



关于包装方面的英文术语关于包装方面的英文术语Packing 包装1. packaging 包装方法2. blister packing 起泡包装3. neutral packing 中性包装4. skin packing 吸塑包装5. hanging packing 挂式包装6. catch sb's eye 引某人注目7. mark 唛头8. unlabelled packing 无牌的包装9. in bulk 散装10. in loose packing 散装11 nude packing 裸装12. bulk pack 整批包装13. consumer pack 零售包装14. large packing 大包装15. inner packing, external packing, end packing 小包装16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装17. foam-spary packaging 喷泡沫包装18. gift-wrap 礼品包装19. bag, sack 袋20. jute bag 麻袋21. polythelene bag, plastic bag 塑料袋22. polythelene net 尼龙绳网袋23. zippered bag 拉链袋24. case, chest 箱25. box 盒26. wooden case 木箱27. carton 纸箱28. container 集装箱29. rate 板条箱30. fibre board case 纤维板箱纸箱Carton瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O .C.C.)木箱Wooden Case板条箱Crate木条箱Wooden Crate竹条箱Bamboo Crate 胶合板箱PlywoodCase 三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case 镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box 塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋Cloth Bag 草袋Straw Bag 麻袋Gunny Bag /Jute Bag 旧麻袋UsedGunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag 新麻袋New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag 聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag 塑料袋Poly Bag 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag 纤维袋Fibre Bag 玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag 防潮纸袋MoistureProof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag 锡箔袋Fresco Bag 特大袋Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶)Barrel 胶木桶Bakelite Drum 塑料桶Plastic Drum 铁桶Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum 镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum 镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum 铝桶Aluminum Drum 麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包Mat Bale 草包Straw Bale 紧压包Press Packed Bale 铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-pressed Bale 木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar 壶Pot 铅壶Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 瓶Bottle 铝瓶Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶Earthen Bottle 瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 罐Can 听Tin绕线筒Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket 竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)WickerBasket 集装箱Container 集装包/集装袋Flexible Container 托盘Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule (药针支)双Pair 打Dozen 令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard 卷(Roll(reel)块Block 捆Bundle 瓣Braid 度Degree 辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing包装形状Shapes of Packing 圆形Round 方形Square 三角形Triangular(DeltaType)长方形(矩形) Rectangular 菱形(斜方形)Rhombus (Diamond)椭圆形Oval圆锥形Conical 圆柱形Cylindrical 蛋形Egg-Shaped 葫芦形Pear-Shaped 五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon 七边形Heptagon 八边形Octagon 长Long 宽Wide 高High 深Deep 厚Thick 长度Length 宽度Width 高度Height 深度Depth 厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing 下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部) Top (Upper)小心Care 勿掷Don't Cast 易碎Fragile 小心轻放, 小心装运Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火Inflammable 保持干燥,防潮KeepDry 防潮keep Away from Moisture 储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处Keep ina Dry Place 避火Inflammable 避冷To be Protectedfrom Cold 避热To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上ThisSide Up 由此开启Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 有毒品Poison 无毒品No Poison 不可触摩Hand off 适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing 毛重Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.) 净重Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重Tare Weight 包装唛头Packing Mark 包装容积Packing Capacity 包袋件数Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fragile 易腐货物Perishable 液体货物Liquid 切勿受潮KeepDry /Caution Against Wet 上部,向上Top 此端向上This Side Up 勿用手钩Use No Hooks 切勿投掷No Dumping切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿倾倒No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do NotDrop/No Dropping 切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤Do Not Crush 勿放顶上Do NotStake on Top 放于凉处Keep Cool /Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处Do NotStow in Damp Place 甲板装运Keep on Deck 装于舱内Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉Stow Awayfrom Boiler 必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光Keep in Dark Place 怕压Not toBe StowBelow Other Cargo 由此吊起Lift Here 挂绳位置Sling Here 重心Centre ofBalance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运Use Rollers 此处打开Opon Here 暗室开启Openin Dark Room 先开顶部Romove Top First 氧化物OxidizingMaterial 腐蚀品Corrosive 压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable CompressedGas 毒品Poison 爆炸物Explosive危险品Hazardous Article 放射性物质MaterialRadioactive 立菱形Upright Diamond 菱形Diamond Phombus 双菱形Double Diamond 内十字菱形Gross in Diamond 四等分菱形Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond withProjecting Ends 斜井形Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形Line in Diamond 内三线突角菱形Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形Three Diamond 附耳菱形Diamond withLooped Ends 正方形Square Box 长方形Rectangle 梯形Echelon Formation 平行四边形Parallelogram 井筒形Intersecting Parallels 长六边形Long Hexagon 圆形Circle/Round 二等分圆Bisected Circle 双环形Crossed Circle 双圆形Double Circle 双带圆形Zoned Circle 长圆形Long Circle 双缺圆形Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形Triangle in Circle 三角形Triangle 六角星形Hexangular StarN H m >^DOUb-eτriang -e ?s m >^HOUrgraSSTOUChingTllang-ep ?5h m >^ThreeTriang-eCrOSS CrOSSincirc-e匚>黑Ang _ex ≡^CrOo hΠB Un ? 出乂黑CreSCenfe>?Heartm ?s ωr>≡?PaCking condition彗>_nBU天M >_n B o c k>-nSPear>_nS=Ce ≡(+L )>-?BUnd-e 鑫>_n NUde 鑫彗>BareinLoose≡?1>SfEghny s ωndOnVVOOdenShe-fφ≡>TradmOna- PaCking≡>NeUfra-PaCking z κsWafer TighfΛ? AirTighf÷{s z κ?w a φrProOfPaCking÷{sj ?>rPrOOfPaCking≡≡Fi-m Membrane s l w TranSParenfPaPer ?H s ξκr ?f PaPer地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paper 腊纸Waxpaper 厚板纸Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇Bulrush mat 防水纸Water Proof Paper 保丽龙(泡沫塑料) Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹条Bamboo Batten 竹篾Bamboo Skin 狭木条Batten 铜丝Brass Wire 铁丝Iron Wire 铁条Iron Rod 扣箍Buckle 外捆麻绳Bound with RopeExternally 块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag 每件外套一塑料袋Each PieceWrapped in a Poly Bag 机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper 机器榨包以铁皮捆扎Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale 用牢固的纸箱装运Packed in StrongCarton 适合于长途海洋运输Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation 适合出口海运包装Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export 全幅卷筒Full with Rolled onTube 每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag 混色混码With Assorted ColoursSizes 每隔-- 码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards 用…隔开POrtiOned With 纸屑Paper Scrap 纸条Paper Slip 纸带Paper Tape。



包袋常用英文专业术语包袋英文术语第一部分Backpack 背包Pouch(wallet) 钱包Traveling bags 旅行包Briefcase 公文包Tote bag 大手提袋Lady bag 女士包Waist bag 腰包Pencil case 笔袋Shoulder bags 肩包Front panel 前片Flap of pocket 袋盖Printing artwork 印刷图Compartment 隔层Back panel 后片Foam 发泡Sponge 海棉Inner pocket 里袋Bottom 底部Bottom board 底板Trolley 拉杆Handle 手把Hook buckle 钩扣Buckle 扣具Zipper 拉链Zip puller 拉头Webbing 织带Straps 肩带Woven label 织唛Piping 胶骨Binding 捆边/包边Hangtag 挂牌Barcode sticker 条形码不干胶Polybag 塑料袋Reinforce panel 补强片Rivet 柳钉Net pocket 网袋Bottle 水瓶Logo 商标Rubber 橡胶Match color 配色Ribbon 尼龙丝带Embroidery 刺绣Yarn 线Mark 唛头Inner label 内标Carton 纸箱Packing 包装Pantone 色卡Velcro 摩术贴Rope 绳子Stud 角钉Elastic 松紧带Padded 填料Cardboard 纸板程度词:Thin 薄Thick 厚Interior/outer 内/外部Adjustable 可调节的材料:420D ripstop 420D 格子布600D polyester 600D 涤沦Nylon 尼龙Satin gold plating 沙电金(SG/P)Gold plating 正金(G/P)Nickel plating 镍(N/P)Chromium plating 铬(CR/P)Satin nickel plating 沙电(SN/P)Nickel free plating 无铅电镀(NF/P)Gun metal plating 枪管色(GM/P)Brass gold 铜金色Black enamel 黑漆Tin plating 铝银(T/P)Brass plating 青铜(B/P)Silver plating 纯银(S/P)Print 印色(P/A) Antique brass plating 青古铜(ANT-B)O.E.B plating 黄古铜(O.E.C)Dark copper plating 红古铜(DCP/P)Zinc plating 白锌(Z/P)Copper plating 红铜(CP/P)第三部分钩扣类:Snap hook US 钩Swivel hook 如意钩Swivel snaphook 旋转钩Uviv snaphook 旋转US钩Key-ring 锁匙圈Cord hook 绳钩Small hook 小钩Round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类Side release BK 旁开扣Dual SR/Dual contourde SR 双调旁开扣Side release BK 重型插扣Plated SR 电镀插扣Release SR 反光插扣Contoured SR 弯型插扣Center SR/push 即开扣Lock SR 数码锁Turn lock 转锁Cam buckle 合扣Belt buckle 束衣扣Sliele&straplock 日型梯扣类Slide 日型环Small slide 八字环Slide+belt+loop 日型环+束带圈Slide+loop 日型环+耳Ladder lock 梯扣Contour ladder lock 弯形梯扣Heavy ladder lock 强力梯扣Loop 长方圈Belt loop 束带圈Sewable loop 可缝长方圈D-ring D型环Triangle 三角环Six ring 六角环O-ring O型环Sewable D-ring 可缝D型环Chate tab 塑片加圈常用名称:Term about handbagfront pocket 前附袋Outside body front 前幅Outside body back 后幅Outside bottom front 前附袋底Logo patch 饰片Embroidery 刺纋片Accessories 附属的配件Slash pocket 开口袋Binding 包边Lash 鞭梢Dome 圆顶层Stitching 车线Shoulder pad 肩片Single enttry 单开口Sling 吊袋Triple compartment 间隔Top stitching 面车线Bottom 底部Division 分部Handle webbing 织带手挽Under neath 盖底里Gusset 侧围Lining 里布Adjustable 可调节式的Seams 缝合线Metal zippers with pullers 金属拉链Metal slider with pull 金属拉头Delrin zippers with pulllers 塑钢拉链Delrin slider with pull 塑钢拉头Nylon zippers with pulllers 尼龙拉链Nylon slider with pull 尼龙拉头Zip tap 拉链布Puller with connecter 拉链Strap 带,皮带Test sample 测试样Production sample 大货生产样Construction sample 结构样Salesman sample 销售样Approval sample 确认样Sample room 样版房Cutting section 开料部Packing section 包装部Skiving section 产皮车间String 绳类pp web pp 织带UPC 电脑条码Emboss 凹纹Twist handle 变形手挽Metal ornament 金属饰片Hand fell 手感Press button 按扣Piping 管条Ornament 饰片Velcro 么术贴Brooch 别针Bradde chain 珠链Double rivet 撞钉Shell 框架Snap 厌扣Pack PE foam 发泡棉Handle webbing 织带手挽Woven lable 布标Stopper 束扣Screen printing 丝印面料(Fabric):reflector 反光料Pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料Ripstop 格子布Linen 亚麻料Twill 斜纹理布Microfiber 超细纤维料Plush 绒毛料Nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布Quilted panel 棉格料Satin 沙丁料Logan 宇富料Iridescent 珠光料Leopard skin point 天然豹纹Holegram 万彩/雷射料Darkdenim 深色牛仔料Ragon 人造丝Heoprene 一种合成像胶Jute 黄麻纤维Split leather 贴合皮Laminate 贴胶料Nylon mesh 尼龙网布Jacquard 提花布Raw robber 生胶Reflectorvinyl 反光维伦料Velvet/velours 天鹅绒Swanskin 天鹅皮颜色(Color):Dark 深色Beige 米黄色Fuscous 暗褐色Fuschia 桃红色Brown 棕色Burgandy 梅红色Navy 深蓝色Recst 褐色Khaki 卡其色/土黄色Eggplant 茄紫色Mint 薄荷色Purple 紫色Slate 板色Ltaupe 浅褐色Charcoal 深灰色Bone 骨色Turquois 青绿色Mallard 绿色Forest 深絿色gray/grey 灰色的Teal 蓝绿色的Color swatch 色卡Pantone 国际色卡Olive green 橄榄绿Coral 粉红色产品名(production name):Sport bag 运动包Satchel 小背包Hand bag 手袋Backpack 背包Cosmetic bag 化妆包Tote 手提袋Slg 小包Waist pack 腰包Swagger bag 休闲包Natural tan 自然包Pouch 小袋Flight bag /Air travelling roller bag 航空旅行箱Garment bag 西装套Computer backpack 电脑背包Luggage upright 拉杆箱Travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋Golfbag 高尔夫袋Pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆Travel suitcase 旅行箱Purse 女用包Note case 公文袋Soft attache case 手提箱其他项目:Others:pin snap 走珠钮Ticker 贴标Magnetic snap 磁扣Keyhook 匙圈String ring beltstay 织带拉环Cupula 吸盘Fastness-lock 固定手把扣Exhaust hole 排气孔Cothes lock/hanger 衣架Rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形饰片Rectangular slotted lash tab 长方形饰片Rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形饰片Top cuft 头圈Base tray 底盘Honeycomb frame蜂巢框Cart outside setting 外置式拉杆Cart inside setting 内置式拉杆Footstand 脚座Caster 角轮Trolley 拉杆Wheel set 轮组Square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式Paper board 纸卡Hangtag /sling brand 吊卡Eyelet 鸡眼7-hook 七字钩Washer 套片Metal plate 铁板Zinc alloy 锌合金制品Half round handle 半圆手把Corner protection 护角Kettle 水壶Metal line 钢线,铁圈Zipper slider 拉饰片Combination padlock 密码锁End tabs 织带尾Solid color/Gradient color 单色/渐变色Panton色卡号PMS# 123CCoated 上涂料的FOB:free on board 运费到付CIF:Cost, Interest, freight 运费寄付BOL:bill of lading 海运,空运提单Telex Release 电放布料英语名称:靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:Claimond veins倒毛:Down pile making平绒:Velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:Micro suede 牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:Plain flocking印花植绒:Flocking(flower)雕印植绒:Embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeansflocking兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:Double-faced woolen goods羊毛立绒呢:Cut velvet顺毛呢:Over coating 粗花呢:Costume tweed弹力呢:Lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:Nylon taslon 塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop桃皮绒:Polyester peach skin涤塔夫:Polyester taffeta春亚纺:Polyester pongee超细麦克布:Micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:Solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet 雪花天鹅绒:Melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:Ginning velvet粒粒绒布:Pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:Linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:Linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:Solid terry蚂蚁布:Fleece in one side素色卫衣布:Solid fleece鱼网布:Fleece彩条汗布:Color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandexT/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:Cire satine全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:Semi-dull nylon taffeta 亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:Full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop 塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee 春亚纺格子:Polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒:Poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:Polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:Polyester honey taslan 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyesterinter-woven peach。



手袋箱包术语(1)Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Beauty Case 化装袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’ material 分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 海绵Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板〔木板/三合板〕、Polyethylene for Corners /Backing 角位/底部面料Polyvinyl(PVC)Sponge Trim PVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属构造Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 反面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/构造Grommets 垫圈Studs (Side Studs )大头钉〔侧泡钉〕Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks (Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks ) s锁〔套索锁,桶锁〕Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate 商标/Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾〔衣架〕Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化装袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩大空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮〔纹理芙蓉皮〕graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料常用的箱包英语原材料Fabric 布料Demin 斜纹布Plaid fabric 格子花呢布Ripstop Fabric 格子布Napkins 餐巾Cotton canvas 棉帆布Fake fabric 假布Mesh 网布Elastic 松紧带Velcro strip 魔术贴/粘扣带Foam 海绵PE Foam 珍珠棉Neoprene 潜水料String 索头绳Quickstop/snap hook 索止Webbing 织带Micro-fibre 米高料Puller/Zipper 拉头/拉链Water repellent zipper 防水拉链Inside label 内布标Rubber Logo 胶章Corner wheels 角轮Belt clip 皮带扣Zine-alloy 锌合金Clip 铁夹/手机夹Srtip 带/肩带Lab dip crinkle nylon 皱纹尼龙/洗水布Thread 线Loose ends 零碎资料Swatch 布样Dog hooks 钩头拉链D-ring D型钩Tarpaulin 防水油布Transparent PVC window 透明PVC胶纱支数horizontal 1200D yarn count is XX per inch vertical 900D yarn count is XX per inchgauge:0.65m/mMetal adjuster 拉芯扣Reflective stripe 反光条产品Salesman Sample 走街办PP(production phase) sample 产前办Original sample 原办Diamond plating EVA pads 钻石纹EVAWaist apron 围裙Roller 滚筒Assorted luggages 杂物袋Upright case 直箱Duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)Trolley case 滚轮箱Cooler bag 冰袋Roller bag 拖轮箱Backpack 背包Cosmetic bag 化装袋Camping bag 登山包Mould 模具Pouch 小袋/手机袋Goody bag (制造商为了推销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋颜色royal blue 宝/品蓝nickel 沙电色dull nickel 沙叻(无光,磨砂)black nickel 克绿khaki 黄褐色cobalt 中蓝色pacific blue 海水蓝dim 暗淡的,模糊的transparent 透明的tan 棕褐色matte silver 哑叻其他/杂项screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embrodery(Logo) 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹。

【包装印刷造纸】外贸英语口语 包装术语

【包装印刷造纸】外贸英语口语 包装术语

外贸英语常用包装术语袋Bag(Sack)布袋Cloth Bag草袋Straw Bag麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋New Gunny Bag尼龙袋Nylon Bag聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag塑料袋Poly Bag塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag三层牛皮纸袋3?Ply Kraft Paper Bag锡箔袋Fresco Bag特大袋Jumbo Bag单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag纸箱Carton瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱Wooden Case板条箱Crate木条箱Wooden Crate竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱Plywood Case三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case盒Box木盒Wooden Box铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box苯乙烯盒Styrol Box桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask大木桶Hogshead小木桶Keg粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶Bakelite Drum塑料桶Plastic Drum铁桶Iron Drum镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum 铝桶Aluminum Drum麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包Mat Bale草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale覃(缸)Jar陶缸Earthen Jar瓷缸Porcelain Jar壶Pot铅壶Lead Pot铜壶Copper Pot施Bottle铝瓶Aluminum Bottle陶瓶Earthen Bottle瓷瓶Porcelain bottle罐Can听Tin绕线筒Bobbin笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱Container集装包/集装袋Flexible Container托盘Pallet件(支、把、个)Piece架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支)双Pair打Dozen令Ream匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel)块Block捆Bundle瓣Braid度Degree辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing包装形状Shapes of Packing圆形Round方形Square三角形Triangular(Delta Type)长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond)椭圆形Oval圆锥形Conical圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg-Shaped葫芦形Pear-Shaped五边形Pentagon六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon八边形Octagon长Long宽Wide高High深Deep厚Thick长度Length宽度Width高度Height深度Depth厚度Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing 下端,底部Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper)小心Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运Handle With Care起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火Inflammable保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry 防潮keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置Keep Upright 请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped避冷To be Protected from Cold 避热To be Protected from Heat在滚子上移动Use Rollers 此方向上This Side Up由此开启Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive易燃品Inflammable 遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet有毒品Poison 无毒品No Poison不可触摩Hand off 适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing毛重Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.) 净重Net Weight (Nt.Wt)皮重Tare Weight 包装唛头Packing Mark包装容积Packing Capacity 包袋件数Packing Number小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品Fragile易腐货物Perishable 液体货物Liquid切勿受潮Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet 怕冷To Be Protected from Cold 怕热To Be Protected from Heat 怕火Inflammable上部,向上Top 此端向上This Side Up勿用手钩Use No Hooks 切勿投掷No Dumping切勿倒置Keep Upright 切勿倾倒No Turning Over切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping 切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat切勿压挤Do Not Crush 勿放顶上Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运Keep on Deck装于舱内Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boiler必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光Keep in Dark Place怕压Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起Lift Here挂绳位置Sling Here 重心Centre of Balance着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运Use Rollers此处打开Opon Here 暗室开启Open in Dark Room先开顶部Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物Inflammable氧化物Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品Corrosive压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas毒品Poison 爆炸物Explosive危险品Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive立菱形Upright Diamond 菱形Diamond Phombus双菱形Double Diamond 内十字菱形Gross in Diamond四等分菱形Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形Three Diamond 附耳菱形Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形Square Box长方形Rectangle 梯形Echelon Formation平行四边形Parallelogram 井筒形Intersecting Parallels五边形Pentagon 六边形Hexagon长六边形Long Hexagon 圆形Circle/Round二等分圆Bisected Circle 双环形Crossed Circle双圆形Double Circle 双带圆形Zoned Circle长圆形Long Circle 椭圆形Oval双缺圆形Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形Triangle in Circle三角形Triangle 六角星形Hexangular Star二重三角形Double Triangle 对顶三角形Hourgrass Touching Triangle 内外三角形Three Triangle 十字形Cross圆内十字形Cross in Circle 山角形Angle义架形Crotch 直线Line月牙形Crescent 心形Heart星形Star 包装情况Packing Condition散装In Bulk 块装In Block条装In Spear 片装In Slice捆(扎)装In Bundle 裸装In Nude裸散装Bare in Loose 木托架立装Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf 传统包装Traditional Packing 中性包装Neutral Packing水密Water Tight 气密Air Tight不透水包Water Proof Packing 不透气包Air Proof Packing薄膜Film Membrane 透明纸Transparent Paper牛皮纸Kraft Paper 地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft Paper腊纸Waxpaper 厚板纸Cardboard Paper蒲、苇Bulrush mat 防水纸Water Proof Paper保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly Foam(SnowBox) 竹条Bamboo Batten竹篾Bamboo Skin 狭木条Batten铜丝Brass Wire 铁丝Iron Wire铁条Iron Rod 扣箍Buckle外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externally外裹蒲包,加捆铁皮Bale?Matted Iron-band-strapped Outside块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag每件外套一塑料袋Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale用牢固的纸箱装运Packed in Strong Carton适合于长途海洋运输Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation 适合出口海运包装Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔--码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards 用…隔开Portioned with纸屑Paper Scrap纸条Paper Slip纸带Paper Tape纸层Paper Wool泡沫塑料Foamed Plastics泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水Canvas Bag Filled with Water包内衬薄纸Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋Lined with Frescobag内置充气氧塑料袋Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen内衬牛皮纸Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper 铝箔包装In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case 双层布袋外层上浆Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖Bakelite Cover外绕铁丝二道Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with包装合格Proper Packing包装完整Packing Intact包装完好Packing Sound正规出口包装Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥Improper Packing包装不固Insufficiently Packed包装不良Negligent Packing包装残旧玷污Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍Cartons Wet &Stained外包装受水湿With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变Shape of Packing Distorted散包Bales Off铁皮失落Iron Straps Off钉上Nailed on尺寸不符Off Size袋子撕破Bags Torn箱板破Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each装入印刷塑料袋Packed in Printed Poly Bag玻璃纸包装Wrapped in Cellophane两端加纸条With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,***以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整Packed inWoodencase,the***was(were)Mounted with Bolts on the Bottom of theCase.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤。



[术语]箱包手袋术语(中英文对照) 箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)颜色:Sky-blue:天蓝色lime:淡黄绿色olive: 橄榄绿jade: 碧玉色poppy:深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige: 米白色scarlet:鲜红golden: 金色navy-blue:海蓝russet:赤褐色khaki:卡其色mustard:深黄色tan 茶色bottle green: 深绿色cream: 淡黄色maroon: 褐红色royal blue 宝蓝turquoise: 青绿色emerald:祖母绿peach: 粉红色burgundy: 枣红lemon 柠檬色tangerine:橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray;浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta: 红紫色mauve:淡紫色lilac: 紫丁香色coffee:咖啡色buff:暗黄色aquamarine: 碧绿色yellow: 黄色orange: 橙色crimson:深红色red: 红色blue 蓝色green 绿色pink:粉红色purple:紫色brown: 棕色gray: 灰色white: 白色fuchsia: 紫红色cyan: 青色/蓝绿色材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase:公文包waist bag:腰包foam: 泡棉padded: 垫料panel:底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层shoulder bags: 肩包]strap:带子handle:手把puller 拉头grip:把手Ripstop: 格子布microfiber:花瑶布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board: PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch:样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable:可调节的cardboard:纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage: 迷彩色weave label:织唛stud:角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙tapestry:窗帘提花布backpack:背包pouch 钱包travelling bags: 旅行包riptop:格子布nickel 镍rivet:铆钉zipper:拉链logo:标记rubber 橡胶buckle:扣子match color: 配色ribbon:缎带embroidery 刺绣yarn;线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton; 纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping: 胶骨Binding 包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch 断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch 设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper隐形拉链backing coating 涂层buckle loop 钮圈plastic sting 胶针jel print 胶体印刷woven label 织唛;FELT 毛绒布;rubber patch 滴塑;rubber label 滴唛;elastic cord 橡皮筋;self fabric pipping 本布包骨;pipping cord 衬条;Semitransparent: 磨沙PVC 70Dsponge: 70发泡PVCmesh / net :网布;rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer: 层indigo chambray 靛蓝青年布rayon cloth flocking 人棉布植绒pvc flocking pvc植绒knitting cloth flocking 针织布植绒claimond veins 珠粒绒down pile making 倒毛velveteen (velvet—plain)平绒micro suede 仿麂皮jeans flocking 牛仔皮植绒nylon taffeta (nylon shioze)尼丝纺nylon seersucker taffeta 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱plain flocking 素面植绒flocking(flower)印花植绒embossing flocking 雕印植绒leather imitation flocking皮革沟底植绒embossing jeans flocking 皮革沟底植绒angora cachmere overcoating兔羊绒大衣呢double-faced woolen goods 羊毛双面呢cut velvet 立绒呢over coating 顺毛呢costume tweed 粗花呢lycra woolen goods 弹力呢nylon taslon 塔丝绒n/taslon ripstop 塔丝绒格子polyester peach skin 桃皮绒polyester taffeta 涤塔夫polyester pongee 春亚纺micro fiber 超细麦克布nylon-cotton fabric (plain)锦棉稠(平纹) nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft)重平锦棉稠nylon—cotton fabric 人字锦棉纺nylon-cotton fabric (twill)斜纹锦棉纺solid velvet 素色天鹅绒rib fleece velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒melange velvet 雪花天鹅绒ginning velvet 轧花天鹅绒pellet fleece velvet 粒粒绒布linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉混纺布linen/cotton mixed fabric 麻棉交织布solid terry 素色毛巾布fleece in one side 蚂蚁布solid fleece 素色卫衣布fleece 鱼网布color-stripes single jersey 彩条汗布t/r bengaline t/r 弹力布t/c solid check fabric t/c 色织格子布micro suede with spandex 弹力仿麂皮t/r micro suede t/r 仿麂皮100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮针织布复合100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布cire satine 蜡光缎full dull nylon taffeta 全消光尼丝纺semi—dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺trilobal nylon 亮光尼龙full dull nylon taslan 全消光塔丝隆full dull nylon oxford 全消光牛津布nylon rip—stop 全消光牛津布taslan rip-stop 塔丝隆格full dull micro polyester pongee哑富迪full dull polyester pongee全消光春亚纺polyester pongee rip—stop 春亚纺格子full dull polyester peach全消光涤纶桃皮绒big twill polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒poly/nylon peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒polyester taffeta rip—stop 涤纶格子polyester honey taslan 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆full dull poly textured oxford全消光涤纶低弹牛津布nylon/polyester inter-woven peach涤锦交织桃皮绒常用皮革英语artificial leather 人造革baseball leather 棒球革basketball leather 篮球革bellow leather 风箱革belt leather 带皮belting leather 带革;轮带book—binding leather 书面革bottom leather 底革boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革buck leather( 雄)鹿革buckle leather 带用革buffed leather 磨面革butt leather 底革card leather 梳革case leather 箱皮charred leather 皮炭chamois leather 麂皮chrome leather 铬革chrome tanned leather 铬鞣革clothing leather 服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather 梳刷革cow leather 牛皮crown leather 上等皮革crup leather 马臀革crust leather 坯革; 半硝革cup leather 制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather 隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather 狗皮(制的)革dressing leather 饰革drum leather 鼓皮drycleanable leather 耐干洗革easy—care leather 易保养革embossed leather 压花革enamel leather 漆皮enamelled leather 漆皮fair leather 集市皮革fancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革finished leather 成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather 足球革football-helmet leather 橄榄球头盔革furniture leather 家具革garment leather 衣服革gas meter leather 气表革glace leather 白鞣革glove leather 手套皮hair-on leather 带毛革half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather 马具革hat leather 制帽革hat sweatband leather 帽圈革heavy leather 厚革heel leather (鞋)后跟皮hunting leather 粗绒面革hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather 充牛皮装订,漆布装订,人造革装订industrial leather 工业用革iron tanned leather 铁鞣革japanned leather 漆皮kangaroo leather 袋鼠革kaspine leather 开斯宾革levant leather 皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather 轻革line leather 马具革lining leather 衬里革luggage leather 箱包革mountain leather 石棉napped leather 绒毛皮革oar leather 桨革oil seal leather 油封革oiled leather 涂油革oil-tanned leather 油鞣革organ-pipe leather 风琴管革packing leather 皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather 漆皮patent leather 漆革piano leather 钢琴革piston packing leather 活塞填密皮plated leather 熨压皮革portmanteau leather 旅行皮包革rein leather 马具革rock leather 一种石棉rolled leather 轧制革roller leather 机轴革rough—tanned leather 粗鞣革rubbing leathers 【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather 俄罗斯革saddle leather 鞍皮[革]saffian leather 山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather 废皮;碎皮semi-aniline leather 半苯胺革semi-chrome leather 混合铬鞣革sheep leather (绵)羊革shrink leather 皱纹革skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革soccerballleather 足球革softleather 软革soleleather 底革stirrup leather 镫革strop leather 磨刀皮革suede leather 起毛皮革sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather 合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather 扎染革two-tone leather 双色调革upholstery leather 装饰用皮革upper leather 面革valve leather 阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather 正绒面革zirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革volleyball leather 排球革wash leather 可洗皮革washable chamois leather 可洗麂皮welting leather 镶边革;贴边革white leather 白革; 矾鞣革(一)原料textile raw materials 纺织原料natural fibre 天然纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维vegetable fibre 植物纤维textile fibre 纺织纤维man made fibre 人造纤维animal fibre 动物纤维(二)面料1。



包袋英文术语第一部分Backpack 背包Pouch(wallet) 钱包Traveling bags 旅行包Briefcase 公文包Tote bag 大手提袋Lady bag 女士包Waist bag 腰包Pencil case 笔袋Shoulder bags 肩包Front panel 前片Flap of pocket 袋盖Printing artwork 印刷图Compartment 隔层Back panel 后片Foam 发泡Sponge 海棉Inner pocket 里袋Bottom 底部Bottom board 底板Trolley 拉杆Handle 手把Hook buckle 钩扣Buckle 扣具Zipper 拉链Zip puller 拉头Webbing 织带Straps 肩带Woven label 织唛Piping 胶骨Binding 捆边/包边Hangtag 挂牌Barcode sticker 条形码不干胶Polybag 塑料袋Reinforce panel 补强片Rivet 柳钉Net pocket 网袋Bottle 水瓶Logo 商标Rubber 橡胶Match color 配色Ribbon 尼龙丝带Embroidery 刺绣Yarn 线Mark 唛头Inner label 内标Carton 纸箱Packing 包装Pantone 色卡Velcro 摩术贴Rope 绳子Stud 角钉Elastic 松紧带Padded 填料Cardboard 纸板程度词:Thin 薄Thick 厚Interior/outer 内/外部Adjustable 可调节的材料:420D ripstop 420D格子布600D polyester 600D涤沦Nylon 尼龙Microfiber 花瑶布Transparent PVC 透明PVC Semitransparent PVC 磨沙PVC 70D sponge 70D发泡Mesh/net 网布420D crinkle nylon 420D水洗布PE board PE板Swatch 样品Cardboard 纸板Jean 牛仔布Fabric 布料Plastic 塑料Taslon 塔丝龙Tapestry 窗帘提花布Ripstop 格子布Yarn or stitch line 线或车线其他/杂项:Screen print/Silkscreen/Heat transfer 丝印Dyeing 染色Printing house/factory 印刷厂Embrodery(Logo) 刺绣Punch 冲孔Decorative 装饰的Embossing 压纹第二部分Leather 真皮Fabric 布类Straw 革类Hardware 五金类Zipper 拉链头Dog leash 狗钩Buckle 方扣类Rivet 撞钉H-bar 圈扣Rings 钮扣类Snaps 饰片类五金颜色类:Black nickel (B) 黑镍色Chrome (CR) 铬色Brass plated 青铜色B.N brush 黑镍(刷面) Nickel brush 镍色(刷面)Antique brush 青古制面Pearl nickel 珍珠镍Pearl golden 珍珠金Antique 青古铜色Pure golden 纯金Matt silver 粉雾色Matt nickel 水雾色Nickel 镍色Matt pearl paint 烤雾黑Finishing 五金表面处理Plating 电镀/喷镀Eleetro painting 电着涂装(E/P) Black nickel plating 黑镍(B-N/P) Anti silver plating 黑古银(ANT-S) Satin gold plating 沙电金(SG/P) Gold plating 正金(G/P)Nickel plating 镍(N/P)Chromium plating 铬(CR/P)Satin nickel plating 沙电(SN/P) Nickel free plating 无铅电镀(NF/P) Gun metal plating 枪管色(GM/P) Brass gold 铜金色Black enamel 黑漆Tin plating 铝银(T/P)Brass plating 青铜(B/P)Silver plating 纯银(S/P)Print 印色(P/A)Antique brass plating 青古铜(ANT-B) O.E.B plating 黄古铜(O.E.C)Dark copper plating 红古铜(DCP/P) Zinc plating 白锌(Z/P)Copper plating 红铜(CP/P)第三部分钩扣类:Snap hook US 钩Swivel hook 如意钩Swivel snaphook 旋转钩Uviv snaphook 旋转US钩Key-ring 锁匙圈Cord hook 绳钩Small hook 小钩Round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类Side release BK 旁开扣Dual SR/Dual contourde SR 双调旁开扣Side release BK 重型插扣Plated SR 电镀插扣Release SR 反光插扣Contoured SR 弯型插扣Center SR/push 即开扣Lock SR 数码锁Turn lock 转锁Cam buckle 合扣Belt buckle 束衣扣Sliele&straplock 日型梯扣类Slide 日型环Small slide 八字环Slide+belt+loop 日型环+束带圈Slide+loop 日型环+耳Ladder lock 梯扣Contour ladder lock 弯形梯扣Heavy ladder lock 强力梯扣Loop 长方圈Belt loop 束带圈Sewable loop 可缝长方圈D-ring D型环Triangle 三角环Six ring 六角环O-ring O型环Sewable D-ring 可缝D型环Chate tab 塑片加圈常用名称:Term about handbagfront pocket 前附袋Outside body front 前幅Outside body back 后幅Outside bottom front 前附袋底Logo patch 饰片Embroidery 刺纋片Accessories 附属的配件Slash pocket 开口袋Binding 包边Lash 鞭梢Dome 圆顶层Stitching 车线Shoulder pad 肩片Single enttry 单开口Sling 吊袋Triple compartment 间隔Top stitching 面车线Bottom 底部Division 分部Handle webbing 织带手挽Under neath 盖底里Gusset 侧围Lining 里布Adjustable 可调节式的Seams 缝合线Metal zippers with pullers 金属拉链Metal slider with pull 金属拉头Delrin zippers with pulllers 塑钢拉链Delrin slider with pull 塑钢拉头Nylon zippers with pulllers 尼龙拉链Nylon slider with pull 尼龙拉头Zip tap 拉链布Puller with connecter 拉链Strap 带,皮带Test sample 测试样Production sample 大货生产样Construction sample 结构样Salesman sample 销售样Approval sample 确认样Sample room 样版房Cutting section 开料部Packing section 包装部Skiving section 产皮车间String 绳类pp web pp 织带UPC 电脑条码Emboss 凹纹Twist handle 变形手挽Metal ornament 金属饰片Hand fell 手感Press button 按扣Piping 管条Ornament 饰片Velcro 么术贴Brooch 别针Bradde chain 珠链Double rivet 撞钉Shell 框架Snap 厌扣Pack PE foam 发泡棉Handle webbing 织带手挽Woven lable 布标Stopper 束扣Screen printing 丝印面料(Fabric):reflector 反光料Pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料Ripstop 格子布Linen 亚麻料Twill 斜纹理布Microfiber 超细纤维料Plush 绒毛料Nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布Quilted panel 棉格料Satin 沙丁料Logan 宇富料Iridescent 珠光料Leopard skin point 天然豹纹Holegram 万彩/雷射料Darkdenim 深色牛仔料Ragon 人造丝Heoprene 一种合成像胶Jute 黄麻纤维Split leather 贴合皮Laminate 贴胶料Nylon mesh 尼龙网布Jacquard 提花布Raw robber 生胶Reflectorvinyl 反光维伦料Velvet/velours 天鹅绒Swanskin 天鹅皮颜色(Color):Dark 深色Beige 米黄色Fuscous 暗褐色Fuschia 桃红色Brown 棕色Burgandy 梅红色Navy 深蓝色Recst 褐色Khaki 卡其色/土黄色Eggplant 茄紫色Mint 薄荷色Purple 紫色Slate 板色Ltaupe 浅褐色Charcoal 深灰色Bone 骨色Turquois 青绿色Mallard 绿色Forest 深絿色gray/grey 灰色的Teal 蓝绿色的Color swatch 色卡Pantone 国际色卡Olive green 橄榄绿Coral 粉红色产品名(production name):Sport bag 运动包Satchel 小背包Hand bag 手袋Backpack 背包Cosmetic bag 化妆包Tote 手提袋Slg 小包Waist pack 腰包Swagger bag 休闲包Natural tan 自然包Pouch 小袋Flight bag /Air travelling roller bag 航空旅行箱Garment bag 西装套Computer backpack 电脑背包Luggage upright 拉杆箱Travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋Golfbag 高尔夫袋Pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆Travel suitcase 旅行箱Purse 女用包Note case 公文袋Soft attache case 手提箱其他项目:Others:pin snap 走珠钮Ticker 贴标Magnetic snap 磁扣Keyhook 匙圈String ring beltstay 织带拉环Cupula 吸盘Fastness-lock 固定手把扣Exhaust hole 排气孔Cothes lock/hanger 衣架Rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形饰片Rectangular slotted lash tab 长方形饰片Rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形饰片Top cuft 头圈Base tray 底盘Honeycomb frame 蜂巢框Cart outside setting 外置式拉杆Cart inside setting 内置式拉杆Footstand 脚座Caster 角轮Trolley 拉杆Wheel set 轮组Square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式Paper board 纸卡Hangtag /sling brand 吊卡Eyelet 鸡眼7-hook 七字钩Washer 套片Metal plate 铁板Zinc alloy 锌合金制品Half round handle 半圆手把Corner protection 护角Kettle 水壶Metal line 钢线,铁圈Zipper slider 拉饰片Combination padlock 密码锁End tabs 织带尾Solid color/Gradient color 单色/渐变色Panton色卡号PMS# 123CCoated 上涂料的FOB:free on board 运费到付CIF:Cost, Interest, freight 运费寄付BOL:bill of lading 海运,空运提单Telex Release 电放布料英语名称:靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:Claimond veins倒毛:Down pile making平绒:Velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:Micro suede牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta素面植绒:Plain flocking印花植绒:Flocking(flower)雕印植绒:Embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking 牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking 兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating双面呢:Double-faced woolen goods羊毛立绒呢:Cut velvet顺毛呢:Over coating粗花呢:Costume tweed弹力呢:Lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:Nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:N/T aslon ripstop桃皮绒:Polyester peach skin涤塔夫:Polyester taffeta春亚纺:Polyester pongee超细麦克布:Micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain) 重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric (double weft)人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 素色天鹅绒:Solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:Melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:Ginning velvet粒粒绒布:Pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:Linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉交织布:Linen/cotton mixed fabric 素色毛巾布:Solid terry蚂蚁布:Fleece in one side素色卫衣布:Solid fleece鱼网布:Fleece彩条汗布:Color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric 弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandex T/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur 蜡光缎:Cire satine全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:Semi-dull nylon taffeta 亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:Full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:T aslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyesterpongee春亚纺格子:Polyester pongee rip-stop 全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒:Poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:Polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:Polyester honey taslan 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyesterinter-woven peach。



外贸手袋类常用英语词汇-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1手袋箱包术语(1)Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Cases 拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separ ators’ material 分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 海绵Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)、Polyethylene for Corners /Backing 角位/底部面料Polyvinyl(PVC)Sponge Trim PVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs (Side Studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks (Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾 Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate 商标/Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织 Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯bumpers / runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket logo 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料常用的箱包英语原材料Fabric 布料Demin 斜纹布Plaid fabric 格子花呢布Ripstop Fabric 格子布Napkins 餐巾Cotton canvas 棉帆布Fake fabric 假布Mesh 网布Elastic 松紧带Velcro strip 魔术贴/粘扣带Foam 海绵PE Foam 珍珠棉Neoprene 潜水料String 索头绳Quickstop/snap hook 索止Webbing 织带Micro-fibre 米高料Puller/Zipper 拉头/拉链Water repellent zipper 防水拉链Inside label 内布标Rubber Logo 胶章Corner wheels 角轮Belt clip 皮带扣Zine-alloy 锌合金Clip 铁夹/手机夹Srtip 带/肩带Lab dip crinkle nylon 皱纹尼龙/洗水布Thread 线Loose ends 零碎资料Swatch 布样Dog hooks 钩头拉链D-ring D型钩Tarpaulin 防水油布Transparent PVC window 透明PVC胶纱支数 horizontal 1200D yarn count is XX per inch vertical 900D yarn count is XX per inchgauge:0.65m/mMetal adjuster 拉芯扣Reflective stripe 反光条产品Salesman Sample 走街办PP(production phase) sample 产前办Original sample 原办Diamond plating EVA pads 钻石纹EVAWaist apron 围裙Roller 滚筒Assorted luggages 杂物袋Upright case 直箱Duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)Trolley case 滚轮箱Cooler bag 冰袋Roller bag 拖轮箱Backpack 背包Cosmetic bag 化妆袋Camping bag 登山包Mould 模具Pouch 小袋/手机袋Goody bag (制造商为了推销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋颜色royal blue 宝/品蓝nickel 沙电色dull nickel 沙叻(无光,磨砂)black nickel 克绿khaki 黄褐色cobalt 中蓝色pacific blue 海水蓝dim 暗淡的,模糊的transparent 透明的tan 棕褐色matte silver 哑叻其他/杂项screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embrodery(Logo) 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹。



1)backpack: 背包 2)pouch(wallet): 钱包 3)traveling bags: 旅⾏包 4)briefcase: 公⽂包 5)Tote bag:⼤⼿提袋 6)lady bag: ⼥⼠包 7)waist bag: 腰包 8)pencil case: 笔袋 9)shoulder bags肩包 10)front panel/前⽚, 11) flap of pocket袋盖. 12) Printing artwork /印刷图, 13) compartment: 隔层 14) back panel后⽚, 15)foam发泡, 16) sponge海棉, 17) inner pocket⾥袋, 18) bottom底部/ bottom board底板, 19) trolley 拉杆, 20) handle⼿把, 21) hook buckle 钩扣, 22) buckle扣具, 23) zipper拉链 24) zip puller拉头, 25) webbing 织带, 26) straps 肩带, 27) woven label: 织唛, 28) piping胶⾻, 29) binding捆边, 30)hangtag:挂牌, 31) barcode sticker条形码不⼲胶, 32) polybag塑料袋 33)reinforce panel: 补强⽚, 34) rivet: 柳钉 35) net pocket: 袋 36) bottle: ⽔瓶 37) logo: 商标 38) rubber: 橡胶 39) match color: 配⾊ 40) ribbon: 尼龙丝带 41.)embroidery: 刺绣 42) yarn: 线 43) mark: 唛头 44) inner label 内标 45) carton: 纸箱 46) packing: 包装 47) pantone: ⾊卡 48)Velcro: 摩术贴 49)rope: 绳⼦ 50) stud: ⾓钉 51)elastic: 松紧带 52) padded: 垫料 53)cardboard: 纸板 关于程度词: 1. thin: 薄 2. thick: 厚 3 interior/outer: 内/外部 4.adjustable: 可调节的 材料: A) 420D ripstop: 420D格⼦布 B) 300D C) 600D D) polyester: 涤沦 E)nylon: 尼龙 F) 420D G) microfiber: 花瑶布 H) transparent PVC: 透明PVC I) semitransparent: 磨沙 PVC J) 70D sponge: 70D 发泡 K)mesh/net: 布 L) 420D crinkle nylon: 420D ⽔洗布 M)210T N)190T O)PE board: PE板 P) swatch: 样品 Q) cardboard: 纸板 R) jean: ⽜仔布 S)fabric: 布料 T) plastic: 塑料 U) taslon: 塔丝龙 V) tapestry: 窗帘提花布 W) ripstop: 格⼦布 X) Yarn or stitch line: 线或车线 其他/杂项 screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印 dyeing 染⾊ printing house/factory 印刷⼚ embrodery(Logo)刺绣 punch 冲孔 decorative 装饰的 embossing 压纹 retailer /retailer。



术语箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:[术语]箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)ﻫ颜色:Sky-blue: 天蓝色lime: 淡黄绿色olive: 橄榄绿ﻫjade: 碧玉色ﻫpoppy: 深红色violet: 紫罗兰色ﻫbeige: 米白色ﻫscarlet: 鲜红golden: 金色ﻫnavy-blue: 海蓝ﻫrusset: 赤褐色ﻫkhaki: 卡其色mustard: 深黄色ﻫtan 茶色ﻫbottle green: 深绿色cream: 淡黄色maroon:褐红色ﻫroyal blue 宝蓝turquoise: 青绿色emerald: 祖母绿ﻫpeach: 粉红色burgundy: 枣红lemon 柠檬色ﻫtangerine: 橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray;浅灰roseate: 深粉红色magenta: 红紫色ﻫmauve: 淡紫色lilac: 紫丁香色coffee: 咖啡色buff: 暗黄色ﻫaquamarine: 碧绿色ﻫyellow: 黄色ﻫorange: 橙色ﻫcrimson:深红色red:红色ﻫblue蓝色green 绿色ﻫpink: 粉红色ﻫpurple: 紫色brown:棕色ﻫgray: 灰色white: 白色ﻫfuchsia: 紫红色ﻫcyan: 青色/蓝绿色ﻫ材料和配件:ﻫthin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋ﻫbriefcase: 公文包ﻫwaist bag: 腰包ﻫfoam: 泡棉padded:垫料panel: 底板/侧板ﻫcompartment: 间隔层ﻫshoulderbags: 肩包ﻫ]strap:带子ﻫhandle: 手把puller 拉头ﻫgrip: 把手Ripstop:格子布ﻫmicrofiber: 花瑶布ﻫ420D crinklenylon 420D的水洗布ﻫPE board:PE 板ﻫflap: 盖子ﻫtrolley:拉杆ﻫswatch: 样卡ﻫelastic:松紧带adjustable: 可调节的ﻫcardboard: 纸板ﻫjean: 牛仔布ﻫcamouflage: 迷彩色weave label:织唛ﻫstud: 角钉ﻫfabric:布料plastic: 塑料taslon: 塔丝龙ﻫtapestry: 窗帘提花布backpack: 背包ﻫpouch钱包travellingbags:旅行包riptop: 格子布nickel 镍rivet:铆钉ﻫzipper: 拉链ﻫlogo:标记rubber 橡胶buckle: 扣子ﻫmatch color: 配色ﻫribbon:缎带ﻫembroidery 刺绣ﻫyarn;线ﻫmark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标ﻫhangtag 挂牌carton;纸箱packing: 包装pantone色卡ﻫvelcro麾术贴ﻫPiping: 胶骨Binding 包边embroidery 绣花ﻫhanger衣架ﻫback stitch 回针ﻫbreak stitch 断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班ﻫtaffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子ﻫstripe 条纹ﻫfabric面料ﻫpolyester 涤纶ﻫnylon 尼龙ﻫlining里布ﻫpiping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样ﻫdesign sketch 设计图ﻫinvisible zipper/concealzipper隐形拉链ﻫbacking coating 涂层ﻫbuckle loop 钮圈ﻫplastic sting 胶针jel print 胶体印刷ﻫwoven label 织唛;FELT毛绒布;ﻫrubber patch 滴塑;ﻫrubber label滴唛;ﻫelasticcord 橡皮筋;ﻫself fabric pipping 本布包骨;ﻫpippingcord 衬条;Semitransparent:磨沙ﻫPVC 70Dsponge: 70发泡PVCmesh /net : 网布;ﻫrope: 绳子;interior:/outer内/外部ﻫlayer: 层indigo chambray 靛蓝青年布ﻫrayon cloth flocking 人棉布植绒ﻫpvc flocking pvc植绒ﻫknitting clothflocking针织布植绒claimondveins 珠粒绒ﻫdown pile making 倒毛velveteen (velvet-plain)平绒micro suede 仿麂皮ﻫjeans flocking 牛仔皮植绒nylontaffeta (nylonshioze) 尼丝纺nylon seersucker taffeta 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱ﻫplain flocking 素面植绒flocking(flower) 印花植绒embossing flocking 雕印植绒leather imitation flocking皮革沟底植绒ﻫembossing jeans flocking 皮革沟底植绒ﻫangoracachmere overcoating兔羊绒大衣呢double-faced woolen goods 羊毛双面呢cut velvet 立绒呢ﻫover coating顺毛呢ﻫcostumetweed 粗花呢ﻫlycra woolengoods 弹力呢ﻫnylon taslon 塔丝绒n/taslon ripstop塔丝绒格子ﻫpolyester peach skin 桃皮绒polyester taffeta 涤塔夫ﻫpolyester pongee 春亚纺ﻫmicro fiber超细麦克布ﻫnylon-cotton fabric (plain)锦棉稠(平纹)nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(doubleweft)重平锦棉稠nylon-cotton fabric 人字锦棉纺nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 斜纹锦棉纺ﻫsolidvelvet 素色天鹅绒ﻫribfleece velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒ﻫmelange velvet 雪花天鹅绒ﻫginning velvet 轧花天鹅绒pellet fleece velvet 粒粒绒布ﻫlinen/cotton blendedfabric 麻棉混纺布ﻫlinen/cotton mixed fabric 麻棉交织布ﻫsolid terry 素色毛巾布ﻫfleece inone side 蚂蚁布ﻫsolid fleece 素色卫衣布fleece 鱼网布ﻫcolor-stripes single jersey 彩条汗布t/r bengaline t/r 弹力布ﻫt/c solid checkfabric t/c 色织格子布ﻫmicro suede with spandex 弹力仿麂皮ﻫt/rmicro suede t/r 仿麂皮ﻫ100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布ﻫ100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮针织布复100% polyester micro suedebounding with lamb fur仿麂皮羊羔绒合ﻫ复合布cire satine 蜡光缎ﻫfull dull nylon taffeta 全消光尼丝纺ﻫsemi-dullnylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺trilobal nylon 亮光尼龙ﻫfull dull nylon taslan 全消光塔丝隆full dull nylon oxford 全消光牛津布nylon rip-stop 全消光牛津布ﻫtaslan rip-stop 塔丝隆格full dull micro polyester pongee哑富迪ﻫfull dull polyester pon gee全消光春亚纺ﻫpolyester pongee rip-stop春亚纺格子fulldull polyester peach全消光涤纶桃皮绒big twill polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒poly/nylon peach涤锦复合桃皮绒ﻫpolyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶格子ﻫpolyester honey taslan 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆ﻫfull dull poly textured oxford 全消光涤纶低弹牛津布ﻫnylon/polyester inter-wovenpeachﻫ涤锦交织桃皮绒ﻫ常用皮革英语ﻫartificialleather 人造革baseball leather 棒球革ﻫbasketball leather 篮球革ﻫbellow leather 风箱革belt leather 带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革bottom leather 底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革ﻫbuckleather( 雄)鹿革buckle leather 带用革buffed leather 磨面革butt leather底革card leather 梳革ﻫcase leather 箱皮ﻫcharred leather皮炭ﻫchamoisleather 麂皮chrome leather 铬革ﻫchrome tanned leather 铬鞣革clothing leather 服装革ﻫcombination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather 梳刷革ﻫcow leather牛皮ﻫcrown leather上等皮革ﻫcrup leather 马臀革ﻫcrust leather坯革;半硝革cup leather 制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革ﻫdressing leather 饰革drum leather 鼓皮drycleanable leather 耐干洗革ﻫeasy-care leather 易保养革embossed leather压花革enamel leather漆皮enamelled leather 漆皮fair leather 集市皮革ﻫfancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革ﻫfootball leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革ﻫfurnitureleather家具革ﻫgarme nt leather 衣服革ﻫgas meter leather 气表革glaceleather白鞣革glove leather 手套皮ﻫhair-on leather 带毛革half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather 马具革hat leather 制帽革hat sweatbandleather 帽圈革ﻫheavy leather 厚革ﻫheel leather (鞋)后跟皮ﻫhunting leather 粗绒面革hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革)ﻫimitation leather 充牛皮装订,漆布装订, 人造革装订ﻫindustrial leather工业用革ﻫiron tanned leather 铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮ﻫkangaroo leather袋鼠革ﻫkaspine leather 开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather 轻革ﻫline leather 马具革lining leather 衬里革luggage leather 箱包革mountain leather石棉ﻫnapped leather 绒毛皮革ﻫoar leather桨革ﻫoil seal leather 油封革oiled leather 涂油革ﻫoil-tanned leather 油鞣革organ-pipe leather 风琴管革packing leather 皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather 漆皮ﻫpatent leather 漆革ﻫpiano leather钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮platedleather 熨压皮革ﻫportmanteau leather旅行皮包革rein leather马具革ﻫrock leather一种石棉rolledleather 轧制革ﻫroller leather 机轴革rough-tanned leather 粗鞣革ﻫrubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈ﻫRussia(n)leather俄罗斯革saddle leather 鞍皮[革]ﻫsaffian leather 山羊革;摩洛哥革ﻫscrap leather 废皮; 碎皮ﻫsemi-aniline leather 半苯胺革ﻫsemi-chromeleather 混合铬鞣革sheep leather (绵)羊革shrink leather 皱纹革skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革soccerballleather 足球革ﻫsoftleather软革soleleather 底革ﻫstirrup leather 镫革strop leather 磨刀皮革suede leather 起毛皮革sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮ﻫsynthetic leather 合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革ﻫtie and dye leather 扎染革ﻫtwo-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather 装饰用皮革ﻫupper leather 面革valve leather 阀皮ﻫvegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革ﻫzirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革ﻫvolleyball leather 排球革ﻫwash leather 可洗皮革ﻫwashable chamois leather可洗麂皮ﻫwelting leather 镶边革;贴边革white leather 白革; 矾鞣革ﻫﻫ(一)原料ﻫtextile raw materials纺织原料ﻫnatural fibre 天然纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维ﻫvegetable fibre植物纤维textile fibre纺织纤维ﻫman made fibre 人造纤维animal fibre 动物纤维ﻫ(二)面料1.机织物服装面料ﻫplain cloth平纹布oxford 牛津布drill斜纹布ﻫply-yarn drill 线卡ﻫserge 哔叽corduroy 灯芯绒ﻫfleece 起绒布ﻫseersucker 泡泡纱ﻫhaircords 麻纱ﻫlinencloth 亚麻布silk绸woolen cloth粗纺毛织物ﻫwoolen one-side gabardine全毛单面华达呢ﻫvalitine 凡立丁twill coating 啥味呢worsted fany suiting 精纺花呢ﻫflannel法兰绒ﻫovercoat suiting 大衣呢ﻫmixed fabric 交织物poplin府绸ﻫchambray 青年布ﻫsingle yarn drill纱卡ﻫgabardine华达呢denim 牛仔布velveteen平绒ﻫcrepe 绉布voile巴厘纱ramie fabric苎麻布ﻫhabotai电力纺worsted fabric 纺毛织物pure wool gabardine 全毛华达呢doeskin 驼丝锦ﻫladies cloth 女士呢2.针织物面料tweed 粗花呢ﻫﻫweft-knitted fabric 纬编针织物ﻫsingle knit fabric 单面针织物ﻫplainknit fabric纬平针织物interlock fabric双罗纹针织物interlock fabric起绒针织物ﻫterry knitted fabric 毛圈针织物two-barfabric 双梳栉经编针织物ﻫwarp-knitted fabric 经编针织物ﻫdoubleknit fabric 双面针织物rib knit fabric 罗纹针织物ﻫpurl fabric 双反面针织物high pile knitted fabric长毛绒针织物ﻫjacquard knitted fabric 提花针织物ﻫmulti-barfabric 多梳栉经编针织物ﻫ(三)辅料ﻫ1.衬resin interlining 树脂衬breast canvas 麻布胸衬ﻫresin collar interlining 树脂领衬ﻫbreast fleece绒布胸衬fusible interlining 热熔衬adhesive-bonded interlining粘合衬ﻫdouble-faced adhesive interlining双面粘合衬ﻫnon-woven interlining 无纺布衬non-woven adhesive interlining无纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging有纺粘合衬ﻫhair interlining 黑炭衬horsehair interlining 马尾衬ﻫchemical fibreinterlining化纤衬ﻫknitted interlining针织衬ﻫ2.填料ﻫCotton 棉花ﻫartificial cotton人造棉ﻫpolyester wadding 喷胶棉silk wadding 丝棉ﻫacrylic staple fibre腈纶棉ﻫdown 羽绒ﻫﻫ3.线、扣、拉链Thread 线cotton thread 棉线ﻫsilk thread丝线ﻫnylon thread 尼龙线ornamental thread 装饰线ﻫbutton 钮four-hole button四目扣decorative button 装饰纽扣special-shaped button异形扣ﻫplastic button 塑料扣glass button 玻璃扣snap button 子母扣,四合扣ﻫzipper 拉链ﻫnylon zipper尼龙拉链polyester zipper 涤纶拉链ﻫzipper with double sliders双头拉链ﻫfashiontape 装饰带ﻫrib 罗纹ﻫtwist 缝纫用线flaxthread 麻线ﻫembroidery thread绣花线polyester thread 涤纶线cone of thread宝塔线ﻫtwo-hole button 两目扣covered button 包扣ﻫclaw button 羊角扣metal button 金属扣resin button 树脂扣ﻫwood button木扣ﻫnylon fastener tape 尼龙搭扣metal zipper 金属拉链ﻫplastic zipper 塑料拉链ﻫcollar clasp 领钩agraffe 搭钩elastic ribbon 橡筋elasticrib 弹力罗纹Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋ﻫBriefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋CameraBag 相机袋ﻫDuffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag/Tote航空袋GarmentBag 西装袋ﻫSimple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋ﻫToilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bagwith Trolley 拖轮袋ﻫTrolley /Uprights 拉杆箱TrolleyBackpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包ﻫﻫMaterial 原料:BindingMaterial包边用料ﻫCordfor Cord-Handles 手把索ﻫBrushedNylon for Computer Case拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱ﻫCardboardBottom Boards 纸底板ﻫDobbie Weave 交织ﻫCord for Cord-Locks锁索Dividers & Separators’material分隔面料ﻫElastics松紧带ﻫFoams 泡沫ﻫInsulating Materials绝缘物料ﻫLeather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里ﻫMain Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh/Other type of Tissue网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条PlywoodBottom Boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)ﻫPolyethylene for Corners/Backing角位/底部面料ﻫPolyvinyl(PVC)Sponge TrimPVC海绵配料ﻫThread车线ﻫVelcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带ﻫZipper Pulls拉片ﻫZipper Sliders 拉链头ﻫZipper Tapers 拉链ﻫStructural Hardware 金属结构ﻫAccessory Hook 前拖带ﻫRivets & Washers铆钉和垫圈ﻫAlligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带ﻫComplete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架ﻫSide Handle侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets垫圈ﻫStuds (Side Studs)大头钉(侧泡钉)ﻫHandlewith bra ckets 手把连扣ﻫTop Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座ﻫMetal Frame Sample铁框Polyethylene Board Samples PE板ﻫRings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件ﻫAccessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链ﻫCord-Locks(Toggle-Locks,Barrel-Locks ) 锁(套索锁,桶锁)ﻫHanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩ﻫHooks 钩,Lid盖ﻫLuggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌ﻫNameplate商标 Logo /铝牌Strap背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)Padlocks & Keys锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座ﻫUniversal HangerHooks整体挂勾ﻫﻫLabels 标签ﻫGuarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌ﻫInside Country of Origin Label 内布标ﻫOther Required Tag其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock 扣或锁ﻫBelt Buckle皮带扣ﻫPress Locks 插锁ﻫMetal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣ﻫSnap Fastener 四合扣ﻫMetal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣ﻫTurn Locks拧制PlasticBuckle塑胶插扣ﻫButton 纽扣Handbag SideClips手袋侧夹ﻫMagnet Button磁纽Press Button 珠纽ﻫPress Stud 纽扣ﻫSnap Button 急纽Rivet钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉ﻫFull Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉ﻫColor 颜色ﻫAubergine 紫红色ﻫBeige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝ﻫPewter 沙电色Khaki卡其色ﻫCloth布料ﻫCanvas 帆布ﻫJacquard /Tapestry 提花布ﻫRamie 麻ﻫRipstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵ﻫSpun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳ﻫDefects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档ﻫFinishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经ﻫOil Spots油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织ﻫPleat褶ﻫCoarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕ﻫRope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball毛球Slack Picks 松纬ﻫColor Spots 色渍Holes Sto 破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱LoopySelvedge毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边ﻫMispick缺纬ﻫTight Picks紧纬ﻫDouble Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线ﻫWater Stain 水印ﻫDyeingStreak染褶ﻫMixEnd 错经ﻫWavy Selvedge 浪边ﻫOther Vocabulary 其他生字ﻫAbrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻ﻫEyelets鸡眼Jaggedly锯齿ﻫProtrudes 突出ﻫRip Off 裂开ﻫSeam 接缝ﻫStiff 硬Stumbles错误ﻫTrimming 装饰ﻫWobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋ﻫraw edge毛边ﻫGusset piece风琴片ﻫkickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带ﻫsuiterfolded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线ﻫembossed pattern 平纹风格ﻫtilt-out dividers凸出的分隔板ﻫWet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板ﻫexpansion off case 扩充空间ﻫRemovable drop-insuiter 可移除的西装套袋plasticwashers塑胶垫圈Wheel housings轮子座Pull handlegrip and bezel拉杆杯ﻫBumpers/runners脚座Garment grips 衣架座ﻫLogo gasket 衬垫ﻫbarrel clips 桶型扣ﻫTop carry handle 主手把ﻫside carry handle 侧手把ﻫvinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain内里ﻫcross straps束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern热传递风格ﻫleather tab皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton彩盒ﻫMaster carton 大箱ﻫzip-away拉链袋ﻫhandle ring手把环ﻫClear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸ﻫstuffing material 塞物料。



箱包类常用英语词汇预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制1)包袋类别及部位说明:1)backpack: 背包2)pouch(wallet): 钱包3)traveling bags:旅行包4)briefcase: 公文包5)tote bag:大手提袋6)lady bag: 女士包7)waist bag: 腰包8)pencil case: 笔袋9). shoulder bags肩包10)front panel/前片, 11) flap of pocket袋盖.12) printing artwork /印刷图, 13) compartment: 隔层14) back panel后片, 15)foam发泡, 16) sponge海棉, 17) inner pocket里袋, 18) bottom底部/ bottom board底板,19) trolley 拉杆,20) handle手把, 21) hook buckle 钩扣, 22) buckle扣具,23)zipper拉链24)zip puller拉头, 25) webbing 织带, 26)straps 肩带, 27) woven label: 织唛, 28) piping胶骨,29) binding 捆边, 30)hangtag:挂牌,31) barcode sticker条形码不干胶,32) polybag塑料袋33)reinforce panel: 补强片, 34) rivet: 柳钉35) net pocket: 网袋36) bottle: 水瓶37)logo: 商标38). rubber: 橡胶39)match color: 配色40)ribbon: 尼龙丝带41.)embroidery: 刺绣42)yarn: 线43)mark: 唛头44)inner label 内标45)carton: 纸箱46)packing: 包装47)pantone: 色卡48)velcro: 摩术贴49)rope: 绳子50). stud: 角钉51)elastic: 松紧带52). padded: 垫料53)cardboard: 纸板关于程度词:1. thin: 薄2. thick: 厚 3 interior/outer: 内/外部 4.adjustable: 可调节的材料:a) 420d ripstop: 420d格子布b) 300d c) 600d d) polyester: 涤沦e)nylon: 尼龙f) 420d g) microfiber: 花瑶布h). transparent pvc: 透明pvci) semitransparent: 磨沙pvc j). 70d sponge: 70d 发泡k).mesh/net: 网布l). 420d crinkle nylon: 420d 水洗布m)210t n)190to)pe board: pe板p) swatch: 样品q) cardboard: 纸板r) jean: 牛仔布s)fabric: 布料t) plastic: 塑料u). taslon: 塔丝龙v). tapestry: 窗帘提花布w) ripstop: 格子布x) yarn or stitch line: 线或车线3)关于颜色:1.sky-blue: 天蓝色2. lime: 淡黄绿色3. olive: 橄榄绿4. jade: 碧玉色5. poppy: 深红色6. violet: 紫罗兰色7.beige: 米白色8. scarlet: 鲜红9. golden: 金色10. navy-blue: 深蓝11. russet: 深绿色12. khaki: 卡其色13. mustard: 深黄色14. tan 茶色15. bottle green: 深绿色16. cream: 淡黄色17. maroon: 褐红色18. royal blue: 宝蓝19. turquoise: 青绿色20. emerald: 祖母绿21. peach: 桃红色22. burgundy: 枣红色23. lemon: 柠檬色24. tangerine: 橘红色25. apricot: 杏黄色26. light gray: 浅灰27. roseate: 深粉红色28. magenta: 红紫色29. mauve: 淡紫色30. lilac: 紫丁香花31. coffee: 咖啡色32. buff: 暗黄色33. aquamarine: 碧绿色34. yellow: 黄色35. orange: 橙色36. crimson: 深红色37. red: 红色38. blue: 蓝色39. green: 绿色40. pink: 粉红色41. purple: 紫色42. brown: 棕色43. gray: 灰色44. white: 白色45. fuchsia: 紫红色46. cyan: 青色/蓝绿色47 camouflage: 迷彩色47. nickel: 镍色2)常用颜色:1.sky-blue: 天蓝色2. olive: 橄榄绿3. violet: 紫罗兰色4.beige: 米白色5. navy-blue: 深蓝6. khaki: 卡其色7. royal blue: 宝蓝8. turquoise: 青绿色9. peach: 桃红色10. burgundy: 枣红色11. lemon: 柠檬色12. tangerine: 橘红色13. light gray: 浅灰14. yellow: 黄色15. orange: 橙色16.red: 红色17. blue: 蓝色18. green: 绿色19. pink: 粉红色20. purple: 紫色21. brown: 棕色22. gray: 灰色23. fuchsia: 紫红色。



[术语]箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)颜色:Sky-blue: 天蓝色lime: 淡黄绿色olive: 橄榄绿jade: 碧玉色poppy: 深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige: 米白色scarlet: 鲜红golden: 金色navy-blue: 海蓝russet: 赤褐色khaki: 卡其色mustard: 深黄色tan 茶色bottle green: 深绿色cream: 淡黄色maroon: 褐红色royal blue 宝蓝turquoise: 青绿色emerald: 祖母绿peach: 粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon 柠檬色tangerine: 橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray; 浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta: 红紫色mauve: 淡紫色lilac: 紫丁香色coffee: 咖啡色buff: 暗黄色aquamarine: 碧绿色yellow: 黄色orange: 橙色crimson: 深红色red: 红色blue 蓝色green 绿色pink: 粉红色purple:紫色brown: 棕色gray: 灰色white: 白色fuchsia: 紫红色cyan: 青色/蓝绿色材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase: 公文包waist bag: 腰包foam: 泡棉padded: 垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层shoulder bags: 肩包]strap: 带子handle: 手把puller 拉头grip: 把手Ripstop: 格子布microfiber: 花瑶布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board: PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch: 样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard: 纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage: 迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric: 布料plastic: 塑料taslon: 塔丝龙tapestry: 窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch 钱包travelling bags: 旅行包riptop: 格子布nickel 镍rivet: 铆钉zipper: 拉链logo: 标记rubber 橡胶buckle: 扣子match color: 配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery 刺绣yarn; 线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton; 纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping: 胶骨Binding 包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch 断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch 设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper隐形拉链backing coating 涂层buckle loop 钮圈plastic sting 胶针jel print 胶体印刷woven label 织唛;FELT 毛绒布;rubber patch 滴塑;rubber label 滴唛;elastic cord 橡皮筋;self fabric pipping 本布包骨;pipping cord 衬条;Semitransparent: 磨沙PVC 70Dsponge: 70发泡PVCmesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer: 层indigo chambray 靛蓝青年布rayon cloth flocking 人棉布植绒pvc flocking pvc植绒knitting cloth flocking 针织布植绒claimond veins 珠粒绒down pile making 倒毛velveteen (velvet-plain)平绒micro suede 仿麂皮jeans flocking 牛仔皮植绒nylon taffeta (nylon shioze) 尼丝纺nylon seersucker taffeta 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱plain flocking 素面植绒flocking(flower) 印花植绒embossing flocking 雕印植绒leather imitation flocking皮革沟底植绒embossing jeans flocking 皮革沟底植绒angora cachmere overcoating兔羊绒大衣呢double-faced woolen goods 羊毛双面呢cut velvet 立绒呢over coating 顺毛呢costume tweed 粗花呢lycra woolen goods 弹力呢nylon taslon 塔丝绒n/taslon ripstop 塔丝绒格子polyester peach skin 桃皮绒polyester taffeta 涤塔夫polyester pongee 春亚纺micro fiber 超细麦克布nylon-cotton fabric (plain)锦棉稠(平纹) nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 重平锦棉稠nylon-cotton fabric 人字锦棉纺nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 斜纹锦棉纺solid velvet 素色天鹅绒rib fleece velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒melange velvet 雪花天鹅绒ginning velvet 轧花天鹅绒pellet fleece velvet 粒粒绒布linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉混纺布linen/cotton mixed fabric 麻棉交织布solid terry 素色毛巾布fleece in one side 蚂蚁布solid fleece 素色卫衣布fleece 鱼网布color-stripes single jersey 彩条汗布t/r bengaline t/r 弹力布t/c solid check fabric t/c 色织格子布micro suede with spandex 弹力仿麂皮t/r micro suede t/r 仿麂皮100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮针织布复合100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布cire satine 蜡光缎full dull nylon taffeta 全消光尼丝纺semi-dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺trilobal nylon 亮光尼龙full dull nylon taslan 全消光塔丝隆full dull nylon oxford 全消光牛津布nylon rip-stop 全消光牛津布taslan rip-stop 塔丝隆格full dull micro polyester pongee哑富迪full dull polyester pongee全消光春亚纺polyester pongee rip-stop 春亚纺格子full dull polyester peach全消光涤纶桃皮绒big twill polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒poly/nylon peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒polyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶格子polyester honey taslan 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆full dull poly textured oxford全消光涤纶低弹牛津布nylon/polyester inter-woven peach涤锦交织桃皮绒常用皮革英语artificial leather 人造革baseball leather 棒球革basketball leather 篮球革bellow leather 风箱革belt leather 带皮belting leather 带革; 轮带book-binding leather 书面革bottom leather 底革boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革buck leather( 雄)鹿革buckle leather 带用革buffed leather 磨面革butt leather 底革card leather 梳革case leather 箱皮charred leather 皮炭chamois leather 麂皮chrome leather 铬革chrome tanned leather 铬鞣革clothing leather 服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather 梳刷革cow leather 牛皮crown leather 上等皮革crup leather 马臀革crust leather 坯革; 半硝革cup leather 制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather 隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather 狗皮(制的)革dressing leather 饰革drum leather 鼓皮drycleanable leather 耐干洗革easy-care leather 易保养革embossed leather 压花革enamel leather 漆皮enamelled leather 漆皮fair leather 集市皮革fancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革finished leather 成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather 足球革football-helmet leather 橄榄球头盔革furniture leather 家具革garment leather 衣服革gas meter leather 气表革glace leather 白鞣革glove leather 手套皮hair-on leather 带毛革half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather 马具革hat leather 制帽革hat sweatband leather 帽圈革heavy leather 厚革heel leather (鞋)后跟皮hunting leather 粗绒面革hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather 充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather 工业用革iron tanned leather 铁鞣革japanned leather 漆皮kangaroo leather 袋鼠革kaspine leather 开斯宾革levant leather 皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather 轻革line leather 马具革lining leather 衬里革luggage leather 箱包革mountain leather 石棉napped leather 绒毛皮革oar leather 桨革oil seal leather 油封革oiled leather 涂油革oil-tanned leather 油鞣革organ-pipe leather 风琴管革packing leather 皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather 漆皮patent leather 漆革piano leather 钢琴革piston packing leather 活塞填密皮plated leather 熨压皮革portmanteau leather 旅行皮包革rein leather 马具革rock leather 一种石棉rolled leather 轧制革roller leather 机轴革rough-tanned leather 粗鞣革rubbing leathers 【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather 俄罗斯革saddle leather 鞍皮[革]saffian leather 山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather 废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather 半苯胺革semi-chrome leather 混合铬鞣革sheep leather (绵)羊革shrink leather 皱纹革skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革soccerballleather 足球革softleather 软革soleleather 底革stirrup leather 镫革strop leather 磨刀皮革suede leather 起毛皮革sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather 合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather 扎染革two-tone leather 双色调革upholstery leather 装饰用皮革upper leather 面革valve leather 阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather 正绒面革zirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革volleyball leather 排球革wash leather 可洗皮革washable chamois leather 可洗麂皮welting leather 镶边革; 贴边革white leather 白革; 矾鞣革(一)原料textile raw materials 纺织原料natural fibre 天然纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维vegetable fibre 植物纤维textile fibre 纺织纤维man made fibre 人造纤维animal fibre 动物纤维(二)面料1.机织物服装面料plain cloth 平纹布oxford 牛津布drill 斜纹布ply-yarn drill 线卡serge 哔叽corduroy 灯芯绒fleece 起绒布seersucker 泡泡纱hair cords 麻纱linen cloth 亚麻布silk 绸woolen cloth 粗纺毛织物woolen one-side gabardine全毛单面华达呢valitine 凡立丁twill coating 啥味呢worsted fany suiting 精纺花呢flannel 法兰绒overcoat suiting 大衣呢mixed fabric 交织物poplin 府绸chambray 青年布single yarn drill 纱卡gabardine 华达呢denim 牛仔布velveteen 平绒crepe 绉布voile 巴厘纱ramie fabric 苎麻布habotai 电力纺worsted fabric 纺毛织物pure wool gabardine 全毛华达呢doeskin 驼丝锦ladies cloth 女士呢tweed 粗花呢2.针织物面料weft-knitted fabric 纬编针织物single knit fabric 单面针织物plain knit fabric 纬平针织物interlock fabric 双罗纹针织物interlock fabric 起绒针织物terry knitted fabric 毛圈针织物two-bar fabric 双梳栉经编针织物warp-knitted fabric 经编针织物double knit fabric 双面针织物rib knit fabric 罗纹针织物purl fabric 双反面针织物high pile knitted fabric长毛绒针织物jacquard knitted fabric 提花针织物multi-bar fabric 多梳栉经编针织物(三)辅料1.衬resin interlining 树脂衬breast canvas 麻布胸衬resin collar interlining 树脂领衬breast fleece 绒布胸衬fusible interlining 热熔衬adhesive-bonded interlining 粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining双面粘合衬non-woven interlining 无纺布衬non-woven adhesive interlining无纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging有纺粘合衬hair interlining 黑炭衬horsehair interlining 马尾衬chemical fibre interlining化纤衬knitted interlining 针织衬2.填料Cotton 棉花artificial cotton 人造棉polyester wadding 喷胶棉silk wadding 丝棉acrylic staple fibre 腈纶棉down 羽绒3.线、扣、拉链Thread 线cotton thread 棉线silk thread 丝线nylon thread 尼龙线ornamental thread 装饰线button 钮four-hole button 四目扣decorative button 装饰纽扣special-shaped button 异形扣plastic button 塑料扣glass button 玻璃扣snap button 子母扣,四合扣zipper 拉链nylon zipper 尼龙拉链polyester zipper 涤纶拉链zipper with double sliders双头拉链fashion tape 装饰带rib 罗纹twist 缝纫用线flax thread 麻线embroidery thread 绣花线polyester thread 涤纶线cone of thread 宝塔线two-hole button 两目扣covered button 包扣claw button 羊角扣metal button 金属扣resin button 树脂扣wood button 木扣nylon fastener tape 尼龙搭扣metal zipper 金属拉链plastic zipper 塑料拉链collar clasp 领钩agraffe 搭钩elastic ribbon 橡筋elastic rib 弹力罗纹Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Case拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’material分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 泡沫Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh/Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)Polyethylene for Corners /Backing角位/底部面料Polyvinyl(PVC)Sponge TrimPVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs (Side Studs ) 大头钉(侧泡钉)Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks(Toggle-Locks,Barrel-Locks ) 锁(套索锁,桶锁)Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 钩,Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate商标 Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock 扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto 破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel拉杆杯Bumpers/runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格leather tab 皮革饰片Text-turned vinyl 有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)graphic carton 彩盒Master carton 大箱zip-away 拉链袋handle ring 手把环Clear PVC 透明PVCkohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料。



箱包类常用英语词汇预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制1)包袋类别及部位说明:1)backpack: 背包2)pouch(wallet): 钱包3)traveling bags:旅行包4)briefcase: 公文包5)tote bag:大手提袋6)lady bag: 女士包7)waist bag: 腰包8)pencil case: 笔袋9). shoulder bags肩包10)front panel/前片, 11) flap of pocket袋盖.12) printing artwork /印刷图, 13) compartment: 隔层14) back panel后片, 15)foam发泡, 16) sponge海棉, 17) inner pocket里袋, 18) bottom底部/ bottom board底板,19) trolley 拉杆,20) handle手把, 21) hook buckle 钩扣, 22) buckle扣具,23)zipper拉链24)zip puller拉头, 25) webbing 织带, 26)straps 肩带, 27) woven label: 织唛, 28) piping胶骨,29) binding 捆边, 30)hangtag:挂牌,31) barcode sticker条形码不干胶,32) polybag塑料袋33)reinforce panel: 补强片, 34) rivet: 柳钉35) net pocket: 网袋36) bottle: 水瓶37)logo: 商标38). rubber: 橡胶39)match color: 配色40)ribbon: 尼龙丝带41.)embroidery: 刺绣42)yarn: 线43)mark: 唛头44)inner label 内标45)carton: 纸箱46)packing: 包装47)pantone: 色卡48)velcro: 摩术贴49)rope: 绳子50). stud: 角钉51)elastic: 松紧带52). padded: 垫料53)cardboard: 纸板关于程度词:1. thin: 薄2. thick: 厚 3 interior/outer: 内/外部 4.adjustable: 可调节的材料:a) 420d ripstop: 420d格子布b) 300d c) 600d d) polyester: 涤沦e)nylon: 尼龙f) 420d g) microfiber: 花瑶布h). transparent pvc: 透明pvci) semitransparent: 磨沙pvc j). 70d sponge: 70d 发泡k).mesh/net: 网布l). 420d crinkle nylon: 420d 水洗布m)210t n)190to)pe board: pe板p) swatch: 样品q) cardboard: 纸板r) jean: 牛仔布s)fabric: 布料t) plastic: 塑料u). taslon: 塔丝龙v). tapestry: 窗帘提花布w) ripstop: 格子布x) yarn or stitch line: 线或车线3)关于颜色:1.sky-blue: 天蓝色2. lime: 淡黄绿色3. olive: 橄榄绿4. jade: 碧玉色5. poppy: 深红色6. violet: 紫罗兰色7.beige: 米白色8. scarlet: 鲜红9. golden: 金色10. navy-blue: 深蓝11. russet: 深绿色12. khaki: 卡其色13. mustard: 深黄色14. tan 茶色15. bottle green: 深绿色16. cream: 淡黄色17. maroon: 褐红色18. royal blue: 宝蓝19. turquoise: 青绿色20. emerald: 祖母绿21. peach: 桃红色22. burgundy: 枣红色23. lemon: 柠檬色24. tangerine: 橘红色25. apricot: 杏黄色26. light gray: 浅灰27. roseate: 深粉红色28. magenta: 红紫色29. mauve: 淡紫色30. lilac: 紫丁香花31. coffee: 咖啡色32. buff: 暗黄色33. aquamarine: 碧绿色34. yellow: 黄色35. orange: 橙色36. crimson: 深红色37. red: 红色38. blue: 蓝色39. green: 绿色40. pink: 粉红色41. purple: 紫色42. brown: 棕色43. gray: 灰色44. white: 白色45. fuchsia: 紫红色46. cyan: 青色/蓝绿色47 camouflage: 迷彩色47. nickel: 镍色2)常用颜色:1.sky-blue: 天蓝色2. olive: 橄榄绿3. violet: 紫罗兰色4.beige: 米白色5. navy-blue: 深蓝6. khaki: 卡其色7. royal blue: 宝蓝8. turquoise: 青绿色9. peach: 桃红色10. burgundy: 枣红色11. lemon: 柠檬色12. tangerine: 橘红色13. light gray: 浅灰14. yellow: 黄色15. orange: 橙色16.red: 红色17. blue: 蓝色18. green: 绿色19. pink: 粉红色20. purple: 紫色21. brown: 棕色22. gray: 灰色23. fuchsia: 紫红色。



术语箱包手袋术语[术语]箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)箱包手袋术语(中英文对照)颜色:Sky-blue: 天蓝色lime: 淡黄绿色olive: 橄榄绿jade: 碧玉色poppy: 深红色violet: 紫罗兰色beige: 米白色scarlet: 鲜红golden: 金色navy-blue: 海蓝russet: 赤褐色khaki: 卡其色mustard: 深黄色tan 茶色bottle green: 深绿色cream: 淡黄色maroon: 褐红色royal blue 宝蓝turquoise: 青绿色emerald: 祖母绿peach: 粉红色burgundy:枣红lemon 柠檬色tangerine: 橘红色apricot: 杏黄色light gray; 浅灰roseate:深粉红色magenta: 红紫色mauve: 淡紫色lilac: 紫丁香色coffee: 咖啡色buff: 暗黄色aquamarine: 碧绿色yellow: 黄色orange: 橙色crimson: 深红色red: 红色blue 蓝色green 绿色pink: 粉红色purple:紫色brown: 棕色gray: 灰色white: 白色fuchsia: 紫红色cyan: 青色/蓝绿色材料和配件:thin: 薄thick 厚net pocket/mesh: 网袋briefcase: 公文包waist bag: 腰包foam: 泡棉padded: 垫料panel: 底板/侧板compartment: 间隔层shoulder bags: 肩包]strap: 带子handle: 手把puller 拉头grip: 把手Ripstop: 格子布microfiber: 花瑶布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布PE board: PE 板flap: 盖子trolley: 拉杆swatch: 样卡elastic: 松紧带adjustable: 可调节的cardboard: 纸板jean: 牛仔布camouflage: 迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric: 布料plastic: 塑料taslon: 塔丝龙tapestry: 窗帘提花布backpack: 背包pouch 钱包travelling bags: 旅行包riptop: 格子布nickel 镍rivet: 铆钉zipper: 拉链logo: 标记rubber 橡胶buckle: 扣子match color: 配色ribbon: 缎带embroidery 刺绣yarn; 线mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌carton; 纸箱packing: 包装pantone 色卡velcro 麾术贴Piping: 胶骨Binding 包边embroidery 绣花hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch 断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹fabric 面料polyester 涤纶nylon 尼龙lining 里布piping 凯线match color 配色pattern 纸样design sketch 设计图invisible zipper/conceal zipper隐形拉链backing coating 涂层buckle loop 钮圈plastic sting 胶针jel print 胶体印刷woven label 织唛;FELT 毛绒布;rubber patch 滴塑;rubber label 滴唛;elastic cord 橡皮筋;self fabric pipping 本布包骨;pipping cord 衬条;Semitransparent: 磨沙PVC 70Dsponge: 70发泡PVCmesh / net : 网布;rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer: 层indigo chambray 靛蓝青年布rayon cloth flocking 人棉布植绒pvc flocking pvc植绒knitting cloth flocking 针织布植绒claimond veins 珠粒绒down pile making 倒毛velveteen (velvet-plain)平绒micro suede 仿麂皮jeans flocking 牛仔皮植绒nylon taffeta (nylon shioze) 尼丝纺nylon seersucker taffeta 尼龙塔夫泡泡纱plain flocking 素面植绒flocking(flower) 印花植绒embossing flocking 雕印植绒leather imitation flocking皮革沟底植绒embossing jeans flocking 皮革沟底植绒angora cachmere overcoating兔羊绒大衣呢double-faced woolen goods 羊毛双面呢cut velvet 立绒呢over coating 顺毛呢costume tweed 粗花呢lycra woolen goods 弹力呢nylon taslon 塔丝绒n/taslon ripstop 塔丝绒格子polyester peach skin 桃皮绒polyester taffeta 涤塔夫polyester pongee 春亚纺micro fiber 超细麦克布nylon-cotton fabric (plain)锦棉稠(平纹) nylon-cotton-cotton fabric(double weft) 重平锦棉稠nylon-cotton fabric 人字锦棉纺nylon-cotton fabric (twill) 斜纹锦棉纺solid velvet 素色天鹅绒rib fleece velvet 抽条磨毛天鹅绒melange velvet 雪花天鹅绒ginning velvet 轧花天鹅绒pellet fleece velvet 粒粒绒布linen/cotton blended fabric 麻棉混纺布linen/cotton mixed fabric 麻棉交织布solid terry 素色毛巾布fleece in one side 蚂蚁布solid fleece 素色卫衣布fleece 鱼网布color-stripes single jersey 彩条汗布t/r bengaline t/r 弹力布t/c solid check fabric t/c 色织格子布micro suede with spandex 弹力仿麂皮t/r micro suede t/r 仿麂皮100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece 仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric 仿麂皮针织布复合100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur 仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布cire satine 蜡光缎full dull nylon taffeta 全消光尼丝纺semi-dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺trilobal nylon 亮光尼龙full dull nylon taslan 全消光塔丝隆full dull nylon oxford 全消光牛津布nylon rip-stop 全消光牛津布taslan rip-stop 塔丝隆格full dull micro polyester pongee哑富迪full dull polyester pongee全消光春亚纺polyester pongee rip-stop 春亚纺格子full dull polyester peach全消光涤纶桃皮绒big twill polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒poly/nylon peach 涤锦复合桃皮绒polyester taffeta rip-stop 涤纶格子polyester honey taslan 涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆full dull poly textured oxford全消光涤纶低弹牛津布nylon/polyester inter-woven peach涤锦交织桃皮绒常用皮革英语artificial leather 人造革baseball leather 棒球革basketball leather 篮球革bellow leather 风箱革belt leather 带皮belting leather 带革; 轮带book-binding leather 书面革bottom leather 底革boxing-glove leather 拳击手套革buck leather( 雄)鹿革buckle leather 带用革buffed leather 磨面革butt leather 底革card leather 梳革case leather 箱皮charred leather 皮炭chamois leather 麂皮chrome leather 铬革chrome tanned leather 铬鞣革clothing leather 服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather 梳刷革cow leather 牛皮crown leather 上等皮革crup leather 马臀革crust leather 坯革; 半硝革cup leather 制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather 隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather 狗皮(制的)革dressing leather 饰革drum leather 鼓皮drycleanable leather 耐干洗革easy-care leather 易保养革embossed leather 压花革enamel leather 漆皮enamelled leather 漆皮fair leather 集市皮革fancy leather 美术革, 装饰用革finished leather 成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather 足球革football-helmet leather 橄榄球头盔革furniture leather 家具革garment leather 衣服革gas meter leather 气表革glace leather 白鞣革glove leather 手套皮hair-on leather 带毛革half leather 半皮面装订, 半革装harness leather 马具革hat leather 制帽革hat sweatband leather 帽圈革heavy leather 厚革heel leather (鞋)后跟皮hunting leather 粗绒面革hydraulic leather 水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather 充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather 工业用革iron tanned leather 铁鞣革japanned leather 漆皮kangaroo leather 袋鼠革kaspine leather 开斯宾革levant leather 皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather 轻革line leather 马具革lining leather 衬里革luggage leather 箱包革mountain leather 石棉napped leather 绒毛皮革oar leather 桨革oil seal leather 油封革oiled leather 涂油革oil-tanned leather 油鞣革organ-pipe leather 风琴管革packing leather 皮碗paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather 漆皮patent leather 漆革piano leather 钢琴革piston packing leather 活塞填密皮plated leather 熨压皮革portmanteau leather 旅行皮包革rein leather 马具革rock leather 一种石棉rolled leather 轧制革roller leather 机轴革rough-tanned leather 粗鞣革rubbing leathers 【纺】搓条皮圈Russia(n) leather 俄罗斯革saddle leather 鞍皮[革]saffian leather 山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather 废皮; 碎皮semi-aniline leather 半苯胺革semi-chrome leather 混合铬鞣革sheep leather (绵)羊革shrink leather 皱纹革skirt leather 植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather 光面皮革soccerballleather 足球革softleather 软革soleleather 底革stirrup leather 镫革strop leather 磨刀皮革suede leather 起毛皮革sweat band leather (帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather 合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather 扎染革two-tone leather 双色调革upholstery leather 装饰用皮革upper leather 面革valve leather 阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather 正绒面革zirconium tanned leather 锆鞣革volleyball leather 排球革wash leather 可洗皮革washable chamois leather 可洗麂皮welting leather 镶边革; 贴边革white leather 白革; 矾鞣革(一)原料textile raw materials 纺织原料natural fibre 天然纤维chemical fibre 化学纤维vegetable fibre 植物纤维textile fibre 纺织纤维man made fibre 人造纤维animal fibre 动物纤维(二)面料1.机织物服装面料plain cloth 平纹布oxford 牛津布drill 斜纹布ply-yarn drill 线卡serge 哔叽corduroy 灯芯绒fleece 起绒布seersucker 泡泡纱hair cords 麻纱linen cloth 亚麻布silk 绸woolen cloth 粗纺毛织物woolen one-side gabardine全毛单面华达呢valitine 凡立丁twill coating 啥味呢worsted fany suiting 精纺花呢flannel 法兰绒overcoat suiting 大衣呢mixed fabric 交织物poplin 府绸chambray 青年布single yarn drill 纱卡gabardine 华达呢denim 牛仔布velveteen 平绒crepe 绉布voile 巴厘纱ramie fabric 苎麻布habotai 电力纺worsted fabric 纺毛织物pure wool gabardine 全毛华达呢doeskin 驼丝锦ladies cloth 女士呢tweed 粗花呢2.针织物面料weft-knitted fabric 纬编针织物single knit fabric 单面针织物plain knit fabric 纬平针织物interlock fabric 双罗纹针织物interlock fabric 起绒针织物terry knitted fabric 毛圈针织物two-bar fabric 双梳栉经编针织物warp-knitted fabric 经编针织物double knit fabric 双面针织物rib knit fabric 罗纹针织物purl fabric 双反面针织物high pile knitted fabric长毛绒针织物jacquard knitted fabric 提花针织物multi-bar fabric 多梳栉经编针织物(三)辅料1.衬resin interlining 树脂衬breast canvas 麻布胸衬resin collar interlining 树脂领衬breast fleece 绒布胸衬fusible interlining 热熔衬adhesive-bonded interlining 粘合衬double-faced adhesive interlining双面粘合衬non-woven interlining 无纺布衬non-woven adhesive interlining无纺粘合衬adhesive woreninterlinging有纺粘合衬hair interlining 黑炭衬horsehair interlining 马尾衬chemical fibre interlining化纤衬knitted interlining 针织衬2.填料Cotton 棉花artificial cotton 人造棉polyester wadding 喷胶棉silk wadding 丝棉acrylic staple fibre 腈纶棉down 羽绒3.线、扣、拉链Thread 线cotton thread 棉线silk thread 丝线nylon thread 尼龙线ornamental thread 装饰线button 钮four-hole button 四目扣decorative button 装饰纽扣special-shaped button 异形扣plastic button 塑料扣glass button 玻璃扣snap button 子母扣,四合扣zipper 拉链nylon zipper 尼龙拉链polyester zipper 涤纶拉链zipper with double sliders双头拉链fashion tape 装饰带rib 罗纹twist 缝纫用线flax thread 麻线embroidery thread 绣花线polyester thread 涤纶线cone of thread 宝塔线two-hole button 两目扣covered button 包扣claw button 羊角扣metal button 金属扣resin button 树脂扣wood button 木扣nylon fastener tape 尼龙搭扣metal zipper 金属拉链plastic zipper 塑料拉链collar clasp 领钩agraffe 搭钩elastic ribbon 橡筋elastic rib 弹力罗纹Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包Material 原料:Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Brushed Nylon for Computer Case拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板Dobbie Weave 交织Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Dividers & Separators’material分隔面料Elastics 松紧带Foams 泡沫Insulating Materials 绝缘物料Leather Trim 真皮配料Linings 内里Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Mesh/Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Piping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)Polyethylene for Corners /Backing角位/底部面料Polyvinyl(PVC)Sponge TrimPVC海绵配料Thread 车线Velcro 幺术贴Webbing 织带Zipper Pulls 拉片Zipper Sliders 拉链头Zipper Tapers 拉链Structural Hardware 金属结构Accessory Hook 前拖带Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Runners 背面长条Bottom Stand 前脚Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Shoulder Strap 肩带Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Side Handle 侧手把Conveyor Belt 运轮带Snaps 纽扣/四合扣Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets 垫圈Studs (Side Studs ) 大头钉(侧泡钉)Handle with brackets 手把连扣Top Carrying Handle 主手把Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Handle Wrap 手握片Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal Frame Sample 铁框Polyethylene Board Samples PE板Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Accessories 配件Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Buckles 插扣Chains 缝条/链Cord-Locks(Toggle-Locks,Barrel-Locks ) 锁(套索锁,桶锁)Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 钩,Lid 盖Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate商标 Logo /铝牌Strap 背带Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Plastic Water Bottles 塑胶水桶钉Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag UPC吊牌Buckle/Lock 扣或锁Belt Buckle 皮带扣Press Locks 插锁Metal Pin Buckle 铁线针扣Snap Fastener 四合扣Metal Ring /Buckle 铁线扣Turn Locks 拧制Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Color 颜色Aubergine 紫红色Beige 米黄色Bone 米色Chrome/ Nickel 镍色Navy 海军蓝Pewter 沙电色Khaki 卡其色Cloth 布料Canvas 帆布Jacquard /Tapestry 提花布Ramie 麻Ripstop /Tartan 格子布Sponge 海绵Spun 山东绸Twill 斜布Zipper Cord 拉头上的棉绳Defects 瑕疵Baggy Cloth 波断纹Filling Bar 稀密路Mixed Filling 错纬Barre 横档Finishing Bar 横痕Neps 棉结Broken End 断线Float End 走经Oil Spots 油渍Broken Picks 断线Float 浮织Pleat 褶Coarse Picks 粗纬Fold Marks 褶痕Rope Marks 条痕Cockles 起皱Fuzzy Ball 毛球Slack Picks 松纬Color Spots 色渍Holes Sto 破洞stop Mark 停机痕Crease 皱Loopy Selvedge 毛圈边Tight End 紧经Curled Selvedge 卷边Mispick 缺纬Tight Picks 紧纬Double Picks 双纬Missing End 缺经/线Water Stain 水印Dyeing Streak 染褶Mix End 错经Wavy Selvedge 浪边Other Vocabulary 其他生字Abrasion 摩擦Bent 弯曲Crooked 歪Engraved 雕刻Eyelets 鸡眼Jaggedly 锯齿Protrudes 突出Rip Off 裂开Seam 接缝Stiff 硬Stumbles 错误Trimming 装饰Wobble 摇晃Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋raw edge 毛边Gusset piece 风琴片kickplate 踢脚板slash pockets 开口袋Herringbone 人字纹带suiter folded 西装袋折叠steel wire 铁线Top stitch 上车线embossed pattern 平纹风格tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板Wet pack 防水mesh divider 网隔分隔板expansion off case 扩充空间Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Wheel housings 轮子座Pull handle grip and bezel拉杆杯Bumpers/runners 脚座Garment grips 衣架座Logo gasket 衬垫barrel clips 桶型扣Top carry handle 主手把side carry handle 侧手把vinyl bottom 芙蓉皮底Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能lining/curtain 内里cross straps 束衣带Shoulder straps 肩带bloused wetpockets 凸湿衣袋solid wire 实心线Extender panel w/roll-bar 延展片/有滚条swivel hook 狗钩These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉Heat transfer pattern 热传递风格。



手袋箱包术语手袋箱包术语手袋箱包术语(1)Bags/Case Name 袋/箱包名称Beauty Case 化妆袋Cosmetic bag 化妆袋pouch钱包Briefcase 公文袋Cabin Case 航空袋Camera Bag 相机袋Duffle /Travel /travelling bag 旅行袋Flight Bag /Tote 航空袋Garment Bag 西装袋Simple Notebook Bag 简单电脑袋Toilet Kit 洗手间袋Travel Bag with Trolley 拖轮袋Trolley /Uprights 拉杆箱Trolley Backpack 拉杆背包Waist Bag 腰包Handbag 手提包shoulder bags:肩包Assorted luggages 杂物袋Upright case 直箱Duffel bag 行李箱(圆形大帆布袋)Trolley case 滚轮箱Cooler bag 冰袋Roller bag 拖轮箱Backpack 背包Camping bag 登山包Pouch 小袋/手机袋Goody bag (制造商为了推销而免费)的礼品袋,促销袋一皮革artificial leather人造革bottom leather底革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革leather tab 皮革饰片dressing leather饰革embossed leather压花革imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革lining leather衬里革luggage leather箱包革plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮shrink leather皱纹革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革softleather软革soleleather底革textile machinery leather纺织机用革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革welting leather镶边革; 贴边革二布料fabricplain cloth平纹布Semitransparent:磨沙 PVC 70Dsponge:70发泡; oxford牛津布denim/jean:牛仔布microfiber:花瑶布drill斜纹布corduroy灯芯绒taslon:塔丝龙linen cloth亚麻布silk绸Ramie麻woolen cloth粗纺毛织物velveteen平绒ramie fabric苎麻布Canvas帆布Jacquard /Tapestry提花布tapestry:窗帘提花布Ripstop /Tartan格子布Spun山东绸taffeta 平纹stripe 条纹Twill斜布Clear PVC 透明PVC Demin 斜纹布check 格子Plaid fabric 格子花呢布Ripstop Fabric 格子布Napkins 餐巾Cotton canvas 棉帆布solid fleece 鱼网布Neoprene 潜水料rib fleece velvet 雪花天鹅绒:Flannelette: 毛绒布420D crinkle nylon 420D的水洗布polyester taffeta 春亚纺Chambray:有条纹或格子花纹的布Lab dip crinkle nylon 皱纹尼龙/洗水布Diamond plating EVA pads 钻石纹EVANylon Ripstop: 尼龙格子布涤纶格子:polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:full dull poly textured oxford全消光春亚纺:full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyester pongee rip-stop全消光尼丝纺:full dull nylon taffeta 半消光尼丝纺:semi-dull nylon taffeta 亮光尼龙:trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:full dull nylon taslan 全消光牛津布:full dull nylon oxford 尼龙格:nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:taslan rip-stopcamouflage:迷彩色三针织物单面针织物 single knit fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric1.衬无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining 针织衬 knitted interlining.填料棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链线 thread/ yarn棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread麻线 flax thread尼龙线 nylon thread绣花线 embroidery thread涤纶线 polyester thread宝塔线 cone of thread装饰线 ornamental thread缝纫用线 twist车线Thread钮 buttonD-ring: D扣Square-ring: 方扣Ladder lock/Tri glide button: 日字扣Triangle button: 三角扣Insert button: 插扣Hook: 钩扣Stair button: 目字扣Pressing buckle: 压扣Beltstay buckle: 织带尾扣Shoulder pad: 肩垫Stopper: 绳扣Zipper puller: 拉尾扣两目扣 two-hole button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button金属扣 metal button树脂扣 resin button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button Rivet: 鉚钉/四合钮包扣 covered button尼龙搭扣 nylon fastener tape领钩 collar clasp搭钩 agraffe橡筋 elastic ribbon弹力罗纹 elastic ribPiping Bumpers 管条脚座Piping Materials 管条Handle bar-pipe: 手提管Bottom seat,beam: 底座,护角拉链 zipper拉链Zipper Tapers拉链头Zipper Sliders拉头/拉链Puller/Zipper拉片Zipper Pulls尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper金属拉链 metal zipper塑料拉链 plastic zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders防水拉链Water repellent zipper隐形拉链nvisible zipper/conceal zipper:拉头上的棉绳Zipper Cord装饰带 fashion tapeMaterial 原料:Main Coated materials 主要外层面料Dividers & Separators’ material 分隔面料Polyethylene for Corners /Backing 角位/底部面料Removable cosmetic pouch 可移除化妆袋Removable drop-in suiter 可移除的西装套袋These zippers open into main gussets 主风琴拉zip-away 拉链袋slash pockets 开口袋compartment: 间隔层lining/curtain 内里interior:/outer 内/外部cross straps 束衣带Shoulder Strap 肩带Strap 背带Srtip 带/肩带Gusset piece 风琴片Binding Material 包边用料Cord for Cord-Handles 手把索Cord for Cord-Locks 锁索Padlocks & Keys 锁和钥匙Key holder/Key hanger: 钥匙钩Press Locks 插锁Linings 内里Fake fabric 假布Mesh screen/net网布Sandwich: 三明治网net pocket/mesh: 网袋Reflective stripe 反光条Mesh /Other type of Tissue 网布/纱布Elastics 松紧带elastic cord----橡皮筋Velcro strip 魔术贴/粘扣带Velcro 幺术贴Webbing/Weave band: 织带Herringbone 人字纹带Riband/Ribbon: 丝带,缎带Piping: 胶骨self fabric pipping---本布包骨;Elastic 松紧带String 索头绳Headphone-hole: 耳机孔PE Foam 珍珠棉Foams 海绵Sponge: 海棉Cardboard Bottom Boards 纸底板cardboard:纸板Honeycomb Sample 蜂巢板Polyethylene Board Samples ---PE板PE board: PE板Plywood Bottom Boards 底部胶合板(木板/三合板)tilt-out dividers 凸出的分隔板mesh divider 网隔分隔板、panel: 底板/侧板Polyvinyl(PVC)Sponge Trim PVC海绵配料Structural Hardware 金属结构Rings /Other Metal Parts 金属环/其它金属配件Metal Frame Sample 铁框steel wire 铁线Studs (Side Studs )大头钉(侧泡钉)Rivet 钉Compression Rivet 束口钉Semi-Tublar Rivet 中空钉Full Tublar Rivet 空心钉Single Layer Rivet 单面撞钉Rivets & Washers 铆钉和垫圈Alligator Studs 短钉Snap Fastener 四合扣Eyelets 鸡眼Screws 螺丝Bottom Studs 底钉Plastic handle: 塑料手提Top Carrying Handle 主手把Side Handle 侧手把grip: 把手Handle Wrap 手握片Handle with brackets 手把连扣Trolley system/Draw-bar: 拉杆Interior handle syetem: 内置式拉杆Outside handle syetem: 外置式拉杆Extendible Handles’ Parts /Mechanisms 伸缩拉杆配件/结构Wheels and base 拉杆箱轮子连底座Complete Extendable Handle System 拉杆架Pull handle grip and bezel 拉杆杯Smart sleeve 套拉杆功能Bottom Stand 前脚bumpers / runners 脚座Wheel housings 轮子座Corner wheels 角轮Wheel Casings 轮子的盖Grommets 垫圈Reinforced pad: 加强片Blister mail,liner: 泡钉,垫片padded:垫料plastic washers 塑胶垫圈Accessories 配件Brand: 品牌Badge /Emblem 徽章,象征,标志Luggage Identification Tags 行李箱地址牌Nameplate /Trade mark商标/Logo /铝牌Rubber Logo 胶章Rubber/Plastic logo: 滴塑标Cord-Locks (Toggle-Locks ,Barrel-Locks ) s锁(套索锁,桶锁)Outside Hanger Hooks for Garment Bags 供西装袋用的勾(衣架)Swivel Hanger bracket 旋转衣架座Universal Hanger Hooks 整体挂勾Hanger Hooks & Mechanisms for Swing-Hooks 挂钩和摇摆钩Hooks 勾 Lid 盖swivel hook 狗钩handle ring 手把环Plastic handle: 塑料手提Labels 标签Guarantee Carton Tags 保证吊牌Inside Country of Origin Label 内布标Inside/ Inner label 内布标Woven label: 织唛weave label: 织唛mark: 唛头rubber label---滴唛;Other Required Tag 其它要求的吊牌Product Knowledge Carton Tags 产品吊牌Tear-Me Test Tags 本布吊牌UPC Tag –UPC吊牌Hangtag: 吊牌Plastic Buckle 塑胶插扣Belt Buckle 皮带扣Belt clip 皮带扣Metal adjuster 拉芯扣Button 纽扣Handbag Side Clips 手袋侧夹Clip 铁夹/手机夹Magnet Button 磁纽Press Button 珠纽Press Stud 纽扣Snap Button 急纽Wet pack 防水 kohis sticker 贴纸stuffing material 塞物料Loose ends 零碎资料Swatch 布样Dog hooks 钩头拉链D-ring D型钩Tarpaulin 防水油布Transparent PVC window 透明PVC胶纱支数 horizontal 1200D yarn count is XX per inch vertical 900D yarn count is XX per inch gauge:0.65m/m产品Salesman Sample 走街办PP(production phase) sample 产前办Original sample 原办Waist apron 围裙Roller 滚筒其他/杂项screen print/silkscreen/heat transfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂胶针PLASTIC STING JEL PRINT--胶体印刷; embrodery(Logo) 刺绣punch 冲孔Mould 模具Barcode: 条形码decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹]strap: 带子swatch:样卡match color:配色carton;纸箱packing: 包装 pantone 色卡 back stitch 回针break stitch断针 labour cost 工价 overtime working 加班pattern 纸样design sketch设计图 .COATIING涂层Azo Free and Low Cadmium below 100 p.p.m.不含偶氮及低镉100PPM以下Stitching: 打枣Draw a design: 打样。



包袋名称Beauty case//cosmetic bag化妆包Brief case//note case 公文包Travelling //duffle bags旅行包Cabin bag//flight bag//air travelling roller bag 航空袋Camera bag相机袋Wallet//pouch钱包Garment bag西装袋Trolley//uprights//luggage upright 拉杆箱Simple notebook bag简单电脑包Toiet kit洗手间Waist bag腰包Trolley backpack拉杆背包Handbag手提包Tote bag大手提袋Lady bag女式包Pencil bag文具包Shoulder bags肩包Sport bag运动包Satchel小背包Backpack背包Slg小包Tote手提袋Swagger bag休闲包Natural bag自然包Computer backpack电脑背包Travel kit换洗袋//旅行工具箱Golfbag高尔夫袋Pull rod for flight bag航空旅行拉杆Travel suitcase旅行箱Purse女用包Soft attache cases手提箱Bowling bag保龄球袋backpack: 背包pouch(wallet): 钱包Tote bag:大手提袋lady bag: 女士包Messenger bag斜挎包Attache case公文箱吊牌Label标签,贴纸Barcode sticker不干胶贴纸Guarantee carton logo保证吊牌Inside country of original tags内部标Product knowledge carton tags产品标贴Other required tag其他要求的吊牌Tea-me test tags本步标UPC tagUPC贴Metal plate金属吊牌Hangtag吊牌,挂牌woven label布标leather tab皮革饰片金属挂件及配件Buckles扣Rivets and washers铆钉、垫圈Hook buckle勾扣Button扣,键,按钮Opper胶扣Insert button插扣Magnet button磁扣Press button按钮Plastic water bottle塑料水桶钉Press stud纽扣Press locks插锁Snap buckle急扣Belt buckle皮带扣Metal pin buckles铁线扣Snap-fastener四合扣Metal rings/buckles金属环、扣Turn buckles拧制Plastic buckle塑料扣Compression rivet束口钉Semi-tublar rivet中空钉Full tublar rivet空心钉Single layer rivet单面撞钉Four-hole button四目扣Decorative button装饰扣Special shaped button异形扣Plastic button塑料扣Glass button玻璃扣Snap button子母扣Two-hole button双目扣covered button包扣claw button羊角扣nylon fastener tape尼龙搭扣handle with brackets手把连扣snap hook US钩swivel hook如意钩swivel snaphook 旋转钩uviv snaphook旋转US钩key-ring钥匙圈cord hook绳钩small hook小钩side release BK旁开扣keyhook钥匙圈cam buckle合扣belt buckle束衣扣ladder lock梯扣contour ladder lock弯形梯扣heavy ladder lock强力梯扣stopper束扣线Threadche车线Yarn线Twist缝纫用线Rope绳子Stitch缝线,针脚Back stitch回针Break stitch断针Cotton thread棉线Nylon thread尼龙线solid wire实心线Silk thread丝线Ornamental thread装饰线Flax thread麻线Embroidery thread刺绣线Polyester thread涤纶线Cone of thread宝塔线Chains缝条,线Steal wire铁线Top stitch上车线拉链Zipper拉链Metal zipper金属拉链rPlastic zipper塑料拉链Invisible //conceal zipper隐形拉链Zipper with double sliders双头拉链Zipper pulls拉链片Zipper sliders拉链头Zipper tapers拉链Metal zipper with pullers金属拉链Metal slider with pull 金属拉头Delrin slider with pull塑钢拉头Nylon zippers with pullers尼龙拉链Nylon slider with pull尼龙拉头Zip tap拉链布Puller with connecter拉链皮革花纹描述Cross pattern十字花纹Napa pattern纳帕纹Litchi stria pattern荔枝纹Grain pattern粒纹图案Embossed pattern平纹风格Heat transfer patternText-turned vinyl有织纹芙蓉皮(纹理芙蓉皮)Taffeta平纹Twill斜纹Jacquard提花Fabric布料Herringbone人字纹带Irregular pattern不规则图案Embossing logo 印花Logo Debossing沈华制法,击凹Laser engraving激光雕刻Hot transfer热转印Silk screen丝绢网印花法Glazing打光Polishing buffing抛光Break里面摺纹Boarding搓纹Shrink leather皱纹革辅料/部件Tab扣带Slot插卡夹层Snap-fastener按扣Divider分隔板Expandable file pouch折叠式文件袋Clasp锁扣Hinge铰链Buckle带扣,插扣Binding material包边用料Cord for cord-handles手把索Cord for cord-locks锁索Brushed nylon for computer cases拉过绒的尼龙用在电脑箱Cardboard bottom boards纸底板Debbie weave交织Dividers & separators’ material分割面料Elastic松紧带Insulating material绝缘材料Leather trim真皮配料Lining内里Main coated materials主要外层面料Mesh/other type of tissue网布/纱布Piping bumpers管条脚座Piping material管条Plywood bottom boards底部胶合板Polyethylene for corner/backing角位/底部用料Polyvinyl sponge trim PVC海绵配料Thread车线Velcro幺术贴Webbing织带Zipper pulls拉片Zipper sliders拉链头Zipper tapers拉链Combination lock密码锁Structural hardware金属结构Accessory hook前拖带Rivets & washers铆钉和垫圈Alligator studs短钉front /back panel前、后片,flap of pocket袋盖.Printing artwork /印刷图compartment: 隔层foam发泡sponge海棉inner pocket里袋bottom底部/ bottom board底板, trolley 拉杆handle手把hook buckle 钩扣buckle扣具zipper拉链zip puller拉头webbing 织带straps 肩带woven label: 织唛piping胶骨binding捆边hangtag:挂牌barcode sticker条形码不干胶polybag塑料袋reinforce panel: 补强片rivet: 柳钉net pocket: 网袋bottle: 水瓶logo: 商标rubber: 橡胶match color: 配色Runners背面长条Bottom stand前脚Screws螺丝Bottom stud底钉sShoulder strap肩带Complete extendable handle system拉杆架Side handle侧手把Conveyor belt运轮带Snaps纽扣/四合扣Extendible handles’parts/mechanisms伸缩拉杆配件/结构Grommets垫圈Honeycomb sample蜂巢板Wheels and base拉杆箱轮子连底座Metal frame sample铁框Polyethylene board samplesPE板Rings/other metal parts金属环/其他金属配件Badge/emblem徽章,象征,标志Chains链/缝条Luggage identification tags行李箱地址牌Nameplate商标Strap肩带Padlocks and keys锁和钥匙Labels标签Guarantee carton tag保证吊牌Inside country of origin label内部标Other required tag其他要求的吊牌Product knowledge carton tags产品吊牌Tear-me test tags本布标UPC tagUPC吊牌ribbon: 尼龙丝带embroidery: 刺绣yarn: 线mark: 唛头inner label 内标carton: 纸箱packing: 包装pantone: 色卡rope: 绳子stud: 角钉padded: 垫料cardboard: 纸板invisible zipper/conceal zipper:隐形拉flap: 盖子swatch:样卡adjustable: 可调节的jean: 牛仔布camouflage:迷彩色weave label: 织唛stud: 角钉fabric:布料plastic:塑料taslon:塔丝龙nickel镍rivet:铆钉match color:配色ribbon: 缎带mark: 唛头printing: 印刷inner laber 内标hangtag 挂牌binding包边hanger 衣架back stitch 回针break stitch断针labour cost 工价overtime working 加班taffeta 平纹twill 斜纹jacquard 提花check 格子stripe 条纹design sketch设计图backing coating涂层buckle loop钮圈eyeleyt鸡眼plastic sting胶针jel print胶体印刷felt毛绒布rubber patch滴塑rubber label滴唛elastic cord橡皮筋self fabric pipping本布包骨pipping cord衬条semitransparent磨沙mesh / net : 网布; rope: 绳子;interior:/outer 内/外部layer:层metal合金,金属subtle精致的,精的密handbag side clips手袋侧夹gusset piece风琴片stuffing material填充物logo patch饰片slash pocket开口袋outside body front前幅outside body back后幅outside bottom front前幅袋底front pocket前附袋mesh divider网格分隔板plastic washers塑胶垫圈tilt-out dividers凸出的分隔板woven label布标expansion off case扩充空间常用皮革英语# | L8 ^2 P z* R4 Lartificial leather人造革- A) r* Z0 i& U: D+ A7 J# Y baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球革! c. S! @3 o' Bbellow leather风箱革belt leather带皮belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革# U! n; h0 J5 _* Q/ a bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革! o+ S8 n4 E8 T5 H* ~, J! buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革3 ~- }. t+ G9 c2 Nbuffed leather磨面革, ]: z/ |; b! g* l6 s* pbutt leather底革. j- m( I: B- \card leather梳革4 p8 }$ N5 R3 @$ y7 `6 [case leather箱皮charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮! \ |: s% s. k2 ^5 s" i8 achrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革9 C) _0 _- ~3 @ combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革' h+ F% {) s combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革[皮]dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革: q. q4 w* [- F9 M2 s+ Edrum leather鼓皮drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革embossed leather压花革! v9 J+ g& }" p+ h) j# F enamel leather漆皮' U. [: U: U \" aenamelled leather漆皮7 ~4 i% ]# j9 N2 X& r( r8 W2 Ufair leather集市皮革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革& {9 L" }* c* a* W" B finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革! r, G6 Z7 I4 U1 R furniture leather家具革& A! h; J9 ~9 P# ygarment leather衣服革( a6 o. L8 Z' K3 k% L; Tgas meter leather气表革glace leather白鞣革 B! w4 I* T, f: n2 Mglove leather手套皮7 j1 v# g# k/ T6 s& ~& Whair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装5 ~9 S: y4 O) a, v" p% harness leather马具革) x0 r* s( }" c2 L( s8 Q) \# ~* dhat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革) B8 o: @3 V; a0 g/ q heavy leather厚革heel leather(鞋)后跟皮hunting leather粗绒面革/ m$ O5 e; u! U$ j7 G hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革)imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订0 e2 W9 w' }# D/ y" [! f- sindustrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革2 [2 ^" B0 N. t. h4 Z1 Z japanned leather漆皮% K6 h! i5 a5 `0 ~$ \# ? kangaroo leather袋鼠革% f- Z3 O v1 ?* L* ?) s/ u kaspine leather开斯宾革levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革lining leather衬里革( p; j$ |2 ^7 `* P* X/ x% xluggage leather箱包革2 X' M4 |0 M! |2 p4 \) `$ | mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革oar leather桨革- {" l F/ a2 T0 toil seal leather油封革3 S* r w. V% e. t, u: M' uoiled leather涂油革) e! L$ ?$ v" l' `( M8 g. eoil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革: q. z/ J; I' d* s* `! D packing leather皮碗2 `& g$ a4 \ i/ c+ o, o, q9 U& q paper based artificial leather纸基人造革patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革piano leather钢琴革2 `) W/ h9 D* D" opiston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather旅行皮包革7 a5 q: m, L: p3 `% c: | rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉rolled leather轧制革 h, o3 l- g. `roller leather机轴革4 q1 c+ D* n3 V! C; a3 a7 orough-tanned leather粗鞣革; L) B% R3 j6 w9 A rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈5 r/ i' m' U- B. g; k0 j Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]( m1 l1 C$ i4 S1 f- usaffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮+ j. a/ p [- Q: @& \ w1 ~semi-aniline leather半苯胺革% ?; \# r( ]& [" q4 M5 ? semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革3 c! _ U/ h9 ?. R* _7 S sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革5 e3 e+ ^3 [1 m2 V- A, b3 v slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革1 B, Z E; `' Bstrop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮6 N; N* p# n: @# }0 r& synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather纺织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革, F. f) e) M, D* U0 B( E two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革. [* W+ z- V+ i6 i8 O6 G upper leather面革* G1 f6 v3 y$ \4 Z* e9 f2 x8 `valve leather阀皮& @9 h! b9 Y3 F! _4 r {vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革6 |% x% u% |0 g7 j5 Bwash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮 w$ p0 R: h% u0 @. welting leather镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革。



包袋英文术语第一部分Backpack 背包Pouch(wallet) 钱包Traveling bags 旅行包Briefcase 公文包Tote bag 大手提袋Lady bag 女士包Waist bag 腰包Pencil case 笔袋Shoulder bags 肩包Front panel 前片Flap of pocket 袋盖Printing artwork 印刷图Compartment 隔层Back panel 后片Foam 发泡Sponge 海棉Inner pocket 里袋Bottom 底部Bottom board 底板Trolley 拉杆Handle 手把Hook buckle 钩扣Buckle 扣具Zipper 拉链Zip puller 拉头Webbing 织带Straps 肩带Woven label 织唛Piping 胶骨Binding 捆边/包边Hangtag 挂牌Barcode sticker 条形码不干胶Polybag 塑料袋Reinforce panel 补强片Rivet 柳钉Net pocket 网袋Bottle 水瓶Logo 商标Rubber 橡胶Match color 配色Ribbon 尼龙丝带Embroidery 刺绣Yarn 线Mark 唛头Inner label 内标Carton 纸箱Packing 包装Pantone 色卡Velcro 摩术贴Rope 绳子Stud 角钉Elastic 松紧带Padded 填料Cardboard 纸板程度词:Thin 薄Thick 厚Interior/outer 内/外部Adjustable 可调节的材料:420D ripstop 420D格子布600D polyester 600D涤沦Nylon 尼龙Microfiber 花瑶布Transparent PVC 透明PVC Semitransparent PVC 磨沙PVC 70D sponge 70D发泡Mesh/net 网布420D crinkle nylon 420D水洗布PE board PE板Swatch 样品Cardboard 纸板Jean 牛仔布Fabric 布料Plastic 塑料Taslon 塔丝龙Tapestry 窗帘提花布Ripstop 格子布Yarn or stitch line 线或车线其他/杂项:Screen print/Silkscreen/Heat transfer 丝印Dyeing 染色Printing house/factory 印刷厂Embrodery(Logo) 刺绣Punch 冲孔Decorative 装饰的Embossing 压纹第二部分Leather 真皮Fabric 布类Straw 革类Hardware 五金类Zipper 拉链头Dog leash 狗钩Buckle 方扣类Rivet 撞钉H-bar 圈扣Rings 钮扣类Snaps 饰片类五金颜色类:Black nickel (B) 黑镍色Chrome (CR) 铬色Brass plated 青铜色B.N brush 黑镍(刷面)Nickel brush 镍色(刷面) Antique brush 青古制面Pearl nickel 珍珠镍Pearl golden 珍珠金Antique 青古铜色Pure golden 纯金Matt silver 粉雾色Matt nickel 水雾色Nickel 镍色Matt pearl paint 烤雾黑Finishing 五金表面处理Plating 电镀/喷镀Eleetro painting 电着涂装(E/P) Black nickel plating 黑镍(B-N/P) Anti silver plating 黑古银(ANT-S) Satin gold plating 沙电金(SG/P) Gold plating 正金(G/P)Nickel plating 镍(N/P) Chromium plating 铬(CR/P)Satin nickel plating 沙电(SN/P) Nickel free plating 无铅电镀(NF/P) Gun metal plating 枪管色(GM/P) Brass gold 铜金色Black enamel 黑漆Tin plating 铝银(T/P)Brass plating 青铜(B/P)Silver plating 纯银(S/P)Print 印色(P/A)Antique brass plating 青古铜(ANT-B) O.E.B plating 黄古铜(O.E.C)Dark copper plating 红古铜(DCP/P) Zinc plating 白锌(Z/P)Copper plating 红铜(CP/P)第三部分钩扣类:Snap hook US 钩Swivel hook 如意钩Swivel snaphook 旋转钩Uviv snaphook 旋转US钩Key-ring 锁匙圈Cord hook 绳钩Small hook 小钩Round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣类Side release BK 旁开扣Dual SR/Dual contourde SR 双调旁开扣Side release BK 重型插扣Plated SR 电镀插扣Release SR 反光插扣Contoured SR 弯型插扣Center SR/push 即开扣Lock SR 数码锁Turn lock 转锁Cam buckle 合扣Belt buckle 束衣扣Sliele&straplock 日型梯扣类Slide 日型环Small slide 八字环Slide+belt+loop 日型环+束带圈Slide+loop 日型环+耳Ladder lock 梯扣Contour ladder lock 弯形梯扣Heavy ladder lock 强力梯扣Loop 长方圈Belt loop 束带圈Sewable loop 可缝长方圈D-ring D型环Triangle 三角环Six ring 六角环O-ring O型环Sewable D-ring 可缝D型环Chate tab 塑片加圈常用名称:Term about handbagfront pocket 前附袋Outside body front 前幅Outside body back 后幅Outside bottom front 前附袋底Logo patch 饰片Embroidery 刺纋片Accessories 附属的配件Slash pocket 开口袋Binding 包边Lash 鞭梢Dome 圆顶层Stitching 车线Shoulder pad 肩片Single enttry 单开口Sling 吊袋Triple compartment 间隔Top stitching 面车线Bottom 底部Division 分部Handle webbing 织带手挽Under neath 盖底里Gusset 侧围Lining 里布Adjustable 可调节式的Seams 缝合线Metal zippers with pullers 金属拉链Metal slider with pull 金属拉头Delrin zippers with pulllers 塑钢拉链Delrin slider with pull 塑钢拉头Nylon zippers with pulllers 尼龙拉链Nylon slider with pull 尼龙拉头Zip tap 拉链布Puller with connecter 拉链Strap 带,皮带Test sample 测试样Production sample 大货生产样Construction sample 结构样Salesman sample 销售样Approval sample 确认样Sample room 样版房Cutting section 开料部Packing section 包装部Skiving section 产皮车间String 绳类pp web pp 织带UPC 电脑条码Emboss 凹纹Twist handle 变形手挽Metal ornament 金属饰片Hand fell 手感Press button 按扣Piping 管条Ornament 饰片Velcro 么术贴Brooch 别针Bradde chain 珠链Double rivet 撞钉Shell 框架Snap 厌扣Pack PE foam 发泡棉Handle webbing 织带手挽Woven lable 布标Stopper 束扣Screen printing 丝印面料(Fabric):reflector 反光料Pong plush 乳马纹毛毛料Ripstop 格子布Linen 亚麻料Twill 斜纹理布Microfiber 超细纤维料Plush 绒毛料Nylon taffeta 尼龙印花布Quilted panel 棉格料Satin 沙丁料Logan 宇富料Iridescent 珠光料Leopard skin point 天然豹纹Holegram 万彩/雷射料Darkdenim 深色牛仔料Ragon 人造丝Heoprene 一种合成像胶Jute 黄麻纤维Split leather 贴合皮Laminate 贴胶料Nylon mesh 尼龙网布Jacquard 提花布Raw robber 生胶Reflectorvinyl 反光维伦料Velvet/velours 天鹅绒Swanskin 天鹅皮颜色(Color):Dark 深色Beige 米黄色Fuscous 暗褐色Fuschia 桃红色Brown 棕色Burgandy 梅红色Navy 深蓝色Recst 褐色Khaki 卡其色/土黄色Eggplant 茄紫色Mint 薄荷色Purple 紫色Slate 板色Ltaupe 浅褐色Charcoal 深灰色Bone 骨色Turquois 青绿色Mallard 绿色Forest 深絿色gray/grey 灰色的Teal 蓝绿色的Color swatch 色卡Pantone 国际色卡Olive green 橄榄绿Coral 粉红色产品名(production name):Sport bag 运动包Satchel 小背包Hand bag 手袋Backpack 背包Cosmetic bag 化妆包Tote 手提袋Slg 小包Waist pack 腰包Swagger bag 休闲包Natural tan 自然包Pouch 小袋Flight bag /Air travelling roller bag 航空旅行箱Garment bag 西装套Computer backpack 电脑背包Luggage upright 拉杆箱Travel kit 换洗袋/旅行工具袋Golfbag 高尔夫袋Pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆Travel suitcase 旅行箱Purse 女用包Note case 公文袋Soft attache case 手提箱其他项目:Others:pin snap 走珠钮Ticker 贴标Magnetic snap 磁扣Keyhook 匙圈String ring beltstay 织带拉环Cupula 吸盘Fastness-lock 固定手把扣Exhaust hole 排气孔Cothes lock/hanger 衣架Rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形饰片Rectangular slotted lash tab 长方形饰片Rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形饰片Top cuft 头圈Base tray 底盘Honeycomb frame 蜂巢框Cart outside setting 外置式拉杆Cart inside setting 内置式拉杆Footstand 脚座Caster 角轮Trolley 拉杆Wheel set 轮组Square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式Paper board 纸卡Hangtag /sling brand 吊卡Eyelet 鸡眼7-hook 七字钩Washer 套片Metal plate 铁板Zinc alloy 锌合金制品Half round handle 半圆手把Corner protection 护角Kettle 水壶Metal line 钢线,铁圈Zipper slider 拉饰片Combination padlock 密码锁End tabs 织带尾Solid color/Gradient color 单色/渐变色Panton色卡号PMS# 123CCoated 上涂料的FOB:free on board 运费到付CIF:Cost, Interest, freight 运费寄付BOL:bill of lading 海运,空运提单Telex Release 电放布料英语名称:靛蓝青年布:Indigo chambray人棉布植绒:Rayon cloth flockingPVC植绒:PVC flocking针织布植绒:Knitting cloth flocking珠粒绒:Claimond veins倒毛:Down pile making平绒:Velveteen (velvet-plain)仿麂皮:Micro suede牛仔皮植绒:Jeans flocking尼丝纺:Nylon taffeta (Nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:Nylon seersucker taffeta 素面植绒:Plain flocking印花植绒:Flocking(flower)雕印植绒:Embossing flocking皮革沟底植绒:Leather imitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:Embossing jeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:Angora cachmere overcoating 双面呢:Double-faced woolen goods羊毛立绒呢:Cut velvet顺毛呢:Over coating粗花呢:Costume tweed弹力呢:Lycra woolen goods塔丝绒:Nylon taslon塔丝绒格子:N/Taslon ripstop桃皮绒:Polyester peach skin涤塔夫:Polyester taffeta春亚纺:Polyester pongee超细麦克布:Micro fiber锦棉稠(平纹):Nylon-cotton fabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:Nylon-cotton-cotton fabric (double weft)人字锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric斜纹锦棉纺:Nylon-cotton fabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:Solid velvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:Rib fleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:Melange velvet轧花天鹅绒:Ginning velvet 粒粒绒布:Pellet fleece velvet麻棉混纺布:Linen/cotton blended fabric麻棉交织布:Linen/cotton mixed fabric素色毛巾布:Solid terry蚂蚁布:Fleece in one side素色卫衣布:Solid fleece鱼网布:Fleece彩条汗布:Color-stripes single jerseyT/R弹力布:T/R bengalineT/C色织格子布:T/C solid check fabric弹力仿麂皮:Micro suede with spandexT/R仿麂皮:T/R Micro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100% polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100% polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:Cire satine全消光尼丝纺:Full dull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:Semi-dull nylon taffeta亮光尼龙:Trilobal nylon全消光塔丝隆:Full dull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:Full dull nylon oxford尼龙格:Nylon rip-stop塔丝隆格:Taslan rip-stop哑富迪:Full dull Micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:Full dull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:Polyester pongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:Full dull polyester peach 宽斜纹桃皮绒:Big twill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:Poly/nylon peach涤纶格子:Polyester taffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:Polyester honey taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:Full dull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:Nylon/polyesterinter-woven peachWelcom e To Download !!!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。

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包袋英文术语第一部分1)backpack: 背包2)pouch(wallet): 钱包3)traveling bags: 旅行包4)briefcase: 公文包5)Tote bag:大手提袋6)lady bag: 女士包7)waist bag: 腰包8)pencil case: 笔袋9). shoulder bags肩包10)front panel/前片, 11) flap of pocket 袋盖. 12) Printing artwork /印刷图, 13) compartment: 隔层14) back panel后片, 15)foam 发泡, 16) sponge海棉, 17) inner pocket里袋, 18) bottom 底部/ bottom board底板,19) trolley 拉杆,20) handle手把, 21) hook buckle 钩扣, 22) buckle扣具,23)zipper拉链24)zip puller拉头, 25) webbing 织带, 26)straps 肩带, 27) woven label: 织唛, 28) piping 胶骨,29) binding捆边, 30)hangtag:挂牌,31) barcode sticker条形码不干胶,32) polybag塑料袋33)reinforce panel: 补强片, 34) rivet: 柳钉35) net pocket: 网袋36) bottle: 水瓶37)logo: 商标38). rubber: 橡胶39)match color: 配色40)ribbon: 尼龙丝带41.)embroidery: 刺绣42)yarn: 线43)mark: 唛头44)inner label 内标45)carton: 纸箱46)packing: 包装47)pantone: 色卡48)Velcro: 摩术贴49)rope: 绳子50). stud: 角钉51)elastic: 松紧带52). padded: 垫料53)cardboard: 纸板关于程度词:1. thin: 薄2. thick: 厚 3interior/outer: 内/外部4.adjustable: 可调节的材料:A) 420D ripstop: 420D格子布B) 300D C) 600D D) polyester:涤沦E)nylon: 尼龙F) 420D G) microfiber: 花瑶布H). transparent PVC: 透明PVCI) semitransparent: 磨沙PVCJ). 70D sponge: 70D 发泡K).mesh/net: 网布L). 420D crinkle nylon: 420D水洗布M)210T N)190TO)PE board: PE板P) swatch:样品Q) cardboard: 纸板R)jean: 牛仔布S)fabric: 布料T)plastic: 塑料U). taslon: 塔丝龙V). tapestry: 窗帘提花布W) ripstop: 格子布X) Yarn orstitch line: 线或车线其他/杂项screen print/silkscreen/heattransfer 丝印dyeing 染色printing house/factory 印刷厂embrodery(Logo) 刺绣punch 冲孔decorative 装饰的embossing 压纹第二部分leather 真皮fabric 布類straw 革類hardware 五金類zipper 拉鏈頭dog leash 狗鉤buckle 方扣類rivet 撞釘h-bar 圈扣rings 鈕扣類snaps 飾片類=========五金&顏色類:black nickel (B) 黑鎳色chrome (CR)鉻色brass plated 青銅色B.N brush 黑鎳(刷面)nickel brush 鎳色(刷面)antique brush 青古制面pearl nickel 珍珠鎳pearl golden 珍珠金antique 青古銅色pure golden 純金matt silver 粉霧色matt nickel 水霧色nickel 鎳色matt pearl paint 烤霧黑finishing 五金表面處理plating 電鍍/噴鍍eleetro painting 電著涂裝(E/P)black nickel plating 黑鎳(B-N/P)anti silver plating 黑古銀(ANT-S)satin gold plating 沙電金(SG/P)gold plating 正金(G/P)nickel plating 鎳(N/P)chromium plating 鉻(CR/P) satin nickel plating 沙電(SN/P) nickel free plating 無鉛電鍍(NF/P)gun metal plating 槍管色(GM/P)brass gold 銅金色black enamel 黑漆tin plating 鋁銀(T/P)brass plating 青銅(B/P)silver plating 純銀(S/P)print 印色(P/A)antique brass plating 青古銅(ANT-B)O.E.B plating 黃古銅(O.E.C) dark copper plating 紅古銅(DCP/P)zinc plating 白鋅(Z/P)copper plating 紅銅(CP/P)第三部分鉤扣類:snap hook US鉤swivel hook 如意鉤swivel snaphook 旋轉鉤uviv snaphook 旋轉US鉤key-ring 鎖匙圈cord hook 繩鉤small hook 小鉤round 圈骨SR buckle 插扣類side release BK 旁開扣dual SR/dual contourde SR 雙調旁開扣side release BK 重型插扣plated SR 電鍍插扣release SR 反光插扣contoured SR 彎型插扣center SR/push 即開扣lock SR 數碼鎖turn lock 轉鎖cam buckle 合扣belt buckle 束衣扣sliele&straplock 日型梯扣類slide 日型環small slide 八字環slide+belt+loop 日型環+束帶圈slide+loop 日型環+耳ladder lock 梯扣contour ladder lock 彎形梯扣heavy ladder lock 強力梯扣loop 長方圈belt loop 束帶圈sewable loop 可縫長方圈D-ring D型環triangle 三角環six ring 六角環o-ring o型環sewable D-ring 可縫D型環chate tab 塑片加圈Term about handbagfront pocket 前附袋outside body front 前幅outside body back 后幅outside bottom front 前附袋底logo patch 飾片embroidery 刺纋片accessories 附屬的配件slash pocket 開口袋binding 包邊lash 鞭梢dome 圓頂層stitching 車線shoulder pad 肩片single enttry 單開口sling 吊袋triple compartment 間隔top stitching 面車線bottom 底部division 分部handle webbing 織帶手挽under neath 蓋底里gusset 側圍lining 里布adjustable 可調節式的seams 縫合線******metal zippers with pullers 金屬拉鏈metal slider with pull 金屬拉頭delrin zippers with pulllers 塑鋼拉鏈delrin slider with pull 塑鋼拉頭nylon zippers with pulllers 尼龍拉鏈nylon slider with pull 尼龍拉頭zip tap 拉鏈布puller with connecter 拉鏈strap 帶,皮帶test sample 測試樣production sample 大貨生產樣construction sample 結構樣salesman sample 銷售樣approval sample 確認樣sample room 樣版房cutting section 開料部packing section 包裝部skiving section 產皮車間string 繩類pp web pp 織帶UPC 電腦條碼emboss 凹紋twist handle 變形手挽metal ornament 金屬飾片hand fell 手感press button 按扣piping 管條ornament 飾片velcro 麼術貼brooch 別針bradde chain 珠鏈double rivet 撞釘shell 框架snap 厭扣pack PE foam 發泡棉handle webbing 織帶手挽woven lable 布標stopper 束扣screen printing 絲印fabric , color and production name:reflector 反光料pong plush 乳馬紋毛毛料ripstop 格子布linen 亞麻料twill 斜紋理布microfiber 超細纖維料plush 絨毛料nylon taffeta 尼龍印花布quilted panel 棉格料satin 沙丁料logan 宇富料iridescent 珠光料leopard skin point 天然豹紋holegram 萬彩/雷射料darkdenim 深色牛仔料ragon 人造絲heoprene 一种合成像膠jute 黃麻纖維split leather 貼合皮laminate 貼膠料nylon mesh 尼龍網布jacquard 提花布raw robber 生膠reflectorvinyl 反光維倫料velvet/velours 天鵝絨swanskin 天鵝皮***dark 深色beige 米黃色fuscous 暗褐色fuschia 桃紅色brown 棕色burgandy 梅紅色navy 深藍色recst 褐色khaki 卡其色/土黃色eggplant 茄紫色mint 薄荷色purple 紫色slate 板色ltaupe 淺褐色charcoal 深灰色bone 骨色turquoise青綠色mallard 綠色forest 深絿色gray/grey 灰色的teal 藍綠色的color swatch 色卡pantone 國際色卡olive green 橄欖綠coral 粉紅色***sport bag 運動包satchel 小背包hand bag 手袋backpack 背包cosmetic bag 化妝包tote 手提袋slg 小包waist pack 腰包swagger bag 休閑包natural tan 自然包pouch 小袋flight bag /air travelling rollerbag 航空旅行箱garment bag 西裝套computer backpack 電腦背包luggage upright 拉杆箱travel kit 換洗袋/旅行工具袋golfbag 高爾夫袋pull rod for flight bag 航空旅行拉杆travel suitcase 旅行箱purse 女用包note case 公文袋soft attache case 手提箱***others:pin snap 走珠鈕ticker 貼標magnetic snap 磁扣keyhook 匙圈string ring beltstay 織帶拉環cupula 吸盤fastness-lock 固定手把扣exhaust hole 排氣孔cothes lock/hanger 衣架rhombic slotted lash tab 菱形飾片rectangular slotted lash tab 長方形飾片rhomibic slotted lash tab 正方形飾片top cuft 頭圈base tray 底盤honeycomb frame 蜂巢框cart outside setting 外置式拉杆cart inside setting 內置式拉杆footstand 腳座caster 角輪trolley 拉杆wheel set 輪組square tube 方管2 stops 二段式3 stops 三段式paper board 紙卡hangtag /sling brand 吊卡eyelet 雞眼7-hook 七字鉤washer 套片metal plate 鐵板zinc alloy 鋅合金制品half round handle 半圓手把corner protection 護角kettle 水壺metal line 鋼線,鐵圈zipper slider 拉飾片combination padlock 密碼鎖end tabs 織帶尾。
