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Unit 1 Cultural heritage


Theme topic: culture heritage and history文化遗产和历史

Proverb: Heritage is our legacy from the past what we live with today and what we pass on to future generations.遗产是我们从过去留下的遗产,是我们今天生活的东西,是我们传给后代的东西。

Reading and thinking: From problems to solutions从问题到解决问题

Aim: understand how a problem was solved.了解问题是如何解决的。

Reading for writing: promoting culture through digital images通过数字图像传播文化

Aim: write a news report写一篇新闻报道

listening and speaking: An international youth project一个国际青年计划

Speaking and talking: talk about history and culture谈论历史和文化

Grammar focus: Restrictive relative clauses限制性定语从句

Learning strategies--make a timeline学习策略——制定时间表

Making a timeline that shows when different events happened can help you understand how the events are connected to each other.制作一个时间轴来显示不同事件发生的时间,可以帮助你理解事件之间是如何相互联系的。

Unit 2 Wildlife protection野生动物保护

Theme topic: the protection of Tibetan antelopes and discuss facts and opinions about endangered wildlife



when the buying stops, the killing can too.


Reading and thinking: A day in the clouds读书和思考:云端的一天

Aim: learn about protecting endangered animals学习保护濒危动物

Reading for writing: make an effective poster做一张有效的海报

Listening and speaking: talk about endangered wildlife谈论濒危野生动物

Use visuals to predict content: before you listen, look at pictures, charts, videos, and other visuals to help you predict what you will hear.

运用视觉效果预测内容:在听之前,看看图片、图表、视频和其他视觉效果来帮助你预测将要听到的内容。listening and talking: help the wildlife in your neighborhood帮助你附近的野生动物

expressing purposes:

this is used for…;用于…;

I did it to/ in order to…/so as to…;我这样做是为了……/为了……

he has done it so that…/in order that…他这样做是为了……

Grammar focus: use the present continuous passive voice to report on ongoing event使用现在进行时的被动语态来报道正在进行的事件

Learning strategies: identify literal and implied meaning


Literal meaning is the usual, basic meaning of the words, i.e. exactly what the words say.字面意思是这些词通常的、基本的意思,也就是这些词所表达的意思。

Implied meaning is suggest, but not directly expressed, i.e. you guess the meaning based on what you know.隐含意思是暗示,但不是直接表达出来的,也就是说你根据你所知道的猜测意思。

Unit 3 The internet互联网

Proverb: The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.互联网正在成为明天地球村的城市广场。

Reading and thinking: stronger together: how we have been changed by the Internet在一起更强:我们是如何被互联网改变的

Aim: start an online community建立一个在线社区

Reading for writing: How to stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet如何在网上保持安全,避免网上糟糕的经历

Aim: write a blog post写一篇博客文章

Listening and speaking: ask about online habits询问网上习惯

Listening and talking: choose the best app.选择最好的应用程序。

Useful expressions: predictions, guesses, and beliefs预测,猜测和信念

It might help me walk more.这样可以让我多走路。

I imagine this app would help me get fit faster.我想这个应用程序能帮我更快地恢复健康。

I suppose that would be good.我想那会很好。

I guess you could save a little with this app.我想你可以用这个软件省点钱。
