第二章 Leadership
2.2第二章 领导理论第三节 现代西方的领导理论
(二)领导行为理论 (二)领导行为理论 (Behavior Theory of
Leadership )
20世纪40年代——70年代早期 20世纪40年代——70年代早期
(三)领导权变理论 (三)领导权变理论(Contingency or Situational
Theory) Theory)
20世纪60年代早期——90年代 20世纪60年代早期——90年代
第二章 领导理论 第三节 现代西方领导理论
(二)第二阶段:领导行为理论 (二)第二阶段:领导行为理论(Behavior 领导行为理论( Theory of Leadership )
20世纪40年代——70年代早期 20世纪40年代——70年代早期
1.有关领导行为的早期研究 2.领导行为四分图理论 p54
第二章 领导理论 第三节 现代西方领导理论Biblioteka 2.领导行为四分图理论 p54
第二章 领导理论 第三节 现代西方领导理论
俄亥俄州立大学的这项研究工作具有重要 的意义, 的意义,他们发现了领导行为的两个最基本的考 察维度, 察维度,他们所提出的四种领导风格也为以后的 许多类似研究奠定了基础, 许多类似研究奠定了基础,后来许多领导理论如 利克特(Likert)的领导系统模式理论、 利克特(Likert)的领导系统模式理论、布莱克 (Blake)和默顿(Mouton)的管理方格理论 和默顿(Mouton)的管理方格理论、 (Blake)和默顿(Mouton)的管理方格理论、坦南鲍 (Tannenbaum)等的领导连续统一体理论 PM领 等的领导连续统一体理论、 姆(Tannenbaum)等的领导连续统一体理论、PM领 导模型等,就是以此为基础而发展起来的。 导模型等,就是以此为基础而发展起来的。下面 我们主要介绍一下影响比较大的管理方格理论。 我们主要介绍一下影响比较大的管理方格理论。
leadership领导力 ppt课件
leadership领导力 ppt课件
1.Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum 2.Rensis Likert Support Relation Theory 3.Chris Argyris Immature – Mature continuum 4. Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid 5.John Adair Action Centred Leadership
2. Autocratic 2 (A2) – you ask team members for specific information and once you have it, you make the decision. Here you don't necessarily tell them what the information is needed for. .
leadership领导力 ppt课件
1. 任务导向型:task oriented 2. 人员导向型:relationship oriented
1.Position and authority 领导者的权利和地位 2.Objective structure 任务结构
Contigency Theory
leadership领导力 ppt课件
1.Fiedler’s Contingency Theory 菲德勒的权变管理思想
中心思想:不同管理(situation)情况适用 不同领导风格(leadership behaviour)—— 把人放进情况里
FiLedPlerC’s CSonctinagelency Theory
➢ High LPC leaders most effective in “moderately” favorable situations
➢ Low LPC leaders most effective in very favorable or very unfavorable situations
Leaders are classified as person-oriented or task-oriented (which type will be more effective depends on the leader's degree of situational control)
Control depends on relationship between leader/followers, the degree of task structure, and the leader's authority (position power)
the need for a leader)
Leadership myths (cont.)
➢ Leaders make or break their groups
The “romance of leadership” exaggerates the impact of a leader
Leaders do make a difference (e.g., sports teams)
Four leadership styles can be adopted to facilitate employee attainment of goals
? Introduction: What is leadership? Why study leadership?
? Historical Developments of Leadership
? Traits Approaches
Criticism of Trait Model
? Does not assign weights to traits ? Does not consider followers or situations ? Does not tell you what traits are important ? Does not take into consideration low
? Extent to which the leader defines and structure the role of the subordinates, such as defining work task, assigning task responsibilities, set clear work standards
Quotes on Leadership
? In any case, leadership is finally a collaborative endeavour. (Warren Bennis, author and leadership scholar)
? To lead the people, walk behind them…As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honour and praise. The next, people fear; and the next the people hate…When the best leader's work is done, the people say, “ We did it ourselves!”
Leadership_Lesson02- Leadership
Leadership in the Wal-Mart Culture沃尔玛文化下的领导艺术How many times have you heard the term ―born leader‖? This is a very misused term. Although individuals may possess certain personality traits that make leadership come easier to them than others, good leaders are not born anymore than are good pianists. In both cases, it takes hard work and a lot of practice to become an expert or artist. One thing we have to realize about leadership is that it is an art, not a science. There are no magic formulas for leading people; what works for one person may or may not work for another. So, what you have to do is (1) be yourself and (2) work on your qualities that will make you a better leader.有多少次你听到人们谈到“天生的领导者”?然而这却是一种错误的提法。
Behavioural Approaches
Contingency Approaches
Transformational Approaches
Power: The leader’s Source of Influence
Summary and Conclusion
Personality traits are associated with the individual’s character. Effective leaders usually exhibit an out-going, aggressive personality. Cont…
Traits Approach
Based on the assumption that certain physical, social, and personal characteristics are inherent in leaders;
Argues that presence or absence of these characteristics distinguishes leaders from nonleaders.
Intelligence characteristics
These characteristics refer to the ability of the individual to use his mental abilities to assess issues, make decisions and solve problems.
Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals (Robbins).
第二章 领导者有效性的品质和素质理论
2 . 1领导者的品质理论
2 . 1 . 3 后 期 的 品 质 因 素 研 究
1971年,美国心理学家爱德温•吉色利(Edwin E.Chiselli)密切联系管理实践, 改进研究方法,从动态的角度对领导者的品质特征进行了深入研究,并出版了《管 理才能探索》一书,在书中他提出领导品质可以分为三大类13个因素的研究成果。
者应具备七项天生的品质特征:善言辞、外表英俊潇洒、智力过人、具有自信 心、心理健康、有支配他人的倾向、外向而敏感。
传统品质理论,从调查研究与心理测验两方面概括地描述了领导者的许多品质 特征,让我们看到有效领导者与某些品质特征相联系,这无疑是一个进步。但是在 理论观点上存在着一定的片面性。早期品质理论过分强调领导者的天生品质特征, 忽视了教育、环境因素在形成、培养、发展和造就领导者品质中的重要作用,这就 有可能滑入遗传决定论的泥潭中。
柯克柏特切克和洛克 (1991) 智力水平 自信心 决心
尤克尔 -1998 忍耐力 自信
俞文钊 -2012 进取心 责任感
社会权力导向 敢冒风险
2 . 1领导者的品质理论
2 . 1 . 4 现 代 品 质 因 素 研 究
2 . 1领导者的品质理论
2 . 1 . 5 品 质 理 论 发 展 趋 势
随着魅力非凡的奥巴马在2008年当选为美国第一位非裔总统,魅力型领导迅速 成为公众关注的焦点。荣格(Jung发现,魅力型领导者均具有如下品质:自我监控、表现欲强、攫取社 会权力以及追求自我实现。简言之,品质理论是合理的、有生命力的。一开始,该 方法重点在于鉴别出伟人身上具有的品质,然后转而研究情境对领导的影响,现在 品质理论又重新强调品质在有效领导中的重要作用。
Lesson Outline
What Is Leadership? Traits of Leaders Leadership Styles Varying Your Leadership Assertiveness 确决
When To Use Laissez-Faire Leadership 何时采用放任的领导方式 You have employees who are highly skilled, experienced, and educated. 当您的员工技术高超,经验丰富和受过 良好的教育时. Your employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully on their own. 当您的员工对他们的 工作具有自豪感,有强烈的独立完成工作的欲望时. You are using outside experts, such as staff specialists, consultants, or temporary skilled help. 当您使用外 来的专家,如人事问题专家,顾问或临时的技术人员时. You can count on your employees because they are trustworthy and are experienced. 当您的员工忠诚 可靠,富有经验,可以依赖时.
When To Use Autocratic Leadership 何时采用专断的领导方式
You have new, untrained employees who do not know which tasks to perform or which procedures to follow. 遇到不明白工作任务或程序的未经培训的新员工时. You find that effective supervision can only be provided through detailed orders and instructions. 您发现只有通过发布详细的命令或指示才能有效地完成主管任务 时. Employees do not respond to any other leadership style. 员工对其他领导方式无动于衷时. There are high-volume production needs every day, or there is only limited time for you to make a decision. 每天要满足大量的生产需要,或者您的决策时间有限时. Your power is challenged by an employee. 您的权力受到某员工的挑战时. You're working at a property where, before your arrival, management was very poor. 您在一个您上任之前管理很不得力的企业工作时.
Unit 2 Leadership
Management Level
Management Level
Group head vicepresident
Business unit head Department manager
Advantages of Corporation
Limited liability Skilled management team Transfer of ownership Greater capital base Stability
Disadvantages of Corporation
统计部:Statistic department 监察审计中心:Audit Center 行政管理中心:Public Administration
Center 人事部:Human Department
行政部:Administrative Department 总经办:General Administrative Office 项目管理中心:Project Management
Warm-up activity
Let’s assume you want to open one of the following new businesses. What form of business ownership would you choose for each business? Why?
clients customers. Support involves such activities such as
marketing/financial analysis (professional), data entry (non-professional). Regional offices can be national or international and are usually functional equivalents of the corporate office, on a smaller scale. Field includes regional offices, divisional offices, and branch offices. They handle all activities outside of corporate.
大学英语作文之领导力 Leadership
大学英语作文之领导力 LeadershipWhat is leadership? Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identify. Leaders don’t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along.什么是领导?它的品质是很难定义的。
Leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.领导者通过给自己创造一个鼓励创新的环境,并通过诚实和公平的方式来获得他人的承诺。
Good leaders aren’t "lone rangers". They recognize that an organization’s strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.好领导不是“孤独的流浪者”。
Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate. They are not content with merely taking care of what’s already there. They want to move forward to create somethingnew.成功的领导者在感情上和理智上都着眼于未来——不是过去。
UNDERSTANDING LEADERSHIP: THEORIES AND CONCEPTSChapter 2:The History of Leadership理解领导:理论和概念2章:历史上的领导CHAPTER OBJECTIVESUnderstand the importance of the history of leadershipUnderstand qualities of tribal leadership, pre-classical leadership, classical leadership, progressive leadership, and post-progressive leadership第一章目标理解的重要性,历史上的领导理解素质的部落领导,前古典领导,经典的领导,渐进的领导,并post-progressive领导CHAPTER OBJECTIVES, cont.Compare each leadership era and evaluate each leadership era according to time constraints Synthesize the leadership eras and trace the advancement of leadership development本章的目标,续比较每个领导时代和评估每个领导时代根据时间约束综合领导时代和微量提高领导发展INTRODUCTIONEverything has a historyBass writes, "The study of leadership rivals in age the emergence of civilization, which shaped its leaders as much as it was shaped by them."Leadership did happen even in rudimentary social groupings景区简介一切都的历史巴斯写道,“领导研究对手时代文明的出现,并形成其领导人一样,它是塑造他们。
Personal factors that distinguish the leader, such
as intelligence and appearance.
Traits Approach
Physical characteristics
This refers to the looks, appearance, grooming of the managers.
Leader allows and expects worker participation Leaders tend to:
Involve subordinates in decision-making through consultation
Asking them for their opinions Share information with subordinates
Theory of Charismatic Leadership (House, 1977) Theory of Transformational Leadership (Burns, 1978;
Bass, 1985)
Traits Approach
The earliest efforts to understand leadership success focused on the leader’s personal characteristics or traits.
Key Words: Influencing; Organisational Objectives; Vision; Inspiration; Commitment
Leadership 领导力(2)
• Global economy, marked by freed trade, free flow of capital & cheaper foreign labour markets • Sophisticated communications and transportation technologies and services • Mass migrations • Level of economic activity outgrown national markets • International agreements reducing the cost of doing business
– Predatory pricing and employee lawsuits Reference: /office/entrepreneurs/articles/115557.asp x
What makes a business a business?
5. Risk Aversion Pberg (Just Business: Business Ethics in Action, 2000)
Ethical Dilemmas
Ethics: Principles of right and wrong
that individuals, acting as free moral agents, use to make choices to guide their behaviors
1. Golden Rule
• Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Leadership myths (cont.)
➢ Leaders make or break their groups
The “romance of leadership” exaggerates the impact of a leader
Leaders do make a difference (e.g., sports teams)
▪ Reciprocal ▪ Transactional ▪ Transformational ▪ Cooperative ▪ ?
➢ Leadership is power (with people rather than over people)
What is Leadership?
➢ Leadership: guidance of others in their pursuits, often by organizing, directing, coordinating, supporting, and motivating their efforts.
only the great people possessed them
The Great Man Theory
➢ Personal qualities of leaders
▪ Personality traits, such as extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness.
followers, and the group situation.
The Great Man Theory
卓越领导力和领导艺术李世昌Stephen Li2012年4月21日课程提纲 创新变革者——学习力及其艺术组织领导者——影响力及其艺术团队建设者——凝聚力及其艺术人性沟通者——表达力及其艺术工作教练者——指导力及其艺术人才选用者——开发力及其艺术能力发展者——培养力及其艺术战略管理者——决策力及其艺术绩效驱动者——激励力及其艺术开场白领导力(Leadership):一个人最重要的资产企业层面:个人领导力团队领导力组织领导力没有领导力就没有执行力!创新变革者——学习力及其艺术1.“我是拥有智慧的我是拥有智慧的,,但我拥有的是昨天的智慧但我拥有的是昨天的智慧。
”——杰克·韦尔奇2. “与改变世界相比与改变世界相比,,改变自己更困难”。
——曼德拉 3. 人最难的就是始终要有初学者的心态人最难的就是始终要有初学者的心态!!——乔布斯学习型组织 自我超越改善心智模式共同愿景团队学习系统思考彼得.圣吉的代表作《第五项修炼——学习型组织的艺术与实务》1990年在美国出版该书在1992年获世界企业学会最高荣誉开拓奖圣吉本人也同年被美国《商业周刊》推崇为当代最杰出的新管理大师之一。
eg. 十指交叉游戏但往往但往往不习惯的时候就是成长的时候不习惯的时候就是成长的时候居安思危革故鼎新自强不息穷变通久Video:鹰之重生鹰之重生“取得成功的方法就是取得成功的方法就是757575--80%80%靠领导靠领导靠领导,,其余其余202020--25%25%靠管理靠管理靠管理,,而不能反过来而不能反过来。
”——约翰-科特(John P. Kotter)美国哈佛大学终身教授,2001年10月,《商业周刊》杂志称其为美国第一“领导力大师”2004年被评为全世界最具声望的五位管理和商业领袖之一。
第二章 Leadership
Extent to which a leader is sensitive to subordinates, respect their ideas & feelings and establish mutual trust.
Case Study
早晨8点30分,公司常务副总、董事老杜接到市政府的电话,通知企业 开晨冬季消防检查;10分钟后老杜打电话给保卫部,通知他们去处理这 项要求;9点15分,老杜接到库房电话,被告知房屋后墙再次被人敲了 个洞,又有几十箱产品被偷走;8分钟后,老杜打电话给市公安局请他 们改善本地治安情况……整个上午老杜接电话、打电话,倒也挺忙。根 据管理方格理论,你认为老杜最接近哪种类型领导者?
A. B. C. D.
王翔属于任务导向型领导 王翔属于关系导向型领导 王翔属于民主型领导 王翔属于专制型领导
The leadership Grid
The leadership Grid Building on the Ohio and Michigan Research, Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton developed the Leadership Grid (originally called the Managerial Grid). Leadership Grid presents two axes: the vertical axis measures Concern for People(similar to consideration or employee-centered) ; the horizontal axis measures Concern for Task( similar to initiating structure or production-centered). The positions on the grid are stated in terms of a 9-point scale, with 1 representing a low concern and 9 representing a high concern.
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2. Life-Cycle Theory by Hersey and Blanchard
3. Path-Goal theory by Houx
5.2.8 The Situational Approach
I. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory (菲德勒的权变理论)
People becomes leaders not only because of their qualities but also because of various situational factors and interaction between followers & leader
The leadership Grid
5. Team management/style (9.9)/团队型领导 High concern for both people and task People are committed to task (人忠于任务的) and Leader is committed to people (领导忠于人的) Objective is to establish cohesion (结合) and foster (养育) a feeling of commitment among workers 9.9 型领导方式: 表示领导者通过协调和综合工作相关活动而提高任务效率 与士气. 亦称团队型管理
The leadership Grid
The leadership Grid
1. Impoverished management/style (1.1)/ 贫乏型领导 Low concern for both people and task A lazy approach: Avoids as much work as possible Same as Laissez faire leadership because Leader does not take a leadership role Objective is for managers to stay out of trouble (麻烦) 1.1 型领导方式: 表示领导者付出最小的努力完成工作. 亦称贫乏型管理 2. Authority-compliance style (9.1)/生产或破坏型领导 (Task Management ) Strong focus on task, but little concern for people Focus on efficiency, including the elimination of people wherever possible Objective is to achieve the organization's goals, and employee needs are not important 9.1 型领导方式: 只注重任务的完成, 是一种专权式的领导. 下属只能奉命 行事, 可能会失去创造性或进取精神. 亦称任务型管理
A. B. C. D.
王翔属于任务导向型领导 王翔属于关系导向型领导 王翔属于民主型领导 王翔属于专制型领导
The leadership Grid
The leadership Grid Building on the Ohio and Michigan Research, Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton developed the Leadership Grid (originally called the Managerial Grid). Leadership Grid presents two axes: the vertical axis measures Concern for People(similar to consideration or employee-centered) ; the horizontal axis measures Concern for Task( similar to initiating structure or production-centered). The positions on the grid are stated in terms of a 9-point scale, with 1 representing a low concern and 9 representing a high concern.
Blake and Mouton argued that: Team (9.9) is the most effective leadership style 布莱克和穆顿认为: 9.9 管理方式表明 (在对生产的关心和对人的关心这两 个因素之间) 并没有必然的冲突. 他们通过有情报根据的自由选择, 积极参 与, 相互信任, 开放的沟通, 目标和目的, 冲突的解决办法, 个人责任, 评论, 工作活动等9个方面的比较, 认为 9.9 定向方式最有利于企业的绩效. 所以, 企业领导者应该客观地分析企业内外的各种情况, 把自己的领导方式改造 成为 9.9 理想型管理方式, 以达到最高的效率.
Initiating Structure Behaviour directed towards defining what needed to be done and how it should be done in order to achieve the organisation’s goals.
1.9 型领导方式: 特别关心员工, 持这种方式的领导者认为, 只要员工精神愉 快, 生产自然会好. 这种管理的结果可能很脆弱, 一旦和谐的人际关系受到 破坏, 生产业绩会随之下降. 亦称乡村俱乐部型管理. 4. Middle of the road management/style (5.5)/中间路线型领导 Balance of focus on both people and the work Objective is to maintain employee morale (土气) at a level sufficient to get the organization's work done 5.5 型领导方式: 既不过分重视人的因素, 也不过于重视任务因素, 努力保持 和谐与妥协. 亦称中庸之道型管理
The leadership Grid
3. Country Club management style (1.9)/乡村俱乐部型领导 High concerns for people but low focus on task Objective is to create a secure and comfortable atmosphere where managers trust that subordinates will respond positively
Case Study
早晨8点30分,公司常务副总、董事老杜接到市政府的电话,通知企业 开晨冬季消防检查;10分钟后老杜打电话给保卫部,通知他们去处理这 项要求;9点15分,老杜接到库房电话,被告知房屋后墙再次被人敲了 个洞,又有几十箱产品被偷走;8分钟后,老杜打电话给市公安局请他 们改善本地治安情况……整个上午老杜接电话、打电话,倒也挺忙。根 据管理方格理论,你认为老杜最接近哪种类型领导者?
b. Evidence indicated that situational factors appeared to strongly influence leadership effectiveness Depending on the situation
Case Study
总经理办公室的王翔受命组建公司的信息中心,为此他在公司内部 挑选了一下人员作为信息中心的工作人员,包括小李,小王和老林 等,其中小李是王翔的初中同学。 在王翔看来,小李虽然人比较朴 实,但能力实在有限,做工作虽然不会犯什么错,但做事太慢。尽 管如此,王翔觉得小李其他方面,如为人还是很不错的,而且又是 老同学,便选中他倒信息中心工作。 据此可以判断:
Behavioural Skills for Business 商务行为技巧
乔燕 Nancy
5.2.7 The Behavioural Approach
View that leader can be made rather than born Theory looks at what leaders actually do: Behavior of leader determines the success of leadership Successful leadership depends more on Appropriate behavior, skill and actions and less on personal traits
Behaviour connected with building trust and relationships in the group.
Extent to which a leader is sensitive to subordinates, respect their ideas & feelings and establish mutual trust.
5.2.7 The Behavioural Approach
There are three theories: Ohio State Studies Michigan studies The leadership Grid
Hale Waihona Puke Ohio State Studies
A 1.1型
B 5.5型
C 9.1型
D 1.9型
5.2.8 The Situational Approach
The situational approach considered the idea that leadership style would need to change in the given situation, particular situations required particular approaches to leadership. Effectiveness of leadership= f(Leader, Followers, Situation) There are three main theories: 1.Contingency Approach by Fiedler