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1. introduction of yourself 2min

2. what is the greatest impact to your outlook

3. when asked to do something differently how you do and the outcome

4. a time to show appreciation to others for job well done and how they respond

5.interesting thing about yourself.

6. meaningful accomplishment outside classroom and work, 怎么取得的

7. 对你人生有potential long-term影响的project,描述一下影响impact,还有outcome

8. 你需要assistance from other members的project?

9. 有没有一个academic或extracurricular活动,教会了你一些重要的事情和道理

10. 例子你预见到一个成功solution,你是如何预测的;

11. 例子你尝试一个试验性的solution且失败了,为啥会失败;

12. 在School和work之外如何involve in your community

13. 你准备如何enrich你在case的学习环境


1. 你的组和其他组因为文化还是什么工作方式差异产生分歧你会怎么处理

2. Describe a project that you worked on where you had to gather and analyze vast amounts of information. What factors were considered in analyzing this information, and how did this information help with the completion of the project?

3. 在完成一项任务时缺乏技能或知识,怎么处理,结果是啥实习

4. 说一个你分析一个问题的时候的步骤,结果是什么

5. 你提供了一个新的方法that makes a difference to your community)

6. 你遇到一些情况是需要用新的方法解决的么?最后是怎么解决的?(new way you provide since best solution isn't apparent)

7. Please tell us about a time when you implemented an innovative idea at work or school. How did you come up with the idea, and what was the outcome of the implementation?

8. 描述一次你think outside box去解决难题的经历,你用的方法哪里unconventional了,结果如何8. do sth differently/unique approach 去achieve a objective

9. 有没有anticipate 到过未来可能发生的obstacle,可能会create 的problem,然后你做了啥去deal with 这可能发生的问题。

10. please describe an unforeseen problem or difficulty you have faced in the past. How did you go about solving a problem you weren't anticipating?

11. 一个事例体现了你发现一个situation中不同的aspect之间的linkages,然后得到了对这个situation更好的understanding;

12. a time you make decision or recommendations without any guidelines, how you handled it and how it ends


1. why you? Why case (三个理由)?

2. 申请CWRU对短、中、长期目标的影响

3. 从实践和学术方面来说,为了以后的program你都做了哪些准备


1. a time when you have different opinion with your teammate and how it ends你觉得意味什么

2. 你有在一个团队里的经验么?你的团队成功么?什么原因让这个team successful?

3. 怎么确保你通知到了小组成员关于一些重要的内容。

4. a time you need to involve others in a team

5. 团队能力到了极限的时候,你是如何发挥teamwork skills的?

6. a time you make others to contribute and how he/she responded

7. 作为leader怎么确保组员equally input

8. 一个事例你在组内做了beyond usual responsibilities的事情;

9. teamwork的时候,你怎么确定哪些信息是重要的哪些是不重要的

