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Abandon –quit accusted of –charged with acquire –obtain admit–confess account for–lead to assault –attack as long as –only if affluent–well off is accustomed to –feels at home with appreciable –perceptible alleviated–relieved advocate–support accede–agree to access–admittance adequate–sufficient acquiescing–submitting accelerated–quickened anonymous-nameless

Belittle–underrate buzz–excitement

Constantly–continuously clinging–holding fast congregate–gather complacent–conceited complacent-self-contented continggent–group

clouded–made unclear cajole–persuading conspiring—intriguing chaos–disorder clustered–gathered Deprived –impoverished determined –resolute defy –disobey durable –lasting decried–condemned deteriorated –degenerated displeased–disappointed destined–bound drafted–chosen dissension-disagreement

Effective –useful evident –distinct every once in a while –at times extra –spare emerging–coming out exclusively–only embrace–welcome eccentricity–strange behavior

Filters–removes fare–diet

Granted –given grieves –upsets groomed–trained


Independent–free impact–effect incinerate –burn indispensable –necessary intriguing–interesting innocence–being not guilty impoverished–poor indiscriminately –unselectively indefinable–hard-to-express Labeled –identified lower –drop

Monopolized –controlled marveled–admired modify–alter marked–announced Outwardly–seemingly ominous–menacing

Profession –occupation particular –special puzzles–confuses practicable–possible permanent–lasting punch–strong effect plotte–charted perish –die prone–inclined promoted–advocated prolong–lengthen potent–strong prescribe–give…as a treatment pool –a billiard game propriety-correct behavior patronized–frequented

Reflection –indication represents –symbolizes restricted–limited radical–complete ruffled-made rough Sentimental–emotional sorely –greatly stretch –enlarge sharply–harshly stains –dirty marks shred–ray sensation–feeling shootout–crossfire scrubbed–canceled soliciting–asking for safeguard–protect soothe–make comfortable sore–painful species–breed of animal, survive–come through spitefull–vicious Think of–imagine tricks –jokes tedious –boring throbbing–painful

Utlize –use

Violating–breaking viral–virus-caused violation–infringement vanished–disappeared victims–deaths Withdraw –take back


1、suggested… in the pursuit of, e-mail—mainstream, her mind--connjures up ,two factors-in the first place, cafeteria-down to, both teams-make for, slipped a note, kids-errands, arms-outstretched, unspoken- agreement, sisters-stayed up, as time-goes by, difference-… translated ,work a-strian, goal of a..—practical, finally-managed, eating-particular, expansion of mind , the territory dispute , very sad in private , on Sunday…pick up, escape detection, lonely days , he was crazy , ex-husband- access, extract-maximum, envelope, sealing it , shoes is a must, well-known-student-led ,choked-her to death, much ado about nothing .on his perception ,physically assaulted ,, swimmers …muddied, as divine retribution , things turned out , leftover fruits, help to perpetuate, yamning is contagious , a costly mistake , immune system , to take measures to , easily adapted ,It‘s ironic ,succeeded in isolating, susceptible to bribery, inhospitable mountain, transfer power, eliminate the problem, a ripe old age, acute angles , A significant proportion , with fond indulgence , baffled the authorities , constitutes much of , ,outstrip the human , over it‘s rivals , regular coke , held onto the naive , amateurs alike, is a positive sign, bookshelf gives it away , loss of revenue , recycled into clothing,transition to television. a unique—ability march in—procession at—ease with

the most—superficial began to—clamor

2、leapt to 10000 yuan, won 8…financial ,1800—cut short, 1930s branded, 34-year-old to death;﹩6.7…grant, Between 1820 and 1920…immigrants, A poll of 700, 3 hours…onset , launched…in 1980,

3、initial Mr Davies?, Dark figure , Mr Casey…decline, Raistrick set out to, F1…sprinkled, Woolf‘s…original , The dog…impaired, Witnesses…crashed , all the way to Jibuti, Mr Smith-available, Bob had suffered ,

4、Their--frugal life, Travel-up to, My students:-provided, Floods-property, Language-independently , Important people-takes up, She is very sensitive , Nothing should be taken for granted , Many Europeans explored , Eventually I gave in, The papers…misplaced , The housing…on the rise, Educators call for , This can purify, He contracted, We‘ve incorporated , The pla nt…withstands , Medicaid…funded , This can have devastating , Insert the correct coin , His poems epitomize , Several hundred people contributed , Coconut is a basic ingredient, The school—ensure His speech--—distinct She was—shocked A coal fire—adds
