









听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中给出的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. How is the man going to Australia?

A. By train.

B. By ship.

C. By air.

2. Where is the city bank?

A. On King’s Street.

B. On Victoria Road.

C. Next to a post office.

3. How does the man feel about George’s speech?

A. Great.

B. Confused.

C. Bored.

4. Which meal does the host provide for the man?

A. Dinner.

B. Lunch.

C. Breakfast.

5. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Rain.

B. Trees.

C. Flowers.


听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Mother and son.

B. Wife and husband.

C. House owner and customer.

7. What is the apartment like according to the woman?

A. It has a poor view.

B. It is too small.

C. It is far from her office.


8. What is the woman’s business now?

A. Building boats.

B. Selling boats.

C. Renting out boats.

9. How many boats will the woman have next year?

A. 15.

B. 10.

C. 8.


10. Why did Ms. Sato put off her trip?

A. She was seriously ill.

B. She couldn’t get a plane ticket.

C.She was unhappy with the plan.

11. When will the man have to leave the office?

A. By 11:30.

B. By 12:00.

C. By 12:30.

12. When will the man most likely tell Ms. Sato about the situation?

A. After the meeting.

B. Before the meeting.

C. During the meeting.


13. When did the washing machine first break down?

A. A few weeks ago.

B. About five days ago.

C. Yesterday.

14. What does the woman think of the problem?

A. Easy.

B. Difficult.

C. Annoying.

15. How does the man deal with the washing machine?

A. He changes a new motor.

B. He changes a new washing machine.

C. He puts the motor back in place.

16. How much does the woman have to pay for the repairs?

A. $15.

B. $16.

C. $ 18.


17. Which course is in the autumn?

A. Musical Theatre.

B. Screen Acting.

C. Comedy Acting.

18. How many weeks does each course last?

A. Two weeks.

B. Three weeks.

C. Ten weeks.

19. How does the speaker suggest people get to the school?

A. By bus.

B. By car.

C. By subway.

20. Where is the student hotel?

A. Inside the school.

B. Near the city park.

C. Far from the city park.





Make Space in Your Summer for Free Fun

You don't have to go to the moon to meet an astronaut: You can do it at the Air and Space Museum on July 16.

Pioneering pilot Amelia Earhart disappeared on a flight around the globe in 1937.But she'll be at the National Air and Space Museum on July 16—the museum's first Family Day of the season—to tell you all about her adventures.(Okay, it's actually an actress pretending to be Earhart.) NASA astronaut Patrick Forrester will be there to answer your questions, https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b14241577.html,e to learn how space exploration changed the world.

Another Family Day event takes place on July 25. At “Discover the Moon Day!” you can steer(驾驶) a robotic rover (a vehicle for exploring the surface of a planet), examine meteorites(陨石) that were found on the moon, see the capsule(太空舱) that took the Apollo 11 astronauts there and back and view photos of the lunar surface using 3-D glasses.

You can create lunar art and take a moon quiz.We'll give you one example: July 20,

1969—46 years ago this month.Do you know what happened that day?

National Air and Space Museum

Independence A v enue at Sixth Street SW

Open daily 10 a.m.to 7:30 p.m.through September 1 (with a few early closings at 5:30 p.m.; visit our website for details).

Family Day programs are from 10 a.m.to 3 p.m..

Information specialists are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m.and Saturday from 9 a.m.to 4 p.m..

All ages, but best for age 7 and older.

For more information, call 202-633-2214 or go to https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b14241577.html,.

21.What can museum visitors do on July 16?

A.Create lunar art. B.Step into an unusual capsule.

C.See a movie about Earhart's adventures. D.Learn about a missing woman pilot's life. 22.What do we know about “Discover the Moon Day!”?

A.It includes a moon quiz competition.

B.It's the first Family Day at the museum.

C.It gives people first-hand experience of space.

D.It features a famous astronaut's explanations.

23.What's the closing time for the Family Day programs?

A.3 p.m..B.4 p.m.. C.5:30 p.m.. D.7:30 p.m..


They say money can't buy happiness and for a long time I didn't fully believe that.But my grandfather showed me that is true.

When I was younger my grandfather would always give my sisters and I one hundred dollars for our birthdays and for Christmas.As time went by, my grandfather was getting older and becoming ill.And that was when his will was mentioned.I decided to call my grandfather every day so that he'd add my name to his will.

Every day I came from school, I would lie down on my bed and call my grandfather.The conversation would always start with me telling him how my day was, and what I learned at school.Then once the conversation slowed I would ask him to tell me a story about his experiences in the military or someone interesting he met.Then at the end we would say “goodbye” and “I love you”.

As the days went by I continued to make phone calls, and each time we said “goodbye”,I looked at the call time.What was once a twenty-minute phone call became an hour and a half one.It eventually got to the point where we could have a conversation like two best friends, never having a dull moment or nothing to talk about.

The day came when he passed away and the will was shown.I never got my name put on it, but he did write me a letter.In his letter he explained how I made each of his last days joyous and worthwhile.At that point I didn't care about the will; I had got a whole lot more out of each phone call than some money could have provided.It was then that I realized that happiness is found in relationships with family and friends instead of coming from money.

24.In reality, the writer, at first .

A.was indifferent to money B.was good at making money

C.doubted that money can't buy happiness D.believed that money is everything in life 25.When grandfather was ill, the writer called him each day to .

A.worry about his health B.gain his wealth

C.comfort him after school D.greet him from school

26.One after another phone call, the writer .

A.really got tired of doing so B.started studying harder at school

C.became better at dealing with people D.became closer and closer to grandfather 27.What happened to the writer when grandfather's will was shown?

A.He was calm about grandfather's behaviour.

B.He was very surprised and disappointed.

C.He regretted having phoned his grandfather.

D.He became very angry at his grandfather.


What do Tom Sa w yer and Jumping Frogs have in common? Stories about both of them were created by one man: Mark Twain. Twain was four years old when his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri, located on the west bank of the Mississippi. Twain grew up there and was fascinated with (使……入迷) life along the river—the steamboats, the giant lumber (木头) rafts, and the people who worked on them.

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Cala v eras County is one of Twain's best loved short stories, and The Ad v entures of Tom Sa w yer is one of his most famous novels. Both these works are celebrated by events held during National Tom Sawyer Days, which originated in the late 1950s and became national in the 1960s. Children enter their frogs in the jumping contest during National Tom Sawyer Days. There's also a fence painting contest to see who can paint the fastest. The idea for this contest comes from a scene in Tom Sawyer, in which Tom has been told to paint the fence in front of the house he lives in. It's a beautiful day, and he would rather be doing anything else. As his friends walk by, he makes them believe that it's fun to paint, and they join in the “fun”. By the end of the day, the fence has three coats of paint!

Although the story of Tom Sawyer is a fiction (虚构的事), it's based on facts. If you go to Hannibal, you'll see the white fence, which still stands at Twain's boyhood home.

28.Which of the following statements about Mark Twain is TRUE?

A.He was born in Hannibal. B.He enjoyed his life in Hannibal.

C.He spent most of his childhood on the Mississippi.

D.He often went rafting (坐船漂流) on the Mississippi with his parents.

29.Tom Sawyer Days were created .

A.about forty years ago B.shortly after Twain's death

C.in memory of a great writer D.to improve kids' interest in reading

30.Who will win the fence painting contest?

A.Bob, painting the longest. B.Julia, painting most carefully.

C.Jim, painting in the newest way. D.John, painting in the shortest time.

31.From the white fence at Twain's boyhood home, we know that .

A.the story of Tom Sawyer is based partly on Twain's experiences

B.the story of Tom Sawyer is based totally on Twain's imagination

C.Twain's old house is painted by the fence painting competitors

D.Twain's old house is visited by people from all over the country


One day, a patient came to see me.He worked as a waiter in a restaurant and his problem was acid reflux(胃酸倒流), a disease that influences as many as 40 percent of Americans, a marked increase in recent years.Reflux can lead to esophageal(食道的) cancer, which has increased by about 500 percent since the 1970s.The drugs we use to treat reflux don't always work and may even increase the risk of developing cancer when used long term.

What is responsible for these worrying developments? For one, our poor diet, with its huge increases in the intake of sugar, fat, soft drinks, and unhealthy foods.But another important fact has been overlooked: dinnertime.Over the past twenty years, the time of my patients' evening meals has become later and later.Dinner—already pushed back by longer work hours—is often further, delayed(推迟) by activities such as shopping and exercise.

In my experience, the single most important treatment for reflux is to avoid late eating.A patient with reflux came to see me because her father and uncle died of esophageal cancer, and she was afraid of getting it too.Her nightly routine(常规) included a 9 p.m.dinner with at least two bottles of red wine.The reflux was serious, and changes were needed.

She listened, then did not come back to see me for a year.“For the first two months, I just hated you,”she told me, “and for the next two months, I was having some trouble eating.I guessed I was going to die of esophageal cancer.” Then she added, “You know, we're the reason that it's not so easy to get 6 p.m.reservation(预约) at the good restaurants any more.”

To stop the increase in reflux disease, we have to stop eating at least three hours before bed.As for my waiter patient? I told him to eat dinner before 7 p.m.Within six weeks, his reflux was gone.

32.The disease the waiter caught is .

A.on the rise B.easy to control

C.unusual in America D.the most dangerous cancer

33.What does the underlined word “overlooked” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.Talked about a lot. B.Carefully looked into.

C.Paid no attention to D.Taken into consideration.

34.Why did the woman patient hate the author?

A.He spoke of her dead father and uncle.

B.He asked her to change her eating habits.

C.He couldn't find a way to deal with her problem.

D.He couldn't make her healthy again within a year.

35.The author writes the text to tell us .

A.not to work late at night B.to avoid eating at restaurants

C.unhealthy foods cause cancer D.the danger of eating late at night



How Kids Express Gratitude(感激)

Taking time as a family to practice expressing gratitude doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming and the benefits your children will get are profound(意义深远的). Today we’ll discuss ideas to help your children express their gratitude.

Make a gratitude tree.

Start with a large piece of craft paper and draw a tree trunk. 36 . Each day ask your kids to think of something they’re thankful for, write it on a leaf and tape it to the tree trunk.

Go grocery(杂货)shopping for a family in need.

Many stores now offer pre-made bags to donate right at the checkout. While this is convenient, the larger the role they play in the act of giving, the bigger the effect it will have on your kids. 37 .

Express your gratitude for the ones you love.

38 . Print the photos and ask the kids to write a short note on the back explaining why they’re grateful to that person.Family members, especially those who don’t live nearby,will cherish the present.

Volunteer together.

Pick a regular time, maybe one Saturday every month, and volunteer together as a family.

39 . One child may want to spend a day helping to clean up their favorite park while another might want to read books to nursing home residents.

40 .

A regular gratitude practice is a wonderful habit to instill(逐渐灌输)the idea into your children. In fact, studies have shown that people who feel gratitude on a daily basis are happier in general.

A. Keep gratitude journals.

B. Start a gratitude practice.

C. Then ask the kids to paint it in brown.

D. It will make the experience much more powerful.

E. Let kids take pictures of themselves with their loved ones.

F. If you can find a charity where you deliver the groceries yourself, that’s even better.

G. Let each family member take turns to pick an activity that means something to them.



Timmy and Tammy loved playing the piano.They both practiced hard.One day,their teacher had some 41 news.There was a concert coming up and they both had the 42 to play in public for the first time.Timmy and Tammy looked wide-eyed at each other with a mix of excitement and 43 .

The 44 day arrived.They sat in their seats waiting for their names to be 45 .After a

while,they 46 Timmy's name.His mum looked at him with 47 ,but he sank lower and lower in his seat.“Come on!Timmy,it's your 48 ,”she urged(敦促),but he shook his head.Then the teacher said,“Tammy will now play for us.” With a deep breath,Tammy 49 made her way up to the piano on the stage.Her legs and fingers were 50 .She wanted to 51 the stage so quickly in the end that she almost 52 to bow(鞠躬),but she did it.

After that day,Timmy and Tammy 53 practicing.The teacher was 54 with their progress.After a few months,the teacher told them that there would be another 55 .When the day arrived again,Timmy couldn't 56 from his seat,while Tammy walked up to the stage with more 57 than the last time.These two children show us an important lesson.If you allow fear to 58 you once,it'll be more likely to do that again.But if you show the 59 to take action,60 you are scared at the very beginning,you'll feel more and more confident. 41.A.interesting B.exciting C.frightening D.annoying

42.A.opportunity B.ability C.right D.dream

43.A.disappointment B.joy C.fear D.embarrassment

44.A.important B.long C.same D.busy

45.A.advertised B.spelt C.given D.called

46.A.wrote B.heard C.found D.missed

47.A.doubt B.hope C.sadness D.peace

48.A.duty B.mistake C.turn D.choice

49.A.rudely B.proudly C.happily D.slowly

50.A.dancing B.moving C.shaking D.fighting

51.A.design B.build C.own D.leave

52.A.stopped B.forgot C.preferred D.decided

53.A.continued B.suggested C.disliked D.enjoyed

54.A.bored B.familiar C.angry D.pleased

55.A.group B.teacher C.concert D.school

56.A.grow up B.stand up C.show up D.jump up

57.A.confidence B.anxiety C.patience D.humor

58.A.puzzle B.push C.force D.defeat

59.A.chance B.talent C.courage D.shyness

60.A.although B.once C.until D.but






Longjing tea, ___61___ has topped the list of the ten most famous teas in China with its color, taste and shape,____62____ (name) after its region of production — Longjing Village of West Lake.

The good environment and water resources are good for the ___63___ (grow) of the tea, confirming (证实) the saying that “Longjing tea is the_____64_____(good) among all of the teas in the world”.

Thanks ___65___ Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, the tea has earned a high reputation.

It is said that Emperor Qianlong visited a mountain of Longjing Village of West Lake on his travels in Hangzhou, and he saw some ladies picking the tea at ___66___ foot of the mountain. He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself.

While ___67___(pick) the tea, he received the news of his mother’s illness, so he carelessly put the leaves in his pocket and ___68___ (leave) Hangzhou for Beijing. He visited his mother ___69___ (immediate) upon his arrival in Beijing, and his mother smelt the pleasant smell of the tea leaves from his pocket and wanted to have a taste. After drinking a cup of tea, she found herself completely ___70___ (energy), and she even praised it as a cure for all illnesses.




增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号( ),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。





One day, Dad and I was taking a walk by the lake while a boy rode by at a very high speed.

Suddenly, we heard the loud scream. We turned around and saw the boy struggling in the lake, crying help, Daddy and I ran towards him quickly and had pulled him out of the water. However, the boy rode away immediately without say “Thank you”. I felt disappointing at his behavior. To my surprises, the boy came back with hot drinks and dry towels several minutes late. Seeing this, I knew

I had misunderstood him and felt ashamed of me.


假如你是李华,后天是你朋友李顺的生日, 他邀请你参加他的生日聚会。但是当日你因故不能赴约。请你向李顺回一封电子邮件。要点包括:


2. 说明原因。

3. 提出补救办法。

注意:1. 词数:100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Li Shun,


Yours, Li Hua
