另一首《神女峰》 (1981年6月)以激烈的姿态形成了对传 统文化要求女性坚贞、从一而终思想的反叛: “与其在悬崖上展览千年,不如在爱人肩头痛哭一晚”— —真正的爱情不是成为石像被后人膜拜,而是男女双方心 灵的相通与契合。 《致橡树》与《神女峰》等诗中所体现出的爱情观代表了 新时期女性意识的觉醒和张扬,需要注意的是,在舒婷的 笔下,人格的平等与精神的独立不是与男性的对抗,而是 与男性一起构建和谐、平等的幸福:“我们分担寒潮、风 雷、霹雳;/我们共享雾霭、流岚、虹霓, /仿佛永远分 离,却又终身相依。”
舒婷还有一些诗歌表达了心系天下的家国情怀, 在以《祖国啊我亲爱的祖国》为代表的这类诗歌 中,女诗人匡扶天下的英雄梦并未破灭,她们有 着与男性诗人完全相同的责任感,社会化、政治 化倾向明显。
从整体上看,80年代初期的女性诗歌尚未从 整体的人本主义思潮中独立出来,这颇有点 像五四时期,人们把“妇女解放”同普遍的 人的个性解放当作同一个问题来看待一样, 在舒婷等人的诗中,表现最多和最根本的仍 是对人的共同命运与权力的思考,而不是一 种完整独立的女性立场。这并不难理解,因 为这个时期最主要的文化矛盾是作为启蒙主 义的人本观念同残存的封建专制主义观念之 间的冲突,而女性自觉对男权主义的反抗尚 处在潜层状态。——张清华:《复活的女娲长
大型组诗《女人》共四辑、二十首抒情诗,几乎等同于一 部女性心灵史。(1、5、6、7、20)
全诗以《预感》始,以《结束》终,经由对历史的审视、 对隐秘情感的剖白、对边缘身份的认知、对世界的诠释与 再造等,在“完成之后又怎样”的困惑中结束,完整而清 晰地呈现了在“黑夜”中觉醒了的女人重塑自我的过程。 组诗开篇便以冷峻而晦涩的叙述直指女性灵魂的深处: “穿黑裙的女人夤夜而来 /她秘密的一瞥使我精疲力竭/ 我突然想起这个季节鱼都会死去/而每条路正在穿越飞鸟 的痕迹”——《女人》
现的贵州习水糟蹋幼女案的结果,已杳无音信,再后来 的丽水强奸女生案似乎也没有引起网民们强大的关注。 而且,“强奸”在法律上变成“嫖幼”,也就是在
把责任往女孩身上推。这不仅是强奸女孩,更是强奸公 众的智商。记得《关于雏妓的一次报道》这首诗在《诗 刊》上发表时,题目被改成《部份的她》。也许,
《诗刊》的主编也觉得“雏妓”二字太过刺激人的神经 了。何言宏:他是否觉得“雏妓”这样的字眼会损害 “诗美”?!翟永明:当代诗歌的写作中“美”是有
多种含义的,此外,当代诗歌也不能仅仅是“美”的欣 赏者。当代人的情感也不仅仅是风花雪月。这一点,一 个诗人应该清楚。我早就不会用字面意义上的“美
”来定义诗歌的好坏。同时,我觉得对现实的观察,有 时对诗歌写作会有很大的帮助,对诗歌的变化也有很大 的帮助,而且你跟这个社会的接触,也会导致你的
写作观念发生很大的变化。我想这首诗是不是文学意义 上的好诗我没有把握,但最重要的意义,在于它对我的 诗歌观念变化所起歌节发生了很多变 故。我在这件事里也太天真,处事太幼稚。以为用民间 的资金做一个比较纯粹的诗歌节,可以完全按自己
的想法,不考虑官方的、体制内的关系,绝不邀请某些 自以为掌握了诗歌权力的人。但我确也没想到那些人会 有这么大的破坏性。诗歌节被取消了,但从美国过
来的两位诗人却已经来中国了,同时不少外地朋友也已 买了不能退的机票,他们仍然来了成都。所以,后来我 只好临时又安排了在“白夜”的诗会,从一个公共
最主要的经历除了写作之外,就是开了“白夜酒吧”。 何言宏:为什么会想到开酒吧?翟永明:我想做一个自 由撰稿人,但中国稿费太低,所以对于我来说,一
个自由、散漫、无拘无束,能挣点生活费又不影响写作 的职业,是我一直向往的。因为这一念之想,我开了 “白夜”酒吧。当然,“白夜”只是我的一个生存背
就像仍然有男诗人坚持写作那样 , 大部分 8 年代 O 已经成名的女性诗人没 有放弃 自己的笔 , 与时代
背景同步 , 转而探索诗歌写作的不同可能。 此前的海男 、 虹影 、 陆忆敏 、 伊蕾 、 王小妮等优 秀 的女性 诗人 在诗 坛 逐渐 销声 匿迹 。而翟 永 明虽
然延续着诗写生命 , 但很显然 , 进入 9 0年代后 的 她, 身上 当年 的先锋气质逐渐削弱。另一批更年 轻的女 诗人逐渐 凸显 , 这其 中优秀 的有周瓒 、 安
琪、 宋东游 、 兰等。9 年代 的“ 性写作” 比 马 0 女 对
作者简介 : 洁, 冯静 红河 学院人 文学院中文 系讲师 , 主要从 事 中国现 当代文 学研 究; 唐 学院 中文 系讲师 , 主要从 事古代汉语、 言学研 究。 语
的意象 和不 断重 复 的“ 白” 气 , 量 的女 性 人 自 语 大 似乎找 到 了一 个 得 到社 会 和 圈 内认 同 的捷 径 , 拼
了最佳选择 。女诗人们开始活用 口语 , 再造叙事 , 回归 日常语言的大地并激活 出生疏 的力量 , 以富 有寓言性和戏剧性的细节与经由选 择而控制有度 的叙述 , 直接进入存在 , 追求文本 内语境透 明而文 本外有弥散性的张力。本文欲通过女性诗人翟永
命制造黑色的激情文本 。文学上的赶时髦 只能导
致水平的整体滑落 , 女性诗歌 出现的 固定模式使 得人们 产 生 了厌倦 感 , 女性 诗 的批 评也 停 留在 “ 低
水平重复建设” 的阶段 。那时 的翟永 明就敏锐地
明于 2 世纪 8 0 0年代至 9 年代诗歌上 的叙事转 O
换 动因 、 事蜕 变及 这种 转换 的意义 的解 析 , 叙 简要
2007年获“中坤国际诗歌奖·A奖”;2011年获意大利Ceppo Pistoia国际文学奖[1],该奖评委会主席称翟永明为“当今国际最伟大的诗人之一”。
关键词:翟永明;静安庄;早期诗歌;第二月中图分类号:I227 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5312(2013)17-0003-02解读一首诗歌,如果脱离了诗人的创作背景或是意图,诗歌的解读就成为了无头之躯。
曾获中坤国际诗歌奖、意大利Ceppo Pistoia国际文学奖等奖项。
【100位当代诗人简介】由于篇幅有限,以下仅简要介绍其中几位代表性诗人:1.北岛(1949- ):原名赵振铎,代表作有《回答》等。
4.芒克(1950- ):代表作有《一代人》等。
5.西川(1963- ):代表作有《虚构》等。
翟永明诗选(8首)翟永明诗选翟永明(1955- ),出版的诗集有《女人》(1987)、《在一切玫瑰之上》(1992)、《翟永明诗集》(1994)、《黑夜里的素歌》(1997)、《称之为一切》(1997)。
The Poetry of Zhai Yongming 翟永明翟永明翟永明翟永明
The Poetry of Zhai Yongming翟永明1982-1995Zhai Yongming was born in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in 1955. She as one of the instigators of the “Black Tornado” of woman’s poetry that swept China’s poetry scene in 1986-1989. This came about as a reaction among other woman poets to the official publication of poems from her series <Woman> and other poems during this period. In fact, <Woman> was written in 1984, and poems in the series appeared in Sichuan’s unofficial poetry journals and others outside the province in 1985. The series was officially published in book form (with other poems) in 1989. Since the 1980s, Zhai has maintained a position as one of China’s most prominent poets, being a frequent guest at conferences and festivals in Europe and North America since spending over a year travelling in the West with her then artist-husband in the early 1990s.1)I Have a Broom [我有了一把扫帚]2)Woman [女人]I.#1 A Premonition [预感]II.#3 An Instant [瞬间]III.#6 The World [世界]IV.#7 Mother [母亲]V.#9 Anticipation [憧憬]VI.#10 Nightmare [噩梦]VII.#11 Monologue [独白]VIII.#14 July [七月]IX.#17 Human Life [人生]X.#18 Silence [沉默]XI.#20 The Finish [结束]3)Peaceful Village [静安庄]I.The First Month [第一月]II.The Seventh Month [第七月]III.The Twelfth Month [第十二月]4)The Black Room [黑房间]5)At This Very Moment [此时此刻]6)The Red Room [红房间]7)You've Cut Off My Hair [头发被你剪去]房东!!]8)Landlord! Landlord! [房东房东!!房东9)Death's Design [死亡的图案]I.The First Night [第一夜]II.The Third Night [第三夜]III.The Seventh Night [第七夜]10)I Spur the Horse, Flourish the Whip [我策马扬鞭]11)The Marmot [土拨鼠]12)I Stand at the Intersection of Perpendicular and Horizontal Streets [我站在直街横街的交点上]13)A Beetle [甲虫]14)September [九月]15)In a Southern Region [在南部地区]16)Family Affairs [家事]17)Saturday Afternoon [星期六下午]18) Zhai Yongming: China’s First Woman’s Poet? (essay by MD, 1995)I Have a Broom [我有了一把扫帚] (1982)I have a broomthat is to sayI've a colorful lifefresh air anda path that is my ownI'll ignore neighbor's ridiculethe obstruction of relatives and friendsI have a broomI've workI sweep away today's and yesterday's garbage clear away the filth in the streetsand in people's mindsI put on new work clothesLooking in the mirror, I now understandthe mildness of my mother's eyesI'll never again have to cast perplexed looksinto the streetinto a cornerat the colors of billboardsneither in the pained wrinkles of my mother's brow must I dodge fears of my inabilityWith the blessings written out by my mother’ s eyes I brandish a broomand move on greeting the morning breezebehind me, a clean streetFrom Woman [女人], a four part 20 poem cycle) 1984 #1 A Premonition [预感]The woman in the black gown comes carrying the nighther darting, secretive glance exhausts mesuddenly I remember this is the season all fish dieand all roads pass through the traces of birds in flightLike a corpse, the mountain peak is dragged off in the darknessthe heartbeat of a shrub nearby can be heard faintlygiant birds look down on me from the skywith human eyesall winter a consciousness rises and falls, cruel and malein a savage, unheard-of weatherI've kept an unusual calm throughoutas if blind, and so I see night in the daya childlike frankness, my finger printscan provide me no more sorrowFootsteps! a sound getting olderdreams appear to know something of this, in my own eyesI saw a block of time that had forgotten to flowerweigh down on the duskFresh moss in their mouths, the meaning they besoughtpours knowing smiles back into the breastthe night convulses, or doesn't, like a coughchoked back in the throat, I've already quit this dead-end hole#3 An Instant [瞬间]Stand here, just standand become one with the twilight spitting bloodtake back the stained-black sun for meas patient as death is this stonespellbound, suddenly you know the sky is already far-offat the last moment the stars pull out, untilthe night is cast off and I fall silentAll the years are hijacked in an instantyou arrange the movements of the constellations and stars on my face a silent sneer, as if sustaining a whippingEndure this stretch of sky, smoother than the human bodymore frigid than metal, only Iheard the ticking as dawn was breakinga matchless moment of joy, a cold moodas if harboring doubts about the air, one time it was dewonce it was night; up until I brush the evening asideuntil I fall silentStand here, just standfacing this cold, detached stoneand suddenly, at this instant, I experience painfullyits unknown divine natureand during another dark nightindifferently, I become its counterfeit#6 The World [世界]Left by the wind, the esoteric face of the world, a piece of flintblazes time into doubtful illusionsthe sun preserves the reach of its anger with a dictator's eyesand searches for the top of my head and the soles of my feeteven though this subject is long past. In dreams I am haughtyI approach softly, am impregnated by the skythere black clouds incubate the setting sun, the sockets of my eyes are filled by an ocean white coral grows out of the depths of my throatWaves strike meas the midwife strikes my back, in this waythe world bursts into my bodyalarming me, making me feel a measure of wild joyI still treasure it, in the moodof that mighty wild beast, I gaze at the world, lost in thoughtI think: History really isn't far awaysuddenly I hear the crash of tides, carrying their ancient odors out ofthe dusk, in a death like a world falling, bawling to earthabove me, like mankind's door to reproductionAeries still glimmers, the precious yet terrifying glow of the maternal instinctbefore I was born, I was doomed to plantthe roots of black desires for these primitive rock forms.Relying on my blood to growI've been witness for the worldand so make black night to spare all men disaster#7 Mother [母亲]There are too many places I haven't the strength to reach, my feet hurt, Mother, you haven't taught me how to be infected by ancient griefs in rosy rapacious dawns. only my heart's like you You're my mother, I'm even your blood that flows at daybreakin the blood pool where you're astonished to see yourself, and wake meI hear the sound of the world, you cause me to be born, you shape me together with misfortune the fearful twins of this world. For several years now, I've been unable to recall this night'sweepingthe ray of light that impregnated you, travelled so far, so tentatively, stood betweenlife and death, your eyes hold a darkness and a shadow that passes through the soles of your feet is so heavyIn your embrace, I once betrayed a smile like the answer to a riddle, who knows thatyou made me comprehend everything chastely, yet my heart was unmovedI took the world to be a young virgin, could it be that the hearty laughI let out at you never razed enough of the summer? Did it not?I've been left in the world, by myself, the sun's raysenvelop me sadly, once you bow down to the world do you know what you've lost?the years put me in a grinder, force me to see myself pulverizedHey, Mother, when I'm finally shut up, are you glad of itno one knows how imperceptibly I've loved you, this secretcomes from a part of you, like aching wounds my eyes watch youliving for the sake of living, I seek my own end, in order to resist that ageless lovea stone is cast aside, until it is blasted dry like the marrow in the bones, this worldowns an orphan, causes every blessing to be exposed, yet who best understandswhosoever has been placed in the hands of a mother, will die in the end for being born#9 Anticipation [憧憬]Where can I show myself? I don't knowmy own face in the water, the people walk by one after another Imitating this soundless terrorthe summer descends, rising and fallingDew-like, my lover I extend my sensesthe whole sky sneersno woman can get clear of itI'm used already to examining the way the moon smiles at nightin this place or in that, since I amsoil that suffers through the expectation of nightmareswhere can I gather myself together? The evening sun sets knocking against the dark, I'm still the painful coreIn the sunlight, every pose is struck by the shadowsno murderers, but also no survivorsthis stretch of sky sets out the first of its ribsat the distance between starsMy lover, can't the rainstorm in my eyesmake the blood you shed for me return to your bodyand work a miracle?I'm so dependent on you, so smallbut one day, this yardstick that I amwill join in with the sky's dark shadows, and astound you incessantly#10 Nightmare [噩梦]You lie here, plotting a desertyou laugh like the laying of eggssomeone is covertly arrangingdreams in sunflower patterns. Your heart beats beyond your controlclose your eyes, create a fragile, obstinate atmospherethe sea is all, your body is alllike a huge, ruined bodily organand those living, forsaken silent facesthe stars are indifferent, like distant white eyesa cactus proclaims to the skythe reason breeding is impossibleAnd you are? You're not the first to discover cities on the seathat which raises the twilight up into dawn and makes the color red obvious to the eye is forever the icy handthe sea is unmoved, your body is untouchedin a different place raise your head to the moonbeneath the stars a face of death exposes the rocksin loneliness the night gilds all similar hoursinto the remnants of a wall of substancethe whole of you is a dream of degenerate colorsyou emerge in the morning, making the sky rustmaking the earth beneath your feet revolve in insignificant ways#11 Monologue [独白]Me, a wild thought, imbued with the charms of the abyss accidentally born of you. The earth and the skycombined as one, you call me womanand consolidate my bodyI'm as soft as water's feathery white bodyyou hold me in both hands, and I take in the worldan ordinary embryo wearing a body of flesh, in the sunlightI'm so dazzling you find it hard to believeI'm the gentlest, most understanding of womenI've seen through it all, yet am willing to share in everything I long for a winter, a huge black nightmy heart as the limit, I want to take hold of your handbut facing you my pose is a kind of crushing defeatWhen you go, my painwants to vomit my heart from my mouthto kill you with love, who's taboo is this?the sun rises for the whole world! But only for you do I focus the most hostile tenderness on your entire bodyfrom tip to toe, I have my waysa chorus of cries for help, can the soul also give a hand?with the sea as my blood it canlift me high to the foot of the setting sun, who remembers me? but what I remember, is surely not just one life#14 July [七月]From now on summer is occupied by Julyand restraint becomes convictionfrom now on I hold up a heavy skyand turn my back to the sunYou are a season beyond comprehensionI only discover your secrets when I'm in death's embraceI smile because there're still these last nightsmy laugh is my right to remain in the worldand today the hand is still on the crown of my headwhat sort of eye is it forces me to seeall methods now no longer existJuly will be a deathSummer is its most appropriate seasonI was born as a bird, and only die in the skyyou are the shadow encroaching on my perchsilencing me with mankind's only trickI've never had deep feelings, so sustainedso attentive, I'm a tiny teardropgulping down the sun, I ripen in order to complete myselfand thus my heart is invulnerableCan it be that I have been the black night that remains in my heart? in the shadows of the setting sun I've feltthe flesh concealed within you, from start to finishand so you're the misfortune poured over my bodyin July wrapped in dewdrops and dust you sleep soundlybut who knows with what heaviness your bonesare waiting in the dusk#17 Human Life [人生]Each day is the enemy of today, we're terrifiedevil still rises up, so many names are concealedpale foreheads, you're secretlyhappy, and practice the intentions in your liesGoing like the wind, a black-haired girlstirs the blood of summer without a soundwith hopelessly enchanting waysfull of secrets, the night enters your heartsThe night frightens us, we seek out our armsboundless beauty, unlimited wonderin the form of the moon, in the traces of a falling leafthe night teaches us to endure it, or enjoy itI am the seducer. Evincing a fictitious lightuniting with the dust so perfectlythe path appears to run truethe spirits of nature remain aloof, letting you to have your own way Who's that? And who's that?coming and going like irresponsible shadowsfroth flies up, fated to vanish quicklythe living hand touches each evening, like truthCountless numbers have walked the pathbut for all of you it's the first timedaughters superficially delicateday approaches, you turn and go#18 Silence [沉默]There's always a butterfly calling her name in the night suddenly she comes, with a smile like quicksilverthe moon is very cold, very ancient within her, already inborn endowed on the two of them as one, often I attempt, gloomily to fathom her gestures, but have nothing to show for itBut you barely twenty, standingnailing this beautiful seasonto the inevitable sentenceyou still walk in that heartbreaking wayas if declaring an acutely poisonous attitude You'recalm like the countless beauties of a will-o'-the-wispyour light renders the moon unable to cast down your shadow Full of life, and yet so amazednow who was it that silenced you?a clear gaze aimed at all things, buteverything has left youmore and more swallows build there nests in your house black opium poppies are hung in the windows as ornaments your eyes become a snare, packed full of black nights creeping oxalis plants wither in your handsHow did she learn this art? She diesbut leaves no trace, like the happy darting glance of October brimming with confidence, emotive, and yet abruptly silent eyes forever open, watching the sky#20 The Finish [结束]When it's done, what of it? On that dayI lifted the child into the air, and, like a treereturned to the first center pointfrom beneath the earth the blood gushing up raises me highnow I open entirely-new eyesand aim a long sigh at the sky: when it's done, what of it?Hey, look. Don't turn your faces awayseven days make a week and follow me at my heelI'm encircled by a countless quantity of dreams fulfilledHaving laid away my fill of fresh dreams, suddenly an incomprehensible suffering gradually yields a clue, and it's newly writin the sky: When it's done, what of it?It'll never end, its echo like a path foretoldall strength shot into the Achilles heel, and thereI no longer know: What of it when it's done?but in the air there's another sound that's unmistakable, clearnaturally, it's merely the final questionyet no one answers: What of it when it's done?I'm no longer concerned about my secret, this embryoeven more translucent, like the wailing of Octoberforever in anticipation of to the end, yet you all endure secretly, wordlessly the glint of an answer makes me focus on the direction of the dark nightAll winter I asked in a small voice, and smiledenigmatically, who can tell me: When it's done, what of it?From Peaceful Village [静安庄] (a twelve poem cycle, 1985) I'm nineteen, entirely ignorant.....Who could have foreseen I'd develop into a disease? – in Peaceful Village, 1974 The First Month [第一月]As if it had always existed, as if all was already in orderI arrive, the noise has nothing to do with meit settles me into a south-facing wingMy first time here I happened upon a pitch-black dayeverywhere there were footpaths resembling facespale and lonely, the cold wind blewat a moment like this the fields of corn are stirred upI arrive here, I hear the howls from the double-fish starand the endless trembling of a night full of feelingsTiny haystacks scattered and solemnThe sole fragile cloud, solitary as a wild beastapproaches on tiptoe, reeking of foul weatherThose who I come across become hearts worth knowingthe long fishing rods slide across the water's surface, oil lamps flickerthe hoarse barking of dogs gives one pauseYesterday the sound of a great wind appeared to comprehend it alldon't let in the black treesin every corner murderous thoughts take up their placesenduring the moments spread over your bodynow unfettered I can become the moonlightIn their dreams a married couple hears the patter of pre-dawn rainBy the stone mill black donkeys discuss the tomorrowThere, land of mingled dark and lightyou know all its years like the palm of your handI hear a cock crowand the windlass of a wellThe Seventh Month [第七月]-- In the dog days of summer, if it rainseven if sturdy, it's hard to retainWho told me of rainy daysI stare at that toxic eyeA strange climate in the season of White Dews1throughout it all I'm in this village of dry wellsfirst I see a large stonethen the blood on itAppearing in the sunlightmen and women come forwardkneeling they beseech the sunthe dead road whitensthe setting sun's direction approaches my bodyround pebbles blockade the river's surfacethis moment like the deepest sorrowYou carry soil in your left hand, water in your rightthe fire on your crown dazzlingand the trees are already in league with the skyThere can only be the emergence of one possibilitycooking smoke has already entered the superficially sacred momentanxious moments like netsLate at night, the grandmother, both mortal and divine, turns her face to the sky the stars rotate endlessly, the extreme prophecy clearly statesthe souls of people searching for a source of water steamIn my mouththere are anonymous cracks it's hard to bring upAbove or belowcall birds together in magnanimous wayswith the qualities of deathIn the dark you can also see the eyes of locustsCome, herebrutal hearts their gaze on the skyyet both hands scaldingIn the dustyour back to the earth1 The 15th solar term.you suddenly see a confusion of colors appear in the skyLacerating pain covers your bodythe owl's son leaves a gap for the dayopen your mouth and let out a hideous laughmake the dry season dip down and persist in its waysThe perfectly healthy water wheel moansa young cow waits expectantlya woman visited by divinity appearsno man takes her to wifegreen phoenix trees don't record time, here they are born and diethe people in old houses leave, those keeping night-watch struggle to stay awake A pregnant woman carries weariness like fruitthe calamity of blood's light makes clan members remember insatiable graveyards elders sit before the door, the heat and thirst makes their rubbery bodiesfill with respect for the godstheir looks cannot pass throughArdent news in the cool of the duskthe rape occurred at noon, like an earthquakeat the last moment the sun goes limp, prayers fill the villageraised heads swell in agony, and seeThe silent light dyes roofs thatched with wheat stalks redyou discover a rare object in a dream, robbers are everywhereyour belly is bursting with the strong spirits of home-made winethroughout it all I'm in the village of dry wellsfirst I see a large stoneThen I see the blood reappear on ita stake stands alone as all things dance in jubilationlike an oldster who has lost densityShouts from the sky make your whole body break out in a cold sweatAt the last your eye is revived by the sight of rainThe Twelfth Month [第十二月]Now the time has come to leave Peaceful Villagethe mare's still stamping its black hoovesa north-westerly blows over a no-man's landand a herd of calves thinks of war.....So far the empty form can't be identifiedthe setting sun descends like pestilence, sitting atop the villagethe heart's wound like a treethe desires of white sap laid out by your hands, raised by your shoutyou look up and see a flying saucer, a fortuitous appearanceyou stealthily stroke the stone in your breast and kiss me as you leavethe entire village suffers your gloomshoes full of sand, the smell of malt thick in the airthe sun is high and coldwith an effort you imagine it as a living thing with a brainan aging woman shakes the suffering fishIn every corner, skulls full of dustan arid smile is revealed on your face, a dark swaying shadowThe sound of footsteps rises up from beneath the earth, like flowing blood butterflies see their own reflections go seeking refuge in deathJust like you, distance is the core of all thingsI'm still the loner from a strange land on the earth's surfaceFrom start to finish in this village where crows and sparrows are not heard At this moment my ears hear the old tones of birthA dull pain in my ribsa once-approachable time opens for me the great gates of nighta girl stands in the gloamingGrey horses, grey shadows of peoplethe sparks kicked up off the flagstones shineA nauseous sensation falls on the roof like rainAn infant's dejection is bornwe leavebearing unfathomable bodies of flesh and bloodAfter all's said and done, I came hereand was liked by othersyet when I leave, I don't harbor good intentionssmoke brings tears to my eyes, my gaze directed towardsold wrinkles and the transmigrating part that suffers from sapped vitalityA low flying bird passes through my heart leaving me with nothingthe old elm on which my birth date is carvedis also full of the knots of the old hemp rope of my father's ageproud that it's given us lifeThe village people stand on a sunny slopedoubting the day, returning to rest in the night after taking the long way rounda winter throughout which evil intentions are deployed forced to withdraw under the keen looks of the eldersCracks appearing on that face gives me strengththe magical child I saw at the start stands under the treehe's still consideringhow everything was brought into beingduring those invisible momentsThe Black Room [黑房间]As a rule all crows under heaven are black, and thisintimidates me, they have so manyrelatives, their numbers are legion, hard to resistBut we are indispensable, we four sisterswe are the snare in the black roomslim and graceful, walking to and froappearing to have winning lottery tickets in our graspBut I intend to work mischief, my heart is harshOn the surface I maintain a girl's pleasant dispositionwhile retracing my daily defeatsWe are fair maidens of renown awaiting proposals in our boudoir smiling resentfully, racking our brainsfor ways to make ourselves more attractiveYoung and beautiful, like raging flamesvery single-minded snares, baked black(Which of the unwavering countenances of good men with sharply- ground teeth and ramrod straight gaze, which of the boundary- crossers and calculating plotters shall be my brothers-in-law?)At night, I feelcrises lying low all around our roomthe cats and mice are all awakewe go to sleep, seeking in dreamsthe license numbers of strange hearts, in the nightwe are women ready to fall like ripe melonsA confusion of phoenixes, male and female, so on and so forthwe sisters four, daily-new monthly-changeableMarriage, still at the core of choosing a mateThe bedroom light dispirits the newly-marriedsRisk it all on one throw, I say to myselfHome is where you start offAt This Very Moment [此时此刻]Living in the world, without sons without daughtersbecomes a harmful business as days go byThe mirror is loyal but loathsomeFacing meThe perfect moment for a born-widow arisesA long face, buck teeth, the attitude of she who knows her placeAt this moment, I've taken a bead on a certain matterWhat do I want to do? Don't knowbut I'll shock everybodyMost of the time I disappoint themlike a glass of milk, but turned clearThe matchmaker often to's and fro's, important looks on her faceAt this moment, there's a war in the eastPeople, biped and erectare doing what animals won'tSoccer fans are more brutal because of the weatherA large portrait, cold as a commonerFall back on your natural talent, suspended in my room Speechless, an omen for a body of communicable diseaseOn the way to the hospital, I discoverin the storm, leaves have already forgotten yesterday's foundations Bright as wine, pearls of water disappear slowlyThings are like this: Unchanging and indeterminateAt this very moment, I'm walking among people dressed for the occasion hands tucked into sleeves I pass by, dressed up like a good citizen exactly the image of a vigilant woodpecker tut-tutting aggressivelyone lives in the world and ridicules oneself:At such an extravagant age, it'd be better to marryThe Red Room [红房间]The days change me, lead me homeI'm not so picky about everything anymoreSitting in the red room, I lower my headA hopelessly tangled ball of threadflows out of mother's hand to my end of the roomYou sigh for me, suffer for mebut I saw the true face of this pain long agoEndure the love that commoners must endurebecause my heart's already a bird startled by the mere twang of a bow When I make my comeback, and sit hereAs always, I still sense its rich potentialAnd it's the red room that causes your delivery painsand spurs you to go on improvingit caused my birth, it made meretain old blood ties willinglybeneath my mother's supine bodyAnd in this roomis the sound of my wordsblood flows from my body to my end of the roomeyes like fish, an odd dispositiona head swollen up like a stele’s inscription in the mistabsolutely motionless, I emerge from the womb and goThe days change me, make me go homesitting in the red room, I see my true likenessin your eyesYour nameless suffering is a near-pure poisonendless admiration. Clothing overstocked with dusta spacious body of flourishing fruit, pendulousits exterior starting up endlesslythere's a heart within, difficult to controlIt's me, light of hand and footarriving punctually, leaving on time too。
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他于 1955 年出生于河南省郑州市,自幼爱好文学,1978 年开始发表诗歌作品。