动物的智慧.英文 演示文稿ppt
关于动物的英文PPT 图文

The mammals
Snow leopard
Mammal is a constant, vertebrate, body hair, most of them are viviparous, the breastfeeding future generations, they are the animals in the history of the development of the most advanced stage, is most closely related to humans.
许多动物由于人类 活动的干扰使得领 地缩小,以及经济 利益的驱使受到猎 杀已经灭绝或处于 灭绝的边缘。
There are Less than 1600 wild giant pandas around the world and it belongs to the Chinese national animal protection level 国家一级保护动物
due to the outstanding body structure Tibetan antelope are killed by people who are driven by economic interests 大量偷猎
Unit 6 wisdom of bear wood 熊树林的智慧ppt课件

8) to give sb. Permission to do
• to allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
– -She has already given me permission to leave 她 已经准许我离开了。
9) to roam about
Structure of the Text
Part 1 (paras. 1─ 3): In his first six months in England, the 12-year
-old American boy enjoyed the woods and farms there, but avoided making friends for fear that he would have to say good-bye too soon.
• sth. will happen regularly after a few years 每 隔几年
– They come to visit China every few years. 他们每 隔几年访问一次中国。
3) to be used to sth./doing sth.
Differences old English woman lost her husband
12 American boy separated from friends
Similarities 1. lonely 2. common interest—nature and knowledge 3. true love—giving not taking

小学生英语故事——猴子的智慧(英文稿)Hello . I am***。
T oday I will tell you a story. The name of the story is《The monkey 's wisdom》.One day, rabbit recived a letter from her mother.“My baby ,I was sick, I miss you .”mother said.“Oh, My mother is sick, I must go home now.”so the rabbit started.When the rabbit came to a tree. He heard a great voice say.“Watch out,Rabbit !”The monkey said. “Uaaah! What happened?”The rabbit asked.“Sorry,Rabbit !Look do wn near your feet ! There’s a pit .”The monkey answered.“Oh,it’s very deep.Thanks a lot ! Monkey !”The rabbit went on.“Rabbit,stop there !Where are you going ?”The wolf asked.“Hello,Mr wolf. My mother is sick.She’s waiting for me.I must go home now.”The rabbit answered.“But you can’t go!”Wolf said.“Why not ?”“Because you are my lunch ! Ha,ha,ha !”“Oh,no ! You are wrong !He is my lunch!”A fox jumped out and said.“What are you talking about ?”“The rabbit is my lunch !”So,the wolf and the fox fight each other up.“Don’t fight , please .I have an idea .Have a race.The winner eats the rabbit .”The monkey said .“That’s a good idea !”The wolf and the fox to say .“Are you ready ? One,two,three,start !”“Monkey ! How could you do this to me ? We are good friends .”The rabbit is crying to say .“No,no,Rabbit !Don’t get me wrong !Do you remember the pit ?”“Pit ?Ah-ha !You are smart !”The rabbit laughs .Before long, The monkey and the rabbit hears the voice of the wolf and the fox“Monkey ,You tricked us ! We hate you.”T he wolf and the fox fall down the pit .。
动物的智慧 英语作文

动物的智慧英语作文The Wisdom of Animals。
Animals are often underestimated when it comes to intelligence. Many people believe that humans are the only species capable of complex thought and problem-solving, but the truth is that animals possess their own unique forms of intelligence. From the intricate social structures of ants to the problem-solving skills of dolphins, the animal kingdom is full of examples of intelligence that rival our own.One of the most well-known examples of animal intelligence is the behavior of chimpanzees. These primates have been observed using tools to forage for food and even engaging in complex social interactions. In fact, studies have shown that chimpanzees are capable of learning and using sign language to communicate with humans. This level of cognitive ability is a clear indication of the intelligence of these animals.Another example of animal intelligence can be found in the behavior of elephants. These majestic creatures have been observed displaying a deep understanding of their environment and the ability to problem-solve in complex situations. For example, elephants have been known to work together to rescue a fellow elephant from a dangerous situation, demonstrating a high level of empathy and cooperation.Dolphins are also known for their intelligence, with their ability to communicate using a complex system of vocalizations and body language. They have been observed using tools and working together to solve problems, demonstrating a high level of cognitive ability. In fact, some researchers believe that dolphins may even possess a form of self-awareness, which is a hallmark of higher intelligence.Even animals that are often seen as simple or unintelligent, such as ants, display remarkable levels of intelligence in their behavior. Ants are capable oforganizing themselves into complex societies withspecialized roles for different members of the colony. They are also known for their ability to problem-solve and adapt to changes in their environment, demonstrating a high level of cognitive ability.In addition to these examples, there are countlessother instances of animal intelligence in the natural world. From the problem-solving skills of octopuses to the complex social structures of wolves, the animal kingdom is full of examples of intelligence that rival our own.It is important for us to recognize and appreciate the intelligence of animals. By doing so, we can gain a greater understanding of the natural world and our place within it. We can also learn valuable lessons from the behavior of animals, such as the importance of cooperation and empathy.In conclusion, animals possess their own unique formsof intelligence that rival our own. From the problem-solving skills of chimpanzees to the complex social structures of ants, the animal kingdom is full of examplesof intelligence that deserve our respect and admiration. By recognizing the intelligence of animals, we can gain a greater appreciation for the natural world and the remarkable creatures that inhabit it.。
The Clever Monkey-Animals at the zoo ppt优秀课件

The Clever Monkey-Animals at the zoo ppt优秀课件
The Clever Monkey-Animals at the zoo ppt优秀课件
1.口语交际能力不仅显示着一个人的 语言水 平,更 体现着 一个人 的自信 、智慧 和风度 。 2.尽管美、印、巴三者关系何其暧昧 ,但是 美国和 印度走 向军事 合作的 态度相 当明朗 。 3.乔冠华是个从不设防的人,他能够 在国际 舞台上 叱咤风 云,却 无法应 对政治 生活中 的阴谋 和陷阱 ,最后 付出的 宝贵的 生命为 代价。 4.国庆假日是人们休闲的大好机会, 那段时 间里, 我市解 放路上 到处都 是游玩 购物的 人,直 到深夜 ,大街 上还是 不绝如 缕,热 闹极了 5.高中语文学习一定要多读多思多积 累,只 有打好 基础, 才能实 现自己 高远的 目标; 如果毫 无知识 储备, 在激烈 的竞争 中,只 能是铩 羽而归 6.我们学生都应该懂得:发展自己的 智力, 必须与 培养自 己的非 智力因 素结合 起来, 因为二 者是休 戚相关 ,紧密 相连的 7. 从 文 中 反 映的信 息来看 ,汉初 四分天 下是按 功论封 ,这个 功主要 是征伐 平定之 功,而 刘信在 这方面 功小, 所以只 封得列 侯。但 作者却 从“七 门三堰 ”对后 世吏治 的启迪 和警示 上提出 了以是 否惠泽 人民为 尺度的 功劳观 ,这是 难能可 贵的。 8. 本 文 以 叙 述为铺 垫,以 议论为 主体。 其叙事 以作者 陆续了 解七门 堰历史 的过程 为线索 , 9.语 言 简 洁 , 叙事 清楚; 其议论 ,则联 系汉初 宗室王 族作横 向和纵 向的比 较,借 题发挥 ,以此 阐述自 己的思 想观点 。 10.“ 静 ” 是 中 国茶 道修习 的必由 途径。 老子说 :“至 虚极, 守静笃 ,万物 并作, 吾以观 其复。 ”庄子 说:“ 水静则 明烛须 眉,平 中准, 大匠取 法焉。 ”老子 和庄子 所启示 的“虚 静观复 法”是 人们明 心见性 ,洞察 自然, 反观自 我,体 悟道德 的无上 妙法。 道家的 “虚静 观复法 ”在中 国的茶 道中演 化为“ 茶须静 品”的 理论和 实践 11.“ 怡 ” 有 和 悦愉 快之意 。中国 茶道雅 俗共赏 ,不拘 一格。 一方面 ,突出 体现了 道家“ 自恣以 适己” 的随意 性,同 时,不 同地位 、信仰 和文化 层次的 人对茶 道有不 同的追 求。王 公贵族 讲茶道 ,意在 炫耀权 贵,附 庸风雅 ; 12.中华文明的演进过程,是多种文明 因素的 整合。 整合的 模式是 以华夏 文明为 核心, 核心向 周围扩 散,周 围向核 心趋同 ,核心 与周围 互相补 充、互 相吸收 、互相 融合。 汉族和 汉族以 外的少 数民族 ,都为 中华文 明作出 了重要 的贡献 。

Protecting the environment is to protect human beings themselves 。If one day in
the woods, no birds sing, there were no fish in the water flight ,The interdependence〔互相依赖) of human
Dolphins' babies are born in the water. They can grow up to three and a half meters long. Dolopins use sound to help them find their way, look for their food and talk with each other. Sound is just like their eyes and mouths.
a matter of great problem to mankind.
and animal nature will be gone forever.The disappearance of a species〔种) will
disappear forever, so there is no way to
the disappearance of the animals return to the embrace〔拥抱) of nature.So to save endangered〔濒临灭绝的) rare animals is
Dolபைடு நூலகம்hin
In the vast〔浩瀚的) ocean,there are many creatures〔动物) with great intellectual〔智力) and physical ability. Dolphin is one of those great creatures, whose ability to think and move at a surprising rate puzzle those who study their behaviors.(海豚是一种拥有在一个令人惊奇的水平下思 考和移动的能力并使那些研究它们表现的人迷惑的生物。 ) Dolphins possess〔拥有) something that makes them different from all the other sea creatures. It is not strength or speed but the size of their brains. Dolphin' s brain is almost the same size as that found in the human head. They live for a long time.

due to the outstanding body structure Tibetan antelope are killed by people who are driven by economic interests 大量 become extinct, and only hundreds of captive 野生华南虎已经灭绝
Snow Leopard is less than 3500 in the world and it is very rare 雪豹数量极其稀少
human beings have 物与人类有很
a close relationship. 近的关系。这
This is mainly due to the teeth to chew and digest food
主要得益于牙 齿咀嚼和消化 食物,
, a constant body temperature as well as complex structures promoting the mammalian brain development.
有恒定体温 以及复杂的身 体结构都促进 了哺乳动物大 脑发育。
Most people including me like mammal, not only because they have the perfect body structure, but also because they give people inspiration, spiritual power and emotional sustenance.
大多数都都很喜 欢哺乳动物,不 仅因为它们拥有 完美的身体结构, 更是因为它们赋 予人们的灵感源 泉,精神动力以 及情感寄托。
Unit 6 Animal Intelligence (课堂PPT)

• Culture Notes
• Detailed Reading
• Exercises
Word-guessing game pig monkey tiger turtle whale
dog parrot elephant dinosaur gorilla
Maintaing _e_y_e_c_o__n_ta_c_twith Jendry, Colo _r_e_v_e_a_l_e_d__ a key chain in her hand. Jendry was _r_e_li_e_v_e_d__ as the key chain was not dangerous or valuable and gave Colo the pineapple. But to her surprise, Colo _b__ro_k_e___ the key chain and gave her a _li_n_k__. Maybe she was _f_ig_u_r_i_n_g__ if she could get a bit of pineapple for each piece of key chain, why give Jendry the whole thing. Colo was really a careful __b_a_r_g_a_in_e_r__.
6. How many animals are mentioned in the text? Who are they?
female gorilla male orangutan
Colo Chantek
Unit 6 Animal Intelligence(课堂PPT)

From the two orangutans, we can know: Some animals can play tricks.
dominant male orangutan Towan
7.The first animal-Colo (Para3-4)
human: Charlene Jendry, a conservationist at the Columbus zoo
The story:
One day, Colo was __h_a_n_d_li_n_g_a_s_u_s_p_ic_i_o_us__o_b_je_c_t _____ and Jendry wanted to know what it was. So she _o_ff_e_re_d__ some peanuts but Colo just gave her __a_b_la_n_k_s_t_a_re___. Jendry realized Colo was __n_e_g_o_ti_a_ti_ng___ and she had to _r_a_is_e_t_h_e_s_ta_k_e_s__ and give Colo a piece of pineapple.
Do animals really have thoughts, what we call consciousness?
2. How do scientists explore animal intelligence usually? (Para1)
Scientists design experiments to teach human signs.
Unit 6 Animal Intelligence(课堂PPT)

Because they often encounter animal intelligence and can tell him a lot of real stories.
5. What is the new window on animal intelligence
3 subheadings
Let’s Make a Deal Tale of a Whale Primate Shell Game
Part 3 Paras13 Conclusion
1. What is the controversy about animal intelligence? (Para1)
dominant male orangutan Towan
7.The first animal-Colo (Para3-4)
human: Charlene Jendry, a conservationist at the Columbus zoo
The story:
One day, Colo was __h_a_n_d_li_n_g_a_s_u_s_p_ic_i_o_us__o_b_je_c_t _____ and Jendry wanted to know what it was. So she _o_ff_e_re_d__ some peanuts but Colo just gave her __a_b_la_n_k_s_t_a_re___. Jendry realized Colo was __n_e_g_o_ti_a_ti_ng___ and she had to _r_a_is_e_t_h_e_s_ta_k_e_s__ and give Colo a piece of pineapple.
动物的智慧和原因 英语作文

The Wisdom and Reasons of AnimalsIn the vast and diverse world of nature, animals have always fascinated us with their remarkable abilities and intriguing behaviors. From the ant that builds complex colonies to the chimpanzee that uses tools, animals demonstrate an array of skills and adaptations that are often comparable to human intelligence. However, the question remains: why do animals possess such wisdom, and what are the reasons behind it?One of the primary reasons for animal wisdom lies in their survival instincts. Animals have evolved overmillions of years, adapting to changing environments and predation pressures. This constant struggle for survival has driven them to develop a range of strategies and abilities that allow them to thrive in their respective habitats. For instance, the camel, adapted to the arid deserts, can store water in its body to survive long periods without drinking. Similarly, the owl, with its excellent night vision, hunts prey efficiently in the dark, ensuring its survival.Another reason for animal wisdom is their social structure and behavior. Many animals live in complex social groups, where they must cooperate and coordinate their actions to survive. This social interaction requires a high level of intelligence and understanding among individuals. For instance, wolves hunt in packs, using a combination of strategies and signals to bring down larger prey. This behavior requires a high level of communication and cooperation among the members of the pack.Furthermore, animals display remarkable adaptive abilities, allowing them to adjust to new environments and changing conditions. This adaptability is often the result of genetic variations that allow individuals to thrive in new environments. For instance, certain species of fish have evolved to live in extremely cold waters, developing antifreeze proteins in their bodies to prevent ice formation.However, it is important to note that while animals may possess remarkable abilities, their intelligence and behavior are often limited by their evolutionary history and biological constraints. They lack the cognitiveflexibility and problem-solving abilities that humans possess, due to our larger brains and more complex social and cultural systems.In conclusion, animals possess remarkable wisdom and abilities that are often comparable to human intelligence. This wisdom is the result of their survival instincts,social structures, and adaptive abilities. However, their intelligence and behavior are limited by their evolutionary history and biological constraints. Understanding the reasons behind animal wisdom not only helps us appreciate their remarkable abilities but also provides insights into the evolution and adaptation of species in nature.**动物的智慧与原因**在广阔而多样的自然界中,动物以其非凡的能力和引人入胜的行为一直让我们着迷。

动物的智慧英语作文Animal Wisdom。
Animals have always been a source of fascination for humans. Their behavior, instincts, and survival skills have often been a subject of study and admiration. The wisdom of animals is something that has intrigued humans for centuries, and there is much that we can learn from them.One of the most remarkable aspects of animal wisdom is their ability to adapt to their environment. Whether it is a polar bear in the Arctic or a camel in the desert, animals have an innate understanding of their surroundings and how to survive in them. They are able to find food, shelter, and water in the most challenging of environments, and their ability to adapt is truly remarkable.Another aspect of animal wisdom is their social behavior. Many animals live in groups or communities, and they have complex social structures and communication systems. From elephants to dolphins, animals have been observed to display empathy, cooperation, and even altruism. They take care of their young, protect their territory, and work together to ensure the survival of their group. Humans can certainly learn a lot from the way animals interact and care for each other.Furthermore, animals have a deep understanding of their own bodies and instincts. They know when to rest, when to hunt, and when to seek shelter. Their instincts guide them in their daily lives, and they are able to sense danger and opportunities in ways that humans often cannot. This innate wisdom is something that humans can learn from, as it teaches us to trust our instincts and listen to our bodies.In addition to their instincts, animals also display remarkable problem-solving skills. From using tools to outsmarting predators, animals have been observed to use their intelligence to overcome challenges. Whether it is a bird building a nest or a chimpanzee using a stick to extract termites from a mound, animals are constantly using their intelligence to survive and thrive in their environment.Finally, animals also display a deep connection to the natural world. They are in tune with the rhythms of nature, and they understand the importance of balance and harmony. They do not take more than they need, and they live in harmony with their environment. This wisdom is something that humans can certainly learn from, as it teaches us to respect and protect the natural world.In conclusion, animals possess a wisdom that is truly remarkable. From their ability to adapt to their environment, to their social behavior, instincts, problem-solving skills, and their connection to the natural world, there is much that humans can learn from them. By observing and studying animals, we can gain valuable insights into how to live in harmony with the natural world and with each other. The wisdom of animals is something that should be treasured and respected, as it has much to teach us about how to live our lives.。

动物的智慧英语作文Title: The Wisdom of Animals。
Introduction:Animals have long fascinated humans with their remarkable intelligence and adaptability. From the cunning of the fox to the problem-solving skills of the octopus, the animal kingdom is rich with examples of intelligence in various forms. In this essay, we will explore the depths of animal intelligence and its implications for our understanding of the natural world.The Complexity of Animal Intelligence:Contrary to traditional beliefs, intelligence in animals extends far beyond mere instinctual behaviors. Studies have revealed astonishing cognitive abilities in numerous species, challenging our perceptions of what it means to be intelligent. For instance, research on primatessuch as chimpanzees and orangutans has demonstrated their capacity for advanced problem-solving, tool use, and even cultural transmission of knowledge within their communities.Communication and Social Intelligence:Communication lies at the heart of social interactions among animals, showcasing their remarkable ability toconvey information and emotions through various means. From the intricate dances of bees to the complex vocalizationsof dolphins, animals employ diverse communicationstrategies to navigate their social environments. Moreover, the intricate social structures observed in species like elephants and wolves highlight their capacity for empathy, cooperation, and even strategic planning.Tool Use and Innovation:One of the hallmarks of intelligence is the ability to use tools to accomplish tasks, a skill once thought to be unique to humans. However, numerous examples acrossdifferent taxa challenge this assumption. Crows, forinstance, have been observed crafting tools out of twigs to extract insects from crevices—a behavior indicative of complex problem-solving and innovation. Similarly, the use of rocks as anvils by sea otters to crack open shellfish showcases their resourcefulness and adaptability in foraging strategies.Learning and Adaptation:Animals exhibit impressive learning capabilities, allowing them to adapt to changing environments and solve novel challenges. From the trial-and-error learning of rats in mazes to the observational learning of meerkats in detecting predators, animals employ various strategies to acquire and apply knowledge. Moreover, the ability of certain species, such as ravens and parrots, to mimic human speech underscores their cognitive flexibility and capacity for learning complex tasks.Emotional Intelligence and Empathy:Beyond cognitive abilities, animals also displayemotional intelligence and empathy, forging deep bondswithin their social groups and demonstrating care and compassion towards others. Instances of altruistic behavior, such as dolphins aiding injured companions or elephants mourning the loss of family members, highlight theemotional depth and social complexity present in the animal kingdom. Such behaviors challenge the notion of humans as the sole possessors of empathy and compassion.Implications for Conservation and Ethical Considerations:Recognizing the intelligence and complexity of animals has profound implications for conservation efforts and ethical considerations regarding their treatment. As wegain a deeper understanding of animal cognition and behavior, it becomes increasingly imperative to reassessour relationship with other species and strive for more compassionate and sustainable coexistence. Moreover, acknowledging the sentience and intrinsic value of animals compels us to advocate for their welfare and protection against exploitation and cruelty.Conclusion:In conclusion, the study of animal intelligence unveils a rich tapestry of cognitive abilities, social dynamics, and emotional depth within the natural world. From problem-solving prowess to empathetic connections, animals continuously defy our preconceived notions and invite us to marvel at the wonders of their minds. By embracing a more holistic understanding of intelligence, we not only enrich our appreciation of the diversity of life but also foster a deeper sense of empathy and stewardship towards our fellow inhabitants of this planet.。
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Rilunhua and tarantulas
there is a kind of flower called Rilunhua which located in the Amazon basin South Africa
It’s a horrible flower which helps tarantulas eat human beings.
builds his house out of twigs and decorates it by using snail shell, feather, and flowers.
If the female bowerbird was attracted by his nest and then she will mate with the male.
cuckoo will lay the eggs
at the Eurasian reed
warbler’s home as fast
as possible.
they will take away the Eurasian reed warbler’s eggs. How many eggs they took away is depends on how many eggs they laid.
the tarantula would produce a kind of waste
after they finish eating people, which is
needed to the plant’s gro- wth.
8thanks-源自9Animal Intelligence
Know Art
Another kind of wisdom
called as architect engineer and artist among all kinds of birds.
make his best effort to build a nice nest to attract the female.
If the cuckoo’s baby comes out earlier than the real ones. The cuckoo will throw away other real eggs when Eurasian reed warbler was out to search food.
once you touched them, the whole plant would curl up and catch your arm, and then all the tarantulas would swarm up from someplace near the flower and bite you.
The flower always gives off a kind of smell which appeals to tourists to get close to them.
Its flower and leaves are glued. The plant is very sensitive
The most interesting thing is they will invite lyrebirds to hold their wedding ceremony.
Eurasian reed warbler and Cuckoo(芦苇莺和杜鹃)
In breeding season(繁殖季 节), Cuckoo is busy to help her upcoming children to find stepmother. -----Eurasian reed warbler