
Thai Crispy(锅
巴) The fresh ones hot off the griddle are crispy and so addictive. The crispy base with the meringue and slightly sweet coconut shreds on top are perfect pairings. Definitely a must eat when you’re in Bangkok!
Mango Sticky Rice
Thank you ~
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Chocolate and
Banana Roti
Source Similar to roti prata in Singapore, but 10x better. How can it not when it’s freshly fried in front of you, dough stretched paper thin onto the hot griddle, banana slices placed in the middle and folded, fried to a golden brown before being topped with sugar, condensed
Typical dishes
• It is made from yolk and syrup.
• It is always used in a wedding.But be careful that it can't be short or cut.
• The longer the silks are,the happier the bride and groom will be.

Travel will enhance romance and adventure.
Chiang maiChiang Mai is located in northern Thailand .It is called northern Rose. It is Thailand the second biggest city. Chiang Mai was built in1296.It is the first independent country in Thailand history. Because it is surrounded by the forest , the temperature here is a little low. But this is a good
Trip toThailand
PART01The beauty of Thailand PART02Food in Thailand PART03Buddhist Culture in Thailand
Koh Samu i ThailandKoh samui, with its white as snow beaches and abundant natural beauty, be called for a piece of uncarved jade. Coconut trees everywhere on the island, or even walk on the road can smell the scent of coconut. Everymonth on average two million coconut from here is sent to Bangkok, so the island is also known as "coconut island".

Thais believe in Buddhism, which is Байду номын сангаасhe State religion of Thailand . Everyone in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.
White for religion(宗教), the symbol of the religious
National emblem
The national emblem of Thailand is an religious and mysterious totem pattern . King laina sit on the back of a hug red eagle. .
King of Thailand —Bhumibol Adulyadej
This is the Thai Baht. The person is the king
of Thailand ( 普密蓬.阿杜德)
The largest city in Thailand is Bangkok, the capital, which is also the country's center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities.
Welcom to Thailand

This is Thailand's map
Thai main believe in Buddhism(佛教). Buddhism is Thailand moral Confucianism (道德礼教) “criterion”(准则), maintaining social harmony and promote the impulsion(原动力) of art.
Thailand food
Thailand food is characterized by hot, appetizers(开胃), let a person eat addiction . Thailand is a tropical(热带) country, green vegetables, seafood, fruit is extremely rich. Therefore Thailand food materials mainly in seafood, fru beauty of Thailand----Phuket (普吉岛)
Phuket is called the andaman sea “pearl“(“珍珠”), phuket is southeast Asia„s representative tourist resort(度假胜地). Its charm(魅力) lies first of all in the beautiful sea, the west coast of the island is to andaman sea, where all over the original young white beach, each beach all have their own advantages and charm.

Ladyboy, mainly refers to the tourist resort in Thailand 's performance from taking female hormones and the male development metamorphosis 。 Ladyboy is in the absence of intrinsic psychological need to make physical force distortion. Because of the special social environment , ladyboy becomes the person to enjoy the others.
SPA,in another word ,is enjoy hot spring. Thai massage has a long history,when people feel tired,they really choose it to relax.It attracts all people to there enioy this best treatment .
Thailand is the world's 50th largest country in land mass, while it is the world's 20th largest country in terms of population. The local climate is tropical and characterized by monsoons. There is a rainy, warm, and cloudy southwest monsoon from mid-May to September, as well as a dry, cool northeast monsoon from November to mid-March. The southern isthmus is always hot and humid.Thailand is home to several distinct geographic regions, partly corresponding to the provincial groups. The north of the country is mountainous, with the highest point being Thailand at 2,565 metres above sea level. The centre of the country is dominated by the predominantly flat Chao Phraya river valley, which runs into the Gulf of Thailand.

屿、普吉岛是东南亚具有代 表性的旅游度假胜地。普吉 岛是个由北向南延伸的狭长 岛屿,面积与新加坡相近。 它的魅力首先在于它那美丽 的大海,每个沙滩都有各自 的优点和魅力。令人神往的 海滩和一幢幢饭店旅馆恭候 着来自世界各地的游客。此 外,普吉岛的魅力不仅只有 海滩,岛上有很多山,游客 可以在岛上乘坐摩托探险, 也可以潜水和乘坐游艇出海。
汇率:人民币(CNY) = 4.7537 泰 铢(THB)
曼谷 Bangkok
曼谷(Bangkok)是世界著名米市。市内名 胜以大皇宫、玉佛寺、云石寺、郑王寺等 著名。曼谷作为国际活动中心之一,每年 有多达二、三百起的各种国际会议在此举 行。另外,曼谷也是贵金属和宝石的交易 中心。曼谷市内繁忙的水上交通使曼谷有 “东方威尼斯”的美称。
清迈寺是泰国北部城市清迈最古老的 寺庙,始建于15世纪初,佛塔层叠错 落,雕琢繁复,底座由数尊大象雕像 做成——相传清迈古城的建城,与大 象有着密切的关系。寺庙里供奉了一 尊1800年前的水晶佛像和一尊2500年
芭提雅旅游区素以阳光、 沙滩、海鲜名扬天下,被 誉为“东方夏威夷”,是 世界著名的新兴海滨旅游 度假胜地。位于首都曼谷 东南154公里、印度半岛 和马来半岛间的暹罗湾处, 市区面积20多平方公里, 风光旖旎,气候宜人,年 均温度20摄氏度左右。芭 提雅不仅以阳光沙滩海鲜 闻名,更重要的是人妖表 演。到芭提雅看人妖是每 个到泰国的游客的必不可 少的节目.
• 泰国人妖主要集中在芭提雅和曼谷。芭提 雅是著名的旅游胜地,在那里你可以欣赏 到最高水准的人妖表演。他们表演的内容 包含各国的舞蹈和代表歌曲,还有专门的 华人戏剧的表演。他们精彩的表演不但吸 引观光客,就连当地人也常光临。为了给 观众提供精彩的表演,在泰国也有很多专 门的人妖学校来学习舞蹈和唱歌,每一次 的训练都是一次极其困难的过程。

泰国国家概况和国家符号英语介绍泰国国家概况和国家符号的英语介绍如下:泰国国家概况:Thailand, officially known as the Kingdom of Thailand, is a country located in Southeast Asia. It is bordered by Myanmar (Burma) to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Cambodia to the southeast, and Malaysia to the south. Thailand has a population of approximately 70 million people and Bangkok is its capital and largest city.Thailand is known for its rich cultural heritage, beautiful temples, stunning beaches, and delicious cuisine. The country has a constitutional monarchy, with the King as the head of state. It has a diverse economy, with industries such as tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, and services contributing to its growth.泰国国家符号:1.泰国国旗:The flag of Thailand consists of five horizontalstripes, with red and white stripes alternating. The red stripessymbolize the nation, while the white stripes represent religionand purity. In the middle of the flag, there is a blue rectangle witha white circle, which represents the monarchy.2.泰国国徽:The emblem of Thailand features a Garuda, amythical bird-like creature from Hindu and Buddhist mythology.The Garuda is depicted with its wings spread, symbolizingprotection and power. It is placed over a shield that represents thenation’s sovereignty. The emblem is topped by a crown,representing the monarchy.3.泰国国花:The national flower of Thailand is the orchid,specifically the “Dendrobium Sonia“ variety. Orchids are highlyregarded in Thai culture and are seen as a symbol of elegance,beauty, and grace.These national symbols represent the identity, values, and heritage of Thailand as a nation. They are significant elements of Thai culture and are used in various official and ceremonial occasions.。
泰国 英语 介绍 ppt

Music has always been a big part of his life. Pchy enjoys hip hop, R&B, gospel and soul music.
He plays the piano and composes music in his free time.He was famous because of the film Love of Siam. 暹
The performance of the elephants
My favorite idol
His name is Pchy, He is not only an actor but also a lead singer of a very famous Thai band—August Band Pchy is a talent boy, he sings well and at the same time he write songs himself since 13 years old.
Incense bamboo rice (香竹饭): Firstly, we need to choose the green bamboos, then according to your tastes, the chef will season the glutinous (糯米) ;lastly , fill the seasoned glutinous into the bamboos.
The island of Phuket (普吉岛 )
Thais believe in Buddhism, Buddhism is the State religion .Every man in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.
泰国英文介绍 简单

英语泰国介绍Discover the Enchanting Land of ThailandIntroduction:Thailand, often referred to as the "Land of Smiles," is a captivating country located in Southeast Asia. Renowned for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality, Thailand has become a top destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable experience. In this article, we will delve into the wonders of Thailand, exploring its history, culture, tourist attractions, and much more.1. Historical Background:Thailand boasts a fascinating history that dates back thousands of years. From the ancient kingdoms of Sukhothai and Ayutthaya to the modern-day monarchy, Thailand's history is marked by a blend of indigenous traditions and influences from neighboring countries. The grandeur of historical sites such as the UNESCO-listed Ayutthaya Historical Park and the ruins of Sukhothai offer aglimpse into Thailand's glorious past.2. Cultural Heritage:Thai culture is deeply rooted in Buddhism, and this spiritual influence can be seen in every aspect of daily life. The country is adorned with magnificent temples, or "wats," such as Wat Arun and Wat Phra Kaew, which are architectural masterpieces and centers of religious devotion. Traditional Thai arts, including dance, music, and sculpture, are also integral to the cultural fabric of the nation.3. Natural Beauty:Thailand's diverse landscapes offer a breathtaking array of natural wonders. From the turquoise waters and white sandy beaches of Phuket and Krabi to the lush jungles of Chiang Mai and the serene mountains of Doi Inthanon, nature lovers are spoilt for choice. The iconic Phi Phi Islands, Similan Islands, and Khao Sok National Park are just a few of the many must-visit destinations that showcase Thailand's unparalleled beauty.4. Gastronomic Delights:Thai cuisine is renowned worldwide for its bold flavors, aromatic herbs, and colorful presentation. From the fiery Tom Yum soup to the fragrant green curry and the famous Pad Thai, Thailand offers a culinary adventure like no other. Exploring the bustling street food markets, such as Bangkok's Chinatown or Chiang Mai's Night Bazaar, is an absolute must for food enthusiasts.5. Festivals and Celebrations:Thailand is known for its vibrant festivals, which provide a glimpse into the country's cultural richness. The Songkran Water Festival, celebrated in April, is a unique Thai New Year tradition where locals engage in a massive water fight to wash away bad luck. The Loy Krathong Festival, held in November, sees thousands of lanterns floating on rivers and lakes, creating a magical spectacle.6. Hospitality and Tourism:Thailand's reputation for warm hospitality and friendly locals is well-deserved. From luxury resorts and boutique hotels to budget-friendly accommodations, the countryoffers a wide range of options to suit every traveler's needs. Whether you prefer beachside relaxation, urban exploration, or immersive cultural experiences, Thailand caters to all tastes.Conclusion:Thailand's enchanting blend of history, culture, natural beauty, and warm hospitality make it an unforgettable destination for travelers. Whether you seek ancient temples, pristine beaches, exotic wildlife, or mouthwatering cuisine, Thailand has it all. So, pack your bags, embark on an adventure, and discover the wonders that await you in the Land of Smiles.译文:探索泰国迷人的土地简介:泰国,通常被称为“微笑之地”,是一个位于东南亚的迷人国家。

• • • • • • • •来自• • • • • • • • • •
北部地区 东北地区 清迈府(Chiang Mai) 安纳乍能府(Amnat Charoen) 武里喃府(Buriram) 清莱府(Chiang Rai) 甘烹碧府(Kamphaeng Phet)猜也贲府(Chaiyaphum) 加拉信府(Kalasin) 南邦府(Lampang) 孔敬府(Khon Kaen) 南奔府(Lamphun) 黎府(Loei) 湄宏顺府(Mae Hong Son) 吗哈沙拉堪府(Maha Sarakham) 北榄坡府(Nakhon Sawan) 莫拉限府(Mukdahan) 那空拍侬府(Nakhon Phanom) 楠府(Nan) 呵叻府(Nakhon Ratchasima) 拍天府(Phayao) 廊磨喃蒲府(Nong Bua Lamphu) 碧差汶府(Phetchabun) 廊开府(Nong Khai) 披集府(Phichit) 横逸府(Roi Et) 彭世洛府(Phitsanulok) 色军府(Sakon Nakhon) 四色菊府(Si Sa Ket) 帕府(Phrae) 素辇府(Surin) 素可泰府(Sukhothai) 乌汶府(Ubon Ratchathani) 来兴府(Tak) 莫肯府(Udon Thani) 乌泰他尼府(Uthai Thani) 益梭通府(Yasothon) 程逸府(Uttaradit)
• 泰铢(Thai Baht)是泰国官方货币,由泰中央银行泰国 银行发行,1铢相等于100萨当(satang)。泰铢有 5、10、 20、50、60、100、500,1000铢及50萨当等面额,还有5、 10、25、50萨当及1、5、10铢铸币,辅币及进位为1铢等 于100萨当。目前流通的有5、10、20、50、100及 500,1000铢等七种面额的纸币和5、10、 25、50萨当及1、 2、5、10铢铸币。每种铸币的正面均铸有泰王“普密 蓬〃阿杜德”头像。1937年,泰铢官价为2.17~2.18铢等 于1美元。 • 泰国的货币单位是“铢”,目前流通的有20、50、100、 500及1000铢等五种面额的纸币和5、10、 25、50萨当及1、 5、10铢七种铸币。1铢等于100萨当。在泰国曼谷、清迈、 普吉岛、芭提雅等有2000多台商店POS机可以使用银联信 用卡刷卡,信用卡受信用额度限制,可能产生超出信用额 度导致的高额费用,大额消费时建议使用储蓄卡。[1] • 泰国的货币单位是铢(baht),人民币兑换泰铢大约在 1RMB:4.7baht左右。在泰国的中国人商店和市场也都能 换到较高的汇率,其他兑换点的汇率较低。街头有很多私 人兑换商店,美元的汇率在1美元:33铢左右。银联卡和 信用卡在ATM机上都能提取现金,但要交一定手续费。在 泰国人们一般都只接受泰铢。
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• Thailand is surrounded by Myanmar,
Laos Vietnam, Cambodia,and Malaysia.
(缅甸,老挝,越南,柬埔寨 马来西亚)The capital of Thailand is Bangkok,which is the cultural melting pot. It is also one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand.
many famous cities ,such as Chiang Mai, Chiang
Rai , Pattaya,Phuhet,
The isin Buddhism, Buddhism is the State religion .Every man in Thailand need to be a monk for three months even a whole life. Or other people will laugh at him.
I do want to know what their Names and tastes are…
Floating markets
You will see hundreds of boats laden(满载的) with fruits, vegetables, dried fish and other produce paddled (划桨) by women.
Bird’s nest soup (燕窝汤)
When visiting Thailand , you can see bird's nest soup everywhere.
In the restaurants , having this kind of snack only costs you 50 Bahts to 100 Bahts.
Sweet potato soup (地瓜羹)
To make the yummy snack, you need to cut the sweet potato into strips, then steam the potato with sugar water, add coconut spices and many other fruits.
Songkran Festival day
Songkran Festival(宋干节) is the traditional Thai New Year Festival and starts on April 13th every year Across the country,it’s a time for laughter and entertainment.
Grilled squid (烤鱿鱼)
Thailand is rich in seafood, thus the squid is fresh, what`s more, add some spicy seasoning into the food and bake it, you will enjoy a real feast.
Tom Yum Kung soup
This is the most representative cuisine in Thailand , and it is famous for its hot taste, hot shrimp soup is mainly made of fresh shrimps ,so it is ordinary in Thailand, you can also enjoy the delicious food in every Thailand`s restaurant.
Music has always been a big part of his life. Pchy enjoys hip hop, R&B, gospel and soul music.
Some pictures
The food of Thailand is also a good scenery of Thailand ,they look tasty ,taste more unforgetable especially seafood
Some other delicious food
The beautiful seaside,
the verdant tree, there is
Tourist also very blue sky, the
colorful bottom of sea are all charming . Aside
from Bangkok ,there are
The performance of the elephants
My favorite idol
pchy His name is Pchy, He is not only an actor but also a lead singer of a very famous Thai band—August Band Pchy is a talent boy, he sings well and at the same time he write songs himself since 13 years old.
Incense bamboo rice (香竹饭):
Firstly, we need to choose the green bamboos, then according to your tastes, the chef will season the glutinous (糯米) ;lastly , fill the seasoned glutinous into the bamboos.