



国际商务礼仪英文教程国际商务礼仪英文教程《国际商务礼仪英文教程一》HANDSHAKE HISTORY OF HANDSHAKING meanings of handshaking In sports or other competitive activities it is also done as a sign of good sportsmanship.Its purpose is to convey trust, balance, and equality.In business Shaking hands is considered the standard greeting in business situations.FOR LOVERS FOREVER LOYALTY LOVE And TOGETHER MODERN CUSTOMS REJECTION——do not Generally, it is considered inappropriate, if not outright insulting to the initiator side, to reject a handshake without good reason (such as an injured right hand).FIRM HANDSHAKING It is generally expected in Western culture that a handshake should be firm.Weak handshakes are sometimes referred to as 'limp' or 'cold'.In some Oriental countries (such as Turkey or the Arabic-speaking Middle East), handshakes aren't as 'strong' as in America and Europe.Consequently, a grip which is too firm will be considered as rude.In Turkey outside business situations, shaking hands is not the standard greeting among men.In casual non-business situations, men will less likely shake hands and among women hardly at all.Kissing each other on the cheek twice is a more common practice In Europe England When people meet with each otherthe first time,they usually shake hands instead of hugging.While on the banquet,guests often shake hands with each other to show respect France In the social occasions,people used to shake hands with the guests.When shaking hands with women,remember that lady first.And women may keep their gloves while shaking hands but not men.Russia Acquaintances cannot shake hands when meeting.It is considered bad luck to shake hands over the threshould of the doorstep When shaking hands DOS ? Smile to others ? With moderate hard DONT'S ? Not more than three seconds ? Not to wear gloves ? Uncrossed shakehands ? Not to talk while shaking hands Both hands or right hand Softly and kindly Firmly and strongly Shake hands with a woman Shake hands with a senior TIPS Shake hands with a partner Shake hands with a good friend Shake hands with a woman Men usually wait for women to offer their hand before shaking.back Shake hands with a senior back Shake hand with your partner POLITE CONFIDENT COMFORTABLE back Shake hands with your good friends back Thank you so much 何坚婷 Members of our team《国际商务礼仪英文教程二》Business Gift-giving Around the World 武汉大学何坚婷Abstract: Nowadays, gifts are playing as an important role in international business relations.But different countries have different customs of gift-giving.The paper gives some details about how to make a good business gift-giving in many countries around the world.Key words: significance, different cultures, comparative of business gift-giving Introduction 1.Significance of Gift-giving in Business First of all, in international business dealings, appropriate gift-giving can not only fully show the enterprises culture and academic spirits, but also promote each other's friendship.And then, gift-giving can show people's congratulations, condolences and thanks to others.At the same time, it is also an emotional investment, reducing the emotional distance between people and being conductive to people's communication.2.Different Cultures' View on Gifts Before we start to talk about how to make a good business gift-giving, let's give a view upon different counties in the world, knowing that how the people in different cultures treat the gifts.The first one is America! In America, people like the practical and peculiar gifts very much.For example, if you could give them some small gifts with unique styles or ethnic characteristics, such as the faked terracotta warriors and horses, they will be very happy.American people treat the snails and horseshoe as the mascot.When you present some gifts to them, remember not to make the number of gifts singular, and you should be attention to the packaging.In addition, packaging gifts, do not use black paper, because the black in American eyes was unlucky color.Also, gifts should pay attention to the business end of the conversation.In the UK, people don't like the gifts that are very expensive.It will be taken as a bribe if you give them some preciousgifts.Gifts like premium chocolate, a two bottles of wine , and flowers would be a good choice.Do remember that not to present gifts printed with company flag.Also, remember not to send the lily, because it means death.In France, people are very romantic, so they usually like the artistic and intellectual gifts very much, such as picturesque, art albums, and small crafts.If you are invited to a French people's house for a dinner, remember to take a few pieces of fresh flowers without bundling with you, but the chrysanthemums must be excluded, because chrysanthemums are only used at funerals in France.In Russia, people like to treat the guests with bread and salt to show their friendship and respect.They like to receive gifts that are brand name, such as a LEVIS jeans, regardless of the level of the value of gifts.But do not give money to people, because it will be considered as charity and insults.In Japan, people think that gifts represent peoples' true mind.For the Japanese, the ceremony of gift giving is more important than the objects exchanged.While you give them some flowers, the flowers should not be white, as these are associated with death.Also, avoid giving gifts with even numbers of components, such as an even number of flowers in a bouquet.Four is an especially inauspicious number, never give four of anything.In Saudi Arabia, people are very hospital, but you are not expected to bring any gift when invited into a Saudi home.Arab traders generally presente expensive gifts to others, but also would like to receive the same valuable in return.Do not present used items to them, not so as wine and gifts with animal patterns on it.It is considered a violation of their privacy to give the wifes of Arabs gifts.3.。



商务礼仪英语中英文对照篇一:商务礼仪中英对照Etiquette for Business DinnerYour image matters, especially when you’re in a business environment. Whether you’re going to a business lunch with your peers, recruiters, clients or partners, you need to make sure you behaveappropriately. We’ve put together this handy guide, with tips gathered from the business etiquette, to help make sure that someone call you out at your next business meal.Before the Meal餐前礼仪◇Shake hands with all present at the table. If necessary, introduce yourself. Concentrate on remembering your host/hostess’s name. 与到场的客人握手致意,如果需要,介绍一下自己。


◇Remain standing until host sits.在主人落座之前保持站立。

◇Place your napkin on your lap after everyone is seated and after your host has moved his/her napkin.在所有人落座之后,主人展开餐巾,这时你也可以将餐巾展开平铺在膝盖以上部位。

◇Don’t ask the waiter to explain everything on the menu; you will annoy others and appear indecisive.不要让侍者为你一一讲解菜单上的菜品,这样会招人讨厌而且显得你缺乏主见。



国际商务礼仪英文版篇一:国际商务礼仪作业(英文版)BusinessGift-givingaroundtheworld武汉大学何坚婷abstract:nowadays,giftsareplayingasanimportantroleininternationalbusine ssrelations.Butdifferentcountrieshavedifferentcustomsofgift-giving.Thepa pergivessomedetailsabouthowtomakeagoodbusinessgift-givinginmanycou ntriesaroundtheworld.Keywords:significance,differentcultures,comparativeofbusinessgift-givin gintroduction1.SignificanceofGift-givinginBusinessFirstofall,ininternationalbusinessdealings,appropriategift-givingcannotonl yfullyshowtheenterprisescultureandacademicspirits,butalsopromoteeachot her'sfriendship.andthen,gift-givingcanshowpeople'scongratulations,condolencesand thankstoothers.atthesametime,itisalsoanemotionalinvestment,reducingthe emotionaldistancebetweenpeopleandbeingconductivetopeople'scom munication.2.differentcultures'ViewonGiftsBeforewestarttotalkabouthowtomakeagoodbusinessgift-giving,let'sg iveaviewupondifferentcountiesintheworld,knowingthathowthepeopleindif ferentculturestreatthegifts.Thefirstoneisamerica!inamerica,peoplelikethepracticalandpeculiargiftsverymuch.Forexample,if youcouldgivethemsomesmallgiftswithuniquestylesorethniccharacteristics, suchasthefakedterracottawarriorsandhorses,theywillbeveryhappy.america npeopletreatthesnailsandhorseshoeasthemascot.whenyoupresentsomegifts tothem,remembernottomakethenumberofgiftssingular,andyoushouldbeatte ntiontothepackaging.inaddition,packaginggifts,donotuseblackpaper,becau setheblackinamericaneyeswasunluckycolor.also,giftsshouldpayattentionto thebusinessendoftheconversation.intheUK,peopledon'tlikethegiftsthatareveryexpensive.itwillbetakena sabribeifyougivethemsomepreciousgifts.Giftslikepremiumchocolate,atwo bottlesofwine,andflowerswouldbeagoodchoice.dorememberthatnottoprese ntgiftsprintedwithcompanyflag.also,remembernottosendthelily,becauseit meansdeath.inFrance,peopleareveryromantic,sotheyusuallyliketheartistic andintellectualgiftsverymuch,suchaspicturesque,artalbums,andsmallcrafts .ifyouareinvitedtoaFrenchpeople'shouseforadinner,remembertotakea fewpiecesoffreshflowerswithoutbundlingwithyou,butthechrysanthemums mustbeexcluded,becausechrysanthemumsareonlyusedatfuneralsinFrance.i nRussia,peopleliketotreattheguestswithbreadandsalttoshowtheirfriendshipandrespect.Theyliketoreceivegiftsthatarebrandname,suchasaLEViSjeans,r egardlessofthelevelofthevalueofgifts.Butdonotgivemoneytopeople,becaus eitwillbeconsideredascharityandinsults.inJapan,peoplethinkthatgiftsrepresentpeoples'truemind.FortheJapan ese,theceremonyofgiftgivingismoreimportantthantheobjectsexchanged.wh ileyougivethemsomeflowers,theflowersshouldnotbewhite,astheseareassoc iatedwithdeath.also,avoidgivinggiftswithevennumbersofcomponents,such asanevennumberofflowersinabouquet.Fourisanespeciallyinauspiciousnum ber,nevergivefourofanything.inSaudiarabia,peopleareveryhospital,butyouarenotexpectedtobringanygift wheninvitedintoaSaudihome.arabtradersgenerallypresenteexpensivegiftst oothers,butalsowouldliketoreceivethesamevaluableinreturn.donotpresentu seditemstothem,notsoaswineandgiftswithanimalpatternsonit.itis consideredaviolationoftheirprivacytogivethewifesofarabsgifts.3.HowtomakeaGoodGift-giving aswehavediscussedaboutthedifferentcultures'attitudestowardgift-giv ing,i'mgoingtolistthewaytomakeagoodgift-givingindifferentcountrie saroundtheworld.First,weshouldknowaboutthefourelementsofgift-giving,thusgifts,means,ti meandplace.Totellitindetail,let'shavealookonsomecountriesthatmayprovideusso meusefulinformation.inamerica,businessgiftsarediscouragedbythelaw,whichallowsonlya$25tax deductionongifts.So,itisimportantforyouto chooseagoodtimetopresentgifts,thetimewhenyouarriveorwhenyouleaveam ericaisoK.whenyouvisitahome,itisnotnecessarytotakeagift,however,itisalw aysappreciated.Youmaytakeflowers,aplant,orabottleofwine.Takecare,ifyo uwishtogiveflowers,havethemsentaheadsoasnottoburdenyourhostesswitht akingcareofthemwhenyouarrive.andpersonalgiftssuchasperfumeorclothin gareinappropriateforwomen.intheUK,giftsarenotpartofdoingbusiness.Ratherthangivinggifts,itisprefera bletoinviteyourhostsoutforamealorashow. ButwhenyouareinvitedtoaEnglishhome,youmaybringflowers,liquororcha mpagne,andchocolates.Sendabrief,handwrittenthank-younotepromptlyafte rwards,preferablybymessengerratherthanbymail.inFrance,itisnotagoodideatogiveabusinessgiftatyourfirstencounter.Forthan k-you's,sendatleastanote,thedayafteryouwereinvitedtoadinner.ofcaus e,youcansendflowersorabasketoffruitifyoulike.Toberomanticisnecessary. inRussia,giftsaremorepopularthanthecountriesdescribedbefore.So,youwill havemorechoicetopresentgiftstoyourfriendsinRussia.Giftslikebaseballcaps ,rockorcountryandwesterncassettesarewelcome,also,camera,watches,andi nexpensivejewelryisoK.Thusafteryouchooseagoodtime,youwillmakeagoo dimpressiononyourfriendswiththewonderfulgifts.inJapan,giftgivingisvery common.Businessgiftsabsolutelymustbegivenatmidyearandatyearend.Theually,Japanesedonotopengiftsdir ectlyoncereceivingthem.iftheydo,theywillberestrainedintheirappreciation. Thisdoesnotmeanthattheydonotlikewhatyouhavegiven.whenchoosinggifts, importedgoodsandelectronicproductarefine.inSaudiarabia,everySaudiwhomustbrokerorapprovea篇二:国际商务礼仪论文Howtomakefirstimpressionassignment2across-culturalStudyofHowtomakeagoodfirstimpressionname:Studentsno:major:mobilephone:Helloeveryone!i’m——.Today,ourtopicisHowtomakeagoodfirstimpression.Thefirstimpress ionisthefirstimpressiontwostrangersmeetformation,isapreliminaryevaluati onbyobservationontheothersideofthedress,speech,mannersandsoontoeach other.Thefirstimpressionofthewholeimpressionformationplayadecisiverole ,itisoft enafterintercourseaccordingto.So,whethertoleaveothersagood”firsti mpression.”oftendeterminesthesuccessorfailureofcommunicationwithothe rs.So,intoday'slecture,wewillfocusonhowtomakeagoodfirstimpressi onprofound?Person'sappearancedon’tdecide,butdependsentirelyontheirown characterexpressionwasmostincisive.Vulgaractionisalwaysboring.Forexa mpleinFrance:socialoccasionstomeetwiththeguests,generallytoshakehands forceremony.Yungwomenareoftensubjectedtocurtsy,Frenchcertainsocialcl ass”akissonthehand”isalsoquite popular,butShikissinghand,mouthshouldn otcomeintocontactwithherbythehand,norkissglovedhand,notkissinginpubli cplaces;donotkissthegirl'shand.dellcarnegiein”sixsuggestionshowtowinfriendsandinfluencepeople”abook istomakeagoodfirstimpression:?Tobeapatientlistener,toencourageotherstotalkabouthisown.?Smile.?mentionthenameofothers.?Talkwithothersinterestedinthetopic.?Feelheisveryimportanttoletotherssincereway.?Begenuinelyinterestedinotherpeople.beforetalkingtoafterthinking,clearex pression,rhythm,nottoofast,intonationshouldspeakinmeasuredtones,andthe aestheticfeelingofmusic.Lookpleasedwithoneselfmakegestures,suchasunsi ghtlyadjoinsactionshouldbeavoided.aseveryoneknows,Britainisacountry,p olite,payattentiontocultivation.meetingofelders,superiorsandnotfamiliarwi thtitle,title,andinothernamesprecededbythattitle,lady,lady,mr.ormiss.Betw eenfriendsandacquaintancescommonlyknown.Theymetforthefirsttimepeo pleshakehands,smileandsay:”hello!”arrogant,sayyesandmeanno,ortoavoidbeingseen,fulloftwistsandturns,ortoaskquestions,gossipyandmeddlesomewilldamagetheimageandtheatmospher eofcommunication.Learntolisten.americansgenerallycheerful,sociable,nottostickattrifles.Thefirstmeetingisnotnecessa rilyshakehands,sometimesjustsmile,orawaveof”(Hi,acquaintanceswillsay Hey!Up!what's?”.)choosingthepartner,willoftenbegintopayattentiont othosewholookedbeautiful,butifwewanttokeepthegoodinterpersonalrelatio nshipandcommunicationobject,wecanonlychoosethosehasimportantsignifi canceinourviewofvalue.TheBrazilianenthusiasm,bold,frank,honest.incont actwithBrazilian,youwillnotfeelcold,feelrejected,youcantalkwiththeBrazil ianrelaxed,takeone'sease,evenwillsoonbecomebosomfriends,andyou canfeeltheBrazilianwithachildlikeplayfulstrengthandloosehabits. Butoftentheshy,afraidofpeople,alotofpeoplearejustpassivecommunication. Psychologistshavefoundthatpeoplecannottaketheinitiativetocontact,therea rethreemainreasons:1.2.3.Sincefoundoutthereason,wehaveanantidoteagainstthedisease.Youcanexerc isetheirownfromthefollowingthreeaspects:1.someeasyquestionsorcommentsonyourside,easyhappening;attracttheatte ntionoftheotherparty.2.Self-introductionisakeysocial.activeright,haveastyleofone'sownselfintroduction,oftengiveagoodimpressionontheleft.Forexample,thefamouso perawriterweiminglingisnothigh,”saidaman”.Buthe avoidedtonever,butofte ninpublictoridiculethewaytointroduceyourself:”iBinapolunshorter,withLu XuncaoYu;repeatedmeasurement,noefforttoplayagun,conditionaltouchpen ,andthentookupthetext.”3.thebasicpsychologicalneeds.inordertoattracttheattentionoftheotherparty,ac tivepraiseisveryuseful.4.people.References:1.《carnegiescompleteBooksofSuccess》--carnegie(USa)篇三:商务礼仪英语BisinessEtiquette aStudyoninternationalcommercialEtiquetteanditsSignificance商务礼仪及其意义研究conTEnTS(TimESnEwRoman小三号加黑加粗) inTRodUcTion????????????????????.1 cHaPTERonEaBcccccccc?????????????.71.1abc???????????????????????.71.2abc???????????????????????.81.3abc????????????????????.???.9cHaPTERTwoaBcccccccc?????????????112.1abc???????????????????????.112.2abc???????????????????????122.3abc???????????????????????.13cHaPTERTHREE?cHaPTERFoUR?? concLUSion?????????????????????. REFEREncES?????????????????????内容摘要当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。



Teaching Syllabus of International Business EtiquetteCourse title:International Business EtiquetteApplicable Specialty:International Trade of Higher Vocational CollegesCredit Hour:72hoursCredit:4credits1.Preface1.1Course DescriptionThe course of International Business Etiquette is a basic specialty course for majors of International Trade in higher vocational colleges.After learning this course,students are able to have relatively high etiquette attainments,show their decent,deliberate,elegant and confident bearings in international business contacts and international trade activities so that international business activities can be conducted gracefully and friendly.1.2Course DesignThis course is guided by the skills and quality requirements of students’future job groups. Taking the business cases and activities involved in international trade related posts as the main line,this course sets up its course framework and demonstrates its teaching content according to the main types of international business activities.Knowledge and skill points are presented in accordance with procedures of business activities.On the establishment of course framework,taking common international business activities of the company as the main line,this course consists of6units according to these business situations,including Business Conference,Business Negotiation,Business Meeting,Business Visiting,Business Banquet and Personal Professional Image.On the presentation of teaching content,the teaching activities is launched according to the etiquettes,procedure and actions which are required in such situations and activities as business conferences,business negotiations,business meeting,business visiting,business banquets,personal professional image as well as business trips.In the design,the course highlights the openness and applicability.It can be used as the teaching resources of professional basic course,the material for company employees’training,as well as the common sense handbook of business etiquettes for the people in the society.In this course,each knowledge and skill point is supported by the relatively integrated course resources, which is easy to separate and combine,as well as help to bridge the gap between the classes and enterprises,having a high feasibility.This course focuses on students’emotional cultivation.By reasonable arrangement of the teaching content and the training experience in the teaching process,it improves student’s moral level,aesthetic standards,as well as communication and team cooperation skills,and plays a supportive role in the cultivation of professional skills and the development of professional quality which are needed in the students’future posts in the field international trade.2.Course ObjectivesAfter learning this course systematically,students will be able to know the basic principles of international business etiquette,basic rules of international business etiquette,master the action, procedure and strategies in international business etiquette,know the professional image elements,have relatively high international etiquette quality,present their good professional image.Professional competence objectives:●Be able to apply the principle of prime position and the order of precedence ininternational business situations●Be able to express politeness and respect to others by manners in internationalbusiness communication●Be able to handle various business activities,and present good etiquette quality●Be able to design their own images and package themselves according to differentbusiness situations3.Teaching Content and RequirementsNo.Content Tasks Skill Requirements Knowledge Requirements Credit Hou rs1BusinessEtiquetteOverviewTask1:etiquetteTask2:internationalbusiness etiquetteTask3:The prime positionand the order ofprecedence•Identify behavior that does notconfirm to etiquette norms•Consciously improve etiquetteskills through learning•Determine the prime positionand the order of precedence indifferent business situations•Know the meaning ofetiquette•Know the basic principles ofinternational businessetiquette.•Know the prime position andthe order of precedence inbusiness activities42BusinessMeetingEtiquetteTask1:companyconferenceetiquetteTask2:businessnegotiationetiquette•Write meeting notice•Prepare meeting agenda andschedule•Make seating arrangements forvarious business conference•Prepare conference tools used innegotiation and signing ceremonyand able to use major conference•Know the elements of ameeting•Know the basic principles ofseating arrangements invarious business conference•Know the etiquettes forparticipants•Know job duties of meeting6Task3:signing ceremony etiquette facilities•Arrange the environment suchas ordinary meeting,negotiationand signing ceremony,etc•Obey the requirements ofconferenceservice personnel•Know preparatory work forhost negotiation•Know preparatory work forguest negotiation•Know etiquette taboos ininternational businessnegotiations•Know the process of signingceremony3BusinessCommuni-cationEtiquetteTask1:dailycommunicationetiquetteTask2:office etiquetteTask3:etiquette forreceptionTask4:etiquette for visitsTask5:Etiquette for visitsin China’s maintrading partnercountries•Address and greet customercorrectly•Make proper self-introductionand introduce others•Greet properly•Pass and receive name cardcorrectly•Make and receive phone callspolitely•Write and send E-mail correctly•Use office equipment correctly•Plan office environmentproperly•Master the basic action andlanguage at the reception desk•Pick up customers at stations onbehalf of the company•Serve tea for guests politely•Choose right business gifts forguests•Wrap gifts simply•Know the application of theprinciple of prime positionpriority in business contacts•Know the basic etiquette forbusiness visits•Know etiquette norms ofChina’s main trading partnercountries(regions)•Know the basic principles ofgift giving84BusinessBanquetEtiquetteTask1:Chinese diningetiquetteTask2:western diningetiquetteTask3:buffet etiquetteTask4:etiquette forworking meals•Arrange the tables and seats inChinese banquets•Use Chinese tableware correctly•Make proper orderingarrangement for Chinese dishes•Be skilled in using knife and fork•Use napkin correctly•Drink coffee and black teacorrectly•Plan and organize buffets forcompany•Enjoy buffets politely and freely•Arrange working meals properly•Know the prime position andthe order of precedence inChinese banquets•Know the simple knowledgeof tea•Know western food culture•Know the common sense ofwestern drinks•Know the simple knowledgeof coffee45BusinessImageEtiquetteTask1:appearance andetiquetteTask2:manners andetiquetteTask3:workplace dressprinciplesTask4:dressing etiquettefor MenTask5:dressing etiquettefor Women•Make proper modifications toone’s appearance•Be able to do light make-up(forwomen)•Be able to wear perfumeproperly•Develop good standing,sittingand walking posture•Deal with different businesssituations elegantly•Select appropriate business suitsfor oneself•Wear suits correctly•Master three ways of tiewearing•Choose proper clothes accordingto different situations(for women)•Wear suit dress correctly(forwomen)•Master three ways of scarfwearing(for women)•Understand the meaning ofclothing•Know the principle of TPO•Know the basic knowledge ofsuits•Know the rules for wearingsuits•Know the rules for matchingsuits and accessories•Know basic knowledge of suitdress86BusinessTravelEtiquetteTask1:travel etiquetteTask2:etiquette forwatching•Take public transportation suchas planes and buses,etc politely•Check in politely•Obey the rules and etiquette inpublic places such as banks andshopping malls,etc•Obey the rules and etiquettewhen watching performances•Obey the rules and etiquettewhen watching sports events,such as tennis,etc.•Know the basic procedure forgoing through formalities forbusiness travel abroad(acrossboundaries)•Know the rules and etiquettein visa application interview•Know the specific applicationof basic principles ofinternational businessetiquette in various socialsituations6Total36 4.Suggestions for Course Implementation4.1Suggestions for Textbook Choosing and CompilationChoose the12th Five-Year Plan National Vocational Education Planning textbook BusinessEtiquette and Professional Image.The teaching group of this course compiles the textbook International Business Etiquette according to the business situations,and the textbook includes six chapters.The textbook isguided by the teaching syllabus,embodies the characteristics of international business etiquette, which is easy to use and read with colorful pictures.Based on the manuscript of International Business Etiquette,the teaching group develops new form integrative teaching material.4.2Suggestion for TeachingCourse requirements for teachers:●The teachers should have good professional ethics as well as love for students and care about students’growth.●The teachers should have good language competence.●The teachers should have elegant personal image.●The teachers should have relevant professional qualification in business etiquette,and be familiar with the procedures of common business activities.●The teachers should be able to undertake the task of social training and consultation.●This course should engage part-time teachers from enterprises who will undertake in-school training and off-school practice instructions of this course.The main teaching methods adopted in this course:situation simulation,role-play and case study.4.3Course Assessment and EvaluationIn the overall course assessment and evaluation,general evaluation accounts for40%,while final examination60%.The general evaluation includes class question,class discussion and role-play performance,etc.The final examination is carried out in the form of Etiquette Presentation One is to task assessment:students choose task cards from teachers at random, then pass the exam by completing the tasks according to the requirements on the task cards;the other is for students to conduct a comprehensive etiquette presentation in groups or personally. In this part,students can perform an etiquette scene play to present their beautiful standing posture,sitting posture and gesture as well as etiquette rules and procedures in different business situations.Etiquette simulation room or halls can be chosen to have the presentation, while the teaching group can observe and grade them together.4.4Development and Utilization of Teaching ResourcesRequirements for teaching courseware:●The teaching courseware should fit the content of textbook,and its style should be consistent with the course website and teaching content.●The material of courseware should consist of words and pictures etc.●The unit is based on the knowledge and skill points,and matches the micro lecture.Suggestions for Simulation Room Equipment Configuration:In order to achieve the course objectives,the following simulation rooms should be equipped:Requirements for the web-based teaching platform:●All resources can be available online.●Part of the resources can be available on mobile terminal.●Web-based teaching platform can meet the needs of teaching,self-learning, self-training and assessment.●Web-based teaching platform is able to open to the society。



Business gifts of flowers etiquette
Flowers gift selection principle Flower etiquette taboo: quantity, color, flower
做 最 专 业 、 最 系 统 化 的 企 业 全 员 培 训 平 台
the foot is dirty and symbolizes low status.
做 最 专 业 、 最 系 统 化 的 企 业 全 员 培 训 平 台
Gift exchanges in each country the importance of the degree of arrangement:
做 最 专 业 、 最 系 统 化 的 企 业 全 员 培 训 平 台
• The white flowers, most countries are taboo (linked to funeral) ;
• Purple and blue are not allowed to send, but should be avoided
The gift that send out shows a good
intention, such as comfort, wish, or a
Made by Hui
做 最 专 业 、 最 系 统 化 的 企 业 全 员 培 训 平 台
1、The first principle: Symbolic and suggestive gifts
1、Japan (gift giving customs for centuries, very


• E.g
• These clothes vary in size from small to medium. • 这些衣服有小号的,有中号的。
• luncheon 午宴,正式午 餐会
• in time 及时 • double-check 仔细检查 • distribute 分散 • embarrassing 令人句修饰的是前面的整个主语, 其中make for 意思是“有助于,导致”,意思是说让大家事先 知道会上有谁要发言、要谈什么问题,这有助于开一个有成 果的会议(a productive meeting)。
Facilitating a Meeting
• Identifying / those expected to speak / on a topic / enables everyone / to be prepared, / which / makes for a productive meeting.
• 音像设备 • overhead projector • 投影仪 • flip chart 挂图 • agenda 会议议程
• vary 的意思是“变化”,但是vary from A to B to C 的意思不是“从A变到B再变到C”,而 是指“不同”,表示在某一事物中有一系列不同 的类别。
• imperative 必要的 • procedure 程序 • make for 有助于 • outcome 成果 • consensus 多数人
• vote 投票表决 • prevent 防止 • dominate 控制;支配 • derail 出轨,偏离正轨
Facilitating a Meeting • facility • n. 设施,设备



国际商务礼仪英文教程翻译篇一:国际商务礼仪作业(英文版)BusinessGift-givingaroundtheworld武汉大学何坚婷abstract:nowadays,giftsareplayingasanimportantroleininternationalbusine ssrelations.Butdifferentcountrieshavedifferentcustomsofgift-giving.Thepa pergivessomedetailsabouthowtomakeagoodbusinessgift-givinginmanycou ntriesaroundtheworld.Keywords:significance,differentcultures,comparativeofbusinessgift-givin gintroduction1.SignificanceofGift-givinginBusinessFirstofall,ininternationalbusinessdealings,appropriategift-givingcannotonl yfullyshowtheenterprisescultureandacademicspirits,butalsopromoteeachot her'sfriendship.andthen,gift-givingcanshowpeople'scongratulations,condolencesand thankstoothers.atthesametime,itisalsoanemotionalinvestment,reducingthe emotionaldistancebetweenpeopleandbeingconductivetopeople'scom munication.2.differentcultures'ViewonGiftsBeforewestarttotalkabouthowtomakeagoodbusinessgift-giving,let'sg iveaviewupondifferentcountiesintheworld,knowingthathowthepeopleindif ferentculturestreatthegifts.Thefirstoneisamerica!inamerica,peoplelikethepracticalandpeculiargiftsverymuch.Forexample,if youcouldgivethemsomesmallgiftswithuniquestylesorethniccharacteristics, suchasthefakedterracottawarriorsandhorses,theywillbeveryhappy.america npeopletreatthesnailsandhorseshoeasthemascot.whenyoupresentsomegifts tothem,remembernottomakethenumberofgiftssingular,andyoushouldbeatte ntiontothepackaging.inaddition,packaginggifts,donotuseblackpaper,becau setheblackinamericaneyeswasunluckycolor.also,giftsshouldpayattentionto thebusinessendoftheconversation.intheUK,peopledon'tlikethegiftsthatareveryexpensive.itwillbetakena sabribeifyougivethemsomepreciousgifts.Giftslikepremiumchocolate,atwo bottlesofwine,andflowerswouldbeagoodchoice.dorememberthatnottoprese ntgiftsprintedwithcompanyflag.also,remembernottosendthelily,becauseit meansdeath.inFrance,peopleareveryromantic,sotheyusuallyliketheartistic andintellectualgiftsverymuch,suchaspicturesque,artalbums,andsmallcrafts .ifyouareinvitedtoaFrenchpeople'shouseforadinner,remembertotakea fewpiecesoffreshflowerswithoutbundlingwithyou,butthechrysanthemums mustbeexcluded,becausechrysanthemumsareonlyusedatfuneralsinFrance.i nRussia,peopleliketotreattheguestswithbreadandsalttoshowtheirfriendshipandrespect.Theyliketoreceivegiftsthatarebrandname,suchasaLEViSjeans,r egardlessofthelevelofthevalueofgifts.Butdonotgivemoneytopeople,becaus eitwillbeconsideredascharityandinsults.inJapan,peoplethinkthatgiftsrepresentpeoples'truemind.FortheJapan ese,theceremonyofgiftgivingismoreimportantthantheobjectsexchanged.wh ileyougivethemsomeflowers,theflowersshouldnotbewhite,astheseareassoc iatedwithdeath.also,avoidgivinggiftswithevennumbersofcomponents,such asanevennumberofflowersinabouquet.Fourisanespeciallyinauspiciousnum ber,nevergivefourofanything.inSaudiarabia,peopleareveryhospital,butyouarenotexpectedtobringanygift wheninvitedintoaSaudihome.arabtradersgenerallypresenteexpensivegiftst oothers,butalsowouldliketoreceivethesamevaluableinreturn.donotpresentu seditemstothem,notsoaswineandgiftswithanimalpatternsonit.itis consideredaviolationoftheirprivacytogivethewifesofarabsgifts.3.HowtomakeaGoodGift-giving aswehavediscussedaboutthedifferentcultures'attitudestowardgift-giv ing,i'mgoingtolistthewaytomakeagoodgift-givingindifferentcountrie saroundtheworld.First,weshouldknowaboutthefourelementsofgift-giving,thusgifts,means,ti meandplace.Totellitindetail,let'shavealookonsomecountriesthatmayprovideusso meusefulinformation.inamerica,businessgiftsarediscouragedbythelaw,whichallowsonlya$25tax deductionongifts.So,itisimportantforyoutochooseagoodtimetopresentgifts, thetimewhenyouarriveorwhenyouleaveamericaisoK.whenyouvisitahome,i tisnotnecessarytotakeagift,however,itisalwaysappreciated.Youmaytakeflo wers,aplant,orabottleofwine.Takecare,ifyouwishtogiveflowers,havethems entaheadsoasnottoburdenyourhostesswithtakingcareofthemwhenyouarrive .andpersonalgiftssuchasperfumeorclothingareinappropriateforwomen. intheUK,giftsarenotpartofdoingbusiness.Ratherthangivinggifts,itisprefera bletoinviteyourhostsoutforamealorashow. ButwhenyouareinvitedtoaEnglishhome,youmaybringflowers,liquororcha mpagne,andchocolates.Sendabrief,handwrittenthank-younotepromptlyafte rwards,preferablybymessengerratherthanbymail.inFrance,itisnotagoodideatogiveabusinessgiftatyourfirstencounter.Forthan k-you's,sendatleastanote,thedayafteryouwereinvitedtoadinner.ofcaus e,youcansendflowersorabasketoffruitifyoulike.Toberomanticisnecessary. inRussia,giftsaremorepopularthanthecountriesdescribedbefore.So,youwill havemorechoicetopresentgiftstoyourfriendsinRussia.Giftslikebaseballcaps ,rockorcountryandwesterncassettesarewelcome,also,camera,watches,andi nexpensivejewelryisoK.Thusafteryouchooseagoodtime,youwillmakeagoo dimpressiononyourfriendswiththewonderfulgifts.inJapan,giftgivingisvery common.Businessgiftsabsolutelymustbegivenatmidyearandatyearend.The ually,Japanesedonotopengiftsdirectlyoncereceivingthem.iftheydo,theywillberestrainedintheirappreciation. Thisdoesnotmeanthattheydonotlikewhatyouhavegiven.whenchoosinggifts, importedgoodsandelectronicproductarefine.inSaudiarabia,everySaudiwhomustbrokerorapprovea篇二:国际商务礼仪论文Howtomakefirstimpressionassignment2across-culturalStudyofHowtomakeagoodfirstimpressionname:Studentsno:major:mobilephone:Helloeveryone!i’m——.Today,ourtopicisHowtomakeagoodfirstimpression.Thefirstimpress ionisthefirstimpressiontwostrangersmeetformation,isapreliminaryevaluati onbyobservationontheothersideofthedress,speech,mannersandsoontoeach other.Thefirstimpressionofthewholeimpressionformationplayadecisiverole ,itisof tenafterintercourseaccordingto.So,whethertoleaveothersagood”firsti mpression.”oftendeterminesthesuccessorfailureofcommunicationwithothe rs.So,intoday'slecture,wewillfocusonhowtomakeagoodfirstimpressi onprofound?Person'sappearancedon’tdecide,butdependsentirelyontheirowncharacterexpressionwasmostincisive.Vulgaractionisalwaysboring.Forexa mpleinFrance:socialoccasionstomeetwiththeguests,generallytoshakehands forceremony.Yungwomenareoftensubjectedtocurtsy,Frenchcertainsocialcl ass”akissonthehand”isalsoquit epopular,butShikissinghand,mouthshouldn otcomeintocontactwithherbythehand,norkissglovedhand,notkissinginpubli cplaces;donotkissthegirl'shand.dellcarnegiein”sixsuggestionshowtowinfriendsandinfluencepeople”abook istomakeagoodfirstimpression:?Tobeapatientlistener,toencourageotherstotalkabouthisown.?Smile.?mentionthenameofothers.?Talkwithothersinterestedinthetopic.?Feelheisveryimportanttoletotherssincereway.?Begenuinelyinterestedinotherpeople.beforetalkingtoafterthinking,clearex pression,rhythm,nottoofast,intonationshouldspeakinmeasuredtones,andthe aestheticfeelingofmusic.Lookpleasedwithoneselfmakegestures,suchasunsi ghtlyadjoinsactionshouldbeavoided.aseveryoneknows,Britainisacountry,p olite,payattentiontocultivation.meetingofelders,superiorsandnotfamiliarwi thtitle,title,andinothernamesprecededbythattitle,lady,lady,mr.ormiss.Betw eenfriendsandacquaintancescommonlyknown.Theymetforthefirsttimepeo pleshakehands,smileandsay:”hello!”arrogant,sayyesandmeanno,ortoavoidbeingseen,fulloftwistsandturns,ortoa skquestions,gossipyandmeddlesomewilldamagetheimageandtheatmosphereofcommunication.Learntolisten.americansgenerallycheerful,sociable,nottostickattrifles.Thefirstmeetingisnotnecessa rilyshakehands,sometimesjustsmile,orawaveof”(Hi,acquaintanceswillsay Hey!Up!what's?”.)choosingthepartner,willoftenbegintopayattentiont othosewholookedbeautiful,butifwewanttokeepthegoodinterpersonalrelatio nshipandcommunicationobject,wecanonlychoosethosehasimportantsignifi canceinourviewofvalue.TheBrazilianenthusiasm,bold,frank,honest.incont actwithBrazilian,youwillnotfeelcold,feelrejected,youcantalkwiththeBrazil ianrelaxed,takeone'sease,evenwillsoonbecomebosomfriends,andyou canfeeltheBrazilianwithachildlikeplayfulstrengthandloosehabits. Butoftentheshy,afraidofpeople,alotofpeoplearejustpassivecommunication. Psychologistshavefoundthatpeoplecannottaketheinitiativetocontact,therea rethreemainreasons:1.2.3.Sincefoundoutthereason,wehaveanantidoteagainstthedisease.Youcanexerc isetheirownfromthefollowingthreeaspects:1.someeasyquestionsorcommentsonyourside,easyhappening;attracttheatte ntionoftheotherparty.2.Self-introductionisakeysocial.activeright,haveastyleofone'sownsel fintroduction,oftengiveagoodimpressionontheleft.Forexample,thefamousoperawriterweiminglingisnothigh,”saidaman”.Buth eavoidedtonever,butofte ninpublictoridiculethewaytointroduceyourself:”iBinapolunshorter,withLu XuncaoYu;repeatedmeasurement,noefforttoplayagun,conditionaltouchpen ,andthentookupthetext.”3.thebasicpsychologicalneeds.inordertoattracttheattentionoftheotherparty,ac tivepraiseisveryuseful.4.people.References:1.《carnegiescompleteBooksofSuccess》--carnegie(USa)篇三:国际商务礼仪论文浅议中西商务礼仪存在差异的原因商务礼仪是人们在商务活动中长期形成的一种惯用形式和行为准则。

国际商务礼仪 Unit 9 Dining Etiquette

国际商务礼仪   Unit 9  Dining Etiquette

to show respect for their
culture, it is expected that in
a mixed cultural group
individuals will follow their
own preferences about
consumption of alcohol
knife/ fork
You should avoid this while dining
Reaching across people to get a dish. Instead ask for it to be passed to you
Playing with the cutlery around you Wiping your face with the napkin Applying lipstick at the table Smoking (unless the host gives the lead)
Business Drinking and Toasting Customs
Business Drinking
When drinking alcohol, always hold your drink in your left hand.
This enables you to shake someone’s hand with your right hand.
Business Drinking and Toasting Customs
Business Drinking
• “A thousand cups of wine is not too much when bosom friends meet,” according to an old Chinese saying.

商务礼仪英语Bisiness Etiquette

商务礼仪英语Bisiness Etiquette

A Study on International Commercial Etiquette and Its Significance商务礼仪及其意义研究CONTENTS(TIMES NEW ROMAN 小三号加黑加粗)INT RODUCTION (1)CHAPTER ONE ABCCCCCCCC (7)1.1 Abc (7)1.2 Abc (8)1.3 Abc (9)CHAPTER TWO ABCCCCCCCC (11)2.1Abc (11)2.2Abc (12)2.3Abc (13)CHAPTER THREE…CHAPTER FOUR……CONCLUSION……………………………………………………….REFERENCES………………………………………………………内容摘要当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。







AbstractNowadays different nations communicate frequently. Etiquette is becoming an imp ortant issue, which is not confined only in the domestic affairs. At the same t ime, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the practice of etiquette. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rule s which are obeyed by all the people. Therefore, a business man should be familiar with all the protocols in all fields, such as politics, economics, and cult ure and military.International business is no longer the privilege of the minority of people. Mo re and more people prefer to go into business. In the era of human-oriented soc iety, how to respect others and maintain one’s dignity becomes a challenge. In ternational business etiquette is the basic knowledge which should be applied i n the competition in the international business environment. .This thesis gives a clear definition of commercial etiquette and systematically explains its contents, categorizations, features, principles, functions and pr actices. It illustrates the business introduction, greetings, welcoming guest s, entertaining visitors, international business negotiation, practical busines s English writing in detail. It also shows the significance of the commercial e tiquette.INTRODUCTIONBusiness communication and business etiquetteIn an era of globalization, understanding the basics of etiquette and protocol that is, the type of behavior that others expect of you in both informal and fo rmal settings—is an important skill. It can instill an individual with confide nce to handle almost any situation in any culture and allow a businessperson t concentrate on the deal at hand rather than worrying about such distractions as which fork to use or which hand to use for passing food. Without an understand ing of the basics of etiquette and protocol, you risk coming off as a boorish N eanderthal. You may even put your company’s image at risk or risk potential fa ilure in the formation of key business relationships that are vital to global success. Finally, a well-honed sense and appreciation of local customs etiquette and protocol can make you stand out in a competitive global market.In order to comprehend the International Commercial Etiquette, we should find o ut the full contents of its activities.Just as its name implies, the International Commerce indicates that there is on ly one purpose of commercial activities, that is, to realize, increase and conv ert the value. One sales its goods to the other to realize the market value of this production, at the same time, the value is increased in this process, ther efore, the seller gains some profits, which will be conversed into the value fo rm needed in the next commercial campaign, no matter it is cash, products or se rvice, thus, makes preparation of the following commercial activity. International Commercial is based on the approbation and reception of each othe r’s trade motivations between the bargainers. Especially nowadays, this kind o f activity is an action in which both sides are voluntary and almost without an y force to press on. Besides, this kind of commercial activity goes along under the condition of free trade all over the world. Therefore, in the atmosphere o f international commerce, the traders have the same quality, intent and environ ment, as well as threeCHAPTER ONEABCCONCLUSIONIncreased globalization has been one of the most important developments in thepast decade. The Internet has been instrumental in accelerating the growth of b usiness across borders. The ability to effectively conduct business with tradin g partners around the world is essential in the twenty-first century. Savvy com panies view the development of international business etiquette and communicati on skills as a strategy to distinguish their company from competing firms. One business educator has cautioned, "Being closely attuned to the orientations of diverse trading partners is an increasingly important advantage in the highly c ompetitive global marketplace, where only the very best thrive." Colleges and u niversities have responded to this need by integrating international perspectiv es into the curricula. Business schools in particular have worked to internatio nalize the curriculum, partially through the expansion of international busines s communication courses. Even student clubs have recognized the need for enhanc ed understanding of other cultures, sponsoring popular business etiquette dinne rs and workshops on global business protocol.Proper etiquette in today’s business world goes well beyond basic ta ble manner s( they are, after all, a given in most cultures) and common courtesies (allowi ng an esteemed colleague or superior to precede you through a doorway, for exam ple). Think of all the elements that go into making a first impression. The lis t is lengthy. There is your manner of dress, your professional appearance, the color of your dress or tie, your body language, handshake, posture, amount of e ye contact on introduction, where you put your hands, how you accept a business card and how you present yours as well as the actual content of the card-and y ou haven’t even sat down to begin talks.Regardless of the culture, proper etiquette means maintaining your own values w hile respecting those of others. It does not mean slavishly following the rituals and practices of others to please your host. If you make an effort at the la nguage, at understanding the basics of common courtesy, and avoid any offensive acts, don’t be overly concerned about the subtleties- at least the first time around. To be honest, not that much is really expected of the first time visito r to another culture, thought a deeper understanding will be expected each time you visit. The value in understanding etiquette and protocol id in the confide nce it gives you and the impression it makes on colleagues.Although what is covered is handled well, there are some areas that could have received greater attention. For example, there is little discussion of the diff erences among the various countries and cultures in each continent. And I’d ha ve liked more on business etiquette and the use of humor, entertainment and let ters.We previously discussed the importance of business etiquette in daily business activities in terms of "business introduce", dining, business invitations. Ther e are some other important business etiquettes, such as the proper attitude tow ards foreign cultures, music and arts, the respect for their dining habits, hol idays and religions. We will not discuss them in details because of the limited scope of this paper. Shortly put, understanding more about foreign business et iquettes put us in a good position to deal with all kinds of business occasions and hence facilitate the development of global trade.References:[1] Grace Fox. Everyday Etiquette, A Guide to Modern Manners[M].[2] Mary Jane McCaffree, Pauline Innis. The Complete Handbook [8] R.G. Feltha m. Diplomatic Handbook[M] .[M]. Time-Life Custom Publishing.[3] Williams-Sonoma, Inc. and Wedon Owen Inc. The Bar GuideBerkley Publishing Group with Doubleday Direct, Inc, 1998.of Diplomatc i[M],. Official and Social Usage.[4] 杜培. 现代礼仪学[M]. 中国工人出版社, 1997.[5] 韩欲和, 张彦. 涉外礼仪[M]. 译林出版社, 1996.[6] 金正昆. 涉外礼仪教程[M]. 中国人民大学出版社, 1998.[7] 李斌. 国际礼仪与交际礼节[M]. 世界知识出版社, 1985.[8] 李天民. 现代国际礼仪知识[M]. 世界知识出版社, 1999.[9] 宋长美. 对外交往中的礼仪礼节[M]. 黑龙江人民出版社,1996.(中文参考文献按拼音顺序排,英文按字母顺序排。

国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena[精]

国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena[精]
Chapter 1 Business Etiquette in the International Arena
Learning objectives
By the end of this introductive chapter, you should be able to
define etiquette and business etiquette understand the origin and development of
help you appear polished and professional, rendering you knowledgeable and confident in clients’ eyes
Actions (I)
Appearance and Dress Positive first impression Business card etiquette Conversation skills
Case Study
Here is the situation: You’re meeting a client it crowded with noisy happy-hour patrons, making for an inhospitable business atmosphere-what do you do?
The word “etiquette” originated in France during the 1600s and 1700s.
It used to mean “keep off the grass” in French.



国际商务礼仪英文教程【篇一:国际商务礼仪作业(英文版)】business gift-giving around the world武汉大学何坚婷abstract: nowadays, gifts are playing as an important role in international business relations. but different countries have different customs of gift-giving. the paper gives some details about how to make a good business gift-giving in many countries around the world.key words: significance, different cultures, comparative of business gift-givingintroduction1.significance of gift-giving in businessfirst of all, in international business dealings, appropriate gift-giving can not only fully show the enterprises culture and academic spirits, but also promote each others friendship.and then, gift-giving can show peoples congratulations, condolences and thanks to others. at the same time, it is also an emotional investment, reducing the emotional distance between people and being conductive to peoples communication.2.different cultures view on giftsbefore we start to talk about how to make a good businessgift-giving, lets give a view upon different counties in the world, knowing that how the people in different cultures treat the gifts. the first one is america!in america, people like the practical and peculiar gifts very much. for example, if you could give them some small gifts with unique styles or ethnic characteristics, such as the faked terracotta warriors and horses, they will be very happy. american people treat the snails and horseshoe as the mascot. when you present some gifts to them, remember not to make the number of gifts singular, and you should be attention tothe packaging.in addition, packaging gifts, do not use black paper, because the black in american eyes was unlucky color. also, gifts should pay attention to the business end of the conversation.in the uk, people dont like the gifts that are very expensive. it will be taken as a bribe if you give them some precious gifts. gifts like premium chocolate, a two bottles of wine , and flowers would be a good choice. do remember that not to present gifts printed with company flag. also, remember not to send the lily, because it means death.in france, people are very romantic, so they usually like the artisticand intellectual gifts very much, such as picturesque, art albums, and small crafts. if you are invited to a french peoples house for a dinner, remember to take a few pieces of fresh flowers without bundling with you, but the chrysanthemums must be excluded, because chrysanthemums are only used at funerals in france. in russia, people like to treat the guests with bread and salt to show their friendship and respect. they like to receive gifts that are brand name, such as a levis jeans, regardless of the level of the value of gifts. but do not give money to people, because it will be considered as charity and insults.in japan, people think that gifts represent peoples true mind. for the japanese, the ceremony of gift giving is more important than the objects exchanged. while you give them some flowers, the flowers should not be white, as these are associated with death. also, avoid giving gifts with even numbers of components, such as an even number of flowers in a bouquet. four is an especially inauspicious number, never give four of anything.in saudi arabia, people are very hospital, but you are not expected to bring any gift when invited into a saudi home. arab traders generally presente expensive gifts to others, but also would like to receive the same valuable in return. do not present used items to them, not so as wine and gifts with animal patterns on it. it isconsidered a violation of their privacy to give the wifes of arabs gifts.3.how to make a good gift-givingas we have discussed about the different cultures attitudes toward gift-giving, im going to list the way to make a good gift-giving in different countries around the world.first, we should know about the four elements of gift-giving, thus gifts, means, time and place.to tell it in detail, lets have a look on some countries that may provide us some useful information.in america, business gifts are discouraged by the law, which allows only a $25 tax deduction on gifts. so, it is important for you to choose a good time to present gifts, the time when you arrive or when you leave america is ok. when you visit a home, it is not necessary to take a gift, however ,it is always appreciated. you may take flowers, a plant, or a bottle of wine. take care, if you wish to give flowers, have them sent ahead so as not to burden your hostess with taking care of them when you arrive. and personal gifts such as perfume or clothing are inappropriate for women.in the uk, gifts are not part of doing business. rather than giving gifts, it is preferable to invite your hosts out for a meal or a show.but when you are invited to a english home, you may bring flowers, liquor or champagne, and chocolates. send a brief, handwritten thank-you note promptly afterwards, preferably by messenger rather than by mail.in france, it is not a good idea to give a business gift at your first encounter. for thank-yous, send at least a note, the day after you were invited to a dinner. of cause, you can send flowers or a basket of fruit if you like. to be romantic is necessary.in russia, gifts are more popular than the countries described before. so, you will have more choice to present gifts to your friends in russia. gifts like baseball caps, rock or country and western cassettes are welcome, also, camera, watches, and inexpensive jewelry is ok. thus after you choose a good time, you will make a good impression on your friends with the wonderful gifts. in japan, gift giving is very common. business gifts absolutely must be given at midyear and at year end. they are often given at first business meetings. usually, japanese do not open gifts directly once receiving them. if they do, they will be restrained in their appreciation. this does not mean that they do not like what you have given. when choosing gifts, imported goods and electronic product are fine.in saudi arabia, every saudi who must broker or approve a【篇二:商务礼仪英语bisiness etiquette】a study on international commercial etiquette and its significance商务礼仪及其意义研究contents(times new roman 小三号加黑加粗)introduction????????????????????.1chapter one abcccccccc?????????????. 71.1 abc???????????????????????. 71.2 abc ???????????????????????.81.3 abc????????????????????.???.9chapter two abcccccccc?????????????112.1abc???????????????????????. 112.2abc ???????????????????????122.3abc???????????????????????.13chapter three?chapter four??conclusion?????????????????????. references?????????????????????内容摘要当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。

国际商务礼仪 Unit 2 Dressing Etiquette

国际商务礼仪   Unit 2  Dressing Etiquette

Dress in different cultures
Dress in Canada, Europe, Japan, and South America is perhaps more formal than in the United States; coats and ties are expected in business settings.
clothes should be? --No more than three. 3.On formal occasions, what kind of shoes should a man
wear? --Black leather shoes. 4.On formal occasions, can a man match the black
In Saudi Arabia, men wear traditional attire, which includes an ankle-length white flowing robe and checkered head cloth.
Ⅰ. Role-play activity
Unit Two. Dressing Etiquette
Focal Points
The major do’s and don’ts of business dress The importance of image in business How to dress in different cultures
A. Casual B. Business Dress
Terry Flip-Flop
A. Casual B. Business Dress

国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 6 Telephoning Etiquette

国际商务礼仪(英文版)(第二版)Chapter 6 Telephoning Etiquette

Leave a message
• Think through what you are going to say before you place the call. • State your name first. • State your number right after your name. • Repeat your phone number twice. • State the purpose of your call. • Find some common ground. • Be brief. • Leave a specific request. • Consider leaving your e-mail in addition to your phone number.
The basic rules for teleconferencing
• Don’t interrupt, keep on the subject, and avoid negative comment of others. • Enunciate clearly and smile often. • Everyone must call in on time, as prearranged. • At the end of the conference the leader should summarize the discussion, close the conference, and thank the participants.
Sometimes callers are rude and unreasonable. You may not know why they are rude or unhappy, but you can influence the outcome of the call and perhaps regain the caller’s goodwill. Once a customer was surf the Internet and dealing with his stocks when his Internet was disconnected. He tried for 15 minutes but still failed to reconnect the line. He was so angry that he called the China Telecom customer hotline on 10000 and shouted about the huge loss caused by the Internet problem. If you were the operator of 10000, how would you handle the difficult caller?

国际商务礼仪Unit 25 Business Meeting Etiquette

国际商务礼仪Unit 25 Business Meeting Etiquette
• 他的父母对他在外可以逗留多晚并没有严格的规定。
• I. Role-play activity: Divide the class into several groups according to different types of meetings. Then each student of a group just follows the protocol to imitate and act in different business meetings. Finally they are going to compare which group performs the best.
• 2. relay: pass along 转述,转达
• The broadcasting station will relay the news of the President's death. • 广播电台将转播总统逝世的消息。
• 3. punctuality:
• the quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time 严守时间
• The rival political parties are already jockeying for power. • 各反对党已经在不择手段地谋取权势了。
• 3、hard-and-fast: 不可违逆的; 必须遵守的
• His parents have no hard-and-fast rules about how late he can stay out.
• Do not fall into this trap.不要掉入这个陷阱。

国际商务礼仪 The art of making phone and calls

国际商务礼仪  The art of making phone and calls

Screening Calls
• Busy executives often ask their administrative assistants or others to screen calls. When you screen calls, you must exercise great tact to hide the fact that you're doing that, otherwise the caller will feel unloved.
The art of making phone calls
Voice and attitude
• Why voice and attitude is important in making a phone?
• People at the other side of the line may not see your face, but they could sense your attitude because your tone of voice alone gives expression to the words spoken.
• Closing a Call.
• If you want to end a call, don’t feel uneasy about it. Leaving matters hanging will only waste your time. You could naturally close your call with a conclusive statement: “Ok, I think we all agree this work could be completed ahead of schedule. Shall we talk again, maybe tomorrow?” or “I’ve had a clue of this project. I’ll call you back when I need the details.” After that, you could end the conversation with “It’s really nice talking to you. Good-by” or “Have a nice day.”

国际商务礼仪_Greetings and introductions

国际商务礼仪_Greetings and introductions

How do you signal that you don't want to bHale Waihona Puke hugged or kissed?
The how-to' of introduction
The following guidelines for making introductions and being introduced are intended to make the process go as smoothly as possible.
What about hand kissing? 吻手(hand-kissing): 是欧美上层社会的礼节. 和贵族妇女或夫人见面时, 如果女方先伸出手作下垂式, 则将手掌轻轻托起吻之. 如果女方不伸手,则不行吻手礼. 表示尊重或打招呼.
Hugging 拥抱礼,是欧美各国熟人,朋 友之间表示亲密感情的一种礼 节.见面或告别时互相拥抱, 表示亲密无间,感情深厚,拥 抱礼通常和接吻礼一起进行.
When you are making the introduction….
Look first at the person to whom you are making the introduction, then turn to the other person as you complete the introduction. Speak clearly State your introductions courteously. Introduce people by names and titles they prefer
The order of introduction
The protocol of making proper introductions is very logical. You properly introduce a lesser to a more important or senior person. You would introduce:
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国际商务礼仪英文篇一:国际商务礼仪作业Business Gift-giving Around the World武汉大学何坚婷Abstract: Nowadays, gifts are playing as an important role in international business relations. But different countries have different customs of gift-giving. The paper gives some details about how to make a good business gift-giving in many countries around the world.Key words: significance, different cultures, comparative of business gift-givingIntroductionof Gift-giving in BusinessFirst of all, in international business dealings, appropriate gift-giving can not only fully show the enterprises culture andacademic spirits, but also promote each other’s friendship.And then, gift-giving can show people’s congratulations, condolences and thanks to others. At the same time, it is also an emotional investment, reducing the emotional distance between people and being conductive to people’s communication.Cultures’ View on GiftsBefore we start to talk about how to make a good business gift-givin g, let’s give a view upon different counties in the world, knowing that how the people in different cultures treat the gifts. The first one is America!In America, people like the practical and peculiar gifts very much. For example, if you could give them some small gifts with unique styles or ethnic characteristics, such as the faked terracotta warriors and horses, they will be veryhappy. American people treat the snails and horseshoe as the mascot. When you present some gifts to them, remember not to make the number of gifts singular, and you should be attention to the addition, packaging gifts, do not use black paper, because the black in American eyes was unlucky color. Also, gifts should pay attention to the business end of the conversation.In the UK, people don’t like the gifts that are very expensive. It will be taken as a bribe if you give them some precious gifts. Gifts like premium chocolate, a two bottles of wine , and flowers would be a good choice. Do remember that not to present gifts printed with company flag. Also, remember not to send the lily, because it means death.In France, people are very romantic, so they usually like the artisticand intellectual gifts very much, suchas picturesque, art albums, and small crafts. If you are invited to a French people’s house for a dinner, remember to take a few pieces of fresh flowers without bundling with you, but the chrysanthemums must be excluded, because chrysanthemums are only used at funerals in France. In Russia, people like to treat the guests with bread and salt to show their friendship and respect. They like to receive gifts that are brand name, such as a LEVIS jeans, regardless of the level of the value of gifts. But do not give money to people, because it will be considered as charity and insults.In Japan, people think that gifts represent peoples’ true mind. For the Japanese, the ceremony of gift giving is more important than the objects exchanged. While you give them some flowers, the flowers should not be white, as these are associated with death. Also, avoid giving gifts with even numbers of components,such as an even number of flowers in a bouquet. Four is an especially inauspicious number, never give four of anything.In Saudi Arabia, people are very hospital, but you are not expected to bring any gift when invited into a Saudi home. Arab traders generally presente expensive gifts to others, but also would like to receive the same valuable in return. Do not present used items to them, not so as wine and gifts with animal patterns on it. It is considered a violation of their privacy to give the wifes of Arabs gifts.to Make a Good Gift-givingAs we have discussed about the different cultures’ attitudes toward gift-giving, I’m going to list the way to make a good gift-giving in different countries around the world.First, we should know about the four elements of gift-giving, thus gifts, means, time and place.To tell it in detail, let’s have a look on some countries that may provide us some useful information.In America, business gifts are discouraged by the law, which allows only a $25 tax deduction on gifts. So, it is important for you to choose a good time to present gifts, the time when you arrive or when you leave America is OK. When you visit a home, it is not necessary to take a gift, however ,it is always appreciated. You may take flowers, a plant, or a bottle of wine. Take care, if you wish to give flowers, have them sent ahead so as not to burden your hostess with taking care of them when you arrive. And personal gifts such as perfume or clothing are inappropriate for women.In the UK, gifts are not part of doing business. Rather than giving gifts, it is preferable to invite your hosts out for a meal or a show.But when you are invited to a English home, you may bring flowers, liquor or champagne, and chocolates. Send a brief, handwritten thank-you note promptly afterwards, preferably by messenger rather than by mail.In France, it is not a good idea to give a business gift at your first encounter. For thank-you’s, send at least a note, the day after you were invited to a dinner. Of cause, you can send flowers or a basket of fruit if you like. To be romantic is necessary.In Russia, gifts are more popular than the countries described before. So, you will have more choice to present gifts to your friends in Russia. Gifts like baseball caps, rock or country and western cassettes are welcome, also, camera, watches, and inexpensive jewelry is OK. Thus after you choose a good time, you will make a good impression on your friends with the wonderful gifts. In Japan, gift giving isvery common. Business gifts absolutely must be given at midyear and at year end. They are often given at first business meetings. Usually, Japanese do not open gifts directly once receiving them. If they do, they will be restrained in their appreciation. This does not mean that they do not like what you have given. When choosing gifts, imported goods and electronic product are fine.In Saudi Arabia, every Saudi who must broker or approve a篇二:国际商务礼仪论文How to make first impressionAssignment 2A Cross-cultural Study of How to make a goodfirst impressionName:Students No:Major:Mobile phone:Hello everyone! I’m——. Today, our topic is How to make a good first impression. The first impression is the first impression two strangers meet formation, is a preliminary evaluation by observation on the other side of the dress, speech, manners and so on to each other. The first impression of the whole impression formation play a decisive role, it is often after intercourse according to. So, whether to leave others a good “first impression.” Often determines the success or failure of communication with others. So, in today’s lecture, we will focus on how to make a good first impression profound?Person’s appearance don’t decide, but depends entirely on their owncharacter expression was most incisive. Vulgar action is always boring. For example in France: social occasions to meet with the guests, generally to shake hands for ceremony. Yung women areoften subjected to curtsy, French certain social class “a kiss on the hand” is also quite popular, but Shi kissing hand, mouth should not come into contact with her by the hand, nor kiss gloved hand, not kissing in public places; do not kiss the girl’s hand.Dell Carnegie in “six suggestions how to win friends and influence people” a book is to make a good first impression: ? To be a patient listener, to encourage others to talk about his own. ? Smile.? Mention the name of others.? Talk with others interested in the topic.? Feel he is very important to let others sincere way.? Be genuinely interested in other people. before talking to after thinking, clear expression, rhythm, not too fast, intonation should speak in measured tones,and the aesthetic feeling of music. Look pleased with oneself make gestures, such as unsightly adjoins action should be everyone knows, Britain is a country, polite, pay attention to cultivation. Meeting of elders, superiors and not familiar with title, title, and in other names preceded by that title, lady, lady, Mr. or miss. Between friends and acquaintances commonly known. They met for the first time people shake hands, smile and say: “hello!”arrogant, say yes and mean no, or to avoid being seen, full of twists and turns, or to ask questions, gossipy and meddlesome will damage the image and the atmosphere of communication. Learn to listen. Americansgenerally cheerful, sociable, not to stick at trifles. The first meeting is not necessarily shake hands, sometimes just smile, or a wave of “ choosing the partner,will often begin to pay attention to those who looked beautiful, but if we want to keep the good interpersonal relationship and communication object, we can only choose those has important significance in our view of value. The Brazilian enthusiasm, bold, frank, honest. In contact with Brazilian, you will not feel cold, feel rejected, you can talk with the Brazilian relaxed, take one’s ease, even will soon become bosom friends, and you can feel the Brazilian with a childlike playful strength and loose habits.But often the shy, afraid of people, a lot of people are just passive communication. Psychologists have found that people cannot take the initiative to contact, there are three main reasons:1.2.3.Since found out the reason, we havean antidote against the disease. You can exercise their own from the following three aspects:1. some easy questions or comments on your side, easy happening; attract the attention of the other party.2. Self-introduction is a key social. Active right, have a style of one’s own self introduction, often give a good impression on the left. For example, the famous opera writ er Wei Mingling is not high, “said a man”. But he avoided to never, but often in public to ridicule the way to introduce yourself: “I Binapolun shorter, with Lu Xun Cao Yu; repeated measurement, no effort to play a gun, conditional touch pen, and then took up the text.”3.the basic psychological needs. In order to attract the attention of the other party, active praise is very useful.4.people.References:1.《Carnegies Complete Books of Success》--Carnegie篇三:商务礼仪英语Bisiness EtiquetteA Study on International Commercial Etiquette and Its Significance商务礼仪及其意义研究CONTENTS INTRODUCTION????????????????????.1CHAPTER ONE ABCCCCCCCC?????????????. 7Abc???????????????????????. 7Abc ???????????????????????.8Abc????????????????????.???.9CHAPTER TWO ABCCCCCCCC?????????????11???????????????????????. 11???????????????????????12???????????????????????.13CHAPTER THREE?CHAPTER FOUR?? CONCLUSION?????????????????????. REFERENCES?????????????????????内容摘要当今世界,各国之间交流频繁,礼仪之论不再局限在国内,而成了国际交往需要重视的问题。
