中美大学生友谊观对比研究作者:庞慧慧来源:《今日财富》2018年第31期本研究以塔尔科特·帕森斯(Talcott Parsons)的模式变量理论中的“普遍主义”与“特殊主义”为基础来设计问卷,通过定量研究分析对比他们在朋友交际中的差异以及他们友谊观的变化。
中美友谊的不同英语作文1. What is your opinion on the friendship between China and the United States?I believe that the friendship between China and the United States is important for global stability and prosperity. Both countries are major players in the world economy and have a significant impact on international relations. Therefore, it is crucial for them to maintain a positive relationship built on mutual respect and cooperation.我认为中美之间的友谊对于全球的稳定和繁荣非常重要。
2. What are some challenges that China and the United States face in their friendship?One challenge is the differences in political systems and values. China and the United States have different ideologies and ways of governing, which can create tensions and misunderstandings. Another challenge is competition in areas such as trade, technology, and military power. Theseissues need to be managed carefully in order to avoid conflicts that could damage the friendship between the two nations.一个挑战是政治制度和价值观的差异。
中美友谊的对比 英语ppt
![中美友谊的对比 英语ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/03f8fee181c758f5f61f673c.png)
Chinese expect friendships to be more lasting. Westerns expect friends to be independent. Different foundations for friendships.
• Westerns expect friends to be independent
Why? It’s because their friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spending time together, so they do not feel comfortable in a relationship in which one person is giving more and the other is dependent on what is giving. A westerner will respond to a friend’s trouble by asking “What do you want to do?” The idea is to help the friend to think out the problem and discover the solution he or she really wants and then to support the solution. Chinese friends give each other more concrete help. A Chinese will use personal connections to help a friend get something hard to obtain. They give each other money and might help each other out financially
对友谊的需求是全人类普遍存在的现象,无论对于中国人还是美国人,朋友都是非常重要的人际关系,正如我们中国人的一句友谊格言所说:“没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人!”美国人对待友谊的看法也有类似的格言:“Without a friend, the world is a wilderness.(没有朋友,世界成了荒野)。
中美友谊的多元维度The complexity and uniqueness of Sino-American friendship are often overshadowed by the political and economic rivalries that define the relationship between the two superpowers. However, it is crucial to recognize that beyond the political and economic spheres, there exist numerous threads of friendship and mutual understandingthat bind the people of China and the United States.In the realm of culture, for instance, the exchange of ideas and influences has fostered a deep appreciation for each other's heritage. Chinese film, music, and art have found a passionate audience in the United States, while American culture and entertainment have also gained a significant foothold in China. This cultural exchange has not only enriched the lives of individuals but has also contributed to the broader understanding of each other's values and traditions.Education is another crucial aspect of Sino-American friendship. Thousands of students from both countries pursue higher education in the other's institutions, gaining valuable insights into the other culture andsociety. These students often become ambassadors of friendship, carrying the torch of mutual understanding and respect back to their home countries.Business cooperation also plays a pivotal role in strengthening the friendship between China and the United States. Joint ventures, trade agreements, and technological collaborations have not only bolstered economic growth but have also fostered a sense of shared prosperity. The business community in both countries recognizes the importance of maintaining positive relations, as it is in their mutual interest to do so.Moreover, the people-to-people contacts through tourism and visits have been a vital component of Sino-American friendship. The beauty and diversity of China attract millions of American tourists, while the modern wonders of the United States captivate Chinese visitors. These visits allow individuals from both cultures to connect on a personal level, breaking down stereotypes and promoting understanding.However, it is important to acknowledge that the friendship between China and the United States is notwithout challenges. Differences in political systems, values, and strategic interests sometimes lead to friction and misunderstanding. It is during these times that it becomes crucial for both sides to exercise patience, understanding, and a spirit of cooperation to resolve issues and move forward.In conclusion, Sino-American friendship is a multifaceted and dynamic relationship that goes beyond the confines of politics and economics. It is built on the shared values of mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. While challenges and differences remain, it is the shared commitment to friendship and mutual benefit that will continue to drive this relationship forward.**中美友谊的多元维度**中美友谊的复杂性和独特性常常被两国作为超级大国之间的政治和经济竞争所掩盖。
A commparative analysis of friendship between Americans and traditional ChineseThe world is an organic entity, naturally, any one can not be an isolated individual. All human beings must be associated with some particular relationship like kinship or kindred, also there is also a kind of relationship more widely employed by humans bearing equal importance. Absolutely that is friendship. Friendship is indispensable to persons' life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression. But to be specific, what friendship means? Definitions and comprehension are various. Now take Chinese and Americans for example.Due to different values and culture, attitudes toward friendship are quite different between American and Chinese, manifesting in following several aspects. To begin with, China is a country with a long history, and its culture and ideologies mostly inherited from the traditional civilization. For Chinese people, friend refers to like-minded people. They regard friends as different surname brothers with whom they pour out their hearts. However friend is often used in a much wider sense in the American culture. The term may be used for both casual acquaintances and close companions. American friends may not share as much as Chinese friends usually do, matter how close the two persons are to each other. A friendship may be superficial, casual, situational, deep and enduring because of their frequent moves. In China, friends can know intimately through all aspects about each other, which contrary to American friends in the way of confiding one friend to one area without extending to other areas. In addition, there are obvious differences in time. In Chinese culture, friendship means a strong life-lasting bond between individuals. Relatively, their friendship tends to develop slowly, since they intend to built to last. Chinese people seldom open their hearts immediately, but getting to know and intimate with increasing contact. On the contrary, Americans are able to develop a friendship in a minute, and they may change just as quickly. Furthermore, Chinese people are more desirable over the long-term friendship. However, American friendship is often linked with specific conditions and circumstances. Once the situation is changed, so did a friend. Last but not least, responsibilities entrusted friends are totally different. Chinese friends are placed great expectations, but American people think a friend is to exchange information and interests. It is a relaxed and joyful relationship. So, they expect to an independent one.Another point needs noting here, that common elements are still existing. There is the recognition that friendship, in contrast with kinship, invokes freedom of choice. A friend is someone who chooses and is chosen. And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take. Importantly, it is this very point that bridging people to involve in the intact society and making so-called impossibilities into possibilities. From foregoing, we may learn that different values maintain different friendship, and with the frequent communications, friendship may change somewhat. Therefore, only we comprehend different cultures can we construct a better world and lead a better future。
对友谊的需求是全人类普遍存在的现象,无论对于中国人还是美国人,朋友都是非常重要的人际关系,正如我们中国人的一句友谊格言所说:“没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人!”美国人对待友谊的看法也有类似的格言:“Without a friend, the world is a wilderness.(没有朋友,世界成了荒野)。
1 / 5外国人对友谊并不一定追求“永恒”,美式友谊就有些“速溶咖啡”的味道了,朋友交得快,忘得也快。
美国人口中的朋友定义广泛,而且有区隔性;有工作的 朋友,喝酒的朋友,打球的朋友· · · · · · 朋友间很少吐露私 人的事,所以友情教“温水”性
独立自主,尊重隐私 互不干涉,不强加于人 关系轻松
Three different aspects of friendship
Different range
Different times
首先是确定朋友关系的时间不同。中国人建立朋友 关系的时间相对较长,在最初的时间,中国人一般 很少打开心扉,但是随着交往次数的增多,对彼此 的逐渐了解,双方才变得亲密。西方人可能在一分 钟内就能交到朋友,但是想要达到至交的水平却很 困难。这也容易造成误解,因为中国人以为已经同 西方人成为朋友了,可是却发现西方人已经忘记上 次热情的谈话了 另一方面,美国人维持友谊的时间不同。中国人更 期望长久不变的朋友关系。朋友可能一辈子都是朋 友。在中国文化里,人们怀有传统的“两情若是久 长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮”的态度,故友谊不会随着 环境的变 化而消失。然而,西方人友谊往往同特定 的条件与情况有联系。
There are some words of friend
In China
交心不交面,从此重相忆。 海内存知已,天涯若比邻 。 人之相识,贵在相知,人之相知,贵在知心。 士为知己者死。 相知在急难,独好亦何益。 莫愁前路无知已,天下谁人不识君。 若知四海皆兄弟,何处相逢非故人。
• 古时候的刘、关、张的桃园三结义,伯牙和钟子期的高山 流水等都是中国人对于友谊看法的体现。
• 由于中国人的互依自我构元在社会环境中起了主导作用, 因此一旦确定友谊,朋友相互之间就相互关心彼此依存。 因为要彼此依存相互联系,从而也形成了非常有特色的中 国式的友谊交流方式。
• 中国人友谊的保持,需要不断的互动,而这个互动就是不 断的串门,拉家常,甚至一口气聊天几个小时。并且对于 中国人来说朋友之间的串门聊天是不需要预约的,因为这 是“情不自禁”,而只要是朋友,随时随地都是受欢迎的。 但这些往往是美国人觉得很费解的习惯和方式。
• 五、建立及维系友谊方式的差异
• 中国人对建立友谊非常谨慎,他们往往要经过很长时间的 相互接触,等彼此深入了解后才会成为真正意义上的朋友 ,正所谓 “与恶友交不如独处(It's better to be alone than in bad company.)”、“滥交者无友(A friend to all is a friend to none.)”;对于中国人,彼此之间要接触相当长 的一段时间,交流到了一定的深度,摸清彼此的习性和 脾气,发现彼此是志趣相投或是共同经历“磨难”之后才会 在心里承认彼此是朋友,才会看重这段友谊。如“路遥知 马力,日久见人心(Poverty tries friends.)”。在中国的 传统文化中,友谊意味着朋友间一生的信约,是要慢慢培 养的,因为友谊一旦形成就终身相随。中国人所交的朋友 必须是志同道合,兴趣相投,性格相近,否则就不能为真 正的朋友,只能算是点头之交,泛泛之辈。
• 美式友谊就有些 “速溶咖啡”的味道了,朋友交得快,忘得 也快。或许你在初次和美国人打交道时会觉得他们很友善 、很热情,但如果你想当然地认为他们已经把你当朋友看 待了,你无疑要失落了。友善并不代表友谊,真正的朋友 之间的友谊需要时间的历练及奉献精神,而这正是很多美 国人所缺乏的。
A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。
中国文化中情感表达较为含蓄,而西方文化中情感表达更为直接和 开放。这导致中西方在友谊中的情感交流和沟通方式存在差异。
中西方文化中的礼节和习俗不同,这也影响了人们在友谊关系中的行 为和期望。例如,在送礼、拜访、聚餐等方面的习俗存在差异。
中西方社会的教育体系和社会结构不同,这也影响了人们对 友谊的认知和期望。例如,西方社会中个体之间的联系相对 较为松散,而中国社会中个体之间的联系相对较为紧密。
在中国友谊中,忠诚和信任是非常重 要的价值观。朋友之间应该相互信任 ,并愿意为对方付出,这是维持友谊 长久的关键。
在中国,友谊经常与家庭关系相互交 织,朋友之间会互相支持、照顾和帮 助,这种友谊往往随着时间的推移而 变得更加深厚。
在西方文化中,友谊被视为一种个体之间的关系,人们选 择与自己志同道合的人建立友谊关系。
中西方文化中的友谊观也存在差异。 西方文化中个体更注重友谊关系中的 平等和相互尊重,而在中国文化中, 友谊关系往往受到更多的情感因素影 响,如亲情、恩情等。
在西方文化中,友谊的建 立通常基于个人喜好和自 由选择,人们更注重个人 空间和独立性。
西方人倾向于直接表达自 己的感受和需求,在友谊 中寻求真实的自我表达和 情感共鸣。
西方人的友谊建立可能相 对较快,但也可能较短暂 ,因为友情往往基于当前 的互动和共同经历。
在东方文化中,家庭和朋友关系紧密 相连,友谊往往成为家庭关系的一种 延伸。
The difference of friendship between China and America中美友谊差异
![The difference of friendship between China and America中美友谊差异](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/330a2d28a5e9856a56126041.png)
III. The difference on the values
IV. Difference in Understanding responsibilities between friends
In Chinese, friend means help each other, understand each other. This is a close relationship. In English, friend means:
Yaser is a little confused. As Chinese,he doesn't understand the way American view friendship. Americans use the word "friend" in a very general way. They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions “friends.” These friendships are based on common interests. When the shared activity ends, the friendship may fade. Now as Steve and Yaser are no longer classmates, their “friendship" has changed. In some cultures friendship means a strong life-long bond between two people. In these cultures friendships develop slowly, since they are built to last. American society is one of rapid change. Studies show that one out of five American families moves every year. American friendships develop quickly, and they may change just as quickly. People from the United States may at first seem friendly. Americans often chat easily with strangers. But American friendliness is not always an offer of true friendship. After an experience like Yaser's people who've been in this country for only a few months may consider Americans to be fickle. Learning how Americans view friendship can help non-Americans avoid misunderstandings. It can also help them make friends the American way.
Cultural differences between Chinese and Western cultures
马克思主义的二位创始人马克思和恩格斯自1844年在巴黎结识时气, 二个人共同为国际共产主义运动努力奋斗, 在斗争中结下了真诚而无私的友谊; 40年间,他们精诚合作,亲密无间, 在对一切重大问题的看法上保持了高度一致, 共同撰写了许多科学社会主义的经典著作, 分居二地时,他们经常通信联系, 交流思想感情,相互鼓励和支持; 为了资助马克思从事专门的理论研究, 恩格斯违背自己的意愿去做生意, 挣来的钱用于接济马克思一家的生活,
Typical Chinese Friendship
山涛在司马氏的晋朝做了大官,便想举荐好朋友嵇 康一起做官,然而山涛并不了解嵇康厌恶司马氏, 嵇康大怒,写了一篇 与山巨源绝交书 ,声称断绝关 系,然而到了最后,嵇康在自己弥留之际还是把自 己唯一的儿子交给了山涛。
Shan Tao in the Jin Dynasty Sima became a high-ranking official, would like to recommend a good friend Ji Kang together official. However, Shan Tao do not understand Ji Kang aversion Sima, Ji Kang great anger, wrote in an article and Hill Giant source John book, claimed to break off the relationship. However, at the end, Ji Kang on his deathbed or the his one and only son over to the Shan Tao.
Compare the American friendship with Chinese friendshipThe Chinese view of friendship:1. Share the joys and sorrows.2. Help each other, each other progress in study and life; achieve a win-wi n situation.3. When you get into trouble, he will give you a hand no matt er how difficult it is.4. They think friendship is one of the most importan t things in everyone's life.The Americans view of friendship:1. Established quickly and dies just as quickly.2. They think it can be in exchange together. The interpersonal relationshi p is very wide.3. You’d better not so curious about their privacies such as the salary, dise ases, and marital status. If you try to find the privacy from an American, most probably, you will be regarded as immoral.4. If your help touch on benefit, maybe there is not hopeless, they will ad vise you to seek bank.5. It’s very maybe uncomfortable, even very strang e, to shoulder much more responsibilities for a friend.The same point of friendship:1. They all cherish the friendship.2. They share their emotion together.3. They believe in each other.4. They believe friendship can bring their courage to solve things.5. Beli eve that bilateral friendship is everlasting.6. They help their friends whenever they need. 7. They all respect and love their friends.The different point of friendship:1. In general, Americans take care of their friends but don't interfere their privacy. Chinese care about their friends and sometimes involved in priva cy.2. Americans do not lend money to friends generally; they will suggest yo u seek a bank to help. However, Chinese face saving, don't want to borro w to borrow, or don't have to be friends .Chinese friends more sticky but American friends more independent.3. Americans don't give initiative to friends’ cigarettes, Chinese will.4. Americans often give a friend a kiss; a hug .it is very strange to the Chi nese friendship.5. Americans make friends with somebody who always has the same inter ests or works, when the same things are over, their friendship may be disa ppearing. But Chinese don’t.6. When to have dinner with friends, Americans will be going douches, C hinese will be scramble to pay.“中国式友情”——江湖气很重,讲究要为朋友忘我的“赴汤蹈火”,两肋插刀。
中西方友谊的差异The DIfference of Friendship
![中西方友谊的差异The DIfference of Friendship](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/436f43ba31b765ce04081444.png)
How long can friendship
last? Chinese seem to expect their friendship
to stay the same over a long period of time, maybe for a lifetime. A true friendship is a relationship endures through any changehe Eyes of Chinese and Western People
Friend and friendship in the eyes of western people are quite different from that of Chinese. Those people who were chanced on like patches of drifting duckweed can be friends. Furthermore, for the friendship, the western people are more casual compared with our Chinese.
1.person you like; 2. supporter; 3. not enemy; 4.silly or annoying person
------Oxford English Dictionary
“彼此有交情的人或恋爱的对象。” ——《现代汉语词典》
The friendship and friends in the eyes of Chinese and western people
What can you expect from your friends? How long can friendship last?
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对于美国人来说,朋友间不会因此而伤害对方的感情。朋友双方在分 别后一二年中互相寄张 圣诞贺卡或写几封信。之后,他们之间就杳无 音信了。若干年后,老朋友邂逅相遇,双方会 非常高兴的重叙旧情, 并为此感到兴奋不已。从这段话不难看出:同美国人交朋友容易,深 交却最难;同美国人一见如故,热情有加,但有“人走茶凉”的感觉。 美国社会语言学家科 登和约瑟夫(J.C.Cordon&Fathi Yousef)曾在其 “A n Introduction to Intercultural Communication”一文中,把美国 人这种友谊称为Kleenex friendship(手绢纸友谊),用 完就扔。 美国人友好随和,世界上没有比结识美国人更容易的,但是他们 深交却最困难。从表面 上看,美国人常常比其他国家都友好,这与其 社会具有多种多样的文化和高度发达经济有直 接关系。作为一个基本 上是陌生人组成的民族,美国缺乏悠久的传统,从小就学会与不同的 人打交道。美国是一个流动的社会,据美国官方统计,一个美国人在 一生中平均要搬21次家 。美国人调换工作之勤,在世界上是独一无 二的,整个社会和公司老板们把这看作是值得称 道的品德,是具有雄 心壮志和冒险精神的象征。由于美国人经常调动工作和搬家,他们对 陌 生人友好。然而,这种流动性又限制人们建立深厚持久的友谊。美 国学者辛格说,“在我们 现代工业社会人们似乎善于没有丝毫感情色 彩的人际交流。我们要是走到富有感情色彩的人 际交流似乎是极为困 难的。
美国人朋友之间强调互相尊重、互相帮助,以诚相待。朋友之间 乐于谈论的话题如业余 爱好、节日、气候、国内外新闻、电影、书籍、 体育赛事等。但是,属于个人隐私的话题是 不喜欢他人问津的。例如: 个人收入多少,钱是怎么花的,家里有多少存款,身上的衣服花 多少 钱买的,个人的健康,女士的年龄,家庭情况等。总之,朋友之间不 询问对方的隐私, 也决不干涉对方的私事。特别值得提出的是:美国 朋友间的经济帐一清二楚。若是涉及到两 个朋友之间的劳务关系,如 甲要求乙为自己干活,工作,那么关于报酬的问题,双方都是坦 率得 很,一小时多少钱,决不含糊。朋友一起去吃饭用餐时,如果不是某 人出面邀请,一般 都各自付帐,这对他们来说是件平常的事,没有半 点不够“朋友”之意。这都体现了美国人 强调个人独立和个人隐私, 不愿承担任何义务和压力的价值观念。这些做法对中国人来说让 人难 以接受。中国人认为,朋友之间应该没有什么秘密可言(隐私权和中 国传统文化是相悖 的,中国人喜欢标榜“君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚”, “事物不可与人言”。既是朋友也就不 应该分彼此。朋友之间应当肝 胆相照,在义利问题上应当重义轻利,为了知己朋友,牺牲自 身某些 利益也在所不惜。直到1988年,我国才以司法解释的形式首次对隐私 权做了初步的法 律规定)。
中国人交朋友崇尚的是“义气”。所谓“义气”是指:由于私人 关系而甘于承担风险或 牺牲自己利益的气概。(《现代汉语词典》, 商务印书馆)由此可见,中国人认为的完美友 谊是可肝胆相照、两肋 插刀的友谊,最疼很的是背信弃义。中国的俗话说的好:在家靠父母 , 出门靠朋友。一个“靠”字不难看出,中国人的友谊所承载的责任, 这决不仅仅是社会关 系的一种,它担负的甚至有道义的重任。中国人 说一句“够朋友”,这绝对是够分量的褒奖 ,等于说你有义气,值得 信赖。在经济上,好朋友也可以不分彼此。中国人重视吃,也同样 重 视请客,朋友之间往往是抢着付帐,真心的请客,在心理上也是一种 满足。所以在饭店里 经常可以看到争抢着付帐的场面。即使不够真心, 他们在表面上也会争抢一番,满足面子上 的和心理上的需求。 美国人则不愿交往过深,美国人一般喜欢在尽可能不招致社会责 任的条件下寻求他们的 社交生活。中国人处于某种情况下,会求助于 朋友,从朋友那儿得到帮助、支持或安慰;美 国人则去寻求专业人士 的帮助,而不想给他们的朋友带来麻烦。尽管如此,美国人有时也会 请求朋友给去咨询专 业人士,请他们帮助克服自己的忧郁或焦虑的心 情,而那些专业人则很可能会建议他们“走 出去见见人”,“交几个 新朋友”(Bellah et al,1985,134-135)。这种利用朋友的实用 主义 观点也许同戴尔(Bellah et al)在她呼应美国社会法理式行为动力局 限性的批评中, 对这个现象做了如下评价:
中国人与朋友的友谊关系一般比较长久。中国有句俗话:“在家靠 父母,出外靠朋友。 ”中国人向来好交朋友,珍惜友情。交上一个朋 友需要较长时间,人们一旦成为朋友,这种 友谊将持续很久,乃至一 生。朋友之间,肝胆相照,为了朋友不惜两肋插刀,“士为知己者 死”。中国历史上,君子之交,贫贱之交,患难之交,生死之交,不乏 其例。 一般来说,美国人交朋友快,忘记朋友也快,彼此感情淡漠。这从 friend一词的词义中 也可以看出。《简明牛津词典》中“friend”作为名 词的含义主要有:与性爱和亲属之间的 爱无关的与另一个亲近和相互 友爱的人(One joined to another in intimacy and mutual benevolence One independently of sexual or family love);代理者,例如,作为一对人 中的第二个人(person who acts for one,eg.as second in dual); 熟人,偶然路遇的 陌生人或有机会提起的人(acquaintance,stranger that one comes across or has occa sion to mention again);同情者、 帮手、赞助者(sympathizer,helper,patron)。美 国人社交广,接 触新事物、新思想较快。他们不断寻求新刺激、新朋友、新机遇,以求 开拓 视野,达到取得新的成功的目的。。(Alison Lanier)在其撰写的 《生活在美国》(Living in the U.S.A.,1981)一书中指出:美国是一 个流动性很强的国家。美国人的友情可能是密 切的,连续的,强烈的, 慷慨的,真诚的。但是,一旦环境改变了,这一切也就随之消失了 。
Generally speaking, the American people care about each other and above in friendship and keep distance, you need help, he will be happy to help you, but he will keep his distance, not interfere with your ideas and decision, more will not seek your privacy. If you seek help interests involved, such as to borrow money, probably no, he will suggest that you find the bank. But the Chinese friends seem to pay much attention to the, that sometimes interfere with the other party of the privacy and decided to, still think is good to each other. In addition, the Chinese worry too much about the face, borrowing money from a friend, don't want to borrow have to borrow, or are likely to have friends didn't do. And the American people will follow you recommend some good lending institutions.
In any culture, friendship and interpersonal relationship is close. Friendly discussions to promote friendship, the friendship will promote information exchange. A friend in need is A friend indeed. This English idioms of expression let reflects in other nations of the world common virtue. But different nationalities and different culture has a different dating view. The American friends view and Chinese dating view there exist obvious differences. The difference is mainly manifested in the following four aspects: 在任何文化中,友谊与人际交流关系密切。友好的交 流会促进友谊,友谊会促进信息的交流。A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。)这句英语习语所表达 的内 容反映了世界各民族的共同美德。但是不同民族, 不同文化却持有不同的交友观。美国人的 交友观与中国 人的交友观存在着明显的差异。这种差异主要表现在以下 四个方面:
• 中国人的所结成的友谊关系一般有两种:一种是“熟人”,即由工作 关系、邻居关系认 识的人。第二种是朋友,这和英语中的friend含义有差 别,中国人所称的朋友一般是志同道 合、互相关心、互相帮助并可在感情 上依托的人,这是一种亲密的、有深交的人际关系,可 以自由自在的谈论 彼此心中深层次的思想。“朋友”在汉语中有两个意思:一是彼此有交情 的人;一个是指“恋爱的对象”(《现代汉语词典》)。中国人一般熟人 多,但朋友不多。 前一种意义上的朋友一般是同性,异性朋友很少,因为 这常有谈恋爱或婚外恋的嫌疑。 美国人的友谊关系是建立在共同的理想和价值观、真诚和信任、社会 和心理的支持的基 础上的。美国人一般把友谊关系分为泛泛之交、好友、 密友和深交。美国人往往有许许多多 的泛泛之交、好友、密友,且男性和 女性兼有。深交友谊关系也包括男女两性,但是数量较 少,以志趣相投为 基础。在许多国家,朋友必须是同性的,然而,大部分美国人认为可能存 在异性朋友,他们通常也不认为男女单独相处就会发生性行为。因此,男 性和女性同事可以 结伴同行去参加会议,而任何人都不会认为他们之间的 关系包含性关系。 美国人的这种普遍友好但却表面化的关系在“最好的朋友”这个称谓 上倒有点例外。所 谓“最好的朋友”常常会是某人在高中或大学期间认识 的朋友,这种友谊可能延续几年甚至 一辈子,维系它的不是相互之间的礼 尚往来和患难与共,而更多是一种怀旧和感伤的情愫。 美国人对“最好的 朋友”的定义甚至也和美国人交友方式的轻松随意遥相呼应。