



一、单选题(共50 道试题,共100 分。)

1. His children found it hard to ____ him from the simple way of life in the countryside.

A. skip

B. dissuade

C. tighten

D. endure


2. Quite often after dinner, they ( ) music in a pub and ( ) home about midnight.

A. are playing…are going

B. will play… are going

C. play…go


3. A:I don't get up late on Sundays. B:( ).

A. Neither have I

B. Neither am I

C. Neither do I


4. Educators think that television is making ____.

A. more and more illiterates of children

B. more and more children of illiterates

C. more and more children to become illiterates

D. more and more children will become illiterates


5. We will have to ____ the matter carefully before we can draw any conclusion.

A. find out

B. look into

C. search for

D. base on


6. David likes fish( )breakfast.

A. for

B. at

C. in


7. A trip to that African country whose people are dying from the civil war is described in the doctor’s article as a terrible ____.

A. nightmare
