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日期: 2012年 3月 12日至 2012 年 6 月 15 日


In writing this thesis, I received much advice, support and encouragement from a number of people. I hereby present my sincere gratitude to those who have given me a hand on the writing of this thesis.

My sincere gratitude first and foremost goes to my supervisor Wu Jian for his guidance and instruction. I would also like to extend my appreciation to all the teachers in the Foreign Languages Department, whose inspiring lectures gave me a holistic overview concerning linguistics and translation theories.

Last but not least, I am very grateful to my beloved family and roommates who give me great help in various ways. It is with their support that I can accomplish this task.


In literary works, certain information stands out because it violates the norm of language usage, and such writing technique is called foregrounding. Sentence fragmentation is not a grammatically full sentence but is nevertheless punctuated like one. In this sense, fragment is one kind of foregrounding.

As Eugene Nida said, ―translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style‖, a qualified translator should not only transmit the meaning but also extract to the utmost the poetic values of the original works. However, some foregrounding features in literary works are often overlooked by translators, and fragment is no exception. In order to produce a better translation, fragment‘s function should be recognized first and represented properly in the target text.

In this thesis, 16 types of fragments are listed. And functions of them are analyzed. There are four kinds of function: information; language power enhancement; stylistic embodiment; and theme and plot assistance.

After that, two translation principles are introduced. The first principle is that the form of fragments should be reserved. This principle is based on equivalent effect theory. However, to reserve the form does not mean fragments need to be translated literally. The second principle is that considering readers‘acceptability, some fragments should be translated with a little adjustment.

Based on examples taken from English literary works and their Chinese versions, this thesis provides a tentative study on sentence fragmentation translation. It is aimed to bring attention to the translation of fragments and to provide a fresh perspective on foregrounding studies.

Key words: Sentence fragmentation; Foregrounding; Translation of style
