新进阶3 综合Unit 1

Unit-3综合3-新进阶.III New Progressive College English BookCultural DifferencesUNIT 3全新版大学进阶英语使用教材课程名称大学英语(三)综合教程(3)HowMyChineseMother-in-LawReplaced My HusbandReading1CulturalDifferences:Praise6授课学授课内)Reading2MandarinMadness: The Tone(读1. Discuss the concept of culturaldifferences2. Have a thorough understanding of thetext contextually andlinguistically教3. Master the key words and expressions目in context properly 4. Become familiar with the writing of acomparison/contrast essay1. Analyze the structure and grasp themain idea of Text2. Master the key language points and 教学grammatical structures in the text重点与难点3. Learn to write a comparison/contrastessay4. Critical thinking1and method 1. Audio-visual audio-lingual method.2. Task-based language teaching method 教学方法3. Communicative approach 与4. Using CAI, PPT手oronlinetools(usingSmart5.teach ingmaterials)21. Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiescultural about 2. Discussion Stepdifferences2. Global ReadingStep 1. Approaching the themetextAnalyzingtheStep2. organization3. Detailed Reading ainUnderstandingthetextStep1. deeper level教Step 2. Learning useful expressions过sentencesdifficult3.LearningSte pstructuresStep 4. Learning new words4. Comprehending Reading 1Step 1: Skimming the text difficultExplainingtheStep2: sentences of the textStep 3: Doing sentence translation5. After readingStep 1. Viewing and Listening Step 2. SpeakingStep 3. AssignmentAssignment:1. Read the text in Reading 2 and finishthe exercises.作业 2. Write a comparison/contrast essay3. Preview the next unit.3Unit 1 Cultural Differences1. Teaching Objectives:Students will be able toA. have a thorough understanding of the textcontextually and linguistically B. illustrate the concept of cultural shock bygiving examplesC. learn languages, e.g. words,phrases,difficult structurea of with the writing familiar D. becomecomparison/contrast essay2. Time Allotment:st Period: Lead-in 1Activities (Warm-upactivities;Discussionaboutcultural differences)nd Global-readingPeriod:(Text: 2thetheme; Approachinganalyzing the text organization) rd Detailed3 readingPeriod:(Understanding the Text A in adeeper level, analyzing difficult 4sentence structures)th Activities reading 4Detailed Period:(Learning new words, summarizing good usage)th1ReadingPeriod: 5Comprehending explaining text, (Skimming the the of difficult sentences the sentence doingText,translation))th After-readingPeriod: 6Activities(Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignment)3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesThe teacher introduces the topic to the classby asking if they can give any example of howChinese and non-Chinese behave or thinkdifferently in life.Step 2: Discussion about culturaldifferencesOpener teacher explains the in pictures Thethe differences illustrate that the betweenWesterner and Chinese in their perspectives on5different issues. The teacher asks Ss to look atthe pictures and discuss the differences in pairswith the aid of the questions that follow. Theteacher has different pairs report to the classtheir discussion on the pictures, one pair for onepicture.Method: Using task-based languageteaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global readingStep1. Approaching the themeThe teacher introduces the topic of the text byexplaining the cultural shocks the authorexperienced after the birth of her daughter andher mother-in-law's fulltime presence in herfamily.Before moving on to the author's account, Theteacher explains to Ss the text can roughly bedivided into six parts. Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step2. Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher guides Ss to explore the text byasking them to work on the table in Text6Organization and do the task in Digging intodetail.Then students should sum up the differencesof views between the author and her mother-in-law on matters described in the text.Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approach3.3 Detailed Reading3.3.1 Procedure1) Students are asked to read the passagecarefully again and for each paragraph(sometimes two-three paragraphs), invitestudents to answer questions relateddifficult sentences and understanding ofeach paragraph.2) Help Ss find out the good usage in thetext and underlined them.3) Learn new words in details. Purpose: Further understand the text andtrain scanning ability to learn difficult sentencestructures as well as new words and expressions.Method: Reading the text together; Usingtask-based language teaching method, readingapproach,communicativeapproach,7grammar-translation approach.Step1. Understanding the text in a deeper level Paras.6Q. What made the author so mad about herhusband that they began to fight over childcareduties?A: The fact that he wasn't taking on half of thechildcare duties, and he thought it was moreimportant to spend time on his work than on hisdaughter, and his expectation that his motherwould do all the housework he was supposed todo.Para.8Q: How did her mother-in-law explain her rolein the family?A: Her mother-in-law explained that her role inthe family was to lighten the burden of her son,allowing him to keep his former way of life, andto help her daughter-in-law out with parentingand household management.Para.9Q: What did the author think of her mother-in-law's explanation?A: She thought it was absolutely unacceptable,because, in her view, her husband is one of twoparents, and therefore their daughter should behalf his responsibility; and she married herhusband, not her mother-in-law. Para.138Q: How come her husband, unlike the author,failed to adopt daily habits around the scheduleof her daughter?A: He obviously believed that mothers are theprimary caregiver of children and this was thenormal difference between mothers and fathers.Paras.16Q: How did the author react when she was toldthat, now that he mother-in-law helped her outby taking care of he daughter, it was herresponsibility to take care of her mother-in-lawwhen she was old?A: She totally rejected the idea, because shethought what her mother-in-law did wasfulfilling the parenting responsibility of herhusband, therefore it was her husband'sresponsibility to take care of his own motherwhen she was old.3.3.2 Language FocusStep2. Learning useful expressions3.3.2.1 Difficult words and phrases1) work out: find the solutionto(a problem orquestion) 想出、得到(解决方法)e.g. It's important to work out a solution ratherthan engage in endless discussion.2) presence: n.存在;到场e.g. It's natural for a child to be chatting away9in the presence of a loving parent. Thetension of the protesters grew with thepresence of police.3) extreme: a.(of views or actions)very differentfrom what people accept as reasonable ornormal 激的;过激的e.g. Extreme views sometimes can become verypopular.Soldiers are trained to carry outorderseven if they sound extreme.4) leave behind: depart and not take along 离开;地下e.g. The rough sea crossing served only toemphasize the peace we had left behind.The taxi driver always reminds his passengers not to leave behind their belongings.5) prominent: a. outstanding, important 笑出的;重要的e.g. I want our brand name to appear in themost prominent position of the stadium.We celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival inmemory of a prominent ancient Chinese poet.016) primary: a. main 主要的e.g. The young man failed to see that theprimary cause of his failure was his laziness andinaction.7) sacrifice: n.牺性;舍弃e.g. It is common for women to makelots ofsacrifice for the family.The downside of a self-driving car is thesacrifice of the pleasure of driving.8) bonus: n.意外收获;红利;奖金e.g. I received a box of cookies as a bonus whenI bought coffee at a cafe yesterday.Our salesperson's pay is made up of a basesalary(about 60% of their total income)and abonus(about 40% of their total income).9) occasional: a. occurring from time to time 偶尔的e.g. To the occasional swimmer, a season ticketis a waste of money.10) devotion: n.奉献,全身心投入e.g. The scientist who passed away last week11was fondly remembered for his total devotion toscience.11) household: n. the people of a housecollectively 家庭e.g. She got up to prepare breakfast while therest of the household was still asleep.12) look over one's shoulder: keep watch fordanger or threats to oneself 不安;小心提防e.g. It was midnight when I left my office andon my way back home I kept looking over myshoulder to see if there was anyone tailing me.13) repay: vt. do sth. in return for a favor 报答:偿还e.g. There had never been any doubt in hermind that she would look after her parents intheir oldage; they had given up a lot for her, she said,and that was how she would repay them. Thecompany has to sell a building to repay its debt.14) kindness: n..仁慈;普行e.g. Very often it would be a kindness to tell apiece of bad news straight away. 2115) grateful: a. thankful 感激的e.g. The war refugees are very grateful to thelocal government for the timely help.16) phase: n..阶段;时期e.g. The minister claimed in his speech thatthe manufacturing industry was enteringa very different phase with the rapidgrowth of artificialintelligence.College marks a particular phase in ayoung person's life, the phase of newlygained independence.17) in one's eyes/in the eyes of: in the opinion of,from the perspective of 在.心日中e.g. The educator pointed out that a childcould do no wrong in the eyes of some parents.18) fall short of: fail to satisfy 达不到,不符合e.g. I tried my best, yet my performance stillfell short of my hopes.19) hono(u)r: vt. do what is required by apromise or a contract 信守;执行e.g. High school students in Shanghai musthonour their community service commitments31andcomplete at least 40 hours of volunteerwork.The international company informed usthat it will not be able to honour its contractwith us.20) apparent: a. clear and obvious 明显的e.g. The professor said the young man hadmany good qualities despite his apparentassertiveness rudeness.21) wash up: wash dishes 饭后洗餐具e.g. Do Chinese husbands help to wash upafter dinner?22) aspect: n..方面e.g. Dealing with people is a primary aspect ofmy work as a manager.23) burden: n.负担;重负e.g. I hate to be a burden on other people.She sat down on the floor and breathedheavily as though she had come up a hillwith a burden beyond her strength.24) maintain: v. keep In a Certain state, position,41or activity 维持;保持e.g. A police force is needed to maintain lawand order.It is essential to build up and maintain areasonable level of physical fitness.25) parenting: n.养育,抚养e.g. There are many programs aiming toteach new parents parenting skills.26) relieve...of: help(sb.)by taking (sth. heavy ordifficult)from them 解除(某人)的(负担,困难等)e.g. Some people eat a lot to relievethemselves of anxieties.27) in one's view: in one's personal opinion 在.看来;按.的看法e.g. In my view, the local government shoulddo more for the elderly.28) responsibility: n. 责任;义务e.g. The mine owner denied all responsibilityfor the death of the trapped miners.A single parent has to struggle to balancework and family responsibilities. 5129) get...wrong: (informal) not understandcorrectly what(sb./sth.)means 误会e.g. Don't get me wrong, please: I'm notquitting despite the setbacks.30) preference: n.喜好;偏好e.g. Customer preferences must be taken intoconsideration when designing a new product.Employers have a preference for collegegraduates who think critically and cancommunicate effectively.31) equivalent: a. equal as in value, force, ormeaning 对等的e.g. His silence is equivalent to an admissionof guilt.32) strike a balance: find a sensible middle pointbetweentwodemands,extremes,etc.;compromise 调和;折衷e.g. The speaker set out his viewpoints on howto strike a balance between the freedomof the press and the right to/of privacy.We have to strike a balance betweenoffering people what they liked with the61first movie and coming up with something new.33)put...in(to)perspective:judge(sth.)byconsidering it in relation to everything else 全面客观地看待(或判断)e.g. Before you begin to think that it might besafer to starve than to eat and run the risk offoodpoisoning, it's important to putthe wholematter of food poisoning into perspective.34) barely: ad. .hardly 很少;几乎没有e.g. We had barely enough to eat, let alone tospare.It seemed that everyone was speakingand we could barely hear the speaker.35) in response to: in reaction to sth. that hashappened or been said 对做出反应e.g. In response to traditional Chinesemedication, the elderly gentleman quicklyrecovered.Step3. Learning difficult sentences structures3.3.2.2 Difficult sentences711) In my Western eyes, he was falling short ofmy expectations and wasn't honoring his role asa father. (Para.6)As a Westerner, I found his conductdisappointing, and felt that hewas failing totake on his responsibilities as a father.2) Our fights seemed to get us nowhere, however.(Para. 7)However, we failed to reach any agreementover the issue in spite of the arguments.3) I felt myself teetering backwards. (Para.9)I was totally shocked to hear what I was told, somuch so that I felt as if I was thrown offbalance.4) While the men were locked in their ownconversation, I vented some of this conflict withthe wife.(Para.14):While the men were engaged in talking amongthemselves, I voiced to the wife my complaintsabout the conflict.5) After getting away with not changing verymany for his daughter, when the time comes81To change my mother-in-law's diapers...(Para.16)Note that here “very many” refers to very manydiapers. In speaking, “very many”in a negativecontext is common and acceptable.4. Comprehending Reading 1Teacher asks Ss to read aloud the new wordsand expressions in the margin, and guide themto sum up the different viewsregarding thevalue of praise between the author and herhusband.Teacher has Ss complete ComprehensionCheck for Reading 1.Teacher clarifies some difficult points and dothe task in Translation.5. After Reading5.1 Viewing and ListeningTeacher introduces Viewing & Listening tothe class: Cultural differences are the theme ofthis unit. Now we are going to hear an Americanteaching in China talk about the culturaldifferences he has observed between China and91the West in general. Teacher plays the video cliponce for general comprehension. Teacher playsit again for Ss to fill in the blanks. Timepermitting; teacher has Ss work in pairs todiscuss if they agree with the speaker's viewsand why.5.2 SpeakingTeacher explains the role play task byreferring to the instructions. Teacher organizesa group discussion about the specific questionsthe TV presenter is going to ask. Ss may go overthe Tips given in the box. Teacher lets Ssprepare the interview in groups of four, oneplaying the role of TV presenter, the othersplaying the roles of, respectively, Ember Swift, Yangxifu, and Sasha. The “TV presentermakes a list of questions to be asked in theinterview, and the Practicing “guests” notedown the main idea of their answers to thepresenter. Teacher invites at least one group torole-play it in class.5. 3 AssignmentTeacher asks Ss to skim the text and answer02the questions in Comprehension Check forReading 2.Teacher asks students to write an essay。

3.Is life in the country easy for the writer and his family? No. Sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.
4.What was their first winter like? They were buried under five feet of snow from December through March.
5.What happened when the first spring came? Of the two floods the author describes, what does the second one actually refer to? When the first spring came, it brought two floods. The second flood refers to the good harvest in the growing season.
1.What are the two things that the writer has always wanted to do? Write and live on a farm.
2.Why does the writer think that his life in the country is of the self-reliant type and satisfying? Because they grow nearly all of their fruits and vegetables. They have enough eggs, honey and wood. On the other hand, they are very close to nature and can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Besides, they can go skiing and skating in winter.

Title: The Evolution of Learning in the DigitalAgeIn the modern era, the landscape of education has undergone profound transformations, thanks to the advent of digital technology. The traditional classroom setting, where students passively listened to lectures, has given way to a more interactive and dynamic learning environment. This shift towards digital learning not only enhances the student experience but also prepares them for the challenges of the future workforce.Firstly, digital learning provides access to a vast repository of knowledge. The internet is a boundless ocean of information, and with the help of digital tools, students can explore topics beyond the confines of their textbooks. This expanded knowledge base allows them to delve deeper into subjects, fostering a culture ofcuriosity and exploration.Secondly, digital learning is highly interactive. With the use of online platforms and multimedia content, students can engage with their learning materials in a more engaging way. This interactivity not only makes learningmore fun but also helps in retention of information. For instance, interactive quizzes and games can help students revise their lessons in a more effective manner.Moreover, digital learning fosters collaboration and teamwork. Online platforms allow students to work togetherin real-time, sharing ideas and collaborating on projects. This collaborative learning experience prepares them forthe collaborative work environment they will encounter in their professional lives.However, while the benefits of digital learning are numerous, it is important to strike a balance. The human touch and personal connection provided by teachers cannotbe replaced by technology. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students, motivating them, and addressing their individual needs. Therefore, a blended learning approach, where digital tools are used to enhance traditionalteaching methods, is perhaps the most effective way forward. In conclusion, the evolution of learning in the digital age has opened up new horizons for education. By harnessing the power of technology, we can create a more engaging, interactive, and collaborative learning environment thatprepares students for the challenges of the future. However, we must also remember that technology is merely a tool, and it is the human element that truly makes education shine.**数字化时代的学习演变**在现代社会,随着数字技术的出现,教育景观已经发生了深刻的变化。

Key to ExercisesOpenerGoing on a working holiday has many advantages:• A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.• The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.• You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home.And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.• You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists. They can introduce you to a new culture.• A working holiday makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is the break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world.Transcript:A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have the working rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break that arrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country.In general, a working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa. In Australia, for example, the typical tourist visa is for 3 months while a working holiday visa is for 12 months.With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go, meaning you won’t necessarily go into debt while spending time abroad. Your method of travel may vary. Some prefer to travelup-front for several months and then spend the rest of the time working in one or two different locations. Others prefer to work for a month, travel for a month and then work for a month again. Either way, the travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.With a working holiday visa, you are basically given the opportunity to test out any type ofjob, and you are probably put in a position to accept ones that you normally wouldn’t when at home. You never know what you might discover. A working holiday, in this sense, could end up being a life-changing experience.Moreover, by taking up employment in a country abroad, you are more likely to meet and makefriends with the locals, not just other tourists, and that can do wonders for really introducing you to anew culture.A working holiday also makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is thatbreak between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real workingworld. Later working holiday experiences are often used by individuals as a way to explore the new andunknown. Taking part in a working holiday is a great idea to consider.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Digging into detail1. She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.2. They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workersan Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at theend of sentences.3. They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.4. She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working.5. She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then acrossSouthern USA and finally up the West Coast.6. She was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing theunknown.7. She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.8. Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.2.2 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. Accidentally, the whole incident was captured by a young American photographer.2. Those who had been kidnapped described how they were scared and in physical and emotionalpain.3. It was not long before help arrived in the form of ten police officers.4. Despite a great deal of practice, Alice remained an awkward dancer.5. A few hours ago, there was a head-on crash on Highway 20, involving three cars.6. I am wondering when Tom is going to settle down and get married.7. The event features a large indoor display of local crafts and agricultural products.8. There are some birds nesting in the eaves of our house at the moment.9. A chill ran through me when I heard the terrible news.10. True, Linda makes almost no typing errors, but then she’s very slow.11. It seems like everyone writes a blog these days, or sets up a website that’s used as a personaldiary for posting photos and stories.12. I often watch the sports events broadcast on cable networks like ESPN and TNT.13. Michael was always late for class, but that day he, for once, came much earlier than usual.14. During my mother’s last days, I spent many hours by her side, holding her hand.15. They have assigned me the role of a heartless financier, who is obsessed with money, wealth,and luxury.1.21. presently2. alongside3. prior to4. in total5. embrace6. zones7. traded8. meet up9. kind of1.31. My family went on an excursion to a pretty island off the coast.2. Don’t ask your father how to Wechat —he hasn’t got a clue about smart phones.3. You can follow these steps to apply for a visa to travel to the United States.4. These apps have different versions for different types of computers.5. The first step in snakebite treatment is to have the poison sucked out of the wound.2. Usage1. The credit card is in my wallet, which you can find in the kitchen cabinet drawer.2. Personal computers, which were actually invented in 1964, have come quite a long way.3. My dearest friend ignored my advice, which totally surprised me.4. I went to London with Emily White, who lives next door.5. I lent some money to Jack, whose house was destroyed in the earthquake.6. In the past six years I lived in six different houses, which actually didn’t bother me much.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. Now that you are a grown-up, you should earn a living on your own.2. Now that you are here, you might as well stay for dinner.3. Now that you live only a few blocks from your company, you may walk to work every day.3.21. It was not long before the two companies were able to reach an agreement.2. Mark Zuckerberg worked quite a long time to build Facebook, and it was years before thecompany made a profit.3. Sometimes you may make very fast progress in a foreign language, but sometimes it is a whilebefore hard work starts to pay off!4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozePrior to taking a working holiday abroad you will need to do a number of things. There isquite a lot of paperwork to complete. You will need to fill out various forms, including a visa application.Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take employment, rather than just being an ordinarytourist type that allows you to do sightseeing only. Alongside that, of course, you need to book yourticket. Once that is all done you will be ready to set off. Don’t let the t hought of stepping outsideyour comfort zone frighten you, don’t let it stress you out. You may set out on your own, travellingsolo, but you will soon make friends with many of the new people you meet on the way. So, startbrowsing the Internet to see where you would like to start your adventure!4.2 TranslationIf you are fully prepared, your working holiday abroad can be one of the most rewardingexperiences you can ever have. Here are some tips. First, you need to choose yourdestination wiselyby browsing relevant websites. Then fill out the necessary paperwork, apply for a visa and bookyour flight as early as possible. Try to learn some new job skills prior to your departure, which cangive you more employment options abroad and help you save up enough money for travel. Within weeks of arriving in a foreign country, people often feel stressed out or kind ofconfused, so be prepared for the emotional stress. Make friends with local people instead of takingthe adventure solo. And whenever possible, go on sightseeingexcursions and capture the places youvisit in words or pictures. Last, always follow your heart and do what you truly want to do.Reading & Comprehending1. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. F9. T 10. F2. Translation1. 我现在意识到,为了适应每个新角色、在各种行当跟不同的人群一起工作,我学到了很多。

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第三册答案————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Key to ExercisesOpenerGoing on a working holiday has many advantages:• A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.• The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.• You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home. And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.• You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists. They can introduce you to a new culture.• A working holiday makes a good break. A popular ti me to sign up for a working holiday is the break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world.Transcript:A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have the working rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break that arrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country.In general, a working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa. In Australia, for example, the typical tourist visa is for 3 months while a working holiday visa is for 12 months.With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go, meaning you won’t necessarily go into debt while spending time abroad. Your method of travel may vary. Some prefer to travelup-front for several months and then spend the rest of the time working in one or two different locations. Others prefer to work for a month, travel for a month and then work for a month again. Either way, the travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.With a working holiday visa, you are basically given the opportunity to test out any type ofjob, and you are probably put in a position to accept ones that you normally wouldn’t when at home. You never know what you might discover. A working holiday, in this sense, could end up being a life-changing experience.Moreover, by taking up employment in a country abroad, you are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists, and that can do wonders for really introducing you to a new culture.A working holiday also makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is that break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world. Later working holiday experiences are often used by individuals as a way to explore the new and unknown. Taking part in a working holiday is a great idea to consider.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationParts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras. 1-3Desiring for a change in herlife, the author fledAustralia for a workingholiday in Canada.Part Two Paras. 4–5The author has always beena shy person, but inVancouver she enjoyedmeeting people, makingfriends and doing newthings.Part Three Paras. 6–9The author enjoyed her jobsat Starbucks and on theAussie Pie Guy food truck.Part Four Paras.10–12The author traversedCanada and the UnitedStates, embracing theunknown.Part Five Paras.13–14The author would love tolive the expat life againsomewhere else, althoughthere is also the part of herthat would like to settledown for a while.Part Six Para. 15 The author wants to thank the working holiday for helping her become a better version of herself.2. Comprehension Check2.1 Digging into detail1. She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.2. They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught herco-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at the end of sentences.3. They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.4. She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working.5. She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up the West Coast.6. She was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown.7. She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.8. Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.2.2 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. Accidentally, the whole incident was captured by a young American photographer.2. Those who had been kidnapped described how they were scared and in physical and emotional pain.3. It was not long before help arrived in the form of ten police officers.4. Despite a great deal of practice, Alice remained an awkward dancer.5. A few hours ago, there was a head-on crash on Highway 20, involving three cars.6. I am wondering when Tom is going to settle down and get married.7. The event features a large indoor display of local crafts and agricultural products.8. There are some birds nesting in the eaves of our house at the moment.9. A chill ran through me when I heard the terrible news.10. True, Linda makes almost no typing errors, but then she’s very slow.11. It seems like everyone writes a blog these days, or sets up a website that’s used as a personal diary for posting photos and stories.12. I often watch the sports events broadcast on cable networks like ESPN and TNT.13. Michael was always late for class, but that day he, for once, came much earlier than usual.14. During my mother’s last days, I spent many hours by her side, holding her hand.15. They have assigned me the role of a heartless financier, who is obsessed with money, wealth, and luxury.1.21. presently2. alongside3. prior to4. in total5. embrace6. zones7. traded8. meet up9. kind of1.31. My family went on an excursion to a pretty island off the coast.2. Don’t ask your father how to Wechat —he hasn’t got a clue about smart phones.3. You can follow these steps to apply for a visa to travel to the United States.4. These apps have different versions for different types of computers.5. The first step in snakebite treatment is to have the poison sucked out of the wound.2. Usage1. The credit card is in my wallet, which you can find in the kitchen cabinet drawer.2. Personal computers, which were actually invented in 1964, have come quite a long way.3. My dearest friend ignored my advice, which totally surprised me.4. I went to London with Emily White, who lives next door.5. I lent some money to Jack, whose house was destroyed in the earthquake.6. In the past six years I lived in six different houses, which actually didn’t bother me much.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. Now that you are a grown-up, you should earn a living on your own.2. Now that you are here, you might as well stay for dinner.3. Now that you live only a few blocks from your company, you may walk to work every day.3.21. It was not long before the two companies were able to reach an agreement.2. Mark Zuckerberg worked quite a long time to build Facebook, and it was years before the company made a profit.3. Sometimes you may make very fast progress in a foreign language, but sometimes it is a while before hard work starts to pay off!4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozePrior to taking a working holiday abroad you will need to do a number of things. There is quite a lot of paperwork to complete. You will need to fill out various forms, including a visa application. Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take employment, rather than just being an ordinary tourist type that allows you to do sightseeing only. Alongside that, of course, you need to book your ticket. Once that is all done you will be ready to set off. Don’t let the thought of stepping outside your comfort zone frighten you, don’t let it stress you out. You may set out on your own, travelling solo, but you will soon make friends with many of the new people you meet on the way. So, start browsing the Internet to see where you would like to start your adventure!4.2 TranslationIf you are fully prepared, your working holiday abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have. Here are some tips. First, you need to choose your destination wisely by browsing relevant websites. Then fill out the necessary paperwork, apply for a visa and book your flight as early as possible. Try to learn some new job skills prior to your departure, which can give you more employment options abroad and help you save up enough money for travel. Within weeks of arriving in a foreign country, people often feel stressed out or kind of confused, so be prepared for the emotional stress. Make friends with local people instead of taking the adventure solo. And whenever possible, go on sightseeing excursions and capture the places you visit in words or pictures. Last, always follow your heart and do what you truly want to do.Reading & Comprehending1. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. F9. T 10. F2. Translation1. 我现在意识到,为了适应每个新角色、在各种行当跟不同的人群一起工作,我学到了很多。

Key to ExercisesOpenerGoing on a working holiday has many advantages:•A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.• The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.• You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home. And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.•You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists. They can introduce you to a new culture.•A working holiday makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is the break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world.Transcript:A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have the working rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break that arrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country.In general, a working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa. In Australia, for example, the typical tourist visa is for 3 months while a working holiday visa is for 12 months.With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go, meaning you won’t necessarily go into debt while spending time abroad. Your method of travel may vary. Some prefer to travel up-front for several months and then spend the rest of the time working in one or two different locations. Others prefer to work for a month, travel for a month and then work for a month again. Either way, the travel is sustainable inthe sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.With a working holiday visa, you are basically given the opportunity to test out any type of job, and you are probably put in a position to accept ones that you normally wouldn’t when at home. You never know what you might discover. A working holiday, in this sense, could end up being a life-changing experience.Moreover, by taking up employment in a country abroad, you are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists, and that can do wonders for really introducing you to a new culture.A working holiday also makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is that break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world. Later working holiday experiences are often used by individuals as a way to explore the new and unknown. Taking part in a working holiday is a great idea to consider.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Digging into detail1. She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.2. They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at the end of sentences.3. They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.4. She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working.5. She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up the West Coast.6. She was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown.7. She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.8. Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.2.2 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. Accidentally, the whole incident was captured by a young American photographer.2. Those who had been kidnapped described how they were scared and in physical and emotional pain.3. It was not long before help arrived in the form of ten police officers.4. Despite a great deal of practice, Alice remained an awkward dancer.5. A few hours ago, there was a head-on crash on Highway 20, involving three cars.6. I am wondering when Tom is going to settle down and get married.7. The event features a large indoor display of local crafts and agricultural products.8. There are some birds nesting in the eaves of our house at the moment.9. A chill ran through me when I heard the terrible news.10. True, Linda makes almost no typing errors, but then she’s very slow.11. It seems like everyone writes a blog these days, or sets up a website that’s used as a personal diary for posting photos and stories.12. I often watch the sports events broadcast on cable networks like ESPN and TNT.13. Michael was always late for class, but that day he, for once, came much earlier than usual.14. During my mother’s last days, I spent many hours by her side, holding her hand.15. They have assigned me the role of a heartless financier, who is obsessed with money, wealth, and luxury.1.21. presently2. alongside3. prior to4. in total5. embrace6. zones7. traded8. meet up9. kind of1.31. My family went on an excursion to a pretty island off the coast.2. Don’t ask your father how to Wechat — he hasn’t got a clue about smart phones.3. You can follow these steps to apply for a visa to travel to the United States.4. These apps have different versions for different types of computers.5. The first step in snakebite treatment is to have the poison sucked out of thewound.2. Usage1. The credit card is in my wallet, which you can find in the kitchen cabinet drawer.2. Personal computers, which were actually invented in 1964, have come quite a long way.3. My dearest friend ignored my advice, which totally surprised me.4. I went to London with Emily White, who lives next door.5. I lent some money to Jack, whose house was destroyed in the earthquake.6. In the past six years I lived in six different houses, which actually didn’t bother me much.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. Now that you are a grown-up, you should earn a living on your own.2. Now that you are here, you might as well stay for dinner.3. Now that you live only a few blocks from your company, you may walk to work every day.3.21. It was not long before the two companies were able to reach an agreement.2. Mark Zuckerberg worked quite a long time to build Facebook, and it was years before the company made a profit.3. Sometimes you may make very fast progress in a foreign language, but sometimes it is a while before hard work starts to pay off!4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozePrior to taking a working holiday abroad you will need to do a number of things. There is quite a lot of paperwork to complete. You will need to fill out variousforms, including a visa application. Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take employment, rather than just being an ordinary tourist type that allows you to do sightseeing only. Alongside that, of course, you need to book your ticket. Once that is all done you will be ready to set off. Don’t let the thought of stepping outside your comfort zone frighten you, don’t let it stress you out. You may set out on your own, travelling solo, but you will soon make friends with many of the new people you meet on the way. So, start browsing the Internet to see where you would like to start your adventure!4.2 TranslationIf you are fully prepared, your working holiday abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have. Here are some tips. First, you need to choose your destination wisely by browsing relevant websites. Then fill out the necessary paperwork, apply for a visa and book your flight as early as possible. Try to learn some new job skills prior to your departure, which can give you more employment options abroad and help you save up enough money for travel. Within weeks of arriving in a foreign country, people often feel stressed out or kind of confused, so be prepared for the emotional stress. Make friends with local people instead of taking the adventure solo. And whenever possible, go on sightseeing excursions and capture the places you visit in words or pictures. Last, always follow your heart and do what you truly want to do.Reading & Comprehending1. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. F9. T 10. F2. Translation1. 我现在意识到,为了适应每个新角色、在各种行当跟不同的人群一起工作,我学到了很多。
全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程第3册--Unit 1 文本

Unit 1 FamilyPart II LISTENING AND SPEAKINGLesson A A Famous FamilySCRIPTTrack 1-1Jacques Cousteau was born in 1910 in France. Cousteau loved the water, and for almost sixty years, he studied the world’s oceans. In 1943, he and a partner invented scuba diving equipment, and later he invented special cameras to film life underwater.Cousteau taught people about the oceans. In 1968, he started a TV show called The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. On the show, he traveled with his son, Philippe, around the world. They taught people about sea animals and protecting Earth’s waters. In 1973, he started the Cousteau Society, an international organization which works to protect Earth’s waters. Before h e died in 1997, Cousteau won many awards for his films and his work as an environmentalist.Jacques’family have continued his work. Jacques’ son, Philippe had two children, Alexandra and Philippe Junior. They are both famous ocean conservationists.Like her grandfather, Alexandra Cousteau, who was born in 1976, also cares about the world’s seas. In 2000, she started a company with her brother called Earth Echo International. It teaches children and teenagers about keeping Earth’s oceans clean. Later, in 2008, Alexandra started another company called Blue Legacy. It works to protect Earth’s oceans. As the head of this company, she travels around the world, working on important water problems. In 2011, she got an award for her work as an environmentalist.1. scuba diving equipment:水肺型潜水器2. to film life underwater:拍摄海底生物3. The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau:法国著名海洋探险家雅克·库斯托(JacquesCousteau)所创办的电视节目——《雅克·库斯托的海底世界》4. Cousteau Society:库斯托社,雅克·库斯托创办于1973年的环保组织,倡导人们保护海洋生态系统5. care about:关心;对∙∙∙感兴趣6. Earth Echo International:地球回音国际组织,原名为“菲利普·库斯托基金会”(PhilippeCousteau Foundation),是库斯托家族创办的环保及海洋教育组织。

Key to ExercisesOpenerGoing on a working holiday has many advantages:• A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.• The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.• You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home. And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changingexperience.• You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists.They can introduce you to a new culture.• A working holiday makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holidayis the break between high school and college or the break after college and beforeentering the real working world.Transcript:A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in anothercountry and have the working rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a jobor two (or 6) and break that arrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new locationin the country.In general, a working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longerperiod of time than a standard tourist visa. In Australia, for example, the typicaltourist visa is for 3 months while a working holiday visa is for 12 months.With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go, meaning you won’tnecessarily go into debt while spending time abroad. Your method of travel may vary.Some prefer to travel up-front for several months and then spend the rest of thetime working in one or two different locations. Others prefer to work for a month,travel for a month and then work for a month again. Either way, the travel is1 sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.With a working holiday visa, you are basically given the opportunity to test out any type of job, and you are probably put in a position to accept ones that you normally wouldn’t when at home. You never know what you might discover. A working holiday, in this sense, could end up being a life-changing experience.Moreover, by taking up employment in a country abroad, you are more likely tomeet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists, and that can do wonders for really introducing you to a new culture.A working holiday also makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a workingholiday is that break between high school and college or the break after collegeand before entering the real working world. Later working holiday experiences areoften used by individuals as a way to explore the new and unknown. Taking part ina working holiday is a great idea to consider.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationParts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras. 1-3Desiring for a change in her life, the author fledAustralia for a working holiday in Canada.Part Two Paras. 4–5 The author has always been a shy person, but in Vancouver she enjoyed meeting people, making friends and doing new things.Part Three Paras. 6–9The author enjoyed her jobs at Starbucks and on theAussie Pie Guy food truck.Part Four Paras. 10–12The author traversed Canada and the United States,embracing the unknown.Part Five Paras. 13–14 The author would love to live the expat life againsomewhere else, although there is also the part ofher that would like to settle down for a while.The author wants to thank the working holiday for Part Six Para. 15helping her become a better version of herself.2. Comprehension Check2.1 Digging into detail1. She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.2. They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at the end of sentences.3. They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.4. She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working.5. She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up the West Coast.6. She was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown.7. She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.8. Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.2.2 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. Accidentally, the whole incident was captured by a young American photographer.2. Those who had been kidnapped described how they were scared and in physical and emotional pain.3. It was not long before help arrived in the form of ten police officers.4. Despite a great deal of practice, Alice remained an awkward dancer.5. A few hours ago, there was a head-on crash on Highway 20, involving three cars.6. I am wondering when Tom is going to settle down and get married.7. The event features a large indoor display of local crafts and agricultural products.8. There are some birds nesting in the eaves of our house at the moment.9. A chill ran through me when I heard the terrible news.10. True, Linda makes almost no typing errors, but then she’s very slow.11. It seems like everyone writes a blog these days, or sets up a website that’s used as a personal diary for posting photos and stories.12. I often watch the sports events broadcast on cable networks like ESPN and TNT.13. Michael was always late for class, but that day he, for once, came much earlier than usual.14. During my mother’s last days, I spent many hours by her side, holding her hand.15. They have assigned me the role of a heartless financier, who is obsessed with money, wealth, and luxury.1.21. presently2. alongside3. prior to4. in total5. embrace6. zones7. traded8. meet up9. kind of1.31. My family went on an excursion to a pretty island off the coast.2. Don’t ask your father how to Wechat —he hasn’t got a clue about smart phones.3. You can follow these steps to apply for a visa to travel to the United States.5. The first step in snakebite treatment is to have the poison sucked out of the wound.2. Usage1. The credit card is in my wallet, which you can find in the kitchen cabinet drawer.2. Personal computers, which were actually invented in 1964, have come quite a long way.3. My dearest friend ignored my advice, which totally surprised me.4. I went to London with Emily White, who lives next door.5. I lent some money to Jack, whose house was destroyed in the earthquake.6. In the past six years I lived in six different houses, which actually didn’t bother me much.3. Sentence Patterns3.11. Now that you are a grown-up, you should earn a living on your own.2. Now that you are here, you might as well stay for dinner.3. Now that you live only a few blocks from your company, you may walk to work every day.3.21. It was not long before the two companies were able to reach an agreement.2. Mark Zuckerberg worked quite a long time to build Facebook, and it was years before the company made a profit.3. Sometimes you may make very fast progress in a foreign language, but sometimes it is a while before hard work starts to pay off!4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeThere is quite a lot of paperwork to complete. You will need to fill out various forms, including a visa application. Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take employment, rather than just being an ordinary tourist type that allows you to do sightseeing only. Alongside that, of course, you need to book your ticket. Once that is all done you will be ready to set off. Don’t let the thought of stepping outside your comfort zone frighten you, don’t let it stress you out. You may set out on your own, travelling solo, but you will soon make friends with many of the new people you meet on the way. So, start browsing the Internet to see where you would like to start your adventure!4.2 TranslationIf you are fully prepared, your working holiday abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can ever have. Here are some tips. First, you need to choose your destination wisely by browsing relevant websites. Then fill out the necessary paperwork, apply for a visa and book your flight as early as possible. Try to learn some new job skills prior to your departure, which can give you more employment options abroad and help you save up enough money for travel. Within weeks of arriving in a foreign country, people often feel stressed out or kind of confused, so beprepared for the emotional stress. Make friends with local people instead of taking the adventure solo. And whenever possible, go on sightseeing excursions and capturethe places you visit in words or pictures. Last, always follow your heart and do what you truly want to do.Reading & Comprehending1. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. F9. T 10. F2. Translation1. 我现在意识到,为了适应每个新角色、在各种行当跟不同的人群一起工作,我学到了很2. 我们承办的疯狂的体育赛事,在打折时段议员们的光顾,还有几个让我渐渐喜欢的坏脾气老主顾,这一切让我了解了长白云之乡所特有的文化。

全新版大学进阶英语综合教程第三册答案Key to ExercisesOpenerGoing on a working holiday has many advantages:A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment.You can try different types of jobs, even the ones that you normally wouldn ’at hometdowhen. And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not justother tourists. They can introduce you to a new culture.A working holiday makes a good break. A popular time to sign up fora working holiday is the break between high school and college or thebreak after college and before entering the real working world.Transcript:A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another countryandhave the working rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break thatarrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country.In general, a working holiday visa grants you access to acountry for a longer period of timethan a standard tourist visa. In Australia, for example, the typical tourist visa is for 3 monthswhile a working holiday visa is for 12 months.With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go, meaning you won ’ tnecessarily go intodebt while spending time abroad. Your method of travel may vary. Some prefer to travelup-front for several months and then spend the rest of the time working in one or two differentlocations. Others prefer to work for a month, travel for a month and then work for a month again.Either way, the travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds withemployment.With a working holiday visa, you are basically given the opportunity to test out any type of1job, and you are probably put in a position to accept ones that you normally wouldn en at’ t whhome. You never know what you might discover. A working holiday, inthis sense, could end up being a life-changing experience.Moreover, by taking up employment in a country abroad, you aremore likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just othertourists, and that can do wonders for really introducing youto a newculture.A working holiday also makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a workingholidayis that break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering thereal working world. Later working holiday experiences are often used by individuals as a way toexplore the new and unknown. Taking part in a working holiday is a great idea to consider.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. TextOrganizationParts Paragraphs Main IdeasPart One Paras. 1-3Desiring for a change in her life, the author fled Australiafor a working holiday in Canada.The author has always been a shy person, but in Vancouver Part Two Paras. 4–5she enjoyed meeting people, making friends and doingnew things.Part Three Paras. 6–9The author enjoyed her jobs at Starbucks and on the AussiePie Guy food truck.Part Four Paras. 10–12The author traversed Canada and the UnitedStates,embracing the unknown.The author would love to live the expat lifeagainPart Five Paras. 13–14somewhere else, although there is also thepart of her thatwould like to settle down for a while.Part Six Para. 15 The author wants to thank the working holiday for helpingher become a better version of herself.22. Comprehension Check2.1 Digging into detail1.S he lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.2.T hey met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught herco-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of“ eh” at theend of sentences.3.T hey listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.4.S he loved her job so much that s he didn ’ t feel she was working.5.She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all theway to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up theWest Coast.6.She was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of hercomfort zone and embracing the unknown.7.S he is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.8.V ancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.2.2 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11.A ccidentally, the whole incident was captured by a young American photographer.2.Those who had been kidnapped described how they werescared and in physical and emotional pain.3.I t was not long before help arrived in the form of ten police officers.4.D espite a great deal of practice, Alice remained an awkward dancer.5.A few hours ago, there was a head-on crash on Highway 20, involving three cars.6.I am wondering when Tom is going to settle down and get married.7.T he event features a large indoor display of local crafts and agricultural products.38.T here are some birds nesting in the eaves of our house at the moment.9.A chill ran through me when I heard the terrible news.10 . True, Linda makes almost no typing errors, but then she ’s very slow.11 . It seems like everyone writes a blog these days, or sets up awebsite that’ s used as apersonaldiary for posting photos and stories.12.I often watch the sports events broadcast on cable networks like ESPN and TNT.13.Michael was always late for class, but that day he, for once, came much earlierthan usual.14.During my mother’ s last days, I spent many byhoursher side, holding her hand.15.They have assigned me the role of a heartless financier, who isobsessed with money, wealth, and luxury.1.21. presently2. alongside3. prior to4. in total5. embrace6. zones7. traded8. meet up9. kind of1.31. My family went on an excursion to a pretty island off the coast.2. Don ’ t ask your father how to Wechat he hasn ’—t gotcluea about smart phones.3.Y ou can follow these steps to apply for a visa to travel to the United States.4.T hese apps have different versions for different types of computers.5.T he first step in snakebite treatment is to have the poison sucked out of the wound.2. Usage1.T he credit card is in my wallet, which you can find in the kitchen cabinet drawer.2.P ersonal computers, which were actually invented in 1964, have come quite a long way.3.M y dearest friend ignored my advice, which totally surprised me.4.I went to London with Emily White, who lives next door.5.I lent some money to Jack, whose house was destroyed in the earthquake.6. In the past six years I lived in six different houses, which actually didn ’ t bother me. much43. Sentence Patterns3.11.N ow that you are a grown-up, you should earn a living on your own.2.N ow that you are here, you might as well stay for dinner.3.N ow that you live only a few blocks from your company, you may walk to work every day.3.21.I t was not long before the two companies were able to reach an agreement.2.Mark Zuckerberg worked quite a long time to build Facebook,and it was years before the company made a profit.3.Sometimes you may make very fast progress in a foreign language,but sometimes it is a while before hard work starts to pay off!4.C omprehensive Practice4.1 ClozePrior to taking a working holiday abroad you will need to do a number of things. There isquite a lot of paperwork to complete. You will need to fill out various forms, including a visaapplication. Make sure it is the sort that allows you to take employment, rather than just beingan ordinary tourist type that allows you to do sightseeing only. Alongside that, of course, youneed to book your ticket. Once that is all done you will be ready to set off. Don of ste ppi ng out side you r co mfo rt o nyourown,travelling solo, but you will soon make friends with many of the newpeople you meet on the way. So, start browsing the Internet to seewhere you would like to start your adventure!4.2 TranslationIf you are fully prepared, your working holiday abroad can be one of themost rewardingexperiences you can ever have. Here are some tips. First, you need tochoose your destination wisely by browsing relevant websites. Then fillout the necessary paperwork, apply for a visa and book your flight asearly as possible. Try to learn some new job skills prior to yourdeparture,’ t let thethoug5which can give you more employment options abroad and help you save up enough money fortravel. Within weeks of arriving in a foreign country, people often feelstressed out or kind of confused, so be prepared for the emotionalstress. Make friends with local people instead oftaking the adventure solo. And whenever possible, go on sightseeingexcursions and capture the places you visit in words or pictures. Last,always follow your heart and do what you truly want to do.Reading & Comprehending1. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. T4. T5. F6. F7. T8. F9. T 10. F2. Translation1.我现在意识到,为了适应每个新角色、在各种行当跟不同的人群一起工作,我学到了很多。
新进阶3 综合Unit 1(精编文档).doc

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】New Progressive College English Book IIIUNIT 1 Working Holiday Abroad1. Teaching Objectives:Students will be able toA. discuss the relevant topicsB. understand the text with skimming and scanningC. learn languages, e.g. words, phrases, difficult structuresD. think further2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about working holiday abroad )2nd Period: Global-reading Activities (Text: Approaching the theme; analyzing the text organization)3rd Period: Detailed reading Activities (Understanding the Textin a deeper level, analyzing difficult sentencestructures)4th Period: Detailed reading Activities (Learning new words, summarizing good usage)5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text, explaining the difficult sentences of the Text, doingsentence translation)6th Period: After-reading Activities (Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignment)3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesIntroduce the topic to the class: Working Holiday Abroad, and ask students the question:“What a working holiday is ?”Ask the students to watch twice a video clip of a talk about a working holiday in OpenerAsk the students to understand the main points by filling blanks of the summary given inOpenerHelp the students to sum up the main points of the talk about a working holiday:♦ A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have the working rights to back itup. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) and break thatarrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location inthe country.♦With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go♦ A working holiday could end up being a life-changing experience.♦ A working holiday can do wonders for really introducing you toa new culture.Method:Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step 2:Discussion about joys and challenges of taking working holidays overseasHave students work in pair talking about joys and challenges of taking working holidaysoverseas and invites some students to report to the class. Method:Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global readingStep 1. Approaching the themeThe teacher asks students questions: How would you like to take a working holiday abroad ? Do you think it would suit you or take too far away from the world in which you feel comfortable ? Do you want to experience joys and challenges of taking working holiday? The students’ answers may vary. Then the teacher tells students that theywill learn a text about a person’s real experience of taking working holiday abroad, and they will know what it is really like to take working holiday abroad.Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step.2 Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher tells students that the text can be divided into six parts which have been given in the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with each other.Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approachText Organization3.3 Detailed Reading3.3.1 Procedure1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and foreach paragraph (sometimes two-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related to difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and underlined them.3) Learn new words in details.Purpose: Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentence structures as well as new words and expressions.Method:Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, readingapproach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach.Step 1. Questions related to difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.Para.2Q: What happened to the author before she left for Canada ?A: She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.Para.4Q:What did the author and her co-workers do after work ?A: They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at the end of sentences.Para.7Q: What did they do while at work ?A: They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars.Para.8Q: What does the author mean by saying “it didn’t feel like my job ?A: She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working. Para.11Q: Where did she travel ?A: She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up the West Coast.Para.12Q: How did she feel on her trip across Canada and the United States ? A: he was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown.Para.14Q: What is her obsession ?A: She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel.Para.15Q: In what sense has Vancouver helped the author become a better person?A: Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.3.3.2 Language Focus3.3.2.1 Difficult sentences:1) Prior to leaving, I was not in a good place. (Para. 2)Before leaving Australia, I had gone through a very difficult period and was low in spirits.出发前,我的境况不好。

(B)1. replace2. consider3. quit4. worlds5. tough6. fuels7.provide8.luxuries9.balance10.idealII. Translation1. 1. We have a problem with th ecomputer system, but I think it’s fairly minor.2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of myhometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.3. The toys have to meet strick/tough safety requirements before they can ba sold tochildren.4. Radio and televition have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper ascariers of news and opinion.5. When it comes to this magazine, it is/carries a digest of articles from manynewspapers and magazines around world.2. A decade ago, Nancy did what so many Americans dream about. She quit anexecutive position and opened / set up a household equipment store in her neighborhood. People like Nancy made the decision primarily because of/owing to/due to their desire to improve the quality of their lives.But, to run a small business is by no means an easy job. Without her steady income, Nancy had to cut back on her daily expenses. Sometimes she did not even have the money to pay the premiums for the various kinds of insurance she needed. Once she could not even pick up the phone bill and had to ask her parents to loan her some money.Fortunately, through her own hard work, she has now got through the most difficult time.She is determined to continue pursuing her vision of a better life.Recent Changes in Chinese Family Life (Model paper) Great changes have taken place in Chinese family life in the past twenty years. In my parents' words, the difference between their childhood and mine is as vast as that between heaven and earth.When my parents were young, there was no TV, no computers nor any other electronic appliances in their home. Their food was simple and their clothing plain. What is unbelievable to young people today is that they seldom dined out in a restaurant, or traveled to a scenic spot for a holiday.In contrast to family life one generation ago, each family in China today has at least one TV set and many have been equipped with telephones, computers, even cars. While the senior members of a family watch films on TV at home, the younger members like to play computer games or talk to their friends who may live thousands of miles from them.The changes in Chinese family life mirror the economic development of our country. Without the prosperity of the whole country, our family life would probably be just the same as before. Times have changed, and changed, most would surely agree with me, for the better. (194 words)。

课程名称讲课内容教课目的教课要点与难点教课方法与手段教课过程作业New Progressive College English Book IIIUNIT 2 Conspicuous Consumption大学英语(三)使用教材崭新版大学进阶英语综合教程( 3)Text Who Are the Joneses and Why Are WeTrying to keep Up with Them? ( 精读 )讲课学时6 Reading Stop Keeping Upwith theJoneses-They’re Broke ( 泛读 )1.Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically2.Talk about the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods3.Conduct group discussion centering on the “fuerdai ”phenomenon in China4.Become familiar with expository writing1.Analyze the structure and grasp the main idea of Text2.Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text3.Learn some techniques in writing4.Critical thinking1.Audio-visual method and audio-lingual method.2.Task-based language teaching methodmunicative approaching CAI, PPT5.Smart teaching (using online tools or materials)1. Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesStep 2. Discussion about the topic2. Global ReadingStep 1. Approaching the themeStep 2. Analyzing the text organization3. Detailed ReadingStep 1. Understanding the text in a deeper levelStep 2. Learning useful expressionsStep 3. Learning difficult sentences structuresStep 4. Learning new words4. Comprehending Reading 1Step 1: Skimming the textStep 2: Explaining the difficult sentences of the textStep 3: Doing sentence translation5. After readingStep 1. Viewing and ListeningStep 2. SpeakingStep 3. AssignmentsAssignments:1.Read the text in Reading 2 and finish the exercises2.Write an expository writing3.Preview the next unit.UNIT 2 Conspicuous Consumption1. Teaching Objectives:Students will be able toA. Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually andlinguistically B. Talk about the conspicuous consumption of luxury goodsC. Conduct group discussion centering on the “fuerdai ”phenomenon in ChinaD. Become familiar with expository writing2. Time Allotment:1st Period:Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about the topic)2nd Period:Global-reading (Text: Approaching the theme; analyzing the text organization) 3rd Period:Detailed reading (Understanding the Text A in a deeper level, analyzing difficult sentence structures)4th Period:Detailed reading Activities (Learning new words, summarizing good usage) 5th Period:Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text, explaining the difficult sentences6th Period:of the Text, doing sentence translation))After-reading Activities (Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignments)3.Teaching Procedures:Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesAsk Ss to listen to a song and fill in the missing words in the lyrics.Have Ss work in pairs. One student asks the other the questions in Opener, the other answers.Then switch roles.Method: PPT, communicative approach.Step 2: Discussion about the topicIntroduce the topic of the unit to Ss either in English or Chinese: Sometimes people buy things just for the purpose of showing that they are richer, or have better taste than others.Expensive brand-name goods can serve this purpose, and are often wanted precisely because theyare expensive. Whether spending money in this way is good, bad or simply silly is something weare going to explore.Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.Global readingStep 1. Approaching the themeAsk Ss to take a look at the Culture Notes, or ask them to do some further reading beforeclass about the idiom “keep up with the Joneses” , its origins and its social impact, etc.Guide Ss to explore the text to fide the meaning and origin of the expression“keep up with the Joneses”, how this phenomenon came into being, and what we should do to rid ourselves ofthe pressure of keeping up with the Joneses.Method: PPT; communicative approach.Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher tells students that the text can be divided into three parts which have been givenin the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with each other.Parts Paragraphs Functions Main IdeasBringing up the social phenomenon The meaning and origin of the Part One Para. 1-2of conspicuous consumption expression “keep up with theJoneses”Part Two Paras. 3-6Explaining how it occurs and why How the phenomenon of keeping upwith the Joneses came into being andwhy people buy into it.Exploring ways of dealing with it What we should do to free ourselvesPart Three Paras. 7-10from the pressure of keeping up withthe Joneses.Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approachDetailed ReadingProcedure1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and for each paragraph (sometimestwo-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related difficult sentences andunderstanding of each paragraph.2)Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and underlined them.3)Learn new words in details.Purpose : Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentencestructures as well as new words and expressions.Method: Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, readingapproach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach.Step 1. Questions related difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.Q. Where does the phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses”come from?A:It comes from a cartoon strip of the same title launched by Pop Momand in 1913.&4Q:Why were we not aware of what the Joneses were doing prior to the late 1880s?A:Prior to the late 1880s, mass media was not born. We were only concerned about making ourown living.Q:What was the ready solution provided by magazines in order for us to catch up with the Joneses?A:The ready solution was to buy products that were advertised.Q:Where do true happiness and joy come from, if they are not anything money can buy?A:True happiness and joy come from within.Q: What are we supposed to do to stop keeping up with the Joneses?A:Instead of buying into the message that we’re not good enough, we should have positive self-regard. We should realize we don ’thave to buy things to impress others.Language FocusDifficult sentences:1) I ’ d love to say that need vanished when the last episode of that comic strip ran , but alas, itseems to have only gotten worse. (Para. 2)I would like to say that need disappeared when the comic strip came to an end, but it seems thatthings have turned from bad to worse instead.我多么想说,跟着最后一集连环漫画的结束,这一心态也不复存在了。
《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》Unit 1教案

《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-01Steps(步骤)教学组织Step One (步骤一)Lead-in:Pair work: You are going to hear a talk about a working holiday. Listen to it twice and complete the following summary according to what you have heard. Compare your answers with your partner. Before you start, getting to know the following new words and expressions might be helpful.Going on a working holiday has many advantages:A working holiday visa grants you access to a country for a longer period of time than a standard tourist visa.The travel is sustainable in the sense that you can keep refilling your travel funds with employment .You can try different types of jobs , even the ones that you normally wouldn’t do when at home . And in this sense, a working holiday could be a life-changing experience.You are more likely to meet and make friends with the locals, not just other tourists . They can introduce you to a new culture .A working holiday makes a good break. A popular time to sign up for a working holiday is the break between high school and college or the break after college and before entering the real working world .Video watching:After watching the video, discuss the following questions with your partner:1. What is the girl’s identity?A. a young employeeB. a waitress《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-02《全新版大学进阶英语综合教程3》课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-03《新视野大学英语(第三版)》Book 3课程单元教学设计(教案)编号:U1-04。

1,我们将一起学习什么教材?2,新进阶英语一共多少个单元?3,从新进阶英语这本书中我们可以认识到哪些好朋友?如何介绍朋友T his is ...f a th er m o th erbroth er sist ergrand father/grand pagrand mother/grand ma_______._______.This is my ...u ncle叔叔This is my uncle.au nt阿姨婶婶This is my aunt.c ou s i nbrotherThis is my cousin.T his is my aunt .This is my ...This is not my ... be妈妈有三个娃:am is are变成否定句时直接在娃娃后面not加This is my_______.uncleIs this your uncle?Yes,he is. No, he isn't.aunt This is my _______. Is this your aunt?Yes,she is. No, she isn't.This is my cousin. Is this your cousin?Yes,he is. No, he isn't.This is my sister.Is this your sister? Yes,she is. No, she isn't.grandpa This is my_______. Is this your grandpa? Yes,he is. No, he isn't.grandma This is my_______. Is this your grandma?Yes,she is. No, she isn't.一句子里有be动词is和are时,怎么变成一般疑问句。

全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程第3册--Unit1文本Unit 1 FamilyPart II LISTENING AND SPEAKINGLesson A A Famous FamilySCRIPTTrack 1-1Jacques Cousteau was born in 1910 in France. Cousteau loved the water, and for almost sixty years, he studied the world’s oceans. In 1943, he and a partner invented scuba diving equipment, and later he invented special cameras to film life underwater.Cousteau taught people about the oceans. In 1968, he started a TV show called The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. On the show, he traveled with his son, Philippe, around the world. They taught people about sea animals and protecting Earth’s waters. In 1973, he started the Cousteau Society, an international organization which works to protect Earth’s waters. Before h e died in 1997, Cousteau won many awards for his films and his work as an environmentalist.Jacques’family have continued his work. Jacques’ son, Philippe had two children, Alexandra and Philippe Junior. They are both famous ocean conservationists.Like her grandfather, Alexandra Cousteau, who was born in 1976, also cares about the world’s seas. In 2000, she started a company with her brother called Earth Echo International. It teaches children and teenagers about k eeping Earth’s oceans clean. Later, in 2008, Alexandra started another company called Blue Legacy. It works to protect Earth’s oceans. As the head of this company, she travels around the world, working onimportant water problems. In 2011, she got an award for her work as an environmentalist.1. scuba diving equipment:水肺型潜水器2. to film life underwater:拍摄海底生物3. The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau:法国著名海洋探险家雅克·库斯托(JacquesCousteau)所创办的电视节目——《雅克·库斯托的海底世界》4. Cousteau Society:库斯托社,雅克·库斯托创办于1973年的环保组织,倡导人们保护海洋生态系统5. care about:关心;对感兴趣6. Earth Echo International:地球回音国际组织,原名为“菲利普·库斯托基金会”(PhilippeCousteau Foundation),是库斯托家族创办的环保及海洋教育组织。
新进阶3 综合Unit

UNIT 4 Emerging Adulthood1. Teaching Objectives:Students will be able toA. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;B. build up an active vocabulary to talk about growing up and adulthood and knowhow to use the key words and expressions in context properly;C. discuss the important aspects of becoming an adult;D. compare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood;E. talk about changes in expectations of young adults and changes in the degreeof independence from their parents young adults are able to achieve in today’s world;F. write an essay about their views on emerging adulthood.2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about adulthood)2nd Period: Global Reading (Text: Approaching the theme; Analyzing the text organization)3rd Period: Detailed Reading (Understanding the text in a deeper level; Analyzing difficult sentence structures)4th Period: Detailed Reading Continued (Learning new words; Summarizing good usage)5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text; Explaining the difficult sentences of the text; Doing sentence translation))6th Period: After Reading (Viewing and listening; Speaking; Assignment) 3. Teaching Procedures:Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesThe teacher leads students to figure out the five stages of life (infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age) and tells them a new life stage “emerging adulthood” has been proposed by psychologists to describe the period of time between adolescence and adulthood..Method: PPT, communicative approach.Step 2: Discussion about adulthoodThe teacher has students work in pairs and discuss the questions in Opener about their own criteria for reaching adulthood. The teacher reminds students to refer to the helpful words and expressions given below the pictures.Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.Global ReadingStep 1. Approaching the themeThe teacher has students know the background information about the term “emerging adulthood” in Culture Notes.Emerging Adulthood: Starting in 1995, psychologist Jeffrey Jensen Arnett interviewed 300 young people aged 18 to 29 in cities around the nation over five years, asking them questions about what they wanted out of life. Working from those interviews and examining broad demographic indicators, Arnett proposed a new period of life-span development he calls “emerging adulthood”.从1995年开始,历时5年,心理学家杰弗里·阿内特在美国许多城市访谈了300位18-29岁的年轻人,就他们想从生活中得到什么进行提问。

” 翻译成英语时,就需要注意“并非偶然”和“不懈的努力”这些词汇和短语的正确表达,可能是“His success was not by chance but through unremitting efforts”写作部分虽然没有固定的标准答案,但我们可以从一些方面来评估和参考。
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New Progressive College English Book III UNIT 1 Working Holiday AbroadUnit 1 Working Holiday Abroad1. Teaching Objectives:Students will be able toA. discuss the relevant topicsB. understand the text with skimming and scanningC. learn languages, e.g. words, phrases, difficult structuresD. think further2. Time Allotment:1st Period: Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about working holiday abroad )2nd Period: Global-reading Activities (Text: Approaching the theme; analyzing the text organization)3rd Period: Detailed reading Activities (Understanding the Text in a deeper level, analyzing difficult sentence structures)4th Period: Detailed reading Activities (Learning new words, summarizing good usage) 5th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the text, explaining the difficult sentences of the Text, doing sentence translation)6th Period: After-reading Activities (Viewing and Listening; Speaking; Assignment)3. Teaching Procedures:3.1 Lead-in ActivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activitiesIntroduce the topic to the class: Working Holiday Abroad, and ask students the question: “What a working holiday is ?”Ask the students to watch twice a video clip of a talk about a working holiday in OpenerAsk the students to understand the main points by filling blanks of the summary given inOpenerHelp the students to sum up the main points of the talk about a working holiday:♦ A working holiday is when you spend a significant amount of time in another country and have the working rights to back it up. You are able to pick up a job or two (or 6) andbreak that arrangement up by traveling or moving on to a new location in the country.♦With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go♦ A working holiday could end up being a life-changing experience.♦ A working holiday can do wonders for really introducing you to a new culture.Method:Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step 2: Discussion about joys and challenges of taking working holidays overseasHave students work in pair talking about joys and challenges of taking working holidaysoverseas and invites some students to report to the class.Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach.3.2 Global readingStep 1. Approaching the themeThe teacher asks students questions: How would you like to take a working holiday abroad ? Do you think it would suit you or take too far away from the world in which you feel comfortable ? Do you want to experience joys and challenges of taking working holiday? The students’ answers may vary. Then the teacher tells students that they will learn a text about a person’s real experience of taking working holiday abroad, and they will know what it is really like to take working holiday abroad.Method: PPT; communicative approach.Step.2 Analyzing the text organizationThe teacher tells students that the text can be divided into six parts which have been given in the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with each other.Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approach3.3 Detailed Reading3.3.1 Procedure1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and for each paragraph (sometimestwo-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related to difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph.2) Help Ss find out the good usage in the text and underlined them.3) Learn new words in details.Purpose: Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentencestructures as well as new words and expressions.Method: Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach.Step 1. Questions related to difficult sentences and understanding of each paragraph. Para.2Q: What happened to the author before she left for Canada ?A: She lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes in five months.Para.4Q:What did the author and her co-workers do after work ?A: They met up for dinner, ladies night and sightseeing excursions. The author taught her co-workers an Australian word of the day and they helped her understand the Canadian use of “eh” at the end of sentences.Para.7Q: What did they do while at work ?A: They listened to 90s music, drank their daily Starbucks and served their friendly regulars. Para.8Q: What does the author mean by saying “ it didn’t feel like my job ?A: She loved her job so much that she didn’t feel she was working.Para.11Q: Where did she travel ?A: She did a massive circle, starting from Vancouver, going all the way to the East Coast, then across Southern USA and finally up the West Coast.Para.12Q: How did she feel on her trip across Canada and the United States ?A: he was proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown.Para.14Q: What is her obsession ?A: She is obsessed with browsing craft and design blogs and watching the Lifestyle channel. Para.15Q: In what sense has Vancouver helped the author become a better person?A: Vancouver has helped her to grow personally, have fun professionally and gain confidence.3.3.2 Language Focus3.3.2.1 Difficult sentences:1) Prior to leaving, I was not in a good place. (Para. 2)Before leaving Australia, I had gone through a very difficult period and was low in spirits.出发前,我的境况不好。