南航专业英语(复试 )
南航面试英语 主题演讲

南航专业英语(复试 )

第一章机械工程材料The mechanical engineering material晶体crystal 非晶体noncrystal 晶胞晶格常数lattice constant 晶格lattice(空间点阵space lattice)金属键metallic bond 体心立方晶格面心立方晶格密排六方晶格致密度density 配位数coordination number 晶面crystal face 晶向各向异性anisotropy晶向指数indices of crystallographic direction 晶向族Crystal to the family晶面指数indices of lattice plane 晶面族多晶体;亚结构;;单晶体;晶粒crystalline grain;grain crystal;;crystal particle 点缺陷point defect 线缺陷line defect 面缺陷;空位,vacancy 间隙原子interstitial atom 置换原子位错dislocation 刃型位错edge dislocation 螺旋位错screw dislocations晶界;亚晶界subgrain boundary 相界;晶格畸变lattice deformation凝固solidification 结晶;;过冷supercooling过冷度degree of subcooling 自由能free energy 晶核crystal nucleus近程有序short-range order 长程有序long range order 枝晶;晶粒度grain size 变质处理modification附加振动additional vibration 金属铸锭metal ingot细晶粒区Fine grain zone柱状晶粒区The columnar grain zone等轴状晶粒区The equiaxed grain zone形核率growth rate第二章组元合金相固溶体置换固溶体间隙固溶体有限固溶体无限固溶体Infinite solid solution固溶强化Solid solution strengthening 中间相Mesophase金属间化合物Intermetallic compound合金系Alloy system 相图Phase diagram 自由度Degrees of freedom 相律Phase rule 匀晶相图Isomorphous phase diagram平衡结晶Equilibrium crystallization 二元相图Binary phase diagram杠杆定律Leverage 's law 枝晶偏析Dendritic segregation共晶合金Eutectic alloy 呀共晶合金Hypoeutectic alloy伪共晶Pseudo – eutectic 比重偏析Gravity segregation质量分数Mass fraction 包晶相图Peritectic phase diagram二元系合金相图Binary Alloy Phase Diagram 相图分析Phase Diagram Analysis 共晶转变Eutectic transformation 共析转变Eutectoid transformation偏晶转变Monotectic 熔晶转变Melting crystalline transition包晶转变Peritectic 包析转变Peritectoid transition合晶转变Symplectite transition第三章铁碳合金Iron-carbon alloy 纯铁Pure iron 渗碳体Cementite抗拉强度Tensile strength 屈服强度Yield strength 伸长率Elongation断面收缩率Section shrinkage 冲击韧度Impact toughness 硬度Hardness 塑性Plastic 韧性Toughness 强度Strength间隙化合物Gap compounds 同素异构转变Allotropic transformation机械混合物Mechanical mixture 工业纯铁Industrial pure iron碳钢Carbon steel 共析钢Eutectoid steel 过共析钢Hypereutectoid steel 亚共析钢Hypoeutectoid steel 白口铸铁White cast iron共晶白口铸铁Eutectic white cast iron 亚共晶白口Hypoeutectic white cast iron 过共晶白口铸铁Hypereutectic white cast iron 一次渗碳体Once cementite二次渗碳体Secondary cementite 三次渗碳体Three cementite魏氏体Widmanstatten 低碳钢Low carbon steel 中碳钢Medium carbon steel 中高碳钢High Carbon Steel 高碳钢High-carbon steel 铸造casting锻造forging 冲击载荷Impact load 铸钢Cast steel 牌号brand成分composition 缩孔Shrinkage cavity 缩松shrinkage 弹性The elastic 耐磨性Resistance to wear 锰manganese 硅silicon 硫sulfur磷phosphoru 热脆hot shortness 冷脆cold shortness 氢脆沸腾钢rimming steel 镇静钢killed steel 半镇静钢Semi-killed steel 碳素结构钢structural carbon steel 碳素工具钢优质碳素结构钢improved carbon structural steel第四章弹性变形Elastic deformation塑性变形Plastic deformation断裂Fracture 应力Stress 应变Strain弹性模量Elastic modulus 弹性极限Elastic limit滑移Slippage 滑移带Slip bands 滑移线Slip line滑移系Slip systems 位错机制Dislocation mechanism 纤维组织Fibrous tissue 加工硬化Work hardening 织构Texture 制耳Earing 回复recovery再结晶Recrystallization 晶粒长大grain growth热加工Thermal processing 冷加工Cold working 冷塑性热轧hot rolling流线stream line第五章钢的热处理Heat treatment of the steel 热处理Heat treatment 保温holding 加热heating 冷却cooling热处理强化Heat treatment to strengthen 回火Tempering退火Annealing 正火Normalizing 淬火Quench表面热处理Surface heat treatment表面淬火Surface hardening 化学热处Chemical heat treatment 感应加热Induction heating 火焰加热Flame heating渗碳carburizing 渗氮Nitriding 碳氮共渗Carbonitriding 过冷奥氏体undercooled austenite 索氏体Sorbite托氏体Troostite 贝氏体Bainite 马氏体Martensite上贝氏体Upper bainite 下贝氏体Lower bainite片状马氏体Plate martensite 板条马氏体Lath martensite均匀化退火Homogenizing 完全退火full annealing球化退火spheroidizing annealin去应力退火stress relief annealing 等温退火isothermal annealing 网状组织network structure淬透性淬硬性hardening capacity回火脆性temper brittleness 等温淬火isothermal quenching低温回火脆性高温回火脆性High temperature temper brittleness第一/二类回火脆性type Ⅰ/II temper brittleness第六章铬chromium 镍nickel 钼molybdenum 钨tungsten钒vanadium 钛titanium 铌钴cobalt稀土元素rare earth element (REE) 合金铁素体Alloy ferrite 回火稳定性二次硬化secondary hardening低合金高强度钢high-strength low alloy steel易切削钢free machining stee l 渗碳钢carburizing steel渗氮钢nitriding steel 调质钢quenched and tempered steel弹簧钢Spring steels 滚动轴承钢rolling bearing steel合金工具钢alloy tool steel 刃具钢碳素工具钢合金刃具钢Alloy tool steel高速钢high speed steel 模具钢die steel冷作模具钢cold work die steel 热作模具钢hot work die steel 量具钢Measuring steel 特殊性能钢special property steel不锈钢铁素体型不锈钢ferritic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢martensitic stainless steel奥氏体不锈钢austenitic stainless steel固溶处理solution treatment 稳定化处理stabilizing treatment奥氏体-铁素体双相不锈钢ferrite-austenite duplex stainless steel双相钢dual-phase steel 耐热钢heat-resistant steel珠光体(马氏体/贝氏体/奥氏体)耐热钢Pearlitic heat resistant steel 耐磨钢abrasion-resistant steel 硬质合金emented carbide第七章铸铁cast iron 石墨化graphitization 石墨graphite灰铸铁可锻铸铁malleable cast iron球墨铸铁nodular cast iron 等温淬火isothermal quenching耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron耐热铸铁Heat resistant cast iron第八章工业纯铝commercial purity aluminum 防锈铝Antirust aluminum 铸造铝合cast aluminium alloy 硬铝合金hard aluminum alloys 变形铝合金deforming aluminium alloy 锻铝forging aluminium alloy 超硬铝合金super hard aluminum alloys固溶强化时效强化黄铜青铜第九章高分子材料polymer materials 单体monomer链节segment 聚合度官能度functionality 主链支链branch聚合物polymer 陶瓷ceramics 晶相crystal phase玻璃相glass phase 气相gas phase 硅酸盐silicate 复合材料composite materials 玻璃纤维glass fiber碳纤维carbon fiber 晶须whisker。

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Interview Committee,Good morning/afternoon! It is a great honor to stand before you todayfor the interview for the position of [position] at Southern Airlines. My name is [Your Name], and I have prepared myself thoroughly to share with you why I am the ideal candidate for this role.Firstly, let me begin by expressing my enthusiasm for joining Southern Airlines. The reputation of Southern Airlines as a leading carrier inthe industry is well-known, and I am eager to be a part of this esteemed organization. I have always admired the commitment to excellence, safety, and customer service that Southern Airlines embodies, and I am confident that my skills and experiences align perfectly with the values of this company.My academic background has laid a strong foundation for a career in aviation. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in [Your Field of Study] from [University Name], where I was exposed to a variety of courses that focused on management, communication, and customer service. These subjects have not only broadened my knowledge but have also honed my ability to work effectively in a team and manage projects efficiently.In terms of professional experience, I have had the pleasure of working with [Number of years] years in the aviation industry. My previous role at [Company Name] as a [Your Previous Position] allowed me to gain invaluable insights into the operations of an airline, from flight planning to customer relations. During my tenure, I successfully [Mention any significant achievements or projects you were involved in], which contributed to the overall success of the team and the company.One of the key reasons I believe I am a suitable candidate for this position is my strong interpersonal skills. I have always been a people-oriented individual, which is essential in the aviation industry where customer satisfaction is paramount. I am adept at resolving conflicts, empathizing with customers, and ensuring that their needs are met promptly and efficiently. This has been evident in my previous roles, where I have received positive feedback from both colleagues andpassengers for my ability to handle difficult situations with grace and professionalism.Moreover, I am a highly adaptable and innovative individual. Theaviation industry is known for its dynamic nature, and I am confident that my ability to quickly adjust to new environments and embrace change will be an asset to Southern Airlines. I am proficient in using various software and tools related to aviation, and I am always eager to learn new technologies that can enhance our operational efficiency.In conclusion, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the continued growth and success of Southern Airlines. I am a dedicated professional with a passion for aviation, and I am committed to providing exceptional service to our customers. I am confident that my educational background, professional experience, and personal qualities make me an excellent fit for this position.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the Southern Airlines team. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have and am ready to demonstrate my suitability for this role.Thank you.[Your Name]。


南航面试英文自我介绍(精选3篇)南航面试英文篇1My name is , I come from Vivian I 68 1 meters tall, handsome, dignified, very friendly, I hope that through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, in the blue sky and white clouds, then the universe Yunjuanyunshu, overlooking the motherland beautiful rivers and mountains of a country.The flight attendant, always is a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, and white clouds and blue sky angel, is my understanding of it. Maybe, I don't like angel so beautiful, but I will from the heart to the passengers first, passenger is my angel.I don't care about people feel, leaned, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn, learn to smile, learn to enjoy fly to yourself and others happy.Maybe, I still immature, but I will work hard, also hope to get a chance to dream of flying from you. I believe that when the dream was given a pair of wings, flying is not one kind of hope again, I must fly to that distant, across the sea mountain white clouds blue sky world. I know I want that kind of happiness is in the higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sunlight, I want to fly higher. 南航面试英文自我介绍篇2You and the interviewer:How do you do!I'm eighteen years old. I am confident, clear, with good communication skills. Also playing basketball, climbing, running and other hobbies. I love to listen to music, recite lyric poetry, novels, English, chat, sing. The teacher said I was a tireless optimist.Since childhood I longed to fly in the blue sky, to friendsaround the world to do is my honor to warm and thoughtful service. I know as a flight attendant, not only to have the service of others but also full of passion, tolerance, tolerance, will all rivers run into sea. This is the relationship between the national image of the glorious and sacred cause and I will care about the feelings of others, learn to communicate, learn to smile, learn to enjoy fly to yourself and others happy.Maybe, I still immature, from that dream still lack a lot of conditions, but I will work hard to learn more things to enrich themselves, but also eager to get a chance to dream of flying from the judges here. Thank you!南航面试英文自我介绍篇3Everybody examiner good, very pleased today on this platform to show you myself, my name is _ _ is eighteen years old this year, I love reading, chatting, I cheerful and lively, can care about the people and things around, and friends can live together in peace together, and full of confidence in life, when I was growing up more than ten years, so I developed a firm and indomitable will and indomitable spirit.I have been longing for the blue sky, flying in the blue sky is always my ideal, I was flying in the blue sky the happiness of life, my self perception let me feel the airline stewardess become a correct choice, I hope you can give me a chance, I think I must be able to receive training at work and realize their own value at the same time, I also realized and working relationship is established on the basis of self knowledge, I believe I can do this work. Airline stewardess is a sacred and noble occupation, and then write your understanding of the airline stewardess occupation, I have no concept of what, this is my work for the best interpretation of airline stewardess so, I believe it can realize my agency Will theideal and life value, hope everybody can approve me, give me this opportunity, thank you...。

1. 自我介绍
2. 学科面试
3. 英语面试

【听力材料】:(Text 1)W: What’s new with you,Jack?M:Well,I met a really nice woman.We’ve been going out for three months and things look good now.(Text 2)M: When did you first find the door broken and things missing?W:After I got up,around 5:20.Then I called the police station.(Text 3)W: Pass me the flour,please.M:Which tin is it in?W:The one at the end of the shelf.It’s slightly smaller than the others.M:Oh,right.(Text 4)W:Do you know why George hasn’t come yet?M:Yes.He was planning to come,but his wife’s father fell down some stairs and they had to take him to a hospital.W:I’m sorry to hear that.(Text 5)W:Hi,Tony.How did your experiment go yesterday?M: Well,it wasn’t as easy as I had thought.I have to continue doing it tonight.(Text 6)M:Is that Ann?W:Yes.M:This is Mike.How are things with you?W:Oh,very well,but I’m very busy.M:Busy? But you’ve finished all your exams?W:Yes,but I have to help my little sister with her foreign language.M:How about coming out with me this evening?There’s a newfilm on.W:I’m afraid I can’t.A friend of mine is coming from the south and I have to go to the station to meet him.M:What a pity!How about the weekend then?W:No,I’ve arranged to go to an art exhibition with my parents.M:What about next week sometime?W:Maybe.(Text 7)W:I hear there will be a football competition between all senior schools next month.Is that so?M:That’s true.W:Would you please go into some more details?M:Well,the competition will be held in our school and it will begin on August 11.The competition will last a whole week.W:Anything else?M:Yes,both the girls and boys competition will be held at the same time.The girls competition will be held in the morning and the boys competition will be held in the afternoon.W:Yes? Sounds exciting.M:We are both members of our school football team.We should be ready for it.W:Of course.It’s a long time since we had the last football competition last time.I’m really looking forward to another competition.M:Me,too.(Text 8)W: Excuse me.I am from STM.We are carrying out a survey on the traffic in our city.Do you mind if I ask you some questions?M:No,not at all.Go ahead.W:Good,thanks.What do you do,sir?M:I am a teacher.I teach children French.W:Great.Do you live far from the school? I mean,how do you usually go to work?M:Well,mostly by car.But once in a while,I prefer to ride my bike.You know,I live quite far from the school,about 20 miles.And I have to spend about an hour riding to school.But it only takes me less than a quarter of an hour to drive my car,unless the traffic is very bad.W:I see.Does this happen often? I mean the bad traffic.M:Yes,sure! I often get stuck on the way,and the problem’s getting worse and worse.W:That’s all of my questions.Thank you very much.M:You are welcome.(Text 9)M: Customer service.Andney Grant speaking.How may I help you?W:I can’t believe this is happening.I called and ordered a 32?inch bag last Friday.But today I found that you sent me a 24?inch one.I was planning to use that bag during our vacation in Mexico,but it doesn’t seem possible any more because we will take off on Saturday.It’s only two days away.What am I supposed to do?M:I’m really sorry,madam. I’ll check right away.Would you please tell me your order number?W:It’s CE2938.M:Just a minute.I do apologize,madam.There did seem to be a mistake.I’ll have the correct size bag sent to you by overnight mail right away.It will arrive in time for your Saturday trip.Again Iapologize for any inconvenience caused by our mistake.I promise it won’t happen again.W:OK.Well,thank you.M:Thank you,madam,for choosing Linch mail.I hope you will have a wonderful vacation.(Text 10)I wasn’t too fond of the lecture classes of 400 students in my general course.Halfway through my second term when I was considering whether or not to come back in the fall,I went on the Internet and came across Americorp.Then I joined in an organization,and that’s what I did last school year.I worked on making roads,building a house,serving as a teacher’s assistant and working as a camp officer in several projects in South Carolina and Florida.It’s been a great experience,and I’ve almost learned more than what I could have in college since I didn’t really want to be at that school and wasn’t interested in my major a nyway,I thought this was better for me.After 1,700 hours of service I received 4,750 dollars.I can use that to pay off the money I borrowed from the bank or for what is needed when I go back to school this fall at ColumbusState in Ohio.Classes are smaller there and I’ll be majoring in German education.After working with the kids,now I know,I want to be a teacher.1、Who is the man talking about now?A.His girlfriend.B.His sister.C.His mother.2、What are they talking about?A.A traffic accident.B.A fire.C.A crime.3、Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.At a bookshop.B.At a kitchen.C.At a bank.4、Who was injured?A.George.B.George’s wife.C.George’s wife’s father.5、What do we learn from the conversation?A.Tony could not continue the experiment.B.Tony finished the experiment last night.C.Tony will go on with his experiment.第二节(共15小题,每小题1分)听下面5段对话或独白。

Self-introduction自我介绍Name:William Shakespeare Graduated University:×××××××××××Major:English Literature Admission Time:20XX-09-01—20XX-06-30Telephone:+86×××××××(MP)E-mail:520521××××@(后附范文5篇及10类常见问题解答,总有一个适合你!)20XX年XX月XX日目录范文一(英文) (3)范文一(中文) (4)范文二(英文) (5)范文二(中文) (6)范文三(英文) (7)范文三(中文) (9)范文四(英文) (10)范文四(中文) (11)范文五(英文) (12)范文五(中文) (16)十类常见问题解答 (17)(一)"What can you tell me about ......?". (18)(二)"What would you like to be doing......?" . (19)(三)"What is your greatest strength ?" (19)(四)"What is your greatest weakness?" (20)(五)"How do you feel about your progress to date?" (21)(六)行为面试问题 (21)(七)压力面试问题 (22)(八)案例面试问题 (22)(九)非常规问题 (23)(十)其他常见的英语面试问题 (24)范文一(英文)--适合医学、理、工、农、艺、政治经济学相关专业Good afternoon dear professors, my name is ××, it is really a great honor to have a chance for this interview.Now I‟ll introduce myself briefly. I am ××years old, born in ××province.I received my bachelor degree in 20××, supervised by Professor ××, in ××University.I have been interested in scientific research. In the past few years, I published more than ××(5)papers about numerical methods for the fractional PDE. Furthermore, I am participating in the research of two projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation. At the same time, I undertake a lot of teaching loads, more than ××(200)periods each year.However, with the time going on, the more I studied and experienced, the clearer I realized that I really need study further. Thus, I began to prepare for ××(the doctor‟s entrance examination). Owing to my hard work, I passed the first examination. If I am given the chance of further study, I will work hard to enrich my knowledge and make myself to be a well-qualified ××(doctor).I am very easy to get on with, so I have lots of friends. Sometimes I prefer staying alone, reading, surfing the internet to gain some latest news of my profession, also, I‟m keen on ××(playing basketball).。

南航复试英语自我介绍南航复试英语自我介绍在南航工作,也需要一定英语基础,下面是店铺给大家提供的.南航复试的英语自我介绍范文,有需要的朋友可以阅读参考一下哦!南航复试英语自我介绍范文一:Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is Wangzhaokuan, twenty-five years old. I come from Xing Tai city of He bei Province. I graduated from the Finance department of the Economics and Business University of He Bei in July, 20**.In the past three years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been working in Xing Tai vocational and technical college as a head-teacher of several classes. Gui Zhou University is my first choice. Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interviewed by you.I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of the law. In my spare time, I like reading books and playing table ball.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line. In addition, I am responsible for maintaining the website of our department after-hours. So,I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. Of course,if I am given a chance for advanced studies in this famous University, I will stare to effort to master a good command of advance my capability.南航复试英语自我介绍范文二:Good morning!My name is jack,it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today,eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.My major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing,this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us,unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped,mess,unstable,the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still.I guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base ofmy years study in department of p p, my character?I cannot describe it well,but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates,almost talk everything ,I am a rugby player in the team activities have an excellent performance in the National League has won the best player title.by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.南航复试英语自我介绍范文三:Good morning / good afternoon, my name is Yang Haiyan, you can call me yanzi. I like the swallow flying in the air.It really can have this opportunity to interview a great honor, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I this year 20 years old, born in Jiangsu province. I grew up in a family of sweet, composed of my dad, mom, my brother and I. I am an optimistic and confident girl.I have full confidence in a bright future, I believe I can do the best. Punctuality and diligence are the most important future career, I will try my best. Although I just graduated from school, I have confidence in my future.Flying in the sky become airline stewardess has been my dream since childhood. This is why I want to work in an airplane, why I am standing here, coming here for an interview. I hope my application will be granted, so I will put the dream of my best service all over the world, the Civil Aviation Administration of China I can come true a member.All this. Nice talking to you. Thank you.【南航复试英语自我介绍】。

航空专业面试英语问题篇1What is your greatest strength?What is your greatest weakness?What have you done to correct your weaknesses?Have you ever failed?What is your biggest failure?How do you handle failure?How do you handle change?When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?How do you handle conflict?Previous EmploymentWhat is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job? Why have you held so many jobs?Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?What did you like about your last job?What did you dislike about your last job?What was your favorite job?What was your least favorite job?What have you learned from previous jobs?篇2What was your least favorite job?What have you learned from previous jobs?How long will you stay with our airline?What would your coworkers say about you?What would your previous supervisors say about you?What were the people like at your last company?What did you dislike about your last employer?If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be? Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job?Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?Have you ever been fired?If so, why were you fired?Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?What will your references say?Can we check your references?How many sick days did you take last year?Is this typical?Personality and MotivationDo you consider yourself a success?Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?Why has it taken you so long to find a job?篇3Why do you want to be a flight attendant?What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?What kind of contributions will you make to our airline?Where else are you interviewing?Have you applied to other airlines?When are you available to start?What are your outstanding qualities?What interests you most about being a flight attendant?What can you do for us that others can''''''''''''''''t?Describe a difficult problem you''''''''''''''''ve dealt with.How important is appearance?What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?What is the best part of being a flight attendant?Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?What do you like to do in your spare time?How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? By whom?Do you ever freeze in social situations?Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it?Are you skilled at sizing people up?Have you ever been part of a problem?Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management, even when you disagreed with it?Have you ever lied?Have you ever broken a law?Have you ever stolen something?Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful? How did you handle it?Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy? What did you do? Why do you want to work for our airline?What kind of experience do you have?Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?What would you like to be doing ten years from now?Why should we hire you?What are your qualifications?What is your biggest accomplishment?What are your career goals?How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?What personal characteristic best describes you.Do you prefer to work alone or with others?Do you consider yourself a team player?Describe your team style.Are you self motivated?What motivates you?Describe your relationship with peers.What kind of people do you prefer to work with?Describe your personality?How do you handle criticism?Were you ever unfairly criticized?SkillsDo you read, write and/or speak a foreign language?Are you willing to learn a foreign language?Are you a leader or a follower?What have you learned from your previous jobs?What kind of employee are you?What was your favorite subject in school?What was your least favorite subject in school?Tell us about your leadership skills.What was your major success as a leader?What was your major failure as a leader?What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy?Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?Have you incorporated his/her leadership qualities?Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? How did it work out?What are your assets?Whom do you most admire?Other QuestionsWhat bases does our airline have? What type of aircraft?Who is the president of our company?How long has our airline been in existence?How do you feel about the airline industry?How do you feel about being away from home frequently?How do you feel about relocating?How do you feel about unions?What do you feel is the role of unions?Why do you want to leave your previous employer?Will we find anything on our background search that you''''''''''''''''d like to discuss now?Is there anything you would like to discuss?Do you have any questions?感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

南航英语面试自我介绍范文(精选3篇)南航英语面试自我介绍1Good morning,dear interviewers!Im No.__ contestant,my name is __X. Im from SiChuan. Now, I received four years of excellent education in guangzhou __X aviation college, I may not like jianying li eagle fight the sky, but in order to chests are the eternal desire to fly the blue sky, in order not to disappoint me the height of 1 meter 68, dont live up to what our belowed, behaved, extremely has the affinity face, I hope I can through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, working between the blue sky white clouds, then clouds scud across the universe, overlooking the motherland good things.Flight attendant, has always been a simple girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, with the company of white clouds, blue sky angel, is my understanding of it. Maybe, I am not as beautiful as the angel, but I will from the heart to the passenger first, the passenger is my angel. I will care about other peoples feelings, bow down, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn to serve, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the joy flying brings to myself and others.Perhaps, I am still immature, but I will work hard, also hope from you here to get a chance to let the dream fly. I believe, when the dream is given a pair of wings, flying is no longer a desire, I want to fly to the distance, across the sea, mountains, white clouds and blue sky world.I know that I want the kind of happiness in the higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sun, I want to fly higher.南航英语面试自我介绍2Dear interviewers,How are you!My name is __X. At the age of 18, I am confident, free and easy and have good communication skills. I also have hobbies such as playing basketball, mountain climbing and running. I like listening to lyric music, reciting lyrics, reading novels, English, chatting, humming. My teachers say Im a restless optimist.Since I was young, I have been eager to fly in the blue sky. It is my honor to provide warm and thoughtful service to friends all over the world. I know that as a flight attendant, not only have to serve others with enthusiasm, but also have a tolerant, tolerant, inclusive mind. This is a glorious and sacred cause related to the national image. I will care about the feelings of others, learn to communicate, learn to smile, learn to enjoy the happiness flying brings to myself and others.Perhaps, I am still young, from that dream still lack a lot of conditions, but I will work hard, to learn more things to enrich themselves, also eager to get a chance from the judges to let the dream fly. Thank you !南航英语面试自我介绍3Dear interviewers, my name is __. I come from Qingdao. My specialty is vocal music and piano. In Beijing __ years participated in the Chinacivil aviation college students to promote fair, and won a silver medal of the aviation knowledge quiz silver medal, service skills, with a piano in the talent show about sing "friendship forever" won the judges and audiences high praise, because my father is an army pilot, so wide in the army, I grew up a soldiers quality and style of work. I believe that I will continue to maintain a good service image for cea with my good service awareness. Thank you.。

Self-introduction自我介绍Name:William Shakespeare Graduated University:×××××××××××Major:English Literature Admission Time:20XX-09-01—20XX-06-30Telephone:+86×××××××(MP)E-mail:520521××××@(后附范文5篇及10类常见问题解答,总有一个适合你!)20XX年XX月XX日目录范文一(英文) (3)范文一(中文) (4)范文二(英文) (5)范文二(中文) (6)范文三(英文) (7)范文三(中文) (9)范文四(英文) (10)范文四(中文) (11)范文五(英文) (12)范文五(中文) (16)十类常见问题解答 (17)(一)"What can you tell me about ......?". (18)(二)"What would you like to be doing......?" . (19)(三)"What is your greatest strength ?" (19)(四)"What is your greatest weakness?" (20)(五)"How do you feel about your progress to date?" (21)(六)行为面试问题 (21)(七)压力面试问题 (22)(八)案例面试问题 (22)(九)非常规问题 (23)(十)其他常见的英语面试问题 (24)范文一(英文)--适合医学、理、工、农、艺、政治经济学相关专业Good afternoon dear professors, my name is ××, it is really a great honor to have a chance for this interview.Now I’ll introduce myself briefly. I am ××years old, born in ××province.I received my bachelor degree in 20××, supervised by Professor ××, in ××University.I have been interested in scientific research. In the past few years, I published more than ××(5)papers about numerical methods for the fractional PDE. Furthermore, I am participating in the research of two projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation. At the same time, I undertake a lot of teaching loads, more than ××(200)periods each year.However, with the time going on, the more I studied and experienced, the clearer I realized that I really need study further. Thus, I began to prepare for ××(the doctor’s entrance examination). Owing to my hard work, I passed the first examination. If I am given the chance of further study, I will work hard to enrich my knowledge and make myself to be a well-qualified ××(doctor).I am very easy to get on with, so I have lots of friends. Sometimes I prefer staying alone, reading, surfing the internet to gain some latest news of my profession, also, I’m keen on ××(playing basketball).。

1. 政治理论:考查考生政治理论知识,如政治思想史、思想政治教育、政治经济学、政治社会学等。
2. 逻辑推理:考查考生的推理能力,如语言推理、数学推理、图形推理等。
3. 数学:考查考生对数学知识的掌握情况,如数学分析、线性代数、概率论与数理统计等。
4. 英语:考查考生英语语言知识和运用能力,如词汇、语法、阅读理解、写作能力等。
1. 专业知识:考查考生专业知识,如航空航天技术、航空系统工程、飞行器设计、飞行器动力学、飞行器结构与材料等。
2. 应用能力:考查考生在实际应用中的能力,如计算机应用、技术分析能力、设计能力等。
3. 思维能力:考查考生的分析问题、解决问题的能力,如分析问题、解决问题、抽象思维、创新能力等。
4. 个人素质:考查考生的个人素质,如自信心、责任心、良好的沟通能力、团队合作能力等。

南方航空面试英语面试口语试题---90%通过率——————————————————————1、Tell me about yourself这是面试官惯用的开场白。
最佳回答-- I studied computer in 1999-2003. After that I joined ... andworked as a ... .I am fluent at oral english...比如这个公司是属于汽车行业,那么你就该回答: “Driving is my hobby. I really love the feeling of running on the road and I take cars as my best friends.” 总之是要找到自己跟这个公司的一个切合点,让面试官了解你充分适合这个环境。
2、What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do?主要考察应聘者会否对工作中的很多地方感到厌倦;另外还考察你对自己的喜好是否诚实,你是否了解这份工作的基本职责;你是否认识到任何职业都会包含一些枯燥无味的日常工作。
3、What is your greatest weakness?不要把那些明显是优点的品行当成缺点说,这种落入俗套的方式早已被面试官厌倦。
4、What do you plan to be doing five years from now?主要考察你的职业目标是否符合公司的要求;这份职业是否是你达到目的的合理选择;你是否有继续发展的热情;你的野心是否和这份职业的要求相契合;你的发展潜力有多大。

航空专业知识英语面试1. IntroductionIn today’s globalized world, the aviation industry plays a vital role in connecting people and goods across the globe. As a result, the demand for professionals in the aviation sector is constantly increasing. One crucial aspect of securing a job in this field is acing the interview process. In this document, we will discuss some key areas of aviation knowledge that are commonly assessed in English interviews for aviation professionals.2. Aircraft SystemsA deep understanding of aircraft systems is essential for any aviation professional. Here are a few important topics to focus on during an interview:2.1. Flight Control SystemsFlight control systems are the primary means by which pilots control an aircraft’s direction and attitude. It is crucial to have a good understanding of the various types of flight control systems, such as mechanical, hydraulic, and fly-by-wire systems. Additionally, knowledge of control surfaces, such as ailerons, elevators, and rudders, is important.2.2. Avionics SystemsAvionics systems encompass a wide range of electronic systems used in modern aircraft. Familiarize yourself with key avionics systems like the navigation system, weather radar, autopilot, and communication systems. Understanding the basics of how these systems function and their role in ensuring safe and efficient flight operations will impress interviewers.2.3. Powerplant SystemsPowerplant systems refer to the engines and propulsion systems of an aircraft. Knowledge of different engine types (e.g., turbojet, turboprop, turbofan) and their components is crucial. Be prepared to discuss topics like engine operation, thrust management, and the impact of engine performance on flight.3. Aviation RegulationsThe aviation industry is heavily regulated to ensure safety and standardization. Familiarity with aviation regulations is a must for any aspiring aviation professional. Some key regulations to be aware of include:3.1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)The ICAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that sets international aviation standards and regulations. Interviewers often ask about ICAO’s role and its various annexes, which cover topics like airspace designations, aircraft registration, and airworthiness.3.2. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)The FAA is the regulatory body for civil aviation in the United States. It is important to have a basic understanding of FAA regulations, particularly if you are applying for a position in the U.S. Understanding FAA requirements for pilot licensing, aircraft maintenance, and safety regulations will demonstrate your knowledge of aviation regulations.3.3. European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)For those seeking opportunities in Europe, knowledge of EASA regulations is crucial. EASA is responsible for developing and maintaining safety standards and regulations for civil aviation across the European Union. Understanding EASA’s role and its regulatory framework will showcase your familiarity with European aviation standards.4. Safety Procedures and Emergency ProtocolsSafety is of utmost importance in the aviation industry. Interviewers will likely assess your knowledge of safety procedures and emergency protocols. Here are a few topics to focus on:4.1. Emergency Evacuation ProceduresUnderstanding the procedures for evacuating an aircraft during an emergency is crucial. Be prepared to explain how to guide passengers to emergency exits, assess and prioritize evacuation routes, and coordinate with the cabin crew to ensure a safe evacuation.4.2. Firefighting and Fire SafetyKnowledge of firefighting techniques and fire safety procedures is important for any aviation professional. Be familiar with different types of fires that can occur on an aircraft and the appropriate extinguishing agents to use in each scenario. Understanding fire prevention measures and evacuation protocols related to fires will demonstrate your commitment to safety.4.3. Security MeasuresGiven the current global security landscape, it is essential to have a good understanding of aviation security measures. Familiarize yourself with securityscreening procedures, passenger profiling techniques, and the role of air marshals. Additionally, knowledge of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) security standards will be valuable.5. ConclusionAcquiring a job in the aviation industry requires not only language proficiency but also a solid understanding of aviation knowledge. This document has highlighted some key areas of aviation knowledge that are commonly assessed in English interviews for aviation professionals. By familiarizing yourself with aircraft systems, aviation regulations, safety procedures, and emergency protocols, you will increase your chances of success in an aviation-related interview. Good luck!。

Good morning / good afternoon, my name is Yang Haiyan, you can call me yanzi. I like the swallow flying in theair.It really can have this opportunity to interview agreat honor, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly. I this year 20 years old, born in Jiangsu province. I grew up in a family of sweet, posed of my dad, mom, my brother and I. I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence in a bright future,I believe I can do the best. Punctuality and diligence are the most important future career, I will try my best. Although I just graduated from school, I have confidence in my future.Flying in the sky bee airline stewardess has been my dream since childhood. This is why I want to work in an airplane, why I am standing here, ing here for an interview.I hope my application will be granted, so I will put the dream of my best service all over the world, the CivilAviation Administration of China I can e true a member.All this. Nice talking to you. Thank you.Good morning everyone, my name is XXX.I am XX years old.I graduated from XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it e true. If i can take this job. I’ll try my best to do everythingwell.Because I love this job.Thank you .Good morniing, dear judges!My name is ××. I' m honored to have this opportunity to paticipate in this interview.I'm 19 years old, from Hubei Province.I'm confident, outgoing and open-minded, so all the teachers and friends like me very much.I'm deeply attracted byflight attendents for their charming temperament.Their sweet smile and elegant appearance make me eager to bee one of them.If you give me this opportunity, I will try my best to win every passenger's appreciation and love relying on my deligence, sincerity and passion.That's all for my speech, thank you!My mane is......I'm....years old.My weight is...kgs.and height is.... .I have stuied English forabout ...years.At school my favourite subject is English.I often talk with my classmate in English.In my spare time I like playing bascketball and swimming.My health is very good .I think I can be fit for the job because I like thiskind of work and l enjoy learning new things.I am ready to deal with people.I have much patience and care.So I think I can do the job well.At last,I hope you can give me the chance.If you choose me,you never regret for ever.。

序列形式:(形式就这样,具体的记不清了)A=B/CD=B+C...L=B/C.编译原理部分1)简答题解释符号表在编译过程各个阶段的作用;描述C语言在不允许递归的情况下,是否必须为动态分配2)写一个文法使语言为L(G)={1^n a 0^n 1^m a 0^m|n为偶数,m为奇数}3)已知r=(a*|b*)*b(ba)*,画出最小DFA4)E-->[F]E|[F]F-->i|Fi改写成LL(1);并画出预测分析表5)已知S->bTc|aT->RR->R/S|S构造活前缀的DFA,及画出SLR分析表6)文法如下:P->D|D;D|id:T|proc id;D;S写一个语法制导定义,打印改程序一共声明了多少个id;写一个翻译方案,打印该程序每个变量id的嵌套深度。
7)给出了一段程序,划分基本块并画出程序流图;画出DAG图编译原理的题目都比较主流,比较容易,但第6题,可能大家复习的时候并不是很注意语法制导翻译那块,我这里给出这题的参考答案:6)1:为D设置一个综合属性i,用于计算D中含id的个数,语法制导定义如下:产生式语义规则P->D printf(D.i)D->D1;D2 D.i:=D1.i+D2.iD->id:T D.i:=1D->proc id;D1;S D.i:=D1.i+12:为D设置一个继承属性h,用以计算D所在的嵌套深度,翻译方案如下:P->{D.h:=1} DD->{D1.h:=D.h} D1 ; {D2.h:=D.h} D2D->id: T {print(,D.h)}D->proc id;{D1.h:=D.h+1} D1;S编译:(编译的题目总体来说比较主流)一:解释编译程序的前端和后端,为什么?二:内存分配策略三: 给出a^ia^nb^nb^j,其中i,j>0,n>=0四:a(ab)*b写出最小DFA五:LL(1)文法的改写,预测分析表,常规题目,不过要注意提取左因子六:SLR分析器的分析表构造,具体文法记不得了,可以参考类似提醒,每年不同七:语法制导,具体文法也记不得了,每年都不同,不过看这趋势,应该每年都考的八:给了一串赋值序列给出DAG图,然后优化12年开始考编译原理和离散数学,之前都不考离散数学的编译:一.1(5分)编译程序包含的主要过程,每一个过程主要工作2.(5分)根据c语言的特点,说明其需要采用哪些运行时存储空间分配策略,并说明c语言如何实现非局部变量的访问。

南航学位英语考试真题The Southern Airlines English Proficiency Test for academic degrees is a comprehensive examination designed to assess the English language skills of candidates. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and writing. The test aims to evaluate the ability of examinees to use English effectively in academic and professional settings.Grammar and Vocabulary:。
The grammar section of the test typically includes questions on sentence structure, verb tenses, articles, prepositions, and conjunctions. Test-takers are expected to identify and correct grammatical errors in given sentences. The vocabulary portion assesses the understanding of word meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and the correct use of words in context.Reading Comprehension:。
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机械工程材料The mechanical engineering material晶体crystal 非晶体noncrystal 晶胞structure cell晶格常数lattice constant 晶格lattice(空间点阵space lattice)金属键metallic bond 体心立方晶格body centered cubic lattice面心立方晶格face centered cubic lattice 密排六方晶格close-packed hexagonal lattice致密度density 配位数coordination number 晶面crystal face组元constituent合金alloy 相phase 固溶体solid solution置换固溶体substitutional solid solutio间隙固溶体interstitial solid solution 有限固溶体limited solid solution 无限固溶体Infinite solid solution固溶强化Solid solution strengthening 中间相Mesophase金属间化合物Intermetallic compound合金系Alloy system 相图Phase diagram 自由度Degrees of freedom相律Phase rule 匀晶相图Isomorphous phase diagram平衡结晶Equilibrium crystallization 二元相图Binary phase diagram杠杆定律Leverage 's law 枝晶偏析Dendritic segregation共晶合金Eutectic alloy 呀共晶合金Hypoeutectic alloy伪共晶Pseudo – eutectic 比重偏析Gravity segregation质量分数Mass fraction 包晶相图Peritectic phase diagram二元系合金相图Binary Alloy Phase Diagram 相图分析Phase Diagram Analysis 共晶转变Eutectic transformation 共析转变Eutectoid transformation偏晶转变Monotectic 熔晶转变Melting crystalline transition包晶转变Peritectic 包析转变Peritectoid transition合晶转变Symplectite transition第三章铁碳合金Iron-carbon alloy 纯铁Pure iron 渗碳体Cementite抗拉强度Tensile strength 屈服强度Yield strength 伸长率Elongation断面收缩率Section shrinkage 冲击韧度Impact toughness 硬度Hardness 塑性Plastic 韧性Toughness 强度Strength间隙化合物Gap compounds 同素异构转变Allotropic transformation机械混合物Mechanical mixture 工业纯铁Industrial pure iron碳钢Carbon steel 共析钢Eutectoid steel 过共析钢Hypereutectoid steel 亚共析钢Hypoeutectoid steel 白口铸铁White cast iron共晶白口铸铁Eutectic white cast iron 亚共晶白口Hypoeutectic white cast iron 过共晶白口铸铁Hypereutectic white cast iron 一次渗碳体Once cementite 二次渗碳体Secondary cementite 三次渗碳体Three cementite魏氏体Widmanstatten 低碳钢Low carbon steel 中碳钢Medium carbon steel 中高碳钢High Carbon Steel 高碳钢High-carbon steel 铸造casting锻造forging 冲击载荷Impact load 铸钢Cast steel 牌号brand成分composition 缩孔Shrinkage cavity 缩松shrinkage 弹性The elastic 耐磨性Resistance to wear 锰manganese 硅silicon 硫sulfur磷phosphoru 热脆hot shortness 冷脆cold shortness 氢脆hydrogen brittleness沸腾钢rimming steel 镇静钢killed steel 半镇静钢Semi-killed steel碳素结构钢structural carbon steel 碳素工具钢plain carbon tool steel优质碳素结构钢improved carbon structural steel第四章弹性变形Elastic deformation塑性变形Plastic deformation 断裂Fracture 应力Stress 应变Strain弹性模量Elastic modulus 弹性极限Elastic limit滑移Slippage 滑移带Slip bands 滑移线Slip line滑移系Slip systems 位错机制Dislocation mechanism纤维组织Fibrous tissue 加工硬化Work hardening织构Texture 制耳Earing 回复recovery再结晶Recrystallization 晶粒长大grain growth热加工Thermal processing 冷加工Cold working冷塑性cold plasticity热轧hot rolling流线stream line钢的热处理Heat treatment of the steel 热处理Heat treatment保温holding 加热heating 冷却cooling热处理强化Heat treatment to strengthen 回火Tempering退火Annealing 正火Normalizing 淬火Quench表面热处理Surface heat treatment表面淬火Surface hardening 化学热处Chemical heat treatment 感应加热Induction heating 火焰加热Flame heating渗碳carburizing 渗氮Nitriding 碳氮共渗Carbonitriding过冷奥氏体undercooled austenite 索氏体Sorbite托氏体Troostite 贝氏体Bainite 马氏体Martensite上贝氏体Upper bainite 下贝氏体Lower bainite片状马氏体Plate martensite 板条马氏体Lath martensite均匀化退火Homogenizing 完全退火full annealing球化退火spheroidizing annealin去应力退火stress relief annealing 等温退火isothermal annealing 网状组织network structure淬透性hardenability淬硬性hardening capacity回火脆性temper brittleness 等温淬火isothermal quenching低温回火脆性low temperature temper embrittlement高温回火脆性High temperature temper brittleness第一/二类回火脆性type Ⅰ/II temper brittleness铬chromium 镍nickel 钼molybdenum 钨tungsten钒vanadium 钛titanium 铌niobium 钴cobalt稀土元素rare earth element (REE) 合金铁素体Alloy ferrite 回火稳定性temper resistance 二次硬化secondary hardening 低合金高强度钢high-strength low alloy steel易切削钢free machining stee l 渗碳钢carburizing steel渗氮钢nitriding steel 调质钢quenched and tempered steel弹簧钢Spring steels 滚动轴承钢rolling bearing steel合金工具钢alloy tool steel 刃具钢cutlery steel碳素工具钢carbon tool steel 合金刃具钢Alloy tool steel高速钢high speed steel 模具钢die steel冷作模具钢cold work die steel 热作模具钢hot work die steel 量具钢Measuring steel 特殊性能钢special property steel不锈钢stainless steel 铁素体型不锈钢ferritic stainless steel马氏体不锈钢martensitic stainless steel奥氏体不锈钢austenitic stainless steel固溶处理solution treatment 稳定化处理stabilizing treatment奥氏体-铁素体双相不锈钢ferrite-austenite duplex stainless steel双相钢dual-phase steel 耐热钢heat-resistant steel珠光体(马氏体/贝氏体/奥氏体)耐热钢Pearlitic heat resistant steel 耐磨钢abrasion-resistant steel 硬质合金emented carbide铸铁cast iron 石墨化graphitization 石墨graphite灰铸铁grey cast iron 可锻铸铁malleable cast iron球墨铸铁nodular cast iron 等温淬火isothermal quenching耐磨铸铁wear resisting cast iron耐热铸铁Heat resistant cast iron第八章工业纯铝commercial purity aluminum 防锈铝Antirust aluminum 铸造铝合cast aluminium alloy 硬铝合金hard aluminum alloys 变形铝合金deforming aluminium alloy 锻铝forging aluminium alloy 超硬铝合金super hard aluminum alloys固溶强化solution strengthening 时效强化ageing strengthening 黄铜brass 青铜bronze第九章高分子材料polymer materials 单体monomer链节segment 聚合度degree of polymerization官能度functionality 主链backbone 支链branch聚合物polymer 陶瓷ceramics 晶相crystal phase玻璃相glass phase 气相gas phase 硅酸盐silicate复合材料composite materials 玻璃纤维glass fiber碳纤维carbon fiber 晶须whisker。