
( strive)3.有消息称,将会在这个村子里建造一个发电厂,这令村民们感到喜忧参半。
(Word) 4.现在正在博物馆一楼展厅展出的是这个画家早期的作品,其中有许多是我从未听说过的。
(such … as …) (汉译英)8.直到那个替补在场上踢了几分钟后,人们才发现,这支球队缺乏的是活力、配合和积极性。
(Not until;主语从句)(汉译英)9.你介意那些素食主义者参加那个临时救援队吗?(mind)(汉译英)10.那个移植手术的具体方案已经修改完毕,就等那个外科医生的批准。
(subject) (汉译英) 11.诗歌是一面镜子,让我们反思自己的生活。
(serve as) (汉译英)12.究竟是什么导致了古希腊文明的兴衰?(on earth) (汉译英)13.经过三个月的翻新,报告厅配备了一流的视听设备,焕然一新。
(take on) (汉译英)14.正是出门对这门手艺的热情,他从没想过放弃,即便学习过程令人怯步,练习后胳膊酸疼。
(It) (汉译英)15.网上信息参差不齐,有些只是为了博眼球而夸大其词。
(which) (汉译英)16.周末,乡间步道吸引了许多喜爱郊游的家庭。
(appeal) (汉译英)17.根据统计,每天北京产生的垃圾总共达1.2万吨,因此我们要唤起每个市民垃圾分类的意识。
(amount to) (汉译英)18.我给她送花,希望用一个甜蜜的姿态来弥补我们糟糕的第一次约会。
(balance out) (汉译英)19.我们有义务顺应世界发展大势,推进全球合作,书写贸易投资畅通、文明交融沟通的新篇章。

2020上海高考英语翻译短语总结目录常用四字短语 (2)常用名词短语 (9)常用动词短语 (11)常用形容词短语 (16)常用四字短语1. 挨家挨户from door to door例题:医生挨家挨户上门巡访,省去了很多老年人去医院的麻烦.(save)Doctors’ door-to-door visits save many old people’s trouble of going to hospital.2. 爱不释手can’t bear standing part with/putting it down /leaving it aside例题:这部相关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。
(so…that)The historical novel about/describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I can’t bear (to do …)/stand parting with it / putting it down (back ,aside )/ leaving it aside .3. 安于现状be satisfied with reality/ present situation例题:我们高中生应该有远大的志向,不应该只满足于现状。
(satisfy)We senior high students should have great ambition and (should) not be satisfied with reality/present situation.4. 摆脱烦恼get rid of/ to be free from worries例题:得知他心情不好,我建议他与朋友聊聊天,以去除烦恼。
(suggest)Knowing (that) he is in a bad mood, I suggest his chatting with friends to get rid of /to be free from worries.5. 彼此埋怨be to blame each other例题:遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互协助。

• Ⅰ.完全倒装---定义
谓语动词完全放置主语之前的句子,便是 完全倒装句。这类句型主要有两种:
1.为了强调状语,把表示方位或时空的副词或介 词短语,如here,there,now,then,up,down, in,away,off,out,in the room,on the wall等, 置于句首时。如:
next room could hear him. • 他说话声音如此大以至于隔壁的人都能听见。
• 6.以as引导的让步状语从句,其表语应提到 句首,其余部分不变。如果从句的表语是个名 词时,要把名词前的冠词去掉。though引导的 让步状语从句也可以用这种形式,但也可以用 正常结构。其结构一般为 “adj./adv./v./v.ed/v.ing/n.+as/though+主语+ 谓语”。如:
Nowhere could we find the book.
Hardly had he entered the house when it began to rain.
No sooner had they entered the house than it began to rain.
• 补充.hardly...when...,no sooner...than...,not
• 如果我是你,我会接受他的建议。
• 万一明天下雨,运动会就会推迟举行。
• _S_h_o_u_ld__it_r_a_in__to_m__o_r_ro_w_____,the sports meeting would be put off.
注意:only修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。如: Only you can solve the problem. 只有你能解决这个问题。

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in China.2、这个公园非常美丽,人们喜欢在这里散步。
This park is very beautiful and people like to walk here. 3、我们需要为这个项目筹集更多的资金。
We need to raise more money for this project.4、他是一名优秀的运动员,但他需要更加努力才能赢得比赛。
He is a good athlete, but he needs to work harder to win the game.5、这个城市有许多历史悠久的建筑物和景点。
There are many historic buildings and attractions in this city.6、这家公司致力于环境保护。
This company is committed to environmental protection.7、我们需要改善我们的饮食习惯。
We need to improve our eating habits.8、这个国家的人口正在迅速增长。
The population of this country is growing rapidly.9、我们需要更有效地利用能源。
We need to use energy more efficiently.10、这个国家有着丰富的文化遗产。
This country has a rich cultural heritage.上海高考英语翻译考点一、名词的翻译1、可数名词可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西,因此它有复数形式。

2024上海高三英语一模翻译四字格及短语总结词语表达来源2024长宁高三英语一模欣赏上海夜景enjoy/appreciatethe night view of Shanghai2024长宁高三英语一模一时半会in(such)a short time/in acouple of minutes.意义非凡be of significant importance2024长宁高三英语一模迎刃而解be solved2024长宁高三英语一模分别得到with......respectively2024杨浦高三英语一模2024杨浦高三英语一模名利心be desperate for fame andwealth2024杨浦高三英语一模脚踏实地do things in adown-to-earth/practicalmanner2024杨浦高三英语一模古画修复水平the skill of restoring theancient paintings2024杨浦高三英语一模尘封已久the one covered under thedust for a long time/the longburied one重现光彩its former glamour2024杨浦高三英语一模在大庭广众之下in public/before a big crowd2024杨浦高三英语一模看到血晕倒fainted at the sight of blood2024杨浦高三英语一模2024徐汇高三英语一模这种抗病毒药物this antiviral drug(antivirusdrug)商定好agree to2024松江高三英语一模2024松江高三英语一模每两天打扫一次宿舍clean their dormitory everyother day/once every twodays沾不上边never apply to2024松江高三英语一模2024松江高三英语一模说实话To be frank,/Honestlyspeaking城市漫步city walk2024松江高三英语一模2024松江高三英语一模出色的得分能力has an excellent ability toscore固然重要It/What matters.......2024松江高三英语一模2024青浦高三英语一模定于年底开张be scheduled to open at theend of the year2024青浦高三英语一模锦上添花的美事the icing on the cake/an extrabonus/adds brilliance to thecommunity/makes thingsbetter2024青浦高三英语一模曾经腼腆的男孩the boy who used to be/wasshy一举夺魁win the first prize2024青浦高三英语一模污染海洋生物pollute the marine life2024青浦高三英语一模2024青浦高三英语一模智能电子产品launching smart electronicproducts深化合作deepening cooperation with2024青浦高三英语一模数字化转型digital transformation2024青浦高三英语一模可持续发展sustainable development2024青浦高三英语一模趁热吃when(it is)hot2024闵行高三英语一模特效the special effects2024闵行高三英语一模可圈可点be worth praising2024闵行高三英语一模毫无意义There’s no point in2024闵行高三英语一模2024闵行高三英语一模束手无策there was nothing he could do/sb be helpless/at a loss2024闵行高三英语一模记录祖国的壮丽风景capturing the magnificentlandscapes of her homeland2024闵行高三英语一模尚未被发现的角落the untouched corners ofnature2024闵行高三英语一模通过摄影保留那份美丽preserve its beauty through(with)her photography变得一塌糊涂become a complete mess2024静安高三英语一模2024静安高三英语一模对原材料的消耗the consumption of rawmaterials2024静安高三英语一模一种自我发现和成长的过程a process of self-discoveryand growth.仿佛置身于艺术的海洋之中as if they were in a sea of art2024静安高三英语一模可享七折优惠enjoy a30%discount2024金山高三英语一模2024金山高三英语一模网红营销internet celebrity marketing(influencer marketing)2024金山高三英语一模提醒公众谨防上当受骗remind the public to be carefulnot to fall for scams栩栩如生的外表lifelike appearance2024金山高三英语一模不顾人民的安危ignored the safety of people2024金山高三英语一模2024金山高三英语一模邻国人民people in neighbouringcountries2024黄浦高三英语一模超出预期的速度at speeds greater thanexpected买日用品do grocery shopping2024黄浦高三英语一模家喻户晓a household name2024黄浦高三英语一模酣畅淋漓his excellent performance2024黄浦高三英语一模(2024虹口高三英语一模不折不扣的“社牛”be quite sociable/outgoingbe good at socializing,橙棕色的斑点The orange-brown spots(2024虹口高三英语一模自动规划路线automatically plan its route(2024虹口高三英语一模避让行人和车辆avoid pedestrians and vehicles(2024虹口高三英语一模(2024虹口高三英语一模对东方文化的深度挖掘a deep exploration of easterncultures(2024虹口高三英语一模将传统与时尚融合integrated tradition withfashion(2024虹口高三英语一模赢得了年轻一族的青睐wins the hearts of the youngpeople穿着睡衣去超市go to supermarkets in pajamas2024奉贤高三英语一模山水画The landscape painting2024奉贤高三英语一模2024奉贤高三英语一模很看重attaches great importance to/puts great emphasis on/greatly emphasizes准时上课have classes on time2024奉贤高三英语一模耍小聪明逃课playing tricks to skip classes2024奉贤高三英语一模2024奉贤高三英语一模出乎所有人的预料Out of/Beyond all the people’sexpectations2024奉贤高三英语一模对答如流answered all the questionsfluently2024奉贤高三英语一模如雷般的掌声won the loud/thunderousapplause生活费living expenses2024崇明高三英语一模防患于未然in case of emergency.2024崇明高三英语一模励志的成长故事inspiring story of growing up2024崇明高三英语一模坦白说Frankly speaking2024宝山高三英语一模辩解find an excuse for himself2024宝山高三英语一模2024宝山高三英语一模填写高三志愿filling in the college entranceexamination application意见相左doesn’t agree on2024宝山高三英语一模妥善处理solve it properly2024宝山高三英语一模便民食堂convenience dining rooms2024宝山高三英语一模孤寡老人the lonely elderly2024宝山高三英语一模2024宝山高三英语一模工作繁忙顾不上做饭those who are too busy tocook.2024嘉定高三英语一模方便客人使用for the convenience of theguests听店员说According to the shop assistant2024嘉定高三英语一模存储空间the storage capacity2024嘉定高三英语一模拔苗助长pushing sb too hard2024嘉定高三英语一模2024嘉定高三英语一模遵循客观规律follow the objectivelaws/rhythm社食堂the community canteen2024嘉定高三英语一模居委会的工作构成了新挑战poses a new challenge to2024嘉定高三英语一模和父母顶嘴talk back to parents2024浦东新高三英语一模内心from the bottom of the hearts2024浦东新高三英语一模另行通further notice2024浦东新高三英语一模盲目刷题doing countless exercises2024浦东新高三英语一模要知其然,知其所以然to know what and how.2024浦东新高三英语一模逐渐意识it dawned on me that2024浦东新高三英语一模勤于圆梦strives to accomplish the dream2024浦东新高三英语一模网络社交Socializing online2024普陀高三英语一模“一带一路”the Belt and Road2024普陀高三英语一模复苏之路a path of recovery for2024普陀高三英语一模。
专题09:句子翻译 2024年上海高三英语二模试题分类汇编(解析版)

【答案】It is incredible that she looks weak, but is actually a girl longing for adventures.
74.你只要脚踏实地,努力做好每一件事,你的梦想就会离你越来越近。(effort) (汉译英)
【答案】As long as you stay rooted in the practical and make an effort to do everything well, your dream will get closer and closer to you.
75.配备了高水平的智能系统,这款最新一代的机器人可以即时理解人类意图,并对人类互动做出反应。(equip) (汉译英)
【答案】Equipped with a high level of intelligent systems, this latest generation of robot can instantly understand human intentions and react to human interactions.

考点15强调句型+高考重点词汇积累+长难句分析核心考点梳理一、高考重点词汇积累核心单词1.regulation n.规那么,规章2.reject vt. 拒绝3.relation n. 关系;亲属4.relative n. 亲属,亲戚5.relax v. (使)放松,轻松6.relevant adj. 紧密相关的;有意义的7.reliable adj. 可信任的,可依靠的8.relief n. 缓解,消退;救济;援救9.religious adj. 的10.remain vi. 剩下;保持,仍是11.remark n. 谈论;评论v. 说起;评论12.remind vt. 提示,使记起13.remote adj. 遥远的;偏僻的;疏远的14.remove vt. 移动,拿走;脱掉(衣服等)15.replace vt. 取代resent vt. 作为……的代表、代理;象征;描绘17.reputation n. 名气,名声,名誉18.request n.& vt. 恳求,要求19.requirement n. 需要;要求;必要的条件20.research n.& v. 讨论,调查21.resemble vt. 相像,类似,看起来像(不用于进行时)22.result n. 结果,效果23.revision n. 复习,温习24.reserve n. 保存;储藏;替补队员;自然爱护区vt. 预订;储藏;保存25.resign v. 辞职重点短语1.make full/good use of 充分利用put...to use 加以使用e into use 开头被使用be of great use 很有用It is no use/useless doing sth 做某事是没用的2.make up 组成;化装;装扮;补充;编造make up for 弥补;补偿make room for 给……腾地方make up one’s mind 下决心make one’s way 排解困难前进make progress 进步make a promise 许诺make a living 谋生make out 认出,理解make it 胜利;准时到达be made up of 由……组成二、高考阅读理解长难句分析66.Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40, he would probably now be valued as a minor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75.【句式翻译】假如叶芝在40岁停止写作,现在他有可能是个名不见经传的诗人,由于在文学史上没有其他的诗人能在50岁和75岁之间写出他最宏大的作品。

(good)Eating / Having more vegetable and fruits / fruit does good to/ is good for one’s health.2.(2006年上海高考翻译第5题)外出旅游时务必注意保护环境,为他人着想。
(sure)Be sure to pay attention to protecting the environment and be considerate / think of others if / when / while traveling / doing traveling.3.(2007年上海高考翻译第3题)我忘了提醒他面试的时间。
(remind)I forgot to remind him of the time for the interview.4.(2008年上海高考翻译第5题)我对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知,我发现自己落伍了。
(ignorant)Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.5.(2009年上海高考翻译第3题)只喝一杯咖啡就会使我整晚睡不着。
(keep)Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night.6. (2010年上海高考翻译第3题)看到奶奶有些睡意,他拉上窗帘并把电视的音量调低了。
(turn)Seeing Grandmother was sleepy, he drew the curtain together and turned down the TV.【非谓语动词在高考翻译中的地位】由以上六年非谓语动词出现在高考翻译中的频率,我们可以看出:动词的非谓语形式是中学英语语法的重点和难点,也是每年高考热点中的热点, 考纲要求掌握:非谓语动词的时态和语态;他们在英语句子中的作用;非谓语动词的基本用法和含义,非谓语动词在句子中可以充当多种句子成分,比如主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、表语等;掌握非谓语动词充当相同句子成分时的辨析;掌握非谓语动词在不同的语境、语义下的运用。

It rains a lot in this area.(2)方位词或时间词在主语位置山下住着一位老妇人。
There lives an old lady at the foot of the mountain.(3)用it做主语翻译主语是复合结构的汉语信不信是你的事。
It is your concern whether you believe me or not.最好是等他们回来。
It is advisable to wait till they come back.勤能补拙It is diligence that makes for deficiency.2、确立谓语:英语的动词通常只能由某个动词或者系表结构担任在人际关系上我们不要太浪漫主义。
We shouldn't be too romantic about personal relationship.当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。
As long as he is living, he always works and studies as hard as possible, unwilling to dream his life away, let alone waste even a single moment of life.二、语序调整1、定语的位置:英语中,单词充当定语时多为前置,短语和从句充当定语时多为后置。
Fishing is an outdoor sport that can cultivate your mind and it is good for your mental and physical health.2、状语的位置他是1970年5月20日在北京朝阳区出生的。

(regardless) (汉译英)2.据说不管老师怎么热情鼓励,小明就是不敢再坐上那个让他摔了一跤的秋千。
(It) (汉译英)3.妈妈把雨伞放在门口,以便女儿离家时记得带走。
(in order that) (汉译英)4.用过的竹筷可以制成风格独特的地板。
(means) (汉译英)6.这些孩子能够如愿以偿是因为他们提前完成了老师布置的任务。
(reason) (汉译英)7.帮我去楼下杂货店买点面粉,行吗?(help) (汉译英)8.据报道,目前最重要的是要恢复被飓风摧毁的电力系统。
(priority) (汉译英)9.惊叹于中国工人把集装箱变成酒店房间的速度,锦标赛组织者称他们为魔术师。
(so...) (汉译英)10.有被讨厌的勇气是活得淋漓尽致的第一步。
(courage) (汉译英)11.这两位网球选手水平相当,不到最后一刻很难预料冠军归属。
(equal) (汉译英)12.刚到学校我就发现把化学书忘家里了。
(Hardly…)(汉译英)13.在古代,二十四节气(the 24 solar terms)指导农民预测冷暖,春种秋收,如今其魅力依然如故。
(as...as ) (汉译英)14.项目化学习旨在培养学生解决实际问题的能力。
(mean) (汉译英)15.看到那么多年轻人自愿学舞龙,这位老艺人如释重负,感觉这门古老的技艺后继有人了。
(relieve) (汉译英)16.尤其令人担心的是现如今如何保护方言成了老大难问题。
(too…to) (汉译英)17.漫步在这古典园林中,四处可见各式木门,它们图纹各异,形式活泼,别具特色。
(hang) (汉译英)18.随着智能手机的普及和社交媒体的快速发展,一些人沦为谣言的受害者,甚至在无意间成为谣言的传播者。

2022高考英语上海卷翻译试题及答案详解I.TranlationDirection:TranlatethefollowingentenceintoEnglih,uingthewordg iveninthebracket.1.今年元旦我们玩得很开心。
(congratulate)Myuncleentmeacardtocongratulatemeonmyeighteenthbir thdayyeterday.【解析】本题考查固定短语。
(a...a)Afteryearofcontruction,thitownialivelynowaituedtobebefore theearthquake.【解析】本题考查固定结构。
(familiar)Thehowtartedwithapieceofmuicfamiliartopeopleintheirfif tie.【解析】本题考查固定短语。
20155 上海翻译短语200

上海高考英语-----翻译短语考点第五轮50 个短语1.做某事的能力the ability to do 2.在决赛(期末考试)中in the final (exam)3 . 部门经理the department manager 4.关于/至于as for/to; with regard/respect to5. 出于各种原因for various reasons6. 抵制......诱惑resist the temptation of7.尽可能多的学生as many students as possible 8.身心健康(的)physical and mental health 9.参与participate in 10. 在这样一个竞争社会in such a competitive society 11.某人被期望做sb be expected to do 12.缓解压力relieve one’s pressure/stress13.更可能做.......be more likely to do 14. 勉强做......be reluctant to do15.咨询心理老师consult the psychological teacher16.随着.......发行with sth released/published 17.接触.....be exposed to 18.不同价值观的人people with different values19.主办城市the hosting city 20.申请apply for /apply to sb for21.把.....应用apply sth to 22.普遍认为It is commonly believed/acknowledged that 23.丰富的想象力rich imagination 24.富含......be rich/high/abundant in25......家园/所在地be home to 26.弥补make up for27.资源的缺乏resources shortage /lack of resources 28.在某人的童年in one’s childhood 29.纵观人类历史throughout the history 30.轮流做.......take turns to do31.精通/掌握have a good command of 32.给.....留下深刻印象sth leave a deep impression on 33.在世界各地all around the world 34.重男轻女value boys over girls /prefer boys to girls 35.一个普遍的社会现象a common phenomenon 36.充分利用make full use of37.使某人在某方面处于劣势put sb at a disadvantage in 38. 强调put/lay emphasis on39.为某人提供就业机会supply employment opportunities to sb40.失业保险unemployment insurance 41.眼含泪水with tears in eyes42.高质量商品high-quality goods 43.以高/低的价格at a high /low price44.对......好奇be curious about 45.按时/及时on time /in time46.面部表情facial expression 47.责任感sense of responsibility48.被.......感动be moved/touched by 49.感激....express one’s gratitude to sb /feel grateful to 50.在闭幕/开幕/颁奖仪式at the closing/opening/awarding ceremony1.促使/有助于contribute to 2.对.......做贡献make contributions to3 . 对...视而不见turn a blind eye on 4. 对....充耳不闻turn a deaf ear to5.依赖depend/rely/count on6.前天the day before yesterday7.偶尔once in a while 8.故意地on purpose = deliberately9.偶然地by accident/chance 10.出乎意料beyond one’s expectation11.因某事控告某人accuse sb of =charge sb with 12.掌管in charge of13.考虑take sth into account /consideration 14.用。

上海高考英语-----翻译短语考点第七轮50 个短语1.积极参与_________________2. 课外活动_______________3.工作表现______________4. 大多数情况下_____________5. 规律的作息_____________6. 保持最佳考试状态_____________7. 改善水质______________- 8. 交通法规_______________9. 与.....息息相关_______________ 10. 冒险做......_________________11. 为了纪念.________________ ...... 12. 应对/处理_______________13. 兴趣寥寥_______________ 14. 过马路________________15. 副作用_______________- 16. 常识______________17. 医学常识____________ 18. 依然如故______________19. 自食其力____________ 20. .......显而易见________________ 21..提高健康意识______________- 22. 陷入交通堵塞_______________23.层出不穷_______________ 24. 落伍__________________25. 专注听讲______________ 26. 充分发挥某人潜力____________27. 水资源短缺_____________ 28. 在不久的将来______________29. 谈到...______________- .... 30 . 迟早________________31. 公诸与众______________ 32. 在毕业典礼上______________33. 阴雨绵绵______________ 34. 合作与自信______________35.相比而言_____________ 36. 该做某事的时候了....________________.37. 与某人订婚_______________ 38. 忙于/从事_________________39. 一位才华横溢的年轻人____________ 40. 根据已公布的数据______________ 41. 做.....没道理____________ 42. 导致......__________________43. 由.....引起______________ 44. 亲朋好友_________________45. 排队做... _______________ 46.胜任...______________47.犯错误___________ 48. 适应新环境_____________49. 保持生态平衡____________ 50.与.....和谐相处______________第八轮50 个短语1.非法砍树______________2. 如释重负______________3 . 追求梦想_______________ 4. 克服困难的决心____________5. 生态旅游业____________--6. 调节心理状态_______________7. 到目前为止______________8. 做....可行方法______________9.不遗余力做.... _____________ 10. 就某事达成一致____________ 11. 进一步合作____________-- 12. 在一个新的领域______________ 13.感染____________-- 14. 不打算做...______________ 15. 生二胎_______________ 16. 全世界的人______________ 17. 可得到/可利用_____________ 18. 用....替代.....________________ 19. 在城市的各个角落___________ 20. 前天______________21. 后天_______________ 22. 适应快节奏的生活_____________ 23.成为21世纪所需要的人才___________ 24. 尽可能多的人___________25. 设定明确的人生目标____________ 26. 对某人言行负责______________ 27. 增强体质___________ 28. 释放学习压力____________ 29. 国内外的各种事_____________ 30. 及时______________31. 准时____________- 32. 体会学习乐趣___________33. 自找麻烦_____________ 34濒危的物种_____________35. 据某人所知______________ 36. 一个难以达到的目标___________ 37. 激发某人的想象力____________ 38. 高中毕业______________39. 不是......而是......____________ 40. 培养某方面爱好____________ 41. 尽力挽留_____________ 42. 使某人想起艰苦岁月___________ 43. 坚守某人的目标_____________ 44. 科技发展____________45.负面结果____________- 46. 在未来几周_____________47. 某人方便做..... _____________ 48. 安装网络设备_____________49. 将.....付诸实践______________ 50.将理论应用与实践______________。

短语:Shanghai Grand Theatre(上海大剧院)。
例句:The Council resolved that the next tournament should be held in Shanghai.上海是中国最重要的工业基地。
Shanghai is the most important industrial base in China.理事会决定下次比赛在上海举行。
The Council resolved that the next tournament should be held in Shanghai.说明中国活力的一个实例便是在上海每11秒钟就有一家新公司成立。
An illustration of China's dynamism is that a new company is formed in Shanghai every 11 seconds.著名的外滩是到上海旅游的必游之地。
The well-known Bund is a must for visitors to Shanghai.上海闵行区怎么能买到假面骑士玩具?How can Minhang District, Shanghai Kamen Rider toys to buy?我在上海期间承蒙您的照顾,非常感谢。
Thank you for all you have done for me during my stay in Shanghai. 甚至上海大部分地区都不像外滩。
And even most of Shanghai is not like the Bund.我一到上海,就爱上了这个城市。
The instant I arrived in Shanghai, I fell in love with this city.我住在上海。

上海高考英语翻译中的高频词组总结(可以直接使用,可编辑优秀版资料,欢迎下载)翻译中的高频词组总结A1.achieve one’s goal(achieve nothing 一事无成)实现目标2.account for说明,解释;占…比例3.accuse …of=charge with 指控……,谴责……4.act as 担任;充当5.sth. be (in) accessible to sb. 某人(不)可以进入,使用6.adapt (…) to…= adjust (…) to使适应7.add to 增添8.add up to合计达9.be admitted into the dream university 被理想的大学录取10.a bird’s eye view of 鸟瞰11.a demanding job 一份要求很高的工作12.a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟13.a harmonious society 和谐社会14.a man of vision 有远见的人15.a well-educated person 一个受过良好教育的人16.a part-time/full-time job 兼职、全职17.a stable/steady job 一份稳定的工作18.a parking lot 停车场19.a matter of life and death 生死攸关20.a newly-released report 新发布的报道21.a ticket for.. ...的票22.a single/round-way ticket 单程票;往返票23.a tight schedule日程安排很紧24.a threat to the society(threaten to do/with sth.威胁某人) 对社会的威胁25.agree on=reach an agreement on 就……达成一致意见;认同26.ahead of time/schedule (on schedule/on time准时、behind schedule晚点) 提前27.aim at(be meant/intended to)旨在、为了28.appeal to/call on sb. to do 呼吁某人做…29.apply (application) for 申请30.apply theory to practice 把理论应用于实践31.approve of=be for=be in favor of 赞成32.apologize to sb. for sth./make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉33.arouse widespread concern 引起广泛关注34.as a result of=due to=owing to=thanks to 由于35.as far as sb./sth. be concerned=in terms of 就……而言36.ask a favor of=ask/turn to sb. for help 请……帮个忙37.associate/connect A with B 把A和B联系起来38.assure… of/ that 向……保证39.as for/to 对于40.at a loss(for sth./wh- to do) 茫然不知所措41.at all costs / at any cost 不惜一切代价42.at first sight 乍一看43.at home and abroad 国内外44.at the cost/expense of 以……为代价45.at the risk of 冒着生命危险46.at the turn of the century 在世纪之交47.attach importance to 重视48.award sb. sth 授予某人某物49.sth. be available to sb. 某人可以得到…谚语:1.Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

句型1.As is known ( to us all ), … = It is known (to us all) that …2.It seems that sb./sth.… =sb./sth. seems to…It appears (to sb) that …=sb./sth. appears to…3.It (so)happened that sb./sth.…=sb./sth. happened to…4.There is/are….There seems to be…There happened to be…There must have been…There is going to/will be…5.Sth occu rr ed to sbIt (suddenly) occurred to sb t hat …It never occurred to sb that… = It didn’t occur to sb that…6.It is said / reported that sb./sth.… = sb / sth is said / reported to do… It is believed that sb./sth.… = sb / sth is believed to d o……7.It is no good / use doing …They think / consider / feel it no use / good doingIt is likely that sb./sth.… = sb / sth is likely to do…It is possible / probable that sb./sth.…8.It is hard to imagine /say / believe…It is no wonder that…9.It takes sb. some time to do sth.Sb. takes some time to do sth.Sb. spends time/money doing sth / on sth10.When/Whenever it comes to sb./sth/doing sth, …11.It (still) remains a question whether …= Whether … remains a q uestion. Whether … remains to be seen.Whether … ( or not ) mainly depends on …12.It matters a lot / little whether/who/how…It doesn’t matter whether/who/how…What (really) matters (to sb) is …13.You make it a rule to do / that…They make it possible / clear (for sb) to do / that …We find / feel / think / consider it +adj. / n. (for sb) to do / that…We think / consider / feel it a great honor to do sth14.keep / bear sth in mind → keep / bear in mind that…15.take sth. for grantedtake it for granted that … = It is taken for granted that…16.see to sth.see to it that … = make sure that …17.I would appreciate it (very much) if you could do sth.I would be grateful/thankful (to sb.) if you could do s th.18.It won’t be long before …→It will be …before…It is / was the first / second time that … (现在完成时/ 过去完成时)19.It is up to sb. to do sth.20.It was+强调部分+ that …Sb. do / does / did +v.21.not … until 直到……才……→It is/was not until… that…→Not until…22.The first time +从句…= When… for the first time,…Every time / Each time …= Whenever…The moment / The instant / Directly… = As soon as… 一……就23.no sooner … than / hardly … whenI had no sooner left than she called. =No sooner had I left than she called.24.n. / adj. / adv. + as / though + S + V 虽然……25.However / No matter how + adj. / adv. + S + V,…whatever / wherever / whenever / whichever / whoever / whomever / whether26.The more … the more…27.There is no / not much point in doing …There is no need (for sb) to do …There is no doubt that …There is no possibility of doing / that …There is no denying that …28.Chances are that … 可能……29.since / now that 既然30.It is / has been some time since … (过去式)It was some time since … (过去完成时)31.Those who…32.He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam.He is one of the students who have passed the exam.33.倒装①全部倒装②部分倒装Only +状语(短语/从句)34.祈使句,and / or +陈述句35.not …but…36.Word came that …37.The reason why / for… was / is that ...38.What impressed / struck us most was that…What matters (to sb.) is that…39.With the development / improvement / rise / increase / advance / help of …40.Contrary to one’s wish / expectation / what people (had) expected / t hought41.cannot /never …too / can’t… enough --- 怎样也不过分----42.not necessarily 未必---43.take … into consideration / account1.直到回到家她才发现把自行车钥匙忘在了办公室里了。
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第九轮50 个短语
2. 高考改革____________
3 . 学业负担_______________ 4. 引起某人热议____________
6. 培养团队精神_______________
7. 陪伴某人度过珍贵童年___________ 8. 前景良好的职业生涯___________
9. 信不信由你_____________-- 10.关键因素_______________
11. 宁愿做.....不愿....._____________ 12. 与某人关系很糟..._____________
13.在某人的内心深处____________ 14. 时光荏苒_____________
15. 一次难忘的回忆____________ 16. 步入正轨____________
17. 高度赞扬_____________- 18. 戒烟______________
19. 毫不犹豫______________ 20. 艺术作品______________
21. 此外,而且_____________- 22. 无法容忍____________
23. 经受时间考验_____________ 24. 抵制....诱惑______________
25. 意外伤害______________ 26. 翘首以盼______________
27.元旦_____________ 28. 齐心合力_______________ 29.....出毛病______________ 30.推迟__________________
1.the more ...........the more .........
eg: The more books you read , the fewer mistakes you will make .
The more you read , the more likely you are to be exposed to different cultures.
The harder you study , the greater progress you will make .
2.the reason why ...............is/was that ...............
eg: The reason why he was late this morning was that he missed the bus . 3..........as....+形/副原级.......as...........
eg: Their suggestions sound/are as feasible as ours.
4.同位语从句:名词+that +句子
eg: People always hold the belief that the closer you stay to nature, the more you will appreciate her beauty.
5.despite the +名词+that +句子.....................尽管
eg: Despite the rule that the mobile phones are forbidden in class , my classmate still can’t help playing .
eg: Being 18 means taking responsibility for you words and actions.
7.It is said that ..............据说.............(it 用作形式主语或形式宾语)
eg: It is said that he is a famous writer.
8.It never occurred to sb that ..............(时态常为would do) “某人从来没有想到............”
eg: It never occurred to him that he would be admitted to a key university .
9.It won’t long before ..........(一般现在时态) ....“.很快/不久”
eg: It won’t long before you meet her again .
10.It is /has been +段时间.........since ........(一般过去式)。
eg: It is 10 years since China joined the WTO.
11.强调句式:It is/was+被强调部分+ that.......
eg: It was on the farm that I met her for the first time .
12.It is widely believed /acknowledged that ...........普遍认为
13.It is up to sb to do /that ........做某人由某人决定
eg: It is up to you what life you will live in the future .将来过怎样生活由你决定。
14.It is (high) time to do /that sb did ............该做某事时候了
eg:It is high time to take strict measures to deal with the environment pollution.
14.It is obvious/apparent/clear/evident that ...........显而易见
15.There is no doubt that ..........毫无疑问
16.There is no sense /point/difficulty/ shortcut doing ......做某事没道理/意义/困难/捷径。
17.There is no need for sb to do ..对某人来说做某事没必要。
eg: Never before have people paid attention to the issue of food quality as they do today .
18.“Only +状语”放句首句子部分倒装
eg: Only then did I realize my mistake .
Only in this way can you succeed.
Only when you grow up will you understand your parents better.
19.Not until +从句+主句。
eg: Not until 12 o’clock last night did I finish my homework.
Not until my mother came back did I go to bed .
20.Not only ......................but also ............(接句子放句首前半句倒装)
eg: Not only can sports build up my body but also help me release my study pressure .
21.So+adj/adv.......that ...........(放句首主句部分倒装)
eg: So young is she that she doesn’t go to school .
So fast did he run that I could not catch up with him .
22.What +从句+is/was +表语从句。
eg: Nowadays ,what people are concerned about is food safety and air quality .
23.“句子,which +谓语。
eg: The air quality is becoming worse and worse , which is a great threat to the whole earth to some extent .空气质量日益恶化,在某种程度对整个地球造成威胁。
24.“however+ adj/adv +主语+谓语,主句。
eg: However hard the task is , we should spare no efforts to accomplish it .
eg: Hurry up or you will be late .
Work hard and you will succeed.。