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The presence of speckle noise in the synthetic aperture radar (SAR)images。severely restricts the appl ication of the coherent images.Speckle noise is generated by the coherent processing of radar signals.During the past two decades,many speckle reduction techniques have been developed for removing ospeckle.An ideal algorithm should smooth the speckle without blurred edges and fine detail.But most algorithms cannot satisfy these two demands very well.

This paper the research content:

(1) First introduced the SAR and the noise of the image research dynamic, then briefly introduced the formation mechanism of the SAR image noise.

(2) Focus on studying the algorithm of image noise suppression of SAR spots, introduced the principle of the classic spots noise suppression algorithm ( the convolution filter median filtering, and based on the statistical estimation theory of filter algorithm and its enhancement algorithm Lee Kuan, filter algorithm, Frost filter algorithm, wavelet filter algorithm, average filtering algorithm, etc).

(4)The median filtering, average filtering and Lee filter algorithm and its enhancement algorithm using matlab software programming realization.

(3) Combined with an example, all with the result of the algorithm is analyzed and compared, evaluated their effects, advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: SAR, Noise inhibition,Effect evaluation


第一章绪论............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 SAR图像噪声抑制研究背景及其意义 (1)

1.2 SAR图像相干斑噪声抑制的研究现状 (2)

1.3本论文的研究内容 (8)

第二章SAR图像常用去噪方法介绍 (9)

2.1 SAR图像噪声产生机理 (9)

2.2传统的SAR图像去噪方法 (11)

2.2.1均值滤波 (11)

2.2.2中值滤波 (11)

2.3基于自适应滤波的SAR图像去噪方法 (12)

2.3.1 Lee 滤波 (12)

2.3.2增强Lee滤波 (13)

2.3.3 Kuan滤波 (13)

2.3.4 Frost滤波 (13)

2.3.5增强Frost滤波器 (14)

2.3.6 Sigma滤波 (14)

2.3.7 Gamma MAP滤波 (15)

2.3.8 Bit Erros滤波 (16)

2.4其它的SAR图像去噪方法 (16)

2.4.1连续小波变换滤波 (16)

2.4.2离散小波变换滤波 (17)

第三章去噪实现与评价 (19)

3.1各种去噪方法的实现 (19)

3.1.1 SAR图像数据介绍 (19)

3.1. 2图像的滤波结果 (19)

3.2图像滤波效果评价 (22)

3.2.1相干斑噪声滤波算法的评价标准 (22)

3.2.2不同去噪方法的对比分析 (25)

第四章结论与展望 (27)

4.1论文研究内容总结 (27)

4.2研究展望 (27)

致谢 (29)

参考文献 (30)

附录 (32)
