
元旦晚会英语主持稿结束词Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and dear friends,As the night draws to a close, we have reached the end of our New Year's Eve gala. We hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed this remarkable evening filled with excitement, laughter, and entertainment. Before we bid farewell to 20XX and welcome a brand new year, let us take a moment to reflect on the memories we have created and the hopes we share for the future.Tonight, we have gathered here from all walks of life and from different corners of the world to celebrate the achievements of the past year and embrace the possibilities of the coming year. It is a night of joy, camaraderie, and unity. We have witnessed breathtaking performances, shared delightful conversations, and forged new friendships. The spirit of togetherness has been palpable throughout the evening, reminding us that despite our differences, we can come together to celebrate our shared humanity.As we bid farewell to the past year, let us express our gratitude for the opportunities and challenges it has brought us. It is through these experiences that we have learned, grown, and evolved. We have achieved personal milestones, celebrated victories, and overcome hardships. Every triumph and every setback has shaped us into who we are today, and we must acknowledge and appreciate the lessons they have taught us.At the same time, we must look towards the future with hope and optimism. The start of a new year serves as a blank canvas,awaiting our aspirations, dreams, and ambitions. It is a chance to start anew, to set new goals, and to chase our passions. As we embark on this new chapter, let us remember the importance of self-belief, resilience, and determination. With these qualities, we can conquer any obstacle and fulfill our potential.Tonight, we have also been reminded of the power of unity and compassion. The world has been through challenging times, and it is during these moments that our true strength shines through. Let us remember the importance of empathy, kindness, and understanding in our interactions with others. By standing together, supporting one another, and extending a helping hand to those in need, we can create a brighter and more inclusive world.In the spirit of the New Year's resolutions, let us take a moment to reflect on the changes we want to see in ourselves and in our communities. Whether it is adopting healthier habits, pursuing further education, or volunteering for a cause we care about, let us make a commitment to ourselves to take action. The power to make a difference lies within each and every one of us, and together, we can create a positive impact that reverberates far beyond our own lives.Before we conclude this auspicious evening, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has made this New Year's Eve gala a resounding success. Our heartfelt thanks go to the organizers, performers, volunteers, sponsors, and each of you present here tonight. Without your support and dedication, this event would not have been possible. We are honored to have had the opportunity to celebrate with you all.Finally, on behalf of [name of organization/host], I would like to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year! May the coming year be filled with love, joy, peace, and prosperity. May it bring new opportunities, fresh perspectives, and limitless possibilities. Let us emerge from the night's festivities with hearts full of gratitude, minds brimming with inspiration, and souls aflame with the promise of a brighter tomorrow.Once again, thank you for joining us on this remarkable journey. It has been our pleasure to serve as your hosts for the evening. Please travel safely, cherish the memories you have made tonight, and may your dreams for the future come true.Happy New Year, everyone! Goodnight!。
【英语作文】闭幕词 Closing Speech

【英语作文】闭幕词 Closing Speech尊敬的各位嘉宾、教师和同学们:大家好!在这美好而难忘的时刻,我很荣幸站在这里,代表本次闭幕仪式的主办方,向大家致以最诚挚的感谢和最热烈的祝贺!我要感谢各位嘉宾的莅临。
相信我们的每个人,在未来的日子里,都会以更加饱满的热情和奋斗的精神,为建设更美好的世界做出自己的贡献!让我再次对所有参与本次活动的嘉宾、教师和同学们表示最衷心的感谢和最美好的祝福!愿我们下一次的相聚延续这份热情和梦想!谢谢大家!英语译文:Respected guests, teachers, and fellow students,Hello everyone! In this wonderful and unforgettable moment, I am honored to stand here and represent the organizers of this closing ceremony to express my sincere gratitude and warm congratulations to all of you!。

元旦晚会结束语英语稿子Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and beloved friends,As the curtains draw to a close on this splendid New Year's Eve celebration, I stand before you with a heart full of gratitude and joy. Tonight has been an extraordinary journey filled with laughter, music, and shared moments of happiness. We have come together to bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one with open hearts and renewed spirits.Tonight's performances, speeches, and shared camaraderie have created memories that we will carry with us into the coming year. The talent displayed on this stage, the warmth in this room, and the collective energy of everyone here have truly made this New Year's celebration exceptional.As we step into the dawn of a new year, let us carry the spirit of tonight forward. Let the laughter linger in our hearts during challenging times, let the melodies of the music uplift our spirits, and let the shared joy of tonight inspire us to create more moments of togetherness in the days to come.In the spirit of new beginnings, let us leave behind any sorrows or regrets and embrace the opportunities that the future holds. May the coming year bring us all good health, success, and the fulfillment of our dreams. Together, let us make it a year of growth, kindness, and shared achievements.Before I conclude, I want to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who contributed to the success of tonight's event –the performers, the organizers, the volunteers, and each one of you who graced us with your presence. Thank you for making this New Year's Eve celebration a night to remember.Wishing you all a Happy New Year! May it be filled with love, joy, and countless new beginnings.Goodnight, and here's to a wonderful year ahead!。

晚会英文主持词【篇一】THE BEGINNINGBefore the ceremony, the Officiator provides the participants the rings, emblems, and gems, and gives them time to examine and inscribe them.It is customary to have the Officiator stand behind the participants, who face each other. Guests then stand or sit in a semi-circle around them, at a respectful distance. Guests may be asked to make short speeches before the ceremony begins.Officiator: Welcome, friends and family of and ! Let us begin.OF FREE WILLOfficiator: , are you here of your own free will?Bride: YesOfficiator: , are you here of your own free will?Groom: YesOfficiator: Are there any here who have legitimate cause to oppose this marriage?[Pause]THE GROOM's VOWSOfficiator: , do you take to be your lawfully wedded wife?Groom: I do.Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish and honor her, through all your time in Dereth?Groom: I do.Officiator: Do you promise to remain faithful unto her, to support her, to be her finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories?Groom: I do.Officiator: What seal do you place upon your vows?Groom: The seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority].THE BRIDE'S VOWSOfficiator: , do you take to be your lawfully wedded husband?Bride: I do.Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish, and honor him, through all your time in Dereth?Bride: I do.Officiator: Do you promise to remain faithful unto him, to support him, to be his finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories?Bride: I do.Officiator: What seal do you place upon your vows?Bride: The seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority].THE INTENTIONSOfficiator: , please share with us your loving intentions toward .Bride: [Speak about how you will love and cherish the groom. It helps to have this prepared beforehand.]Officiator: , please share with use [sic] your loving intentions toward .Groom: [Speak about how you will love and cherish the groom. It helps to have this prepared beforehand.]FRIENDS AND FAMILYOfficiator: You who stand here as witnesses are the friends and family of the bride and groom. You are charged with the task of helping them in their new role as wife and husband, to support them in their times of need, and to do all that you can to make their marriage a blessed and happy union.THE RINGSOfficiator: Please exchange the rings.Groom: With this ring, I thee wed.Bride: With this ring, I thee wed.THE PRONOUNCEMENTOfficiator: You have made your vows under the seals of that which you hold important.Officiator: Before the witnesses of your friends and family, you are now pronounced husband and wife. May your marriage bring you great happiness.[Guests may now congratulate the married couple. Emote freely. Save celebratory gems for use outside.]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minister:We are gathered here today to witness the coming together of two people, ____________ and ____________, whose hearts and spirits are entwined as one. They now desire to profess before all the world their intention henceforth to walk the road of life together.To these two young people, this marriage signifies the birth of a new spirit, a spirit which is a part of each of us, yet not of any one of us alone. This "birth of spirit" reminds us of spring, the season when all life is reborn and looms again. It is appropriate, therefore, that this wedding of ____________ and ____________ be inthe spring, and that it be under the open sky, where we are close to the earth and to the unity of life, the totality of living things of which we are part.The beliefs and thoughts about love which motivate these two people are perhaps best expressed in the words of poet Kahlil Gibran:"You were born to be together, and together you shall be forevermore.You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your days.Ay, you shall be together even in your silent memory.But let there be spaces in your togetherness,And let the winds of the heaven dance between you.Love one another, but make not a bondage of love.Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.Fill each other\'s cup, but drink not from one cup.Give one another of your bread, but eat not of the same loaf.Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone,Even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music.Give your hearts, but not into each other\'s keeping,For only the hand of life can contain your hearts.And stand together, yet not too near together,For the pillars of the temple stand apart,And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in shadow."Minister to Bride:Do you ____________, knowing this man\'s love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them,take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded husband?Bride:I do.Minister:Place the ring on his finger.Minister to Groom:Do you ____________, knowing this woman\'s love for you and returning it, realizing her strengths and learning form them, recognizing her weaknesses and helping her to overcome them, take ____________ to be your lawfully wedded wife?Groom:I do.Minister:Place the ring on her finger. Let these rings serve as locks–not binding you together–but as keys, unlocking the secrets of your hearts for each other to know, and thus bringing you closer together forever.And now ____________ and ____________, seeking the fulfillment of love and marriage, find again that the poet Gibran speaks for them:"Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks to another day of loving.To rest at the noon hour and meditate love\'s ecstasy;To return home eventide with gratitude, and then sleep with a prayerFor the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips."I now pronounce you husband and wife.晚会英文主持词【篇二】男:Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2011 FLTRP CUP and the 17th 21st century national English Speaking Contest in our Shanxi Datong University. And I am Y ang Xiao.女:Hello, everybody. I am Guo Xiaofei. Today is the great final day for this competition. And it?s quite honorable to be today?s hostess. I also was a contestant last year.男:Yes, I remembered that and you won the 2nd place last year. Personally, I?ve been hosting this contest for the third time. It?s marvelous to witness this grand competition all the way.女:That?s right! And all the contestants have given us impressive performances during the past years. And today, all winners of the preliminaries, which mean the 10 finalists, are going to give us a feast.男:Definitely, we all know that today will be a very rigorous competition. So first, please allow me to have the great privilege of presenting today's judges. And they are: Mr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 (女单男双)男:And also we?d like to give our sincere welcome to all the teachers and students who are sitting in the audience.女:Ladies and gentlemen, now please welcome all our contestants up on the stage! They are contestant no.1***2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.(男单女双)男:Now Please let me introduce the regulations for today?s show. There are two parts including the prepared speech, impromptu speech, and responses to questions.女:Yes, in the first section each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to deliver their prepared speeches. And the topic is ?A word has chang ed the world ?or “Cultural diversity vs. cultural integration”.男:And then they will give their impromptu speeches withonly 10 minutes preparation. Finally, they will answer the challengeable questions raised by the judges. And the judges will mark the scores from aspects of content, language and deliver. And the total score will be 10pts and the starting point is 8pts.女:So, time for business. Now, let?s welcome contestant NO.1...up to the stage.男:Thank you contestant NO.1, Now, please welcome contestant NO.2......Contestant.女:Thank the last contestant?s wonderful performance. You really did a good job. Next let?s welcome------give some comments on our contestants? performance.男:Thank you. Thanks for your wonderful remarks. Now, we?ve already get all the final rankings here. First, let me announce the list of the winning prize.女:And then the third prize, and they are__________男:Ladies and gentlemen, there?re only there contestants left. And one of them is the champion. And let?s reveal the result step by step. First, let?s announce the first second prize winner-------.Ok. Who will gain the first prize? Let?s hold our breath, ------- the luckiest person tonight is------ Congratulations!女:Congratulations to all you again.Wow, what a great day. And now, the Speaking Competition is ending. Thank you. Thanks for all the contestants? hard work and the distinguished judges, together with all the audience.男:Ladies and gentlemen, now I have to announce that this year?s English Speaking Competition is over. Thanks you your time. See you next year.晚会英文主持词【篇三】Call Me MaybeWow! that’s a wonderful performance from Class 2, Grade7.Yeah.同时也拉开了我们今天晚会的序幕!Good evening, boys, girls and my dear teachers. Welcome to the English show---the memories of April. Our topic is showing your talent and charming in English. I’m the hostI’mI’mI’mEnglish is a door, through which we may walk closer to success.English is a window, out of which we can see a colorful life.English is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.As we all know, English is becoming increasingly popular around the world.Exactly right.That’s why we held the show tonight. We hope more and more students will join us in English learning, and find the pleasure in English learning.First, please allow me to introduce our honorable guests. They are_______Thanks for your coming. Thanks for your all-out support of this show.Before we begin our show, I’d like to invite our English group leader, professor zhang to give us a speech up on the stage.Let’s welcome.主持人A:Wow, they really did a good job!what an excellent performance it is! 主持人B:是的,让我们再一次用热烈地掌声感谢他们带来的精彩演出!主持人A:主持人b(主持人b应声),You must know the story Cinderella very well. 主持人B:真的吗?那我们可要拭目以待接下来八年级五班为大家表演的《灰姑娘》了。

英语主持结尾篇一:英语晚会主持结尾台词Le: Well, it has been a wonderful evening. I am sure everyone enjoyed it very much.I personally had a fun time. Wang: we hope you enjoy every minute of your Stay in English associationand bring you happy memories. Le: Happy time goes by in a flash! this marks the end of the evening and l would like to thank everyone for attending tonight .Wang: The party is over and we wish you happy in the coming days .see you next year!All:Goodbye !篇二:结尾词开场白英语主持开场白:男:Good afternoon,everyone,my honored teachers and my fellow students.女:We’re very honored to be the host for today's party this morning to give the English party for everybody.合:Thank you for coming to this great party男:First of all, please allow us to introduce ourselves, I’m____女:I’m____男:In today’s show. 35 contestants (选手)will join this party. During the contest, for each student, you can take it easy to give your speech. And after your speech, our teacher will make a conclusion for our performance .女:You’d better give out your own topic clearly,and you may as well make a brief introduction of yourselves,so that our teacher can make marks for us easily. 男:Ok, hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better from it.女:And we believe that these experiences will be very useful for us.男: So we hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.合:Believe yourself and just hold it!女:Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our respectful teacher Mr. Zhang ……男:Thanks for Mr. Zhang’s speech.Now, I guess each of us can't wait to see our contestants' performances, right? Ok, time for show.女:First, let’s warmly welcome our first student ________ topic is “________________________”andcontestant No.2_________ get ready please. 。

主持人结束语台词大全英语Thank you, everyone, for joining us today. It has been a pleasure being your host and guiding you through this event. As we bring this gathering to a close, let’s take a moment to reflect on the journey we’ve shared and the memories we’ve created together.•Ladies and gentlemen, as we wrap up today’s event, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all our distinguished guests, speakers, and participants. Your presence and contribution have made this event a grandsuccess.•To our audience, thank you for your enthusiasm and support. Your presence has given us strength and motivation to bring you the best possible experience. We hope you leave here today feeling inspired and empowered.•It is in the connection with others that we find the most valuable experiences. Each conversation, each interaction, has added depth and meaning to this gathering. I hope you have enjoyed making new connections andstrengthening existing ones.•As we conclude, let us not forget the hard work and dedication of our organizing committee and volunteers. They have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure everything runs smoothly and seamlessly. Let’s give them a round of applause for their exceptional efforts.•Remember, this event was made possible by a shared vision and a collective effort. It is a testament to what we can achieve when we cometogether as a community. Let’s carry this spirit of collaboration and enthusiasm forward, and continue to make a positive impact.•In closing, I would like to leave you with the following thought: life is a journey, and it is the people we meet along the way that make it trulymeaningful. Today, we have had the opportunity to meet and connect withincredible individuals. Let’s cherish these moments and use them as fuel todrive our future endeavors.•Thank you once again for being a part of this remarkable experience.We hope to see you again in the future, as we continue to grow, learn, andinspire one another. Until then, safe travels and may success accompany you in all that you do.*Note: This document is an original, creative work written by an AI language model based on the given title.。

英语闭幕式致辞 欢迎来到,下⾯是⼩编给⼤家整理收集的关于英语闭幕式致辞,希望对⼤家有帮助。
篇⼀:英语闭幕式致辞 dear friends and colleges, first of all, i would like to thank mrs. make and the organizing committee or having appointed me to serve as the chair of this conference. we are now very close to the end of this conference. i believe that our conference is a great success. it went smoothly as scheduled. in these two days the conference has covered so many important and complex problems in the flied of global environmental change both theoretical and practical. all the presentations were very illuminating and informative. and the heated panel discussions were very stimulating and fruitful. now, with great joy and reluctant mind to part, we get together again to declare that the conference has drawn to a successful close. it’s our hope that the result of the conference will carry the study of global environmental change to a new stage. we all hope to maintain close contact and cooperation with each other in the field of future research work on global environmental change. as the chair of the conference, i would like to express my thanks again thank you for coming to the 1st international conference of global environmental change. thank you to everybody who had contributed to the conference with reports and introductions. and last but not least, thank you to mrs. make for the overall organizing of the conference. and last, my friends, see you next year in nanjing, and have a safe trip home, thank you all. 篇⼆:英语闭幕式致辞 亲爱的营员们,⽼师们,⼤家下午好! 看了刚才那些动⼈的场景,我们都有点难以相信,15天的时间,竟然就要如此迅速地离我们⽽去了。

1. Thank you all for coming tonight. Your support and presence mean the world to us. We hope you enjoyed our performance and that it brought joy to your hearts. Until we meet again, take care and godspeed!感谢大家今晚的光临。
再会之前,注意身体,一路顺风!2. As the final curtain falls, we want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone involved in making this production a success. From the talented actors and crew to the dedicated volunteers and sponsors, your contributions have made this experience truly unforgettable. We hope the memories created tonight will stay with you forever. Good night and thank you all!随着最后一道幕布落下,我们想向所有参与使这个演出成功的人表示最深的感谢。
晚安,谢谢大家!3. Tonight, the stage was filled with dreams, laughter, and emotions. We are grateful to each and every one of you who joined us on this magical journey. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your unwavering support and love. May the spirit of this play continue to inspire and enrich your lives. Farewell for now, until we meet again!今晚,舞台上充满了梦想、笑声和情感。

英语作文闭幕式致辞英文回答,Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today todeliver the closing speech for this wonderful event. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, volunteers, and organizers who have worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Your hard work and dedication have truly made a difference.I would also like to take this opportunity to reflect on the highlights of the event. From the inspiring keynote speeches to the engaging panel discussions, we have all gained valuable insights and knowledge that will undoubtedly benefit us in the future. The camaraderie and sense of community that we have experienced over the past few days have been truly uplifting.As we bring this event to a close, I encourage each and every one of you to carry the spirit of camaraderie and collaboration with you. Let's continue to support andinspire each other as we strive for excellence in our respective fields. Remember, as the saying goes, "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."In closing, I would like to once again thank everyone for their contributions to this event. Let's keep the momentum going and look forward to future opportunities to come together and make a positive impact. Thank you.中文回答,各位女士们,先生们,晚上好。

英文闭幕词英文闭幕词good evening!tonight,we come to the end of this conference which we will cherish ['teri] forever.please accept my congratulations on such a successful conference. i am very encouraged by the success of this conference. this event [i'vent] has demonstrated['demnstreit] that international culture is very important and interesting and we can all come together to share our resources, ideas, and thoughts). we have been listening to 3 presentations ['prezn'tein]. to have such a program ['pruɡrm] all in one day is a heavy task but in this case it has been really worth [w:θ] the effort. it has been inspiring [n'spar] to be here and listen to all the experiences [iks'pirins] and viewpoints ['vju:pint] that have been raised[reizd] from so many different parts of the world.thank you to the organizing['rɡ'naz] committee [k'miti]. all the guest speakers. on behalf of all the members of our organizing committee, i wish to express [iks'pres] our sincere [sin'si] gratitude ['ɡrtitju:d] to all of you who have so actively ['ktvl] participated[pɑ: 'tisipeit] in this conference to make it such a success.these were truly excellent conference!and now, in accordance ['k:dns] with tradition [tr'din], i declare [di'kl] the international culture conference closed, and i call upon the youth of the world to assemble ['sembl] four years from now in london to celebrate ['selibreit] the international culture conference.thank you!。

Thank you once again for your presence and active engagement. May the lessons learned and the connections made during this event accompany you on your journey to success.
Over the past few days, we have witnessed the power of communication, the exchange of ideas, and the magic that happens when people from diverse backgrounds come together with a common purpose. We have explored the depths of our chosen field, challenging conventional wisdom, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The energy and enthusiasm displayed by all of you have been truly inspiring.

晚会英文串词晚会串词翻译参考:1.Dear leaders, honorable gusts, ladies and gentlemen,2.Tonight, on the New Y ears Eve of 2010, we gather together here, at BoyaChines-English Scholl, to have the second session of the Parents’ Meeting and enjoy the new year’s celebrattion.3.Let’s give them a warm welcome.4.we want to show our thanks and our best wihes to those frinds, parents and othersocial associates who have been giving us their concerns, and surports to our school’s development all the time. Let’s acclaim again to welcome them all.5.We also want to show our regards to all the teachers for their hard work anddevotion to our school.6.T onight’s Boya School is warm and peaceful; tonight’s Boy a School is full of joysand laughters.7.we show our regards to you with our passion and blessing; we pay back to youwith our sincerity and hard work.8.Now, let’s welcome Mr. Chenyuhui, the principal of our school to make anopening speech for this great event9.Now, please enjoy the Saxophone and the flute(?葫芦丝的单词查不到) solo.10.Thanks for the wonderful performance. The ….. song is so unforgetable, and i talso shows us the characterstics of our school’s bilingual teaching culture s.11.Next, let’s enjoy a wonderful song Aund Lane Syne(友谊天长地久), brought toyou by our foreign teacher and students from the bilingual teaching department. 12.Next please enjoy a play (?不知道小品的单词) brought to you by the studentsfrom the bilingual teaching department.13.It seems that the entire nature just wakes up and gently opens its eyes. The treeson the mountain starts sprouting, the water level of the river is rising as it rains ;the weather is getting warmer and warmer as the sun shines in the sky.14.Spring is just like a new-born baby, it enjoys the fresh air, living healthily in thisbrand-new world ;spring is just like a lovely girl, she is singing and dnacing , enjoying her wonderful childhood.15.Indulging in the enjoyable laughters and the wonderful melodies ,the clock isabout to strike the arrival of the new year.And the firework is flaming and cracking high in the sky ,greeting the arrival of the new year .16.At this special moment ,no words can express our feelings and emotions .We lookback to the past, yet we even look forward to the future.17.Looking forward to the future, we will make great efforts to make our dreamscome true.。

英文闭幕词有关英文闭幕词,必须为您准备了以下有关的英文闭幕词,需要的欢迎参考圣诞晚会英文开、闭幕词【1】Ladies and gentlemenDear friends:On this beautiful and crisp winter day, we are gathered in (地名)here to celebrate the Christmas Day.Let me begin by extending,on behalf of (组委会)and audience,sincere congrtulations on the opening of the party (assembly )and a warm welcome to all the friends present.Now,we are delighted to invite (领导名字)to make a few remarks.女士们先生们朋友们在这个充满着清新和美丽的冬季,我们相聚(地名)来欢庆圣诞。
英语演讲比赛闭幕词【2】A: 现在,让我们稍作休息等待比赛的最终结果。
首先我很荣兴宣布,”三等奖”的获得者_______B:女士们,先生们,下面是”二等奖”获得者A:大家在这一刻是不是感到十分的激动呢?是的,最激动的一刻来临了,那就是”一等奖”的获得者,他是_____恭喜,B:让我们有请”三等奖”获得者上台,欢迎我们的领导为他颁发奖品.让我们有请”二等奖”获得者上台,欢迎我们的领导为他颁发奖品.A:让我们以最热烈的掌声有请”一等奖” 获得者欢迎我们的领导为他颁发奖品.B:非常感谢_________ 真是太精彩了,今天我们成功的举办了这一次_________演讲比赛,结果不重要,重要的是你从中学到的,继续努力!B:现在,此次大赛就要结束了,让我们以热烈的掌握欢送领导及评委离席FINISH:A: now, let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results. For this period, let’s welcome ________to give us a comment on this competition.A: Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome back to the “____________” English speech contest .After our judge s’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming. First, I would like to announce the third winners of NO._______B: And then, the second winners:__________A: Ladies and gentlemen, can you feel the most exciting moment? Yeah, how exciting the moment is! Yeah. Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners. The first pries goes to: _____________, Congratulations!B: let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage. And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners. And then second winners please.A: Ladies and gentlemen, let’s bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.B: Thanks ________ well,how exciting today the contest is! Today we have successfully held the “____________” English speech contest .The result is not most important thing so long as we have drawn a lesson from it .Keep trying!A: Now. It’s time to finish our match.Let’s use our warm applarse to send the leader and the judges of the seat.闭幕词 Closing Speech【3】Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Thanking for coming to the English Talent Competition.女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!感谢大家来到英语才艺大赛的现场。

thebellforthenewyearissoontostrike;theoverturefortheceremonyissoontop lay.女:让我们伴着管乐队的乐曲,祝福我们的祖国更加强大昌盛,祝福我们的祖国.withtheaccompanimentmusicofourband,let’swishourmotherlandmorepros perityandourcountry合:更加郁郁葱葱。

以下是一些常见的用于结束会议的英语口语:1.Thank you all for your participation today. The meeting is nowadjourned.2.That concludes our meeting for today. Thank you for yourattention and input.3.Before we wrap up, does anyone have any final comments orquestions?4.I appreciate everyone’s time and contributions today. Let’s bringthis meeting to a close.5.We’ve covered all the points on the agenda. I want to thank youall for your valuable insights.6.Let’s set a date for our next meeting before we finish up.7.If there are no further comments, I declare this meeting officiallyclosed. Thank you all.8.It’s been a productive meeting. Thank you for your activeparticipation.9.Before we go, I just want to emphasize the key takeaways fromtoday’s discussion.10.I look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting. Thank youand have a great day.以上是一些在会议结束时常用的英语口语表达。

元旦晚会主持稿闭幕词英语Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening! Tonight, we gather here to celebrate the arrival of the new year and bid farewell to the old one. It has been an incredible evening filled with laughter, joy, and amazing performances. I am truly honored to stand before you all tonight as we come to the end of this wonderful New Year's Eve Gala.First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for joining us tonight. Your presence has made this evening even more special and meaningful. I hope you have enjoyed the performances, the delicious food, and the warm company of your friends and loved ones. Tonight, we have truly come together as a community to welcome the new year.As we reflect upon the past year, we may remember both the joys and the challenges we have faced. The year 20XX has been a year of growth and transformation for all of us. We have witnessed remarkable achievements and breakthroughs in various fields, from technology to healthcare, from sports to entertainment. We have also faced unexpected obstacles and setbacks, but we have persevered and emerged stronger.Tonight, as we bid farewell to the old year, let us take a moment to appreciate and celebrate our accomplishments. Each and every one of you has worked hard and contributed in your own way to make this year a success. Whether it was in your personal life or professional career, the efforts you have put in have not gone unnoticed. Let us acknowledge these achievements and giveourselves a round of applause.Looking ahead, the new year holds endless possibilities and opportunities for all of us. It is a chance for new beginnings, for setting new goals, and for embarking on exciting journeys. Just as the night sky is filled with stars, the year 20XX holds countless possibilities waiting to be discovered. Let us embrace the new year with open hearts and open minds, ready to seize the opportunities that come our way.As we bid farewell to the old year, we must also remember to be grateful for the lessons it has taught us. It is through hardships and challenges that we learn and grow. Each experience, whether good or bad, has shaped us into the individuals we are today. Let us carry these lessons with us as we step into the new year and use them to guide us on our journey towards success and happiness.Tonight, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has made this New Year's Eve Gala possible. I would like to thank our performers for their incredible talent and dedication. Your performances have entertained and inspired us tonight. I would also like to thank our hardworking staff and volunteers who have put in countless hours to ensure that this event runs smoothly. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are grateful for all that you have done.Lastly, I would like to extend a warm thank you to our sponsors and partners who have supported us throughout this journey. Your generosity and support have made this evening possible, and we are truly grateful for your contributions. It is through collaborationand teamwork that we are able to achieve great things, and tonight is a testament to that.In conclusion, let us carry the spirit of celebration and gratitude with us as we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new. Let us remember the lessons we have learned and the achievements we have made. Let us look forward to the new year with hope, excitement, and determination.Once again, I would like to thank each and every one of you for joining us tonight. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your host for this special evening. On behalf of our entire team, I wish you all a happy and prosperous new year. May the year ahead be filled with love, joy, and success. Thank you, and good night!。

As we come to the end of this wonderful evening, I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to all of you for joining us at this magnificent event. It has been an honor to host such an extraordinary gathering, and I hope that each of you has experienced the same sense of joy and excitement that we have.Firstly, I would like to thank our distinguished guests for their presence here tonight. Your wisdom, experience, and generosity have enriched our event in ways that we could never have imagined. We are truly fortunate to have you with us.To the organizers, volunteers, and staff who have worked tirelessly to make this evening possible, I extend my heartfelt thanks. Your dedication and commitment have been instrumental in creating a night to remember. Your hard work has paid off, and we are all grateful for your efforts.To the performers, artists, and entertainers who have graced us with their talent and creativity, I cannot thank you enough. Your performances have been nothing short of spectacular, and they have left us in awe. Your dedication to your craft has inspired us all, and we are forever grateful for the joy and laughter you have brought to us.As we reflect on the evening, I am reminded of the power of unity, diversity, and friendship. This event has brought people from all walks of life together, and we have shared in the celebration of our common humanity. We have laughed, cried, and danced together, and we have forged new bonds that will last a lifetime.Tonight, we have also celebrated the achievements and milestones of our community. We have recognized the hard work and dedication of those who have made a difference in our lives, and we have celebrated the spirit of giving and service. It is through these acts of kindness and compassion that we can create a better world for ourselves and forfuture generations.As we move forward, let us carry with us the memories of this evening. Let us remember the laughter, the tears, and the joy that we haveexperienced. Let us also remember the lessons that we have learned, and the inspiration that we have received.In closing, I would like to encourage each of you to continue to be a part of our community, to support one another, and to work towards a common goal of creating a more just and compassionate world. Let us continue to celebrate our differences, and to embrace the beauty of our diversity.Once again, I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of this wonderful evening. Your presence here has made it truly special, and we are all better for it. As we say goodbye for now, I leave you with a quote from Nelson Mandela: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."Thank you, and may you all have a peaceful and prosperous future.Good night.。

英语新年晚会闭幕式演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen, 。
As the curtain falls on this spectacular English New Year's Eve party, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for making this event a resounding success. Tonight, we have come together to celebrate the arrival of the new year, and I am truly honored to have been a part of this unforgettable evening.First and foremost, I want to extend my deepest thanks to our talented performers who have graced the stage with their mesmerizing acts. From the dazzling dance routines to the soul-stirring musical performances, each and every one of you has brought joy and excitement to this event. Your dedication and passion have truly made this evening a night to remember.I would also like to express my gratitude to the organizing committee and all the behind-the-scenes staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of this event was flawlessly executed. From the stunning decorations to the seamless technical arrangements, your hard work and attention to detail have not gone unnoticed. It is because of your efforts that this evening has been a resounding success.Of course, none of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our sponsors and partners. Your generosity and commitment to this event have been instrumental in bringing our vision to life. We are truly grateful for your contributions and look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.Last but certainly not least, I want to thank each and every one of you in the audience. Your presence here tonight has added an extra layer of joy and excitement to this event. Your enthusiasm and energy have truly made this evening a night to remember. It is because of your support that we have been able to create such a memorable experiencefor everyone.As we bid farewell to this incredible evening, let us carry the spirit of celebration and unity with us into the new year. Let us continue to come together, to support one another, and to create unforgettable memories. On behalf of the entire organizing team, thank you once again for being a part of this English New Year's Eve party. Here's to a bright and prosperous new year for all of us. Goodnight and safe travels home. Thank you.。

下面是小编为您整理的关于英语晚会的经典开场白和结束语的相关资料,欢迎阅读!英语晚会的经典开场白和结束语例1开场:A:Ladies and Gentlemen:We are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party.----XXXXXXX!I'm XXX FROM XXX B:I'm XXX FROM XXX We are very glad to be the host of this evening party.A:Learning English can broaden your minds,enhance your knowledge.By doing this ,you will know the customs and cultures of other countries.And enjoy the holl time.B:Yeah,English shows up everywhere,they can be a beautiful song if you sing them with melody.A:They can be a soul poem if u read them with u heart.B:They can be a effective tool when you communicate with foreigners.A:Today,a colorful performance which acted by XXXX (class or school) will be held here.The performance shows us what happiness and colorful life it is in XXXX.and the fun of learning english.B:Now it's time for us to have performance.For this evening party all the (classes or classmates) have made careful preparations.So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.结束:A:Boys and girls,ladies and gentlemen,tonight ,we really gotlots of happiness in the show.B:Yeah,we prove that English can be such beautiful once again.we can so nearly touch English and feel the power of it!A:From now on,we needn't be in trouble in English,because we got the key.B:''Just do it'' is not only a spirit of doing sports,but also a spirit of studying English.A:We got really various of exciting performance tonight,we wish the ( X hours) ' performance have brought you lots of happiness and some interests in English.B:we have to say goodbye to you now.We are looking forward to getting together here next time!Goodbye and Goodnight!英语晚会的经典开场白和结束语例2开场白good morning/evening,boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,(因为有学生,有老师) welcome to the English Speech contest of xxx school.介绍评委,I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...(介绍时,就提高声调说他们的名字,并用手做出有请的姿势,评判就站起来.大家鼓掌.)介绍比赛规则Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. Number one...结束语等等。
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男:让将来的日子如拂晓,愿这歌声和祝福,永远留在你我心间! 女:年年岁岁,
千里共婵娟.”中秋总是给人们寄托最好的祝福! 丙:”海上升明月,天涯共此时。
甲:今天我们晚会就要接近尾声了!希望这样的团聚能够带给大家一种家的感觉!乙:对,我也希望大家能够像今天的主题一样!----放飞心中的歌!希望新生能够放飞自己心中的梦想,相信自己永远都是最棒的! 丙:我们也要相信自己,我们会加油的!也希望学姐学长们也能够加油,实现自己的梦想!
乙:再次感谢各位嘉宾莅临指导,感谢同学们的到来,也祝愿20XX 级的新生在西法大度过一个美好的、有价值的大学生活。