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• She drew the curtains and threw open the windows. 她拉开窗帘,一把推开窗户。 4. MAKE SB FALL 使某人倒下 [T] to make your opponent fall to the ground in a sport in which you fight 〔比赛中〕把〔对手〕 摔倒在地 if a horse throws its rider, it makes them fall onto the ground 〔马〕把〔骑手〕掀翻在地 5. MOVE HANDS/HEAD ETC 移动手/头等 [T always + adv/prep] to suddenly and quickly move your hands, arms, head etc into a new position 急伸,猛动〔手、臂、头等〕
• Fresh evidence has thrown doubt on her story. 新的证据让人对她的说法产生了怀疑。 12Fra Baidu bibliotek throw suspicion on sb to make people think that someone is probably guilty 使人们对某人产生怀疑
• The guards threw Biko to the ground and started kicking him. 卫兵们把比科推倒在地,开始踢 打他。
• The bomb exploded, throwing bricks and debris into the air . 炸弹爆炸了,碎砖瓦砾四处横 飞。
• She committed suicide by throwing herself out of a tenth floor window. 她从十楼窗户跳下去 自杀了。 8. throw sb in/into prison/jail to put someone in prison 把某人投进监狱
1. THROW A BALL/STONE ETC 扔球/石头等 [I,T] to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the air by pushing your hand forward quickly and letting the object go 投,扔,抛,掷 → see picture at 见 baseball You throw something to someone when you want them to catch it. You throw something at someone when you want to hit them. 扔东西给某人用,朝某人扔东西用。 throw sth to sb • He threw his shirt to someone in the crowd. 他把他的衬衫扔给了人群中的一个人。 throw sth at sb/sth • Someone threw a stone at the car. 有人朝汽车扔了一块石头。 • a crowd of boys throwing snowballs at each other 互扔雪球的一群男孩 throw sb sth • Throw me that towel, would you. 请把那块毛巾扔给我吧。 2. PUT STH CARELESSLY 随意放置某物 [T always + adv/prep] to put something somewhere quickly and carelessly 随手扔下〔某物〕 • He threw a handful of money onto the table. 他把一把钱扔到了桌子上。 • Don’t just throw your clothes on the floor – pick them up! 不要把衣服扔在地板上——捡起
[+ to] • Plans have been announced to throw the Palace open to the public. 宣布了向公众开放宫殿的 计划。 to allow anyone to take part in a competition or a discussion 允许参加〔竞赛或讨论〕
朝某人看了看/瞥了一眼/笑了笑等 • He threw Anna a big smile. 他对安娜粲然一笑。 • He threw a glance at Connor. 他瞥了康纳一眼。 14. throw a fit/tantrum to react in a very angry way 大发一通脾气
下载 纠错 下载离线词库以备不时之需 英 [θrəə] 美 [θro] vt. 投;抛;掷 vi. 抛;投掷 n. 投掷;冒险 过去式 threw 过去分词 thrown 现在分词 throwing 广告扫地机器人买一送一 词条图片 朗文词典 柯林斯词典 21 世纪词典 throw 1 /θrəə,θro/ v. S1 W1 英 [θrəə] pt: threw pp: thrown MEANINGS 义项
来! 3. PUSH ROUGHLY/VIOLENTLY 粗鲁地/猛烈地推 [T always + adv/prep] to push someone or something roughly and violently 〔粗暴地〕推,抛
• The bus stopped suddenly and we were all thrown forwards. 公共汽车猛地停住,我们都往前 栽。
• I threw my arms around her and kissed her. 我一把把她抱住,亲吻她。 • He threw his head back and laughed. 他仰头大笑。 6. CONFUSE SB 使某人困惑 [T] to make someone feel very confused 使困惑
[+ to] • I would now like to throw the debate open to our audience. 我现在想让观众加入我们的讨 论。 17. throw a switch/handle/lever to make something start or stop working by moving a control 扳动开关/把手/控制杆〔使设备启动或停止〕 • He threw a switch and the lights all went out. 他按了一下开关,所有的灯都熄灭了。 18. throw a party to organize a party and invite people 举办一次聚会 19. throw money at sth informal to try to solve a problem by spending a lot of money but without really thinking about
• Elections were held, and the government was thrown out of office. 选举举行后,政府被赶下 台。 10. throw sb/sth into confusion/chaos/disarray etc to make people feel very confused and not certain about what they should do 使某人/某事陷入困惑/混乱/凌乱等中 • Everyone was thrown into confusion by this news. 人人都被这个消息弄得不知所措。 • The transport industry has been thrown into chaos by the strike. 运输业因为这次罢工陷入了 一片混乱。 11. throw doubt on sth to make people think that something is probably not true 使人们对某事产生怀疑
• Anyone who opposes the regime is thrown in jail. 凡是反对这个政权的人都被投进监狱。 9. throw sb out of work/office etc to suddenly take away someone’s job or position of authority 突然把某人解雇/解职等 • Hundreds of men were thrown out of work when the mine closed down. 矿井关闭,数百人一 下子都失去了工作。
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• I can’t tell my parents – they’d throw a fit! 我不能告诉父母——他们会大发雷霆的! 15. throw a question/remark etc (at sb) to say something to someone or ask them something roughly 粗鲁地(对某人)提问题/说话等 • They threw a few awkward questions at me. 他们问了我几个令人尴尬的问题。 • ‘You’re early!’ she threw at him accusingly. “你来早啦!”她责怪他。 16. throw sth open to allow people to go into a place that is usually kept private 开放〔某地〕
• This latest document throws suspicion on the company chairman. 这份最新的文件使人们开始 对公司的董事长产生了怀疑。 13. throw sb a look/glance/smile etc to quickly look at someone with a particular expression that shows how you are feeling
• It threw me completely when she said she was coming to stay with us. 她说她要来和我们一起 住,把我弄得不知所措。 7. throw yourself at/on/into/down etc to move or jump somewhere suddenly and with a lot of force 突然猛力地扑向/跳到/冲进/扑倒等 • He threw himself down onto the bed. 他一头倒在床上。