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医用生物力学 2006年9月 第21卷 第3期

Journal of Medical Biomechanics, Vol. 21 No. 3, September 2006




作者简介:邱明国(1970 -),男,博士,副教授,研究方向:断层影像解剖及脑功能成像研究

通讯作者:张绍祥(1957-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, Tel: (023)68752201; E-mail: zhangsx@

应用DTI 技术对人脑白质纤维束的初步研究


(1. 第三军医大学解剖学教研室,重庆市计算医学研究所,重庆 400038;2. 西南医院放射科,重庆 400038)

摘要: 目的 建立扩散张量纤维束成像对人脑白质纤维的显示方法,并应用中国数字化可视人体数据进行对照观察,验

证扩散张量成像(DTI)方法的可靠性。方法 选择5名健康志愿者进行DTI 成像,采用DtiStudio 软件进行分析处理, 重


中国数字化可视人体数据集断面图像、FA 图及彩色FA 图进行对照观察,利用fiber tracking 纤维跟踪软件及3D MRI 软

件进行三维重建显示脑内主要白质纤维束,辨认脑内白质纤维束的位置、形态。结果 应用DTI 纤维束成像可以清晰准


维如胼胝体、前连合和穹隆,投射纤维如锥体束、视放射、内侧丘系等。DTI 纤维束成像结果与已知解剖知识、中国

可视化人体断面图像具有很好的一致性。结论 应用DTI 纤维束成像可以清晰准确地描绘脑白质内主要神经纤维束的解剖

图谱,其结果与中国可视化人体断面图像、已知解剖知识是一致的,应用DTI 纤维束成像研究脑内纤维连通性是可靠的。

关键词: 扩散张量成像;数字化人体;白质;纤维束成像

中图分类号: R318.01; R322; Q-334 文献标识码: A

Primary study of the white matter fibers in human brain by using

diffusion tensor imaging

QIU Ming-guo 1, WANG Jian 2, XIE Bing 2, WU Bei-hai 2, ZHANG Shao-xiang 1. (1. Department of Anatomy, Third

Military Medical University; 2. Department of Radiology, Southwest Hospital, Chongqing 400038, China)

Abstract: Objective T o display the three dimensional architecture of the white matter fibers in human brain by using

diffusion tensor tractography, and to investigate the reliability of DTI by comparing with the Chinese visual human dataset.

Methods Diffusion tensor imaging was performed with five volunteers, and the data were processed with DtiStudio

software to reconstruct the FA, 1-VR, RA, ADC and the color FA map. The reconstructed FA and color FA map were

compared with the sectional images of the Chinese visual human dataset, and the white matter fibers in brain were

visualized by using tractography software and 3D MRI software. Results The three dimensional architecture of white

matter fibers could be clearly visualized on diffusion tensor tractography, including association fibers as the arcuate

fibers, the uncinate fascicules, the cingulum, the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi; the commissural fibers as

corpus callosum, anterior commissure and fornix; the projection fibers as the pyramidal tract, the visual radiation and the

medial lemniscuses. The fibers displayed by diffusion tensor tractography were well consistent with the sectional

images of the Chinese visual human dataset and the known anatomy. Conclusion The method is a reliable way for

studying the fiber connectivity in human brain.

Key words: Diffusion tensor imaging; Digitial human; White matter; Tractography 扩散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging, DTI)是近年来发展起来的一项磁共振新技术,可以在活体无创伤显示脑内白质纤维束走行,反映白质纤维束的病理状态及其与邻近病变的解剖关系[1, 2]。既往应用大DOI:10.16156/j.1004-7220.2006.03.006
