



词汇拓展 分词形容词
1.发达国家 a(n) _______ country
2. 发展中的经济 _______ economies
3. 破碎的心 a(n) _______ heart
4. 先进技术 a(n) _______ technology
5. 流星
a(n) _______ star
6. 落叶
_______ leaves
currently [精准汉语释义] 句子副词 目前
under [熟词生义] 种植着(某物) being planted with (sth) : fields under wheat 种着小麦的田地
average yield [词块] 平均产量
词汇拓展 average
n 平均;平均数 The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7.
6. 落叶
fallen leaves
Байду номын сангаас
It’s my great pleasure to help other developing countries to develop hybrid rice to overcome their food-shortage problems. And I am confident that through our joint efforts, the purpose will be realized in the near future.
金句仿练 3. 我相信最终一切都会好起来。
I’m confident that everything will come out right in time.
4. 通过我们的共同努力,垃圾分类和回收会取得更大的 进步。



World Hunger Award,1993
Food Safety Award,1995
World Food Prize,2004
•There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin L. Powell
National Invention of Special Grade . 1981,6,6.
National Top Science and Technology Award .2001.2.19
More than 11 international awards
Science rize,1987
• Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s. His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America, and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.

Mr. Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000, the Wolf Prize in agriculture and the World Food Prize in 2004. He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha. •.

介绍袁隆平的 英语课文

介绍袁隆平的 英语课文

A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE造福全人类的先驱者Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research.尽管是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己是个农民,因为他在田里耕作,进行科学研究。

Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.的确,他被太阳晒得黝黑的脸庞和和手臂,以及他那瘦削而又结实的身躯,就跟其他千百万中国农民一样,过去50年来,他一直在努力帮助他们。

袁隆平和他的杂交水稻Dr yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻的”的稻种。

In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. 1974年,他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。

This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。

Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain.如今中国每年出产的稻米有60%以上出自这种杂交稻种。

高中英语 unit 2 a pioneer for all people课件 新人教版必修4

高中英语 unit 2 a pioneer for all people课件 新人教版必修4
asleep and also when he is awake.
5. Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than T
most rich and famous people.
Choose the best answer.
1. Yuan Longping works the land because ___C___. A. he is a farmer B. he is interested in farming C. he wants to do his research by farming D. he has a slim and strong body
EXCEPT __D___.
A. playing the violin B. playing mah-jong C. swimming and reading D. sinБайду номын сангаасing
4. How does Yuan Longping feel about money? C
A. Money is not important at all. B. One has to own a large sum of money. C. Too much money can only bring
listening to violin music
Hobbies: playing mah-jong
swimming reading
Para 4
What does “Wishing for things, however, costs nothing.” mean?
Dreams are free and everybody can have ideas about what they would like their future life to be.



本题是想象作文。题目明确了写作的内容是“发生在火星上的 科幻故事”,写科幻作文要注意想象要合理而丰富,不能天马行空, 胡编乱造。当然,想象来源于生活而高于生活,就本题而言,考生可 以结合自己对火星的了解或结合题目中的情境、词语等的提示,在火 星真实特点的基础上配以自己的想象,写出自己想象中的火星是什么 样的,登陆火星后人们会首先对其进行哪些探索,火星之旅有哪些所 见、所闻、所感等等,以此来展现人类探索的精神,表达探索的意义 或启示等。
其实,刚开始我对于钟南山这三个字并不熟悉,但随着这次疫情的爆 发,我渐渐认识这位伟大的人物。
17年前非典一役,敢医敢言让钟南山家喻户晓,也赢得了广泛的公众 信任。而自那以后,但凡有急性传染病,广东省公布的防控组名单大多 由他挂帅。即使年过八旬,也并不妨碍他走上抗击疫情的第一线。
这一次,没有例外。连日来,疫情防控工作牵动人心,每个人都拿着 标尺在测量。有质疑少数领导干部失职不作为的,有批评捐赠物资发放 不及时的,与此同时,也有不少人感慨,幸好1月20日这天,钟南山院士 叫醒了大家,否则后果不堪设想。当晚,身着格子衬衫的钟南山出现在 央视《新闻1+1》视频连线中,肯定了有人传人现象,证实有医务人员感 染,坦言现在对新型冠状病毒的了解还很不够,同时提醒大众戴口罩有 用,没有特殊情况不要去武汉。
毕业前夕,班委会决定去牵手共建班级——高三 年级2班开展联谊活动。你的任务是从邓稼先、袁隆 平、钟南山、郎平四位英雄中选一位,把他(她) 的故事讲给小学生们听。为了讲好故事,你写了一 篇讲稿。 要求:①不少于800字;②文中不得出现真实的地 名、校名和人名;③书写要正确、规范、美观。
这是一道任务型材料作文。题干要求从邓稼先 、袁隆平、钟南山、郎平四位英雄中选一位,把他 (她)的故事讲给小学生们听,写成故事讲稿的形 式,其实就是一篇演讲稿。应把写作的重点放在“ 英雄”的事迹上,表现自己对这位“英雄”的赞美 之情。



In 2020,1000kg/mu
• More than 30 countries have introduced hybrid rice.
• India, 2.25 million mu. • Vietnam, 3 mu.
畅想网络 Imagination Network 感谢观看!
Doyouknowhowtogro wtheplant?
First,the fammers plow the field.They have to make the soil loose enough to plant crops.
Second,they grow some young plants.
畅想网络 Imagination Network 感谢观看!
Third,they insert the young plants into the loose field.
• what a big havest!
I'm hungery!
Yuan Longping : Father of Hybrid Rice
Introduction Achievements Influence
World Food Prize,2004
Increase in production:
conventional rice
three-line rice
output ratio per unit area



无党派人士,江西省九江市德安县人,中国杂交水稻育种专家。中国工程院院士,美国国家科学 院院士,国家主席习近平签署主席令,授予袁隆平“共和国勋章”中国研究与发展杂交水稻的开创 者,被誉为“世界杂交水稻之父”
法兰西共和国农业成就勋章设立于1883年,旨在表彰 那些为法国农业发展作出突出成就的人士,也包括在 其本国农业领域作出杰出贡献的外籍人士。该勋章分 初级(骑士勋位)、中级(军官勋位)、高级(指挥 官勋位)三个等级,127年来,全世界共有3万人获得 这一荣誉,而目前获得最高勋章指挥官勋位的仅约 400人。
禾 下 乘 凉 梦 ·不 悔 是 初 心


袁 隆
袁 隆
袁 隆
袁 隆

国 之 脊 梁 一生修道杂交稻 万家食粮中国粮
pioneer of china father of hybrid rice in the world pioneer of china father of rice in the world pioneer of china pioneer of china
1969年 冬
袁隆平、李必 湖、尹华奇等 到云南省元江 县加速繁殖不 育材料。
袁隆平从云南引进野生稻,拟在靖县(安 江农校又搬迁到了靖县)做杂交,后因没 有进行短光照处理而未成功。


• Foreign academician of the American Academy of Sciences
• In 1960, he happened to find a natural hybrid rice. • In 1973, he succeed in developing 3 departments method.
• In 1987, the two-line research were classified as a national "863" project. • In 1995, two-line hybrid rice was produced and applicated in large area.
World Food Prize,2004 16
Increase in production:
• More than 30 countries have introduced hybrid rice.
• India, 2.25 million mu. • Vietnam, 3 million mu.
experimental field
sliver wedding photo10
• Academician of CAE
• Director of China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center
• Chief adviser of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization


• In 1995, two-line hybrid rice was produced and applicated in large area.
• Director of China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Center

Mr. Yuan won the State
Preeminent Science and Technology
Award of China in 2000, the Wolf
Prize in agriculture and the World
Food Prize in 2004. He is currently is
DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha.
Hale Waihona Puke •.Discovers
• Chief adviser of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
• Foreign academician of the American Academy of Sciences
National Invention of Special Grade . 1981,6,6.
National Top Science and Technology Award .2001.2.19
More than 11 international awards



沥青路面双车道同时摊铺时,压路机 数量一 般要在5辆以上 ,在低 温、大 风等不 利环境 下施工 ,需要 适当增 加压路 机数量 。
摊铺初期的施工质量将给后续施工带 来显著 影响, 宜手动 摊铺6~ 10m, 待摊铺 现场各 方面施 工要素 维持稳 定状态 后,再 进入自 动控制 环节, 启用智 能摊铺 模式, 高效摊 铺。
4结论成本控制在土木工程项目管理中 有着非 常重要 的作用 和价值 ,同时 成本控 制管理 也会影 响到土 木工程 的施工 进度和 施工质 量。
在现在的发展过程中,施工技术发挥 着重要 的作用 ,我们 只有更 好的把 握发展 的关键 ,掌握 更多先 进的技 术,合 理的开 展施工 工作, 这样才 能满足 市政道 路工程 发展的 要求, 实现进 一步的 突破, 提高整 体的效 果,完 善其中 的不足 之处。
5结束语综上所述,通过对城镇市政道 路水泥 稳定基 层施工 控制分 析,可 以看出 在实践 期间, 必须从 重视压 实度的 科学把 控、合 理控制 强度加 强施工 专业性 、保障 基层路 面平整 度、做 好水泥 稳定基 层全程 控制、 路基裂 缝的实 时施工 控制等 方面出 发,才 能使相 应道路 工程完 全满足 城镇 化基本 交通要 求,这 也是我 国城镇 市政道 路施工 水平得 以不断 提高进 步的基 本条件 。
在现阶段的土木工程中,有些脚手架 的组成 已由部 分转到 全部由 工业生 产完成 ,在完 成施工 技术创 新的同 时,提 高了施 工质量 和施工 效率。
(3)控制网数据的采集及处理该工作 可分为 平面控 制网测 量及平 面控制 网数据 处理两 部分。
此外,在一些土木工程施工单位进行 报价时 ,是依 据政府 提供的 各种数 据来对 施工费 用进行 控制的 ,但是 并没有 根据项 目的实 际情况竞争 优势, 同时对 土木工 程成本 控制产 生很大 的影响 。

英语 unit2 working the land 课件 新人教版必修4袁隆平

英语 unit2 working the land 课件 新人教版必修4袁隆平

___ 2. Dreaming for things, however, costs nothing. A.Dreams are free,you can imagine what your future would like. B.You should spend some money on dreams.
2.Dr Yuan would rather relax than work.
___ 1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer,for that’s how he regards himself. A.He thinks of himself as a farmer. B.The other people think of him as a farmer
Careful reading
Paragraph 1
Yuan Longping thinks he is a farmer _____ as well as a scientist. sunburnt He has ______ face and arms Appearance slim strong and a ___, ____ body. He works hard and grows super hybrid ____ rice. In 1974, he became a pioneer to grow rice that has Achievement output . a high____
1. 2. 3. 4.
playing the violin listening to violin music playing mah-jong swimming reading




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高中英语袁隆平sunburnt decade strain

高中英语袁隆平sunburnt decade strain

高中英语袁隆平sunburnt decade strain ‘Father of hybrid rice' passes away at 91.“杂交水稻之父”91岁去世.‘Father of hybrid rice' Yuan Longping passed away at 1:07 pm in Changsha of Hunan province, Xinhua reported on Saturday.据新华社6日报道,杂交水稻之父袁隆平于当日下午1时07分在湖南长沙逝世。

Yuan was undergoing treatment at a hospital, Yuan's son Yuan Ding'an, and Yuan's secretary Yang Yaosong confirmed.袁隆平的儿子袁定安和秘书杨耀松证实,袁隆平当时正在医院接受治疗。

The globally renown agronomist known for developing the first hybrid rice strains was born on the ninth day of the seventh month in 1930, according to the lunar calendar.这位以培育第一批杂交水稻品种而闻名全球的农学家于1930年农历七月九日出生。

(renown n. 名声 agronomist n.农学家)(known for developing the first hybrid rice strains后置定语,修饰agronomist。

)He has helped China work a greatwonder -- feeding nearly one-fifth of the world'spopulation with less than 9 percent of the world's total land.他帮助中国创造了一个伟大的奇迹——用不到世界总面积9%的土地养活了近五分之一的世界人口。

精选高中Module 4 Great Scientists Writing (共21张PPT)公开P

精选高中Module 4 Great Scientists Writing (共21张PPT)公开P

《大闹天宫》应该说很成功,无论是 票房还 是口碑 。这主 要归功 于3D的 特效, 它完全 抓住了 电影的 本质, 电影就 是一场 梦,那 些触摸 不到的 渴望, 渴望被 变为现 实的欲 望。再 者要归 功于演 员,整 部电影 美女如 云,梁 咏琪的 嫦娥, 陈慧琳 的观音 菩萨, 张梓琳 的女娲 娘娘, 夏梓桐 的小狐 狸。还 有郭富 城被评 为影史 上最帅 的牛魔 王,周 润发的 玉皇大 帝也变 得和蔼 可亲, 最能打 的美猴 王甄子 丹,何 润东的 二郎神 变身叛 徒,还 有即将 要出场 的史上 黑脸唐 僧,都 让人耳 目一新 。 摇撼奋进翰墨大跃进贺喜 国在在晨露国枯老糊涂脘赤裸显示
Complete the sentence 出生于,养育于一个农民家庭,袁隆
__B_o__r_n_ and_b_r_o_u_g__h_t_u_p_ in a farmer family, Yuan Longping has _b_e_e_n__i_n_t_e_r_e_s_t_e_d__in_plants.
凡 事都 是多棱 镜, 不同 的角 度会
凡 事都是 多棱 镜, 不同 的角度 会看 到不 同的 结果 。若 能把一 些事 看淡 了, 就会 有个好 心境 ,若 把很 多事 看开 了 ,就会 有个 好心 情。 让聚散 离合 犹如 月缺 月圆 那样 寻常, 让得 失利 弊犹 如花 开花谢 那样 自然 ,不 计较 ,也 不 刻意执 着; 让生 命中 各种的 喜怒 哀乐 ,就 像风 儿一 样,来 了, 不管 是清 风拂 面,还 是寒 风凛 冽, 都报 以自 然 的微笑 ,坦 然的 接受 命运的 馈赠 ,把 是非 曲折 ,都 当作是 人生 的
出生于,养育于一个农民家庭,袁隆平 一直对植物很感兴趣。在大学,他主修农业。 大学毕业后,他投身于水稻研究。在同事和 政府的帮助下,袁隆平做出了重大突破,发 明了杂交水稻,这种水稻在二十世纪九十年 代增加了50% 的水稻产量。此外,他的水稻 出口到亚洲,非洲,美洲三十个国家,这赚 的很棒的利润。目前,杂交水稻被种植在全 世界。
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3. 破碎的心 a(n) broken heart
4. 先进技术 a(n) advanced technology
5. 流星
a(n) falling star
6. 落叶
fallen leaves
It’s my great pleasure to help other developing countries to develop hybrid rice to overcome their food-shortage problems. And I am confident that through our joint efforts, the purpose will be realized in the near future.
focus our efforts on [词块] 致力于
demonstration locations [词块] 示范田
词汇拓展 ettaatatargrgetet设设定定目目标标
vt [常用于被动语态] 把…作为目标 / 对象: TThhese healtthh ccaarreepprroodduuccttssaarreetatargrgeetetdedataotlodldpeople. p这e些op保le.健这品些针保对健的品是针老对年的人是。老年人。
yield v 生出;产生 trees that no longer yield fruit 不再结果实的树
Currently, the area under hybrid rice in China is 17 million hectares, and the average yield is about 8 metric tons per hectare.
warmly welcome … [词块] 热烈欢迎
attend v [正式用语] 出席;参加
词汇拓展 welcome
welcome sb to some place 欢迎某人来某处 heartily / warmly welcome … 真心欢迎 welcome sb with open arms 热情欢迎某人
5. 流星
a(n) _______ star
6. 落叶
_______ leaves
词汇拓展 分词形容词
1. 发达国家 a(n) developed country
2. 发展中的经济 developing economies
currently [精准汉语释义] 句子副词 目前
under [熟词生义] 种植着(某物) being planted with (sth) : fields under wheat 种着小麦的田地
average yield [词块] 平均产量
词汇拓展 average
n 平均;平均数 The average of 3, 8 and 10 is 7.
n 一般水平
the national average 全国平均水平
adj 平均的;中等的
children of average intelligence 智力一般的儿童
Now, we focus our efforts on developing super hybrid rice. The year target is 18 metric tons per hectare at demonstration locations with seven hectares each.
词汇拓展 分词形容词
1.发达国家 a(n) _______ country
2. 发展中的经济 _______ economies
3. 破碎的心 a(n) _______ heart
4. 先进技术 a(n) _______ technology
It’s my great pleasure to help other developing countries to develop hybrid rice to overcome their food-shortage problems. And I am confident that through our joint efforts, the purpose will be realized in the near future. It’s my great pleasure to do sth [词块] 做某事很荣幸
overcome the problems [词块] 解决问题
food-shortage [合成词] 食物短缺
词汇拓展 分词形容词
developing 正在发展的 developed 发达的 拓展:boiled water 烧开了的水
boiling water 沸腾的水 这一类分词形容词表示动作正在进行或已完成
We warmly welcome you to Changsha city to attend the China - Africa Cooperation Meeting (Seminar on China - Africa Agricultural Cooperation and Development).
I am Yuan Longping, a hybrid rice breeder. As you know, the yield of hybrid rice is much higher than the yield of conventional rice.
breeder n [派生词] 饲养员 (breed v 饲养) yield n 产量 conventional adj [派生词] 传统的 (convention n 习 俗;惯例)