文章分为以下几个部分:1. 心理学基本概念1.1 心理学的定义和分支英文中文例句psychology 心理学Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 心理学是行为与心理过程的科学研究。
psychologist 心理学家Psychologists use scientific methods to observe, describe, predict, and explain human behavior and mental processes. 心理学家运用科学方法来观察、描述、预测和解释人类的行为和心理过程。
cognitive psychology 认知心理学Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mentalprocesses such as perception, memory, thinking, reasoning, andproblem-solving. 认知心理学是心理学的一个分支,研究感知、记忆、思维、推理和问题解决等心理过程。
developmental psychology 发展心理学Developmental psychology is the branch of psychology that studies how people change over the lifespan, from conception to death. 发展心理学是心理学的一个分支,研究人们从受精到死亡的整个生命历程中的变化。
social psychology 社会心理学Social psychology is the branch of psychology that studies how people interact with others, how they influence and are influenced by theirsocial environment, and how they form attitudes and behaviors. 社会心理学是心理学的一个分支,研究人们如何与他人互动,如何受到并影响他们的社会环境,以及如何形成态度和行为。
心理学专业英语复习资料I. Translate the Following English Phrases into Chinese1. Research Methods 研究方法2。
Psychophysics 心理物理学3. Theories of Learning 学习理论4。
Social Cognition 社会认知5. Personality Test 人格测试6。
Extraneous Variable 无关变量7。
Longitudinal Study 纵向研究8。
Crystallized Intelligence 晶体智力9。
Motor control 运动控制10. Corpus Callosum 胼胝体11。
Group Thinking 群体思维12。
Social Loafing 社会懈怠13. Social Exchange 社会交换14. Social Approval 社会赞许15。
Diffusion of Responsibility 责任分散16。
Recency Effec 近因效应17. Trace Decay 痕迹消退18。
Retrograde Amnesia 倒摄遗忘19. Social Support 社会支持20. Self—efficacy 自我效能21。
Case Study 个案研究II. Translate the Following Chinese Word Groups into English1。
机能主义 functionalism2。
自我实现 self—actualization3.一般规律研究法 nomothetic method4。
分层抽样 stratified sampling5. 外在信度 external reliability6. 选择性注意 selective attention7。
知觉恒常性 perceptual constancy8. 自我概念 self concept9. 液体智力 fluid intelligence10. 安全型依恋 secure attachment11. 性别图示 gender schema12。
心理学专业英语What Psychology IsWhy people do the things they do is an age-oldquestion. However, psychology--the science concernedwith behavior, both humans and animals--is only about125 years old. Despite its youth, it is a broad discipline,essentially spanning subject matter from biology tosociology. Biology studies the structures and functions of living organisms. Sociology examines how groupsfunction in society. Psychologists study two criticalrelationships: one between brain function and behavior, and one between the environment and behavior. Asscientists, psychologists follow scientific methods, usingcareful observation, experimentation, and analysis. Butpsychologists also need to be creative in the way theyapply scientific findings.Psychologists are frequently innovators, evolvingnew approaches from established knowledge to meetchanging needs of people and societies. They develop theories and test them through their research. As this researchyields new information, these findings become part of the body of knowledge that practitioners call onin their work with clients and patients. Psychology is atremendously varied field. Psychologists conduct bothbasic and applied research, serve as consultants tocommunities and organizations, diagnose and treatpeople, and teach future psychologists and other types of students. They test intelligence and personality. Theyassess behavioral and mental function and well-being,stepping in to help where appropriate. They study howhuman beings relate to each other and also to machines, and they work to improve these relationships. And with America undergoing large changes in its populationmakeup, psychologists bring important knowledge andskills to understanding diverse cultures.Many psychologists work independently. They also team up with other professionals--for example, otherscientists, physicians, lawyers, school personnel, computer experts, engineers, policy makers, and managers--tocontribute to every area of society. Thus we find them inlaboratories, hospitals, courtrooms, schools and universities, community health centers, prisons, and corporateoffices. Psychologists traditionally study both normal and abnormalfunctioning, and also treat patients withmental and emotional problems. Today, they areincreasingly concentrating on behaviors that affect the mental and emotional health and mental processes of healthy human beings. For example, they work with business executives, performers, and athletes to combat stress and improve performance. They advise lawyers on jury selection and collaborate with educators on school reform. They show up immediately following a disaster such as a plane crash or bombing, to help victims and bystanders recover from the trauma, or shock, of the event. They team with law enforcement and public health officials to analyze the causes of such events and prevent their occurrence. Involved in all aspects of our fast-paced world, psychologists must keep up with what's happening all around us. When you're a psychologist, your education never ends.Psychology is a discipline with a bright future. Among fields requiring a college degree, it is expected to be the third fastest-growing field in America through the year 2005 and to continue to grow steadily for at least another dozen years after that.Opportunities for work in psychology are expanding in number and scope. The move toward preventing illness, rather than merely diagnosing and treating it, requires people to learn how to make healthy behavior a routine part of living. Indeed, many of the problems facing society today are problems about behavior, for example, drug addiction, poor personal relationships, violence at home and in the street, and the harm we do to our environment. Psychologists contribute solutions to problems through careful collection of data, analysis of data, and development of intervention strategies--in other words, by applying scientific principles, the hallmark of psychology.In addition, an aging America is leading to more research and practice in adapting our homes and workplaces for older people. The promises of the electronic revolution demand more user-friendly technologies and training. More women in the workplace calls for employers to accommodate the needs of families. Psychologists are helping employers to make the changes that are needed. The diversity of America today calls for psychologists to develop and refine therapies to meet the unique needs of different ethnic groups.Furthermore, research advances in learning and memory, and the integration of physical and mental health care, make psychology more exciting than ever.Most psychologists say they love their work. They cite the variety from day to day and the flexibility of their schedules. They are thrilled by the most exciting changes taking place in the field, from working with primary care physicians to using computers. Most of all, they are committed to helping people manage the ups and downs of daily life. The study of psychology is also good preparation for many other professions. Many employers are interested in the skills that psychology majors bring to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and their experience with statistics and experimental design. The Job Outlook for the Next Two DecadesPsychology graduates are generally pleased with the way what they studied in school helped prepare them for both life and work. A woman who opened her own business shortly after earning a baccalaureate in psychology explains, "After all, psychology is the business of life." Psychology graduates continue to be excited by the changes taking place in the field that relate to what they are now doing.Doctoral GraduatesAs might be expected, the highest paid and greatest range of jobs in psychology are available to doctoral graduates. Although the number of doctoral graduates has at least doubled over the past 12 years, the demand continues to meet the supply. Furthermore, unemployment and underemployment rates for doctoral psychologists are slightly below the average for other scientists and engineers. Few drop out of the field. The greatest expansion of career opportunities for doctoral psychologists in the last decade have been in the subfields of clinical, counseling, school, health, industrial and educational psychology. As a consequence portionally fewer new doctorates have headed into faculty positions as compared with the past.Master's GraduatesThe number of psychology students who pursue a terminal master's degree has increased sixfold since 1960. Competition for positions inpsychology-related jobs is keen; nevertheless, approximately one-third of those with a master's degree in psychology find such work. Many handle research and data collection and analysis in universities, government, and private companies. Others find jobs in health, industry, and education, the primary work settings for psychology professionals with master's degrees. With growing recognition of the role of the psychologist in the community, more jobs for psychologists with master's degrees may also become available in community mental health centers. Psychologists with master's degrees often work under the direction of a doctoral psychologist, especially in clinical, counseling, school, and testing and measurement psychology.Some jobs in industry, for example, in organizational development and survey research, are held by both doctoral- and master's-level graduates. But industry and government jobs in compensation, training, data analysis, and general personnel issues are often filled by professionals with master's degrees in psychology.Bachelor's GraduatesSome students stop with a bachelor's degree in psychology and find work related to their college major. For example, they may be assistants in rehabilitation centers. If they meet state certification requirements, they can teach psychology in high school.But the study of psychology at the bachelor's level is also a fine preparation for many other professions. In fact, psychology is the second most popular undergraduate major behind business administration. In 1996, about 65,000 college seniors graduated with a degree in psychology, but many were not necessarily interested in a career as a psychologist. Of these 65,000 students, less than1 in 10 enrolled in graduate work in psychology. These students often possess good research and writing skills, are good problem solvers, and have well-developed, higher-level thinking ability when it comes to analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information. Most find jobs in administrative support, public affairs, education, business, sales, service industries, health, the biological sciences, and computer programming. They work as employment counselors, correction counselor trainees, interviewers, personnel analysts, probation officers, and writers. Two-thirds believe their job is closely or somewhat related to their psychology background and that their jobs hold career potential.Psychology majors have many qualities that are attractive to job recruiters. Employers find that psychology graduates possess strong people skills. And psychology majors also value these skills themselves. "Once you learn the principles of human behavior," says a banker with a bachelor's degree in psychology, "they're always at the top of the mind,' ready to be used. You don't have to stumble across them by accident."What Psychologists Do and Where They Do ItPsychology is an extraordinarily diverse field with hundreds of career paths. Some specialties, like caring for mentally ill people, are familiar to most of us. Others, like helping with the design of advanced computer systems or studying how we remember things, are less well known. What all psychologists have in common is a shared interest in mind and behavior, both human and animal. In their work, they draw on an ever-expanding body of scientific knowledge about how we think, act, and feel, and apply the information to their special areas of expertise. Among psychologists, researchers spend most of their time generating knowledge; practitioners apply the knowledge; and some psychologists do both.In addition to their particular mix of science and practice, psychologists can be distinguished in terms of where they work. Many psychologists work in more than one setting. For instance, college professors often consult for industry or see clients on a part-time basis. Although it's possible to identify a host of different work settings, for the purpose of this booklet, we'll consider some of the most prominent examples. Getting Ready to Work in PsychologyIf you are interested in a career as a psychologist, you have to complete graduate school with a major in psychology.Take time to research your choices. The program should match your interests. For example, some psychology departments may specialize in a subfield of psychology that appeals to you. In addition, investigate the areas of expertise and research interests of individual faculty members ifyour career interest lies ina specific type of research.A graduate school's department of psychology is the best source of information about the nature of its program and its admission requirements. Throughout the application process, discuss your plans with your psychology faculty advisor. Apply to a number of programs that offer you a reasonable chance of acceptance. The American Psychological Association has many resources to help you. Contact the APA Education Directorate at 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242.HIGH SCHOOL PREPARATIONA strong academic high school education is a good beginning for a career in psychology. Courses in science, math, English, history, social studies, and a foreign language are important. Science and math are particularly important because they provide the necessary skills for research and analysis in college psychology courses. Some high schools offer a course in psychology, which can give you a taste of what the field is about. You can also find a volunteer job where psychologists work, or read about psychology in newspapers and magazines to explore the field. BACHELOR'S DEGREEMost four-year colleges and universities require a blend of research and liberal arts courses for a bachelor's degree in psychology. The courses usually include introductory psychology, experimental psychology, and statistics. Other required courses can be in learning, personality, abnormal psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, physiological or comparative psychology, history and systems, and tests and measurement. Typically, you will be ready to take electives in psychology by the time you are a college junior. It is a good time to make graduate school plans so you can make wise choices about future courses and extracurricular activities during the last two years of college. Know, however, that as long as you've taken some electives in psychology, you don't always need to have a bachelor's in psychology to get into a graduate program in the field.The Value of the Undergraduate DegreePsychology majors, whether or not they have gone on to other careers, cite courses in the principles of human behavior as especially important to life after college. The additional insight gained from these courses into what motivates people to perform at their peak helps them, whether theyare functioning as parents at home or managers on the job.Many bachelor's degree holders credit their college psychology courses with teaching them how people, including themselves, learn. "I use information on learning reinforcement every time I conduct a training session for my employees," says a manager in a consumer products company.Above all, it is the rigorous training in the scientific method—the need to do thorough, objective research, analyze data logically, and put forth the findings with clarity—that stands psychology majors in good stead as they pursue their future careers.GRADUATE SCHOOLMost graduate departments require that you take a standard aptitude test, usually the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Although programs vary in the weight they attach to test scores, successful applicants typically score well above 500 on both the verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE. Determine if your GRE scores will qualify you for consideration by the institution to which you would like to apply. Competition for spaces in graduate school is keen.Master's DegreeUndergraduate course requirements for a terminal master's degree are relatively few: usually, a background in introductory or general psychology, experimental psychology with a laboratory course, and statistics. The university usually takes the undergraduate grade point average (GPA) into account, too.A recent survey of 26 psychology master's programs shows that the most commonly required courses once you are in the master's program are those with industrial/organizational content, statistics, and research design. Course work at the master's level often also includes study in ethics, assessment, program evaluation, and personality related topics as well.A master's degree in psychology, along with preparation in the natural sciences or mathematics, is increasingly valued by doctoral programs in psychology. Each doctoral program also decides which credits it will accept for transfer. Occasionally, students need to repeat some course work. A few institutions will not accept a master's degree from any school other than their own.Doctoral DegreeEach school determines its own entrance requirements. Some doctoral programs require applicants to have a master's degree in psychology. For others, students can enter the doctoral programs with a bachelor's degree and work their way right through to a doctorate degree. Earning a doctoral degree typically requires at least four years and often takes up to seven years of study after the bachelor's degree. Early in the graduate program, you will probably take course work in the core areas of psychology. You will work with a professor to learn how to do research; you'll also study how psychological research is applied to life situations. Once you have completed all the course work, you must pass a comprehensive exam and write and defend a dissertation.If you want to be a clinical, counseling, or school psychologist, you will also have to complete a one year internship as part of your doctoral study in these areas of practice. You may wish to consider a doctoral program in a professional school rather than at a traditional university. Professional schools place greater emphasis on training students for professional practice and less emphasis on research. Some universities and professional schools offer a PsyD in lieu of the traditional doctoral degree. In choosing applicants, these programs may look for candidates who already have clinical experience or other work experience in applied psychology.Choosing an Accredited SchoolIf you want to be a clinical, counseling or school psychologist it's important to know the accreditation status of the programs to which you are applying. Programs that prepare students for careers in basic and applied research or for basic academic careers are not subject to an accreditation process, but are nonetheless some of the most rigorous schools in the country.There are two kinds of accreditation: institutional and specialized. Institutional accreditation certifies that an institution has met minimum standards of quality. It is granted by one of seven regional accrediting organizations recognized for this purpose by the U.S. Department of Education.Specialized accreditation only applies to professional programs; it means that the program meets the minimal standards of quality as defined by that profession for the practice of psychology. In the field of psychology,specialized accreditation is granted by the American Psychological Association. Historically, this accreditation has applied only to doctoral programs, predoctoral internships and in clinical, counseling, and school psychology. In some states you have to graduate from an APA-accredited program, predoctoral internship and to be licensed or certified as an independent clinical, counseling psychologist or school psychologist. In addition, some employers demand that candidates for clinical, counseling, and school psychology jobs hold such credentials.For more information about accredited schools and programs, contact the APA Education Directorate at 750 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242; e-mail: education@.If You Need Financial AidYou may be able to get financial aid to attend both undergraduate and graduate school. Assistance comes in different forms: fellowships, scholarships, grants or subsidies, work study programs, federal loans, and teaching or research assistantships. Graduate assistantships and work study require part time work.Students seeking financial aid for a graduate degree should get advice as early as possible. Consult with both the psychology office and the office of financial aid on your own campus and also with the office of financial aid at the school to which you are applying. Students of ethnic minority background should also contact the APA Minority Fellowship Training Program.Licensure and CertificationTo practice as a clinical, counseling, or social psychologist independently and without supervision anywhere in the United States, you must be licensed or certified. Before granting you permission to take the exam, the state board in charge of licensing or certification will review your educational background. A doctoral degree does not automatically make you eligible; requirements vary from state to state. At a minimum, states require that the doctorate be in psychology or a field of study "primarily psychological in nature" and that it be from a regionally accredited institution. You also must have had at least two years of supervised professional experience.心理学专业名词中英文对照感觉记忆(SM)—sensory memory短期记忆(STM)—short-term M.长期记忆(LTM)—long-term memory复诵---rehearsal预示(激发)----priming童年失忆症---childhoodamnesia视觉编码(表征)---visual code (representation)听觉编码—acoustic code运作记忆---working memory语意性知识—semantic knowledge记忆扫瞄程序—memory scanning procedure竭尽式扫瞄程序-exhaustive S.P.自我终止式扫瞄—self-terminated S..程序性知识—procedural knowledge命题(陈述)性知识--propositional(declarative)knowledge 情节(轶事)性知识—episodic K.讯息处理深度—depth of processing精致化处理—elaboration登录特殊性—coding specificity记忆术—mnemonic位置记忆法—method of loci字钩法—peg word(线)探索(测)(激发)字—prime关键词---key word命题思考----propositional thought心像思考---imaginal thought行动思考---motoric thought概念---concept原型----prototype属性----property特征---feature范例策略--exemplar strategy语言相对性(假说)—linguistic relativity th.音素---phoneme词素---morpheme(字词的)外延与内涵意义—denotative & connotative meaning (句子的)表层与深层结构—surface & deep structure语意分析法---semantic differential 全句语言—holophrastic speech过度延伸---over-extension电报式语言—telegraphic speech关键期----critical period差异减缩法---differencereduction方法目的分析---means-ends analysis倒推---working backward动机---------motive自由意志------free will决定论------determinism本能-----------instinct种属特有行为-----species specific驱力----drive诱因------incentive驱力减低说---drive reduction th.恒定状态(作用)—homeostasis原级与次级动机—primary & secondary M.功能独立—functional autonomy下视丘侧部(LH)—lateral hypothalamus脂肪细胞说----fat-cell theory.下视丘腹中部(VMH)—ventromedial H定点论---set point th.CCK───胆囊调节激素第一性征---primary sex characteristic 第二性征---secondary sex characteristic自我效能期望—self-efficiency expectancy 内在(发)动机—intrinsic motive外在(衍)动机—extrinsic motive成就需求---N. achievement需求层级—hierarchy of needs自我实现---self actualization冲突----conflict多项仪---polygraph肤电反应----------GSR(认知)评估---(cognitive appraisal)脸部回馈假说---facial feedback hypothesis(生理)激发----arousal挫折-攻击假说---frustration-aggression hy.替代学习----vicarious learning发展------development先天-----nature后天-----nurture成熟-------maturation(视觉)偏好法-----preferential method习惯法-----habituation视觉悬崖-----visual cliff剥夺或丰富(环境)---deprivation or enrichment of env.基模----schema同化----assimilation调适-----accommodation平衡----equilibrium感觉动作期----sensorimotor stage物体永久性----objective permanence运思前期----preoperational st.保留概念----conservation道德现实主义---moral realism具体运思期-----concrete operational形式运思期----formal operational st.前俗例道德---pre-conventional moral俗例道德----conventional moral超俗例道德----post-conventional moral气质----temperament依附---attachment性别认定---gender identity性别配合----sex typing性蕾期---phallic stage恋亲冲突—Oedipal conflict认同-----identification社会学习----social learning情结---complex性别恒定----gender constancy青年期----adolescence青春期-- -puberty第二性征---secondary sex characteristics认同危机---identity crisis定向统合---identity achievement早闭型统合---foreclosure未定型统合---moratorium迷失型统合---identity diffusion传承---generativity心理动力------psycho-dynamics心理分析------psychoanalysis行为论-------behaviorism心理生物观---psycho-biological perspective认知---------cognition临床心理学家-clinical psychologist谘商--------counseling人因工程-------human factor engineering组织--------organization潜意识---------unconsciousness完形心理学---Gestalt psychology感觉------------sensation知觉--------perception实验法--------experimental method独变项-------independent variable依变项--------dependent V.控制变项------control V.生理------------physiology条件化---------conditioning学习------------learning比较心理学---comparative psy.发展-------------development社会心理学---social psy.人格--------------personality心理计量学—psychometrics受试(者)---------subject实验者预期效应—experimenter expectancy effect 双盲法-----double—blind实地实验--------field experiment相关-----------correlation调查-------------survey访谈-----------interview个案研究-------case study观察-----------observation心理测验-------psychological test纹理递变度-----texture gradient注意------------attention物体的组群---grouping of object型态辨识—pattern recognition形象-背景----figure-ground接近律--------proximity相似律--------similarity闭合律-------closure连续律--------continuity对称律-------symmetry错觉-----------illusion幻觉----------delusion恒常性--------constancy大小----------size形状-----------shape位置---------- ***单眼线索-----monocular cue线性透视----linear- perspective双眼线索-----binocular cue深度---------depth调节作用-----accommodation重迭----superposition双眼融合-----binocular fusion辐辏作用-----convergence双眼像差-----binocular disparity向度 --------- dimension自动效应-----autokineticeffect运动视差----- motion parallax诱发运动---- inducedmotion闪光运动----- stroboscopic motion上下文﹑脉络-context人工智能------artificial intelligence A.I.脉络关系作用-context effect模板匹配------template matching整合分析法---analysis-by-synthesis丰富性---------redundancy选择性---------selective无意识的推论-unconscious inferences运动后效---motion aftereffect特征侦测器—feature detector激发性---excitatory抑制性----inhibitory几何子---geons由上而下处理—up-down process由下而上处理---bottom-up process连结者模式---connectionist model联结失识症---associative agnosia脸孔辨识困难症---prosopagnosia意识--conscious(ness)意识改变状态---altered states of consciousness无意识----unconsciousness前意识---------preconsciousness内省法---introspection边缘注意---peripheralattention多重人格-----multiple personality午餐排队(鸡尾酒会)效应—lunch line(cocktail party) effect 自动化历程----automatic process解离----dissociate解离认同失常----dissociative identity disorder快速眼动睡眠----REM dream非快速眼动睡眠—NREM dream神志清醒的梦----lucid dreaming失眠---insomnia显性与隐性梦---manifest & latern content心理活动性psychoactive冥想------meditation抗药性---- tolerance戒断----withdrawal感觉剥夺---sensory deprivation物质滥用----substance abuse成瘾--------physical addiction物质依赖----sub. dependence戒断症状----withdrawal symptom兴奋剂--stimulant幻觉(迷幻)剂----hallucinogen镇定剂---sedative﹐抑制剂—depressant酒精中毒引起谵妄—delirium tremens麻醉剂---narcotic催眠-------hypnosis催眠后暗示----posthypnotic suggestion 催眠后失忆posthypnotic amnesia超心理学---parapsychology超感知觉extrasensory perception ESP 心电感应---telepathy超感视---clairvoyance预知---precognition心理动力—psycokinesis PK受纳器-----receptor绝对阈----absolute threshold差异阈----------difference threshold 恰辨差------- -JND韦伯律---------Weber's law心理物理-----psychophysical费雪纳定律---Fechner's law 频率-----frequency振幅----------amplitude音频-------pitch基音----------fundamental tone倍音-----overtone和谐音-------harmonic音色------timbre白色噪音----white noise鼓膜-----eardrum耳蜗----------cochlea卵形窗—oval window圆形窗-------round window前庭-----vestibular sacs半规管-------semicircular canals角膜-------cornea水晶体-------lens虹膜------------iris瞳孔----------pupil网膜---------retina睫状肌-------ciliary muscle调节作用---accommodation脊髓---------spinal cord反射弧--------reflex arc脑干---------brain stem计算机轴性线断层扫描-- CAT 或CT PET---正子放射断层摄影MRI-----磁共振显影延脑----medulla桥脑-----pons小脑----cerebellum网状结构---reticular formationRAS----网状活化系统视丘----thalamus下视丘----hypothalamus大脑----cerebrum脑(下)垂体(腺)—pituitary gland 脑半球---cerebral hemisphere皮质---cortex胼胝体----corpus callosum边缘系统------limbic system海马体----hippocampus杏仁核--------amygdala中央沟---central fissure侧沟-----------lateral fissure脑叶------lobe同卵双生子----identical twins异卵双生子—fraternal twins古典制约--classical conditioning操作制约---operant conditioning。
让我们开始吧!基本词汇以下是心理学领域中常用的基本词汇:- Psychology:心理学- Behavior:行为- Perception:知觉- Cognition:认知- Emotion:情感- Memory:记忆- Intelligence:智力- Personality:个性- Development:发展- Motivation:动机理论心理学涵盖了许多理论,以下是其中一些常见的心理学理论:1. 行为主义理论:行为主义认为行为是在环境刺激的影响下形成的,强调外部刺激对行为的影响。
2. 心理动力学理论:心理动力学理论关注潜意识和个人经验对行为的影响,强调个体内在的冲突和动机。
3. 认知心理学理论:认知心理学关注个体的思维过程和信息处理,强调思维、语言和决策对行为的影响。
4. 社会文化心理学理论:社会文化心理学关注社会和文化对行为的影响,强调个体和环境的互动。
实践心理学的实践包括以下几个方面:1. 临床心理学:临床心理学关注诊断和治疗心理问题,包括心理疾病和心理障碍。
2. 教育心理学:教育心理学关注研究和教育过程中的心理因素,帮助提高学生的研究成果和心理健康。
3. 社会心理学:社会心理学关注个体在社会环境中的行为和互动,研究社会认知、群体行为和人际关系。
4. 工业组织心理学:工业组织心理学关注组织中的心理因素,帮助提高工作效率和员工满意度。
二、研究方法1. 实验研究(Experimental Research)- 自变量(Independent Variable):在实验中被操作的变量,其对因变量产生影响。
- 因变量(Dependent Variable):在实验中被衡量的变量,受自变量的影响。
- 随机分组(Random Assignment):将参与者随机分配到不同的实验条件中,以减小实验结果的偏倚。
2.调查研究(Survey Research)- 样本(Sample):从总体中抽取的一部分个体,用于代表整个群体。
- 问卷调查(Questionnaire Survey):一种常见的数据收集方法,参与者通过填写问卷来提供信息。
三、主要理论1.行为主义(Behaviorism)- 刺激-反应(Stimulus-Response):行为主义认为,行为是对刺激的直接反应。
2.认知心理学(Cognitive Psychology)- 情绪(Emotion):主观体验和生理反应的一种状态,通常与特定刺激有关。
- 记忆(Memory):对于信息的编码、存储和检索能力。
- 研究(Learning):通过经验和实践获取知识和技能的过程。
四、发展领域1.临床心理学(Clinical Psychology)- 临床评估(Clinical Assessment):通过各种测试和观察手段,评估个体的心理状况。
- 治疗(Therapy):利用心理和行为干预手段,帮助个体解决心理困扰。
2.社会心理学(Social Psychology)- 社会认知(Social Cognition):研究个体如何感知、记忆和思考与他人相关的信息。
参考文献:- Smith, J. (2010). Introduction to Psychology. Publisher.- Johnson, L. (2015). Key Concepts in Cognitive Psychology. Publisher.。
1.心理学基础概念Psychology - 心理学Psychology - 心理学Psychology - 心理学Mind - 心智Mind - 心智Mind - 心智n - 认知n - 认知n - 认知r - 行为r - 行为r - 行为___ - 情绪___ - 情绪___ - 情绪Memory - 记忆Memory - 记忆Memory - 记忆Intelligence - 智力Intelligence - 智力Intelligence - 智力Personality - 人格Personality - 人格Personality - 人格2.心理学专业分支___ - 发展心理学___ - 发展心理学___ - 发展心理学___ - 社会心理学___ - 社会心理学___ - 社会心理学___ - 认知心理学___ - 认知心理学___ - 认知心理学___ - 临床心理学___ - 临床心理学___ - 临床心理学___ - 教育心理学___ - 教育心理学___ - 教育心理学Industrial-___(I/O) Psychology - 工业组织心理学Industrial-___(I/O) Psychology - 工业组织心理学Industrial-___(I/O) Psychology - 工业组织心理学___ - 神经心理学___ - 神经心理学___ - 神经心理学3.心理学研究方法___ - 实验___ - 实验___ - 实验Survey - 调查Survey - 调查Survey - 调查n - 观察n - 观察n - 观察Interview - 访谈Interview - 访谈Interview - 访谈nnaire - 问卷nnaire - 问卷nnaire - 问卷n - 相关性n - 相关性n - 相关性Statistical Analysis - 统计分析Statistical Analysis - 统计分析Statistical Analysis - 统计分析Sample - 样本Sample - 样本Sample - 样本n - 总体n - 总体n - 总体4.心理学理论Psychoanalysis - 精神分析Psychoanalysis - 精神分析Psychoanalysis - 精神分析rism - 行为主义rism - 行为主义rism - 行为主义___ - 认知理论___ - 认知理论___ - 认知理论___ - 人本主义心理学___ - 人本主义心理学___ - 人本主义心理学___ - 生物心理学___ - 生物心理学___ - 生物心理学___ - 进化心理学___ - 进化心理学___ - 进化心理学Social learning theory - 社会学习理论Social learning theory - 社会学习理论Social learning theory - 社会学习理论5.心理学诊断和治疗方法Diagnosis - 诊断Diagnosis - 诊断Diagnosis - 诊断___ - 治疗___ - 治疗___ - 治疗Counseling - 咨询Counseling - 咨询Counseling - 咨询___ - 心理治疗___ - 心理治疗___ - 心理治疗___ - 药物治疗___ - 药物治疗___ - 药物治疗___ (CBT) - 认知行为疗法___ (CBT) - 认知行为疗法___ (CBT) - 认知行为疗法Group ___ - 团体疗法Group ___ - 团体疗法Group ___ - 团体疗法___ - 艺术疗法___ - 艺术疗法___ - 艺术疗法6.心理学实验设计Independent Variable - 自变量Independent Variable - 自变量Independent Variable - 自变量___ Variable - 因变量___ Variable - 因变量___ Variable - 因变量Control Group - 对照组Control Group - 对照组Control Group - 对照组Experimental Group - 实验组Experimental Group - 实验组Experimental Group - 实验组Random Assignment - 随机分配Random Assignment - 随机分配Random Assignment - 随机分配Single-Blind Study - 单盲研究Single-Blind Study - 单盲研究Single-Blind Study - 单盲研究Double-Blind Study - 双盲研究Double-Blind Study - 双盲研究Double-Blind Study - 双盲研究7.心理测量与评估Psychological Assessment - 心理测量Psychological Assessment - 心理测量Psychological Assessment - 心理测量Intelligence Test - 智力测试Intelligence Test - 智力测试Intelligence Test - 智力测试Personality Test - 人格测验Personality Test - 人格测验Personality Test - 人格测验Psychological Test - 心理测验Psychological Test - 心理测验Psychological Test - 心理测验Validity - 有效性Validity - 有效性Validity - 有效性Reliability - 可靠性Reliability - 可靠性Reliability - 可靠性___ - 标准化___ - 标准化___ - 标准化以上是一些常用的心理学专业英语词汇,希望对学习心理学的同学有所帮助。
心理学专业英语总结——HXY随意传阅·顺颂试安注释:1.“*”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用2.“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词)5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义6.“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门●What is psychology? 心理学是什么Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes.定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究Psychology come from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics.心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline.形成于:1879年,作为独立学科History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach.历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。
●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory.历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。
心理现象 mental phenomenon心理过程 mental process心理状态 mental state心理活动 mental activity意识 consciousness心理维度 psychological dimension心理运动 psychomotor内部活动 internal activity普通心理学 general psychology实验心理学 experimental psychology行为科学 behavioral science心身关系 mind-body relation心理机能定位 localization of mental function心理能动性 mental activism外周论 peripheralism先天理论 nativistic theory强调遗传素质决定人心理的产生与发展。
遗传 heredity目的论 teleology认为生物和人类的活动受一定目的的引导。
活动 activity活动理论 activity theory认知心理学 cognitive psychology认知 cognition相对于情感、意志等心理过程的所有认识过程的总称。
认知过程 cognitive process认知结构 cognitive structure元认知 metacognition认知失调 cognitive dissonance认知地图 cognitive map认知技能 cognitive skill认知方式 cognitive style信息 information信息论 information theory信息加工 information processing信息加工心理学 information processing psychology 信息加工理论 information processing theory信息加工模型 information processing model中央处理器模型 central processor model信息储存 information storage信息提取 information retrieval人工智能 artificial intelligence, AI计算机类比 computer analogy计算机模拟 computer simulation计算机模型 computer model唯心主义心理学 idealistic psychology意动心理学 act psychology唯意志论 voluntarism唯灵论 spiritualism强调超自然精神作用。
心理学专业英语词汇(I1)ia 项目和配列ia 智力年龄ianthinopsia 紫幻视iar theory 内隐联想反应理论iatreusiology 治疗学iatrogenic disorder 误诊致病iatrogenic homosexuality 误导性同性恋误导性同性恋iatrogenic neurosis 误诊性神经症iatrogenic neurosis 医源性神经症iatrology 医学iceberg organization 冰堡组织ice mountain profile 冰山剖面图ichthyophobia 恐鱼症iconic 形象的iconic experience of moral feeling 想象的道德情感体验iconic memory 映象记忆iconic representation 形象性表象iconic representation model 形象表象方式iconic representation stage 形象再现表象阶段iconic sign 图象符号iconic store 映像贮存iconography 图解iconolagny 恋肖像癖iconolatry 偶像崇拜iconomania 肖像崇拜癖ict 胰岛素休克治疗法ictal 突发的ictal depression 发作性抑郁症ictal emotion 突发情绪ictometer 心搏计ictus 暴发ictus epilepticus 癫痫猝发icw interest record 儿童福利机构的孩童兴趣纪录id 本我id anxiety 本我焦虑idea 观念idea 意见idea of justice 公正观念idea of reason 理性观念idea of reference 参照主意idea of self accusation 自责观念ideal 理想ideal color 理想色ideal ego 理想自我ideal goal 理想目标ideal masochism 想象被虐狂ideal point 理想点ideal self 理想自我ideal sort 理想分类ideal strategy 理想策略ideal type 理想型ideal world 理想世界idealism 理想主义idealism 唯心论idealist apriorism 唯心论的先验观idealistic positivism 唯心实证主义idealistic psychology 唯心主义心理学唯心主义心理学ideality 理想idealization 理想化idealized image 理想化形象idealized self 理想化我idealless 没理想的ideate 形成概念ideation 观念作用ideational apraxia 观念性失用症ideational learning 观念学习ideational memory 观念记忆ideational type 观念型idea chase 意念飘忽idea motor 意念运动identical 相同的identical anchor items 相同参照测验题相同定锚测验题identical concept 同一概念identical element 相同要素identical elements theory 同元素论identical retinal point 网膜对应点identical twins 同卵双生identifiability principle 辨识原则identifiability principle 同一性原则identification 认同identification 识别identification ability 识别能力identification code 识别码identification condition 识别条件identification figure 认同人物identification foreclosure 同一性拒斥identification learning 辨别学习identification marking 识别标志identification of evidence 证据辨认identification problem 识别问题identification test 鉴别测验identification time 辨别时间identifier 识别符identify 识别identifying restrictions 识别的约束条件识别的约束条件identity 认同identity achievement 认同达成identity crises 认同危机identity diffusion 认同性扩散identity diffusion syndrome 同一性扩散综合症identity foreclosure 过早自认identity foreclosure 早闭型统合identity formation 自认形成identity hypothesis 同一性假说identity level of concept 概念守恒阶段概念守阶段identity moratorium 未定型统合identity moratorium 自认拖延identity of object and self 物我合一identity of perception 知觉同一性identity of relation 关系的同一identity of thinking and being 思维和存在的同一性identity test 鉴定试验identity vs role diffusion 同一性与角色混乱identity vs role diffusion conflict 自认与角色扩散之矛盾ideodynamism 观念统制ideogenetic 观念性的ideoglandular 观念性腺分泌ideogram 表意文字ideograph 符号ideography 意符系统ideokinetic 意念性动作的ideokinetic apraxia 意想运动性运用不能ideolectotype 自选模式标本ideological 意识形态的ideological education 意识形态教育ideological form 观念形态ideologue 空想家ideology 意识形态ideometabolism 观念性代谢ideomotion 观念性动作ideomotor 意识运动性的ideophobia 观念恐怖症ideophone 摹拟音ideophrenia 观念倒错ideoplasy 观念凝注ideoreflex 观念反射ideo motion training 念动训练ideo motor 念动ideo motor apraxia 观念运动性失用症观念运动性失用症ideo motor theory 动念说idioadaptation 特殊适应idioadaptation evolution 特殊适应性演化idiochromosome 性染色体idiocrasy 特异反应性idioctonia 自杀idiocy 白痴idioecology 个体生态学idiogamist 自偶者idiogenesis 自发病idioglossia 新语病idiographic 个人签名的idiographic approach 个人特质研究法个人特质研究法idiographic psychology 特殊规律心理学特殊规律心理学idiohypnotism 自我催眠idiolalia 自语症idiolect 个人言语特点idiologism 自解言语症idiom 成语idiom 惯用语idioneural 神经自身的idiopathia 自发病idiopathic 自发idiopathic epilepsy 自发性癫痫症idiophrenic 脑本身的idioplasm 胚质idiopsychologic 自发心理的idioreflex 自发性反射idiosyncrasy 特异反应性idiosyncrasy 特质idiosyncrasy credit 特殊信任idiot 白痴idiot 低能idiotia 白痴idiotia diplegica 双侧瘫性白痴idiotia epileptica 癫痫性白痴idiotia familialis amaurotica 黑蒙家族性白痴idiotia hemiplegica 偏瘫性白痴idiotia hydrocephalica 水脑性白痴idiotia microcephalica 小头性白痴idiotia paralytica 麻痹性白痴idiotia paraplegica 截瘫性白痴idiotic 白痴的idiotropic 内省的idiotype 个体基因型idiot savant 低能特才idiovariation 自发性变异idio imbecile 痴愚idol 偶像idolater 偶像崇拜者idolatress 偶像崇拜者idolatrous 崇拜偶像的idolatry 偶像崇拜idolum 谬论id ego conflict 伊特自我冲突ie 工业工程工业工程ie ratio 呼吸比率ignominy 耻辱ignoramus 毫无知识的人ignorance 愚昧ignore 不顾ikonic 形象的illation 演绎illegal demand 非法需要illegal mind 违法心理illegality 违法illegitimacy 不合理illegitimate children 私生儿童illegitimate combination 不正常结合illegitimate copulation 不正常接合illegitimate political behavior 非法的政治行为illiberal 无教养的illicit 不正当的illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities 伊利诺心理语言能力测验illiteracy 文盲illness 疾病illness frequency rate 患病率illness management 管理不善illness suited 不适合illuminance 照度illuminant color 发光色illumination 豁朗期illumination 照明illumination distribution 照明分布illumination effect 照明效应illumination ergonomics 照明工效学illumination flicker 照度闪耀illumination level 照明水平illumination meter 照度计illumination theory of cognition 光照论illumination uniformity 照明均匀性illumine 启发illusion 错觉illusion in flight 飞行错觉illusion of angle and direction 角度方向错觉illusion of assimilation contrast of concentric circles 同心圆同化对比错觉illusion of auditory 听错觉illusion of control 控制错觉illusion of curvature 弯曲错觉illusion of doubles 相联错觉illusion of false recognition 误认错觉illusion of memory 记忆错觉illusion of movement 运动错觉illusion of negative doubles 反向相识错觉illusion of orientation 定向错觉illusion of positive doubles 正向相识错觉illusion of size 大小错觉illusion of unanimity 一致性错觉illusory contour 错觉轮廓illustration 说明illutation 泥浴疗法ill being 不好的境地ill breeding 教养不好ill defined problem 定义有缺陷问题定义有缺陷问题ill feeling 敌意ill fortune 厄运ill humour 心情恶劣image 映象image analysis 映象分析image formation 成象image interview 映象面谈image memory 表象记忆image of problem 问题表象image processing 想象过程image scanning 意象审视image strategy 意象战略image survey 意象调查image training 表象训练image type 表象型imageless thinking 无意象思维imageless thought 无意象思考imagery 意象imagery code 意象码imagery therapy 想象治疗法imagery thinking 意象思维imagery training 意象训练imagery type 意象型imaginal memory 形象记忆imaginal thinking 形象思维imaginary audience 假想观众imaginary audience in adolescence 青少年期的假想观众imaginary color stimulus 假想色刺激imaginary companion 假想游伴imaginary playmates 假想玩伴imaginary space 想象空间imaginary threshold 假想临界imagination 想象imagination in music 音乐想象imagination training 想象训练imaginative 富于想象的imaginative image 想象表象imaginative play 想象游戏imaginative power 想象力imagine 想象imago 潜存替象imago 无意识意向imbalance 不平衡imbalantia 肌平衡觉缺失imbecile 痴愚imbecility 愚笨imbecillitas 痴愚imbecillitas phenylpyruvica 智力发育不全性苯丙酮尿imbedding 嵌入imbedding method 嵌入法imbroglio 纠葛imipramine 丙咪嗪imitate 模拟imitated tactic training 战术模拟训练imitation 模仿imitation law 模仿律imitation learning 模仿学习imitation of sex typed behavior 性别行为的模仿imitation psychology 模仿心理学imitation strategy 模仿战略imitation theory of crime 犯罪模仿论犯罪模论imitation with expansion 扩充模仿imitative imagination 模仿想象imitative learning 模仿学习imitative play 模仿性游戏imitative sound 模仿音imitativeness 模仿性imitator 模拟器immanence 内在性immanent 内在的immanent action 内在活动immanent contradiction 内在矛盾immanent factor 内在因素immaterial 非物质的immaterial substance 非物质实体immature 不成熟immature 未成熟的immature personality 幼稚人格immatureness 未成熟immaturity 不成熟immaturity of emotion 情绪不成熟immaturity of psychosexual 性心理不成熟immaturity maturity theory 未成熟成熟理论immediacy 直接immediate 即时的immediate 直接的immediate access 快速存贮immediate association 即时联想immediate cause 近因immediate constituent 直接成分immediate experience 直接经验immediate explosive power 瞬间爆发力瞬间爆发力immediate feedback 即时反馈immediate gratification 即时满足immediate heredity 直接遗传immediate inference 直接推理immediate knowledge 直接知识immediate memory 即时记忆immediate memory span 即时记忆广度即时记忆广度immediate memory span test 即时记忆广度测验immediate perception 直觉immediate psychological state 临场心理状态immediate reaction 即时反应immediate reasoning 即时推理immediate recall 即时回忆immediate thinking 临场思维immigrant 移民immigration 移居imminence 急迫imminent justice 立时惩处immobility 不动性immobilization 制动immoderate 无节制的immoral 不道德的immorality 不道德immortality 永生妄想immunization 抗劝immunize 免疫immunobiology 免疫生物学immunogenetics 免疫遗传学immunotherapy 免疫疗法immure 监禁immutability 不变性impact 冲击impact of unemployment 失业冲击impaction 冲击impaired 受损impairment 损伤impairment of hearing 听力损伤imparting of experience 经验的传授impasse 绝境impasse priority therapy 绝境先行疗法绝境先行疗法impassion 激动impassive 缺乏热情的impatience 急躁impedance 阻抗impede 阻止impediment speech 言语障碍impel 迫使imperative 强迫的imperative auditory hallucination 命令性幻听imperative idea 强迫观念imperceptible 感觉不到的imperceptible given 未感知到的材料imperception 知觉不全imperceptive 知觉缺乏的imperceptiveness 知觉缺乏impercipience 无知觉能力imperfect 不完全的imperfect competition 不完全竞争imperfect induction 不完全归纳推理imperil 危害impermeable construct 非渗透性建构impersonal 非个人的imperturbation 沉着impetuosity 急躁impetuous type 不可遏止型impetus 冲动implantation 移植implement plan 执行计划implication 含蓄implicit 内隐的implicit associative response 内隐联想反应implicit associative response theory 内隐联想反应理论implicit behavior 内隐行为implicit favorite model 隐含偏爱模型implicit learning 隐学习implicit memory 内隐记忆implicit personality theory 内隐人格论内隐性格观implicit reinforcement 隐蔽的强化作用隐蔽的增强作用implicit response 内隐反应implicit speech 内隐言语implicit style 含蓄implicit theories 内隐理论implicit theories of leadership 内隐领导理论implosion 以恐治恐法implosive psychotherapy 内爆心理治疗内爆心理治疗法implosive therapy 内爆疗法imply 蕴涵importance principle 重要性原则importance value index 重要值指数important event 重大事件important records 重要事项记述importation 输入impossible figure 不可能图形impostor 谎言癖者imposture 欺骗impotence 性无能impotentia 阳萎impotentia coeundi 交媾不能性阳萎impotentia erigendi 勃起不能性阳萎impoverished perception 刺激贫缺知觉刺激贫缺知觉impoverished perception 简约化知觉impoverishment 枯竭impressed variation 强制变异impression 印象impression advertising 印象广告impression formation 印象形成impression management 印象操纵impression management 印象管理impression method 印象法impression of maternal 母感影响impressionability 易感性impressionism 印象派impressive aphasia 感觉性失语impressiveness 印象性imprinting 印记imprison 监禁improbity 不诚实improper character 非正常特征improvement 改善improvement curve 进步曲线improvement of environment 环境改善improvement of office work 办公室工作改善improvisation 临时润饰improvisational performance 即兴表演imprudence 轻率impuberism 未成年impuberty 前青春期impugn 指责impulse 冲动impulse buying 冲动购买impulse counter 脉冲计数器impulse disorders 冲动性障碍impulse frequency 脉冲频率impulse noise 脉冲噪声impulse ridden 冲动驱使impulse ridden personality 冲动性人格动性人格impulsing 发生脉冲impulsion 冲动impulsive 冲动的impulsive action 冲动行为impulsive behavior 冲动行为impulsive child 冲动儿童impulsive nature 冲动本性impulsive neurosis 冲动性神经症impulsive noise 脉冲噪声impulsive obsession 冲动欲impulsive sound 冲击音impulsive style 冲动型impulsive tic 冲动性抽搐impulsive type 冲动型impulsiveness 冲动性impunitive 不罚型imputation 诋毁in advance 提前in corpora 体内in opposition to each other 互相对立in vitro 试管内inability 无能inability of empathy 感情移入不能inability of impression 铭记障碍inability to fix 铭记困难inaccessibility 难接近inaccessible 难接近的inaccuracy 不正确inaction 不活跃inactivation 失活inactivation center 失活中心inactive region 不活动区inactive state 不活动状态inadaptability 不适应性inadaptable 不能适应的inadaptation 不适应inadaptive phase 不适应阶段inadequacy 不适当inadequate 不适当的inadequate personality 不适当人格inadequate stimulus 不当刺激inadvertence 漫不经心inadvertent 粗心大意的inadvisable 不明智的inaesthetic 无审美感的inanimate 非生物性inanition 营养不足inappetence 食欲不振inappropriate affect 不适当情感inarticulate speech 不清晰言语inattention 不注意inauspicious 不祥的inavoidance need 避败需求inaxon 长轴索细胞inbeing 本性inborn 天生的inborn reflex 先天反射inbred 近亲交配inbreeding 近亲繁殖inbreeding coefficient 近亲系数incapacity 无能incarcerate 禁闭incendiarism 纵火狂incendiary mania 纵火狂incentive 诱因incentive condition 刺激条件incentive management 奖励管理incentive motivation 诱因动机incentive system 激励制度incentive theory 诱因论incentive value 诱因价incertitude 无把握incest 乱伦incest avoidance 乱伦回避incest barrier 乱伦阻障incest dream 乱伦梦incest fantasy 乱伦幻想incest taboo 乱伦禁忌incidence 关联incidence rate 发生率incident 事件incident process method 发生过程法incidental 偶然的incidental error 偶然误差incidental error of observation 观察偶误观察偶误incidental learning 偶然学习incidental memory 无意记忆incidental sampling 偶然抽样incidental stimulus 伴随刺激incipient 初始的incitantia 精神兴奋剂incite 激励incivility 粗暴言行inclemency 险恶inclination 倾向inclination coding 倾度编码inclination illusion 倾斜错觉incline 倾向inclusion need 合群需求incognizant 未意识到的incoherence 不连贯incoherent of speech 言语散乱income 收入income level 收入水平incompatible response 不相容反应incompetence 机能不全incompetent 无能incomplete data 不完全资料incomplete design 不完全设计incomplete learning method 不完全学习法incomplete man test 人像填补测验incomplete picture test 缺图测验incomplete sentence test 填句测验incomplete survey 非全面调查incomprehension 缺乏理解inconceivable 不可想象的incondite 无礼貌的inconformity 不一致incongruence 不协调incongruity 不相称inconscient 无意识的inconsequent 不连贯的inconsistency 不一致性inconsistent 不一致的inconsolable 极度沮丧的inconspicuous 难以察觉的inconstancy 反复无常incontinence 失禁incontinence of feces 大便失禁incontinence of urine 尿失禁inconvertibility 不可转化性inconvincible 不能说服的incoordination 不协调incorporation 结合incorporation 渗入incorporation mistake 渗入误差incorporeal 非物质的incorret 错误的incorrigible 难以纠正的increase 增进increase accumulation 增加累计increase of mental metabolism 心理代谢过旺incredible 不可信的incredulity 不相信increment 增加incremental learning 逐步积累的学习incremental threshold 增值阈incremental validity 增值效度incretion 内分泌incretology 内分泌学incretopathy 内分泌病incretory 内分泌的incretory gland 内分泌腺incretotherapy 内分泌疗法incubation 潜伏incubation 酝酿incubation period 潜伏期incubation stage 孕育期incubus 梦魇inculcation 谆谆教诲incult 粗俗的incumbency 责任incur 招惹incurable 不能治愈的incurvation 向内弯曲incurvation reflex 躯体侧弯反射incus 砧骨indecent assault 猥亵犯罪indecipherable 难辨认的indecision 犹豫indecorum 失礼的言行indefatigable 不倦的indefinite 无限的indefinite variability 不定变异性indemnify 保障indemonstrable 无法证明的independence 独立性independence in judgment 独立判断independence test 独立性检验independent action 独立行动independent assortment 独立分配independent behavior 独立行为independent comparison 独立比较independent control 独立控制independent development 主动发育independent discovery learning 独立发现学习independent event 独立事件independent experiment 独立实验independent factor 独立因素independent group 独立组independent group design 独立组设计independent inversion 个别倒位independent judgment 独立判断independent living 独立生活independent observation 独立观察independent personality 独立人格independent probability 独立机率independent reflection 独立反省independent sample 独立样本independent sampling 独立抽样independent trials 独立试验independent variable 独立变量independent variable 自变量independent variable×subject variable design自变量×被试变量设计自变项×被试变项设计indeterminate 不确定的indeterminate task 不明确任务indetermination 不确定indeterminism 非决定论index 索引index 指数index case 指标个案index mark 指标index of constancy 常性指数index of determination 决定指数index of difficulty 难度指数index of discrimination 鉴别指数index of forecasting efficiency 预测效率指数index of perceptual constancy 知觉常性指数index of phenomenal regression 现象性回归指数index of precision 确定指数index of reliability 信度指数index of retest consistency 复测一致性指数index of school effectiveness 学校效能指标index of silent reading test 默读能力测量指标index of stability 稳定指数index of variability 变异指数index of wages 工资指数index variable 指标变量indicant 指标indication 指示法indication 指征indicative character 指示特征indicator 指示器indifference 淡漠indifference 无差别indifference curve 无差别曲线indifference point 无差别点indifferent euphoria 淡漠型欣快indifferent stimulus 无关刺激indifferentism 冷漠主义indigence 贫困indigestion 难以理解indignity 侮辱indirect 间接indirect acting factor 间接影响因素indirect aggression 间接攻击indirect comprehension 间接理解indirect conditioning 间接条件作用indirect correlation 间接相关indirect glare 间接眩光indirect group 间接群体indirect inference 间接推理indirect intent 间接故意indirect intercourse 间接交往indirect interest 间接兴趣indirect judgment 间接判断indirect lighting 间接照明indirect measurement 间接测量indirect method of teaching 间接教学法间接教学法indirect observation 间接观察indirect recall 间接回忆indirect relation 间接关系indirect scaling 间接量表法indirect suggestion 间接暗示indirect survey 间接调查indirect teaching 间接教学indirect vision 间接视觉indiscipline 无纪律indiscretion 不慎重indiscriminate 不加区别的indisposition 不舒服indistinct play 未分化型游戏individual 个体individual aggression 个人攻击individual behavior 个人行为individual character 个性individual characteristics 个人特征individual consciousness 个体意识individual counseling 个别咨询individual delinquency 个人犯罪individual development 个体发展individual development period 个体发展期individual development psychology 个性发展心理学individual diagnosis 个别诊断individual difference 个别差异individual difference in learning 学习的个别差异individual difference model 个别差异模型individual differences 个体差异individual distance 个体距离individual ecology 个体生态学individual education 个别教育individual guided education 个别指导教学individual habitat 个体生境individual identity 个人统合individual inclination 个性倾向性individual intelligence test 个别智力测验individual learning 个人学习individual mental characteristics 个性心理特征individual mind 个性心理individual morality 个人道德individual need 个人需要individual object space 个人的对象空间个人的对象空间individual perceptual space 个人知觉空间individual problem solving 个别问题解决individual psychology 个体心理学individual psychotherapy 个别心理治疗个别心理治疗法individual pupil monitoring system 个别学生监察系统individual ranking 个人排序法individual scale 个人量表individual schedule 个人调查表individual space 个人空间individual symbol 个别性象征individual term 个别项individual test 个别测验individual therapy 个别治疗法individual trait 个人特质individual variant 个别变异individual will 个人意志individual workplaces 个人工作场地individualism 个人主义individualistic reward structure 个别奖赏结构individuality 个性individuality formation 个性形成individuality of character 性格的个别性性格的个别性individuality theory 个性理论individualization 个性化individualized education 个别化教育individualized instruction 个别化教学individualized language 个性化语言individually guided education 个别指导教学individuation 个别化individuation process 个性化过程indoctrination 教条灌输indolence 懒惰indoor noise 室内噪声induce 诱发induced abortion 人为堕胎induced aggression 诱导性攻击induced analgesia 诱发性痛觉缺失induced association 诱导联想induced color 诱导色induced compliance 诱发依从induced dormancy 诱导休眠induced exercise 诱导练习induced hallucination 诱导幻觉induced motion 诱动现象induced motion perception 诱导运动知觉induced movement 诱导运动induced mutation 诱导突变induced potential 诱发电位induced compliance paradigm 诱从范式诱从范式inducement 诱因inducer 诱导物inducible system 诱导系统inducing color 诱导色induction 归纳induction 诱导induction method 归纳法inductive argument 归纳式论证inductive effect 诱导效应inductive inference 归纳推理inductive method 归纳法inductive reasoning 归纳推理inductive research 归纳研究inductive statistics 归纳统计学inductive stimulus 诱发刺激inductive substance 诱导物质inductive teaching model 归纳教学法inductive test 归纳测验inductiveness 感应inductive deductive reasoning 归纳演绎推理inductor 感应体inductor 诱导体indulgence 放任indulgence 恣纵indulgent 纵容的industrial accident 工厂事故industrial and mining establishments 工矿企业industrial conflict 工业化冲突industrial consultants 工业咨询industrial control 工业管理industrial democracy 工业化民主industrial department 工业部门industrial design 工业设计industrial development 工业发展industrial disease 工业病industrial distribution 工业分布industrial efficiency 工业效率industrial engineering 工业工程工业工程industrial enterprise 工业企业industrial fatigue 工业疲劳industrial hygiene 工业卫生学industrial labour 工业劳动industrial management 工业管理industrial mental health 工业心理卫生工业心理卫生industrial noise 工业噪声industrial occupancy 工业区industrial planning 工业计划industrial production capacity 工业生产能力industrial production survey 工业生产调查industrial psychiatry 工业精神病学industrial psychology 工业心理industrial psychology 工业心理学industrial recreation 工余康乐industrial relations 工业关系industrial relations 劳资关系industrial revolution 工业革命industrial robot 工业用机器人industrial sabotage 工业破坏industrial safety 工业安全industrial social psychology 工业社会心理学industrial sociology 工业社会学industrial stagnation 工业停滞industrial standardization 工业标准化industrial statistics 工业统计industrial supervision 工业监督industrial training 工业训练industrial undertaking 工业企业industrial work 工业性作业industrial workers 产业工人industrialization 工业化industrialized society 工业化社会industrial organizational psychology 工业组织心理学industry gerontology 工业老年学industry vs inferiority conflict 勤业与自卑的矛盾inebriation 酒醉inebriety 醉癖ineducable 不可教育的inefficacy 无效inelastic 无适应性的inenarrable 难以描述的inequality 不平等inequitable relationship 不公平关系inequity 不公平ineradicable 不能根除的inert 惰性的inert type 不活泼型inertia 惰性inescapable 逃避不了的inestimable parameter 无法估计参数inevitable 不可避免的inexact data 不准确数据inexcitability 无反应性inexcusable 不可原谅的inexecutable 难以实行的inexistent 不存在的inexperience 缺乏经验inexpressive 无表情的inextricable 不能解决的infallible data 可靠数据infancy 婴儿期infancy stage 婴儿期infant 婴儿infant behavior and development 婴儿行为与发育infant development 婴儿发展infant education 幼儿教育infant intelligence scale 婴儿智力量表婴儿智力量表infant mental health journal 婴儿心理卫生杂志infant psychology 婴儿心理学infant psychophysics 婴儿精神物理学infant socialization 婴儿社会化infant test 婴儿测验infant vocalization 婴儿发声infanticide 杀婴infanticulture 育儿法infantile 幼稚的infantile amentia 幼儿痴呆infantile amnesia 婴儿期遗忘infantile amnesia 幼年经验失忆症infantile autism 婴儿期自闭症infantile convulsion 婴儿痉孪infantile neurosis 幼儿神经症infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹症infantile personality 幼稚型人格infantile polymorphous perverse 婴儿期的多形性反常infantile psychosis 婴儿期精神症infantile sexuality 幼儿性欲infantile speech 婴儿言语infantile stimulation 幼儿期刺激infantile trauma 婴儿期创伤infantilism 幼稚病infatuation 迷恋infect 感染infection 感染infections disorder 传染性疾病infectious 感染性的infectiousness 传染性infective psychosis 感染性精神病infecundity 不育infelicity 不幸infer 推论inference 推论inference of immediate 直接推论inference of mediate 间接推论inferential logic 推论逻辑inferential statistics 推论统计inferior colliculus 下丘inferior oblique muscles 下斜肌inferior olivary nuclei 下橄榄核inferior retcus 下直肌inferior temporal gyrus 颞下回皮层inferiority 自卑inferiority complex 自卑情结inferiority feeling 自卑感infernal circle 恶性循环inferred self 推论自我infertility 不孕infest 侵扰infidelity 不忠实infinite population 无限总体infinite value logic 无限价值逻辑infinitive 原形infirmity 衰弱inflammation 激动inflated 夸张的inflation 人格扩张inflection 曲折inflow theory 流入说influence 影响influence factor 影响因素influence theory of organization 组织的影响理论influencing agent 影响者influx of stimulus 刺激流入。
Psychological testingPart 1 introductionPsychological testing is the administration of psychological tests, which are designed to be "an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior".The term sample of behavior refers to an individual's performance on tasks that have usually been prescribed beforehand. The samples of behavior that make up a paper-and-pencil test, the most common type of test, are a series of items. Performance on these items produce a test score. A score on a well-constructed test is believed to reflect a psychological construct such as achievement in a school subject, cognitive ability, aptitude, emotional functioning, personality, etc. Differences in test scores are thought to reflect individual differences in the construct the test is supposed to measure. The science behind psychological testing is psychometrics.A psychological test is an instrument designed to measure unobserved constructs, also known as latent variables. Psychological tests are typically, but not necessarily, a series of tasks or problems that the respondent has to solve. Psychological tests can strongly resemble questionnaires, which are also designed to measure unobserved constructs, but differ in that psychological tests ask for a respondent's maximum performance whereas a questionnaire asks for the respondent's typical performance.[2] A useful psychological test must be both valid (i.e., there is evidence to support the specified interpretation of the test results[3]) and reliable (i.e., internally consistent or give consistent results over time, across raters, etc.).In a word, the test method is a way to study the law of psychological activities through psychological tests, that is, to collect data by means of a set of standardized questions, according to the prescribed procedures and by means of measurement. Psychological test is a scientific means to deduce and quantify the general law of psychological activities by observing a few representative behaviors or phenomena. First, tests are conducted according to certain standards and procedures rather than subjective experience. Secondly, the test measures human behavior, that is, to measure an individual's behavior according to an objective, standardized procedure. Thirdly, a test generally measures only a part of a person's behavior, but not all of his behavior.Part 2 HistoryThe first large-scale tests may have been examinations that were part of the imperial examination system in China. The test, an early form of psychological testing, assessed candidates based on their proficiency in topics such as civil law and fiscal policies. Other early tests of intelligence were made for entertainment rather than analysis. Modern mental testing began in France in the 19th century. It contributed to separating mental retardation from mental illness and reducing the neglect, torture, and ridicule heaped on both groups.Englishman Francis Galton coined the terms psychometrics and eugenics, and developed a method for measuring intelligence based on nonverbal sensory-motor tests. It was initially popular, but was abandoned after the discovery that it had no relationship to outcomes such as college grades.[8][9] French psychologist Alfred Binet, together with psychologists Victor Henriand Théodore Simon, after about 15 years of development, published the Binet-Simon test in 1905, which focused on verbal abilities. It was intended to identify mental retardation in school children.The origins of personality testing date back to the 18th and 19th centuries, when personality was assessed through phrenology, the measurement of the human skull, and physiognomy, which assessed personality based on a person's outer appearances.These early pseudoscientific techniques were eventually replaced with more empirical methods in the 20th century. One of the earliest modern personality tests was the Woolworth Personality Data Sheet, a self-report inventory developed for World War I and used for the psychiatric screening of new draftees.Part 3 Characteristics of tests◆ 1. According to the explicit behavior of the subjects, infer their internal psychologicalprocess or psychological characteristics, so the psychological and educational test is a scientific research form of "result" for "cause", so it is indirect.◆ 2. relativity. The results measured by the Mental and Educational Test Scale generally reflectindividual differences only from the ranking order. Therefore, scientifically speaking, the results of psychological and educational tests are only a relative quantity, compared with the behavior of the majority of the subjects in the group or some artificially determined criteria.◆ 3. objectivity. Although psychological and educational tests are indirect and relative, theystill have objectivity.Part 4 PrinciplesProper psychological testing consists of the following:●Standardization - All procedures and steps must be conducted with consistency and underthe same environment to achieve the same testing performance from those being tested.●Objectivity - Scoring such that subjective judgments and biases are minimized, with resultsfor each test taker obtained in the same way.●Test Norms - The average test score within a large group of people where the performanceof one individual can be compared to the results of others by establishing a point of comparison or frame of reference.●Reliability - Obtaining the same result after multiple testing.●Validity - The type of test being administered must measure what it is intended to measure.Part 5 Types(1) classification by function.➢ 1.Ability test -- practical ability and potential ability.➢ 2. achievement test - academic achievement➢ 3. Personality test -personality, temperament, interest, attitude and other psychological characteristics(2)Classification by test methodIndividual tests.➢Advantages: it can control the speech and mood and behavioral responses of the subjects. Such➢Disadvantages: time consuming and arduous. The main trial is strict. SuchGroup test.➢Advantages: save time and effort, and collect data in a short time. It➢Disadvantages: it is not easy to control the behavior of subjects, and it is easy to produce errors.(3) Classification by test materials➢Written test (paper and pencil test)➢Non-verbal test(4) Classification by test purposes1.Descriptive test. The purpose is to describe the ability, personality and othercharacteristics of an individual or group.2.Diagnostic test. The purpose is to diagnose a behavioral problem in an individualor group.3.Predictive test. The goal is to predict individual future performance and the levelthat can be achieved.(5)according to the application of the testcation test.2.Career tests.3.Clinical test.◆IQ/achievement testsIQ tests purport to be measures of intelligence, while achievement tests are measures of the use and level of development of use of the ability. IQ (or cognitive) tests and achievement tests are common norm-referenced tests. In these types of tests, a series of tasks is presented to the person being evaluated, and the person's responses are graded according to carefully prescribed guidelines. After the test is completed, the results can be compiled and compared to the responses of a norm group, usually composed of people at the same age or grade level as the person being evaluated. IQ tests which contain a series of tasks typically divide the tasks into verbal (relying on the use of language) and performance, or non-verbal (relying on eye–hand types of tasks, or use of symbols or objects). Examples of verbal IQ test tasks are vocabulary and information (answering general knowledge questions). Non-verbal examples are timed completion of puzzles (object assembly) and identifying images which fit a pattern (matrix reasoning).IQ tests (e.g., WAIS-IV, WISC-V, Cattell Culture Fair III, Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities-IV, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales V) and academic achievement tests(e.g. WIAT, WRAT, Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement-III) are designed to beadministered to either an individual (by a trained evaluator) or to a group of people (paper and pencil tests). The individually administered tests tend to be more comprehensive, more reliable, more valid and generally to have better psychometric characteristics than group-administered tests. However, individually administered tests are more expensive toadminister because of the need for a trained administrator (psychologist, school psychologist, or psychometrician).◆Personality testsPsychological measures of personality are often described as either objective tests or projective tests.1.Objective tests have a restricted response format, such as allowing for true or false answers or rating using an ordinal scale. Prominent examples of objective personality tests include the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV,[12] Child Behavior Checklist,[13] Symptom Checklist 90[14] and the Beck Depression Inventory.[15] Objective personality tests can be designed for use in business for potential employees, such as the NEO-PI, the 16PF, and the OPQ (Occupational Personality Questionnaire), all of which are based on the Big Five taxonomy. The Big Five, or Five Factor Model of normal personality, has gained acceptance since the early 1990s when some influential meta-analyses (e.g., Barrick & Mount 1991) found consistent relationships between the Big Five personality factors and important criterion variables.Another personality test based upon the Five Factor Model is the Five Factor Personality Inventory – Children (FFPI-C.).[16]2.Projective tests(Free response measures) allow for a freer type of response. An example of this would be the Rorschach test, in which a person states what each of ten ink blots might be.The most widely used scoring system for the Rorschach is the Exner system of scoring.[18] Another common projective test is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),[19] which is often scored with Westen's Social Cognition and Object Relations Scales[20] and Phebe Cramer's Defense Mechanisms Manual.[21] Both "rating scale" and "free response" measures are used in contemporary clinical practice, with a trend toward the former.Other projective tests include the House-Tree-Person test, the Animal Metaphor Test.◆Other testingin addition to the competence test and personality test described above, the psychological and educational tests also include achievement test, needs test, attitude test, interest test, mental health test, interpersonal relationship test and so on.1.Edward's personal preference scale (EPPS)2.SIMH competition self rating health Checklist (SCL - 90)Part6 Use of tests⏹First, do a good job of preparation before the test, including familiarity with the testmanual, especially the instructions and materials required for the test.⏹Second, choose the appropriate test environment, generally for the daily work orlearning environment, such as students in the classroom to test, while trying to eliminate all interference.⏹Thirdly, the test should be carried out strictly according to the standardized guidelinesand the standard time limit, and should not be changed at will without special circumstances.Fourth, establish a good trust and interpersonal relationship with the subjects, obtain the cooperation of the subjects, and ensure the effectiveness of the test.Part 7 Interpreting scoresPsychological tests, like many measurements of human characteristics, can be interpreted ina norm-referenced or criterion-referenced manner. Norms are statistical representations ofa population. Norms are available for standardized psychological tests, allowing for anunderstanding of how an individual's scores compare with the group norms. A criterion-referenced interpretation of a test score compares an individual's performance to some criterion other than performance of other individuals.In a word, the test method is a way to study the law of psychological activities through psychological tests, that is, to collect data by means of a set of standardized questions, according to the prescribed procedures and by means of measurement. Psychological test is a scientific means to deduce and quantify the general law of psychological activities by observing a few representative behaviors or phenomena. First, tests are conducted according to certain standards and procedures rather than subjective experience. Secondly, the test measures human behavior, that is, to measure an individual's behavior according to an objective, standardized procedure. Thirdly, a test generally measures only a part of a person's behavior, but not all of his behavior.。
Prologue: Psychology’s Roots
Functionalism focused on how behavioral processes function- how they enable organism to adapt, survive, and flourish
Prologue: Psychology’s Roots
Figure 1- British Psychological Society membership
Prologue: Psychology’s Roots Definition of Psychology
The science of behavior (what we do) and mental processes (sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings)
二)应用心理学 1. 教育心理学 2. 临床心理学 3. 咨询心理学 4. 工业心理学 5. 管理心理学 6. 广告心理学 7. 消费心理学 8. 环境心理学 9. 法律心理学 Applied Psychology 1. Educational Psychology 2. Clinical Psychology 3. Counseling Psychology 4. Industrial Psychology 5. Managerial Psychology 6. Advertising Psychology 7. Consumer Psychology 8. Environmental Psychology 9. Forensic Psychology
心理学专业英语词汇pdf.专业英语1Psychology:n.心理学mind:n心理;心灵,精神soul:n.灵魂behaviour:n.行为The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes:行为与心理过程的科学研究psychologist:n.心理学家philosophy:n.哲学philosopher:n.哲学家Empiricism:n.经验主义,源于英国哲学家洛克,认为知识源于后天学习经验。
biology:n.生物学evolution:n.进化genetics:n.遗传学physiology:n.生理学endocrine:n. 内分泌,激素physics:n. 物理学physicist:n.物理学家psychophysics:n.心理物理学separate scientific discipline:独立的科学学科Principlesof psychology:心理学原理structuralism:结构主义conscious:a.有意识的introspection:n.内省image:n.意象;心象sensation:n.感觉,知觉feeling:n.触觉,知觉,感觉,感情,情感functionalism:n.功能主义thought:n.思想psychoanalysis:n.精神分析(或疗法);心理分析(或疗法) therapy:n.治疗,疗法The interpretation of dreams:梦的解析unconscious mind:无(潜)意识心理Behaviorism:行为主义experimental psychology:实验心理学cognitive:a.认知的humanistic:a.人本主义的cognitive psychology:认知心理学专业英语2variables:变量aggression:攻击;侵犯intelligence:智力operationalisation:操作化abstract concepts:抽象概念observable behaviour:可观察行为puzzle:测验智力的间题(或玩具);难题reification:(抽象概念等)具体化,观念与现象混淆case studies:个案研究法surveys:调查法observations:观察法correlations:相关性experiments:实验法independent variable:自变量dependent variable:因变量extraneous variables:外扰变量,无关变量controls:控制random:随机confounding variables:混杂变量constant:恒定hypotheses:假设2-tailed hypotheses:双极假设1-tailed hypotheses:单极假设operationalised variables:操作性的变量statistically singnificant:统计学意义上的显著null hypotheses:零假设significant effect:显著性效果manipulation of the independent variable:自变量的操纵laboratory:实验室deliberately manipulates:仔细操纵strict control:严格控制subject:被试natural environment:自然环境quasi experiment:准实验专业英语3Perception:知觉Sense:感觉,感官visual perception:视觉,视知觉two-dimensional:二维的retina:视网膜three-dimensional:三维的viewpoin:察点,注视点shape constancy:形状恒常性size constancy:大小恒常性luminescence:发光brightness constancy:明度恒常性illusions :错觉Necker cube:尼克尔立方体emergent properties:突变特性Gestalt:格式塔Phiphenomenon:似动现象Law of Pragnanz :完形倾向性定律proximity:邻近性similarity:相似性closure:闭合continuity:连续性figure-ground:图形-背景mon fate:共同命运,以相同方向运动的物体会被组织在一起专业英语4Attention:注意sensory stimuli:感觉刺激focused or selective attention:集中或选择注意divided attention:分配注意visual field:视野vision:视觉hearing:听觉target:目标;靶专业英语5encode:编码memory:记忆photon:光子,见光度(等千通过一平方厘米大的瞳孔看到每平方米一支蜡烛的照明度)represent:描述;代表;象征representation:表征echoic (auditory):回声的,声象的imagery memory:形象记忆iconic (visual):映象的,形象的recall:回忆tune:声调working memory:工作记忆Visuospatial scratchpad:视觉空间模板photographic (eidetic) memory:映象记忆implicit memory:内隐记忆the central executive:中央执行器phonological loop:语音回路procedural memory:程序记忆enactive mode:动作性模式,指人们用“动作”来表达他们关于世界的知识和经验。
James-Lange theory
Cannon Bard理论认为刺激事件引发立即的生理反应和情绪体验,两者是同步发生的。生理反应和情绪体验之间存在相互影响的关系,即生理反应可以增强或减弱情绪体验,反之亦然。
A negative emotion caused by the presence of unpleasant or repulsive objects or situations.
A negative emotion caused by the absence of desired objects or situations.
Definition: The process of experiencing and displaying emotions.
Emotional expression
输入 标题
Emotional regulation
Definition: The process of modifying emotional responses to achieve a desired emotional state or to adapt to environmental demands.
Production of hormones
The endocrine system releases hormones into the bloodstream to regulate various bodily functions. Some hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, are associated with the experience of emotions. For instance, when we are under stress, the adrenal gland releases adrenaline to prepare the body for fight-or-flight response.
心理学专业英语总结——HXY随意传阅·顺颂试安注释:1、“*”在书上就是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用2、“”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择3、人名已加黑,可能连线或选择4、每章节得末尾有方便记忆得单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现得关键单词)5、方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义6、“,”大部分都就是作为点之间得分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子Chapter 1——Perspectives in psychology 心理学纵览Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门●What is psychology? 心理学就是什么Definitions: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes、定义:对行为与心理过程得科学研究Psychology e from: ①philosophy, ②biology ③physics、心理学来源于:哲学、生物学与医学When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline、形成于:1879年,作为独立学科History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology, humanistic approach, biological approach、历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。
●The psychoanalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论Origins & history: Sigmund Freud, unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders, built up an theory、历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病得原因,并建立理论。
一、基础概念(Fundamental Concepts)1. Psychology(心理学)Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. It explores various aspects of individual and group behavior, including thoughts, emotions, and motivations.2. Mental processes(心理过程)Mental processes refer to the activities that occur within the mind, such as perception, memory, thinking, and problem-solving.3. Behavior(行为)Behavior refers to the actions or reactions of an individual or a group in response to stimuli or circumstances. It can be observed and measured.4. Mind(心智)Mind refers to the totality of an individual's cognitive and emotional processes, including consciousness, memory, perception, and reasoning.5. Consciousness(意识)Consciousness is the awareness of oneself and the surrounding environment. It includes both the conscious and unconscious aspects of mental activity.6. Emotion(情绪)Emotion is a complex psychological state involving physiological arousal, subjective feelings, and behavioral expressions. Common emotions include happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and love.二、个体差异(Individual Differences)1. Personality(人格)Personality refers to the unique set of enduring traits, patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize an individual. It influences how individuals perceive and interact with the world.2. Intelligence(智力)Intelligence refers to the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge. It encompasses various cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving, reasoning, and memory.3. Motivation(动机)Motivation refers to the internal or external factors that drive individuals to behave in certain ways. It can be influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors.4. Perception(知觉)Perception is the process of organizing and interpreting sensory information to give meaning to the environment. It involves the senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.5. Attention(注意力)Attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively focusing on specific stimuli while ignoring others. It plays a crucial role in information processing and cognitive performance.三、心理发展(Psychological Development)1. Childhood(童年)Childhood refers to the period of life between infancy and adolescence. It is a critical stage of psychological development, during which individuals acquire various cognitive, emotional, and social skills.2. Adolescence(青春期)Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. It is characterized by physical, cognitive, and social changes, as well as the search for identity and independence.3. Learning(学习)Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, skills, behaviors, or attitudes through experience, instruction, or observation. It can be classified into various types, such as classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.4. Memory(记忆)Memory is the process of encoding, storing, and retrieving information. It consists of sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Memory can be influenced by factors such as attention, rehearsal, and retrieval cues.5. Language(语言)Language is a system of communication consisting of words, grammar, and syntax. It plays a fundamental role in cognitive development and social interaction.四、心理健康和疾病(Mental Health and Disorders)1. Stress(压力)Stress is a physiological and psychological response to challenging or threatening situations. Prolonged or excessive stress can have negative effects on mental and physical health.2. Anxiety(焦虑)Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear. It can range from mild to severe and can interfere with daily functioning. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias.3. Depression(抑郁)Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, and a lack of energy. It can significantly impair one's ability to function and enjoy life.4. Mental illness(精神疾病)Mental illness refers to a wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. Examples include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.5. Psychotherapy(心理治疗)Psychotherapy is a form of treatment that involves talking with a trained therapist to address emotional and psychological issues. It aims to improve mental well-being and promote personal growth.总结(Conclusion)以上便是心理学英语词汇大全的解读和心理学术语的提高心理素养。
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随意传阅•顺颂试安注释:1•“ * ”在书上是黑体字,但感觉不重要背了也没什么卵用2•“ ”背景色项表示答案恰好有三项,可能出选择 3. 人名已加黑,可能连线或选择4. 每章节的末尾有方便记忆的单词表(只包括这篇总结中出现的关键单词)5. 方便理解记忆,已在各项下方注明中文释义6•“,”大部分都是作为点之间的分割,类似于逗号,前后不连成句子Chapter 1 ------ P erspectives in psychology 心理学纵览Section 1: Approaches to psychology 心理学入门What is psychology? 心理学是什么Defin iti ons: The scie ntific study of behaviour and men tal processes. 定义:对行为和心理过程的科学研究Psychology come from: ① philosophy,② biology ③ physics. 心理学来源于:哲学、生物学和医学When: 1879 as a separate scientific discipline. 形成于:1879年,作为独立学科History (develop): structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitive psychology,approach, biological approach.历史发展:结构主义,机能主义,精神分析,行为主义,认知,人本主义,生理。
The psychoa nalytic approach to psychology 精神分析理论Origins & history: Sigmund Freud , unconscious mental causes, treat as the causes of mental disorders,theory.历史来源:弗洛伊德提出潜意识心理动机,把它视为心理疾病的原因,并建立理论。
Assumpti ons: uncon scious processes, psychic determ ini sm, hydraulic drives, psychody namic con flict, developme nt.假设:潜意识过程,精神决定论,驱力(攻击、性),心理动力冲突,发展阶段Methods of in vestigati on: case study (method), free associati on (tech), dream an alysis (tech). 研究方法:个案研究方法,自由联想技术,梦的解析技术*Areas of expla nati on: pers on ality developme nt, moral/ge nder developme nt, aggressi on, abn ormality, memory. 可解释领域:人格发展,道德 /性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆 *Weaknesses: unrefutable, theoretically unscientific. 缺点:不可被其他事件驳斥,因此理论不具科学性 The behaviourist approach to psychology行为主义理论Origins & history: Joh n Wats on , empiricism, lear ning. 历史来源:华生,经验主义,学习Assumpti ons: behaviour is lear ned from the environment, only observable behaviour should be studied.心理学专业英语总结HXYhuma ni sticbuilt up anstages of假设:行为来源于环境,研究可观察的行为*Areas of expla nati on: Ian guage acquisiti on, moral developme nt, attract ion, abno rmality.可解释领域:语言习得,道德发展,吸引,异常The huma ni stic approach to psychology 人本主义理论Origins & history: conscious free will, aimed to investigate all the uniquely human aspects of experienee, Maslow and self- actualise, Carl Rogers and client-centred therapy.历史来源:自由意志,人类特有的经验,马斯洛的自我实现,罗杰斯的来访者中心疗法Assumptions: study human not other animal, must be meaningful to human, study internal experience and free will, study the in dividual case, studied in their environmen tal con text.假设:关于人的观点必须出于对于人的研究,研究应对人类有用,研究内部体验和自由意志,研究个案,研究应在具体环境下Areas of expla nati on: pers on ality/self ide ntity, motivati on, abno rmality.可解释领域:人格/自我认同,动机,异常The cog nitive approach to psychology 认知主义理论Origi ns and history: computer, i nformati on processors ‘internal men tal processes.历史来源:计算机,类比人脑为信息加工者,内部心理过程。
Jerome Brun er*Areas: memory, perception, attention, artificial intelligence, social cognition, cognitive development.可解释领域:记忆,知觉,注意,人工智能,社会认知,认知发展*Practical applicati ons: memory, educati on, therapy, pers on ality assessme nt.实践应用:记忆,教育,治疗,人格测评The biological approach to psychology 生理心理学Roger Sperry 罗杰•斯佩里*Areas of expla nati on: gen der developme nt, aggressi on, abno rmality, memory, motivatio n, aware ness.可解释领域:性别发展,攻击性,异常,记忆,动机,意识*Practical applicati on: localisati on of function, therapy.实践应用:功能定位说,治疗The reducti onism debate in psychology 关于还原论的争论1. Reductionism 还原论Assumptions: explaining a phenomenon by breaking it down into its constituent parts and then analysing it. 假设:通过将现象拆分成组成部分并分析的方法解释现象Again st:① oversimplificati on ② value of expla nati on ③ validity of reducti oni sm.反对理由:过度简化,解释的价值(细节/有用性),效度2. Holism & In teractio nism 整体论(与互动论)Assumptions: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 假设:整体优于部分*Examples: huma ni stic psychology, social psychology, psychoa nalysis, abno rmal psychology, percepti on.例子:人本,社会,精神分析,变态,知觉Again st: practical difficulty, ig nore the huge in flue nce of biology, lack the predictive power.反对理由:难于实践研究,忽略生理影响,缺乏预测力The nature-nurture debate in psychology 先后天之争1. Nature先天遗传决定论Approach: ①roots of the approach(nativist philosophy, biology, evolutionary theory) 理论根源②causes of behaviour (gen etic determ inism, in herited in flue nce, maturati onal bluepri nt, n eurochemicaland hormo nal in flue nces, brain activity)(基因、遗传、个体成熟、神经化学与荷尔蒙的影响和大脑活动。
)③methods (ge ne mapp ing, twin/adopti on study, brain sca nning, brain stimulati on /damage study, drug test)④implicatio ns (behaviour can only be cha nged through physical means) 启示⑤criticisms (reduct ioni st, n eglect environmen tal in flue nces) 过于简单,忽视环境对人行为的影响②causes of behaviour (blank slate at birth, experienee, learning from environment) 源于经验和环境学习③methods (classical and opera nt con diti oning tech niq ues, man ipulati on of social environment)研究方法(经典条件反射、操作性条件反射,改变社会环境)④implicatio ns (An ybody could be trained to do anything) 启示⑤criticisms (reductio nist, neglect inn ate in flue nces) 过于简单,忽视遗传因素在人行为中的作用3. Both*Areas of expla nati on: perceptio n, aggressi on, sex-role behaviour, abno rmality, la nguage acquisiti on.可解释领域:知觉,攻击性,性别角色行为,异常,语言获得*ln teract ion examples: percepti on, cog nitive developme nt, abno rmality, sex-role behaviour.交互作用举例:感知觉,认知发展,行为异常,性别角色行为*The sta nding of the differe nt: biopsychology, psychoa nalysis, cog nitive psychology, huma ni sm, behaviourism.二者在心理学中作用:生理心理学,精神分析,认知,人本,行为The freewill vs. Determi nism debate in psychology 自由意志理论与决定论之争1. FreewillAssumptions: humans are free to choose their behabiour, self-determining, soft determinism( William James ).假设:人类可以自由选择行为,人本质上是自我决定的,软决定论Again st: difficult to defi ne, evide nce is mostly subjective, be in compatible with the determ ini stic assumpti ons of scie nee. 反对理由:很难定义,证据主观,与决定论的科学性不匹配2. DeterminismAssumpti ons: every physical event is caused, future eve nts are en tirely predictable, emphasis on causal laws. 假设:所有物理事件都是被引起的,未来事件完全可以预测,注重因果法则Idiographic vs. Nomothetic approaches to psychology 心理学特殊规律与一般规律1. Nomothetic approach 一般规律研究法Definitions: The approach of investigating large groups of people to try to find general laws of behaviour that apply to everyone.定义:通过调查大群体的人,试图找到适用于每个人的普遍行为规律的研究方法。