一、光学传感器的安装和使用1. 安装前的准备在安装光学传感器之前,必须进行一些准备工作,以确保光学传感器的安全和正常运行。
2. 安装过程在进行光学传感器的安装时,必须按照以下步骤进行:•将传感器安装在合适的位置,并确保其与其它设备相互连接和配合正常。
3. 使用注意事项在使用光学传感器时,必须注意一些要点,以确保其正常工作和性能。
ZLS10-ILW 内外室感应光线传感器说明书
![ZLS10-ILW 内外室感应光线传感器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b60f0277dc36a32d7375a417866fb84ae55cc356.png)
Sensor para Interiores/Exteriores con Atenuación 0-10V, InfrarrojoPasivo (PIR), Bajo Voltaje, Sensor SolCat. Núm. ZLS10-ILWADVERTENCIAS:• ¡PARA EVITAR INCENDIO, DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA O LA MUERTE, APAGUE LA ELECTRICIDAD aen el interruptorde circuito o fusible y compruebe que la electricidad esté apagada antes de cablear!• Debe ser instalado y/o utilizado de conformidad con los códigos y reglamentos eléctricos apropiados.• En caso de que tenga alguna duda en relación a cualquier parte de estas instrucciones, consulte a un electricista.INSTALACIÓNADVERTENCIA: ¡PARA EVITAR INCENDIO, DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA O LAMUERTE, APAGUE LA ELECTRICIDAD en el interruptor de circuito o fusible ycompruebe que la electricidad esté apagada antes de cablear!1. Confirme los ajustes del interruptor DIP predeterminados de fábrica y configuresegún sea requerido.a. Sensibilidad: 100%b. Tiempo de Espera: 10 segundosc. Sensor de Luz Diurna: 30 luxd. Nivel de Reserva: 30%e. Tiempo de Reserva: 60 minutos2. Coloque el sensor correctamente en el accesorio, alinee el lente e instale girando ensentido contrario a las manecillas del reloj hasta que quede apretado.3. Realice las conexiones de los cables de acuerdo al diagrama de cableado.4. Después de haber realizado todas las conexiones, asegúrese de que los conectoresde todos los cables estén fijados firmemente y que no esté expuesto el cobre.5. Restablezca la energía al circuito y verifique que la luz del LED localizadoresté ENCENDIDA.Patrones de Cobertura del Lente• Configure los ajustes del interruptor DIP antes de la instalación dentro del accesorio.• Consulte las dimensiones del sensor para los requerimientos de montaje.PARA UN FUNCIONAMIENTO ÓPTIMO:El lente del sensor ZLS10-ILW establece docenas de zonas de detección. El sensor es sensible al calor emitidopor el cuerpo humano. Con la finalidad de activar el sensor, la fuente de calor debe moverse de una zona dedetección a otra. El dispositivo es más eficaz para detectar movimiento a través de su campo de visión, y menoseficaz para detectar movimiento hacia o fuera de su campo de visión. Tenga esto en mente al seleccionarla ubicación de la instalación. Recuerde que los sensores de ocupación responden a cambios rápidos en latemperatura, por lo tanto debe tener cuidado de no montar el dispositivo cerca de una fuente de control de clima(es decir, radiadores, intercambiadores de aire y aire acondicionado). Las corrientes calientes o frías pareceráncomo movimiento del cuerpo para el dispositivo y se activarán si la unidad está montada demasiado cerca. Serecomienda montar el Sensor de Ocupación al menos a 1.8 metros (6 pies) de distancia de una fuente de controlde clima. Además, también se recomienda NO montar el Sensor de Ocupación directamente bajo una fuentede luz grande. Los focos de mucha potencia en vatios (mayores a 100W incandescentes) desprenden bastantecalor y prender el foco provoca un cambio de temperatura que puede ser detectado por el dispositivo. Realiceel montaje del Sensor de Ocupación al menos a 1.8 m (6 pies) de distancia de focos grandes. Si es necesariomontar el dispositivo más cerca, reduzca la potencia en vatios del foco que se encuentre directamente arriba.CABLEADO CLASE 2:Para el Cableado de Control de 0-10V: Conecte el cable color Violeta a la línea + 0-10V y el cable color Rosadoal común de 0-10V utilizando los métodos de cableado Clase 1 ó Clase 2 de acuerdo a lo indicado en estasinstrucciones, las instrucciones del balastro/accesorio/controlador o las indicaciones de la etiqueta del balastro/accesorio/controlador. Observe todos los requerimientos de cualquier autoridad que tenga jurisdicción conrespecto al tipo de cable, mangas, métodos de aislamiento y similares.DimensionesOPERACIÓNEl Sensor Solo ZLS10 está diseñado para operar de acuerdo con los ajustes de la configuración programados por el interruptor DIP, o utilizando el control remoto IR opcional ZLS0R-RC1. Consulte el manual del usuario para mayor información sobre lascaracterísticas y operación del ZLS0R-RC1.60 ft19.1 mmVista Lateral de la CoberturaCobertura de 360°Vista Superior de la Cobertura© 2021 Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc.Utilice los Interruptores DIP en el sensor, o el control remoto opcional ZLS0R-RC1 para ajustar los parámetros de configuración. Consulte el manual del usuario para mayor información sobre la configuración, utilizando el control remoto.Configuración del sensor utilizando los interruptores DIP en el dispositivo: • Interruptores DIP 1 y 2 para Sensibilidad / Rango• Interruptores DIP 3 y 4 para Tiempo de Espera / Tiempo de Espera Agotado • Interruptores DIP 5 y 6 para Nivel de Iluminación del Sensor de Luz Diurna • Interruptores DIP 7 y 8 para Nivel de Reserv• Interruptores DIP 9 y 10 para Tiempo de Espera del Nivel de Reserva1. Sensibilidad / Rango: Ajusta la sensibilidad de detección de la ocupación deseada.3. N ivel de Iluminación del Sensor de Luz Diurna: Ajusta o desactiva el umbral de Iluminación deseado, en el cual el sensor evitará que la luz se ENCIENDA cuando exista suficiente luz ambiental.4. N ivel de Reserva: Ajusta el nivel deseado en el cual la luz se atenuará después de que se agota el Tiempo de Espera.2. T iempo de Espera / Tiempo de Espera Agotado: Ajusta el período de tiempo que se desea que la luz permanezca ENCENDIDA después de que ya no se detecta ocupación.5. T iempo de Reserva: Ajusta el período de tiempo que se desea que la luzpermanezca en el nivel de Reserva. Si se selecciona +∞, la luz permanecerá en ese nivel de manera indefinida, o hasta que se detecte ocupación.SENSIBILIDAD: 1, 250%20%70%100%SENSIBILIDAD TIEMPO: 3, 41 minuto10 segundos 5 minutos 15 minutos TIEMPO LUZ: 5, 610 Lux(sensor de luz desactivado)30 Lux 50 LuxLUZ NIVEL DE RESERVA: 7, 810%0%30%50%NIVEL DE RESERVA78TIEMPO DE RESERVA: 9, 101 minuto 30 minutos 60 minutosTIEMPO DE RESERVADECLARACIÓN DE LA INDUSTRIA DE CANADÁ (IC)Este dispositivo cumple con la(s) norma(s) RSS sobre la exención de licencia de la Industria de Canadá. La operación está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) Este dispositivo podría no causarinterferencia, y (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia, incluyendo la interferencia que pudiera causar la operación no deseada del dispositivo.DECLARACIÓN DE LA FCC:Este equipo ha sido probado y se ha determinado que cumple con los límites de un dispositivo digital Clase B, de conformidad con la Parte 15 de las Reglas de la FCC. Estos límites están diseñados para proporcionar protección razonable contra interferencia dañina en una instalación residencial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede irradiar energía de radiofrecuencia, y si no se instala y utiliza de acuerdo con las instrucciones, puede causar interferencia dañina a las comunicaciones de radio. Sin embargo, no hay garantía de que no ocurra interferencia en una instalación particular. En caso de que este equipo cause interferencia dañina a la recepción de radio o televisión, la cual se puede determinar apagando y encendiendo el equipo, el usuario puede tratar de corregir la interferencia por medio de una o más de las siguientes medidas: - Reoriente o reubique la antena de recepción.- Aumente la separación entre el equipo y el receptor.- Conecte el equipo en un contacto en un circuito diferente del que está conectado el receptor. - Para ayuda consulte con el vendedor o técnico con experiencia en radio/televisión.DECLARACIÓN DE CONFORMIDAD DE PROVEEDORES (SDOC) DE LA FCC:El Modelo ZLS10-ILW es manufacturado por Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc., 201 North Service Road,Melville, NY 11747, . Este dispositivo cumple con la Parte 15 de las Reglas de la FCC. Su operación está sujeta a las siguientes dos condiciones: (1) Este dispositivo podría no causar interferencia dañina, y (2) este dispositivo debe aceptar cualquier interferencia recibida, incluyendo la interferencia que pudiera causar una operación no deseada.Las luces no se ENCIENDEN.• E l sensor está cableado incorrectamente. Confirme que el cableado del sensor coincida con el diagrama de cableado, y realice una inspección visual por posibles problemas.• S i está activado el sensor de luz diurna, verifique las configuraciones y realice ajustes en los niveles de Iluminación (Lux).Las luces no se APAGAN.• E l sensor está cableado incorrectamente. Confirme que el cableado del sensor se realice de manera correcta y realice una inspección visual por posibles problemas.• A segúrese de que la lámpara esté instalada con un espacio de al menos 30 cm (1 pie) entre la lámpara y las superficies reflectantes circundantes (por ejemplo, paredes de metal, cristal o concreto).• S e configuró incorrectamente la Sensibilidad / Rango. Ajuste los Interruptores DIP 1 y s luces se APAGAN y se ENCIENDEN demasiado rápido.• S e configuró incorrectamente la Sensibilidad / Rango. Ajuste los Interruptores DIP 1 y 2.• S e configuró incorrectamente el Tiempo de Espera / Tiempo de Espera Agotado. Ajuste los Interruptores DIP 3 y 4.Este aparato digital Clase B cumple con CAN ICES-3(B)/NMB-3(B) de Canadá.Cualquier cambio o modificación no aprobados de manera expresa por Leviton podrían anular la autorización del usuario para operar el equipo.Leviton ® y el logotipo de Leviton son marcas registradas de Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. Intellect es una marca registrada de Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. registrada en los EUA, Canadá, México, la Unión Europea y el Reino Unido.Para Asistencia Técnica llame al: 1-800-824-3005 (Sólo en EE.UU.) GARANTIA LIMITADA POR CINCO AÑOS Y EXCLUSIONESLeviton garantiza al consumidor original de sus productos y no para beneficio de nadie más que este producto en el momento de su venta por Leviton está libre de defectos en materiales o fabricación por un período de cinco años desde la fecha de la compra original. La única obligación de Leviton es corregir tales defectos ya sea con reparación o reemplazo, como opción. Para detalles visite o llame al 1-800-824-3005. Esta garantía excluye y renuncia toda responsabilidad de mano de obra por remover o reinstalar este producto. Esta garantía es inválida si este producto es instalado inapropiadamente o en un ambiente inadecuado, sobrecargado, mal usado, abierto, abusado o alterado en cualquier manera o no es usado bajo condiciones de operación normal, o no conforme con las etiquetas o instrucciones. No hay otras garantías implicadas de cualquier otro tipo, incluyendo mercadotecnia y propiedad para un propósito en particular pero si alguna garantía implicada se requiere por la jurisdicción pertinente, la duración de cualquiera garantía implicada, incluyendo mercadotecnia y propiedad para un propósito en particular, es limitada a cinco años. Leviton no es responsable por daños incidentales, indirectos, especiales o consecuentes, incluyendo sin limitación, daños a, o pérdida de uso de, cualquier equipo, pérdida de ventas o ganancias o retraso o falla para llevar a cabo la obligación de esta garantía. Los remedios provistos aquí son remedios exclusivos para esta garantía, ya sea basado en contrato, agravio o de otra manera.DATOS DEL USUARIONOMBRE: _____________ DIRECCIÓN: ________COL: _________________ C.P. ________________CIUDAD: ___________________________________ESTADO: ___________________________________TELÉFONO: ________________________________DATOS DE LA TIENDA O VENDEDORRAZÓN SOCIAL:________ PRODUCTO: ________MARCA: _______________ MODELO: __________NO. DE SERIE: ______________________________NO. DEL DISTRIBUIDOR:______________________DIRECCIÓN: ________________________________COL: _________________ C.P. ________________CIUDAD: ___________________________________ESTADO: ___________________________________TELÉFONO: ________________________________FECHA DE VENTA: ___________________________FECHA DE ENTREGA O INSTALACIÓN: __________SÓLO PARA MÉXICO POLÍTICA DE GARANTÍA DE 5 AÑOS: Leviton S de RL de CV, Lago Tana No. 43, Col. Huichapan, Del. M. Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, CP 11290 México. Tel +52 (55) 5082-1040. Garantiza este producto por el término de cinco años en todas sus partes y mano de obra contra cualquier defecto de fabricación y funcionamiento a partir de la fecha de entrega o instalación del producto bajo las siguientes CONDICIONES:1. P ara hacer efectiva esta garantía, no podrán exigirse mayores requisitos que la presentación de esta póliza junto con el producto en el lugar donde fue adquirido en cualquiera de los centros de servicio que se indican a continuación.2. L a empresa se compromete a reemplazar o cambiar el producto defectuoso sin ningún cargo para el consumidor, los gastos de transportación que se deriven de su cumplimiento serán cubiertos por: Leviton S de RL de CV.3. E l tiempo de reemplazo en ningún caso será mayor a 30 días contados a partir de la recepción del producto en cualquiera de los sitios en donde pueda hacerse efectiva la garantía.4. C uando se requiera hacer efectiva la garantía mediante el reemplazo del producto, esto se podrá llevar a cabo en: Leviton S de RL de CV.5. E sta garantía no es válida en los siguientes casos: A) Cuando el producto ha sido utilizado en condiciones distintas a las normales. B) Cuando el producto no ha sido operado de acuerdo con el instructivo de uso en idioma español proporcionado. C) Cuando el producto ha sido alterado o reparado por personas no autorizadas por Leviton S de RL de CV.6. E l consumidor podrá solicitar que se haga efectiva la garantía ante la propia casa comercial donde adquirió el producto. 7. E n caso de que la presente garantía se extraviara el consumidor puede recurrir a su proveedor para que se le expida otra póliza de garantía previa presentación de la nota de compra o factura respectiva.。
注意:在调整前要先考虑两工件的反光强度,反光度强的为工件1 ,弱的为工件2。
(反光强度:金属工件> 白色工件> 黑色工件)
光照度传感器说明书IIOT-LR2000光照传感器使用说明书V2.2目录1.产品资料 (2)2.产品概述 (2)2.1.产品特点 (2)2.2技术参数 (2)2.3光照参数 (3)2.4探头参数与选型 (4)2.5产品尺寸 (4)3.模拟量4-20mA参数含义 (5)1)当选择量程为0-65535lux时 (5)2)当选择量程为0-20WLux时 (5)4.通讯协议 (5)4.1通讯基本参数 (5)4.2数据帧格式定义 (6)4.3寄存器地址 (7)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (7)5.常见问题及解决办法 (8)5.1设备无法连接到电脑 (8)6.安装说明 (9)6.1设备安装前检查 (9)6.2接口说明 (10)6.3安装形式 (10)7.接线图 (10)7.1RS485型接线定义 (10)7.2模拟量型接线定义 (11)8.联系方式 (11)9.质保与售后 (12)10.免责声明 (12)11.修订记录 (12)1.产品资料产品说明书下载地址:https:///product/2048.html设备上云操作指导详情:https:///news/1204.html2.产品概述该变送器广泛适用于农业大棚、花卉培养等需要光照度监测的场合。
2.2技术参数参数名称参数内容产品名称:光照度传感器产品供电:12-24V DC产品功率:<0.4W(RS485)<1.2W(模拟量)工作环境:工作湿度:0-85%RH工作温度:-25-70℃量程:0-65535Lux/0-20万Lux精度:±5%光照度长期稳定性:≤5%/y输出方式RS485接口,Modbus-RTU通讯协议4-20mA接口,电流信号模拟量负载能力电流输出,≤600欧姆尺寸规格:110×85×44mm³壁挂式王字壳IP防护等级:IP65防水防尘2.3光照参数如图1所示,不同波长光线对光照度的影响,波长在580nm左右最准确,比例系数为1。
16. Technical data Voltage:110 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Typ. power input: approx. 0.5W Type of contact: T ype of contact: NOC with tungsten pre-make contact, µ contact Switching power: 3000W, cos ϕ =1 1500VA, cos ϕ =0.5max. inrush current Ip (20ms): 165A Range: approx. 20mTime settings:15 s - 16 min, pulseDynamicfollow-up time :Active when programmed via remote controlLux value:a pprox. 2 Lux up to day-time opera-tion (and night-time operation) - light evaluation inactive Factory settings: Follow-up time 3min.,Switch-on threshold approx. 20 Lux Detection angle: 130° / 230° / 280°, additional 360° anti-creep zoneDegree /class of protection: IP54 / IIDimensions: L 121 x W 71 x H 85mm Housing:Polycarbonate, UV-resistant Mounting options: W all, ceiling and corner mounting (Socket for external corner mounting comes along with RC-plus next 280) Settings:v ia potentiometers, mechanical adjusting means and remote controlThe device does not fulfil the requirements of EN50131-2-2 and therefore cannot be used in professional intrusion detection systems.EU Declaration of ConformityThis product respects the directives concerning 1. electromagnetic compatibility (2014/30/EU) 2. low voltage (2014/35/EU) 3. r estriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (2011/65/EU)17. Article / Part nr. / AccessoryAccessory:LUXOMAT ® Remote controls: IR-RC (incl. wall bracket) 92000 IR-RC-Mini 92090 IR-Adapter for Smartphones 92726LUXOMAT ® Outside corner sockets: RC-plus next ES white: 97004 RC-plus next ES brown: 97014 RC-plus next ES black: 97024 RC-plus next ES silver: 97043 (included with LUXOMAT ® RC-plus next 280)Various accessories:LUXOMAT ® Inside corner socket white97005 LUXOMAT ® Mini-Arc extinction kit 10882 LUXOMAT ® Arc extinction kit 10880 Wall bracket for IR-RC as replacement 92100 Wire basket BSK white 9246718. L ED function indicators (status LEDs,see section 23)。
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px4光流处理 -回复
![px4光流处理 -回复](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b870b69329ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2f3f2a6b.png)
以下是一些常见的应用场景:1. 室内定位和悬停:PX4光流处理可以在没有GPS信号的室内环境中进行精确定位和悬停。
FX-505-C2 和 FX-505P-C2 光电流传感器产品说明书
![FX-505-C2 和 FX-505P-C2 光电流传感器产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2594e5000a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26924c5964d.png)
4I/O CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS<FX-505-C2><FX-505P-C2>Note: Make sure to insulate the ends of the unused lead wires.5OPERATION PROCEDURE●The sensing output can be switched to sensing output 1 or sensing output 2 by holding down the mode key.●The changed settings are not stored if turning the power OFF while setting.Therefore, confirm the settings by pressing the SET key before turning the power OFF. ●When turning ON the power, RUN mode is displayed and the digital displayshows the threshold value (green) and the incident light intensity (red).• Displays threshold value (green) and incident light intensity (red).• Teaching, threshold value fine adjustment and key lock function can be set.• For setting method of each function, refer to “TEACHING MODE ,” “THRESHOLD VALUE FINE ADJUSTMENT FUNC-TION ,” or “KEY LOCK FUNCTION .”• Select either Light-ON or Dark-ON.• For the setting, refer to “SENSING OUTPUT OPERATION MODE .”• The default setting is “ ” (Light-ON).• An item set in CUSTOM mode (Response time setting, Emission power setting and Hysteresis setting) is displayed.• For details, refer to “CUSTOM MODE .”• The default setting is “” (response time setting).• Advanced setting can be done.• For the setting, refer to “PRO MODE .”Thank you very much for purchasing Panasonic products.Please read this Instruction Manual carefully and thoroughly for the correct and optimum use of this product.Kindly keep this manual in a convenient place for quick reference.1INTENDED PRODUCTS FOR CE MARKING●This product complies with the following standards / regulations.<EU Directive>EMC Directive <Standards in US / Canada>ANSI/UL 60947-5-2, CAN/CSA C22.2 No.14<Regulations in Korea>S1-G-1-2009, S2-W-5-2009●Caution about UL recognitionIn case requiring conformity of UL listing mark or C-UL listing mark, USe class 2 power supply unit. ●Contact for CEPanasonic Marketing Europe GmbH Panasonic Testing Center Winsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg,Germany2PART DESCRIPTION3MOUNTINGHow to connect1.Fit the rear part of the mounting sec -tion of the amplifier on a DIN rail.2.Press down the rear part of the mounting section of the unit on the DIN rail and fit the front part of the mounting section to the DIN rail.How to remove1.Push the controller forward.2.Lift up the front part of the amplifier to remove it. 2. 2. 1.Snap the fiber lock lever down till it stops completely.2. Insert the fiber cables slowly into the inlets until they stops. (Note)3.Return the fiber lock lever to the original position till it stops.Note: With the coaxial reflective type fiber, such as , FD-G4 or FD-FM2, insert the single core fiber cable into thebeam-emitting inlet “P” and the multi-core fiber cable into the beam-receiving inlet.If they are inserted in reverse, the sensing performance will deteriorate.1-point teaching [Window comparator mode (except sensing output 2) / Hysteresis mode] ●This is method to set the shift amount to the desired value and to set thethreshold range by using the 1-point teaching.Stable sensing is possible 1. Pressing SET key down2. Press the SET key down in the sensing object present condition.Stable sensing is not possible3. The threshold value (1_SL) that is 10% lower from the incident light intensity and the threshold value (2_SL) that is 10% higher from the incident light intensity are set. (Note 1, 2)Notes 1) The shift amount of 10% is an initial value. The shift amount can be set in PRO mode. Furthermore, the shift valuecan be set in incident light amount. For setting method, refer to <PRO6> in “PRO MODE OPERATION MANUAL .”2) If the value after setting exceeds the maximum (minimum), the maximum (minimum) sensitivity will be set.2-point teaching [Window comparator mode (except sensing output 2) / Hysteresis mode] ●This is method to set the threshold range by conducting the 2-point teaching (P-1, P-2). ●When conducting teaching, use sensing objects (P-1 and P-2) whose incidentlight intensities are different from each other.<Window comparator mode>1_SL (P-1)2_SL (P-2)Stable sensing is possible 1. Pressing SET key down (1st time)2. Press down the SET key in the sensing object present condition. (2nd time)Stable sensing is not possibleNote: If the value after setting exceeds the maximum (minimum), the maximum (minimum) sensitivity will be set.3-point teaching [Window comparator mode (except sensing output 2) / Hysteresis mode] ●This is the method to conduct the 3-point teaching (P-1, P-2, P-3) and to set the threshold range by setting the threshold value (1_SL) of the mid-point between “A” and “B” and the threshold value (2_SL) of the mid-point between “B” and “C”.●When conducting teaching, use sensing objects (A, B and C) whose incident light intensities are different.●After teaching, P-1, P-2 and P-3 will be automatically relocated in ascending order:i.e. the lowest value is placed in “A”, the second lowest in “B” and the highest in “C”.<Window comparator mode>C Stable sensing is possible 1. Press SET key down in the sensing object present condition (1st time)2. Press SET key down in the sensing object present condition (2nd time)Stable sensing is not possible3. Press SET key down in the sensing object present condition (3rd time)Note: If the value after setting exceeds the maximum (minimum), the maximum (minimum) sensitivity will be set.Span adjustment in rising differential mode or trailing differential mode●Move to the rising differential mode, or the trailing differential mode in the PRO6 mode, and press the jog switch to confirm the setting.For the setting procedure, refer to <PRO6> in “PRO MODE OPERATION MANUAL .”●The threshold can be set by using the threshold value fine adjustment function.For the threshold value fine adjustment function, refer to “THRESHOLD VALUE FINE ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION”Short spanLong span6TEACHING MODE●Be sure that detection may become unstable depending on the use environ -ment in teaching if less margin is applied.●When teaching in Window comparator mode or Hysteresis mode, a setting has to be made in PRO mode beforehand.In case 1-point teaching, make sure to set the shift amount. (initial value is 10% or 100)For the setting, refer to <PRO6> in “PRO MODE OPERATION MANUAL .”●Teaching can be set in RUN mode.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG11PRO MODE●When MODE indicator: PRO (yellow) lights up, PRO mode can be set. ●For detail of PRO mode, refer to “ PRO MODE OPERATION MANUAL .”Procedure+, Shift amount setting Timer settingResponce time settingHysteresis settingEmission power settingTimer range setting Teaching lock settingSetting items in digital display settingSetting of digital display turningTime period hold settingData bank loading settingBack up settingCommunication protocol settingDisplay adjustment settingSetting of threshold value trackingCopy lock settingCopy action settingData bank saving settingCode settingReset settingCUSTOM settingInterference prevention settingSensing output settingCopy settingECO settingExternal input settingLogic operation setting7THRESHOLD VALUE FINE ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION●Set fine adjustment of threshold value in RUN mode.●Also, the threshold value fine adjustment function can be used in forced ON output mode and forced OFF output mode●For setting of the sensing output, refer to <PRO6> in “PRO MODE OPERA-TION MANUAL .”<Normal mode, Rising differential mode or Trailing differential mode>Press down Press down Automatically set without pressing <Window comparator mode or Hysteresis mode>●When setting sensing output to the window comparator mode or hysteresismode, “” and “ ” can be changed to another by pressing down SET key for 2 sec.In case conducting threshold value fine adjustment of “ ” or “ ”, press down UP key or Down key, and “ ” or “ ” are displayed. Then, the threshold value fine adjustment can be conducted.Press down Press down Press down Automatically set without pressing Note: It may not respond when values of “” and “” are close because of relation of hysteresis. Be sureto confirm with this device.8KEY LOCK FUNCTION●The key lock function prevents key operations so that the conditions set in each setting mode are not inadvertently changed. ●If operating key switch after key lock is set, “ ” is indicated on the digital display.<Set key lock>Press down for <Release key lock>Press down for 9SENSING OUTPUT OPERATION MODE●When MODE indicator: L / D (yellow) lights up, sensing output operation can be set.Press down SET keyPress down UP / DOWN key10CUSTOM MODE●When MODE indicator: CUST (yellow) lights up,Response time setting, Emission power setting or Hysteresis setting can be displayed.For the setting procedure, refer to <PRO5> in “PRO MODE OPERATION MANUAL .”●By pressing UP key or DOWN key, the setting ineach item will be changed.●Press SET key to confirm the setting.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG12OPTICAL COMMUNICATION●When the setting of data bank loading / saving, copy setting, or copy actionsetting is conducted via optical communications, cascade the sub amplifiersright side to the main amplifier as follows.However, in case using data bank loading / saving, use FX-502□ or FX-505□-C2as main amplifier.●If an amplifier is under any of the following conditions, the setting of data bankloading / saving, or copy setting cannot be carried out.• Copy lock setting is set to copy lock ON “ .”• Digital display is blinking• External input setting of main amplifier is set to “ .” (Only data-bank loading / saving)●When communication protocol ofsub amplifier is set to communicationemission halt “ ” the settingsetting cannot be carried out toamplifier.●conducted by optical communication.●When this product and other products (e.g. fiber sensor amplifiers, pressuresensor controllers, etc.) are connected together in cascade, install those prod-ucts so that they are in order of Group A, B, D and C as shown in the right fig-ure. This product is included in Group D.Group Model No.AFX-301□ (Conventional version unit)FX-301B□/G□/H□, LS-401□BFX-301□ (Modified version unit)FX-305□, FX-301□-C1C LS-403□, DPS seriesD FX-500 series●As for the products that are located between different groups, affix the ampli-fier protection seal FX-MB1 (optional) on the communication window of eachcorresponding product.●Within each group, identical models should be connected in a lump.●In case conducting copy setting of this device and other FX-500 series togeth-er, functions which are incorporated in this device will be copied but functionswhich are not incorporated in this device will not be copied.13INTERFERENCE PREVENTION FUNCTION●This device incorporates an interference prevention function by setting different emittingfrequencies different from an interference prevention function by optical communication.●For Interference prevention function setting procedure, refer to <PRO5> in“PRO MODE OPERATION MANUAL.”●Possible number of amplifiers for interference prevention function is different●In case putting in more amplifiers than limit of interference prevention function,put the amplifier protection seal to amplifier which is adjacent of end of an ampli-fier that the interference function is valid or set OFF in communication protocolsetting of the end of amplifier that the interference prevention function is valid.Example: Putting in 12 of this device and set STD of response time setting.• Possible number of interference prevention is 4.Put the amplifier protection seals 4th and 5th amplifiers and between 8thand 9th amplifiers or change the communication protocol setting of 4th and8th to OFF since interference prevention works from 1st to 4th, from 5th to8th and 9th to 12th.●In case mounting more amplifiers whose response time setting are different,put protection seal between amplifiers that have different response time settingor set communication protocol setting of the upper amplifier to OFF.●For communication protocol setting procedure, refer to <PRO4> in “PROMODE OPERATION MANUAL.”14ERROR INDICATION15SPECIFICATIONSNote: 1) E xcluding power consumption of the monitor current output2) I f the display adjustment was conducted, it is not in this range.16CAUTIONS●This product has been developed / produced for industrial use only.●Make sure that the power supply is OFF while adding or removing the amplifiers.●Take care that if a voltage exceeding the rated range is applied, or if an ACpower supply is directly connected, the product may get burnt or be damaged.●Take care that short-circuit of the load or wrong wiring may burn or damage the product.●Do not run the wires together with high-voltage lines or power lines, or putthem in the same raceway.This can cause malfunction due to induction.●The specification may not be satisfied in a strong magnetic field.●Verify that the supply voltage variation is within the rating.●If power is supplied from a commercial switching regulator, ensure that the frameground (F.G.) terminal of the power supply is connected to an actual ground.●In case noise generating equipment (switching regulator, inverter motor, etc.)is used in the vicinity of this product, connect the frame ground (F.G.) terminalof the equipment to an actual ground.●The ultra long distance (U-LG, HYPR) mode is more likely to be affected byextraneous noise since the sensitivity of that is higher than the other modes.Make sure to check the environment before use.●Do not use during the initial transient time (H-SP, FAST, STD: 0.5 sec., LONG,U-LG, HYPR: 1 sec.) after the power supply is switched ON.●Use same power supply when mounting adjacently.●Extension up to total 100m is possible. When you extend the cable, be sure the power sup-ply voltage is 12V DC or more and use cables which have 0.3mm2 or more of conductorcross-section area. However, in order to reduce noise, make the wiring as short as possible.●Make sure that stress by forcible bend or pulling is not applied to the sensorcable joint and fiber cable.●This product is suitable for indoor use only.●Avoid dust, dirt, and steam.●Take care that the product does not come in contact with oil, grease, organicsolvents such as thinner, etc., strong acid or alkaline.●This product cannot be used in an environment containing inflammable or ex-plosive gasses.●Never disassemble or modify the product.●This product adopts EEPROM. Settings cannot be done 100 thousand timesor more because of the EEPROM’s lifetime./id/pidsx/globalOverseas Sales Division (Head Office)2431-1 Ushiyama-cho, Kasugai-shi, Aichi, 486-0901, JapanPhone: +81-568-33-7861 FAX: +81-568-33-8591For sales network, please visit our website.PRINTED IN CHINA© Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. 2015 056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAG。
GuardShield 450L PAC安全光流传感器指南说明书
![GuardShield 450L PAC安全光流传感器指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9042fab99a89680203d8ce2f0066f5335b816768.png)
Installation InstructionsOriginal InstructionsGuardShield 450L PAC Safety Light CurtainCatalog Numbers 450L-E4A1L0150YD, 450L-E4A2L0600YD, 450L-E4A3L0900YD, 450L-E4A4L1050YDFigure 1 - Package Content (Stick, Mounting Brackets, and Test Rod)Figure 2 - Remove Red Slot CoverFigure 3 - Check DIP Switches on Connection Plug-inFigure 4 - Insert Plug-inIf a 450L PAC safety light curtain is used and operated with a cascading plug-in,remove the gray slot cover insert and mount the cascading plug-in, similar to theconnection plug-in.Figure 5 - Tighten Screws (0.38 N•m [3.36 lb•in], Max)Figure 6 - Install Mounting Kit (0.7 N•m [6.19 lb•in], Max)Confirm that both connection plug-ins are at the same end of the light curtainsticks.Figure 7 - Position of Transmitter and Receiver SticksFigure 8 - Install, Connect, Power-up, and Align Complete SystemThe 450L PAC safety light curtain sticks have an integrated laser alignmentsystem. This system can be switched on/off by placing a finger on the opticalswitch, which is the square next to the hand symbol on the front window.IMPORTANT See 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource on page4 forin-depth instructions and technical information.IMPORTANT The plug-in must be ordered and supplied separately.GuardShield 450L PAC Safety Light Curtain Installation Instructions Figure 9 - Use the Integrated Laser Alignment System for PositioningThe450L PAC is a Perimeter Access Control safety light curtain that is designed for whole body detection to create a safety perimeter around a machine or hazardous location. To verify correct operation, first place the machine or hazardous location in a safe state. Then interrupt the beams, refer to Figure11 for the beam positions of different models. Confirm that the OSSD safety output switches to the OFF state (refer to Table2 on page3 for the indicator status) and remains OFF for as long as the beams are interrupted.Figure 10 - 450L PAC Overall and Mounting Dimensions Figure 11 - 450L PAC Beam HeightsATTENTION: Do not stare into the beam. Laser Class 2. Conforms to 21 CFR 1040.10.Laser Optical Switch30 mm (1.18 in.)30 mm (1.18 in.)30 mm(1.18 in.)30 mm(1.18 in.)42.5 mm(1.67 in.)13 mm(0.51 in.)29.9 mm(1.18 in.)8 mm(0.31 in.)17.6 mm(0.69 in.)14.9 mm(0.59 in.)7.6 mm(0.3 in.)A B C DCat. No.Number ofBeamsA B C DProtectiveHeightMountingValueMountingValue Total Length 450L-E4A1L0150YD1150 mm(5.91 in.)185.5 mm(7.3 in.)215 mm(8.46 in.)235 mm(9.25 in.)450L-E4A2L0600YD2600 mm(23.62 in.)635.5 mm(25.02 in.)665 mm(26.18 in.)685 mm(26.97 in.)450L-E4A3L0900YD3900 mm(35.43 in.)935.5 mm(36.83 in.)965 mm(37.99 in.)985 mm(38.78 in.)450L-E4A4L1050YD41050 mm(41.34 in.)1085.5 mm(42.74 in.)1115 mm(43.9 in.)1135 mm(44.68 in.)Table 1 - DIP Switch Functionality450L-APR-ON-5:450L-APR-EDM-8:DIP 1 (4)DIP 1 (8)50L-APU-UN-8:450L-APR-MU-8:DIP 1 (12)DIP 1 (12)Switch Number Switch Function Default Description 1—OFF—2Low range activation OFF OFF: DisabledON: Enabled3Beam coding OFF OFF: DisabledON: Enabled 4—OFFOFF: DisabledON: Invalid selection(error) 5Combination activation ofthe following start modes:Automatic startManual (re) startManual cold startManual start with offfunctionOFF DIP 5: OFFDIP 6: OFFAutomatic start (Default)DIP 5: ONDIP 6: OFFManual (re) startDIP 5: OFFDIP 6: ONManual cold startDIP 5: ONDIP 6: ONManual start with offfunction 6OFF7External Device Monitor OFF—8MutingOFFFor details, seepublication 450L-UM001in Additional Resourceon page4 9OFF10OFF11OFF12—OFF—Distancetoreferenceplane(forexample,ground)2Rockwell Automation Publication 450L-IN009A-EN-P - March 2022Rockwell Automation Publication 450L-IN009A-EN-P - March 20223GuardShield 450L PAC Safety Light Curtain Installation InstructionsCE Marking and EC ConformityThe present product complies with the requirements of the current European and national directives: 2006/42/EC (Machinery); 2014/30/EU (EMC); 2011/65/EU (ROHS) Conformity has been verified. The corresponding declaration can be downloaded at rok.auto/certifications . Rockwell Automation B.V.; Rivium Promenade 160; 2909 LM Capelle aan den ljssel; The Netherlands.Table 2 - Status Indicators on a 450L PAC GuardShield Light Curtain (Colors and Functions) for Normal OperationNo.MarkingStatusIndicator NameColorBehavior Description 1STSStatus indicatorGreen On Power on and system is OK Green Red Blinking Configuration that is changed or receiver was operated previously with another transmitter (see 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource on page 4)Green Off Blinking See Troubleshooting in 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource onpage 4Off RedBlinking Red On 2Transmitter GreenOnPlug-in identifies stick as atransmitterBlinking 1 Hz (50:50)See Troubleshooting in 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource onpage 4 Blinking 1 Hz (98:2)Reduced range and/or beamcoding is activatedOff Stick is receiver 3ReceiverGreen OnPlug-in identifies stick as areceiver Blinking 1 Hz (98:2)Reduced range and/or beamcoding is activated—Off Stick is transmitter 4OUTSafety outputs Green On Safety outputs are on (receiver)Red On Safety outputs are off (receiver)—Off Transmitter5Regional light intensity level 1Green OnBottom half zone is not interrupted, and intensity is OKBlinking 1 Hz (50:50)Bottom half zone intensity is at the limit—Off Bottom half zone interrupted 6Regional light intensity level 2Green OnTop half zone is not interrupted,and intensity is OKBlinking 1 Hz (50:50)Top half zone intensity is at the limit—Off Top half zone interrupted 7RES StartAmber On Start required (receiver)—Off No start is required (receiver)8MUT Muting Orange Off Light curtain that is not muted On Light curtain that is mutedOrange OffBlinking Muting error9BLKBlanking (not supported on 450L PAC)————————————10CAS CascadingRedOffNo cascading plug-in that isinserted or Tx OSSDs of connected cascade are in ONstate (Rx only)OnOSSDs of connected cascade are in OFF state (Rx only)RedOffBlinkingError cascading plug-inATTENTION: A 450L GuardShield™ safety light curtain system is intended to be part of the safety-related control system of a machine. Before installation, perform a thorough riskassessment to determine whether the specifications of this device are suitable for all foreseeable operational and environmental characteristics of the application.The following applications and/or environmental conditions can lead to misuse and potentially cause severe injuries or death (for more information see IEC 62046):•Machines that eject materials, swarf, or component parts •Risk of injury from thermal or other radiation •Unacceptable noise levels •Transparent objects are detected •An environment that exceeds the specification limitsprovided in publication 450L-UM001.Some but not all possible limits are electrostatic discharge, radio frequency interference, vibration/shock, ambient light, pollution, temperature, and humidity.Without additional measures (IEC 62998), 450L-PACGuardShield safety light curtains are not designed to be used in the following applications:•Outdoors •Under water •Explosive atmospheres •Altitudes over 3000 m (1.86 miles) above sea level •With enhanced ionizing or radar radiation ATTENTION: The protective system must be tested for proper operation after each change to the configuration. The 450L GuardShield safety light curtain cannot be used with machines that cannot be stopped electrically in an emergency. Always maintain the required safety distance (see publication 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource on page 4) between the 450L GuardShield safety light curtain and a dangerous machine movement. Additional mechanical protective devices have to be installed if hazardous machine elements can be reached without passing through the protective field. Improperinstallation can result in serious injury or death. Never connect the safety outputs (OSSDs) to +24V DC. The Auxiliary output is only a status output for diagnosis purposes, for example, to connect an indicator lamp. Do not connect this output to fulfill safety functions. If the safety outputs are connected to +24V DC, they are in the ON state and cannot stop hazardous machine/application movements. Do not open or attempt to repair or modify the 450L safety light curtain. Removal of either of the gray safety light curtain end caps or the transparent front window voids the warranty terms of this product. Do not insert or remove plug-ins when power is applied to the plug-in. Make sure that the power supply is protected against overload (fuse with 3 A in the 24V DC circuit). Installation must be in accordance with the publication 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource on page 4 and implemented by qualified personnel exclusively.Damage occurs to the light curtain when screws are overtightened. To avoid pollution or contamination, theinstallation of a plug-in into a stick must be implemented in a dry and clean area. Make sure that the rubber seal at the plug-in does not get out of place when the plug-in is inserted in the light curtain.Publication 450L-IN009A-EN-P - March 2022Copyright © 2022 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE Yönetmeliğine UygundurAllen-Bradley, expanding human possibility, Guardmaster, GuardShield, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Your comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at rok.auto/docfeedback .For technical support, visit rok.auto/support.PN-63961610006238370 Ver 00Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at rok.auto/pec .At the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.Additional ResourceTo download publications, visit rok.auto/literature and search for the following publication numbers.Table 3 - Pin Assignment Connection Plug-inFor cascading plug-in (catalog number 450L-APC-IO-8, see publication 450L-UM001).Stick Behavior Plug-in Cat. No.Pin 1(1)Tx=Transmitter, Rx=Receiver (2)If set with DIP switches.(3)For muting applications, see publication 450L-UM001 in Additional Resource .(4)Pin 4 connected to pin 8 (short circuited).Plug Type ResourceDescriptionGuardShield Safety Light Curtain User Manual, publication 450L-UM001Provides product-specific guidelines for installing the 450L-B and 450L-E POC and 450L-PAC safety light curtain systems.Product Certifications website, rok.auto/certificationsProvides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.。
在PX4 Autopilot中,您可以通过QGroundControl界面进入参数配置页面。
要启用避障功能,您需要根据PX4 Autopilot的指引,在QGroundControl中进行相应的配置。
此外,PX4FLOW 只能检测地面上的障碍物,对于空中的障碍物无法提供有效的避障建议。
1. 加速度计(Accelerometer):加速度计用于测量飞行器在三个轴上的加速度,即飞行器的加速度状态。
2. 陀螺仪(Gyroscope):陀螺仪用于测量飞行器在三个轴上的角速度,即飞行器的旋转速率。
3. 磁力计(Magnetometer):磁力计用于测量地球磁场对飞行器的影响,即飞行器的地磁状态。
4. 气压计(Barometer):气压计用于测量飞行器所处的气压,即飞行器的高度状态。
5. 光流传感器(Optical Flow Sensor):光流传感器用于测量飞行器相对于地面的水平位移。
6. GPS(Global Positioning System):GPS用于测量飞行器的全球定位信息,包括经度、纬度、海拔和速度等。
OMEGA HHLM-1MV 光传感器说明书
![OMEGA HHLM-1MV 光传感器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e1714242182e453610661ed9ad51f01dc28157e7.png)
OMEGAHHLM-1MVLight TransducerOMEGAnet On-Line Service Internet e-mail **************For immediate technical or application assistance:USA and Canada:Mexico and Latin America:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA Tel: (95) 800-TC-OMEGA Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST FAX: (95) 203-359-7807Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN En Español: (203) 359-7803TELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGAe-mail:*****************Servicing North America:USA: ISO 9001 Certified Canada:One Omega Drive, Box 4047976 Bergar Stamford, CT 06907-0047Laval (Quebec) H7L5A1Tel: (203) 359-1660Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (203)359-7700FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:**************e-mail:**************Servicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen,The NetherlandsTel: (31) 20 6418405 FAX: (31) 20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 06 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:ul. Rude armady 1868, 733 01 Karvina-Hranice, Czech RepubicTel: 420 (69) 6311627 FAX: 420 (69)6311114e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 TrappesTel: (33) 130-621-400 FAX: (33)130-699-120Toll Free in France: 0800-4-06342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392Deckenpfronn, GermanyTel: 49 (07056) 3017 FAX: 49 (07056) 8540TollFreeinGermany************e-mail:*****************United Kingdom: ISO 9002 Certified One Omega DriveRiverbend Technology Centre Northbank, Irlam,Manchester, M44 5EX, EnglandTel: 44 (161) 777-6611 FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622Toll Free in England: 0800-488-488e-mail:***************.ukINTRODUCTIONThis instrument is a portable easy use, compact-sized light transducer designed for simple one hand operation. Provides lux unit measurements.SAFETY INFORMATIONIt is recommended that you read the safety and operation instructions before using the lightmeter.WARNING•To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product in wet or damp conditions.•To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in an explosive atmosphere.•To avoid eye injury, wear eye protection if there is a possibility of exposure to high-intensity rays.•Do not immerse in liquids, clean the sensor head using only a damp cloth.•Cover sensor head when not in use to extend silicon photodiode sensor life. The symbol on the instrument indicates that the operator must refer to an explanation in this manual.SPECIFICATIONSGENERALLow battery indication: the "Red LED" is displayed when the battery voltage drops below the operating level.Operating Environment: 0°C to 50°C at < 70% relative humidity.Storage Temperature: -20°C to 60°C, 0 to 80% R.H. with battery removed from meter.Accuracy: Stated accuracy at 23°C ± 5°C, <70% relative humidity. Battery: 4 pcs 1.5V (AAA size).Battery Life: 200 hours typical.Dimensions: 170mm(H) x 44mm(W) x 40mm(D).Weight: 200g including batteries.ELECTRICALPhotometric Formulas:10.764·footcandles=lux (lumens/meter 2)0.0929·lux=footcandles (lumens/foot 2)Rangescale:DMM to 200.0mV range¸10(20lux), x1(200lux)x10(2000lux), x100(20000lux)x1000(200000lux)Resolution: 0.01luxSpectral response: CIE photopicAcceptance angle: ¦¢2<2% cosine corrected (150°)Total accuracy for CIE standard illuminant A (2856K): ±(3%rdg + 10dgts)The CIE photopic curve is an international standard for the color responseof the average human eyeCIE standard illuminant A can be realised by means of CIE standard source A, which is defined as: A gas-filled tungsten-filament lamp operating at a correlated colour temperature of 2856K Temperature Coefficient: 0.1x (specified accuracy)/°C (<18°C or >28°C)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPush buttonsRange Select ButtonPress "RANGE" button to select the desired lux range. Each time you press "RANGE" button, the range (and the input range annunciator) incremants, and a new value is displayed.OPERATION1. Plug the light transducer test leads into the Vdc input jack and common or ground input jack on the DMM. Observe polarity.2. Set the DMM to the 200mV range only.3. Set the light transducer power switch to the desired range (use range button select 20lux, 200lux, 2000lux, 20000lux) or only 200000lux range.4. Remove the sensor head cover.5. Hold the sensor head steady and make certain that the light source completely fills the cosine correction dome.6. Move away from the sensor head to avoid shadowing it. The sensor head hasa 1.5 meter cable to allow separation between the observer and the measure-ment location.7. DMM reading multiplies light transducer illuminance value. If magnitude of lux is not known, press light transducer RANGE button to the highest range and reduce until a satisfactory reading is obtained.8. Cover sensor head to extend sensor life.SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS•Keep the plastic domed cosine corrector clean and free of scratches. It may be cleaned with a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol.•When light is received from many directions simultaneously, take special care to avoid reflections or shadowing the sensor with your body.•For best accuracy, repeat the measurement several times to ensure that the light source has remained stable.•Avoid flexing the cable excessively at either end of the cable.•The Inverse-square LawThe law stating that the illuminance E at a point on a surface varies directly with the intensity I of a point source, and inversely as the square of the distance d between the source and the point. If the surface at the point is normal to the direction of the incident light, the law is expressed by E=I/d2.•Cosine LawThe law that the illuminance on any surface varies as the cosine of the angle of incidence. The angle of incidence q is the angle between the normal to the surface and the direction of the incident light. The inverse-square low and the cosine law can be combined as E=(I cos q )/d2.CleaningPeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and detergent, do not use abrasives or solvents.CIE Photopic CurveL u m i n o u s E f f i c i e n c y C o e f f i c i e n tL u m e n /W a t t C o n v e r s i o n F a c t o rWavelength in NanometersV l C I E P h o t o p i c P h o t o p i c W a v e l e n g t h L u m i n o u s L u m e n /W a t t (n m )E f f c i e n c y C o n v e r s i o n C o e f f i c i e n tF a c t o r 3800.00000.053900.00010.134000.00040.274100.00120.824200.00402.734300.01167.914400.023015.74500.038025.94600.060040.94700.091062.14800.139094.84900.2080142.05000.3230220.05100.5030343.05200.7100484.05300.8620588.05400.9540650.05500.9950679.05551.0000683.05600.9950679.05700.9520649.05800.8700593.05900.7570516.06000.6310430.06100.5030343.06200.3810260.06300.2650181.06400.1750119.06500.107073.06600.061041.46700.032021.86800.017011.66900.00825.597000.00412.787100.00211.437200.00100.7167300.00050.3557400.00030.1707500.00010.8207600.00010.041WARRANTYOMEGA warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship and to give satisfactory service for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. However, this WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components which wear or which are damaged by misuse are not warranted. This includes contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is glad to offer suggestions on the of use of its various products. Nevertheless, OMEGA only warrants that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defectsOMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.Every precaution for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of this manual; however, OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors that may appear nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of the products in accordance with the information contained in the manual.SPECIAL CONDITION: Should this equipment be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, purchaser will indemnity OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the equipment in such a manner.It is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected application.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEP ARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1.P.O. number under which the product wasPURCHASED.2.Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relativeto the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number to cover the COST of the repair.2.Model and serial number of product , and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relativeto the product.OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 1999 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA...Of Course!HEATERSþHeating CableþCartridge & Strip HeatersþImmersion & Band HeatersþFlexible HeatersþLaboratory HeatersPRESSURE/STRAIN AND FORCE þTransducers & Strain GaugesþLoad Cells & Pressure GaugesþDisplacement TransducersþInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELþRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers þAir Velocity IndicatorsþTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsþTotalizers & Batch Controllers TEMPERATUREþThermocouple, RTD & ThermistorProbes, Connectors, Panels &AssembliesþWire: Thermocouple, RTD &ThermistorþCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesþRecorders, Controllers & ProcessMonitorsþInfrared PyrometersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLþMetering & Control InstrumentationþRefractometersþPumps & TubingþAir, Soil & Water MonitorsþIndustrial Water & WastewaterTreatmentþpH, Conductivity & DissolvedOxygen InstrumentspH/CONDUCTIVITYþpH Electrodes, Testers &AccessoriesþBenchtop/Laboratory MetersþControllers, Calibrators,Simulators & PumpsþIndustrial pH & ConductivityEquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONþData Acquisition & EngineeringSoftwareþCommunications-BasedAcquisition SystemsþPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM& CompatiblesþDatalogging SystemsþRecorders, Printers & PlottersM-2858/0799。
1. 连接电源: 先将光纤电流传感器连接到相应的电源上。
2. 安装测试线圈: 将测试线圈安装在电流要测量的电路上。
3. 连接光纤: 将光纤电流传感器的光纤连接到测试线圈上。
4. 配置参数: 使用配套的软件或者控制器对光纤电流传感器进行参数配置。
5. 开始测量: 开始进行电流测量,通过配套软件或者控制器获取测量结果。
6. 数据处理: 将测量结果进行数据处理,并存储或者进行进一步的分析。
使用时需注意电流值不能超过传感器的测量范围, 并且光纤的连接要牢固,避免灵敏度降低。
光学传感器 OUSAF12 操作手册说明书
![光学传感器 OUSAF12 操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4a4da563effdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693daef10ee.png)
Products Solutions Services操作手册OUSAF12光学传感器,与流通式安装支架OUA260配套使用,用于吸光度测量BA00497C/28/ZH/03.21715428432021-07-31文档信息OUSAF122Endress+Hauser1文档信息1.1警告1.2信息图标附加信息,提示允许或推荐的操作禁止或不推荐的操作参见设备文档参考页面参考图操作结果1.3 设备上的图标参见设备文档资料此类产品不可作为未分类城市垃圾废弃处置。
2.2 指定用途传感器用于液体介质的可见光/近红外光吸光度测量。
2.3 工作场所安全用户有责任且必须遵守下列安全标准的要求:•安装指南•地方标准和法规•防爆保护法规电磁兼容性•产品通过电磁兼容性(EMC)测试,符合国际工业应用的适用标准要求。
光照传感器使用手册目录目录 (2)1.功能简介 (3)1.1.功能概述 (3)1.2.性能特点 (3)1.3.基本参数 (3)1.4.光照参数 (3)1.5.系统框架图 (4)1.6.探头参数与选型 (5)2.设备安装 (6)2.1.设备安装前检查 (6)2.2.接口说明 (6)2.3.安装说明 (6)3.基础调试 (7)3.1.传感器接入电脑 (7)3.2.传感器监控软件的使用 (7)3.3.修改波特率和设备ID (8)4.通信协议 (9)4.1.通讯基本参数 (9)4.2.数据帧格式定义 (9)4.3.寄存器地址 (10)4.4.通讯协议示例以及解释 (10)读取光照度值 (10)查询与修改设备波特率 (10)查询与修改设备地址 (11)5.设备无法连接到PLC或电脑 (12)6.包装售后 (12)6.1.产品包装清单 (12)6.2.联系方式 (12)6.3.质保与售后 (12)6.4.免责声明 (13)7.更新历史 (13)附录:CRC校验函数 (14)1.功能简介1.1.功能概述该变送器广泛适用于农业大棚、花卉培养等需要光照度监测的场合。
1.3.基本参数参数名称参数内容直流供电(默认)12-24V DC最大功耗(RS485输出)<0.4W光照强度精度±5%(25℃)光照强度0-65535Lux/0-20万Lux长期稳定性(光照强度)≤5%/y输出信号RS485输出(Mondbus协议)1.4.光照参数图1.不同波长光线对光照度影响如图1所示,波长在580nm左右最准确,比例系数为 1.图2.光照角度影响示意图如图2所示角度对光照准确度影响较大,用户使用时应注意角度的变化,以正上方为照射基准。
光流计的原理及应用方法1. 什么是光流计光流计(Optical Flow)是一种计算机视觉技术,用于追踪图像中移动物体的运动。
2. 光流计的原理光流计的原理基于光学流动现象,即当物体发生运动时,由于相机视野中的像素点会在连续的图像帧中移动。
光流计的原理可以简单地描述如下: 1. 假设相邻两帧图像之间的像素点的亮度保持不变。
2. 通过对比两个连续的图像帧,计算出每个像素点的位移。
3. 根据像素点的位移,计算出物体的运动方向和速度。
3. 光流计的应用方法光流计在计算机视觉和机器人领域有着广泛的应用。
下面列举了光流计的一些常见应用方法:3.1. 目标追踪光流计可以通过计算物体在图像中的位移,实现对物体的追踪。
3.2. 视频稳定利用光流计的计算结果,可以将图像中的摄像头抖动进行补偿,从而实现视频的稳定。
3.3. 基于光流的视差计算光流计的计算结果可以用于计算图像中不同像素点之间的视差,进而实现三维深度信息的估计。
3.4. 动作识别通过分析连续图像帧之间的光流信息,可以实现对人类行为的识别。
3.5. 移动机器人导航光流计可以用于移动机器人的导航和避障。
4. 总结光流计是一种计算机视觉技术,利用连续的图像帧计算图像中物体的运动信息。
- 特点:激光高度计功率大,在室外强光条件下也能稳定工作。
- 安装方向:SENS_FLOW_ROT参数设置为0,具体安装方向需根据实际情况而定。
- 模式设置:推荐使用定高模式(altitude),高度控制有控制器介入,姿态控制和stabilized一致,该模式不需要额外传感器,只要飞控带气压计即可。
光流传感器的工作原理光流传感器(Optical Flow Sensor),是一种用于测量相机在运动过程中相对于环境的速度和方向的传感器。
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∙连接VCC, GND, MISO, MOSI, SCLK 和NCS 引脚,如下图所示。
∙断开板子背面的MISOLVL 跳线,重新焊接使MISO 引脚工作在3.3v。
∙把AP_OpticalFlow_test.pde 项目加载到APM 中
∙用串口监视器或AP 任务规划器终端连接APM
∙输入'm',把摄像头前后启动,检查x,y 值变化。
为了检查你的镜头是否对焦合适,你可以从传感器直接捕捉一张图片,并用一个Python 写的查看器显示该图片。
1把AP_OpticalFlow_test.pde 上传到APM (参见上方)
2安装Python 2.7 (或更新的版本) /getit/
3启动Python IDLE 编辑器
4File,Open ADNS3080ImageGrabber.py
5Run, Run Module - 会先出现Python 命令行,然后出现ADNS3080ImageGrabber 程序6在ADNS3080ImageGrabber 界面, 把默认com 端口改成APM 用的端口,点击Open
按Send 按钮启动/停止捕获图片(每2 秒应该出一张新图片)
注: 你可以在Python 命令行窗口看见AP_OpticalFlow_ADNS3080 的菜单和任何错误提示
鼠标传感器返回它看见的表面特征的平均运动(x 和y 方向)。
它会返回一个更高的 5 左右的值。
在下面的例子中,返回值大约是 1.6 ( (-5+5+5) / 3)
传感器的x 和y 值可以根据高度转换为实际距离
我们得到的x/y 轴的运动后,就可以与当前的偏航相结合结合,用于估计位置。