三、译文评析What a Day To the Tune of ShenshenmanSearching, seeking, endlesslyMassing chrysanthemums, everywhere;Alone, lonely,Yet languid and grief-worn,Moody, gloomy,Who could be out thereI am, at this most unrestful momentBuoyant in gathering mood?Of the day---now warm, then cold.I sit, in solitude, waiting,Wine, two or three cups---thin wine---At the windowsill,How can it holdYet dusk is so far off still!Off the biting gusts at dawn?In a drizzle so lightOverhead, a heart rending line---What a day,South bound wild geese at mornHow can you pack it awayYet old acquaintances of mine.In a single wordDismay?(朱译)这篇译文在语言、音韵,内容等方面尽可能与原文靠近;虽然在诗词的形式上有所改变,但其最大的特点则是对情感的把握与传达。
本文从讨论翻译美学和翻译学“三美”,即意美,音美和形美出发阐述了诗歌翻译美学,并在解读李清照的《声声慢》的基础上,对美国肯尼思.雷克斯罗斯、我国许渊冲和徐忠杰的三种英文译本做了详细的对比分析,进一步诠释了翻译诗歌美学,并对比总结出“三美原则” 在译作中的艺术体现。
发挥译语优势论视域下《声声慢》的两个英译本对比研究周方衡【摘要】As one of Xu Yuanchong's translation theories, the Theory of Optimization of Target Language enjoys a high status in the field of Classical Chinese poems translation. As far as the theory is concerned, the translator should not be subject to the constraint of the source text in form and content, instead, he or she should make use of the good expressionsof the target language so as to make the translated text can rival or even surpass the source text in style and aesthetic. Sheng Sheng Man is one of the classic lyrics composed by Lin Qingzhao, the famous female lyric writer in Song dynasty, which depicts the writer's sorrow and melancholy with fresh language and sincere emotions since the split of the family and the rival.By taking Optimization Theory as the guide, the paper aims to make a comparative study of Yang Xianyi and Xu Yuanchong's versions of Sheng Sheng Man from the aspects of reflection of artistic conception and rhythmic beauty. It is pointed out in the paper that the translator should not be fully subject to the source text in the translation of Song Lyrics, instead, he or she should optimize the source text by making use of the good expressions of the target language thereby conveying the style and artistic charm of the source text to the target readers.%\"发挥译语优势论\"是许渊冲先生的重要翻译理论之一,在古诗英译领域享有盛名.其主张译者在翻译过程中不能拘于原文的内容和形式,而应该利用好的译语表达方式,最大限度使译文能在风格和美感上和原作相媲美甚至超越原作.作为李清照的经典词作之一,《声声慢》以清新的语言和真挚的情感抒发了词人遭国破家亡后悲伤凄苦的心情.以许渊冲的\"发挥译语优势论\"为指导,从意境再现、音韵美感两个层面对《声声慢》的杨宪益和许渊冲两种英译本进行对比分析,指出译者在宋词的英译过程中不能对原作亦步亦趋,而应该发挥译文语言优势优化原作,这样才能向读者传递原文的风格和艺术魅力.【期刊名称】《西南科技大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(036)001【总页数】6页(P35-39,94)【关键词】发挥译语优势论;声声慢;英译本;风格【作者】周方衡【作者单位】广东理工学院外语系广东肇庆 526100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I206.2/.4《声声慢》是宋代著名婉约派女词人李清照的中年代表作。
李清照声声慢数种英文译本(2011-04-27 10:05:41)转载分类:文学留声机标签:杂谈寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
这次第,怎一个愁字了得?1 任治稷、余正译Sheng Sheng ManRestless and lost,Cold and lonely,Wretched, miserable and anxious.Early warmth laced with chill,Hardest time for convalescing.Two or three cups of light wine,No antidote against the gusty evening wind.Wild geese just flying by,Heart-wrenching,Turned out to be old acquaintances.The yard piled up all over with yellow blossoms, Withered and ruined,Now none worth picking.Vigil by the window alone,What heavy time before dark!Wutong trees on top of fine drizzling,Until dark,Dripping and trickling,Things in this order,How gloomy can the "gloom" be?2龚景浩译Sheng Sheng Man(Song) Li Qing ZhaoI search and seek,I'm lonely and depressed,I'm sad, weepy, and feeling low.When 'tis suddenly warm but remains cold,That is the time really hard to cope.Two, three cups of light wine —How are they to resist the assault of evening gusts?A flock of wild geese flew past,It hurts to hear them cry, though we're old acquaintances. Chrysanthemums lie about in piles.They are now withered and which ones are worth picking? Alone by the casement,How am I to bear the darkness?Add to this, the parasol and a thin rain falling.By dusk time,The dipping became incessant.Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate.3杨宪益、戴乃迭译Sheng Sheng ManLi QingzhaoSeeking, seeking,Chilly and quiet,Desolate, painful and miserable.Even when it's warmer there is still a chill, It is most difficult to keep well.Three or two cups of light wine,How can they ward off the strong morning wind? Wild geese fly past, while I'm broken-hearted; But I recognize they are my old friends. Fallen chrysanthemums piled up on the ground, So withered,Who would pluck them?Leaning on the window,How can I pass the time till night alone?The drizzle falls on the wutong trees,Rain-drops drip down at dusk.At a time like this,What immense sorrow I must bear!4徐忠杰译ShengshengmanI've a sense of something missing I must seek.Everything about me looks dismal and bleak.Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.Even the weather has proved most unkind.'Tis warm, but abruptly it turns cold again.An unbroken rest — most difficult to obtain.Three cups of thin wine would utterly fail —To cope with the rising evening gale.Myself, into woe, a flight of wild geese has thrown. But with them, very familiar I have grown.About the ground, chrysanthemums are bestrewn. Gathering into heaps — bruised — withering soon. With myself in utter misery and gloom,Who cares to save them from their approaching doom? Standing by the window — watching in anguish stark, Could I bear alone the sight until it is dark?Against the tung and plane trees, the wind rises high. The drizzle becomes trickles, as even draws nigh. How, in the word "Misearble," can one find —The total effects of all these on the mind!5卓振英译Beats Slowing DownFumbling and searching, at a loss I feel,At a loss in such lonely melancholyAnd plaintive solitude as seem unreal.Th' turn of cold and warmth is, incredibly,The most miserable time to endure,Of th' chill of morning winds how can I cureMyself with a few cups of wine impure?'Tis heart-rending to see th' wild geese in th' sky —My acquaintances of old — southward fly! Chrysanthemums now flourish here and there,But who would care to pluck them, feeling blue? Sitting alone at th' window in despair,Ere night falls I know not how to pull through.Now dripping and dropping incessantlyOn the Chinese parasols is the rain.Alas, much much more than anxiety,At such a time, is what one must sustain!本帖最后由 enjoyyjw 于 10-1-3 17:52 编辑寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
声声慢Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.*****************************满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowers Faded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief?。
徐中杰译本: I've a sense of something missing I must seek. Everything about me looks dismal and bleak. Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find. Even the weather has proved most unkind. It is warm, but abruptly it turns cold again. An unbroken rest most difficult to. obtain. Three cups of thin wine would utterly fail. To cope with the rising evening gale. Myself, into woe, a flight of wild geese has thrown. But with them, very familiar I have grown. About the ground, cluysandiernums are bestrewn. Gathering into heaps——bruised——withering soon. With myself in utter misery and gloom, Who cares to save them from their approaching doom? Standing by the window-watching in anguish stark, Could I bear alone the sight until it is dark? Against the tung and plane trees, the wind rises high. The drizzle becomes trickles, as even draws nigh. How, in the word "Miserable", can one find- The total effects of all these on the mind! 林语堂译本: So dim, so dark, So dense, so dull, So damp, sodank, So dead! The weather, now warm, now cold, Makes it harder .Than ever to forget! How can a few cups of thin wine/Bring warmth against .The chilly winds of sunset? I recognize the geese flying overhead: My old friends, Bring not the old memories back! Let fallen flowers lie where they fall. To what purpose .And for whom should 1 decorate? By the window shut, Guarding it alone, To see the sky has turned so black! And the drizzle on the kola nut. Keeps on droning: Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat! Is this the kind of mood and moment. To be expressed By one word "sad"? 杨宪益夫妇译本: Seeking, seeking, Chilly and quiet, Desolate, painful and miserable. Even when it's warmer there is still a chill It is most difficult to keep well. Three or two cups of light wine, How can they ward off the strong? Wild geese fly past, while I'm broken-hearted; ButI recoze they are my old friends. Fallen chrysanthemums piled up on the ground,So withered,Who would pluck them up now? Leaning on the window, How can I pass the time till night alone? The drizzle falls on the wutong trees, Raindrops drip down at dusk. At a time like this, What immense sorrow I must bear! 许渊冲译本: I look for what I miss; I know not what it is. I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. How hard is it To keep me fit In this lingering cold! By cup on cup Of wine so dry Oh, how could I Endure at dusk the drift Of wind so swift? It breaks my heart, alas, To see the wild geese pass, For they are my acquaintances of old. The ground is covered with yellow flowers, Fadedand fallen in showers. Who will pick them up now? Sitting alone at the window, how Could I but quicken The pace of darkness that won't thicken? On plane's broad leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles. Oh, what can I do with a grief Beyond belief!。
此时,年仅50 的李清照孤单一人,这一连串的打击使她尽尝了家破人亡、颠沛流离的悲苦。
2.翻译美学1750年德国启蒙思想家、哲学家鲍姆加登在著作Aesthetica 中首次提出创建“美学”。
英译版本<一>So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold,Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wineBring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead:My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall.To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorate ?By the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black!And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad?"~ 林語堂譯~水调歌头- 苏轼明月几时有?把酒问青天①。
声声慢 Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.*****************************满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowers Faded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief。
这次第,怎一个愁字了得!(?)英译一(许渊冲译文):Slow,Slow TuneLi QingzhaoI look for what I miss;I miss not what it is.I feel so sad,so drear,So lonely,without cheer.How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,O how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?It breaks my heart,alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.The ground is covered with yellow flowers,Faded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?Sitting alone at the window,howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness that won’t thicken?On plane’s broad leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilight grizzles.O what can I do with a griefBeyond belief?———摘自《宋词三百首鉴赏》(汉英对照),P682。
How can such help me endure the cold evening wind?
When the wild geese fly overheard, I feel very sad,
Because they are my old friends from former times.
Cold, cold. Empty, empty.
Misery, misery. Sorrow, sorrow. Sadness, sadness.
Suddenly the weather gets warmer.
Yet we still have periods of chill.
Therefore it is difficult to stay well.
—to the tune of Shengshengman
Li Qingzhao
Seek, seek. Search, search.
Yellow chrysanthemum petals pile upd ruined. Will anyone pick them up again?
I remain by my window.
Why is the day so dark, all alone?
The Wutong1tree collects raindrops.
李清照 声声慢英文翻译
![李清照 声声慢英文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c37226890c69ec3d5bb75fd.png)
Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowersFaded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilightgrizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief? 英译版本二:林语堂译So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold,Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wineBring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead:My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall.To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorate ?By the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black!And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad?"英译版本<三>龚景浩译A Rhyming Song — Long Form(Song)Li Qing zhaoI search and seek ,I’m lonely and depressed ,I’m sad , weepy , and feeling low .When’tis suddenly warm but remains cold ,That is the time really hard to cope .Two , three cups of light wine—How are they to resist the assault of evening gusts ?A flock of wild geese flew past ,In hurts to hear them cry , though we’re old acquaintances . Chrysanthemums lie about in piles .They are now withered and which ones are worth picking ? Alone by the casemeng ,How am I to bear the darkness ?Add to this , the parasol trees and a thin rain falling . By dusk time ,The dripping became incessant .Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate .。
李清照 声声慢英文翻译
![李清照 声声慢英文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c37226890c69ec3d5bb75fd.png)
Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowersFaded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilightgrizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief? 英译版本二:林语堂译So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold,Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wineBring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead:My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall.To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorate ?By the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black!And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad?"英译版本<三>龚景浩译A Rhyming Song — Long Form(Song)Li Qing zhaoI search and seek ,I’m lonely and depressed ,I’m sad , weepy , and feeling low .When’tis suddenly warm but remains cold ,That is the time really hard to cope .Two , three cups of light wine—How are they to resist the assault of evening gusts ?A flock of wild geese flew past ,In hurts to hear them cry , though we’re old acquaintances . Chrysanthemums lie about in piles .They are now withered and which ones are worth picking ? Alone by the casemeng ,How am I to bear the darkness ?Add to this , the parasol trees and a thin rain falling . By dusk time ,The dripping became incessant .Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate .。
词大致可分小令58字以内,中调59 - 90字和长调91字以上,而最长的词达240字。
这里有四个英译本:海外逸士译本:Seek, seek; lonely, quiet; doleful, rueful, woeful.When it just turns warm, but still cold, it's hardest to have full rest. Two or three cups of light wine, how to fend the evening wind so strong? The wild geese pass-I feel heart-broken-since they are my old acquaintance.许渊冲译本:I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!By cup on cupOf wine so dryOh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?It breaks my heart, alas,To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.虽然译本与原诗的形式不太接近,但作者对"声声慢"的吃透,what是代词,这在中,英中是一样的,当你看到了一个怪物,你脑袋中马上闪出的一定会是"what is that? "那是什么吧!what 可以是爱,恨,what可以是猫或猪。
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正如顾正阳所说“一首诗歌是一件完整的艺术品, 翻译中的任何不慎都将破坏这件艺术品的完美, 严格地说, 诗歌是不可译的, 至少具有不可译性, 宽宏地说, 诗歌翻译是一件非常困难的事”(1994:73)。
So dim, so dark, / So dense, so dull, / So damp, so dank, / So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold, / Makes it harder than ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wine / Bring warmth against / The chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead: / My old friends, / Bring not the old memories back!Let fa llen flowers lie where they fall. / To what purpose/And for whom should I decorate?By the window shut, / Guarding it alone, / To see the sky has turned so black!And the drizzle on the kola nut / Keeps on droning: / Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and moment / To be expressed!(林译)I look for what I miss; / I know not what it is. / I feel so sad, so drear, / So lonely, without cheer.How hard is it / To keep me fit / In this lingering cold.By cup on cup / Of wine so dry / Oh, how could I / Endure at dusk the drift / Of wind so swift?It breaks my heart, alas, /To see the wild geese pass, /For they are my acquaintances of old.The ground is covered with yellow flowers, / Faded and fallen in showers./ Who will pick them up now?Sitting alone at the window, how/ Could I but quicken / The pace of darkness thatwon’t thicken?On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles, /As twilight grizzles.By one word “sad” ? / Oh, what can I do with a grief/ Beyond belief!(许译) 四、《声声慢》林译本和许译本的评析文学翻译批评经过几十年的发展,虽然摆脱了凭主观印象“感悟式”的批评模式,但一直以来,“文学翻译批评一方面仍将自身囿于文本之中,旨在对译者的技能和素质提出要求”;另一方面却踟蹰于文本中心论和读者批评论等诸多批评理论间而裹足不前。
特别是开头几句“So dim, so dark, So dense, so dull, So damp, so dank, Sodead!”堪称绝译。
林语堂译本中第一节“So dim,so dark, So dense, so dull, So damp, so dank, So dead!”运用双声和头韵,生动地再现了黄昏细雨、孤苦无依的境况,而且共用十四个音节,与原词完全一致,前面用六个形容词描绘周围环境,而以“dead一词收住,情景交融,份量极重,完美地体现了原词意思上的递进。