section 断面名称cross section name断面位置location of cross section变动年份changed Year变动月份changed month变动日changed day同系列标志series marker变动情况changed conditions水尺名称gage name水尺型式gage type水尺质料material of gage自记台类型type of stage recorder水尺位置location of gage使用情况use condition河段情况river reach circumsta nce图类型graph type图标题graph title图graph MIME类型MIME type水准点编号benchmark number水准点类型benchmark type变动日期date of Setup or change采用基面名称adoption datum name冻结或测站基面以上高程elevation above stationary datum绝对或假定基面以上高程elevation above absolute or arbitrary datum 绝对基面名称name of absolute or arbitrary datum水准点型式benchmark style水准点位置benchmark location引据水准点编号number of benchmark from which elevation is measured 变动原因cause of change工程名称engineering name工程名称代码engineering name code开始蓄水年份begin storing water year开始蓄水月份begining month of storing water校核洪水位check flood stage校核库容check storage capacity of reservoir设计洪水位design flood stage设计库容reservoir capacity corresponding to DSFLZ正常高水位normal high water level正常库容Normal reservoir storage死水位dead pool level死库容dead reservoir capacity溢洪道号spillway number竣工年份completion year竣工月份completion month溢洪道长度spillway length溢洪道堰顶高程elevation of spillway crest溢洪道堰顶宽width of spillway crest溢洪道设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of spillway 闸组号gate group number孔型type of sluice or hole孔数count of sluice or hole孔高sluice or hole height孔宽sluice or hole width设计最大流量maximum designed discharge of sluice or tunnel 翼墙型式wing wall type墩头型式type of pier head of sluice or tunnel堰顶闸底形状shape of weir crest or sluice bed设计灌溉面积design irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel工程地址location of engineering控制面积control area总库容total reservoir capacity最大实灌面积actually irrigated area due to sluice or tunnel 最大实引排水量maximum volume of actual diversion or drainage 仪器口径mouth diameter of rain gauge仪器精度precision of rain gauge记录模式recording mode获值模式sensing mode绝对高程elevation above absolute datum器口离地面高度instrument height above ground非汛期观测段制observation regime in nonflood season汛期观测段制observation regime in flood season蒸发场位置特征character of location of evaporation-gauging 仪器型式type of instrument(equipment)附近地势nearby topography四周障碍物obstacles around station起时间beginning time止时间end time时间time起始日期beginning date旬起始日期beginning date of aperiod of ten days月month日期dat e降水量precipitation降水量注解码remark code of precipitation降水日数number of precipitation days降水日数注解码remark code of number of precipitation days最大降水量maximum precipitation最大降水量时段长maximum precipitation duration最大日降水量maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量注解码remark code of maximum daily precipitation最大日降水量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily precipitation 终霜日期date of frost disappearance初霜日期date of frost appearance终雪日期date of snow disappearance初雪日期date of snow appearance终冰日期date of ice disappearance初冰日期date of ice appearance蒸发器型式type of evaporation equipment水面蒸发量surface evaporation水面蒸发量注解码remark code of evaporation最大日水面蒸发量maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of maximum daily evaporation最大日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of maximum daily evaporation最小日水面蒸发量minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation观测高度observation height气温air temperature气温注解码remark code air temperat ure平均气温average air temperature平均气温注解码remark code of average air temperature最高气温maximum air temperature最高气温注解码remark code of maximum air temperature最高气温日期date of maximum air temperature最低气温minimum air temperature最低气温注解码remark code of minimum air temperature最低气温日期date of minimum air temperature水汽压vapour pressure水汽压注解码remark code of vapour pressure平均水汽压average vapor pressure平均水汽压注解码remark code of average vapor pressure水汽压力差difference of vapour pressure水汽压力差注解码remark code of difference of vapour pressure平均水汽压力差average vapor pressure difference平均水汽压力差注解码remark code of average vapor pressure difference 风速wind velocity风速注解码remark code of wind velocity平均风速average wind velocity平均风速注解码remark code of average wind velocity闸上水位stage in Sluice Upstream闸上水位注解码remark code of upsluice stage闸下水位down sluice stage闸下水位注解码remark code of downsluice stage坝上水位stage behind dam坝上水位注解码remark code of the stage behind dam水位stage水位注解码remark code of stage平均水位average stage平均水位注解码rema rk code of average stage最高水位maximum stage最高水位注解码remark code of maximum stage最高水位日期occurring date of maximum stage最低水位minimum stage最低水位注解码remark code of date of minimum stage最低水位日期date of minimum stage保证率reliability of stage保证率水位reliability stage保证率水位注解码remark code of reliability stage 流量discharge平均流量average discharge平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge 最大流量maximum discharge最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge 最大流量日期date of maximum discharge最小流量minimum discharge最小流量注解码remark code of minimum discharge 最小流量日期date of minimum discharge蓄水量Reservoir Storage径流量runoff径流量注解码remark code of runoff径流模数runoff modulus径流深runoff in depth最大洪量时段长duration of maximum flood volume 最大洪量maximum flood volume泥沙类型sediment type含沙量sediment concentration平均含沙量average sediment concentration平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration最大含沙量maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量注解码remark code of maximum sediment concentration最大含沙量日期date of maximum sediment concentration最小含沙量minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量注解码remark code of minimum sediment concentration最小含沙量日期date of minimum sediment concentration平均输沙率average sediment discharge平均输沙率注解码remark code of average sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率注解码remark code of maximum average of daily sediment discharge最大日平均输沙率出现日期occurring date of maximum average of daily sediment discharge输沙量sediment runoff输沙量注解码remark code of sediment runoff输沙模数sediment runoff modulus采样仪器型号model number of sampling instrument采样效率系数efficiency coefficient of sampling上限粒径upper limit particle size平均沙重百分数average percent of sediment weight中数粒径median particle diameter平均粒径average particle diameter最大粒径maximum particle diameter水温water temperature水温注解码remark code of water temperature平均水温average water temperature平均水温注解码remark code of average water temperature最高水温maximum water temperature最高水温注解码remark code of maximum water temperature最高水温日期occurring date of maximum water temperat ure最低水温minimum water temperature最低水温注解码remark code of minimum water temperature最低水温日期date of minimum water temperature冰情注解码remark code of ice condition河心冰厚ice thickness at river center岸边冰厚Thickness of Border Ice冰上雪深snow depth on ice岸上气温air temperature on bank解冻日期date of ice break up封冻日期ice freeze up date上半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in first half of year 下半年封冻天数number of actual freeze up days in second half of year 终止流冰日期end date of ice run开始流冰日期beginning date of ice run河心最大冰厚maximum ice thickness at river center河心最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of the maximum ice thickness at river center岸边最大冰厚Maximum thickness of border Ice岸边最大冰厚出现日期occurring date of maximum thickness of border ice最大流冰块长度maximum length of ice floe最大流冰块宽度maximum width of ice floe最大流冰块冰速maximum velocity of ice floe断面平均冰速average ice flow velocity at cross section最大冰上雪深maximum snow depth on ice最大冰上雪深出现日期occurring date of maximum snow depth on ice春季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量注解码re mark code of maximum ice discharge in spring春季最大冰流量日期occurring date of ice discharge in spring冬季最大冰流量maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量注解码remark code of occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter冬季最大冰流量日期occurring data of maximum ice discharge in winter春季总冰流量gross ice discharge in spring春季总冰流量注解码remark code of gross ice discharge in spring冬季总冰流量gross ice discharge in winter冬季总冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge in winter年总冰流量yearly total ice discharge年总冰流量注解码remark code yearly total ice discharge平均冰流量average ice discharge平均冰流量注解码remark code of average ice discharge总冰流量total of ice discharge总冰流量注解码remark code of total of ice discharge最大冰流量maximum ice discharge最大冰流量注解码remark code of maximum ice discharge最大冰流量日期date of maximum ice discharge潮别tidal type潮位tidal level潮位注解码remark code of tidal level潮差tidal range历时duration潮流量tidal discharge潮量tidal volume潮输沙率tidal sediment discharge潮输沙量tidal sediment runoff平均高潮潮位average high tidal level平均高潮潮位注解码remark of average high tidal level stage 最高高潮位Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位注解码remark code of Maximum high tidal stage最高高潮位出现时间occurring time of Maximum high tidal stage最低高潮位minimum high tidal stage最低高潮位注解码remark code of minimum high water level最低高潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum high tidal stage平均低潮潮位average low tidal level平均低潮潮位注解码remark of average low tidal level最高低潮位maximum low tidal stage最高低潮位注解码remark code of maxiumm low tidal stage最高低潮位出现时间occurring time of maximum low tidal stage最低低潮位minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位注解码remark code of minimum low tidal stage最低低潮位出现时间occurring time of minimum low tidal stage平均涨潮潮差average of flood tide range平均涨潮潮差注解码remark code of average of flood tide range最大涨潮潮差maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum flood tidal range最大涨潮潮差(高潮)时间time of maximum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal range最小涨潮潮差(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal range 平均落潮潮差average ebb tide range平均落潮潮差注解码remark code of average of ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal range最大落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差注解码remark code of minimum ebb tidal range最小落潮潮差(高潮)时间high water occurring time of minimum ebb tidal range平均涨潮历时average flood tidal duration平均涨潮历时注解码remark code of average of flood tidal range最长涨潮历时maximum flood tidal duration最长涨潮历时注解码remark code of maximum flood tide duration最长涨潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时注解码remark code of minimum flood tidal duration最短涨潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of minimum flood tidal duration平均落潮历时mean ebb tide duration平均落潮历时注解码remark code of mean ebb tide duration最长落潮历时maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时注解码remark code of maximum ebb tidal duration最长落潮历时(高潮)时间high water occurring time of maximum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时注解码r emark code of minimum ebb tidal duration最短落潮历时(高潮)时间high tidal time of Minimum ebb tidal duration 逐时平均潮位hourly average tidal stage逐时平均潮位注解码remark code of hourly average tidal stage平均潮差average tide range平均潮差注解码remark code of yearly average tide range平均历时average tidal duration平均历时注解码remark code of average tidal duration施测日期beginning date of measurement测次号observation number垂线号numbers of typical verticals起点距distance from initial point河底高程river bed elevation河底高程注解码remark code of river bed elevation测时水位stage during observation测时水位注解码remark code of stage during observation垂线方位vertical azimuth断面名称及位置cross section name and location测次说明note引用施测日期date of quoted observation引用测次号number of quoted observation引用起始起点距beginning distance from initial point引用终止起点距end distance from initial point岸别符号bank symbol痕迹类型trace type日day时hour分minute点编号point code点详细位置point detailed location点东经point east longitude点北纬point north latitude点高程point elevation点参数point parameter指认人及印象witness man's impression目击和旁证可靠等级reliability rank of witness痕迹和标志物可靠等级reliability level of trace or flag 估计误差范围estimation error range调查日期investigation date起始年beginning year起始月beginning month起始日beginning day起始时beginning hour起始分beginning minute终止年end year终止月end month终止日end day终止时end hour终止分end minute雨情描述description of rainfall information重现期Recurrence Interval重现期统计截止年cut-off year of statistics of recurrence interval目击和水痕可靠等级reliability rank of witness or trace承雨器障碍物可靠等级reliability level of rain collector barrier before rainfall承雨器雨前可靠等级reliability level of rain collector before rainfall承雨器漫溢渗漏可靠等级reliability level of loss quantity of rain collector seepage or overflow水位可靠等级reliability level of stage推算流量方法method of discharge computation水流边界flow boundary推算流量资料可靠等级reliability level of data used in discharge computation推算流量方法可靠等级reliability level of method of discharge computation推算流量成果合理性等级reliability level of discharge computation次水量water volume of one floo d水情描述description of hydrological information流量施测号数number of discharge observation测流起时间beginning time of flow measurment测流止时间end time of flow measurement测流方法Method of flow measurement基本水尺水位base gage stage流量注解码remark code of discharge断面总面积total of cross section area断面过水面积wetted cross-section area断面面积注解码remark code of cross section area断面平均流速average flow velocity at across-section 断面最大流速maximum flow velocity at across-section 水面宽top width断面平均水深Average water depth at cross section断面最大水深maximum water depth水浸冰冰底宽ice bottom width水浸冰冰底平均水深ice bottom average depth水浸冰冰底最大水深ice bottom maximum depth水面比降surface slope糙率roughness时段类别category of interval水量类别category of water quantity水量water quantity水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity年实测水量占比percent of observation water-quantity in total水量计算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of water quantity水量成果合理性等级fitness rank of water quantity data起时间闸(坝)上水位upstream stage of beginning time起时间闸(坝)上水位注解码remark code of upstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位downstream stage at beginning time起时间闸(坝)下水位注解码remark code of downstream stage of beginning time最大流量出现时间Occurring Time of Maxmum Discharge实测蓄水变量observed water storage调查蓄水变量investigation storage实测灌溉还原水量observed restoring water quantity in irrigation调查灌溉还原水量restoring water quantity of investigation in irrigation水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量surface water runoff catched by level terraced field工业生活还原水量restoring water quantity of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活还原水量observed water quantity of industrial water or domestic water区内除涝排水量water quantity of waterlogging control in zone实测区内除涝排水量observed water quantity of waterlogging control in zone跨流域引水量water quantity of interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水量observed water quantity of interbasin transfer跨区回归水量return flow in cross zone实测跨区回归水量observed return flow in cross zone跨区回归水量测算方法estimation method of return flow in cross zone跨区溃坝水量water quantity of cross zone dam-break实测跨区溃坝水量observed water quantity of cross zone dam-break跨区溃坝水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone dam-break溃坝还原水量restoring water quantity in dam-break跨区分洪水量water quantity of cross zone flood diversion实测跨区分洪水量observed water quantity of cross zone flood diversion跨区分洪水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone flood diversion分洪还原水量restoring water quantity of flood diversion跨区决口水量water quantity of cross zone branching实测跨区决口水量observed water quantity of cross zone branching跨区决口水量测算方法estimation method of water quantity of cross zone branching决口还原水量restoring water quantity of bursting暗河交换水量exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量估算方法method of estimating exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量参证站相似程度similar level of bench-mark station of exchanged water volume between underground rivers暗河交换水量平衡程度balance level of exchange water between underground rivers跨区渗漏水量water quantity of cross zone seepage浅层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater实测浅层地下水还原水量observe drestoring water quantity of shallow underground water浅层地下水还原水量测算方法estimation method of restoring water quantity of shallow groundwater深层地下水还原水量restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater实测深层地下水还原水量observed restoring water quantity of deep layer underground water深层地下水还原水量测算方法restoring water quantity of deep-layer groundwater泉水出露量capacity of spring总进水量total inflow runoff总出水量total outflow runoff降水总量precipitation蒸散发总量total evapotranspiration蓄水水面蒸发增损水量water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface出口水体起时间水位stage of overflow water body at beginning time出口水体起时间蓄水量storage of overflow water body at beginning time输沙率施测号数number of sediment discharge observation测沙起时间beginning time of sediment concentration measurement测沙止时间end time of sediment concentration measurement测沙断面位置location of cross section for sediment concentration measurement取样方法sampling method断面平均含沙量average sediment concentration at cross-section断面平均含沙量注解码remark code of average sediment concentration at cross section单样含沙量index sediment concentration单样含沙量测验方法observational method of index sediment concentration悬移质输沙率suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率注解码remark code of suspended sediment discharge推移质输沙率bed load sediment discharge推移质输沙率注解码remark code of bed load sediment discharge单样推移质输沙率index bed load sediment discharge推移质平均底速average velocity of bed load推移带宽度width of bed load sediment discharge断面平均单宽输沙率average sediment discharge in unit width at cross section垂线最大输沙率maximum vertical sediment discharge垂线最大输沙率相应起点距distance of maximum vertical sediment discharge from initial point单断沙码code of index or cross sectional sediment起始施测号begin observation number终止施测号end observation number取样起时间beginning time of sampling取样止时间end time of sampling沙重百分数sediment weight percent最大颗粒重量sediment maximum particle weight最大颗粒起点距distance from initial point where measuring the maximum particle平均沉速mean settling velocity施测水温water temperature at measurement粒径分析方法analysis method of particle side注解码remark code沙量类别category of silt-quantity沙量silt-quantity沙量测算方法estimation method of silt-quantity年实测沙量占比percent of observation silt-quantity in total沙量测算方法可靠等级reliability level of estimation method of silt-quantity沙量成果合理性等级reliability level of silt-quantity data水量资料可靠等级reliability level of water quantity source冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt实测冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt灌溉挟沙量silt-quantity taked through irrigation实测灌溉挟沙量observed sediment discharge of irrigation工业生活挟沙量sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water实测工业生活挟沙量observed sediment discharge of industrial water or domestic water跨流域引水挟沙量silt-quantity taked through interbasin transfer实测跨流域引水挟沙量observed sediment quantity taked by interbasin transfer溃坝冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in dam-break实测溃坝冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour-silt in dam-break分洪冲淤量sediment quantity of scour-silt in flood diversion实测分洪冲淤量observed silt-quantity of scour or sedimentation in flood diversion决口冲淤量degrada tion or sedimentation in bursting实测决口冲淤量observed sediment quantity of scour-silt in branching总进沙量total inflow silt-quantity总出沙量total outflow silt-quantity测次起时间beginning time of observation测次止时间end time of observation测验断面位置location of cross section冰流量ice discharge冰流量注解码remark code of ice discharge断面平均疏密度average ice compaction at cross section断面平均冰厚或冰花厚average depth of ice or frazil slush at cross section敞露水面宽open water width断面平均冰花密度density of frazil slush at cross section冰花折算系数adjustment factor of frazil slush测流断面位置location of cross section代表垂线平均流速average velocity on typical vertical潮流量注解码remark code of tidal discharge代表垂线号number of typical velocity vertical代表垂线流速velocity of typical vertical潮流期编号number of duration of tidal current潮流期起时间beginning time of duration of tidal current潮流期止时间end time of duration of tidal current测流前低潮潮位low tidal level before flow measurement测流前低潮潮位出现时间Occuring time of the low tidal level before flow measurement高潮潮位high tidal level高潮潮位出现时间occurring time of high tidal level低潮潮位low tidal level低潮潮位出现时间occurring time of low tidal level开始落憩潮位tidal level at beginning of ebb slack tide涨潮憩流潮位flood slack tidal stage涨潮憩流潮位出现时间occurring time of flood slack tide终止落憩潮位tidal stage at end of ebb slack tide涨潮潮差flood tidal range涨潮最大流速maximum velocity of flood tide涨潮潮量flood tidal volume涨潮潮量注解码remark code of flood tidal volume涨潮潮流历时flood tidal current duration涨潮平均流量average discharge of flood tide涨潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of flood tide 落潮潮差ebb tide range落潮最大流速maximum velocity of ebb tide落潮潮量ebb tidal volume落潮潮量注解码remark code of ebb tidal volume落潮潮流历时ebb tidal current duration落潮平均流量average discharge of ebb tide落潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of ebb tide 净泄量net outflow volume开闸时间opening gate time关闸时间closing gate time开闸前稳定水位stable stage before sluicing闸上最高水位Maximum stage in Sluice Upstream闸上最低水位Minimum stage in Sluice Upstream闸下水位Stage in Sluice Downstream水位差stage difference有效潮差effec tive tidal range一潮总水量total water volume of single tide一潮总水量注解码remark code of total water volume of single tide 一潮历时duration of single tide一潮平均流量average discharge of single tide一潮平均流量注解码remark code of average discharge of single tide 一潮最大流量maximum discharge of single tide一潮最大流量注解码remark code of maximum discharge of single tide 自变量名name of independent variable自变量值value of independent variable调查报告标题investigation report title调查项目investigation item调查年份investigation year编写年份redaction year调查单位investigation office主编单位Chief editorial unit调查报告内容investigation report contents调查报告格式investigation report format表标识table ID时间残缺记录编号number of time deformity record字段标识field identifier取值value率定次序号serial number of rating闸上水头head in Sluice Upstream闸下水头Head in Sluice Downstream闸门开启平均高度operation height of gate opening闸门开启平均高度注解码remark code of operation height of gate opening 闸门开启孔数count of operation gate opening闸门开启总宽total width of gate-openings平均堰宽average width of weir闸孔过水面积are aof wetted cross section of gate openings实测流量observed discharge实测流量注解码remark code of observed discharge流态flow regime流量计算公式编号formula number of discharge calculation流量系数discharge coefficient流量系数注解码remark code of discharge coefficient水闸型式weir and sluice type翼墙形式wing wall type平均引水角average driving angle闸上河宽upsluice river width闸下河宽river width in sluice downstream闸门型式weir gate type闸底高程elevation of sluice bottom堰顶高程elevation of weir crest堰顶形状shape of weir crest总孔数total number of gate openings单孔宽single gate opening width of weir gate单孔宽注解码remark code of gate opening width of weir gate 平均孔宽average of gate opening width总孔宽total width of gate opening闸门高度gate height平均开度average gate opening height闸墩厚thickness of pier机组号group number of machines站上水位upstation stage站下水位downstation stage站上水头upstation head开机功率electric power generated or consumed开机台数count of machines in operation开机叶片角度vane angle of machines in operation叶轮直径impeller diameter实际转速practical speed of revo lution出水阀过水面积wetted area of outlet valve效率计算公式编号formula number of efficiency calculation 效率值efficiency value效率值注解码remark code of efficiency value机型machine type装机台数count of machine出水管路断面面积wetted area of pipe line cross section标定转速rated speed of revolution单机额定功率single rated power单机设计流量single design discharge设计扬程design lift驼峰底高hump bottom elevation起排水位begining pumping stage关系线类别relation curve category线号curve number因变量名dependent variable定线数据起时间beginning time of the data for determining arelation curve定线数据止时间end time of routing location data定线数据下限自变量值routing location lower limit independent variable定线数据上限自变量值routing location upper limit independent variable线参数表达式curve parameter expression关系图名chart name适用期起时间beginning time of application适用期止时间end time of application定线点据总数amount of points for determining arelation curve定线方法method of determining arelation curve系统误差systematic error随机不确定度random error线上采样点编号curve sample point number采样点自变量值curve sample point independent variable 采样点因变量值curve sample point dependent variable 计量单位unit name记录定位标识record location identifier原值original value改正值corrected value处理日期date of correction处理情况说明correction explanation入库标识identifier of reservoir inflow注解符号remark symbol ASCII值numeric ASCII Code注解符号类型remark symbol type注解含义meaning of remark表号table number表中文名table name in Chinese表英文名table name in English字段中文名field name in Chinese字段英文名field name in English字段类型及长度field type and field length空值属性attribute of"null"。
1、水的重要性Water is the best known and most abundant of all chemical compounds occurring in relatively pure form on the earth's surface. Oxygen, the most abundant chemical element, is present in combination with hydrogen to the extent of 89 percent in water. Water covers about three fourths of the earth's surface and permeates cracks of much solid land. The polar regions are overlaid with vast quantities of ice, and the atmosphere of the earth carries water vapor in quantities from 0.1 percent to 2 percent by weight. It has been estimated that the amount of water in the atmosphere above a square mile of land on a mild summer day is of the order of 50,000 tons.在地球表面以相对纯的形式存在的一切化合物中,水是人们最熟悉、最丰富的一种化合物。
地质英语论文Title:Orthomagmatic ore depositsOne.Orthomagmatic ore depositsThe magma contains a certain number of metal and volatile components of the silicate melt. All kinds of magma after crystallization and differentiation, make the forming materials dispersed in the magma gathered and formed deposits.And this deposits is called magmatic deposits.Magmatic deposits formed in the magmatic stage, the source of the material of the deposit is the main ore-bearing magma.Magmatic deposits is the product of the magma by crystallization and differentiation, and generally have the following properties:1、Deposits have the mainly relationship with the mafic and ultramafic rocks.And a small number of magmatic deposits with alkaline rocks or magmatic carbonatite-related. Mineralization and diagenesis often begin at the same time.And this is typical of syngenetic ore deposits. Few mineralization of the magmatic deposits may be continued to a later time, but generally does not exceed a total period of magmatic activity.2、The magmatic deposits ore body majority presentstratiform,stratiform, lenticular and podiform and so on.And they produced in the magma body,and the wall rock of containing ore is the mother rock.Few cases,orebody presenting vein and stockwork enter the wall rock which outside of the mother rock.Between the ore body and the wall rock generally is gradual change or rapid gradual change relationship,.Only penetration magmatic deposits have the clear boundaries with the wall rock.3、Except the rare and rare earth elements deposits of the magmatic carbonatite due to special causes have some alteration about the wall rock,the vast majority of magmatic deposits surrounding rock does not have a significant alteration phenomenon.4、The ore and the wall rock basically have the same mineral composition, when the useful minerals of the rock body aggregate and reach a certain size,they become the orebody.5、The ore of magmatic deposits often have,disseminated,thebanded,eye porphyritic,dense massive,brecciated and so on,ore structure.The ores structure can be broadly divided into the following categories: I.Structure sub-the different magmatic condensate crystalline or stacking interactions; II.Reflect the structure of the immiscible fluid crystallization process III.Reflect the changes in the structure of the physical and chemical conditions.IV.Epigenetic structure.6、The magmatic deposits forming temperature is high, generally between 1200 to 700 ° C. The mineralization depth changes,generally formed in the ground a few kilometers to tens of kilometers.Tow.The formation conditions of magmatic depositsMagma deposits are mainly derived from the magma, it is the combined effects of the product by a variety of geological factors, which playing a leading role is the geochemistry of ore-forming elements traits, the magmatic rock conditions, tectonic conditions and physical and chemical conditions and so on.1、Control the conditions of magmatic rocks formed by magmatic depositsMagma is the main provider of the metallogenic material of the magmatic deposits and the medium of containing mineralmedium.Therefore,how much of the content of useful components of magma is the possibility of the formation of magmatic deposits.I.Magmatic rocks metallogenic specializationMetallogenic specialization of magmatic rocks in the genesis of magmatic rocks with endogenous deposits showed regular contact, and specific types of magmatic rocks are often produced specific types of deposits.a)With mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks related depositsMafic and ultramafic rock is the complex igneous complex formed by the combination of a variety of rock types, rock types from a single rock composed of rock mass is relatively rare.The size of the rock mass ranging mostly small,and rock strains, rock cover, rock, bedrock is the most common form of the rock mass. With facies and the different combinations,the mafic and ultramafic rocks can be divided into three types.b)Mineral deposits associated with syenite, nepheline syenite and carbonate igneous complexRelating to magmatic deposits of these rocks are mostly produced with the form of rock strain,the different components of rock mass facies zone often has ring distribution.II.The role of the volatile components in the magmaThe magma volatile components have the low melting point,highly volatile and they can delay the condensation rate of the magma, make the magma have more fully differentiation.III.Magmatic assimilation have an influence on the mineralization of the magma DepositsIV.Beyond one period of magma intrusion on control of the mineralization2、Tectonic conditions that control the formation of magmatic depositsTectonics have a major impact on the type of magmatic deposits, distribution, the most magmatic deposits associated with mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks on the Causes and space. Mafic and ultramafic magma formed by partial melting of mantle material,so the deep fault cuts through the crust to reach the upper mantle have a strict control effect on the mafic, ultramafic rocks and magmatic deposits which have some relationship with them.Three.Magmatic deposits formation and its characteristics1、The process of the magma’s useful components analysis, aggregation and positioning is called magmatic mineralization. Because the magmatic deposits mafic - ultramafic petrogenesis process is very complex, the mineralization also is varied.According to the way and feature of the mineralization,magmatic mineralization can be divided into four categories,the crystallization differentiation mineralization, melting away from the mineralization the magma eruption mineralization and magma eruption mineralization.When magma is condensed, with the temperature gradually decreased, the various mineral sequentially from which crystallized out, result in magma changing,and the magma changes in the composition promote the crystallization of certain components, liking magma composition changed with the crystallization process is called crystallization differentiation.2、Magmatic liquation mineralization and liquation deposit Magmatic liquation, also known as liquid separation action or immiscibility, refers to the the uniform composition magma melt with decreasing temperature and pressure separated into two components of different melt role.3、Magmatic eruptions and effusive the Mineralization its deposit Magma outbreak mineralization kimberlite magma, together with early crystallized olivine, pyrope, diamond crystals and xenoliths along deep faults,and rise rapidly emplaced at the surface produce 2 to 3 kilometers outbreak and the role of the deposit is formed.The magmatic eruption mineralization is the ore-bearing lava spray overflow to the surface or penetration into the crater near volcanic series along certain channels, the the condensate accumulation of deposit formation. Formed deposits called magma eruption deposits.Four.Implications for researchMagmatic deposits having very important industrial significance,most of chromium, nickel, platinum group elements as well as a substantial portion of iron, copper, titanium, cobalt, phosphorus, niobium, tantalum and rare earth elements and other deposits are all from magmatic deposits in the world. Mineralization conditions, the genesis of magmatic deposits and distribution law is of great significance.题目:岩浆矿床一、岩浆矿床岩浆是含有一定数量金属及挥发性组分的硅酸盐熔融体。
阐述expound(explain), state引入introduce into相应的corresponding概念conception概论overview概率probability概念化conceptualize宏观的macroscopic补充complement规划plan证明demonstrate, certify, attest证实confirmation补偿compensate, make up, imburse算法algorithm判别式discriminant有限元方法finite element method(FEM)样本单元法sample element method(SEM)赤平投影法stereographic projection method(SPM)赤平投影stereographic projection干扰位移法interference displacement method(IDM)干扰能量法interference energy method(IEM)条分法method of slices极限平衡法limit equilibrium method界面元法boundary element method模拟simulate计算程序computer program数值分析numerical analysis计算工作量calculation load解的唯一性uniqueness of solution多层结构模型laminated model非线性nonlinear横观各向同性lateral isotropy各向同性isotropy各向异性anisotropy非均质性heterogeneity边界条件boundary condition本构方程constitutive equation初始条件initial condition初始状态rest condition岩土工程geotechnical engineering,土木工程civil engineering 基础工程foundation engineering最不利滑面the most dangerous slip surface交替alternate控制论cybernetics大量现场调查mass field surveys组合式combined type相互作用interaction稳定性评价stability evaluation均质性homogeneity介质medium层layer, stratum组构fabric1地形地貌geographic and geomorphic工程地质条件engineering geological conditions地形地貌条件geographic and geomorphic conditions地形land form地貌geomorphology, relief微地貌microrelief地貌单元landform unit, geomorphic unit坡度grade地形图relief map河谷river valley河道river course河床river bed(channel)冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully, stream(brook)河漫滩floodplain(valley flat)阶地terrace冲积平原alluvial plain三角洲delta古河道fossil river course, fossil stream channel冲积扇alluvial fan洪积扇diluvial fan坡积裙talus apron分水岭divide盆地basin岩溶地貌karst land feature, karst landform溶洞solution cave, karst cave落水洞sinkhole土洞Karstic earth cave2地层岩性地层geostrome (stratum, strata)岩性lithologic character, rock property 岩体rock mass岩层bed stratum岩层layer, rock stratum母岩matrix, parent rock相变facies change硬质岩strong rock, film软质岩weak rock硬质的competent软质的incompetent基岩bedrock岩组petrofabric覆盖层overburden交错层理cross bedding层面bedding plane片理schistosity层理bedding板理(叶理)foliation波痕ripple-mark泥痕mud crack雨痕raindrop imprints造岩矿物rock-forming minerals粘土矿物clay mineral高岭土kaolinite蒙脱石montmorillonite伊利石illite云母mica白云母muscovite黑云母biotite石英quartz长石feldspar正长石orthoclase斜长石plagioclase辉石pyroxene, picrite角闪石hornblende方解石calcite构造structure结构texture组构fabric(tissue)矿物组成mineral composition结晶质crystalline非晶质amorphous产状attitude 火成岩igneous岩浆岩magmatic rock火山岩(熔岩)lava火山volcano侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock 喷出岩effusive rock深成岩plutonic rock浅成岩pypabysal rock酸性岩acid rock中性岩inter-mediate rock基性岩basic rock超基性岩ultrabasic rock岩基rock base (batholith)岩脉(墙)dike岩株rock stock岩流rock flow岩盖rock laccolith (laccolite)岩盆rock lopolith岩墙rock dike岩床rock sill岩脉vein dyke花岗岩granite斑岩porphyry玢岩porphyrite流纹岩rhyolite正长岩syenite粗面岩trachyte闪长岩diorite安山岩andesite辉长岩gabbro玄武岩basalt细晶岩aplite伟晶岩pegmatite煌斑岩lamprophyre辉绿岩diabase橄榄岩dunite黑曜岩obsidian浮岩pumice火山角砾岩vulcanic breccia火山集块岩volcanic agglomerate 凝灰岩tuff沉积岩sedimentary rock碎屑岩clastic rock粘土岩clay rock粉砂质粘土岩silty claystone化学岩chemical rock生物岩biolith砾岩conglomerate角砾岩breccia砂岩sandstone石英砂岩quartz sandstone粉砂岩siltstone钙质粉砂岩calcareous siltstone泥岩mudstone页岩shale盐岩saline石灰岩limestone白云岩dolomite泥灰岩marl泥钙岩argillo-calcareous泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous砂质arenaceous泥质argillaceous硅质的siliceous有机质organic matter粗粒coarse grain中粒medium-grained沉积物sediment (deposit)漂石、顽石boulder卵石cobble砾石gravel砂sand粉土silt粘土clay粘粒clay grain砂质粘土sandy clay粘质砂土clayey sand壤土、亚粘土loam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土sandy loam浮土、表土regolith (topsoil)黄土loess红土laterite泥灰peat软泥ooze淤泥mire, oozed mud, sludge, warp clay 冲积物(层)alluvion冲积的alluvial洪积物(层)proluvium, diluvium, diluvion 洪积的diluvial坡积物(层)d eluvium残积物(层)e luvium残积的eluvial风积物(层)e olian deposits湖积物(层)l ake deposits海积物(层)m arine deposits冰川沉积物(层)glacier (drift)deposits崩积物(层)colluvial deposits, colluvium 残积粘土residual clay变质岩metamorphic rock板岩slate千枚岩phyllite片岩schist片麻岩gneiss石英岩quartzite大理岩marble糜棱岩mylonite混合岩migmatite碎裂岩cataclasite3地质构造地质构造geologic structure结构构造structural texture大地构造geotectonic构造运动tectogenesis造山运动orogeny升降运动vertical movement水平运动horizontal movement完整性perfection(integrity)起伏度waviness尺寸效应size effect围压效应confining pressure effect产状要素elements of attitude产状attitude, orientation走向strike倾向dip倾角dip angle, angle of dip褶皱fold褶曲fold单斜monocline向斜syncline背斜anticline穹隆dome挤压squeeze上盘upper section下盘bottom wall, footwall, lower wall 断距separation相交intersect断层fault正断层normal fault逆断层reversed fault平移断层parallel fault层理bedding, stratification微层理light stratification地堑graben地垒horst, fault ridge断层泥gouge, pug, selvage, fault gouge擦痕stria, striation断裂fracture破碎带fracture zone节理joint节理组joint set裂隙fissure, crack微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic fissure劈理cleavage原生裂隙original joint次生裂隙epigenetic joint张裂隙tension joint剪裂隙shear joint卸荷裂隙relief crack裂隙率fracture porosity结构类型structural pattern岩体结构rock mass structure岩块block mass结构体structural element块度blockness结构面structural plane软弱结构面weak plane临空面free face碎裂结构cataclastic texture板状结构platy structure薄板状lamellose块状的lumpy, massive层状的laminated巨厚层giant thick-laminated薄层状的finely laminated软弱夹层weak intercalated layer夹层inter bedding,intercalated bed, interlayer, intermediate layer 夹泥层clayey intercalation夹泥inter-clay连通性connectivity切层insequent影响带affecting zone完整性integrity n.Integrate v. & a.degree of integrality破碎crumble胶结cement泥化argillization尖灭taper-out错动diastrophism错动层面faulted bedding plane断续的intermittent破碎crumble共轭节理conjugated joint散状loose透镜状的lens-shaped a.岩石碎片crag岩屑cuttings, debris薄膜membrane, film层理stratification高角度high dip angle缓倾角low dip angle反倾anti-dip互层interbed v.Interbedding n.起伏的unplanar波状起伏的undulate, undulating粒径particle size构造层tectonosphere挤压compression均一的homogeneous剪切错动面shear faulted, bedding zone切割dissection切割的dissected致密close, compact构造岩tectonite糜棱岩mylonite断层角砾岩fault breccia方解石脉calcite vein碎块岩clastic rock角砾breccia岩粉rock powder岩屑debris, debry固结consolidation定向排列oriented spread构造应力tectonic stress残余应力residual stress4水文地质条件hydrogeological conditions水文循环hydrologic cycle大气圈atmosphere水圈hydrosphere岩石圈geosphere地表径流surface runoff地下径流subsurface runoff流域valley, drainage basin流域面积drainage area, river basin area汇水面积catchment area地下水ground water, subsurface water 地表水surface water大气水atmospheric water气态水aqueous (vapour) water液态水liquid water固态水solid water上层滞水perched water潜水phreatic water承压水confined water吸着水hygroscopic (adsorptive) water介质medium空隙void孔隙水压力pore water pressure渗透压力osmotic pressure, seepage force 扬压力uplift pressure静水压力hydrostatic pressure外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure动水压力hydrodynamic pressure渗透力seepage pressure外水压力external water pressure内水压力internal water pressure水力联系hydraulic interrelation水力折减系数hydraulic reduction coefficient水头损失water head loss渗透途径filtration path, seepage path渗透系数penetration coefficient潜水位water table level水位water level, stage level水头water head含水层aquifer弱含水层(弱透水层)aquitard滞水层aquiclude透水层permeable layer, pervious layer不透水层(隔水层)aquifuge, impervious layer,impermeable layer, aquiclude 潜水含水层phreatic aquifer承压含水层confined aquifer, artesian aquifer承压面bearing surface潜水面phreatic surface, water table浸润线phreatic curve不透水边界impervious boundary地下分水岭groundwater ridge粘滞性viscosity富水性abundance透水性(渗透性)permeability淋滤(溶滤作用)lixiviation, leaching反滤层inverted gravel filter水锈incrustation渗滴seep饱和saturation, saturated潜水位变化带zone of variable phreatic level气象因素meteorological factor饱水带zone of saturation包气带aeration zone, zone of aeration包气带水aeration zone water上层滞水perched water孔隙水pore water裂隙水fissure water岩溶水karstic water结合水bound water, combined water吸着水hydroscopic water薄膜水pellicular water毛细水capillary water重力水gravitational water凝结水condensation water地下水埋藏条件condition of groundwater occurrence地下水埋藏深度depth of groundwater occurrence压水试验packer permeability test抽水试验pumping test5物理力学性质物理力学physical mechanics n.Physico-mechanical a.屈服准则yield criteria米赛斯屈服准则Von Mises yield criteria朗肯土压力理论Ranking’s earth pres sure theory剑桥模型Cambridge model, Cam-model邓肯-张模型Duncan-chang model本构方程constitutive equation局部剪切破坏l ocal shear failure整体剪切破坏g eneral shear failure岩体完整性指数intactness index of rock mass安全系数factor of safety埋深embedment depth试件coupons挠度deflection里氏震级Richter scale设计烈度design intensity基本烈度basic intensity场地烈度site intensity地震烈度seismic intensity, intensity scale卓越周期predominant period持力层sustained yield超载surcharge围岩压力surrounding rock stress附加压力superimposed stress应力松弛stress relaxation应力路迳stress path卸荷unload渗透率specific permeability饱和度degree of saturation含水量moisture content平均粒径mean diameter颗粒grain, granule, particle颗粒级配distribution of grain-size,grain composition, size distribution级配graduation,grain-size distribution, gradation, grading 粒度coarseness grain size, granularity, lump 不均匀系数coefficient of non-uniformity,variation coefficient, variation factor颗粒分级gradation, size grading孔隙水pore water孔隙比void ratio (ration)空隙率air voids孔隙率porosity裂隙率crackity溶隙率karstity密度density重度unit weight, bulk weight浮重度buoyant unit weight折减系数reduction factor压力消散dissipation of pressure抗力系数coefficient of resistance软化系数softening coefficient含水量water content稠度consistency塑限plastic limit液限liquid limit塑性指数plasticity index液性指数liquidity index流变rheological蠕变creep塑性plastic脆性brittleness(fragility)粘性stickness刚性rigidity弹性的elastic粘弹性viso-elasticity弹塑性elasto-plasticity压缩性compressibility均质性homogeneity非均质性nonhomogeneity (heterogeneity)各向同性isotropy各向异性anisotropy总应力total stress有效应力effective stress超孔隙水压力excess pore pressure孔隙水压力pore water pressure抗压强度compressive strength抗拉强度tensile strength抗剪强度shear strength不排水抗剪强度undrained shear strenght峰值抗剪强度p eak share strength长期抗剪强度l ong-term shear strength残余抗剪强度r esidual shear strength负摩擦力negative skin friction, dragdown摩擦角angle of friction内摩擦角angle of internal friction外摩擦角angle of external friction内聚力cohesion粘聚力cohesion假凝聚力pseudo-cohesion粘着力adhesion摩尔圆Mohr’s circle包络线envelope休止角angle of repose,angle of friction(repose, rest), repose angle峰值peak模量modulus弹性模量modulus of elasticity,Young’s modulus, elastic modulus 压缩模量modulus of compressibility变形模量modulus of deformation卸荷模量unloading modulus切线模量tangent modulus剪切模量shear modulus割线模量secant modulus旁压模量pressurmeter modulus泊松比poisson’s ration固结consolidation固结系数coefficient of consolidation固结度degree of consolidation超固结比over consolidation ration应变strain压缩比compressibility ratio压缩系数coefficient of compressibility压缩指数compression index初始曲线virgin curve正常固结土normally consolidated soil欠固结土under-consolidated soil超固结土over-consolidated soil被动土压力passive earth pressure主动土压力active earth pressure静止土压力earth pressure at rest覆盖压力overburden pressure初始应力initial stress地应力场ground(geostatic) stress field有效应力effective stress动应力dynamic stress动荷载dynamic load偏心荷载eccentric loads 循环荷载inclined loads地应力ground stress, geostatic stress 初始应力initial stress应力场stress field纵波longitudinal wave液化势liquefaction potential液化指数liquefaction index交角angular岩石抗力系数c oefficient of rock resistance容许承载力allowable bearing capacity临塑压力critical pressure接触压力contact pressure6工程地质问题工程地质问题engineering geological problem 定性评价qualitative estimate定量评价quantitative estimate极限平衡法limit equilibrium method不良地质现象unfavorable geological condition 风化weathering变形deformation位移displacement不均匀位移differential movement相对位移relative displacement沉陷settlement山崩avalanche, toppling崩塌toppling, toppling collapse滑坡、地滑creep, slide切层滑坡insequent landslide深层滑坡deep slide浅层滑坡shallow slide顺层滑坡consequent landslide滑动面sliding surface, sliding plane, slip surface 滑动带sliding zone滑床slide bed滑坡体slide(sliding) mass古滑坡fossil landslide推移式滑坡slumping slide牵引式滑坡retrogressive slide管涌piping, internal erosion渗漏leakage流砂quicksand渗流seepage液化liquefaction7工程勘察engineering investigation工程地质勘察e ngineering geology investigation岩土工程勘察g eotechnical investigation工程地质条件e ngineering geological condition工程地质评价e ngineering geological evaluation勘测survey岩芯采取率core recovery, core extraction岩芯获得率RQD(岩石质量指标)rock quality designation程序(步骤)p rocedure勘察阶段investigational stage选点踏勘reconnaissance初步设计primary design初步规划preliminary scheme初步勘探preliminary prospecting初步踏勘ground reconnaissance可行性研究阶段feasibility stage初步设计阶段p reliminary stage施工阶段construction sage踏勘reconnaissance, inspection地质测绘geological survey工程地质测绘e ngineering geological mapping钻探borehole operation, boring物探geophysical exploration洞探exploratory adits钎探rod sounding坑探exploring mining槽探trenching天然建材调查natural materials surveying (examination)岩土工程勘察报告geotechnical investigation report鉴定identification, appraisal鉴定书expertise report鉴定人identifier, surveyor校核verification总监chief inspector比例proportion地形图geographic map地貌图geomorphological map地质图geological map工程地质图engineering geological map实测地质剖面图field-acquired geological profile(section)构造地质图geological structure map第四纪地质图quarternary geological map地质详图detail map of geology地质柱状图geologic columnar section, geologic log 钻孔柱状图logs of bore hole纵剖面图longitudinal section横剖面图cross section展示图reveal detail map节理玫瑰图rose of joints基岩等高线bed rock contour层底等高线contour of stratum bottom岩层界线strata boundary岩面高程elevation of bed rock surface坐标coordinate分层bed separation地质点geological observation point勘探点exploratory point (spot)勘探线exploratory line勘探孔exploration hole平洞adit竖井riser, shaft, vertical shaft探槽exploratory trench探井exploratory pit钻孔borehole, drill hole机钻孔ordinary drill hole套钻孔sleeve drill hole管钻孔pipe drill hole岩芯core岩芯钻探core drilling回转钻探(进)rotary drilling冲击钻探churn drilling, percussion drilling钢砂钻探shot drilling铁砂钻进iron shot drilling跟管钻进follow-down drilling振动钻进vibro-boring, vibro-drilling泥浆钻探mud flush drilling金刚石钻进diamond drilling单动式single acting双层double layer空气钻探air flush drilling钻机drilling rig钻头drill bit, drilling bit螺旋钻头auger勺钻spoon bit冲击钻头percussion bit, chopping bit桶式钻头bucket auger钻杆drill rod套管casing岩芯管core barrel冲洗掖flush fluid正循环冲洗direct circulation反循环冲洗reverse circulation泥浆mud, slurry泥皮mud cake护壁dado止水seal, water seal扫孔cleaning bottom of hole钻进drilling平硐adit竖井shaft钻探drilling boring8工程地质试验击实试验compaction test压缩试验compression test固结试验consolidation test单轴试验uniaxial compression test现场剪切试验in-situ shear test单剪试验simple shear test直剪试验direct shear test慢剪试验slow test单剪试验simple shear test快剪试验quick test三轴剪切试验triaxial shear test三轴压缩试验triaxial compression test动三轴试验dynamic triaxial test不固结不排水剪试验unconsolidated undrained test(quick test) 固结不排水剪试验consolidated undrained test(consolidated quick test)固结排水试验consolidated drained test(slow test)原位测试in-situ test现场监测on-site(in-site) monitoring现场检测on-site (in-site) inspection观测孔observation borehole静力触探试验cone penetration test,static penetration test, static cone test标贯试验standard penetration test十字板剪切试验vane shear test, vane test检层法up-hole method, borehole method旁压试验pressuremeter test动力触探试验dynamic penetration test, dynamic sounding点荷载试验point load test岩石试验rock test应力解除法stress relief method应力恢复法stress recovery method套孔法over-coring method9岩土体加固掌子面breast, driving face,heading face, tunnel face顶拱vault底拱invert洞室开挖excavation超挖overbreak风钻pneumatic drill开挖断面excavated section塌落slump细骨料混凝土c oncrete made with fine aggregate细骨料fine aggregate, fine adjustment料场stock ground土料earth material矿渣cinder, mineral water residue, scoria, slag性能function, performance, property, nature凝结coagulate, congeal, congealment, coagulation 合格qualified, on test, up to standard初凝initial set初凝时间initial setting time终凝final set配合比mix proportion塌落度slump水化热heat of hydration,hydration heat, setting heat水灰比water-cement ratio粉煤灰fly ash梅花状quincuncial pattern喷射shotcrete浇注pouring钢筋网coiremesh加固reinforce锚杆anchored bar, rock bolt锚索anchored cable锚紧端anchor station锚桩anchored peg采石场rock quarry开挖excavation清基cleanup foundation明挖open-cut爆破explosion光面爆破smooth blasting预裂法 presplitting10 水工概论坝址toe of dam坝踵heel坝段monolith坝顶crest坝肩shoulders左坝肩left dam abutment副坝saddle dam三坝址the third dam site标高height mark上游水位headwater正常库水位normal reservoir level地下洞室underground opening (tunnel)压力隧洞pressure tunnel无压隧洞gravity tunnel交通洞access tunnel灌浆洞grouting tunnel明流洞free-flow tunnel孔板洞orifice tunnel排砂洞sediment tunnel尾水洞tailrace tunnel排水洞drainage tunnel导流洞diversion tunnel隧道tunnel围岩surrounding rock, ambient rock 围岩应力secondary stress static应力集中stress concentrate覆盖层over burden冒顶cave in, roof fall底鼓bottom heave回弹rebound岩爆rock burst冻结法freezing method超载over break衬砌lining围堰cofferdam堤dike近坝岸坡abutments施工(收缩)缝construction joint心墙core截水墙cutoff wall防渗墙diaphragm wall排水井drainage wells排水幕drainage curtain减压井relief wells反滤层filter zone灌浆材料grout水力劈裂hydraulic fracturing帷幔线curtain line上游围堰upstream cofferdam混凝土防渗墙concrete cutoff wall截流interim completion导水墙channel training wall正常溢洪道渠首工程service spillway headwork 消力塘lined plunge pool隔墙divider walls混凝土护坦concrete apron副厂房auxiliary power house闸门室gate chamber中闸室mid gate chamber开关站switch yard电梯井elevator shaft尾水渠tail race非常溢洪道emergency spillway11桥梁及基础工程江阴大桥Jiangyin Bridge悬索桥suspension bridge锚碇anchorage重力式嵌岩锚gravity socketed anchorage北锚碇前(后)锚面front(back) surface of northern anchorage 塔墩tower墩pier散索鞍splay saddle猫道footbridge主缆main cable索股cable strand主鞍main saddle, tower saddle主跨main span边跨side span引桥approach钢箱梁steel box main girder埋深embedment depth北塔墩基础north tower base基础foundation, footing浅基础shallow foundation深基础deep foundation联合基础combined footing筏形基础raft(mat) foundation钢模steel form桩pile基桩foundation pile群桩pile groups桩基础pile foundation桩承台pile cap高桩承台high-rise pile cap低桩承台buried pile cap摩擦桩friction pile端承桩end bearing pile嵌岩桩socketed pile板桩sheet pile旋喷桩jet-grouted pile灌注桩cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩driven cast-in-place pile支护桩soldier piles, tangent piles刚性桩rigid pile柔性桩flexible pile侧向受荷桩laterally loaded pile轴向受荷桩axially loaded pile预制桩precast concrete pile振动打桩vibratory pile driving振动钻进vibratory drilling沉箱caisson沉井(沉箱)(open) caisson地下连续墙diaphragm wall, slurry wall支撑bracing超载surcharge接触应力contact pressure井点降水well-point dewatering桩极限承载力ultimate bearing capacity of pile承载力bearing capacity阻力resistance桩端阻力end resistance表面摩擦力skin friction粘着系数adhesion factor负摩擦力negative skin friction安全系数factor of safety压缩层compressed layer附加应力additional stress, superimposed stress持力层bearing layer, sustaining layer地基土foundation soil, subsoil临塑压力critical pressure剪切破坏shear failure地基失效foundation failure冲剪破坏punching failure渐进破坏progressive failure容许荷载allowable load极限承载力ultimate bearing capacity沉降settlement沉降差differential settlement尾部倾斜angular distortion倾斜tilting坑底隆起bottom heave静止土压力earth pressure at rest稳定数stability number路堤embankment地基处理ground treatment soil improvement垫层cushion加固stabilization注浆injection灌浆guniting帷幕curtain挡土墙retaining wall锚固anchoring喷浆guniting锚杆earth anchor盲沟French drain振冲法vibro jet12监测仪器观测孔observation bore/hole仪器观测instrumentation读数装置readout device传感器transducer探头probe压力盒pressure cell振弦式应变计vibrating wire strain gauge伸长计、变位计extension meter板式沉降仪foundation base/pate测斜仪inclinometer测压计,渗压计piezometer垂线plumb垂直度plumbness13安全监控可靠性检查reliability checking监控模型monitoring and prediction model监测monitoring资料datum, data可靠性reliability稳定性stability安全safety评估evaluation, appraise评定assessment, assess, rate评价准则criterion灾害hazard, calamity确定性方法论Deterministic methodology应急行动计划EAP(emergency action plan)事故accident紧急状态emergency紧急检查emergency inspection灾情等级hazard classification灾害评价hazard evaluation风险评估risk assessment静力(Static Analysis)动力(Dynamic Analysis)蠕变(Creep Material Model)渗流(Fluid-mechanical Interaction)热力学(Thermal Option)headward erosion溯源侵蚀scouring of levee or bank淘刷strongly weathered siliceous rock mass with quasi-lamellarweakly weathered siliceous rock mass with quasi-lamellarof continually aftershocks of 7 or 8-degree intensity Evidently 明显的Correspondingly adv.相应地; 相关地; 相同地the hanging wall of triggering seismic faultoblique~bedding bank slope专业外语(为方便记忆,跟上面稍有重复)一.综合类1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic found粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径二.土的分类1.residual soil残积土groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水groundwater table地下水位3.clay minerals粘土矿物4.secondary minerals次生矿物ndslides滑坡6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察8.boulder漂石9.cobble卵石10.gravel砂石11.gravelly sand砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand中砂14.fine sand细砂15.silty sand粉土16.clayey soil粘性土17.clay粘土18.silty clay粉质粘土19.silt粉土20.sandy silt砂质粉土21.clayey silt粘质粉土22.saturated soil饱和土23.unsaturated soil非饱和土24.fill (soil)填土三.土的基本物理力学性质1.c c Compression index2.c u undrained shear strength3.c u/p0 ratio of undrained strength c u to effective overburden stress p0(c u/p0)NC,(c u/p0)ocsubscripts NC and OCdesignated normallyconsolidated andoverconsolidated, respectively4.c vane cohesive strength from vane test5.e0 natural void ratio6.I p plasticity index7.K0 coefficient of “at-rest ”pressure ,for total stressesσ1 andσ28.K0’ do main for effective stressesσ1 ‘ andσ2’9.K0n K0 for normally consolidated state10.K0u K0 coefficient under rapid continuous loading ,simulating instantaneous loading or an undrained condition11.K0d K0coefficient under cyclic loading (frequency less than 1 Hz),as a pseudo-dynamic test for K0 coefficient12.k h ,k v permeability in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively13.N blow count ,standard penetration test14.OCR over-consolidation ratio15.p c preconsolidationpressure ,from oedemeter test16.p0 effective overburdenpressure17.p s specific conepenetration resistance ,from static cone test18.q u unconfinedcompressive strengt h19.U,U m degree ofconsolidation ,subscript m denotes mean value ofa specimen20.u ,u b ,u m pore pressure,subscripts b and m denote bottom of specimen and mean value, respectively21.w0 w L w p natural water content,liquid and plastic limits, respectively22.σ1,σ2 principal stresses, σ1‘ andσ2’ denote effective principal stresses四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage (force) pressure渗透压力9.permeability渗透性10.hydraulic gradient水力梯度11.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力total stress总应力4.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度5.low activity低活性6.sensitivity灵敏度7.triaxial test三轴试验8.foundation design基础设计9.recompaction再压缩10.bearing capacity承载力11.soil mass土体12.contact pressure接触应力13.concentrated load集中荷载14. a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体15.homogeneous均质16.isotropic各向同性17.strip footing条基18.square spread footing方形独立基础19.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)20.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载21.live load活载22.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载23.long-term transient load长期荷载24.reduced load折算荷载25.settlement沉降deformation变形26.casing套管27.dike=dyke堤(防)28.clay fraction粘粒粒组29.physical properties物理性质30.subgrade路基31.well-graded soil级配良好土32.poorly-graded soil级配不良土33.sieve筛子34.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件35.FEM=finite element method有限元法36.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法37.pore water pressure孔隙水压力38.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力39.modulus of compressibility压缩模量40.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数42.swelling index回弹指数43.geostatic stress自重应力44.additional stress附加应力45.total stress总应力46.final settlement最终沉降47.slip line滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1.excavation开挖(挖方)2.dewatering(基坑)降水3.failure of foundation基坑失稳4.bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5.bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6.retaining wall挡土墙7.pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8.dewatering method降低地下水位法9.well point system井点系统(轻型)10.deep well point深井点11.vacuum well point真空井点12.braced cuts支撑围护braced excavation支撑开挖braced sheeting支撑挡板七.深基础deep foundation1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile摩擦桩end-bearing pile端承桩5.(pile)shaft桩身6.wave equation analysis波动方程分析7.pile caps承台(桩帽)8.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载。
Voids 空隙Pores 孔隙Fissure 裂隙Karst 溶隙Porosity 孔隙度Effective porosity 有效孔隙度Porous medium 多孔介质Water capacity 容水度Specific retention 持水度Specific yield 给水度Permeability 渗透性Aquifer 含水层Aquiclude 隔水层Aquifuge 无水层Aquitard 弱透水层Leaky Aquifer 越流含水层Phreatic / unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层Confined aquifer 承压含水层Homogeneous 均质Inhomogeneous非均质Isotropic 各向同性Anisotropic 各向异性Vadose water 包气带水Phreatic / unconfined water 潜水Confined water 承压水Perched water 上层滞水Pores water 孔隙水Fissure water 裂隙水Karst water溶隙水Piezometric head 测压管水头Groundwater contour 等水头线Laminar flow 层流Turbulent flow 紊流Darcy’ s Law 达西定律Hydraulic conductivity渗透系数Transmissivity 导水系数Specific Storage储水率Storativity / Storage Coefficient 储水系数Hydraulic gradient水力梯度Darcy’ s Velocity达西流速Boundary conditions边界条件Initial condition 初始条件Leakage 越流Steady state flow稳定流Unit discharge单宽流量Dupuit’s formula 裘布依公式Theis’ formula泰斯公式Jacob’s formula雅柯布公式Fully penetrating well 完整井Pumping test 抽水实验Drawdown 降深Regional groundwater drawdown 区域降落漏斗Radius of influence 影响半径Recharge 补给Discharge 排泄Evaporation 蒸发Evapotranspiration 蒸散发Infiltration 下渗Baseflow 基流Groundwater regime地下水动态Groundwater level / water table 水位Numerical simulation 数值模拟Groundwater Resource Evaluation 地下水资源评价Permissive Groundwater Yield 允许开采量Perennial yield 可持续开采量Overdraft 超采Water balance 水均衡。
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专业英语姓名:专业:地质工程班级:学号:Engineering geological investigation of the hydrogeologicalPapers Category:Science Papers - Geology PapersPapers TAG:EngineAbstract: The hydro-geological survey and research in Engine ering has a very important position, this paper describes engineering geological evaluation of the content of hydro-geological exploration, soil hydraulic properties, groundwater hazards caused by issues such as geotechnical engineering.Keywords:: engineering investigation, hydrogeological, geotechnical, hazardousAn engineering geological investigation in the evaluation of the content of hydrogeologicalIn engineering exploration, evaluation of hydrogeological problems should primarily consider the following:1.1 The evaluation should focus on rock and soil and groundwater on the role and impact of buildings, predict possible geotechnical hazards, proposed control measures.1.2 Engine ering Investigation should also be closely based on the type of building foundation needs to identify issues related to hydrogeology, to provide the necessary hydrogeological data selection.1.3 from an engineering perspective, according to the role of groundwater and the impact of the project proposed under different conditions, the evaluation should be focused on geological problems, such as: buried in the ground water level on the basis of the following buildings in the water on the concrete and the corrosion of rebar in concrete. The selection of soft rock, weathered rock, residual soil, expansive soil and other rock and soil bearing layer as a basis for the construction site, should focus on the evaluation of the activities of the rock and soil water potential softening, disintegration, expansion and contraction, etc. effect. In therange of memory compression layer of foundation in loose saturated fine sand,silt on, should have potential erosion forecast, quicksand, the possibility of piping. When the basis of the lower confined aquifer exists, excavation should pressure water washed away after the pit floor to calculate and evaluate the possibility. excavation pit in the ground water level the following should be carried out infiltration and water-rich test, and evaluation of the artificial precipitation caused soil settlement, slope instability and thus the possibility of stability of surrounding buildings.2 soil hydraulic propertiesSoil hydraulic properties is the interaction between rock and groundwater who displayed a variety of nature. Soil hydraulic properties and physical properties of rock are rock: rock and soil hydraulic properties affects not only the strength and deformation of rock and some nature has a direct impact on the stability of the building. In the past the investigation of physical and mechanical properties of the soil test more emphasis on the geotechnical properties of the water management has been neglected, and therefore the evaluation of the geotechnical engineering geology is not comprehensive enough. geotechnical soil water and groundwater management is the nature of the nature of the interaction shown, first of all introduce the following form and occurrence of groundwater on soil hydraulic properties, and then a few of geotechnical important water management research and testing methods of the nature and brief.2.1 Occurrence in the form of groundwater: groundwater according to their occurrence in the rock can be divided into bound water, capillary water and gravity water three, which combined with water can be divided into strong and weak bound water bound water two.2.2 The major soil hydraulic properties and test methods: softening refers to the rock mass after immersion in water, characteristics of the mechanical strength decreases, the general said with the softening coefficient, which is to determine the rock resistance to weathering, resistance to flooding capacity indicators. There is easy in the rock layers to soften rocks, in the role of groundwater will often form soft interlayer. all kinds of causes of viscous upper mudstone, shale, argillaceous sandstone Dengjun widespread softening property. permeable, is water under gravity, ground to allow water through their own performance. loose rock particles became smaller, more uniform, its permeability will be weaker. hard rock fissures or karst more development, the stronger its permeability.permeable permeability coefficient of generally available, said upper body rock permeability coefficient of struck by pumping tests.disintegration, is soaking wet rocks, due to soil particles connections are weakened, damaged, open to soil collapse and disintegration properties. to the water, is fed by gravity from the pore water, soil, fracture properties of the water must flow freely to the degree that water. water level is several important aquifer hydrogeologic parameters also affect the venue sparse time. water level usually determined by laboratory. expansion and shrinkage, refers to rock After the volume of soil water increases, water loss volume was reduced after the characteristics of the sizing of rock is due to thickening of the particle surface adsorbed water absorbent, water loss due to thinning.3 geotechnical hazards caused by groundwaterGeotechnical hazards caused by groundwater, mainly due to changes in groundwater level and ground lift effect of the hydrodynamic pressure caused by two reasons.3.1 Groundwater level change caused by the geotechnical hazards. Groundwater level changes can be caused by natural factors or human factors, but for whatever reason, when the groundwater level changes up to a certain extent, will cause harm to the geotechnical engineering, groundwater level changes cause harm can be divided into three ways:3.1.1 The water level rise caused by the geotechnical hazards. Phreatic reasons for the increase are varied, the main aquifer affected by factors such as geological structure, lithology general occurrence, hydrological and meteorological factors such as rainfall, temperature, etc. and human factors such as irrigation, construction and other effects, it is sometimes combined result of several factors. As the water table rise may result in the geotechnical engineering: soil swamping, salinization, soil and groundwater enhanced corrosion of buildings. slopes, river rock and other rock and soil slippage, landslides and other geological phenomena bad. some of the rock and soil with special structural damage, lower intensity, softening. caused saturated fine sand and silt liquefaction, there quicksand, piping and so on. flooded underground cavern filled with water, basic floating, unstable buildings.3.1.2 caused by falling water tables, geotechnical hazards. groundwater bit more than the decrease is due to human factors, such as the concentration of a large number of extraction of groundwater. Deposits in the mining and upstream DamConstruction dewatering, construction of Reservoir s downstream intercept groundwater recharge and so on. Groundwater decline is too large, often induced to crack, ground subsidence, ground collapse and other geological disasters and the depletion of groundwater sources, water quality and other environmental degradation problem, on the rock mass, the stability of buildings and the living environment of human beings posing a great threat.3.1.3 Groundwater frequent movements of the Geotechnical Engine ering harm. Groundwater level change can cause uneven expansion of the expansion and contraction produce rock deformation, when the ground when the lift frequently. Not only on the expansion and contraction deformation of rocks back and forth, and will lead to expansion and contraction of soils and increasing rate, thus causing the building to crack formation, especially of light damage to the building. Groundwater zone change down the infiltration of groundwater, soil will layer of iron and aluminum components leaching, soil cement will result in loss of loose soil, water void ratio increases, the compression modulus, capacity reduction, the basis of geotechnical engineering options to deal with the trouble of bringing greater .3.2 The role of dynamic pressure caused by ground water geotechnical hazards. Groundwater in the natural state, relatively weak effect of hydrodynamic pressure, usually does not cause any harm, but in the human engineering activities in the dynamic equilibrium due to changes in natural groundwater conditions, the dynamic moving Water pressure, often lead to some serious geotechnical hazards, such as quicksand, piping, etc. FOUNDATION PIT. drift sand, piping, pit formation inrush conditions and control measures in the literature of engineering geology has been more detail not repeated here.4 ConclusionIn summary, the hydro-geological work in the building bearing layer selection, basic design, engineering and other aspects of geological disaster prevention plays an important role, along with the development of engineering investigations, the attention will be more widely and effectively do good hydrogeological investigation will raise the level of work plays a great role.工程地质勘察中水文地质研究论文类别:理学论文- 地质学论文摘要:水文地质研究在工程勘察中有着十分重要的地位,本文主要阐述工程地质勘查中水文地质评价内容,岩土水理性质,地下水引起的岩土工程危害等问题。