



因光速不变(不论对 或 )

看到: 闪光同时到达 A 、B 壁。
看到: 闪光先到达 B 壁,后到达 A 壁。
设: 光到达 A 为事件 1
对 :两事件同时发生,
光到达 B 为事件 2 对 :两事件非同时发生。

“ 同时 ” 是相对的。(与惯性系有关)
精密的天文观测表明,双星的像是很清晰的两个光点,没有 发现亮弧现象。而且两种方法测周期的结果一样。这只能用 光速与光源运动状态无关的观点,才能得到圆满的解释。
迈克耳孙 莫雷实验 寻找 “以太” 失败实

“以太”是一切运动的绝对参考系。 地球 对 以太
对: 对:


同时 同地
同时 同地
同时 异地 异时 异地
异时 同地 异时 异地
异时 异地
要看具体 条件而定
(地测B) (地测C)
0.9 0.9
(反 向)
(A测B) (A测C)
0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9
0.9 0.8
(反 向)



非保守系统的哈密顿原理哈密顿原理(Hamilton's principle)是经典力学中的一个基本原理,用于描述物体在作用力下的运动轨迹。

它是由爱德华·哈密顿(Edward Hamilton)在19世纪提出的,被视为力学的基石之一。







非保守系统的哈密顿原理的数学表达方式如下:系统在给定时间间隔内的运动轨迹使得作用在系统上的非保守力的功取极值,即∫[t1,t2] L(q, q', t) dt = ∫[t1,t2] (p dq - H dt)其中,L是拉格朗日函数,q是广义坐标,q'是广义速度,t是时间,p是广义动量,H是哈密顿函数。




































本文旨在探讨无穷维Hamilton 算子特征函数系的完备性,并探讨其在弹性力学中的应用。












高等数学a1 哈密尔顿

高等数学a1 哈密尔顿

高等数学a1 哈密尔顿
哈密尔顿,全名威廉·罗兰·汉密尔顿,是 19 世纪英国的一位著名数学家和天文学家。

他生于 1805 年,逝世于 1865 年。









自 20 世纪初,我国数学家就开始研究和应用哈密尔顿高等数学。










2.1 二次算子族二次算子族指的是一类具有二次特性的算子。



2.2 无穷维Hamilton算子无穷维Hamilton算子是一种特殊的偏微分方程的算子,它通常用来描述无穷维系统中的哈密顿动力学过程。


三、二次算子族的谱分析3.1 定义与性质二次算子族的谱分析主要涉及该类算子的特征值和特征向量的求解问题。


3.2 求解方法针对二次算子的特征值和特征向量的求解问题,我们可以采用多种方法,如变分法、数值逼近法等。


四、无穷维Hamilton算子的谱分析4.1 定义与性质无穷维Hamilton算子的谱分析主要关注该类算子的能级结构、能级分布等问题。


4.2 求解方法对于无穷维Hamilton算子的谱分析问题,我们可以采用一些特殊的数学方法,如自伴场方法、离散化方法等。



A Brief Introduction to Loop Quantum Cosmology

A Brief Introduction to Loop Quantum Cosmology

a rXiv:097.516v1[gr-qc]29J ul29A brief introduction to Loop Quantum Cosmology Guillermo A.Mena Marug´a n 1,∗1Instituto de Estructura de la Materia,CSIC,Serrano 121,28006Madrid,Spain In recent years,Loop Quantum Gravity has emerged as a solid candidate for a non-perturbative quantum theory of General Relativity.It is a background independent theory based on a description of the gravitational field in terms of holonomies and fluxes.In order to discuss its physical implications,a lot of attention has been paid to the application of the quantization techniques of Loop Quantum Gravity to sym-metry reduced models with cosmological solutions,a line of research that has been called Loop Quantum Cosmology.We summarize its fundamentals and the main differences with respect to the more conventional quantization approaches employed in cosmology until now.In addition,we comment on the most important results that have been obtained in Loop Quantum Cosmology by analyzing simple homogeneous and isotropic models.These results include the resolution of the classical big-bang singularity,which is replaced by a quantum bounce.PACS numbers:04.60.Pp,04.60.Kz,98.80.Qc 1.MOTIV ATIONGravity is the only fundamental physical interaction which is not yet satisfactorily de-scribed quantum mechanically.Even without adhering to the belief that all fundamental interactions should finally be unified in a single theory,a strong motivation to search for a quantum theory of gravity comes from the very own results of General Relativity.The classical singularity theorems that arise in Einstein theory [1]imply that (in a vari-ety of physically relevant situations)the predictability breaks down,so that the regime of applicability of General Relativity has been surpassed.Therefore,a new and morefundamental theory is needed for a correct physical description.In trying to quantize General Relativity,thefirst obstacle that onefinds is that Einstein theory is not renormalizable as a quantumfield theory,so that a conventional perturbative quantization cannot be performed.In this context,an alternative quantization program, known as Loop Quantum Gravity(LQG),has recently been proposed for General Rel-ativity[2,3,4].LQG is an attempt to construct a nonperturbative quantum theory of gravity using techniques similar to those of gaugefield theories(e.g.,Yang-Mills).The ap-plication of these nonperturbative quantization techniques to simple gravitational models with application in cosmology,such as homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes with differ-ent types of matter content,has given rise to a new branch of gravitational physics called Loop Quantum Cosmology(LQC)[5].2.HAMILTONIAN FORMULATION OF GENERAL RELATIVITY ANDASHTEKAR V ARIABLESLQG is a nonperturbative canonical quantization of General Relativity;therefore,it is constructed starting from a Hamiltonian formulation of Einstein theory[6].Let us review very briefly this formulation.We consider globally hyperbolic four-dimensional spacetimes(gαβ,M=I R×Σ),where gαβis a Lorentzian metric,Greek indices are spacetime indices,andΣis a three-dimensional manifold.For General Relativity,onceΣis given,the physically relevant information to determine the classical solutions is contained in the spatial three-metric h ab induced onΣ,and in the corresponding extrinsic curvature K ab=1A set of canonical variables for General Relativity(in the sense that their Poisson bracket is proportional to the identity)is given then by the densitized triad E a i and the extrinsic curvature in triadic form K i a:√E a i:=1In the following,we also set =c=1.Here,ǫijk is the totally antisymmetric symbol.Finally,the invariance of General Rela-tivity under time reparametrizations leads to a scalar constraint,also called Hamiltonian constraint,which in vacuo takes the expressionS:=E a i E b j ǫij k F k ab−4K i[a K j b] =0.(6) Given the four-dimensional covariance of Einstein theory,General Relativity is a com-pletely constrained system,i.e.,the total Hamiltonian which generates the dynamics is just a(n integrated)linear combination of constraints.In particular,apart from boundary terms,the Hamiltonian vanishes on classical solutions.On the other hand,it is worth pointing out that General Relativity is formulated in terms of connections and densitized triads without introducing any metric background structure.This background indepen-dence plays a fundamental role in the theory and will be a basic guideline for the selection of a quantization procedure in the construction of LQG.3.HOLONOMY AND FLUX ALGEBRASince SU(2)-transformations are symmetries of our gravitational systems,only the gauge invariant information about the connection is physically relevant.Taking into account that this information is captured by the Wilson loops[10,11],we can then replace the connection by SU(2)-holonomies.More specifically,from now on we will consider holonomies along piecewise analytic2edges e,where we understand that an edge is an embedding of the interval[0,1]inΣ[4,12].We call h e the corresponding holonomy,h e=P exp e A i aτi dx a.(7) Here,the symbol P denotes path ordering,and{τj=−i2The restriction of piecewise analyticity ensures that the intersection between edges,as well as the intersection of an edge with a(piecewise analytic)surface,occurs in afinite number of points[12].our variables,and we have already smeared the connection over one dimension,it seems natural to try to smear now E a i over two dimensions.Once again,we want to carry out this smearing without employing any background structure.Remarkably,this requirement can be fulfilled because E a i is a vector density.Hence,for any piecewise analytic surface S and any su(2)-valued smooth function f i on it,we introduce the associatedflux of the densitized triad,E(S,f)= S E a i f iǫabc dx b dx c.(8) The defined holonomies andfluxes form an algebra under Poisson brackets.In the following,we take this algebra as our algebra of elementary phase space variables.From this perspective,the quantization of the system amounts to constructing a representa-tion of this algebra.A keystone result in LQG is a uniqueness representation theorem known as the LOST theorem(after the initials of its authors[13]).The LOST theorem states that there exists only one cyclic representation of the holonomy-flux algebra with a diffeomorphism-invariant state(interpretable as a“vacuum”).Therefore,the choice of the algebra of elementary variables,motivated by background independence,together with the identification of diffeomorphism invariance as a fundamental symmetry suffice to pick out a unique quantization(up to unitary equivalence).In order to gain insight into the kind of quantization adopted in LQG,let usfirst call cylindrical those complex functions of the connection that depend on it only via the holonomies along afinite number of edges(forming a graph[12]).We can identify the commutative unital∗-algebra of these functions as the algebra of configuration variables. By completing it with respect to the sup-norm3(i.e.the supremum norm),we obtain a commutative C∗-algebra with identity.Gel’fand theory ensures then that this algebra is(isomorphic to)that of continuous functions on a certain compact space,¯A,which is usually called the spectrum[14].Smooth connections are dense in this space¯A of quantum generalized connections.Besides,the Hilbert space of any representation of the C∗-configuration algebra is of the form L2(¯A,µ)for some measureµ.The LOST theorem guarantees that there is a unique Hilbert space L2(¯A,µAL)supporting a representation not just of the holonomies,but of the whole holonomy-flux algebra,and such thatµAL(the so-called the Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure)is a diffeomorphism-invariant,regular Borel measure.This representation turns out not to be continuous and,as an important consequence,the connection itself cannot be defined as an operator valued distribution [12].4.LOOP QUANTUM COSMOLOGY:FLAT FR W MODELLQC confronts the quantum analysis of cosmological systems by applying similar quan-tization techniques to those described for LQG.Here,we will focus our discussion on a simple but physically relevant model,namely,the case of homogeneous and isotropicflat (FRW)cosmologies.As the matter content,we will consider a massless minimally coupled scalarfield.The spatial manifoldΣis topologically I R3,endowed with the action of the Euclidean group.One can introduce afiducialflat co-triad,0e i a,with the correspondingfiducial metric and triad,0h ab and0e a i.Given the non-compactness ofΣ,we also choose a reference cell adapted to thefiducial triad in order to integrate homogenous quantities, such as the symplectic structure or the Hamiltonian,without introducing infinities in our formalism.We use the symbol V0to denote thefiducial volume of this cell.Actually, physical results can be proven independent of these choices under a suitable definition of the elementary variables[15,16].In more detail,one canfix the gauge and diffeomorphism freedom so thatA a=c V−1/300e iaτi,and E a=p V−2/3√3.(10)The variables c and p are hence canonical,apart from the factor of1/3.Holonomies along straight edgesµ0e a i in thefiducial directions suffice to separate symmetric connections, i.e.,given two different connections,there always exists an edge of this kind for which thecorresponding holonomies differ[14].We thus restrict our attention to those holonomies, (µ),which have the formh0ei(µ)=cos µc2 τi.(11)h0eiSimilarly,densitized triads can now be smeared just across squares with edges parallel to thefiducial directions,E(S,f)=p0A(S,f)V−2/3.(12)The factor0A(S,f)measures only thefiducial area of S weighted with an orientation factor.In this sense,fluxes are totally determined by p,which therefore plays the role of a momentum.The configuration algebra,on the other hand,is generated by sums of products of matrix elements of holonomies.Thus,it is the linear space of continuous and bounded complex functions in I R provided byfinite sums of the form f(c)= n f n e iµn c. Its completion with respect to the sup-norm is known to be(isomorphic to)the Bohr C∗-algebra of almost periodic functions[14].5.BOHR COMPACTIFICATION AND POLYMER REPRESENTATIONAs we have commented,the configuration C∗-algebra is the algebra of almost periodic functions.The(Gel’fand)spectrum of this algebra is the Bohr compactification of the real line,I R Bohr[14].This compactification can be understood as the set of group homo-morphisms from the group I R(with the sum)to the multiplicative group T of complex numbers with unit norm.So,every x∈I R Bohr is a map x:I R→T which satisfiesx(0)=1,x(p1+p2)=x(p1)x(p2)∀p1,p2∈I R.(13) Since T is a commutative group,the operation x˜x(p):=x(p)˜x(p)provides a commutative group structure in I R Bohr.This group is compact with respect to the Tychonoffproduct topology.We recall that the Tychonofftopology is the weakest topology for which the functions F p:I R Bohr→T given by evaluation at p[i.e.F p(x):=x(p)]are all continuous for any p∈I R[14].Besides,the real line is actually dense in I R Bohr.This result follows from the fact that the algebra of functions f(c)considered at the end of the previous section separates points c∈I R[14].The compact group I R Bohr is equipped with a normalized invariant measure under the group operation,namely,the Haar measureµH.The representation of the holonomy-fluxalgebra for LQC is given precisely by the Hilbert space L2(I R Bohr,µH).In addition,since µH is invariant under multiplication in the group,we get that,∀˜x∈I R Bohr,[1−˜x(p)] I R Bohr F p(x)dµH(x)=0,(14) from where it follows that I R Bohr F p(x)dµH(x)=δ0p.(15)Taking into account that,from our definitions,F p1F p2=F p1+p2and F∗p=F−p,it isstraightforward to conclude that the set{F p,p∈I R}is orthonormal(hence,the Hilbert space L2(I R Bohr,µH)is nonseparable).One can also see that this set is dense[14].As a consequence,the Hilbert space L2(I R Bohr,µH)is isomorphic to the so-called“polymer”space of functions of p∈I R that are square integrable with respect to the discrete measure. The isomorphism is given by I:F p→|p ∀p∈I R.Employing then the orthonormal basis|p ;p∈I R, ˜p|p =δ˜p p ,(16) and introducing the notation Nµ:=exp(iµc/2),the polymer“momentum”representation is determined by the following action of the holonomy andflux operators:ˆp|p =p6.QUANTUM FR W MODELWith our symmetry reduction to theflat FRW model and our choice offiducial struc-tures,the triad adopts the expression e a i=sign(p)|p|−1/2V1/300e ai.This triad diverges atthe big-bang singularity,corresponding to p=0.In the quantum theory,on the other hand,ˆp has just a point spectrum[18]which coincides with the whole real line,since the basis states|p have unit norm∀p∈I R.Since zero is included in this point spectrum, the related(inverse)operator|ˆp|−1is not well defined.However,it is actually possible to define a triad operator in terms of our elementary ones[20].Classically,we have the following identity∀¯µ∈I R:sign(p) |p|=4|p| .(19)Here,h0eiis again the holonomy along the edge0e i,and the symbol tr denotes the trace. Then,replacing Poisson brackets with−i times commutators,we obtain¯µ2 I R3|det E|−1/2 P2φ−ǫij k E a i E b j F k ab =0.(21) To define the operator corresponding to|det E|−1/2(or to|det E|−1/2ǫij k E a i E b j in the gravi-tational part of the constraint[20])we proceed as we have explained above when discussing the triad operator.In addition,to introduce an operator representation for the curvature F k ab,wefirst recall the classical relationF k ab=−2lim¯µ→0tr h[ij](¯µ)−1which is valid for any real value of¯µand whereh[ij](¯µ):=h0ei (¯µ)h0ej(¯µ)h−10e i(¯µ)h−10e j(¯µ).(23)Nonetheless,after substituting classical holonomies by their quantum counterparts,the limit of zero regulator¯µcannot be taken in the resulting curvature operator.This cir-cumstance is interpreted as a manifestation of the fact that,in LQG,the area spectrum is discrete with a minimum nonzero eigenvalue[4,21],so that the square with edges¯µ0e i and¯µ0e j,employed to define h[ij](¯µ),cannot be shrunk to zero.The regulator is then fixed by demanding that the physical area of this square equals the minimum nonvan-ishing eigenvalue allowed in LQG,which we call∆from now on.Hence,one gets the operator relation¯µ2|ˆp|=∆.At this stage,it is convenient to relabel the p-basis by introducing the affine parameter associated with the vectorfield12¯µc in the holonomy N¯µ.Taking into account that the physical volume of thefiducial cell is given by the operatorˆV=|ˆp|3/2,the above relabeling leads to a basis of volume eigenstates|ν ,whereν=4sign(p)|p|3/2/√21|p|3/2 −6 Ω2+ˆP2φ 1|p|3/2,(25)Ω:=1∆i 1|p| −1/2|p| 1|p| −1/2.(26) The symmetric factor ordering adopted for Ωarises naturally from the consideration of homogeneous but anisotropic models of Bianchi I type,where the ordering is well moti-vated,regarding theflat FRW cosmologies as a special case with vanishing anisotropies[22].It isstraightforward to check that the above quantum constraint annihilates the state |p =0 (or equivalently |ν=0 )and leaves invariant its orthogonal complement.In the search for nontrivial solutions to the constraint,one can then restrict all considera-tions to this orthogonal complement,so that the classical singularity,corresponding to p =0,can be removed from the kinematical (gravitational)Hilbert space [22,23].In this sense,the big-bang singularity is already resolved quantum mechanically (see also [24]).7.DENSITIZED CONSTRAINTOnce the state |ν=0 has been removed,let us call Cyl =S the linear span of the nonzerovolume eigenstates {|ν ;ν=0,ν∈I R }.Based on previous experience with gravitational models,we expect nontrivial solutions to the constraint to live in the algebraic dual of Cyl =S.Since the operator [1/ 4√ν 1ν 12if ν=0,(30)while g (ν=0)=0.We notice that Ω2relates only states |ν whose label differ by a multiple of four.Moreover,owing to the linear combination of signs in s ±(ν),one can see that the real function f +(ν)f +(ν+2)has a remarkable property,namely,it vanishes in the whole interval [-4,0].Something similar happens with f −(ν)f −(ν−2),which vanishesin [0,4].As a consequence,for the label ν,the action of the operator Ω2does not mix anyof the semilattices L±ε:={±(ε+4n),n∈I N},withε∈(0,4]–but otherwise unspecified. In the following,we call H±εthe corresponding Hilbert subspaces of states with support in these semilattices(i.e.,the completion of the linear span ofν-states withν∈L±ε).Each of these subspaces can be considered a superselection sector for the quantum theory, inasmuch as they provide irreducible representations for the physically relevant operators of the model[15,16].On the other hand,it is possible to prove that(up to a global multiplicative factor) Ω2, restricted to H+ε∪H−4−ε,differs by a symmetric,trace-class operator from an operator which is unitarily related with the Hamiltonian of a point particle in a Psch-Teller potential [22,25].From the properties of this Hamiltonian and Kato perturbation theory[26],it then follows that Ω2is essentially self-adjoint and that its absolutely continuous spectrum4 is I R+.The rest of the spectrum can be proven empty[22].Moreover, Ω2commutes with the projections to H+εand H−4−ε.One can then see that the operator on any of these Hilbert spaces is positive with an absolutely continuous spectrum of unit degeneracy[22].Hence,on any superselection sector H±ε,one obtains a spectral decomposition of the identity of the form1±ǫ= ∞0dλ|e±ǫλ e±ǫλ|,(31) where|e±ǫλ is a generalized eigenstate of Ω2with eigenvalue equal toλ.Finally,let us comment that,expressing|e±ǫλ in theν-basis,the corresponding generalized eigenfunc-tions e±ǫλ(ν)can always be chosen real.8.PHYSICAL STATES Employing the above spectral decomposition associated with Ω2,elements of the poly-mer space H±εcan be identified with elements of the Hilbert space L2(I R+,dλ).It is now straightforward to solve the densitized constraint−6 Ω2+ˆP2φ=0.Starting from the kinematical Hilbert space H±ε⊗L2(I R,dφ),the solutions adopt the formψ(ν,φ)= ∞0dλe±ελ(ν) ψ+(λ)e i√6λφ .(32) Physical states can be identified with positive frequency solutions,and hence with wavefunctions in L2(I R+,dλ).A complete set of Dirac observables(acting on physicalstates)is given by ˆP φand,e.g.,|ˆν|φ0,the latter being defined by the action of |ˆν|whenφ=φ0.5In this way,the LQC approach succeeds in achieving a complete quantization of the flat FRW model with massless scalar field.Rather than in general physical states,one is usually interested in states which display a semiclassical behavior in the region of large spatial volumes and matter fields,so that they can be regarded as potential candidates to explain the properties of universes like the one which we observe.With this motivation,we can concentrate our considerationson positive frequency states which,for a fixed large value of the scalar field φ=φ0≫1,are peaked on certainvaluesPφ=P 0φand ν=ν0of the Dirac observables such that|ν0|≫1and |P 0φ|≫1[16].In more detail,one analyzes Gaussians of the form ψ+ λ=ω225Recalling expression (32),this suffices to determine the action of the operator on positive frequency solutions for all values of φ.satisfactory answers to fundamental problems that had remained open in Quantum Cos-mology.In particular,this explains why,while the standard quantization fails to solve the cosmological singularities,these are cured in LQC.Actually,the singularities are resolved already at the kinematical level.Nonetheless,the resolution is much stronger.For physi-cal states with good semiclassical behavior,numerical simulations show that the universe suffers a big bounce before reaching the big bang.This bounce occurs when the energy densityρ=P2φ/(2|p|3)approaches a critical density of the order of the Planck density. Away from the bounce,states are peaked on classical solutions.Quantum corrections are strong close to the bounce,but even there the state remains peaked on a certain,modified trajectory.AcknowledgmentsThe author wants to thank the organizers of the XVII IFWGP for the nice atmosphere they collaborated to create during the workshop.He is in debt with J.M.Velhinho for enlightening conversations and discussions about the fundamentals of loop quantum cosmology,as well as for explanations about technical aspects of the polymer quantization, without which this introduction would not have been possible.This work was supported by the Spanish MEC Grant FIS2005-05736-C03-02,its continuation FIS2008-06078-C03-03,and the Spanish Consolider-Ingenio2010Programme CPAN(CSD2007-00042).[1]S.Hawking,and G.F.R.Ellis,The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time,CambridgeUniversity Press,Cambridge(UK),1973.[2] A.Ashtekar,Lectures on Non-Perturbative Canonical Gravity,edited by L.Z.Fang,andR.Ruffini,World Scientific,Singapore,1991.[3] C.Rovelli,Quantum Gravity,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge(UK),2004.[4]T.Thiemann,Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge(UK),2007.[5]M.Bojowald,Living Rev.Relativity11,4(2008).[6]See,e.g.,R.M.Wald,General Relativity,University of Chicago Press,Chicago,1984.[7]G.Immirzi,Nucl.Phys.B(Proc.Suppl.)57,65–72(1997).[8]G.Immirzi,Class.Quantum Grav.14,L177–L181(1997).[9] A.Ashtekar,J.C.Baez,and K.Krasnov,Adv.Theor.Math.Phys.4,1–94(2001).[10]J.N.Goldberg,J.Lewandowski,and C.Stornaiolo,Commun.Math.Phys.148,377-402(1992).[11] A.Ashtekar and J.Lewandowski,Class.Quantum Grav.9,1433-1468(1992).[12] A.Ashtekar,and J.Lewandowski,Class.Quantum Grav.21,R53–R152(2004).[13]J.Lewandowski,A.Okolow,H.Sahlmann,and T.Thiemann,Comm.Math.Phys.267,703-733(2006).[14]J.M.Velhinho,Class.Quantum Grav.,24,3745-3758(2007).[15] A.Ashtekar,T.Pawlowski,and P.Singh,Phys.Rev.D73,124038/1–124038/33(2006).[16] A.Ashtekar,T.Pawlowski,and P.Singh,Phys.Rev.D74,084003/1–084003/23(2006).[17] B.Simon,Topics in Functional Analysis,edited by R.F.Streater,Academic Press,London,1972.[18]See,e.g.,A.Galindo,and P.Pascual,Quantum Mechanics I,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1990.[19]See,e.g.,J.J.Halliwell,“Introductory Lectures on Quantum Cosmology”,in Proceedingsof the Seventh Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics:Quantum Cosmology and Baby Universes,edited by S.Coleman,J.B.Hartle,T.Piran,and S.Weinberg,World Scientific,Singapore,1991,pp.159–243.[20] A.Ashtekar,M.Bojowald,and J.Lewandowski,Adv.Theor.Math.Phys.7,233–268(2003).[21] A.Ashtekar,and J.Lewandowsky,Class.Quantum Grav.14,A55-A81(1997).[22]M.Mart´ın-Benito,G.A.Mena Marug´a n,and T.Pawlowski,Phys.Rev.D78,064008/1–064008/11(2008).[23]M.Mart´ın-Benito,G.A.Mena Marug´a n,and L.Garay,Phys.Rev.D78,083516/1–083516/5(2008).[24]M.Bojowald,Class.Quantum Grav.20,2595–2615(2003).[25]W.Kami´n ski,and J.Lewandowski,Class.Quantum Grav.25,035001/1–035001/11(2008).[26]T.Kato,Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1980.。

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新教材 人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册全册各单元重点单词短语句式详解

人教版选择性必修第一册重点知识详解Unit 1People Of Achievement .............................................................................................. - 1 - Unit 2Looking Into The Future ........................................................................................... - 18 - Unit 3 Fascinating Parks ......................................................................................................... - 34 - Unit 4Body Language ...................................................................................................... - 50 - Unit 5Working The Land ..................................................................................................... - 70 -Unit 1People Of Achievement重点单词1 crucial adj.至关重要的;关键性的典型例句He wasn't there at the crucial moment(when he was needed most).紧要关头他却不在那里。

哈密顿 拉格朗日 多体系统动力学

哈密顿 拉格朗日 多体系统动力学

哈密顿拉格朗日多体系统动力学(中英文实用版)Title: Hamilton and Lagrange Multibody System DynamicsHamilton"s mechanics and Lagrange"s equations are two essential frameworks in the field of multibody system dynamics.They provide a mathematical description of the motion of systems composed of multiple interacting particles or bodies.Hamilton"s mechanics, formulated by William Rowan Hamilton in the early 19th century, is based on the principle of least action.It provides a comprehensive framework for describing the dynamics of systems with a wide range of complexity, from simple mechanical systems to celestial mechanics and quantum mechanics.In Hamilton"s mechanics, the equations of motion are derived from the action principle, which states that the actual path of a system is the one that minimizes the action, a functional that depends on the configuration and time evolution of the system.In Chinese, Hamilton mechanics, formulated by William Rowan Hamilton in the early 19th century, is based on the principle of least action.It provides a comprehensive framework for describing the dynamics of systems with a wide range of complexity, from simple mechanical systems to celestial mechanics and quantum mechanics.In Hamilton"s mechanics, the equations of motion are derived from theaction principle, which states that the actual path of a system is the one that minimizes the action, a functional that depends on the configuration and time evolution of the system.Lagrange"s equations, on the other hand, were formulated by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the mid-18th century.They provide an alternative approach to the study of dynamic systems, focusing on the conservation of grange"s equations are derived from the principle of virtual work, which states that the actual motion of a system is the one that minimizes the potential energy of the system.In Lagrange"s framework, the equations of motion are expressed in terms of generalized coordinates and their derivatives, which represent the configuration and time evolution of the system.In contrast to Hamilton"s mechanics, Lagrange"s equations focus on the conservation of energy.They were formulated by Joseph-Louis Lagrange in the mid-18th century.In Lagrange"s framework, the equations of motion are expressed in terms of generalized coordinates and their derivatives, which represent the configuration and time evolution of the system.The principle of virtual work underlies Lagrange"s equations, stating that the actual motion of a system is the one that minimizes the potential energy of the system.Both Hamilton"s and Lagrange"s frameworks are widely used in the study of multibody system dynamics.They provide powerful tools foranalyzing the motion of complex systems, such as robotic arms, vehicles, and biological organisms.By employing these frameworks, researchers and engineers can accurately predict the behavior of these systems under various conditions and design optimal control strategies for their operation.In summary, Hamilton"s and Lagrange"s mechanics are two complementary frameworks that play a crucial role in the analysis of multibody system dynamics.They provide a mathematical description of the motion of systems composed of multiple interacting particles or bodies, allowing for the study and optimization of complex dynamic systems.。

The Global Problem of Time

The Global Problem of Time

a rXiv:h ep-th/925112v129M a y1992The Global Problem of Time Arlen Anderson ∗Department of Physics McGill University Montr´e al PQ H3A 2T8Canada March 27,1992McGill 92-15hep-th/9205112Abstract Time does not obviously appear amongst the coordinates on the constrained phase space of general relativity in the Hamiltonian formulation.Recent work in finite-dimensional models claims that topological obstructions generically make the global definition of time impossible.It is shown here that a time coordinate can be globally defined on a constrained phase space by patching together local time coordinates,just as coordinates are defined on topologically non-trivial manifolds.PACS:04.60.+nIn the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity,instead of dynamical equations, onefinds four initial value constraints,the super-Hamiltonian and super-momentum constraints.The coordinates on the phase space consist of the3-metric and the extrinsic curvature of a spacelike hypersurface,and the constraints restrict evolution to a subset of phase space.The obvious question is:where is time?Is there a coordinate on the constrained phase space which can be identified as time?Recent work claims that there are topological obstructions which make such an identification impossible[1,2]. We shall argue here that a global definition of time can be found by using canonical transformations to define local time coordinates and then to patch them together to cover the constrained phase space,much as coordinates are defined on topologically non-trivial manifolds.Few would doubt the existence of time,but as a question about the constrained phase space of general relativity,the answer is less self-evident.The problem is not academic.While the global definition of time on the constrained phase space is a purely classical question,the whole program of canonical quantization depends on its successful resolution.If time could not be defined globally,how could one speak about evolution, let alone define a Hilbert space with a conserved inner product?One might have hoped that a Schr¨o dinger-type super-HamiltonianH=p t+H(p k,q k,t)=0.(1) would have followed from the Hamiltonian formulation of general relativity.Time then would have been easily identified as the variable conjugate to p t,and quantization would be straightforward.This not being the case,the natural question is:is there a canoni-2cal transformation from the Wheeler-DeWitt super-Hamiltonian to a Schr¨o dinger-type super-Hamiltonian such that the two are fully equivalent?This is the global problem of time,as formulated by Kuchaˇr[3].The infinite-dimensional nature of general relativity makes it as yet too difficult to handle directly,but considerable insight can be obtained fromfinite-dimensional models.There,the answer to Kuchaˇr’s question is simply:no,in general there is no canonical transformation from an arbitrary super-Hamiltonian to one of Schr¨o dinger-type such that the resulting system is fully equivalent to the original one.This result is not however surprising and,in fact,to insist by it that the global problem of time is insoluble misses the spirit of the question.Arguably the distinguishing characteristic of time is that it is a coordinate whose each and every value occurs exactly once along each of all possible classical trajectories.This property is familiar in Schr¨o dinger-type systems.The global problem of time may be restated:is there a coordinate on the constrained phase space of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation which,because it increases monotonically along every classical trajectory,can serve as time?In thefinite-dimensional case,the answer is now yes,but the time coordinate must be defined locally and then patched together to cover the full constrained phase space.The situation is completely analogous to defining coordinates on a manifold.One asks if there is a map between the manifold and Euclidean space.Generically there is no map such that Euclidean space is fully equivalent(isomorphic)to the original manifold–consider, for example,compact manifolds.Nevertheless,one can define coordinates globally by finding maps locally between the manifold and Euclidean space and patching these3maps together by giving transformations between them in regions where they overlap. The global problem of time concerns defining a coordinate on the constrained phase space of the super-Hamiltonian which can be identified as time.It should come as no surprise that the non-trivial topology of this constraint surface may require that the time coordinate be defined on patches.H´a j´ıˇc ek[1]has extensively studied the global problem of time in thefinite-dimensional context.He formulates the problem in terms of the existence of a hypersurface such that every classical trajectory intersects it exactly once.This corresponds to identifying a common unique instant of time amongst all classical trajectories.If no such hypersurface can be found,H´a j´ıˇc ek argues that time cannot be globally defined.For most super-Hamiltonian constraints on afinite-dimensional phase space,H´a j´ıˇc ek finds that there are topological obstructions to the existence of such a hypersurface and thus to a globally defined time.These obstructions take three forms.First,the super-Hamiltonian may havefixed points.These are classical trajectories which consist of a single point in phase space.As such,successive instants of time are indistinguishable and all lie on the same hypersurface.Second,the super-Hamiltonian may have(almost) periodic trajectories.In this case,trajectories repeatedly intersect a candidate hyper-surface.Finally,there may be non-Hausdorffpairs of trajectories.These are trajectories who always share a common neighboring trajectory,but are not themselves neighbors, so that if a hypersurface were to intersect them both once,it would have to intersect a neighboring trajectory more than once.Typically this happens at unstablefixed points.A Schr¨o dinger-type super-Hamiltonian has none of these obstructions.It is immedi-4ate then that if a given super-Hamiltonian has any of them,it cannot be fully equivalent to a Schr¨o dinger-type Hamiltonian.But,to repeat,this does not mean that time cannot be globally defined.Furthermore,these obstructions are not pathological.Flat space itself is afixed point of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation,the super-Hamiltonian of general relativity.In order to understand how time is globally defined in the presence of topological obstructions,it is instructive to consider a super-Hamiltonian constraint proposed by H´a j´ıˇc ekH=1p=1q0=−ln(p0+q0),reduces the super-Hamiltonian to Schr¨o dinger formH s=(p21−q21)=0.(5)25The Schr¨o dinger super-Hamiltonian has nofixed points and no non-Hausdorffpairs of trajectories,so it is not fully equivalent to the original super-Hamiltonian.The diffi-culties of the original super-Hamiltonian have been transformed away by the canonical transformation:thefixed point has been sent to infinity,along with one half of the pair of non-Hausdorfftrajectories.All of the remaining trajectories share a common time asp0 share this property,and none havefixed points or non-Hausdorffpairs of orbits.A second canonical transformation can be made which reaches the trajectory missed by thefirst one.This is the transformation(−p20+q20),(6)2+1p′q′=p0.(8)Thus,time is defined globally by patching together these two locally defined coordinates6with this transition function.Since thefixed point does not change with time,both coordinates are valid to describe its evolution.Having seen howfixed points and non-Hausdorffpairs of trajectories are affected by canonical transformation,there remains only the obstruction of(almost)periodic trajectories.Changing the sign of q20and q21in the super-Hamiltonian(2)introduces periodic trajectories.The canonical transformations(4)and(6)with q0replaced by iq0again give the reduction to the Schr¨o dinger form.It is clear what has happened. The periodic trajectories are“unwound”by the canonical transformation because of the many-sheeted nature of the logarithm.Effectively,a transformation has been made to a covering space of the original space.Time is again defined globally by the two local coordinates q′0.In this simple example,we have seen how the topological obstructions of Hajicek are handled by canonical transformations.These obstructions deny the full equiva-lence of a generic super-Hamiltonian and one of Schr¨o dinger-type,but this does not mean that time cannot be globally defined on the constrained phase space of the super-Hamiltonian.Rather wefind that time may be defined locally by canonical transfor-mation to a Schr¨o dinger-type super-Hamiltonian and the different local times patched together by canonical transformations in regions where they overlap,much as coordi-nates are defined on a topologically non-trivial manifold.The nature of the obstructions in afinite-dimensional phase space are such that this can always be done.Every indi-cation is that this extends to the infinite-dimensional case,resolving the global problem of time.7Acknowledgements:I would like to thank P.H´a j´ıˇc ek,K.Kuchaˇr,and R.Myers for stimulating discussions.This work was supported in part by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and les Fonds FCAR du Qu´e bec.References[1]P.Hajicek,Phys.Rev.D34,1040(1986);J.Math.Phys.30,2488(1989);Class.Quantum Grav.7,871(1990);M.Sch¨o n and P.Hajicek,Class.Quantum Grav.7, 861(1990).[2]C.Torre,Utah State Univ.preprint FTG-110-USU/hep-th-9204014(1992).[3]K.Kuchaˇr,“Time and Interpretations of Quantum Gravity,”Proceedings of the4thCanadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics,eds.G.Kunstatter,D.Vincent and J.Williams(World Scientific,Singapore,1992).8。

汉密尔顿雅可比方程 程函方程

汉密尔顿雅可比方程 程函方程











































哈密顿函数的表达式The Hamiltonian function, also known as the Hamiltonian, is a fundamental concept in classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. It plays a crucial role in describing the dynamics of a physical system. The Hamiltonian function is named after the Irish mathematician and physicist William Rowan Hamilton, who developed the formalism of classical mechanics.In classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian function is defined as the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of a system. It is denoted by H and is a function of the generalized coordinates and momenta of the system. The Hamiltonian function allows us to express the equations of motion of the system in terms of these generalized coordinates and momenta, rather than in terms of forces and accelerations.The Hamiltonian function provides a concise and elegant formulation of classical mechanics. It encapsulates thetotal energy of the system and allows us to study the evolution of the system over time. By taking the appropriate derivatives of the Hamiltonian with respect to the generalized coordinates and momenta, we can obtain the equations of motion, which describe how the system's coordinates and momenta change with time.In quantum mechanics, the Hamiltonian function plays a similar role, but with some important differences. In this context, the Hamiltonian is an operator that acts on wavefunctions to yield the energy of a quantum system. The Hamiltonian operator is defined in terms of the system's observables, such as position and momentum operators, and the potential energy function.The Hamiltonian function in quantum mechanics allows us to calculate the energy spectrum and eigenstates of a quantum system. It is a key ingredient in solving theSchrödinger equation, which describes the time evolution of wavefunctions. By finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian operator, we can determine the possible energy levels and corresponding wavefunctionsof the system.The Hamiltonian function has wide-ranging applications in various branches of physics, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. It provides a powerful framework for understanding and predicting the behavior of physical systems. The Hamiltonian formalism has been successfully applied to a wide range of problems, from celestial mechanics to the behavior of subatomic particles.In conclusion, the Hamiltonian function is a fundamental concept in classical and quantum mechanics. It allows us to describe the dynamics of physical systems and study their evolution over time. The Hamiltonian function encapsulates the total energy of a system and provides a concise and elegant formulation of its behavior. It is a key tool in solving the equations of motion in classical mechanics and the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics. The Hamiltonian function has broad applications and is a cornerstone of modern physics.。



























特别地,上三角型无穷维Hamilton 算子的研究,对于理解复杂系统的动态行为和稳定性问题具有重要意义。

















Energy and Angular Momentum Densities in a Godel-Type Universe in the Teleparallel Geometry

Energy and Angular Momentum Densities in a Godel-Type Universe in the Teleparallel Geometry
Abstract The main scope in this research consisted in evaluating the total energy-momentum and gravitational angular momentum densities in the universe with global rotation. For that, we use the Hamiltonian formalism of the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR), justified for presenting covariant expressions for the considered quantities. Our result for the energy-momentum density (irrespective of the equations of state of the cosmic fluid) is not totally in accord with the results reported by other authors in the literature using pseudotensors, differing by a constant factor. We also show the equivalence among the field equations of the TEGR and Einstein equations (RG), considering a perfect fluid and G¨ odel-Obukhov metric. PACS NUMBERS: 98.80.-k, 04.20.-q, 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Fy (*) E-mail: adellane@ufmt.br



汉米尔顿方案1. 简介汉米尔顿方案是一种数学问题的求解方法,主要用于寻找某个系统的最优解。



2. 汉米尔顿方程汉米尔顿方程是汉米尔顿方案的核心。



汉米尔顿方程的一般形式如下:H(q, p) = T(p) + V(q)其中,H表示系统的汉米尔顿量,q和p分别表示系统的广义坐标和广义动量。


3. 汉米尔顿图在汉米尔顿方案中,问题首先被转化为一个有向图,该图被称为汉米尔顿图。





4. 汉米尔顿回路和汉米尔顿路径在汉米尔顿图中,汉米尔顿回路是指一个遍历图中所有节点恰好一次的闭合路径。




5. 汉米尔顿方案的应用汉米尔顿方案广泛应用于多个领域,包括优化问题、组合问题、路径规划等等。


















































汉密顿算符简介汉密顿算符(Hamiltonian operator)是量子力学中的一个重要概念,用于描述系统的能量和动力学性质。

它是由物理学家威廉·汉密顿(William Hamilton)在19世纪提出的,被广泛应用于各个领域,如原子物理、固体物理、量子化学等。






通过求解薛定谔方程(Schrödinger equation)ĤΨ=EΨ,我们可以得到系统的波函数Ψ和能量本征值E。

特性1. 厄米性汉密顿算符是一个厄米算符(Hermitian operator),即满足Ĥ†=Ĥ。


2. 量子态演化汉密顿算符描述了量子系统的时间演化。



3. 能级结构汉密顿算符的本征值对应着系统的能量。



4. 量子力学中的运算汉密顿算符在量子力学中扮演着非常重要的角色。



应用1. 原子物理在原子物理中,汉密顿算符被用于描述电子在原子核周围的运动。

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• Several alternative formulations of GR exist. Hamiltonian formulation is just one of them.
• Even for the Hamiltonian formulation, there are more than one ways. • First attempts towards such a formulation was by Pirani et. al. after
• Hamilton’s equations of motion:
Review of Hamiltonian Mechanics: Classical Fields*
• qi →Φ(xµ) • The lagrangian is related to the Lagrangian density:
Review of Hamiltonian Mechanics: Point Particles (contd…)
Hamiltonian Formulation • System defined by 2n generalized coordinates {qi,pi}, where
• Construct the Hamiltonian from the Lagrangian by means of a Legendre transformation as:
Dirac proposed his idea of constrained dynamics in 1949-Not complete. • Next Dirac himself visited this problem later. • Shortly thereafter Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner came up with a
Review of Hamiltonian Mechanics: Point Particles*
Lagrangian formulation • Describe the system with n independent degrees of freedom by a set of
n generalized coordinates {qi}. • Construct the Lalton’s equations become:
*same as before
Constrained Hamiltonian Formulation for Dynamical Systems*
• Constrained systems are very common in nature. E.g., a simple pendulum.
Hamiltonian Formulation of General Relativity
Hridis Kumar Pal
UFID: 4951-8464
Project Presentation for PHZ 6607, Special and General Relativity I
Fall, 2008 Department of Physics
• Define the Action as :
• Use Hamilton’s principle to find the extremum of this action resulting in the Euler-Lagrange equations:
*H. Goldstein, C. Poole and J. Safko, Classical Mechanics, Pearson Education Asia (2002)
• Euler-Lagrange equations of motion, which are covariant in nature:
• Similarly define the Hamiltonian density as:
is the conjugate momentum density
Hamiltonian formulation of GR which was satisfactory and later came to be called as the ADM formalism*.
We will discuss the ADM formalism of GR.
*Arnowitt, Deser and Misner, "Gravitation: An Introduction to Current Research" (1962) 227.
University of Florida
Introduction Review of Hamiltonian Mechanics
Hamiltonian Mechanics for Point Particles Hamiltonian Mechanics for Classical Fields Constrained Hamiltonian Formulation for Dynamical Systems Formulating GR from a Hamiltonian Viewpoint: The ADM Formalism The Lagrangian in GR The Hamiltonian in GR The Equations in GR Applications and Misconceptions Questions, Comments and Acknowledgements
• Any field theory with gauge freedom will have in-built constraints. • The formal theory to tackle constrained system within the Hamiltonian