模拟国际学术会议自我介绍发言英文English:Good morning/afternoon/evening, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. My name is __________ and I am honored to have the opportunity to speak at this international academic conference. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers for putting together such a remarkable event, which has brought together scholars, researchers, and professionals from various fields to exchange knowledge and ideas.My research focuses on __________, which is aimed at addressing__________. I believe that my research is closely aligned with the theme of this conference, namely __________, as it concerns __________. During the course of my research, I employed a range of qualitative/quantitative research methods, which have resulted in__________.Furthermore, my research contributes to the larger discourse on__________ and has implications for __________. My findings have beenpublished in several peer-reviewed journals and presented at various national and international conferences. I believe that my research has the potential to make a significant impact on __________.I am excited to be a part of this conference and look forward to engaging with other scholars and researchers in my field. I hope to learn from their research, experiences, and insights, and share my own in return. I am confident that this conference will facilitate a rich and fruitful exchange of ideas, and I am grateful for the opportunityto be a part of it.Translated Content:尊敬的贵宾、女士们先生们,早上/下午/晚上好。
在此,我代表本次会议的举办方,向大家表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!一、模拟仿真技术的背景与发展1. 背景介绍随着科学技术的飞速发展,人类社会对科技创新的需求日益增长。
2. 发展历程(1)早期阶段:20世纪50年代,模拟仿真技术起源于美国,主要用于军事领域。
二、模拟仿真技术的应用领域1. 科学研究模拟仿真技术在科学研究领域具有广泛的应用,如生物学、物理学、化学、地质学等。
2. 工程设计在工程设计领域,模拟仿真技术可以帮助工程师在产品研发过程中,对设计方案进行模拟和分析,从而优化设计,降低成本,提高产品质量。
3. 军事演练模拟仿真技术在军事演练中发挥着重要作用。
4. 交通运输在交通运输领域,模拟仿真技术可以用于研究交通流、道路设计、交通安全等,为城市交通规划提供科学依据。
5. 能源与环境模拟仿真技术在能源与环境领域具有广泛应用,如新能源开发、节能减排、环境监测等。
国际学术交流英语教程:研究生英语的新篇章In the rapidly globalizing world, the importance of international academic communication has become increasingly apparent. To this end, the "International Academic Communication English Course: An Innovative Postgraduate English Series" serves as a vital tool for graduate students seeking to engage effectively in cross-cultural academic exchanges. This comprehensive textbook not only equips students with the linguistic skills necessary for international academic communication, but also provides them with a cultural framework to navigate the nuances of global academia.The textbook is divided into several sections, each designed to address a specific aspect of international academic communication. The introductory chapter introduces students to the concept of academic communication and its importance in the global context. It highlights the role of English as the lingua franca of international academia and emphasizes the need forcultural sensitivity and awareness when communicating with scholars from diverse backgrounds.Subsequent chapters delve into the specific skills required for effective academic communication. Topics include writing for international journals, presenting at conferences, and engaging in critical discussions with peers. Each chapter is accompanied by a range of exercises and activities designed to help students apply the knowledge they have learned to real-world scenarios.In addition to its focus on linguistic skills, the textbook also places a strong emphasis on cultural understanding. It explores the differences in academic norms, values, and expectations across cultures, helping students to appreciate the diversity of academic practices worldwide. This cultural awareness is crucial for graduate students who will be navigating the global academic landscape and interacting with scholars from a wide range of backgrounds.The "International Academic Communication English Course" also features a section dedicated to ethicalconsiderations in academic communication. This includes discussions on plagiarism, citation practices, and responsible conduct of research in an international context. This section is designed to prepare students for the rigorous ethical standards expected of them as members of the global academic community.The innovative approach of this textbook lies in its integration of linguistic, cultural, and ethical aspects of international academic communication. By providing a comprehensive and holistic view of academic communication, it equips graduate students with the tools and knowledge they need to engage confidently and effectively in the global academic arena.The "International Academic Communication English Course: An Innovative Postgraduate English Series" is not just a textbook; it is a gateway to the world of global academic communication. It opens up opportunities for graduate students to expand their horizons, engage with scholars from around the globe, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge on an international scale.**国际学术交流英语教程:研究生英语的新篇章**在全球化的世界中,国际学术交流的重要性日益凸显。
随着科技的不断发展,虚拟仿真技术逐渐被应用于实验教学中。特别是在外 语领域,虚拟仿真实验教学项目对于提高学生的语言实际运用能力和跨文化交际 能力具有重要意义。本次演示以日语跨文化交际虚拟仿真项目为例,探讨外语类 虚拟仿真实验教学项目的设计与实践。
2、成果展示:将学生的实验成果进行展示,以便于学生之间相互学习和交流, 同时也能提高学生的学习积极性和自信心。
3、经济效益:通过实验教学项目申报和实践,积累教学资源和经验,为学院 和学校带来一定的经济效益。
本次演示通过对经管类虚拟仿真实验教学项目申报热点的分析,介绍了实验 教学项目的特点、申报和实施过程以及取得的成果等方面的内容。随着技术的不 断发展和应用,经管类虚拟仿真实验教学项目将会得到更广泛的应用和发展。未 来,我们应进一步探索虚拟仿真技术在实验教学中的应用,优化实验教学内容和 方法,以提高实验教学的效果和质量,培养更多的优秀经管类人才。
对于外语教学的启示,我们认为虚拟仿真项目可以作为传统教学的有益补充。 通过为学生提供更多的实践机会,帮助他们更好地理解和掌握目标语言及其文化。 同时,外语教师也需要技术的发展趋势,不断探索创新的教学方法,以更好地满 足学生的学习需求。
本研究通过深入探讨和实践应用,证明了日语跨文化交际虚拟仿真项目在外 语类虚拟仿真实验教学项目中的重要地位和作用。该虚拟仿真项目具有逼真的语 言实践场景,能够激发学生的学习兴趣和动力,提高学习效果,具有广阔的应用 前景。然而,还需要进一步完善相关功能和技术,以满足更多学生的学习需求。
国际学术交流英语教程International Academic Exchange English TutorialUnit 1: Introduction to Academic Exchange- Overview of international academic exchange- Benefits of participating in academic exchange programs- Common challenges and how to overcome themUnit 2: Preparing for Academic Exchange- Researching and selecting a suitable academic exchange program - Application process and requirements- Language proficiency and cultural preparationUnit 3: Communication and Networking- Developing effective communication skills- Building professional relationships with peers and mentors- Navigating cultural differences in an academic settingUnit 4: Academic Writing and Presentation Skills- Formatting and structure of academic papers- Citations and referencing styles- Delivering effective presentations and participating in academic discussionsUnit 5: Research Collaboration and Project Management- Collaborating with international researchers and scholars- Planning and managing research projects- Ethical considerations in international collaborationsUnit 6: Academic Conferences and Publishing- Participating in academic conferences and symposiums- Submitting research papers for publication- Peer review process and dealing with rejectionUnit 7: Funding and Scholarships for Academic Exchange- Exploring funding opportunities for academic exchange- Scholarship applications and writing effective grant proposals- Budgeting and financial planning for international academic exchangeUnit 8: Cultural Immersion and Personal Growth- Embracing and learning from a different culture- Overcoming culture shock and homesickness- Personal growth and development through international academic exchangeUnit 9: Post-Academic Exchange Reflection and Integration- Reflection on the academic exchange experience- Integrating acquired knowledge and skills into future endeavors - Maintaining international connections and opportunities for future collaborationsUnit 10: Case Studies and Success Stories- Case studies of successful academic exchange experiences- Interviews with international students and scholars- Inspirational stories of how academic exchange has impacted their careers and livesNote: This is just a suggested outline for a potential international academic exchange English tutorial. The actual content andstructure can vary depending on the specific focus and goals of the tutorial.。
仿真实验应用于教学的例子以仿真实验应用于教学的例子为题,以下是10个符合要求的例子:1. 语言学习:通过仿真实验,学生可以进入一个虚拟的语言环境,在这个环境中与母语为英语的虚拟角色进行对话,从而提高口语交流能力。
2. 物理实验:学生可以通过虚拟实验室进行物理实验,例如模拟重力加速度的测量、光的折射与反射等实验,提高学生的实验操作能力和物理理论知识。
3. 医学教育:通过仿真实验,医学学生可以模拟真实的手术场景,进行手术操作的训练,提高手术技能和安全意识。
4. 生态学研究:通过虚拟实验,学生可以模拟不同环境条件下的生态系统变化,观察不同物种的生态关系,从而深入了解生态学的基本概念和原理。
5. 经济学模拟:学生可以通过虚拟市场模拟交易,学习经济学中的供求关系、价格变动等概念,培养判断和决策能力。
6. 历史重建:通过虚拟实验,学生可以参与到历史事件的重建中,例如模拟古代战争场景、古代建筑的重建等,从而更加深入地了解历史背景和文化。
7. 数学建模:通过虚拟实验,学生可以进行复杂数学问题的建模与求解,例如模拟交通流量、人口增长等问题,培养学生的数学思维和解决问题的能力。
8. 社会科学研究:通过虚拟实验,学生可以进行社会调查和数据分析,例如模拟市民投票、调查人口偏好等,帮助学生理解社会科学的研究方法和数据分析技巧。
9. 艺术创作:通过虚拟实验,学生可以进行音乐创作、美术作品的设计等艺术活动,培养学生的艺术创造能力和审美能力。
10. 环境保护教育:通过虚拟实验,学生可以模拟环境污染的影响,了解不同污染源对环境的影响,培养学生的环保意识和环境保护能力。
首届“科大杯”创新科技发展模拟国际研讨会学术活动计划书The 1st NUDT Graduate Students Symposiumon Scientific & Technological Innovation院训练部:为了进一步提高我校研究生的综合素质,培养新时期面向国际、走向未来的新型的综合军事人才,同时也为了提升我校研究生的人文素养,加强语言在科学技术发展以及社会发展过程中的中介力量;本着“科技强军”的战略宗旨,以“突出学术特色、注重交流能力、提升科技品位”为主题,以满足我校培养一流综合性人才的目标需求,外语系指导研究生英语活动中心(PEAC)特拟定2011年春季学期开展首届“科大杯”创新科技发展模拟国际研讨会学术活动。
活动计划如下:(一)会议前准备阶段1. 任课老师根据学员课堂表现情况,从选课学员中按学员院别每个学院推荐一至两名学员进入“模拟国际会议会务组(Academic Committee)”。
2. 按任课老师上课要求,各选课学员(或未选课但愿意参与的学员)在课程课内学时结束前,即“4月26号”前,提交论文及摘要一份,并随之注明oral或poster(说明会议中希望做presentation或展板)。
各任课老师收集后交至Academic Committee。
由Secretariat转为提交给Academic Committee。
(未选课学员的论文征集工作从announcement或call for paper宣传发出之时至4月26号时截止,具体联系人员和联系方式以及地址都会在announcement中做明确说明。
国际学术交流英语-外研版(部分)国际学术交流英语-外研版(部分)content1.Preparations for International ConferenceTask 1 Call for Conference Papers2. International Letter ExchangesTask 1 Letters of InvitationTask 2 Acceptance and Refusal3. International ConferenceTask 1 Chairing a Meeting4. Presentation of SpeechesTask 1 Giving a Welcome SpeechTask 2 Giving a Closing SpeechTask 3 Giving a Dinner Speech5. Application, Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement Task 1 Application for Academic ExchangeTask 2 Curriculum VitaeTask 3 Personal StatementTask 1 Call for Conference PapersThe planning process for holding a conference should begin very early. A chairperson is selected to make the plan. Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities. These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee. The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference.Format of call for conference papers·Theme and/or background·Conference objectives·Topics to be discussed·Time and venue·Papers and submissions·Organizing institution and committee·Contact informationSampleConference Goals:To promote the study of material science in China; to introduce the development of the research work; to discuss the important issues in the field; to provide opportunities for international communication; to promote the understanding of related disciplines; to explore future cooperation possibilities between the countries.Topics to be Discussed:Papers are solicited on theoretical issues and their applications related to crystal materials. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:Papers and Submissions:Authors are invited to submit full papers, up to six pages, with the authors’ names and affiliations, complete address (including email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author), before April 10,2006, by email to aa@. The language is Chinese or English. The papers will be reviewed by the program committee based on content, presentation and suitability for the conference. The papers must be in an MS word or Latex format (A4, single space, Songti, 10 points if in Chinese, or Times New Roman, 12 points if in English). More detailed information will be available on the web page: .Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns1. Call for papers·Papers are being invited for TI 83rd World Conference to be held in Shanghai, May 23-27, 2004.·Titles of proposed papers with a 200-word abstract should be submitted no later than May 10, 2006.·The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by July 15, 2006.2. Submission·The submitted papers should be original and have not been published elsewhere. ·Best papers will be selected by the Advisory Committee and Program Committee, and the authors are invited to submit their papers to an international journal.·For all submissions, please include the following information: title of the paper, name, affiliation, address, phone number, email, and audiovisual request.·Abstracts are invited for 20-minute talks followed by 10 minutes of discussion addressing any topic in the areas of Asian environmental protectio n…3. Format and length·Abstracts should be submitted electronically in an MS Word format and sent by email to the conference secretariat.·Authors of accepted papers should send the full text paper in format of PDF or MS Word before September 15, 2006 to aa@ with attachment.·All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format.·Initial paper submissions should be approximately ten pages.4. Notification of acceptance and refusal·Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by August 1, 2006.·Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email.·Submissions received after this date will not be given primary consideration.·Acceptance of the paper will be confirmed by JICC 2006 Program Committee based on content quality of the extended abstract.·Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in papers being excluded from the conference proceedings.Called to order by the presiding officer主持人致辞roll call点名announcement of quorum宣布大会决议reading of the minutes of the previous meeting宣读前期会议纪要approval of the minutes of the previous meeting通过前期会议纪要related matters相关事宜unfinished business未尽事宜appointments and removal任命及离任nomination and elections提名及选举adjournment休会opening ceremony开幕式keynote speech主题发言forum论坛plenary session全体会议poster session论文展示panel session专题讨论会discussion / question & answer session讨论/提问与回答时间field trip考察活动closing ceremony闭幕式reception/banquet招待晚宴Task 1 Letters of Invitation Before the international conference, the conference host or organizer(s) will send invitation letters to famous scholars and experts in the field and invite them as keynote speakers to the conference. They will also invite other prospective authors to present their new ideas, valuable works, and ongoing research at the conference. These letters are formal letters and therefore should bear all the necessary information about the occasion(s), and express the host’s sincerity and hospitality toward the attendees.在国际会议,会议主持人或组织者()将发送邀请信,著名学者在该领域的专家和邀请他们作为主讲人会议。
二、实践教学活动设计1. 实验室实践(1)实验项目:根据不同专业设置相应的实验课程,如化学、物理、生物等基础实验,以及与专业相关的实验项目。
2. 工程实训(1)实训项目:针对不同专业设置相应的工程实训课程,如机械设计、电子技术、计算机应用等。
3. 社会实践(1)实践项目:组织学生参加社会调查、志愿服务、暑期支教等活动。
4. 创新创业实践(1)实践项目:开展创新创业大赛、创业培训、创业孵化等活动。
5. 国际交流实践(1)实践项目:组织学生参加国际学术会议、海外实习、国际志愿者等活动。
1. 实验准备:根据实验目的和要求,确定实验内容和实验条件,准备实验数据和实验材料,搭建实验系统或模型。
2. 实验操作:按照实验步骤和要求,进行虚拟仿真实验操作,记录实验数据和结果。
3. 结果分析:对实验数据和结果进行分析和处理,得出结论。
4. 总结评估:对整个实验过程进行总结和评估,提出改进意见和建议。
1. 模拟实验:在虚拟环境中模拟真实世界的物理现象或过程,通过调整模拟参数来观察结果的变化,从而得出结论。
2. 数值模拟:利用数学模型和数值方法对物理现象或过程进行模拟,通过计算得出结果。
3. 虚拟现实:利用虚拟现实技术创建逼真的虚拟环境,使实验者能够身临其境地感受实验过程,提高实验效果。
4. 增强现实:利用增强现实技术将虚拟信息与真实世界相结合,通过与真实世界的交互来观察和分析实验结果。
1. 安全可靠:虚拟仿真实验不会对真实世界造成危害,避免了实验过程中可能产生的危险和风险。
2. 节约成本:虚拟仿真实验不需要真实世界的设备和材料,可以大幅度降低实验成本。
3. 可重复性:虚拟仿真实验可以重复进行,方便进行多次实验和分析。
4. 可扩展性:虚拟仿真实验可以通过增加模型和参数来扩展实验范围和规模。
5. 可共享性:虚拟仿真实验可以在不同地区和不同领域之间共享,方便合作研究和交流。
许多知名的高校纷纷引入虚拟仿真实验平台,如麻省理工学院的OpenCourseWare、斯坦福大学的Virtual Labs等。
1. 多样化的虚拟仿真实验项目国外高校的虚拟仿真实验项目种类繁多,涵盖了各个学科领域。
2. 提供全方位的教学支持虚拟仿真实验教学不仅提供了实验条件,还为学生提供了全方位的教学支持。
3. 在线学习与云端储存虚拟仿真实验教学通过在线学习提供了更加灵活和便捷的学习方式。
三、实验内容本次实验选择了以下内容进行虚拟仿真:1. 物理实验:单级放大电路- 目的:熟悉软件使用方法,掌握放大器静态工作点仿真方法,了解放大器性能。
- 实验步骤:使用虚拟仪器搭建单级放大电路,通过调整电路参数,观察静态工作点、电压放大倍数、输入电阻、输出电阻等性能指标的变化。
2. 化学实验:傅立叶级数仿真- 目的:通过MATLAB编程实现周期函数的傅立叶级数分解,绘制频谱图和重构函数图像,加深对傅立叶级数的理解。
- 实验步骤:编写MATLAB程序,对给定的周期函数进行傅立叶级数分解,绘制频谱图和重构函数图像,分析不同频率分量对函数形状的贡献程度。
3. 土木工程实验:VISSIM仿真- 目的:学习VISSIM软件,理解和掌握城市交通和公共交通运行的交通建模方法。
- 实验步骤:使用VISSIM软件搭建城市交通仿真模型,模拟不同交通状况下的交通流运行,分析交通信号、车道设置等因素对交通流的影响。
四、实验结果与分析1. 物理实验:单级放大电路- 实验结果表明,通过调整电路参数,可以改变放大器的静态工作点、电压放大倍数、输入电阻、输出电阻等性能指标。
- 分析:该实验加深了对放大器工作原理和性能指标的理解,为实际电路设计和调试提供了理论依据。
2. 化学实验:傅立叶级数仿真- 实验结果表明,通过MATLAB编程可以实现周期函数的傅立叶级数分解,并绘制频谱图和重构函数图像。
- 分析:该实验加深了对傅立叶级数分解原理的理解,为后续信号处理和分析提供了基础。
3. 土木工程实验:VISSIM仿真- 实验结果表明,通过VISSIM软件可以模拟不同交通状况下的交通流运行,分析交通信号、车道设置等因素对交通流的影响。
- 分析:该实验加深了对城市交通运行规律和交通工程设计的理解,为实际交通规划和设计提供了参考。
国际学术交流英语 第二单元
Contact info for enquiries
airfare: n. transportation charge on airplane cordially: adv. in a friendly but polite and formal way convener: n. sb. who chairs a meeting, committee, etc. Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis: 有 限或无限维的复分析 incidental expenses: 附带(发生的)费用 stipend: n. a sum of money that is paid for living expenses. Youngstown: 杨斯顿,俄亥俄州东北部一城市
I wish the conference a successful one.
extending good wishes
Respectfully yours, (signature) Feilong Wang
Tips for Letter Writing
Good letter writing includes proper grammar, punctuation, capitalization, format, structure and addressing persons of title. Be consistent in format. Be brief, succinct, and unambiguous in content. Be courteous and polite in tone.
Sample Demonstration
虚拟仿真实验教学项目立项Virtual simulation experiment teaching projects are becoming increasingly popular in educational institutions worldwide. These projects aim to enhance students' learning experiences by providing them with a realistic and immersive environment in which they can apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. In order to successfully initiate such a project, several key requirements need to be considered.Firstly, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the target audience and their specific learning needs. This involves conducting thorough research to identify the educational objectives and desired outcomes of the virtual simulation experiment. By understanding the needs of the students, educators can tailor the project to meet their requirements and ensure maximum engagement and learning.Secondly, the project team must possess the necessary expertise and skills to develop and implement the virtualsimulation experiment. This includes individuals with knowledge in instructional design, virtual reality technologies, and subject matter experts who can provide valuable insights into the content of the experiment. Collaborating with experts from various fields will ensure the project's success and credibility.Furthermore, the project should have a well-defined scope and timeline. This involves setting clear objectives, determining the duration of the experiment, andestablishing milestones to monitor progress. By having a structured plan, the project team can effectively allocate resources, manage expectations, and ensure that the project remains on track.In addition, the project should incorporate an evaluation component to assess its effectiveness and impact on student learning. This can be achieved through pre- and post-experiment assessments, surveys, and feedback sessions. By collecting and analyzing data, the project team can identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the overall learning experience.Moreover, it is crucial to consider the technical requirements and infrastructure needed to support the virtual simulation experiment. This includes ensuring that the institution has the necessary hardware and software capabilities to run the experiment smoothly. Additionally, there should be a dedicated support team available to address any technical issues that may arise during the implementation phase.Lastly, the project should prioritize student engagement and interactivity. Virtual simulation experiments should be designed to encourage active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. This can be achieved through the incorporation of interactive elements, such as quizzes, simulations, and collaborative activities. By fostering a dynamic and engaging learning environment, students are more likely to be motivated and actively involved in the experiment.In conclusion, the successful initiation of a virtual simulation experiment teaching project requires acomprehensive understanding of the target audience, a skilled project team, a well-defined scope and timeline, an evaluation component, appropriate technical infrastructure, and a focus on student engagement. By considering these requirements, educational institutions can create impactful and immersive learning experiences that enhance students' understanding and application of theoretical knowledge in practical settings.。
Good morning/afternoon/evening, and welcome to the 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Development and Global Challenges. It is a great pleasure to be here among such a distinguished group of experts, scholars, and practitioners who have gathered to discuss and find solutions to some of the most pressing issues facing our world today.My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to represent [YourOrganization/Institution] at this conference. Today, I would like to focus on the topic of "Sustainable Urbanization: A Key to Global Resilience and Inclusive Growth."As we all know, urbanization is a double-edged sword. On one hand, ithas been a major driver of economic growth and technological innovation. Cities are hubs of creativity and entrepreneurship, attracting people from all over the world in search of better opportunities. On the other hand, rapid urbanization has led to numerous challenges, including overcrowding, pollution, inequality, and climate change.Firstly, let us address the issue of overcrowding. The United Nations predicts that by 2050, two-thirds of the world's population will live in urban areas. This dramatic shift in population distribution will put immense pressure on existing infrastructure and public services. To mitigate this challenge, we need to prioritize smart urban planning.This involves designing cities that are adaptable, resilient, andcapable of accommodating diverse needs. We must invest in sustainable transportation systems, efficient public utilities, and green spaces to enhance the quality of life for all residents.Secondly, we cannot ignore the environmental impact of urbanization. The rapid growth of cities has been accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions and pollution levels. To combat this, we must embrace renewable energy sources and promote sustainable practices in urban development. Initiatives such as green roofs, urban agriculture, and the use of eco-friendly materials can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and improve air quality.Furthermore, we must tackle the issue of inequality that often arises in the context of urbanization. Cities can become places of stark contrasts,with wealthy neighborhoods coexisting alongside slums. To ensureinclusive growth, we need to implement policies that promote social equity and provide equal access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. This can be achieved through targeted investments in underprivileged areas and the development of affordable housing.Lastly, climate change is a pressing global challenge that requires urgent action. Urban areas are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events and rising sea levels. To build resilience against these threats, we must integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies into our urban planning and development processes. This includes constructing infrastructure thatcan withstand extreme conditions and promoting community-basedadaptation measures.In conclusion, sustainable urbanization is crucial for achieving global resilience and inclusive growth. By addressing the challenges of overcrowding, environmental degradation, inequality, and climate change, we can create cities that are sustainable, livable, and equitable. It is through collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment tosustainable practices that we can overcome these obstacles and create a better future for all.I would like to propose the following actions to be taken by governments, businesses, and civil society:1. Implement comprehensive urban planning policies that prioritize sustainability and inclusivity.2. Invest in renewable energy and green infrastructure to reduce the carbon footprint of cities.3. Promote social equity and provide equal access to essential services for all residents.4. Develop climate-resilient urban areas that can withstand the impacts of climate change.5. Foster international cooperation and knowledge sharing to advance sustainable urbanization worldwide.Thank you for your attention. I look forward to engaging in a lively discussion with all of you and exploring the ways in which we can work together to make our cities more sustainable and livable for future generations.Thank you.。
模拟国际学术会议自我介绍发言英文English:Hello everyone, I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself at this prestigious international academic conference. My name is [Your Name], and I am a researcher in the field of [Your Field of Study] at [Your Institution]. My research primarily focuses on [Brief Description of Research Focus], and I am currently working on [Current Research Project]. I have participated in various research projects and published several papers in renowned journals. I am thrilled to be able to share my findings and insights with all of you today, and I am looking forward to engaging in fruitful discussions and collaborations with fellow researchers from around the world. Thank you.Chinese:大家好,我很荣幸有机会在这个著名的国际学术会议上进行自我介绍。
我叫[Your Name],是[Your Institution] [Your Field of Study] 领域的一名研究人员。
三、国际学术交流英语1电子邮件交流惯用语1.1 Initiate a meeting●I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A.●I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben.●We'd like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30 the same time.●Let's make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM Beijing time.●I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project.1.2 Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions●Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows.●Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule.●Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon.●What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed?●What do you think about this?●Feel free to give your comments.●Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know.●Any question, please let me know.●Please contact me if you have any questions.●Your comments and suggestions are welcome!●Please let me know what you think?●Do you have any idea about this?●It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user's behavior.●At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue.1.3 Give feedback●Please see comments below.●My answers are in blue below.●I add some comments to the document for your reference.1.4 Attachment●I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.●Attached please find today's meeting notes.●Attach is the design document, please review it.●For other issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes.1.5 Point listing●Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today: 1…….2…….●Some issues in this release: 1…….2…….●Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns: 1... .2...●Here are some more questions/issues for your team: 1…….2…….●The current status is as following: 1……2……●Some items need your attention: 1…….2…….1.6 Raise question●I have some questions about the report ABC●For the aggrement ABC, I have the following questions: …1.7 Proposal●For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing…●I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call●Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue……1.8 Thanks note●Thank you so much for the cooperation!●I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project.●Thanks for your attention!●Your kind assistance on this are very appreciated.●Really appreciate your help!1.9 Apology●I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding!●I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness ofour implementation ASAP.2求职信及简历2.1 求职信〔Cover Letter〕A cover letter isn't ever going to win you a job by itself, but a badly worded letter is going to cause doubts in the employers mind right from the start.A good cover letter explains why you, over all the other candidates, are worth taking the time to find out more about.格式常见错误〔1〕Using the Wrong Cover Letter FormatThe student's cover letter looked more like a cut-and-paste email than a business letter. It had no recipient information, no return address and no date. The letter screamed unprofessional.Be sure your cover letter uses a standard business-letter format. It should include the date, the recipient's mailing address and your address.〔2〕Making It All About YouYour cover letter, like your resume, should be about the employer as much as it's about you. Yes, you need to tell the employer about yourself, but do so in the context of the employer's needs and the specified job requirements.〔3〕Not Proofing for Typos and Grammatical ErrorsEmployers tend to view typos and grammatical errors as evidence of your carelessness and inability to write. Proofread every letter you send. Get additional cover letter help by asking a friend who knows good writing double-check your letter for you.〔4〕Making Unsupported ClaimsToo many cover letters from college students and recent grads say the applicant has "strong written and verbal communication skills." Without evidence, it's an empty boast. Give some examples for each claim you make. Employers need proof.〔5〕Writing a NovelA good cover letter should be no longer than one page. Employers are drunk with resumes and cover letters, and their time is scarce. Make sure your cover letter has three or four concise but convincing paragraphs that are easy to read. If your competitor's letter rambles on for two pages, guess which candidate the employer will prefer.〔6〕Using the Same Cover Letter for Every Job and CompanyEmployers see so many cover letters that it's easy for them to tell when you're using a one-size-fits-all approach. If you haven't addressed their company's specific concerns, they'll conclude you don't care about this particular job.It's time-consuming but worthwhile to customize each cover letter for the specific job and company.〔7〕Not Sending a Real Cover LetterSome job seekers -- college students, recent grads and even those with years of work experience -- don't bother sending a cover letter with their resume. Others type up a one or two-sentence "here's my resume" cover letter, while others attach handwritten letters or sticky notes.There is no gray area here: You must include a well-written, neatly formatted cover letter with every resume you send. If you don't, you won't be considered for the job.2.2个人简历〔RÉSUMÉ〕2.2.1 Contact〔1〕Full name〔2〕Home Address〔3〕Phone〔office,home,cell〕and fax〔4〕Personal e-mail address2.2.2 Career Summary/Objective〔1〕SummaryA career summary provides a brief, focused overview of your work history. It tells the employer what your specialty is as an employee, and serves as an introduction to the rest of your resume. Here is an example based on someone who has been working as a Customer Service Representative for the past couple of years:Notice that a career summary is often written in paragraph form, with up to four or five sentences. It can be used in all resumes regardless of how much, or how little, work experience you actually have.〔2〕ObjectiveWhat if you’re fairly new to the workforce and don’t have much to put in your career summary. Or how about if you’re sending out a mass e-mail (or snail mail) to all sorts of employers without knowing if they’re hiring or not, but you want them to know what kind of job you’d be most interested in.That’s when stating your career objective comes in handy. It quickly tells employers which type of role they should keep you in mind for. Just like in the following example:You can see that a career objective is short and sweet, with just a sentence or two that describes the kind of job (and industry, if you want to be more specific) you’d prefer to be hired for.It’s possible to add those one or two sentences from you r career objective directly to the end part of your career summary if you’re looking to save space. However this makes the career summary longer and your career objective may get overlooked.〔3〕Summary or Objective?A concise career summary should appear near the top of your resume no matter if you have decades of work experience or are a recent grad. Other terms you can use as a header are “Professional Summary,” “Summary of Experience,” or even “About Me.”The career objective is helpful if you’re not ap plying to a specific job posting, but instead are sending out unsolicited applications to potential employers. It can be featuredunder its own header, or if you’re including it at the end of your summary, you could use the header “Career Summary and Employment Objective.”Whether you use a summary, objective, or some combination of both, you are helping employers get a quick feel for who you are and what kind of work you’d be best at. So take a few moments to write your own and get it into your resume!2.2.3 Major Achievements针对招聘方向的相关业绩2.2.4 Working Experience注意时间顺序,是由近到远2.2.5 Professional Training针对招聘方向的相关培训2.2.6 Qualifications毕业论文、资格考试证书等2.2.7 Related Skill语言、软件、编程、业余爱好等等2.2.8 Publications正规杂志、刊物上发表的论文,要列出论文及刊物名称、刊号、时间等信息3学术论文的撰写科技论文的基本特征〔1〕原始研究结果的首次披露〔内容的原创性〕;〔2〕对前人工作的评价深入透彻,本文成果表述文笔流畅〔可读性〕;〔3〕方法独特,或得到独特发现,或有新的应用〔成果的新颖性〕;〔4〕必须使同行们能够重复实验,以审查作者的结论〔方法的科学性〕国际接轨想在国际核心期刊发表文献,就必须了解国际研究动态,选择与国际学术研究合拍的课题。
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