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• Enhance participation threshold for eligibility for participation by race
•Communication Integration
• Communication with distributors to achieve maximum integration of the existing advertising resources
Ø GAAC负责统一提供设 计
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
•Creative Thinking Strategies
•The "power" as the core of the depth of experience
•Experience event planning • Experience as a platform for product • Integration into the team to experience an interactive type of lifestyle
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
•Need from the "car" the most essential point of the property to discover the interests of
•Social benefits
• GAAC responsible for centralizing the provision of design
Ø 活动背景Background Activities Ø 活动创意Creative Activities Ø 媒介传播Media Communication Ø 费用预算Cost estimates
Ø 以产品体验为平台
Ø 融入团队互动类型的 生活方式体验
•以“动力” •为核心的深度体 验
Ø 终端整合,统一行动 Ø 店头包装,GAAC负责统一 提供物料设计和话术 Ø 提高参与门槛,通过比赛 获取参与资格
Ø 传播上与经销商现有 广告资源实现最大整合
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
Ø 活动背景Background Activities Ø 活动创意Creative Activities Ø 媒介传播Media Communication Ø 费用预算Cost estimates
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
Ø 活动背景Background Activities Ø 活动创意Creative Activities Ø 媒介传播Media Communication Ø 费用预算Cost estimates
书山有路勤为径, 学海Leabharlann Baidu涯苦作舟
•利益诉求有偏差 Ø 主流舆论的环保诉求对 车主无实质性利益 Ø 节油特性对该级别的车 主不是关键性影响
•对柴油发动机的误解依然存在 Ø 冒黑烟 Ø 跟国内油品质量不匹配 Ø 发动机稳定性差 Ø 加油时跟货车拼位置
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
TDI sales unsatisfactory status quo
•Interest demands there are deviations • Mainstream media's environmental claims and substantial benefit to the owners of non • The owners of fuel-saving feature is not critical to the level of impact
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
•To improve the quality of the terminal set-off
• Terminal integration, unity of action
• Store the first package, GAAC is responsible for providing a unified design and materials, if surgery
•Basic interests
•Core interests
•节能、环保 •Energy-saving, • environmental • protection
•舒适、操控、节油 •Comfort, control, • fuel-efficient
•动力 •Power
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
•Simple and catchy, easy to spread
•Subheading named activity status is aimed at the A6LTDI
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
•A misunderstanding of the diesel engine still exists • Black Smoke • Domestic fuel quality does not match with the • Stability of difference engine • To fight with the location of refueling trucks
书山有路勤为径, 学海无涯苦作舟
•T-class experience of action - Audi A6LTDI-depth test drive of the trip
•T-class experience for both TDI-level also has a "super" means