
网络安全英语论文Title: The Importance of Network Security in the Digital Age Introduction:In today's digital age, where the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and conduct business, the importance of network security cannot be overstated. With cyber threats continuously evolving, organizations and individuals need to prioritize effective measures to protect their sensitive information, privacy, and the integrity of their systems. This paper explores the significance of network security and proposes practical steps to safeguard against potential cyber attacks.Body:1. The Growing Threat LandscapeSince the advent of the internet, cybercrimes have proliferated, posing significant threats to individuals, businesses, and governments. Hackers, with increasingly sophisticated tools and techniques, exploit vulnerabilities in networks, aiming to steal financial information, personal data, and intellectual property. Ransomware attacks, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and phishing scams are just a few examples of the multitude of cyber threats faced today.2. Potential Impacts of Network Security BreachesNetwork security breaches can have severe consequences, including financial losses, reputation damage, and legal implications. Companies may face the loss of valuable digital assets and customer data, leading to a loss of trust and credibility.Moreover, breaches in critical infrastructure systems, such as power grids and healthcare systems, can result in devastating consequences for society as a whole. Therefore, prioritizing robust network security measures is imperative to mitigate potential damages.3. Network Security MeasuresTo combat cyber threats effectively, organizations and individuals should implement a multi-layered approach to network security. This includes:a) Firewalls: Deploying firewalls acts as the first line of defense against unauthorized access, ensuring that only legitimate traffic is allowed into a network.b) Encryption: Encrypting data in transit and at rest helps to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, ensuring that even if a breach occurs, the data remains unreadable.c) Strong Passwords and Two-factor Authentication: Encouraging the use of complex passwords and implementing two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, making it harder for attackers to gain access to sensitive accounts.d) Regular Software Updates and Patches: Keeping software, operating systems, and applications up to date helps to address any known vulnerabilities and weaknesses, mitigating the risk of exploitation.e) Employee Education and Awareness: Establishingcomprehensive training programs to educate employees about cybersecurity threats, such as phishing and social engineering, helps to build a strong human firewall and foster a security-conscious culture within an organization.4. Collaboration and Government InvolvementGiven the global nature of cyber threats, collaboration between governments, organizations, and individuals is crucial to combating cybercrimes effectively. Governments should enact strong legislation and regulations to protect individuals' privacy and organizations' sensitive information. Additionally, international cooperation is essential to sharing information about emerging threats, best practices, and conducting joint investigations.Conclusion:In conclusion, network security is a critical aspect of our digital lives and is paramount in protecting individuals, organizations, and critical infrastructure from cyber threats. Implementing robust network security measures, such as firewalls, encryption, and regular updates, along with fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, is key to safeguarding against potential attacks. It is imperative that governments, organizations, and individuals work together to address this ever-evolving threat landscape and ensure a secure and resilient digital environment.。

1. Anderson, R.(2001)《Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems》:该书由Ross Anderson撰写,是网络安全领域的经典参考书之一。
2. Stallings, W.(2011)《Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice》:该书由William Stallings撰写,是密码学和网络安全领域的经典教材之一。
3. NIST(2014)《特别出版物800-30》:该文献是美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的一份特别出版物,介绍了风险管理的基本原理和实践。
4. Pfleeger, C.P. and Pfleeger, S.L.(2002)《Security in Computing》:该书由Charles P. Pfleeger和Shari Lawrence Pfleeger撰写,涵盖了计算机安全的各个方面。

网络安全英文论文The Importance of Cybersecurity in the Digital AgeIn today's digital age, where almost every aspect of our lives is connected to the internet, cybersecurity has become one of the most pressing issues of our time. With the rise of cybercrime and the increasing reliance on technology, safeguarding sensitive information and protecting the integrity of digital systems has become paramount. This paper will discuss the importance of cybersecurity, its challenges, and potential solutions to address the growing threats.First and foremost, cybersecurity is essential for protecting individuals, businesses, and governments from the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals. With the ability to compromise personal and financial information, cybercriminals pose a significant threat to individuals' privacy and security. Identity theft, online scams, and ransomware attacks are just a few examples of the devastating effects cybercrime can have on individuals and their financial security. Moreover, businesses are also vulnerable to cyber threats, as data breaches can result in significant financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal consequences. Therefore, implementing robust cybersecurity measures is crucial for ensuring the safety and stability of individuals and organizations alike.However, building effective cybersecurity infrastructure is not without its challenges. The rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity requires constant adaptation to new threats. Cybercriminals are constantly developing sophisticated techniques to bypass security systems, making it difficult for organizations tostay ahead. Furthermore, the shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals poses a significant challenge in creating and maintaining resilient cybersecurity strategies. The demand for cybersecurity experts is projected to exceed the supply, creating a gap that needs to be adequately addressed. Additionally, the lack of cybersecurity awareness among individuals also contributes to the vulnerability of systems. Education and training programs need to be implemented to enhance the general understanding of cybersecurity and its importance.To address these challenges, a multi-pronged approach to cybersecurity is required. Firstly, collaboration between governments, businesses, and individuals is crucial for combating cyber threats effectively. Information sharing and cooperation can help identify vulnerabilities and develop proactive measures to mitigate potential risks. Secondly, investing in research and development is essential for staying ahead of cybercriminals. By continuously improving security technologies and tools, organizations can better protect their assets and data. Moreover, fostering cybersecurity education and awareness at all levels is crucial for creating a culture of cyber hygiene. This includes training employees to identify and respond to potential threats and promoting responsible online behavior among individuals.In conclusion, the importance of cybersecurity in today's digital age cannot be overstated. With the ever-increasing reliance on technology, individuals, businesses, and governments must prioritize the protection of sensitive information from cybercrime. While there are challenges to overcome, through collaboration, investment in research and development, and the promotion ofcybersecurity education, it is possible to create a secure digital ecosystem. Only by working together can we ensure the safety and privacy of our digital world.。

- Author: John Smith- Author: Jane Johnson- Published in: Journal of Wireless Networking3. Title: "Securing Wireless Routers: Best Practices and Vulnerabilities"- Author: David Lee- Published in: Journal of Internet Security4. Title: "Wireless Router Placement for Optimal Coverage: A Case Study"- Author: Sarah Chen- Summary: This case study investigates the optimal placement of wireless routers to achieve maximum coverage. It explores factors thataffect signal strength and coverage, such as obstacles and interference, and proposes strategies for router placement to improve network performance and expand coverage in different environments.以上是一些关于无线路由器的中英文外文翻译文献的简要介绍。

1. Kandula, S., Pope, S., Ives, R., & Nichols, K. (2007). Scalable threat-aware forwarding in differentiated services networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 37(3), 59-70.本文讨论了在不同服务网络中对威胁进行可扩展的转发和鉴别的方法。
2. Wang, H., & Jajodia, S. (2008). Data mining for intrusion detection. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 20(8), 1105-1117.该论文介绍了一种基于数据挖掘的入侵检测方法。
3. Sion, R., & Falkner, K. (2007). Toward intrusion prevention as a service. Computer, 40(2), 62-68.该文研究了一种以服务形式提供入侵防范的方法。
4. Somayaji, A., & Forrest, S. (1997). Automated response using system-call arguments. ACM Transactions on Information andSystem Security (TISSEC), 1(4), 262-288.该论文介绍了一种基于系统调用参数的自动响应方法。

网络安全论文参考文献1. Kim, H., Park, S., Han, K., Park, K., & Kim, J. (2016). A survey of Internet of Things security technologies. Future Generation Computer Systems, 56, 684-700.2. Wang, Q., Zhang, M., Zhu, H., & Wan, W. (2017). A survey on security and privacy issues in big data. IEEE Access, 4, 2751-2765.3. Zhang, Y., Yu, C., & Zheng, F. (2017). A comprehensive survey on secure outsourcing of computation in cloud computing. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 22(5), 479-492.4. Li, Y., Yu, S., Zhang, H., & Li, H. (2020). Towards secure on-demand data retrieval in fog computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 103, 492-501.5. Zhou, F., & Fang, X. (2017). Survey on security and privacy in online social networks. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 49(3), 1-37.6. Yuan, X., & Yu, S. (2017). Enabling secure and efficient cloud data deduplication with dynamic ownership management. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 5(2), 229-241.7. Zhu, Y., & Guo, F. (2017). Security and privacy in cyber-physical systems: a survey. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4(5), 1250-1268.8. Chen, R., Liu, X., & Zhang, H. (2018). Privacy-preserving and secure IoT data outsourcing: A survey. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 5(1), 101-115.9. Zhan, J., Song, D., Song, H., Yan, Z., & Yang, Y. (2018). A survey on security and trust of blockchain technology. Future Generation Computer Systems, 82, 134-149.10. Díaz-Verdejo, J., Ortega-Mier, M., López-Guil, J., & Blasco, J. (2019). A systematic review of machine learning techniques for malware detection. Computers & Security, 80, 597-611.。

写一篇关于网络安全的议论文初中生英语作文【中英文版】Network SecurityWith the rapid development of the internet and technology, our lives have become increasingly connected to the online world.However, this also means that we are more vulnerable to网络安全threats.In this essay, I will discuss the importance of network security and ways to protect ourselves from potential risks.First and foremost, network security is crucial because it protects our personal information.黑客can easily access sensitive data such as passwords, credit card information, and social security numbers if we are not cautious.This can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other forms of fraud.Furthermore, malicious software can damage our computers and smartphones, causing inconvenience and potential financial damage.To protect ourselves from these risks, we need to take proactive measures.One of the most basic steps is to use strong, unique passwords for all of our online accounts.We should also enable two-factor authentication when possible to add an extra layer of security.It is also essential to keep our software and operating systems up to date to prevent vulnerabilities from being exploited.Another important aspect of network security is being cautious about the websites we visit and the links we click on.We should avoidvisiting unknown or suspicious websites, as they may contain malware or phishing scams.It is also essential to be cautious when opening email attachments or downloading files from the internet, as they could be infected with viruses.Finally, we should be aware of the potential risks associated with using public Wi-Fi networks.These networks are often unsecured, making it easy for黑客to intercept our data.To mitigate this risk, we should use a virtual private network (VPN) when connecting to public Wi-Fi.We should also avoid conducting sensitive transactions, such as online banking or shopping, while connected to these networks.In conclusion, network security is a critical aspect of our online lives.By taking simple precautions such as using strong passwords, keeping our software up to date, and being cautious about the websites we visit, we can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to网络安全threats.Let us all be more vigilant and take steps to protect our online privacy and security.。

然而,以下是一些关于网络安全的常见参考文献和出版物,你可以自行查找相关资料:1. Anderson, R. (2001). Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems.2. Pfleeger, C. P., & Pfleeger, S. L. (2015). Security in Computing (5th ed.).3. Schneier, B. (2012). Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust That Society Needs to Thrive.4. Shostack, A. (2014). Threat Modeling: Designing for Security.5. Bishop, M. (2003). Computer Security: Art and Science.6. Whitman, M. E., & Mattord, H. J. (2011). Principles of Information Security (4th ed.).7. NIST Special Publication 800-53: Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations.8. ISO/IEC 27001: Information Security Management Systems - Requirements.9. RFC 3552: Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations.10. Symantec Internet Security Threat Report (Annual publication).这些文献和出版物涵盖了各个方面的网络安全,包括基本原理、系统设计、威胁建模、控制措施、安全管理和行业报告等。
网络安全 参考文献

网络安全参考文献网络安全是当今社会中一个非常重要的领域,以下是几篇关于网络安全的参考文献:1. Meyerovich, L. A., & Livshits, B. (2010). Cuts: Static enforcement of security policies for web applications. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 45(6), 23-32.这篇论文介绍了一个静态分析工具Cuts,它可以用于在Web 应用程序中强制执行安全策略,从而提高网络安全性。
2. McFadden, T., & McGrath, M. (2013). Cybersecurity: Public sector threats and responses. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 6(1), 33-48.该研究探讨了公共部门面临的网络安全威胁和应对措施,包括政策制定和安全培训等方面。
3. Liu, C. N., & Chiang, C. C. (2016). A survey of recent advances in intrusion detection systems. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 54, 266-282.此文综述了入侵检测系统的最新进展,包括基于网络流量、机器学习和数据挖掘等技术的应用。
4. Kirda, E., Kruegel, C., & Vigna, G. (2019). An introduction to malware analysis. IEEE Security & Privacy, 17(5), 32-37.这篇文章介绍了恶意软件分析的基本概念和方法,特别关注了静态和动态分析技术。
网络安全 参考文献

以下是一些关于网络安全的参考文献,供参考:1. "Information Security: Principles and Practice" by Mark Stamp 《信息安全原理与实践》马克·斯坦普著这本书是一本经典的网络安全教材,系统介绍了信息安全的基本理论和实践知识,并提供了实际案例和应用。
2. "Network Security: Private Communication in a Public World"by Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, and Mike Speciner《网络安全:公共环境中的私密通信》查理·考夫曼、拉迪亚·佩尔曼、迈克尔·斯佩西纳著这本书介绍了网络安全的基本概念和技术,并深入讨论了一些具体的安全机制和协议。
3. "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation" by Jon Erickson《黑客入门经典》乔恩·埃里克森著这本书介绍了黑客行为的基本原理和技术,它并不是鼓励读者进行非法活动,而是帮助读者了解黑客攻击的方式和方法,以便更好地保护自己的网络安全。
4. "Web Application Hacker's Handbook" by Dafyyd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto《Web应用程序黑客手册》戴维德·斯图塔德、马库斯·平托著这本书是一本关于Web应用程序安全的实用指南,介绍了常见的Web应用程序漏洞和攻击技术,并提供了相关的解决方案和防御策略。

附录一翻译Computer network security and to guard againstAbstract: When mankind entered the 21st century information society, the network society of the time, China will establish a complete set of network security system, especially from the policy and law to establish China's own characteristics, network security system.Key words: computer; network; security; preventIn the information age, information can help groups or individuals so that they benefit from, the same information can also be used to pose a threat to them, caused damage. Therefore network security, including the composition of network hardware, software and network transmission of information security, so that they do not because of accidental or malicious destruction of the attacks, network security not only the technical aspects, but also management issues, both complement each other, are indispensable.First, the concept of computer network securityInternational Organization for Standardization of "computer security" is defined as: "To establish a data processing system and the adoption of technology and management of security protection, the protection of computer hardware, software, data is not due to accidental and malicious destruction of reasons, change and leakage." The above definition of computer security includes physical security and logical security of both the contents of the contents of the logic of security could be understood as we often say that the information security, information refers to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of protection, and network security Information security is the meaning of the extension, that network security is a network of information confidentiality, integrity and availability protection. Computer network security as the specific meaning of the user changes, the user isdifferent on the network security awareness and requirements will be different. From the ordinary user's point of view, could only hope that personal privacy or confidential information transmission on the network be protected against eavesdropping, tampering and forgery; and network provider in addition to care about these network information security, we must also consider how to deal with sudden natural disasters, such as military strikes against the destruction of network hardware, as well as unusual in the network how to restore network communications, and maintain the continuity of network communications.In essence, the network security, including the composition of network hardware, software and network transmission of information security, so that they do not because of accidental or malicious attacks on the destruction of both the technical aspects of network security issues, there are management issues, the two sides complement each other, are indispensable. Man-made network intrusion and attacks makes network security is facing new challenges.Second, computer network security status quoComputer network security is the network hardware, software and data systems are protected from accidental or malicious destruction of reasons, alteration, disclosure, the system continuous, reliable, normal operation of network services without disruption. Computer and network technology has the complexity and diversity, makes computer and network security has become a need to continue to update and improve the area. At present, hackers method has been more than the type of computer virus, and many attacks are fatal. In the Internet network, because the Internet does not have the time and geographical constraints, whenever there is a means to generate new attacks, we can in a week around the world, these attacks means the use of network and system vulnerabilities to attack computer systems and resulting in network paralysis. Worms, backdoor (Back-doors), Rootkits, DOS (DenialofServices) and Sniffer (network monitor) is a familiar means of several hacker attacks. However, none of these attacks means they reflect the astonishing power of today become worse. These types of attacks means the new variant, with previousattacks appeared methods, more intelligent, targeted against Internet-based protocols and operating system level. From the Web process control procedures to the kernel-level Rootlets. Hackers practices escalating renovation, to the user's ability to guard against information security challenge.Third, computer network security precautions1, to strengthen the internal network management and the use of safety awareness among staff, many computer systems commonly used passwords to control access to system resources, which is anti-virus process, the most vulnerable and the most economical methods. Network administrator and terminal operator privileges in accordance with their responsibilities, choose a different password for the application data legitimate operation, to prevent unauthorized users to access the data and the use of network resources.On the network, software installation and management is crucial, it is not only related to network maintenance and management efficiency and quality, but also to the network security. A good antivirus software can be easily installed within minutes to the organization each NT server can also be downloaded and spread to all the purpose of the machine by the network administrator set up and manage to focus, it will work with the operating system and other security is closely linked to become a part of network security management, and automatically provide the best network virus defensive measures. When the computer virus on-line resources applications attack, such as the virus exists in the information-sharing network of media, it is necessary to the security at the gateway, on the network front-end for antivirus.2, network firewall technologyIs a kind of used to strengthen the network access control to prevent the external network users to illegal means to enter the external network through the internal network, access internal network resources and protect the internal network operating environment special for Network Interconnection Devices. It is between two or more networks such as packet transmission link in accordance with a certain degree of security strategy to implement the inspection, to determine whether thenetwork communication between are allowed to, and monitor the network running. Although the firewall is to protect the network from an effective means of hacking, but there are obviously inadequate: through the firewall can not protect against outside attack other means, can not prevent defectors from the inside and inadvertent threats posed by users, but also can not completely prevent the transmission of the virus have been infected with the software or documents, and can not protect against data-driven attacks.3, security encryption technologyEncryption technology for the global e-commerce to provide a guarantee, so that Internet-based electronic trading system has become possible, thus improving the symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption technology is still the mainstream of the 21st century. Symmetric encryption to the conventional password-based technology, computing encryption and decryption operations use the same key. Asymmetric encryption, encryption key that is different from the decryption key, encryption keys are made public, anyone can use, only the decryption key to decrypt people know.4, the network host operating system security and physical security measures Network firewall as the first line of defense and can not fully protect the internal network, must be combined with other measures to improve the safety of the system level. After the firewall is based on the network host operating system security and physical security measures. In accordance with the level from low to high, namely, the physical security of the host system, the core operating system security, system security, application services security and file system security; At the same time, host security checks and bug fixes, as well as a backup safety system as a supplementary safety measures. These constitute the entire network system, the second line of defense, the main part of a breakthrough to prevent the firewall as well as attacks from within. System backup is the last line of defense network system, used to attack after the System Restore. The firewall and host security measures is the overall system security by auditing, intrusion detection and response processor constitute the overall safety inspection and response measures. It from the networksystem firewall, network host or even directly from the network link layer on the extraction of network status information, as input to the intrusion detection subsystem. Intrusion Detection System in accordance with certain rules to determine whether there is any invasion of the incident, if the invasion occurred, the emergency treatment measures, and generate a warning message. Moreover, the system's security audit also can be used as the future consequences of aggressive behavior and to deal with security policy on the system to improve sources of information.In short, network security is a comprehensive issue, involving technology, management, use and many other aspects, including both its own information system security issues, there are physical and logical technical measures, a kind of technology can only solve the problem on the one hand, rather than a panacea. To this end the establishment of a network with Chinese characteristics, security system, the need for national policies and regulations to support and joint research and development group. Security and anti-security like two sides of contradictions, always pick-up, so the security industry is a future with the development of new technologies and the continuous development of industry.计算机网络安全和防范摘要:当人类跨入21世纪的信息社会,网络社会的时候,我国将建立一套完整的网络安全系统,特别是从政策和法律,建立我国自己的特点,网络安全系统。
[英语作文]Cybersecurity网络安全Title: Navigating the Digital Frontier: The Imperative of CybersecurityIn an era where the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, cybersecurity has emerged as a paramount concern. As we increasingly rely on technology for communication, business operations, and data storage, the vulnerabilities and risks associated with cyber threats have also grown exponentially. Cybersecurity refers to the measures and practices designed to protect computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, and networks from malicious attacks, data breaches, and other forms of unauthorized access or damage.The importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. The consequences of security breaches can be catastrophic, ranging from financial loss and identity theft to national security threats and disruptions in critical infrastructure. In the digital age, information is power, and protecting that information is crucial to maintaining individual privacy, corporate competitiveness, and societal stability.There are various types of cyber threats that individuals and organizations must guard against. These include:1. Malware: Software designed to harm or secretly gain access to a computer system, such as viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware.2. Phishing: A social engineering tactic used to trick people into revealing sensitive information, often through fraudulent emails or websites.3. Hacking: Unauthorized access to a computer system with the intent to steal, modify, or destroy data.4. Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks: Overwhelming a system with traffic or requests to make it unavailable to users.5. Ransomware: A type of malware that holds a system's data hostage untila ransom is paid.6. SQL Injection: Attacking vulnerable databases to manipulate or steal data.7. Insider Threats: Compromises originating from within an organization by disgruntled employees or those with ill intent.To combat these threats, it is essential to implement a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity that includes the following strategies:1. Continuous Education and Awareness: Educating users about potential threats and how to identify and respond to them is fundamental in preventing security breaches.2. Strong Authentication: Implementing robust password protocols and multi-factor authentication to verify user identities.3. Regular Software Updates and Patches: Keeping software up-to-date helps to close security gaps exploited by hackers.4. Data Encryption: Encrypting sensitive data to protect it from being read or intercepted by unauthorized parties.5. Firewalls and Antivirus Software: Using firewalls and antivirus software to prevent, detect, and remove malware.6. Network Security: Securing networks with advanced technologies like intrusion detection and prevention systems.7. Incident Response Planning: Having a plan in place to manage and mitigate the impact of a security incident when it occurs.8. Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to relevant laws and standards that govern data protection and privacy.9. Cloud Security: Ensuring that cloud-based services and storage are secure and comply with established security frameworks.10. Risk Assessment and Management: Regularly assessing potential risks and implementing measures to manage and reduce them.Cybersecurity is not a one-time fix; it requires ongoing vigilance and adaptation to the ever-evolving threat landscape. As technology advances, so do the methods of cybercriminals. Therefore, staying informed about the latest trends in cyber threats and updates in cybersecurity measures is crucial for both individuals and organizations alike.In conclusion, cybersecurity is a complex and critical issue that affects every aspect of modern life. It demands a proactive and comprehensive approach to ensure the safety of our digital assets. By prioritizing cybersecurity, wecan better protect our personal information, safeguard our businesses, and maintain the integrity of our society's digital infrastructure. Let us commit to fostering a culture of cyber awareness and resilience to navigate the challenges of the digital frontier securely and confidently.。

1. C. C. Zou, W. H. Dinnerstein, and S. J. Eidenbenz, "A survey of botnet technology and defenses," Communications of the ACM, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 139-147, 2010.2. H. B. Wang, D. P. Fan, and F. C. Li, "A new intrusion detection method based on unsupervised ensemble learning," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 646-655, 2013.3. W. Y. Guo, Y. L. Gao, and G. Li, "A survey of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and defense mechanisms," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 11, no. 6, 2015.4. G. Noubir, "Data privacy in the Internet of Things," Computer, vol. 48, no. 9, pp. 68-72, 2015.5. A. Alrawais, B. Kolodziej, and A. M. Alhothaily, "Securing data storage in cloud computing," Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 82, pp. 583-592, 2018.6. Z. L. Yang and K. L. Wu, "Email spam classification based on ensemble methods," Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40, no. 17, pp. 6851-6865, 2013.7. Y. G. Li, G. M. Yang, and J. Yu, "Securing cloud data under key exposure: A game theoretic approach," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1122-1133, 2017.8. R. E. Bace and P. Mell, "NIST special publication on revising the 1995 security evaluation standards: What changed," Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 2008.9. S. Sezer et al., "Are we ready for SDN? Implementation challenges for software-defined networks," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 364-369, 2013.10. Y. X. Li, Z. Wang, and W. X. Zhou, "Botnet detection and defense using network traffic analysis techniques: A survey," IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 905-927, 2017.以上文献仅为例子,网络安全领域的研究内容广泛,读者可以根据自身研究方向和需求进行选择和搜索。
网络安全论文 参考文献

网络安全论文参考文献网络安全论文参考文献:1. AlAhmad, A., Mannai, N., Alnuaimi, A., & Ammar, M. (2018).A comprehensive review of cyber security risks and defenses in healthcare systems. Journal of Medical Systems, 42(7), 121.2. Arora, R., Sardana, S., & Singh, G. (2017). Internet of things (IoT) and its impact on supply chain: A framework for proactive identification and mitigation of risks. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(6), 913-935.3. Choo, K. K. R., & Jian, W. (2018). Cyber risk management for Internet of Things under uncertainty: A multi-criteria decision making method. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(2), 279-297.4. Gupta, A., Kapoor, S., Akhtar, M. S., Singh, P., & Jain, A. K. (2017). A review on cloud computing and IoT based cyber physical system to ensure security. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 59, 91-106.5. Martinez, L., Liu, C., & Stephens, S. (2017). Big data analytics and security in smart cities. IEEE Access, 5, 2679-2692.6. Nithya, K., & Geetha, K. (2017). A survey on cyber security issues, challenges and emerging technologies. Procedia Computer Science, 115, 348-355.7. Perera, C., Zaslavsky, A. B., Christen, P., & Georgakopoulos, D. (2014). Context aware computing for the Internet of Things: Asurvey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(1), 414-454.8. Pervaiz, Z., Saeed, A., Shetty, S., Khan, Z. A., & Rodrigues, J. J. P. C. (2019). Machine learning for wireless sensor networks security: State-of-the-art and future directions. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 21(3), 2742-2773.9. Siddiqui, Z., Khattak, A. M., & Salah, K. (2020). Blockchain in internet of things: Challenges and solutions. Future Generation Computer Systems, 112, 906-925.10. Singh, D., Lal, S., Garg, D., & Kumar, N. (2020). A comprehensive study on security challenges and solution approaches in IoT and cloud integrated environment. Future Generation Computer Systems, 103, 449-467.。

网络安全参考文献1. [1] Gursimran Kaur, Sukhjit Singh. (2020). "An Improved Network Security using Firewalls and IDS/IPS". International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE).2. [2] Lubaina Rashid S. M., K. Murali, A. Sreekanth, V. Sowmya Vani. (2019). "Enhancing Network Security using Machine Learning Algorithms". International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE).3. [3] Yin Yang, Muyi Li, Wenjie Wang, Heng Zhang. (2020). "Security testing of web applications based on artificial intelligence". International Journal of Advanced Computer Research (IJACR).4. [4] S. Ramapriya, S. Uma Maheswari, J. Premkumar. (2019). "An Improved Defense Mechanism for Network Security". International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJEAT).5. [5] V. Lalithasree, K. Subashini, V. N. Nagaveni. (2019). "A Survey on Network Security Techniques and Cryptography". International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT).6. [6] Hualiang Zhang, Yanan Sun, Chunqing Wu, Xiaodong Lin, Chenglin Zhao. (2021). "Research on Network Security Situation Awareness Technology Based on Machine Learning". Wireless Personal Communications.7. [7] W. Zhang, Z. Feng, L. Lv, H. Li. (2019). "An ImprovedNetwork Security Intrusion Detection Method Based on Sequence Mining". Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (CSAI).8. [8] Zuyuan Fang, Tingting Zhang, Dingyi Fang, Weiwei Yu, Zhibo Wu. (2021). "A Secure Network Coding Key Distribution Scheme Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption". Journal of Communications and Networks.Please note that the numbering in brackets is added for reference purposes only.。

网络安全外文翻译文献Title: Internet Security: A Review of Current and Future ChallengesThe internet has become an integral part of modern life, connecting people across the globe, enabling commerce, and driving innovation. However, with the increasing interconnectedness of our digital world comes a growing need for internet security. This article provides a review of current internet security challenges and explores the emerging threats and trends we can expect to see in the future.1、Current ChallengesThe primary challenge with internet security lies in the ever-changing nature of cyber threats. Hackers, nation-states, and cybercriminals are constantly developing new tools and techniques to bypass security measures and steal sensitive information. Ransomware, phishing, and identity theft are just a few examples of the common threats we see today.Another major challenge is the lack of cybersecurity personnel. According to the 2022 Global Information Security Survey, 53% of organizations reported a shortage of cybersecurity staff.This shortage makes it difficult to stay ahead of the constantly evolving threat landscape.2、Future Threats and TrendsAs technology advances, we can expect to see an increase in the complexity and severity of cyber threats. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will play a larger role in both offensive and defensive cyber operations.AI-powered autonomous hacking machines capable of launching sophisticated attacks or identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities are just one example of the emerging threats we may face.The internet of things (IoT) will also present new challenges. As our physical devices become increasingly connected to the internet, they become potential targets for cybercriminals. IoT devices are often viewed as low-hanging fruit, as many of them have poor security protocols, making them easy prey for hackers.3、Solutions and RecommendationsTo stay ahead of internet security threats, organizations must prioritize investing in cybersecurity personnel andtechnologies. Regular software updates, strong password policies, and robust network firewalls are essential building blocks of any cybersecurity strategy.Organizations should also prioritize implementing AI andML-based security solutions. These technologies can help identify and prevent emerging threats by analyzing vast amounts of data and detecting patterns typical of malicious activity. Furthermore, IoT device manufacturers must prioritize building security into their products from the outset. This includes implementing strong encryption methods, updating software regularly, and providing customers with easy-to-use security features.In conclusion, the internet remns a crucial element of modern life, but with the ever-growing complexity and severity of cyber threats, internet security must be a top priority. By investing in cybersecurity personnel and technologies, implementing and ML-based security solutions, and prioritizing IoT device security, organizations can better protect themselves agnst the ever-changing threat landscape.。

英文原文Wireless SecurityRichard BarberRichard Barber, group technical advisor of Articon-Integralis looks, at the evolution of tele- anddata-communications systems and assesses the potential advantages for mobile security offered by technologies like BluetoothSecurityToday's wireless world means that data is being sent, among us, invisibly from device to device, country to country, person to person. This data, in the form of e-mails, photos, contacts and addresses are precious and private to each of us. This private information, no longer making its way along wires in plain sight, needs to be sent securely to its intended recipient without interception. Wireless standards the world over are evolving and have various formats for dealing with the security issues of its users. Bluetooth wireless technology is no exception.Bluetooth wireless technology has, from its inception, put great emphasis on wireless security so that users of this global standard can feel secure while making their connections. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), made up of over 4000 member manufacturers, has a Bluetooth security experts group made up of engineers from its member companies who provide critical security information and feedback that is taken into account as the Bluetooth wireless specification evolves.Product developers that use Bluetooth wireless technology in their products have several options for implementing security. There are three modes of security for Bluetooth access between two devices.Security Mode 1: non-secureSecurity Mode 2: service level enforced securitySecurity Mode 3: link level enforced securityThe manufacturer of each product determines these security modes. Devices and services also have different security levels. For devices, there are two levels: "trusted device" and "untrusted device." A trusted device, having been paired with one's other device, has unrestricted access to all services. With regard to services, three security levels are defined: services that require authorization and authentication, services that require authentication only and services that are open to all devices.Lately, confusion and misinformation surrounding security and Bluetooth wireless technology has increased. The current security issues typically involve mobile phones. How these issues apply to other classes of devices is important and is often not addressed. The encryption algorithm in the Bluetooth specifications is secure. This includes devices such as mice and keyboards connecting to a PC, a mobile phone synchronizing with a PC, and a PDA using a mobile phone as a modem to name just a few of the many use cases.Cases where data has been compromised on mobile phones are the result of implementation issues on that platform. The Bluetooth SIG diligently works with our members to investigate any issues that are reported to understand the root cause of the issue. If it is a specification issue, we work with the membership to get patches out and ensure future devices don't suffer from the same vulnerability. This is an on-going process. The recently reported issues of advanced "hackers" gaining access to information stored on select mobile phones using Bluetooth functionality are due to incorrect implementation. The names bluesnarfing and bluebugging have been given to these methods of illegal and improper access to information. The questions and answers below provide users with more information about these current issues and will address their concerns for dealing with these security risks. What is bluejacking?Bluejacking allows phone users to send business cards anonymously using Bluetooth wireless technology. Bluejacking does NOT involve the removal or alteration of any data from the device. These business cards often have a clever or flirtatious message rather than the typical name and phone number. Bluejackers often look for the receiving phone to ping orthe user to react. They then send another, more personal message to that device. Once again, in order to carry out a bluejacking, the sending and receiving devices must be within 10 meters of one another. Phone owners who receive bluejack messages should refuse to add the contacts to their address book. Devices that are set in non-discoverable mode are not susceptible to bluejacking.What is bluebugging?Bluebugging allows skilled individuals to access the mobile phone commands using Bluetooth wireless technology without notifying or alerting the phone’s user. This vulnerability allows the hacker to initiate phone calls, send and receive text messages, read and write phonebook contacts, eavesdrop on phone conversations, and connect to the Internet. As with all the attacks, without specialized equipment, the hacker must be within a 10 meter range of the phone. This is a separate vulnerability from bluesnarfing and does not affect all of the same phones as bluesnarfing.What is bluesnarfing?Bluesnarfing allows hackers to gain access to data stored on a Bluetooth enabled phone using Bluetooth wireless technology without alerting the phone’s user of the connection made to the device. The information that can be accessed in this manner includes the phonebook and associated images, calendar, and IMEI (international mobile equipment identity). By setting the device in non-discoverable, it becomes significantly more difficult to find and attack the device. Without specialized equipment the hacker must be within a 10 meter range of the device while running a device with specialized software. Only specific older Bluetooth enabled phones are susceptible to bluesnarfing.What are phone manufacturers doing to address the situation?Both Nokia and Sony Ericsson have developed software upgrades for phones vulnerable to bluesnarfing and bluebugging. Both companies have also worked hard to make sure new phones coming to market will not be susceptible to these attacks. For more information on how users can obtain applicable software upgrades for their phones, visit the websites of Sony Ericsson and Nokia.What is Car Whisperer?The car whisperer is a software tool developed by security researchers to connect to and send or receive audio to and from Bluetooth car-kits with a specific implementation. An individual using the tool could potentially remotely connect to and communicate with a car from an unauthorized remote device, sending audio to the speakers and receiving audio from the microphone in the remote device. Without specialized equipment, someone using the tool must be within a 10 meter range of the targeted car while running a laptop with the car whisperer tool. The security researchers’ goal was to highlight an implementation weakness in a select number of Bluetooth enabled car-kits and pressure manufacturers to better secure Bluetooth enabled devices.How can I tell if my car kit or car is vulnerable to the car whisperer?To be accessed by the car whisperer tool, the car-kit needs to be continuously in pairing mode, have a standard fixed four digit PIN code and not be connected to a phone. If a user consistently has a phone paired with the car kit, an unauthorized device cannot connect to the car kit. Concerned individuals, whose car kits are continuously in pairing mode and have a standard fixed four digit PIN code (i.e. 0000 or 1234), should contact the manufacturer directly for more information on the vulnerability of their devices and to obtain applicable software upgrades for their car-kits.Is Bluetooth wireless technology susceptible to hackers in other ways?Currently, the attacks listed on this page are the only known possibilities for hacking into a limited amount of products on the market, if appropriate measures are taken such as having security turned on and using reasonably long PIN codes or pairing devices in private. The Bluetooth SIG continues to study security risks associated with the technology and determine their viability as the technology spreads and develops.What can consumers do to protect their data?Consumers can do a number of things to protect their data. If users have a phone that is vulnerable to bluesnarfing or bluebugging, they should contact the phone's manufacturer or take the phone to a manufacturer authorized service point. The manufacturers of the vulnerable devices have developed software patches to fix the vulnerability. In addition, if users are still concerned about a device being targeted, they can turn the device tonon-discoverable mode when not using Bluetooth wireless technology and in unknown areas. Users can also ensure their data is secure by not "pairing" with unknown devices. If a user were to receive an invitation to pair with another device, and asked to put in a PIN code, but was unsure of what device was inviting to pair, the user should not pair. Only pair with known devices.What is the cabir worm? Which devices does the cabir worm affect?The cabir worm is malicious software, also known as malware. When installed on a phone, it uses Bluetooth technology to send itself to other similarly vulnerable devices. Due to this self-replicating behavior, it is classified as a worm. The cabir worm currently only affects mobile phones that use the Symbian series 60 user interface platform and feature Bluetooth wireless technology. Furthermore, the user has to manually accept the worm and install the malware in order to infect the phone. More information on the cabir worm is available from the software licensing company Symbian and on the websites of F-Secure, McAfee and Symantec.How does a PIN affect security?The personal identification number (PIN) is a four or more digit alphanumeric code that is temporarily associated with one's products for the purposes of a one time secure pairing. It is recommended that users employ at minimum an eight character or more alphanumeric PIN when possible. Product owners must share that PIN number only with trusted individuals and trusted products for pairing. Without this PIN number, pairing cannot occur. It is always advisable to pair products in areas with relative privacy. Avoid pairing your Bluetooth enabled devices in public. If, for some reason, your devices become unpaired, wait until you are in a secure, private location before repairing your devices.Do I need to remember my PIN?No. It is not necessary to remember your PIN except in the seldom situation when the PIN is a fixed PIN - in which case simply retaining the user manual, with given PIN, for future reference is advisable.Why does pairing in a public location potentially introduce a security risk?Theoretically a hacker can monitor and record activities in the frequency spectrum and then use a computer to regenerate the PIN codes being exchanged. This requires specially built hardware and thorough knowledge of Bluetooth systems. By using a PIN code with eight or more alphanumeric characters it would take the hacker years to discover the PIN. By using a four digit numeric PIN code, the hacker could discover the PIN in a matter of a few hours. Still advanced software is required.Is this a real risk to Bluetooth enabled devices?Bluetooth devices generate a secure connection by means of the initial pairing process. During this process one or both devices need a PIN code to be entered, which is used by internal algorithms to generate a secure key, which is then used to authenticate the devices whenever they connect in the future.A new academic paper puts forward a theoretical process that could potentially "guess" the security settings on a pair of Bluetooth devices. To do this the attacking device would need to listen in to the initial one-time pairing process. From this point it can use an algorithm to guess the security key and masquerade as the other Bluetooth device. What is new in this paper is an approach that forces a new pairing sequence to be conducted between the two devices and an improved method of performing the guessing process, which brings the time down significantly from previous attacks.To perform this hack, it is necessary for the attacker to overhear the initial pairing process, which normally only happens once in a private environment and takes a fraction of a second. The authors have put forward some possible methods to try and force a deletion of the security key in one of the two Bluetooth devices, and hence initiate a new pairing process, which they could then listen in to. To do this, they need to masquerade as the second device during a connection. The equipment needed for this process is very expensive and usually used by developers only. If this process succeeds the user will see a message on their device that asks them to re-enter a PIN code. If they do this while the attacker is present, and the PIN code they enter is sufficiently short, then the attack could theoretically succeed.If the PIN key that has been used consists of only four numeric characters, a fast PC can calculate the security key in less than one tenth of a second. As the PIN key gets longer, thetime to crack the security code gets longer and longer. At eight alphanumeric characters it could take over one hundred years to calculate the PIN making this crack nearly impossible.This is an academic analysis of Bluetooth security. What this analysis outlines is possible, but it is highly unlikely for a normal user to ever encounter such an attack. The attack also relies on a degree of user gullibility, so understanding the Bluetooth pairing process is an important defense.Can the SIG guarantee me that all of my future Bluetooth products will be secure?Absolute security can never be totally guaranteed - in technology or otherwise. Security is an ongoing and important effort for any technology. The Bluetooth SIG has made security a high priority from day one with security algorithms that to date have proven adequate. In the roadmap for the advancement of Bluetooth wireless technology, the Bluetooth SIG published security and privacy enhancements. These enhancements to the specification further strengthen the pairing process and ensure privacy after a connection is established. We are continuing with our work in this area, trying to always stay a step ahead of people trying to hack into devices.What is denial of service (DoS)?The well known denial of service (DoS) attack, which has been most popular for attacking internet web sites and networks, is now an option for hackers of Bluetooth wireless technology enabled devices. This nuisance is neither original nor ingenious and is, very simply, a constant request for response from a hacker’s Bluetooth enabled computer (with specific software) to another Bluetooth enabled device such that it causes some temporary battery degradation in the receiving device. While occupying the Bluetooth link with invalid communication requests, the hacker can temporarily disable the product’s Bluetooth services. Can a hacker get access to my devices data or content with DoS?The DoS attack only offers the hacker the satisfaction of temporary annoyance, but does not allow for access to the device’s data or services – no information residing on the receiving device can be used or stolen by the attacker.What devices are vulnerable to attacks, and what is the Bluetooth SIG doing about it?DoS attacks can be performed on any discoverable Bluetooth enabled device but in some cases, advanced hackers can determine the address of a non-discoverable Bluetooth device. The Bluetooth SIG takes all security issues seriously, and we constantly work to make the specification more secure. Therefore, future Bluetooth core specifications are planned to include features that will make it impossible to penetrate non-discoverable devices. There are also ways for manufacturers to reduce the risk of DoS attacks at the implementation level of Bluetooth wireless technology.What is the risk of being on the receiving end of a DoS attack?To date, DoS attacks on Bluetooth devices have only been conducted in laboratory tests. The risk of an attempted DoS attack should be considered minimal given the requirements and the normally short range of Bluetooth wireless technology.中文译文无线安全作者:理查Articon-Integralis的技术顾问理查,在一个关于通信系统安全性的会议中,提出的蓝牙安全性的文章。
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文献信息作者: Abiona, Olatunde; Oluwaranti, Adeniran;出版物名称: International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences卷: 6;期: 10;页: 443-450;年份: 2015ISSN: 19133723Wireless Network Security: The Mobile Agent ApproachAbiona, Olatunde; Oluwaranti, Adeniran;ABSTRACTThe broadcast nature of wireless network makes traditional link-layer attacks readily available to anyone within the range of the network. User authentication is best safeguard against the risk of unauthorized access to the wireless net-works. The present 802.1× authentication scheme has some flaws, making mutual authentication impossible and open to man-in-the-middle attacks. These characteristics make traditional cryptographic mechanism provide weak security for the wireless environment. We have proposed the use of mobile agents to provide dependable Internet services delivery to users, this will guarantee secure authentication in wireless networks and we examine the feasibility of our solution and propose a model for wireless network security.Keywords: Wireless Network Security; Mobile Agent; Authentication1. IntroductionWireless networks has been experiencing an explosive growth similar to the Internet, this is due largely to the attractive flexibility enjoyed by both users and service provider. Some of the benefits are: network coverage without the cost of deploying and maintaining wires, mobility support and roaming which grant the users "anytime", anywhere access to network. While the emer- gence of these new technologies can enable truly ubiqui- tous Internet access, it also raises issues with the de- pendability of the Internet service delivered to users. Ba- sically Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) can oper- ate in two modes, the infrastructure based and the ad hoc networks. Many organizations are deploying the infra-structure based wireless network to provide connectivity to places difficult to reach by cabling, to complement the existing wired networks. A lot of attention has been given to the provision of these wireless network solutions, but little attention has been given to the provision of adequate security for the emerging wireless networks making these networks prone to traditional link-layer attacks readily available to anyone within the range of the wireless network.Wireless network security is more concentrated and complex than security of wired networks because wire- less is broadcast in nature, making it possible for anyone within the range of a wireless device to intercept the packets sent without interrupting the flow of data be- tween the wireless device and the access point. User au- thentication is the best safeguard against the risk of un- authorized access to the wireless network. The security features for mobile communication system include: con- fidentiality on the air interface, anonymity of the user and, most importantly, authentication of the user to the system in order to prevent fraudulent use of the system [1]. Wireless network security is different from wired network security primarily because it gives potential at-tackers easy transport medium access. This access sig- nificantly increases the threat that any security architect- ture must address. Unfortunately, the early IEEE 802.11 standards failed to account for it [2]. Hence the security schemes in wired network can not be used directly in wireless network.A typical wireless infrastructure network consists of a wireless device known as a stations (STAs) communi-cating with a centralized stationary Access Point (AP) over a wireless channel. Security threats against the wired network are equally applicable to the wireless net- works, but the wireless networks suffer a number of ad- ditional vulnerabilities that make it more challenging to secure [3].* Open wireless medium: The security threats of mes- sage eavesdropping and injection are universal in any network; however, they are more severe in wireless networks due to open wireless medium.* Limited bandwidth: Wireless networks are particu- larly vulnerable to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and in-band signaling.* System Complexity: Wireless networks are far more complex than the wired networks due to the special needs for mobility support and efficient channel uti- lization.Mobile Agent (MA) is an effective paradigm for dis- tributed applications and is particularly attractive in a dynamic network environment involving partially con- nected computing elements. MA is defined as a software component which is either a thread or a code carrying its execution state to perform the network function or an application [4]. MA can act as a middleware and perform network and other application related functions based on the underlying infrastructure: fixed wired networks, wireless cellular network or mobile ad hoc network [4]. MA paradigm is an emerging technology for developing applications in open, distributed and heterogeneous en- vironment like the Internet. Agents have the ability to decide autonomously where to migrate to after they are dispatched. MA technology offers several advantages in many application areas, such as e-commerce, mobile computing, network management and information re- trieval [4]. MAs are designed to execute locally on data at their destination, thus reducing network traffic and latency. Furthermore, MA asynchronous interaction can provide efficient solution in the case of unreliable and low bandwidth connection, to support mobile users that could disconnect while their agent still roam in the net- work. However, security is a major technical obstacle to wider acceptance and is of fundamental concern for mo- bile agent based system [4]. We explore the possibilities of using MAs for the provisioning of dependable Internet services delivery that meets the user's requirement in terms of security, by providing secure authentication in wireless networks.The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents security challenges in wireless network. Sec- tion 3 presents wireless network security approaches. In Section 4, mobile agents and wireless network were dis-cussed. In Section 5, mobile agents and security were dis- cussed. In Section 6, mobile agent authentication scheme was discussed and the paper finally concluded in Section 7.2. Security Challenges in Wireless NetworksSecuring wireless networks posses unique challenges compared to a wired network due to the open nature of the access medium. In general, wireless networks suffer from security threats of wired networks and additional vulnerabilities making it more challenging to secure. Wireless network security is different from wired net-work security primarily because it gives potential attack-ers easy transport medium access. Hence the security schemes in wired network can not be used directly in wireless network. The fact that data are being broadcast via radio waves rather than transmitted over a wire in-troduces security challenges namely: * How can you prevent user credentials from being hijacked during authentication negotiation?* Once authentication is complete, how can you protect the privacy of the data being transmitted between cli-ent and access point? And finally,* How can you make sure the authorized user connects to the right network?The concerns are that of authentication, data confiden-tiality and privacy, data integrity, availability and rogue access point.Authentication-Most password-based protocols in use today rely on a hash of the password with a random chal-lenge. The server issues a challenge, the client hashes that challenge with the password and forwards a response to the server, and the server validates that response against the user's password retrieved from its database. Legacy password protocols are easily subjected to eaves- dropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. An eavesdrop-ping attacker can easily mount a dictionary attack against such password protocols. A man-in-the-middle attacker can pass through the entire authentication, and then hi-jack the connection and act as the user.Data Privacy-Another concern is the security of the wireless data connection between the client and access point subsequent to authentication. While client and ac- cess point could easily negotiate keys subsequent to au- thentication, if the keys are not cryptographically related prior to the authentication, the data session would be subject to a man-in-the-middle attack. Therefore it is incumbent upon the authentication negotiation to result in keys that may be distributed to both client and access point to allow the subsequent data connection to be en- crypted.Rogue Access Point-A final security challenge results from the possibility that someone could install a WLAN access point and network and fool your user into doing work on that network. Rogue access points are those in- stalled by users without coordinating with IT unit. Be-cause access points are inexpensive and easy to install, rogue installations are becoming more common.Limited Bandwidth-The networks that connect hand-held wireless devices such as phones and Personal Digi-tal Assistants (PDAs) suffer from low bandwidth and high incidence of network errors. Mobility can also result in the loss or degradation of wireless connections [5]. Limited communication bandwidth may also be a target for malicious attacks such as DoS attack. To implement such attack, the malicious node may send vicious queries flooding to target nodes to consume the bandwidth and occupy the shared wireless media, making the network services unavailable to other nodes [4]. Apart from the limitation in bandwidth constraint, each node in a wire-less communication and mobile computing has limited transmission range and limited power supply.System Complexity-Wireless networks are far more complex than the wired networks due to the special needs for mobility support and efficient channel utilization. It should be noted that each complexity in the system, adds additional security vulnerability to the wireless networks especially for systems with large user population and complex infrastructure [3].3. Wireless Network Security ApproachesThe Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol [3] was the first link-layer security mechanism introduced in 802.11 to provide a security level compared to that of with a physical wire. Unfortunately it is also fairly inse-cure. Hackers can easily find out the password and then do anything they want with your network. The software for doing this is widely available. Unfortunately, several security flaws in WEP were soon identified, which can be exploited to defeat its security goals [6].The Wi-Fi alliance, a non-profit international associa-tion formed in 1999 to certify interoperability of WLANs, developed the Wi-Fi protected access (WPA) to enhance security level [7]. WPA addressed most of the security threats not resolved by WEP. WPA applies stronger network access control, supports better security technol-ogy, and enforces data integrity. However, WPA has some security flaws similar to WEP which poses addi-tional threat and concerns namely:* Encryption weakness-WPA suffer from encryption weakness making it possible for data tampering and masquerading attacks.* Poor performance-Due to intensive computation of authentication and encryption, data transfer and com- munication speeds drops.The IEEE 802.11i provides the highest level of secu-rity for the wireless networks by eliminating most of the security flaws in WEP and WPA and providing 128bit encryption security for wireless networks. However there is deterioration in performance as the network runs scripts to perform security checks and encryption. The major difference between WPA and IEEE 802.11i (also known as WPA2) is that WPA uses the temporal key integrity for confidentiality and MICHAEL for data in-tegrity [3]. One major concern in the design of Michael is to reduce the computation overhead which resulted in its weak defense against message forgery. The IEEE 802.11i wireless security standards consist of three major com-ponents namely:* Temporal Key Integrity (TKIP)* Counter mode Cipher Block Chaining with Message Authentication Code (counter mode CBC-MAC) and * 802.1× port based authentication for wireless client access control.The IEEE 802.1× employs the Extensible Authentica-tion Protocol EAP [8] over Local Area Network (LAN) called the EAPoL. The EAP is a transport framework that runs over link layer protocol and also has support for multiple authentication mechanism. The EAP framework is based on request and response. The IEEE 802.1× has three majorcomponents namely:* Supplicant-client card,* Authenticator-access point and* Authentication server.The supplicant is a station wishing to have access to the network, an authenticator, acting as a bridge between the supplicant and the authentication server. The Remote Authentication Dial in Service (RADIUS) protocol con-tains mechanism for per packet authenticity and integrity verification between AP and the RADIUS server [8]. EAP authentication begins with the authenticator sending an identity request to the supplicant. The identity re-sponse provided by the supplicant is sent from the au-thenticator to the authentication server. The authentica-tion server determines the success or failure of the sup-plicant's request for authentication. Although the use of 802.1× is recommended for authentication, neither WPA nor WPA2 provided mutual authentication. Secondly the EAP is susceptible to Man-in-the-middle attack, since an attacker could forge success message from authenticator to supplicant [8]. The use of MA technology could pro- vide a solution for mutual authentication and man-in- the-middle attack through the use of certificates and en- cryption of the MA.4. Mobile Agents and Wireless NetworkThe concept of MA is different from Remote Procedure Calling (RPC), in that the RPC paradigm viewscom- puter-to-computer communication as enabling one com- puter to call procedures in another computer across the network [9]. Each message that the network transport either request or acknowledge a procedure's performance. E.g. a request includes data that are the procedure's ar- gument, consequently the response include data that are its results. Figure 1 shows the RPC concept.An alternative to remote procedure calling is Remote Programming (RP). The RP paradigm views computer- to-computer communication as enabling one computer not only to call procedures in another computer, but also to supply the procedure to be performed [9]. The only message that the network transport is composed of, a procedure that the receiving computer is to perform and the data that are its arguments. Such procedure calls are local rather than remote. The procedure and the state are termed a mobile agent. Figure 2 shows the Remote Pro-gramming paradigm.The advantage of remote programming is that a user computer and a server can interact without using the network once the network has transported an agent be-tween them. Thus ongoing interaction does not require ongoing communication, leading to improved perform-ance and better customization of functionality.(完整文献请见百度文库)MAs are programs that can migrate from one host to another in a network or at times to any host of their choice making them autonomous.Wireless networks are characterized by the ability of the client or station to move freely at will, this movement has impact on the security of the network. The security implementation based on trust is confronted with great challenges and the static security mechanisms are not applicable in a dynamic environment. The mobility of clients may cause frequent breaks in the link resulting in data loss since the station can join and leave the network without prior notice. This implies that the connections between the client and the server may not be guaranteed at all times in the communication. This intermittent transmission has great impact on the information com- munication in wireless networks which may affect appli- cations and security implementation. The mobile nodes in a wireless network could range from laptops, PDA to cellular phones. These devices are battery powered and the battery life time becomes crucial for wireless com- munication and mobile computing. Wireless networks also suffer from limited communication bandwidth; this may be a target for malicious attacks such as DoS at- tacks.Several benefits and advantages of using mobile code and mobile agent computing paradigms have been out- lined in [10]. These include:* Overcoming network latency* Reduced network load* Asynchronous and autonomous execution* Adapting dynamically* Encapsulating protocols* Operation in heterogeneous environment* Secure brokering* Robust and fault-tolerant* Well suited for e-commerce* Can operate as personal assistant* Distributed information retrieval* Telecommunication network services* Monitoring and notification* Information dissemination and* Parallel processing.Considering the many advantages offered by MA, a major technical obstacle to a wider acceptance of the MA paradigm is security. Both agents and execution envi-ronments are prone to unwanted attacks and require ap-propriate protection mechanism. Some efforts at im-proving MA security include: Java sandboxes, type safe languages, software fault isolation and secure and open mobile agent (SOMA) [11].By employing mobile agents, such mobile devices could provide a reliable technology for message transport over the wireless link. MAs are inherently distributed software entities that reduce the load on the network when they move. In addition they support disconnected operations since they continue to execute after they move, even if they lose network connectivity with their dis- patcher [5]. MAs can be employed in wireless mobile devices in two ways: An agent platform could be in- stalled on the devices, enabling MAs to run directly on them, or mobile devices could access and use remote MAs running on a wired network.5. Mobile Agents and SecurityMA security can be considered using a simple model consisting of an agent and the agent platform. An agent is comprised of the code and the state information for car-rying out some computation, mobility enables the agent to move among agent platform and the agent platform provides the computational environment for the agent to operate. The platform from which the agent was dis- patched is known as the home platform, this is the most trusted environment for an agent. An agent system model is shown in Figure 3. One or more hosts may comprise an agent platform, and an agent platform may support multiple computational environments or meeting places, where agents can interact.Mobile agents moving around the network are not safe. There are four known threat MA, namely: The Agent- to-Host, Agent-to-Agent, Host-to-Agent, Other-to-Agent Host attacks are the kinds of security attacks that are possible in a Mobile Agent System [12].5.1. Protecting the Agent PlatformA major concern with agent system implementation is to ensure that agents are not able to interfere with one an-other or with the agent platform. Some techniques used for protecting agent platforms are described in detail in [12]. This includes:* Software-based fault isolation (sandboxes)* Safe code interpretation* Signed code* State appraisal* Path Histories and* Proof Carrying codeAnother technique proposed in [13] replaced the Trusted Processing Environment (TPE) by a software machine called Secure Virtual Machine (SVM). The SVM is a software layer installed between the operating system and the agent environments. The platforms to be visited by the agent must have a certified SVM. On a platform, SVM receive an agent and creates an instance of SVM to execute only this agent in an allocated mem-ory space called closed environment. Finally, before mi-gration, the agent will be associated with a signed stamp that contains the actual platform time and the next plat-form time.5.2. Protecting AgentsWhile countermeasures directed towards platform pro- tection emphasizes active preventive measures, counter- measures directed towards agent protection tend towards detection measures as a deterrent. Once an agent arrives at a platform, little can be done to stop the platform from treating the agent in any manner. The problem is usually referred to as the malicious platform problem. Some techniques used for protecting agents are described in detail in [12]. This includes:* Contractual agreements* Trusted hardware* Trusted nodes* Mutual itinerary recording* Execution Tracing* Environment key generation* Co-operating agents* Encrypted payload* Computing with encrypted functions* Undetachable signatures* Obfuscated codeSo far, there are no known techniques for an attacker to reverse engineer an agent's code.6. Mobile Agent Athentication SchemeThe provisioning of dependable Internet service delivery that meets the user's requirement in terms of security requires strong access control. In order to protect the wireless networks from parking lot attackers, strong ac-cess control ideally on per packet basis must be enforced. Furthermore, mutual authentication should also be per-formed, since access points are untrusted entities from the supplicant's point of view. User authentication is best safeguard against the risk of unauthorized access to the wireless networks. However, one emerging technology could be much more adaptive than others in such envi-ronment. This technology is the mobile agent. We ex-plore the feasibility of the Mobile Agent approach in our solution to the security problem inherent in IEEE 802.1× authentication and key management.The MA paradigm is an emerging technology for de-veloping applications in an open, distributed and hetero-geneous environment. MAs are programs that can mi-grate from host to host in a network, sometimes they mi-grate to places of their choice. The state of the running program is saved, transported to the new host, restored, and execution continues from where it leftoff. Agents are software which represents the behavior ofthe users in the world of computer network. Some MA characteristics are as follows [14]:* Reactive* Autonomous* Object-oriented* Mobile* Learning* BelievableSome examples of mobile agents are; Aglets, Voyager, Odyssey, Concordia, ARA, Mole, Agent TCL, TA-COMA and SHIP-MAI. The four commonly used appli-cation environment for MAs are Aglets, Voyager, Odys-sey, and Concordia [14].MAs are small in size, they do not constitute a com-plete application by themselves, but rather they form an application by working in conjunction with an agent platform and other agents. Areas of concern in wireless network security include:* Authentication* Integrity and* ConfidentialityOur focus is on authentication in wireless infrastruc-ture network and we explore the feasibility of mobile agents as a solution to the inherent security problem of IEEE 802.1× authenticat ion and key management. The following describe in detail Mobile Agent Wireless Au-thentication Architecture (MAWAA).6.1. Security Model for the SchemeThe proposed security model is based on the IEEE 802.1× authentication protocol setup, involving the fol-lowing three components [15]:* Supplicant* Authenticator and* Authentication server.Below we describe some of the abbreviations used in this paper. The security framework comprises of the fol-lowing:* Supplicant Platform* Supplicant Mobile Agent (SMA)* Supplicant Mobile Agent with Certificate (SMA Cert)* Authenticator (Access Point)* Authentication Server Platform* Authentication Server Static Agent with certificate (ASSA Cert)* Mobile Agent Wireless Authentication Architecture (MAWAA)The mobile agent interaction model is shown in Fig- ure 4. This model shows client/server communicationand mobile agent communication. The mobile agent rep- resent the client, carrying authentication details of the client and using this detail to authenticate the client to the server by exchanging request and response with the server. Figure 5 shows a generic mobile agent frame- work, with agent manager, event manager, security manager and persistent manager.The proposed mobile agent wireless authentication Architecture is shown in Figure 6. Agent platforms are installed on both the supplicant and the authentication server; this will enable MA to run directly on them. When a supplicant come within the range of an authenti-cator, the authenticator sends a request for identification of the supplicant, the supplicant will then dispatch the SMA carrying all the required authentication information for the supplicant i.e. username, password and platform details for that particular user to the authentication server platform.The Authentication Server Static Agent (ASSA) Cert is a static agent residing on the authentication server platform; the ASSA Cert combines two functions:* Certificate Authority-in charge of the issuing and the management of certificates* Authentication server-for authenticating users, agent, and platforms.The Suplicant Mobile Agent (SMA) will meet with the ASSA Cert for the authentication process. A mutual au-thentication between SMA and ASSA Cert is carried out. If the authentication process is successful, then the net- work port on the authenticator closes and the supplicant will now have access to the network. The SMA will now be issued a certificate to become SMA Cert before re-turning to the supplicant platform.6.2. Re-Authentication and Roaming MAIn order to increase security, re-authentication of users is done in some interval of time during the connection; this will ensure that a user cannot change his identity during a session. Re-authentication is achieved using the SMA Cert. After authentication, the SMA is issued a certificate to become SMA Cert, this new MA will then be used for re-authentication with ASSA Cert. As long as the certifi-cate of SMA Cert is valid, the supplicant will continue to have access to the network. If for any reason the certifi-cate of SMA Cert becomes invalid, the network port on the authenticator opens and the supplicant is discon-nected from the network. A similar scenario exists for roaming clients or supplicant. When a supplicant roams from one access point to another, the SMA Cert carries out re-authentication of the supplicant on the new au-thenticator. If the certificate of the SMA Cert is valid, the supplicant continues to have network access otherwise the network is disconnected Figures 7 and 8 shows the re-authentication process and agent migration process during roaming.6.3. Security Issues in MA SchemeA lot of research efforts have been devoted to the secu-rity of MA and platforms with a view to making agent based solution attractive. In order to provide adequate security for the gents and platforms, the Secure and Open Mobile Agent was considered. SOMA architecture pro-tects both the execution sites and the agents [11]. SOMA addresses the problem of protecting MA while executing in malicious sites. To grant the agent integrity, several solutions are fully integrated in SOMA, aimed at detect-ing any attacks targeted to modify or delete the agent state.6.4. Proposed Mobile Agent PlatformThe Aglets Software Development Kit is an environment for programming MA in Java. The aglet is able to exe-cute, halt its execution on one host, dispatch itself to an-other host, and resume execution there. The aglet。