Apple Supplier Code of Conduct V4.0中英语文对照
Code of Conduct 2011_中文版
BESTSELLER行为准则《BESTSELLER 行为准则》阐明了BESTSELLER 希望在整个供应链中推行和促进的道德规范和行为方式,并直接应用在为Bestseller A/S 生产的任何供应商及其分包商身上。
行为准则基于并遵守《世界人权宣言》、联合国主要公约、国际劳工组织(ILO) 公约及建议(请参阅准则末尾的列表)。
一般条件与Bestseller 签订业务协议时,所有供应商都要同意在其业务中担负道德和环境责任。
此人应该能够并愿意定期与Bestseller 沟通,并且了解所有必要的信息。
供应商应该公开并愿意与Bestseller 合作完成项目和计划。
这包括参加Bestseller 组织的培训、有效地向分包商和工人传达信息、公开相关信息(特别是工厂的生产信息)、积极参与Bestseller 发起的重点项目或计划。
对于加入我们并具有可持续发展计划的供应商,以及公开、坦诚、愿意与Bestseller 合作解决这些问题的供应商,我们愿与之一道共同发展、同创未来。
结社自由 我们认同及尊重员工在所在国法律允许的情况下结社自由的权利。供应商不得 妨碍和阻止这项合法活动。
资讯公开和随机验厂 供应商必须将与生产相关(包括合作 工厂)的资讯完全提供给我们。 所有的 C&A 供应商必须使其合作工厂明确的 C&A 此守则并完全遵照执行。 另外供应商及其合作工厂必须随时接受 C&A 的指定的审计公司 SOCAM 进行 不预先通知的随机审验工厂。(SOCAM 公司负责国内工厂的审验。)
法律事务和知识产权 我们将完全遵照贸易合作伙伴所在国的法律行事。同样我们要求供应商也如此 我们要共同遵守第三方的知识产权。
用工条件 除了我们要求供应商要把公平和诚信的原则贯彻到与之相关联的各方,同时我 们对用工条件也有特别的要求。基于尊重最基本的人权,以下要求不仅适用于 为的 C&A 的生产,而且也适用于为其第三方的生产。 *绝对禁止雇佣童工。员工进厂的年龄必须不小于所属国家法定的最小用工年龄。 *禁止强制劳动;禁止责骂或任何形式的体罚。 *禁止剥削任何弱势群体。 *工资和福利遵照国家法律执行,并遵循公平和诚信的原则。 *供应商必须保证在完成所有的生产加工程序过程中,要充分考虑到员工的健康 和安全;提供保障安全和健康的相应设备和措施。
检查执行 我们必须遵照执行此守则及其中的要求。我们把审查我司员工和供应商的实际 履行情况作为我们日常管理工作不可分割的一部分。为达到此目的,我们将维 护,更新必需的资讯系统,并依次做实地检查。
制裁 在生产过程中(无论是在为 C&A 的 生产过程中还是在为其它第三方的生产过 程中),如果我们发现供应商违背此守则及其相关规定,我们将立即终止与此 供应商的合作,包括撤消已签署的订单。我们还保留采取 其它进一步行动的权 利。
供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01
供应商行为准则Code of Conduct for Suppliers本行为准则规定了为江苏常牵庞巴迪牵引系统有限公司(以下简称BCP)提供产品及服务的供应商应承担的基本责任。
This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements placed on Bombardier CPC Propulsion System Co., Ltd. (herein after called BCP) suppliers of goods and services concerning their responsibilities towards their stakeholders and the environment. BCP reserves the right to reasonably change the requirements of this Code of Conduct due to changes of the BCP Compliance Program. In such event, BCP expects the supplier to accept such reasonable changes.供应商在此承诺:The supplier declares herewith:一、遵守法律及供应商行为准则1. Compliance with Legal and Code of Conduct For Suppliers⏹了解并遵守所有适用法律和供应商行为准则的规定To comply with the laws of the applicable legal system(s) and code of conduct for suppliers.二、禁止贪污贿赂2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery⏹不容忍任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,也不从事任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,包括但不限于违反法律为影响决策而向任何政府官员支付任何款项或给予其它任何形式的利益;To tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including but not limited to any payment or any other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law;⏹禁止为了维持、获得业务或不正当权益直接或间接地向BCP员工和/或其亲属提供、约定提供贿赂或不当的便利,包括但不限于:To prohibit to provide, agree to, suggest bribery or improper convenience, directly or indirectly, to BCP’s staff or their relatives, in order to maintain, attain business or improper titles, including but not limited to:i. 礼品,包括但不限于现金、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证及贵重物品;Gifts, including but not limited to cash, cash gift, securities, payment vouchers and valuables;ii. 购置、提供通信工具、交通工具和高档办公用品等;Purchase or provide communication tools, vehicles or expensive office supplies;iii. 高消费的招待,包括但不限于度假、出国(出境)旅游,以及高尔夫球等活动或是可能妨碍公正的宴请;Any high-consumption entertainment, including but not limited to holiday, abroad (outbound) tourism, and golf, etc. or any dinner which may prevent justice ;iv. 安排工作,或支付应由自己或其亲属自付的各种费用,包括但不限于住宅装修、婚丧嫁娶、购物、学费;Arrange work or pay any fee for himself or his relatives which shall be paid by his own, including but not limited to decoration fee, wedding and funerals fee, shopping expense, tuition fee;v. 成比例的,或者正相关的利益联系,例如股份、回扣等Proportional relationship or any other positive benefit-based relationship, e.g. share, discount, etc.三、禁止隐形代理3. Prohibition of Invisible Agency⏹任何第三方(因BCP与供应商之间的业务而成为关联分供应商的除外)不得因供应商与BCP的业务而从供应商处获得任何经济利益。
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (3.4)中英文对照
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (3.4)Apple Supplier Code of Conduct苹果供应商行为准则Apple is committed to ensuring that working conditions in Apple’s supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible. Apple’s suppliers (“Suppliers”) commit, in all of their activities, to operate in full compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the countries in which they operate. This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) goes further, drawing upon internationally recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental responsibility.Apple承诺确保在我们的供应链中提供安全的工作环境,给予员工尊严和尊重,并采用对环境负责的制造流程。
Apple 的供应商(“供应商”)在其一切行为活动中,都有义务完全遵守所在国家/地区的法律、规定和法规来经营。
Apple requires that Suppliers implement this Code using the management systems described below. Apple may visit (and/or have external monitors visit) Supplier facilities, with or without notice, to assess compliance with this Code and to audit Supplier’s wage, hour, payroll, and other worker records and practices. Violations of this Code may result in immediate termination as an Apple Supplier and in legal action.Apple要求供应商通过使用下面介绍到的管理系统来执行此标准。
苹果公司社会责任报告:苹果公司报告社会责任华为社会责任华为承担社会责任阿里社会责任知乎篇一:Apple的企业社会责任承担商誉:1Genius BarWhen you need a hardware repair, you can make a reservation at the Genius Bar. For software or services, get help even faster by phone or chat.Geniuses have extensive knowledge of our products, and they work with you face to face to provide technical support and troubleshoot hardware problems. Some repairs can even be completed right on the spot.2 free workshops.The best place to learn about Apple products.It’s a place to learn about your Apple device;And a place to discover your creative side. We offer free workshops for people of all experience levels, along with youth programs like Apple Camp and Field Trip.Explore everything you can do on Mac, iPad, iPhone, or iPod. Create slideshows with Photos. Edit movies with iMovie. Or discoverways to make your documents, spreadsheets, and presentations look their absolute best.3Free Youth ProgramsAt the Apple Store, we offer kids a variety of programs tailored just for them. Youth Workshops, Field Trips, and Apple Camp are great ways to get kids thinking, learning, and creating —all while having fun.Field Trips for Students and TeachersOn their Field Trip, students can create something amazing right on the spot with Apple products. Whatever they create, students will leave with a renewed outlook and motivation for learning. On their own Field Trip, teachers will learn how to enhance their curriculum with the help of Apple products and content.4Refurbished and ClearanceApple Certified. Good as new.We test and certify all Apple refurbished products and include a 1-year warranty.Guaranteed Apple qualityWe back it with our standard one-year limited warranty. And you have the option of purchasing an AppleCare Product for it.5Apple Reuse and Recycling ProgramWe’ll give you credit for your device.Get credit for your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, and eligible smart phones and PCs from other manufacturers.Even if your equipment isn’t functional or doesn’t have any value, you can recycle your iPad, iPod, Mac, PC or smartphone responsibly through Apple for free.if it qualifies for reuse. that means your computer has monetary value that we’ll apply toward an Apple Gift Card. You can use the gift card for purchases at the Apple Online Store or at any Apple Retail Store. If your computer doesn’t qualify for reuse, we’ll recycle it responsibly at no cost toyou.Environmental ResponsibilityWe believe true innovation must consider everything.CLIMATE CHANGEWe don’t want to debate climate change. We want to stop it. We understand that making as many products as we do has a significant impact on the environment. Our carbon footprint is something we’re always aware of, and it’s something we’re always working to address. We’ve found ways to use energy and materials more efficiently in our facilities, to get energy from cleaner sources, and to design some of the world’s most energy?efficient electronic products. In fact, all our product lines don’t just adhere to ENERGYSTAR standards, they surpass them. And while we have a long way to go, our efforts are working. Even though we’re manufacturing and shipping more products than ever, our carbon emissions per product have been dropping since 2011.100% of our U.S. operations run on renewable;100% of our data centers run on renewable energy;87% of our global operations run on renewable energy.RENEWABLE RESOURCEWe take our passion for innovation beyond our products and into our practices. As part of our continuing mission to leave the world better than we found it, we’re partnering with The Conservation Fund to protect and create the type of forests we use in our packaging. We’ve developed a renewable micro?hydro project to power our data center in Prineville, Oregon. And we’re building a solar farm in China to offset energy used by our offices and retail stores. Because it’s our responsibility to make sure that while creating beautiful products, we’re also caring for our beautiful planet.FINITE RESOURCESNot everything can be replaced. So we reuse and recycle.We consider our environmental impact during the earliest stages of design —finding ways to create products that use fewer materialsand last longer. The planet has a limited supply of clean water, so we make sure that our manufacturing processes reuse as much of it, as many times, as possible. When we work with suppliers that don’t meet our standards for water reuse, we help them improve until they do. And we make it easy and safe to recycle Apple products. TOXINSWe leave some important things out of our products. With good reason.Many substances commonly used in the electronics industry can be harmful to people or the planet. So we design our products with cleaner, safer materials to reduce and eliminate these toxins. And we hold our suppliers accountable —we conduct factory audits, test components with independent laboratories, and verify the results in our own lab. It’s our mission to make sure anyone who assembles, uses, and recycles an Apple product can do so safely. Supplier ResponsibilityWe go deep into our supply chain to enforce our social and environmental standards.So we continually strengthen our Supplier Code of Conduct to help implement safer and more ethical working conditions. Empowering WorkersWe empower workers through education.Apple is committed to providing and expanding educational opportunities for workers in our supply chain. Since 2008, more than 861,000 workers have taken advantage of our Supplier Employee Education and Development (SEED) program, which offers free courses ranging from economics to English. Now SEED is expanding beyond the traditional classroom setting to include more cutting-edge tools, including a new iPad-based learning program. Labor & Human RightsWe demand that suppliers treat workers fairly and ethically at all times.Every supplier that does business with Apple must demonstrate the highest commitment to protecting workers’rights.Health & SafetyWe insist on safe and healthy facilities for all workers.In 2014, participants in our Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Academy launched more than 870 projects in their facilities to improve working conditions. Apple also initiated an extensive mapping program to strengthen chemical management processes across our supply chain.Our SuppliersWe publish our guidelines and suppliers for the world to se(来自: 写论文网:苹果公司社会责任报告)e.Apple and ConnectEDwe’re joining President Obama in support of the ConnectED initiative by committing our products, our knowledge, and our passion for learning to 114 schools across the country.114 Schools are receiving Apple ConnectED grants to support their educational goals with technology.29 States across the country are represented among the recipients of Apple ConnectED grants. 92% Of students from our partner schools are of Hispanic, Black, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Asian heritage.篇二:XX公司社会责任报告XX公司社会责任一、公司治理制度良好的公司治理是企业实现可持续发展的内在动力。
品牌供应商行为准则Supplier Code of Conduct (律师修订版合同)
1. 工作标准与社会责任公司要求其供应商在社会责任方面树立典范。
_禁止使用童工:严禁雇佣年龄未满 16 岁的童工。
相关国家的地方法律对童工设定更高年龄,或对完成义务教育年龄的设定超过 16 岁的,应以该更高年龄为准。
任何可能危及儿童健康、安全或道德的工作都不应由18 岁以下的任何人完成。
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (3.4)中英文对照
Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (3.4)Apple Supplier Code of Conduct苹果供应商行为准则Apple is committed to ensuring that working conditions in Apple’s supply chain are safe, that workers are treated with respect and dignity, and that manufacturing processes are environmentally responsible. Apple’s suppliers (“Suppliers”) commit, in all of their activities, to operate in full compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the countries in which they operate. This Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) goes further, drawing upon internationally recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental responsibility.Apple承诺确保在我们的供应链中提供安全的工作环境,给予员工尊严和尊重,并采用对环境负责的制造流程。
Apple 的供应商(“供应商”)在其一切行为活动中,都有义务完全遵守所在国家/地区的法律、规定和法规来经营。
Apple requires that Suppliers implement this Code using the management systems described below. Apple may visit (and/or have external monitors visit) Supplier facilities, with or without notice, to assess compliance with this Code and to audit Supplier’s wage, hour, payroll, and other worker records and practices. Violations of this Code may result in immediate termination as an Apple Supplier and in legal action.Apple要求供应商通过使用下面介绍到的管理系统来执行此标准。
code of conduct意思
code of conduct意思代码规范(Code of Conduct)是一种指导开发者在编写代码时应遵循的一系列规则和准则。
代码规范通常包括以下几个方面的内容:1. 命名规范:包括变量、函数、类等的命名规则。
2. 缩进和空格:代码应该使用一致的缩进和空格规则,以增强代码的可读性。
3. 注释规范:代码应该包含清晰的注释,注释应该解释代码的用途、实现思路和注意事项。
4. 函数和方法规范:函数和方法应该具有单一的责任,并且应该尽量避免过长的函数和方法。
5. 错误处理规范:代码应该具有良好的错误处理机制,能够捕获并处理异常情况。
6. 版本控制规范:代码应该使用版本控制工具进行管理,每个开发者应该熟悉版本控制工具的使用方法,并且应该遵循一致的版本控制流程。
7. 安全规范:代码应该具有一定的安全性,能够对输入进行验证和过滤,防止代码受到攻击和恶意访问。
8. 性能规范:代码应该具有良好的性能,能够高效地执行,并且应该避免不必要的资源消耗和时间浪费。
对比苹果公司和华为公司英语作文Apple Inc. and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. are two of the biggest technology companies in the world. Both companies have a strong presence in the global market and are known for their innovative products and services. However, there are some key differences between the two companies in terms of their business models, product offerings, and market strategies.Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company that designs, manufactures, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. The company is best known for its iPhone smartphones, iPad tablets, Mac computers, and Apple Watch smartwatches. Apple also offers a range of services such as the App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, and Apple Pay. The company operates a high-end, premium brand image and targets affluent consumers who are willing to pay a premium for its products. Apple products are known for their sleek design, premium materials, and intuitive user experience.On the other hand, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company that specializes in telecommunications equipment, consumer electronics, and smartphones. Huawei is one of the world's largest telecommunications equipment manufacturers and is a leadingglobal provider of information and communications technology (ICT) solutions. The company is known for its Huawei Mate and P series smartphones, Huawei MateBook laptops, and Huawei Watch smartwatches. Huawei also offers a range of networking products, cloud services, and enterprise solutions. The company has a more diverse product portfolio than Apple and targets a wider range of consumer segments.In terms of market share, Apple has a larger global market share than Huawei in the smartphone market. According to the latest data from IDC, Apple accounted for around 15% of global smartphone shipments in the first quarter of 2021, while Huawei accounted for around 4%. However, Huawei has a stronger presence in the Chinese market, where the company is the leading smartphone manufacturer. Apple, on the other hand, has a stronger presence in the North American and European markets.One of the key differences between Apple and Huawei is their approach to product design and innovation. Apple is known for its focus on design, marketing, and user experience, while Huawei is known for its focus on technology, research, and development. Apple products are designed with a strong emphasis on aesthetics and simplicity, while Huawei productsare designed with a strong emphasis on performance and functionality. Both companies invest heavily in research and development to drive innovation and stay ahead of the competition.Another key difference between Apple and Huawei is their approach to pricing and distribution. Apple products are typically sold at a premium price through the company's retail stores, online store, and authorized resellers. Huawei products, on the other hand, are priced more competitively and are sold through a wide range of channels, including Huawei stores, online platforms, and third-party retailers. This approach allows Huawei to reach a larger audience and offer a broader range of products at different price points.In terms of corporate culture and values, Apple and Huawei have different approaches to corporate governance, sustainability, and social responsibility. Apple has a strong focus on corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability, with initiatives such as the Apple Supplier Code of Conduct, Apple Product Environmental Reports, and the Apple Renew program. Huawei also has a strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, with initiatives such as the Huawei Green Contribution Plan, Huawei Seeds for the Futureprogram, and Huawei ICT Academy program. Both companies are committed to ethical business practices, diversity and inclusion, and community engagement.Overall, both Apple and Huawei are leading technology companies with strong market positions, innovative products, and loyal customer bases. While they have differences in terms of business models, product offerings, and market strategies, they share a common commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction. As the technology industry continues to evolve, both companies will need to adapt to changing market dynamics, emerging technologies, and evolving consumer preferences to stay competitive and drive growth in the global market.。
供应商行为准则 Supplier Code of Counduct
XXXXXX有限公司供应商行为准则ABC Supplier Code of ConductABC and it’s branch XXXXXX Co. Ltd. (“ABC China”) is committed to high standards of business ethics and integrity as reflected in ABC Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”). The Code of Conduct expects all of ABC suppliers (“Suppliers”) to adhere to similar good working standards and business ethics. The Suppliers are expected to comply with the requirements set out in this Code of Conduct. Violations of this code of conduct may result in immediate termination as a ABC Supplier and in legal action if necessary.ABC realizes that Suppliers may need time to address areas in which they may not be in compliance. We believe that compliance is best achieved through a process of continuous improvement over a period of time. With this in mind, ABC invites its suppliers to keep us regularly informed about their actions and their improvement plans concerning the Code of Conduct.XXXXXX有限公司及其中国分公司XXXXXX有限公司(以下简称“XX中国”)一向秉持高标准商业道德和诚信经营的理念,并将此反映在《XXXXXX有限公司供应商行为准则》(以下简称“行为准则”)当中。
供应商行为准则(Code of Conduct for Suppliers) V01
供应商行为准则Code of Conduct for Suppliers本行为准则规定了为江苏常牵庞巴迪牵引系统有限公司(以下简称BCP)提供产品及服务的供应商应承担的基本责任。
This Code of Conduct defines the basic requirements placed on Bombardier CPC Propulsion System Co., Ltd. (herein after called BCP) suppliers of goods and services concerning their responsibilities towards their stakeholders and the environment. BCP reserves the right to reasonably change the requirements of this Code of Conduct due to changes of the BCP Compliance Program. In such event, BCP expects the supplier to accept such reasonable changes.供应商在此承诺:The supplier declares herewith:一、遵守法律及供应商行为准则1. Compliance with Legal and Code of Conduct For Suppliers⏹了解并遵守所有适用法律和供应商行为准则的规定To comply with the laws of the applicable legal system(s) and code of conduct for suppliers.二、禁止贪污贿赂2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery⏹不容忍任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,也不从事任何形式的贪污贿赂行为,包括但不限于违反法律为影响决策而向任何政府官员支付任何款项或给予其它任何形式的利益;To tolerate no form of and not to engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including but not limited to any payment or any other form of benefit conferred on any government official for the purpose of influencing decision making in violation of law;⏹禁止为了维持、获得业务或不正当权益直接或间接地向BCP员工和/或其亲属提供、约定提供贿赂或不当的便利,包括但不限于:To prohibit to provide, agree to, suggest bribery or improper convenience, directly or indirectly, to BCP’s staff or their relatives, in order to maintain, attain business or improper titles, including but not limited to:i. 礼品,包括但不限于现金、礼金、有价证券、支付凭证及贵重物品;Gifts, including but not limited to cash, cash gift, securities, payment vouchers and valuables;ii. 购置、提供通信工具、交通工具和高档办公用品等;Purchase or provide communication tools, vehicles or expensive office supplies;iii. 高消费的招待,包括但不限于度假、出国(出境)旅游,以及高尔夫球等活动或是可能妨碍公正的宴请;Any high-consumption entertainment, including but not limited to holiday, abroad(outbound) tourism, and golf, etc. or any dinner which may prevent justice ;iv. 安排工作,或支付应由自己或其亲属自付的各种费用,包括但不限于住宅装修、婚丧嫁娶、购物、学费;Arrange work or pay any fee for himself or his relatives which shall be paid by his own, including but not limited to decoration fee, wedding and funerals fee, shopping expense, tuition fee;v. 成比例的,或者正相关的利益联系,例如股份、回扣等Proportional relationship or any other positive benefit-based relationship, e.g. share, discount, etc.三、禁止隐形代理3. Prohibition of Invisible Agency⏹任何第三方(因BCP与供应商之间的业务而成为关联分供应商的除外)不得因供应商与BCP的业务而从供应商处获得任何经济利益。
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Apple Supplier Code of Conduct苹果供应商行为准则Apple is committed to the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility and ethical conduct. Apple’s suppliers are required to provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, act fairly and ethically, and use environmentally responsible practices wherever they make products or perform services for Apple. Apple requires its suppliers to operate in accordance with the principles in this Apple Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”) and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This Code goes beyond mere compliance with the law by drawing upon internationally recognized standards to advance social and environmental responsibility. This Code outlines Apple’s expectations for Supplier conduct and responsible practice regarding labor and human rights, health and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and management practices.苹果公司致力于对社会环境责任与道德行为最高标准的承诺。
Apple will assess its suppliers’ compliance with this Code, and any violations of this Code may jeopardize the supplier’s business relationship with Apple, up to and including termination. This Code applies to Apple suppliers and their subsidiaries, affiliates, and subcontractors (each a “Supplier”) providing goods or services to Apple, or for use in or with Apple products.苹果公司将评估其供应商是否有遵守本准则,任何违反本准则的行为可能损害供应商与苹果之间的业务关系,甚至会导致终止双方业务关系。
Additionally, Apple maintains detailed standards that explicitly define our expectations for compliance with this Code.此外,苹果公司备有详细的标准,明确定义我们对遵守本准则的期望值。
Labor and Human Rights 劳动权益和人权Apple believes all workers in our supply chain deserve a fair and ethical workplace. Workers must be treated with the utmost dignity and respect, and suppliers shall uphold the highest standards of human rights.苹果认为供应链上的所有工人均应在公正、合乎道德标准的工作场所工作。
Antidiscrimination 反歧视Supplier shall not discriminate against any worker based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, or union membership, in hiring and other employment practices. Supplier shall not require pregnancy or medical tests, except where required by applicable laws or regulations or prudent for workplace safety, and shall not improperly discriminate based on test results.在招聘和进行其他雇佣行为时,供应商不得因年龄、残疾、民族、性别、婚姻状况、国籍、政治面貌、种族、宗教、性取向或加入工会而歧视工人。
Anti-Harassment and Abuse 反骚扰和虐待Supplier shall commit to a workplace free of harassment and abuse. Supplier shall not threaten workers with, or subject them to, harsh or inhumane treatment, including but not limited to verbal abuse and harassment, psychological harassment, mental and physical coercion, and sexual harassment.供应商应致力于维护一个无骚扰和虐待的工作环境。
Prevention of Involuntary Labor and Human Trafficking 预防非自愿劳动和贩卖人口Supplier shall ensure that all work is voluntary. Supplier shall not traffic persons or use any form of slave, forced, bonded ,indentured, or prison labor. Involuntary labor includes the transportation, harboring, recruitment, transfer, receipt, or employment of persons by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction, fraud, or payments to any person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation.供应商必须确保所有的工作都是自愿的。
Supplier shall not withhold workers’ original government-issued identification and travel documents. Supplier shall ensure that workers’ contracts clearly convey the conditions of employment in a language understood by the workers. Supplier shall not impose unreasonable restrictions on movement within the workplace or upon entering or exiting company-provided facilities.供应商不得扣押工人的政府颁发的身份证件和旅行证件原件。
Supplier shall ensure that the third-party recruitment agencies it uses are compliant with the provisions of this Code and the law. Suppliers recruiting foreign contract workers either directly or through third party agencies shall be responsible for payment of all fees and expenses in excess of one month of the worker’s anticipated net wages.供应商必须确保第三方招聘机构遵守本准则和法律规定。