
2M method 2M 法3M method 3M 法A scores A 值Acco unting conven ti on 会计惯例Acco unting for acquisiti ons 购并的会计处理Accounting for debtors 应收账款核算Acco unting for depreciati on 折旧核算Acco unting for foreig n curre ncies 夕卜汇核算Acco un ti ng for goodwill 商誉核算Acco un ti ng for stocks 存货核算Acco un ti ng policies 会计政策Acco un ti ng sta ndards 会计准贝UAccruals con cept 权责发生原则Achievi ng credit c ontrol 实现信用控制Acid test ratio 酸性测试比率Actual cash flow 实际现金流量Adjusti ng compa ny profits 企业利润调整Adva nee payme nt guara ntee 提前偿还保金Adverse trad ing 不禾U交易Advertis ing budget 广告预算Advis ing ba nk 通告银行Age an alysis 账龄分析Aged debtors an alysis 逾期账款分析Aged debtors'exception report 逾期应收款的特殊报告Aged debtors'exception report 逾期账款特别报告Aged debtors'report 逾期应收款报告Aged debtors'report 逾期账款报告All —mon ies clause 全额支付条款Amortizati on 摊销An alytical questi onn aire 调查表分析An alytical skills 分析技巧An alyzi ng financial risk 财务风险分析An alyz ing finan cial stateme nts 财务报表分析An alyzi ng liquidity 流动性分析An alyzi ng profitability 盈利能力分析An alyz ing worki ng capital 营运资本分析Annual expe nditure 年度支出An ticipat ing future in come 预估未来收入Areas of financial ratios 财务比率分析的对象Articles of in corporati on 合并条款Asian crisis 亚洲(金融)危机Assess ing compa nies 企业评估Assess ing country risk 国家风险评估Assessi ng credit risks 信用风险评估Assess ing strategic power 战略地位评估Assessme nt of banks 银行的评估Asset conversion lending 资产转换贷款Asset protect ion lending 资产担保贷款Asset sale 资产出售Asset turnover 资产周转率Assets 资产Associati on of British Factors and Disco un ters英国代理人与贴现商协会Auditor's report 审计报告Aval物权担保Bad debt 坏账Bad debt level 坏账等级Bad debt risk 坏账风险Bad debts performa nee 坏账发生情况Bad loa ns 坏账Bala nee sheet 资产负债表Bala nee sheet structure 资产负债表结构Bank credit 银行信贷Bank failures 银行破产Bank loans . availability 银行贷款的可获得性Bank status reports 银行状况报告Ban kruptcy 破产Ban kruptcy code 破产法Ban kruptcy petiti on 破产申请书Basle agreeme nt 塞尔协议Basle Agreeme nt 《巴塞尔协议》Behavorial scori ng 行为评分Bill of excha nge 汇票Bill of ladi ng 提单BIS国际清算银行BIS agreeme nt国际清算银行协定Blue chip 蓝筹股Bonds 债券Book receivables 账面应收账款Borrow ing money 借人资金Borrow ing propositi on 借款申请Breakthrough products 仓U新产品Budgets 预算Buildi ng compa ny profiles 勾画企业轮廓Bureaux (信用咨询)公司Busin ess developme nt loa n 商业开发贷款Busi ness failure 破产Bus in ess pla n 经营计戈UBusin ess risk 经营风险Buyer credits 买方信贷Buyer power 购买方力量Buyer risks 买方风险CAMPARI优质贷款原则Canons of len di ng 贷款原则Capex资本支出Capital adequacy 资本充足性Capital adequacy rules 资本充足性原则Capital commitme nts 资本承付款项Capital expe nditure 资本支出Capital fun di ng 资本融资Capital in vestme nt 资本投资Capital stre ngth 资本实力Capital structure 资本结构Capitalization of in terest 利息资本化Capitaliz ing developme nt costs 研发费用资本化Capitaliz ing developme nt expe nditures 研发费用资本化Capitalizi ng in terest costs 利息成本资本化Cascade effect 瀑布效应Cash assets 现金资产Cash collectio n targets 现金托收目标Cash cycle现金循环周期Cash cycle ratios 现金循环周期比率Cash cycle times 现金循环周期时间Cash deposit 现金储蓄Cash flow adjustme nts 现金流调整Cash flow an alysis 现金流量分析Cash flow crisis 现金流危机Cash flow cycle 现金流量周期Cash flow forecasts 现金流量预测Cash flow len di ng 现金流贷出Cash flow profile 现金流概况Cash flow projectio ns 现金流预测Cash flow stateme nts 现金流量表Cash flows 现金流量Cash position 现金头寸Cash positive JE 现金流量Cash rich compa nies 现金充足的企业Cash surplus 现金盈余Cash tank 现金水槽Cash-in-adva nee 预付现金Categorized cash flow 现金流量分类CE优质贷款原则CEO首席执行官Chairman 董事长,总裁Chapter 11 rules 第章条款Charge抵押Charged assets 抵押资产Chief executive officer 首席执行官Collateral security 抵押证券Collecti ng payme nts 收取付款Collectio n activitv 收款活动Collection cycle 收款环节Collectio n procedures 收款程序Collective credit risks 集合信用风险Comfortable liquidity positi9n 适当的流动性水平Commercial mortgage 商业抵押Commercial paper 商业票据Commissi on 佣金Commitme nt fees 承诺费Com mon stock 普通股Com mon stockholders 普通股股东Compa ny and its in dustry 企业与所处行业Compa ny assets 企业资产Compa ny liabilities 企业负债Compa ny loa ns 企业借款Competitive adva ntage 竞争优势Competitive forces 竞争力Competitive products 竞争产品Compla int procedures 申诉程序Computerized credit in formati on 计算机化信用信息Computerized diaries 计算机化日志Con firmed letter of credit 承兑信用证Con firmed letters of credit 保兑信用证Confirming bank 确认银行Con servatism con cept 谨慎原贝UCon siste ncy con cept 一贯性原贝UCon solidated acco unts 合并报表Con solidated bala nee sheets 合并资产负债表Con ti ngent liabilities 或有负债Con ti nuing security clause 连续抵押条款Con tractual payme nts 合同规定支出Con trol limits 控制限度Con trol of credit activities 信用活动控制Co ntrolli ng credit 控制信贷Co ntrolli ng credit risk 控制信用风险Corporate credit an alysis 企业信用分析Corporate credit co ntroller 企业信用控制人员Corporate credit risk an alysis 企业信用风险分析Corporate customer 企业客户Corporate failure predictio n models 企业破产预测模型Corporate len di ng 企业贷款Cost leadership 成本领先型Cost of sales 销售成本Costs成本Cou ntry limit 国家限额Cou ntry risk 国家风险Court judgme nts 法院判决Covenant贷款保证契约Covenants 保证契约Creative acco unting 寻机性会计Credit an alysis 信用分析Credit an alysis of customers 客户信用分析Credit an alysis of suppliers 供应商的信用分析Credit an alysis on banks 银行信用分析Credit an alysts 信用分析Credit assessme nt 信用评估Credit bureau reports 信用咨询公司报告Credit bureaux 信用机构Credit con trol 信贷控制Credit control activities 信贷控制活动Credit con trol performa nee reports 信贷控制绩效报告Credit con trollers 信贷控制人员Credit cycle 信用循环Credit decisio ns 信贷决策Credit deterioration 信用恶化Credit exposure 信用敞口Credit granting process 授信程序Credit in formati on 信用信息Credit in formatio n age ncy 信用信息机构Credit insurance 信贷保险Credit insurance adva ntages 信贷保险的优势Credit in sura nee brokers 信贷保险经纪人Credit in sura nee limitati ons 信贷保险的局限Credit limits 信贷限额Credit limits for currency blocs 货币集团国家信贷限额Credit limits for in dividual co un tries 国家信贷限额Credit man ageme nt 信贷管理Credit man agers 信贷经理Credit mon itori ng 信贷监控Credit notes 欠款单据Credit period 信用期Credit pla nning 信用计戈UCredit policy 信用政策Credit policy issues 信用政策发布Credit proposals 信用申请Credit protecti on 信贷保护Credit quality 信贷质量Credit rating 信用评级Credit rati ng age ncies 信用评级机构Credit rating process 信用评级程序Credit rati ng system 信用评级系统Credit reference 信用咨询Credit reference age ncies 信用评级机构Credit risk信用风险Credit risk assessme nt 信用风险评估Credit risk exposure 信用风险敞口Credit risk in sura nee 信用风险保险Credit risk . in dividual customers 个体信用风险Credit risk : bank credit 信用风险:银行信用Credit risk : trade credit 信用风险:商业信用Credit scori ng 信用风险评分Credit scoring model 信用评分模型Credit scori ng system 信用评分系统Credit squeeze 信贷压缩Credit taken ratio 受信比率Credit terms 信贷条款Credit utilization reports 信贷利用报告Credit vett ing 信用审查Credit watch 信用观察Credit worth in ess 信誉Creditor days 应付账款天数Cross-default clause 交叉违约条款Currency risk 货币风险Current assets 流动资产Curre nt debts 流动负债Current ratio requireme nt 流动比率要求Curre nt ratios 流动比率Customer care 客户关注Customer credit rat ings 客户信用评级Customer liais on 客户联络Customer risks 客户风险Cut-off scores 及格线Cycle of credit mon itori ng 信用监督循环Cyclical busi ness 周期性行业Daily operat ing expe nses 经营费用Day' s sales outsta ndi ng 收回应收账款的平均天数Debe ntures 债券Debt capital 债务资本Debt collection age ncy 债务托收机构Debt issuer 债券发行人Debt protection levels 债券保护级别Debt ratio 负债比率Debt securities 债券Debt service ratio 还债率Debtor days 应收账款天数Debtor's assets 债权人的资产Default 违约Deferred payme nts 延期付款Defin itio n of leverage 财务杠杆率定义Deposit limits 储蓄限额Deposit ing money 储蓄资金Depreciati on 折旧Depreciati on policies 折旧政策Developme nt budget 研发预算Differe ntiation 差别化Direct loss 直接损失Directors salaries 董事薪酬Discretio nary cash flows 自决性现金流量Discretio nary outflows 自决性现金流出Distribution costs 分销成本Divide nd cover 股息保障倍数Divide nd payout ratio 股息支付率Divide nds 股利Docume ntary credit 跟单信用证DSO应收账款的平均回收期Duratio n of credit risk 信用风险期Easter n bloc coun tries 东方集团国家EBITDA扣除利息、税收、折旧和摊销之前的收益ECGD出口信贷担保局Econo mic con diti ons 经济环境Econo mic cycles 经济周期Econo mic depressi on 经济萧条Econo mic growth 经济增长Econo mic risk 经济风险Electro nic data in tercha nge(EDI) 电子数据交换En viro nmen tal factors 环境因素Equity capital 权益资本Equity finance 权益融资Equity stake 股权EU coun tries 欧盟国家EU directives 欧盟法规EUlaw欧盟法律Eurobo nds 欧洲债券Europea n parliame nt 欧洲议会Europea n Union 欧盟Evergree n loa n 常年贷款Excepti onal item 例外项目Excessive capital commitme nts 过多的资本承付款项Excha nge con trols 夕卜汇管制Excha nge-c on trol regulatio ns 夕卜汇管制条例Exhaust method 排空法Existi ng competitors 现有竞争对手Existi ng debt 未清偿债务Export credit age ncies 出口信贷代理机构Export credit in sura nee出口信贷保险 Export factori ng 出口代理Export sales 出口额Exports Credit Guara ntee Departme nt出口信贷担保局 Exte nding credit 信贷展期External age ncy 夕卜部机构Exter nal assessme nt methods 夕卜部评估方式Exter nal assessme nts 夕卜部评估Exter nal in formati on sources 夕卜部信息来源Extraord inary items非经常性项目 Extras 附加条件Facility accou nt 便利账户Factori ng 代理Factori ng debts 代理收账Factori ng disco un ti ng 代理折扣Factors Chai n In ternatio nal国际代理连锁 Failure predictio n scores 财务恶化预测分值FASB (美国)财务会计准则委员会Faulty credit an alysis破产信用分析Fees 费用Finance , new bus in ess ven tures 为新兴业务融资 Finance ,repay existing debt 为偿还现有债务融资 Finan ce,work ingcapital 为营运资金融资Finan cial assessme nt 财务评估Finan cial rat ing an alysis 财务评级分析Finan cial ratios 财务比率Finan cial risk 财务风险Finan cial risk ratios 财务风险比率Fitch IBCA 惠誉评级 Finan cial cash flows Finan cial collapse Finan cial flexibility Finan cial forecast Finan cial in stability 融资性现金流量财务危机财务弹性财务预测财务的不稳定性Fitch IBCA rati ngs 惠誉评级Fixed assets 固定资产Fixed charge 固定费用Fixed charge cover 固定费用保障倍数Fixed costs 固定成本Float ing assets 浮动资产Floati ng charge 浮动抵押Floor pla nning 底价协议Focus聚焦Forced sale risk 强制出售风险Foreig n excha nge markets 夕卜汇市场Forfaiti ng 福费廷Formal credit rat ing 正式信用评级Forward rate agreeme nts 远期禾U率协议FRAs远期利率协议Fund man agers 基金经理FX transaction 外汇交易GAAP公认会计准则Geari ng财务杠杆率Geographical spread of markets 市场的地理扩展Global target 全球目标Going concern con cept 持续经营原贝U Good len di ng 优质贷款Good times 良好时期Gover nment age ncies 政府机构Gover nment in terfere nee 政府干预Gross in come 总收入Guara ntee of payme nt 支付担保Guara nteed loa ns 担保贷款Guara ntees 担保High credit quality 高信贷质量High credit risks 高信贷风险High default risk 高违约风险High in terest rates 高禾U率High risk regions 高风险区域Highly speculative 高度投机High-risk loan 高风险贷款High-value loan 高价值贷款Historical acco un ti ng 历史会计处理Historical cost 历史成本IAS国际会计准则IASC国际会计准则委员会IBTT息税前利润ICE优质贷款原则Idealliquidity ratios 理想的流动性比率Implied debt rating 隐含债务评级Importa nee of credit con trol 信贷控制的重要性Improved products 改进的产品IImprovi ng reported asset values 改善资产账面价值In house assessme nt 内部评估In house credit an alysis 内部信用分析In house credit assessme nts 内部信用评估In house credit rati ngs 内部信用评级In come bonds 收入债券In come stateme nt 损益表In creas ing profits 提高利润In creas ing reported profits 提高账面利润In dem nity clause 赔偿条款In dicators of credit deteriorati on 信用恶化征兆In direct loss 间接损失In dividual credit transactions 个人信用交易In dividual rating 个体评级In dustrial reports 行业报告In dustrial un rest 行业动荡In dustry limit 行业限额In dustry risk 行业风险In dustry risk an alysis 行业风险分析Inflow现金流入In formati on in finan cial stateme nts 财务报表中的信息In-house credit ratin gs 内部信用评级Ini tial payme nt 初始支付In solve ncies 破产In stitutio nal in vestors 机构投资者In sured debt 投保债务Intan gible fixed asset 无形固定资产In ter-compa ny comparis ons 企业间比较In ter-compa ny loa ns 企业间借款Interest 利息In terest cost 利息成本In terest cover ratio 利息保障倍数In terest cover test 利息保障倍数测试In terest holiday 免息期In terest payme nts 禾利息支付In terest rates 利率Interim statements 中报(中期报表)Internal assessme nt methods 内部评估方法In ternal financing ratio 内部融资率Internal Revenue Service 美国国税局Intern ati onal Acco unting Stan dards Committee 国际会计准则委员会In ternatio nal Accou nting Sta ndards(IAS) 国际会计准则Intern ati onal Chamber of Commerce 国际商会Intern ati onal credit rat ings 国际信用评级Intern ati onal Factori ng Associati on 国际代理商协会Intern ati onal settleme nts 国际结算Inven tory 存货In verse of curre nt ratio 反转流动比率In vestme nt an alysts 投资分析人员In vestme nt policy 投资政策In vestme nt risk 投资风险In vestme nt spe nding 投资支出In voice disco unting 发票贴现Issue of bon ds 债券的发行Issued debt capital 发行债务资本Junk bo nd status 垃圾债券状况Just-i n-time system(JIT) 适时系统Key cash flow ratios 主要现金流量指标Labor un rest 劳动力市场动荡Large . scale borrower 大额借贷者Legal guara ntee 法律担保Legal in solve ncy 法律破产Lending agreeme nts 贷款合约Lending cove nants 贷款保证契约Lending decisi ons 贷款决策Lending proposals 贷款申请Lending propositi on 贷款申请Lending tran sacti ons 贷款交易Letters of credit 信用证Leverage 财务杠杆率LIBOR伦敦同业拆借利率Lien留置Liquid assets 速动资产Liquidati on 清算Liquidati on expe nses 清算费Liquidity流动性Liquidity and worki ng capital 流动性与营运资金Liquidity ratios 流动比率Liquidity run 流动性危机Liquidity shortage 流动性短缺Loa n cove nants 贷款合约Loa n guara ntees 贷款担保Loa n prin cipal 贷款本金Loa n prin cipal repayme nts 贷款本金偿还Loa n review 贷款审查Lon don In ter-ba nk Offered Rate 伦敦同业拆借利率Long' term debt 长期负债Lon g-term funding 长期融资Lon g-term risk 长期风险Man ageme nt 管理层Margi nal le ndi ng 边际贷款Margi nal trade credit 边际交易信贷Market surveys 市场调查Marketi ng 市场营销Markets 市场Matchi ng con cept 配比原则Material adverse-cha nge clause 重大不利变动条款Maximum leverage level 最高财务杠杆率限制Measureme nt and judgme nt 计量与判断Measuri ng risk 风险计量Medium-term loa n 中期贷款Microcomputer modell ing 计算机建模Mi nimum curre nt ratio requireme nt 最低流动比率要求Mi nimum leverage ratio 最低举债比率Mi nimum net worth 最低净值Mi nimum n et-worth requireme nt 最低净值要求Mi nimum risk asset ratio 最低风险资产比率Mo ni tori ng activity 监管活动Mon itori ng credit 信用监控Mon itori ng customer credit limits 监管客户信贷限额Mon itori ng risks 监管风险Monitoring total credit limits 监管全部信贷限额Mon thly reports 月报Moody's debt rati ng 穆迪债券评级Mortgage 抵押mpr' oving balanee sheet 改善资产负债表Multiple diserim in ate an alysis多元分析Natio nal debt 国家债务NCI无信贷间隔天数Near-cash assets 近似于现金的资产Negative cash flow 负现金流量Negative net cash flow 负净现金流量Negative operatio nal cash flows 负的经营性现金流量Negative pledge 限制抵押Net book value 净账面价值Net cash flow 净现金流量Net worth test 净值测试New entrants 新的市场进人者No credit in terval 无信贷间隔天数Non-cash items 非现金项目Non-core bus in ess 非核心业务Non-operati onal items 非经营性项目Obta ining payme nt 获得支付On e-man rule 一人原则Open acco unt terms 无担保条款Operati ng leases 经营租赁Operat ing profit 营业利润Operatio nal cash flow 营性现金流量Operational flexibility ~ 营弹性Optimal credit 最佳信贷Order cycle 订货环节Ordi nary divide nd payme nts 普通股股利支付Organi zati on of credit activities 信贷活动的组织Overdue payme nts 逾期支付Over-tradi ng 过度交易Overview of accou nts 财务报表概览•Parent compa ny 母公司PAT税后利润Payme nt in adva nee 提前付款Payme nt obligati ons 付款义务Payme nt records 付款记录Payme nt score 还款评分PBIT息税前利润PBT息后税前利润百分比变动Performa nee bonds 履约保证Personal guara ntees 个人担保Pla nning systems 计划系统Pledge典押Poin ts-seori ng system 评分系统Policy setti ng 政策制定Political risk 政治风险Pote ntial bad debt 潜在坏账Pote ntial credit risk 潜在信用风险Pote ntial value 潜在价值Predicti ng corporate failures 企业破产预测Prefere nee divide nds 优先股股息Preferred stockholders 优先股股东Prelim inary assessme nt 预备评估Premiums 溢价Primary ratios 基础比率Prior charge capital 优先偿付资本Priority cash flows 优先性现金流量Priority for creditors 债权人的清偿顺序Priority payme nts 优先支付Product life cycle 产品生命周期Product market an alysis 产品市场分析Product range 产品范围Products 产品Professi onal fees 专业费用Profit利润Profit and loss acco unt 损益账户Profit margin 利润率Profitability 盈利能力Profitability man ageme nt 盈禾U能力管理Profitability ratios 盈利能力比率Promissory no tes 本票Property values 所有权价值Providers of credit 授信者Provisi on acco un ti ng 准备金会计处理Prude nee con cept 谨慎原贝UPublic in formatio n 公共信息Public relatio ns 公共关系Purpose of credit ratings 信用评级的目的Purpose of ratios 计算比率的目的Qualitative covenants 定性条款Quan titative cove nants 定量条款Query con trol 质疑控制Quick ratio 速动比率Rati ng exercise 评级实践Rat ing process for a compa ny Ratioan alysis 比率分析 Ratio an alyst weak nesses ~L Real in solve ncy 真实破产 Real sales growth 实际销售收入增长率Realization con cept实现原则Receivables 应收账款Recessi on 衰退Reduc ing debtors 冲减应收账款Reduc ing profits 冲减利润Reduc ing provisi ons 冲减准备金Reduc ing reported profits冲减账面利润 Reduci ng stocks 减少存货Registrar of Compa nies 企业监管局Regulatory risk 监管风险 Releas ing provisi ons 冲回准备金Relocati on expe nses 费用再分酉己Remi nder letters 催缴单Restrict ions on secured borrow ing 担保借款限制 Rete ntio n-of-title clauses 所有权保留条款Revenues 总收入Risk an alysis reports 风险分析报告Risk and ba nks 风险与银行Risk and compa nies 风险与企业Risk and Retur n 风险与回报Risk capital 风险资本 企业评级程序率分析的缺陷 Repayme nt on dema ndclause Replaceme nt of prin cipal Report of chairma n Reserve acco unting Residual cash flows Restrict ing bad debts即期偿还条款 偿还本金总裁/董事长报告准备金核算 剩余现金流量 限制坏账Risk-reward 风险回报Risk-weighted assets 风险加权资产ROCE资本收益率Romapla clauses 一手交钱一手交货"条款Sales销售额Seco ndary ratios 分解比率Secure methods of payme nt 付款的担保方式Secured assets 担保资产Secured creditors 有担保债权人Secured loa ns 担保贷款Securities and Excha nge Commissi on (美国)证券交易委员会Security guara ntees 抵押担保Security of payme nt 付款担保Security gen eral prin ciples 担保的一般原贝USegme ntati on 纟田分Setti ng and polici ng credit limits 信用限额的设定与政策制定Settleme nt discou nt (提前)结算折扣Settleme nt terms 结算条款Share price 股价Short-term borrow ing 短期借款Short-term creditors 短期负债Short-term liabilities 短期债务Short-termism 短期化SIC常务诠释委员会Signi fica nee of work ing capital 营运资金的重要性Sin gle credit customer 单一信用客户Si ngle ratio an alysis 单一比率分析Size of credit risk 信用风险的大小Slow stock turnover 较低的存货周转率Sources of assessme nts 评估信息来源Sources of credit in formati on 信用信息来源Sources of risk 风险来源Sovereig n rat ing 主权评级Specialist age ncies 专业机构Specific debt issue 特别债券发行Speculative 投机性Speculative grades 投机性评级Split rating 分割评级Spot rate 现价(即期比率)Spreadsheets 电子数据表Staff redu nda ncies 员工遣散费Stan dard and Poor 标准普尔Standard security clauses 标准担保条款Sta ndard&Poor's 标准普尔Stan dby credits 备用信用证Standing In terpretati ons Committee 证券交易委员会Sta ndi ng starti ng credit limits 持续更新信用限额Statistical an alysis 统计分析Statistical tech niq ues 统计技巧Status reports (企业)状况报告Stock valuatio ns 存货核算Stocks股票Straight line depreciati on method 直线折旧法Strategic positi oning 战略定位Suplus assets 盈余资产Suplus rati ng 盈余评级Supplier power 供应商的力量Supply chain 供应链Support rati ng 支持评级Swap agreeme nt 换合约Swaps 互换SWOT an alysis SWOT 分析Symptoms of failure questi onn aires 企业破产征兆调查表Takeovers 收购Tax payme nts 税务支付Tech ni cal in solve ncy 技术破产Tech no logy and cha nge 技术进步Term loan 定期贷款Term of borrow ing 借款期限Third party guara ntees 第三方担保Tier 1 capital 一类资本Tier 2 capital 二类资本Total credit limit 整体信用限额Total curre nt assets 流动资产总额Trade compa nies 贸易企业Trade credit 商业信用Trade creditors 应付账款Trade cycle 商业循环Trade cycle times 商业循环周期Trade debt 应收账款Trade debtors 贸易债权人Trade In dem nity 贸易赔偿Trade refere nces 贸易参考Trade-off 协定Tradi ng outlook 交易概况Trad ing profit 营业利润Traditio nal cash flow 传统现金流量Usefu In ess of liquidity ratios Uses of cash 现金的使用 Using bank risk in formati on Using finan cial assessme nts Usi ng ratios 财务比率的运用 Using rete nti on-o f-titleclauses Value cha in 价值链 Value of Z scores Z Variable costsVariable in terest 可变利息Variety of financial ratios 财务比率的种类 Vetti ng procedures 审查程序Volatitle revenue dyn amic 收益波动Volume of sales 销售量Warni ng sig ns of credit risk 信用风险的警示 Work ing assets 营运资产work ing capital 营运资本Worki ng capital chan ges 营运资本变化额 Worki ng capital man ageme nt 营运资本管理 worki ng capitalratios 营运资本比率 Write-dow ns 资产减值Write-offs 勾销Z score assessme nts Z 值评估z score models z 值模型Z scores z 值Z scoring Z 值评分系统 Triple A 三 AUCP 跟单信用证统一惯例Un covered divide nd Un iform Customs&Practice Un paid in voice s 未付款发票 Unsecured creditors 未保障的股利 跟单信用证统 未担保的债权人 惯例 流动性比率的作用 使用银行风值模型的价值 变动成本。

soft currency 软通货
international monetary system 国际货币制度
the purchasing power of money 货币购买力
money in circulation 货币流通量
note issue 纸币发行量
hedge against 套期保值
housing mortgage 住房按揭
holdings 控股,所持股份
holding company 控股公司
initial offerings 原始股
initial public offerings 首次公募
innovative business 创新企业
intellectual capital 智力资本
inter-bank lending 拆借
internet customer 网上客户
investment payoff period 投资回收期
joint-stock 参股
unit trust 信托投资公司
trust institution 银行的信托部
credit department 银行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)
neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所
banking hours, business hours 营业时间
acquiring company 收购公司
bad loan 呆帐 金融 英语 词汇
chart of cash flow 现金流量表

big data
artificial intelligence
personal deposits
total deposits
equity attributable to equity holdersof the parent company
share capital
net core tier 1 capital
settlement, clearing business and
cash management
investment banking business
corporate wealth management services
guarantee and commitment business
non-performing loans(NPL)ratio
more than 90 days overdue loansto non-performing loansratio
allowance to non-performing loans
allowance to total loans ratio

金融学专业词汇(中英文对照)目录1. 货币与货币制度 (3)2. 国际货币体系与汇率制度 (4)3. 信用、利息与信用形成 (5)4. 金融范畴的形成与发展 (7)5. 金融中介体系 (7)6. 存款货币银行 (9)7. 中央银行 (10)8. 金融市场 (10)9. 资本市场 (13)10. 金融体系结构 (14)11. 金融基础设施 (14)12. 利率的决定作用 (15)13. 货币需求 (16)14. 现代货币的创造机制 (17)15. 货币供给 (17)16. 货币均衡 (18)17. 开放经济的均衡 (18)18. 通货膨胀和通货紧缩 (19)19. 货币政策 (20)20. 货币政策与财政政策的配合 (21)21. 开放条件下的政策搭配与协调 (22)22. 利率的风险结构与期限结构 (22)23. 资产组合与资产定价 (23)24. 商业银行业务与管理 (25)25. 货币经济与实际经济 (26)26. 金融发展与经济增长 (26)27. 金融脆弱性与金融危机 (27)28. 金融监管 (27)1.货币与货币制度货币:(currency)外汇:(foreign exchange)铸币:(coin)银行券:(banknote)纸币:(paper currency)存款货币:(deposit money)价值尺度:(measure of values)货币单位:(currency unit)货币购买力:(purchasing power of money)购买力平价:(purchasing power parity,PPP)流通手段:(means of circulation)购买手段:(means of purchasing)交易的媒介:(media of exchange)支付手段:(means of payment)货币需求:(demand for money)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)保存价值:(store of value)汇率:(exchange rate)一般等价物:(universal equivalent)流动性:(liquidity)通货:(currency)准货币:(quasi money)货币制度:(monetary system)本位制:(standard)金本位:(gold standard)造币:(coinage)铸币税:(seigniorage)本位币:(standard money)辅币:(fractional money)货币法偿能力:(legal tender powers)复本位制:(bimetallic standard)金汇兑本位:(gold exchange standard)金平价:(gold parity)金块本位制:(gold bullion standard)2.国际货币体系与汇率制度浮动汇率制:(floating exchange rate regime)货币局制度:(currency board arrangement)联系汇率制度:(linked exchange rate system)美元化:(dollarization)最优通货区理论:(theory of optimum currency area)货币消亡:(money disappearance)外汇:(foreign currency)外汇管理:(exchange regulation)外汇管制:(exchange control)可兑换:(convertibility)不可兑换:(inconvertibility)经常项目:(current account)资本项目:(capital account)汇率:(exchange rate)牌价:(posted price)直接标价法:(direct quotation)间接标价法:(indirect quotation)单一汇率:(unitary exchange rate)多重汇率:(multiple exchange rate)市场汇率:(market exchange rate)官方汇率:(official exchange rate)黑市:(black market)固定汇率:(fixed exchange rate)浮动汇率:(floating exchange rate)管理浮动:(managed float)盯住汇率制度:(pegged exchange rate regime)固定钉住:(fixed peg)在水平带内的盯住:(pegged within horizontal bands)爬行钉住:(crawling peg)外汇指定银行:(designated foreign exchange bank)货币的对外价值:(external value of exchange)货币的对内价值:(internal value of exchange)名义汇率:(nominal exchange rate)实际汇率:(real exchange rate)铸币平价:(mint parity)金平价:(gold parity)黄金输送点:(gold transport point)国际借贷说:(theory of international indebtedness)流动债权:(current claim)流动负债:(current liablity)国际收支说:(theory of balance payment)汇兑心理说:(psychology theory of exchange rate)货币分析说:(monetary approach)金融资产说:(portfolio theory of exchange rate determination)利率平价理论:(theory of interest rate parity)外汇风险:(exchange risk)中国的外汇调剂:(foreign exchange swap)3.信用、利息与信用形成信用:(credit)利息:(interest)收益:(yield)资本化:(capitalization of interest)高利贷:(usury)利率:(interest rate)债权:(claim)债务:(debt obligation)借入:(borrowing)贷出:(lending)盈余:(surplus)赤字:(deficit)跨时预算约束:(intertemporal budget constraint)资金流量:(flow of funds)部门:(sector)借贷资本:(loan capital)实体:(real)商业信用:(commercial credit)银行信用:(bank credit)本票:(promissory note)汇票:(bill of exchange)商业本票:(commercial paper)商业汇票:(commercial bill)承兑:(acceptance)背书:(endorsement)直接融资:(direct finance)间接融资:(indirect finance)短期国库卷:(treasury bill)中期国库卷:(treasury note)长期国库卷:(treasury bond)国债:(national debt)公债:(public debt)资本输出:(export of capital)国际资本流动:(international capital flow)国外商业性借贷:(foreign direct investment,FDI)国际游资:(hot money)4.金融范畴的形成与发展财政:(public finance)公司理财:(corporate finance)投资:(investment)保险:(insurance)财产保险:(property insurance)人身保险:(mutual life insurance)相互人寿保险:(mutual life insurance)信托:(trust)租赁:(leasing)5.金融中介体系金融中介:(financial intermediary)金融机构:(financial institution)借者:(borrower)贷者:(lender)货币中介:(monetary intermediation)权益资本:(equity capital)中央银行:(central bank)货币当局:(monetary authority)存款货币银行:(deposit money bank)商业银行:(commercial bank)投资银行:(investment bank)商人银行:(merchant bank)财务公司:(financial companies)储蓄银行:(saving bank)抵押银行:(mortgage bank)信用合作社:(credit cooperative)保险业:(insurance industry)跨国银行:(multinational bank)代表处:(representative office)经理处:(agency)分行:(branch)子银行:(subsidiary)联营银行:(affiliate)国际财团银行:(consortium bank)中国人民银行:(People’s Bank of China)政策性银行:(policy banks)国有商业银行:(state-owned commercial banks)资产管理公司:(assets management company)证券公司:(securities company)券商:(securities dealer)农村信用合作社:(rural credit cooperatives)城市信用合作社:(urban credit cooperatives)信托投资公司:(trust and investment companies)信托:(trust)金融租赁:(financial leasing)邮政储蓄:(postal savings)财产保险:(property insurance)商业保险:(commercial insurance)社会保险:(social insurance)保险深度:(insurance intensity)保险密度:(insurance density)投资基金:(investment funds)证券投资基金:(security funds)封闭式基金:(closed-end investment funds)开放式基金:(open-end investment funds)私募基金:(private placement)风险投资基金:(venture funds)特别提款权:(special drawing right,SDR)国有化:(nationalization)6.存款货币银行货币兑换商:(money dealer)银行业:(banking)贴现率:(discount rate)职能分工型商业银行:(functional division commercial bank)全能型商业银行:(multi-function commercial bank)综合性商业银行:(comprehensive commercial bank)单元银行制度:(unit banking system)总分行制度:(branch banking system)代理行制度:(correspondent banking system)银行控股公司制度:(share holding banking system)连锁银行制度:(chains banking system)金融创新:(financial innovation)自动转账制度:(automatic transfer services,ATS)可转让支付命令账户:(negotiable order of withdrawal account,NOW)货币市场互助基金:(money market mutual fund,MMMF)货币市场存款账户:(money market deposit account,MMDA)不良债权:(bad claim)坏账:(bad loan)不良贷款:(non-performing loans,NPL)存款保险制度:(deposit insurance system)金融资本:(financial capital)7.中央银行中央银行:(central bank)一元式中央银行制度:(unit central bank system)二元式中央银行制度:(dual central bank system)复合中央银行制度:(compound central bank system)跨国中央银行制度:(multinational central bank system)发行的银行:(bank of issue)银行的银行:(bank of bank)最后贷款人:(lender of last resort)再贴现:(rediscount)在抵押:(recollateralize)国家的银行:(the state bank)8.金融市场金融市场:(financial market)证券化:(securitization)金融资产:(financial assets)金融工具:(financial instruments)金融产品:(financial products)衍生金融产品:(derivative financial products)原生金融产品:(underlying financial products)流动性:(liquidity)变现:(encashment)买卖差价:(bid-ask spread)做市商:(market marker)到期日:(due date)信用风险:(credit risk)市场风险:(market risk)名义收益率:(nominal yield)现时收益率:(current yield)平均收益率:(average yield)内在价值:(intrinsic value)直接融资:(direct finance)间接融资:(indirect finance)货币市场:(money market)资本市场:(capital market)现货市场:(spot market)期货市场:(futures market)机构投资人:(institutional investor)资信度:(credit standing)融通票据:(financial paper)银行承兑票据:(bank acceptance)贴现:(discount)大额存单:(certificates of desposit,CDs)回购:(counterpurchase)回购协议:(repurchase agreement)隔夜:(overnight)银行同业间拆借市场:(interbank market)合约:(contract)远期:(forward)期货:(futures)期权:(options)看涨期权:(call option)看跌期权:(put option)期权费:(option premium)互换:(swap)投资基金:(investment funds)契约型基金:(contractual type investment fund)单位型基金:(unit funds)基金型基金:(funding funds)公司型基金:(corporate type investment fund)投资管理公司:(investment management company)共同基金:(mutual fund)对冲基金:(hedge fund)风投基金:(venture fund)权益投资:(equity investment)收益基金:(income funds)增长基金:(growth funds)长期增长基金:(long-term growth funds)高增长基金:(go-go groeth funds)货币市场基金:(money market funds)养老基金:(pension fund)外汇市场:(foreign exchange market)风险资本:(venture capital)权益资本:(equity capital)私人权益资本市场:(private equity market)有限合伙制:(limited partnership)交易发起:(deal origination)筛选投资机会:(screening)评价:(evaluation)交易设计:(deal structure)投资后管理:(post-investment activities)创业板市场:(growth enterprise market,GEM)二板市场:(secondary board market)金融创新:(financial innovation)金融自由化:(financial liberalization)全球化:(globalization)离岸金融市场:(off-shore financial center)9.资本市场权益:(equity)剩余索取权:(residual claims)证券交易所:(stock exchange)交割:(delivery)过户:(transfer ownership)场外交易市场:(over the counter,OTC)金融债券:(financial bond)抵押债券:(mortgage bond)担保信托债券:(collateral trust bonds)信用债券:(trust bonds)次等信用债券:(subordinated debenture)担保债券:(guaranteed bonds)初级市场:(primary market)二级市场:(secondary market)公募:(public offering)私募:(private offering)有价证券:(security)面值:(face value)市值:(market value)股票价格指数:(share price index)有效市场假说:(effective market hypothesis)弱有效市场:(weak efficient market)中度有效市场:(semi-efficient market)强有效市场:(strong efficient market)股份公司:(stock certificate)股票:(stock certificate)股东:(stock holder)所有权:(ownership)经营权:(right of management)10.金融体系结构功能主义金融观:(perspective of financial function)金融体系格局:(pattern of financial system)激励:(incentive)公司治理:(corporate governance)路径依赖:(path dependency)市场主导型:(market-oriented type)银行主导型:(banking-oriented type)参与成本:(participative cost)影子银行体系:(the shadow banking system)11.金融基础设施金融基础设施:(financial infrastructures)支付清算系统:(payment and clearing system)跨境支付系统:(cross-border inter-bank payment system,CIPS)全额实时结算:(real time gross system)净额批量清算:(bulk transfer net system)大额资金转账系统:(whole sale funds transfer system)小额定时结算系统:(fixed time retail system)票据交换所:(clearing house)金融市场基础设施:(financial market infrastructures)中央交易对手:(central counterparties,CCPs)双边清算体系:(bilateral clearing system)系统重要性支付体系核心原则:(the core principles for systemically important payment system)证券清算体系建议:(the recommendations for central counterparties)中央交易对手建议:(the recommendations for central counterparties)金融业标准:(financial standards)盯市:(mark-to-market)公允价值:(fair value)金融部门评估规划:(financial sector assessment program)12.利率的决定作用可贷资金论:(loanable funds theory of interest)储蓄的利率弹性:(interest elasticity of saving)投资的利率弹性:(interest elasticity of investment)本金:(principal)回报率:(returns)基准利率:(benchmark interest rate)无风险利率:(risk-free interest rate)补偿:(compensation)风险溢价:(risk premium)实际利率:(real interest rate)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)固定利率:(fixed interest rate)浮动利率:(floating rate)官定利率:(official interest rate)行业利率:(trade-regulated rate)一般利率:(general interest rate)优惠利率:(preferential interest rate)贴息贷款:(loan of interest subsidy)年利率:(annual interest rate)月利率:(monthly interest rate)日利率:(daily interest rate)拆息:(call money interest)13.货币需求货币需求:(demand for money)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)货币必要量:(volume of money needed)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)交易方程式:(equation of exchange)剑桥方程式:(equation of Cambridge)现金交易说:(cash transaction approach)现金余额说:(cash balance theory)货币需求动机:(motive of the demand for money)交易动机:(transaction motive)预防动机:(precautionary motive)投机动机:(speculative motive)流动性偏好:(liquidity preference)流动性陷阱:(liquidity trap)平方根法则:(square-root rule)货币主义:(monetarism)恒久性收入:(permanent income)机会成本变量:(opportunity cost variable)名义货币需求:(nominal demand for money)实际货币需求:(real demand for money)客户保证金:(customer’s security marign)金融资产选择:(portfolio selection)14.现代货币的创造机制纯流通费用:(pure circulation cost)原始存款:(primary deposit)派生存款:(derivative deposit)派生乘数:(withdrawal multiplier)现金损露:(loss of cashes)提现率:(withdrawal rate)创造乘数:(creation multiplier)现金:(currency)基础货币:(base money)高能货币:(high-power money)货币乘数:(money multiplier)铸币收入:(seigniorage revenue)15.货币供给货币供给:(money supply)准货币:(quasi money)名义货币供给:(nominal money supply)实际货币供给:(real money supply)股民保证金:(shareholder’s security margin)货币存量:(money stock)公开市场操作:(open-market operation)贴现政策:(discount policy)再贴现率:(rediscount rate)法定准备金率:(legal reserve ratio)财富效应:(wealth effect)预期报酬率变动效应:(effect of expected yields change)现金持有量:(currency holdings)超额准备金:(excess reserves)外生变量:(exogenous variable)内生变量:(endogenous variable)16.货币均衡均衡:(equilibrium)投资饥渴:(huger for investment)软预算约束:(soft budget constraint)总需求:(aggregate demand)总供给:(aggregate supply)面纱论:(money veil theory)流:(flow)余额:(stock)17.开放经济的均衡国际收支:(balance of payments)居民:(resident)非居民:(nonresident)国际收支平衡表:(statement for balance of payments)经常项目:(current account)资本和金融项目:(capital and financial account)储备资产:(reserve assets)净误差与遗漏:(net errors and missions)自主性交易:(autonomous transaction)调节性交易:(accommodating transaction)偿债率:(debt service ratio)顺差:(surplus)逆差:(deficit)最后清偿率:(last liquidation ratio)资本流动:(capital movements)项目融资:(project finance)外债:(external debt)资本外逃:(capital flight)冲销性操作:(sterilized operation)非冲销性操作:(unsterilized operation)债务率:(debt ratio)负债率:(liability ratio)差额:(balance)18.通货膨胀和通货紧缩通货膨胀:(inflation)恶性通货膨胀:(rampant inflation)爬行通货膨胀:(creeping inflation)温和通货膨胀:(moderate inflation)公开性通货膨胀:(open inflation)显性通货膨胀:(evident inflation)隐蔽性通货膨胀:(hidden inflation)输入型通货膨胀:(import of inflation)结构性通货膨胀:(structural inflation)通货膨胀率:(inflation rate)居民消费物价指数:(CPI)零售物价指数:(RPI)批发物价指数:(WPI)冲减指数:(deflator)需求拉上型通货膨胀:(demand-pull inflation)成本推动型通货膨胀:(cost-push inflation)工资-价格螺旋上升:(wage-price spiral)强制储蓄:(forced saving)收入分配效应:(distributional effect of income)财富分配效应:(distributional effect of wealth)滞胀:(stagflation)工资膨胀率:(wage inflation)紧缩性货币政策:(tight monetary policy)紧缩银根:(tight money)紧缩信贷:(tight squeeze)指数化:(indexation)通货紧缩:(deflation)19.货币政策货币政策:(monetary policy)金融政策:(financial policy)货币政策目标:(goal of monetary policy)通货膨胀目标制:(inflation targeting)逆风向原则:(principle of leaning against the wind)反周期货币政策:(counter cycle monetary policy)相机抉择:(discretionary)单一规则:(single rule)告示效应:(bulletin effects)直接信用控制:(direct credit)信用配额:(credit allocation)流动性比率:(liquidity ratio)间接信用控制:(indirect credit control)道义劝告:(moral suasion)窗口指导:(window guidence)信用贷款:(lending)传导机制:(conduction mechanism)中介指标:(intermediate target)信贷配给:(credit rationing)资产负债表渠道:(balance sheet channel)时滞:(time lag)预期:(expectation)透明度:(transparency)信任:(credibility)软着陆:(soft landing)20.货币政策与财政政策的配合赤字:(deficit)经常性收入:(current revenue)税:(tax)费:(fee)经常性支出:(current expenditure)资本性收入:(capital revenue)补助:(grant)资本性支出:(capital expenditure)账面赤字:(book deficit)隐蔽赤字:(hidden deficit)预算外:(off-budget)透支:(overdraft)净举债:(net fiancing)未清偿债券:(outstanding debt)或有债务:(contingent liability)准备货币:(reserve money)国债依存度:(public debt dependency)国债负担率:(public debt-to-GDP ratio)国债偿债率:(government debt-service ratio)财政政策:(fiscal policy)补偿性财政货币政策:(compensatory fiscal and monetary policy) 21.开放条件下的政策搭配与协调米德冲突:(Meade’s conflict)国际政策协调:(international policy coordination)信息交换:(information exchange)危机管理:(crisis management)避免共享目标变量的冲突:(avoiding conflicts over shared targets)合作确定中介目标:(cooperation intermediate targeting)部分协调:(full coordination)汇率目标区:(target zone of exchange rate)马歇尔-勒纳条件:(Marshall-Lerner condition)J曲线效应:(J curve effect)22.利率的风险结构与期限结构单利:(simple interest)复利:(compound interest)现值:(present value)终值:(future value)竞价拍卖:(open-outcry auction)贴现值:(present discount value)利率管制:(interest rate control)利率管理体制:(interest rate regulation system)存贷利差:(interest rate regulation system)利率风险结构:(risk structure of interest rates)违约风险:(default risk)利率期限结构:(term structure of interest rates)即期利率:(spot rate of interest)远期利率:(forward rate of interest)到期收益率:(yield to maturity)现金流:(cash floe)预期理论:(expectation theory)流动性理论:(liquidity theory)偏好理论:(preferred habitat theory)市场隔断理论:(market segmentation theory) 23.资产组合与资产定价市场风险:(market risk)信用风险:(credit risk)流动性风险:(liquidity risk)操作风险:(operational risk)法律风险:(legal risk)政策风险:(policy risk)道德风险:(moral hazard)主权风险:(sovereign risk)市场流动性风险:(product liquidity)现金流风险:(cash flow)执行风险:(execution risk)欺诈风险:(fraud risk)遵守与监管风险:(compliance and regulatory risk)资产组合理论:(portfolio theory)系统性风险:(systematic risk)非系统性风险:(nonsystematic risk)效益边界:(efficient frontier)价值评估:(evaluation)市盈率:(price-earning ratio)资产定价模型:(asset pricing model)资本资产定价模型:(capital asset pricing model,CAPM)无风险资产:(risk-free assets)市场组合:(market portfolio)多要素模型:(multifactorCAPM)套利定价理论:(arbitrage pricing theory,APT)期权加价:(option premium)内在价值:(intrinsic value)时间价值:(time value)执行价格:(strike price)看涨期权:(call option)看跌期权:(put option)对冲型的资产组合:(hedge portfolios)套利:(arbitrage)无套利均衡:(no-arbitrage equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibrium price)多头:(long position)空头:(short position)动态复制:(dynamic replication)头寸:(position)风险偏好:(risk preference)风险中性:(risk neutral)风险厌恶:(risk averse)风险中性定价:(risk-netural pricing)24.商业银行业务与管理银行负责业务:(liability business)存款:(deposit)活期存款:(demand deposit)支票存款:(check deposit)透支:(overdraft)定期存款:(time deposit)再贴现:(rediscount)金融债券:(financial bond)抵押贷款:(mortgage loan)信用贷款:(credit loan)通知贷款:(demand loan)真实票据论:(real bill doctrine)商业贷款理论:(commercial loan theory)证券投资:(portfolio investment)中间业务:(middleman business)表外业务:(off-balance sheet business)无风险业务:(risk-free business)汇款:(remittance)信用证:(letter of credit)商品信用证:(commercial letter of credit)代收业务:(business of collection)代客买卖业务:(business of commission)承兑网络银行:(internet bank)虚拟银行:(virtual bank)企业对个人:(B2C)企业对企业:(B2B)挤兑:(bank runs)资产管理:(assets management)自偿性:(self-liquidation)可转换性理论:(convertibility theory)预期收入理论:(anticipated income theory)负债管理:(liability management)资产负债综合管理:(comprehensive management of assets and liability)风险管理:(risk management)在险价值:(value at risk,VAR)25.货币经济与实际经济两分法:(dichotomy)实际经济:(real economy)货币经济:(monetary economy)虚拟资本:(monetary capital)泡沫经济:(bubble economy)虚拟经济:(virtual economy)货币中性:(neutrality of money)相对价格:(relative price)货币面纱:(monetary veil)瓦尔拉斯均衡:(Walras equilibrium)一般均衡理论:(theory of general equilibrium)超中性:(super-neutrality)26.金融发展与经济增长金融发展:(financial development)金融自由化:(financial liberalization)金融深化:(financial deepening)金融压抑:(financial repression)金融机构化:(financial institutionalization)分层比率:(gradation ratio)金融相关率:(financial interrelation ratio,FIR)货币化率:(monetarization ratio)脱媒:(distintermediation)导管效应:(tube effect)27.金融脆弱性与金融危机金融脆弱性:(financial fragility)金融风险:(financial risk)长周期:(long cycles)安全边界:(margins of safety)汇率超调理论:(theory of exchange rate over shooting)金融危机:(financial crises)资产管理公司:(asset management corporation,AMC)金融恐慌:(financial panic)优先/次级抵押贷款债券:(senior/subordinate structure) 28.金融监管金融监管:(financial regulation)公共选择:(public choice)最低资本要求:(minimum capital requirements)监管当局的监管:(supervisory review process)市场纪律:(market discipline)宏观审慎框架:(macro-prudential framework)分行:(branch)子行:(subsidiary)并表监管:(consolidated supervision)。

(一)缩略词汇(缩略词-全称-中文翻译)国际机构与组织:IMF-International Monetary Fund-国际货币基金组织BIS-Bank for International Settlements-国际清算银行FSB-Financial Stability Board-金融稳定理事会FSAP-Financial Sector Assessment Program-金融部门评估规划IOSCO-International Organization of Securities Commissions-国际证监会组织IADI-International Association of Deposit Insurers-国际存款保险机构协会BCBS-Basel Committee on Banking Supervision-巴塞尔银行监管委员会FOMC-Federal Open Market Committee-美联储公开市场委员会EMEs-Emerging Market Economies-新兴市场经济体SRC-Standing Committee for Supervisory and Regulatory Cooperation-监管合作委员会经济金融专业词汇:SIE-Supervisory Intensity and Effectiveness-监管强度与有效性SCAP-Supervisory Capital Assessment Program-监管资本评估计划Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision-有效银行监管核心原则TARP-Troubled Asset Relief Program-问题资产救助计划HAMP-Home Affordable Modification Program-住房可偿付调整计划MMFs-Money Market Funds-货币市场基金FHA-Federal Housing Administration-联邦住房管理局QE-Quantitative Easing-量化宽松货币政策BCPs-Basel Core Principles-巴塞尔核心原则SIFIs-Systemically Important Financial Institutions-系统重要性金融机构(G-SIFIs)-Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions-全球系统重要性金融机构SME-Small and Medium Enterpises-中小型企业(Euro:〈49 小型,〈249 中型;USA:〈99 小型,〈500 中型)QIS-Quantitative Impact Study-定量影响分析(研究),简称“定量测算”。

1. CSA,加拿大证券管理局(Canadian Securities Administrators)对于加拿大证券市场的监管分级;
2. SEC,美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)对于美国证券市场的监管分级;
3. FCA,英国金融行为监管局(Financial Conduct Authority)对于英国金融市场的监管分级;
4. ASIC,澳大利亚证券投资委员会(Australian Securities and Investments Commission)对于澳大利亚金融市场的监管分级;
5. FINMA,瑞士金融市场监督管理局(Swiss Financial
Market Supervisory Authority)对于瑞士金融市场的监管分级。

金融监管英语词汇表以下是一些常见的金融监管英语词汇:1.Financial Regulation:金融监管2.Central Bank:中央银行3.Securities Regulator:证券监管机构4.Insurance Regulator:保险监管机构5.Banking Regulator:银行业监管机构6.Anti-Money Laundering:反洗钱7.Counter-Terrorism Financing:反恐怖主义融资8.Shadow Banking:影子银行9.Macroprudential Regulation:宏观审慎监管10.Microprudential Regulation:微观审慎监管11.Capital Adequacy Ratio:资本充足率12.Liquidity Ratio:流动性比率13.Asset Quality Review:资产质量审查14.Stress Test:压力测试pliance Officer:合规专员16.Reporting Obligation:报告义务17.Sanctions Program:制裁计划18.Whistleblower Program:举报人计划19.Money Market:货币市场21.Capital Market:资本市场22.Derivatives:衍生品23.Swap:掉期24.Futures:期货25.Options:期权26.Credit Default Swap:信用违约掉期27.Repurchase Agreement:回购协议28.Clearing House:结算所29.Swap Execution Facility:掉期执行机制30.Over-the-Counter Derivatives:场外衍生品31.Market Maker:做市商32.Prime Brokerage:主经纪业务33.Underwriting:承销34.Bond Issuance:债券发行35.Loan Syndication:贷款银团36.Credit Rating Agency:信用评级机构37.Deposit Insurance:存款保险38.Consumer Protection:消费者保护39.Fraud Prevention:防欺诈40.Securities Lending and Borrowing:证券借贷41.Market Abuse:市场滥用。

银监会英语考试银行英语词汇Banking English Vocabulary for the China Banking Regulatory Commission English ExamIntroduction:Banking industry professionals in China need a strong command of English to communicate effectively in a globalized financial environment. The China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) requires its employees to possess English language skills, including a good understanding of banking-specific vocabulary. This article provides a comprehensive overview of essential banking English vocabulary that will help CBRC candidates excel in the English proficiency test.1. Banking Basics1.1 Deposit Accounts- Savings Account- Current Account/Checking Account- Fixed Deposit Account- Time Deposit Account- Certificate of Deposit (CD)1.2 Lending and Borrowing - Loan- Mortgage- Personal Loan- Business Loan- Credit Card1.3 Investments- Stocks- Bonds- Mutual Funds- Portfolio- Risk Management2. Financial Institutions 2.1 Commercial Banks- Retail Banks- Commercial Lending- Corporate Banking- Investment Banking2.2 Central Banks- Monetary Policy- Interest Rates- Money Supply- Open Market Operations2.3 Investment Banks- Mergers and Acquisitions- Underwriting- Initial Public Offering (IPO)- Securities Trading3. Regulatory Bodies3.1 China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) - Banking Regulations- Supervision and Examination- Enforcement Actions- Consumer Protection3.2 Financial Stability Board (FSB)- International Banking Regulations- Basel III- Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFI) 3.3 International Monetary Fund (IMF)- Economic Surveillance- Financial Assistance- Exchange Rate Policies- Global Financial Stability Report4. Financial Concepts4.1 Interest- Simple Interest- Compound Interest- Annual Percentage Rate (APR)- Prime Rate4.2 Risk- Credit Risk- Market Risk- Liquidity Risk- Operational Risk4.3 Financial Statements- Balance Sheet- Income Statement- Cash Flow Statement- Statement of Retained Earnings5. Business Correspondence5.1 Emails and Memos- Formal Greetings and Closings - Clear and Concise Content- Actionable Language5.2 Reports and Presentations- Executive Summaries- Visual Aids- Data Analysis and Interpretation6. Customer Service6.1 Opening an Account- Account Application- Identification Documentation- Account Terms and Conditions6.2 Handling Inquiries- Account Balance- Transaction History- Interest Rates and Fees6.3 Resolving Complaints- Active Listening- Empathy and Understanding- Prompt and Effective SolutionsConclusion:Mastering banking English vocabulary is crucial for success in the CBRC English exam. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of key banking terms and concepts that will help candidatesprepare effectively. By incorporating this vocabulary into their study plan, CBRC candidates will increase their chances of achieving excellent results and advancing their career in the banking industry.。

Bank statement 银行对账单Current deposit 活期存款Telegraphic transfer 电汇Discount Rate 贴现率Open-End Fund 开放式基金中国招商银行China Merchants Bank信用卡Credit Card浮动汇率Floating Rate利率Interest Rate货币政策Monetary Policy现代管理学之父:彼得·德鲁克菲利普斯曲线表示:失业率和通货膨胀之间的关系CIF的风险转移点:货过船舷双因素理论的创始人:赫茨伯格提高存款准备金率将:提高贴现率将:货币供给量减少,利率提高赫兹伯格的保健因素(判断对错)面对金融危机,我国采取的措施以及银行业采取的措施?第一部分中国的银行业business 商号,企业,公司savings 储蓄monetary policy 货币政策repository 仓库liquid funds 流动资金channel 引入,注入impulse 推动力,刺激macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理in response to 随……specialized bank 专业银行Decision on Financial Reform 关于金融改革的决定comprehensive package of measures 一揽子综合措施inflationary pressure 通货膨胀压力signs of overheating 市场过热现象structural measure 结构上的措施exchange rate 汇率current account convertibility 经常项目可自由兑换性inter-bank money market 银行间货币市场segregation 拆分policy bank 政策性银行infrastructural project 基础设施项目joint-equity 合资soft landing 软着陆retail price index 零售物价指数subdue 征服sustainable rate 可持续增长的比率negative impact 消极影响capital inflow 资本流入official foreign exchange reserve 官方外汇储备resilience 反弹aggregate financing 融资总量full-fledged 成熟的Law of the People’s Bank of China《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》issue currency 发行货币circulation 流通fiscal agent 财政代理fiscal deficit 财政赤字sound financial order 良好的金融秩序overhaul 大修,取代,裁撤indirect policy instrument 间接政策手段credit ceiling 贷款额度reserve ratio 准备金率fixed assets 固定资产commercial bank 商业银行World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织profit-driven entities 盈利实体internationally compatible 与国际接轨的appropriate disclosure standards 适当的披露标准listing 股票上市,股票挂牌intermediary services 中间业务international settlement 国际结算cost structure 成本结构regulatory standards 调节标准,调节规范economic transition 经济转型magnitude 规模risk management 风险管理prudential management 审慎管理risk monitoring and warning system 风险监控和警戒系统proceeds 收益capital adequacy ratio 资本充足率loan approval 贷款核准loan release 贷款发放insolvent 无偿付能力,破产liquidation procedures 清算程序fit-and-proper test 称职测试asset management company 资产管理公司non-performing loans 不良贷款resource allocation 资源配置enforceability of bank claims 银行债权的追讨ownership structure 所有制结构corporate governance 法人治理incentive structure 激励机制open market transactions 公开市场业务fine-tuning 微调modes of transaction 交易方式settlement and clearing system 清算系统rediscount business (票据的)再贴现业务required reserve system 法定准备金制度accounting period 会计年度intermediate rate 中间利率interest rate liberalization 利率自由化bank lending rates 银行贷款利率deposit rates 存款利率retail deposit interest rate 小额存款利率share-holding banks 股份制银行controlling share 控股股份capital replenishment system 资本金补充制度information disclosure 信息披露credit cooperatives 信用合作社national treatment 国民待遇accounting system 会计制度rating agency 信用评级机构第二部分银行监管misappropriation 盗用operating procedures 操作程序discretion 判断力accounting entry 会计分录creditor 债权人mobilize 动员distribute 分发,分配public good 公共利益accord 协议liquidity drain 流动性丧失deposit insurance fund 存款保险基金in a safe and sound manner 安然无恙的bank runs 银行运行the fund’s loss基金损失prompt intervention 迅速干涉remedial measure 补救措施responsive to 对……敏感thrust 推力monopoly 垄断anti-competitive practices 反对竞争的行为bank capital requirements 银行资本金要求dividend limitations 股息限制impair 削弱regulatory authorities 监管当局accounting principle 会计准则independent audit 独立审计financial position 财务状况counter-party risk 交易对手风险orderly exit 有序退出problem bank 问题银行systemic protection 系统保护operational independence 独立运行solvent institution 有偿付能力的机构cognation 同族distortion 变形,曲解,失真market signal 市场信号chartering banks 特许银行pre-filing stage 提出申请阶段application stage 申请阶段organizing stage 组织阶段premise (企业、机构等使用的)房屋;院内的土地;房产pro forma financial statement 预测财务报表projection 预测market-entry ticket 进入市场的凭证statute 法令,条例in compliance with 遵守expertise 专家的意见,专门的技术the Basle Committee 巴塞尔委员会endorsement 背书,签注,认可venture 冒险,投机,风险integrity 诚信standing 信誉名望be consistent with 与……一致deploy 展开cross-checking 相互校验,反复核对dual control of assets 资产的双重控制double signatures 双重签名track record 记录deemed to be detrimental to 被认为对……有害financial projection 财务预测start-up costs 启动成本initial capital amount 启动资本数量corporate parent 母公司the Basle Minimum Standards 巴塞尔最低标准a consolidated basis 统一(合并)的基础be notified of 通报indirect investment 间接投资in respect of 关于acquisition 兼并a wide array of 大量的perspective 观点potential 潜在的credit risk 信贷风险on-and off-balance sheet 表内和表外项目write off 勾销,注销(债款);报废suspend 暂停repricing risk 重定价风险yield curve 收益率曲线optionality 可选择性,随意portfolio 资产组合deregulate 解除管制insolvency 无力偿还,破产unethical 不道德的,缺乏职业道德的be susceptible to 易受影响的comply with 符合,遵守financial distress 财务困难directorate 董事会,管理局prudential rules 审慎规则imprudent 轻率的,鲁莽的supplant 排挤掉,代替dynamic 动态的asset concentration 资产集中loan classification system 贷款分类系统adequacy of loan loss reserves 足够的贷款损失储备risk management 风险管理internal control 内部控制equity capital 股本权益revenue 收入capital adequacy ratios 资本充足率risk profile 风险组合asset quality 资产质量in a timely fashion 及时地,适时地core capital 核心资本tier one capital 一级资本retain earning 留存收益surplus 盈余supplementary capital 补充资金revaluation reserves 重估储备金hidden reserves 秘密准备金subordinated term 从属条款risk weight 风险权重undercapitalized 资本金不足merger 合并volatility of price 价格不稳定correlation assumption 相关性假设non-linear price characteristics 非线性价格特性plus factor 正因素independent risk control unit 独立风险控制部门risk-sensitive 风险敏感的one-size-fits-all framework 一成不变的框架ratings based 以评级为基础的default of the borrower 借贷者不履行还款责任commensurate with 与……相称的highly leveraged 高举债经营的provisions 备用金bad debt 呆账,坏账loan 借款advance 预付款extension of credits 信贷延期obligor 债务人collateral 担保品capital injection 资本(金)注入liquidation proceedings 清算诉讼liens 抵押留置权refinancing plans 再融资计划salvage value 残余价值contingent liabilities 或有债务have an adverse bearing on 对……有不利影响overdue loans 过期贷款doubtful loans 可疑贷款overdraft 透支assets portfolio 投资组合资产liquidity ratio 流动比率liquidity squeeze 流动资金紧张cushion 偿债安全余量,缓冲mismatch 未扎平的,不相配的audit function 审计职能on-site surveillance 非现场监管in the short or medium term 从中短期来看annual reports 年报under the auspices of 在……的赞助下secondary market 二级市场equity 股本leverage ratios 杠杆率volatile markets 剧烈变动的市场loan loss provisions 贷款损失准备金loss reserves 损失准备金examiner-in-charge 检查组组长internal audit 内部审计contingency funding 应急开支准备金compliance 合规性composite rating 综合评定lending policies 贷款制度total loan volume 贷款总额loan covenants 贷款契约board of directors 董事会buy-outs 买断loan appraisal 贷款评估outstanding loans 未偿贷款financial health 财务正常income statement 损益表financial position and prospects 财务现状和前景cash flow 现金流量benchmark 基准assets quality rating 资产质量评级service the loan 偿还贷款unassisted merger 有偿合并deposit insurance fund 存款保险基金indemnifying 保障补偿put option 出售期权revamp 改组;补修,翻新;修订,改进market-oriented financial system 市场导向的金融体制operational independence 自主经营corporation affiliation 公司联营机构第三部分中国的外汇体制foreign exchange 外汇foreign currency 外币accelerate 加快conditional current account convertability 有条件的经常项目可兑换managed floating exchange rate 有管理的浮动汇率International Monetary Fund (IMF) 国际货币基金组织promulgate 颁布non-resident banks 外国银行balance of payments 国际支付payment voucher 支付凭证bank certificate of deposit 银行存款单circulation 流通foreign exchange surrender business 外汇止付业务debt service accounts 一般结算账户revoke 撤销reference rate 参考利率foreign-funded enterprises 外资企业ceiling 最高限额retain 留存advise 通知lift 解除export proceeds 出口收入verify 查证,核验enter 记入,登记receipts 收入call money 活期贷款fraud of foreign exchange 骗汇designated foreign exchange banks 指定办理外汇的银行capital account transactions 资本账户下的交易第四部分会计Ⅰ财务会计communicate 传达;告知;交流financial statement 财务报表monetary 货币的warrant 为……提供充足的根据outlet 销售点,销路sound 健康的,合理的bookkeeping 记账,簿记transactions 交易virtually 实质上apply to 适用于day-to-day 日常的evaluate 评价,评估corrective action 矫正的行为merchandise 用于买卖的货物,商品inventory 库存,存货creditors 债权人venture (为盈利而进行冒险的)企业;短期投资,商业冒险monitor 监控analyze 分析keep up with 跟上Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报Business Weekly 商业周刊(杂志)Forbes 福布斯(杂志)Fortune 财富(杂志)projection 预测,估计;规划项目disclose 透露,披露authorities 当局income tax 所得税nonprofit organizations 非盈利性组织profit-oriented 利润导向的budgets 预算payrolls 工资单recession (经济衰退)standard of living 生活水平auditing 审计in accordance with 符合,按照comply with 遵守,符合tax returns 纳税申报单management consulting 管理咨询cost accounting 成本会计成本会计是成本管理系统中的一个子系统。

Banking Industry1The Banking industry in China1WordsandexpressionsBanking银行业银行业务Chinabanking historyJoint –equity commercial banks股份制商业银行Business domains 业务领域商业领域Subordinate establishments 下级机构从属机构(immediate直接的)All-in-one monopolistic bangking system 一体化的垄断银行系统Macroeconomic management 宏观经济管理State Council 国务院Financial sector 金融产业经溶界财政部门Formulate monetarypolicy制定货币政策Currency通货货币Exercise supervision over thefinancial institutions对金融机构进行监管Financial system 金融系统Issue renminbi and regulate its circulation发行人民币并控制人民币流通The stateforeign exchange reserve国家外汇储备Fiscalagent财务代理Credit information 征信信息CompileStatistics and statements 编制数据和报表Payment and settlement 支付与清算Monetary base =monetarysupplyAggregatecredit信贷总量Benchmark interest rate基准利率Fiscal deficit财政赤字State treasury国库Currency distribution现金调拨Break even不赚不赔收支相抵Lending facility 信贷机构Interest subsidy贴息Fixed-asset 固定资产Policy-related credit 政策性贷款Policy-based projects 政策工程Line of business 业务范围Indicator 指标Complete plant成套设备Financialsupervisoryregime金融监管体制Trust 信托Business scope 营业范围On-site off-site现场非现场的Deposit taking institution吸收存款的机构Functional department职能部门Interest rate exchange rate 利率汇率Realestate不动产License their establishment许可特许给发许可证Security and insurance证券和保险International capital flowReal-time实时的Plenary session全会A provision of this agreement条款Subsidiary 子公司Surveillance监管监督Optimize使最优化Amount to 总计达到Money laundering 洗钱Macro-adjustment 宏观调控Credit insurance信用保险2 AbbreviationsPBC People’s Bankof ChinaADBCAgricultural Development Bank of China NPC National People’s CongressCBRC the China Banking Regulatory Commissionﻬ2 The WorldBank 1Words andexpressionsCreditworthy有信誉的Low-interest interest-free低息免息无息Grant、拨款、补助金津贴Bilateral双方的双边的Arbitration 公断仲裁Expropriation 征收没收Currency inconvertibility 货币不可兑换Signatory签署国签约人 be signatory to an agreement Hard loan硬贷款条件苛刻的贷款Proceeds 收益收入Default拖欠Liquidity 流动资本In default 违约Tender 投标bid投标出价Furnish提供供应装备per capita income人均收入Exclusively 专门的专有的Joint venture 合资企业合营企业Security underwriting activity证券承销业务Stock exchange证券交易所Emerging market 新兴市场Write off investments核销处理(勾销、报废)Turnover 营业额交易额/人员更替数、人员更换率Privatization私有化Public sector 公共部门公共成分Soft loan 软贷款低息贷款Maturity 到期 they have40 maturities。

asset custody business
corporate banking
personal banking
treasury operations
personal consumption loans
personal business loans
credit card overdrafts
residential mortgages
internet-based finance
inclusive Finance
loans to small (micro) and medium-sized enterprises
liquidity gap ratio
core debt ratio
net Stable Funding Ratio(NSFR)
liquidity Matching Rate(LMR)
优质流动பைடு நூலகம்产充足率
due to banks and other financial institutions
share capital
bank card business
personal wealth management

2020国考银保监会英语高频金融词汇(一)1.acceptance bank 票据承兑行2.acceptance method 承兑方式3.accepting bank 承兑银行4.accommodation of funds 资金融通5.account charges 账户费用6.account current (A/C, a/c) 往来账户7.account number (A/N) 账号8.account statement 账户清单9.accounting risks 会计风险10.accounting value 账面价值11.accounts of assured 保险账户12.accrued bond interest 应计债券利息13.actual rate 实际汇率14.advice of drawing 提款通知书15.advising bank 通知银行16.affiliated bank 联行17.aftermarket 次级市场18.agent for collection 托收代理银行19.arbitrage 套购,套利20.baby bond 小额债券21.balance 结余,差额,平衡22.bank balance 存款余额23.bank deposit 银行存款24.banker's guarantee 银行担保25.bank's buying rate 银行买入价26.bank's selling rate 银行卖出价27.base rate 基本汇价28.basis order 基差订单29.basis risk 基差风险30.beneficial owner 受益所有人31.bid and ask prices 买入和卖出价32.bid price = buying price 买价33.capital assets 资本资产34.capital market 信贷市场、资本市场35.capital surplus 资本盈余36.cash assets 现金资产37.cash bonus 现金红利38.cash book 现金簿;现金账39.cash currency 现金通货40.cash day 付款日。

初见成效 initial success
出口统一管理、归口经营 canalization of exports
出口退税 export tax rebate
储蓄存款 household deposits(不完全等同于西方的savingsdeposits,前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。)
工业增加值 industrial value added
供大于求 supply exceeding demand;excessive supply
鼓励措施 incentives
股份合作企业 joint-equity cooperative enterprises
股份制企业 joint-equity enterprises
呆滞贷款 idle loans
贷款沉淀 non-performing loans
贷款分类 loan classification
贷款限额管理 credit control;to impose credit ceiling
贷款约束机制 credit disciplinary(constraint)mechanism
财政赤字 fiscal deficit
财政挤银行 fiscal pressure on the central bank(over monetary policy)
财政政策与货币政策的配合 coordination of fiscal and monetary policies
采取循序渐进的方法 in a phased and sequenced manner
公款私存 deposit public funds in personal accounts

银行英语词汇account number 帐号depositor 存户pay-in slip 存款单a deposit form 存款单a banding machine 自动存取机to deposit 存款private deposits 私人存款certificate of deposit 存单deposit book, passbook 存折to suspend payment 止付credit card 信用卡principal 本金overdraft, overdraw 透支to counter sign 双签to endorse 背书endorser 背书人to cash 兑现to honor a cheque 兑付to dishonor a cheque 拒付cheque,check 支票cheque book 支票本order cheque 记名支票bearer cheque 不记名支票crossed cheque 横线支票blank cheque 空白支票rubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler's cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票forged cheque 伪支票Bandar's note 庄票,银票banker 银行家president 行长savings bank 储蓄银行Chase Bank 大通银行Citibank 花旗银行Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 汇丰银行Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麦加利银行Banque de I'IndoChine 东方汇理银行central bank, national bank, banker's bank 中央银行bank of issue, bank of circulation 发行币银行commercial bank 商业银行,储蓄信贷银行member bank, credit bank 储蓄信贷银行discount bank 贴现银行exchange bank 汇兑银行requesting bank 委托开证银行issuing bank, opening bank 开证银行advising bank, notifying bank 通知银行negotiation bank 议付银行confirming bank 保兑银行paying bank 付款银行associate banker of collection 代收银行consigned banker of collection 委托银行clearing bank 清算银行local bank 本地银行domestic bank 国内银行overseas bank 国外银行unincorporated bank 钱庄branch bank 银行分行trustee savings bank 信托储蓄银行trust company 信托公司financial trust 金融信托公司unit trust 信托投资公司trust institution 银行的信托部credit department 银行的信用部commercial credit company(discount company) 商业信贷公司(贴现公司)neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道储蓄所credit union 合作银行credit bureau 商业兴信所self-service bank 无人银行land bank 土地银行construction bank 建设银行industrial and commercial bank 工商银行bank of communications 交通银行mutual savings bank 互助储蓄银行post office savings bank 邮局储蓄银行mortgage bank, building society 抵押银行industrial bank 实业银行home loan bank 家宅贷款银行reserve bank 准备银行chartered bank 特许银行corresponding bank 往来银行merchant bank, accepting bank 承兑银行investment bank 投资银行import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 进出口银行joint venture bank 合资银行money shop, native bank 钱庄credit cooperatives 信用社clearing house 票据交换所public accounting 公共会计business accounting 商业会计cost accounting 成本会计depreciation accounting 折旧会计computerized accounting 电脑化会计general ledger 总帐subsidiary ledger 分户帐cash book 现金出纳帐cash account 现金帐journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐bad debts 坏帐investment 投资surplus 结余idle capital 游资economic cycle 经济周期economic boom 经济繁荣economic recession 经济衰退economic depression 经济萧条economic crisis 经济危机economic recovery 经济复苏inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货收缩devaluation 货币贬值revaluation 货币增值international balance of payment 国际收支favourable balance 顺差adverse balance 逆差hard currency 硬通货soft currency 软通货international monetary system 国际货币制度the purchasing power of money 货币购买力money in circulation 货币流通量note issue 纸币发行量national budget 国家预算national gross product 国民生产总值public bond 公债stock, share 股票debenture 债券treasury bill 国库券debt chain 债务链direct exchange 直接(对角)套汇indirect exchange 间接(三角)套汇cross rate, arbitrage rate 套汇汇率foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外汇储备foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇波动foreign exchange crisis 外汇危机discount 贴现discount rate, bank rate 贴现率gold reserve 黄金储备money (financial) market 金融市场stock exchange 股票交易所broker 经纪人commission 佣金bookkeeping 簿记bookkeeper 簿记员an application form 申请单bank statement 对帐单letter of credit 信用证strong room, vault 保险库equitable tax system 等价税则specimen signature 签字式样banking hours, business hours 营业时间actual rate 实际汇率agricultural loans 农业贷款application form for a banking account 银行开户申请书assessment of loss 估损automated teller machines (24 hours a day) 自动取款机(24小时服务)bank's buying rate 银行买入价bank's selling rate 银行卖出价board of arbitration 仲裁委员会business savings 企业储蓄cash audit 现金审核cash in transit policy 现金运送保险单cash voucher 现金凭单;现金收据chattel 动产China Investment Bank 中国投资银行compound rate deposit 复利存款exchange convertibility 外汇兑换fee interest 不动产产权financial transaction 金融业务fixed assets ratio 固定资产比率fixed deposit by installment 零存整取foreign exchange dumping 外汇倾销International Investment Bank (IIB) 国际投资银行synthetic options 合成期权temporary bridging finance 临时融资the Construction Bank of China 中国建设银行the Gilts 金边债券the People's Bank of China 中国人民银行the rate structure of the tax 税率结构thrift encouragement 储蓄鼓励transfer to reserve account 转到准备金帐户transferable money 可转帐货币trust fund 信托基金unbalance finance 赤字财政two-tier exchange rate 双重汇率unemployed capital 游资marketability 流动性monetary device 金融调节手段moral hazard 道德风险open mortgage 可资抵押pawn 典当personal deposit 私人存款postal savings 邮政储蓄rediscount policy 再贴现政策repressed inflation 抑制性通货膨胀risk-adjusted discount rate 风险调整折现率。

金融英语期末重点总结一、基本概念与词汇1. 资产管理:Asset Management,是指对投资者个人或机构的资金进行管理和投资的活动。
2. 负债:Liability,指一个人或机构所欠他人或其他组织的货币、商品或服务等。
3. 存款:Deposit,指将货币存入银行或其他金融机构的行为。
4. 贷款:Loan,指个人或企业从银行或其他金融机构获得的资金,并按约定的利率和条件偿还。
5. 利率:Interest Rate,是指借贷资金的价格。
6. 风险:Risk,指在投资或经营过程中遭受亏损的可能性。
7. 股票:Stock,指公司以吸引投资者的方式发行的所有权证明,股权的一部分。
8. 债券:Bond,是指债务人(发行债券的公司或政府)向债权人(购买债券的投资者)借款的债权凭证。
9. 股息:Dividend,是指上市公司向股东分配的盈利的一部分。
10. 保险:Insurance,是指保险公司架起的经济保护的桥梁,将风险分散到各个投保人,以减轻其负担。
二、金融市场与金融产品1. 证券市场:Securities Market,是指股票、债券等金融工具的交易市场。
2. 股票市场:Stock Market,是指股票的买卖市场。
3. 债券市场:Bond Market,指债券的买卖市场。
4. 期货市场:Futures Market,是指用来进行期货交易的场所。
5. 外汇市场:Foreign Exchange Market,是指用来交换不同国家货币的市场。
6. 金融衍生品:Financial Derivatives,是指与金融资产相关的衍生产品。
7. 互联网金融:Internet Finance,是指利用互联网技术进行金融服务的新兴业态。
8. 数字货币:Digital Currency,是指用数字技术发行和流通的货币。

以下是一些掌管金融风险的英语词汇和表达方式:1. 风险管理:risk management2. 风险控制:risk control3. 风险评估:risk assessment4. 风险预警:risk warning5. 损失控制:loss control6. 损失赔付:loss compensation7. 保险理赔:insurance claims8. 银行风险管理:bank risk management9. 信用风险管理:credit risk management10. 市场风险管理:market risk management11. 操作风险管理:operational risk management12. 金融衍生品:financial derivatives13. 期货交易:futures trading14. 期权交易:options trading15. 债券市场:bond market16. 股票市场:stock market17. 外汇交易:foreign exchange trading18. 金融监管:financial regulation19. 合规性审查:compliance review20. 风险投资:venture capital21. 风险资本:risk capital22. 投资组合管理:portfolio management23. 投资策略:investment strategy24. 投资回报率:return on investment (ROI)25. 资产配置:asset allocation26. 资产管理:asset management27. 私人银行服务:private banking services28. 财富管理:wealth management以上词汇和表达方式只是金融行业中掌管风险的英语词汇的一部分,有助于金融工作者更好地理解和处理金融风险。

开发工程师 Developmental Engineer
信息服务主管 Director of Information Services
信息分析 Information Analyst
局域网管理员 LAN Administrator
法律助理 Legal Assistant
法律秘书 Legal Secretary
律师 Attorney
消防员 Fire Fighter
法律职员 Law Clerk
司法学生 Law Student
律师专职助手 Paralegal
法庭记者 Court Reporter
法律顾问 Counselor 助理工程师ຫໍສະໝຸດ Assistant Engineer
技术员 Technician
注册会计师 Certified Public Accountant
首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer
收款负责人 Collections Officer
保险承销商 Insurance Underwriter
进出口经理 Import/Export Manager
商店经理助理 Assistant Store Manager
操作经理 Operations Manager
房地产经理 Property Manager
首席运营官 Chief Operations Officer
生产经理 Production Manager
市场实习 Marketing Intern
市场总监 Marketing Director
regulatory 的意思

regulatory 的意思
regulatory 是一个英文词汇,本文将详细介绍其含义和用法。
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股份制商业银行 joint-stock commercial banks
农村商业银行 rural commercial banks
次级类贷款余额 substandard loans
可疑类贷款余额 doubtful loan
压缩产能过剩 control of overcapacity
消费者信贷 consumer credit
人民币业务 Renminbi business
信贷增长 credit growth
贷款偏离 loan classification derivation
贷款迁徙度 loan migration condition
最优组合贷款 optimized loan portfolio
中国工商银行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
中国银行 Bank of China
中国建设银行 China construction Bank
中国交通银行 Bank of Communications
农业银行 Agricultural Bank of China “ABC”
The domestic assets of banking institutions in China (In both local and foreign currencies)
总负债 Total liabilities
上年同期 a year-on-year basis
不良贷款 Non Performing Loan “NPL”
农村金融体制 rural financial system
国务院 State Council
联合重组 merger and reorganization
城市商业银行 City commercial Banks “CCB”
存贷比率 loan-to-deposit ratio
(长)短期贷款 (long)short-term loans
商业贿赂 commercial bribery
公司治理 corporate governance
农村金融改革 rural financial reform
产业结构调整 industrial restructuring
贷款损失准备金缺口 loan loss provisioning gap
抵补率 provisioning coverage ratio
不良准备金资产 provision for impaired assets
不良资产impaired assets
小企业贷款 small enterprise loans
银行贷款 syndication loans
中间业务 fee-based business
资本约束 capital constraint
资本补充机制 Capital replenishment hierarchies
精简管理层级 streamline management hierarchies
住房贷款 real state loan
信贷合理增长 rational credit growth
国家经济 national economy
打包贷款 package loan
授信协议 credit authorization agreement
信息系统 information system
中国银监会国际咨询委员会The CBRC Council of International Advisers
国有商业银行 state-owned commercial banks.
风险控制 risk control
金融创新 financial innovation
银行业 Banking sector
境外战略投资者 overseas strategic investors
银行管理经验和技术 banking techniques and management expertise
跨区域经营 cross-region operations
城市信用社 urban credit cooperative
保监会 CIRC
证监会 CSRC
互相发展 mutual development
金融创新能力 innovation capacity
联合会谈 joint meeting
信贷投放 credit extension
进出口结构性矛盾 structural imbalance of trade
信贷管理 credit management
贷款分离准确度 accuracy of loan classification
不良资产 Non-performing Assets
资产管理公司 Assets Management Corporation
东方资产管理公司: China Orient Assets Management Corporation
现场检查 on-site examination (examination =surveillance)
非现场检查 off-site examination
抽样检查 sampling checks
正常类贷款 pass loans
关注类贷款 special mention loan
合规经营 compliance operations
特色业务 featured businesses
战略联合 strategic business unite “SBU”
国际先进银行 internationally advanced banks
西部 Western region
财务重组 financial restructuring
股份制改革 joint-stock reform
经营机制 operation mechanism
可持续发展 sustainable development
风险定价机制 risk pricing mechanism
综合竞争力 overall competitiveness
风险处置 risk resolution
中小型银行 small and medium-sized banks
贷款分类 loan orate governance structure and mechanisms
核心竞争力 core competence
总资产 Total Assets
账面利润 book profit
不良贷款率 NPL Ratio
加权平均资产充足率 weighted average capital adequacy ratio
损失拨备 loan loss provisions
所有者权益 owner’s equity