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1)The PLA soldiers had to call for a truck to__________(运送)the villagers to a safer area.

2)The old man is too____________(顽固的)to change his mind no matter who tries to persuade him.

3)What’s your__________(态度)towards that decision which was made at the meeting yesterday?

4)According to the___________(进度表),we ought to complete half of our work by tomorrow.

5)The browns are going to set off for their____________(旅行)in the United States tomorrow.

6)After__________(毕业)from middle school,he got a job in a company.

7)He is such a___________(有决心的)man that you can’t even change his mind at all.

8)We managed to___________(说服)the boy give up smoking.

9)Which one do you___________(更喜欢)?the former or the latter?

10)They____________(组织)a medical team to the earthquake—stricken area.


1)The PLA soldiers had to call for a truck to__________(运送)the villagers to a safer area.

2)The old man is too____________(顽固的)to change his mind no matter who tries to persuade him.

3)What’s your__________(态度)towards that decision which was made at the meeting yesterday?

4)According to the___________(进度表),we ought to complete half of our work by tomorrow.

5)The browns are going to set off for their____________(旅行)in the United States tomorrow.

6)After__________(毕业)from middle school,he got a job in a company.

7)He is such a___________(有决心的)man that you can’t even change his mind at all.

8)We managed to___________(说服)the boy give up smoking.

9)Which one do you___________(更喜欢)?the former or the latter?

10)They____________(组织)a medical team to the earthquake—stricken area.


1)The PLA soldiers had to call for a truck to__________(运送)the villagers to a safer area.

2)The old man is too____________(顽固的)to change his mind no matter who tries to persuade him.

3)What’s your__________(态度)towards that decision which was made at the meeting yesterday?

4)According to the___________(进度表),we ought to complete half of our work by tomorrow.

5)The browns are going to set off for their____________(旅行)in the United States tomorrow.

6)After__________(毕业)from middle school,he got a job in a company.

7)He is such a___________(有决心的)man that you can’t even change his mind at all.

8)We managed to___________(说服)the boy give up smoking.

9)Which one do you___________(更喜欢)?the former or the latter?

10)They____________(组织)a medical team to the earthquake—stricken area.


1)Another___________(地震)hit Japan in April,leaving many people homeless.

2)The rich man offered more than one___________(百万)dollars to help the poor people.

3)All the people of the different___________(民族)live and work together peacefully in this country.

4)The little boy fell off his bike and got___________(受伤)on his way to school.

5)The big fire lasted for four hours and all the buildings along the street were_____________(毁坏).

6)Two people get__________(困住)in the lift this morning when the electricity was cut off.

7)These dead ducks should be___________(埋葬)immediately since they aren’t fit to the eaters.

8)After the big fire,all the buildings were in___________,(成为废墟)

9)At the meeting the old man____________(表达)his suggestions to all the leaders of the company.

10)___________(祝贺)to you!You got the first prize in the competition.


1)Another___________(地震)hit Japan in April,leaving many people homeless.

2)The rich man offered more than one___________(百万)dollars to help the poor people.

3)All the people of the different___________(民族)live and work together peacefully in this country.

4)The little boy fell off his bike and got___________(受伤)on his way to school.

5)The big fire lasted for four hours and all the buildings along the street were_____________(毁坏).

6)Two people get__________(困住)in the lift this morning when the electricity was cut off.

7)These dead ducks should be___________(埋葬)immediately since they aren’t fit to the eaters.

8)After the big fire,all the buildings were in___________,(成为废墟)

9)At the meeting the old man____________(表达)his suggestions to all the leaders of the company.

10)___________(祝贺)to you!You got the first prize in the competition.


11)Another___________(地震)hit Japan in April,leaving many people homeless.

12)The rich man offered more than one___________(百万)dollars to help the poor people.

13)All the people of the different___________(民族)live and work together peacefully in this country.

14)The little boy fell off his bike and got___________(受伤)on his way to school.

15)The big fire lasted for four hours and all the buildings along the street were_____________(毁坏).

16)Two people get__________(困住)in the lift this morning when the electricity was cut off.

17)These dead ducks should be___________(埋葬)immediately since they aren’t fit to the eaters.

18)After the big fire,all the buildings were in___________,(成为废墟)

19)At the meeting the old man____________(表达)his suggestions to all the leaders of the company.

20)___________(祝贺)to you!You got the first prize in the competition.
