A、E、I、O、U五个元音字母在词汇中的读音A的发音规则.A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况:(1)在重读开音节中读[ei].例如:plane[plein] radio[’reidiƏu]wake [ weik] paper[’peipƏ]但要记住一个例外:have读做[hæv]而不是[heiv].(2)在-ange组合中读[ei].例如:change[tʃeindʒ] strange[streindʒ] arrange [ Ə’reindʒ](3)在重读音节前的闭音节中一般读[æ].例如:activity[æk’tiviti] transcription[træns’krip ʃƏn]有时也读做[Ə],例如:accept[Ək’sept] Atlantic[Ət’læntik](4)在非重读音节中读做[Ə].例如:substance[’sʌbstƏns] breakfast[’brekf Əst] woman[’wumƏn](5)在“a-I-辅音字母(除r、w之外)+不发音的e”的非重读音节中一般读做.例如comrade[’kɔmrid] courage[’kʌridʒ]但是,“一ate”中的a不论重读还是非重读都读[ei],例如:calculate[’kælkjuleit] late[1eit] hesitate[’heziteit]这里有两个例外,一是separate的形容词形式,读做[’sepƏrit],另外一个是climate,读做[’klaimit].(6)在wh后面读[ɔ].例如:what[wɔt] whatever[wɔt’ev Ə]whale是例外,这个单词按照重读开音节读做[weil].(7)在W后面读[ɔ:]例如:water[’wɔ:tƏ] watch[wɔ:t ʃ] wander[’wɔ:ndƏ]wave和wake是例外,要按照重读开音节分别读做[weiv]和[weik].(8)在l前面读[ɔ:].例如:chalk[tʃɔ:k] tall[tɔ:1]always[’ɔ:lweiz] talk[tɔ:k]但是,shall[ʃæl] valley[’væli] shallow[’ʃælƏu]中读做[æ],wallet读做[’wɔlit].(9)下列情况下,a发[a:]的音:①在s之前,例如:class[kla:s] grass[gra:s]fast[fa:st] basket[’ba:skit]例外有两个,haste[heist]和taste[teist],另外passage按照重读闭音节规则读音,读做[’pæsidʒ].②在“m/n+辅音字母”之前,例如:advance[Əd’va:ns] France[fra:ns] dance[da:ns]例外的是grand[grænd]③在th之前,例如:path[pa:θ] rather[’ra:ðƏ]④在lm之前,例如:calm[ka:m] palm[pa:m]⑤在lf之前,例如:half[ha] calf[ka]⑥在f之前,例如:staff[sta] after[’atƏ] afternoon[’atƏnu:n]元音字母E的发音规则.E/e以及E/e与其他字母的组合在英语单词中出现的很多,它们的读音规则有如下几种:(1) 在重读开音节中,e一般读做[i:]或[i Ə].Ə①[i:]例如:she he these②[iƏ]例如:zero hero serious(2) 在重读闭音节中,e一般读[e],例如:set bed ten Pen(3) 在非重读音节中,e一般读做[i]或[Ə].①[i]例如:enemy eleven excuse②[Ə]例如:student open children(4) e与其他字母组合的读音:①ea一般可以读做:[i:]例如:read sea meat repeat[e]例如:bread weather breakfast[iƏ]例如:real idea theatre[ei]例如:great break②ee一般读做[i:],例如:meet jeep see sheep sleep③er在重读音节中一般读做[Ə:],例如:term verb certain,在词尾一般读做[Ə],例如:teacher worker clever④ear一般读做:[Ə:]例如:early earth learn[ɛƏ]例如:bear wear[iƏ]例如:hear near dear[a:]例如:heart⑤eer一般读做[iƏ],例如:pioneer engineer⑥eir一般读做[ɛƏ],例如:their⑦ere一般读做:[ɛƏ]例如:where there[iƏ]例如:here mere⑧ew大多读做[u:],例如:blew grew flew⑨特殊词汇:clerk[kla:k] were[wƏ:]I的发音规则.(1) i在重读开音节中读[ai].例如:bicycle[’baisikl] Friday[’fraidi]private[’praivit] drive[draiv](2)双音节词的结尾是“辅音字母+le”,前面的i所在的音节是绝对开音节时,i读[ai].例如:title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl](3)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[ai].例如:bright [’brait] high[hai]child[tʃaild]但是也有例外,例如:children[’tʃildrƏn] wind[wind](4)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读[ai].例如:advertise [’ædvƏtaiz] crocodile[’krɔkƏdail]appetite[’æpitait] realize[’riƏlaiz]otherwise[’ʌðƏwaiz](5)在词尾一ique里,i读[i:].例如:antique[æn’ti:k] technique[tek’ni:k]unique [ju’ni:k](6)在重读闭音节中i读.例如:big city dish kid skip rich(7)在双音节和多音节词中i读.例如:differ fifteen history mixture village winnerO的发音规则(1)o在重读开音节中读[Əu].例如:progress moment notice close ocean(2)词的结尾是-ia,-ial,-ian,-iate,-io,-ion,-ious,-ium等,前面只有一个辅音字母(r除外)时,o读[Əu].例如:associate[Ə’s Əuʃieit] devotion[di’vƏuʃƏn]Mongolia[mɔŋ’gƏuljƏ](3)双音节词的词尾是-a,-al,-an,-ar,-en,-ive,-o,-on,-or,-our,-um,--us,-y时,o读[Əu].例如:broken local open stolen lotus(4)在双音节词和多音节词中,o读[Əu].例如:alone[Ə’lƏun] postpone[pƏust’pƏun]explode[iks’plƏud](5)在-old,-oll,-ost中,o读[Əu].例如:almost cold soldier post(6)词末的o读[Əu].例如:also piano tobacco(7)多音节词的词尾“o+辅音字母+e”,o也读[Əu].例如:telephone envelope(8)在move、prove及其派生词里读做[u:],例如:move approveU的发音规则字母U/u以及U/u与其他字母组合的读音规则如下:(1)在重读开音.节中,U一般读做:①[ju:],例如:student use②在字母l、r、j之后读做[u:],例如:blue rule June(2)在重读闭音节中一般读做:①[ʌ],例如:but bus cup②,例如:put full(3)在非重读音节中一般读做:①[Ə],例如:upon suppose suggest②[ju],例如:communist occupation③在字母l、r、j之后读,例如:instrument④在词尾的-ute,-ude中u读[ju:],例如:institute attitude但是在minute[minit]中U读(4)与其他字母组合的读音:①ur,有两种读音:在重读音节中读做[a:],例如:turn nurse在非重读音节中读做[Ə],例如:Saturday murmur②ure,有3种读音:[juƏ],例如:pure cure[uƏ],例如:sure[Ə],例如:figure injure pleasure③ui,一般有4种读音:[ju:],例如:suit[jui],或[ju:i],例如:suicide[’sjuisaid] tuition[tju:’i ʃƏn]在字母l、r、J之后读做[u:],例如:fruit juice,或者读做[ui],例如:fluid ruin 例外的是suite读[swi:t]④qu一般读做[kw],例如:question quite quickly。
三年级英语字母发音练习题50题1.Which sound does the letter “a” make in the word “cat”?A./eɪ/B./æ/C./ə/答案:B。
选项A/eɪ/是字母a 在单词“cake”中的发音。
选项C/ə/不是字母a 的常见发音。
2.Which sound does the letter “e” make in the word “bed”?A./i:/B./e/C./ə/答案:B。
选项A/i:/是字母e 在单词“bee”中的发音。
选项C/ə/不是字母e 的常见发音。
3.Which sound does the letter “i” make in the word “big”?A./aɪ/B./i/C./e/答案:B。
选项A/aɪ/是字母i 在单词“bike”中的发音。
选项C/e/不是字母i 的常见发音。
4.Which sound does the letter “o” make in the word “dog”?A./əʊ/B./ɔ/答案:B。
选项A/əʊ/是字母o 在单词“go”中的发音。
选项C/ʌ/不是字母o 的常见发音。
5.Which sound does the letter “u” make in the word “cup”?A./ju:/B./ʌ/C./u/答案:C。
选项A/ju:/是字母u 在单词“use”中的发音。
选项B/ʌ/不是字母u 的常见发音。
6.Which sound does the letter “a” make in the word “hat”?A./eɪ/B./æ/C./ə/答案:B。
before, cin ema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, En glish, En gla nd e/ ?/
ope n, garde n, lile nt, travel
each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, team
draw,law, raw, saw, yawn
day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)
Mon day, Tuesday, Wedn esday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sun day
ago, about, above, aga in, sofa, chi na, america, can ada
cabbage, message, village, climate, n ecklace, palace
aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)
ache, chemical, christmas, echo, tech ni cal
back, duck, lack, thick, chicke n, pocket
and, card, hand, n eed, dust, study
made, ride, wide
park, star,yard, (warm)
1. /æ/ 的发音元音字母a在很多单词中的发音是/æ/,这个音标常用于表示a的短元音。
例如,cat(猫)、bat(球拍)和hat(帽子)等词中的a均发/æ/ 音。
2. /ə/ 的发音元音字母a有时会发 /ə/ 音,表示中性或弱变音。
例如,banana(香蕉)、about(关于)和again(再次)等词中的a均发 /ə/ 音。
3. /eɪ/ 的发音元音字母a有时会发 /eɪ/ 音,表示a与长元音e的组合音。
例如,day(白天)、make(制造)和cake(蛋糕)等词中的a均发/eɪ/ 音。
4. /ɑ:/ 的发音元音字母a在一些单词中发 /ɑ:/(长音a),这种发音与元音字母o的发音类似。
例如,car(汽车)、park(停车场)和hard(艰难)等词中的a均发 /ɑ:/ 音。
5. /aɪ/ 的发音元音字母a有时也会发 /aɪ/ 音,表示a与长元音i的组合音。
例如,time(时间)、like(喜欢)和pine(松树)等词中的a均发 /aɪ/ 音。
1. 非重读音节中的元音a在非重读音节中,元音字母a通常以短元音/æ/ 的形式出现。
例如,banana(香蕉)中的第一个a发 /ə/ 音,而第二个a发/æ/ 音。
字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:eraser:[i'reis]橡皮crayon:['kreiə n]蜡笔face[feis]脸cake:[keik]蛋糕plane:[plein]飞机may:[mei]可以name:[neim]名字base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag:[bæg]书包cat:[kæt]猫panda:['pændə]熊猫hamburger :['hæmbə:gə]汉堡包man:[mæn]男人grandma:['grændmɑ:](口语)(外)祖母taxi:['tæksi]出租车have:[hæv](我们)有fan:[fæn]扇子,电扇bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:water:['wɔ:tə]水watermelon:['wɔ:tə,melən]西瓜want, wash, what, watcha [a: ]arm:[ɑ:m]胳膊car :[kɑ:]小汽车father:['fɑ:ðə]爸爸classmate['klɑ:smeit]同学ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a: θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:head:[hed]头many:['meni]许多的sofa:['səufə]沙发ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)ar[a:]:arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kw ɔ:/, war /wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:bag:[bæg]书包blue:[blu:]蓝色的black:[blæk]黑色的base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, robmb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtbb[b]:rabbit:['ræbit]兔子cabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble[bl], bble[bl]:table:['teibl]桌子table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c[k],(c在元音字母a,o,u前): cat:[kæt]猫cake:[keik]蛋糕coffee:['kɔfi]咖啡ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/k ə/, co/k əu/, co/k ɔ/,co/k ʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/k ʌ/ cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc[k], (c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc[s] (c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teachCh [ʃ]:ma-chi-ne ,champagnech/k/ache, chemical, christmas, echo, technicalck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studymade, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/ dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchiefdge/ dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgedj/ dʒ /adjust, adjudgedr/dr/dream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, ten e/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, England e/ ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, teamea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weather ea/ei/break, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theateree/i:/beef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, three ee/i/coffee, committeeveil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/clerker/ ə /teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modern ear/ iə /ear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə /bear, pear, wearear/ ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə /here, adhere, sphereere/εə /there, whereere/ ə :/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigh eigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, offf/v/of字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, begin g/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ /pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ /age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straightgh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirtyire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, requireigh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, workKn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, placealf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warm mm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋ g/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ /bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/ əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, botho\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, someo/ ɔ/box, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,one oa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ ɔi /boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoooo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ ə: /word, work, worldor/ ə /actor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfortou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/ əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə /our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ ə /colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, powerow/ əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, windowow/ ɔ/knowledge, acknowledge字母p在单词中的发音p/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helpssk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begssia/ ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ ʃən/, sure, ssure/ ʃuə /version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressuresion/ ʒən /,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothernation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ ə /autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, support ui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltur/ ə:/nurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ ə /Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə /sure, insure, assureure/ ə /nature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposure uy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音x/ks/box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibitx/ kʃ/anxious字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, sizezz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle。
A、E、I、O、U五个元音字母在词汇中的读音A的发音规则.A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况:(1)在重读开音节中读[ei].例如:plane[plein] radio[’reidiƏu]wake [ weik] paper[’peipƏ]但要记住一个例外:have读做[hæv]而不是[heiv].(2)在-ange组合中读[ei].例如:change[tʃeindʒ] strange[streindʒ] arrange [ Ə’reindʒ](3)在重读音节前的闭音节中一般读[æ].例如:activity[æk’tiviti] transcription[træns’krip ʃƏn]有时也读做[Ə],例如:accept[Ək’sept] Atlantic[Ət’læntik](4)在非重读音节中读做[Ə].例如:substance[’sʌbstƏns] breakfast[’brekf Əst] woman[’wumƏn](5)在“a-I-辅音字母(除r、w之外)+不发音的e”的非重读音节中一般读做.例如comrade[’kɔmrid] courage[’kʌridʒ]但是,“一ate”中的a不论重读还是非重读都读[ei],例如:calculate[’kælkjuleit] late[1eit] hesitate[’heziteit]这里有两个例外,一是separate的形容词形式,读做[’sepƏrit],另外一个是climate,读做[’klaimit].(6)在wh后面读[ɔ].例如:what[wɔt] whatever[wɔt’ev Ə]whale是例外,这个单词按照重读开音节读做[weil].(7)在W后面读[ɔ:]例如:water[’wɔ:tƏ] watch[wɔ:t ʃ] wander[’wɔ:ndƏ]wave和wake是例外,要按照重读开音节分别读做[weiv]和[weik].(8)在l前面读[ɔ:].例如:chalk[tʃɔ:k] tall[tɔ:1]always[’ɔ:lweiz] talk[tɔ:k]但是,shall[ʃæl] valley[’væli] shallow[’ʃælƏu]中读做[æ],wallet读做[’wɔlit].(9)下列情况下,a发[a:]的音:①在s之前,例如:class[kla:s] grass[gra:s]fast[fa:st] basket[’ba:skit]例外有两个,haste[heist]和taste[teist],另外passage按照重读闭音节规则读音,读做[’pæsidʒ].②在“m/n+辅音字母”之前,例如:advance[Əd’va:ns] France[fra:ns] dance[da:ns]例外的是grand[grænd]③在th之前,例如:path[pa:θ] rather[’ra:ðƏ]④在lm之前,例如:calm[ka:m] palm[pa:m]⑤在lf之前,例如:half[ha] calf[ka]⑥在f之前,例如:staff[sta] after[’atƏ] afternoon[’atƏnu:n]元音字母E的发音规则.E/e以及E/e与其他字母的组合在英语单词中出现的很多,它们的读音规则有如下几种:(1) 在重读开音节中,e一般读做[i:]或[i Ə].Ə①[i:]例如:she he these②[iƏ]例如:zero hero serious(2) 在重读闭音节中,e一般读[e],例如:set bed ten Pen(3) 在非重读音节中,e一般读做[i]或[Ə].①[i]例如:enemy eleven excuse②[Ə]例如:student open children(4) e与其他字母组合的读音:①ea一般可以读做:[i:]例如:read sea meat repeat[e]例如:bread weather breakfast[iƏ]例如:real idea theatre[ei]例如:great break②ee一般读做[i:],例如:meet jeep see sheep sleep③er在重读音节中一般读做[Ə:],例如:term verb certain,在词尾一般读做[Ə],例如:teacher worker clever④ear一般读做:[Ə:]例如:early earth learn[ɛƏ]例如:bear wear[iƏ]例如:hear near dear[a:]例如:heart⑤eer一般读做[iƏ],例如:pioneer engineer⑥eir一般读做[ɛƏ],例如:their⑦ere一般读做:[ɛƏ]例如:where there[iƏ]例如:here mere⑧ew大多读做[u:],例如:blew grew flew⑨特殊词汇:clerk[kla:k] were[wƏ:]I的发音规则.(1) i在重读开音节中读[ai].例如:bicycle[’baisikl] Friday[’fraidi]private[’praivit] drive[draiv](2)双音节词的结尾是“辅音字母+le”,前面的i所在的音节是绝对开音节时,i读[ai].例如:title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl](3)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[ai].例如:bright [’brait] high[hai]child[tʃaild]但是也有例外,例如:children[’tʃildrƏn] wind[wind](4)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读[ai].例如:advertise [’ædvƏtaiz] crocodile[’krɔkƏdail]appetite[’æpitait] realize[’riƏlaiz]otherwise[’ʌðƏwaiz](5)在词尾一ique里,i读[i:].例如:antique[æn’ti:k] technique[tek’ni:k]unique [ju’ni:k](6)在重读闭音节中i读.例如:big city dish kid skip rich(7)在双音节和多音节词中i读.例如:differ fifteen history mixture village winnerO的发音规则(1)o在重读开音节中读[Əu].例如:progress moment notice close ocean(2)词的结尾是-ia,-ial,-ian,-iate,-io,-ion,-ious,-ium等,前面只有一个辅音字母(r除外)时,o读[Əu].例如:associate[Ə’s Əuʃieit] devotion[di’vƏuʃƏn]Mongolia[mɔŋ’gƏuljƏ](3)双音节词的词尾是-a,-al,-an,-ar,-en,-ive,-o,-on,-or,-our,-um,--us,-y时,o读[Əu].例如:broken local open stolen lotus(4)在双音节词和多音节词中,o读[Əu].例如:alone[Ə’lƏun] postpone[pƏust’pƏun]explode[iks’plƏud](5)在-old,-oll,-ost中,o读[Əu].例如:almost cold soldier post(6)词末的o读[Əu].例如:also piano tobacco(7)多音节词的词尾“o+辅音字母+e”,o也读[Əu].例如:telephone envelope(8)在move、prove及其派生词里读做[u:],例如:move approveU的发音规则字母U/u以及U/u与其他字母组合的读音规则如下:(1)在重读开音.节中,U一般读做:①[ju:],例如:student use②在字母l、r、j之后读做[u:],例如:blue rule June(2)在重读闭音节中一般读做:①[ʌ],例如:but bus cup②,例如:put full(3)在非重读音节中一般读做:①[Ə],例如:upon suppose suggest②[ju],例如:communist occupation③在字母l、r、j之后读,例如:instrument④在词尾的-ute,-ude中u读[ju:],例如:institute attitude但是在minute[minit]中U读(4)与其他字母组合的读音:①ur,有两种读音:在重读音节中读做[a:],例如:turn nurse在非重读音节中读做[Ə],例如:Saturday murmur②ure,有3种读音:[juƏ],例如:pure cure[uƏ],例如:sure[Ə],例如:figure injure pleasure③ui,一般有4种读音:[ju:],例如:suit[jui],或[ju:i],例如:suicide[’sjuisaid] tuition[tju:’i ʃƏn]在字母l、r、J之后读做[u:],例如:fruit juice,或者读做[ui],例如:fluid ruin 例外的是suite读[swi:t]④qu一般读做[kw],例如:question quite quickly。
26个英文字母在单词中的主要发音字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:want, wash, what, watcha/a:/:ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a:θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)ar[a:]:arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kwɔ:/, war/wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, rob mb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtbb/b/:cabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble/bl/, bble/bl/:table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c/k/(c在元音字母a,o,u前):ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/kə/, co/kəu/, co/kɔ/,co/kʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/kʌ/cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc/k/(c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc/s/(c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teachma-chi-ne,champagnech/k/ache, chemical, christmas, echo, technical ck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studyde/d/made, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchiefdge/dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgeadjust, adjudgedr/dr/dream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, tene/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, Englande/ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, team ea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weatherbreak, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theateree/i:/beef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, three ee/i/coffee, committeeei/ei/veil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/clerker/ə/teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modernear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə/bear, pear, wearear/ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə/here, adhere, sphereere/εə/there, whereere/ə:/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigh eigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, offf/v/of字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, beging/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ/pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ/age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straight gh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirtyire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, requireigh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, work Kn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, place alf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warm mm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋ g/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ/bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, botho\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, someo/ɔ/box, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,oneoa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ɔi/boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoo oo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ə: /word, work, worldor/ə/actor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfortou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə/our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ə/colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, power ow/əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, window ow/ɔ/knowledge, acknowledgep/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helps sk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begs sia/ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ʃən/, sure, ssure/ʃuə/version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressuresion/ʒən/,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothertion/ʃən/nation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ə/autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, support ui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltur/ə:/nurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ə/Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə/sure, insure, assureure/ə/nature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposureuy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音x/ks/box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibit x/ kʃ/anxious字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, size zz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle。
A、E、I、O、U五个元音字母在词汇中的读音A的发音规则.A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况:(1)在重读开音节中读[ei].例如:plane[plein] radio[’reidiƏu]wake [ weik] paper[’peipƏ]但要记住一个例外:have读做[hæv]而不是[heiv].(2)在-ange组合中读[ei].例如:change[tʃeindʒ] strange[streindʒ] arrange [ Ə’reindʒ](3)在重读音节前的闭音节中一般读[æ].例如:activity[æk’tiviti] transcription[træns’krip ʃƏn]有时也读做[Ə],例如:accept[Ək’sept] Atlantic[Ət’læntik](4)在非重读音节中读做[Ə].例如:substance[’sʌbstƏns] breakfast[’brekf Əst] woman[’wumƏn](5)在“a-I-辅音字母(除r、w之外)+不发音的e”的非重读音节中一般读做.例如comrade[’kɔmrid] courage[’kʌridʒ]但是,“一ate”中的a不论重读还是非重读都读[ei],例如:calculate[’kælkjuleit] late[1eit] hesitate[’heziteit]这里有两个例外,一是separate的形容词形式,读做[’sepƏrit],另外一个是climate,读做[’klaimit].(6)在wh后面读[ɔ].例如:what[wɔt] whatever[wɔt’ev Ə]whale是例外,这个单词按照重读开音节读做[weil].(7)在W后面读[ɔ:]例如:water[’wɔ:tƏ] watch[wɔ:t ʃ] wander[’wɔ:ndƏ]wave和wake是例外,要按照重读开音节分别读做[weiv]和[weik].(8)在l前面读[ɔ:].例如:chalk[tʃɔ:k] tall[tɔ:1]always[’ɔ:lweiz] talk[tɔ:k]但是,shall[ʃæl] valley[’væli] shallow[’ʃælƏu]中读做[æ],wallet读做[’wɔlit].(9)下列情况下,a发[a:]的音:①在s之前,例如:class[kla:s] grass[gra:s]fast[fa:st] basket[’ba:skit]例外有两个,haste[heist]和taste[teist],另外passage按照重读闭音节规则读音,读做[’pæsidʒ].②在“m/n+辅音字母”之前,例如:advance[Əd’va:ns] France[fra:ns] dance[da:ns]例外的是grand[grænd]③在th之前,例如:path[pa:θ] rather[’ra:ðƏ]④在lm之前,例如:calm[ka:m] palm[pa:m]⑤在lf之前,例如:half[ha] calf[ka]⑥在f之前,例如:staff[sta] after[’atƏ] afternoon[’atƏnu:n]元音字母E的发音规则.E/e以及E/e与其他字母的组合在英语单词中出现的很多,它们的读音规则有如下几种:(1) 在重读开音节中,e一般读做[i:]或[i Ə].Ə①[i:]例如:she he these②[iƏ]例如:zero hero serious(2) 在重读闭音节中,e一般读[e],例如:set bed ten Pen(3) 在非重读音节中,e一般读做[i]或[Ə].①[i]例如:enemy eleven excuse②[Ə]例如:student open children(4) e与其他字母组合的读音:①ea一般可以读做:[i:]例如:read sea meat repeat[e]例如:bread weather breakfast[iƏ]例如:real idea theatre[ei]例如:great break②ee一般读做[i:],例如:meet jeep see sheep sleep③er在重读音节中一般读做[Ə:],例如:term verb certain,在词尾一般读做[Ə],例如:teacher worker clever④ear一般读做:[Ə:]例如:early earth learn[ɛƏ]例如:bear wear[iƏ]例如:hear near dear[a:]例如:heart⑤eer一般读做[iƏ],例如:pioneer engineer⑥eir一般读做[ɛƏ],例如:their⑦ere一般读做:[ɛƏ]例如:where there[iƏ]例如:here mere⑧ew大多读做[u:],例如:blew grew flew⑨特殊词汇:clerk[kla:k] were[wƏ:]I的发音规则.(1) i在重读开音节中读[ai].例如:bicycle[’baisikl] Friday[’fraidi]private[’praivit] drive[draiv](2)双音节词的结尾是“辅音字母+le”,前面的i所在的音节是绝对开音节时,i读[ai].例如:title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl](3)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[ai].例如:bright [’brait] high[hai]child[tʃaild]但是也有例外,例如:children[’tʃildrƏn] wind[wind](4)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读[ai].例如:advertise [’ædvƏtaiz] crocodile[’krɔkƏdail]appetite[’æpitait] realize[’riƏlaiz]otherwise[’ʌðƏwaiz](5)在词尾一ique里,i读[i:].例如:antique[æn’ti:k] technique[tek’ni:k]unique [ju’ni:k](6)在重读闭音节中i读.例如:big city dish kid skip rich(7)在双音节和多音节词中i读.例如:differ fifteen history mixture village winnerO的发音规则(1)o在重读开音节中读[Əu].例如:progress moment notice close ocean(2)词的结尾是-ia,-ial,-ian,-iate,-io,-ion,-ious,-ium等,前面只有一个辅音字母(r除外)时,o读[Əu].例如:associate[Ə’s Əuʃieit] devotion[di’vƏuʃƏn]Mongolia[mɔŋ’gƏuljƏ](3)双音节词的词尾是-a,-al,-an,-ar,-en,-ive,-o,-on,-or,-our,-um,--us,-y时,o读[Əu].例如:broken local open stolen lotus(4)在双音节词和多音节词中,o读[Əu].例如:alone[Ə’lƏun] postpone[pƏust’pƏun]explode[iks’plƏud](5)在-old,-oll,-ost中,o读[Əu].例如:almost cold soldier post(6)词末的o读[Əu].例如:also piano tobacco(7)多音节词的词尾“o+辅音字母+e”,o也读[Əu].例如:telephone envelope(8)在move、prove及其派生词里读做[u:],例如:move approveU的发音规则字母U/u以及U/u与其他字母组合的读音规则如下:(1)在重读开音.节中,U一般读做:①[ju:],例如:student use②在字母l、r、j之后读做[u:],例如:blue rule June(2)在重读闭音节中一般读做:①[ʌ],例如:but bus cup②,例如:put full(3)在非重读音节中一般读做:①[Ə],例如:upon suppose suggest②[ju],例如:communist occupation③在字母l、r、j之后读,例如:instrument④在词尾的-ute,-ude中u读[ju:],例如:institute attitude但是在minute[minit]中U读(4)与其他字母组合的读音:①ur,有两种读音:在重读音节中读做[a:],例如:turn nurse在非重读音节中读做[Ə],例如:Saturday murmur②ure,有3种读音:[juƏ],例如:pure cure[uƏ],例如:sure[Ə],例如:figure injure pleasure③ui,一般有4种读音:[ju:],例如:suit[jui],或[ju:i],例如:suicide[’sjuisaid] tuition[tju:’i ʃƏn]在字母l、r、J之后读做[u:],例如:fruit juice,或者读做[ui],例如:fluid ruin 例外的是suite读[swi:t]④qu一般读做[kw],例如:question quite quickly。
三年级英语字母发音练习题50题1. cake 中a 的发音是:A. /æ/B. /e/C. /ei/答案:C。
A 选项/æ/是cat 中a 的发音;B 选项/e/是bed 中e 的发音;C 选项/ei/是cake 中a 的发音。
2. bed 中e 的发音是:A. /æ/B. /e/C. /i:/答案:B。
A 选项/æ/是cat 中a 的发音;B 选项/e/是bed 中e 的发音;C 选项/i:/是bee 中ee 的发音。
3. bike 中i 的发音是:A. /i/B. /ai/C. /e/答案:B。
A 选项/i/是big 中i 的发音;B 选项/ai/是bike 中i 的发音;C 选项/e/是bed 中e 的发音。
4. dog 中o 的发音是:A. /ɔ/B. /əu/答案:A。
A 选项/ɔ/是dog 中o 的发音;B 选项/əu/是nose 中o 的发音;C 选项/u:/是food 中oo 的发音。
5. duck 中u 的发音是:A. /ʌ/B. /u/C. /ju:/答案:A。
A 选项/ʌ/是duck 中u 的发音;B 选项/u/是book 中oo 的发音;C 选项/ju:/是you 中ou 的发音。
6. face 中a 的发音是:A. /æ/B. /e/C. /ei/答案:C。
A 选项/æ/是cat 中a 的发音;B 选项/e/是bed 中e 的发音;C 选项/ei/是face 中a 的发音。
7. hen 中e 的发音是:A. /æ/B. /e/C. /i:/答案:B。
A 选项/æ/是cat 中a 的发音;B 选项/e/是hen 中e 的发音;C 选项/i:/是bee 中ee 的发音。
8. kite 中i 的发音是:B. /ai/C. /e/答案:B。
A 选项/i/是big 中i 的发音;B 选项/ai/是kite 中i 的发音;C 选项/e/是bed 中e 的发音。
例如“meet”、“feed”、“feel”等单词,在练习E音的同时, 也练习其他音节。
例如“A”、“AN”、“AM”、 “AT”。
有些人在发“A”音时音调偏低, 听起来不够洪亮。
有些人在发“A”音时嘴型不够标 准,导致发音不清晰。
在字母a、o、u前面,发 音为/s/,例如“cell”、 “cent”。
在字母e、i、y前面,发音 为/k/,例如“city”、 “cycle”。
在字母c后面接g、k时, 发音为/k/,例如 “music”、“public” 。
尝试发“see”、“sea”等单词 的音,注意舌头和牙齿的位置。
逐渐增加难度,尝试发一些含 有/d/音的短语和句子,如 "good day"、"go to the doctor"等。
还可以通过模仿和跟读来练习 ,逐渐提高发音准确性和流利 度。
26个英文字母在单词中的主要发音字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:want, wash, what, watcha/a:/:ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a:θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/ class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)ar[a:]:arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kwɔ:/, war/wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, robmb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtbb/b/:cabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble/bl/, bble/bl/:table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c/k/(c在元音字母a,o,u前):ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/kə/, co/kəu/, co/kɔ/,co/kʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/kʌ/ cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc/k/(c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc/s/(c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teachCh [ʃ]:ma-chi-ne,champagnech/k/ache, chemical, christmas, echo, technical ck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studyde/d/made, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchiefdge/dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgedj/ dʒ /adjust, adjudgedr/dr/dream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, ten e/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, England e/ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, teamea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weatherea/ei/break, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theateree/i:/beef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, threeee/i/coffee, committeeei/ei/veil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/er/ə/teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modernear/ iə/ear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə/bear, pear, wearear/ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə/here, adhere, sphereere/εə/there, whereere/ə:/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigheigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, offof字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, begin g/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ/pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ/age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straightgh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirtyire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, require igh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, workKn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, place alf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warm mm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋ g/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ /bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, both o\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, somebox, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,one oa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ɔi/boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoooo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ə: /word, work, worldactor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfort ou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə/our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ə/colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, powerow/əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, windowow/ɔ/knowledge, acknowledgep/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helps sk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begssia/ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ʃən/, sure, ssure/ʃuə/version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressure sion/ʒən/,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothertion/ʃən/nation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ə/autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, supportui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltnurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ə/Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə/sure, insure, assureure/ə/nature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposureuy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibit x/ kʃ/anxious字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, sizezz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle。
字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:want, wash, what, watcha/a:/:ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a:θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/ class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kwɔ:/, war/wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, robmb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtcabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble/bl/, bble/bl/:table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c/k/(c在元音字母a,o,u前):ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/kə/, co/kəu/, co/kɔ/,co/kʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/kʌ/ cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc/k/(c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc/s/(c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teach Ch [ʃ]:ma-chi-ne,champagnech/k/ache, chemical, christmas, echo, technicalck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studyde/d/made, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchiefdge/dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgedj/ dʒ /adjust, adjudgedr/dr/dream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, ten e/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, England e/ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, teamea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weatherea/ei/break, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theateree/i:/beef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, three ee/i/coffee, committeeei/ei/veil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/clerker/ə/teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modernear/ iə/ear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə/bear, pear, wearear/ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə/here, adhere, sphereere/εə/there, whereere/ə:/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigheigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, offf/v/of字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, begin g/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ/pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ/age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straight gh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirtyire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, requireigh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, workKn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, place alf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warm mm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋ g/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ /bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, both o\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, someo/ɔ/box, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,one oa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ɔi/boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoooo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ə: /word, work, worldor/ə/actor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfort ou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə/our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ə/colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, powerow/əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, windowow/ɔ/knowledge, acknowledgep/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helpssk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begssia/ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ʃən/, sure, ssure/ʃuə/version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressure sion/ʒən/,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothertion/ʃən/nation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ə/autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, support ui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltur/ə:/nurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ə/Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə/sure, insure, assurenature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposureuy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音x/ks/box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibitx/ kʃ/字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system 字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, sizezz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle。
字母a在单词中的发音a [ei]:base, cake, chase, date, face, gate, hate, jade, kale, late, make, name, pave, quake, rate, same, take, vane, wakea [æ]:bag, cat, dad, fat, gas, hat, jam,kat, lad, map, nab, pan, rack, sad, tap, vat, zapwa, wha [ɔ]:want, wash, what, watcha/a:/:ass/a:s/, ast/a:st/, ask/a:sk/, asp/a:sp/, ath/a: θ/, aff/a:f/, ant/a:nt/ class, last, ask, grasp, bath, staff, planta[ə]:ago, about, above, again, sofa, china, america, canadaa[i]:cabbage, message, village, climate, necklace, palaceai/ei/:aim, fail, pain, rain, tail, wait, (said)ai/i/:captain, mountain, fountainair[εə]:chair, fair, hair, pair, stairal[ɔ:]:chalk, talk, walk (shall, half)ar[a:]:arm,car, dark, far, garden, harm, jar, large, mark, park, star,yard, (warm)ar[ɔ:]:quar/kw ɔ:/, war /wɔ:/,whar/wɔ:/quarter , war, warm, warnar[ə]:dollar, beggarare[εə]:care, dare, fare, shareau[ɔ:]:autumn, cause, pause, (aunt, laugh)aw[ɔ:]draw,law, raw, saw, yawnay[ei]:day, lay, may, pay, ray, say, pay, way, (says)ay[i]:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday字母B在单词中的发音b[b]:base, bad, bed, be, bike, bit, book, both, bus, cab, job, rob mb/m/, bt/t/:climb, comb, lamb, doubtbb/b/:cabbage, hobby, rabbit, rubber, rubbishble/bl/, bble/bl/:table, bubble字母C在单词中的发音c/k/(c在元音字母a,o,u前):ca/kei/, ca/ kæ/, ca/k ə/, co/k əu/, co/k ɔ/,co/k ʌ/, coo/ku/, cu/k ʌ/cage, cap, cock, come, cup, cutc/k/(c在辅音字母前):clean, clear, cry, cross, fact, doctorc/k/(c在词尾):music, picnic, trafficc/s/(c在元音字母e、i、y前):cent, centre, city, cyclece/s/(在词尾):face, nice, icec/ ʃ/:cia, cie, ciou[ʃə]:social, sufficient, preciouscc/k/(在元音字母a、o、u及辅音字母前):occasion, tobaccocc/ks(在元音字母e、i、y前):accept, accidentch[tʃ]china, child, children, each, lunch, much, teachCh [ʃ]:ma-chi-ne ,champagnech/k/ache, chemical, christmas, echo, technicalck/k/back, duck, lack, thick, chicken, pocket字母D在单词中的发音d[d]and, card, hand, need, dust, studyde/d/made, ride, widedd/d/add, odd, ladder, sudden, middled/ dʒ/soldierd//wednesday, handsome, handkerchiefdge/ dʒ/bridge, edge, judge, badge, knowledgedj/ dʒ /adjust, adjudgedr/dr/dream, dress, draw, hundred字母E在单词中的发音e/i:/he, she, even, fever, metre, thesee/e/bed, desk, get, leg, lesson, message, neck, pen, rest, send, ten e/i/before, cinema, decide, enjoy, jacket, harvest, English, England e/ ə/open, garden, lilent, travelea/i:/each, easy, eat, beat, cheap, dream, leaf, meat, sea, team ea/e/read, dead, head, breakfast, feather, ready, sweat, weather ea/ei/break, greatea/iə/area, idea, real, theateree/i:/beef, deep, free, meet, green, sleep, agree, between, three ee/i/coffee, committeeei/ei/veil, vein , reinei/i:/ceiling, receiveei/ai/either, neitherer/ ə:/her, term, certain, persom, serveer/a:/clerker/ ə/teacher, farmer, dinner, order, modernear/ iə/ear, dear, fear, near, tear, yearear/εə/bear, pear, wearear/ ə: /early, earn, earth, learn, searchear/a:/hearteer/iə/beer, deer, pioneer, engineerere/ iə/here, adhere, sphereere/εə/there, whereere/ ə:/wereeigh/ei/eight, neighbor, weight, freight, sleigheigh/ai/height字母F在单词中的发音f/f/, fe/f/, ff/f/leef, roof, fat, fan, fox, left, after, life, wife, offf/v/of字母g在单词中的发音g/g/game, gas, gold, good, gulf, get, got, gun, gift, girl, give, forget, beging/g/ (在辅音字母前)glad, glass, ugly, singleg/g/(在词尾)bag, dog, fog, leg, pigg/ dʒ/pigeon, vegetable, magic, gymge/ dʒ/age, cage, large, pagegn/ ŋ/foreign, gnaw, gnash, designgg/g/egg, foggy, wiggle, luggagegg/dʒ/suggestgh//fight, light, might, right, high, darghter,straight gh/f/laugh, tough, rough, enough, coughgh/g/ghost, ghastly字母h在单词中的发音h/h/hat, help, hill, home, hope, househ//hour, hourly, honest, vehicle, forehead字母I在单词中的发音i/ai/ind/aind/, ild/aild/find, kind, mind, child, wildi/i/big, fish, gift, milk, give, pick, rich, ship, thin, this, give, wind, animal, capital, English, family, mistakei/ ə/holiday, aprilie/i:/field, piece, thief, believeie/ai/die, lie, pie, tieie/aiə/diet, quiet, science, societyie/e/friend, firiendly, friendshipir/ ə:/bird, circle, first, girl, dirty, shirt, skirt, thirtyire/aiə/fire, hire, tire, wire, admire, desire, requireigh/ai/bright, fight, light, night, right, highign/ain/sign, assign, design, resign字母J在单词中的发音j/dʒ/injure, jeep, joke, jump, just字母K在单词中的发音k/k/ask, book, cake, desk, joke, kill, park, workKn/n/knee, kneel, knife, knock, know字母L在单词中的发音apple, black, clean, flag, hole, leg, nail, place alf/a:f/, alm/a:m/, alk/ ɔ:k/,calf, half, calm, chalk, talkolk/əuk/,olm/əum/folk, yolk, holmould/ud/could, should, wouldll/l/bill, call, dull, million, silly, yellow字母M在单词中的发音m/m/arm, camp, gum, lamp, room,map, room, warmmm/m/grammar, hammer, summer, swimming字母N在单词中的发音bend, enter, fond, noble, pine, spendnk/ ŋk /, ng/ ŋg/, nx/ŋks/bank, drink, ink, thinkng/ ŋg/anger, angle, English, single, hungerng/ ŋ /bring, hang, king, long, sing, thingmn/m/autumn, column, hymnnn/n/dinner, funny, sunny, winner字母O在单词中的发音o/ əu/go, no, hope, note, rose, smoke, hotel, botho\ u:\do, to, moveo/ʌ/come, love, someo/ ɔ/box, clock, dog, fox, job, shop, wrongo/ ə/consider, memory, obey, today, Novembero/ ʌ/come, some, money, none, ton, cover, glove, love, mother, other,one oa/əu /boat, coat, goal, road, soap, toastoa/ ɔ: /abroad, broad, broadcastoar/ ɔ:/board, roar, blackboard, keyboardoi/ ɔi /boil, coin, point, soil, noise, choiceoy/ ɔi /boy, joyoo/u:/boot, choose, food, moon, pool, room, tooth, shoot, zoo oo/u/book, cook, hook, look, foot, goot, wood, wooloo/ʌ/blood, floodor/ ɔ:/for, horse, north, short, sport, morningor/ ə: /word, work, worldor/ ə/actor, doctor, mirror, visitor, forget, comfortou/ au /loud, cloud, about, blouse, ground, mountainou/ əu /mould, shoulderou/u:/group, route, soup, you, woundou/u/could, should, wouldou/ ʌ/country, courage, double, touch, youngous/əs/famous, dangerous, nervousour/ auə/our, hour, sour, flourour/ɔ:/four, your, course, sourceour/ ə/colour, harbour, honour, labourow /au /cow, how, now, down, flower, shower, powerow/ əu /flow, grow, know, show, bowl, snow, windowow/ ɔ/knowledge, acknowledgep/p/cup, map, top, help, pig, openp//receipt, cupboard, psychologyph/f/graph, photograph, telegraph, geography, orphan, physics pp/p/apple, happen, happy, supper, upper字母q在单词中的发音q/k/, que/k/Iraq, cheque, unique, liquor, antique, techniquequ/kw/quest, question, request, equal, square, quick字母R在单词中的发音r/r/red, rest, rat, read, agree, free, reach, threadrr/r/berry, carry, hurry, narrow, arrow字母S在单词中的发音star, smile, spring, school, sweet, books, maps, helpssk/sk/, sp/sp/, sq/sk/, st/st/ask, desk, grasp, cast, list, rest, mosquitos/z/gosling, husband, wisdom, cosmetic, girls, rooms, begssia/ ʃə/Asia, Asian, Persiasion, ssion/ ʃən/, sure, ssure/ ʃuə/version, mansion, ensure,extension, fassion, Russia, Russian,issure, pressure sion/ ʒən /,sure/ʒə/measure, pleasure, television, occasionsh/ ʃ/dish, brush, wash, she, ship, shellss/s/lesson, possible, assist, message字母t在单词中的发音t/t/bat, cat, east, west, best, table, text, teddy, tell, toldt/ʃ/, tial/ʃəl/, tient/ʃən/essential, potential, patience, patientt/tʃ/, stion/tʃən/century, questiont//listen, often, faster, castle, nestle, whistle, Christmastch/ tʃ/catch, match, watch, Dutch, switchth/θ/three, thing, thank, throw, both, cloth, earth, mouth, tooth, nothing, method, birthday, athlete, through, throughoutth/ ð /with, smooth, this, these, they, then, there, thus, than, the,though, although, bathe, father, mothertion/ ʃən /nation, caution, mention, functiontt/t/letter, matter, bottle, cattle, settleture/tʃə/nature, adventure, future, mixture字母u在单词中的发音u/ju:/use, duty, future, excuse, huge, pupilu/u:/blue, rule, june, junior, includeu/ʌ/bus, cut, dust, just, sun, gun, fun, club, brushu/u/bush, full, pull, pushu/ ə/autumn, column, injury, industry, minimum, support ui/ju:/suit, suitable, suitcaseui/u:/fruit, juiceui/i/build, biscuit, guitar, circuit, guiltur/ ə:/nurse, turkey, hurt, church, burn, suburbur/ ə/Saturday, surprise, survive, murmur, pursue,ure/juə/cure, endure, mature, pure, secureure/ uə/sure, insure, assureure/ ə/nature, figure, measure, capture, closure, exposure uy/ai/buy, guy字母V在单词中的发音v/v/five, drive, travel, cover字母W在单词中的发音w/w/week, wet, well, winter, win, way, swim, twice, between wr/r/write, wrong, wrap, wreck, wrinklew//who, whom, whose, whole, answer, twowh/w/what, when, where, which, white, why字母X在单词中的发音x/ks/box, six, text, next, exitx/gz/exist, exact, exam, example, exhaust, exhibitx/ kʃ/anxious字母Y在单词中的发音拼读练习y/j/yes, year, you, yellow, youngy/ai/my, sky, fly, cry, try, satisfyy/i/any, early, heavy, symbol, system字母Z在单词中的发音z/z/zoo, zero, lazy, sizezz/z/buzz, jazz, puzzle。