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Unit 4 TV programmes








1. 自主学习:1)自主复习形容词的比较级、最高级

2) 自主学习Grammar Part D部分,试着理解副词的比较级、


2)完成Part D后相应练习。

2. 小组合作:课堂上通过小组或同桌合作来解决问题,教师点拨。


A. 课前预习:


1. hard _________ _________ 2 high _________ __________

3. beautifully __________ _________ 4 carefully ____________ __________ 5 well _________ _________ 6. badly ________ _________

7. far _________ _________ 8. quickly ___________ ____________

B. 课堂探究




1. Of all the students in my class, Sam runs ___________ (fast)

2. I live ____________ away from the school than my classmates. (far)

3. Daniel is one of the _________ students in Class Seven. (bad)

4. Which does your sister like ________, English or Maths? (well)

5. The English book is _________ one that I have ever read. (difficult)


( ) 1. He thinks ____ of others than of himself.

That’s why everyone likes to make friends with him.

A. more

B. less

C. much

D. little

( ) 2. David jumped ____ in the long jump. He won the game !

A. longest

B. farthest

C. fastest

D. highest

( ) 3. How can I speak English _____ you?

You’d better speak more, I think.

A. as good as

B. more than

C. as well as

D. as much as

( ) 4. What do you think of the football match?

Wonderful! The Chinese football team has never played ______.

A. better

B. best

C. worse

D. worst

( ) 5. Which subject do you like ______, Maths, Chinese or English?

A. better .

B. best

C. well

D. very much

( ) 6. Mum, I think I’m _______ to get back to school.

A. so well

B. so good

C. well enough

D. good enough

( ) 7. ______ you work, ______ results you’ll have.

A. Hard; good

B. Harder; better

C. The harder; the better

D. More hard; more good

( ) 8. Li Lei did quite ______ in the English competition. I did even ______.

A. better; well

B. good; better

C. well; better

D. well; good ( ) 9. The old man runs _____ than my grandfather

A. much slowly

B. most slowly

C. much more slowly

D. even slowly ( ) 10. Millie sang happily _______ she was walking home.

A. because

B. before

C. as

D. since

C. 小组展示

D. 小组共同讨论完成Part D部分的练习


1. 教师精讲点拨

2. 整理笔记

F. 课后拓展



_______________________________________________________________ 2. 我们的班长计划每件事都比其他人更细致。

______________________________________________________________ 3. 直到做完作业他们才看电视的。

______________________________________________________________ 4. 每个周末我们从早到晚讨论(discuss) 如何学习好。

______________________________________________________________ 5. 昨天我到家的时候,我妈妈正在厨房做饭。

