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Canada's Wonderland

⑴________ATMs are just inside the Park beside Stroller, Locker and Wheelchair Rentals at

the Front Gate. You can get money by using a nationwide visa debit card.

⑵________A pet care is outside our Front Gate on the south side. Water and air-conditioned

places are provided. Visitors' pets will be taken care of by the staff.

⑶________If you are injured or you need medical assistance, tell any park staff who will call

First Aid and have them come to your position.

⑷________Smoking is not allowed while riding or standing in line for rides or in any of the

children's areas or the Water Park.

⑸________Shops can be found throughout Canada's Wonderland. Picnic baskets and coolers

are welcome on the north side of our Front Gate. Bottled water may be brought

into the Park.


A. B. C. D. E. F.

【解析】【分析】(1)ATMs are just inside the Park beside Stroller, Locker and Wheelchair Rentals at the Front Gate. You can get money by using a nationwide visa debit card. 提款机位于公园里的手推车、储物柜、轮椅租赁处旁边,你可以通过使用全国范围的维萨信用卡得到钱。选项F中是ATM的图片,故选F。

(2) A pet care is outside our Front Gate on the south side. Water and air-conditioned places are provided. Visitors' pets will be taken care of by the staff.宠物看管服务位于大门之外的南边。有提供饮水和空调房间。游客的宠物会被工作人员照顾。选项E图片是一只宠物狗,故选E。

(3) If you are injured or you need medical assistance, tell any park staff who will call First Aid and have them come to your position. 如果您受伤了或需要医疗救助,请告知任何园区工作人员,他们会呼叫急救中心,让医护人员来到您身边。选项 A 的医疗服务的标志,故选A。

(4) Smoking is not allowed while riding or standing in line for rides or in any of the children's areas or the Water Park. 乘坐游乐设施或排队等待时,儿童区域和“水上乐园”也禁止吸烟。选项C的图片是禁止吸烟的标志。故选C。

(5)Shops can be found throughout Canada's Wonderland. Picnic baskets and coolers are

welcome on the north side of our Front Gate. Bottled water may be brought into the Park. 商店遍布加拿大奇境乐园。您可以在乐园外大门北边的阴凉处使用野餐篮和冷饮箱。园内禁止自带食物和饮品。瓶装水可以带入园内。选项B图片是购物车,是购物的标志,故选B。【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。我们先观察给出的标志代表的意义,然后根据每个题描述的内容,确定合适的选项,找出正确答案。


Baseball-it's just a word, but for millions of Americans, ①it brings to mind so many images: hot dogs, cold beers, sunny afternoons

For many people, baseball is the game of fathers and sons. Fathers and sons have been playing catch with each other on lawns(草坪) in the US. A father's favorite team becomes his son's. Grandfathers talk to their grandsons about games played long ago.

Many American kids collect baseball cards. The cards have pictures of their favorite players on them. In school, friends exchange baseball cards. ②about, baseball, famous, are, students, by, players, talked, often.

③Baseball players are known as “the boys of summer” because the sport is most often played in summer. You don't need to be of a certain size or shape to play baseball. You don't have to be tall like a basketball player or strong like an American football player. You just need to want to have fun.

Baseball is not as fast-paced(快节奏的) as basketball. When you go to see a game, there's time to relax, talk and get to know other people.

Baseball may not be the most popular sport in the US, but it is the most traditional. It's not just a game anymore, but a key part of American culture, like apple pie.





(4)To play baseball, you need to be very strong or tall, don't you?

(5)Which game is faster, baseball or basketball?

【答案】(1)so many images are brought to mind.

(2)Famous baseball players are often talked about by students.


(4)No, we don't.



(1)句型转换题。主动语态句子变被动语态,须将宾语so many images 改为被动语态的主语,将谓语动词改为被动结构be动词+过去分词,即are brought。故答案为:so many images are brought to mind。

(2)连词成句题。句意:出名的棒球员经常被学生们讨论。根据句意将词语排列成句,著名的棒球员为famous baseball players,经常被讨论为are often talked about,被学生by
