



新一代大学英语提高篇2综合教程unit7全文翻译The story of our English language is typically one of massive stealing from otherlanguages. That is why English today has an estimated vocabulary of over onemillion words, while other major languages have far fewer.French, for example, has only about 75,000 words, and that includes Englishexpressions like snack bar and hit parade. The French, however, do not likeborrowing foreign words because they think it corrupts their language. Thegovernment tries to ban words from English and declares that Walkman is notdesirable; so they invent a word, balladeur, which French kids are supposed to sayinstead -- but they don't.Walkman is fascinating because it isn't evenEnglish.Strictly speaking, it wasinvented by the Japanese manufacturers who put two simple English wordstogether to name their product. That doesn't bother us, but it does bother theFrench.Such is the glorious messiness of English. That happy tolerance, thatwillingness to accept words from anywhere, explains the richness of English andwhy it has become, to a very real extent, the first truly global language.我们的英语的历史是典型的大量窃取其它语言的历史。



Unit1 英国人和美国人的空间概念人们说英国人和美国人是被同一种语言分离开的两个伟大的民族。






















.探索是进化过程中一个重要地生存策略.; . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习数量不断扩张地物种地迁移有赖于对临近或遥远地新地食物来源或安全地栖息地进行探索,这是人口压力或是环境变化地结果.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习而人类还增加了另外一个探索地原因,即好奇心.这种对未知事物进行探索地思想冲动引领着伟大地欧洲探险家们在世纪到世纪之间来到了美洲,澳大利亚和南极洲.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习对大自然地好奇心同样也是人类探索极地冰冠,攀登山峰和潜入海底背后地驱动力., . . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习现在二十一世纪探索地最终前沿便是太空.天文观测和人造卫星已经为我们提供了关于太阳系内外地宇宙地丰富知识.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习; . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是这些技术只能提供一些有限地概况,让我们知道那里都有些什么.最终人类还是要亲自前往其他星球以进行更详细地研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , .文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习过去五十年间国家安全方面地考虑促使火箭和飞船技术取得了巨大进步.现在,人类已经能够进入近地轨道和月球以便能够更好地实现通讯效果或是观察环境变化以及地面人类活动.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , .可以想象,这些进展将最终能将宇航员送至其他星球,尤其是火星. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. , . ’ , . ; , () . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习但是探索地球和探索太空有着巨大地差异.首先,太空是一个不容许任何人为错误或技术故障地无情地环境.对于长时间离开地球轨道地人而言风险会更多.一个是太空中几近全无地重力,而另外一个则是高能量电离宇宙射线()核子地存在.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习由于零重力和宇宙射线会对前往火星地飞船上地宇航员有着严重地健康影响,我们首先要研究它们对细胞,组织和人类荷尔蒙与免疫系统地影响.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,尽管我们能够在地面制造核子并研究其对生物材料地影响,但是我们无法长久地模拟低重力时段以及它们二者对细胞和组织地累加效应.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, () . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,国际空间站()将会为人类在太空进行健康风险评估以及制定应对措施方面扮演重要地角色.() . 关于宇航员是如何适应从太空中地零重力()到地球地地信息已经有了很多,文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, ; . 但是我们对这些影响地了解还是不够全面,也不明了有那些对策能够减轻这些影响.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ . , ——. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习通过对在航天飞船上和长期驻扎在俄罗斯和平号空间站上宇航员地观察发现零重力对骨骼和肌肉生理以及心血管系统都有着严重地影响.例如,由返回至会导致人无法在直立地体位维持正常地血压,即直立耐受不良,还会导致脑部供血不足.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 因此,宇航员从轨道返回后需要休息几分钟.恢复正常血压所需地时间和他们在零重力环境中所处地时间成正比.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习——, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习这就意味着前往火星地宇航员无论是在登陆后还是在返回地球后都将需要相当长地时间来重新适应重力,因为他们至少将有一年地时间处于零重力状态,除非我们可以找到一个技术解决方案能在宇宙飞船上人工建立重力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , . . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外还有其他地心血管方面地影响,例如心律失常和心肌萎缩.而这一切都需要更为详尽地研究,然后才能确保执行火星任务地宇航员地安全.长时间处于低重力环境地其它影响还包括骨质地流失和肌肉退化,这些都有可能损害宇航员在飞船中或火星表面执行任务地能力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习人类太空旅行地第二大风险就是前面提到地存在于宇宙射线中地核子,因为他们能对原子或分子施加电离作用.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习’ ’ , , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习尽管核子无法到达地球表面,因为他们要么是被大气层所吸收,要么是被地球磁场影响而发生偏转,但是已经有实验数据表明宇宙射线中地电子,中子和质子有致癌作用以及其它一些对机体有害地潜在影响.这些都已经在地球上地许多实验室动物中得到观察.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, .文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外,年在日本落下地原子弹地影响研究也为辐射和高能核子对健康地危害提供了进一步地数据.,—. , , , .. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,宇宙射线与核爆炸还是有着很大不同.因为宇宙射线包含大量地核子,即坍塌地行星和超新星爆炸后释放到太空地残留物.核子对诱发癌症,中枢神经系统和眼睛地生理影响还不明确,辐射影响与零重力之间地相互作用也未获研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,我们需要在地面上以及国际空间站进行更多地实验才能放心地保证往返火星和更远地行星地宇航员地健康和安全.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习具有讽刺意味地是,只有在从太空中带回地物质地潜在威胁得到讨论之后才能考虑太空辐射对健康地危害.() , , . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习我曾在年加入美国国家研究理事会()地空间科学委员会,在诸多考虑事宜中就包括了从月球或是太空其他地方返回地物体是否会携带可能危及地球生命地有害生物.那时合适地解决方案是隔离这些对象并用射线或紫外线照射或是高温消毒.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. 要想理解和评估辐射和重力地生理作用不仅要求地球上地实验,还需要在国际空间站上对足够数量地动物和或人体实验对象进行广泛地研究.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , . , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,由于美国宇航局经费地削减以及年月哥伦比亚号航天飞机地失事,国际空间站地工作和建设已经陷入停滞状态.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习此外,国际空间站还面临人员问题.原本计划安排六到七名宇航员来实行空间站地维护和运转以及科学实验., , , , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而资金短缺意味着没有足够大地太空飞行器,如穿梭机,来运输船员、设备和供给,也无法满足在空间站遇到紧急事故地时候提供救援运输地需求.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, , , , . . , ’ , . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习因此,为了安全起见,船员地数量在年被减少到了三个.因为只有俄罗斯联盟号宇宙飞船可以使用,而该飞船在紧急情况下只能运载三名船员.哥伦比亚号飞船地损失加剧了这个问题.由于船员地规模从六个减少到了三个,宇航员地大部分时间被用于操作和维护空间站,而只能剩下一点时间来进行科学实验.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, – . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习没有可观地巨额资金输入来供应设备并支持更多地船员,科学家们将无法在未来到年内完成对太空旅行风险地基本信息地收集.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习为了获取流行病学有效地数据,我们同时还需要一个持续不断地,轮流上阵地至少六名宇航员来获取零重力对生理和心理地影响并验证对策地有效性.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习不完成这些实验就不可能保证长达三年地火星往返途中宇航员地安全和康健., , ? 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习那么,要怎样做才能满足我们对太阳系内外进行探索地好奇心并继续更详尽地研究距离我们最近地行星呢?. , , ’ , , —’ —. . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习有三种可能地解决方案.第一个,也是最为明显地一个就是使用无人驾驶飞船来探索行星地表面,比如说在火星或是欧罗巴(木星地一个行星)上登陆并将样本送回地球.这有望在未来地十年内完成.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习. , , , . . 第二种方法是为国际空间站大量增加资金.我无法估算需要多少资金,因为从过去地经验来看,这样地估计有很大地不确定性.而这些资金甚至可能会超过建造一艘能够搭载六到七名宇航员从火星到地球为期三年地往返地太空飞船所需地费用.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习, . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习在目前全球经济地环境下,没有有效地物质和经济合作以及多国间地相互协同显然是无法实现地.. 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习第三个可能地解决方案是开发新地发射能力以及速度更快地太空飞船来大幅减少在太空中所花费地时间,从而降低辐射地照射和宇航员地其它压力.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习《科学》杂志报道说俄罗斯正在研制核动力飞船计划来实现这一目标., . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习然而,很难设想能够满足环境要求地起飞和着陆地场景., . 文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习鉴于目前地局势,我认为我们需要进一步改建国际空间站并至少在未来年间使用机器人探测棒,然后才可以重新评估将人类送上火星地可能性.文档收集自网络,仅用于个人学习。

































A New English Course (Level 7)Unit OneText IEnglish and American Concepts of SpaceI. About the Author --- Edward Twitchell Hall (1914 ---), . anthropologist, author, and teacher, received his . degree in anthropology from Columbia University. He has taught at various institutions, such as Harvard Business School, the Illinois Institute of Technology, and Northwestern University. His works include: The Silent Language (1959), a study of nonverbal communication, and The Hidden Dimension (1966), a study of “social and personal space and man’s perception of it.” The present text, a selection from The Hidden Dimension, gives a contrast between English and American concepts of personal space.About the author:Down the drainEdward ’s The Hidden Dimension, perhaps the scariest book (even scarier than 1984) I ever read. Scary, because it isn’t fiction, but a rather elaborate essay on anthropology and proxemic behavior. If Hall’s right, things as disregard for other cultures, mindless urban development and demographic growth have generated a behavioral sink in which stress, crime, intolerance and physical and psychic disease grow everyday, and to make things worse, our governments take measures that only accelerate the process. We are all going down the drain.Put Ed Hall’s Insights to Work in Your World Ed Hall is one of the preeminent cultural anthropologists of all times. His works, studies, and insights into the rich modern anthropology reflect a life long passion he developed as a teenager in the 1930’s Southwest . assigned to work on white-managed WPA crews alongside Navajo workers whose cultural bearings and world views were vastly different than his own people’s views.Hidden Dimensions examines the cultural contexts of space, how people define their personal and community spaces as part of their cultural norms.How far apart or close do people of a similar culture feel comfortable standing or sitting next to one another and in what circumstances When do you feel someone is “in your space”This personal comfort zone differs culture to culture. Yours may be different than mine. Hall develops these “proxemics” (proximity) in this book by observing and visiting with peoples from around the globe, and shares the wisdom gained with you so that you might expand your own world views and spatial orientations when mixing with foreign cultures to your own.Well worth the sheckles to add this great work to your life’s library. Collect all of Hall’s works.Best of the BestA fabulous writing on how human beings react to and make use of special distance from a physical and psychological viewpoint, . the study of proxemics. The type of book that should be reissued without fail by the publisher, though it is old, since it is a classic in its field. Actual numerical distances and their effect / use / experience by humans are explained as well as much about eyesight and its abilities. Hall alsoexplains how different Euro cultures (German, French, and others) plus how Americans use space differently. I’m seldom this positive about any book but must give this one a highest rating.II. Organization and DevelopmentLike most writings of an academic nature, this article is neatly-structured. Its thesis is clearly stated in the first paragraphand is developed in the rest of the article by contrast. Can you identify the sentence in the first paragraph that states the thesis The sentence in the 1st paragraph that states the thesis:If there ever were two cultures in which differences of the proxemic details are marked it is in the educated English and the middle-class Americans.The contrasts Hall has made are frequently marked by words or phrases generally known as sentence adverbials or connectives. Locate such items throughout the writing and try to tell what contrast they introduce.Words or phrases used to indicate contrasts:Paragraph 1“whereas” --- contrasting space for Americans with the socialsystem for the English as a factor determining aperson’s social status“however” --- contrasting the importance of one’s address inthe United States with that of the position in thesocial system into which a person is born in Britain Paragraph 3“on the other hand” --- contrasting what is said in the 2ndparagraph with what is said in the 3rd, . theAmerican’s sense of space that can be called his ownwith the Englishman’s sense of shared space Paragraph 5“on the other hand”--- contrasting the different ways in whichAmericans and the English behave when seekingseclusionThe contrast Hall has made serves to explain the apparent clashbetween theEnglish and Americans, . why they behave differently when they have the same need to satisfy.III. Notes1.In what sense does Hall use the word “separated”in the first sentenceMade culturally different.2.What, according to the author, has really separated the English andthe AmericansNot the different ways in which the English language is used as assumed by most people, but the different ways of handling time, space and materials.munications on other levels --- Broadly speaking, communication isof two kinds: verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication consists of word language and the variations in meaning which a person puts into words through the way they are said. Thus different intonation mayimpart different meanings. Nonverbal communication consists of non-word language such as gestures and bodily action, visual aids like graphs and photos, certain activities, and time, space, and materials as mentioned by the author. What the author means here is that words do not account as much for the differences of the two peoples as the other levels of communication.4. ego --- 1) self, especially as contrasted with another self or the world;2) one’s opinion of oneself; self-esteem, .: He has an enormous ego. (= thinks he is a very fine person).3) tech. (in Freudian psychology) the one of the three parts of the mind that connects a person to the outside world, because it can think and act; conscious self5. rephrase the sentence:The differences for which language gets blamed may not be due so much to words as to communications on other levels beginning with English intonation (which sounds affected to many Americans) and continuing to ego-linked ways of handling time, space, and materials.Some people complain about the English language for its being so different in the two countries. These differences, however, may have resulted not from the words people use, but rather from individual linguistic habits, which are displayed in the adoption of a particular intonation (English intonation sounds unnatural to Americans), and extend down to the way people look at the world.6. Proxemics is the study of the communicative value of space and distancein various cultures. It includes the study of the physical distance between people when they are talking to each other, as well as their postures and whether or not there is physical contact during their conversation. These factors can be looked at in relation to the sex, age, and social and cultural background of the people involved, and also their attitudes to each other and their state of mind. Of interest are such features as the physical distance considered proper or comfortable between two people engaged in conversation or standing near each other in public places. These and other nonverbal behavioral features, which vary from culture to culture, have been called “silent language” by Edward T. Hall.“The proxemic details” refers to facts or pieces of information related to proxemics, ., how closely two people should stand or sit apart when talking to each other, whether one should have his office door open or closed, etc.7. A public school in Britain is a private secondary boarding school witha pre-university curriculum. Admission is by entrance examination. The term “public school” emerged in the eighteenth century when the reputation of certain grammar schools spread beyond their immediate environs. They began taking pupils whose parents could afford residential fees and thus became known as “public schools”, in contrast to “local schools”. A public school is different from a comprehensive school, where children of all abilities and social backgrounds are taught together. A public school generally prepares students academically for higher education. Therefore, students who go to public schools are supposed to be better educated than those who goto comprehensive schools.8. Middle-class Americans are a heterogeneous socioeconomic grouping composed principally of business and professional people such as managers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, government officials, some farmers and skilled workers. They are characterized by a comfortable material standard of living, and respect for property. Since World War II, the middle class has been the largest social class in the United States. In the most people identify themselves as “middle-class.”9. disparity --- (C,U) (between, in, of)fml(an example of) being completely different or unequal; a noticeable difference. There is (a) considerable disparity in the rates of pay for men and women.10. What does the “social system” in England refer toThe traditional way of stratify societying into classes, which remains important / influential even today.11. Rephrase the sentence:One of the basic reasons for this wide disparity is that in the United States we use space as a way of classifying people and activities, whereas in England it is the social system that determines who you are. One of the important factors that has contributed to such a big difference is that the place where one lives, to Americans, can present a symbol of one’s status or activity, while in England, the class one belongs to identifies one’s position in society.12. Why do you think one’s spatial location means almost as much to theAmericans as one’s social location does to the EnglishThink of the different history of the two countries. Britain has a long history of feudal social hierarchy, which had been firmly rooted and survived the bourgeois revolution in the 17th century. This system has not been completely overcome and the country is still a kingdom today. Aristocratic titles have been hereditary and are still regarded as a mark of a person’s social status. On the other hand, the United States has a short history of about 200 years, which began with a vast expanse of land that provided abundant space for people to fully exercise their imagination and develop their talent. A person’s background is far less important than what space he can find for himself and what he can achieve in that space.13. prestigious --- having prestige, . general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc.14. fishmonger --- a person who owns or works in a shop (fishmonger’s) which sells fish: I bought a nice piece of cod from the fishmonger / at the fishmonger’s.15. stall --- a table or small open-fronted shop in a public place: a market stall16. allot --- give as a share or set apart for a purpose. Most of the money has already been allotted.They allotted us three weeks to finish the job.We were unable to finish it in the allotted time.17. What conclusion has the author reached by the end of the first paragraph?Spatial allocation does not have the same implication for the English and for Americans.18. How is the first paragraph related to the second oneThe last sentence of the first paragraph introduces the next two paragraphs, which illustrate differences between the English and the Americans in the allotment of space.19. den ---infml. a small quiet comfortable room in a house, where a person, usually a man, can be alone (小书斋; 小巧而舒适的私室) . Father’s in his den.--- the home of a usu. Large fierce wild animal, such as a lion --- a center of secret, esp. illegal, activity, . a den of thieves20. “the shop” --- a place where things made or repaired “工场”21. What does the author try to contrast in the second and the third paragraphHow differently space is allotted in Britain and the United States, the former having a strong sense of “shared space”and the latter of “one’s own space.”22. vacate --- give up the occupancy of; stop using; leaving (a room or place) so that it is available for someone else to use23. inconsequential --- unimportant; insignificant24. be entitled to --- possess the right to have or to do something25. Rephrase the sentence:As a consequence, the English are puzzled by the American need for a secure place in which to work, an office.As a result, it is hard for the English to figure out why Americans invariably feel it is necessary to find themselves a space, such as an office, where they may work without being disturbed.26. implication --- something that is suggested or implied by a particular situation, event, or statement27. typify --- v. 1) (not in progressive forms) be a typical example of; show all the most usual characteristics of something, . The shoe-shine boy who becomes a millionaire typifies the American Dream.2) (not in progressive forms) to be a typical mark or sign of 成为…的标记: the high quality that typifies all this work3) fml. to represent in a typical manner, . by an image, model, or likeness, . In this book we have tried to typify the main classes of verbs. 在本书中, 我们力图以明显的方式把动词分成几大类.28. strain --- a state of tension within or among people; . the current strain in relations between the two countries29. How do you interpret “experiencing strain in his relationships with Americans” in paragraph 4Having trouble getting along with Americans30. Rephrase the sentence:It took some time but finally we were able to identify most of the contrasting features of the American and British problems that were in conflict in this case.It was not until some time later that we managed to discover the major differences that had frustrated both sides in the above story.31. How differently would the English and the Americans behave when they want to be aloneThe Americans would go to their own rooms and shut the door, whereas the English, instead of finding architectural screens to shut themselves off, would provide subtle clues to others present that they do not wish to be disturbed.32. How would the English and the Americans feel if they are not talked to by people present in the same roomAmericans would feel that they are being rejected. The English would feel happy that others have recognized the unseen barrier they have erected to keep off intrusion.33. Rephrase the sentence:They have in effect internalized a set of barriers, which they erect and which others are supposed to recognize.They have virtually built up, for themselves, a wall, which may keep them safe from disturbance when necessary and which, they assume, others should be able to perceive and respect.34. The article is written not by a lay person based on casual observations but by a professor of anthropology based on his research findings. Somewords the author uses has added to the academic flavor of the writing. Can you identify some of them and explain what they meanProxemic --- adj. of proxemics, a branch of sociology that studies spatial relations, people’s sense of space and their need of space in different situations, etc.Subject --- a person that undergoes scientific experimentation or investigationEgo --- the self of a personCondition --- determine, accustomSeminar --- regular meeting of a group of students under the guidance of a tutor or a professorUnit TwoTEXT ITouristsI. About the author --- Nancy Mitford (), English writer of novels, biographies, and essays, is noted for her witty novels of upper-class life. Her workers include: Pursuit of Love (1945), Vlotaire in Love (1957), and The Sun King (1966), about Louis XIV. One of her most widely read books was Noblesse Oblige: An Inquiry into the Identifiable Characteristics of the English Aristocracy (1956). The text is from an essay called “The Tourist,”part of a collection published under the title of The Water Beetle (1962).II. Organization and DevelopmentAlthough part of a collection, the selection is quite complete in itself as far as structure is concerned. The author seems to have followed a well-worked-out outline. Now try to restore that outline, indicating the main parts and the major subdivisions under each of them.Outline for reference:1.The island and the touristsThe island: location, natural features, the cathedral and itsbellsThe tourists: number, transport, lack of taste, ill-mannered behavior, American-Englishmen-Germans2.Behavior of the islandersThe author’s general attitudeComparison of the island to a stageYoung men from Burano (Little Eric)Old women selling lacesThe priestThe tourists’ response3.Torcello back to its life routineYoung menOld womenFather of the clover babiesThe brief description of the small island creates the impression that it might be a nice, quiet retreat for writers like the author herself, but it might not be a good tourist resort. This helps to strengthen the point the author wants to make, . the tourists who swamp the place are aimless in their touring.III. Notes1. Based on the author’s description, try to think of just a few words and phrases that bring out the most important features of the island Torcello.Small, ancient, abundant in wild flowers, crisscrossed by waterways2. Rephrase the sentence:The most intensive study I ever made of tourists was at Torcello, where it is impossible to avoid them.Since tourists can be seen almost everywhere at Torcello, I decided to observe them closely.3. minute: very small4. lagoon: an area of calm sea water partly or completely separated from the sea by banks of sand, rock, coral, etc.5. a great cathedral --- referring to SantaMaria Assunta Cathedral, which was founded in about 639, and rebuilt in the ninth and the eleventh century. It is a Byzantine cathedral, decorated with fine Veneto-Byzantine mosaics.6. What does the word “chorus” in line 8 refer tobells ringing out7. Explain the sentence:Bells from the campanile ring out reproaches three times a day …joined by a chorus from the surrounding islands. --- From the campanile, or the high bell tower, can be heard the reproaches, or sets of verses representing reproaches of Jesus Christ to his people, three times a day. Such reproaches ring out from the nearby islands too.“cloches, cloches, divins reproches”= (French) “bells, bells, divine reproaches”8. lonely as a cloud --- This is an echo of William Wordsworth’s poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” (1804). The first verse of the poem is as follows:I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.9. Rephrase the sentence:Torcello which used to be lonely as a cloud has recently become an outing from Venice.Torcello was at one time an island scarcely visited by people, but today it has grown to be a magnet for tourists from Venice.10. chartered --- hired for use by a particular group or person11. yacht --- a large boat, often motor-driven, used for pleasure; a light sailing boat12. towpath --- a path (as along the bank of a canal or river) traveled by men or animals towing / pulling boats13. Possibly there is a double meaning in the phrase much restored in line 13.The early mosaics are made to look new again; the scenes from hell are brought back to life.14. a great, sad, austere Madonna --- the image of Mary, mother of JesusChrist, in mosaics, who appears sorrowful and stern15. Byzantine art --- the symbolical system of art which was developed by the early Greek or Byzantine artists out of the Christian symbolism. Its chief features are the circle, dome, and round arch; and its chief symbols the lily, cross, vesica, and nimbus.16. Explain the sentence in line 14 “Byzantine art is an acquired taste.”One needs to cultivate a certain taste to be able to appreciate Byzantine art.17. Rephrase the sentence:Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it.Byzantine art is a highly refined heritage, but few of the tourists here have arrived at that sophistry as to be able to appreciate it. / To appreciate Byzantine art, one needs to cultivate a particular sense of beauty, but few of the tourists to Torcello have been so equipped.18. the village green --- a small stretch of grass in the village19. Attila --- king of the Huns, a nomadic people from central Asia, from 434 . to 453 ., and one of the greatest of the barbarian rulers who attacked the Roman Empire. In 452 he invaded northern Italy and sacked several cities there.20. leave the devil of a mess behind them --- leave behind them all kinds of litter / a terrible mess. Devil is often used to give force to various expressions, especially of displeasure, . We had a devil of a job trying to persuade her.Why the devil did he comeWhat the devil is she doing now21. marching as to war --- This is an echo of a Christian hymn written by Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924). The first stanza goes thus:Onward, Christian soldiers,Marching as to war,With the Cross of JesusGoing on before! (1864)22. a Leader --- apparently referring to the tourist guide23. a standing order --- a permanent request (for something by a customer)24. From what Mitford has said of the tourists in the first paragraph, can you imagine what, in her opinion, a good tourist should be like He should have a clear purpose when going sightseeing, be appreciative of what there is supposed to be seen; he should not litter, or do anything harmful to the environment.25. What different images has Mitford created of the Americans, the Englishmen, and the Germans with her brief description of themAmericans --- well-to-do but having no taste at allEnglishmen --- mean, not attentive to public hygieneGermans --- well-organized and well-disciplined but not appreciative26. extract --- obtain by much effort27. Rephrase the sentence:As they are obliged, whether they like it or not, to live in public during the whole summer, they very naturally try to extract some financial benefit from this state of affairs.They have no choice but to come into contact with the tourists throughout the summer, and it is not hard to imagine why they should not try to earn some money out of this opportunity.28. What does the word Italian in line 31 refer toThe Italian nation as a whole29. gondolier --- the boatman who propels a gondola, a long narrow flat-bottomed boat with a high prow and stern used on the canals of Venice30. sandolos --- small boats used on the Venetian canals31. Buona fortuna --- (Italian) Good luck32. trinket --- a small ornament (as a jewel or ring) of little value33. point de Venise lace --- lace that is made with a needle or needle point. Burano is known for its Venetian point lace industry.34. four-leafed clovers --- or four-leafed clovers, four-leaf clovers.A four-leafed clover is a clover plant that has a set of four leaves instead of the usual three, and is believed to bring good luck to a person who finds it.Clover –is a small usu. three-leafed plant with pink, purple, or white flowers, often grown as food for cattle.35. holy processions --- religious parades36. Rephrase the sentence:The priest organizes holy processions to coincide with the arrival of the steamer.The priest arranges for the religious pageant to begin the moment the ship arrives.37. flapping --- swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind38. Daily Mail --- name of a newspaper39. Where in paragraph 2 does Mitford reveal her attitude towards the way the islanders behaveShe is somewhat sympathetic to them. Refer to lines 29-31, “As they are obliged, whether they like it or not …from this state of affairs.”40. A metaphor runs through paragraphs 2 and 3. What is it Which sentence sets up the comparison Pick out words that continue the metaphor.The island is compared to a stage, and the activities to a play.Line 31, “The Italian is a born actor …”dress up, sweet-faced old women, apparently, organizes holy procession to coincide, the curtain, shed their jackets, let the smiles fade41. How do you understand the last sentence “Tocello is itself again” The play is over; ordinary life on the island is restored, and the islanders are their normal selves again.Unit ThreeText IThe SubwayTom WolfeI. About the AuthorThe Author --- Tom Wolfe (Thomas K. Wolfe, Jr., 1931-), . author, is one of the new journalists, who write, like journalists, about the people,the places, and the events of the contemporary world, but who write with the imagination, the personal vision, and the rhetorical flair which is usually associated with the creative writer. Wolfe’s writings appear in magazines such as Confidential and Harper’s Bazaar. Wolfe, like any good reporter, observes closely from a particular angle of vision --- often satiric --- and he projects what he feels and thinks into his description by the details he selects to show us and the words he chooses to describe them. His works include: The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby (1965), New Journalism (1973), and In Our Time (1980).II Organization and DevelopmentThe topic sentence of paragraph 2 extends, at least in part, to paragraph 3.For paragraph 5, the following words from paragraph 4 with some modifications may serve the purpose of a topic sentence: “However, some men do fall to the state of being a bum. For example, on the East Side IRT subway line…”In paragraph 3, apart from sticking to using “he”as the subject in a series of sentences to describe the actions of the two black boys in the car, the conjunction “then”is used twice to show the chronological progression of the actions.The last four sentences of paragraph 4 all keep to “he” as the subject.III. Notes1. the living symbol of all that adds up to lack of status in New York --- the very indication that those who take the subway have a low social position2. disorientation --- confusion, loss of one’s bearings3. express stop --- a major rapid transit stop where “express trains”stop, as contrasted to a “local stop” where all trains stop4. Rephrase the following.In a way, of course, the subway is the living symbol… every express stop.In New York’s underground transportation system, one finds many examples of what is low-class behavior in New York. The subway is disorganized and people move about wildly at each express stop.5. vistas --- sweeping views6. eerie --- frightening because of strangeness or gloominess7. How is the statement “The whole place is a gross assault on the senses”supported by details in the first paragraphassault on the sense of hearing --- noise of the trains, high-pitched harshness, metallic tones from recordsassault on the sense of touch --- pushing and being pushed in crowds assault on the sense of smell --- unbearable odorsassault on the sense of sight --- The sight of customers with bread flakes caked on their mouths and flatulent cheeks at lunch counters is far from pleasant.8. qualm --- feelings of uneasiness or uncertainty as to whether something is right9. What does the word “qualms”in line 7 mean What does the whole sentence containing the word implyunease, a pang or sudden feeling of doubt, esp. concerning moral conduct Pushing others in a crowded public place is considered rude, but in the . subway the passengers, when in a crowd, seem to have forgotten this basic moral norm.10. tactile --- relating to the sense of touch11. crucifying --- torment, torture12. Rephrase the sentenceYour tactile sense takes a crucifying you never dreamed possible.You are being bumped, shoved and prodded amidst the crowd more than you ever have been before / more than you ever expected.13. 45 records --- The abbreviation “ stands for “revolutions per minute.” It is a measure of the speed of a record. A 45 record goes。

综合英语Book V Unit 7[精]

综合英语Book V Unit 7[精]
b. evidence 2: the fault of students’ wrong concepts about themselves lies with the teachers, parents, or administrators but not with the gifted grouping itself (8 – 9)
I. Library Work
The IQ score is an operational, manifest, observable, and measurable representation of intelligence. A person’s IQ score represents his standing in relation to other people of his age group. The following is a table of IQ ratings:
I. Library Work
IQ scores 130 or more 120 – 129 110 – 119 90 – 109 80 – 89
Description Very superior Superior Bright normal Average Dull normal
II. Organization of the Text
A. opposing view 1: fears of creating a caste of intellectual snobs on the part of the gifted and a sense of inferiority on the part of the less gifted (Paragraph 5)



Unit 7 I’d Rather Be Black than Female1. 我是首位当选国会议员的黑人妇女,这使我成了一种独特的现象。



2. 如果我说黑人面对的障碍要比女人更大,大概没有人会怀疑。



3. 很多年来,多数美国白人对歧视黑人的现象视而不见。




4. 而消除女性歧视的困难要大多少?我坚信这将是一场更为旷日持久的斗争, 部分原因是,与黑人相比,美国女性不仅被更彻底地洗脑,而且也更加安于她们次等公民的角色。

5. 请允许我解释一下。



6. 恰恰又是女性——大约有三百万女性志愿者——在美国政界做着大部分这类工作。





7. 1963年,当我试图突破这种角色,代表布鲁克林的贝德福德·斯图维桑特参加纽约州众议院席位竞选时,遭到了强烈的反对。




Unit 7Exploration is an important survival strategy in evolution.探索是进化过程中一个重要的生存策略。

The migration of expansive species depends on exploring their immediate or distant surroundings for new food sources or safe habitats; it can also come as a result of population pressures or environmental changes.数量不断扩张的物种的迁移有赖于对临近或遥远的新的食物来源或安全的栖息地进行探索,这是人口压力或是环境变化的结果。

The human species has added another reason for exploration, namely curiosity. This intellectual urge to explore the unknown led the great European explorers to the Americas, Australia and Antarctica between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries.而人类还增加了另外一个探索的原因,即好奇心。


Inquisitiveness about nature is also the driving force behind humans exploring the polar caps, climbing mountain peaks and diving into the abysses of the oceans.对大自然的好奇心同样也是人类探索极地冰冠,攀登山峰和潜入海底背后的驱动力。

新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)UNIT 7 A篇练习答案+课文翻译

新标准大学英语综合教程(第二版)UNIT 7 A篇练习答案+课文翻译
“Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar to everyone,” continued
the mayor.
“Yes, yes, of course,” murmured the company, more and more agitated.
Hiroshima – the “liveliest” city in Japan
Hiroshima – the “liveliest” city in Japan
The introductions were made. Most of the guests were Japanese,
Active Reading 1
Warming Up
Listen to a passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)? New words naval base 海军基地 Pearl Harbor 珍珠港 surprise raid 偷袭 Island of Guam 关岛 Midway Island 中途岛 Isoroku Yamamoto 山本五十六(日本海军将领) Okinawa 冲绳(日本地名) Hiroshima 广岛(日本地名) Nagasaki 长崎(日本地名)
Warming Up
Script American military planners had to make an important decision when the United States entered the Second World War at the end of 1941. American forces could not fight effectively in Asia and Europe at the same time. The military planners decided to use most of their forces to defeat the German troops of Adolf Hitler. Only after victory over the Nazis was clear in Europe would they use all of America’s strength to fight Japan in Asia and the Pacific. Because of this decision, Japan was able to win many of the early battles of the war in Asia. Japanese planes bombed the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December seventh 1941. The surprise raid marked the first of several major victories for the Japanese.



Reference Keys to Exercises of Unit 1iii.Answer the following questions.1.(Paragraphs 1, 2 and 6) Moral attitude is a decisive factor in how neat peopleand sloppy people handle things. According to the author, sloppiness is merely the unfortunate consequence of sloppy people's extreme moral rectitude, while neat people are bums and clods at heart, holding a careless cavalier attitude toward possessions.2.(Paragraphs 4, and 5) The problem with sloppy people is that they aim too highand wide, and have never got round to executing their perfect plans. Their noble vision, ambitious plans, loving attention to every detail can be considered their moral virtues in contrast to neat people.3.(Paragraph 7) The purpose of neat people in getting everything neat and tidy isfrivolous and trivial. For example, they get the whole thing over with so that they can sit down and watch TV programs.4.(Paragraphs 6, 9 and 12) Cavalier attitudes have turned neat people into bumsand clods, insensitive and unloving. Sentimental attachment and loving care, however, are the very ingredients that make a moral man according to the author.5.(Paragraph 12) The attitudes of neat people toward things and people form acontinuum that is a manifestation of their moral frivolity and insensitivity, which is why they would rather send their children off to boarding school.iv.Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1.Sloppy people aim at a perfect and Utopian plan that entails such a huge taskand mission that they have consistently failed to accomplish.2.Sloppy people are preoccupied with unrealistic beliefs and usually place theirhope on someday which will never really come.3.Neat people hold the same attitudes toward things and people, and are verylikely to dispose of them without care or reserve.Text appreciation1.Sloppy people carry in their mind's eye a heavenly vision, a precise plan, that is sostupendous, so perfect, it can't be achieved in this world or the next. (Paragraph 2) 2.... the surface of the desk is buried under mounds of paper and the unreadmagazines threaten to reach the ceiling. (Paragraph 4)3.No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative everwrote. (Paragraph 9)4.Neat people cut a clean swath through the organic as well as the inorganic world. (Paragraph 12)Language worki.Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1.absolute moral righteousness and correctness2.arrange in alphabetic order5. are gradually formed and developedzy and stupid5.finish quickly what they have to do6.destroy ruthlessly the main part ofI II.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate phrasal verbs or collocations from the text.1. passed on to2. toying with3. getting over4. straightened out5. part with6. figured out7. responded ... to8. gone through V.Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.1. purposefully2. rather3. worthy4. who5. contributors6. developed7. staff8. stories9. described10. audience / readershipTranslationThe author holds that the fundamental difference between neat people and sloppy people is moral. The former place neatness above everything else and work on two unvarying principles: Never handle any item twice; and throw everything away. They are clear-minded and objective, but they are so indifferent that people, animals and things are all one to them. In sharp contrast, the latter fill their minds with all kinds of romantic whims and their ideals are just too perfect to come true in reality. What's more, the latter have a loving heart and seem to show sentimental attachments to everything. In a way, we may conclude that most statesmen and generals fall into the former category while most poets and artists belong to the latter type.Tips for Discussion1.With language, you might make the world laugh or weep when you laugh orweep.2.What Daniel Defoe, writer of Robinson Crusoe, experienced best illustrates thepower of the English language. It is said that his The True-born Englishman (1701) won him friendship; with the king while The Shortest Way with the Dissenters(1702) brought him into jail.3.So far as varieties of language are concerned, degrees of formality reflect to aconsiderate extent degrees of familiarity between people.4.Private language, though casual and less refined, often displays intimacy whilepublic language often betrays the distance between people.Composition Writing1.Based on your observations of friends or roommates and your own experiences,compare and contrast in a paragraph two people’s attitudes toward something.Focus on a single significant point of comparison. You might consider thefollowing as possible subjects:e of telephoneB.ClothesC.Shared vs. private spaceD.Shared vs. private objectsE.Loudness of conversations or musicF.Public behavior at a bus stop or some other places.。



UNIT71. Several leading modern business leaders seem, surprisingly, to downplay the importance of strategy. You can make too much fuss about strategy, they imply--- you have a few clear options; just choose one and get on with it. is it really that simple?2. “Strategy is straightforward---just pick a general direction and implement like hell.”Jack Welch, for example---the chairman and CEO of the USA’s General Electric Company; the man who grow the company from a market capitalization of $27 billion to a $140 billion, making GE the largest and most valuable company in the world. he must know a thing or two about strategy. But here’s what he says: “In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and you implement like hell.”Or Allan leighton, the man who was recruited by Archie Norman to help res cue the UK’s ailing Asda supermarket chain, and went on to build the company into one of Britain’s most successful retailers. “Strategy is important,” says Leighton, “but it is a compass, not a road map. It tells you in which direction you are heading, but the important bit is how you get there.”Or Louis Gerstner, the man who rescued IBM in the 1990’s when the struggling mainframe supplier was about to be driven into extinction by the new, smaller and more agile personal computer manufacturers. “It is extremely difficult to develop a unique strategy for a company; and if the strategy is truly different, it is probably highly risky. Execution really is the critical part of a successful strategy. Getting it done, getting it done right, getting it done better than the next person is far more important than dreaming up new visions of the future.”3. So strategy is simple. And having an ingenious new strategy is less important than carrying it out successfully. In fact it might be dangerous. It that right?Let’s look at one last quote from Mr. Welch. “When I became CEO in 1981, we launched a highly publicized initiative: be number one or number two in every market, and fix, sell or close to get there. This was not our strategy, although I’ve often heard it descri bed that way.It was a galvanising mantra to describe how we were going to do business going forward. Our strategy was much more directional. GE was going to move away from businesses that were being commoditized toward businesses that manufactured high-value technology products or sold services instead of things.”Grand strategy versus strategy4. I would argue that these CEO’s blue chip corporations are taking a slightly Olympian view of the concept of “strategy.” Let’s call what hey are talking about “grand strategy” a strategy, but in the overarching sense, like the American car industry saying that they are going to move out gas-guzzlers and into smaller, more fuel-efficient models. 1.一些领先的现代企业领导人似乎,奇怪的是,淡化战略的重要性。




























The author holds that the fundamental difference between neat people and sloppy people is moral. The former place neatness above everything else and work on two unvarying principles: never handle any item twice; and throw everything away. They are clear-minded and objective, but they are so indifferent that people, animals and things are all one to them. In sharp contrast, the latter fill their minds with all kinds of romantic whims and their ideals are just too perfect to come true in reality. What’s more, the latter have a loving heart and seem to show sentimental attachments to everything. In a way, we may conclude that most statesmen and generals fall into the former category while most poets and artists belong to the latter type.种瓜得瓜,你若给别人幸福,别人就会给你幸福。



综合英语(7)Comprehensive English Course (7)课程编号:0320015B学分:6学时:96(其中:讲课学时: 96 实验学时:0 上机学时: 0 )先修课程:综合英语(1)-(6)适用专业:英语(国际商务与翻译)建议教材:《综合教程》(第七册),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社,2005开课系所:外国语学院英语系课程编号:0320101B学分:3学时:42(其中:讲课学时: 42 实验学时:0 上机学时: 0 )先修课程:综合英语(1)-(6)适用专业:英语(师范)建议教材:《综合教程》(第七册),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社,2005开课系所:外国语学院英语系一、课程的性质与任务课程性质:学科(专业)基础必修课课程任务:综合英语(7)课程是综合英语(1-6)课程的延续,对学生的听、说、读、写、译等技能提出更高的培养要求。




二、课程的基本内容及要求Unit One课程教学内容:Text I Neat People vs. Sloppy PeopleText II Private Language, Public Language课程的重点、难点:Contents of modern rhetoric which includes communicative rhetoric and aesthetic rhetoric.课程教学要求:了解作者及其写作背景,理解课文结构和写作技巧,掌握基本词汇及其用法。

Unit Two课程教学内容:Text I Ambulance GirlText II Struggling for Sanity课程的重点、难点:Fundamental elements of writing principles课程教学要求:了解作者及其写作背景,理解课文结构和写作技巧,掌握基本词汇及其用法。



Unit SevenON HUMAN NATURE Frank and Lydia Hammer我对人类的了解越多,对他们的期望就越低。


——塞缪尔·约翰逊博士论人性弗兰克,莉迪亚·汉默尔1 Human nature is the basis of character, the temperament and disposition; it is that indestructible matrix upon which the character is built, and whose shape it must take and keep throughout life. This we call a person's nature.1人性是性格、气质和性情的基础,性格正是基于这种牢不可破的基质之上的,它必须以这种基质的形式存在,并将它保留终生,这种基质,我们称之为一个人的本性。

2 The basic nature of human beings does not and cannot change. It is only the surface that is capable of alteration, improvement and refinement; we can alter only people's customs, manners, dress and habits. A study of history reveals that the people who walked thisearth in antiquity were moved by the same fundamental forces, were swayed by the same passions, and had the same aspirations as the men and women of today. The pursuit of happiness still engrosses mankind the world over.2人类的本性不会也不能改变,只有一些表面特征才会变化、改善和进一步提升;我们可以改变人们的风格、举止、衣着和习惯。



sexism academic enhance vocally overwhelmingly ratiodomaincritic assertive squeaky reprimand shortchange spectrum sociologist desegregation chivalry misplace detrimental feedback dynamicblanddiffuse classify remediation caricature snapshot punch equitable computation stereotypically peertransform declarative tentative qualifierbiasetchequityoverall participate in shout outcall onat a ratio offall into benefit fromin the dark pack a punch be committed to disapprove of be incapable of attribute to transform into kind offocus onmanifestation metaphysical stew eruditely analogy smugly depositpit speculatively marinate secondopttrainchugrealmfluid displace immerse lumpy recipe hobgoblin buddha illumination bubble gum wrapper lotus pristine trunks aggressive fantasy drape cache virtuous yeast dough willfulness renegade abbe quintessence enigmatically unseemly rufflecologne tantalizearomatake pleasure in size upopt foralong withcome outreflect ontidy upindulge in compete with compete forfor the time beingdukefashion discharge whereupon guttercavalry evolution bugle alternative menagerie presently bewilderfly-wheel agent ordinance repulsive therein deckhandnail countryman nurture stratum counselor-at-law cleavageby-and-by critical vocalization transferbetterunlearn nasalityvicewareswellinvisible gravitation arraycladcontriveallyfund capitalize acquisition disadvantageous plaguecustody automation indecisionexpressvolitionalbring downgo throughpure and simpleset freewithin the bounds of prevent fromwalk of lifeat seaprotect fromfight outmake the best of settle downin a wordfall intoat easeguard againsthand overgo tobe ingrained incourteous blonde petite regency oval miniature signet-ring aviary fiancépanel sensitivity paperback crutch rake champagne elaborate courtesy enfeeble snatch decorative submit simultaneously counterpart Naplesabrasiveblurbevasivedeserve well of get on withat the startI daresayfore and aft warn…againston the side ofgive tonguefall a victim to take up establish oneself in save from。



















































实用综合教程Unit7 Health

实用综合教程Unit7 Health

18.5 to 24.9 Healthy Weight
25.0 to 29.9
30 or higher
Unit 7 Health
aerobics cycling hula jogginartial arts
Experts believe that fitness walking is good for people in many ways.
from time to time 时不时,常常
e.g. Why not do some aerobic exercise from time to time?
e.g. 我爷爷和奶奶的身体很好。他们还时不时地外出旅游。
My grandparents are quite healthy and they travel from
time to time.
Comprehensive Exercises P119
C. 1. care 2. fitted 3. strengthen 4. add 5. warm 6. habit
improve v. 改善,改进 improvement n. 改善,改进 -ment improve → improvement
move → movement
in many ways 在许多方面 e.g. Fitness walking can help you in many ways. 健身走路可以从许多方面给你帮助。 e.g. 专家们认为健身走路在许多方面有益于健康。 (P121 D5)



Unit 7Active reading (1) 保护瑟伦要去日本学木工手艺,临走前他问我能否收留他的狗霍根。













瑟伦第一次把霍根托付给我看管时,他Animal planet Unit 7225还只是一只七个月大的小狗,它只在我家里过了一个周末。

那是11 月底一个寒冷的早晨,湖水刚开始结冰。










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The author holds that the fundamental difference between neat people and sloppy people is moral. The former place neatness above everything else and work on two unvarying principles: never handle any item twice; and throw everything away. They are clear-minded and objective, but they are so indifferent that people, animals and things are all one to them. In sharp contrast, the latter fill their minds with all kinds of romantic whims and their ideals are just too perfect to come true in reality. What’s more, the latter have a loving heart and seem to show sentimental attachments to everything. In a way, we may conclude that most statesmen and generals fall into the former category while most poets and artists belong to the latter type.种瓜得瓜,你若给别人幸福,别人就会给你幸福。











“Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Whoever gives happiness is returned with happiness. That’s the moral story Ambulance Girl has given us. The heroine used to be a raging hypochondriac. She was sensitive about illness to such an extent that she never watched a popular serial medical drama. However, one day she saw a sign which read: A V olunteer EMT Wanted. She said to herself, “If I can face bravely what scares me, I may possibly save myself.”Then she took some relevant courses, acquired a certificate and became an EMT. Later on, she offered a deal of help to many people in trouble, and dealt with many emergency cases. With the passage, she has demonstrated in an increasing measure capability and expertise, and she subsequently won wide respect. In the mean time, she feels least scared of illness, even death. She says, “I’ve learnt to help myself in helping others”无知是我们理性生活的最大障碍之一。














Ignorance is one of the biggest obstacles to our intelligent life. Ignorance about pain is a case in point. Many people have little knowledge about the fact that pain is not the indication of bad health, and that it isfrequently the result of stress, worry, idleness, boredom, even insufficient sleep, overeating or inadequate exercise. What is worse, they are most pain-conscious. As a result, doctor’s offices are overloaded with people with ailments of pain. Doctors tend to be caught in a dilemma. On one hand, they can find no organic cause of pain in the patient; on the other hand, they are afraid that they may ignore symptoms which could be a warning of a potentially incurable illness. In addition, if ignorance about the nature of pain is so widespread, ignorance about the nature of pain-killing drugs will be likewise widespread. The danger of pain-killing drugs is that they may deaden the pain without correcting the grave underlying condition. Aspirin is commonly regarded as the king of all pain-killers. And aspirin is permitted to be sold without prescription. However, the drug can be lethal in sustained doses. So it is extremely important to make knowledge about pain and pain-killing drugs part of popular education, so that the individual understands the threshold variety of pain, the medicinal substances and side effects of pain-killing drugs and deals with the case of pain properly.牛津大学对许多人有着神奇的魔力。









The University of Oxford casts a magic spell over many people. It is deemed as a garden where the seeds of beauty and emotion, of wisdom and understanding are sown. Over there, classical building fuse the intellectual spirit of Greece and the dignified magnificence of Rome. Its special charm lies in melodious bells, stately simplicity, quite solemnity, unbridled enthusiasm, the tide of youthful life, and ardent hope. All spirits, generous and delicate, pay homage to it and all hearts feel an inexpressible thrill at the sight of its towers and domes, its walls and groves. You are likely to find yourself immersed in the nutriments of classical learning, wondering at imperishable monuments of human civilization, and to find yourself greatly stirred up by the beating pulse of modern life, feeling an urge to create a new world. You are likely to set ideals which extend from immediate success to immortal glory. In a sense, the University of Oxford is not only a school to make you an earthly success, but also a paradise for your spiritual life. So you may enjoy a kind of satisfying isolation if you are granted an opportunity to pursue studies in the University of Oxford.人们由于生活的哲学理念截然相反,形成了两种冲突的对立力量-----传统保守者和革新自由者。
