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甲乙丙三国订有贸易条约。后甲乙两国又达成了新的贸易条约,其 中许多规定与三国前述条约有冲突。新条约中规定,旧约被新约取 代。甲乙两国均为《维也纳条约法公约》的缔约国。根据条约法, 下列判断哪一项是错误的?(2004年试卷一第33题) A 旧约尚未失效 B新约不能完全取代旧约 C新约须经丙国承认方能生效 D丙国与甲乙两国间适用旧约 维也纳30条:关于同一事项先后所定条约的适用:(1)当事国 相同的,例如甲和乙,后约优于前约;(2)当事国不同的,例 如甲和丙,适用旧约。
d. ratification e. exchange or deposit of certification of ratification f. accession of treaties 三、Reservation of Treaties A. definition B. putting forward of the reservation a. at the moment of signature or ratification, etc. b. the cases in which the reservation is prohibited: (a) prohibited by the regarding treaty (b) excluded in the articles permitted to be reserved by the regarding treaty (c) the reservation is against the purposes of the regarding treaty
缔结权 批准权、废除权 宣告权 关于缔结的具体事务处理权
全国人大常委会 国务院 外交部 主席
全权证书 中华人民共和国国务院委派xxx为全权代表同加拿大政府的 全权代表谈判并签署两国政府一九八四年和一九八五年文 化交流计划。 中华人民共和国国务院(印) 一九八三年十月六日于北京
(e) 就适用(b)和(c)而言,除非该条约另有规定,如果一国或一国际组 织至接到关于保留的通知后12个月的期间届满之日,或直至其表示同意接受 条约约束之日,并未对该保留提出反对,该保留就被认为已为其所接受,上 述两个日期以较后的一个为准。 D. effect of the reservation and the objection to the reservation (a) the reserved provision changes the treaty between the reserving states or international organization and accepting states or international organization (b) the reservation makes no change to the treaty among other states or international organizations (c) only the reserved provisions are not applied among the states or international organizations if the objecting states or international organizations are not against that the treaty takes effective among them
Chapter IX The Law of Treaties
一、Introduction A. definition and characters of treaties a. subjects of international law b. content of rights and obligations c. written form d. governed by international law
甲乙丙--《领海与毗连区公约》—一切船只都有无害通过权,甲提出 保留,认为军舰除外。乙接受了甲的保留,丙反对,但丙不反对公约 在甲丙两国之间生效。则根据维也纳公约: 甲乙两国军舰通过对方领海时是否需要经过对方国家的同意? 丙国军舰能否在甲国领海无害通过? 丙国军舰如何通过甲国领海? 乙丙军舰如何通过对方领海? 公约同时规定非缔约国船舶在缔约国领海也可无害通过,该规定能否 适用于非缔约国? 公约同时规定非缔约国船舶在非缔约国领海也可无害通过,该规定能 否适用于非缔约国?
甲国倡议并一直参与某多边国际公约的制订,甲国总统与其他各国代表 一道签署了该公约的最后文本。根据该公约的规定,只有在2/3以上签字 国经其国内程序予以批准并向公约保存国交存批准书后,该公约才生效。 但甲国议会经过辩论,拒绝批准该公约。根据国际法的有关规则,下列 哪一项判断是正确的?(2005年试卷一第30题) A甲国议会的做法违反国际法 B 甲国政府如果不能交存批准书,将会导致其国际法上的国家责任 C甲国签署了该公约,所以该公约在国际法上已经对甲国产生了条约的拘束 力 D 由于甲国拒绝批准该公约,即使该公约本身在国际法上生效,其对甲国也 不产生条约的拘束力
B. names of treaties a. treaty b. convention c. agreement d. protocol e. charter, covenant, statute f. exchange of notes g. declaration C. definition of the law of treaties a. 《哈瓦那条约法公约》(1பைடு நூலகம்28) b. Convention of the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 1969) c. 《关于国家和国际组织相互间条约法的维也纳公约》(1986)
E. withdrawal of the reservation and the objection to the reservation a. the reservation may be withdrawn any, and no agreement from the accepting states or international organizations is needed b. the objection to the reservation may be withdraw anytime
C. acceptance of or objection to the regarding reservation (a) no acceptance of the reservation is needed when it is permitted by the treaty (b) the acceptance of reservation is needed due to limited number of the contracting states or the purposes of the treaty (c) the reservation should be accepted by the authority of international organization when it lies on certain articles of the charter, convenant or statute (d) 凡不属上述情形,除另有规定外,如果甲的保留经乙(另一缔约国或 组织)接受,就乙而言,甲即成为该条约的当事国,但以该条约在它们之间 已经生效为条件;如果乙反对,也并不妨碍该条约在它们之间生效,除非乙 有相反的表示;一国或组织表示同意接受条约约束的行为若附有一项保留, 只要至少有一缔约国或组织接受该项保留,它便发生效力。
二、Concluding and taking effective of treaties A. competence (capacity to make treaties) a. state b. international organization c. peoples’ entity for liberation B. procedure of concluding treaties a. negotiation for drafting the treaty (full powers) b. adoption(议定) of the drafting treaty principles of adopting: unanimously; mostly ;consensus c. signature: authentication ; ratification; subject to ratification
七、 Interpretation of Treaties A. general rule a. in good faith b. according the ordinary meaning c. in the light of its object and purpose d. context: (a) agreement between all parties (b) instrument by one or more parties (c) subsequent agreement between parties (d) subsequent practice (e) relevant rule of international law B. supplementary means of interpretation a. preparatory work
四、Treaty’s Entry into Force a. since the date of signature b. since the date of ratification or certain date after that c. since the date of exchange of ratification or certain date after that d. since the date of the deposit of ratification of certain or all contracting states or certain date after that 五、Treaty’s Registry and Promulgation (publication) a. registry: art. 102 of UN Charter; Part VII of the Convention
b. authenticated in two or more languages (a) equally authoritative in each language (b) authentic text only if the treaty so provided or the parties agree (c) terms presumed having the same meaning in each authentic text (d) the meaning which best reconciles the texts, having regard to the object and the purpose of the treaty, shall be adopted 八、Treaties and third state A treaty doesn’t create either obligation or rights for a third state without its consent (art. 34)
b. effective of the registration: to invoke 六、Observance to Treaties A. 条约必须遵守 B. internal law or charter and the observance of treaties C. application of treaties a. non-retroactivity of treaties b. territorial scope: entire territory c. application of successive treaties