A Brave Voyage Across the Ocean跨越海洋的勇敢航行
A Brave Voyage Across the Ocean跨越海洋的勇敢航行作者:月亮\供稿来源:《阅读(快乐英语高年级)》2022年第12期《海洋奇缘》(Moana)是美国迪士尼动画公司的第57部动画长片。
故事讲述了主宰风和海的半神毛伊(Maui)偷走了女神特菲提(Te Fiti)之心,导致岩浆魔鬼厄卡(Te Ka)陷入疯狂的状态,南太平洋各小岛也面临着毁灭的威胁。
Scene A从奶奶那里,莫阿娜了解到一向爱好航海的族人终止航行的原因。
Moana: We were voyagers(航海者). We were voyagers!Why’d we stop?Grandma: Maui! When he stole(偷) from the Mother Island, darkness fell. Te Ka awoke. Monsters(怪物) lurked(潜伏) and boats stopped coming back. To protect(保护) our people, the ancient(古代的) chiefs forbid(禁止) voyaging. And now we have forgotten who we are. And the darkness has continued(继续) to spread(蔓延), chasing away our fish,draining(使耗尽) the life from island after island.Moana: Our island?Grandma:: But one day, someone will journey beyond our reef(暗礁), find Maui,deliver him across the great ocean, to restore(归还) the heart of Te Fiti. I was there that day. The ocean chose you!Moana: I thought it was a dream. Ah!(The ocean plays with Moana.)Grandma: Nope! Our ancestors(祖先) believed Maui lies there, at the bottom of his hook (钩). Follow it, and you will find him.Moana: But, why would it choose me?I don’t even know how to make it past the reef ... But I know who does!Scene B毛伊的魔法鱼钩一时失去了法力,这让毛伊失去信心,认为他们无法战胜厄卡。
海洋奇缘Moana (2016)中英剧本混沌初开之时In the beginning...世界只有一片汪洋there was only ocean...直到母亲岛until the Mother Island emerged.特菲提出现Te Fiti.特菲提之心拥有世上最强大的力量Her heart held the greatest power ever known.能够创造生命It could create life itself.特菲提创造了世间一切生命And Te Fiti shared it with the world.可不久之后But in time...有些人开始寻找特菲提之心some began to seek Te Fiti's heart.他们坚信得到它They believed if they could possess it...就能获得创造一切的强大力量the great power of creation would be theirs.有一天And one day...这些人中最大胆的一位the most daring of them all...跨越浩瀚的海洋去夺取特菲提之心voyaged across the vast ocean to take it.他是主宰风与海的半神He was a demigod of the wind and sea.他是一名勇士He was a warrior.一位魔术师A trickster.一个能用他神奇鱼钩的法力A shapeshifter who could change form...随意变换形体的变形者with the power of his magical fish hook.他的名字叫作And his name...毛伊was Maui.但是失去了心之后特菲提开始瓦解But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble...创造出了可怕的黑暗giving birth to a terrible darkness.毛伊试图逃走Maui tried to escape...但碰上了另一个寻找特菲提之心的人but was confronted by another who sought the heart. 特卡Te Ka!他是土与火的恶魔A demon of earth and fire.毛伊被从空中击中Maui was struck from the sky...从此了无踪迹never to be seen again.而他的魔法鱼钩和特菲提之心And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti...一起沉入了大海were lost to the sea.即使在一千年之后的今天Where, even now , years later...特卡和深海的恶魔Te Ka and the demons of the deep仍在寻找特菲提之心still hunt for the heart.他们隐藏在不断蔓延的黑暗之中Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread...赶跑我们的鱼群chasing away our fish...侵占一座又一座岛屿draining the life from island after island...我们所有人都将until every one of us is devoured...被那嗜血的死亡魔爪by the bloodthirsty jaws...吞噬殆尽of inescapable death!但总有一天But one day...会有人找到特菲提之心the heart will be found...那个人将驶过环礁扬帆远航by someone who will journey beyond our reef...找到毛伊find Maui...带他穿洋过海deliver him across the great ocean...归还特菲提之心to restore Te Fiti's heart...拯救众生and save us all.谢谢母亲讲到这儿就行了Thank you, Mother. That's enough.爸爸Papa.谁都不准越过环礁No one goes outside the reef.这里很安全世上没有黑暗势力We are safe here. There is no darkness.也没有什么怪兽There are no monsters.怪兽怪兽Monsters! Monsters!-不不没有怪兽-黑暗势力来了- There's no monsters, no monsters. - It's the darkness!不环礁外只有风暴和汹涌的大海No, there is nothing beyond our reef, but storms and rough seas.我要吐了I'm gonna throw up.只要我们大家都待在这座岛上As long as we stay on our very safe island...就会很安全we'll be fine.传说都是真的The legends are true.一定有人会扬帆远航的Someone will have to go.母亲莫图鲁尼岛就是天堂Mother, Motunui is paradise.谁还想去别的地方呢Who would want to go anywhere else?莫阿娜Moana!总算找到你了莫阿娜There you are, Moana.你在做什么吓坏我了What are you doing? You scared me.干嘛我想回去What? I wanna's go back.我知道但你不能靠近海边I know, I know. But you don't go out there.那里很危险It's dangerous.莫阿娜走吧Moana, come on.我们回村子去Let's go back to the village.你是我们族人的下一任伟大的酋长You are the next great chief of our people.你会做许多了不起的事我的小宝贝And you will do wondrous things, my little minnow.没错但首先你要清楚自己的所属之地Oh, yes. But first, you must learn where you're meant to be.*莫阿娜驾到**Moana**大伙都让开**Make way, make way**莫阿娜你是时候该知晓**Moana, it's time you knew**你有莫图鲁尼村就已足够**The village of Motunui is all you need**舞者们在排练**The dancers are practicing**伴着古老的歌曲起舞**They dance to an ancient song**要新歌干嘛我们只要这首老歌**Who needs a new song, this old one's all we need**继承传统是我们的使命**This tradition is our mission**莫阿娜还有很多事要做**And Moana, there's so much to do**别被芋头给绊了脚你有它已足够**Don't trip on the taro root. That's all you need**劳动成果人人共享**We share everything we make**有说有笑编织篮子**We joke and we weave our baskets**渔夫从大海归来**The fishermen come back from the sea**我想看看**I wanna see**别走远**Don't walk away**莫阿娜快快坐下**Moana, stay on the ground now**族人需要一位酋长**Our people will need a chief**就是你**And there you are**终有一天**There comes a day**当你回首就会明白真正的幸福**When you're gonna look around and realize happiness is* *就在你的所属之地**Where you are**瞧瞧这椰子**Consider the coconut**什么瞧瞧这椰树**The what? Consider its tree**我们充分利用椰子的每一处我们有它已足够**We use each part of the coconut. It's all we need**纤维制成鱼网**We make our nets from the fibers**椰汁清甜可口**The water is sweet inside**树叶生火椰肉烹调**We use the leaves to build fires we cook up the meat inside**瞧瞧这些椰子**Consider the coconuts**这树干和树叶**The trunks and the leaves**小岛给予我们所需**The island gives us what we need**无人离开**And no one leaves**没错我们留在这里**That's right, we stay**这里安全又富饶**We're safe and we're well-provided**未来引导我们之人**And when we look to the future**就是你**There you are**不用担心**You'll be okay**你会学我所学**In time you'll learn just as I did**你必须在所属之地找到幸福**You must find happiness right where you are**我喜欢随海浪起舞伴着潮起潮落**I like to dance with the water the undertow and the waves**海水十分顽皮但我就喜欢它淘气**The water is mischievous. I like how it misbehaves**村民们可能觉得我疯了**The village may think I'm crazy**或者我的思维漂得太远**Or say that I drift too far**可一旦你知晓所爱这才是真正的你**But once you know what you like. Well, there you are**女儿像爸爸顽固又骄傲**You are your father's daughter stubbornness and pride**他的教导自有道理但你的心声也许不同**Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside**如果你内心轻喃追随最远的那颗星**And if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star**莫阿娜那心声就是真实的你**Moana, that voice inside is who you are*爸爸Dad!我只是看看那些船没打算登船I was only looking at the boats. I wasn't gonna get on 'em.来吧我给你看样东西Come on. There's something I need to show you.从你出生起I've wanted to bring you here我就一直想带你来这里from the moment you opened your eyes.这是个神圣的地方This is a sacred place.酋长之地A place of chiefs.总有一天There will come a time...你会站在这峰顶when you will stand on this peak给这座山添上一块石头and place a stone on this mountain.就像我我的父亲Like I did. Like my father did.他的父亲还有每一代酋长都这么做And his father, and every chief that has ever been. 到那一天And on that day...等你把你的石头放上去when you add your stone...你就会让这座小岛变得更高you will raise this whole island higher.你是我们族人的未来莫阿娜You are the future of our people, Moana.他们并非远在天边And they are not out there.而是近在眼前They are right here.你是时候该成为他们需要的人了It's time to be who they need you to be.*纤维制成鱼网**We make our nets from the fibers**椰汁清凉可口树叶生火**The water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires* *大伙一起歌唱**We sing these songs in our choirs**椰肉烹调养活族人**To cook up the meat inside. We have mouths to feed inside**大家都信任我们没错**The village believes in us. That's right**大家都信任**The village believes**小岛给予我们所需**The island gives us what we need**无人离开**And no one leaves**所以我会留在这里**So here I'll stay**与我的家人族人一起**My home, my people beside me**当我展望未来之时**And when I think of tomorrow**我们相伴**There we are**我会带领大家**I'll lead the way**也需要族人指引我**I'll have my people to guide me**我们会共筑未来**We'll build our future together**就在此地**Where we are**因为每条路都会带你回到**'Cause every path leads ya back to**你的所属之地**Where you are**你会发现幸福就在**You can find happiness right**你的所属之地**Where you are**你的所属之地**Where you are*每次风暴过后And every storm,无论我铺了多少树叶这屋顶还是漏水this roof leaks, no matter how many fronds I add. 搞定不是树叶的问题Fixed! Not the fronds.是风把柱子吹偏了Wind shifted the post.这猪肉真好吃That's good pork!不是说你我的意思是I didn't mean... I wasn't...什么他们在叫我那我先走了What? They are calling me. So I gotta--. Bye!你表现得很好You're doing great.好了吗Is it done yet?就快了So close.我好奇为什么那只鸡喜欢啄石头I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock.它看起来好像He seems to lack the basic intelligence已经完全丧失理智了required for pretty much everything.我们能把它给煮了吗Should we maybe just cook him?有时我们的优点隐藏在外表之下Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface.某些时候还藏得很深Far beneath in some cases.但憨憨一定有我们看不到的过人之处But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye. 这是今天摘的It's the harvest.今早我在剥椰子时发现...This morning, I was husking the coconuts and...我们应该砍掉这些病树We should clear the diseased trees然后重新种一片椰子林and we will start a new grove.就在那There.谢谢莫阿娜Thanks, Moana.她做得真棒She's doing great.这活很适合你This suits you.酋长Chief?有些东西你得瞧瞧There's something you need to see.这是我们在东礁湖设的捕鱼篓Our traps in the east lagoon...捕到的鱼越来越少了they're pulling up less and less fish.那我们就换个地方捕鱼Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds.我们试过了还是没有鱼We have. There's no fish.那我们就去岛的另一面捕鱼Then we'll fish the far side of the island.也试过了We tried.迎风的那边呢The windward side.还有背风的那边浅滩海峡And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel.整个礁湖我们都试过了We've tried the whole lagoon.到处都没有鱼They're just gone.你试过用另一种鱼饵吗Have you tried using a different bait?我觉得不是鱼饵的问题完全没有鱼I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish.而且情况越来越糟It seems like it's getting worse and worse.当然我理解你的担心不无道理Of course, I understand you have reason for concern.我会和长老们商量我确信...I will talk to the council. I'm sure we...如果我们去环礁之外捕鱼呢What if we fish beyond the reef?谁都不准越过环礁No one goes beyond the reef.我明白但如果礁湖里面没有鱼群I know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon...-莫阿娜-而海洋那么大- Moana. - And there's a whole ocean.我们要遵守规矩We have one rule.那是有鱼可捕时的旧规矩An old rule, when there were fish.-遵守规矩我们才安全-可是爸爸- A rule that keeps us safe... - But Dad...不准你为了能再次靠近大海Instead of endangering our people而使我们的族人身陷危险so you can run right back to the water.我还以为你早放弃了那个念头...Every time I think you're past this...谁都不能越过环礁No one goes beyond the reef!你不该当着你爸的面说出来Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad.还站在船上Standing on a boat.我又没说"到环礁之外捕鱼I didn't say go beyond the reef,因为我想在海上航行"because I want to be on the ocean.但你确实想去But you still do.-他对你严厉是因为-因为他不懂我- He's hard on you because... - Because he doesn't get me. 因为他曾经和你一样Because he was you.被大海所吸引Drawn to the ocean.漫步在沙滩Down by the shore.他曾驾驶独木舟莫阿娜He took a canoe, Moana.他穿越环礁He crossed the reef...驶入了一片危险的海域and found an unforgiving sea.海浪如山一样高Waves like mountains.他最好的朋友恳求他出海时带上他His best friend begged to be on that boat.你爸爸却没能救回他Your dad couldn't save him.他希望自己能够救你He's hoping he can save you.有时候Sometimes...我们想要成为谁想做什么事who we wish we were, what we wish we could do...并不一定能够如愿it's just not meant to be.*从很久前我就喜欢眺望**I've been staring at the edge of the water**海平面的尽头**Long as I can remember**却从不明白原因**Never really knowing why**我希望能做个听话的女儿**I wish I could be the perfect daughter**但无论我如何努力**But I come back to the water**都还是回到这海洋**No matter how hard I try**经过每个转弯走过每条小径**Every turn I take, every trail I track**踏过每条小路都引领我回到**Every path I make, every road leads back**那个我不能去**To the place I know where I cannot go**却无比向往的地方**Where I long to be**看那海天相接**See the line where the sky meets the sea**它呼唤着我**It calls me**有谁知道**And no one knows**它延伸到多远**How far it goes**如果海风助我扬帆起航**If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me**我终会知道**One day I'll know**若我启程前途无限**If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go**我知道这座岛上的每个人**I know everybody on this island**似乎对岛上生活快乐无忧**Seems so happy on this island**一切早已安排好**Everything is by design**我知道这座岛上的每个人**I know everybody on this island**都有自己的在岛上的职责**Has a role on this island**所以或许我也该坦然接受**So maybe I can roll with mine**我可以骄傲地领导让部族更强**I can lead with pride I can make us strong**若我遵循传统应该也会心满意足**I'll be satisfied if I play along**但心里却一直唱着另一首歌**But the voice inside sings a different song**我这是怎么了**What is wrong with me**看远方海上阳光闪耀**See the light as it shines on the sea**令人目眩**It's blinding**有谁知道**But no one knows**它能照到多深**How deep it goes**似乎在呼唤我**And it seems like it's calling out to me**来找我吧**So come find me**我想知道**And let me know**海平线外面的世界我能否穿过海平线**What's beyond that line will I cross that line* *看那海天相接**The line where the sky meets the sea**它呼唤着我**It calls me**有谁知道**And no one knows**它延伸到多远**How far it goes**如果海风助我扬帆起航**If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me**我终会知道**One day I'll know**我将远行何方**How far I'll go*没事胖胖We're okay, Pua.我能搞定I can do this.环礁外肯定有更多鱼There's more fish beyond the reef.肯定有的There's more beyond the reef.不算糟嘛Not so bad.胖胖Pua!不管刚刚发生了什么Whatever just happened...就说是这头猪干的blame it on the pig.奶奶Gramma.你会告诉爸吗Are you gonna tell dad?我是他妈不用向他汇报I'm his mom. I don't have to tell him anything.他说得没错He was right.外面很危险About going out there.是时候把我的石头放在山上了It's time to put my stone on the mountain.好啊你回去吧Okay. Well, then, head on back.把石头放上去吧Put that stone up there.你怎么不劝我Why aren't you trying to talk me out of it?你不是说那就是你想要的吗You said that's what you wanted.没错It is.我死之后...When I die...我要作为它们中的一员回归I'm going to come back as one of these.否则我这纹身就白纹了Or I chose the wrong tattoo.你怎么怪怪的Why are you acting weird?我是村里的怪奶奶呀这就是我的工作I'm the village crazy lady. That's my job.如果你有什么想告诉我的尽管直说If there's something you want to tell me, just tell me!你有什么想告诉我的吗Is there something you wanna tell me?你有什么想听的吗Is there something you want to hear?我们族人所有的故事你都听过了You've been told all our people's stories...这个除外but one.这是什么地方What is this place?你真以为我们的祖先一直待在环礁以内吗Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?里面是什么What's in there?是你一直以来想不通的问题的答案The answer to the question you keep asking yourself.你注定会成为谁Who are you meant to be?进去吧...Go inside...敲敲鼓...bang the drum...你就会知道and find out.对了敲鼓Bang the drum.*我们辨风向读天相**We read the wind and the sky**日悬中天时**When the sun is high**乘风破浪走**We sail the length of the seas**穿洋过海行**On the ocean breeze**夜里指认每颗星星**At night we name every star**知道自己在何方**We know where we are**知道自己是谁自己是谁**We know who we are who we are**我们启航漫游**We set a course to find**寻找新的家园**A brand new island everywhere we roam**故土永在心中**We keep our island in our mind**故土永在心中念时即能归乡**And when it's time to find home we know the way**我们是解读一切的探险家**We are explorers reading every sign**我们的故事世代相传永不终结**We tell the stories of our elders in a never-ending chain* *我们认得回家的路**We know the way*我们曾是航海者We were voyagers.我们曾是航海者We were voyagers!我们曾是航海者我们曾是航海者We were voyagers! We were voyagers!我们曾是航海者We were voyagers!为什么不航海了Why'd we stop?是毛伊Maui.自从他从母亲岛偷走了特菲提之心When he stole from the Mother Island,黑暗降临darkness fell.特卡苏醒了Te Ka awoke.四处怪物潜伏吞没船只Monsters lurked and boats stopped coming back.为了保护族人历代酋长都禁止出航To protect our people, the ancient chiefs forbid voyaging...现在我们已经忘了自己是航海者的后代了and now we have forgotten who we are.黑暗还在继续蔓延...And the darkness has continued to spread...赶跑我们的鱼群...chasing away our fish...吸干一座又一座岛屿上的生命draining the life...from island after island.我们的小岛Our island.但是总有一天...But, one day...有人会越过我们的环礁找到毛伊someone will journey beyond our reef, find Maui... 带他穿洋过海deliver him across the great ocean...归还特菲提之心to restore the heart of Te Fiti.那天的事我看到了I was there that day.大海选择了你The ocean chose you.我还以为那是个梦I thought it was a dream.不Nope!我们的祖先相信毛伊就在那里...Our ancestors believed Maui lies there...在他的鱼钩下面at the bottom of his hook.跟着鱼钩状星座你就会找到他Follow it, and you will find him.可为什么它选择的是我But why would it choose me?我甚至不知道怎么驾船驶过环礁I don't even know how to make it past the reef.不过我知道谁能But I know who does!-庄稼变黑了-鱼呢- The crops are turning black. - What about the fish?整个岛都这样This is happening all over the island.-各位请先冷静-你要怎么做- Please, please settle down. - What are you going to do? 我们开垦新土地总会找到办法...We will dig new fields. We will find a way to...我们可以阻止黑暗拯救我们的小岛We can stop the darkness! Save our island!我发现一个停满了船的洞穴There's a cavern of boats.巨大的独木舟Huge canoes.我们可以乘这些船找到毛伊We can take them, find Maui,让他归还特菲提之心make him restore the heart.我们曾是航海者我们可以再次出海We were voyagers. We can voyage again!是你告诉我要帮助族人You told me to help our people.只有这样才能帮助他们This is how we help our people.爸爸Dad?你要干吗What are you doing?我早就该一把火烧了那些船I should've burned those boats a long time ago!不不要No! Don't!我们必须找到毛伊We have to find Maui.我们必须归还特菲提之心We have to restore the heart!没有什么心There is no heart!这就是块破石头This is just a rock!不要No!酋长您母亲出事了Chief! It's your mother!母亲...Mother...我们可以做什么What can be done?快去Go-奶奶Gramma.快去Go-现在不行Not now. I can't.你必须去You must!大海选择了你The ocean chose you.跟着鱼钩状星座走Follow the fish hook.奶奶...Gramma...等你找到了毛伊...And when you find Maui...你就揪着他的耳朵说...you grab him by the ear. You say..."我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜"I am Moana of Motunui."你必须跟我上船"You will board my boat..."穿过大海"Sail across the sea..."归还特菲提之心""And restore the heart of Te Fiti."我不要离开你I can't leave you.无论你去哪里我都陪在你身边There is nowhere you could go that I won't be with you.快去Go!*看那海天相接**There's a line where the sky meets the sea**它呼唤着我**And it calls me**有谁知道**But no one knows**它延伸到多远**How far it goes**所属之地困惑不再**All that time wondering where I need to be is behind me**全靠我自己**I'm on my own**去向未知天地**To worlds unknown**经过每个转弯走过每条小径**Every turn I take every trail I track**都是我的选择**Is a choice I make**现在我无法回头直面浩渺未知**Now I can't turn back from the great unknown**独自前往心之所向**Where I go alone where I long to be**看她照亮夜之海**See her light up the night in the sea**她在呼唤我**She calls me**是的我知道**And yes, I know**我可以扬帆远航**That I can go**明月悬空我迎着海风**There's a moon in the sky and the wind is behind me**很快就会知道**Soon I'll know**我将远行何方**How far I'll go*我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui.你必须跟我上船You will board my boat...穿过大海归还特菲提之心sail across the sea and restore the heart of Te Fiti.我是莫图鲁尼岛的...I am Moana...莫阿...of Motu......娜...nui.憨憨Heihei?别怕没事的It's okay. You're all right.你看See?是吧多友好的海水There we go. Nice water.大海是我的朋友The ocean is a friend of mine.憨憨Heihei?憨憨Heihei!别动Stay.好了下一站毛伊Okay. Next stop, Maui.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui.你必须跟我上船...You will board my boat...穿...过大海...sail... across the sea...归还特菲提之心and restore the heart of Te Fiti.我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫...I am Moana of Motu...跟我上船Board my boat!不Oh, no...不不不No, no, no!大海...Ocean...能不能帮帮我can I get a little help?不不No, no.拜托快点Please. Come on!帮帮我求你了Help me! Please!怎么回事What?我说帮帮我I said help me!你却毁了我的船And wrecking my boat?帮倒忙Not helping!活该鱼群天天在你里面尿尿Fish pee in you all day!那So...毛伊Maui?毛伊Maui!毛伊主宰风与海的半神...Maui, demigod of the wind and sea...我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜I am Moana of Motunui.你跟我上船You will board my boat.不你必须跟我上船No. You will board my boat.对我是莫图鲁尼岛的莫阿娜Yeah. I am Moana of Motunui.你必须...You will board my...船一艘船Boat! A boat!诸神赐给我一艘...The gods have given me a...毛伊变形者...Maui, shapeshifter...主宰风与海的半神...demigod of the wind and sea...-我是莫图鲁尼岛的-人类的英雄- I am Moana of... - Hero of men.什么What?全称是毛伊变形者It's actually, Maui, shapeshifter,主宰风与海的半神人类的英雄demigod of the wind and sea...hero of men.我打断你了你从头再来I interrupted. From the top.加上人类的英雄说吧Hero of men. Go.我是...I am...抱歉抱歉抱歉Sorry, sorry, sorry.还有女人是男人和女人的英雄And women. Men and women.对两种性别都是对所有人都是不论男女Both. All. Not a guy, girl thing. 毕竟毛伊是所有人的英雄You know, Maui is a hero to all.你说得不错You're doing great.什么不我来这是...What? No! I'm here to...当然当然Of course. Of course.对对对Yes, yes, yes.毛伊对粉丝永远有耐心Maui always has time for his fans.如果你用一只鸟来写字...When you use a bird to write with...{\an\fs\bord\fn微软雅黑\fad(,)\b\pos(,)}tweet既可指发推特也可指鸟吱吱叫就叫发推it's called tweeting.我知道英雄不是随随便便就能见到的I know, not every day you get a chance to meet your hero.你不是我的英雄You are not my hero.我来这不是让你在我桨上签名的And I'm not here so you can sign my oar!我来这是因为你偷了特菲提之心I'm here 'cause you stole the heart of Te Fiti!你必须跟我上船And you will board my boat...穿过大海把它还回去and sail across the sea and put it back!听起简直就像你不喜欢我...Yeah, it almost sounded like you don't like me...不过这不可能...which is impossible because...我被困在这里一千年I got stuck here for , years...就是为了把这颗心当礼物送给你们凡人trying to get the heart as a gift for you mortals.你们就能拥有创造生命的力量So you could have the power to create life itself.所以我相信你想说的应该是Yeah. So, what I believe you were trying to say..."谢谢"is "Thank you."-"谢谢" -不客气- "Thank you?" - You're welcome.什么不不不What? No, no, no!我不是不是I didn't... I wasn't...为什么我要说谢谢Why would I ever say that? I mean.好啦好啦Okay, okay.*我知道是什么情况了**I see what's happening yeah**你面对我这种伟大感觉很怪**You're face to face with greatness and it's strange**你不明白自己什么感受**You don't even know how you feel**真是傻得可爱**It's adorable**人类没什么变化真是太好了**Well it's nice to see that humans never change**睁大你的眼睛开始吧**Open your eyes let's begin**没错就是我**Yes, it's really me**保持冷静正是我毛伊**It's Maui breathe it in**我知道这是重大惊喜**I know it's a lot**我的秀发健体**The hair the bod**当你正看着一位半神**When you're staring at a demigod**我只能说**What can I say except**别客气**You're welcome**不需为了潮汐太阳和天空感谢我**For the tides, the sun, the sky**小事一桩别客气**Hey, it's okay, it's okay you're welcome**我只是个平凡的半神**I'm just an ordinary demiguy**是谁用双手撑起天空**What has two thumbs and pulled up the sky**当你还蹒跚学步**When you were waddling yay high?**正是在下**This guy**当夜晚寒冷谁为你偷来火焰**When the nights got cold who stole you fire from down below?**正是你看着的在下**You're looking at him**我还套住了太阳**Also I lassoed the sun**别客气**You're welcome**只是为了延长白天给你们带来欢乐**To stretch your days and bring you fun**我还利用海风**Also I harnessed the breeze**别客气*You're welcome*推动帆船摇晃树木**To fill your sails and shake your trees**除了别客气我还能说什么**So what can I say except you're welcome**不需因为我升起岛屿而谢我**For the islands I pulled from the sea**不需向我顶礼膜拜**There's no need to pray it's okay**别客气**You're welcome**我就是这么一个助人为乐的好心人**I guess it's just my way of being me**别客气**You're welcome**别客气**You're welcome**其实想一想**Well come to think of it**孩子我能滔滔不绝地说下去**Kid, honestly I could go on and on**我可以解释所有的自然现象**I could explain every natural phenomenon**潮汐草地土地**The tide, the grass the ground**只是毛伊随手做的小贡献**That was Maui just messing around**我杀了条鳗鱼埋下它的内脏**I killed an eel I buried its guts**树从地里长出来你们才有了椰子**Sprouted a tree now you got coconuts**什么是教训什么是代价**What's the lesson? What is the take away?**毛伊一出手千万别惹他**Don't mess with Maui when he's on a breakaway**我身上的纹身**And the tapestry here on my skin**就是我胜利的地图**Is a map of the victories I win**我所到之处创造万物**Look where I've been I make everything happen**看这只小小毛伊踢踏起舞**Look at that Mean Mini-Maui just tickety tappin'**让我说别客气**Well anyway let me say you're welcome**别客气**You're welcome**不需为了花花世界谢我**For the wonderful world you know**小事一桩别客气**Hey, it's okay, it's okay you're welcome**别客气**You're welcome**转念一想我得走了**Well come to think of it I gotta go**今天轮到你说别客气**Hey it's your day to say you're welcome**别客气**You're welcome**因为我得用你的那条船**'Cause I'm gonna need that boat**我要启航别客气**I'm sailing away away you're welcome**别客气**You're welcome**毛伊除了水上漂什么都能做到**'Cause Maui can do everything but float**别客气别客气**You're welcome you're welcome**别客气别客气**You're welcome you're welcome*。
英语作文推荐电影海洋奇缘英文回答:Moana is an epic animated film released by Disney in 2016. Set in the beautiful and exotic Pacific islands, the film follows the story of a young Polynesian princess who must set out on a daring journey to save her people.Moana, the film's titular character, is a strong-willed and independent young woman who defies societal expectations. She is chosen by the ocean to restore theheart of Te Fiti, a powerful goddess who created life and balance in the world. To do so, Moana must embark on a perilous voyage across the sea alongside Maui, a demigodwith magical abilities.Together, Moana and Maui encounter a host of challenges, including treacherous storms, mythical creatures, and a deadly curse. Through their adventures, Moana discovers her true identity and the importance of following her dreams.Moana's journey is not only about saving her people,but also about finding herself and her place in the world. She learns to embrace her culture and her connection to the ocean.The film is a celebration of Polynesian culture and mythology, featuring stunning animation, catchy songs, anda cast of memorable characters. It is a timeless story that inspires audiences to embrace their own unique journeys and find their true selves.中文回答:海洋奇缘。
英语作文推荐电影海洋奇缘Moana: An Epic Voyage of Self-Discovery and Oceanic Adventure.In the vast cinematic realm, few films have captured the essence of adventure, self-discovery, and cultural heritage as profoundly as "Moana." This animated masterpiece, crafted by Disney Animation Studios, transports viewers to the sun-soaked shores of the Polynesian islands, embarking on an extraordinary journey that celebrates the spirit of exploration, the power of family, and the unwavering bond between humankind and the ocean.Moana, the film's eponymous protagonist, is an inquisitive and resolute young woman destined to become the chief of her village. However, her path takes an unexpected turn when a primordial darkness threatens her people. Guided by the voice of her ancestors and the wisdom of the mischievous demigod Maui, Moana sets sail on an epic questto restore balance to the sea and save her beloved homeland.As Moana and Maui navigate the treacherous waters ofthe Pacific Ocean, they encounter a myriad of challengesthat test their resilience and forge an unbreakable bond between them. Along their treacherous journey, they encounter cunning coconut crabs, shape-shifting creatures, and the formidable Kakamora, a tribe of marauding pirates. Each encounter becomes a testament to Moana's courage, determination, and the enduring power of her connection to the ocean.The film's stunning animation brings the vibrant landscapes of Polynesia to life, immersing viewers in a world of lush forests, sparkling lagoons, and awe-inspiring celestial bodies. The intricate designs and vibrant colors pay homage to the rich cultural traditions of the Pacific islands, showcasing the intricate carvings, flowing fabrics, and majestic tattoos that define Polynesian heritage.Beyond its visual splendor, "Moana" captivatesaudiences with its empowering message of self-acceptanceand the importance of embracing one's unique gifts. Moana's journey is a metaphor for the challenges we all face in discovering our true selves and finding our place in the world. Along the way, she learns to embrace her strength, her compassion, and her connection to her ancestors, ultimately becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration for her people.The film's enchanting soundtrack, composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa'i, and Mark Mancina, seamlessly weaves together traditional Polynesian melodies with contemporary pop rhythms. The infectious beats and soaring vocals add an emotional depth to each scene, evoking a sense of wonder, adventure, and nostalgia."Moana" has garnered widespread critical acclaim forits stunning animation, compelling storyline, and its unwavering commitment to cultural authenticity. The film received numerous awards, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature Film. Its legacy extends beyond accolades, however, as it has inspired countless viewers to embrace their own unique paths,celebrate their heritage, and protect the fragile ecosystems that sustain us.In an era where the power of storytelling is often undervalued, "Moana" stands as a testament to the transformative nature of film. It is a cinematic masterpiece that resonates with audiences of all ages, inspiring them to reflect on their own journeys, embrace their potential, and appreciate the unbreakable bond between humanity and the natural world.。
电影海洋奇缘简介英文作文Moana, also known as "Ocean's Daughter" is a 2016 American 3D computer-animated musical adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film was directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, and co-directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams. It features the voices of Auliʻi Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, Rachel House, Temuera Morrison, Jemaine Clement, Nicole Scherzinger, and Alan Tudyk.The film tells the story of Moana, the daughter of the chief of a Polynesian tribe, who is chosen by the ocean to save her people. The ocean has been her friend since she was a child, and she has always been drawn to it. Her father, however, forbids her to go beyond the reef, as he fears for her safety. When her island begins to suffer from a lack of resources, Moana sets out on a journey to find the demigod Maui, who can help her return the heart of the goddess Te Fiti and restore the balance of nature.Moana is a strong and determined young woman who is not afraid to take on challenges. She is also compassionate and caring, and is always thinking of others. She is accompanied on her journey by Maui, a shape-shifting demigod who is initially reluctant to help her. However, as they face various obstacles together, Maui comes to realize that Moana is not just a young girl, but a brave and capable leader.The film is visually stunning, with beautiful animation and vibrant colors. The music, composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa'i, and Mark Mancina, is also a highlight of the film. The songs are catchy and memorable, and the score is emotional and stirring.Overall, Moana is a heartwarming and inspiring filmthat celebrates the power of determination, friendship, and the connection between humans and nature. It is a must-see for all ages, and a testament to the creativity and talent of Disney's animation team.。
海洋奇缘的英文作文The ocean is a magical place. It's full of mystery and wonder, with creatures big and small, all living togetherin harmony. From the colorful coral reefs to the deep, dark abyss, there's always something new and exciting to discover.The sound of the waves crashing against the shore islike music to my ears. It's soothing and calming, and it makes me feel at peace. I could sit and listen to it for hours, just letting all my worries drift away with the tide.There's something about the smell of the ocean that'sso invigorating. It's salty and fresh, and it fills me with a sense of energy and vitality. It's like a breath of life, reminding me of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.The sight of the ocean is simply breathtaking. The vast expanse of water stretching out to the horizon, the sun glistening on the surface, and the colors of the skyreflecting off the waves – it's like a painting come to life. It's a reminder of the beauty and majesty of the natural world.The feeling of the ocean against my skin is exhilarating. The cool, refreshing water envelops me, and I feel alive and free. It's a sensation unlike any other, and it's a reminder of the joy and excitement that comes with exploring the unknown.The ocean is a place of adventure and exploration, where anything is possible. It's a world of endless wonder and beauty, and I feel grateful to be able to experience it in all its glory.。
1. Moana -莫阿娜,电影的主角,一个波利尼西亚少女。
2. Wayfinding -航海导航,指古代波利尼西亚人用来发现和航行到遥远岛屿的导航技能。
3. coconut -椰子,电影中莫阿娜的家乡特产。
4. ocean -海洋,莫阿娜在海洋中冒险的地方。
5. Polynesia -大洋洲,莫阿娜的家园。
6.祖先- ancestors,莫阿娜在她的旅程中寻求祖先的智慧。
7.导航- navigation,指在海洋中航行和寻找方向的艺术。
8.珊瑚礁- coral reef,电影中提到的海洋生态系统。
9.航海- sailing,莫阿娜和她的船员在海洋上的航行。
10.航海家- navigator,莫阿娜在电影中的角色,她成为一名航海家。
11.波利尼西亚- Polynesian,描述莫阿娜和她的人民的文化。
12.海- sea,电影中的海洋环境。
13.航海图- sea chart,用于导航的海图。
14.岛屿- island,莫阿娜寻找传说中的岛屿。
15.海洋生物- marine life,电影中出现的海洋生物,如海龟、海鸟、鱼类等。
在2000年前的南太平洋小岛上, 那里居住着一个爱好航海的波里 尼西亚人部落,部落酋长有一个 独生女叫莫阿娜,在祖母的鼓励 下她一心想去探索临近的岛屿, 但她的父亲不许。于是莫阿娜就 在祖母死后,偷偷划船溜出岛, 去寻找传说中的岛屿。她有两位 同行的伙伴,一个是公鸡憨憨, 一个是猪。莫阿娜一行在一座小 岛上搁浅了,这时一座图腾雕像 毛伊活了,他是南太平洋岛国神 话里的超级英雄,可以变成鸟儿, 身上刻着很多可以活过来的纹身, 还有一个法宝是魔法鱼钩。接下 来莫阿娜就和他一起前往开放的
2016年11月23日在北美上 映,同年11月25日在中国
In the south Pacific island, 2000 years ago there lived a hobby sailing Polynesian tribes,the tribal sheikh has a only daughter called Moana.With the grandmother's encouragement, she determined to explore the nearby islands, but her father didn’t allow. Then after the death of her grandmother, she secretly slipped out of the island in search of the legendary island. She has two fellow partners, a rooster named HanHan and a pig. Moana was stranded on an island,where lived a totem statue Maui, at that moment, he was a super hero in the south Pacific island nation of myth,who can turn into a bird and is engraved upon many tattoos .There is also a magic weapon,the magic hook. Moana
海洋奇缘英文作文Paragraph 1: The ocean is a vast and mysterious place. Its depths hold countless secrets and wonders waiting to be discovered. The sound of crashing waves and the salty smell of the sea instantly transport me to a place of tranquility and awe.Paragraph 2: As I stand on the shore, the cool water tickles my toes, inviting me to dive in and explore. The vibrant colors of the coral reefs beckon me, as if they hold the key to a hidden world beneath the surface. I can't help but feel a sense of adventure and curiosity.Paragraph 3: The ocean is home to a diverse range of creatures, from the majestic whales that gracefully glide through the water to the tiny, colorful fish that dart in and out of the coral. Each one has its own unique beauty and role in the ecosystem, reminding me of the interconnectedness of all living things.Paragraph 4: There is a sense of freedom and liberation that comes with being in the ocean. The weightlessness of the water allows me to escape the constraints of gravity and float effortlessly. It's a feeling of pure bliss, as if I'm flying through the depths of the sea.Paragraph 5: The ocean also teaches us lessons about resilience and adaptability. Despite the harsh conditions and constant change, marine life continues to thrive. From the mighty sharks to the delicate seahorses, they have found ways to survive and evolve in this ever-changing environment.Paragraph 6: However, the ocean is not without its challenges. Pollution, overfishing, and climate change threaten the delicate balance of this underwater world.It's a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve this precious resource for future generations to enjoy.Paragraph 7: The ocean has a way of humbling me and reminding me of the vastness of the world. It's a reminderthat there is so much more to explore and discover beyond our own shores. The ocean holds endless possibilities and adventures, just waiting for us to dive in and embrace them.。
海洋奇缘英语作文200字题目,Ocean's Wonder。
原文:Ocean's Wonder。
The ocean is a vast, mysterious realm filled with wonders beyond imagination. From the shimmering surface to the darkest depths, it teems with life and holds secrets waiting to be discovered. Exploring the ocean is like embarking on a journey to another world, where every dive reveals something new and breathtaking.One of the most awe-inspiring sights in the ocean is its diverse marine life. From tiny plankton to gigantic whales, every creature plays a vital role in the delicate balance of the underwater ecosystem. Coral reefs, bustling with colorful fish and vibrant corals, create underwater cities of unparalleled beauty. Watching a school of fishdarting gracefully through the water or a majestic sea turtle gliding effortlessly by fills the heart with wonder and admiration.But the ocean's wonders extend far beyond its inhabitants. Its vast expanse holds hidden treasures, from ancient shipwrecks to spectacular underwater landscapes. Explorers and scientists alike are drawn to its depths, seeking to unravel its mysteries and unlock its secrets. With every expedition, new species are discovered, and our understanding of the ocean grows deeper.Yet, the ocean's beauty and bounty are under threat. Pollution, overfishing, and climate change are taking their toll, endangering the very creatures and ecosystems that make the ocean so extraordinary. If we are to preserve this natural wonder for future generations, we must act now to protect and conserve it.In conclusion, the ocean is a place of wonder and beauty, filled with marvels both great and small. It is up to us to cherish and protect this precious resource,ensuring that its wonders endure for generations to come.仿写:Ocean's Enchantment。
海洋奇缘英语作文80词案例一:Ocean Romance is the 56th feature film of Disney Animation Studio. regard as The finale of Disney Animation 2022, adhering to the consistent high-standard picture output, A complete story-building system, as well as a detailed depiction of people, which This winter, Ocean Romance will bring the purest tropical sea to the audience. Foreign customs.案例二:Today, we watched a movie in Starsky Studios, called "Ocean Romance". The story was told on a small island, and there was a tribe. The hero wasMoana, the daughter of the tribal leader. Her grandmother encouraged her to explore the nearby island, but Moana never took a step because of her father's obstruction.But one day Moana chose to break free, and she and her little friends set out on a journey. On the way, she inadvertently woke up Maui, a totem statue of half man and half god, so they went to thevast ocean together and started an adventure.Mona is a smart and persistent person. Part of the movie says that Maui doesn't want to go any more and wants to give up halfway, leaving Moana alone, but she is stronger.She went to the volcano demon, and her previous failure taught her a lesson. She led the volcano demon to the other side first, and when the volcano demon didn't pay attention, she went out the other side.The volcano demon became angry and threw one. Coincidentally, Maui was moved by her to help her, and told her that this heart was placed in the vortex, but when she got to the top of the mountain, she found that the vortex was gone.When she saw the vortex on the volcano demon, she understood everything. She made the volcano demon change back to its original appearance, and everything in the world changed back to its original appearance. After that,Moana went home, the tribe changed its mind and wanted to sail at sea, and then everything became normal again. Mona's persistence and her bravery are worth learning.。
电影海洋奇缘观后感英语英文回答:"Moana" is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant animated adventure that celebrates the power of determination, self-discovery, and the unbreakable bonds of family and culture. With its vibrant Pacific Island setting, infectious music, and empowering female protagonist, "Moana" is a film that will inspire and resonate with audiences of all ages.Moana, the titular heroine, is a strong-willed and adventurous princess who embarks on a quest to save her island and restore the heart of Te Fiti, the goddess oflife. Along the way, she teams up with the demigod Maui, a shape-shifting trickster who possesses the power to control the elements. Despite their contrasting personalities, Moana and Maui form an unbreakable bond that helps them overcome the challenges they face.The film's animation is breathtakingly beautiful, with vibrant colors, intricate details, and fluid movements that bring the characters and their surroundings to life. The Pacific Island setting is particularly well-realized, with lush landscapes, sparkling oceans, and majestic creatures that provide a stunning backdrop for the story.The music in "Moana" is an infectious blend of traditional Polynesian rhythms and contemporary pop melodies. The songs are memorable and emotionally resonant, and they perfectly capture the film's themes of adventure, self-discovery, and the importance of family.Moana herself is a truly empowering female character. She is strong, determined, and independent, and she refuses to let anyone tell her what she can or cannot do. She is a role model for girls and women of all ages, and her journey is sure to inspire audiences to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams.Overall, "Moana" is a beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant animated adventure that is sure toentertain and inspire audiences of all ages. With its stunning animation, catchy music, and empowering female protagonist, "Moana" is a film that will stay with you long after the credits roll.中文回答:《海洋奇缘》是一部视觉上令人惊叹且情感上共鸣的动画冒险片,歌颂了决心、自我发现以及牢不可破的家庭和文化纽带的力量。
海洋奇缘观后感英语英文回答:"Moana" is a captivating and heartwarming animated film that left a lasting impression on me. The movie tells the story of Moana, a young girl who embarks on a daring journey across the ocean to save her people and discover her true identity. The film beautifully captures the spirit of adventure and the importance of self-discovery.One aspect that stood out to me in "Moana" is the stunning animation. The vibrant colors and breathtaking visuals bring the ocean and the Polynesian islands to life. The scenes of Moana sailing on her boat, with the sparkling blue water and towering waves, are simply mesmerizing. The animation truly enhances the storytelling and immerses the audience in the world of Moana.Another aspect that I appreciated in the film is the strong and inspiring character of Moana. She is adetermined and courageous young girl who defies the expectations placed upon her and follows her own dreams. Moana's journey is not only physical but also emotional as she learns to trust herself and find her own path. Her character development is beautifully portrayed throughout the film, and I found myself rooting for her every step of the way.Furthermore, the music in "Moana" is absolutely enchanting. The film features a soundtrack filled with catchy and memorable songs, such as "How Far I'll Go" and "You're Welcome." The music not only adds depth to the story but also showcases the rich Polynesian culture. The songs are expertly woven into the narrative, and I couldn't help but sing along and tap my feet to the rhythm."Moana" also explores important themes such as the connection to one's heritage and the power of teamwork. The film highlights the significance of embracing one's culture and traditions while also embracing change and new experiences. Moana's journey is not a solitary one, as she is accompanied by the demigod Maui, who initially serves asa reluctant mentor but eventually becomes a valuable ally. Their partnership demonstrates the importance of working together and supporting one another.In conclusion, "Moana" is a captivating and visually stunning film that combines adventure, self-discovery, and a celebration of culture. The animation, strong characters, enchanting music, and meaningful themes all contribute to making this movie a truly memorable experience. I highly recommend watching "Moana" for its beautiful storytelling and inspiring message.中文回答:《海洋奇缘》是一部令人着迷和温暖人心的动画电影,给我留下了深刻的印象。
海洋奇缘英文观后感Ocean Paradise is a touching and heartwarming film that takes viewers on an emotional journey through the vast and mysterious world of the ocean. The film tells the story of a father and son who embark on an unforgettable adventure, discovering the beauty and wonders of the deep blue sea.The story begins with the introduction of David, a single father raising his young son, Xiao. David suffers from a terminal illness, and knowing that his time is limited, he decides to take Xiao on a trip to the ocean as a last opportunity to create precious memories together. They set sail on a small boat, excitedly venturing into the unknown.As they explore the ocean, they encounter a variety of marine creatures and witness the stunning beauty of the underwater world. From colorful coral reefs to majestic sea turtles, each encounter leaves both father and son in awe. Through the eyes of Xiao, we see the innocence and wonder of a child discovering the vastness of the ocean for the first time.The film beautifully captures the bond between father and son, as they navigate through the challenges of both the physical and emotional journey. David's illness becomes more apparent as the story progresses, and he is faced with the difficult task of preparing Xiao for a future without him. The film delicately handles themes of mortality and the cycle of life, creating an emotional and thought-provoking experience for viewers.One of the highlights of the film is the stunning cinematography. The underwater scenes are breathtaking, immersing the audience in the vibrantand enchanting world beneath the sea. The use of light and color adds a magical quality to the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.The performances in Ocean Paradise are outstanding. Jet Li, who plays David, delivers a nuanced and heartfelt portrayal of a father on a final adventure with his son. His chemistry with Wen Zhang, who plays Xiao, is genuine and moving. Zhang's innocence and natural talent shine through in his performance, making his character relatable and endearing.The film is not without its heart-wrenching moments. As David's illness progresses, both father and son have to confront the inevitable reality of their situation. These scenes are emotional and poignant, leaving a lasting impact on the viewer. However, the film also emphasizes the importance of cherishing every moment and finding joy in the simplest of things.Ocean Paradise also provides valuable insights into the fragile ecosystem of the ocean and the need for its preservation. The film showcases the diverse marine life, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to protect these creatures and their habitats. Through the film, viewers are reminded of the beauty and wonders of the natural world and the responsibility we have to protect it for future generations.In conclusion, Ocean Paradise is a heartwarming and thought-provoking film that explores themes of love, loss, and the beauty of the natural world. The performances, cinematography, and storytelling are all exceptional, creating an emotional and captivating viewing experience. The film reminds us of the importance of cherishing our loved ones and appreciating the wonders of the world around us.。
英文作文《海洋奇缘》The ocean is a mysterious and enchanting place. The waves crashing against the shore create a soothing rhythm that lulls me into a state of peacefulness. The salty air fills my lungs and invigorates my senses, making me feel alive and connected to the world around me.As I walk along the beach, I am mesmerized by the beauty of the ocean. The sun glistens on the water, creating a dazzling display of light and color. The sound of seagulls fills the air, adding to the symphony ofnature's music that surrounds me.I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder as I gaze out at the vast expanse of water before me. It's as if the ocean holds the secrets of the universe, and I am just a small part of something much greater than myself.The ocean is teeming with life, from the smallest of creatures to the largest of mammals. The diversity ofmarine life is astounding, and I find myself captivated by the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the fish and coral that call the ocean home.As I dip my toes into the cool, refreshing water, Ifeel a sense of freedom and liberation. The ocean has a way of washing away my worries and fears, leaving me feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.In the evening, as the sun sets over the horizon, the ocean takes on a whole new persona. The sky is painted with hues of pink, orange, and purple, casting a warm glow over the water. It's a sight that never fails to take my breath away, reminding me of the beauty and majesty of the natural world.The ocean is a place of magic and wonder, a place where I can escape from the chaos of everyday life and find peace and tranquility. It's a place that holds a special kind of power, one that has the ability to heal and inspire all those who are lucky enough to experience its beauty.。
海洋奇缘观后感英语As a fan of animated films, I recently had the pleasure of watching "海洋奇缘" (Ocean Wonder) and I must say, it was a truly captivating experience. Directed by a talented team of filmmakers, this animated extravaganza takes place in a breathtaking underwater world filled with stunning visuals and a heartwarming story.The film tells the story of Moana, a young girl who embarks on a daring journey to save her people. Raised on a remote island, Moana is drawn to the ocean, despite her father's warnings and the island's long-standing tradition of staying within its boundaries. Determined to face her fears and fulfill her destiny as a wayfinder, Moana sets out on an adventure to find the demigod Maui and restore the heart of Te Fiti, a powerful gem that can save her island.What struck me most about this film was its beautiful animation. The ocean is depicted in such a vibrant and lifelike manner that it almost feels like another character in the story. The way the water moves and glistens, the colorful marine life and the mesmerizing underwater landscapes are truly a feast for the eyes. Each frame is meticulously crafted, creating a visual spectacle that left me in awe.Beyond its stunning visuals, "海洋奇缘" also delivers a powerful message about self-discovery and the importance of following one's heart. Moana faces numerous challenges and obstacles throughout her journey, but she never loses sight of her goal. Her determination, bravery, andunwavering belief in herself serve as an inspiration to viewers, reminding us that we too have the power to overcome our fears and achieve greatness.The characters in the film are also worth mentioning. Moana, voiced by Auli'i Cravalho, is a strong and independent female lead who defies stereotypes. Maui, voiced by Dwayne Johnson, brings humor and charm to the story as the demigod with a troubled past. Their interactions and eventual bond are heartwarming and add depth to the narrative.Moreover, the film's music plays a vital role in enhancing the storytelling. The songs are infectious, with catchy melodies and thoughtful lyrics that further bring the characters' emotions and motivations to life. The soundtrack, composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa'i, and Mark Mancina, combines elements of Polynesian culture with contemporary pop, creating a unique and captivating musical experience.In conclusion, "海洋奇缘" is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant film that takes viewers on an unforgettable journey. It is a testament to the power of animation to transport us to magical worlds and inspire us with its storytelling. I highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys animated movies or simply loves a good adventure filled with heart, humor, and breathtaking visuals. You will be swept away by the beauty of the ocean and touched by the courage and determination of its characters.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Moana is an amazing movie. The characters are so vivid and the story is really engaging.The music in Moana is just wonderful. It really gets you into the mood and makes you feel the emotions.The animation is beautiful. It's like you're in a whole new world.The themes of the movie are powerful, like bravery and following your dreams. It's a great message for everyone.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!It was a cold and misty morning when I stumbled upon the hidden gem of the North Sea. The waves crashed against the rugged cliffs, sending salty spray into the air. It was a sight to behold, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the power of nature.As I walked along the shore, I noticed a small, quaint fishing village nestled among the rocks. The colorful houses seemed to defy gravity as they clung to the steep cliffs. It was like something out of a fairytale, and I couldn't believe my luck at stumbling upon such a picturesque scene.The villagers were friendly and welcoming, and I soon found myself immersed in their way of life. I learned how to mend fishing nets, cook traditional seafood dishes, and even tried my hand at speaking the local dialect. It was a truly immersive experience, and I felt like I had been welcomed into their tight-knit community with open arms.One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the villagers gathered on the beach for a traditional bonfire. The flames danced and crackled, casting a warm glow on the faces of the villagers. They sang folk songs and told stories of the sea, and I felt a deep sense of belonging as I joined in with their merriment.As my time in the village came to an end, I realized that I had been touched by the magic of the North Sea. It was a place of rugged beauty, warm hospitality, and a sense of belonging that I had never experienced before. I knew that I would carry the memories of my time there with me forever, and I felt grateful for the chance to have experienced such a unique and enchanting corner of the world.。
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在2000年前的南太平洋小岛上, 那里居住着一个爱好航海的波里 尼西亚人部落,部落酋长有一个 独生女叫莫阿娜,在祖母的鼓励 下她一心想去探索临近的岛屿, 但她的父亲不许。于是莫阿娜就 在祖母死后,偷偷划船溜出岛, 去寻找传说中的岛屿。她有两位 同行的伙伴,一个是公鸡憨憨, 一个是猪。莫阿娜一行在一座小 岛上搁浅了,这时一座图腾雕像 毛伊活了,他是南太平洋岛国神 话里的超级英雄,可以变成鸟儿, 身上刻着很多可以活过来的纹身, 还有一个法宝是魔法鱼钩。接下 来莫阿娜就和他一起前往开放的
Some Stills 【剧照】
The theme song
How Far I'll Go 【海洋奇ຫໍສະໝຸດ 】主题曲Thank You
------Designed by Ymr
a 海洋奇 缘
This film tells a story of a family of offspring sailing Polynesian princess Moana, in order to find the legendary mysterious island, alone on a sailing trip stories. The film releases on November 23, 2016 in North A该m片e讲ri述ca了,a作nd为航in海t世h家e sN后阿神ao代娜秘mv,的之eem为波岛ybe了里,ear找尼独r 寻西自2on5亚传踏,公说上主中了莫的航 r海e之lea旅s的ed故i事n 。C该hi片na于.
2016年11月23日在北美上 映,同年11月25日在中国
In the south Pacific island, 2000 years ago there lived a hobby sailing Polynesian tribes,the tribal sheikh has a only daughter called Moana.With the grandmother's encouragement, she determined to explore the nearby islands, but her father didn't allow. Then after the death of her grandmother, she secretly slipped out of the island in search of the legendary island. She has two fellow partners, a rooster named HanHan and a pig. Moana was stranded on an island,where lived a totem statue Maui, at that moment, he was a super hero in the south Pacific island nation of myth,who can turn into a bird and is engraved upon many tattoos .There is also a magic weapon,the magic hook. Moana