星巴克将自己定位为高端咖啡品 牌,强调品质、文化和独特的消 费体验。
主要针对中高端消费群体,包括 白领商务人士和学生等,注重 生活品质和时尚感的人群。
星巴克注重营造独特的品牌形象,包 括时尚、高端、舒适和温馨等元素, 以吸引目标客户。
根据市场情况和竞争状况,星巴克会适时调整价格,保持竞 争优势。
星巴克在全球范围内布局门店,包括购物中心、商业街、机场等地方,提高品牌 曝光度。
星巴克积极开拓线上渠道,通过官方网站、电商平台等销售产品,满足不同客户 需求。
通过与当地企业合作或联盟,利用 合作伙伴的资源和渠道,加速全球 化布局和市场渗透。
针对不同国家和地区的市场特点, 制定符合当地消费者需求的营销策 略和产品组合,提高品牌适应性。
不断推出新口味的饮品和小吃,满足 消费者多样化的需求,同时引领咖啡 行业潮流。
包括拿铁、美式、摩卡等经典 咖啡,以及季节性饮品和冷饮 。
会员卡服务,提供积分、优惠 和专属活动。
星巴克提供多种不同口味的咖 啡豆,满足不同消费者的需求 。
提供各种糕点、面包、三明治 等。
与Apple Pay、Google Wallet等合作,提供便捷的移 动支付服务。
星巴克准备大力开拓在中国的音乐市场,星巴克 公司成立自己的唱片厂牌Hear Music,以出版在旗下 连锁咖啡店内以及传统音乐零售商处销售的唱片。
近些年来,作为音乐零售渠道之一,星巴克的影响 力已变得不容忽视,它与Concord Records唱片公司共 同制作的Ray Charles专辑《Genius Loves Company》 捧走了八项格莱美大奖。
感官体验就是通过知觉刺激(如味觉,嗅觉 等)给顾客感受到美的愉悦、兴奋、享受与满 足从而有效地达成营销目的,如店内咖啡的袅 袅幽香,手中咖啡的丝滑口感,柔软的沙发 等。 .
2 4
进入星巴克,你会感受到空中回旋的音乐在激 荡你的心魄。店内经常播放一些爵士乐、美国 乡村音乐以及钢琴独奏等。在色调上一般用的 是暗红与橘黄色,加上各种柔和略带暖色的灯 光以及体现西方抽象派风格的一幅幅艺术作 品。
经过几年的前期准备(主要是保证物流的安全性),今年3月 22号,星巴克宣布与非营利组织Food Donation Connection (FDC)和Feeding America合作,美国境内7600家门店开始捐 献当日未售完食物,试图为解决美国的食物浪费和贫困人口 的就餐问题贡献一份力量。据估计,截至今年星巴克将捐献5 百万份食物,而星巴克的计划是2021年前捐献出5千万份食物。 政策一出就吸引媒体争相报道,承担社会责任成为星巴克此 类大公司使命的一部分,但也为其获得正向评价与关注背书。
02 品牌层次
![MARKETING PLAN for STARBUCKS——星巴克的营销策划](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cf56eef8c5da50e2524d7fe2.png)
Marketing Plan for StarbucksExecutive summaryStarbucks is one of the fastest growing coffee stores in the world now. It has built its market position with a linkage to customers by providing a place for them beside work and home, where people could relax and enjoy themselves. However, providing excellent customer service is not an easy task. I will briefly summarize problems that Starbucks facing and suggest what action should be taken to keep it in continuing improving customer’s satisfaction and strengthen its market position. Consequently, from the product periodic theory, starbucks are mature.The following is a vote for the reason of customers to choose Starbucks:1.Sorry, I don't like Starbucks at all.………………………………………………4%2.No like or not, I feel indifferent to Starbucks.…………………………………4%3.What is Starbucks?………………………………………………………………1%4.I just like Starbucks, but don’t know why.………………………………………1%5.I like Starbucks because of its tasty coffee.……………………………………12%6.I like the easy atmosphere in Starbucks.………………………………………34%7.I like the culture and the value of Starbucks…………………………………23%8.I like reading and surfing the Internet while drinking the coffee.……………13%9.I go to Starbucks because the most of my friends like there.……………………5%Current marketing situationCompanyStarbucks company is the largest coffee chain store in the United States. In a short span of twenty years, it has created a very valuable brand in the world. The core business of Starbucks is selling high quality and various types of coffee drinks, and it also has tow brands of bottle selling coffee drinks, Frappuccino and Starbucks double shot. A research shows that the revenue of Starbucks is growing by 20% per year and it is opening 3 stores per day over the world approximately. Starbucks has achieved a net increase in revenue of 2.4 billion dollars and it has expanded the business with opening 668 stores located in the different countries. Starbucks is successfully managing its operation through franchising in order to achieve steady market growth in Restaurant chain enterprises. In addition, Starbucks has achieve a competitive advantages by reducing delivery and management costs, shortening customer lines at individual outlets and increasing foot traffic for all the stores in every area.Picture1: Frappuccino picture2:Starbucks double shotMacro environmentIn China, per capital coffee consumption is increasing, but the income is on the decline in recent years. On the global scale, international coffee crisis due to overproduction, rising stocks, declining prices, elimination to coffee farms may result in a threat to Starbucks. As a result, Starbucks has to increase the price of coffee. Target customerStarbucks is able to meet a wide need of customers in different backgrounds and ages. The high quality coffee drinks, harmonious environment with good music, comfortable sofa and chairs, and warm services to attract consumers to pay for a cup of coffee and stay for a while. Starbucks mainly targeted at customers who has developed a strong brand to retain a large group of loyal customers.Competitors analysisMcDonald cafe introduced its espresso beverage products in 2001, and the price is relatively low than Starbucks. It affected Starbucks’ market share through providing various fast food at a low price. Although Starbucks still can maintain its dominant position in Restaurant chain industry, there was a 20% decrease in its value. The cost of Dukin donuts coffee drinks is about 20% lower than Starbucks. By selling donuts coffee drinks as its main products to attract customers. Dukin is national chain to serve fresh coffee, cappuccino, latte and other coffee drinks that similar to Starbucks provided. Other competitors are local small coffeehouse, and other new product line. Current market performance and objectivesPerformanceStarted in 1985, Starbucks with $400000 as seed money. After four private placements, it had financed $29 million and arrived on NASDAQ in June 1992. From now on, its average annual sale’s growth reached 20%, and the average annual profit’s growth reached 30% , stock’s price rose more than 30 times.ObjectivesStarbucks expects to achieve at least 6% growth margin in its store sales and expand its business with opening additional 1700 stores by the end of this year. Overall, the objective of Starbucks is to become a worldwide brand and further strengthen its mission to be the leading specialty coffee retailers in the world. Regarding to the aspect of customer service, Starbucks will continue promise of a perfectly made coffee, and goes far beyond to human connections.SWOT and issue analysisStrengthStarbucks Corporation is a very profitable organization, earning in excess of $600 million in 2004.The company generated revenue of more than $5000 million in the same year. It is a global coffee brand built upon a reputation for fine products and services. It has almost 9000 cafes in almost 40 countries. Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005. The company is a respected employer that values its workforce. The organization has strong ethical values and an ethical mission statement as follows:Starbucks is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our businessWeaknessStarbucks has a reputation for new product development and creativity. However, they remain vulnerable to the possibility that their innovation may falter over time. The organization has a strong presence in the United States of America with more than three quarters of their cafes located in the home market. It is often argued that they need to look for a portfolio of countries, in order to spread business risk. The organization is dependant on a main competitive advantage, the retail of coffee. This could make them slow to diversify into other sectors should the need arise. OpportunityStarbucks are very good at taking advantage of opportunities. In 2004 the company created a CD-burning service in their Santa Monica (California USA) cafe with Hewlett Packard, where customers create their own music CD. New products and services can be retailed in their cafes, such as Fair Trade products. The company has the opportunity to expand its global operations. New markets for coffee such as India and the Pacific Rim nations are beginning to emerge. Co-branding with other manufacturers of food and drink, and brand franchising to manufacturers of other goods and services both have potential.ThreatWho knows if the market for coffee will grow and stay in favour with customers, or whether another type of beverage or leisure activity will replace coffee in the future? Starbucks are exposed to rises in the cost of coffee and dairy products. Since its conception in Pike Place Market, Seattle in 1971, Starbucks' success has lead to themarket entry of many competitors and copy cat brands that pose potential threatsMarket strategyTarget marketStarbucks has many categories of loyal customers who can be classified into different segments. As the research shows that women customer tend to drink Starbucks soffee than men about 40%, who will buy a cup of coffee from Starbucks in the morning before work, or meet up with friends to chat over a cup of coffee, and most of them will bring child to get some beverage. A majority of target customers are between 18 to 30 years old. Additionally, Starbucks appealed more to students and younger kids recently. So, under 18 years old group of people can be considered a brand new customer which Starbucks has never targeted before.Marketing positionThe market positioning strategy of Starbucks is aimed at providing high quality of service (high quality coffee store). Thus, Starbucks main chose the area near the offices, in order to attack more officers who have a large need of high quality coffee. In addition, the customers not only care about the quality of the coffee but also the atmosphere of the coffee store. In order to meet this mental need, Starbucks built its market position with a linkage to customers by providing a place for them beside work and home, where people could relax and enjoy themselves.Marketing mix1)ProductStarbucks offers a variety of beverages like coffee, hot chocolate, Frappuccinos, smoothies and bottled beverages like water. The company is best known for its coffee variety. In some areas the company also offers seasonal and holiday beverages like the “Eggnog Latte” in Christmas time.Apart from beverages, the company also offers food like pastries, sandwiches and salads. Starbucks merchandise like mugs, at-home brewing equipment like high quality coffee machines and whole bean coffee with fair-trade guarantee are also available. Within the last years Starbucks developed new products for non-coffee drinkers to attract new customers and therefore a bigger audience. Another way of attracting customers is the introduction of “Starbucks Entertainment”. Under this name the company offers a selection of music, for example the in-store music, books and films, by both, independent and popular artists.2)PriceUsually price and quality determines the value of the product. Starbucks always tried to deliver high value to the consumers by buying quality beans, assuring that their staff got effective and efficient training, and mostly, creating an environment to enjoy coffee. For this, the customer had to pay more.To keep the competitive edge, the company also began to offer $1 bottomless cup of coffee, which can be refilled any number of times and 50 cents less than any other Starbucks products. As the Starbucks news site sates, the company is also trying to implement other value added services like, introducing $3.95 "breakfast pairings," which includes breakfast items along with a coffee . This is to target the price conscious customers.In China, by local standards, Starbucks is a luxury. They never wanted to decrease their prices to China when they started. Coffee is not grown in China at large scales –at least not the Arabica beans. When comparing prices to USA, it varies between products depending from where the materials were obtained (locally or imported). 3)PlaceMostly Starbucks is in to direct supply channel (producer to consumer). With their line of vision such practice is important and it helps to keep a personal relationship with the customer. In US, particularly Starbucks can be found in any neighborhood where there is a potential high traffic for its stores –especially with “Coffee bar” concepts. Outlets can be found in various large chains. Their primary goal is to locate them in highly visible locations and opened them in clusters. It was the ideal place for the individuals who are on the go, who enjoy music or even looking for a break in a busy lifestyle.4)PromotionThe main strategy of Starbucks was not to spend money largely on advertising. They used the extra cash on acquiring the best area. Before opening a new store, they organize big community events highlighting each locations personality. Further such information was imprinted on cups and t-shirts as promotion activities.They also established “smart partnerships” with already known local representatives who would act as local ‘ambassadors’ to promote their brand. They introduced Starbucks Cards; aiming their valued customers to promote its products. While buying a gift card, the customer is not only shows brand loyalty, but it also provides free advertising, attracting new customers. They do deliver their services to offices without size restrictions (Starbucks web). Expanding their product mix, they ensure that they are appealing to a diverse customer base. Starbucks also contributes tonon-profit organizations as a way to improve brand image and awareness in local communities.Action programs✧In 2002, a report showed that including Christine Day, recognized thatCustomer’s service needed to be improved upon, and one idea to conquerthis problem was to invest $40 million annually in 4,500 stores.✧According to a survey of customers, 65% believed fast service was a key toattribute to their needs.✧In the past when we thought of adding more labor hours to our retail stores, wedecided against it due to the struggling economy, especially since labor wasalready our biggest expense.✧Another option instead of increasing labor hours is to increase the efficiency ofthe partners that we currently employ. We removed the nonvalue-added tasks,simplified the production process, and manipulated the store layout to take better advantage of store space.✧Additionally, we installed an automatic espresso machine that was faster, reducedwaste, and improved consistency while still fulfilling our customer’s needs. We want to continually implement the use of these machines in more of our stores Financial ForecastFourth quarter earnings are expected to be positive for Starbucks, according to Minyanville news. The coffee juggernaut has made massive business changes over the past year, trying to settle back into that golden formula that made Starbucks everybody's go-to spot for coffee. Not all shifts have been felt by the consumer, who is more concerned with the quality and the price of a cup of coffee, than antics and gravitational shifts made by the world's biggest coffee chain.The coffee juggernaut is certainly active and innovative enough, with good, bad, and questionable ideas to deserve a plus in earnings, but the company that once was welcomed with an open embrace by the public, for convenience, reliability, and cool quotes on their coffee cups, is now fighting the reputation of over-priced coffee and the perception of being a big, fat chain store cliche.ConclusionTo sum up, Starbucks achieved success in Chinese market in some aspects. The date presents that roughly 60% of the total is coffee beverage. So, the coffee is the dairy product of Starbucks. To be more competitive, the product in each store should be high quality and the staffs are required to be friendly and kind.What’s more, Starbucks should reduce waste making drinks to improve productivity and spend some money on customer loyalty program in order to retain customers and build relationships.。
The store located inside Forbidden City was closed.
Weaknesses Strengths
Байду номын сангаас
Threats Opportunities
It is a global coffee brand Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005 The organization has strong ethical values and an ethical mission statement
Starbucks with its partners
• • • • Social responsibility Health insurance Stock options 股票期权 Stable hours
Development (expansion)
In 1971 First Starbucks opens In 1987 Howard Schultz took over the company In 1992 Starbucks listed 上市 In 1998 Starbucks enter Taiwan market In 1999 Starbucks enter mainland of China In 2005 Starbucks established headquarters in Shanghai
Starbucks in china markets
• 1998.3 Starbucks entering into Taiwan, • 1999.1 entering into Beijing, • 2000.5 entering into Shanghai, • Now The starbucks coffee industry has become the first brand in domestic.
星巴克是美国一家连锁咖啡公司的名称, 星巴克是美国一家连锁咖啡公司的名称, 1971年成立 为全球最大的咖啡连锁店, 年成立, 1971年成立,为全球最大的咖啡连锁店,其 总部坐落美国华盛顿州西雅图市。除咖啡外, 总部坐落美国华盛顿州西雅图市。除咖啡外, 星巴克亦有茶、馅皮饼及蛋糕等商品。 星巴克亦有茶、馅皮饼及蛋糕等商品。星巴 克在全球范围内已经有近12,000 12,000间分店遍布 克在全球范围内已经有近12,000间分店遍布 北美、南美洲、欧洲、中东及太平洋区。 北美、南美洲、欧洲、中东及太平洋区。
(5)感官识别 (5)感官识别 嗅觉、视觉、听觉、触觉和味觉 共同塑造了星巴克咖啡馆浪漫的 情调。重烘焙极品咖啡豆是星巴 克味道的来源,加上“四禁” 克味道的来源,加上“四禁”政 策(禁烟、禁止员工用香水、禁用 化学香精的调味咖啡豆、禁售其 他食品和羹汤) 他食品和羹汤)力保店内充满咖啡 自然醇正的浓香。 (6)包装美学。 6)包装美学 6)包装美学。 星巴克的美学不仅是借鉴, 星巴克的美学不仅是借鉴,还融 合了自己的风格。 合了自己的风格。
• Twenty years ago, Starbucks created the logo, only a coffee shop. Today, the beautiful "Green Mermaid, " even with the McDonald's "m" has become a symbol of American culture. • 二十年前星巴克创建这个徽标时,只有一家咖啡 二十年前星巴克创建这个徽标时, 如今,优美的“绿色美人鱼” 店。如今,优美的“绿色美人鱼”,竟然与麦当 劳的“ 一道成了美国文化的象征 一道成了美国文化的象征。 劳的“m”一道成了美国文化的象征。
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2008 A loyalty program was introduced for registered users of the Starbucks Card (previously simply a gift card) offering perks such as free Wi-Fi Internet access, no charge for soy milk & flavored syrups, and free refills on brewed drip coffee or tea.
1971–1976 The first Starbucks cafe was located at 2000 Western Avenue.
• Sale and expansion
1984 The original owners of Starbucks, led by Jerry Baldwin, took the opportunity to purchase Peet's.
蒋 晓 明
刘 璐
马 金 金
History Advertising Environmental and social policies
• Founding
1971 The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington.
Environmental and social policies
星巴克(Starbucks)是美国一家连锁咖啡公司的名称,1971年成立,是全球最大的咖啡连锁店,其总 部坐落美国华盛顿州西雅图市。星巴克旗下零售产品包括30多款全球顶级的咖啡豆、手工制作的浓缩咖啡 和多款咖啡冷热饮料、新鲜美味的各式糕点食品以及丰富多样的咖啡机、咖啡杯等商品。星巴克在全球范围 内已经有近21300间分店遍布北美、南美洲、欧洲、中东及太平洋区。
的咖啡豆来源于海拔 80 任 一 1000 米的高原,该种 咖啡豆具有普通咖啡豆没 有的美妙味道和香气,但 由V于I E W易M O受R E 虫害,产量少,
聘用和目标顾客年龄相仿且喜欢人与打交 道的年轻人作为服务员。卜提供温馨关怀的消费 建议。服务员都会为顾客推荐适合当时气氛的咖 啡。卜实行标准化服务,从顾客点咖啡开始到调 制完成,再送到顾客面前,不能超过 1 分 30 秒。 注重“ one at a t 1 me ” (当下体验)的观念, 用心经营“当下”这一次的生活体验。
PART 5 星巴克人力资源管理
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable.
The whole drink was blended by espresso ,foam(奶泡) , steamed milk(蒸牛奶),without sweetness, because of too much foam the whole cup of drinks is lighter and makes it feel like cost money to buy air. Cappuccino’s classical collocation is croissant(羊角面包)
• Increaseபைடு நூலகம் risk of high blood pressure . • Induced osteoporosis 诱发骨质疏松
The disadvantage of drinking 11/10/2019 co1f3 fee
Coffee and mood
Are you in mood or you want a cup of coffee when you're in a bad mood?
Starbucks Secret Menu
• zebra mocha,zebra hot chocolate:“斑马”。
• widow maker:iced black tea与iced black coffee的结合,苦口提神黑寡妇。
Even by the side.
and repeatedly
We taste more than 1,000 cups of coffee a day, just to verify that the taste is outstanding enough to satisfy everyone. Each batch of coffee will be tasted at least three times before it is approved, just to make you fall in love with every Starbucks coffee.
Geographically, there are three global coffee growing regions – East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim, and Latin America.
The history of coffee is as rich as the way coffee is brewed. It dates back more than a thousand years.
The world's first coffee tree was found in the Horn of Africa. Local indigenous tribes often grind the fruit of the coffee, mix it with animal fat and knead it into many spherical pellets. These indigenous tribes regard these coffee balls as precious foods for those who are about to go out. The world's first coffee tree was found in the Horn of Africa. Local indigenous tribes often grind the fruit of the coffee, mix it with animal fat and knead it into many spherical pellets. These indigenous tribes regard these coffee balls as precious foods for those who are about to go out.
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我国的各学派发展便已成体系,为中国乃至世界各界的 发展奠定了件事的基础。然而传承与发扬的后力不足, 不止拖后了中国的发展,更给落后的中国带来苦难。中 华的复兴,少不了思想思维的多元化碰撞,少不了五千 年的智慧结晶。随着社会的的发展,各方面的需求日益 增长、细化、深化,衍生出了许多的分支与创新,然而 一切都仍是围绕人类的生命活动所进行的,这一点恒古 不变,而相关的智慧经典在中华文明的沙滩上面,在明 媚的阳光下面,闪
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里居然冒出了一个想法,嘴也忍不住跟我的朋友们 说:;我们用沙子来战争吧!;没想到,我这一个新颖的 想法,竟然引起了他们的赞同。然后,我们大家分别在
部 门 营 销 计 划 沙地的一角,看着对方蓄势待发。;啪;
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Part 02
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统治者为了自己的统治,曾修改典著,并作文提出;罢 黜百家,独尊儒术;的旗号,这一行为为中国带来了安 定的社会等级统治,同时也扼杀了许多前人智慧结晶的 进一步发展,限制了多为思想路线的形成发展巩固。中 国的政体发展早已脱胎换骨,然而文化的转型却迟迟未 能达到突破。更有甚者,将国学等同于儒学,或盲目的 去崇拜,或盲目的去批判,殊不知中华上下五千年,支
0 1 部门营销计划 02 策划计划安排
03 活动情况介绍
04 策划活动效应
闪发亮,荡漾人心,是时候,拾起一颗,捡起一片慧语 智言。"沙战 ;;啊!不!我的衣服!你;;可恶!看球!看;;;许多人;撕心 裂肺;地说。今天,我与我的一群好朋友,展开了;残酷;
Pa r t 0 1 的战争。体育课,老师让我们自由活动。于是,我脑子
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